The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, June 23, 1893, Image 4

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Some Who Are Fond of Theatrical
Qurrn Victoria Una Private rfirmni-f
at Win.Kor anil Hupi-ror William
I.lkea t Art lr
niatlr Critic.
Nothing1 is more remarkable tliaa
the pronounced fondness of the
crowned heads of Europe for the
drama. Even Queen Victoria, who
from lliedeuthof tin-prince consort up
to a year or two apo was believed to
rcyarl theatergoing1 ' tne light f a
sin and the drama as a device of the
devil, has now blossomed forth into an
enthusiastic patron of the stage, in
deed, in proportion as her British
majesty prows older in years she ap
pears to become more youthful in her
tastes, anil there are few thing's more
stranpe than the extraordinary inter
est which this septuagenarian sover
eign has suddenly and at so late a
period in life developed for theatrical
One of the London companies after
another has been called upon to trans
port itself bar and baggage to Wind
sor for the purpose of giving perform
ances in the presence of the queen and
her court on a teniMrary but yet elab
orate stape erected for the occasion in
the superb hall known as the Waterloo
gallery. The queen, according to the
New York World, has even pone so far
as to order one of the metropolitan
troops up to l.almoi'al at an enormous
expense for a sinple performance.
In the early days of her married life
the queen was quite a familiar figure at
the various leadinp theaters and was
especially fond of the opera, which she
would attend with a considerable
amount of state, yeomen of the puard.
or "beef eaters," arrayed in their pic
turesque medieval costume, being sta
tioned not only at the entrance of the
royal Wx. but also on the stape in
front of the latter. The lords and pen
tlcmen in waitinp in attendance on
the queen and her husband on such oc
casions as these were arrayed in uni
form ami were required to remain
standin in the rear of the royal box
throughout the entire performance.
The queen witnesses these perform
ances with every possible comfort
to herself. She usually enters the
hall where the stape has been set
up after all the others have taken
their places and sits in a comforta
ble crimson velvet and pilt armchair
slightly in advance of the remainder of
the audience, with a small table by her
side, on which arc placed her pink satin
and pold lettered propramme. her fan.
her handkerchief, etc. The orchestra
is almost concealed by a bank of (low
ers and foliape. Flowers indeed
abound everywhere. Xo applause is
permitted save when initiated and led
by the queen, who is, however, very
liberal in her uiauifestationsof appreci
ation, as well as pciicrous in her gift -,
of jewelry to the artists who have
especially pleased her.
Queen Victoria is the only European
sovereign now livinp except the sultan
of Turkey who adopts this met hod of
havinp the theater brought to her at a
comparatively larpe expense instead of
poinp to it. The Turkish monarch
maintains as a part of his enormom
household an entire troupe of French
and Belgian actors, whose principal
duty is to Jierform the farces and
dramas composed by the sultan. He
does not write them himself, it is trim
but contents himself with coinmiinicat
inp his ideas of the projected piece and
the character of the plot if there is
one to the chief of the troupe, who
thereupon writes the play in accord
ance with his imperial master's instrnc
t ioiis. 1 1 is on the strenpth of this that
the present commander of the faith
ful" lays claim to Ik- considered as
quite .1 remarkable playwright.
Emperor William, of tJermany, on
the other hand, who is quite as pas
sionately fond of the drama as his fel
low monarchs. is a frequent visitor to
the various theaters of his capital.
The manaper usually only receives no
tice of his cominp a few hours before
hand. The emperor is very demonstra
tive in his manifestations of applause,
as well as of dissatisfaction, and makes
a practieeof suiuuioniup the actors to
the royal box between the acts for the
purpose of communicating to them
his criticism of the performance and
his instructions as to how they should
a.-t their parts. Another feature of
EnqK-ror W illiam's visits to the theater
is the supper which he invariably par
takes of durinp the wait previous to
the last act.
The enqieror of Austria is likewise a
constant attendant at the Viennese
theaters and rarely makes use of the
royal box. prefcrrinp in lieu thereof
one of the lower stape Imixcs. Kinp
Humbert of Italy is seldom seen at the
theaters; his wife, Queen Marpuerite,
attends dramatic performances at least
two or three times a week durinp the
Roman season. The czar is exceeding
ly fond of French vaudevilles. He, too,
prefers poinp to the theater instead of
havinp the latter broupht to him in the
shape of dramatic performances at the
1 Tiifrk are one hundred and twenty
two different varieties of roses in a
garden at Lexinpton, Fla.
Fi ft k f.n thousand oranpes prew on
one tree last season, at Altoona. Fla.
The tree is twenty-tive years old, ami
thirty feet hiph.
Nk.W tiiiNF.A is extremely rich in
plants, the number of species discov
ered in the last sixty-five years Wing
Kosfs are pood travelers. They can
be carried almost any reasonable dis
tance at any is.n f the year with
the certainty of arriviup in pood condi
tion. Tkkks are planted alonp the slopes
of railroad cuts and banks in Austria
and in other places where there is
room. A recent statement shows that
these plantations include alx.ut :i7u.
000 fruit trees and :.,imi,im0 forest trees.
A Story of m Finh'n llriuarkable Tenaci
ty or l.lfo.
Or. Shirely I'almer tells a fish story
that is calculated to make the nicmWrs
of the St. Louis Huntinp and Fishinp
association (to use a strictly original
expression), -turn preen with envy."
I'.y some hook or crook, hook no doubt,
Mr. Palmer came into possession of a
fine brace of tench. They were a live
ly pair of tinny beauties when the doe
tor took them home with the idea of
slaughtering them for his Sunday din
ner, l'lacinp them in a pail of water
he put them into the larder and thoupht
no more ala.ut the matter. That uipht
it midnipht he was, so he says
byaproau proceeding from the a fori
aid larder. Insection of the room ex
plained the mystery. One of the fash
had sprunp from the basin or pail and
lay paspmp upon the fl.M.r, every now
and then utterinp sounds similar to
Ui.tee which had disturWd Mr. Calmer.
Next day U.tli fish ware prepared for
dinner, but such was their tenacity of
life that l-,th. after havinp undergone
the process of scalinp and eviscerat ion
sprang fro,., the pan and wripplcd
about on the floor as thouph they had
but recently been removed from their
native element.
The above is told as a scientific fact.
S! " Ury-" "re war of a
i f HflJ
One or TNC Laaocsr CoNTaacTOas Bull"
as im wni.
GaAKO Island, Nib.. April 8th. 1891
Dr. MiU MtdUal Co., Elkhart, InA.
