Cambria Jzvmiuui mKNSI!fl:J, I'AMIIIIIA .. PA. FRIDAY. . - - .11 NK'. lv i. i.or.ti. rK.i Mr. P. II. Kiiikftul t." .lulnist.m ii. :s in tow n on Tiu'olay. -K-Mi.Titr tJray. of Cat :i..llt"- was in tow it on W.-tlii.'s.lay. - Mr. 1. Ft- pla.f.sprtu last Sunday in l'..-ll foiili'. -Mr. Curon Lah. y of Lilly. -I't ' f-w hours in tow n on .Moinlay. Mr .1 T. I - "r ""n-rliill. Is hint u,, at Lis 'horn.- wiil.i l.-un.utis.n. -Mr I'raiik ll.rfTlf. of tin- .Johnstown II, rtil'l. w"1 i tow n on Tu.-s.lay. - Mr. ( Iiarli-s IVrry ami wife, of (.'lies t .Sn ini-'s. was in town on Tuesilay. - .ImliTf Harry White, of Indiana, was in town on Thursday of last week. K-Sheriff Cauini'i'. of .l..lnisi..u n. w as jn town for a frw hours on Momlav. Mr. I.awreiiee Wylmi.l. of Spiuivrier, Klirii-diurtf a visit on VeIiieil.iy. Tin1 ns.'ini't'r corps on the Ula.kliek ,11,,! two lame rattlesnakes last work. Mr. A. I". Kirsrh. of 1'air township. - ni a I " lioiir- in town on WYdni-sday. Mr. William Toniliiison, of Alleuheuy tow nhip. drop).n d in to soo us on Monday. M i-s Ann Mrl (onald. of this place, ho l-.-ii ill for some li past, is ini,iuv- i I ! L! . Mr. .loli n Sum inert i I If. of Su-iUoliauna t,,w n-liip. pai.l KImmisIiui-k a isit on Nat- unlay. Mr. lie..!..- li. Si ineinaii. olio of South ,.i k - soli. I lu-ii" in.-n. .iin tow n on M lay . I'ev. Father Kitt.ll. of l.ot'ett... ami ;, . Father k..-.-iiste. I. of Ashville, ;nv in I l.i.a-o. K-l 1 1 l.lo d. of tin- lliiitl-l. a.-.-om-,.im.dl' his family, paid W ilinoi a v isi l Mitidav . Shoniakri ret iiine.l home ,,i. -.ii unlay after :t week's alenre isit 1 1,;: h i. nds in Altoon.'i. M i s. ( ionipi t . of Indiana, is i-itinu In i .1 m h I ei- M rs. V. A. and Mis. Koi , 1 1 s.-anlan. in 1 his plan-. Frank I'al ton, eahier of t he Coal port I. .ink. was in town for eeial days at t, n.liiii! roiirt a a w itnes. I I,,. 1 !-- 1 1 trrians of Hastings arc :i .mi to Imild a handsoini' ihiiivh in that ,i.i.-.- to 'oM ahotil fii.ii. Two I. rollers nanird IVt.-rs were ar ii M.d and I i" 1 1 ir 1 1 1 to jail for hi aiinir a M;i m ar lla-tinuson Saturday. On Tli ui "day 'f la-l week eleven tiainp "I ' I'loiiuhl to jail '.1 tl.-pa---in on tin' railroad m-ar Coinnia isirli. F.u li. r Mell nh, of i I more, on Mon day i-.l.'hratfil tin- twi'i'ty-li:'Lli anniv.-r--ai y ..I his elevation to tin- priest hood. Mr. .los.-ph lU'imi-lo. of iiallimn, who i a .' for fount y trea-utvr. w as in ti.t li oil Monday sluikili' hands with Ills ti i.-ii. N. Mhs A ii n if (iiinii's. foitniily a ue-- I (earlier of All. yln-ny township, i- in atti'iidami' at tin' Woil.fs Fair at I.L'.l.' .. Mr. Thoiiut- M. Lewis, of t aiuliiia township, .ii. .1 on Tuesday .1 line i.l h. a l I.; years. A foloi'i d cam ptn.'i't : ni,' is to oil ,n v .....I. ( : I 1 1 r oiint y. comnu in iii' on ti... nth in-!, and coin iiiuii)' over two Sunday. on l ii.lay laM Mrs. Fi.o )orr. of In diana, ha I a .:.Y pound tumor leinov r.i at a I'n-I.uii; ho-pilal. She expert- to return home -....n. M. 1 1. IVan r. depiilv li'ea-ui'ti'. ac allied h Ids family, his lu-other I . . oi L'. and -iter t lai a. ii le.l h i. nils ill I .il I ..lit. iW li - ni Mllida y . Mr-. Hi. Austin, of Winter I'ark. r a n ire eoiintv. Florida, 'arrived lure on Thursday on a vi-it. to her hi nt her. In. T. M. Ki. har.S. of this plaee. Mr. John I loi ham si arted on Tuedav a-him:toiiv ille. Ohm. ai'c..:n pa u i.-d 1 hi wife, the j.iiiru. y In-iny ov.-tland witli I w o hoi scs a lid a IniLT-'y. O. li. .Snyder. Ks... chief clerk in the -t ale depart men l at 1 1 arri-lmri; i- topping al the Mountain House in this .i:i,-.-. Iiav- II. ii cine here for the lien.-li. of hl h.-.lilli. Martin llornii'k. a farmer rc-idinii in hi. hlainl township, on Friday la-l was t hruw n from his w a.'oii hv hi- team I iiniiiii.' away and had his ..ft shon l.h r di-locali-d. -Mr. Samuel I'.avter. a former resident of KlK'iiliuni, w ho removed to low a ahoiit twenty years a no. died at hi-- home in K.-d Oak. Iowa, on Tuesday May .'ioih. asjed a Unit s.; ears. Shannon Snl.-r, a hrakemau on the i'enu) U ama railroad, w a-- Ihiown In- 1 1 ti al Lilly, on W.-dne-dav of l.i-t tto-ii Klld killed. His home w as in Tate-- ville. ISedford county. A racetrack is to Ih- huMt at We-i-iii. .nt on the hill that nVi'ilni.K-. .luli'i town. Messrs. Sims - Co.. ol Tyrone. ha e t he contract for tin' work, which K to lie completed ill si weeks. I I airy Sin 1 1 h. a lineman employed in -l i . 1. hiiui elect i ic w ire fell Iroui a pole a h-tam f :tO feet to the paVeiin-nt in llol- I lav -I'lirir on S;it ur.l.i y and was h.i.l'v iu- j u I .-d. He Was taken to his liolue ill I I 1111 -' lli'doll. Ualph Altinius. a hrakcmati on t he I'eiin-v Iv am. i railroad w I home is at M..II. IU ille. had his l.-fi f,,i Imdly crii-h.-.i ni the luilio.i.l yard at t oiieiunmii on Monday, lie was taken to the I 'aiiihria Mr. S. L. lliiiiL's, of Altootia. arrived her.-last week and has i aken cha I lie ol t he I i ii.'s st,.,-un tl.uirillll mill in this place. II.' in V Ites t he patronage of the people a lid Mie. ts to .l.-s. t vi- il l. luriiiii-i out lir-l I... ui I'aul, younti-'st son of Mr. .1. 1'.. M .M anaiii y and W i fe. of Van ria. r. die-1 -" M I n . the chthl's death result ini; ' i lailin on a nail which penetrated !.-' '-"-f of its mouth au-I i ii j 1 1 ri ii ii the -1.. -i i i . .1 1 n ui n. II. A. McFike. who launched the I li i vi on the journalistic ru and pr.-- " nle-l .. . I it - lies lilies lor seventeen J l-ai s. M '-.i. town for several -lays thi- we.-k " 1 a i o ' hands with his ,,ld friends and diavNimr p;,y as a witness. Mi-. Ilridiret McClarren, wife of l'et.-r M .' I n ien. of Crovle township, died at h.