li'iunluii! JPrrnuuru Mil- N-nl l!i. 'AM:HI. '.. I'.V. ikihav. - - M:rri:.Mi:i:i: -.'j. is...t. ! . I. A ! It PPK0 t I ;iM Diii'ion, Kt.. is tt t he World's 1 .1 'I'lii-N al'ont t in-1itui tlit" i'iii iiuct ial - i in-. Mi. I.''il'i't .T:itiui. of tin's pliici'. Is ill n : i ; i ) t iiil fever. II, ,- M"iii.t:iiii llniisi' at Cri'ssiin cluscii t ii i ,1.; fur t In si-:sii. I . - A " KHi' .1 mli;i' 'I'Iioiiims. cif Carriill i 1 1'. w :i N i tuw ii mi 'I'm .tl:t y. M 1 .'"Iiii SuiiiiTvilli', of Siiiiii-li:uHi:i . ,,v :li. "Ii 1 'I'l'i'il in tn ci' ii mi TiU'silay . M i . 'I'll i 'ina- I ii n l 'in. i if A !tin ma. i-pi-nt ., , i i i iia in tuvt u l Ins eik as a vit- II i:. Ki'l! . nf tliis plai'i'. u ill taUi k .. ,. :; , i ,f t l,i' ti ll u i-ji (lt iillii-i' at Spangler. tl..- " Hi, M. unlay Mr. Ilarrv Willier, of tliis , ., , . a trip to Spunkier ami li;uk mi 1. - l-n M'l". 1 i,.- w i ! 1 of I u i lil i ii ; the tow it on t lie , ,- ..iii- i Inii'i Ii in this plai i' lias I m .' it , , :,-,l. ii , ! fa i iiiits an' lmy pi'ttint I heir m . , ,,, - ,111 of ! In- ;:i on ml. Tin' itoi in inn- , - :i 'JiiihJ ill if. Mi. T. I!. O'llaia atnl family Ir.ive . ! !o lhi- pluee. al'ti-f -(n-iiil i n ir tin- . :. .i.. r at 'rt'sson. M,. Anthony Wyliml. om- of Spantr . , ,;i.i pi i-ini I'itii-ns. was a isitorto I , , -1 i on 'l'ni sihi y . V ,-. I. lin S. Mi l oy.a fol iin r iv-iile nt. i i ; i,i-l,l t. n-li i p. l.i it tiw of A I toon a i i,.u ii on Thiii'silay. .1 ,i.i, ( I. nii-iil. I;.i!.i-il .T.mi's a : i I Na- ii l 1 a i". of t hi1- plari'. st art I'd to t hi' i ! - I :i r i in Moi.ila v. .!. i;.,.i'.' Me Donald, of l!arr town .i : : , .1 :i I ln. I n nili- in I lia t I tiu n-lii p i m M i . . ,i:'i-.l al'ont years. i:. -. I rln r lii a-y. of this pluee re- ... I .nili- on Saturday al'liT a tl:n-i' ., . . - i-:! in I In- WorU's Fair. Mi .!..!, n Dick. oT Il.-h-na. Montana, is I.i- pan nl-. T. W. I )ii-U. Km.. .... : . . '-. of this plai-i'. Mi IT.-i 1 1 : i ti I Ili-Limy. of I J a ! I it ,-J n ..t 1 1 !-. v a- a visitor to our 0 1 on W .-.;-.-.! :i . while atli-mlinu' roml as a -' . a l t Li. f i-nl i-ri'il t In- room of .1, ,h n s- ii IiMit-a on Sunday ni-jlit ami - ; .i ii I - , I hi- porUt-l s ( ii' v. h ir Ii i'o n - . :,.tt I la -son. VoiiiiL't -t sun of the . : : ! i his papi -r. all. I oin' ol tin- l'i:ii m i - of i-t in po-i Tot s. i-- la i.i up with I :.-. f. M : Andrew KaL-'i-r. ol Sii-tiiel,aiin:i t..i;! lii'i' out ilrivinir on Siimlay, ,i i- i ' a n frmn hi- fart ami hail his left ,, ; : .i.i v sprain, -t). Ti.i. an- at p-i--i-nt '.is natm-s on tho .. ! - -i L'isti-r ami sti-waril IIiniVit li.-n ihi- rolii Wi alhi-r foiiifs the i -, '!. !l I.i- lai uri-Iy iii.-ii-.i-. i. M' W . A. S.-anlan. fonin-rl y of this ; , . . . t imih of ! ml i.i ii. i. m as in tow n i,u l i . Hi - rniii.-m pla 1 1 in a ki nix .lohiis I.i -me i ii t hi- in-a r I n t m i-. : -. n- U m n i n of the w In -n a 1 ' HI t s I. Miau-ly, formerly of Mi-lli--f. : . , i-i.nfi-r a favor liy r. urnti n n i i'.-i - .-M .'ii '.. .1 . a i-ly. Smuv Mini', Ct'ii- I :.. Ki" n-l.iM -.' hall i-luh '!.ivi .1 a iraine it' ' - '- - 'ii.t-i h oil S;t 1 1 1 ii I ;i v with a team '. -in ' i e ':, Mi r phii'e wln'i-l: resiiijini in a ! ! th- ( 1 1 in-n i a in h el uli i.y a .-em e .ii.-.n hai l.-s. of A ins I , y. hail his - - ' i .Ki-n l.el '. ei-n t he a n i; !e ami the i.t: unlay I.y a Ins; rolliiitf against h . i l a ries i- Ti', ear- of ami !:. i-v. .i at A ins l,ry as a tea nisi er. I ': ! a I ! v I he I.i i !'.--: s.i ppi-r of walnut i in I '. ii us I a n i a is V. 4. I Syefs. of V- I' . a-ai.l. Aln-ailv this -eas,,, helms - ; i .I , , i t 7.".. i J i feet of Imiilier to Mu- . ie ii is workeil intu fin n it u re. II. in S.-anlan. Vineeut io-i :'.nil I'n-il- l'. Sr.. were appointet! hy the - i : :.-u ei - ti i .;y on t a piihiie i oail from i t !- i a i ioi hi iu u liotiiiiia tniii to m-ar Hi'- of .lames loiii;lass in Carroll I..-Mis.-p. 1 'i, !a-t I'riilay inoriiiii at an early - tio'-M-s eiitereil the lnise of W. A. ii ai Niiii ah am! were in the art of ' ! 1 I -.ek i 111' t he house w hell they Well' i .-.I. They tletl w ithout ol.tainiii : v. s.i-nnl.iy Ilavtiioml .1. ICaylor was i.-Mn isti-r at lla-tin's hy i': - :. t li.vilaml. We -oi, irra t u la t e i : K.i i..r mi his a ppo; nt meiit ami are - 1 ' . -. e t he lii-1 .ii 1 ii ii a lis ma tie to walk ' ' i:.;' i. i i.k. Mi il'i l:;-l.el. l,iaki-man on the ' " , !.a una hra iieh of the am hi ia ; ' - it -I i a ;!i oail. u h i le maU iiiir a i-onp-' - .ii 1 la i .' yiree one ilay last week, hail i ! ' i . i ! . . i 1 1 v il-jlirell that he will he i . v.i.i k fT a nmiit f t or im ire. v in- Ii! a I .!i-.ase has uitaekeil (!ear- l: ealtle. .1. ('. Ilul.ler. of Cm ' 1 . ai -hip. lost -even in Twoilays List ' f.'i I i- I.i il'Ll ol 'J'ln- ilis ' ' ' ! - I i.e L m-es a ml l hroat anil l e- - i ' i . " I i i i :i in li i; in a ii s. i' '-i i.i .'i- e peri, lie! a -hol t aire in " - 'i.i- w l.oii -ah is nut ,eiie' ahle to lil! ' i" i ' nl of their or.ifi's. It is par ' ' a- pi ia tit, l' to the thrifty housc ' i.'i mi iii-uiiiiit nf iii. (ruit i-iiu- ' - . i - . 1 1 l.eii,.' at ii- height. ' ' - a lit . t he yon ni.'i -- t s, ,, ,,f .1. I. '''-' tiiiisorii,! arli-t.of tliis plaee. "- i"' I t.aletiiiil loofoii Sa i uiilay . a ml -" 1 i. !l:tf I" i'lli'.re. set his sail- j) : '! i.. i. of the oi i.l's Fair. He "iii "' till'll i 11 ,1 f'- V W eeks a w i-er ho V. - Ai.ili-. w .1. Myers. .r Ilolli.lays 'j. ai,.i Mi-- MaiL'iet M. I ei h.