SKILLFUL SAFE IiLOWIXU 1 he Clover Work of Two Expert Cracksmen. ly Their KnonMer of thf Method .lu,.li,yHl In HuritlHrUiiiir Savfea Tney SH urr ITiae or One TliouaMiiil Hollar. Some time atfo u firm snimumvil in tin- papers us an advertisement tliut it had produced an absolutely hitrrlar nr.oif safe, atut to haek up the state ment offered tin- sum of one thousand dollars in (,'nM to anyone v. ho could .'. t into the. safe in tlx- time Usually .-Untied safeLlnwcrs, says a writer in the St. I. on is tilohc-llemocrat. The money was to he plated insi.letlie safe, anil it Ueame the property of tl.e metiers the inoinent the feat was at-,-omplished. This ehallemre was al lowed to o timiotieetl for some time. I. ut linalU one .lav a letter was n eeivitl t'lt.iii New York city, written in a .li ;ruit tl haiul. in which it was pro posed that the writer an.l Vi. eomra.le : honl.l make a trial at the safe. hut the hi ni must arree to jrniiit immunity to the authors oi the prohibition, as the .I'.niate of Massachusetts ha.l not ht en to tlieir liking for several years. The missive was signed l.y "Teittly the I iper." an.l an imme.liate reply was at, ki.l. The tirm. anxious to put the cafe to a prnetieal test, matle all lieees larv anaiitremei.ts with the New Yolk rents," an.l immunity was to W rante.l them if they should If sne eessful. A day was set for a pub at trial, ami prompt ly at nine o'eloek in the inoi-niii,' two nattily -dressed yoini).' fellows :-t pieil tuT the train an.l asketl to l.e directed to the otltees of the eom panv. They earrietl nothin;r ill nut them exeept small han.l Lau's. whieli they seeme.l to jruartl with special eare. A number of eiticns antl rival manufacturers had l.een invitetl to the test, as the inventors felt eoiitident of the impregnability of the safe ami wanted to tret t,u Wnetit '' ' a'" vertisement. The youri"- men were usheretl into the oil ice an.l the terms of test were Hiinoiineeil. The New Yorkers were to he -riven one hour in whieh to tlo the work, anil no unusual noise was to aeeompi'iiy it. Nor were they to have any other assistanee than is usually atTortled to the praetieal safe blower. The one thousand tlollars was plaee.l in the safe an.l it was puliliely iruaranteetl tt them shouhl they be sueeessful. At eleven o'eloek sharp "Teddy the l'iper" ami his pal went to work-. Their first net was to remove their shoes ami units. The latter were plaeetl in front of the safe to drown the noise of footfalls. Tin- next thin;.' was to open their handhao-s. out of .vhieh drills, ehisels. a 'h.o-r-jawed" serew, powder ami fuse were taken The ho-r-jawed serew was the tirst tool taken up. It was a ieeuliar instru ment, havm;' two thiek. heavy jaws like a hull-doo. The jaws were con trolled by a serew of territie power, easilv worked by 11 short pieee of steel whieh eonld be inserted into notches.. That part of the instrument e.uitainin t he notches resembled a wajron hub without the spokes. The whole alfair eon Id be taken apart ami put in a handbag no larger t han those usuaJly earrietl by ladies. This tool was set on the 11. Mir ami its iron jaws placed around the knob of the safe. The two men worked w it h the greatest quiet and rapidity, one laving out the tools ami the other adjusting them. The screw was rap idly tightened up. and inside of two minutes the knob was literally tlrayjred out by the roots. It came w illi a slow wrenching noise which mil -t have reached the hearts of the manufac turers. No time was lost, however. One of t he men had the powder and fuse ready, irn.l the former w;s inserted in tin' hull'. The coats were picket! up anil thrown over the front of the safe to smother the noise, the fu.e wus lijfhted ami the operators stepped be hind the 'ate. In a moment there w a a mutllc.l explosion and the entire front of the safe was split open in jailed creases. The w hole system o bolts ami inner machinery was ex posed to view. A few raps with a chisel and Teddy jrave the Ix.lts a sharp jerk. They responded to his touch and he swiiii' open the door. Uftic hiiur in be seized the baff of coin and fn a few minutes the professionals were ready to depart. As Teddy was alioiit to leave one of the firm asked him: "t an a safe W maile bur; "la r-proof?" "Yes.' repl icil Teddy. "How?" the manufacturer asked in a pleading tone. If 1 would tell you that my l.usines. Wt.uld lie irone." replied Teddv. ami bidding the party a M.lite iroodd.y he an.l his companion left the city on the next train. 'I he job took just twenty minutes. THE CROWN OF SCOTLAND. It In MiiiMuw-l to llitte Itfii Morn liy I'oImtI llrut'i. A once precious diadem, which is now only an historical relic of much interest, is the crown of the Scotch kino's, kept in the castle of KdinbnrL' h. It is supposed, says the St. Louis Re public, to have been made for KoWrt l.ruce, and is formed of two circles of iroltl. the upper ami narrower circlet ltemi Mirmounteil by a row of crosses ami trem-incrustetl imitation tlowers. The lower rinjr. the head band pron r. is udornt'd from eiul t end of the o-oldcti band with Iarre precious stones tif different kinds, mostly in their roiitrh, unpolished state. rise two arches of tfolil, w hich unite and are surmounted with the historic cross and ball." Kven when the Stuarts became kins of F.njrlaud they went to t he t rouble of truing to Scot land to seat themselves for a few mo ments ujioii the celebratetl "stone ot Scone" ami to have Kino- llruee's dia tlem pressed llimn their royal heads. Charles I. declared his intention of re niovin;,' Scotland's famous relic to Lon don, so that such ceremonies could be earrietl out at home, but the sturdy Scots soon convinced him that such a proceeding would be an infringement umii their ri-rhts. so the kinjf liatl to iro to Kdinbiir-h as others had done before. The wife of a preacher by the name oi tiranrer mee stole the Setitch crown and the other royal in signiathis in li',i ,r 1 ::. At the