-r ti. line in that towi.shjp on Saturday. Iniie ::, s'.:j, s-.' years. II. -r remains .re intelled ill St. I '.il I I ho w 's re II i -el-rv, al W iluiore on Monday. I he l'enn-ylv ania Kailroad Coiniiany l.a-ilecul.-.l t jie ul lis employes who -iesjre u vacation of two weeks with free tiai.-portatioii for their f amili.'s to and the World's Fair. They will not, he paid during the vacation, however. - H. A. Kn-ilehai i t. of Hraiich s-.'. K. II. A . oT ai rolltow n ; Alex. I'arri-h. repre- i.tinii Sun nut llranch. and Dr. Trovi il. ol t.allit.iu llrauch. left for Philadelphia "ii Monday to at ietl. 1 1. hi ,r , on v cut ion ol the Kuierald l'..-netieiiil Ass.B ialiou. A w riter in a -las paM-r est imaievi that the main wheel of :t watch made-. l.H-l 'evolutions in a eur: lh.- second or centre Wheel. s,.7.,o; . thirl Wheel. Tll.lls,); tM. fourth wh. , l..Vj.-,,iii, ami theliflh or sVap. t U.-.-I, i.l.n.r,,. Ti iiuiiiU-r oflM-ats or ibratw i.t HJ,OL.Vo iu a j tar. Mr. Charles Father, son of Mr. David Furt-er. of Wiluiore, died on Monday at a hospital hi 1:-Milder City, Montana, from rheumatism. He was ahout thirty-siv yi-ji'i d a sie and leaves a wife hut no children. A strike of small proportion took place i.ii Wednesday amonij tl e stone-cut-teis on the new railroad. We understand several met ijuit work hut their (daces are not hard to till and their services ran l- dispensed w itll. Don't forget the fact that there will he a picnic at Spansrlcr on Wednesdav and Thursday June -.Mst ami liil; the proceeds for the henetit of the new Catholic church at that' place. A hospitahle welcome will he extended to all. The semi-annual synod of the Welsh Calvinistio church of Ohio and Western I'eiiusylv ania will meet in the Calvinistic church. K'ocnshuri; this (Thursday even inn will continue until Sunday niu'ht. There are thirty-live c hurdles iu this dis-disi.rict. K-lwar-l Ili.-ket is. of I'ta'nvilh'. Cloar lield county, last week from Chi-i-iiin, w her.' he had U'on on duty as a "0 1 nmliian uuard" at t heex po-tt ion. Heonly servsl twodavs. and jiives as a reason for u'iv in-i up his j,.li i hat. w hile it cost him 1 a day to live, the salary is only ?si v in. .nt h. ThesherilT of F.lair count y Is iloiu-; an extensive lively l.tisiness. .lohn I.air.l. Koss I'iper and Charles Hewitt, the lead inu livery-stahle keepers, have each i'one iuto the sheriff's hands to wind up husi tiess. Io.s.s Filler was a former Khenshiii ii hoy ami well known here some twenty v ears airo. Thomas Kvans, alihoimh a ripple from his reeetit accident, is a terror to snakes. On Monday he vi-ited a rattle snake den on Winner run. and with his riu'ht arm in a slimi. killed rattl.-rs. lie l.r.iuiihl (he skins of most of the larger ones home, vv h ii-ii he will have tantieil. ('nut jMirt S'.riiiiiiW. Ii. II. Siniier w as r.-leasetl fi oin jail on Thursday, a numlicr of hi friends from tin' -oiilhei n part oi the ciiuuty fiirnisliimi hail lor his appearance at the next term of cm, i t. He h it here on the train for I'.rad iloekand I'ittstii.rii to v isit relatives, and w ill mi a lew days no to his home at Cal ifornia. I'a. SiiiurxttHtnnlirl. William Saviiu'e. a '.-year-ol.l hoy. was .Ir.-wned at Jersey City. May :'.l. Just four years ami to t lie day this little hid was saved at Johnstown, al which time his mot In r and t w o nieces lost t heir life. The hoy's father (s almost distracted with lii ief mi. I says that his cut ir.t fa tuily has lieen taken from him hv tirowninii. The llcrw iiitl-Whiie !tal Company last e: I, puichasetl the eoul and surface of i In- Joua- a ml J tcoh Weav.-r rsiale iu I'ainr to .v n-iiip. Simii-i -.-t county. The 1 1 art e 1. 1 i.l a i v . o neres. eoiiid.T ;i1 ion f s. That coinpauy now tv n-a fjlock ol m arly i."-.i a- r--- .-1' ai-ii3 F;;iut and Shad.- creeks m St.nn iset alid Canihria COl i tl I il -s. The holidays am! half holidays iu this sta le are al'e a- follows: New 'sd iv. V:iliiii'ioii's hiithday, UmhI Frid.iv. M.-nioi hi! day. the Fourth of July, I.aU.r dav.whicii fulls on the 'lirsi Mo!. day iu Si pirn. IicI'. Fleet ioll lillV, or t lie lil si Tl!rS- ilcv after l he iijst Monday in XovtHuher. ThanUsuiv inn d.ij , Chi 1st ma -day. ai i.l ev ery S. it in. lav a ft ,'t li o'rlo, k. The store room of Isaac I i. ddstein. at South Fork, was entered ly lnuirlars on Tliur.lay niiiht of lust week and a-Uiul s .mi worth nf j..i !iT inn! e,,ods caii i. .1 .-It. The ini-ii-'y tlra w er was broken open au-I a small amount In eha:i?t tken, lnt viry litlic uiotiry ha-1 l.een left in the drawer. The entrau.-e to th store was eio-eted hy forci mi op. n tint front door. -- Fpioot ic has ht oken out atnonii the horses in this community. ' It will he re in. inhered that in the winter of "71 and '7.' the pl.i'.'ue caused L'feat havoc throii-;h t he coii ut rv. horses .ly inii like lii.-s. The present si. e i-omin as it d-H'S In the sum mer w i'l ptol. ihly not r.'--iilt s. ilis;istroiis. yet the utmost care and caution should ! taken as it is very t anions. ini'.iioi Ia Wednesday inornirii Mr. Slnmnaii TiMioti u icl.'i t. Hik to heat some coal tar for I he purpose of paiiitint; shinsrles pre p ir itoi v to pull i'iil: a new roof on his res deuce on Julian street, when the inr eawiiht on lite and Loiie.l over the kettle, -etiinii .ill-- wooil on lire. An alarm of lire w as sounded. !nt he Haines weicex-tiieitlislii-d hi-fole the lite aparatus reach ed t he Scene. A L'tand hall will he held ;it St. Aucrus tine on Friday and Saturday. June li'.ih a ud ITi h. for I he hem-lit of the new church now in course of construction. tirand march each evening at ':' o'clock led hy lllii foil. ;ed melilU'rs nf the Hope st. am lire company. No. S, of Altoona. Music hy Km mil's - .relies I ra. Sn pper will le served in the hall and will consist of the U-st the market affords. An eniiatrcitirtit. for Forepanh's eiretis to ex hi hit at Foe k II a Veil on 1 he vi t h inst. has l.een canceled localise the i'!