-r.of (ial- i. .'i n inairii il al St. I'att ieks ehiitch i ' 1 ii I'll Tin--i lay. I n t he even iii l: a r-V'-, 'inn '.;i (lel.l at the home, of the -' i. at 11-1 i , i'la y shni w here admit Jiki - - - re present. "'i: '"ii I l.i vis. y.ninist suit of Cap II ln:i- l):ivis. of this phlfe, lia- l.eeli :' 'I- ' ' 'I r: ate m-i retary to ('uir.'ns--'"' ' 1 1 II e-h-. at Wasliiiitftun. at a -alary ! ' i mouth. We are .-tii1 tiitii in the ' ' 1 ' a pi a ' n fhivis w i i i mil he im I '"'i' ' iiniiilaie for treasurer not i ;if. - ii-.-n-jear-olil rirl Iivini; at West "' ' ' t""k lou'h ou rats u-i- L.-r ' -v "'liii lint. allni lief to reeeive the '' " ' : '''s "f a voiini; man. Thepoi-on " ' ' "I .i .mil she ilieil from its elleets )' '' 'lay after swallowing Iheilo-e. '' : -i.i,.' man is ineoiisolahle as are aNo " we in receipt of a complimentary J ' ' "I ail in is. jt, i, j he th irtl u ii n n a I e 'i "I the -;i.en-l.iit-i; Airiieultural s, , . . ' '' ' "hli-li takes piaei. till Moll. la.' , l' 1 ' ''" ' '-''ill. ami i niiiiniirs four days. ' ' ' ' I"1 'It mil promise to exeell all pn-- '"" f '1" ''"' ee-vl.o,!y jn Catiihria 1 " hoiil.i ;n i, ,,,. on l.ohr. a hiakeinan on the Fenn- i laiiioail. do,,, p, train near I: 1 I - 11,1 i III, l.l , I i, .,, ... I . . 1 ... , 'i hi ii.-.llll iiiiiii nil ;'"!-'V moll,,.,-. The I,.-. I.e.ttoir iM.tll Ij"""' '"' asoi,,iwis.. ha.iiy i,,j,ire,I, 'u" - ' i hems; torn fron, his l a,. He ' ' IK, , J,, . , ,,, .oW II ..I, ll T h.u , , j,, ,,. ,aW1.aKe r.M.n, her.,,-,. '" t-.ini.i i ..... . . I u " I'liioveu to llie hospital. He - -Hiele a a,j J,js , ,,,,; Wa.i """tUU'lll.lU ,ir iel; now leilirtiients are ti'tnlered to the Camhi ia County Aifr'eiilturiil Assoeia- tioii for a eoinplimentary vieke?. for oiirself ami Letter half, ailiiilttiti-j us to t heir Tl it annual evhil.itiou al Carrolltown. on th-to-her .1. 4. ... ami i.iL. Carr.ilUnwn is always a linoil plae. to en. ami the fair this year will he one uf tht Lest ever held iu the I'ouiity. Mr. Andrew' McCoy, of Lyrotiiiiii; eonnty, w Im some forty years uuo w as a resident of Wilniore and drovt hack on tin oltl Kheiisl.tirj. nd Wilniore road, liefor. the days or the Fdenstiur luam li lailroad. was in town on Thursday, hiokini: up old acquaint, es. Mr. McCoy is a brother of the late lieiieral Kobert McCoy ot Ty rotie. The new White House baby w ill be know n hereafter as 'Kst her." This old fashioned name lias been s. leeted for the child by the Fresitleiii ami Mrs. Cleve land. It is stated the .selection of this name had no sU'iiilieauee other than the partiality of the parents for Scriptural de lioininatives ami that It means "a star" and "jrood fortune." On Tuesday Sheriff Shiiinakcr. accom panied by Jail Warden Voiinc, Fd Knee ami Oliv.-r Fvans, started for the Western penitentiary with the followim: named prisoners-: Dan Mcl all. two yuars; Kd ward Meatn. si months; (ieorv'e Murri. three years; Frank Roberts (colored i. tw o two ears, and tlieCriennock brothers, one year ami ciirht months each. I f celery were eaten freely, sufferers from rheumatism would be comparatively few. It is a mistaken idea that cold and lamp produces the disease, they simply develop it. Acid blood is the primary and sustaining.' cause: If celery is eaten large ly an alkaline blood is the result, and where this exists there can 1m- neither rheumatism nor sjoiit. It should be eaten cooked. There is little change in the mintntr situation the past week with the ecep 1 ion of t he 1 iu'lit inir of thirty-seven ovens at .1. I,. Mitchell's mine. There seems to he no imineiiirie plospe.'ts of Work at Taylor ,v McCoy's mine as t In- linn say t hey can't pay I he price and the men are ileti imiueil to remain out until they re ceive the old rate for mining. Ctillit:. in 1 "l ililirillnr. On the lot owned by Lambert - Kress. neI to the old 1 1 a iisipa ii hall, on Medford street, there is a pear tree in full bloom. The tree seems to he a freak of nature, as it recently iehled a irood crop of pears. The soil in which it stands is erv fertile. which may in a measure account for the .com! blossoms. If the mild wea t her con -tiiiues the owner expects to iret another crop of pears. .i.i tislmrn Jli ri'hl. Tin- tifst national bank in Cambria count y out side of .lohnstow n w i,S organ ize. I i'.t Fatten on Wednesday, when the follow im.'ol!lcers w ere elected: President. A. H. Fatton. Cm ueiisville. Fa.; cashier. Win. ll.Sanford. Phi li pshurK. Pa.: direc tors. John I.amr. Corning. X. Y.; A. K. Pattoii. Curw etisville. Pa.: Hon. James Kerr, ('learlield. Pa.: (h-oik'e S. (,0011. I.01 k Haven. Pa. Four directors are yet to be added from the list of stoe'alioldeis. It is expected that the bank will open for business (ill Ictohef 1st. William S.'ttlemyer died at Altonna on Sunday tuorniiii; from paralysis, which re sulted in the rupture of a blood Vessel ill his brain. Ieee.sed was born in Sum nn i hill, this county. J une l'.'. Is ;s. and was conseii in-tit ly .".."i years. :i tnont hs a ml ii day s of ail- at the time of his death. lie was ri.isi-,1 on the farm tilled by his father, and w hieh hail before been I he property of his LMamlfathcI. who is said to have been the List w ii i te set t i 11 Ca tubria county. Mr. Set'letiiyef leaves a w ife and four children, 01 f whom is Mrs. Henry Conrad, of Ashvii!.'