Gxnn.XatX!: I had been troubled with ieaT
remedlu. I Rrew neadily worse until I was eo-
without anv mm o ieoi.Y. I r","'J J1""
the greatest difficulty that my circulation eouul
ck w c-onvHonano-a apUn. While In this condl
tion I tried your niw hit Cum, J!",
to improve from the lirst. and now I ain al.le to do
a roil 1v wor ft" mn year.t ae. I give
Dfl Miles- New Hukt Curi , "
rVditf7r my recovery, fluuvemi roonlhssincc.
cre.Lt for my recoverT L. 'V .
I have lalen any. anu";i. -r-
boiuie in ca. 1 should newt it I have ..- iiwd
yourNCRVt AND LlVCB PlLLS.aad tl.iuka
great deal of them. avkbt.
Sold on I'oxillve Guarantee.
On. MILES PILLS, 50 Doses 25 Cts
Slil.lM.Y 1K. T J. I'AVISIIN.
Kiit.Nsur K.
Garfield Tea
Cun-aMi-k Hi-mtM'tM Kitiwi oipu iwii w :
Pi I lav B-iiiflv tre. Kriuo im . -
Cures Constipation
Are you tv kU ss tniurh to vnturv If rvnt?
two tr!itH in famH t th Mtu I tHtUihtnj t ' .
aihI fW H a.-himrtn Strt-t. Nm k. !
oti-of ihir lafutiiif til illustnitt-tl Ilifi
llookH. It is i nut-., iiti mii". niHl ini-r-H?
uit; work to rvriy n'i4ii of r-l1nuitiit.
On re- ipt of Xr-w o uts in s'ainpH Ib-r will
ntnl Hast(mt a full wt of tii-ir functus htui--hoM
Fortvn cv nit ihy w ill h-im! :i lmk nf niitintr
cmplit wonlji i 'l't Mti.tio." tttil iitit-H- i
it uiHt Mifml,tr f-t'ii-, to-tlht-riIh ti n rX(iiifil
Chntino t aril-.
A Try itU'nuiti:'. Imrin ! (.'lyrvrrlii''! nronrntic
coiuptitiiMl hr ili-yiiif-tn: h iuht il ,iiiiitiv ntui
othr litlt-r lrtii5. itfn r m!h! r fluid i tre. 7
4nl- irr Tinl ItoMlf. lrM ritvl ly tlKHiaiulf-ol
)ttiyti ihu in KtintiM' mimI Aineru M. l-ornitilt. ac
umutuift tTcry iMtttit. For iNtU hy Iriij'it.
Mainfirliirtl by
The Academic Phanuaceutic Co.,
I.OMHh AMI K,V Oi;k.
An elegant Fnkrlish )lianiini'c . n.f iripftrnlioii
for hiltiiiiH, iiuilarial mttl I(IhmI tr. iltlN ; tin r
suit of over ttwiily-tivo yeurs f umut -iiuutn:
scicntitic rsi an-li."
Airxvrtl I iy tin-liiirhi-st iiiHiIionl nullioritiiM!
In u1 in ! Iiosjiilnls in -very rt nl t uroie
IjilH'iallv liclplnl to ladies, vlnMrnii and Ik-o-pi
H.i. ntarv Im'ulK
Entirvly viv liljle ; Irt-e from liannf ill iIi-uks-
n Handsome Packages, Price 50 Cts.
Yrt pared holi-ly by
Ylie Joyhl '1 J?irtniatfcuti5 Co.
Chemists by appointment to Her Majesty the
V'ven und to tlie Koyal Kumily.
ISO, 132, 134 Charlton St.
Same medieinal properties as Rotal Klixih, in
boxes, JO pills to box, for 25 cvlila.
Vinegar Bitters CORDIAL. "'j' ) SOe.
Vinegar Bitters P0WDEES, 50 doses, &r.
Vinegar Bittors, now style, j ,,1t'." j 1 .00
Vinegar BittOM, old style, bitter tarte. $1.00
The World's Great Blood Purifier
and Life Giving Principle.
Only Temperance Bitters Known.
Tnr pac afih of I'entorv llir l.rndius
I auiifr Alcdieiuo of lhi Wsrld.
B. H. McDonald Drug Co., Proprietor,
TRinc mm irm
foTiTiTorrnaTiorj anj fir Handhonk writ to
MLNN St t"i llm.AL.WAT. Nkw Yokk-.
Ol.lert bureau for MM-urin patents In Anieiiea.
KTerT imtent taken out by u la hroliKht befora
Uie public by auotica tfiven irue of Gtiarna in tiia
Scientific tucricnu
Ijuwet rlmilatlon of any aeiontlflc paper In the
world. llluntraLeu. No mi.-lliu-ent
nian nhouM bo without It.. Week It, n:,ni a
VkKiOsiiauii, attl liroauwa-, Mew k'urk CUj.
Bicycles and
Watches given
to Boys and
Girls. Write for particulars
338 to 346 6th .. Pittsburg, P
VTa arnd the marrolnnii Fmnrh
Uenw-.ty CALTHOS I'rro, uu.l a
let'al k'uarautes Ibat C will
fH' UUrharm A Katllo.
VVUK Varlnnck
aad KKSTOUl: Ui Vlcnr.
L'te it and par if satiififd. '
, i Scientific American
Fraudulent flank f r neland Notea Wliieli
ere Arcrpteti In llohtou.
Dtirintr the last one humlred anl
t-iohtv-tive ve'ars counterfeits have
lK-en.lVi rel at the counters of the
Hank of lln-rlaii.! avera'iii": from iif
teen to twentv thou.-anil dollars aiir
iiually. In Aii'r"t, IN-;, several notes
on the institution for fifty poun.lseaeh
were taken in ltoston. They were of
extraordinary excelleriee an.l deceived
many ex ports, accord i n? to the Vah-in-rton
tar. Aluit the same time
notes of the same deni-minatit i were
oifi-red in thieao to a broker on Wash
ington street, who siilji-cti-l them to a
critical c.vamination. While he was
(.'a.'imr at the water marks ly ludilititf
the hills k'tweon his eye and the licht
the iH-rson who olTered thorn said he
would leave them for closer iiispcclioti
and skipped out. Similar fifty imujii!
notes have recently 1h-oii found ciivu
latiii"; in Antwerp and many of them
have fallen into the hands of emi
grants on their way to America. A
larjre mimlor of mites on the same
concern for one hundred and live hun
dred pounds, dated Anru.--t 1. lss;:.
