KfiKNTI'lMJ, rAMIM'.IA TO.. PA. ITJIIAY, JINK .), is; it. n rtriK sivr nr.ru. X."t wim W is roiirtli-or-.Iulv week ami in :u't'oril :i ni' wiili cusloin lii.-r.' will be Mil I'KKKMAX i.oll.'.i. !. . I. AXI prKM(.1iL KIh-iisIhii-jj's inn iikiI scliiMtl closes on liiiluy. -Mr. .1. K. liri.-klcy. of Spunkier, was a v iinr to Klx-nsliiiri; on S;itunl;iy. "ri.l:iy isthciiay for tin' s'ci;il t'l.T lii.n in iliis placi'. Don't foriri't 10 votf. - M i-s. Maiiirif Jinny, of Ilout.ilair. v-iii il fii.nils in Elu-nsluii i on Monday. I'i'aicl walk lias Im-.-ii laid in Ivcl ,:nU fi'"!ii the driveway to t In-rottaiics. Mr. Silas M. Douglass, of Cl.-iirtit-M t,.v tihif. 5sint a few hours in town on ill.l.l.lV- Mr. I'- . Philips is having a vvrlr ,.ni!iii for water on liis premises near M h.'h' I'iirk. jl,... -is. ISrown .V Kiniliall. liverymen ( pi are, lost, u Villuutil. lioise by I, ,i I, mi J'riil.iy. iiiiii l'.arki-r, w ho lias lieen at tenilin-; I jmii i ii-i-ollee, at Kasi.on. I'a., ret-tirned I,,,.,,., mi j rina. Mr. K. II. Thompson, of I'liilailelpliia. I, :,. I., i ii viiliiiii relatives uinl friemls in pl.ii'e for the past few tiays. I.;iul owners sin mi lil rememlH'r that ,,: i- a heavy penalty for allowing Can- ilii-tles to iriow on their land. I . l man .lolies. of t his plaee. who lias ... n al eolleire in M illersville. Pa., the p.i-t term, reiiu tied Inline on Friday. - Tin- m.'iiiii shovel working at the west i.f town has erosseil the pike. The cut u i;i he completed in a couple of weeks. - Moriraii Huirlies. Jr., of this place, was .,m r. lv injured by the sealTnldiiii.' giving :i a v u hi le at work plastering on 1 II esd a y. Mi l k con nt y fanners are disposing ol II, !ir cattle to enaaire in sheep-ra isi us. cl.iiiiiin- ' he lat tel" to lie mole profitable. Tin- I kes working on t he new railroad havi ordered an extra ipiaiitity of beer for 1 inipoe of properly celebratim; the I'uiirt li. Two Slavs were arrested at .Job nsto w n iiiiil iv and held for court to :uiv.-r tin- ehariie of robbimr the Arab peddler in-ai ( ailolltown last week. iiii Saturday niiiht Fast 1-ine killed three enws near Sheridan station. The , ,.u belniii-'ed lo Mis. Ilill. a widow, and the ln to lier is a severe one. A inn' of ball was played at l.i.ittto lietweeii a nine ironi Klieii-bui i; Jh.l a nine Irmii i'.itton which resulted in a victory fur I'at toiv h' il score of !." to .'!. -le v. P.. II. Fish, of this place, will hi.iil t u o erv ices at Spuiiirl.T on Smiihty int. I'reaehiiitr in the a f I ernoi n at .1 uVI.nl, and in t hi- eveni ni; at 7:'!H. -line t honsand dollars w as s..M at the l:lt llleetill! of the Kben sbll ra 1'. 1 1 ! ill i II II .V Loan Association on Monday la-t at I u -1 1 1 i t i in of ".'I and VI 1 j per cent. Mr. S. L. Di iiras. w ho is opera t i iik the .tea in uriM mill in this plaee. ha- taken up hi- I es'dcncc on I lie plein i-es a ml customer- will :i!u ay- liml him on t he hand. - Aunes. daii"hter of M i s. .laneand the hlle 'Siplile .luiill ( o. dieii al the home of her mother at Johnstown on Monthly of in 1 1 lt 1 1 o i; liie. She wa.-almost, v.' yens of aire. - A -i.i I'le heh hi aim; to ,1 1 din P. art in A I t. una .i--e! on lire on Sunday iimriiiiiu; ;m I hill 'lied down. A hor-e beloiiirina lo Vain Smith, kept in the stable, was r...i-!ed ill I lie flames. -Mr. I a niel ( J i!!ati, a nat i v e of Illack-lii- lntn-hip. but for the past twenty-six ..n- a resident of Iowa, is vi-itinr ',: . ini- In ar hi- old lioiiie, w here lie intends rein a i ii i ii u for about a moiit li. A ten-yi -ar-old son of I-aiiore Oaks, of S iinnn i hill, w as kicked on the fai r by a ii .ii -e ! i . 1 1 1: i 1 1 r to his fat her one day la-l Week ili'e Irinliiiij t I If uiiiits.il lo water. Tin I.ii'-j.iw bom wa-broken. -At the Spanaler picnic held ill that j. la. ii Wednesday and Thur-day of last v.. fi.iin was taken in. about vi nf which i- clear, and is for the benefit of tli- in n I at hoi ic church lit that place. -Mr. Lewis Wissi naer. of t'oneinaiiah ".iii-hip. on Wednesday of lat. week iiiiii a!-d the one hundredth anniversary "f in-birth. A I. u (! niimbi r of r.-iaiives ;in.l li ieini- took part in the celebration. Mi'. Iaii Zahm, eimineer on the branch. Iia- in hi- po--e ion it piece of rocw taken !i .in il I a : I mad i lit. a short distance west 'i.."i.ii. ill w hieh the fossil, remains of ii iimiiI.i r i.t lianls are jilain to be seen. .la. oh .lolies and wife, of John-tow n. iii'i i In-, us ma rried two weeks, had an al i. at., hi :ii tin home in that city on ':i"iav iiii.i tiim;. and !u the scrap Mrs. a. - ;itb i tiuiiately bit oft her husband's .ir. I 'iiii a hi iivy hiinder-stoi m al Sunday niaht liahtniiii; . of V. II. Iliil. ii at Mor--tiible and carriage house but the horses ami ear ed. .1 tow ii on I'" n the M,tb e...i.:.. The ! l .. . ii I' .ii.- Wile at Mi run ti, iliira. litither .v Davis will Moiiiiiiiin House lively at t'ris-uii "'ii and fur that purpose on Thiirs-i-i week tiaTis!"rroil a lot of their I.i v ''"' .'i''d Vehicles To Ihat pi. lee. Mr. ' llaiii will manaae the business at t'res- '.ii. W I. w i . i, men were diairiic; a cellar :' N"i:i, Li ait. luck II ther day they ''""' 'wo e.tiiuon lialls. i-acli w eiirh i six 11. "V an- relies llf the delelll of Li ii.l.l.i. k in 1T.V., and will be '"' in the aineaie litirury al llr.ul- I a.. :,., . at William-port on Tuesday ' !..! a lM.x lloatinaiu the iiyer and '" hiuijiiiir t: to shole and piyinait ' 11 hoi iiiied to 1 1 1 1 1 in it two larac ! '-. Till- sllilkes were fil-telied ''' iii-aie ot i it,, box by it strinif. They " - !! d:-p. itched. ' 'in Lvucli a brakcinan on the Sus I'.'i .'i.t eteu ion nftlii'l'A C raiiroail -I. i. ... .i.i . ':!. I t.. nu car m ar t he ( ai toll'ow u 1 I ur-ilay moiuiiiL', was lluowti : a iiiovin car and liad his m ad II. was -J1 ye-trs (,f aae. We ai u w lu re his home was. 