(Cambria freeman KllKSSlUIIO. C.WIHKIA CO., PA. 'Ill DAY. MAY S-.. I.OI AI. A.M l'.R0l. . D. iir:ii't. ir Kiisi-i f Kisi-l.u.l. Iiu-' ri'mv'U tn l:kltin. Mrs. Ainltvw hVki-nriNl of I'llToll- tow n, is sir:iuly ill. -Mr. Tlnnn;i Kinn.-y. f Wiliimr. seriously ill willi ruin"1''- ir !.... Sinitli. of Ilairisl.iuir. I ar- I ii'il ill ton II "N Monday. I'attoii wants a rliart.T and w ill tnaki its application at .Iiin court. -.Mr. Dani.l l.nrk, of Amsliry. was a visitor to KlHMiluiir on Monday. K-N!iri ilT l.utlii-r. of Carroll town ship, di oppi'd in to .( us on Tm-sday. April was a irirat month for showers hut May is try in--' hard to j.vi ;ilii:nl of her si-ter. Dr. IJrillilh an. I family, after spen-linu the w inter in I loi i.la. ..tiiiii.il home on Friday. Mi Thoinas. wife ol lion. .1. .1. Tli. . mas. of l an .11 tow uship. is ill with ei yi pela. I iiimri'ssnian -I. I . llii ks. of will ileliver tl alion in tlii- Altixina. plaee on I teeorat ion lay. Mr. V. II. Kai Hieini. of f'arrollt.nvn, ar.-i.mpaiii. d hy liis mot her, vi-iteil Khens l.iiii; nil 'I'ues.lay. - Mi. ha. l Wills, or I11-I eivrhl ."-w eeks-ohl ir: i ill of fholeia. Mr. .1. I!. Penny shvilh. reeenily t;-., w liirli were I' if the Mountain review in Mouse, took a look at tin- naval New York last week. Mr. Andrew S. Kirsch. one of I'.arr tow uship's solid citiens. w as a yisitor to our olliee 011 Tuesday. John I irassherner. of Carroll township, was severely injured on Friday lust hy h ini; ki. keil willi a horse. Mr. William .1. I.mk. of Allegheny tow uship. paid the I'KK.l.MA N a luief tint pleasant isit on Tues.lav. Ai cordinu' to a recent enumeration the populat ion uf .lohiislow n is L't.i""'; includ ing the Miiiurl.s it Is . 1 1 1. The I'.arnuui circus, now on the rounds throughout thisi ntry. I'liiploys 1 .'i'i per sons as advance advertiser-. Miss MaL"-'ic Sheiikle has iip-niil ;t suininer school in the Cainlitia township school luiililinn in this place. Coliimhian half dollars have come ilow n from 1 to .Mi cents each, and at some place?, ure olTcred for change. At the I'niversity Kvtension lecture ionise in the Opera H01.se 011 Mo inlay Dr. Iloliiuson led 11 n d on 'Thomas Moore.'" Mr. I!. 1. I.iimailue, of I.elancy. ilrop tel into the Fkkkmax olliee of Tuesday aid added his name to the I l;i km N s list. The famous hrewety at St. Vincent's monastery. West uioielainl county, skirted up a'ain on May 1st after a hum shut down. A cave-in in the cut near Pulton de layed trains on I he I ainhria .V I lea rliel.l railroak for ahout two hours on Thursday nioriiiiu;. Dr. II. C. Cooper, who formerly tautrht school in F.liensl.iiiu'. w ill shortly liaim out. his shinsile in this place as a pi act it inner of medicine. Mr. licit. W. Trovell. of Keade town ship, is seriously ill wilh Iiiiji? fever, hut has taken a turn for the Letter and is now iiupr.ivini!. On Tiiesdtiy the school directors of lilair county n -elected II. S. Wert, as county snpei intend. 'ill of common schools lor t hat county. The Iliitchkin Sisters t'onccrt Com pany iwvi' a musical entertaiiniieiit in the 1 ipera House on Wednesday evening to a small audience. Mr. 1!. P. Anderson, of Allegheny township, who has heen on the sick list since last winter is improving and was in tow 11 on Tuesday. The Itoiler and steam fixtures of the pul. lie school hui Id inn ill t his place lately destroyed liy tire, were removed from the hiiildiu on Tuesday. -Dr. I. O. Cr.ery. of Allepheney. Pa., passed throui;h this place on Monday 011 his way li. line from visiting hi. parents at Ciierrytree. The ollicials of the pennsy U ani l ra:l roail. inspected the CherrWree evteiisioii of theC. V C. last week, and have accept ed tin- work from the contractors. An Italian named Antonio Madonna died at the Memorial hospital, .loluistnw n. on Friday morning. He makes the six I h victim of the Hare Hocks disaster, M r. John Shot t. superintendent of the steam tannery in this place, accompanied hy his family, took a trip to Pitishuri; 011 Satnril.iy and returned on Monday. The larire paper mill of Smith l.i.. at Smithtou. West Mini eland count y. was de molished hy the severe storm on Sunday niir.it. causing a loss of several thousand Hollars. M. D. Kittell, Ksq.. administrator of I!. McColiMII, deceased, will olfer Some valuahle real estate for sal. 'on Saturday, May '.Tlh. See advertiseuient in another Cilluillll. The hreakiiu; of an ale wrecked four coke cars at Lilly on Saturday m.u ii i nir at an eaVly hour and all trains were .h lave.l on account of tin; tracks liein hlock.nl. .1. The telauto;raih is the latest tcle u'lajiuic in vent ion. It transmits any dis-i..iiri- a fac si m i le of hand ri liny, or almost an t hi m; t hat can Im-exculcil with a pen cil on paper. A Kami of hase hall liet w ecu a picked nine fmin Klieiiluirir iind the colei;e nine at Lord to played on Saturday al I.01.U0. i. -ull. d in a score of 'S' to l.'i in favor of 1 1..