- vauia Kailroad Company has refused to transport any more animals over its lines until a settlement is jitTectei. with Walter I.. Main. So says the Lock Haven lhiim- tt. The same paper atlds that this older has caused consternation union;? inanaii.-rs of rai Ir-iad show s. - Michael I teller, of Camhria township, was arreste.1 on Tuesday morning on a warrant issued l.y "Squirt I'arrisli. of ;,is place, al the instance of Lewis Kiim ehariiin him with assault ami Lattery! K inu-is a farim i living nhmit four miles south of F.hciis!nir;r ami Deller is empl.iveil hy hi in as a farm hand. After the arrival .f the (aili.s at the "Squire's olTi. e the ca.-e was settled hy Deller payinii theeosts. -On Satui.lay niu'ht the t! w ellinn house and ham of M r. Thomas ( ; 1 1 inaj.. in Clenr- tiel.l township, vv.-re hurned toyrrt her-w i t h t iieir content s. t he family lieinir a v;iy from home at the time and nothing heiui; savetl. Tlie lireot iiiiiiated ill the harn and Is sup posed to have lieeu I he w ork of ail ary as there had been no lire about the l.ttililiitL's. The los is estimated at l.".i on which l here is an insurance of ?7j j,, iu t lie ( ainl.ria M ut ual. A lo ading ilispatch sav s a new species of worm is.loinii incalculable datnaiie to the corn crop throughout that section. The worm eats olT the corn stalk near the .'round a. id thousands of acres have liceii ruiu-'d. The worm belomis totheciter- pni.-i . iii.-ii. Him -.iii a regular cocoon near the I'oois of the -talk. Local sciell- t sts say that the only tliinu'that will save the corn crop i, :t warm rain which would turn the worm into a hullerlly. Look out for a couple of s, iu.ll. rs w ho claim to be aiients for valuable flow ers ami bulbs. They induced a Centre county far mer recent ly to buy $17 worth of vines which they claimed aoiiI.I produce U-itu- tiful jn a few- weeks. Tht swindlers planted the vines for t he fanner, received the rash and took their depart ure. In a few- days the vines died and it was then discovered that the Said vines were n .thing more than sq.riiis t-tuck in t he part h. - Some time a-.'o a Maltese rat went to the stable of Mail Carrier Joseph l:,,w. man. of Madison. Westmoreland county. She ya ve O; ri h to si x kittens, four of iheiil U-inii joined together as ,!.. L'ai'h' of these kittens has a w t -fornieil head and three feet, two in front and one behind. The one bind foot is lost w here t hi- four kittens join and iii.-r-ii intoone. The oth er two kittens are normally well developed, and al! the rat, family that litvis seen the on a war-like footing with the freaks. At their eon vent ion at Altoona on Tuesday the TVniocrats of I'.lair county nominated Aug. S. l.andis lor Judiie; e- Sii.-i ilT James Funk ami V. V. Ctufer f..r t ominissioiiers: Thomas Hunter for poor director, and. S. Walter Wood and 1). (. II.ii km for auditors. The larse steer welirhlnir 4.3m pounds, iH-lonjiinii to W illiam M. Sinscrly. of the I'hiladelphla Tien,nl. whiih was sent to the World's Fair at lliieago. for exhibi tion has been broinrht home to Ambler owing to the excessive rates asked by t he exposition authorities. It Is said that 10 a day was asked for his stall at the fair, w hh h was a small muddy af fair, and that on learning rthe facts the steer was immediately re turned to the Singerly farm at Ambler, Montgomery county. Col. Jacob Higgins, landlord of the Cambria Club House in Johnstown, was found dead in one of the bathrtmms of the hotel Mil Thursday evening of last week, sitting in a chair with a bullet hole in the leftside. It is supposed that the Colonel was clt aning his gun. which was found lying by his chair, w hen it was accident ally tlichargetl. Col. Higgins was Jiorn in Williamsburg. Ulair county, in H'.ti, was a Mexican war veteran and Colonel of the l'.'.lth regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers during the late war. His funeral took place at Johnstown tin Sunday. Ii. C. Itarclay, a gang Ikiss on the new railroad, who is stopping at the Central Hotel, in tli is- place, on Monday evening after s n pi'i-, while, suffering from rhetna lism. took as he supposed some powders t hat he had in his pocket as a remedy for the pains. He had forgotten ab.nit hav ing some morphine also in his pocket ami in-lead of the rheumatism 'xiwders he took six grains of morphine. He soon dis covered his mistake anil sent for medical aid. Drs. Davison anil Jones responding to his call. An emetic administered relieved him of most of the drug, but he had to be kept on his feet and walking around dur ing the night, us sleep would have been fatal. He w as all right on 1 uesday morn ing. The rrin'i'a InxHtnl. C. i;i;oi.i. row x, I'a., June ."tli. isitt. Kili tor l'n lulu iii iV'Ciiii . Dkai: Sik: Know niiig the interest you take iu the success of our farmer's institute w hit'h w ill lie held in Carrolliow n June "Jl ami 22.1 will ask space in yonr valuable paper to inform your readers that the pro gramme will consist in part of lectures on the follow ing subjects: "Foes of the Farmers."' by I'rof. lioth roek. illustrated: "l'.ird of Pennsyl vania."' by Prof. Warren, ot West Clu ster, author of the celebrated "Kird Hook of Pennsylvania": 'Phenomena of Plant Life." by Pro'. Hieges, of York county, "Soils" by same; ""Commercial Fertil izers." by Secretary Fdge. of state U.ard of ugricultiire: "Farm Training." by Prot. T. L. (libson. of KlieiisLurg; "Docs it pay to use Commercial Fertilizers," by Sena tor Cl itchtield, of Somerset; "Iv reeding and Care of Farm Horses," by Ira Klooin. of Kbensbiiry;: "Dotructioii of Cat. a. la Tl.itle," by James McCracken. of Jeffer son county; "Sheep raising for profit," by same; "Our Part, by Miss Criichiicld; "liocs it pay to ! a Farmer." by the same; "lioad Making." by V. lieig, of Cai rolltow n. Interesting paer w ill U' read by Prof. T. J. lt. l. J. J. Kaylor. John McCormit k. Joseph I'urbaugh. Luke Hebe. Thomas Sirittmatter, John T. Thomas. Miss Kay lor uud others. Miss McDonald and Miss Plain-hard, distinguished pianists and soloists of Pit t stui rg. xv ill entertain the ti tir ing the institute with appropriate selec tions. J.J. Tuoxias. hrlir Sml. The following pio;crties were sold by sherilT Shumaker al the Ctiurt House on Monday. Ploprrly of ("eorce T. Peers in Iieade tow uship. coiilaiuiiig one acre and forty one perches. Sold to James (Khali for .Vl. Property of John K. Cha'M-ll in Lld.