. A dish of peaches s better than a dose of mi tllcilie. There seems to be a differ ence of opinion as to whether or not the fuzz on t Le -Kin is injurious, but doctors aL'iee that ripe peaches rank (list with the sun tin r foods. Seed fruits, particularly 1 1 vr . si ra w berries, hiacklien ies and crim li tries aid (1 iaet ii 11 : triape. grape fruit. linns and oraiiires are prime aperients; apples, dates, melons, cherries and plitnis ale iiourishinir ami refreshini;; but peaches are a tonic, an apcricnl. a food and a drink combined, or to put it brielly. they are meat ami medicine. Fred. W. Kbel. of the lish commissioner, lias sent notices to the sher iffs of the ditlelelit counties of tin; state, reiiiiest im them to ssive their attention to illegal tishitiir in the streams of the com monwealth. My the notice the sheriff is reiiiiiei! to issue a proclamation against unlawful fishing. The sheriff is also re quired to destiny all nets and baskets which have been placed in the fishing streams in deliance of the law by lisher-im-ii. The sheri 11 s and t heir deputies are instructed to pro -eed at once, and any in terference is punishable with a fifty dollar !i ne. J. Preston Hall, who is said to have been at one time a prosperous Pittsburg 1 a w yer w as found dead in his bedroom at t he boarding house of Charles Kicln-r, in Johnstown, on Tuesday evening about s o'clock. Two bullet holes Were on ud ill bis heatt and an empty revolver was found lying on the floor beside his bed. Hall's w ife left him about two weeks ago, ami on her return after a week's absence found that he had disposed of their furni t me and on her upbraiding him he threat ened to shoot her. Hall's parents reside in J'.eavor county and are said to be wealthy. A riot occurred In a boarding house conducted by Silrino Soluani. where 75 Italians had congregated to drink beer in t he tow 11 of Mi ll w ood. Flair county, early on Monday morning. Three Italians were shot, one fatally, during a general fight which ensued. A woman, concerning w bom a coiiph; of Italians had quarreled, was the cause of the light. Several of the lighters who were put out of the house bombarded the place. They broke doors ami windows and badly injured a number of the occupants. The authorities have taken the matter in chaiKe and will bring the riot'-rs to justice. The editor sat at the beautiful gatp, in all bis sins and patches: not long did he wonder, not long did he wait, forthevgavc hiie a i;n.dful of matches; and they tapped a big bell thai was answered in well, in the place witli the sulphurous era tot, and in th.' next minute he found hluiiclf it the fast pul u;; down elevator. And lliey landed him straightway In furnuce fifteen, near a political hriU-r; w hen, Ioi In a halo of brimstone w;s seen the old deli:;o tn-itt subscriber. And vainly he tried his emo tion to bldi' -I would that his fnco I could show you-as be drew a huge cart to the editor's side, saying: "Friend, here is the wood that I owe you." II. F. Hoist, of Lock Haven, one of the visiting delegates to the Mnte conven tion of Knights of the Mtle Chain, found u void ring while turning over some dirt in the ld of tin- Coneniiiuh river at .lohnstow n 011 Tuesday of last week nenr the s'olie bridge. The ring is a good one, having f"iir clean rut diamonds ami i ruby set in a ( luster. After finding the ring he took to a jeweler to have It t leaned. It is said that the l ing is w 1.1th t J.'iO. Thcreaie no marks on It and will probably never be claimed. Mr. Hoist was indeed lucky at t his late day to find such a valuable relic of the great Hood, as the place has diirintf the Milliliter, I'1'" worked over and over, and many articles have fieen found, but none to valuable an tlm w" found by Air. Hurst. The law passed at the last session of the legislature giving tins children of sol diers of the late war the privilege of attend ing the public schools in the districts out side of their own homes is not generally understood and frequent inquiries are re ceived at the department of public Instruc tion for an interpretation of it. Deputy Superintendent Stewart says the iaw does not give to the children the right lo go to tiie schools of adjoining districts from their own homes the same as to schools in the districts in which they reside, lie in terprets the act to mean that such child ren must at least have a tempotary resi dence in the district where the)' attend school. Mr. Stewart says an arrangement made hv these children or their parents by w M i-K .hey temp rarl y e-Hein tl edistrict to w hich they lielong would entitle them school privileges therein, but w ithout such an arrangement they cannot claim admis sion under the terms of the act. .Hiirrlwtr l.lrruvni. The following marriage licenses were is sued by the Clerk of the Orph'ins' Court for the week ending Wednesday, Septem ber -1th. 1S1I.1: Peter (i. Stormer and Lizzie Swartzen- irnvcr. .lohnstow 11. II. V. Shaffner and .Tos-ie Kline. Hun tingdon. Pa. Stephen Pazak and Mary (Jongcar, Johnstown. Jonas F. Kauffman and Junia K. Knep- per. Croyle township. Saiiuel McCreary and Margaret L. Pi per, Portage. Patrick J. Kellv. Hastings, and Kli.a- beth A. Yaliner. Elder township. William L. Adams. John-tort 11, and Ke- giua M. Molami. Summit. Samuel Andrew Mrcwcr and Flizal'th Ann Hardy. South Fork. John A. Creton. Clearfield, and Annie K. Kessler, White township. Henry F. Martin and Josephine M. Murphy, New York, N. Y. Peter Wingard. and Lizzie Momgardner, Richland