it KBKXSBVKO. C AMlllilA ., I' A. FRIDAY. l-morraie venOai. Tin- IhnuM'r:itic v.h.ts oT tin' several cli-i-tii.u i.f 'amlria nmniy will nit't'l :it the iwiiat i)!;u-f ( lioldiiiir i-l.-c-liuns tn atimtuv. Aueust -Jf.ih. 'X',. at 1 o'clock p. M- Hini elect niiMiihtTS tf the county committee uml delegates ti the i-iiuiity t-tiii eiition in tt lifltl at t he Opera iloii-ein Kii.-nliii !,' mi Moii. lay, Auxii?-l M li. lS'.i.t, at one o'clock r. M. Tin' enmity t-niivi-iitiiiii v ill elect achair inau of the conntv e.iiniiiittee. nominate a t-aii.liiHe for treasurer, two caintiilales for enmity commissioners, two camlMates for t-ounty autlitors. one eamliilate for pool director, one caiitl iilate for jury commis sioner ami elect six ilelcjiates tt the state coiiveiition. The inemliers elect of the county com mittee ill also meet at the same time an. I id ace for organization. Jas. ;. IIasi. Chairman. Kliensliurtf, i'a. Ann. T. lv.'l. Mk. Jamks H. Hi.oint, American Commissioner to Honolulu has returned. He is reticent on tlie subject of hiri mis sion reservint,' what he has to communi rate for the hearing of the Secretary of Slate. Kwkiveks have teen arUiointetl for the Nortliern l'ucitic Kail way Company which says it cannot stauil the financial strain. The receivership not only em braces the .Northern l'acitic, hut also all the railroails ownetl, leased or controlled bv it. I'kksiuknt and Mrs. Cleveland, it is exjiected, w ill return to the White House the last days of this month. The work which has U-en in progress ahout the mansion for some weeks past has leeii nearly completed, anil excepting the lied parlor, the house w ill lie in perfect trim for the return of the family. The lied room will not he finished until ahoul the middle of S-ptemher. Kkiukts from the grain producing Fectionsof the country indicate a fair average yield, although the drought has played havoc here and there with the c irn crop. The. worst reports oMlie wheat crop come trom Kansas, where a few localities show a yield of hut five hushels to the acre. In Michigan, on the contrary, wheat thrashers report in gome districts a product of thirty bushels per acre. The means for moving the enormous grain crops are still sought earnestly by Western bankers; but thus far sought in vain. A costkmi-ouaky remarks: Now adays when a mill stops for repairs, or a mine is closed by the drought, or a burglar gets away with the assets of a bank, or a "boom'' bursts from too much spread, it is set down in the sen sational protectionist uewspajiers as the result of prosjK'ctive legislation not yet formulated or accomplished. Out of the emliers and ashes of the money scare they seek to kindle a tariff scare. It is a lost laltor. The scarecrow- has liecome so tattered with long use that the people, can no longer be fooled bv it. The news comes from Paris that af ter months of discussion the Jiehring sea tribunal of arbitration has completed its work and announced its decision in regard to the sealing islands in that sec tion. A close season is established from May 1 to July 21 ; a protected zone is s tablished extending for ti miles' around the islands; pelagic sealing is allowed outside the one in llehring sea from Aug. 1, but the use of tlrearms in seal ing is prohibited. The American arbi trators have expressed their satisfaction with the text of the decision. W. I.. W 1 1 son of West Virginia, the new chairman of the Ways and Means committee, says he believes the commit tee will go to work promptly at a re vision of the tariff. This docs not necessarily mean that a bill w ill lie re ported very soon, as the work will take considerable time. He would not un dertake to predict what the committee would tlo, but saitl he thought the party was in a situation to perfect a broad ami general revision of the tariff in accord ance w ith its pledges to the people. Thick k is a opular clamor in Kcuador for a declaration of war against Pern, to take revenge for atrocities said to have been commit tetl by Peruvians during the dispute over the boundary ami in viola tion of the status-un. The Peruvian consul at Panama, ollicially denies the rumor that Peru would be unable to re spond to a challenge to tight tin account of trouble at home. The Liberal leaders who were imprisoned on charges of lur ing concerned in the recent alleged revo lutionary movement, termed the dyna mite conspiracy, have lieen liberated. Willi. K there are a good many I Vmo cratic Senators, says the Pittsburg 7W, who opptiso the repeal of the Sherman law and favor free coinage, it is not be lieved they will join in any filibustering movement to prevent a vote in the seriate. Such tactics will probably lie confined to the senators from the silver states. This would discredit it. It will be very dif fereut filibustering against the repeal of the Sherman law and