- c.il li t;,, nine. 10. .1. Luther, of the hlacksinithiiiif tn in of Lut her A- Williams, had thelitis f'H t line on Sal urday of K'ttin.!i a spaw 1 of won in his eye which is i ini; him con siil. rahle pain. -The railroad companies have, issu.il an ..r.ii-r i,, !,;,;..,;,.,,.. ll( ,ilM,),. trunks ami other articles with more care. The hairiMii.-iucn are not looMiiir any sleep over it. however. The Pennsylvania Editorial Associa tio.i will take their annual outing this summer during thi: week U-inn i iii .1 une K. ailing and Atlantic City w ill Im the nl.jei tiye p.iint. Piesideiit Cleveland passed over the Peiiiisylvania railroad on Friday on his way tot In. a-iito press t he hut ton ami start the Wot id's Fair. He passed Cresson ahout y o"clock, i. m. The internal revenue authorities esti mate that the output of maple su;;ar in !s..ll.eset county for the season Just closed ill reach over r.ii.u hiuui1s. Tin out put last year was ,'Jii.yy.'". kiiiks. The m;ln whocaiinotalli.nl to take a i"-w -paper usually keeps two or three doRS wound him. Hi never keeps ciiiiiiuIi inil him, however, U piote; t him from imp isitions of travelins fakirs. Tli. foundry of Irvona Maiiufacturinj; ' "iiipany, at Irvona. was dainaued to th t. ni of three hundred dollars hy lire on Tin-sdav. The fin was discovered U for it had made any jrreat headway and was promptly KUiiKiii,li((L The AltCKtna postolliec has lxtu made a first -class money order olliee. The two new cottaues that are now tM inc built in Lovell Park will be liiihtcd t.v t lectricity. The directors of the KIm nstuiri? Iluild Inir and Loan Association balanceii up ac counts for the past year on Friday. Tyrone housed rul.uon -itrarettes one day last week, and a decided improvement in the undertaking business is predicted as coiiseijuence. Mrs. W. H. Clawson. of th Clawson House, aceotnpaiiieil bv bel brother Lcse. took an overland journey to Klx-nsl.uri: on Monday, and will sn'iid sometime in is itinn friemls in that vicinity. i.iiii .!( xcii( r. A couple of Italians pot into a racket in the lot back of the Central Hotel on Tlinrsilnv. one fellow throw illll a brick at the other, badly ruttiii),' his face. One o tl... fellows was arrested and lined The other has not heen caiiirht. Frank Leslie, a brakeman in the yard of ilie Cambria Iron Company at John town, was struck by a car on tin Pennsyl vania railroad at Morrell ville. on Monday nivht and instantlv killed. He was atM.ut "Jf years of aire and unmarrieif. The liverv firm of rirnwii, Kimball v. Apel. of this til. ice. recently purchased ban. Nome black F.nalish Coh horse in .lnhnstown and brought, th animal to Klienslnirir. Since its arrival hero it con tracted lull'.' fever, and died on Wednesday Norman A. Patterson, son of Mr. S. D. Pat lerson. of llarr township, died at hi home on Sunday, aged alxuit nineteen years. The deceased had Im-cii sick w i t h the measles and was in a fair way to re coveiy w hen he slilfered a sudden relapse Mr. William Cole, who ha.l the con ' tract for moving the house of Misses Har ris and Itishoti. in tin West ward, has completed the job. The house had to he moved to make way for the new railroad and was moved to the northern corner of the lot,. .lohiinna Mullen, w ho says she has been a resident of Pittsburg, Mraddock, and other places and that she is a daughter of William Mullen, w ho formerly resided at St. Augustine, in this county, was brought to the almshouse one day last week from .Johustow n. A severe w ind and rain storm passed over a section of Westtuon land county on Monday. AtTarrsa wagon-shed attach ed to Adam W hitehead's barn w as demol ished, ami two children who had sought shelter in it were seriously and eihaps fatally injured. Mr. Samuel Kdmistoti, a veteran of the lale war, died at his home in Parr low itslnp on Sunday, aged ahout CO years. The funeral of the deceased took place at Nicktown on Tuesday and was attended by a dc legal ion of the (.ran. I Army post from this place. After hearing l.lh sides interest) d in the Altooua A WopMiuoimock railroad on Friday at llnlli.l.iysliurg. .Iinige Landis refused to appoint a trustee for the road, and appointed June Kit h for a fuither bearing. lie con ti 11 ued the injunction against the transfer of tin stock. For ihe'inforuiation of .1 ust ices of t ho Peace thorotighoiit the county we make mention of :he fact that the county com mission, is have refused to pay thu houutv 011 fo scalps, etc. Panics making probate to the killing of the animals will only he out the amount paid for the probate. Sharpers are making a go.nl thing of it for thelllselv es by taking one cent pieces. 