The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, May 05, 1893, Image 2

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    Cwaliria Jvcnnnn.
EiiENSBrna. cambiua co., pa.
M AY :.. IS'.3.
Mi:ri! or IMF. dimim kati
miia rt" mhith:.
U is now only six vrt-k- until the time
lied for lioldiim the next primary el.-rtion.
Ulitotliis time there are no camlidutos
annouiii-ei for the principal oflioe, I'ountv
Treasurer, ami the prsi,Ht-t an that there
w ill lie lion.- ii' the Craw firi county system
is continued, as the -xim-iisi entailed on
candidates is iinreasotiableaiui too burden
some to N-ar. lleliev ins also that it is un
wise on the part of the Democracy to make
their nominations live months lie Torn the
lection, I take the opportunity of calling
the County Committee together for the
purpose of considering the propriety of
changing the time of making nominations
to a later date, and of adopting some oth
er system of nominating candidates. With
the above stated objects in view, I hereby
request the Democratic County Commit
teemen to meet at the Opera House in Eb
ensburgon MONDAY, MAY .".Til, Is'.'.".,
at 1 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose afoie
said. I would suggest that each member
of the County Committee consult his con
stituents on the subject so that any action
taken bv the Committee will be endorsed
by the party. J AS. (t. HASSOX,
Chairman IemocraticCounty Committee. F. Harrity was on Tuesday
elected" jinsidetit of the Young Men's
IVnux ratic Association at Philadelphia.
He had no opposition and received the
entire vote.
Lancaster had h slight slux k of earth
quake last week, tut uodammage result
el. The shock was accompanied by a
sharp rej)Ort like an exjilosion, followed
hy a low runihling sound.
Akgvment on the constitutionality of
the Chinese Exclusion act hasleeu post
xnel by the United States Supreme
Court until May 10. Silence in the
Court will set the Chinese chattering.
The Treasury could get all the gold it
wanted for greenbacks. Hut the trouhle
is that it hasn't got the greenbacks.
The Republicans alisolutely scraped the
bottom of the Treasury before they left
The sum of nearly Ml0,0O0 is to l?
collected from the male residents of Kan
sas City as tines fur neglecting to vote.
1 1 was time to give the ballot to the wo
men of Kansas, when the men had thus
shown themselves indifferent to the
right of suffrage.
B the recount of the votes cast re
cently in the Seventh Massachusetts Con
gres-s district, as faras made, lr. Everett,
the tVmocratic candidate, is shown to
have a plurality of 42. instead of 14, as
There is little comfort for the contestant
in these figures. In fact, the disclosure
of fraud upon the ballut should add
frt-t-h pangs to the humiliation of his de
feat. Theke will l no liquor or beer sold
in South Carolina except by the state,
after July 1, iS'.Ui. Four of the moft
eminent legal firms in the state decided
the matter. Soon after the passage of
the law at the last s-s-ion of the legisla
ture, the liquor dealers of the state
formed an association and employed
counsel to test its constitutionality, but
the law stands.
Secretary Herbert has learned of
an abuse iu his department which he
will investigate immediately. It ap-I-ars
that certain naval ollicers have se
emed furloughs on half or two-thirds
pay, in order to devote the time thus
paid for by the Government to profitable
work for manufacturers of ordnance
and other naval supplies on contract
with the the Government. Secretary
Herlrrt will stop the abuse, of course.
The defeat of the I.rown road bill in
the Senate hist week by a decisive vote
after the rejection of a suk-titute for its
provisions may le accepted as an indica
tion that there w ill le no road legisla
tion this year. This is unfortunate, as
the roads of this state are in anything
but a good condition, and under exist
ing laws are not likely to improve. But
it seems impossible to frame a bill at this
time satisfactory to the majority of the
members of either House.
The same numlwr of marines and
sailors from a like numlier of men-oN
war of foreign nations, sis those which
marcheJ in a parade in New York City
Friday, never appeared in time of peace
or war in any one city at the same time
in the world. This made the sjieetade
one of impressive interest, which will
never be forgotten in the history of New
York city, and had more of stately im
ortanre in it than did the otiening of
the World's Fair on Monday, in Chicago.
Sikini tloods of unusual height have
followed the drenching rains of the past
three weeks in the Ohio and Upper Mis
sissippi valleys, and farming ojx-rations
have leeu summarily halted in the fer
tile valleys of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois.
As far south as Arkansas many of the
plantations are submerged, and contin
ued high water would work immense
damage to the sprouting wheat crops.
With fair weather, however, the crops
would doubtless le all the richer and the
soil all the more fertile for the rush and
turmoil of the Hoods.
W hu e in this country we have leen
having a wet and backward Spring, with
a great assortment of storms, tornadoes
and cyclones, in Europe the conditions
have l.een reverse,!, and in England there
is no record, and Jn France none for
over l."i4 years, of such a warm and
rainless spring. Xo rain, except a little
shower one afternoon, has fallen in Ion
don or 1'aris for two .months. The
drouth hasU-en accompanied by weather
as warm as usual in May or June. The
crop prospects are of the worst, w hile in
the western rt of this country there
is bad lookout Lecauaa of rain and
Uxt'ER bleak skies, with a chilling
mist from the lake, and a very disagree
able morning generally so far as weather
goes, the Columbiau Exposition was for
mally declared open on Monday. There
was nothing specially significant aUut
the opening ceremonies, further than
the grand fact that the world's fair now
enters on its final and most important
epoch. The ceremonies were brief, all
except the prayer of chaplain Milburu,
which is about four times the length of
President Cleveland's brief address.