have lie n ottered from time to time
and declared Ik.jtus. In the otlice of
the treasurer of the 1'nited States at
Washington two Hank of liiL-land
notes are cxhihited, framed on the
wall, alon-rside of some artistic sp-i i
liiens of 1'ncle Sam's curi-. iiy. The
contrast is very st rikin- Whereas tin
l.ureau of enravino- an.l printin.r here
depends for protection a;rainst coun
terfeitino; upon the olaloral-ness of
its desijrns. the paper moiivy whii h i.
aspKKl as jrohl in Knjrland is so simple
as to apparently invite imitatio.i liy
the forrcr. Tlu re is a small amount
of lottorinfr and notion"; els.-. Ilou
evor. the jrr-at linancial esUildi shmelit
which sustains the crelit of lireai
I'.ritain dept-nds uion tin- water murks
ill the paper it uses, to n produce which
would rptire a factory ami the high
est ilefrree of mechanical skill. I'iii
therinore. the imitation f its securi
ties is so relentlessly punished as to
seriously dis-oiiniL'e the crime. Never
theless," counterfeits .n the llatik ot
Knolan.l have Im-cii cashed more than
once at the very counters of thalcoii
e. rn. Such a thin;.' happened not very
lonr aro during a hurry of l.uin.--s. it
K in' a day for the payment of div
idends on the national d lt. Advan
tage was taken of theso circumstances
to present twelve f..rtreri-s f .r fifty
jx hi n. Is each, w hich w r- cashed w ith
out suspicion. Many imitations of the
provincial notes of Ireland have Ik cu
circulated. I.ikewis4- iiiinnToU:-. coiiu-terti-itsof
notes on the Hank of Trance
have appeared from time to time. Only
a few months ajro a jjreat j.i:.utity it
lift ranc and oii- huinlred-fraii- hill
were throw ii broadcast on the market.
What tht Kin t.f thr I r-l r'iinlt
lll l.iUi.iK-
Lions and elephants were the (Tame
l.n'ed ly -Mr. Scions, who. h.ivin"
sin'iit twenty-one years in Africa, re
centlv returiu-d to London froi.
Masliolialaild. Mr. Selolls rullfiv.r;
that he had killed one'.l el.
phants and t wenty-livi- lions. sa.s th.
Loiiilon I iraphie. His ln.t lion st..i .
was alMiut a mail carrier in Mai.hona
land. The man in question was ri.iin;
one horse and leading anotlu-r (vhi. !.
carried the mails) when the lion mad
his appearance and his : priii-r. Th.
latter demoralized the mail eomph !.-.
lv. One horr.e was howled over. th-.
other broke away without his ri.lcr
and the mail carrier very natural!.,
lost all interest in the mail.
The lion did Hot succeed in detain
i ii cf either of the hor.-cs jllicy tiivin-..
up next day at the fort, one very bud!.,
wounded, and without the m::il l-a-rsi
so he returned to the u ;i iort una te cir
ricr. Him the lion treed, and then :
dow n at the f.Mit of the tree to awai.
devt l.ipinents. l'ort unat ly for the
carrier they did not develop entirely
as the lion could have wished, for th
next day a earavau passed, and tin
lion stalked away into the bush. i. m b.
less with an increased coist.-mpt 1oi
the rclinements of civilization. The
mail ba's were not found lor moutii.
"Are lions fond of man meat'.'"
"No." said Mr. Set. us. tlicy pref.-r
donki's. I think t he don Leys rc-nii!-.
them of zebras. They have notiista t
for horses. ISut I hey will altac'
liimiau 'beings. I once Iriu-iv a lion l.
walk into a camp where I w a . .- w. vii.
ami walk olt with one of the j. .li. -.-men.
I've brought hi,:. '.via home--the
lion's. I think it's in tliat o.rii.-r -no
it isn't. I n-iiii'iiilH-r, 1 have sent it
away to be cleaned.""
" Lion hunt inr is dan irerous. isn't it '.'
"1 1 dejK-inls. One h-arns to run ferv
or risks as one "rets 1 J-r. V i. n I
wound a lion n.e. 1 let him ro. Wh. i:
I was younger 1 used to . alter him.
I shall do so no more."
torn Saga ami Willy Kaviiica !' a vl
lrull Vrii-r.
"It is part of the sare t. make max
ims. 1 have for some time suspected
that I have arrived at the period of life
when tin- safrc is at his liost. and I have
now therefore tried my hand at a few
useful maxims. Here they are a mixed
and miscellaneous lot. t If course, the
sajreatthis time must Im' cynical in
order to lo popular. I hope some of
those are cynical I'liouyh. Those on
riches seen to a partial parent to In
maxims really worthy of the most east
ern the most Himalayan of sa.vs.
"Out of ten men nine are lrn to
work for the tenth. Resolve to be the
"Without trampling the cleverest
cannot f.'et rich.
"Hires is never an example, la-cause
nolxidy considers himself really rich.
"If you cannot become rich, remcm
lertlic many miser'h-s of the rich.
"The consolation of those who fail is
to depreciate those w ho succeed.
"lie who foresees never acts.
"The jrreatest things are done hy the
greatest fools.
"Wise men never attempt anything.
"When you lose a h-r tie-in at once
to practice with a wooden om.
"Men's motives are mercif 11II3- hidden
by their shirt fronts,
"Observe moderation in all thinjrs
especially in virtm-s.
"The lM-st way to make a man honest
is to make him ashamed ot being1 found
"There may be pride even in confess
ing mistakes.
Kverylxnly saj-s that o-ontle birth is
an accident, and everybody treats it as
an achievement.
"The most charming- attribute of
friendship is the rijrht of candor.
"Cheerfulness may lie an admirable
cloak." Walter ilesant, in London
Olileat llouae In New York.
The oldest house in N'ew York is at
No. 22 William street. It was built in
H'aW of small Holland pressed brick
hroug-ht over as ballast. Just at its
rear the first of the revolutionary
war was shed in an encounter lictw-ewii
eighty niemliers of the Sixteenth re-i-ment
of llritish f.)t and a handful of
Sons of Liberty. It was at one time a
tavern and sheltered iieorge Washin"
ton, Lafayette, (i.-n. I'utmuu and other
j distinguished Americans. Its lower
, story (the only part of its exterior
j which has lieen materially altorcil) is
now the location of a French restau
rant, well known to literary people and
ii-.-Zil !