time of the restoration they were transferred to Charles II. Thev were returned to K. 1 i n 1 u r-h castle in lTi7, and have remainctl there ever sinee. The CitUHe of Krt liiiikr. Karthquakes are tine to the phenom ena of plication or folding of the earth's upper strata. The same ten sion and npression which produced many of the mountain ranges is here in action. As the interior of the earth cools it contracts ami tends to leave the outer trust behind. The weight of this miter crust, however, is trrealer than it can sustain, and is therefore compelled to wrinkle. Thus -eolo-ists explain the jrreat ridjres ami furrows which constitute continents and river basins aud they compare this folding of the earth's crust with the wrinkling of the skin of a dried apple. While the process of wrinkling or folding is foiiitf n the mighty movement, of course, destroys the equilibrium of the rock strata, and in consequence earth quakes occnr and continue with preater or less violence until the cqui iibriuiu ia agiiiu rvtttorud MRS. ELM IRA HATCH. HEART DISEASE 20 YEARS. Dr. ttilrm Xedieat .-. Elkhart, J&. Iiak Pirns: For 20 years I was trouhled with heart diwtM!. Would frvueniir huve lallmf iwlln ant mothennc at flight. Ht to sit up or Itrt nut of bed to breathe. Had ram In my left ante and bar a moot of the time; at Uf I Nt-ai:ie dn.i. al. I waa very rerroua and nearly worn out. 1ua leaMt extaUiineut wotiitl came mc to THOUSANDS fHuS with flntterlnir. For the lat fifteen yeara I could Dotkleep on my leftstde or tari until brean ntkinit your Ann ii pari 'f-r. I bail not taken it very liinjt nntd I felt morn better, and I ran now le p n either ride or back without the disn.m f.rt. 1 no oain. mnolhennit. drrty, no wind on nnmwh or other diMirreeatle yniilma. 1 am a M" to do all my own housework without auy Vouhlx and consider mylf eunst Klkbart. Iud.. Iss8. MM. TIaTTH. It ih now four year Kinre I have taken any medicine. Am in tctter health than I have tven in- 4U yeara. I hnetly e- aa a m lieve that lw. MiU A CURELJ ll-nrt (We savnl my lifo mm and made me a well woniun. I am now (2 yean of mm. and am able to do a k-ood day'a work. ldy tn, IB!. Mk tLMiaa HATCH. SoM on la roHitWe fluarantc. Dn. MALES' PI LLS. 50 Doses 25Cts. S( !.! It Y IUC. T.J. lAl.. KKLNSUI K.J. Garfield Teass: I nrn( tiirl i(.t im, Ktat Cnii(l x"ii. -Vt-t slr- ' iUlln cSMJiiptt.' frvu kii.l Tk C'-.,i VV . VOi St.. N. V. Cu res Sick Headache Constipation Demands pronqit treatment. The) re milt.4 of neglect may Ih; serious. Avoid all harsh nn.l drastic purjativea, the tcii.lctny of whi. h i-t to weaken the bowels. The best remedy is Ayer'a l'ills. I'ein purely vegetable, their action i.t prompt and their effect alw ays beneficial. They are an admirulilo Liver and After-dinner pill, and every where endorsed by the j rofessioti. " Ayer's Pills aro highly and nniver pally sM.k'H of by the pf.iple alM.ut liertt. I mako tlaily use of III. in in my practice." lr. l-'owlcr, liritlge- lort, t'onn. " I can recommend Ayor's I'ill.t abovft all others, having htiifT proved their value (is n cathartic for myself ami family." J. X. Hess, Leithsviile, I'a. " For several years Ayer's l'ills have been used in luy'laniily. Wo liud them an Effective Remedy for constipation and indigestion, and are never without them in tlx; house." Moses (Jreliicr, Lowell, Mass. "I have, used Ayer's l'ills. for liver troubles and indigestion, during many years, and hae alvas found them prompt and ello i. iit in their action." L. N. Smith, I'tii a, N. V. ' I sufTere.l from constipation which assumed such all obstinate form that i fear.-.l it would cause a stoppage of tint bowels. Two boxes of Ayer's l'ills ef fected a complete cure." 1). lltilke, Saco, Me. ' I have used Ayer's l'ills f.r the past thirty yewis and consider theut ;oi in aluabie laini'v lueili. inc. I know of lio lietter leiiiedv f.-r liver troubles, and ha e nlu;in f.tuttd Ihi-m a prompt, cure for dy - p.ia " - .l.tiu. s tjumn, '.) Middle si . Hai ti. i.l. t 'onn. Having been troubled w ith coslive tiess, which seems in. t liable Willi pcr ftons o( seileiilarv habits. 1 hac Ine.t Ater'a l'ills, hoping for relief. 1 aiu L'ltd to sa thai th. v hate served ui belter than any other medicine. 1 hrrti e at this . on. lusioit only after a faithful trial if their merits. " Maluttel T. Jones, tlal , Huston. Muss. Ayer's Pills, i la i Aia i. b Or. J. C. Aycr & fn. loell, Masf bold by a:l IHralcra In 31etlielu. Caveat, and Trade-Mark obtained, an.l .ill l"it eut htisines ront'nctetl for Moderate Our Otfice is Opposite U. S. Patent Office, and we ran M-rii re ). silent in less time tlinn lliore remote from Wavhiiurton. Sinl itiiMlel. ilrawiiur or jthoto., with tlrrlt ion. We a.lvi-e, if :tteiiiulile or not. free of Our fee not due till patent is secared. A Pamphlet. -How loOMain Patents." it n nam a of artual clients in your State, cuuuty, o" town, wnt free. Atltln-ss, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opposite Patent Office. Washington, D. C FOR ARTISTIC JOB PRINTING TRY THE FREEMAN. l jo i NI:I-I) iLAS5KS? i:yi:s I:amim.u i ki i: Six-t-t.ic'es nerfccilv fitted nil euaraitleeJ (or j year. Art iliciul eves inserted. J. l);.Ml)M), Optician, rtHl'd. iSfti. aa s th St.. t'lf I SHt kti. PA. juiyn..t:y EtenstQn Fire Insurance Aptj 1". W. DICK, General Irsurance Agenl KKKT,4ItUR. PA. Pure Tallow Soap. Is perfect: in other word tt Is all Soap, and the hest for laundry piiriioses made. Agents wanted to aell to private fannlie. also a Keneml club order a:ent in each town. Address AMERICAN TEA CO. 338 to 340 Fifth Ave, riTTSiit iitJU. Pa. WANTED To sell NIIKSKKY sTiu L' VI . . .11 ti. liest v .rielle old an.l new. replace mil at.M-lt that dler. and iruarantee al iliKtient lar or C nun I ion Haul from the aurt um fur ternia. H. K. (iooker Vo Nurserymen, Kuehenter, N. tjtnhllnhe.l 1S.!S. Inenrpontled W&HTED SGLICiTCESFaTsi. tn hanJ!ethenirlMl lllrrrlwr.!Krrt-mini l.M.H id,. Iiarlil al oluiuliiun r tM..Ilu, pn.r ttaely lllantnteiLhatxIsomelv lionihl. pel lest IMn ular prhv,,! cs.uiiniloos. Kn-r) Ul) liert, lt)iol nt luioiirie nu1 will l.n iv. KultiMm t-rrlw t4ry riven. H, 11. 