Nor is the address particularly noticeable.
It is in an enthusiastic and congratula
tory note, all in good taste, but not at
all striking. The President says we en
ter on this contest of nations in realm
of human endeavor, asking no allow ance
on the score of youth. As against re
sults accomplished by longer efforts than
ours "we exhibit the unparalleled ad
vancement and wonderful accomplish
ments of a young nation, and the pres
ent triumphs of a vigorous, self-reliant
and independent people." He com
pares the splendid edifices aiwnit him to
the "magnificent fabricof a popular gov
ernment, whose proportions are seen
throughout the world."
"We have also made men who rule
themselves." The exposition exempli
fies "in the noblest sense the brother
hood of nations." And, as he touched
the golden button that let loose the
forces that gave life to the great show,
his closing words were: "So, at the
same instant let our hopes and inspira
tions awaken forces which in all time to
come shall influence the welfare, the dig
nity and freedom of nations." Then lie
pressed the button, a few minutes after
noon, and the great machinery com
menced turning, the fountains playing
and hundreds of flags of all nations were
Hung to the breeze. The Columbian
Exposition w is open and ready for busi
Afterwards the President received the
commissioners from foreign govern
ments, witnessed the formal dedication
of the woman's department and at five
o'clock left for Washington.
It is just as well it should le stated, as
the fact is not likely to le prominent in
the exuberant dispatches from Chicago,
that the exjiosition although oen is not
ready, and it may le several weeks U fore
it is got in a tolerably complete condi
tion for visitors. Those who have to go
in May will understand this. By the
first of June everything should le com
plete. Yessels have leen arriving within
a few days with exhibits that ought to
have leen in Chicago weeks ago. The
transportation service had tieen bad, and
the completion of the buildings has been
delayed. But this experience has not
been exceptional. It has been the case
with the other world's fairs.
Governor Pattison sent to the Legis
Iature last week two vetoes of bills re
lating to the management of public
schools. Senate bill No. 34, to make
instructions in physical cclture obligab
rv in cities of the first and second class
he disapproves for the very excellent rea
sons that the fundamental instruction re
quired by the state would only Ik? made
less through by the imposition of new
methods and studies; that there is no
reason why physical culture should le
restricted to Philadelphia and Pittsburg,
and that, if such instruction te deemed
necessary, th directors of the schools
are already armed with the needful au
thority to make it a part of the school
There is a smack of good sense and of
home rule philosophy in this veto that
w'll accord with the Mtpular judgment.
Let the schools teach with thoroughness
how to jead, write, spell and cipher.
When this shall have len accomplished
there will e time and occasion for branch
ingout. The Governor's message reads
as if he had made examinatio n of the
proficiency in average rudimentary
knowledge imparted in the public
schools. Where a hundred children
may accurately tell how many bones
there are in the human body, not one
will le able to read properly and intelli
gibly. Our teachers of late years have
turned into a kind of parrotry in which
a little is taught of many things and not
much of anything.
The veto of House bill No. 2V, to pro
vide for the payment ot the exjienses of
school directors incident to the choice of
county superintendents is a further evi
dence of the desire of Governor Pattison
to maintain our school system upon the
admirable mode) of its original estab-
lishment, in which the idea of hire and
salary found no place. The public
schools are a great state charity. Their
administration should as far as ttosMble,
Ik? conformed to this benevolent concep
tion. The Pennsylvania state building, one
of the greatest attractions at the World's
hair, was thrown oK-n to the public on
Wednesday. Since the Liberty Bell was
put in place in the rotunda, only that
large room has leen open to visitors.
The superintendent desired to put on
the finishing touches in the other rooms
and clean up after the crowd that inva
ded the building on Monday. For that
reason the doors were closed until this
Wednesday morning. The Philadelphia
policemen are on duty night and day
guarding (he, -Independence bell and an
swering a thousand questions put by the
multitude of sight seers that would con
sider their exposition excursion a failure
if they had not looked upon the nation
al relic.
It does not require a superior degree
of intelligence to discover the difficulties
of our present financial system, which
occur from the attempt to make Gt cents'
worth of silver a safe basis for business
that has to be transacted at the ratio of
dollar for dollar, worth J (1) cents in gold.
No such experiment ever prosperej, and
no such experiment ever will prosjuT.
The President appointed W. Wilkens
Carr postmaster at lliiladcipbuion Vtl-
Washington Letter.
Washington, 1. C, May 1, lS'.tt.