filibustering against the force bill. Public opinion sustained senattirs in defeating the force tiill by every means in their powei. It meant revolution, and invited revolutionary methods to defeat it. The Populists and ultra-free coinage Senators have determined to obstruct the passage of the bill to extend national bank circulation by offering innumliera ble substitutes and amendments. In sho rt, they have decided to practically tillibuster against it and the Senate lead ers now admit that they have no hope of gettiug the bill through in time to afford material relief. They will keep it liefore the Senate and will tlo their best in iu behalf, but, before they can tight down the opjiosition, the silver question will have to tie made the regular order, rfeffer'a sulistitute to issue t-JoO.OOO.CHH) of greenbacks on the fiat plan is a sam ple of the opposition's ammunition. They do not intend that a vote shall lie 1 1 ad, as tliey know the bill would pass Xy two- LhirdLs majority. On Saturday evening the state depart ment sent out to each loard of county commissioners in the state sample bal lots and blanks necessary to be used un der the amended ballot law. I'nder the provisions of the ballot law, as amended by the last legislature, the work of voters- at the coming election will le much less intricate than at the last two elec tions. The ollicial ballots will, of course, le considerably smaller, as but seven offices are to l-e tilled, but the method of Voting has been Simplified very materially and but little excuse re mains for incorrect marking, a reason seized upon in February last for throw ing out many ballots when the count was in progress. The voter can now vote a straight ticket by simply making a cross (x) in a circle placed at the head of each column of candidates, instead of being comjcl!ed to make his cro-s after the party denom ination above each group of candidates. For instance, at the last NovemU-r elec tion the voter voting a straight ticket was comjielled to make eight (Tunks, one each above the groups devoted to presidential electors, congressmen at large and .Midge of Supreme court, dis trict congressmen, senators, represen tatives and other county offices. In splitting his ticket the voter has only to make a cross in the square at the right of the name of each candidate voted for, care leing taken not to mark in the circle at the ht ail of either column. The Prohibition candidates will this year have a column of their own and a blank column will In provided on the olluial ballot in which to write the names of candidates nominated by nom ination papers or for whom the voter, for some reason, desires to ca:-t his bal lot. An amendment that will obviate the throw ing out of so large a numlier of ballots as heretofore, provides that "if a voter marks more names than he is en titled to vote for an otlice, or if for any reason, it is impossible to determine the voter's choice for any in 1-e tilled, his ballot shall not le counted for such of fice, but shall U counted for all other offices for which the names of candi dates have lieen projierly marked." It was wise, says the New York Suit, for Mr. Cleveland not to projiose any financial legislation in place of the Sher man act. The Sherman act in itself is not prized by anybody; even the extreme silver men wi.-h to use it only us a means of com iel ling legi.-iation more favorable to silver. In limiting his recommendation Mr. Cleveland to-k safe and impregnable ground. Had he ven tured into the assertion of a plan of his own, he could hardly have failed to irri tate the inemliers of Congress whoe views of the remedies necessary for the cure of the existing financial evils were different from his own. It would be a queer view of the constitutional duty of the K.xecutive iu making reeomeiida dations to Congress to hold that he has not the right to tie reticent or vague when clear language lo Congres-s might defeat the very purpose he has in view and injure the public welfare. The greatest share of the resionsihilty rests with Congress, and there Mr. Cleve land has properly left it. In former years his opinions ahout silver were fjeely and dogmatically expressed, but it is evi dent that the seriousnesp'aiitl w ide extent of the financial troubles have impressed him Kiwerfully; and it is credible to his modesty as well as lo his patriotism that he has practiced repression of his per sonal views. What better standing place for Con gress is ther" than the I k'liioc ratio plat form? Mr. Cleveland h:is followed that and like that, is sitive in demanding the repeal of the makeshift Sherman Ht-t, and vague as to the means by which the currency is to lie regulated ami the parity of the gold and sdver secured and maintained. It is for Congress to inter pret the financial plank and out of its some'vhat nebulous slfajielcssness to de duce the fitting ImmIv of law. Ol'K cinteniMirary the llmild admits that the tannery in this place closed down last year, but "from an entirely different reason from this year." "This year" as the ( says "it is closet! lie cause the Iemocratie party, the party of Free Trade, and which now controls the government, has thrown the country into a State of distrust never Iw-fore lie fore dreamed of." Iu-t year when the g. o. p. was in full jiower, when Itenja min Harrison was at the helm, when the tariff beneficiaries imagined they had entrenched themselves behind a llepuli lican Senate that it would take years to dislodge, any shut dow ns mti.