'I. ;, A i ' and Howard Kiliie eliai.'.d !' Nicholas Wi'iil,., of Joiiiis "n. ! .- .si i on Monday of List week. ' '' " -te I ai, ,aiiea-ter, their former 'on Nai,r;Ji,y ami brought biiek to ''''.'All. Wln-re :iri... i I finir u..-j. .1.,, "iimi ow r to answer the charge at court. 1 I" 'Mountain House at ( re--in w.ts I" ""I up for quests on Tuesday. Limit- I West w 111 slop al II,;,! point ; ii ti e Iiii en.'! ! s to iret on or nlT. ' ' I,.. I Viltlon car will be run between i '"ii and Alt.Miiia i ,. n...r , I Kx pre w' -t and hay Fx press 'ii-t. 1 1"- ih fiinct Pennsylvania ami '-"lit railroad, which extends West from Liooks- Mills, in Llalr county w aiaded and ready for htvi,, '" 'lack. wa-s.,, by llieshenlTol. M f... i ;.p Th, ,,urt i:is,.r uas .(rv J'-"'.!, win, repieseniH claims areau 1 M- s veral liundn j thousand dtdlar. A t'deiiraiii received at tLis place on Wednesday eveninu', broucltt tlie sad in telliai'iice that Mr. Thomas Sweeney, a In-other of Mrs. II. J. Crouse, of this place, was killed tiv the cars at P.lairsvihe, on I Wednesday about noon. He was almut A: years of nije. There was a tneotinirof tin- members of the Fifty-fourth reciineut Pennsyl vaniil volunteers a,t the Somerset House, Sonier set. on Tuesday niulit for the purpose of arranaina for tlie annii.il reunion of the K'Lritnent, which is to be held at Somerset on September t'.. A summer sojourner in Ebet.shursr has declared eternal hostility to cows and has had several impounded for tresspassing on his pn mises. The people of the west end are discjissinji tlie advisability of commit inu toaet her and emiiloyimr a cowboy to round up their stock every iiiaht. Charles Melville, for many years tlie most famous circus rider of this continent (now TJ years of ape.) has lately visited his old home at Whisky springs, near Johm tow n. Although he oi.ee drew a salary of it week, lie is now penniless and on his way to the Soldier's Home at Erie. is said that the next meeting of th Farmer's Institute for this county w ill lx held on tlie Prinaledale camp meelintf around at Wilinore and that location is favorably looked noon by both Hon. J. J Thomas and Hon. J. C. Sliuetnan. What s tlie matter w ith Fbeiisburn, the county seat. The first wreck on the Susquehanna branch railroad occurred on Saturday, caused bv the breaking down of a freight car on the horse-shoe curve nearly wppositi the Carrot town depot. 1 he car was thrown across the track, but the passenaer car in ihe rear kent the track and none of the passengers were injured. Landlord Craver, of t lie JJlair House, hits the appearanecof h:i ina none Ihroiigl it prize liaht anil coming out second best. He has several cuts and bruises on his head lint they are not due lioweyer o an encounter in tlie prize rinu, but to his bar keeper having let a beer keg fall down on him while in the act of getting-il out of the ice house i day last week. Six new pattern class P passenger en gines arc now being built, at the Juniata shops in Altooiia. These ergine.s have seveuty-eiglit-iuch driving wheels and are to be used in the service between New York and Washington. They are to 1m taster than anything now in use on tlie Pennsylvania lines. The lirst one, it is expect, will bo finished this week. Frank Loadtiaii. of Walst.on. Tieat Pnnxsiititw ney, committed suicide on Sun day by blow ing his brains out w ith a shot gun. L. ladm : li had been placed under arrest for stealing tools from the mines and hiid asked permission to go up staiis and change his clothing. The constable pei mitted him to do so and a few minutes later the report of it gtiti was h"iird. Tin- general store of Klinefelter it Mc Fcatcrs a t Conemaugli w its entered by burglars tit an early hour on Saturday tin. ruing, who broke open the safe, getting about ?."..! in money and taking about li;0 wort li of goods from the store. Ftitrauce wasellected by prying open tlie rear door of tiie store with too.'s taken from the blacksmith shop of Mr. McCartney, in the same place. The P.lair county commissioners have disallowed t he claims of t he several tlldiT meii. j list ices of t he oeacc. and constables of the county for increased f,.-s under the fee bill passed bv the late legislature. The reason for their refusal to pay is the con stitutional provision that prescribes that the salary or emoluments of nnv public of- lii'ei-sbaH not be increased or diminished apter his election or appointment. Saturday twine pay-day for the men employed on the railroad extension at Liwkorf. a man named Ward went to Johnstown to receive his wages. While returning home Lite Saturday night, he. bv some means, fell from the train near New Florence and was cut in twain bv tlie wheels which passed over his body. Ward was a stone nia-on and had been working on the new railroad bridge at Lock port. Last Thursday Joseph Horajak died at his home in the Ninth ward, lie having been sick tmt a short time. Saturday Joseph whs buried with much honor, the Austrian MTisicul Society, of which tie was a member, turning out to the funeral in a body. About 'he time of his funeral his brother Adolf had an attack of something li ke a paralytic stroke, and he too died, passing awny yesterday after- llllllll. Jol IINfOIDI fCIVllL Harry Davis a carpenter of Dystrt. w ho had been working on the fjogan Vat ley Electric Railway, running from Hnlli dayshiirg to A'toona. on Thursday even ing of last week went to Ilollidaysburg for tlie purpose of getting his marriage license, intending to be married the next day. In attempting to hoard a ear while in motion lie lost iiis hold and was thrown under the wheels, when both hps legs wetecnt off and bis head and body badly cut and lacerated. On Sunday night the little mining town of Export, ten mites north offlreens liurg. was the scene of drunken riot among the Dalian miners who are employed t here, dtiri ng which one of their iiumb.