V.'e I-.-; n:in ru;rir. surir-ys. i:i-'i praJ.: a' liidit,
str.-ii ', i.'ul'.'. i s'i, a rviuufuilv I'n. uJ noJ.-n. v-J
nuiiufl-iMe tin p'.uce. U-ilt fn In-n. r hy n -r. ,f lifj
exr'iftut-. L.-iKV.y is . ur polio ; rr'-'"r shipiv- t ur
sr-'a'-.v. V.; to linw you. Wiite u- C.-"ts y. u
not'iinjj. K.xy U--J to 1 by and by. S.-ful iVr t ur
cata'i-Ve. It 'is fra to every r-? of this lvr. Bing
hjmion W.v . n Co.. t'.inlaniton, N. Y.
5 s-:
never wants ts Isarn, but the
reads that
OLjD honesty
is the best that is made, and
at ONCE tries it. and saves
money and secures more
satisfaction than eyer before.
A. VOID imitations. Insist on
having the genuine. If your
dealer hasn t it ask him to
get it for you.
m. FIKZER & BROS., lonIrlHe.&-
'".cV noslaftio and r-l:nvnU UiotronblM Jnrf
1vr.t t- a 1-iii-jiiH .i.i:..f itui cy.-ipn, sjc'u afl
liii-'iiioss, Na-is-. liiowiue. I'islrws alter
-ati:ip. I ai:i iu tuO hi-le, f r. Whale ili.-ir m-st
Kju:art.-o'u."cP' latH iarui-huiai mcucil.(j
rfoarhi yr-t Oni-tr's Ijttlo IJvrr Pin ua
e'iHUy valuall in c.iisliit ion. curing and pra
t.iuiiih; thiHianuoyir.(ra-.iuplaut. IiiIj tli-y alao
rorr--t all .liHainU-rsol tboKlnni.-v li r-timiilatftllirt
livi rauU rea?ujt tlie boWajls. iv. a it Ui.-y aulg
Arliaf hT TTf-rll leali!iotpririr'itythriewh(
uf. -r frmn t"jw.iistr.T.sinfieniii1 laiut: hutfomi.
Kaf-ly their;.-xaduwl.Ma ua.texaal !ia-raii.i tln4B
Wliooii.-etr) tlai-in a ill Uail thaw.- little pilUvaln.
at-lo in aaniir.ny w.-ivatliat l!i-y will laot bfl -il
lUag toil., ail bout t boia. lint after all sick beaat
In the r)ni of so mnny li that hern Is lr
VciiMUmir p.nat Our piiUcurait alula
OtLt-rs do cot.
Carta r"H i..til Iirw Pills are -i-ry small an4
very easy to t.t.i.0. 'U two i-ill3 uakt-t al.Mai.
Tn. y i-w Hlru-ily vt-:'-taLia an.l tlo n..t rnp or
pur;!", butl.y tli.-ir prntl.-a.-iioa i.l.-aioali who
tiai tt.m. la vialsat -'"ai-t-nts : live for $1- ajLl
tiy druiT-iMotiVoryalavBrtj, or a- ut Ly tuaii.
lib t K:iii r. I i. m n iiitr in- le. t Uini
porta it it -. ntit it .mi aii .t ii'li"- in i i tjr nni ! iti
ebrnrilT T ll.ttiowinf ilajtnair is tli L-t -f tn.-inr. lin t
lo'-k buck tn li-t, forever Ut. )? "tun.: l.ilt- f-.
Ah x ! K bj nut. U op and c.;it 1 1...- jt our imm in
IK. f. mi i .Ttir irotnet it r . J-r-'ii'i C. I fcm. It m.ti
Vw'r, ti.l "lu .4..i t.- rluua iil!.:r- m
fflalM r in ruti fH ("it jv.-il h! l lifat
in tu Jt-i t.itJ i liufl' uUl !! !.) i (t.if ,rri n ! : 1 til ! !:
a ti4 tli aii-it - 1 1 1 .nil m " ii- kull yum ft no
th C4l i ii"it lutui v li-.u rl t-vrtt rhxtir tliAt
mppnrm wmti.r. mii'I l ttir limui e lint i Ur
c" i ill mm 4 1 i ft i Mti HUmi luintv an,-i B i ofitm
Wiflu 1'iwtu-M iff hifHMiiir iMTiVit. it iii cit.
(- t. ft tr"t t Ml lf lil "I I ;.U - tT--r1nil (tf
fi.Miiy i li.-te. Muuri' i ! i".n fij.t w muU ttMraly
I f Dif iiiln!t i "in ..-r-'i tt( tutft il a.- V rx
fl tl woi k ami liv mt In tm. . u- rr m F vrn I -
I'linerfui i! . n.n, rm !" t lk r r 1-t Yfj
Cava ia H.4 vrt-h if m . I nm k tit t i.i .4. bt iuduatrt-
if ; an.l t itti r tu ii.rti..M -ur im uiH it ti.m rnnn.
rai civ f'i't.ii-t,lv. i.ri' y .ir linit t.i iit w."k.
In nhu ii.-i r-tt!trtl U iii.ttoii. A i h rnin
pTnti4.-lv n w :! if.iiiv ft is I iuntiart and
.tw lnnr. VM k .In uuKit'-mn mtinn imr work
via. No rni'in t. t ei i it umi l;ti null rr.
r r1inn m il 4 tiw i'n !' it Aii nt .-(tr 1
l-lliC .V lit I"rt.i4wl, Ma.iBk
Steel Picket Fence.
Th. .HOr- nnt i.wt rirVrt Vmrm wft, Oxlp. rThli I. mt . r.n b.- U.-I a I r.. .,r f, Vhl. Ir'"'.
'r,'.f"w"7"""' k ..t no.i.i..ort
S. " Via? '-'-'.". IW' Iron rM,' Fltlmra. Kic hhuafr. aad I I UK -se , ryH
l.r. aii.1 K.illnca. lira-, a Ir.., .,. , lt.L .'',, 'J"
tanor Bctst vs. .d .11 kinj,..rMRVwoUl
SOI. 203 A 205 Marfcet St. Pittibiirnh.
aa aH rrtlaM. Ira , t-,trT. prr
. aara.rt rait a ra
A A 1
mm -T
Detnanild jr-iuit treatineut. Tim
suits of negleet mar Ue serious. Avoid
all harsh an.l drastic purgatives, th
teiidein-y of tvliii h is to weaken tha
l.m. U. The lest remetly is Ayer'a
Tills, reins imrely vegetable, their
a. tion is jirouil-t and their effect always
iM-nefii-ial. Tliry are an aduiirablo
Ijver ami Aft-r-liuiier j. ill. ami every-Lt-re
entlnrsed by the jTofessiun.
