The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, April 07, 1893, Image 2

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    tmbm Jrcrman.
T I tw BITER manufacturing conirjames
hav forme.! a irut with a capital of
Os Tuesday Carter II. Harrison, Dem
ocrat was cli-n Mayor of Cbicaro by a
majority of ly.uOO, and the entire Dem
ocratic ticket is elected by majorities
raninnf? from 16.0U0 to 19,000. There
was a Urge poll, although the vote did
uot eiceed that of last November. The
day was unmarked by disturbance of
any sort.
The Treasury Department U in daily
MM-eij.t of letters announcing arrivals of
articles from the court of Europe des
tined for eihibition at the World s Fair.
Among the articles about to arrive are,
in the the language 'of a late letter of
transmittal, the "almot sacred tapes
trie of Windier," that is, some of which
are extremely ancient and valuable.
Sr retarv Hoke Smith has already
eun to carry into effect his policy of
db-pen.-ing with the services of clerk? in
his def-artment appointed for political
reasons. Twenty-nine were dropped
from the Census Bureau rolls on Tues
day, and others are likely to follow. It
i- understood, also, that the clerical force
of the General Land Orfice will goon un
dergo a procure if renovation, after
which s-. me attention ill be given to
the Petition and other bureaus.
The Assistant Secretaries of State
have 1-een directed by .S-cretary Gresham
to examine moie thoroughly than has
ren customary into the personnel of the
Stale Ivpartment with a view, it is un
derstood, of determining the ntness of
employes for the petitions held by them.
According to an orticial, this action has
been taken with a view to weeding out
those who hold their places r-cau-e of
' an amiable tradition," and not because
of any particular ability in the discharge
of their duties.
England and France having raised
their inini-ters to the United Slates to
the dignity of Ambassadors the new
lemocratic representatives of the United
States to UKfe countries will, in accord
ance with a law enacted by the last Con
gress be Ambassadors, instead of minis
ters plenipotentiary, as heretofore.
This ill, of course, add no honor to our
ministers io the eyes of Americans, but
everyone at ail familiar with the cus
toms and usages of European capitals
knows that it will add much to their
prestige abroad.
A dispatch from Paris says: Seventy
deaths have been lecorded at Lorieiit,
near Brest, in the past fortnight from a
mild form of cholera Lorient is noto
rious as a hot ted of fever diseases due
to the alienee of proper drainage. A
slich' epidemic occurred there last No
vember when it was predicted that there
would le a recurrence with hot weather.
The mortality in the garrison has been
very heavy for years. The government
hushed up the present outbreak, but it
is estimated that 200 persons have been
attacked and the disease i still Spread
ing. Rfj eksentaiive Stringcr. Chairman
of the committee on Ways and Means,
who is charged with the preparation of
tariff bills said last week that it would te
imposible for Gngress to enact a new
tariff measure of the kind wanted earlier
than May if the subject were considered
at the regular session beginning in IK
cemlr. An extra session would or
course brine the matter to a settlement
inut h quicker, as it met in advance of
the regular session and would give the
j-ople a fair opportunity to judge of the
measure adopted It-fore the general elec
tion next No vein l-r.
This year electricity will be applied to
plow, harrows, reapers and mowers, and
almost every piece of machinery Usually
operated by hor-e power. By late im
provements in the storage battery this is
made ppib!e. A five-horse power bat
tery w ill not weigh more than 150,
and w ill propel a reaper for ten hours: or
attached to a light carriage, on a good
road, it will la, tivedajs. Steam has
len used to some extent in the west in
plowing, t ut did not prove successful
enough to warrant Jieing continued.
Now electric plows will till the soil. It
looks as though the horse must go.
Is order to rush legislation and proba
bly make final adjournment occur near
the middle of May, the Senate at Har
risburg will begin two feession9 a day
next week and the House may decide to
hold night sessions earlier than usual.
There is a large numler of bills on the
calendars and the consideration of them
in regular order would involve the hold
ing of three sessions a day for the next
three months. Pretty soon the com
mittee on rules will put the pruning
knife to work and many useless measures
so far down on the calendar that they
cannot hope to be parsed w ill be leoped
tS Wednesday President Cleveland
sent the following nominations to
the Senate: James O. Broadhead, of
Missouri, to be envoy extraordinary and
minister plenipotentiary of the United
UUto Switzerland. Bartlett Tripp, 'if
South Dakota, to be envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipotentiary of the Uni
ted States to Austria Hungary. Eben
Alexander, of north Carolina, to be envoy
extraordinary and minister plenipoten
tiary of the United Slates to Greece,
Roumania and Servia. Also a number
of consuls, among them the following:
James E. Neale, of Ohio, at Liverpool;
David N. Burke, of New York, at Per
nambuco, and Asia D. Dickinson, of
New York, at Nottingham. Charles E.
Iogersoll. of I'ennx) lrania, to be ap
praiser of of merchandise in the district
4A IliiUdeJpbia,
Recent disclosure? of certain happen
ings in the closing days of the Harrison
administration, says the Pittsburg
are in no way creditable to the late
President and someof his advisers. Mr.
Harrison seems to have feit probably a
not unnatural desire to reward some of
his close personal adherents ; with sach
driblets Of patronage as remained to
him, and he did it in rather a scanda
lous manner. Ex-Senator -Gil" Pierce
of North Dakota was sent abroad as min
ister to Portugal a month or two l-efure
Mr. Harrison went out. He spent some
time traveling in Italy and France, and
his first and only official act in Portugal
was to write a letter of resignation. - The
government had simply paid for Mr.