-r township, ron-i-ting of a lot w it h a one story lioii-e thereon. Sold to Daniel D. Milller for Property of I.l.i and Josvpii I. ll.t.l.-t in Ashviile, consisting of a lot (.(.'round with stable and stone foundation thereon. Sold to the Kxcclsior I'uihliug ,vi Loan Asstn-ia-tion for lm. l"toei ty of Annie Carland in (iallit.iu tow nsliip. con-ting of a lot of ground w ith two-story house thereon erel'ted. Sold to Ilelliard Weise for H7.". Propertv of Mary S. and K. W Iieetl in Callilin, consisting of lot of ground w ith two-story frame house. Sold to C.all'tzin Puihiing .t Loan Association for '.'.". Property of Nancy McCulloiigh in Jack son township, consisting of a lot of ground. Willi a frame house and frame barn there on erected. Sold to James Trindle for Hno. Property of Mary and Sarah Dugan in Wiluiore. consisting of two lots, one w ith a two story frame house and stable thereon eret ted. Sold to John McColgan for 17.-.. Sale of the other properties advertised was stayed. litrrlif l.lrrniin. The follow ing marriage licenses were is sued by the Clerk of the OrphMis' Court for the weiik ending Wednesday, June 7. ls'.ct: Lew is T. Iiodgers and Catharine Wis inger, Su.iiycrt-ek tow nship. KoIm iI H. tireen and Alice Ileed, Johns tow ii. - Kdwartl liurus and Aralicllo Cosllovv, Johnstown. Charles Mohr and Katharine Deetz, Johnstown. Charles F. liobine, Washington town ship, and Alice McCoinn ll, Lilly. John II. Mauer and P. rlhaL Millspaw, JollllstoW u. John M. Price and Lillie M. Young, South Fork. Alex. Mogiuskic and Annie Muscavagc, ( iallitziu. Isaac Paldwin, Portage, and Kliza Young. Frugality. Andrew Maludy and Hastings. William J. Ol nel and Strongstow n. John iiitlle, Johnstown Clove, Huntington. Pa. Daniel O'lloi.nell and Johusto'V li. Juliana Biick, Ella Gillespie, , and Mollie A. Mary O'Toole, !rw Hsxla. On Monday the court ap,M.intetl I'aul Yahtier, Wiiliam Switzler ami Vincent lieig viewers to lay out a road in Carroll township from near the residence of James Mellon to near Baker's cross roads. AKo appointed Paul Yahner, James Baker ami Joseph Ilakrr viewers to lay tint a load in W hite tow uship In-ginning near the barn of James Noel and ending near l he barn of William Dishart. Also apillted Horace Ovcrdol f, George Sheridan and Samuel Fetterman to lay out a roatl iu I.nt-r Ytnlcr township. Ctaler Kltiitrr KondnniH. Elder II. H. Singer's friends, coinMstd oftnen of inllticnrc In Somerset county, hav e show u I heir faith In him by going his bail. The men on the IkmiiI art Dr. 11. A. Ilautzell. Dr. W. S. Mountain, A. II. Collioili and Noah Scott. Tltp men in the Somerset county Jail have given Elder Singer a statement that they believe him to lie a sincere Christian man. ami that his advice, conn-el and example while there if followed Would do them all good iu the future. Court w as called on Monday at 10oclook After calling over the bar list the first case taken up was that of the Commonwealth vs. John Iluber. Oeirge Huuer and Eva u..-.r si.rtv of the tieace. Delenuants sentenced to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. George McAbee, as sault and battery. Sot pn entered. Commonwealth vs. John Blair FlgarU surety of peace. Defendant directed to pay one-half the costs and the prosecutor Benjamin Flgart the other hilf. Argumeut court was fixed for Tuesday August 1st. Commonwealth vs. William Varner, de sertiou. Defendant ordered to pay his w ife the sum of three dollars per week. Commonwealth vs. Andrew- Jackson, larceny. Defendant plead guilty. Direct ed to pay the costs and further sentence suspended. Commonwealth vs. Thomas Karclav and JohnCobaugl. Malicious mischief. Juij find defendants guilty. Sentenced to pay the cois. Commonwealth vs. Charles Davis, rape. .Yf. jrx. entered. Commonwealth vs. Stmuel March, lar ceny. Jury find the tleienuani not guilty. Commonwealth vs. Charles Young and William Dclonjr, larceny. Jury find de fendants guilty. Sentenced to one year and six months in penitentiary. Commonwealth vs. Mrs. Alice Eckenrode, adultry. Jury find defendant not gui'.ty and that she pay half the costs and the prosecutor her husband the oilier half. Commonwealth vs. Elmer Wirick. polnt- a loaded gun. Jury find defendant guilty. Commonwealth vs. Mary Dunn, adultry. Defendant plead guilty. Common wealty vs. John Clark, Harry Clark and Sonierville, entering a house to commit larceny. Defendant plead guilty. Commonwealth vs. Elmer Wirick, forni cation. Jury tn.d defendant guilty. Commonwealth vs. John Burk et al. lar ceny. Jury lind defendants not guilty. Commonwealth vs. Charles Totney, rape. Jury lind defendant guilty. Kabbalti Krltnol on vrnt lata. The twenty-fourth annual convention of the Cambria County Sabbath Schtol As sociation will he held in the Lutheran church it (ilasgow, Iicade township, on Thursday and Friday, June l."th and li'.tb, 1W. The program wifl consist of many inter esting addresses and discussions on educa tional work in the Sabbath schools and every Uly interested in the work shoul