township. Savannah Felix, Lower Yoder tow nship. mid Annie Wehn, Johnstown. Thomas T. Kay and Laura S. Fredricy, .lohnstow 11. I Sen no J. Walt.. Hastings. and Ida Kirk- patrick, Klder tow nship. J. J. Henry. New P.ethlehem. Clarion county, and Nun Yay Mrown, Leather wood. Clarion.coiitity, Pa. Joseph ( iihlock and Conegoudy Kodai k., William II. Ilarshberger and Alice MJough. Micliland township. Thomas Franklin P.urtiiett and Kflie V. Motticher. South Fork. J. C. Seiisabangli. .Mineral Point, and A. Annie Ciood. Fast Taylor township. Miner llrtiiirr lml. Kliner Mriiiier. who about a year ago w as sent to the Western penitentiary for life Irom this county, died in that institution on Sunday night from cholera morbus. Kliner Mruner, on t he evening of the Kith of August, ls'.tl. drove through this place accompanied by his wife and nephew, Charles Mruner. At the west end of town they stopped at tin- house of Samuel Keese. and finding no one in. bursted the door open and were in the act of pilaging I lie house when Mr. Reese appeared. Iii the altercation that ensued, Mruner pulled out a revolver and shot the old man in the head, the wound causing hisdeath iu a few minutes. Tin? Mruner party then fled, and although they were closely pursued, suc ceeded iu reaching Pittsburg where he was captured four days latet and brought to jail iu this place. He was tried at the pecciuIxT term of court follow in jr. anil the jury, after patient ly listening to the evidence, retired on Thursday afternoon and after lieing out all night brought in a verdict of murder in the first degree 011 Friday morning. Counsel for tiie (lefeiideiii made a motion for u new trial and filed reasons in arrest of judgment, ami after a hearing a new trial was granted by Judge Marker. At March court, ls'.rj. the ?ase was again on trial, when, after procetding with the evidence, the prisoner withdrew his pie of not guilty and plead guilty, leaving the court to fix the degree. Judge Marker found the prisoner guilty of murder in the first degree, ami on the FUh of Sepleinln-r, 1 he was sentenced to U- hanged. The case w as taken to the P.oaid of Par dons and after lieing beard his sentence w as commuted to imprisonment for life. Keal I.fclnte Tranr-r. a. Pfister to E. F. Diiuegau, Washington township. A'. !. Pfister to K. A. Kens'mger, Washing ton township. f Hi. Mary J. Farabaugh et vir. to William Cillespie. Mlaeklick township. 'ii). John J. Dietrich et ux. to James Cilles pie, Carroll and Eider townships, $ Jerry J. Purket et ux. to Margaret Mur ket. Portage. :. J. L. Spangler. trustee, to Samuel A. Lewis. Spangler, f bio. (o'orge (iearhalt et ux. to Michael II. Nusjlc, Eldel township. I0i. J. L. Spangler, trustee, to Annie Ilogue, Spangler. $1."0. .1. L. Spangler, trustee, to (Jeo. Miller, Spangler, f 1, Daniel S. McAnulty et ux. to (o-oige Miller, P.arneston, f:."oo. Pati ick McIIugli et ux. to Henry Mc Hugh. Minister township, fr.ti. Matthew Mcllngh to Kev. II. McIIugli, Minister township, 4oo. J. L. Spangler, trustee, to Henry .1. Eck enrode, Spangler, f'.1. Daniel II. Helsel et ux. to trustees of Elton Lodge No l.irjl, I. O. O. F-, Adams tow nship, f ". Frances P.engele to Andrew Hih-man, Callitzin, :). John M. Murphy et ux. to Koliert II. Say re. Adams township, turn. John Mrow n et ux. to F. W. Otto, Johns tow n. f 1. Administrators of John V. Storm to Mark E. Donoughe. Allegheny township, 1. v.. F. C. (Jeorge et nx. to (Irunt Merkstres ser, Li'ly. t:. Christopher Hornick et nv. to Martin Hornick, Richland tow nship. J,'Jii). ltat Tonr or I lie K-aon to Niwara Folio. Septcnilier 'sth marks the end of the Ni agara Falls series of tours via the Penn sylvania railroad this year. Theextensive patronage accorded the previous trips, and the expressions of satisfaction given by participants at the manner in which these tours have been conducted by the company and its euipioyes amply attest the attract iveness of them and the estimation In which they are held. A tourist agent and chaperon will accompany this last party and render invaluable service in the pro motion of general comfort. The remarkable rate of 10 the round trip covers the enfii-e of transortatioii to and from this wonderful work of nature, especially iiingtiifh'cnt and picturesque at tliis season, w ith the Mirroiinding autumn coloring. For details and Information consult ticket agents of the company. A Barn Burned. The burn of Mr. William Lilly In Mun ster low iship. caught fire at an early hour on Sunday morning and was totally de stroyed, together w ith all the crops for this year which were stored therein. A steam separator Ix-ionging to Mr. William Car ney, of Washington tirwnhip, which had Ix-eii hauled there the day previous and left in the burn, was also burned. The live stock as all gotten out safely. The loss to Mr. Lilly Is a large one and we do not know w hether there w as any insurance or 110L ('irl PrfdU(a. The following cases were disposed of in addition to those reported in the last issue of the Ekkkwax: Commonwealth vs. Joseph Wright and 1. J. Mctioiigh, false pretense. Jury find defendants not guilty and the prosecutor. I. J. McFeely. pay the costs. Commonwealth ys. Thomas J. I'lunket. selling liquor without license. Jury find defendant not guilty but that he pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. Paul Manko, assault and battery. A . firtm. w as entered. Commonwealth vs. John Finn, aggrava ted assault and