-t haveltn from the Republican standpoint from some entirely dif fereut cause. The labor reductions and shutdowns of last year from Homestead down to the F.lenshurg tannery, which were but the harbinger of this year and which are the logical result of the over-production caused by a horde of tariff-fed bantling industries that, in dull times, must go to the wall, are to lie attributed to anything short of the real cause. Hut that is nothing new; it is the old fake of claiming that all blessings How from protection and the tariff, and all ills are due to anything that interfertu with the Republican grip on the public teat. Congressman Cooi-ek, of Florida, in the tie hate in Congress on the silver question a few days ago. hit the nail squarely on the head, when he saitl: "I cannot resist saying one thing, and that is that when the Democratic party had governed the country for four years, at the end of Mr. Cleveland's term, it turned the country over to the Republi can party prosperous and hippy. The Republican party turned it hack to the DemocraU in a condition of depression, with the country going over the finan cial precipice into the abyss of disaster. The Democratic platform at Chicago de clared for the coinage of gold and silver at an equal intrinsic value, and the men who now stand for free coinage of silver undertake to override the Democratic j4t!oriu. And they cannot do it. W ii-ini.g'"H l.etier. Wasuisutox. D C. August!, IS'.'". Senator Yorhces tumbled down a go-d many imaginary structures- when he asked and ohtaimd the consent of the Senate for the Finance committee m hold daily meetings while the Senate is in ses sion", in order to coiisi.ier and rt port a financial bill. A number of indiisiroiis liars have been working donl'Ic time to create the impression thst Senator v bets and the other 1 Vim . ra lie ineml'eis of the committee were pui'Misely tlelay ing the consideration by the committee of "financial bills that have I fen intro duced. The facts speak for themselves and need no comment. The Senate is now considering the bill favorably remi ted by the Finance committee and endorsed by Secretary Carlisle, authorizing National banks to issue currency to the full amount of Ininds they have deposited to secure the same. Senator Cockrt II has propo.-cd several am. -intents to the bill, I m -cause of bis It lief that the National banks already tijov too many privileges. Rut in as much as the country is great ly in need of the additional currency which would at once be put ill circula tion were the bill a law there is lilt!. doubt that it will If passed w ithout ma terial amendment. The House has another week of sil ver debate ahead of it In-fore the voting liegins. The unconditional repeal men aiiiear to grow more confident of the result, although they admit that if the rumor which is current, that forty t-r fifty tif the Republicans have agreed to vote with the silver men for theamend inent providing for the tree coinage of silver at a rate of '( Ml, shall prove to lie true they will be defeated and the amendment adopted. That rumor how ever, apjieais to have a very slender foundation, as Representative Hlaiid, the silver leader, .-ays be knows nothing about any such arrangement and tloes not In-lleve tnat it exists, and ' ex speaker Uee I says the Republieansof the Hoii.-e. with less than twenty exceptions, will vote for unconditional repeal. Memliers of the administration were not surprised at the result of the P.eiiring Sea arbitration, hints of the probable outcome having U-en received in ad vance of the decisions. Nor are they disappointed, as the I ntted States comes out of it quite as as well as they exM-cl-ed. The fact is that the present admin istration has never eiilhesed over this particular arbitration, and had it not found the w hole business arranged for when it assumed office something would have Iwt-ii done iu accordance wilh it. tiwn ideas. The decison will, of course, Ik- acct j't.-d by this government as, and advices lr.nn London bring the same assurance from the I'.ritish govei lonent. So that the long and troublesome dispute may be considered as at an end, the ad vantages gained by the arbitration as alniut six jMiiuts in fa vr of ( .r.