J at tend. Prof. J. A. Sprenkel, of New Cumlrfr land. the field set retary, w ill lie with us and his presence and help w ill add much to the success of the convention. We meet, as stated, this yearat (Ilasgow, a small town in the extreme northeastern M.rtion of the county, and it may seem out of the way; but persons from the south of the county can go by the Cresson fc Clear field road, taking the train that leaves Cresson at !:.V) a. m., ami go to Falien Timlier. and there the delegates will lie met by conyeyances to take them to Glas gow, a distance of four miles; or. if you prefer, you can go by P. Ii. Ii. to Hell wood and up the Bell's Cap railroad totila-gow. Trains leave Bcllvvood at 3 A. M. and 3:2S P. M. K. N-tllrt. The lilM'I suit instituted some time ago by Editor Letts, of the Carrolliow n .Vrii', against Editor Letts, of the Hastings T riliiinf. has lieen settled. The Hastings Trihuitr of last week refers to the case as follows; "The priecutit.n for lilel instituted some time since by Editor Letts, of the Carroll tow u A-Yii'K, against the editor of this pa lter, was withdrawn on Tuesday of last week. This fact pleases us a great deal Ivetter than it pleases some of the Hastings and Elx'tishurg Kliticians who were so anxious to invest some money iu the af fair. We have not consulted the petti fogging Johnstown Imss u ho wa so anx ious for a job iu con iitH t ioii with the case, but piesume he feels pretty nearly as small as he actually isatiout It. Ast Mr. Letts, be deserves great credit for taking the ad vice prompted by friendship for IhuIi par ties and will lo3 nothing by his action." - liow to Avoid Nprltac Fever. Spring fever, or that "tired" feeling, is occasioned by an excess of heat in the hu man IhkIj-. The diet necessary to main tain animal heat during winter, is no longer necessary during the warm months of spring and summer, and a change is not only Wnelicial but necessary. To avoid any unpleasant results, and to keep up vitality the system should tie stimula ted by the use of a little pure whiskey Physicians throughout the country unite in prescribing and recommending the whiskies In.ttled by Max Klein on account of their purity ami general excellence, and the known reliability of his Silver Age, Duiiiesne and Bear Creek recommend them to all. Send for catalogue of all kinds of litjuors, mailed free, to Max Ki.kix, 82 Federal street, Allegheny, I'a. Lrt'rr or Tliinki. Ei'.KXsitt Kti, June 1. ls-.tX Ktlitor CamhrUi Frrvtuan: Sn:: The members of Capt. John M. Jones Post No. .va;. tJ. A. II. of Eliensburg. respectfully return their heartfelt thanks ' to Hon. J. I). I licks, Hon Judge Barker, Prof. Harvey and Alvin Evans, Esq.. for their kindness In delivering the addresses on Memorial Day, thereby making our decoration services a success. We also thank I'rof. Gibson for his kindness in as. sisting us on this occasion and to the county commissioners for the use of the courtroom; to the quartet of young men ami the s-hiHl children who so ably ren dered songs suitable for the occasion, and to the citiens in general for their libera contributions iu assisting us in defraying expenses. uihsiittkk. Mill On llrrk, Mr. William Dishait. of this plat e, has the honor of U-ing the first man to sub scritie and pay one year's siilrscripllou to til.- Kiii.KMAN, for which "aid and com fort" he lias has our (rrateful acknow ledge tneiits. .To the rest of our friends we would say come thou and tlo likewise. There is honor enoimh for all. if they will only w in it by follow M r. Dishart's good example J-Vom the initinl nuiitiurr 0 the M'.KKMAX. Jltn. Jl, I.Sfo. Mr. Dishart. who now- lives in White tow uship, was in town c.n Monday and of course dropped in to fee the Fkkkman". Ho has l4en a constant reader and prompt paying subscriber to the Fkkkman ever since its initial numler, which accounts for his pood health and that be does not look any older than he did twenty-six years ago. Fram the Tjraa Herald. The black tii?er which escaped from Main's circii at the time ol the wreck, was .-hot by a farmer at Itald Kaleou Monday eveiiinlt. The tiier was iu pursuit of the farmer sheep at the time. Cotl-cb Wesner, at his farm ft mile north of MeCann's crossing, shot the silver tip I. anther which escapol from Main's circus trait, wrttck. lie heard tin' panther mak ing a meal olf his chickens alout 2 o'clock Saturday morning, and w'ithout fear of the big U-ast Mr. Wesuer shou Idered his rifle ami succeeded ill pulling an end to the an imal. MlK-tly st ml I led. In Joluisto 11 L. I. WtMMlrutT. Herman I tu inner. Jas. P. (irtfiie, J.C. Larkin and K, I. Martin are applicants fur the Kljeus Lui'g putstxtflice. MuuiiUiiiuxr. BALTZELLS'.. NOTHING in the way ailorn ing is quite so effective as laces and fortunately nothing is more fashionable. We have sold hun dreds of yards of white, black and fancy laces this sprine and the demand is still on and likely to be. Our lace stock shows a wonderful variety in msikes, widths and prices from the very narrow at 2c. or 3c. to the 45 inch at $2 a yard. Laces are cheaper than ever before and very pretty indeed. We have now a new line of white Pointe d" Ir landein medium widths from 10c. to 75c. a yard. Wider widths, 75c. In Ecru, medium, Sc. to COc. Wide, 48c. to 85c. a yard. In Point d' Paris, medium, 18c. to 35c, a beautiful lace and much sought after. White and Cream Chantilly, medium, 25c. to C5c. a yard. Wider, 47c. to 88c. Oriental, medium, 10c. to 33c. Wider, 12J to 25c. A beautiful silk lace, Pointe d' Applique, ranges from 25c. to 47c. a yard. There is a great variety of fancy laces that are included in these prices. There is a very large assortment of black laces, especially iu Chantilly. Very narrow. 1.1c. to 3k a yard. Med dium widths. 