-r, named Hany Antonio, was shot in tlie body three times by a fellow countryman named Vera..aui. who as soon as the shoot i ng wits done, fled t the woods and has, jt is thought, skipped the country. Physicians were immediately summoned, but have only slight hopes for tLe injured mini's recovery. When (Jovernor Pattison was in Cam bria county the other day an enthusiastic Democrat cheered him its the next presi dent. This is t.ie yiew which it. is under stood the governor himself takes of the politicit' future, although there is a pretty general Democratic opinion that as he w ill lc out of oflice w hen the next presidential nomination is made lie missed his chance !it-t year. lie could have had the Demo cratic nomination then with the Pennsyl vania delegation .supporting him. IVilUi th:lpfibi . There is rough land on almost all our farms w here it would pay Iwtter to plant ir its l ilh for the timber and for the nuts tor tlie market than anything else. A large fa rni w i t h t hese t rees si-t on the road side, perhaps thirty feet, from the centre of the road 'trid twenty-live feet apai't. would sell enough nuts annually to pay the taxes and b-.ivc n surplus for each picker suf ficient to pay for the picking. Just why farmers should neglect to properly care for sin h trees and suffer loss thereby is hard t understand. An aged man named James Kelly, w ho resided with his son-in-law . Jacob Young, oil Sherman street. Johnstown, wandered away on Weddesday of last week and was missing for several days, w hile his friends wete anxiously hunting for htm. He was found on Monday at the Aim-house, where he had ben takeli from South Fork on Friday. Mr. Kelly had wandered up to South Folk where he was found walk ing aimlessly about, and Iwiag unable o aiye iiii intelligent iiccount of himself, was sent t.i the Almshouse. William I'erkey, of East Conemaiiffh, a sou of ( leorge W. ISerkey, met with a very serious accident yesterday afternoon atxitit .'i o'clock. The Imy who is only t years old. as stealing a ride on a freight train. When a short distance above that place the hid attempted to jutr.p from the moving train, when by some means he fell under the cars. The wheels did not cute It him and his injuries consisted of several bruises and scrarches caused by his com ing in contact w ith the brake gearing of tlie cars. It Is remarkable that he escaped with his life. JuhiiHluwn ItniHtentt. Mr. Daniel Shumun, a former resident of Jackson tow n-hip, w ho last fall pulli-d up stakes, went west and settled in Daw son county. Nebraska, where he bought a farm, returned with his family on Friday last, having come to the conclusion that there is no better place to live in than Pennsylvania. Mr. Shumar: got a chance to sell his farm in Nebraska, took the op portunity and is now going to settle down again in old Cambria. United States District Attorney Mf Candiass last week obtained from Judge Huftingtoii, of the United States District Court at Pittsburg, a rule on Thomas M. Daks, sheriff of Huntington county, to show cause w hv he should not appear and stand trial for contempt of court in allow ing J. W. Ellwood, the postoflice burglar, to escape. Ellwood is tlie man arrestid for robbing postoflices and who escaped from the Huntington jail recently. In the petition asking for the rule on the sheriff. Ellwood's arrest, escape, etc., are detaileu by Marshal Harrali. The dwelling house of James Knabb, of Cherryhill township, was struck by lightning during the storm on Sunday night, last. The family - were in lwd at the time and all were more or less shocked. The greatest charge entered the room where Mr. Knabb and wife were sleeping and set the carpet on fire. Mr. Knabb re covered in time to extinguish the llatnes. It ii t even then the troubles of the family were not completed. After '.hey had got oyer the fright caused bv the lightning, a heavy gust of w ind came along and blew tlie roof off the building. The interior of the house was Moo Jed and much damage was the result. Iiul'miui Mixsvittjcr. "ISill"' Pritts. the crafty moonshiner who for the past 15 months hits success fully eluded capture in the mountains of Somerset county, xvas shot through the left arm on Monday morning by "Koll"' Hochstetler, a son of Pritt's murdered vic tim, Jonathan Hochstetler. Constable Foresprung, of Trent, accompanied by three nu-n. lwi ot tnem sons oi .irmai nan iiocn- stetler. went to Pritts' home, where they found him, and w hen he started to run. shot him in the arm. Prills surrendered and was taken to his home, but Id-fore a physician arrived to dress tlie wound one of his nephew s appeared on the scene am! pul his uncle's captors to rout. The old moonshiner's arm was broken by tlie bullet that pierced his elbow. Marrlaefi l.l-'nn. The follow ing marriage licenses were is sued by the Clerk of the Orph-ins' Court for the week ending Wednesday, June .'s, lsiKi: William Tross and Mary Shaffer. Johns town. Levi Savior and Katie Keafer, Upper Yoder township. John K. Jlwles and Annie McColley, lohnstow u. Francis Chappel and Delia Walker, South Fork. Charles Jones. Chicago. III., anil Lena Thomas. Johnstown. M. II. Dash and Malwl M. Snowdeii, Concmaitgh. Thomas D. Helscl and Delia Hiner. Moi rellvelle. Mi tie Lirio and Mario (icordino, Has tings. Stephen Mlinarcsan and Amalia Ca-txir. Johnstown. Michael Drass, Chest township, and race Myers. Llitiu City. Pa. Schuyler C. Davis and Minnie Stoiigli. Ebeushui g. Victor II. Nelson, Johnstown, and Edel la Davis. Elwusburg. Sainui 1 II. Fyock. Stonycreek township, ami Catharine tiilluiaii, Kichland town ship. Jordan D. Kipple and Olive M. Plotts, JollllSloW n. (lilliert Williams and Mary Jane Andcr ilerson, Cambria low n-hip. Edward McMann and Kasiah Dowser, West Taylor low n-hip. Henry Aiigustiu Illig. Carroll town-hip, and Annie Elialwth Crouse, Elwusburg. Curtis 11. McDoweil, F;t-t Concniaugh, and Eizie C. Ueed. Klacklick township. James W. Sheridan. Cassandra, and Mary Smith. Portage. Abi am Le.