-at lirilaiu to four in favor of the l iiit.-d Slates. A Congressman speaking of the matter said: "It seems to me that the rich Seal ring ge:s more out of the arbitra tion than either the I'tiiled States or tircat Rritain, as the Prohibition of th use of lire-arms in sealing gives that ring a stronger hold than ever upon the bus iness. The only people who Still ll-e the siear in sealing are the native Ala.-kan.-whoarein the employ of the seal ring, so yi iu can imagine what the Prohibi tion of lirc-aniis means to the ring." Repres.-ntati v ( iri ..-Vein ir. of c ) i i. i. ap pears to lie in a bad way. lie claim, d in a speech made iu thelloll-e this week that President 'I. -v . -land's ui ssage to Congress was an appeal to parli-an-hip. Many things have been said about the message, but so far (Irosveiior is the only man w ho has been able to see parti sanship in it. I hiring the Harrison ad ministration (irosveiior had to be sent to Kuroie on a governin.-iil n:i.-s;yii to keep him tint of mischief, and it is a great pity that he cannot now be sent Somewhere to remain Until the financial question i tli-posei! of. S-uator Hill this week intr.Mlu,-t-d a bill for the repeal . .f (he federal election laws. It is short'and to tin- point, and will ill thle tine- be passed. Speaker Crisp says, and there is t -r-tainly no better authority, that all tin talk alt.ut this or that man for th- . lem ma n.-hip of this or that important House committee is pure guesswork. lie has not mad.-up his own mind. ennseijiiei,t ly it would be an impossibility for anv -ImhIv to say what he intends doing. As StitHl as he gets the members sat i-fact. -ri ly assigned the t oimiitli t s vv ill be :m lli ill need. It has lieen slated here this Week that President Cleveland was llllaltei.ibiy op Mised to any compromise and tl.-sir.-d Coiign-ss to either unconditionally re peal the purchasing clause of the h-r-in iii law or to let ii alone. Your corre spondent vainly eii.l.-a vi ir.-.l to find a Democratic Senator or Repr.-si -native w ho had personal know ledge that such are Air. ( levelaiul s sentiments. I hat he would prefer unconditional rejie.-tl is certain; but that he would veto condi tional repeal I do not l-cheve. M. In a llarrt-l (Iter iagara. Cis.-inn ati, Aug. Ill Meredith Stan ley, the vetern bridge jlllilier. left to night for Niagara Falls, where he in tends accomplishing the greatol feat of his career. 1 1 is idea is to shoot the falls on the Canadian side in a iK-cnliar con structed barrel. It is S feet long and ot feet wide, built of Stout wood and lined on the outside with copper, cover etl with a six inch thickness of rtibler. On the inside w ill l sw ung a hammock, so attached that its iM-t-upai:t will always be in an upright Mi.-ition, no matter how the barrel turns. lie apprehends Some difficulty in evading the atithori-ti.-sat the Falls, who are alwavs on the lookout for fellows of his stripe, but he thinks he will I ie successful by attempt ing the feat at night. Stanley is i'.S years old ami claims to have jumped from bridges 17 times. It is saitl that on one occasion he jumped from all live of the Ohio river bridges at this city in suc cession. Tearing I p 1 tie Trucks. Shesanhoaii, Pa., Aug. 21 Darkness hail scarcely settled iimhi the Mahanoy Valley w hen a gang of ."id lalmrcrs, head ed by the Councilinen of (Jill rton ! gan tearing up the tracks of the Schuyl kill Traction Company's electric railway. Hundreds of burghers have shtmldeied picks and a great crowd is cheering as the two miles of track is lieing steadily UpriMited. The Traction otli.Mals have lieen notified, but have not yet appeared in any way on Ihe scene. Hetty, daughter of James L. Hurl ston, a wealthy iron manufacturer of Piirmingham, Fugland, elope.! from Chicago, where she ant her father were visiting the World's fair, with one of the chair pushers. The irate father arrived in hot pursuit of the Heeling couple. The French republic was never strong er than it is to-day, the royalists having liecil iiioit disastrously defeated. If Frenchmen can continue their Republi can form of government successfully there is not a nation under the sun that cannot do likewise. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ABSOiLFTEC PURE I eai 'iil Tnrlure. , Aug. "ti As a result of a furious fiuht in the Wild F.a.-t show jn ciosure iu Midway Plaisance early this morning, four lledouins were more or less severely hurt, and three of the sons of the desert languish in a police station. The name of but om of the injured, Hasta.l is known, the manage ment of the show refusing to give any information concerning the fracas. I'arly this morning the three men stole from their ln-ds and taking out one of the bursts, tixetl iijmiii it a sort t.f harness with a .long rojie dangling. They w.