1.1c. to :k: Wider. 22c. to ST'ic. The prettiest patterns are being taken rapidly. There are but a few patterns left of the 4.1 inch Chantilly at,, 1 1.4.1 and f'-'.ui a yard. Also a few in fancy nets and laces at 1..10 a yard. Fancy black laces in I'oint d' Gene and Point d' lriande range iu medium w idths al 2.1c. to Mic. Wider weaves title, to f 1.1.1. .BALTZELLS', Altoona. 'THK Kt.enpt.tinr HuIMIdk fc Lrfian Aorlmtion I will otter fr ale at the cutirll rbaoihrr. Ki enturir, on the :unn Mno.Uj D June tl.iMM.uu. THUS. I'A VIS. I-kbticb Limau, Secretary. Pros-Went. IK you are wanting Book. Stationary, Book let. lMlt. (iauie. Tuy. Kuveltle. School Supplied. Knt.ber H00U or Shoe, etc.. etc.. too can bave y ur want aupplled bjr a vlu t to V. T. Kvteru' kttire. btnrburic. Altbouitb aa ..Id es tat.lli.hr4 one. It la alrol ot the limea and il. way well BlUd with a-ood ol all klnd. An ex change lll.rary baa been aunetl at tbla alore. b ere tor iaod lu cenu yon can rent niopt any book yon want to read. Any book or anything eh-e not In t-tork pruenrod lor you at once. Kv erytblnic fold at lovtet rlcea. Unre ni a call and sea tor yourell. ua nerer aaw (uco lance and elexant (tuck In ttieaibcnc. llrnakfaaMi mr llae l.i mmr II t-alllv-ly 'tarl ly AdalalalriaiaT tr. llatlaitsa Ualdra kpeeltlr. It manulactnred a powder, wblea can be klven In a tela a ol beer, a cap ol eoflee or tea. or In loud. without the knowledice ol the patient. It la al.n.luiely barmlera. and will edoct a perma i.entand )wdy cure, wbethwr the patten; la a moderate drinker or alo.bolie anck. It ha been Men in Ib.Miaanda ol eaaea and la every Inalaace perfect cure baa lollowed. It never lalia. The it.'.tm one Impregnated with tbe pecibe. It be conaea an utter Impoeaiblllty fur tbe liquor ap petite 'm exlat. t'urea a uarautced. id page book ut particular tree. Ad.lreaa Ool-llLN !PIaI Fit? Vt .. auatu.lT. la Knew su. I'lneinnutl O. ro Note These: If interested in any of them, write us for samples and see if you don't Save Money on every yard you send us an order for. bid pieces all-wool Diagonal Cheviot Serges, 3" inches w ide, in complete range of the seasou's liest colors, 35 Cents. You'll find the univeral fabric is .Klcents, and you'll just save tbe difference. 'AM pieces assorted American Wool Suitings, Imported Bedford Cords.Taffeta Change- ants. Iteige Hourette Stripes, at', and 38 inches wide some 01 tlieiu all-wool some three-fourths wool, 20 Cents, every yard worth 40cents, some 30 cents; this sale, price, 23 ceuts. imi pieces Finest French Satines, beat of thu seasou's printings light and dark colorings. 25 Cents, regular price all seasou iu this and other st.. res has Iteen 3-". ceuts. loo pieces extra tine American Satines, 2.". ceut quality at 15 CENTS. Mohairs, for traveling and street dresses. r-J Inch MOHAIR HUlLLlANTlNKS, in 4 shades of grey only. that are f 1.28 qualities as usually bought and sold. 44 inch Mohairs, in all staple colors, 50 Cents. That is remarkable quality and value for :M cents. lletier ttee at ut these. They re w orth looking alu-r. boggs&'buhl, 115, 117, 119 & 121 Meral St, ALLEGHENY, PA. tore Hr.aM'a Dlt. Hn.t-T. Ur.vel. Ner .. iin 1'rinrv or ITr lifue V ru. litt tired. Uaicaid relli.K: In-ctiwa ol k. ih . and uolsuo tb tod. and nleff cauaa rct-oed Jtoai caonut bare health Cored mm over tle eara axo ol' UiM-aat vt m I I. Mil. Kl Hellilebeua uu j - - - - - Pa. I. wm other other almllar laauinooiau. .17 lu Cure KOaraateed. Klataiey Cairo Vm , T-ji VanmD-oatreet. fhlladrli.bia. Pa Onl.l t all reliable dnuiUU. 41.W3 A. C. FISHER. Painter and Paper Hanger. PATTON, PA. The ander.iirned II soar located In Pat Ion and In i.repril to do Palolln In all I la bt-ochea. 14 ..a mi Patnilna. Slan PalnUov. Ormlmmc and Paottr Han a In- (ueelallT. NaUrlaeilon aaar- aotee.1. A. C. MsHLK. main 3 flXI WHOM IT MAY CONCEKN: J. A' I ius harloit claims airalnst the estate 01 Jeremiah ISoonaa. late 01 Aluaster lownanip tambrta county deceased, or attain! tbe estate ol t.l ix Nuooan. late ol said township, f.eeeared are rrqaeeted to present tbeir claim ..ropefiy t.rot.aied to aie hy May z&ih. ItwS. M. l. AITTEI-U Enenabunc. Pa.. March 31. lt. 1KIVATE SALE. Tbe anderslKned will eel at I'm ale Sale In Uly Iwnitwh, Camilla county. Pa- but Hotel, with Brewery tt -tied ; Two Im lions a, stable, and all necessary (ut l.nildlnsKon tbe premises Tbe Hoase Is licensed now. r or larther ertleulare call on o addreaa the ur..tetor. THUllWKl: IriUU.. i-iy. Pa- Oct X4. lire Attention i rrmr j We are convinced that our prices and goods are right. Since we became .Simon & Co.s successors our daily sales up to date have increased just 40 per cent., and we still continue to sell at the same small profit figures. In Clothing you can be suited in a Suit for yourself, your boy or boys in higher quality than price. In Spring and Summer Styles we are stocked up to overflowing. We feel confi dent that if you come to us you will go away better pleased than ever before, as this is our motto: Why do you get your Shirts made when you can get them to fit you and goods to suit the most particular. We have Shirts from 2.1 -ents up to f'J.'.H. Men's Fedora Hats in every s-hade, color and style that you want for 1.4-.. Also a very line line of the latest and most fashionable Stiff Hats from .10 wins up. FURNITURE. lb-low we w ill tftiote a few- prices Then you can judsre tor yotirseii, 1 set trood yellow 'hairs 3 - .00 I set iiood dark Chairs I set good dark Chairs 1 set cane seat Chairs in dark 1 set cane seat Chairs iu dark 1 set cane seat Chairs in dark 1 set cane seat Chairs. Mabojiany 1 Oak Kocker w itu arm 1 Oark kocker with arm 1 Oak cane scat, fancy arm 1 dark cane seat, fant y 1 liiiht. verv fancy arm Child's Kockers. a v., rt.V.. T.V. and... 00 4 :.: ..