-ami Maria ileiimau, John stow u. Itert II. Waters and Minnie Harris, .lohnstow n. The i Hrrolllown Murdrr. Anthony K an Ifmaii, the Slay who was found near Carrolltown on Thursday morning brutally Iwalen and his compan ion. Joint Cleiniie, near by dead, was brought to the Almshouse the same even ing. KaulTmau has his left arm broken and has a niimlwr of bruises and cuts on his head, but is getting along well and will recover. The names of three of the murderers as given by Kaiillinan are Mike Mclloliskie, Joint Stii e and Nicholas Pruskur, alias Summers, w hile the name of the. fourth is unknown. One of them is a heavy-set. short man, with a black mustache and wore a dark blue cap; another of them Is live feet ten iucliif tall and weighs about Vltt pounds. The other two are of medium size, all Slavs or 1 1 tins. Up to this time they have not been ap prehended and t he chances are t hat they will go unpunished. It Is reported that the county commissioners have offered a reward of $P for the capture of tlie mur derers, hut if they have they are evidently trying to keep it quiet, as we have seen no public notice of any reward being offered. ItrllKlilfnl Toon. July 11th and r.ili, August sth and 2:td are the dates selected for this series of personally-conducted tours to the North. Walkins tilen, Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands, Montreal, Au Sable Chasm, Lakes Champlain and (icorgc, and Saratoga are among the many attractive places to be visited. The rate of flio.io applies from New York, Philadelphia. ISaltimore, Washing ton, Harrisburg and intermediate stations, and correspondingly low rates from other points. This rate ii. eludes every item of mwessary expenses during th entire time of fourteen flays spent on the trips, ami is remarkably low considering the large ter ritory covered and the luxuriouseniertain ment afforded at the different places. For detailed information address (ieorgc W. Doyd, assistant general passenger agent, Philadelphia, or apply to nearest passenger or ticket agent, Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Nprlmrr-a urmp. Springer escaM'd unaided, and more t ban that was ri'-cii pi ured at Lraddiwkby War den Young and servinl his term out. MmiHtiiini-vr. That is the first line in any paper in Cambria counry that tells how Springer escajwd, and we are gtad to hear that he got out unaided. II is escape was kept quiet and while it was generally siixised that Mr. Springer was behind the bars it was accidentally discovered that he was not there. It was then given out that he escaped some time previously. HisescaM was a little mysterious, and he would have Iwen a mighty mean man if lie had not al lowed himself to tw recaptured. A young man who resides In Cambria county came to town on Saturday evening at a lively rate of speed Iwhiml his horse. The gentleman was carrying his thumb pointi-d upward. Everyone he met he in fotmed he had I wen suake-bllten. After tieiug in town a few minutes he was in due il to counteract the poison by taking a dose of poison, w hich he did, and on his return home he had on toard a very big jag of bug-juice poison. Of course that woii'd bring him through all right. It re quired a man to hold him in the buggy af ter he got poisoned la U u. Cuulmrt SUmiUirtL ( iirrrHindriirr, Cn.ixti IiAllts, Mich.. June 2V, l.i3. Eilitirr CtimbrUi Frtt imni: Sir: Thinking that a brier sketch of some of Michigan's summer resorts would Iw interesting to tlie. readers of tlie Fkkk jias. I send this hoping it will not lose its way and wander to the waste basket. Of the inland states in the Union, Michi gan is far in advance, in the way of pleas ant summer resorts. The numerous liays and lakes, dotting the surface of the state, afford unexcelled facilities to pleasure seekers. In the northern part especially, nature has been very lavish in this respect, and along tiic coast of Luke Michigan are numerous watering places. The principal one in proximity to (Jrand Rapids, is Otta wa Reach, about 3." miles southwest. On tlie lsih in st., I, w ith a numlwr of others, took advantage of the first excur sion of tlie season lo the above named place. We left (iraud Uapids at'.i:.')J) A. M.. and after an hour's ride on the C. &. W. M. railroad we .-cached this twautiful water ing place. The hotel here was not om-ii yet, so we crossed Itlack Lake, w hich is a branch of Lake M ichigan, on a boat named "Lizzie Walsh" to the Macatawa side. Here a large park and numerous cottages make it a pleasant place for pleasure seek ers. When crossing tlie lake, my attention w as attracted by a cottage built on the top of a high hill, w hich resembled a castle built on a cliff near the ocean. On landing we passed a boat-house w here Uiats can be pnwured at all hours. A few steps farther on we came to a hotel, tlie Macala w a, w here we engaged dinner, then we took a stroll to see Lake Michigan. At a distance, where the waters of the lake seemed to kiss the sky, a blue line was discernable, but as we nearcd the coast it was almost invisible. The waves were stirred by a gentle breeze w hich gave the lake a grand appearance. After viewing the lake for some time, we wended our way through the sand hack to the walk and started for the park. On reaching the en trance, which is called the "Oolden tJate," (golden in name only.) wcentcred and made our way up a walk, which is large enough for a