Hurrah for the Ik-m.H-ratie administra
tion! It has proven itself to l the mas
ter, not the servant, of Wall street, and
the government Still livts. and the treas
ury continues and will continue to pax
out gold to nil who may doire it for
treasury notes. A greater financial tri
umph was never achieved by any ad
ministration. It marks the la-ginning
of a new era, in which the president of
the United Slatt-s ami his cabinet will
dictate our national financial li y, in
stead of havitii: it done from Wall Mreet,
as it has Ih-cii done already too long for
the gi k h! of the country. The Wall
street crowd invited the knoek-down
blow they received. Seeing that bank
ers all over the country were following
the lead of those of the south
and west in furnishing the treasury
with gold the Wall stn-etvrs
got together and formulat-d a proj.o-.i-tion
in which they agreed to furnish tin
treasury with from ;'0.M0,t" to ."..
0(H,0Ht in gold, but the proposition had
a string tied to it in the shape of a pro
viso that Ixmds should lieis.-m-d for their
gold. Other bankers turned their gold
into the treasury without quc-lioii. lo
calise of their confidence in the govern
ment, which they thought iu need of
the gold to tide over a temporary lil!i
culty, but the Wall street hy locks
wanted their jMiuod of flesh in the sliajw
of interest on the injiuIs to e issued
iK'foie they would turn loose the gold ly
ing idle in their vaults. It did not take
President Cleveland and the cabinet
three minutes to formulate an indignant
refusal, which was wired to New York.
Ijiter, another proposition, h-ss exacting,
was received, hut it also was promptly
rejected. It must by this time U; evi
dent to even the most obtuse observer
that the financial motto of this adminis
tration is, " no Wallstrect domination."
The present condition of the treasury
is, under the circumstances, satisfactory ,
and if the offers of gold continue to be
as freely made as they have Iwcn for the
past week it is U-lieved that there will If
no necessity for the issue of bonds, and
even if the demand foi gold shall con
tinue to increase, the reserve fund, at
present intact, will U drawn upon to
meet it until it U-comes certain that it
w ill l exhausted, U fore Umds w ill be
issued. President Cleveland and S'cre
tary Carlisle are loth fully determined
that no bonds shall tx issued until it
shall have Uen fully demonstrated that
nothing else will furnish the relief need
ed, ami many U-licvr that if that shall la
the matter will Ik-submitted to Congress
at an extra session, Ufore bonds are is
sued .
Secretary Hoke Smith is the only
member of the cabinet iu the city, and
he has just returned from New York,
where the entire cabinet and the presi
dent took in the big naval review. The
president and the other members of tin
cabinet, except Secretary Ijouont, w ho is
coniclled by private business to remain
there several days, will go direct from
New York to Chicago to take part iu the
ojK'ning of the World's Fair. Secretary
Smith bad to miss the trip to the Fair
because of some pressing Indian business
that demands his immediate attention.
The second chapter in the investiga
tion of the- Weather bureau opened with
a stormy row U-tueen those tuogood Ke
publicans, Prof. Harrington, chief of
the bureau, who is U-ing investigated,
and Assistant Attorney Oi-neral Colby,
who is conducting the investigation.
The evidence taken up to this time fully
lears out one of the charges that in
competent employes were retained after
the chief of the bureau knew they were
Congressman Carilth, of Kentucky,
carries a very broad smile ju-t now. One
of the reasons of the unusual breadth of
that smile was the selection of his broth
er, George W. Caruth, editor of the Little
Kock, (Ark.) (injttt, to le United Stales
Minister to Portugal.
Among the other important presiden
tial appointments made ia.-t week were
those of ex-Congressman Kinnev, of
Hampshire, to l-e Minister to Columbia;
ex-Congressman Thompson, of Cali
fornia, to le MinisU-r to Brazil; ex-Coii-gressiiian
Wiley, of New York, to be
Consul at IWdeattx, Frame, and the
following well known gentlemen to In
government directors of the Union Pa
cific Kaihvay Company : Mr. Henry I".
Himock, of New York; Hon. lon. M.
Dickinson, of Michigan; Mr. .1. Doane,
of Illinois; Gen. Fithugh I.-e. of Vir
ginia, and Mr. Joseph W. Paddock, of
Nebraska. No more appointments will
le made until after the president's re
turn from the World's Fair.
pearly all the prominent ollicials went
over to New York this week to s-e tin
international naval review, the largest
affair of its kind that has ever taken
piece in American waters, and they are
all glad they went, for they saw what
none of them will probably ever see
again. m.
A Death l!d Keienge.
Wti kesrarrk, April Colonel
Frank Beamish, at one time the most
prominent 1 emo-ratic (olitiiian in
Northeastern Pennsylvania, is now dy
ing, but he has lived long enough to
have his revenge. A dispatch from Sat:
Francisco says: Colonel Clark E. K.
I Joyce, Treasurer of the Veterans' Home
Association, is short in his accounts :; -tHH."
An evening paper here says Beamish,
Royce and others were arrest-d in Scran
ton in 1S7 for defrauding the School
Board out of $hUXM. Koyce and the
others tied to South America ami Beam
ish had to stand the blunt. He was
sent to jail for five years. It was after
ward discovered he was innocent and he
was released. Beamish sient a fortune
in trying to run down the men w ho had
liet rayed him and he then retire! from
public view a broken-hearted man.
So Passports For Hebrews.