battery. Jury find de fendant guilty. Commonwealth vs. Joseph Rolierts, ad ill try. Jury find defendant not guilty and divide the costs l-tweeii the Jefendant and Jacob Merrett, the prosecutor. Commonwealth vs. Hugh McCloskey, as sault with intent to kill. Jury find de fendant not Kiiilty and divided the costs N'twecn the defendant and the prosecutor, Julius Paunek. Commonwealth vs. Andrew Ueis. William Reis and John Finn, affray. Jury find Andrew Reis and John Finn guilty and William Reis not guilty. Commonwealth vs. William Humphrey, embezzle incut. Jury find defendant, not guiltv and the prosecutor, James Arviold, pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. Harry tllass, larceny as bailee. Jury find defendant guilty. Commonwealth vs. Emmet McNally, i John Thomas and Thomas Cardncr. ma licious mischief. Jury f:nd them not guil ty hut that they pay the costs. Tliis concluded the criminal list and the civil list was then callled. The first case was 1). Williamson vs. Kantz Pros. Jury find or plaintiff ."i7.'.C. Valentine Thomas vs. A. M. lushing. Assumpsit. Jury find for plaintiff. SS.r.T. Joseph C. Noel vs. Thomas (Sittings et al. Plaintiff amended declaration, defend ant plead surprise and case continued. TIllKIt WKKK. Court met on Monday at nine o'clock. Immediately after the calling of the court the following named prisoners who were "onvicted last week were sentenced : Philip l'aiilttier. pointing a pistol, six months iu jail. Henry Miller, running a speak-easy, six months in jail. Andy tiubard. assault and battery, six months in jail. Theodore Mercer, shooting, two months in jail. John Plancin. assault and Lattery, thirty days 111 jail. John (iaily, throwing stones at a train, thirty days in jail. (b-orge Murri, attempt at rae, three years in the penitentiary. Dan. Mcl'all. soliciting sodomy, two years in the penitentiary. Ed ware Ream, larceny, tine year and six months iu the penitentiary. Frank Roberts (colored), shooting with intent to kill, two years in penitentiary. Criciinock brothers. larceny, each sen tenced to out. year and eight months iu tiie ciiitcnt iary. Robert McCoiiigai. roblx-ry. sent to Huntington reformatory. Lotlcrd In Jail. Tin Altoona Thin of Wednesday says: Last Saturday Rudolph Farabaugh, w ho conducts a meat market at 11(1 Eighth av enue, bought three cattle from two men. one of w horn w as named Met ionigle. The buyer was well pleused with Ids purchase and never suspected that anything was wrong until Monday. The story runs as follows: Saturday morning three cows were miss ing from the premises of Mr. (ilichert. a farmer, who resides near Newry. The gentleman hunted high ami low for his cat tle, but they could not be found, and he finally concluded that tney had been .sto len. Mr. (ili.'hert supjxised the thief had driven the cows to this city to try and dis pose of them here. On Monday evening he came to Altoona am! made inquiries of the Various butchers, but found no trace of the missing cattle. Finally he came to the meat mark 't of Rudolph Farbaiigh. and, after the cattle had lieen descrilicd to that gentleman, he said he had Umght cattle tallying with tiie description from a man on Saturday. Mr. Clicliert was informed by Mr. Far abaugh that he had killed two of the ani mals and the other he had sold to Dr. Ilart.e!!. He also said that the man asked him if he desired to purchase any more cattle ami said he would fx- at the meat market to conclude arrangements for the sale. L'pon hearing this Mr. (Ilichert immed iately went liefore Alderman Stephens and made information against Mcfionigle charging him with robbery. A warrant w as sworn out for his arrest and placed in the hands of Constable Tate. The victim of the theft and the officer then departed for Mr. Faibaugh's meat market, where they found Mcfloiiiglc, and at once placed him under arrest. The prisoner was then escorted to the alderman's office, where he was identified by Mr. Farabaugh as the man from w hom he had purchased the cattle. 1 11 default of ?soo baii. he w as committed to jail toawait a court trial. The constable proceeded to take his pris oner to the city lock-up. w here he was to remain over night and lie taken to Holli daysburg yesterday. His bands were handcuffed, ami on his way down Eleventh avenue he asked for a drink of water, and, when the officer let go his hold 011 his arm in older to comply with his request, thu prisoner made a dash for liln-rty. He was soon recaptured, however, and then lodged iu tin city bastile, from w hence he was taken to jail yesterday afternoon. Mctioniglc lives somew here in the vicin ity of Lilly, Cambria county, and at one time was very well to do. his wealth being estimated at alx.ut fsn.tim. He had man aged to dispose of his fortune, and his last act was stealing cattle, fjr w hich he re ceived a paltry sum of $-.".. If he is con victed he wi'l not do any more stealing for some time to come. The authorities are on the lookout for Mc tonigle's accomplice, and if he is ap prehended, will probably receive the same same Ueatmcnt. Another Railroad. In convers alion with a man of promi nence of Cresson we learn that Mr. Loycll Superintendent of tint C. .t. C. R. Ii. is authority for the fact that another rail road is to be built from MctJees Mils Clearfield county. North west ami connect w ith the Indiana branch at Indiana. Al so the Miacklick road will join thu same brunch making a complete circle from Cresson to Indiana and