vehicle -to pass. The park has the apM-arance of a wood. It is not cleared as the parks art' in the East, but this makes it more picturesque. Along "jur way we noted many twaulful cottages, scattered here and there, also tables where x-rsous who had a lunch with them might set the table and sit dow n and eat w it h comfort. Many of us expressed a wish to stay here during the season. There is also a place of worship in this park. After wandering for aw hile we came to an opening from which we could see the lake in ail it's grandeur. We then went to the hotel and after partaking of a good dinner, we vent out on the pier of the light house, on lioth sides of u hieh were people fishing. After some dclilwrat ion, the gentlemen of the crowd went fishing and the ladies sat on the pier and read. While we w ere here tlie "Lizzie Welsh" went out on an excursion, and as we were too far from the diwk w hen it started w e could only watch it go hy. Numerous naptha launches plodded their way along the shore, bui some ven tured almost er entirely out of sight. About ."i:4." r. M.. we started back to the diM-k. and crossed on the lMiat to the Otta wa side, w here t he train w as waiting to carry, tlie party home. We arrived at Oram! Kapids. ahout T:.To r. m., having spent it very pleasant day. .Ik NX if. Cit.tVKit. KxrnrMloitM In Ihr Allnntlr I'avl. On July nth next the first of a limited summer series of sca-hotc excursions w ill tie run on tlie Pennsylvania railroad. The remarkably low rati- of Kl.t:: for the round trip will U-chargiil from Pitt-burg, w it li proport ioiiate rati s from other points, ami a choiceof destinations w ill Iwailowed. w in thei Atlantic City, Cape May, Sea 1-le City, or Ocean City. These tickets will Iw valilL for return pjissage for twelve days, thus affording ample time for either a limited trip or a restful fortnight by tlie sea. Many marked improvements bav Iwen made during the past year at these coast resorts in t he w ay of increased facilities and means of pleasure for the visitor. These rates apply on regular trains leaving Pittsburg at 4:!, 7:) and s:lo p. xi.. or on sjM'cial train leaving at S:.il a. xi., on tin- alxive mentioned date. The sM-cial train will Iw run on the fol lowing schedule, and tickets will be sold at at the rales quoted: Train leaves. lLll't A. XI. II :.".' -II :.V, I-. xi. 7: If. " rate. ;i ..1 . s .Ml . H ll Johnstown t reSSOIl Altoona Philadelphia Ar. For Jetaihil information address or ap ply to Titos. E. Watt. Passenger Agent, 110 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg. IKHIUE-WILLIAMS. Married at St. DeiiediCt"- church in Cai roll town, on Mon day June Lt"., ist. by Kev. Father Ray mond. Calistus Hogue and Miss Annie Williams, both of Carrolltown. DAVIS-STOF(;iI.-Marri.Hl at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Stough. in ElM-nsbiirg on Wednes day evening Hi s o'clock by Kev. Dow man. p'tstor of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Schuyler C. Davis and Miss Minnie Sough, Imth of Elwusburg. ILLIO-CP.OUSE. Married at the Chinch of the Holy Name in Elwusburg. on Thursday June '.. ls".i:t, by Kev. Father Deasy, Mr. Augustin Illig, of Carroll town ship, and Miss Annie E. Crouse, of E:wns burg. N ELS N DA V IS. M a rri.il home of the bride in Elwusburg at the on Wed nesday June u'S. su:s. by Kev. K. S. Jones. Mr. Victor Nelson, of Johnstown and Miss Delia Davis, of Elwusburg. M'DOWELL KEED. Married at the homo of the bride in Delsam. on Thursday June -.li. ls'.it. Mr. Curtis 11. McDowell and Miss Ellen M. Kc-d. How to Atclil Nprlnc lvrr. Spring fever, or that "tired" feeling, is occasioned by an excess of heat in the hu man IhmI y . The diet necessary to main tain animal heat during winter, is no longer necessary during the w arm months of spring and summer, am! a change is not only beneficial but necessary. To avoid any unpleasant results, and to keep up vitality the system should Iw stimula te by the use of a little pure whiskey Physicians throughout the country unite in prescribing and recommending ihe whiskies In d tied by Max Klein on account of their purity and general excellence, and the known reliability of his Silver Age, Duquesne and Ilcar Creek recommend them to all. Send for catalogue of all kinds of liquors, mailed free, to M ax Kiovin, X2 Federal street, Allegheny, Pa. mm. TIOSS Diet! al the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Koss, in this place. Mary Koss. aired is years and 5 months Interment in I lie Cut Indie cemetery in this place on Tuesday afternoon at o'chwk. VVIHTkK'S NOTJCl'. N'utMM la herrl.y nlven Mit the anelcni liavm lwn Kpeumu.1 suillli.r t cllrirll-uie tea turn) In the lio.nd ut K. .1. I'airUh. vxvrmor ol the Ut will ami testament ol I'jvi.I Mlila, late ol (Talllisln borutiKh. dermtaml. aa ahuwa ey hia tri ami Anal a.-juul to ami among tnte legally entitled IhiTrtn. 1 will ait at the AlU.rnrr.' Koom In ItielVxirl H.nee. KIo.liur. on S ATI ' U IIA V , J CKI 18-...I, at 10 u VI. ., a. M ., vi lien anil where tli.se tueretel may attend or t lurerer debarred from coutlDK In on aIJ land. J. . M'KtNKII'K. June 30. lsitt. Auditor. 