1 ulihing them over w ith silvei ine and pass ing them for dimes. As most persons pay but little attention to small coins when receiving them for change, it is an easy matter to get rid of bogus dimes and nick els. The semi-annual encampment of the Department of Pennsylvania, (. A. II., w ill he ha!. I at i Jet tysburg from July 13 to VI. This encampment promises to In- the largest one held in the slate for many years, ai:d great prepai alions tire. Iwing made for a large turnout of members and visitors. Counterfeit silver dollars, half-dollars, iuarters and dimes are said to have re cently been put into extensive- circulation in some of the eastern counties of this state. They are hrand new coin and eas ily be detect!! if you are on your guard. They haven't the true ring and the leel of them is diliercnt from the genuine. On Thursday of last, week Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Tibltot, of Coiietnaugh. celebrated their golden wedding at their home in that place in the presence of their children and about sevenly-tive invited guests. The aired couple ate Well-know n in this neighborhood, having resided in this vicinity for a niimlierof years. Hamilton McC.ill, w ho registered from Lhenshurg, stopped at the Continental Hotel, in Johnstown, on Wednesday night of last week, and on retiring, blew out tin gas. The timely dis-ovciy of McCall's condition by the porter saved him from climbing the golden stairs. McCall is said to lie employed 011 the new railroad. Raphael Hums, of Ciirrolltow n. has been arrested and lodged in jail to answer a charge of perjury preferred by Aaron 4l.il.lmau, of Hastings. Some time ago Hums charged lioldmau w ith selling goods on Sunday anil his arrest on the the above stated charge grows out of the information made at the time of the hear ing of lioldmau. Harry Cuhhison. the tliirteen-year-old son of James and Sarah Cuhbison, of Head. township, was caught by a fall of slate while working in the mine operated by James Walfeuden on Friday afternoon, and received injuries from which he died shortly after. The hoy was working with his father when the accident happened and tin latter made a narrow escape. A patron of the Franklin A' icx sends to tiiat paper the following, hich he de clares to be a sure preventative of diph theria: "Takir tw o ounces of pine tar and mix wilh ounce of turpentine; put in a small pan on the stove and let it heat, in hale the fumes once or twice a week. This will guard against diphtheria and will cause any throat trouble to loosen up." The Pittsburg. (Jreonshiirg A Latrobe Hlccric Hrailroa.l Company, with 1,uki. capital, was granted a chai tcr at tie state department last week". The road w ill I m miles in length. It licgins at Latrobe and runs through (Ireciisburg lo Pittsburg. Thedirecors are J. L. Mitch ell. James P. Thompson, (!. L. Owens, A. A. Stephens and John A. (riven, all of Ty rone. One-half of t he spring season ills ar .Iiie to the unwise changing of under clothingthe lying aside of the heavy and substitution of lighter ones. Than this scarcely greater error could In; commit ted, and yet there are thousands who com mit it and consequently thousands w ho sutler for their folly. If vou must change your underwear let the change be gradual and not he licguii even until we have set tled spring weather. Adjutant (Jcneral (Greenland says the pressure upon the military authorities to take the national guard to Chicago is be coming great. A dispatch Hentout from Chicago stating that the plan to inoliolize the entire militia of the. country at the fair had been abandon. -d. Is true, hut this plan was not plausible and never had the sanction of the military people. It Is generally understood that the emaller encampment w ill I dispensed with and aliont the first of August the Pennsylvania troups will camp at Chicago. On Saturday a horse working on the new railroad got scared at the steam shovel and ran on the track in front of moving car and was struck and severely hurt. John Speck's hotel at Hurnt Cabins. Huntingdon county, was totally destroyed by fire on Friday morning, together with all its contents. Tin inmates made nar row escapes from being burned to death by in mni in? from second-storv windows In their night-clothes. Proprietor Speck was seriously burned and his injuries may prove fatal. The lire started in the bar room. Loss. $.-..( 10: insurance. ?I.?'"). A dispatch from Penfield, this state says: '-The log drivers have returned from Lock Haven, where they said good bye to tlie 40.i.o) feet that made up this spring's log drive. This clears out at the head waters of the west branch all the floatable lumlier and there will In 110 more log driving. During the past . years this vicinity lias sent .Ion, (, feet of timber in logs to lie sawed at Lin k Haven and W'illiamsjMirt." Mrs. Harbara Tobias was instantly killed near Tyrone Monday morning of last week. She had Nsen housr kei xr for Hiram Co.ens on the PI 11 miner farm south of Tyrone and on her way to do some marketing. At the crossing near the water plug she was detained by a passing train. After it had passed she whs struck by the Atlantic Kxpress and instantly kiliid. She was 71 years of age and had len married three times. Charles II. Shaver, of Altoona, a brakeman on the Pennsylvania railroad, met with an accidental Hellwood on Wed nesday morning by which he lost his lost his left leg. He w as in the act of getting otT