1 lor Iuok1:-o,.io uea j-.Ovu rimiir. W. B. CONKJE V CO. PutUtMs. CMeafcO. UU 10111 nun inn SALESMEN fUN FCH LITTLE JAFS. (trert Vrmltrt ;. '.out wt'h foaretial Stove oil 'VVItieii l:iltr-a I'.ul-e ::-:-s. Jaiwin has U t n f reuvblly ref . rred to us the liildn u s l'ara.i i-.' and with'.le jo-ti.-e. f.r in im other country is ciiil'lli.n.t made so much of, and are children surrounded l.y so many devices for their amuse ment. In every town, aceordin',' to Dr. W. ). Kastlake in the l'opnlar Science Monthly, there are trnmln rs uf str.-.-t venders and h.'uvkers whose sole cus tomers are children. One class of those venders carry two charcoal stoves, or f-irnaces. swim - in the conventional manticrof the cotiM ry frotn tt.e ends of a pole which r- : ;s across the shoulder. Ai rivi'i r at a c. Vellietlt corner, the h... I p'l'i ti e.vti. and n fr.n: of oa;vr t hii.'i i-n juici Iv erather. For the i!oI. rate sr.'ti of "tie or two rin the el.M lreti are : ii; v'i i with a tiny c'lp "f swe-'fetitd l.all.r and a sjumti. This enniptwd. t!.e priK-ced to b.iiie their own s 1! . ic s oil the smooth iron toiiof tin- (.tuvr... i:t -h-ioi.inr the daintie:. into ii:ilri.r shape they please, and. v. heft t'le.v ;ir.' crisp stud l-row ti. .1. ...nriti:' thctn. Yi.e ame ti'inlrr tilso haote- hi-, s'.i!! to chililrcn. 1 1 is sl.s-i; in t ra-'.e' em ' of dri -d reels :i 11. 1 a i; ti ;t nl it - f !!' i : ame. a sort of mail paste. .v m-- of I ante is put on t lie t r.l . f a r c ! ;i i.d is lil. .Id.-d il l.h.wn ii,to I ;i i : :i shape l.y t vein i.-r. Tin- y-uii.iT '" "" tomcr di i;il.'s a- to the ti.-nre. ;:ti.; I.iittcrt'ies. II. i-:-. iroiir.1.-. r what rot are !i:i im- I lr.dii t lie .. t p :.. 'I lie children. aft'T bavi: -' ;.! . t ! their t :i -1 . for arii-ti - de i;i.. t-d the I : i -1- i it -. I oi '. . t l-o r.-.-.l h;;i. ' ! pr. .- : -inyr t heir lii;"ci-- 'v m I : !..' -' : t i- ' v. 'I h.-re is;, i.ot li;-r ,-f t he : i: l t. i: r. that a li l.e :.ii Ti i n 1 lie st ret-1 s . .f . k '.. r :iriy ! her .!.i.:iii :-.-city. '1 hi :if. i Nan in. Id:, fruit.. Ilowers and ve:-e-tal.h-s ti'oni fob re.l ri.-i-ll-tver doifi!. and d.s s his!; so deliiy that it i i-.alK tiilVt; nil to 1 i -t i n : si i -I i the artiii cial Ti . uti 1 he rea I t rui t . '1 his loxe .iittl r.".;'.ird for children is a I -o displayed al ev.-ry temple lest i va I . xx here lilt t u l i 'it: Imm.I hs. .ray X'. it h toy.-, li:!:: and ! me -. lorm alx ays a p.u:iiu;-i:t :'.-at lire. LONGEVITY Or MAN. tt'eople Who Have A 1 1 line. 1 In l:iin:irk al.:- OM A-.e. It was I Vol. 1 1 u IVhii'd:-opinion th-i the limit of m. ilde liumaii life li;:: l.e set al two htiiit'red year: :!ii ... the f.'ener:! I principle. s:i- the Si l.oiii:. Ih-plil.l ie. thai '.lie lii'e of neari till livine-re:il ares is .it !:t linn-, tin far '-. itiotil h: i r xxiil.s of ii-. per. I.r .'rowth. Th::l xx hich ) u l.-My to mat m il v 'piiehly p. ri -ii. a : .1 l : earlier eoiiiplete !. v ' sti- : 1 1 i reached the ...H.tu-r IxmI'iIv decay ce sues. More xt ot! it-n reach of ! I I- men. I. tit i:..ire im-:i altahi rem .rl.u1.! Ion .. i t v I In 1 1 xv i iiic'.i. Horned an'eoals are sli.oler !i t !ia n t hose it !iou t horn -. lierc 1 : ;'. . than timid, ati.l amphihioiis en aler. loiuTcr than I hose xxhicli inlia;'ii ii air. The pihe will .iitiiiue i one It tintlred a lid ti 1 1 or oil - I.iiit. : anil sex en t x -li ve xear--. and t lie !.! Iltoll till-').- is 1 lor al lea 1 :i e. .. tury. I'assin'v up the scale of t '. r tiuiiiaii.l s!.ii!)iii S the i. 1 1 ri.; rcii t. v. lind many recorded instance- of t I r;ii r. lina ry ! .ii;'evi ly. The ancient I i:;y pt ia n , lixei thr-. t in ics a - IoiiiT as l lie mo. I. rn 1. i us ea i ers. I:i -lances of sin pri -1 i an a ti I hent ic 1. .e 'e-. ily atnoii T i .1 i ire. I. - and l.' .inan -are n .1 al r : . i'lii.y notes the fact that in the re', of Fm;cror Ve -pa- iai (7:: A. i' there were 1 : 1 lieit I ivi'i-- i ! ;. 1' t.ti i .iri a on the lover ! w it.. . i year-, old and upward. 'I Iir-. o." lit. . xx ere 1 '.a and Keren other, I ie-ros xx i fe lived to In In i ii K.-maii actress l.nceja j.'.i' el in p e lio after she lia.l tvlei t cd her , .(!. hundred ai d tvx elflli hirl !t.!.:y. A NOTED MISSION IN LCN DON Founded l.y I'ri il 'rii-li liarri:i'-loi. VI a I. i.l Not I- en r r .1. The ol Iter Sunday ni;j!it at t ' . l in'i ri ii''t n mission, w liieh i. In i.l i ; loiitT. narrow r....iii. doii'. h- ;';:ll. i ail atoti ii. I . t he eioi'-hi i it i i'foa i i Ii t xva - more lil.c l-'.mrt It of .1 itl , w i I !. c .. tTloinerate tire. ra. 'o rs. h !., ; and cannonadiicT than o;;e w..uM e ,-. ceive a- possihh i-siiiiur from a in. r I human as.,eu.!!y. says a l.oe.l ii c -n . sMiiili nt of the Hartford oi:r.-"i .1 u -t a word about this t'ha: i ;.;.-!. mission, xxhicli is a feature oi t' . . einl. Fred, rich ha rri ie '. on I . l, to a xvealthy la mi ly of 1 .re v, . r . Al. . sexi-ntecn years :iTo h' l:.-;.i;i to .1 ;i sort of street missionary xx.-r'. i Fast London, near his father's It.". cry. Ilis father threat tied t.. !i i herit him. but tinally left I n share. thoii'Th not a full s!-.;oe. i a , 1 11 .'mess. tltiee. on l'jiir ta i ( I I he : t feet X it h Ui-::rii!f t!ie lle ii1 l.oii xx hat to m's it cost oii to xx--. that ri bin in .'" In- xais .tide t . r. ; I "A hundred thousand dollar.-.." li sol, I out hi - intcre t in t lie brcw ei v ' his brothers and built in Mil, t. i, road tin .'rent assemhlv hail xvhi.-'-had been projected but nc ver 1 ril -i ! lCe.l h-l':dconer. Fxery Sun.lav ui '. t lll'ee t lloiis.'llld or more people r;. I .'i. l at t he evan'elist ie service of tin niis sion. and its fellowship soei. 1 y. '' the constant re I i'riou.s e. I nea t iona I ant enterta iiiment xxork" cenieriu;r t the jrr. at asseml.l v hall. ma!os it a pover for tToo.1 in a district xxhicli contain . a munlier of poxvers for evil. THE TERM " YANKEE." Vitrloim Theoriea lib !i l:iv lle-n Ail. Vllll.