1.VE-CrIKS Nll HTE j Kutate ..I Anthony 3. Vnra. deceased. Jttera tetauieourr lo the estate ol Anthony .1. dnrail, Imleol the lownnhlp ol Alleirlieny. In t'aiulirla euunty. PennSj Ivania. deceased, havtii lem only granted to us. notice la hereby Klren to all -erjii lmlrtld to oald en lain to make .aytnt-nt to u without delay, a :.l to all pereona haviuv cla ma aainat (aid eat .te to present them properly authenticated lor payment. KI.I.KN . IKINK All, KHAM tS U. KIITI.K. Linretto, fa., Jane 3o, unujtu Kxeoutori. BALTZZLLS'. ECHOES from the Great Sale yesterday spend gloomily with prospects of bad weather but did not abate the crowds. Rain or shine the masses pour in, the stre im of customers is steady to take advantage of what may be the last opportunity. Every room furnished dr.ring this sale will be a saving of from $5 to 10 easily. Furnishing goods. We'll have on sale to-day a big lot of men's night shirts, 75c. and SI iroods. at 50c, Fine balbriggan half hose, usual 25c. goods, now two pairs for 25c. About 15 dozen of the $2 silk shirts left to o at $1. The most marvelous streak of good value is still in the Shoe De partment. Mr. Whitmore says that at least two thirds ol the whole stock will go at $2. The goods in the basement are croing as fast as they can be hauled away and you Know that we have a number ot extra deliv ery wagons at work. The Ladies and Children's Hosiery Department will have to sell about 2U0 dozen of Roy 1 stainless hose at 22c. We unearthed a new lot of re serve stock of Ribbons yesterday. Also some beautiful fancy ribbons in the Millinery rooms. In the near future as soon as the crowds give us a chance to arrange the stull we will make a big ollering of Woolen Goods, Ulaukets, Underwear, Hosiery, HanneLs, etc., all suitable lor the coining sejison. -15ALTZELLS'? Altoona. 91 t.M-c-1 lanraai. Mollre. (llil.S WANTKII. (land waters will tie pat t ? lor Innlna; Kot.iu. KHrben and I--uulry tiirla. Extra watcea lor a (cood. l.aker. A.p jr to oradilrei-a T. H. Hfcl vr. LbcnitiDrit. r Jam 21 3t. Male I'ark. 'UK Klienjt.orif Huilillna: k. Loan Afaorfation 1 will otter for aale at the c -um-il chamber, Kl enghunc, on the !ourth Momlay lo June, l.txJ.uu. THUS. ItAVIS. 1tkr I.AKivtK, Secretary. PreMdent. I'HESieyeoa Kifleownejhr A. Uny. de X eeaaed.ot liaatlnira. will be put up for a aiiootinx mttch on July 5. isv;t. 1 he nun la nlrkle-plated, with ttlot e and open aivbt-. and la Tl 38 ca l tre. All maikatnen are Invited to at tend. 16.2 1 K yon are wanting Hooka, Stationary, Kmk I let. Holla, (tauiea. Toy a. Noveltiea. School uppileo. Kutiber Hoola or Shoea, etc.. etc.. jou can have y ur want cuppiled l.y a via t to T. K.lert' more, KiienMiur-. Although an old ea taliibeil one. It i ahreai-t ot the time and al ways well Dllcd witn Kooda ot all kln.li. An ex change lit.rary baa Leen aurted at thla ctore. it tit re lor aat.d lucent! Jon ran rent muit any txiok you want to read. Any hook or anrthm elre hot in Mock procured lor you at ont t. Ev erything a.ld at lowett lrl-ea. (lire na a -ll and ee tor jourpeli. ou never aaw fucn a larice and elefcant aloes lu Eheoat.ura:. fvnlllt'lj arrd t adaiialklrrlaK Or. Ilalnra' Uwldrn kBerllir. It Is manulactured as a oder. which ran ha iclven In a k la a ol leer. a cup ol cotlee or tea. or In loud, without the knowledge of the tient. I', la aliH. lately harmlea. and "ill etlert a erma . eni ami i-jxre.lj cure, whether the patle- I la a moderate drinker or alcoholic wreck. It h oeen kivku in thoutatidaol caaea and in every ii clar.ee a er.'ect cure baa lollowed. It neerlHt. The .uiu one liii,.renaleil with the hecini-. It be coiuea an utter loipoaaitilllty lor the litur a pente o exirt. 1'urea auarauleed.. 41 ).ae book ol particular tree. AJJicna OOLlitN SFE.UKlt; t:t.. auel.lr. loi liace M.. t'lnclohati . Note These: If iiitiTt'stfJ in any of tli.'m, write us for sunitil.-s ami nt if you don't Save Money on every yard you send us an ord. r for. l"4l pieces all-wool Diagonal Cheviot Serges, 3T I n lies wiile. in t-omplete range of the season's best colors, 35 Cents. You'll find tlie univeral falriris .Mieents, and you'll just save the difference. Sl pieces assorted American Wool Suitings, IniMirt.il lied ford Cords. Taffeta Clianae auls. Iteie Hourelte Slrii'., ;" and SS im-li.-s wide some of them all-wool some tliree-fotiitlis wool, 25 Cents, every yard worth Hicents, some .Ml cents; this sale, price, :!." cents. Vt pieces Finest French Satine.s, tiestofthe s'asons printinifs lieht and dark cttloi-iiigs, 25 Cents, regular jirice all season in this and othtT stores has lieen 35 cents. lil pieces cxtrir line American Satines, 25 (H iit quality at 15 CENTS. Mohairs, for traveling nnd street dree. 5' inch MOIIAIU :U1 LLI AXTINES, it. 4 shades of prey only, 75 Cents, that are $l.2S qualities as lisually boupht and sold. 44 inch Mohairs, in all staple colors, 50 Cents. That is remarkal.lequalitv and value for .Ml cents.- 1 tetter see aU.ut these. They're worth look i iik alter. B0G6S&BUHL, 115. 117, 119 & 121 Fefleral SU ALLEGHENY, PA. VITIiiniK NOTICE. Noticw I herehy clven that the nn.ler aianol havlna; been ai.olnted Auditor to di trtoute the lund In the haoda ol I'aul Yabner. eierntor ol Jot n Haker, late ol Clearfield town- hlp. deeeaaed.aa anown by hi tlrat and final aocoont, to tboae legally milled there to will (It at the AttiH-neya' F.m In ttoart Houae. Uitmbani on r'KI l V Y. J l E SO. lMU. at It) o'elk, r. at., when and whera tboae intertilled may attend or be forever debarred Irom coming In on aald luna. 11. U. MYKKS. June lfl. Auditor. A. C. FISHER, Painter and Paper Hanger, PATTON, PA. The nmleralicned ll now located In Patton and la prepared to do Palatine: In all It lrinchee. House t-ainilnfc, 8ln I'aintlnK, OraluinK and I'a ier HaDKin a apeclalty. Matlrlitct. n ruar anleed. A. 1). t lSHtK. mal!V3 cnnctR anil "rumor i'Rr:r t fio lrar. in lra iluTMm & Huhm, yiamiiaai. w IS Attention i TO LL JJ Jl ii J AVe are convinced that our prices and goods are right. Since we became Simon & Co.'s successors our daily sales up to date have increased just 40 per cent., and we still continue to sell at the same small profit figures. In Clothing you can be suited in a Suit for yourself, your boy or boys in higher quality than price. In Spring and Summer Styles we are stocked up to overflowing. We feel confi dent that if you come to us you will go away better pleased than ever before, as this is our motto: Why do you get your Shirts made when you can get them to fit you at such a remarkably low price and goods to suit the most particular. We havt? Shirts from 25 cents up to f'.'