the tank to couple cars, when his leg was caught between the cars and tank. He was removed to the hospital, where the leg was amputated at the juncture of the middle and low er third of the thigh. He is :Y, years of age and married. On Monday night a horse Ix-longing to Murray Peden. w hich is kept in a stable on the Dr. Kvans property on the South Side, managed to get loose aud work its way to the hay-mow. When discovered this (Tuesday) morning it was standing contentedly with lis head sticking out of the hay-mow door. There was some difli ciilty in getting it dow n. but it was finally lauded lielow all right. Iieing made to walk dow n the steps. Johiistinrn Jlvmhl, John P.etts. of Croyle township, while returning home from Khreufeld on Tues day, was suddenly taken ill from heart disease, fell from his wagon and soon ex pired. A little seven-year-old son w as the only 'person with Mr. Hcttsat the time and thi loy being unable to reuder any assist ance, ran home, a distance of a mile, and told his mother, who hastened to the scene and found her husband a corpse. Mr. Hetts leaves a wife and four children. Mrs. Lucy, wife of Mr. Fes t us Tibbott, of Cambria township, died suddenly on Tuesday last from apoplexy, aged aftout .'l."i years. The deceased had bee-i enjoying her usual good health until the day pre vious to her death, w hen she received the stroke that terminated her life the follow ing Jay. Hesides her husband she leaves three small children to mourn her death. Her funeral took place to-day (Thursday), her remains lieing interred in Lloyd's cem- etei y. J. W. Clark, of Montgomery towhship. is authority for the statemeat that a new railroad company has Imi-ii organized for the purpose of building a road from Pitts burg to connect willi the Heech Creek at MahafTey. The road will pass through H illsdale, Dis ker's Point, Marion. Piuui- ville and Kitlanuing. The president of tin company and the chief engineer stop ped with Mr. Clark several days recently. We trust the information is correct. tlitimi yfisscii'jer. The contract for plans and specifica tions for Klu'iisburg s new public school building has been given to Carlisle A: Co., of Pittsburg. The plans are to In- com pleted by May lth. when the school di rectors w il! receive bids for the erection of the building, and the contract awarded on the lr.th. The structure will l three storys high, and will contain eight rooms and a large exhibition hall. The cost is estimated at about 1.1,ioo. and is ixjected to Im linished on Octolx-r 1st. Mr. William J. Myers, of Hock (Hen. Luzerne county. Pa., died suddenly on Monday from heart disease while stepping from his carriage. The deceased was lorn in M mister township, in this county, and was a brother of ex-Sheriff James Myers, Mrs. Susan Hasson and Mrs. .1. I. Par- rish, of this place. Mrs. John Anstead. of Hastings. Mrs. Joseph Kyan, of Altoona and J. I). Myers, of Freeland, Luzerne county. Pa. lie w as aUnit 57 years of age and leaves a wife but 110 children. On Saturday Constable Isaac Weak- land, of Carroll township, appeared ir. the Trilmitc oflice with a warrant issued by 'Squire Sclnoth, of Carrolltow n, on oath of T. W. Letts, editor of the Carrol I town AYirs, charging the editor of this paper with criminal IiIm-I. The charge is based on a communication from Carrol I tow 11 published in the Tribune of April 21. The editor furnished hail for his appearance at June court to answer the charge, Mr. A. C. Huck, of this place, going on his bond 7 1st imjM Trih 1 ti e. Wolf king Siell, a brewer from Johns town, was knocked down and robbed by three men at the corner of Twenty-sixth and Josephine streets. South Side, about 12 o'clock on Monday night. A gold watch and chain valued at iT. w as taken. Offi cers Welsh and Kellv heard the cries of the victim and pursued the thieves, cap turing one, w ho gave his name as Harry Myers. Stell was badly cut almut the head and face, and was sent to the South Side hospital. The two men w ho escaped are unknown to the police. John Harvey, of (Jrccnsburg, was in Johnstown on Sunday morning, and de siring to go home. Uianled a freight train at the p. H. H. station and went as far down the road as Holiyar. Hero he at tempted to get off, but in doing so fell un der the wheels of the train. The train was soon stopped and his mangled re mains taken to liis home at (Jrcciishurg w here an undertaker took charge of them. The deceased was unmarried and .11) years of age. He was a brother of James Har vey, who keeps a large grocery store at (Ireenshurg. Miss Lulu Landis, a thirteen year old daughter of John Landis, of Flinton, was badly burned tin Monday. Her littlesister had knocked a lamo from the table which broke and spilled the oil on Lulu's apron. Shortly after she was working at the cook ing stove when her apron ignited aud in a moment the poor girl was enveloHd In flames. She ran out on the stret and a neighlior threw a bed spread over her and smothered the Humes hut not before her