"Aver's Tills are liinlily and unirer
nally VlH.ken .f ly the end alxut
liere. I uak tlailr use f tlieiu in my
l.rai tire." lr. I.'K. Fowler, ltridge-j-ort.
" I ran rt-rommcnJ Ayer's Pills above
all others, having lou proved their
value as a cathartic fr myself anil
family." J. T. lltss, LeitLsv Ule, I'a.
" For several years Ayer's rills bare)
leeu used in uiy'lauiily. We tind them
Effective Remedy
for constipation and indipestion, and
are never Willi. nit them in the house."
M.Mics Grcnier, Lowell, Mass.
" I have used Ayer'a Tills, for liver
troubles and indigestion, during many
jears, ami have always found tlieiu
i'.rompt and nieieiit in their action. "
.Suiilli, I 111 a. N. Y.
" I suffered from constipation which
assiiiueal sui-li an olistiiiate form that I
(-ar 1 it would cause a stoppage of Um
I.w-ls. Two l-.xes of Ayer's 1'illa ef
fected a complete cure." li. Uurke,
iSaco, Me.
" I have used Ayer's Pills for the past
thirty yeuis ami thein an in I. mill ' lue.l ieme. I know of
tin l..-Mi-r laimdy f..r liver troubles,
and have always found tlii-iu a iniliipt
lire for 1! s psia ' .lames CJumu, iJ
Ml. I. lie St., ll.ii Col. 11.
"Having lrf-eii troubled with oostive
ness, liw-li seems inevitable w ith er
h..ns of s. .Ia habits, 1 have tried
A.-r's Pilis, I..iiiil; f..r relief. I am
i.l to s:i lli.-tl lli. v have served ui
l-it-r I Inn any ot her medicine. I
arrive at ...n. lusiou only aft r
f:iitlif'il iriul ol their merits." Saiuuol
T. Jones, O.iU M . Itul4iii. Mass.
Ayer's Pills,
rurrAui i ur
Or. J C. Aycr & Co.. lowell. Masf
bo 1.1 tr a. I IXraltr In Metlicluaw
Was originated nnd first preseribed by
in 1H10. Could a remedy without real
merit have survived over eighty years f
'ta.M lfli.-iinif.tla -auif and lnflaniitiatlaii.-uiva l-i-.up,
-.alals. Saal".- Il.t. 1. 1 .Mll IlllH. a.lM". I railll Mlli HallUt,
MmiiiH-r 1-aanipl.iints. ino an.l Bruise, like niaxa-.
i -itiv, 4'iah-.. t-allima. I li rh. Hnana-hiti. "li..aa-ra. l.ill.lJalT... I tiaaH. Sa.r.-iaH In K.aaiV aw III.Im.
j.lirt M.i-la a.r Strains liiliaah f.H Na-riMj. H.aMlau-lM
lir-t'.l -Mt.lila-t Irw. K..M r.a-nrha-re. l-ria-t. X. rta.
Mt lutlln. :.1. I.S- JOHNSON IXJ iUa.Uaa.Maaa.
nolhiii; in H' 1 1 11 r staff tl.ul it to ufiitge
iu h riimiiftil, iihi-I lialtliv and aiil iu-i-u",
that r'iurn4 fin tit 1r t-rv lv' wrk.
-n l 1- !)- Iiu-iim'!4 b- 4ttr th Aotkiiitf
t t'U4ti tlieiu 1mw t inak nioiifv r:iinll, miti
tir.iiite- --rv n w In folliin our iitMrurtiuu
liiittitullv tli HiHklliL' "I ffk.'iMHMMI m UiMiilti.
r 1111- ti tnkr-i lilii itw niiii uorkfi wilJ
-un-l Mini M-Miil iiicn-a- tl-ir t-rtiiiip- ; tlu re
mm Im- ft ii--ai.ti nimut it; i:ir uov ml mtrk
:trr iloin it, aiitl ii1t, -mh fi tlif tiii.
I til i- (lit lM--t i:iin Iiumiu- tliHt u have
vt ti:nl tlit- rliniM' to -fruit You will iuk a
ir:ir loUiaLi it mi fail to it a tri;il at ourr.
II nm irra-f ttif itu:tHni, uih) act tjuit-klv, m
mil lirt-rilv hul 4ut4lt in a utft rM-nu
liuiiH-rs. at it tii ! inu 1:111 Min ly make aint Mve
iaryt -uiu- ot iiuhh y. I lit rf "ull ot mly a tvw
hour- work will tti u fiial a wn-k'i aaffftt.
iif tiif r ou are it r vouhi:, nun or wotuan, it
makf no itilli-rf im-c, a w- irll you, and suc--f-.i
will unit wm :it the rry tart. Nfitht-r
f XM-rif utf or aj.inil um-ary. 1 lo who work
fr us Jtrt- rt-warilt-l. Wliv uot writf to ilay tur
tuil iiMrttvular-i, liff ? K. N A ".
AUa o 4 iu, AusiwU, MV
Cures thon nands annually of Uver Com
plaints, Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspep
sia, Constipation. Malaria. More Ills
raanlt f TIl. 1.1 . ,
... .a u m t iiuMii ny xjvcriiian anv
other r-niiHA wha anir.. k. 1
other can se.
w ny sutler when you can
. .. . a . s lalTI-rjDTl
Ator la M tala.hrata.l aT-.:i . ,. .
Jn vigor-
oiK uuittur will. ncj-rLv voc.
BBSS and Tra.1r-Mark obtained, and all Pat,
eut biiriin-.a ron.-ii tet f..r Moderate F-'
' 0,f'ce fe Opposite U.S. Patent Office,
nit vcv ran ei-iire patent in lea time than tbre
remote from Washington.
s-end niocia-l drawing or photo., m ttb dr-arrlp-
char'. ii 'f "'" r not, free of
charge. Our f.-e - not due till patent is veeared.
'mJ"M- "How to Olitain Patenta." with
namt aofartuaj client invourState. county o
town, Heut free. Address, J"
OptMcil Patent Mice. Wa-M-agtM. 0. C-.
--ip 1
How Urrnuui'i llmlr Wm IllaiOi hed by
the Horror of Lta-llrlaaB.
Though it has lonp; been a popular
lielit-f that the hair maybe suddenly
turned white under the influence of
some very powerful emotion, such as
(Tri,.( cr terror and thouph nuiuerous
stories about it are related in popular
literature and folk tales, yet some
physiologists are doubtful of such a
sudden change ever talcing place, and
well authenticated instances of its
act uul occurrence are ery rare. The
case of Ovide Musin, the riolinist,
whose hair and beard were completely
blanched as the result of a railroad
wreck, is much better vouched for than
most stories of the kind, though there
are a few that seem to answer the re
quirements of the most exacting; scien
tists. One of these quoted by the New
York Advertiser is mentioned in lr.