New York, May '2. An afternoon pa
jer to day says that the Russian Consul
General, Olarovsky, yesterday declined
to place his signature upon a passjHTt
issued by the State IVpartment ami pre
sented by Mrs. Sadie Schwartz, of this
city, ;the wife of a citizen of the United
States, on the ground that she was a He
brew, and that the laws of his country
forbid him signing such passjHirts.
The pajier sent a reporter to the otlice
of the Consul General this morning w ith
a passport to le signed, and stated that
the Consul refusal to put Ids signature
toil when, in reply to a question, the re
porter said he was a Hebrew.
Another Tribe ol Heathens.
New York. May. 2 A triU' of To
men and women from the Cnnt'ii Fr--
State and Dahomey, started on their
way from J-Jlis Island to Chicago last
night. From the point of morality and
intelligence thev are the lowest i h.s of
strange creatures that has yet landed.
They reached hereSundav. on the Fo m l.
Steamer Ia Bretagne, and took up quar
ters in the big regi.-trv office, lin n and
women being huddled immis-iioiis!v n
tether. One of the men die,l vrv ii,t-
dcnlyyesUrdayafUrnM.nt h wa;4 fiHUt
of pneumonia. He wl bw luried by
n auworiipeg.
Exrlmle Undesirable Immigration.
The r-ort that ten thousand inimi
grauls are lxM)k-l for this port for the
next 'hn-e months and that the arrivals
are likely to exceed tinseof any former
year shonlo serve to put the inspection
authorities on the alert. The iiunii
grants rs-ently arriving have in many
instances Ikvii of the oorest class, of
which we have too many already. It is
not worth while to build almshouses and
hospitals to h-sscit tin- aupcr budget of
our foreign The law against
paiicr and criminal immigration should
Ik' strictly enforce-!, and unless ail signs
fail their wTd l' room for the exercise of
iiun.-ual rig'r in its enfoicemeiit and a
jkm! deal of shrewdness in detecting at
tempts t- evade it.
The poss-ibilily of cholera imxrtulion
by immigration is another of the date
gers that call for sm-4 ial w atchfulness on
the part of the immigration ollicials.
The liid quarantine regulations cn-for-ed
la.-t fall and winter practically
closed our jMtrls against thousands who
desired to esva' the cholera danger by
coming to the United Slates. The dan
ger from choiera in EuroH- is as great as
U'fore. who Would have tied
from it last autumn and could not are
just as anxious to get away from it now
as then. Many of these are from s"c
lions affected by the disease last year,
and it is essential that our immigration
and quarantine authorities do not allow
lhemsclv-s to Ik caught napping if the
cholera is to 1 shut out of our jxH ts.
We have enough of native Ktverty,
crime and disease to contend w ith. We
need no foreign imortations of either,
t ur laws are not as rigid and sweeping
as tln-v should he on this sul.ject, but
such laws as we have should Ik- enforced
to the last ossible stretch of their juris
diction. We should shut our
against all undesirable immigration and
the louder the clamor for admission on
the part of this class the deafer should
U the ears of our port authorities.
I'liilti. Tiiiirs.
The Iklsmg Materi alises Alarm.
Sr. I if is. May 2. The high water
In-reatH .tits is U giliiiing to cause Consid
erable alarm, and grave apprehensions
are felt that the dir.-istrolis H.kkIs of last
May will le rcjcatcd, if not surpassed.
The water has risen at an unprecedented
rate since Sunday morning.
On Saturday night the gauge stood 2S,
and at the same time last night .'5o feet
was shown. The highest jKiint last year
was ."' feet, which was reached on Mav
A four-foot rise will cover the first
lloors from N ine to Morgan streets. Nu
merous cellars are already inundated by
back water in the sewers. The lower
floors of elevators on 1m. th sides of the
river an inundated, and the waves are
rapidly rising to these.-ond floors.
SteamUials from alnive r-rt consid
erable trouble in passing under the
A break was rciKirh-d in thcCahokia
levee by w hich a numU-r of farms on
the American !wttoin were ilood.-d.
A good Mrtion of Brooklyn was also
ret tot ted under water at midnight. The
various railways have patrols walking
their tracks, and are preparing to
strengthen their embankments.
Mnetjr Are Head.
Gitiiekik, Okla., April 2s. The
total numU r of pt-rsons who met death
in the Tuesday night storm now reaches
'.hi and the injured iiumlrr al-.ut iJ.'kI,
about lOof Hum iK-ing fatally injured.
The greatest damage was done at Nor
man, in the southern part of the territo
ry, and near Perkins and Stillwater, in
the iiorthea-teru part. At Norman
jktsoi.S iveie killed in one neighU rh k n1,
ami a d...-. n more killed at various
Kints within a radius of u'O miles. East
of Norman, near the line of Pottawato
mie county, six unidentified bodied were
found yesterdav.
Farther east, iu I'ottawatomie coimtv,
eight or ten are reported killed and as
many wounded. Thirty miles east of
here in Payne county, the nuinU-r of aggregate S rT -JO, but it is hard
to get any names owing to the isolation
of the section. A family of four, two
women and a baby, fTishfd in one
house, am! a man and live children in
another. The oamcs are unknown. H.