back, right arm and hand had ln-en fear fully burned. Dr. Itolinger Is attending her and he has hopes that she will recover Some time during Monday night a landslide occurred on the Cambria A Clear field railroad near Wm. J. Huck's, in Al legheny tow nship, and w hen the first train from Hastings was wending its way to Cresson on Tuesday morning it was stopped by the obstruct ion. A number of school directors from tin northern dis tricts were on the train lMiutid for KU'iis burg and it looked a little doubtful for awhile alMiut their being able to reach their destination in time for the conven tion. The trouble was solved, however, by the branch train running down lo the obstruction aud gathering up the passen gers aud landing iheut safely here. On Tuesday afternoon about 3 o'clock William Long, a bright boy aged 13 years, son of John Long, of Portage, at tempted to lioard a freight train at Hen's Creek station. From some cause unknow n his hand-hold gave way. causing him to fall under the wheels. His left arm was cut off near ihe elbow and the left leg at the knee, and be receivid a number of oth er Injuries. This is another warning not only to boys but to me'n who make a prac tice of jumping on freight trains. While on bis way acioss the country from his home to the railroad station last week Representative Corman. of Clear field county, caught a live coon that had almost reached its growth. Mr. (ioruian saw his coonship running through the wooi Is. He gave chase. The coon took refuge behind a rock. Mr. Corman slippi-d up slyly, caught the coon by the tail and fiefore he knew what had hapicned. had it safely c mtined in his grip. He carried it to the railroad station, procured an orange box and took the oon along to Ilairisburg. Hob Hurdette bids us remember that good things In this world are always chcaiest. Spring "vater costs less than w hiskey ; a box of cigais will buy two or more bibles; a stat election costs more than a revival of religion; you can sleep every Sunday morning for nothing but a nap in a Pullman car costs f-j; the circus takes fifty cents, the theatre costs $1, but the missionary box Is grateful for a penny; the race horse scoops in $:.,( the first day. while the church bazar lasts a wk. work twenty-five or thirty of the liest women in America nearly to death aud comes out $) in debt. There are thirteen schools in this (Heade) township, and thousands of dollars of hard earned cash are taken away an nually by teachers from ot her localities. The tax-payers tired of this and last year held normal schools at (ilasgow and Mountain Dale. This year they have one at the latter place. Hesides several of our young folks have gone to Kliensburg to at tend normal institute to qualify them selves to teach. Among those attending the latter school from this neighlior hood are: Ueo. Allen Kicketts, Jay Troxell. Misses Laura Howman and Susie HiiK- etts. In the near future we exinct to fur nish home talent sullicient to preside over the several institutions of learning in our township. CiMttjHrrt SUiwhirtl. Mr. William II.' McMullen. a well- known resident ol Johnstown, died at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. McMullen. in that ity. on Tuesday morning, agid 41 years. Mr. McMullen was Ixirn in Kliensburg on the Kith of March, is,",2. His parents af terwards moved to Altoona. and in !SiK to Johnstown, where the deceased in 1S71, while employe by the Cumbria Iron Com pany as a driver, in jumping, from a mov ing car was thrown under the wheels and lost his right leg. Having a good educa tion, he turned his attention to teaching school aud follow 11I that profession for a numlier of years. In l-so Mr. McMullen was appointed commissioners' clerk and served in that capacity for live years, fill ing the Misilion with ability. He is sur vived by his parents, two brothers, Rob ert F. and Thomas A., and three sisters. Maggie .L, Tillie and Mrs. Thomas I. Del, all of Johnstow n. The following marriage licenses were is sued by the Clerk of the Orphans' Court for the week ending Widnesda7, May 3rd, lsyl: Ardy Repko and Mary Mihalko, Hens- creek. jHseph Sledzik and Mary Ca.yk, lias- tings. John Scilz. and Annie C. How den, Johns town. William Oliver Kepple, Kast Conemaugb and Hulda Yaruer, Jackson township. Clcius Hogue, Spaugler, and Anna Mclcn, Nick tow u. David A. Stull, Richland township, and Mary C. Shelter, Adams township. Daniel C. Urban aud Hulda M. (iillen. Johnstown. Albert Hrothero Hastings, aud Mary K. Lute, Craut. Indiana county. Kruno A. Friizei-he and Augusta Ilatch iilxTger, Johnstown. Andrew Ropp and Sarah Wess, New iermany. John Helbig, Juhnstown, and Emma S. Roberts. Franklin. David W. Hunt and Ella Singer, Jack son township. Raftlnc la lr(Tlf . Rafting is becoming more and more a novelty in Clearfield county as the years go liy ami every year excursion parties avail themselves the opiortunity t go through the mountains" on a real limber raft. This grow ing curosity Is not to Im wondered at, even