at the same time taking in rich mineral sources all the way. Why the line Is mentioned as starting from Mctlees Mill's we. du not understand, as the P. R. R. ha ulready a line built from that place here and as tiie proposed iiew.iire iii lo pit up Cnsli creek that much of the scheme does not look feasible. Ru mor hust (and tliJ surveying of the Phila delphia and Pittsburg engineers by start ing their line nt Mcliees Mill's confirms it) that the Meech Creek or Philadelphia and Pittsburg railroad is to control the line now built from Mahaffev to this place. Then it may lie the P. R. R. w ill build an other line up this creek to Indiana. Our information is reliable and wo have no reason to contradict it we only hope it is true. Hit 11 Cti 111 1'lnl I Ciniut. TIhti" will U- a Kain cif ball played 011 tin-ciiKJiiil-i in Ibis jilai-tMni Sal 11 nl ay U--twti'ii tin- Indue club and a team fruui JolllihtowU. Riot at Palloa. Saturday was payday at Patton f jr the men employed ou the Cambria Clearfield railroad, and as usual on such occasions, the foreign element, after getting their pay. proceeded to load up. About o'clock at night about tweuty Italians got into a fight on the street. A iieaceful Swede, w ho w as sitting on a porch uear w here the riot was going on, was approached from Iiehind by one of the Italians, and in a moment, before anyone was aware of his design, whipped out a murderous knife and drew it across his throat, cutting ft from ear to ear, and then ran. lie w as closely pursued by crowd of witnesses to his diabulical deed, and along with four others w ho were engaged iu the riot, captured and brought to jail iu this place. liesides the Swede, w ho it is thought w ill recover, several others, were badly hurt iu the riot. The prisoners w ill remain in jail for trial until Itecember court. Hard T Intra Paat. The country probably never In-fore ex perienced such a hard panic with s btil- general effect oil business. and the country has never been in as good con dition as it is in to-day. The demand for articles of known purity and quality has oeeu steadily increasing instead o' de ceasing. So it is with the rye w hiskies Uittled by Max Klein. The public know wiai me .stiver Age, Uuoticsiie and Hear Creek ryes are the finest in the country. 1 ney Know mat Uix tors recommend them; that as a stimulant thev are iiiwiir, 1 They are for sale by all first-class hotels and dealets at l..H, $1.2.-, allti $1 ,M.r uiiart respectively. Send for a catalogue of the finest w hiskies, w hies and liquors in the state to Max Klein, S2 Federal street, Allegheny, Pa. t'Kly "nil Flft-nt. Two gentlemen were In the vicinity of Davidsville one day last week and each liought a bull. They to have their purchase taken to Johnstow n, but f,arei they would fight if taken together, so each employed a Ulan to lead his bull and cau tioned him against permitting the animals to fight en route. After having covered part of the distance the men who were leading the vicious hoviucs thought a lit tle encounter would furnish fine sport and could result in no harm. It was an ugly light in w hieh the men lost all control of the animals from the stirt. It was only ended after one bull had U-en killed and the other badly injured. Soutcrxet .Stonl- ?. Mr. John Hender, of Altoona, spent a couple of days in tow n this wtfk. 91 larellaneoua Sotlrra. rPHESI HSCKlKKK t.fter fur Hale a number ot J. luU It.r hull.llnu purposes In "A asti rjton cwDKhtp. ('nihrla county. a.ljacanr to (lie r.iat mlDO ot Howell a Alcdor, now la 0rition. 1 lie so luH are Mtuate.t inltlwvjr hetween Surault and tbe lituh tirlilire. on the tnwnrilp r.imt Call on or adilrmns I'AIXM Kl.V.Nt, Sept. 1. 1SU3. Summit, Camt.ria C... pa. Ilisr.-Smal! purtie. dark vreen lirard sklo. j with plain silver clasp. cuntalnlDK tw-reral rit.lUr. Ixdt on Munter tunnpike be:wteo O'Hara'a and 'reon. NultaMe reward Ijr re turn ol arne to Mri. Maurice Coster, P. O Box 45, Oreun, I'a. "IITANTI-.H. Outholic younit man to collect, M deliver mud aoltclt. Au.lren wltn refer euce. P. V. McKVfcRf. 79 Webner Ave., Plttbur. Pa. Sept. 15.3t. THE Ften.t,urif Hull.linu h. Ioan Association 1 will oiler fur Kale at the e-uncit cbamtx-r, Kt eugtmric, on the ;ourtn Monti In Septeuitier, t.oiiO.oo. THOS. IAVlsi. L.BSTKR L.akiaBK, Secretary. President. VOKNTN ( male or female) make 110 a day. Iew Invention. Kvery household u-mt have It. Small outlay, but pronu. Herleciion M lg. Co.. :& St. Clair St, Cleveland. . FARMERS! Ik Yor Want I Good Flour V - TAKK YOI'KOKAIX TO TIIK :? Old Shcnkle Mill IS KltKXsltl lti This Mill has recently been refitted and furnish ed with the NEW PROCESS and turns out nothing but - first class work. Bring in your grain and give us a trial. Running every day with good power. SAMUEL IUDWIG, Proprietor. 