-nl lis to lis Origin. The theories which have been :nl vaneed as to the (trij.'in n the num. Vanheesare numerous. Aceordin;' to Thicrny. it was a corrupt ion of .la Kin. a diminutive of .lohn. xxhicli xvas a nickname p-ixen hy the Dutch colo nists of New York to t h.-i r iici.rhl.ors in the Connecticut, settlement;. In a history of tl.e American xvar written l.y lr. William Cordon and published in ITS'.l xvas anot her t heory. Ir. lionloii said that it xvas a caul word in ('ambi-id"-,. Mass.. as early as 171:1. used to denote especial excellence as si Yankee pood horse. Yankee "hkI fider. etc. lie supju.scil was originally a liyxvord in t he colh-ee. an.l heino- taken hy the students into parts of the eon n try jrradtf lly oht a i i;.d jTeneral eiirrency in X-xv i .n'h: in I. a i-.l at length came to 1m- taken up in other parts of the country and applied io -Nexv Fno-I.uidcrs as a term of slight re proach. Anbury, an English writer, says that it is derived front a Cherokee xx ord esmkee xxhicli si;rnilies coxvard and slave. This epithet xvas bestowed up-m the inhabitants of Nexv lhi-land ly the iririnians for not assisting them in a xvar with tht t hcrokecs The most probable theory, however, is that advanced hy Mr. Heckew elder- that the Indian, in endea vorinir to pro- Ilottnee the word Fund isl .. X...,i..: matle it Ycti'Tces or Yankees and thi originated the term. A Cbilirsr A iim t lift l. A curious aniestlietie u.l in Cliira lias recently )et n niaile kimxvn. It is ol.taiiieil l.y j.lacin;" :i t ror in u jar of Hour ami irritutinir it l.y ir.i.!iiiii;f. I'mler tliese circniii--tai.ces it exmle, a lii-tiiil xxlilcli forms a paste xxitli the Hour. This a.-U. when tlissolvetl in water, has well inarkc.l aiiiestlietie J liri rties. A fter the linirer lias U-en mime rsetl in tin- 1 iti ii ill f tt r fitt i uUs it en K-,-nt to the bone without ! ani- lUAiii Im-Iho- f..l 'HE THAT WORKS EASILY. WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH APOLIO LADIES! Are yn M kliss 'ikaujIi to vt'rt:rv If . n-n two ieiits in st;tmr? to ih' M'H k J 'I'tJishtn 1 , ?m anl '-' Wji'-lnnt. n S.r t. V-w -is. !.' iti of l!i-(r In-antif .ii Must r .t-! llMk. it is a L - 1. iiniijti. ar( sT iiur wttrk tt i vt-n h-t.-a.i ut r lit 111 -i it . t r rec-.i.t of t !i t ti al..i th y 'II iut) Mrttii!'l is f i : J h I tf tij. tr Ij:uhi:s tioux hol lKamc Verba For ft -n 4-i:T tlit y v ill a!o--'ittl nhmk ni t;:iiiiiiir rniI tf crI. -i iiit lil.,(t." :nul inn-n- ! ts imiM I'l'i'hur ho !),;, to'-rttit r w it!i U u iiuNiit I rtinmio t :ml-. ! QUDJ EPTUS ! i I A toty v "I? Ii'inti1' f- L!nn!ii.m! r-roMinlU j rttiiijnittt .r iti-r:-!ii : t! - tr:?' l iiii-:in-utu I oftirr It'll, r itrii'. t r fM..ii' or lli.i ! Itirr. A rn r I'int !m1 t If. I r - i i!- 1 t i'u it- iiitS i jMiysH miiH nt l.-in.iM- Mttti Ar.i-M' . t ri!iii, t at--Viiituiii-i t v iy bwt'lr. I't.i hy 1 i avFl- 31:iim!:i-"?ur.'-l The Academic Fhn.rn:tccutic Co., 533536 WASHINGTON ST NEW CITY ELIXIR. An I'li.aiit 1'iifrli-i plinnnat , for l.ilti.t.s. iii:i! ini-l 1-I.mmIIi suit. ,.f ovi-r I w (-in y -lit e x . an of .c prep-'inttiof. I.l.-s ; ih.- iv most -init-!i. ecictisiM' ri si-.ticlt A..r..vNl li- ih- loVli.-s-t friiilicn! nut rii c -j: Ift us,- ill 1 li,- lto-f i I :i-s l:o-t -r v" ?tr1 ot 1 ur.. Ki" -iallv lii l.liil to la.lws. .-Iiiiiii.-n aa.l i-o- pl ,.f H.-.l-ltt:irx' tcll.its J-'niiri-ij- ; fn.- hnriiiftil .Iruts. iii HaiHl,(jiiic Packages, Piiti. 50 Cls. I'rt'yrtin-.l M-l.-ly l3" Yc Tjty:il l'i.irmrK'cutic Cfo. LONDON AMD NEW YORK, rheiiiisit l.x- K..intti. iu t U.-r Mu.-siy tl.i tiiiw-ii no, I toil..- li.., al 1 liinilx. N KV VHKK ! K ANC'Il : ISO. 132. 134 Charlton SU ROYAL PILLS. Slime meilii'iiial projnni.-s as I;o a I. Ki.ixik, in Im.xi-s, :m '.ilK t hex, nr i U ti ui FOR SALE BY ALU DRUCCI3TS. RE LI E M BE RTI IBIG FOUR! Vinegar Bitters C0ED.A1.. J '''i"",""" ) 50. Viucgar Eitters PO'tt DEES, -r' .l.-es fio-. Vinegar Eitters. nexxyt yle, -J ''J';'"1 J $ 1 .(Ml Vinegar Eitters, oMi-tylc, bitter t.t.-t.-. 1.U Tho World's Creat Blood Purifier and Life Giving: Principle. Only Temperance Bitters Known. The intt oflb of ii Oiiiiirr lh l.rndinit 1-utility .Mc-tliciiic ul'iiit World. 7 i .'- E. IL McDoniM Ern Co., Proprietors, SAN r'ltANi'ISCO -xnt XK'.V YOKKL. GAoTRS re II z. .?- tf & PILLS. CT'k TT.'fltl.irJtf r.ncl r !iovoall t.. tr-Tilil fnr l nl Ut al ili iUi fll itoM tii- . y w-ti, -. :i3!, NriiT-wa, Jr- w -:fNrt, 1 i-,( n-M r :"ter 3tji:j;, I'ttili ill ti.f Si-Li, ,VC V.'.l-! t!.. tri.j03$ ri'iuai Vibic hli:CX,H liii-d UrU t ti.-Wj: 1U i-.n-i Pon-Tryr. yot Cnrtr's I.itilo I.ivr THIS ar eq'inlly vnindlOo in 4. V-rFti i.n.riirtTiinu 1 pre-T- ;tn i t(intin:u i.'irooi..t'!:i.iit,vlntt' th- y also f irrvctnil .rtii-rnt tliiro.iji ;.r--i-ii:l:itth,'j Jn-. TMii i rc-'iiLiUjtiiolKtwclA. xlv. u ii Uieyouiy Arliofhry vTf-i:llbfclrn-tirirjo bttiorwha u f vrfr ii': rjift'litrPs.-tino:iii ;:iit; Imtfor n- tV'iofitiCotry thitiit will Untl tin.- 1 1 1 1 1- f.iiM vain-r.'l- m r"ii:itiiir w;i.i r that tr-y v;!! not ho u il li U todotttiiiowt 1 Lh in. Irat Jiftor ."!ltiicklitjm4 Ipthrlijirr of pn many liven tht hero I 'ftrtinakfx.urf.T.-ei btxut. Our lullscuro it w hilo "artiM I.titta Uttt TM vry wmaU and ry czj to t-iko. Oiio or two !a i.iakoa tiotMS. T.'iiv im hi rirMy ,;!r::?fr) anl tlo jt. rrina or rn -Ittit U ir rerit!ia- tina ji!'Ortoa!l who r-ot.'om. lu vialsnf fiont ; 1ivrf.rfl. iiU I y ii: uisf s cvory wkeru. r t ut Ly iuaiL ARTtR CO., New crlc. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is a Harmless, Positive Cur for the worst form of Fcnialc Complaints all Ovarian t-oublrs, Ii.t!nmnat:on and lcrra tion. Falling ar.J li;;i!