when found in native Clearlieldeis, because the rapid and (rooked Susquehanna passes through more wild and more picturesque mountain scenery than almost any other river in the I'niUiI States. Contrary to a geographica 1 law this wonderful river cleaves the mountains and is set down in the Ixioks as the only river of note in the world which bears this distinction. Who the first pilot was who searchid out the course aud made the first perilous trip with flat or rafts is not known, but it will not lie hard to keep watch for the last man who will try it. Klllrd en the Railroad. On Sunday morning alout one o'clock the remains of an unknown man were found on the railroad track at the east end of the tunnel neat Hennington. The body was frightfully cut up, both legs and the light arm being cut off close to the oody. The head, also, was almost entirely cut off, the chin alone adhering to the neck. The different parts of the ImhIv were col lectinl in a lox and taken to Altoona. There was nothing about the person of the victim by which hecould bo identified. He wore chestnut colored trousers with "cad colored underclothing. Near the body was round a paper sack containing some clean shirts. It is believed that lie was 30 years of age, and a workiagmau in search of a situation. Pennsylvania Railroad nivldeod. On Monday last the following resolution of the directors of the Pennsylvania rail road was promulgated on the stock ex change at Philadelphia: Resolved, That the board of directors do hereby declare, out of the profits, a semi annual dividend of two and one-half per cent, upon the capital stock, payable in cash, and an extra dividend of two per cent., payable in scrip on May 31, lSifl, clear of state taxes, to the share-holders as they stood registennl on the books of the company at 3 1. m., April ., or to their legal representatives. This scrip will lie convertible into capital stock at par when piesented in sums of f.Vl, and will not lie entitled to dividend until so converted. J. W Urrb Flsrtrd. On Tuesday the school directors of this county met at the court house at one o'clock for the purpose of electing a county siipcriutcnucnt. On calling the roll 231 directors answered to their names. Hon. John C. (Jates was elected presl dent of the convention. Charles Quinn, of (iallitzln and Cyrus Shepherd, of Franklin, were named sircretaries and S. A. Hick- ford, of Conemaugh and V. T. Sankcr, of Allegheny, tellers. There was only one ballot which result ed as follows: J. W. Leech, of Lbcnsburg, ICS; J. S. Foley, of Chest Springs, (W. The salary w as lixed at 1,7(10 a year. BALTZELLS'.. T JUST one word and per- CJ haps a few more are lu this morning on CAR PETS. The first one is LINOLEUM. This is a fabric largely taking the place of Oil Cloth, and much more elastic and not so cold. It is chiefly composed of ground cork and oil on a backing of heavy hemp. The caruet is tun yards in width and comes in a variety of patterns both lar?A and small figures, rnd Inrht ami dark shades, and it is goods that we can heartily recommend. Our assortment is very large and our prices altogether satifactory. m Ya m v-t. w lAl'lvMKIES. We are selling TaDestrv car pets at 50c. a yard. Not shop worn goods by any means but new patterns and new styles and nanusome ones at that. They will not last long so it would be wise to call and make a selection before they have vanished or the choicest have been taken. STRAW MATTING3 In Chinese and Japanese weaves are heavily represented in our stocK. Ihe Jananesfi thnnn-h 1 r much the thinner has o-ivon v- cellent satisfaction wherever used, wearing equally as well as th heavier kind. We have a large number of beautiful patterns in both at prices from 15c. a yard upward. The assortment as yet is complete but of course the most desirable styles are jroinjr rapidly. -BALTZELLS Altoona. Irish Pointes- We mean Curtains, and refer i.artieulnr- ly to the reinarkalile sale we have now of about a dozen patterns. Irish Pointe Curtains, V) inches wide. 3'f yards long, at $5 a Pair, lhy are eijual in every way to f7.5i values as usually sold, and we're anxious to have you investigate and compare. Also line 1 ti - ti t mules at f lu.ut a pair simmI as us ual l.-.uiiiualitics and l'oUTV STVLKS the latest aud Im.-sI dcsisMis XOTTIXGHAXI CDRTA1X8, 3i yards lonir, :) to On inches wide, at $'j.r,o a pair that are as to value (to use a com nioii expression) 'simply out of sinht." We've a siecial Illustraw-d Catalogue on LACK CL'l: I'AINS to send you. har'i' lots All Wool Serges, 4:C. A YAKI. Wool Tafletas, 3oC. A YARD. American Suitings, 2.-.C. A YAKI), in all the new sprint; colorings values so KimhI and that w ill save you so much on every vard. as will warrant your wriiiiig for sAMl'LKS and in seiidfut; us your order. iSuring catalogue ready; write for copy. boggsTbuhl, 115. 117. 