L. Hickson wiil die.
.Mr. Cb telaiid In M ashing! ou., May 2. Promptly at
."i:.V this, afternoon on schedule time,
the Presidential special steamed into the
I'eniisvlvania station, bringing Mr
Cleveland and those of his Cabinet, who
returiM-d with him from Chicago. Mr.
Cleveland was the first to step from the
car and was follow til bv Sccretaru-s Car
lisle, Greshain, Smith. HerU-rt and
Morton. Secretary I-'imont Postmaster
General Bissell and Attorney General Ol
m-y were not w ith the partv.
The only ladies accompanying the
party weie Mrs. Carlisle and Miss Her
U-rt. Carriages were in waiting and the
travelers were at once driven to their re
spective residences.
(Iren the IJesseiner l.old Metal.
Bkthi.ehem, Pa., May 1. John Fritz,
chief engineer of the Bethlehem Iron
Company, was awarded the Bessemer
gold Saturday by the Iron ami
Steel Institute of Great Britain, which
was in session in Ixmdon. The award
is a distinguished honor which the in
stitute confers on men who have rendered
great service to the iron and steel trade.
But two other Bessemer metals have
l-een awarded to Americans bv the insti
tute one to A bra in S. Hewitt and one
to the late Alexander L. Holley, ot New
Strike at H winest-al.
At noon on Monday forty workmen
in the Carnegie steel works at Home
stead threw aside their tMls ant! quit
work. They refused to accept the re
duction stipulated in the new scale which
went into effect May 1. and as a result
struck for higher wages, the reduction
is from o7 cents to 2 cents r ton. The
men left work determined not to return
unless a more satisfactory scale is pre
sented by the company. The superin
tendent of the oo-inch beam mill says
the vacancies can 1? filled and new men
w ill U' s-eiired to-day unless the strikers
return to work.
X Sensational Suicide.
U iieeiin.;. W. Va., May 3. A sen
sational suicide iK-curred here this morn
ing. One Sunday morning William Me
Clond was brutally at his
home and was found with his brains
battered out. His brother-in law, John
Tibl-s. was charged with the murder, but
at the preliminary hearing he stated that
it was his mother, Mrs. Sarah Tihte, who
did the killing. Last night she was
place,! in jail. This morning she was
found dead in her cell, having hung
herself with her apron string.
The leng'h of the legislative session
is not of much consequence since mt-ni-lrs
are no longer fntid by the day.
Highest of all in Leavening;
I lappy and content is a home with The Ro
chester," a lamp with the light of the morning.
Cataliues,wTiteRochebtexLamjiCoNrwVurk. j
A Kehkuk man has shipped to the
World's Pair a piano 1.7.) tears old, having
four H-dals consisting of a loud tone, soft,
lianjo aci'oiu iani men t an d a last- drum and
bells striking in unison.
Mrs. Catharine Hoffman, of Zanesville,
dreamed that she was hanging over a
precipice. Slieattnkc and found herself
hanging to the m iudow-sill of her room.
She fell l. feel and lliu injuries re stilled in
The gorgeous hrillia-tcy of a phitsphor
escent sea is produced hy countless millions
of glohular creatures, some of which areas
much as six inches long, and are apparent
ly foiun-d of gelal iouous and irausluctant
ne ol the oldest houses ill Atlleri-a is
generally reputed to l- located at Santa
l"e. N. M. The hnildiug was erected
fore the Spanish compiest. and it is tradi
tionally recited that ( oronado slopx-d
there ill l.tO.
Anna liauks, a 13-year-old daughter of
Samuel Dunks, of Fayette City. 1'a.. is ly
ing it the oiut of death from a dose of
purls green, which she look with suicidal
intent. She says she look the toisoli Ik
cailM- she had trouble at home.
The ciM-oiinul tree is the mo-t valuahh
of plants. Its wood furnishes tu-ams,
rafters and planks, its h aves umhrcllas
and clothing, its fruit food, oil, iutoxit ai ts
and sugar, ils shell domestic uten-ils, its
lilK-rs i-ok-s, sails and matting.
The nagie of Columbus is pretty well
preserved ill the geographical nomencla
ture of I he f n i led States. More than To
posloflices, cities, towns, or stations are
named for him, ten counties and one river
the largest on our Pacific water shed.
The tut))- ill the enter of the M attest
cross on top of the Krilish crown is the
stone that w as given to the Black Prince
by K ing I'edre, tif Castile, after the hatlle
of Najara. Henry V., of Kngland, wore
it iu his helmet at the hallle of Agincourl.
Tun of the original mud sills of the old
Madison and IndiariHKtlis Uailuay have
Ik-cii taken from the Ud of the track at
Champion, lud.. where they have Ik-cii fnr
CiO jcars. They were of while oak, and
were found iu a pel feet stile of preserva
tion. More than ?.1o. was contrihuud
several years ago for a monument to Bis
marck, hut the coninittee having the
mailer iu charge has made no move to
ward tK-ui lining the work. The ex-Chancellor
is Slid to be much offended at the
A new crack lias appeared on the
LilK-rty lx-11. ll extends from the old
crack neaily fourteen inches toward the
rilll of the Ik II. The clack is sllHed to
have U-eii cju-tj l.y t he ibl alious ol tlie
car and the I. racing which only touched
tu o -ides of the rim of the U-ll.