-criiients, also Spinal Weakness and I.eiicorrhira. it will dissolve and ext.el tumors from the uterus in tlevelopment, and cherks the tentiencv t.t cancerous huinors. It removes f ainlncf s, ti.itulency, weakness of the stomach, cures I'-loatin. Ileailache, Nervous l'rotrati.-n, (General I Khilitx-, Sleen-Irssnr-.s. lVttre"-ion and Inji".esi..n, also that f'cli:i -f I'ciring down, causing pin, eii;ht. an;l backache. It acts in harmony t ith the laws that ovem the female svstem untler all c ircKustances. For Kidney Comr-'ainis of cither sex this Ai timprawi t- ur.surp.iM. x-orrespoiiaence I iireiv ansxt ered. Address in confidence, ; Lk'DIA K.PINK1IAM MF.D.COLt.-, Jij nflHRFn" W t fc dl in: l-r iiutux '.awn u aji u, i -.a M.irr11 never wants te learn, but the reads that QLiD Honesty CHEWING TOBACCO is the best that is made, and at ONCE tries it. and eaves money and secures more cat isf action than ever before. A. V OID imitations. Insist on having the genuine. If your duller hasift it ask him to get it for you. JKO. FIKZSR & BEOS., LonL'rflJcKy HALLShaFr The CTfat popuhirity of this prcpunition. after its test of many years, should be an HHsuriince, even to tlio nit skepticul, that It in rcallv meritorious. Tho-e who liaxe IIai.i.'h II xik Kknkwkk kiio xv that it docs all that is claimed. It causes nexv frruxxth of Iiair oji bald heads the liair follicles are not dead, which is seldom the ea; restorci OHtural ttilor l. pray or faded hair; pre fierxcs lli; scalji healthful and clear of dmidruir; pr.-x cuts the hair falling off or elianiii color; keeis it soft, pliant, lus trous, and causes it to prow Ion-; and thick. IIai.i.'s Hair llrvrwrn protluees 1t cfi.i'ts by the li.-ali hf ul inilti. me of iL vegetable inTediiits, which invLiorate ami rciiixenittr. It Is n.t a "dye. ami im a delightful article for toilet use. Con. taitiin no alcohol, it tlies not eva orate tpiickly and tlry up the natural oil. l.-Hin- the'hair harsh aud brittle, an do other preparations. Buckingham's Vyo FOB THE WHISKERS Colors them brown or black, as desired, anil i the best dye, because it Is harmless: Crodu.-es a eniianent iiatural color; and, einsr a single preparation, it more eon enicut of apj.llcation than any other. rmniiiD ar K. P. H AM. & CO, Nashua, N. H. Bold by all Dealer In Medici raa. , WE TELL YOU notliiii ut-w ?(!' lli:it it .r to H(.':ipr in a p. riii;tiM-iit, in -t lit-ulthv an-i pN-H-uut mi-i in---, that rt-turus a j-rolii fi.r-it-ry iaN wrk. nli i- th- Itii-in" n- tttii r th HorkitiL 4-la. ' inrli thi'in li.tvi" t in:(k tmuu-v r:iiil . ttmi 'n:iranT-- -rv hih- ulm folh our iul riifl iim l.tiililuilv The iti.-tUi nir l KtlMMNI m moiillt. ry out- who (nki-s ltlt tiiw :mi wurk uilJ uri lv aul H' Ulv iirra- Iht-ir ariiiii ; tlm-r 4-:ii he no .jin-.i.i..ii a.Htut ii ; tli r now at work an- ti;ii- ii.ainl n. ralt r. aii ltt ih- :iiii. 1 i thr lM"t .i in;r tm-iii, -. that vtu iia. - t tin- -liaiM- to -im-iiii', on mill niaLtr- a I'nm- ini-tak' it fait to piv1 it a trial at our', li M)U ;r:i-. tin .-it uat ion, :iinl art juiklv, u nil! ii ii 41 1 y tiinl onr-lf in a inot ro-jM-roti ttii-ni-s., at whis h you ran stiri-lv makr atil savt j.irt -iini-s it iiiotit-y. I h r-ull of only a ft-' ii.Mir-. uorL will ottt-n 'ii:il a wit-L't wat-. lo t In-r on art- ol ir oumr , man ir woman, it in:ik u tiiittT iu-, io a? wt" t-ll vim, anl hiic t u ill iiis t-i oii at tin- i n tart. Nrtthrr ii-ri'ti r i-aif at ii-"s:iry. I Ih' w ho mork i'r u r' rt-w anl (I. h imi krit- t ilav tor lull arin ul.irs, lr-e I-;. i l l A 4 1', iU. No. 4'Oa AucufttA. Me. .Notliinir On Earlh Will LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! It l pun. Hie Mr nnmimM. la quantity it -.-!-. 1. 101 ilian a U iith of a tv-nt a d. ?."". JJ '"- e,,.,vl.t, nnd rUr,-aal .Unrn. t,.it f,.r rhii-kt. U,n M...rr tlmn ir4d li-tl h. 1.4 Moult. inii larvi ran mvmI inr aiM :"- f-.rax lo pr-t "t r..u.. m a .-uat. Tr! IT v.. a caitt ri-t It M-nl n .V. r.-nl. tor t wo a'k l. ASH r-! r.. rnn t -1. ..rt tM,t - rana at. -THK ItTI M I.TKx'l AClClt.-'aW .k. r,.,.v (w. i.ultrv U:,Imiv l.ald fr. with tt or V-o tar lutMu. i. K Ji a.NSO Lu. VkaCoa Maa Cures thnnsand.-i annually of Liver Com plaints, lliliousnesa. Jaundice, Drspep sia. Constipation. Malari. More Ills resnltfroman UnhealthyUrertLananr ot her cause. Why PttfTr -rhen you can cured f Dr. Sanford's Liver Inriiror atnr U a celebratetl farnilr me.l',cine oi u nut it;iT vti ii.1. tmv ioc. "Jo wM ttto mnm-1,.11. MErf i-iii.-.iv I SLTM05 Im. a u.l 1 P-t!!! .' llsrhlM. 111.! J .... L I- I Of 111..., A l .l.l. I VirV-l ki. 'Krau.,Tkaa, X arlct-k Lie 11 ana per tf talis fird. . nun MUHL CO.. mm J,'' HtiiTHTiif ttvra must ar tw am DULL AND CONTENTED. iraphlr Skrtch of tl- I't-ople In a V.'rll t.ovtrunl I rrni h-I aaailUa illawe. In thv qviiet villajre. where the frotal eitres id laxv. tbert it, lil;tly tu Im? little l.raxxlintr aud less tlrinkinfr. for the l-'rench-t'auatlianti are neither quiit-rclst'ine. nor iDtemiterate. '1 here may ho a tavern, or jierhaps txx tav erns, where not only truest are re ceived. Lut where litputir is sold, hut the cure sees to it that they are closed very oarly in the eveuiutf. Iour l-fre :.ii.iiii:rht the streets of tho place are lest ru-tl. an.l a laU wanderer need Iiiiv. i.ofearof tlruukoii hoodlums. A ..-ell -governed French-L'aiiadian vil a:'., xvht re the cure is thoroitohly re . jceted Ihh-uum; of his wisdom and piety, aii.rds a tlecidetl contrast to inai.v rural eoirimunitie.s in Knli-.h ana. la and on our own side of the lmr- tltT. 'I he people are ntt enterprisin"-. At U-a -t thi seems to be true of all hut a fo'.v except ious. They are content to t:t?:e what conies in their way, with i ho ha'py faith' that the inorroxv will I. r.ii.r x.iih it its daily l.rea.l. They are aver.- to breaking ww lands, a nil. as the families are larov, the dix i .ii.nof the farms generation after ('.!. r iti.m finally results in such s mall ..r:i..iis that some t.f the children must seek employment elsexx here if all ar, to live. Very few of theiu are ., illiier to fro to the new lands of Man itoba and the northwest, but they liud c; I: c.iial occupation in the cities. II. .