-'4 l.T". 1 .: :." .'.Tr. i.'.H l.oo l'erforateti Chairs and Kockers 111 all styles and prices. I full S-piece Mahogany or Walnut lled-room Suite A 1 full rt-piece Oak IJed-room Suit 2" Side Imards. Cuolioards and Sinks .00 .110 a sptialty. Oil Cloth. & Carpets. We are stocked in Oil Cloth and Carpets. It will save you money to buy f us as in buying our st4M-k early and in larjte quan tities we sayetl money. We challenge any one to equal the intrinsic value as well as the a "1w . .A "a1 A -i..A ofierinsr this season. Don't wait N. B. It may be of interest to yoa to say we ar still leep in the grocery business. It will surprise you to see the way we are selling gooils in this tlep.-irtment of our mammoth store. Some merchants say 'I woniler where they can get gools to sell at fhose ficrures, as we can't buy them wholesale at the prices they are retailing lor." Here is the the secret: We know where the goods grow that is why we sell so low. And when you come to town, Look for the john..p.ster1' ' q y i m m CUIiRU MEiClHDI.E, Hariware, Qncensware, MADE-UP CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES AMD fROYISIONS, TEi-ETARLCH l.V llK!tJk., r.TV , OPPOSITE JMCTION HOTEL CRESSON, PA. bm July 1KOptSAI K' H Ft'KNISHINtl- STA tluoerj. Knrnitore, Ira.l. and ulber Sou liies. lu rt.mpllance with the onitltnttr.n and law o' tbe f.U.uiuit.nwealih of Pernv tvania. 1 herei iDTlte reeled i.rotKiKal. at nrlre el.w rale, fl zed n chedulei. to furnish nuiiuiiarr. lurnllure. tuel. and other .oni.llea lor tbe icveial devartmentc ol the State Oovet-nient. aud lur tnBkinK repair In the rereral drpititaieot ant! lor tbe distribution ot me i.ut.;ie ooc-unienti.. fo. the year ending the Bret Monday of June. A. I separate protopal will r received and repa rate eontrat awardetl aa announced in . chrdalea. tch proHal mut t ac-ompanle.! by a bond wirh appreved aurelien. ciii.iitn.e. ler tne laitniui periorinance 01 me rant urt. an.i addreared and delivsre,! to me brfore twel-r o'rl.M-k .. 01 Wednesday, the 2ib dy of Jane. A. I. Iy3. at which beopentxi and contr rti warded. In the Kecei.ttou ruoiu ui the K.ecntlve Hrpartuicut at HM;rl-t ur. Mlank bond and fcedule contalnlnic all ne- eeary Intormatlon can be obtained at Oil 1m parttnenu 1 i.j.t - i,i r . nAnnll 1 . Secreta.-y ol tbe Commonwealth. Jane 2. lS93.3t. POR SAL.K. Jl StlXlXD-HANU MAl'HINtKY. 1 Portable Holler and Ko In ..:(& hore-pwer. 1 Portable Boiler and "ccirlne. 2S hore-ix.wer. 1 Center Crank Eneme. Vxl2. with IJovernor. I Side Itrauicbt Knlnc.9'-,iH. with Ooveruor. 1 Side lfrauKbt to.loe. lujils. with Jovrnor. 1 Slna-le Edaer and lot Irn Pulley. 1 Klch lapjntred Band saw tturamer. 1 11 r Blandy Heady Head Block. 1 Parke Saw Swwe. All la K-ood condition and at half price. Write for particular to 11. UlEH, m.-J tt ltulwi I'a. HUTtX. UllKAMih. H J.SHLTTU. PnorBlBTOK. iwaPd nt LtoBoia. Pa., near the B. K. A P. Railway Iiepot. We always endeavor to fur nish tbe best accommodation to buslnes men. pleasure seeker and boarders. Persons in search of joo ilort and quiet will hod It a desirable place to stop. The Table 1 unsurpassed and I alway aupDlied with tbe best (be market atlordr.and all tbe dellcaeie of tbe Karen. I'be Bar I ap plied with tbe choicest ol pure liquors andeiirar and not bin. bat tbe beet Is sold. Special alien tioa sjlren to tbe care ol horse. H. J.SOHKTTHI. S. 1 BJCBD. MAT-IOT KBAPB. REED & READE, Attorneys at I iw, r.bENSUl'K.1. ... PENNA. AVeT-cmee oa Cenue (treet. M. D. KITTELL, Attorney-o t- a ti -w . EBENSBVKO. PA. Offlee la ArBsrf Kalldlna. opp.Conn Hnsise. TW. DICK. ATTOKNEY-AT-L.AW, tBttararitM. I'Bua'A A-SpeciAl attcotloB to Kt'en claim for Pen loa Bounty, ate. ehT- "wi JF. McKEXKICK. ATTOk tTalDO 'l' KSBtXOB AT LA W. tBtNMU'itli. PA AW-Dffloa on Centre street. DUXALD E. DUFTON, ATTOKN EY-AT l.A W. EBkuKBt'ka, Pbbsa. a(JtBea la Opera Hoase. Onter street H U. MYEIIS. AITUhSEY-AT-LAW. . EaaaaauBo, Pa. limea la IVviioaade Mb. .. aire sirwat, UlCEITS MK4. A. MwTTJIes .ark vug WJE AMJE Please and Satisfy Everybody. FltMir Oil Clfith from cehts to 41 cents per S4juare vard. Insiraiu C'arjH't, one yard w ide, at 4i, 4S mid tin cents. Stair CarM-t from 23 cents tip to .Ml cents ler yard. SHOES! SHOES! If you w i.-h to (let a jjimmI and sut.stat: tial ShiM call 011 us. You will surely lind something that will suit you. Ladies' douicola plain tip and sprinir heel, button , 1.." lof.'.dil Ladies tlontfola. ox-ra and common sense, button, heel 'tl.'i't ti Ladies' exira line tipied lt!u her 2..M1 Ladies russet. ti.M-d. button Ladies' tine ebbletl buttoned: also. Misses' and Children's patent leather tipocd l.lo, 1..1, l.'KI Ladies' tine su rue. button or lace Ladie" tiiiiM-d and common sene x- foids l.ooand 1.2 Children's tlpin-o Oxfords flit Cbildreu's ruet ami doiogola sprint; heel cl.lKI ami 1.10 Inlauts' shoes from Tl cents up. Men's lace and eonirress htx- I Men's satin calf, lace or congress 2.00 I Men's It calf, lace or congress 1.75 1 Men's tipMd I'lueher. extra tine .frfi j Men's line hand-sewttl. Iact or ctm- (iress 3.1m Men's (ireaciau calf, lace or congress. . 