Virchow's "Archives for April, isou,"
by lr. Landois, as occurring- under
the observation of himself and Dr.
Uilimer. In this case the blanching
of the hair occurred in a hospital in a
single night while the patient was
under the daily observation of the vis
iting physicians, and it would seem to
prove bej'ond a doubt not o'uly that
actual grief or terror may produce
this peculiar result, but that the sim
ulated horrors of delirium may have
the same effect. The patient, a com
positor thirty-four years of age, with
light hair and blue eyVs, was admitted
into the hospital July V, ls.r, suffering
from an acute attack of delirium tre
mens. A marked peculiarity in the
disease was excessive terror whenever
anyone approached the patient- lie
sli-pt for twelve hours on the night
of the Uth of July after having
taken thirty drops of laudanum. L'p
to this time nothing unusual had been
observed regarding the hair. On the
rooming of Julv li it was evident to
the medical attendants and to all who
saw the patient that the hair of the
head and beard had become gray. The
patient himself remarked the change
with intense astonishment. The hair
remained gray as long as the patient
was under observation, to Septem
ber 17.
How Muoriih )UaM:k Treat Rheumatic
In Fez there are fire-doctors who sit
in the more frequented streets, waiting
f.r rheumatic patients. Each doctor,
says an exchange, has a little furnace,
a pair of lellows and a number of curiously-shaped
iron rods before him.
When not operating he solemnly and
incessantly reads a book of one sen
tence. "There is no God, but tJod, and Mo
hammed is his prophet."
When a patient appears the doctor
lays down his book, blows up his fire
with his bellows and sticks into the
coals several of the rods, which are
alx.ut two feet long and have queer
knobs and hooks on their heated ends.
White waiting for these to get hot he
constantly repeats his one sentence.
When all is ready the patient pays his
K-o, In-. uju'u oa ins iacN and draw.,
his clothing upon his back. In the
name of God," says the fire-doctor, and
passes a red-hot rod with great delib
eration over various parts of the back.
It makes a '"sizzling" noise, and a smell
of burnt flesh fills the air. Meantime
a crowd of men have collected to wit
ness the operation. They incessant ly
pass their fingers through their beards
and praise God and Mohammed. Fre
quently the patient after one opc-ra-tioii
lies still for awhile, perhas wait
ing for another twinge of the disease.
If it comes he perceives that he is not
quite cured and demands another in
stallment of the treatment, for which
he pays another fee.
Tlie I'oat OfUre a ao I oa t ruuien t, for
Their Illi-fiU TralUc
The post office inspectors keep a
sharp lookout for smuggling through
the mails, says a Washington letter to
the ISoston Transcript. About 750
scak-J packages are seized annually in
the New York post office. In an aver
age year -.a, OOU unsealed parcels are
confiscated at the same office and rc-lca:--d
on the payment of- fines which
are equivalent to the duties. Some
very ingenious methods are employed
for transmitting dutiable articles by
post. Not long ago a package from
Germany was found to contain a small
roll i.f butter. A wire passed through
it met with an obstruction, which
proved to Ik a tin box filled with valu
able jewelry. IVobably a dozen silk
ha ul kerchiefs are found wrapped up
in newspapers in every mail from
China. The skill exhibited by the
jvistal clerks in detecting such contra
band inc Insures is wonderful. It seems
to iiartakc of the nature of intuition.
They s.ay they do not know themselves
how they do it, but that a newsaper
with a silk handkerchief in it has a
sort. of guilty feeling when manipulat
ed. Silk stockings are mailed from
France in the same manner. An odd
kind of smuggling is the sending of
mushrooms by mail from Italy. They
are of a peculiar kind, dried, and are
much relished by natives of that coun
try in the United States. They come
in small bags and are easily dis
tinguished by smell.
The Palmy Ilaya of lliu-Un-r. Hard Drink.
lug. Van and JoUlitc-atloa.
Never was such a time of feasting
and jollification as the palmy days of
the Irish parliament, says All the Year
Kound. The county elections were a
continued scene of fighting, fun and
revelry. It is one continuous Ikmny
brook fair, and the county elector,
with a good coat on his back and
money clinking in his pocket.
Steps into a tent, just to npend half a crown.
StL-pn out, meets a friend, and for Joy knock
him down
With hi sprig of chillelah and hamrock so
With the same gayety of heart, the
gentlemen fought their battles with
more deadly weapons. At that time
dueling was a recognized part of the
social code. The "thirty-six command
ments," arranged by a gentleman
of Gal way, formed a complete set of
rules on all the punctilios of the
duello. According to the printed rules
of Gal way, seconds, if desirous, may
exchange shots at right angles to
their principals, and, lest the gentle
men should have lorgotten their math
ematics, there is a diagram to explain
how this right-angled fire is arranged.
The pistol was a national weapon, the
long, heavy dueling pistol, which was
handed to the principal by his second,
'"the flints hammered and the feather
f.pring set." Some Irish gentlemen
who had served in France tried to sub
stitute the small sword for the pistol,
and a dueling c-lub was formed in Dub
lin '"a most agreeable and useful as
sociation" the members of which
styled themselves the "Knights of
Tara." and who strove by practice in
the fencing school and on the field of
honor to bring the rapier intofahion
again. Uut their practices were de
nounced as "frivolous" by the regular
blazers, and national habits were too
strong for the innovators. "Well hit,
but no lives lost," was the bulletin
most hoped for on the conclusion of a
duel, for the kindly Iri-h nature re
coiled from occasioning the death of a
neighbor, and perhaps a friend, but
wounds were glorious, and none could
doubt the honor of one who had been
winged on such an occasion.
Printing Office
I tbe place to et your
Promptly and satisfactorily executed. We
will meet tbe price of sill honorable
compaction. We don't do any hut
firt-cla wuik and want a
livtnir prico fur It.
Willi Fas! Presses and New Type
We are prepared to turn out Job Punting Jof
every discrlptlon In the FINEST
STYLE and at the verv
Lowest Cash Prices.
Nothing Dot tbe best material i used and
our work aSpeaka for itself. We are pre
pared to prlut on the shorter;, not ire
Posters, Prog hammer.
UusiNk-sa CiHiM Taos. Him. Hkats.
Drafts Kktkiftm. Bono Work.
Hop and Party Invitations Etc.
We can print anything from thi anialient
and neatest V ir-HI 11 u Card to the Isiieest
Pouter on Htiurt notice and at the
moat RraMinahln Hates.