-y are admirable mechanics and ate in.' t loyal and devoted servants, : ays Henry Loom is Nelson, in llarjier's .via"ra "ine. The Scotchman or Enfrlishman who i., at the head of a .Teat establishment prefers the l'rench-'anadians to his xvn countrymen as suliordinates. He xx ill t.-ll you that the Frenchmen w ill remain with him all their lives; that no such thought as seekinr nexv em i)l.yiiie:.t or leaving the old for the purpose tf enaj;iu;f in ventures for himself w ill ever enter a Y reiich-'ana-diaii s head. He will stay by his old employer all his life, and his sou will lieoc-.l to his own or a lietter place in i he service oi the house. On the other hand, the Liijrlishinan or Scotchman xxill take the hrst opportunity to jro into business for himself, and will use his employment as a bteppintr-ttone to something' better. AN IMPORTANT EVENT. A I'r I u--' t'outitfp ('.muieuora44tl jr a M ornament. Americans are not the only people who show an undue reverence for a lordly title. The author of "Around ami AlK.ut South America" tells of his vi.sit to Stanley, Falkland i-lands. the M.utlitruuioht town on the .rlobe, i liciv an incident convinced him that a name t ometiines equals an event. The decidedly Knrlish expression of the toxvn is (rrt-atly heihtelied upon !'. linT on shore, where 1 land upon a small jetty, at whose extremity stands a pyramidal brick and stone monu ment, liearintf on a tablet the rather communicatiou: "Alfred, lih l'tV.ruarv. lsT4 ' lviioxx u.;r that many nations had at diflVrcnt times claimed ossessiou of these i: lands, and that several con flicts had resulted, it was hut natural to suppose that this proud pile dis tinguished the sjMt where mine Lritish '. iwal ills t 'oeles had, single-handed, re pelled the landiiir eutu-rs of several French or Spanish men-of-war, and that his appreciative countrymen had tlui , made the fact knoxvn to such of t ho jjreat xvorld as miht by accident strax- thither. The very lirst citizen I met I laefrtred to tell me more of this bravo, this thtuo-hty Alfred. axlorizinjf. of course, for a memory defective iu matters of historical tietail. And my blood t t oii;realotl xx it bin my veins and i.iC heart sttMMl still with awe as I learned that here, here on this very : pot. a "Teal live" Knjlish prince had once s t his fiMt, on coining ashore to pay a visit to the rovernor. My informer sto.Nl M.k-mn and seri ous. but there is no use in denying that I xvas profligate enough to lauh. ;oot Hob White. The male quail, or "IJol Vhite," de serves honorable mention amou? JTalli naeeous birds liecause he is particular ly (rood to his wife. He aixxays helps her to hatch her ej-'frs, ami if anything .et-jis her away will take the whole lutyon himself. This is particularly tttestod by a writer quoted by ('apt. r.eiiilire in his "Life llistoriesof North V in. rii an Kirds." He says: "In.lune. m"., while 1 xvas on a visit to lr. .1. M. i 'ieket 1. t.f Cedarville. Ala., he iiiloriiu-.l me of havin;r seen a male Itoh White 'iieiibatin. He had visited the nest tt various times on dih'crcut days, ami aixxays found the male bird on tho tie: t. Wishing to Ik an eye-witness ol a intcrestino- a si'ht. 1 naie several miles with the doctor to the nest lh-. re wo found Hob White faithfully . a rin in,.' his treasures, but not into life; ihe t'frj.-'s xxt-re never hatched. lr 1 'ieket l fretjuently xvent to tho nest until loiiif after the K-riol of iucuba t ion had elapsed, and liiidiii'f that the "S wouhl not hatch, he destroyed them, to prevent the useless oeeupa liou of the nc;-t l.y tho male. The fe male ha.l probably liecn dead some hours 1-cfore the male found the nest st rte.l: hence the efjfs cooled and would not hatch." ABOUT NEWSPAPERS. An unhappy father in 1 lahlonejf a, I'a., adx-ertises for a wife for his sou. lie says: "My son is idle and lazy, and the only hope for his welfare is matrimony. A good wife would be apt to make him hustle, or kill him." 0:k of the most curious papers iu Lurtipe probably in the world is published in Vienna. Its proprietor is Kmperor Francis Joseph, of Austria, who publishes it for his own sole benefit and not for that of the public. An advertisement in a San Fran cisco paper, for "the first w hite child ' born in California," brought 11,713 let ters, each written by a person who claimed that distinction. There are yet a few thousand more "first white children" to Ih heard from. A I'Kt'll.iAK example of newspaper enterprise under dillieuHics is offered hy the Rhoddesia t'hrouicle and Adver tiser, a Mashonaland (South Africa) paper, w hich is a foolscap sheet of sixteen pafres, not printed tin type, hut written hy hand and duplicated by an ofliee stylograph process. Tin: most northern newspaper is the Nordkap, published at Hanimerfest. The editor and his staff work io a small turf-roofed wooden house. News comes by mail boat and the llamtner festers are made aware of the world's events trenerally eipht days late, and, as the paper is a weekly, its news is often a fortnight old. Curious feint of rhUologr. It has leen found in the case of primitive river names in the Old World that a syllable meaning water occurs once at least, and in many instances several times, in the same name. From this philologists have been able to trace successive conquests, as each conquering tribe added his own name for water or river to the syllables al ready forming; the names of streams within the conquered district. The tuue thin,,' has happened in this coun try, as the whites have tacked the Word river J nianar 1 .l : j iiaiiau uainei ai- -- - uiutainiar ute word. JOB:: PRINTING. THK f 11 K KM AS Printing Office 18 the place to cet your JOB PRINTING Promptly and satisfactoi lly eieruteil. We will met the prices of alll lioi.orat.le coiupetion. We don't do any hut