Thomas Perks, the 11-year-old Imy
who staLU-d and killed a playmate at
Lin-yville. Pa., on April 14, has li-ii sen
tenced to imp! isoiiment in the Morgana
reform school until he shall have earned
the relliite III.IiiUt of cr.-dils lo entitle
him to h'x-rty. He pleaded guilty of vol
untary man-laughter
-When the lo-rmaii euqeror was a
student at I n he is said to have he. ii
pal I Kill. u ly fond of witnessing the duels
of his fellow -st u, I. nl-. Ai ..r.liiiu to a
writ.i iua French magazine, he used to
hurry through his hreakfa-l to spend an
hour watching the glancing of swords and
the cuts and slashes given to noes and
Tue great international race letwc-n
the American liner. Paris, am the new
Briti-h steam-hip. the Cunarder Com
pani.i. is over. The Paris nun easily.
U-ating the Coinpania many hours over a
rouc,h course, and still holds the record
from .Uiecn-tow n. which Mrt she sailed
from before she carried the stars and
sti ix s.
The draught has reinh-rtsl all the rural
districts t h e empire of (ei inauy unus
ually liable to lire and many reports of
village tires are received daily. Thousands
of k rsons are homeless in western Ger
many, and troops have hcen sent out w i I It
tents and food to relieve them. Iu Austria-Hungry
forests and village tires are
as numerous as in (iei inany.
The iMist-otlice department has issued
notice that a general iKtst-oflice in all de
partments will he conducted at t he World's
Fair grounds during the summer. Tnis
will make it convenient for most people to
have their letters addressed to the World's
Fair, when they can he received at the
general delivery. A uionev order office
and registered letter buisness will also U
done at the grounds.
Although triKips have lieen called for
by the settlers in the San Luis valley for
protection against the raids of the Nava-
jos, the indications are that but few, if any
of them, will lie needed. The Indians
have returned hi their reservation.
Armed men have gone for ard from llti
rango and other oints in Southwestern
Colorado in sufficient uuinters to protect
the people and troops are iu readiness to
move if nettled.
A fractious horse so hadly frightened
the wife of Rev. C. T. Ih-nrhtK-e, of Ches
tertow n. Mil., thatshedied almost instant
ly of paralysis of the heart. The preacher
accompanied hy his wife and daughter,
was driving home from Chestcrtown to
Fairh-e, when the horse? U-came unnian-
aueahle. Mrs. Denroche w xs xhtrmeil iml
suddenly fell tiver unconscious. As soon
as they reaehed home a doctor was sum
moned. The woman w as dead w hen re
moved from the carriage.
Joseph Horn, aged twenty-seven, was
probably fatally stabU-d at the corner of
Thirty-eighth street and I'eun avenue,
Pittsburg, on Monday. His assailant was
John Walker, also a young man. Horn
and Walker hail not Ik-cii good fi lends for
some time. Thev nit t at the corner of the
street, a few Wftrds passed U-tweeu them
and Wa'kei Mahlied Horn twite in the
neck and once in the hand. lrn was re
moved to the hospital and Walkei was
placed under arrest. Horn has very seri
ous iujuries. The trouhltt arose from a
lov affair, in hich Imth are interested.
The grain fleet has blin ked the harbors
and elevators at New York, and the canals
lieing clttsttl. there is danger of U-ing a
grain hliK-kade. The railroads are carrying
away large quantities of it. hut cannot
handle the bulk. Superintendent Hannan
has issued an order in w hich he states
that the western division of the F.lie ca
nal and Champlain canal will om-ii for
navigation Wednesday. May 3. The east
ern ami middle divisions of the Brie canal.
the Oswego, Cayuga, and Seneca canals.
and that portion of Klark Uiver canal be
tween lltKMM-ville and Home, will be Jpeu
for navigation Friday, M ay S.
Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
The niimlK-r of 'rishuieii who emi
grated last year wasS,s6 fewer than the
year hefore.
The establishment of the new Canadi
an Pacific Railway Au-traliau steamship
hue. has been ollicially announced.
Collector Was on at Seatle, Wash,
has thrown up his hands and given up
trying to in force the Chinese exclusion
The nllicial trip of the cruiser New
York will occur U tween May l. and -Jo.
but the exact dale has not yet been settled
The i-ity council of Bichiuoi.d, Va..
appropriated 4.i) to defray the eK-nses
incident to the reiiiu-ruient of the remains
0 f Jefferson llavis May 31.
A women iu Bienham, Tex.. Mrs. Julia
II. l-aslenhow, who was hilteu hy a .-euti-Mt!e,
will die trout the wound. She shows
a disposition to craw I and otherwise imi
tate the actions of the Kiisoiious insect.
Theophclus IVdlcton, of Wolf Lake
Ind., came home in an excited slate last
Tii'-sttay, and iu a quarrel with his wife
struck heron the head, killing tier instant
ly. The brute then seized his child of six
months and beat out its brains against
1 he stove. He then Committed suicide by
cutting his throat
livery buj;gy sold !y agents has several
dollars added to the tuauufat turer's price.