-nt to the tent in which Hastab A ha Id slumbered. They Miunced upon him and before he was fairly awake had bound and gagged him. One of the thoiig-i was passed under hi- .-h mld.-rs. forming a loop at ihe end through which tin-rope was passed and securely fastened. Then the animal was lashed into a In. id race aln .tit the enclosure. Around and around llew the courser dragging the unfortunate man over the soft earth. It was fearful torture. With the first leap of the animal one t.f its boots struck the victim's head laying the skull bare. Kvery time the horse came near the av. trio he was un mercifully laslie.1 lllitii he llew arolllid the ring wit h t he.-tt. .f the wind. The uproar aroiise.1 Ihe sleeping camp and .-Kin the place was filled with the cries of dusky men and women, and the three Ih-iIoii'iiis r. --jM.iisiblf for the outrage were beaten into subject ion. I'l.nty of Work In Pittsburg. Pitt-burgh, Pa., August '21. There is plenty ofsinoke issuing from countless cliiiiiii. s nf many iron mills in the vi cinity t.f Piitsbtng. 'Ihe Slingo works of Philipps, Ninth k A Co. went into full ojicralioii thi.j morning. Three thous and men were at Work at .loiies.V Itugh lin's to-day and every department is at work except four mills and the sheet iron mils. The l'nitc.1 States Iron and Tin Plat.- com pan v is in partial o iati in as is also ihe Lo. khart Iron and Steel company, at Charti.-rs. The P.lack Diamond steel works started in full to day giving employment to -LiHk! ieople out .-nle of the city there was a partial resumption at reduced wages at tie' Nat tional in'- works at McKte-port. Thiee open hearth furnaces weie in op eration at theCarnegie 1 L .mislead plant The Oii ver Coke Furnace company tired one hundred ovens at I iiiontowu this morning, employing ."Oil men. P. fore i) end of the week It is exjiected that other la r plants will It- placid in . it -rat i. hi. 'Fiend A rrc-lcil. Yncsw. Aug. 17. -A gang "of men have been in liispuvitz, Austria, Ihi-.-oi.-.- they have mutilated young children. 'Ihe men have for vi-ars mad'- a trade of crippling children and (h. n .-ending tiieiii out to beg or selling them to others tor the same pur pose. When the police made ih. ir way into j the holi.-e V esteltlay they fi.und two gills' of ' or years, wilh their legs broken, j Atit-tli.-i girl of about ihe-aiiie age lay ; Im'Uii.I in bed with her right arm broken! and both eyt s gouged out. Two other i .-nil. hen, hardly 1. .-s horribly mutilated, i Were bound on cots ill the celiac. I -Many instruments, wln.-n nave lieen use. I iii producing these physical deform Iti.-s, Were uncovered iii the ttTar and were scit-d for evidence. I'liele aiti (rahliing the ,il.l. Nnv Youk, draw ing g. the deep e. it!, i ; The F.utruria. Aug. 2 . I'm-Ie Sam is Id by the fistful out of . of the ioiik of Kngland. which arrived Saturday. brought .- 1 ,7: ,"oO. The Campania, which left Livt-rMMil Saturday, canics Loi.(MNiiiigold. The Fms has$:;iMi. ihmi gold, and the Columbia, due next Saturday, has J'snijmmi. The (lallia, which will leave Liverpool to morrow, will bring j-IOO.tKio worth of yellow beauties. Word from Kimlami says 1l'". (mh in gold coin wa- drawn from the Kink t.f I'.ngland to day for export to this country. Two hundred and six ty dollars iu sovereigns were received from Paris, i'JiHl.lMKi fr Hollaml and jr,n, i it mi from Portugal. A large How of gol.l from the il'.ank to America is ex m ted to-morrow. The Rank rate is likely to lie raised at anv time. Apple-like Hail-tune. Rt i kai.o, Minn., Aug. is. At aliout ::.".il yesterday afternoon a storm came upon Ruffalo from the southwest. The w ind blew with great force and it was ac companied by a hail storm Listing 1" minutes. Hailstones as large as apples fell. Kvery exjMised pane ol glass on the west side of every building was smashed. After tin: storm the roofs were coveied with snow, as in the winter. Many trees were blown dwn and there were several narrow es.-aies from runaway teams. There is no glass now in town and windows are hoarded upuntil a sup ply can be had. The weight of thestorm fell farther south. C-orn is badly dam aged. Mill Refuse C.MMj Paper. Cou-Miu s, ()., Aug. 21 The attempt of the miners of the Hoi king Valley ami the ojieratcrs to get together on the wage payment failed again this evening. The tit-legates, o. of them, met the oper ators at 5 r. m. The latter refused to makeany more favorable offer than that agiec.l to iu the joint meeting which the state executive committee anil which miners have repudiated, viz.. the pay ment of wages tm regular paydays in pa jmt due I '(! days hence. This the 'ele gates refused to accept and withdrew. They will meet to consult to morrow morning as to what course to pursue. Killed The H rung Man. Mi npHKYsiioKo, Iu.., Ait;. "21 Last evening about " o'clock, at Muddy Valley, a coal milting town lo inilt-s northeast of Murpht yslmro. Kid How ard killed Rlatchel Pitthare, colored. Howard, 'who is a young colored man. had U-en struck the night before, and t ame back Sunday threatening' vengance. He asked who struck him. Someone 1-ointiil out IVtharc and Howard tired several shots, killing Ret ha re. He es cand and has not yet lieen camdit J IW-thel was not the man he wanted to kill, Howard may I lyuched if caught. bwder HKMN A!i OI IIKK XOIMU. Lee Sctitt, of Krie, w a shot to death tin Mondav by William Thompson, with whom he was hiintii.g. Mure than Soo ral t'esnakt-s have leeii captur.