firtt-clji8 wink and want a Hying pur for it. Willi Fast Presses and New Type We. are prepared to turn nut Job Vttitio of very d-aertptlnn in the RINKST STY LK and at the very Lowest Cash Prices. Xothlt.e Out thtt tiest maleiial i used and our work rp-aku for Itself. We are pre pared to print on the rilutites. not ire PoTEK8, PlIOtlHAaMKS. Bc-inkm :akis Taoh 111 i.i. Ukads. Monthly statkmf.nts Ksvkixiik. La bki.s. :iKtt;i.AU. Wkiumnu and Vimtinu Cakiis. I'Hixk. Not ki, 1HAKT. IJF.t r.llTH. IiOSI WoltK, Lkttek ani N'otk Hkahh, ami Hop anu I'aktt Invitations Ktc We ran print anything from the tiniallest and neatest Vit-ltiriK Card to the Uicest Punter on alutrt notice ainl nt Hi moat Reasonable Katefl. The Camlniii F'KMiuaii EHEXsniUMS. I'EXX'A. OTLS2OILS! The Atlantic Refininp; Co., oi Pittsburg, Vii., make si sjiet itilly of manufacturin"; for the tiomes tic tratle the finest tiramls f lllumiiratiri!; and Lubriraiin? oils. Naphtha and Gasoline Ttiai ran ta MADE FROM PETRQLEUhl. We challenge comjiarison with every known product of petrol eum. If you wish the most Most : Uniformly : Satisfacicir : Cils in the market for ours. ATLANTIC REFINING CO, fi i rsMt'Kti i.k t , IMTTSliriU;. I'A. oetlS-89-lTr. P. R R. SCHEDULE. Schedule, in erlf-rt May 1V3 i HanarllMaol 4 rman, ItAHT Seafbore Kxpren Hrrifiirtr A ,, uiuit. latic.n (1 in ' a in 1 1 1.4 H III 1 ,l Jl II, r, n , i. a l i , in I ay Exit. p AlUit.nit K reef Mall l.Z.m.i Pbtladeliitila Ki.ri w ttr. .li.liniitt.wD t-.Xrifa I'ac.tir K.rit.i Way Pattriir M all Train Jobnetuwn t-i.i-.- a 14 a u k a ii. i i. u. 4 V. . H 7 it Ui f lieiioliurtc Kranrli Tralnt leavea a followa: T.-'ttl, In 'JS a tn.. an.l X36 p. ill and arrive at t'rri, .,,n at m ji. In Mi a in. and 4 li u tn. Ii.f i'r-,.n ji :i.u a in and 5 'Jt fi. in., and arrive at Kt.'iitluiaT ai a. m. and 14 III and i; IU ,. tn I rfttaaa anil 4 lenrlirltl. Ieave lrvonn at t 4.', a. ui. and 1 4n ,. m. nrrlv iu iCiM'tUKIUMi m. ainl 4 I', m. ljavt ;reon V 4ti a. in. and S IH p. iu.. arrlilni; at lr una al II uu a ui. and .:ih ,. ui. Nuudav traint leai-f I 're.itii every Sunday at V 31 a m and 6 lit . in., arritiua at Irvoua at II lu a. tn and ti oo i. ui. r'or rattB m . etc . eall on aaent or ad.lrea I'Hta. K. Watt. I. A. W. Ii.. llu Kntli Ave.. Pittal.ura. Pa. S. M. I'KtVt 1ST. J. K. Wlitili. teneral Manatcer. t iencral Manaer. Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESICN PATENTS. COPYRICHTS. etcJ or Information and froa IlandlKiok writ to MI NN A to a t HllOAOHAT. Ni.W V.. Hit. OldeM bureau for ata-urlim atiita In AitiiTira. Kvery aoiit lakn mil l.y ua la l,r,.ui;l,i ltire liia IM-4J1U Lf a notice ttivtsa free of duuf-e lu tlia Jtftnfiftc tncricau l4U-rest rlrmlatton of any Mintifl patter In tha world. r.l.ltuliaijr llluaU-al,t. No n iff l I iirUC tuan ahould be wllliout. It, Weektv. at;.io A yeart (IJalalx nioutlia. Al.lrtf,a Alt N A t o, J-LKlisiiaaa, JOi liroatla, New Vurkt'ity. Steel Picket Fence. CHEAPER - THAN t WOOD i m ft i rr I a- L a aaaV n la t-o I, M - a a m a- J f ti H ft "! o.,..a j -4tatriBrj j mm Iv3 T "- " a-. rirtat Prao wu Gat., rfbl. . . T 1. " a.aaafaerara IV-a. Ir.m runr , ,.,-, lc.. a Kalllaa.. Bra... Ir, tin. WlKK wiaiMiw c. n..i ait aiaiia nt ti Ha woik! aati TAYLOR . nrAu zj m zob arkatsu Pittbureh. Pa. l-'uiea Itrialit'a lliaeaae. lrLrt. iintui, roer vouaneoa. Heart, t'rlnarr or I-lver tiKeae Know a by a tired, languid u: Inarlo.n ol Uie aldaeya weaaena and polauna tl.e blood, and nt. leaf rauae removed you ran not Imve tieaiib. 4'ured ma ower ne yean wo ot Hrttht limeaae and ln..y Mm I. 1.. i:. Mili aa. He tit lelieui fa. I.nuu other oilier rluiilar leaiiwuiiialii. 'ry It. Cure KBaranteed. ta aia Klaaey at re 'a . 7'J I enani-i. atreet. Millad.-I'.lila. I'a. Sold y all reliable urtiK.ikU. 4t w.i BUGGIES at Price tlHTH at UAKHLnN aaaaaaaaaaaa aan Huiciry 4 17 wx-uitiif . Ilurt.ui . at I'KK'IA ana t faai 1,, Murrr) ii i ,,ut 11 Ai l. ffUaaii Haun. $ f, ,niaOI, ,ra (14 Itoail t art i.i ilu i,r la.' ftuinry llarMa'tnanilaivr tta lluva-y " M 71 Ml, 1 1,-luali . I a 1 uu " Sr. b iirollt. M.MVaa Haddle. al 4t. i at V rne I'. . HI 4.4. V A- 4'ltT4-W. f U LI LawrviM ea , Cuu'muau, o. auK4Jui JOBS F. KTBaTTOS A , 4SA4S ft alkerHt. M: TURK. baaartanaaiWaalaaaUItoainata .l kiu4..f MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. ViaUaa. Guitar, an,o(, Accordront. rlarmonl cat, Ac, a kladi of Stringt, rtc. etc rANTKIl A S A I.KS MAN. INKIIHITI:!, VT l.ttabiDK and l.rivht Io rr.rrat-til tltr Kont 11 14 Narfprlea l 4!anada. Dm larri In ttir lu tnlnlon. 4 er Too arrea ol rb iie alia-k . I'.MO.Ion eranaoent and lurruilre. tiur 4'aiiadlau arrow u attn-k aell it readily wbere .r.'rly Intro dueed. Send lur terrria n'.w atd avnre rliue of tatniiory. MONKk IVKI.I.IMiniN, aaaata. Iwroittu. t'niiadt. i ay . tifTn ii ! alarT ts i WinltU t-ap, iawu mt im aaawA waava Itaai 4aa. JL . THE TATTOO FAD. Boston Women Who Have p tures on Their Persons A Frofewaor In the Art Makea Somr o, Kevelatloua t unrvruliiK Kouie l th,"' l'tole W ho Have I'utrou Ized Illni. "Can you toll me," asko.l the j,r.-t.- littlt l.runett., with tlit v ! ,t j,, j,, '" re.l t-liffks, of the lir lx.lif. ina,, vtm trll me where Mr. -r I , '" . ni.:i ri t'at. McKay k stutlio is-.'" ;. r , in her eheek. went nn incli ii;..l,,.r J assaile.l the fanltlt-ss tempi,. "Never hear.l of him. V. , ;v , any In W.'" The hitf .1 i.-t-n,;, 1( .ul j" ' heu-1 for further iiiformut ion ' ' ' pretty l.runette looUeil very inn, f useil. Well, my hrt.ther SJtiil In- ;, , r; rl , aloii1.' here on Treim.nt row. y,,,, 1 hear.l him tell Will A.luiii-, u , lt j J ly tattiHiiii' he tliil. a:nl win,,,,,, ,, si'ii tif iain. too. He sa'nl l.,t- ,,f , , went there jllt to see his , ,i v, ,. I'm erazy ahuut tatt.Miin.. ,,,, , ,. iV Oh. not at all; nh. my. n,.. i,.,t , , myself! I just like tn set it. ,,u I;,,,,, ' 1 think it is lovely. So I ih,. WVOIlhl jtlst It M lit at Milne I, f 1li,.,l, Four tlow ti'. ili. 11, :ui!. , ,,, anil the lirmietti ti.1,1 utT f.,llr ,t , ami bust la -t into t lie last mo- v, ,. a turn of her hea.l. ilnly I'apt. M.