We are manufacturers, and have tn
agents. For twenty years have dealt with
the consumer. We ship an where, w ilh
privilege of examining Ik-lore buying. Wc
pay freight charges bolh w ays, if not sat
isfactory. Warrant every thing for two
years. Anyone who can write can order a
iniggy or harness from us as wt 11 as pay
from f 10 to $.0 for some middle man to
order it for tlu-m. We give no credit, and
have one price only. Why do jou pay
two profits oil your carriages and harness:
Why d- you pav some one $Ut to fJiO for
ordering these things, when you can do
i' and save this money? Vou run no risk.
We let you see the ods Wfore yon ac
cept them. We pay a!l the freight if we
tail to suit. Over twenty years ago we
commenced to sell iu this way, aud would
aot lc in bu-'.iness now- if we bad not
.uitc-d. G4 page catalogue free. Address
Elkhart, Indiana.
MIellaMtsta Nolletm.
A reven iuiid plastartMl bouoa lo f'arroll
l-.wni-hlp. convenient ti frrlltuo Inquire of
ol lb ml.K-riOer. JAM KN NHAKHAl OH.
I'HK Ktnnt-ur HulMIn a. Imi Ainortmtlon
I will alter lr tt at tlie c.aix-ll -htnt-r. l-j-iiaturic,
on in 'ourta Monday In May,
ll.wl.i. THO.S. HAV1S.
l.its-ricK i-itHHEB, Sswi-eiary. Prer-nlent.
fine pair heary -IracKbl hi.r. well waled.
and f j ran old. W1.I kii rbMp
J. W . HvKHAl OH.
M eh. i7 3l. Carroliiotrn.
IV ou are wanting Kuoka. Stationary, Book
let?. IsH. ttatuet. Tuo. Nuveuifn. srliool
slitta. Katter H.mta or uotM, 9lc.t etc., yon
fan bare y ur want uplted ty a l t lo ('. T.
K.Jrti Mre, t.lKrnc,urK. Allbuuicb an uld e
tal'lobed one. It la anreart ot the iinje and a U
well Ollcl with ttouda ot all aluju. An cx
rhDc lit'rarjr ba l-een alaned at thin
where lor &ar-d ! rente Jim ran rent must antr
tMuk you want to read. Any tutok or anvtbin
elre no: In rturU procured l..r joa at once, tr
T3 llniiK ri l l at lotto-1 prlrea. line ua a rail
itud s. e tr yturell. You never taw turn a
targe and elegant alork lo l-JKsoatiurg.
llniBkraaoK ar Ihe l.iaaar Haiti!
alilil) -arrcl t datlaltlrrlat
lr. II al ' toldra aperlttr.
It l- ttiauufactarel tt a powder, wblro rao tx
alven id a tela ol tteer. a rap ol coflee or tea. or
Iu taoxl . w ttnout the kuowledica ol the patient.
Ill alis. lately narmle. and will effort a perma
nent and ffd mrr. whether the patient la a
moderate drinker or alcoholic wreck, ll baa len
iiveii in thouvatida ol catet and In every Instance
a er:ecl rura baa lollowed. It neter lalia. t bi
afiiii uuct iBDretinafed with tbe Sperine, It Kht
roiur an utter itaptteeli.llitf lor tbe liquor an.
peote .o eili-t. t ure auarauteed. ane ttook
.l partiruiara lre. Adliep
fil I.IN r,Ef"lKl('
auatu.lT. loa Kara st.. 'Ibrlnnatl O.
I Y virtue ot an order ol the I Irpbana' f'oort r
t'aoit-tia rt.untT. I'ri.naylvania, t? ana dl
rerlasl. I will expn-a lo i.ul.uc aale at the flora J
VV. . fVinler at H n'a t rnk, to UaaLlbajton
townablp. t'aa.ria county , Pa., on
All that certain piece or parrel of land annate In
aald township t f VVahinvton. adtinina land o
Ityaan a. Ianvlitnao. A. Smith, Adam Myera, f.
scaulan and other, roptrlnlng
5U) Acres,
more or leaa. Exceptina; and reterina- there
inm. a certain at-atu l roal. known aa tbe-Mili
er Seam'' or "Krd M." ton ether with rertalo
mining: riKbra and i.nrllejrec. aold and ronrryei
t Hernard McColcan to f hanea A. Huuhe. aa
lully racited la de-l dated Septeroter Zl d. lsj.
aud recorded la f 'amttria county la Iteed buok
N "i at pave sou
Tea per rent, ol tbe porcbaisa money to be paid
In hand at toe time of aale: tba balarre ol ona
thlrd at tbe eontlrmatloa of aale: ooa-talid lo an
ttion'ha. and one-tblM In twelve aaoo'.ha I oia
mentha from tbe eoof rmiHn of aala. Iteferrod
pavmecla u tar Intereat and to ba aerurod by
judgment toDd and morttaa of purchaser
M. 1 kITI H.L..
Admtnlatrator of tba aUte of Hernard Mct'ol
can. dfraatd.