-d or kMI.-.l in the vicinity of Hick ory. Forest county. Ibis summer. rJ he breaking of a rope at Delano pre cipitated 47-ycar-ul.l John Otier 3Ti feel to the bottom of a well, and lie w ill tlie. 1 lappy and content is a home with "The Ro chester," a lamp with the liyht of the morning. Catalogues, ut it c Kuchesterl junjidOTewYurlu W. H. Seactti ist has broken jail at New l:i.miii!ie!d. lie w a- sentenced to a year's imprisonment recently for some cr.tokcd -ness. Paul Smith, of McClintock ille. near Oil l ily, ai-cideiill V shut and killed his his brother w lule tliey were out camping til: Monday. In the L' idled Stales the average life for farmers is t',1 ears; fur lawyer-. J1J; merchants, 4-: mechanics, 47; seamen, 4ii; laborer. 41. Thomas Mal.niey, of Krie, who was one of u ci"w d that titithereit the proprie tor of a in. -rrv-go-r.iuud, was shot in the iiet-li and may tlie. Two hand-eiiililtiiileled screens ill the Japanese exhibit iu the Fine Arts Ruild iin; at t he World" Fair are allied at f (I and S.U.imo each. ru hyL'ieue is upsetting all our uld-fashioueil dietary notions. Ii v toasts ami oatmeal are cried down as deadly while filed bacon i laude'J us ideal food, suitable for babies and suckling. ('oniiellsville ami its vi.-iuity are over run with foreigners and o: her w ho, claiiii ing to lie the unemployed workmen, scour the country for all property that is port able and worth cai lying off. Uni intr a storm siaturday night Farm er Coy's large barn, near II i.r.lingiloii, was struck bv lightning and burned to the ground. Farming implements and much of t his year's crops were consumed. Tlie lo-s is several thousand dollars. The Wcstciii t'nii.ii employes iu Pittsburg were pai.l bv check lat week, ami across the face of the check wa stamped tin- word '"Payable throuuh clearing hou-e only." The oiily explana tion given w a that su Iticieu I cui 1 eiicy was not otuaitnble. Jehu l.'oopcr, aue.l 4S, while cleaning out a well at Ivlaus, near Mahanoy City, on Saturday night, fell to the bottom sus taining fatal injuries. He had almost completed his w.ik anil was going down for the lat time when the lope broke throwing him to the hollom. The most curious thing alout tin; but terfly is the size -jf the ease from hich the insect, compared with the sit: of tin- insect" lMxIy. The cae is rarely more than one lech lung and a quarter of an inch in t lii.-klies-; th,. hultt-ltly eovcls a surface of nearly four inches square. A special from Oallipolis, Ohio says the Ohio liver is lower now than ever" know a in tls history. Steamers are un able to run ami hundred- of men are nut of t-mplov mem in con-eoiieliee. People can til iv e acnes I In-i iv -r in a buggy, some thing thai ha not ht-.-ii done for til ly ear-. A panther broke into a Mexican's house in the mountains near Temhsloue, All... and stole a baby litiiu the cradle. The Iliol itei' a a kelled li tin- noise, pur sued, hui l.-.l a liouldci' at him and killed til in. Tlie child was badly s. r.i.cle-.l ly rock ami brumbies, hut ot In I w is.- unhurt. The h aifit uld coal pit at Hoi liiiuud, i u esi phaha. wa ihe scene of a terrible a.-ci.iciii on Saturday. An explosion of lir.-iiaiiip oeeiii reil, kiilint; ao persons and iiijiniim many .others.. Oi.-at excitement pr.-v ails, ami I he d.-laii of t he atlair are not v.-t at hand. It is feared that some of Ihe lujiiied w lil die. A reiuai kahle piece of cmri neeri ng ha lieell coll. pit-led 411 Lake Al.gelllie. near 1-hpeuiitm, Mich., W belt- pumps have been in operaliuii for t he la-t Hi mouth. Tlie lake covers bin acres and w as '. feel deep. The water covered extelitsve deposits tif iron or.-, and it w a v ihi account that the lake w a- pumped dry. A siecial from .Mania's Ferry, O., say: A traction engine became unman ageable and ran backward down a hill, cru-hhig six children w ho were following I it under the w hi-el. Carrie an. I V.-llif Ack.-i man. a II and were killed out right; Klla King, tioth legs broke and will die, and three other Were dangerously hurt. Thoma Malou.-y, of I'uhiii City, lie dyina in Krie, in t-ousetiueiice of iii own r.t-kl.-s-iiess. He and a gangof his friends went to the iiierry-go-rotintl at I'uioii w ith the intention of mooning the proprietor Ut aus.