4 'A . JUST RECEIVED ! A LARGE LOT Boots & Shoes IiOL'(JIIT AT Sheriff's Sale ! FROM THE STOCK OF W. E. SCHMERTZ &L CO.. PITTttKl'RM, PA. The public invited to call. Prices away down. JNO. LLOYD & SONS. EAGLE BRAND TUe Brat mOXOTFEN& T nnranileJ for hooce barn, factory or outbuilt) idk ami rum hall tbe pries ot aliinKle--- tin or iron. It la ready Kir use ana amj mii.iicu v3 mnyone. Rubber Paint :octi only W cenu per k"d 'n barrel lot. or M Ml lor Kallun tuim. i owr, aara tc i. " hi atop leak ( In tin or iron root tnt will last lor years. Ihv it. isenu tump lor sami-le. and lull particular. Excelsior Paint and Roofing Ccipany, 15.1 llasai Nt.. fw Ytsrlx. N. . MpflJm nr. 8. L. RKKD. MATSIUT RUHt. REED & READE, Attorneys xit Law, thLNSKIKii, - - - rENNA. r-omce on 1'entre street. (IJilW M. D. KITTELL. L L . av w. - m - , EHENSBUKd, PA. Offlee la Armory Buil.llnK.oi.p.!ourt House. rp W. DICK. A. ATTOKN KY-AT-I.A W. KnaaHBiaa. Pa an" a Aa7Seclal attention to Klven claim fr Pen don Hoanty. etc ehT- Mmu JF. M( KKXKICK, ATTOKN KV U1.I NHKLIOH AT LAW. KhK.NSHI'K. . PA Arlfflca (. fen ire atreeu 4. tl awaatfaaBlaBw. Attention i P. We .ire corninoeil that our prices and goods are right. Since we became Simon & Co.'s successors our daily sales up to date have increased just 40 per cent., and we still continue to sell at the same small profit figures. In Clothing you can be suited in a Suit for yourself, your boy or boys in higher quality than price. In Spring and Summer Styles we are stocked up to overflowing. We feel confi dent that if you come to us you will go away better pleased than ever before, as this is our motto: Why do you get your Shirts made when you can get them to fit you and goods to suit the most particular. We. have Shirts from -T cents up to J.V.H. Men's Kedora Hats in everv shade, color and style that Vou WHtil for 1.1. Also a very tine line of the latest and most fashionable Stilf Hats from .' cents up. FURNITURE. lli-Unv we will if note a few prices. Then you can judjre for yourself. 1 set 2ood yellow 'hairs 'l.oo 1 set muni dark Chairs 1 set imhkI dark C hairs 1 set cane seat Chairs iu dark 4. lis 1 set cane seat Chairs in dark "."o set cane scat Chairs in dark 1 set cane scat Chairs. M alioany ' "- 1 Oak KiM-kcr w itn arm J.7." 1 Hark KtH-ker with arm l-' 1 Oak cane seat, fancy arm - s.". 1 dark cane seat, laiuy .' 1 lizht. verv fancy arm Child's litH-'kers. .Vic., '-.. 7.c. and... J.'i I'erforatcu Chairs and litM-kcrs iu all styles and prices. I full si-piece Malioirauy or Walnut Suite 'Jl.uo 1 full s-pieceOak I!.-l-ro.m Suit -J.on SidetMiards, Cuiiloaftls and Sinks a specialty. Oil Cloth & Carpets. We are stiK'ked ill Oil Cloth and Carpets. It will saveyou money to liny f us as In Inlying our slock early and in larirc tjuaii tities we sayed money-. We challenge any one to equal oiTerinrr this se:ison. Don't wait ' THE LEADERS. GALLITZIN, PENNA. N. B. It may be of interest to yoa to say we ar3 still deep in the grocery business. It will surprise you to see the way we are selling goods in this department of our mammoth store. Some merchants say "I wonder where they can get goods to sell at those fijrures, :is we can't buy them wholesale at the prices they are retailing for." Here is the the secret: We know where the goods grow that is why we sell so low. And when you come to town, Look for the Red FlagThat is the Place. If- L. JOHSSVOS. M.J.HU k. A. M . H I CA'. ku 187:2. Johnston, Buck fc Ct.7 1J AN K KKS, EBEXSBUIMi. ... TENX'A. A. W. HH'K, avtilrr. KOTABMHHItrt Carrolltown Bank, UAKKUU.TUWN, lA. T. A. NII.KHrl(. t aalilr. General Banli!!2:Bnsintss Transactcfl. The lollowitiK are principal featnret ol babKiOK Iiu'idbit : ItKPOKlTN KeelTed pava'le ou rtrmand. and lot crept hear Idk certificates if sne.1 t. time deKiitor. Extended to enstotnera on faroraMe te?ms and approved paper discounted at all times. 0I.I.r.CTIXN Made In the locality ami upon all thebanklnic towns In the United States. Chances moderate. IK A I TS lfvued neicotlable In all parts nf the Vnttnd States, and lorelicn excbanKe Issued on ill parts of to rope. At COI . NTS tit merchants, farmers and others solicited, to whom reasonable accomodation will be extended. Patrons are etsured that all transactions shall be held as strictly private and confidential, and that they will be treated as liberally as good bankinic tales will prmlt- Kespectlully, JOHSNTOX. Bl t'li A III. To Investors. 1THY K0 away from home to seek Investments I. . n v. ... 1. 11 l'i. 11 m Br 1 ". 11 1. L ir. t Mortaie securities on the afh or .Monthly ! Payment plan and which win net you twenty per cent, on your money? For particular call ou or addrefs H. A. tM)l,tHAHT. Auk. S, 18VX ttH-nn'juru, I'a. HOTKL. LEUKAM. H J.SHKTTK. Peopkiktor. Lrocated at lluBola. Pa., tiear the K. K. A P. Railway Itepot. We always endeavor to fur nish the- best accommodations to business men, pleasure seeker and toarders. Person in search ol joui lort and quiet will find It a desirable place to stop. The Table tl unsurpassed and Is always supplied with the best the market atlords.and all the dellcacle of tbe season. The Bar 1 sup plied with the choicest ol pure liquor and cmrs and nothing but the lxt I id. Special atten tion Klven to tbe care ol horses. H. J.SCHETTIO. AIJMlNI-STKATlilX' Nt ITH'K. fci-tate of Thomas J. William, deceased. Letters ol aJuilnislration on the estate ol Thomas J. Williams, late ol the torUKh ol Kb endbura. 1'ambrta county. Pennsylvania, havmir bren a-ranted to me. all persons ludel.ted to said lAle .e hereby noiitled to make payment to me without delay, and those havini; claims ate tn-t said estate will present them properly authenticated lor settlement. SI'AN WIM.UMS. Administratrix of Thomas J. Wiliiams.oeceased. ttMrm-bunc. Pa.. Auicuat 18. WSS. 1"XrX'l'TiiK'S NtiTIL'E. j luteo t Tluimas Kinney : deceased, letter lentamentary in tLe ertaie of Thomas Kidlct. late ol W ilmore botouxh. Cambria coun ty, deceased, bavin ten aranied to me all er sons indebted to raid estate are hereby untitled to make payment to me without delay and ibnfe havluir rl.lail aicalnst said taie will present them proierly authenticated lor settlement. P. M. KINN tY. Kxeruu.r, Sept. 1. 