.'.ts. Men's F.tlora Hats in everv shade, color and style that von want for 1.4s. Also'a very tine line of the latest and most fashionable Still Hats front .Ki cents up. FURNITURE. I'.i-low we will quote a few prices. Thei. you can judce for yourself. 1 set kuoJ yellow "iiairs f 3.il 1 s-t k.mhI dark Chairs -.."o 1 set good dark Chairs :t. 1 set cane seat Chairs in dark 4.;S 1 set cane seat Chairs in dark ....') 1 set cane seat Chairs in dark i.im 1 set cane seat Chairs. Mahogany i.4 1 Oak KiM-ker witn strut l-- 1 Dark UtH-ker with arm !.' 1 Oak cane seat, fancy a tin - 1 diirk L-iiiii'scal. fancy -."" 1 light, very fancy arm .-. -.'.s Child's KiM-kers. .Vk-.. lc.. 7.V. and... I.im I'ei forai.Hi Chairs and Kiw-kers in all styles and prices. i li .. . a i . I 1 inn s-picce .-! aiioauy or i.iiiuui li.il -room Suite -4.no 1 full S-niece (hk lled-riMiiu Suit L'T.on SulelM.aids sMcialiy. Cuplxiards and Sinks a Oil Cloth & Carpets. We are stocked in Oil Cloth and Carix-ts. It will save you niou.-v to Imy f us as in Inlying our stock early and in l.tt trc qtian- tili.-s we sayd tnoiiey i-s we sayed money. We challenge any one to equal .1- 11 ' olTering ihis se:isou. Don't wait N. T. It may be of interest to yoa to pay we ari still deep in the grocery business. It will surprise you to seethe way we are selling gootls in this tlepartment ot" our mammoth store. Some merchants -say I womler where they can get goods to sell at 'hose figures, as we can't buy them wholesale at the prices they are retailing lor." Here is the the secret: We know where the goods grow that is why 'we sell so low. And when you come to town, Look for the Red FlagThat is the Place. JOHN PFISTBR, DRAIIK IX GEiitRU miwmii Hardware, Qicensware, MADE-UP CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, TF.Umbl.LN 14 SKIMI.V, IUKMAN, l.Tt. OPPOSITE JUNCTION HOTEL CRESSON, PA. matci July election Notice. TN pmaaanre of a resolution of tlie lioanl ! ltireetora ot the arhmil divtHrt ot the tHiriut:h ol KlKu.l.urK. aroret May 'Ifi. notice la bereoy Klven that an election will he heltl at the nuaal piarea I. r tiiilillrtr Dioiil-iial anil iier.eral eleetlnna in the l-at aoi Weat wmr,ia ol LIttia lurn horuuirb on fkiday. junk 180.;, the Hl!a to open at 7 o'rliwk, a. M . on caiil day and etoae at 1 o'clock, r. at . on aai.l ilar. lor the urMeol d. terinmlna: whether an indeltedne( y aald dictrlrt ahali be Incurred to an amount not rxreedlnx lour er centum at the unesaea valuation ol the taxahle r.irty therein. Aaaenulj', Appreied April SO. 1ST : Amount ol Iat ee tied tralottiun... tirt.7.U oil Amount ol exiatina; deut. ...... None. Auiootitol propoaed dehl ,, . t I3.I.OHD0 Hereenla.e ol 'iroiaajed detl.. .Ho2plua The iurooe el the proposed indetitedneaa to tte applied to the payu.eut on the eontrarta lur ere-tlna; and completing a public eehool l.nildlna; In raid diriiict. Tlrketa Toted to ne latrelled on the oatalde "In r. eare ot ltet.t." and to contain on the Inrlde the ird "Ni. lncreaae ol Ikita" or leli May Ho lncreaaed." At eat: K. K. DAVIS. S. W. HAMS. ssecretarr. I'reaiilent. Wnahura". I'a., May 2i. 1S4I3 41. T 1 WHOM IT MAY Ct I.NCEKX: Ail er.u bavluicclaima aaralnat the eatate ol Jerrmiah Nut-nan, late ol Munater township, t'aoilin. eouuty deceaed.oraalnat the estate ol Kliu Noonan. late ol (aid townahlp. aecea.-el, are rcqueated U praent their rlaltna proMirly pruoated to me by May ilth. l'.3. M. II. km tLL tfnaburif, la.. March 31. lsua. 1)K1VATE SAI.K. The nnderalrned will tel at Private Sale in 11 ly ooroua-n. tiatul.na county, I'a bia Hotel, with Krawery attaches; Too Ire Houaea. Slalile. and all neceaaary lut bnildlnaa on the premlaea The Houae la llcenrd now. For turther partleulaia call on or ad-ireaa the uropnet.jr, lllAlKK. SLL.L.. llly. l"a tct . ISMS. 8. L. 11(111. MATnicT KKADK. REED & READE, Attorneyn i t I av, LHtMSUl'K.I, - - - fEMNA. eJ-Otnce on Centra atreet. (4 28U3 M. D. KITTELL. A. ttorney-n c-jiq. w EBENSBl'Kd, FA. nmoe In Armor HalMlnc. opp.tlonrt Honaa. W. DICK. ATTU KN EY-AT-1. A W , tnHMsai ko. !.' Special attention to Riven claim! tor Ivn tton Bounty, etc. ehT- "two T F. McKKXHIChl, J aTTOBXIT aKDrt. VKKKI.LOR AT Law. EltfcMliCiita. - PA aT- Itflee on Centre atreet. D UN A LI) E. DUFrON, aTTUKN EY-AT L.A W, EBKkHt BO, rmii, taff )tflr In Opera Honae. 'enter street. H II. MYERS, ATTOK.Nfc'Y-AT-LA W, EB1HBDU, I'a. atarlliea In I "ollonad Kow. to centre atreot ffllCriTt SAMPLES FRCk li:u.AHwTTJi VorkCita PROP Please and Satisfy Everybody. I-"l(Mr Oil Clot h from 25 cents to 4s cents per siiare yard. liiuraiu Carp.-t, one jard wide, at rjo, 40, 4S and tVl Cents. Stair Carpet from 2.'l cents up to 5o cents ht yard. SHOES! SHOES! Ifyoii wish to iet a t'd and sutistai: tial SIhm-call on ns. Yon will surely lind somel Iii nsr tiiat will suit you. Ladies" douola plain lip and spring heel, hillloll fl.25 to f'.'.t"! Ladies tiimt'ola. tipera and coiuiuoii si-li-M-. hut ton. heel 1.'.'. to 1..VI Kadics extra line tii-d Illut lier 'J.'nt Ladies ru.-t. tiiM-J. huttim 2.m Ladies line pelihl.il tmitoned: also. Mi.-s" and Children's patent leather 1 1 plied l.lo. 1. 1 .:n a Ladies line suijre. I.nttoii or lace 1.2" Ladies' tipped and common sense Ox fords f l. oi and 1.25 Children's tipled Oxfords 1 Children's rus--t and doii'ola su iiiir heel l.oo and l.lo Inialils shoes from 22 cents up. M.-n's lace and coinrros shM- 1.25 I Men's salin calf, lace or congress 2. on I Men s ii call, lace or congress 1.75 Men's ttpiMti I'lit. h.-r. extra tine -j.."o Men's tine hand -se el. lace or coii- irr.