-he had puiihhed a rowdy the. pre vious evening, t larke tiH-ued lire tin the gang and Maloney was shot through the jaw and neck. Clarke is iu prison. An unknown disease is depleting the heard of the Hast Marlborough farmers in the eastern part of Ihe slate. One of the cattle ow ners, Kvau Raker, has lost four cow s and a large o. A similar epidemic appeared in tin; lie ighborh.MMi aUiut 4tl year ami, Put had not lieen seen there since. I r. Rridge. stale veterinarian has lieen requested lo examine the infected herd. The national bank tif South Pennsyl vania, at II) iidmaii, Kedford county, has closc.1 its doors. The hank was operated by John K. and (Jeorge It. White, who owned 4:t.aO of tlie stock. Resides this they operated four large tanneries located at llyndmaii. Dry Run and Mann's Choice, which were also forced down in conse quence. The liabilities are estimated at; assets $:co,i. Six masked men stopied a passenger train tin ihe Misisippi Valley branch of the 1 lliiiuis Central railroad, aud held up Deputy United States Marshal Stockton, near Memphis. Teiin.. They tlieu took his prisoner, Charles Tail, (colored.) from the train and shot him to death. He was chained to the seat, hut they took seat and all. Tait had murdered his employer, a farmer named U. C. Peele, last September, and had just U-en captured. Howard Rreiiuan, whose home is in New York, went out on the Xiairara river iu a ail boat at noon tm Sunday. While olTOrass islam! he attempted to faten Ids craft to it passing steam yacht. In so doing his Imat w as overturned and he was throw n into the water. The crew on the yacht tried to save him, and followed hiui down a far as they dared tow ard the 'dead line." hut finally had to givtf up as Rreiiuan disappeared just In-fore reaching the while line of hrt-akers. His body went over the American fa'ls, and it is thought w ill hardly be r.i over"d until some days pass. Rrentian was about 'M years of age, and had U-eu boarding at the Hotel Al-laulaqur. pS SAVE YOUR MONEY. No better way than by careful and ju dicious buying. This August Clearance Sale Iu these stores presents opportunities sel dom met met w ith for favorable and for tunate buying. SHAWLS. One lot--rn tine all-wool CASIIMEKK AND CH L' I) DA SHAWLS full size in plain colors and J acq u ard Weave, with p:aiu centers. lilack and (irev Checks and Plaids Creams, Piuks. Light Rlues, Cardinals, Tan, etc., nid all fancy combinations and colorings at -'.") they're worth from l.'M to" .( -at one price, t-'.aO. WHITE GOODS. yards Hemstitched Plaid India Linous iu assorted large broken plaids, suitable fur Vrapers and Dresses and Aprons, and some people use them for Shauis they are ",'S inches wide we sold lots of them early in the season "-.'ac. a yard and they are well worth it; but we lioiorht this lot under pi ice and we will sell them that way 12iC. A YARD. 1 .000 yards Satin Striped India Liuous wide, handsome, stylish stripes, solid, broken, and graduated nice for Ladies' aud ( hildreii". Dresses. r.ic A YARD. yards Hemstitched Stripes plaid effects extra wide; ii iii:-hes Yi.) tc. A YARD. . iui yards Florentine Roles side Imrders for "Ladies' and Children's Aprous U inches w ide l-'.'c. A YAK D. A lot Rarred and Striped India Linous t rokt-u and graduated stripes, nlaid and checks l- inches wide lOe. A. YARD. White Ikitted Swisses Scotch goods l.V. A YARD. (o-uiiiiie White Dotted Swisses from Switzerland am-. A YARD. A Unit yards i'luiiietis or Printed I lot ted Swi beautiful colored figures on black and light colored ground werefiae. a yard out on the cou liter at t.'ac. A YARD. Send u your orders by mail. We're making the price bring us a larger busi-ii.-s ihi mouth thaii ever before right iu the face of the genera' depression. BOGGS&BUHL, 115, 117. 119 & 121 Fefleral St, ALLEGHENY, PA. JOHN PFISTBR, IIEAI.F.K 1 51 GE1IERU dlEBCIIillDISE, Hardware, Qaeeisware, r.lADE-UP CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, VKbETAHLM IN hCtMIX, I tRNKNN, KTC. OPPOSITE JUNCTION HOTEL CRESSON, PA. msKI -July JUST RECEIVED! A LAKtiK LOT Boots & Shoes HOUCJHT AT Sheriff's Sale ! FROM THE 2-.TOCK OF W. E. SCHFVIERTZ Sl CO., PlTTMItrKU, PA. The public invited to call. Prices away down. JNO. LLOYD & SONS. To Investors. ltrHY ko away from bum to seek InventmrnOJ T trtien you rmo tuf lJeooyl7nl Kimt MurtKave net-uritier on tbe Vurtk or Monlbljf r) rni-nl plan and whirl, will net you twenty par rxnt. on Jtmr nitiuey? Kor arllrulani call on or a.l.lre. H. A. tNOLtHAKT. Ai. S. 11. Kbeoa'-xiric, fa X7TI'K tK APPLICATION OF HOKOl'UH i CliAKIKK. Net Ice Iii bereny gtren tbat an application will t- made to the Court ol Huarler Sonluiii ol t'aui bria tsiuntv. Pennv Iranla. on Mem, Irmerr 41 h. IHttS, tor a buroub cbarier lr the volute ol SpuuKier. aituaui iu tbe townihlp ol snfueniin, county of Cambria and atate ol Pennsylvania, the atyle and title ol wbtrh la to t "1 he borough ol iianvler. " M. I. KITTTKLU Attorney lor petitioner!. Etwntnra. Pa., Ana;ni 4. lino. N-l.TlCE la bereby ttlren tbat tbe followlna; ccuuut hae lieen Died In tbe Court ol km nun fleaa ol Cambria county, Pennsylvania and will lie rob ffrnitd by raid court on the bril Monday ol Sootember, unleai cause tie hwa to tbe coolary: Pirnt and final account ol J. M. Sbuoiakcr. trunra to sell the leual title ol Job a A. Knee, de -eased . and equitable title ol Alliert M-Onoe J. c. HAKHV, l-Ti.tbonotary' t.Ulce. Ante. 11. 