18a3. W ilmore. Pa. A UMIN1-STK ATOM'S Nlllli'E. ltate ol Sila. Nna le. deceased letters ot administration on the estate ol va Nattle. late ol Allegheny township, Canibri county. Pennsylvania, havlna: lecn aranted to ma. all persons lodentd to said ei-t ite are hereby notified Ui me patmrt to me with out delay . and those havlnx claims a aio-t said estate will present them properlv authenticated tor settlement JOSKI'li p. KlHbK. AdmiulstraUir. August IS. 1HSO. riXJ WHOM IT MAY ttlNCl-.KN: J. Ail peron havinic claims nirainst the estate 01 Jeremiah Noouan. late ol Munster townhhip. I'smtina county deceased. or atcaln't tbe estate ol tlliza Koonan. late ot said township, decease.), are requested U present their claim properly probated to me by May 2iu. IfM. M. H. fclTTEUI tbensbunt. Fa,, March 31. lsxi. "r AJVI KI. Hellable men to sell our ch-jice f and hardy Nursery StiK-k. and Seed Po taloea. lull and compute Hue. Mny varlrtte ran only lie obtained ihroUKh u. '011111111.1.11111 or alary paid weekly an I promptly. Kvclus' e and choice ol territory Klven. Iton'i de.a. Write at once lor terms. ALX.EN M'KtKY X. 4 aly ot, auu wm AMIR PWDP U H A W Please and Satisfy Everybody. Floor il Cloth from cents t(( js cents mt sijuare yard. Ingrain CarM-t, one yard w ide, at 'ii. -to, 4 and i'iO cents. Siuir Carjiet from VV, cents up lo .Ki cents per yard. SHOES! SHOES! If you wish to ;ret a tr'Hd ami substan tia! Shoe call on us. Vou will surely find soinet Ii i ti sr that will suit you. Ladies' dongola plain tip im! sprina lieel. tlllttoll 1. :.'.' to J.(K) Ladies' doniila. oiera ami common sense. iiuttou. Iiii-I fl.V.1 lo l..o Ladies' extra tun- tippisl Llm her mi.:i russet, tipped, hiitton ;.mi tine peliliied lillttolietl: also, s' I I. I.-. I..!....! Mis. l.-atlier tiiioiil l.ln. M. i.:i Ladies" line stire. luitton or lace l.'s Lad ies" t ipied and common sense 0- fouls rl.iciaini 1. '.-. Ciiililn-ii's tipped furd .Mi Children's russet ami duuola sprinir heel M.iio and l.lo Iiiiants' shtM-s from J:.' cents up. Men s lace and eonjrress sIhm-s l.V." Men's satin calf, lace or congress '.1.1111 Men's l: calf, lace or congress 1.7.1 Men's tipped Llui-lier. extra line -'..lo Men s line hand-sewed, lace or con gress .s.oii M en's iieacia 11 cat f. lace or congress .. Men's tine Kangaroo tipped, lace or congress 3. mi Men's extra line yossameie calf, lace the intrinsic value sis well as the but come at once to Yours Kesnectfullv. aMrJTM THE BEST PLACE IN ALTOONA TO BUY CLOTHING IS AT J OH.V JIc CO.KVEL V S 1300 ELEVENTH AVENUE. Where you will find a complete line of Men's, Boys' and Chil dren's Suitings in all styles and qualities. for Men and Boys, for Style and Finish can not be beat for the price Furnishing Goods, Huts and caps, TRUNKS AND SATCHELS in endless varieties. You are invited to call and see us when in the eity and we will do you good. JOHN McCONNELL, ALTOOXA, PBXXA. 5 S nl s A FTJL.I NEW STOCK -F FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING A XI) C.A.SHARBAUGH'S, CARROLLTOWN. 1X2 Look for Ad. next week.. EBENSBURG Marblei Granite Works, J. WILKINSON &, SON, PROPRIETORS. JEALEItf IX Monuments, Headstones, Vaults and Sarccphais, .Marble and MarMeized Slate Mantels, Cemetery Fencing of all kinds. Also Iron Fencing for public buildings and dwellings. l'uipl.a-ers will Itimi our i.riees tW lt.ut when they t-t.iisi.ler tl.p clamor work we du." hvish'i. VNcaUobU' ye r-lUad and ve eustoiners the advuia-M ol le- WE CIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE SETTIJ (OIF WODKK. WATHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLECE. MXtrV-1 HIK'l l'KAK Opens ept. 1.1. Polly e.ju pped lr College work Klwtlve course, adapt ed to study prepare tor stud) ol the learned i rolesslun- Lalxiratorles tor t'hemistry. Mineralogy and Btol.rv. Athletic Pield and cew Oynasium with Medical lurector Kxi-ern-es very moderate Aluuim M. Addres Hit PUESII'tNT, Washlualon Pa. II II. MYEllS. ATTOK.NKY-AT-I.AW. 1-latBvantritM, Pa. eT-ortelB Oollonade bow. on t eatre tret. LL at such a renarkably low price or onirress 1.75 Men's jrrain plow shoes, hu; kl-d, ISal- list toiiirue l.:;r, Mens working slnn-s yon ean ,-1 from us from : .'. '.'j cents to 1. ..", DRY GOODS. Ladies, here is the pla:'c t' tret your dry irtMMis. Curtains from 7.1 cents .1.mi per pair. Ladies' pi-n-ale waists, lijrht or dark, .10 cents. Ladies' hatost waists, tiirun-d and striped, with rulll.-d front at 71c. White waists, all kinds of material, the latest and most fashionable styles, from i.'.i cents to $.4s. I it-ss ;ri ny liams for cents per yard and up. A 1 Hon irin chains from 4' i to lo cents. M 11-Iin in hleached or unlileaciied froui 4 ' -. to III l-ellts. Ill Calico we are Mocked full of the lines!, in-west and I110M desirable iu the market, ', at from .'i to H cents. Ladies' skirt ctiitiroidcry, 40 inches w ide. for 4s cents anil up. f l'louiicius embroidery from 3.1 cenis to J to 1 per parti. A complete lim- of ti Imniintrs of all sorts and dn-sscs in all styles on our sitelyes a ud counters. Call ami see them. You can't help hut buy. as the hai trains we are otferintr iu the ladies line are -oineihiiiir that you can't 1 triasp every day. variety and extent of our bargain a. ' C0., 151 5 a s 5 3 5 S S s .51 AT DONALD K. DUFTOX, ATPOKM tY-AT LAW, KakM-tni-Kw. Pbbim A. 3FOmc In Opera Uvaaa, Uuw iumL Ill T