The Camlnia Fieemau
m m m m vvKmDi
HALL b hair
The great popularity of thla preparation,
after iu test of mauy years, nhould be an
aawurawe, even to the uiut kt-itii-al, that
It la really nieritoriou. Those who have
uard Hall's Hair Hknewku know that
U does all that la claimed.
It causes new growth of hair on bald
beads provided tbe hair follii-lea are not
dead, whii-h la aeldom the case: restores
natural color to gray or faded hair; prt
serves the acalp healthful and clear of
dandruff; prevents the hair falling off or
changing color; keeps It soft. )liant, lux
troUH, and cauaes It to prow king and
Hall's Hair Retskwer produces Its
effects by the healthful Influence of tta
vegetable IngredieuU, whieh tmU-'orstf
ana rejuvenate. It la not a dye. uu.l ia
s delightful article for toilet line. Con
taining no alcohol, it doe not eit and dry up the natural oil.
leaving the 'hair harsh and brittle, as do
ether preparations.
Buckingham Dye
roa Tas
Colors them brown or black, as desired,
and la the best dyr, because it Is liar 111 lesn ;
produces a permanent natural color; and,
being a single preparation, ia more con
venient of application than any other.
B. P. HALL & CO., Nathoa, TV. H.
Sold by all Dealers In M edict n as.
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Is a Harmless, Positive Cure
for the worst form of Female Complaints, all
Ovarian troubles. Inflammation and I'lrera
tion. Falling and llisplacemcnts, also Spinal
Weakness and I-eucorrhira.
It will dissolve and expel tumors from the
uterus in an early stape of development, and
checks the tendency to cancerous humors.
It removes faintness flatulency, weakness
of the stomach, cures Uloating, Headache,
Nervous Prostration, General I lehilitv, Sleep
lessrrss, lepresion and Indipestion, also
that f-elinf, of Tearing down, causing pain,
weight, and backache.
It acts in harmony with the laws that povern
the female system under all circumstances.
For Kidney Complaints of either scs this
Compound s. unsurpassed. Correspondence
treely answered. Address in confidence,
LCD1A E.PIMCHAM M ht. CO.. Ly., kl a a.
6jls7oils !
The Atlantic Refinin"; Co., ot
Pittsburg, Va., make a specialty
of manufacturing for the oomes
tic trade the finest brands of
Nominating and Lubricating Oils
Naphtha and Gasoline
Thai eaa ha
We challenge comparison with
every known product of petrol
eum. If you wish the most
Most : Uniformly : Satisfactory : Oils
in the market a,sk for ours.
4S Walker tt. SfcW TOBK.
aaaarlara aaal itaw. im .! hta.a). -I
Violias, Guitar. Oanjoi. Accardeons, Harmon)
cas.Ac-.a klads of Strings, etc., etc.
ClraatiiaE inaiuvamitaaLa (two.
S"0. IN r r t . uaa-1. --t U
cannrm f.r our cvaa-laraUail Traa
and t mil far, and attn. a lawaut 1
fnl (ndd Hand orMoa 1 KoarUlnua
Uold Band Woaa Rnao linna-r Sat, ,.r.;..ld Hand Alua.
aaaonraiaMl I ml-t IS. full partl.-alara
r. o. Boa Sax. kl aod 1 Vi ISu. Now V".
to handlethaOMriail Ulrrrlarraad Rfrrrrar
aaak. ar la otrlat'a olaiaablaaai KtiaaalllM,
prutuavlj ulaatanUarHl.hanuaaHuel) laaauna. aellaBl a.i
Ular arxv, paratrutxlMuiaiatama. Kverrlaala ueaxla
KlaHUUiullaM awl will lu at Kaa-lajajia aVerrV
tury rlTPu. BaoJ fur kaUatauaM diaauripUvaa artfCMlar.
Ur CO. Psttsualstw. CMieaao.MI.
Thrrc Hundred Thouaand I'-'Hara Ul.t,
Saraptxi l aptan. tiy Irui Mandlta.
In th early jiart of the .r.-sa nt i-,.n.
tury, when San Antxinio, Tex.. ;is
the home of many wealthy Sj;t 1, ;:, r, j
and the commercial center of all 1
ern Mexico, a mule train htart-.! f..r 1 i,Ht
city from the City of Mexico. There ,..,
thirtj' mulea, each loaded with i;.,t
thousand Kilrer dollart, and a i-i.ns;,.
erahle amount of pold coin, the t..ia
amount beinur about three,.,
thousand dollaru, Kays the St. I.,,i,;.
. . . . a rr .
iilolKf-livmrHTTiv. a ne caravan k
charge of ("apt. I'alaeio Flores. a pr
inent and trusteil employe of tl. :
- in
ernmeiit. In addition to the iln,.r,
of the mule train, there wi-re at.. ,tt
fiftj" well-armed and - 11 i jin-, i'u.u-,js
The old and well-worn liijl,Uuv
throiipli Sau Luis I'otitsi and .M..iii,.,Vi.
was taken and the claneriiiis tiium,.
tain defiles of South SaltiU.i u.-r
ussed without any atta.W an, , u.
train b-iii maJe. The Ki. .r;,,,,,,.
river was crossd a few miles h1m ,- ;i.
redo and the train made its way r:, ( . l
ly toward San Antonio. In tli..-..- i.,,,
the national highway passfil tl.r..nt. ,
what is now lliiiimit county, Tex ,.
low ing the bank of I'eiia creek f..r .., v.
eral miles. )n the bank of that 1 r
was a favorite cainpnij' jilucc, w !,,. , ;
now called liruiid IiiK-U water
This hole is ltH-ated at a t-hui . I.. 1, : ,,,
the stream, aud is of an tin fat In .i-.n !,),.
depth, as the wali-r in it l..'r. n..i p.,
into any interior cavity. When
-ampiii.r plai-e was reaehe.) i;,i,i
l-'lores ilecideil t-o remain t h -i- a
days, resting the mules preparat -i v i,,
uiakinr the one hundred mil. -, tiii , , -Iliuinilir
Im-twee 11 there Ulel Nan A
toiiio. He considered that all th,
jferous portion of thecountrv ha. I I. ,
passed through, and only h it t.-n m. n
on puard the first liij'ht. I.en t1.,,
numlx-r M-i'iiii-il iiiui--es:wir . a- th.-i..
were 110 sipns of any atta.-k. an. I 1,.,
pickets were jnisted 011 tin- f..ll... h, .