-ss Men's ireacian calf, lace uri-iiiii:ri Men's tine KaiiL-aioo tipjied, I act 3.IHI 2. or co ii op 1 Men's evira line "ossam. -re calf, lace the intrinsic value as well as the I. 1. but come at once to Yours EBENSBURG Marble g Granite Works, J. WILKINSON 8l SON, PROPRIETORS, I "E A Afonuments, Headstones, Vaults and Sarccph-igis, Marble and MarMeized Slate Mantels, Cemetery Fencing of all kinds. Also Iron Fencing for public buildings and dwellings. ViiK-liaxis will fin.i our pri.-.-s tlie l.,wct wln-ii tli.-y r.tiid.T the fla- of w t.i k m rnaniifiirtiir... UuaUobuy by tin car-load and fil ve t usu.tn. i k th- advanlai;.- of i-diir.-d fl.'ltihl. " WE CIVE SPECIAL SETTING & 6 New Wilite Frit Mm, 113 Clinton M t, Johnstown, Pi New Stoik of DRY COODS, MILLINERY AND CAR. PETS, (.all to see us when in towu. J" AMES P. R. R. SCHEDULE. Scbedole In eflect May 23. IsV3. t aBDfrll.Dial rcaaa.ii. KABT. Seanhore Kxpreaf , e 30 a m Htrri'riura: .ccommolatlon . w -A a ut l.ay Kxi-r. aa 04 a m Alti.nn.t Kpri-aa 1 p In Mall Ei.rM 1 7 p m rhiladelibla tipreaa .......... 8 12pm WKST. Johnatown Ksprva Mlim lc.h tirca ?7 a m Way Pa.wena-er.... . . .... a at p m Mail Train .. 4 a p at Johnatown Kxpieaa 7 6U p m Ebraabarx BrnrlB. TralUB leave a- foilowa: T.Wl, lu.A am., ami I p. m and arrive at rn..o at a jn. 10 no a. m. and 4 1 p m. larel'rmno Itai.llv; a. m and S -3 p. m.. and arne at Ktirnatiuta: at I11.I11 a. m. and li 01 and S 10 p. w. Oftaaa aml 'lar Held . Ieave Irvonn at C 45 a. m. and 2 40 p. m. arrl lur at Crcaou at oi a tn. and 4 p. m. Ieave refaon 4u a. m. and .1 1H p.m., arririnit at Ir. ona at II oo a tn. and H..1N p. m. Nundatr train a leave t.'reaaon every Sunday at V 30 a m and a 1H p. m.. arriviaa al lrvoua al 11 lu a. m and t ("J p. tn. KorrntM aa . etc. call on event or addreaa TH.aa.li Watt. T. A. W. li.. Ill) Ki th Ae.. riMJl.lirt . I'a. S. M. r'KhVt 1ST. J. K W tMIIi. Uencral Manaxer. lieneral Manager. t 1'MTUU'S WITH E. lu tl. ri.hat,' (U.crt ol (tambria county. In tue imttrr til tbe tl'M and hral account ol John C Harnett and Amanda Airhart. executor ol T. V.'. Adami. late ol Allegheny townahlp, deceaaed. Havina; leen appointed auditor by Bald Court to reiori a dirtribution ol the land la the banda ot tbe accouula.it , noi.-e la beret.y alveo that 1 will ait at uiy .-thee in the horouarn o. Koensbunr. on KKl!AY.TItKtUH HAY UK JI NK, lM. at 10 o'clock. A. at., to diachara-e the duttea ot aald appointment. wLen and where all peraoos Inter, ealed aball attend or te lorever debarred Irom eominp; tn on aald lund. IHINA1.U E. m'KI'tlN, June 16.3L Auditor. HUTtL. LKllKAMih. H J.SHKT1KI-. PnoPKtnoR. Located at lIuHoia. fa., near tbe H. K. Il P. Hallway Ieot. We alway endeaur to fur nish the beat accommodation to buaioea men, pleasure aeeker and iN.arders. Peraona tn aearch ol .icmlort and quiet will end It a deafable plaoe to atop. The 1'aOle I unaurpaaaed and I always upplied with the beat the market aflorda.and all the deilcacle ol the feaaon. I he Ilar la aup pl led with the choicest ol pure liquor and cigar and nothma- but the tei I aold. Special atten tion Klven to the care ol nore. U. J.NCHKTTIO. 5! J1D or rtmtrress 1.75 Men's plain plow shoes, inu-klcd, Lul- lil tun true i.;j.", Mens workiiii; shoes yon can c.-l from us from 'y.lcettlsto 1.25 DRY GOODS. Ladies, here is the pla.-e to ifel your dry i!ood. Curtains from 75 cents 5.i mt pair. Laii."s' percuie waists, light or dark, 5o cents. Ladies' hHtost waists, lifrnred and striMtl, w il h i ii tiled front at 74c. White waists, all kinds of material, the latest ami most fashioimtile styles, from ti'.i cents to 2.4S. Ilress "iiiliam- for s cents per yard ami Up. Apron (riiiirhuni from 4:i to lo cents. M iisliu In hleaclied or uiihleached from 4 i to lO --nts. 1 11 Ca lico we al e s locket full of t lie linest . newest and most d.-sirahle in the market, at from 'I to 14 cents. Ladies' skirt emtiroidery, 4o inches wide, for 4s cents and up. l'louncing eiuliioidi-ry from 35 cents to to f'l jM-r pard. A coinpl.-lc line of t iliiliiiiiL's tif ull sorts and dp-sses in all styles on our sln-l yes and con liters. Call and see t li. -in. You can't help lint l.iiv. as tlie liaiiraius we arc ollering in tlie latlies line are soiii.-tliiui; tiiat you can't I grasp every day. variety and extent of our bargain T je ll Respectfully, THE LEADERS. GALLITZIN, PENNA. a- LEI iS IX ATTENTION TO THE IF WIISiK:. 3 3 GTTIIDTlSr. R- L. JOHSSTOS. M.J.HUCIC. j. H. HI fit. liBTABLlHHBD 1STJ. Johnston, Buck & Co., UANKKKS, EBEXSHURG. - - PKNN'A. A. W. HI I H, 'alBlfr. Otaklihhbd lung. Carrolltown Bank, CAKKOLJ.TOWN. FA. T. A. fell A KH .'; II, aalr. Genera Banting Business Transacted. The following are the principal feature! ol ttener.il baLlintr bualneai : DEPOalTN Keeelreri' payahle on demand, and Intereat bear In certlbeate liaucd to time deHiaitors. - MI.1KH Extended to cuatotn era on tavorable term and IPprored paper dlacoonted at all time. 'I.I.F.C'TIO!K Made In the locality and non all the ha nit Inn town In tbe United State. Chance moderate. IIKAITaj laaned negotiable tn all part of the I'nltM Stat, and loreivn excbanite laaned on all part of toroj a. A ' (KTN Ol merchant, farmer and other aollclted. to whom reaaonable aeoomo.tatlon will be extended. fatron are Hured that all tranaactlon aliall be beld At atrictly private and cinnd-mtlal, and that they will Ihi treated a libera: a KiHd banking tale wiij per n 1 1. Keaiecttully, JOIIKNTOK. KI'CK ". Eteiislmm Fire Insurance Apcy T. AV. DICK, General Irsurance Agenl, KRKjOrinUlia. PA. 1 The annual meetln; of at ck holder lor election ol lureclors ot tbe ("reaaon K (Mearheld t'oal and t'tke 'ompany Wilt tk- place at Kro itality. fa .on W KI'N ESUaY. .II'N K -.l.lisj. t one o'clock, r. at. U.O'HAiiAN. June f, lhto. secretary DO yon need Job rnntlnT l aaaataa a trial ordar. II ro, HIT Ike