-Kay ainl 1!,,- ,.,.. l.ruiutte know what li:i m i.. ,i v, ;.i i urinjr t he li.t half ln.ur. 'I i . janitor says he h. aril a vi i ii; ;, , . little Miieal several times tin-.. , , .. . keh.ile. That via., all In- I.!.. . ..f, matter. Hut when tin- hi in .. '. , . an expression of jroilt uh u ,. , , teliariet. hurrii .1 out inl,, I t'ait. M.-h'ay tolil an II ver : man the little tale on tin- i, i, ..,,, , in;' 1 hat names shouhl not l.e u ., , it has not ijuite jrot to he ; f.! . Itut it will he soon. I )ia,. j,,., , trills with the thiintiest of an,,. :,, , lejrs eome in here every .l:ti f.,r i,. .M-rate Umiii. Yes. tno-1 of t li.-m orate their arms. Tl e tl,! for instance. She is a - lu.:, ,. t he i'otiservatory of M usi.-. t,.i.,, , . somewhere in In. liana. I thii -wasera.y to have an An,, s i. ,n (... , iiixm her lef. 1 kiinH 'lirit.i' i n' . ha.l seareely the e..ura;re. I j , i little ,.!'.! I up. n ht-rarm. av. :r ,i'. : here on the siile of the iuti-,-1. N , ili.'.n't hurt her in the sli-lit . t s, ,. llttereil just a little sijueal ui,.r,--.' surpri se t hat t ho nee, lie ilil ii . ..... nn ire t han it il i.l t ha ii a u I Ii i n;' N . . t he iee is l.rokeii she will l.e I.;,, 1; ;, Wei l,, ato 1 perhaps then In r , will lie Let ter. pi 1 1 on t hi' re or I in In : - t a 1,. ii. ' The olil system of' ',!, nee. He l.y ha ml has me ml ,.f t., ( apt. M.-h'ay ins el.-et ri, it i i:, -. . Work'. The in truiiieiit tiiu., .1 an lMi-.oii eleet rie ji-n witli a l i eeeeli t rie si t as 1 o i ve the n.ill,- I .,, play it reipiires. The pl:i, ..f ! lu i-.lh i :. ah, tit iiiii-I hirt - e. i in! of h ineli. Onlinary fell l-att. t ie an- ,. laelleil to It. I tie same p.niet. Ii. a ft r. eannot he Useil in t a t . i j . Mrsont. It is re vitiated hy ' ti.uiof the skill of the palr,,n I .-. ei-lls life sutl'u ietit for a per.-, hi t he t.of test sk in. Har.ier I. ii,i. ! (., . pie take all the way 1osi . p, full foree of t he hul tery. 'II.,- ..nt:; i no- i , il. in w it h a single iu-e,ll.' I:, sha.l iiif re.piires st-vi ii iiee. 1 1, v. I : are pla.-t il in the mai-hiiie si.i,- I,. :. I:ut two kiinh. of ink are use, I. I.: , , liulia ink ami hin.-se verin.i: '1 lies,-are the only eolors that ai. U use.l with jM-rieet safety 1,,',-a it -.- l are not Jm ii or injurious. :i line ami w it eli h.i.i-l are use. I to i ,-: ,. . the Sorellt-ss W hell the ilesirn i phte.l. 'till, yes." sai.l the eaptain. ' t all forall sorts of esi-i-,s. 'I In : theerueiliv: 1 have ierlia jts nn.i-.-for it than any other. They u:ri: put ill t he ijueerest plaees too. . 1 ha.l a man iu here one ila. wanted me to put it on liis spina! : limn so t h;;t t he en.w tied head 1 Savior uotild appear jut at hi ! .r l.nttoli. 1 have lalto.M-d l.rae. I. t- . thewristsof pre I ty firl-- am! ;'i;t on their lt-).rs. A younir woman u in. well known to the t ha! . r i Kostoli has a :-.erK-nt fea. liii:' !;:. li. -rankle to a point well a!..' ii. knee, whieh 1 did for her. Tit. u t took several days. It wa a l 'i ..' jol.and reipiired ;.rreat eare l,.-n tinished she 'ave me twent-iive lars ami you never saw a pi. a-, irirl in jour life. The wife of a n.i: known eaptain lia tii.- .i sifrn t.f u ; farewell mi ! In- li. - ' part of her arm. she eaine ami I me her hii-haud had a sii.iila r . in she had det-rinilieil to have,. I It would lit-Vi-r do to t el 1 h i in i thotl'.'ll. 1 hapjielied to l.ln.u !' a' eaptain i'.ett" ted the d.-si.ra v !i ' Imii-i within a year after I tali ! ' I dare say if he ever ili-.eov.-r. 'I t '. his wife hatl they had r.piailv a ill that hoiisi-hold. I have lia.l . a twenty-live Harvard stu.l.-..i " 1 within six months. They in.- :' !..n. sueli tlesin lis as the A iiierie.t n arms or somet liiu" pat riot ie u that -K.K-k of A;res.-' I prie!..-.! ,!i,f ..." si'iiupoii the left arm of an tow n elery man wjthin a i. H paid me two dollars for il an.l v. j hio-hly pleased." TOO PROFOUND. . Iarutl lilM-i.urH. 'I liar it 1, I hi I for 4'oiiir-li-iiion. Samuel I lex 1-r w as seeret a i". " '' and afterw aid seeretary of ' I" ,v u ry under I'resi.leiit .lohn i When Mr. .lell'ersoli l.eeaine " he asked Mr. Ilevter to re i n an reeeiv int.' a rem-.'-! This was t he first install. ! ' '"' lv luoval of a nt oil iee r f. it . : ' ' reasons. It was sa id of Mr. Ieter. a.-. ' to youth's Companion, that a r. u. i' matle al.otit liilinun.l Hurl., n. . ' apjiliedwilh e.pial truth to him ,: yon should meet him mi l.-r a --In 1 ,!1 a rainy day you would at on. r. iiit him as a (.Teat man" N-' ' " mind was rat her of the hrilhant '" tilt profound order, and he. lid n it ate to eon f ess its rare 1 iiait.i' n - He w as onee in eoiiipany w it !. I '"'' Ames and Chief .III si iee Mar liaN 1 '"' jrreat judfe U-an a wei'lil.i ''' t ion. whieh turned into a un ' ' '"' la.tinir nearly three hours. Wh. n' "' two listeners had taken their I" '""" ward way they eonld talk of n..;!.-".-l.ut the iliental depth and leaim". ' 1 their host. They praised his mil ural (rift- an-l 1 aetpi ired w isdoiii; esM-eially 1 1 ,,M' ftilaree upon t he prof nudity of ' I"' ''' cotirseto whieh they ha.l juM l.-t. i" 1 r.ut." sai.l Mr. Ames. aft. r a -'"""' 'to tell the truth. Ilevter. 1 haw " "; Uii.lers1o.Ml a word t.f his ui'i'11"" ll! '''' half an hour:" And 'ood lnmiore.ll re.l an.-l the other, have heeii out of m. -1' f ' for an hour and a half" A I'utrnael.Mia 4 r. At Columhus. In.l.. reeentl.v it' '-'M' whieh wei-hed ei).'ht uu. "' j p-iumls had Wen left iu u small " t.f water hv the recent ot ertk't . .. was tliseovere.1 hv h doe-, wl... - harkii.K' at it. The .' J'""1" ;. .. . i... .1... fills and tins eame disU-nded. plainly si..." "'- intense antrer. Finally tl.e n.'i I raiii- at the fish. mid. .linur'r sh. HI..I. i.tim-iiif Lrou-ht the carp out "'' Mll.l.-I - water tin talauraa.