2.1m Men's line Kangaroo tipped, lace or congress Mt n s extra line s:osameie calf, lace i but come at once to Yours Respectfully, Red FlagThat M WMte Front BiiillinE, 113 Clinton Street, Jotetown, Pi New Stock of DRY GOODS, MILLINERY AND CAR PETS. Call to see us when in town. J"A.JVCEiS Election Notice. IN put. nance of a resolution of the Hoard of Iiirecu.r. ot the rchool dlrttlct ol the bomuah ol KlQIur. approvea May 'lit. Islts. Dot ire la hereby tcitren that an election will le held at the urual place for h' uionlclpl and general election in tbe but and West waro ol ltwb burif borouirb on fkiday, june:;i. 1SIKI, the tU to open at T o'clock, a. ..on .aid day and clt-w at 7 o'el.k, r. M . oq said day, tor the purpoeol determmlntc an Indebtedness by ld district l.ali be Incurre.l to an amount nut excrediDK lour j-er centum ol the a.eaed valuation of the taxable )r..wrty therein, alalctueal mm Kcqalrcd ty the) Art ef Amrtnbly, Apir.rd April 20. li?4 : Amount ol lat newtted raluation... iht,74Oo A'nouDt ot exUtinir debt ... ..t.e. A'uount ol propoed debt $ lJi.oolt 00 Percenta e ol .roMed debt. .ictzplu The punKe el the proi-ored indebted ne to be applied to the p.yncbt on the eon t ran tor eretin and eompietlUK a public school balidlna; in raid dirtrict. Ticket roted to be latellej on I he oauide -In-create t.l liet.t. and t.. contain on the InHde ttie word' N lnereaae ol Itcbt" or "lebt May Be Increased.' At eU K. K. 1IAVIS. . 8. W. I A VI. Sectelarr. Preaideot. tUwnsoonr, Pa., May '. 19U3 It. TRIAL LIST. FOLLOW INU tt the lUt ofcatwei et down for trial at a term ol oourt to be held on the ..nrond Monday in Jrne. Is."'': Z.mmermao.. . .r.. Koe et ml. Hipp...... v. L, oyd. N i k I n t. Jatsjby. McAteer Vf . Haii.lsun. I.ulZicrie.l.. .... . Kcam. Bluuenthal..... .v. Zimuierman,. l.att k Son v. Hurluian. I't.ion IUlry o... . Schenk Naught...... ..... McOurdy iHjuaboe A Notley.. . W Eft, Aull Bro. Paper C-o. Ku'e McVey ... Saeren. Hick, assiamee 4 J "(. a e e mmm I fard aer . Marih Noel . ...V. I'hl. .tr. Bruokbank et al. .. Biackuck N'ar. A lm Oo. r. Mardi. .. r. Kirkpatrlck. ,v. Johnstown Pro dare . . ...v. Same. ...v. Moraa. ... Kavlur. vs.tir.tnib. t. Plunkett et al. vs. M B. A I. Al'n. ... Strayer. ... William et al. v. Irva City Metal Fire Insurance Co. ., Weakland. ,.... Kbodjr. . P. K. K. J. J. II A K BY. Protbeuolarj-. Wearer I tonpeily Hatch May Vi. lv:L Eiaiinations for Princeton Dnirersity. ! Extraooe and Prellminare lor Irutiaag. also for entrance fur Sophomore Claoses. Academic and Scleatthe chols. and la Sen.NX 01 t-l cine EuicineeriUK, uu.1er.the auspice, of tbe Aluiunl Association el Wr'tera Pennsyl-aula. wii, 1 held at the WHIMS Or THE CENTKAL. fUlAKIIIil' Klil'lUTHlS. M.-tJMo-.ock iiuild ln. tils Market street. Pitisburs;. P. JI NK Ittlb aua letb. lsJ, tk.mmeDc.tiv t it o'c.v-k. a. . 1HI UsIltY. JVSK lath. Conducted by a meuilerol the Princeton laculty. Tbe Aluisi.1 Association otters a prise ol a.ta In eah to the man papains; tbe best entrance ex ammati'j tw either the .icadeiaie er Seientlne Schtml. and acia-liy entering therealier. or lurthar lulurtnaUon. aldress UEO. H. WALLACi; 7 Fourth Av.bue. rittsbura. Pa. Jane. .St To Investors. Il'HY ico way from bom. to seek lnetment ft when yoa can l.a Peonsyl7anla Klrat .VorUtajte -urttle on the tJarh or Monthly Payment plan and which will net yoa twenty r cent, (in your money? r or partlcHiars call oa vr 11. A. tNHLKHAKT, Aaic. . lL Ebeasburv, Pa. At yoa need Job PnniiatfT II so, nie -b astasiAa a u-tal urder. ? jJPj at such a remarkably low price or onzres 1.7.I Men's L'lain plow sbMs, bu.-kled, I'.al- list louirue 1.3.1 Mens working shoes yon can iret from us from ". m cents to MT, DRY GOODS. Ladies, here is the place to get your dry Curtains from 7.". cents $.1.00 per pair. Ladies' percale w aists, light or din k, r.o cents. Ladies batost w aists. tii;tired and striped, w ith ru ttl.-d front at 71c. White waists, all kinds of material, the latest and most fashionable styles, from tVA cents to f2.4s. 1'ress trinliams for cents er yard and tip. A pron cinjrliams from 4 to Hi cents. M iisliu in bleached or uublvached from 4'-, to lo cents. iu Calico we areslticked full of the finest, newest and most desirable in tbe market, at from 3 to 14 wilts. Ladies' skirt embroidery, 4) inches w ide. for4S cents and up. J-'loiinciiisf embroidery from 3.1 cents to to f 1 mt pard. A complete line of 1 1 initninifs of all s.rts and dresses in ail styles on our shelves and con liters. Call and see them. You can't help but buv. as the bai trains we are otferini; iu the ladies line are somethiui; that you can't Kiasp every day. variety ami extent of our bargain -, a f THE LEADERS. GAIXITZIBT, PENNA. is the Place. 9 9 CTTI1TT. R- 1 JOHSSTOS. M.J.HVCIi. A. H.hU K. tt ITAHL1HHBO Johnston, Buck & Co., HANI. Kits. KBENSBUnu. ... PENN'A. A. W. BI't K, wall ler. KtVT A BL1HU 10I Hb8. Carrolltown Bank, OAKKI ILITtW. PA. T. A. fall sRHit'UII, ' tiler. Qenerai Bantipg EnsiDcss Transacted. The followln- are the feature, of I general Pausing- Lu.lnes : DEPOSITN BecelTed payable on demand, and Interest hear I dk certificate Issued to time deMslurs. I.UAKI4 Extended to customer on lavnrat.le term and approved paper discounted at all timet. j oi.i.rrTioi(i Made In the locality and upon all thetanklni town In tbe United State. Chance moderate. DRA IT Issued nea-otlable Slates, and lorelarn of Euro 1 a. In all part- nf the I'nlted cxchanira Issued on ll part. ACmi'KTM III merchant, farmer and other aotlclted. to whom reasonable accomodation will 1 extended. Patron are assured that all transaction shall be held a strictly private and onhdrntlal, and that they will be treated as liberally as good banktn- f nle will erlt. Kespecttnlly, JOHKNTO!. RI CK '. JUST RECEIVED ! -A LAR(iE LOT- Boots & Shoos -UOLT.IIT AT Sheriff's Sale ! FROM TH i: iJTOCK OF W. E. SCHMERTZ &lCO. PITThflt'KH rA. The Prices public invited to call, away down. JNO. LLOYD & SONS. telnri Fire Insurance Apcj T. AV. DICK, General lrsurance Agenl. KKKHMRURfi. fA. "tlTICE Is hereby .Ivrn thst the folio. a. .".in .. ii.eo i. to. rt o ot (.lli uiou I'leas 01 Camilla county. Pa. and will te r-.nnrmed by said court ta the I BT Alti.N HA V OK J r N E bell, unless cause 1 shown to the ct ntrarj : E rst and final accounc of Herman Bae-ier and Jamto Eead. assiKneee ol Hit. K. M.r I il J.:. iMIiriY. MayltlKtO. Pr..l...i,oiary. AEEKTS WAITED St fteV'ev" -bmu,i