119 & 121 Fefleral St, ALLEGHENY, PA. PROPOSALS. SKAL.HI Vropofals will he received ty the Hoard ol School IMreeton ol Ibe Klxuii-burn Koruuna "School iMetTK-t lor the erection ot u eight-room brick school bullil.nic lo the rwirouicb of Kbensbunc. Plan way beer&oi application to the cieeretary alter May Iflth next. All Mm to Iwln Ida tiaoilinl the Itoanl mot latej than SATI'KllAY, M AY aol'H, at 7 P. M. 1 i e Hoard reaervea tbe rlxbt to reject any or all hiils. K.K.DAVIS. S. W.liAVIS, Secret r. fremileiit. May 6. lSWi. PROPOSALS. SKA I.EI) Propoaala will h. received at the ol liee ol the steward ol the Almshouse up un til tbe FlKsrt'F JUNE, enauinic. lor the paint tiiK and pencllluK cl ol all the ouulde suriace ol the Almabouse. Mid may be lelt at tbe office or mailed to the stewaid. JOHNUtNJ. K A HAUL, HITE. 8. W. MlL.L,r K. Khenstur, Pa.. Hay 6, lbKJ. Directors. To Investors. "tirilY ko away from home to seek Investments f when you can buy Pennsylvania First Mortttave securities on the (lafli or Monthly Payment plan and which will net you twenty per cent, on your money? For particulars call on or ad.lrefg H. A. Ktr L.KHAKT. Auk. S, bbens'jurK, Pa fT'HE undersigned harlnc sold out bis store of I aceneral merchanliie and fixture to the Lilly Supply lkraiany, who will continue Ihe business In the old stand' All parties knowlnir themselves Indebted will come forward within thirty days from this data and make payment by rash or note. Alter that date all unsettled amount will be placed lor collection In lb bands of an attorney. Those bavin claim will uiesent them lor payment. IIAKUN LEA HEY. Lilly, Pa.. March 30. pjua. (4 ii FIK SALE Valuable FAKM LAND can talnln: 8 acres, more or less. aituted in tne township ot Allegheny, In the toamblp ol AllUaheoy, lo the count ol Cambria. P.. pro ertf of Patrick Met'nllnnirn Adjoining the land ol Oeortre Sevmore. Edward Bradley, Adam Hammno and (leorue Tountn-un. Trm 4 reason able. For particulars Inquire of JOHN UTI KILE fc CO., 1011 Bridge street, Altoona, Pa. Bicycles and Watches given to Boys and Girls. Write for particulars, AMERICAN TEA CO. S38 to 34S Bill .. Plrttburg.Pa QOr nfl KEWAKH will ba pall to anyone 0J"'U inrnliblbK eTldenre leadinK to tba arrest and conTietlon ol any (lenon fir eraonf hreaklnr Into ant aebool bouie or lojurlnK any rhnol property In Mnnrter Uiwmbln. JAS.A.rAKKHH, f J. SANDERS. Secretary. PreildenL. April T. IWi. FREB rttr ii u orkCU ill TIIIS WEEK YOU CAN HAVE iood flour at $1.10 per sack: best corn and oats chop st fl.l'.i: siMid coffee, f-'c.; currants, 7 pounds fur (rood laundry soap, lo pieces for -."c.; sujrar, 'i pounds for l.i. A Big Pall in Dry Goods. IIst calicoes at 0 and 7 cents; tnusliu. blenched and unl.leachi-d. 4.- and 7 cents; (onsrhaius. .1 and 6 cents; cloth, in trrjy. brown aud preen, 30 to Xi cents; Cash mere in all colors, : to 3. cents; red flannel, i"() cents; fSittui toweling 4li cents. 23fThe a Dove stock has bern reduced L'.'i per cent. Our Stock of Indies' Coats Sold Almost For Nothing. CViats Coats Coats farmer former former Also, io not forgot that wo arc now oiTerinjr onr onfiro stock of Children's, Boys' anil Men's Overcoats at half price. Good All-Wool Slack and Brown $7.00; Hoys' IMiie aud'Mlack Chinchilla Coats, Former price, $-i.o. Children's Caie Coats in lug I'laids or Striiies, 1 .?."; former price. j'Tlnse goods must fro and there is a uood chance for buyers. Men's Ilcavy-Wcijjht Cray or lied too. ier suit, former price, fl-V). LADIES' FincIDrcss Shoes at $1.25 to $2.00. LILLY BANKING : CO., LILLY, PA., J.0. B. MI LIFA. rAkllll.K. A CESEEAh HAXKIXI. BUSINESS THANSAlTKh. FIRE, LIFE, AN D ACCIDENT INSUK ANCE. ALL THE PRINCIPAL STEAMSHIP LINES IiEPKFSENTEI It V US. Accounts of merchants, farmers and oth ers earnestly solicited, assuriiisrour patrons that all Inisiness entrusts! to us will re ceive prompt aud careful attention, and Ix held strictly confident ial. Customers wil. be treated as litierally as pood haukinp rules will permit. LILLY HANKIXC CO.. feb.V.10. Lilly, Peiina JOHN PFISTBR, DEALER IM GEIIERU MEBCHAIIDISE, Hardware, Qiccnswarc, MADE-UP CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, VEUETAHLEN IK KE4MIN, 1IAKKEMN, ETC, OPPOSITE JUNCTION HOTEL CRESSON, PA. mawi SOly TRIAL LIST. T7 (IM.OWINO It the !lit ol nuMi et down for 1 trial at a nperlil term ol court to Pe belt on Monday, May II. IS': 1 ormn . Piper ot al. Find' Lull h. Soo (Illl Hanhei Boe . . Martin v. 'ujhrla tand -o. ,.T. Hart man. .v. Jonnstown Lumber Company. ,,,.,.