Klnlurv. fa. April 2. laws.
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Is a Harmless, Positive Cure
for the worst form of Female Complaints, all
Ovarian troubles. Inflammation and Ulcera
tion, Falling and Displacements, alao Spinal
Weakness and Leucorrhcra.
It will dissolve and expel tumor from the
uterus in an early saape of development, and
checks the tendency to cancerous humors.
It removes famines, flatulency, weakness
of the stomach, cures Bloating, Headache,
Nervous Prostration, General I ebilitv. Sleep
lessness, Impression and Indigestion, alt
that feeling 'A bearing down, causing pain,
weight, and backache.
It acts in harmony with the laws that govern
the female system under alt circumstauccs.
For Kidney Complaints of either sex this
Compound unsurpassed. Correspondence
freely answered. Address in confidence,
fclBBBaacaw. Pui'v
ww-Speolal attaalloa to Klraa elatm fnr frai
jloa Hoanty, . dU- wa
Buggies, Wagons, Farm Machinery.
Saw Mills, Engines and Boilers,
sifjKmiiJJ FOR
Oliver Invented and Gave to the
World the Chilled Plow.
Oliver Chilled Plow Works,
South Bend, Indiana,
A strong statement but a true one, for these plows are better
known, have readied a larger sale, have had a longer run, have proved
more popular and given better satisfaction than any other plows od
the face of the globe.
We mean the GENUINE OLIVER, and not the imitations claim
ing to be the Oliver, or equally as good. Such imitations are on the
market, placed there by unscrupulous manufacturers who seek to trade
on the good name of the Olivkr.
Look out for imitations, buy only the genuine Oliver plows
repairs, and be sure you are right before you take the plow hoiue.
v. r ii t' . l
"Once more Ucware of
take none but the genuine, made by the Oliver Chilled Pijuw W.,.,
South Bend, Indiana.
Spring Tooth Lever Harrow,
A VMctr'Nl lrait-mal lat Urr trlnc Tttttlb llarraa..
la maklor tbla new I .ever Hain w t hey ne the aaine Iztrai: M. el Irame neit In i.M.rr ,w
Float Harrt.w that f be Irtme run I.I if !. I tir t-m-er Ii trruw if ilr.ire.l. Tbe Trrtti are i-.iir.' -tweeu
tualleatile laalrnii.i'a tt Ii I - iMnue uH,'i i i,e IhI( r ku-n.l 'Ua tliroutf h Hie trauie .irrr a '.I -r
roooertetl wiib au aflotioK liar ar..l i urniK-i itiat aliile tlie liarrnw la in i. rl n,t trtii
Id l lie imuDil. it will uol ull t:e Ihpu l..rr.l ll illrimaird In tlie rat-k a'llrin: ur In oiln-r a i'
II It urt it t)r Ii. a.iju.t Hit If -ill i1n-. r -liuilow while the harrnw in iu neraiiin
atanaiDK mil. I brjr hate two iin-r-i. ud. in winrh the leeib are lartenril ami hrn t ..ur ,.r
ne Inrbea are worn oft the can tr nt-t in anotl.t r luaieuinu. an. I hy thit ailiui-ioieDt in c.i.i.r. .
with tbe eratifu tl Hie a.ljuti iu let er, ran l r worn aluiurl entut-ly out the aauie at Iu xun.r
Kairhe: Toulh tiarrow.
Karb tooib baa a rurve.l alne iiu.lrr t h" 'r me niuk Intr a tllillria- au f..n. I roarantea thlf I-ter
Harruw tu te oue ul tbe uiori aittl le t Je rr Harrow et er oUrred to the trale.
307 Cor. Main and lltdfonl Streets,
JO HA ' .lie COA 'EL V S
Where you will find a complete line of Men's, Boys' and Chil
dren's Suitings in ull styles and qualities.
for Men and Boys, for Style and Finish can not be beat for the j.r'n-e
Furnishing Goods, JIats and caps,
in endless varieties. You are invited to call and see us when in tlie
city and we will do you ood.
Our Spring Stock is now here. We are now ready to 'how tlie
most Complete Assortment of
Men's. Boys', nn Children's Clothing
Gents' Furnishing Goods
in the county. We have all the New Shades and in Il tK
Our Clothing needs to be seen to be appreciated.
It will pay you to come and see us as we will save you mo m-y
Very Respectfully Yours.
c. A:, sh a:r :b v u cj r t .
IVIarblei Granite Works
Monuments, Headstones, Vaults and Sarccphagis, Marble nnl
Marbleized Slate Mantels, (V-mttery Fencing of all kinds. A-"0
Iron Fencing for public buildings and dwellings.
I'uirliasr w ill tiiiti iMir rii-fs tli liiMfst w lit-n thtv i-nnsidi-r tiif rla-s .f f lj
manufat-turt. V nl-it buy l.y the car-load and i ve t-iiumit-rs t ad aulat-'f ' "
dui-etl (ivight.
Kaaaaaoaa, fa.
aTaala.ClaUawad. Kaw. oa daatr. a trawl.
"bogus" Oliver plows ami repairs.
artifliM la HMim Hoaaa, auwa.