1(M3. Prutby CALESHEf WANTED af TuMllM'KStKV MTiKK. Wearrowall Ins best tr rlotle. old and new. replace all sUirk tbat dle. and siuarantee oallHIarllun. H Ik best alar, or cemuilialon ald from the start. Write for terms. 11. t. looker Co.. Nursery men, Kocbester. N. tstabllshed 1K. Incorporated 113. Wr A N1 KD.- Kellable men to sell our eboln f svnd bardy Nursery Stuck, and SmkI Po taioee. lull and complete line. Many varieties can oniy ue obtained tbruuicb us. Couiuilfalua or alary bald weekly an 1 l-romptly. Ktrlualve and choice ot territory given. Iion'l delay. Write at (Dee tor terms. ALLEN Nl'KSEKY Co., July aot. n. L. iid. BIATZIOT KBAUB. REED & READE, Attorneys at I ivav, tKENSUt'K.I. - - PENNA ar-t mice on Centre street. (4 28 m M. D. KITTELL, Attorney-Dt.jjaw. KBENSBUKt. PA. omce la Armory Building. opp.Coart Uoum. TW. DICK. ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. tBSUHBUKO. PbhsI'a , SpjclarttentloB to Riven claims for Pen Ion Bounty, etc. ch7- mtt T F. McKEXRICK, J ATTOimiT ,UC I'BKKI.LOB AT Law, KHtNSHl'KU. w 'ftlce on Centre street. PA D ,ONAID E. nilFTON, Al'lt I KIN Ei-AT LA W, csistscu, ni l-ej 1 1 (Tire D Opera House. Center street. H. H. MYERS. ATTt tkN EY-AT-LA W, Ksissnis, Pa. " la QoHoaade Kosr. sa '-nn su-au' EtfEKYTMNC OH WKEEtS, Buggies, "Wagons, Farm Macliiiiery, Saw Mills, Engines and Boilers. a Oliver Invented and Gave to tho World the Chilled Plow. mmmt OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS MADE ONLY BY THE Oliver Chilled Plow Works, South Bend, Indiana, ARE THE BEST GENERAL PURPOSE PLOWS IN THE WORLD. A strong statement but a true one, for these plows are better known, have reached a larger sale, have had a longer run, have proved more popular and given better satisfaction than any other plows on the face of the glole. We mean the GENUINE OLIVER, and not the imitations claim ing to be the Oliver, or equally as good. Such imitations are on the market, placed there by unscrupulous manufacturers who seek to trade on the good name of the Oliver. Look out for imitations, buy omy the genuine Oliver plows and repairs, and be sure you are right before you take the plow home. sWOnce more Deware of "bogus" Oliver, plows ami repairs, and take none but the genuine, made by the Oliver Chilled Plow, South Bend, Indiana. aMsajTsseeWeq mi Iiook at My TJucoiiditioiial Guarantee. I tniaranlee the Rico Coil Spring Vehicles to be the i-a-it-t riiling antl most ilurable niatle in the world. If after six u-ckV trial the Rice Coil is found not to be the easiest riding spring )nu ever used, I will exchange lor any other style. MILBURN Hollow Iglf FARM AXLE. WMS3- WAGON MY CUSTOMERS SAY IT is tiu: Easiest Running, IIet Made, Tliey EVERY OXK rsrMii.i'.i iiN new mmiki: i.k.w i:s SHoLLUKU.S. The Weak- est Point in a Spoke is where it enters the Hub. Milburn is the Strong est. TIk-nc ftmr SpoUt-s art sann- a-s nst-il Iiv iln-r iii;iiiiifai-tiir-rs of farm Waims. MILBURN NEW HUB. J2T""S'iiJ fir iH-ial circulars ami jri-- if an) t Liiitf in my lini-. 1ST . B . S W A. N lx, 307 Cor. Main antl ReJfonl Streets, JOHNSTOWN.PA. THE BEST PLACE IN ALTOONA TO BUY CLOTHING IS AT JOHJS JFc COAWEL V S 1300 ELEVENTH AVENUE. Where you will. find h complete line of Men's, Roys' anl Chil dren's Suitings in all styles and qualities. for Men and Roys, for Style and Finish can not be beat for the l i i'1' Furnishing Goods, Hats ami cans, TRUNKS AND SATCHELS in endless varieties. You are invited to call and see us when in Ihe eityand we will do you good. JOHN McCONNEIsL, x LTOOXA , I'KXX A . New WMle Front BiiMint New Stock of DRY GOODS, MILLINERY AND CAR PETS. Call to see us when in town. JAMES GTTHHOTSr- WATHINCTON AND JEFFERSON COLLECE. MNCrV-l HI Kit VKAK 0,n. IS. Kulljr e4a imm1 lr c.l le e e...rk A''tn'f ed to prepare krrtd flllie leral pn.leal. n l.alNiraiarlea lr 'T- tMmi: aad HMihiy. atl.letle Ktold aJ ce Ojuaaius. wiUi Mll-l J'","r1 . iLLXLtSTf- Alaaaal DTI. airtilreas Facts FOR Farmers KNoKMOl s iNt :i:a-k IN s,l.i; i RICE COIL SPRINGS ! Rest Painted, Rest Ironed Wiiuii ( 'an Riiy. GUARANTEED. i ni; wood at i.otii thi:o,t The IIuli is not cut avvav at the t enter and the Spokes do not come togelher. 5 J 113 Clinton Street, Jolmstown, Pa. inb eSV - - ' "7