It was alxiut ti.aon on that day s lM-n
a baud of brigands sud.l.-nly ru I
upon the unprotected camp ..lit ..I a
dense live oak thieket. :,(.! I
and his men were taUin th. ii
day siesta when the attack va-. i...i
but they tlial Hot submit without a .t
jx-rate st nipple. The baps of pold an.l
silver were pi leal in a heap near t!,.
deep water hole, and when I
1 'lores found that the bripuiid-. i.i,
alwiut to p-t iss'ssion if the
he ordered t lie drivers to throw it
into the pluei.l pMil. Tin eoiiim.n, I
was olx-ya'd, and the bripand-. in..- 1
cred every HietiilHT of the mule 1 r
party with the exception of a dii
named Alejandro l.aj.-ro. who sue. ,
ed in making his -seaN. .r,M-.-,-.l.-.l
San Antonio, where he pave an
1 hi
. . r
. I
t 1
count of the terrible aid venture, a t.-.-ord
of which was ma. h- at that t inl
and is still ill ex ir.teliee. llisstoi' .a.
discredited until the parties to v.
the liloiii-y had Wen colc.iiii-d ina i.-
an in viv.tipatioii and found the l...n,
of the vi.-tiins and v i.l.-n.-.- . that th.
Iia ml i t s lia.l made cllorts to I'eeo-, , 1 lh.
wealth from the jsiol. Attempts u.-i,-mane
to explore tin- 1101c. 1.111 witimni
success. Heavy weight-, have 1..-. n
t.unk to a cl. .th of several thou an. I
f.-et, but the laottoui of the hole ha-.
iiev-r Im-cii reached. A lew month-,
upo .lames I.. Morpau. an east, t n , ..).
itali t and the owner of an - t.11- . . .
raiieh iu t-outhwesi Ti-xa .. wa:. pa. r
throuph llimmit e. unity, when he ua
told the hta.rv of the Wealth in
th tiran.l K.m-U water hole, ll.-vi
ite.l the my sterioiis sjiot an.l he; am.-d.-eply
interested ill tha-!.
tale that lu- ilei i.l.-.l to make a supr. in.
et1'art toexi-lore the depth of t h.- h..l.
in M-arch of the three hundiv.i thou
sand dollar.-, and recover the v-alili il
po-.siblc. 1 1- is now in t he cast supet-
ilitelldiup the C. .11- t llllt ion of tlevi.-es
and uiachincry to lie use.l in th.: jro
jiod work.
A Calllornia Novi-ll-.
One of California's novel exhibits at
the world's fair w ill Im a paiioruiuie an.l
allcporical representation of the pey
sers. The mechanical model will he
thirty-two feet l.inp, tweiity-ci,-ht f.-.-t
wide. anl sixteen hiph. The alh-porieal
fipure is liy Uupert Selunid. l'rom tin
innermost recesses of the r.ieks, an.l
pushitip tha-iu apart as he useeinls fi-..iu
the infernal rep-ions, is a piant. The
fipure is ala ut two and one-half tini,-
the sizi- of a hkmIci-ii Hercules, and tin
sculptor has made him as foi
aiwerful aud terrible a liM.kinp I -1 1 1 i."
as the mind could conjure. I la- al
most in a sittuip posture, one massive
h-p and laith arms are pushiup t he rn-U
asunder, while the otlu-r h-p carrie.-, tin
weiplit of his IxhJv. His eyes. 111..11II1.
low forehead aud tufteil lN-ur.l an
worthy of a demon, and his hair i-. a
rapped as thouph he had lM-elidi-.turl-. il
in his slumWrs. To convey an :i. I. u.i ! .-i.l.-a
nf his proportion,, tln..
lif size tipurcs are to Ik iiitr.xlu.-.-.l 111
the forcpmuiul jK-erinp t iuior. u.m at
the nioiisU-r from Whind lailders
Aun-riran Trunii-.
1'ntil the year Js7:i the tramp :i
little known in Aiin ti.a. In that
there was an entire collapse in our in
dustrial fabric, l.anks toppl. .1 hi., a
row of bricks; pre at commercial h.i.-.-
fell: maiiufua-tiirin.f t : -llluel.t -
employinp thousands wt rcclo e.l f-r-i-Vi-r
ami the I'nite.l State, nl. t. .1 .n
the lonpest and dilt )M-ri...l ot .1--tressever
exiM-rieiia--.l in tin- hi i i
of tin country. About thi-. t inn .:-pa-arcd
the trump or travcliup 1. ; -.n-a
native Auicricaii b.-ppar: and be- .111
his htraune -ar-i r of in.lceii.h ii.-.' m
solence and entire indin't-rc ncc a-- i"
the future. New recruits, pi i in -1 1
younp men without faiiaily tics. j...n,l
the army of strapph-rs. Tin train-lM-came
most numerous in is-u. r. in.. .a
inp stationary for several year ai.i
then iM-paii to decrease. The old am v
is still iiiar. but is not pett.1'
so many recruits how aiuonp the
j-ounp; and if the jircs4-nt st ate ol thin. -continues
the rapped, dirty be. ar
w ho has for years Wen the t. ri 'i' --f
rural comuiiiuities will iu anot her h-."
ade have passed away.
I'KF.sIHK.NT XfSU, of Colombia. Ias
refusi'd a M-nsion of t:UMnm a year
LlTTl.K Al KoNso, of Spain, will ut"
tain his seventh birthday in May. "
then, accord inp to court etiquette. h
will have his own household.
Kx-Kmi-kkms Cawjitta. of Mexico. Ill
her insanity requires a fresh pair
pearl pray, two-button kid plows ..11
risinp every iiiorninp throuphoiit tin
year. Anna Ht iiK is the first woman vl.
has received the depree of I'h. 1
Denmark. She had already rccciv.- l.
in ISSS, a pol.ieii medal for a prize -
isay on a historical subject.
Thk price of mourniiip is likely ''
advance when the ki r of .Moro.-.''
shuffles off this mortal coil. He ha
ft. (MKI wives, an.l suitable mourniiip at
tire will W in demand for the bereave J
C'otla-K I'rolt-aaura lu Spain
The professors iu the collcpes of
Spain are miserably underpaid, often re
ceiving' u more than two hundred dol
lars m t year. They endeavor t ma1"'
a small profit out of their text la'k-j.
each roiuii inp his ow n 1mm. k b Im- us. .
These laaiks are freajuently in manu
script, or, if printed, arc sold at unusual
prices. The students, also poor, resort
in consequence to second-hand sh.l
and the aunual fair, here a specialty
is made of collepe Uxt Imiomiv