- Martin. f . Sheenan. ...... . Huirhe et al. .. ...,vi. iHinbam et al. n Million Jo..T. Lilly M.tae. Uo. Keed.... Jobnuton (Mark Plreardo Koee Stoler.. l)arttew.... C. Hauerlela mpany. Krlday , Bendon. KeiloKle..... Jone KeTgr. vm. tJauttlelJ. m. Plerro. Ti. Iay. .v. Cartbew. Hrewlnir Ieap. va. I al It. ......t. Pryor. v. Keonedy. T. Mulreliill. Ti. Kinney. llarroll. ..ti. u conoor nroa IanK fcipjr April II, 1093. .ti. I.eabey. .. Hoferker. J. U. IIAKBY. Prulbonutary. HOTtL LEdKANIIK. H J.SHrJlTKl. PBorRITTTOR. located at DuHola. I' a., near the H. K. fc. P. Hallway Ilepot. VX'a always endeaTor to lur nlib tb bait aeeommodatloni to bualnen men. pleasure leeker and boarden . Peraona In learrb ol jomlort and quiet will Hon It a deM'aMe laoe to stop. Tbe Table tl nniurpaued and II always applied with the beat tbe market attordi.and all tbe delleaclea ot tbe leaaoo. Tbe Kar II lup plied with the eholelol pare liquor and encan and nothlna- bat the best li aold. Special atten tion KlTen to tbe care ol bone. H.J.SOHETTKI. TO WHOM IT MAYCONOEKN: X Ail perwioa bavlnic rUirui afralnet the ette oi Jeremiah Nuonan. late ol MuuFler lownnhip, tl naliria county dereaaed.or aalnt the eitate ol isa Noonan, lata ol aaid townahlp. deceased, are rcqueeied to present tbeir claim iroperly probated to me by May 2ih. 13. M. II. alTTEIJA. Ebensbutx. March 31. Isaa. D tlyoaneed Job Printing? II fo, aire th aaaataa a trial oroer. FANCY HID STAPLE GROCERIES. FUR - TRir.lMED - COATS, Reduced from $12 to $7.50. Misses' Co;its In Haln and lS.x-I"leated. lieht and dark colors, in all sizes, can be lxiuht from 3..50DTlDS.OaP (rents' Neckwear at 10c., regular .MX, poods. Ili'Tor ni'Vt two weeks we will sell TWO IMX IW;KI AM) linv I'AIKS l'AXTS-Woisud, Cheyiots, All-Wool Cussimeres, at one price. price f;.iio. now M.ii price r..m. now :j.i price l.'o, now fi.'.is AI'AIU-XO YOU FORMER PRICE, MEN'S In Cwiisr-'ss or Lace, 1 1.7.1 to fii.ZZ. Misses' Iliiiitrcla and llrain Sprinir Heel Shoes, 1.1 .1. (. Iiilcj's Iiuiiirola and (.ruin Heel and Spring Heel at 7".c. Men's Fine Kress Shoes in Congress or Lac,. fr (i.-jr,. 500 PAIRS MEN'S - BKOGANS, Solid Leather. Oak Top. Sole with I'.uckle. X-. a pair, former price fl.:c. the l.iiriresl oirer ever made in t unilii ia county. CD" ur Si k ol 1-VKXITriIK. CA KI'LTS. II ATS, CATS. TKl'XKS and VALlsLS is now ready for in spection. 3S"'Comc sjH-nd an hour wilh us. (tPMTM New WMle Front Bnilni, 113 New Stock of DRY COODS, MILLINERY AND CAR PETS. Call to sec us when in town. X-A-IMIIES 0 0 0 f r3 2 0 o r" O M O ! O o o m m o P Mphl7,-2m JUST RECEIVED ! A LARGE LOT Boots (fc Shoes -KOUGIIT AT Sheriff's Sale ! FROM THE tlTOCK OF W. E. SCHMERTZ 8l CO., MTTMItt'RM, fA. The public invited to call. Prices away down. JN0. LLOYD & SONS. n-EITS WIMTEDX-VauVTc 7 k a-' " i- 4,a-a..tan iiwam. rt". :I A rare M ATTIC ! J WHAT (Olli: WANT WKIIAVK. $14.00. C0., OATS LEADERS OF LOW PRICES. GAIXITZIN, PENTJA. 9 9 9 Clinton Street, Jotetom, Pa. GTTIHSTISr. II U J0HSST0N. M. J. Hl'I'K. A. IV.HU K. LUTAHLIHBED 1872. Johnston. Buck & Co., HANK EUENSBUIUi. ... FENN'A,. A. W. Ill ( K, Caahlrr. l-TBLIBHItt;i8H8. Carrolltown Bank, CAKKOLLTOWN. PA. T. A. Mil 1KB4I UII, l aalilrr. General Banting Bnsincss Transactei!. Tbe tollowlnar are the principal leatarei ol ((cneral baiKing bnilneii : lE POSIT KeitTed payable on demand, and Interest baar Idk eertlbcaiei liiueil to time deKiiltora. lyOATl'M Kstended to cuitomen n favorat.le termi and approved I'M01" dlaoonnted at all tlmei. (OI.I.r.T10KN Made In the locality and niton all the bank ln town! In the United Statea. I'barKea moderate. IIKAFTh iMned netcotlahle In all parti of tbe t'nltd Statei. and lorelitn exchange Uiued on all part of Euroi a. ACrol'KTN l merchanu. tarmen and ottien oilclud. to whom reasonable aocmo1atlon will tie extended. fatroni are ainured that all trananrtloni Ihall be held a itrlctly private and onndrntlal, and that they will tie treated ai liberally al uod banklnK tulei wu perslt. Kepect fully. JOHNNT!H. KI CK '. P. R. R. SCHEDULE. Schedule In eltect Iecemler IHth, wi. rennerlloBial Creaaeiet. Seashore ExpreM , HtrriKhurn AecommoJatlon . ly Kxpriai...... Ailoons Espreai ...... Mall Expreai I'blladelubla tlxpreil Jolinitowii Exprei........... I'acitir Exprei.. Way Haaaenxer Mall Train ..... Jobnatown Kxpreal .. , 6 30 a tn . VKIiui .11 o4 a to . 1 m p ra . fi 17 li 111 . 12 p m . 8 2T a m . I'i a m , 'i.'miim . 4pm .. fc 24 p tn Ebaiabairie Krmrh. Train! leaTei a followi: 7.30, lo.'ia a. m and S.36 p. m and arrlTe at t'reaun at H.'o. lu.AU a. m. and 4 it p. in. leare t'rmaon at t 30, 11 'JTt a. m and S p. m., and arrive at Kbenaliurr at lo.lu a. m. and U 01 and 8 10 p. m. reamwei anal t'learHrld. IeaTe lrvoua at 6 ! a. m. and 2.40 . m. arrlr. Inn at Crenon at 06 a m. and 4 p. m. lave Creifon n 40 a. Hi. and Kin p.m., arrlviua: at Ir Tona at 11. oo a ui. aud a.Uo p. m. Sundar traini leave Cronaon every Sunday at V 30 a m and 6 in p. in., arrivlna at Irvoua at II o a, m and t Ial p. m. lor rt-i aaipa. etc , call on aicent or ail. I rem Thiw. K. Watt. I. A. W. 1.. llu Klllh Ave.. Pittauura . fa. S. M. PKtVOST. J.K. WIMUI. tleneral Manager. tieneral Manarter. K. L. REXU. XlTr.llrT II1UI. REED & READE, Atlorne.vn at I n"v, tKENSm'Kil. - - - I'ENNA. 4woittce on feutre itrcot. 4U3 1)K1VATE SALE. Tbe nndrrala-ned will el at Private Sale tn Lily tMimuxb. tiauibrla catitr. I'a, till Hotel, with Hrrwtry attached; Two Ice Houaei, Stable, and all ueceanary I ut tioildlnKi on the prenilae Tbe lluuae la llceiiaed Dow. Kir turtber particular call on or adiliem the proprietor, I HKOIK'lit StJ.li Laiy, I 'a., ttctM.lins.