Pierce's grand tour, with the prer-tige of
a diplomatic position. There were some
other eaes of this kind; but nothing
quite so objectionable as the favors
showered on Mr. "Lige" Halford. late
private secretary. He was made a pay
master in the army over the heads of de
serving officers who haji earned the pro
motion. This could have been excused
as a parting gift of the President to his
frieud on the doctrine that -public orfice
is a private snap," but Jlr. Halford had
himself appointed paymaster to the Ber
ing straits commission in Paris, in addi
tion, at a salary of 115 a day. The da
ties were nominal and the salary liberal;
but it pays the expanses of an ex
tended European trip for the late private
secretary. He gets f 4,000a year as pay
master for the arbitration commission.
Altogether he is drawing more than a
cibinet officer. Other favorites have
been detailed from the offices thev held
at home, and ordered on duty with the
commission at Pari, at the same liberal
pay that Major Halford abc-orbs. They
are drawing double salaries of the most
liberal character for duties that are orna
mental rather than arduous. The same
is said of ex -Secretary of State Foster,
who seems to have appointed himself to
a very lucrative office in connection with
the Bering i-traits commissi n. Secreta
ries Gresham, I-aniont and Carlisle, un
der whose departments these little jobs
have been worked by their predes-
sors, are represented as a goxi deal
embarrassed what to do. Thev wL-h to
avoid ail scandal in connection with the
arbitration, but the abuse seem. too glar
ing to pass by without condemnation.
It is a very prettv sort of -knot-king
down" all around, considering the dig-
nitied positions of those w ho were par
ties to it.
In the last few weeks all the Demo
cratic papers in the county have had
something to say in regard to changing
the system of nominating candidates.
The editor of this paper, as chairman
of the Democratic county committee,
has received numerous letters and has
talked to a number of Democrats
throughout the county, some advocating
a change while others protest against the
idea of holding a special election as ad
vocated in some of the papers, eitres -
ing the opinion that a special election
would lie slimly attended, there being no
candidates to stir up the people and get
out the vote, and the result would not t-e
There are about a half dozen different
systems, each with friends anxious to
have their system voted upon. There is
the old delegate system, the increased
delegate system, one explained in the
Johnstow n Herald a short time ago and
called the "Cambria system" and there
are one or two ethers not yet perfected
or named but with some patent improve
ment which in the minds of the invent
ors w ill keep any cogs from slipping aod
do the work better than any other. To
put all these systems before the people
and divide the vote would be to continue
the present sslem with ail its evils.
When we consider the further fact
that a special election would cost in the
neighborhood of toOO, with no funds in
the treasury and no definite means of
raising it, we are strongly of the opinion
that the project of holding a siecial
election would be impracticable, and if
held would le unsatisfactory in its results.
We are glad to See the question of A
change discu.- as it will lead to some
change, no matter what, that will I
better for the party than the pi er-ent sys
tem. The Iemovrats in the Houw on Tues
day, says the Harrisburg litri4, tried
hard, but ineffectively, to prevent the
Farr compulsory education bill from
taking another step on its way to the
governor. The only active opposition
to it on the IU publican side was from
Mr. Lytle, of Huntingdon, who made
one of his customary straddling speeches
and then voted in favor of the bill be
cause, he said, his constituents wanted it.
The vote by which it passed the House
finally was 123 to -H.
The Republicans are said to favor the
bill and will endeavor to secure its jas
sage in the House and Senate so as to
put the Governor "in a hole." Two
years ago he vetoed a similar measure
and their plan is to again give him a
chance to place himself on record on
this question, which they assert i popu
lar with the masses.
The bill provides for attendance of
children between eight and twelve years
for sixteen weeks at a school in which
the common English branches are
taught, unlesasuch children are excused
by the school board for satisfactory reas
sons. Assessor are required to make
an annual enrollment of children be
tween these age. In case of neglect to
send children to school the persons of
fending, after notification in writing by
the tretarv of school board and oppor
tunity givea to comply with the require
ments, of the act, shall be liable to a
fine not exceeding two dollars on the first
conviction and rive dollars for each sub
sequent conviction.
A French company wants to see the
shipway of the Atlantic, from Ireland to
Newfoundland, lighted at night. Ten
big floating lights, SK) mjlcs ajrart, and
c oaoected bykiic cabies u pxxAMui.
WahlBZi Letter.
Washington. D C , March i".. 1:&3.
President C.ev.-lanJ. if one may iude
from his remarkable carr. needs no
-mascot" to bring hint -goM luck."
but an old Jcksotiian Ifc-niornU An
drew : Jackson Long, of Cedar Hill, Tni-ne-cerj
doubtless with the feeling that
it is impossible f.r a President, or any
lody ei-e. to have too many -'gc wl hick"
bringers. has, through Keprt-Seiit.-tlive
Washington. pres-eSited him wiiii a
mascot," in the form of a silver half
dollar, minted in the year of the Presi
dent's birth l-v)7 which Mr. Cleve
land accepted in the -ime spirit with
which it was given, and in dueo.urseof
time he will formally acknowledge tJie
gift in an aunjgraph letter to Mr. lnit:.
which will probably le more highly
prized than the l--st office at the Presi
dent's disposal.
That Secretary Gresham intends t
the actual head of his department was
proven by hi- promptness in demanding
the resignation of Dr. F. . St. ("air,
who has leen Chief of the fV.n-ular Bu
reau under the last three admini-trations.
for having withheld certain information
concerning a U. S. consul from the Sec
retary. There are a nJmbT of t.'.J bu
reau chiefs in the other dcpai UueOts !)'
deserve to e made to Walk the piallk
for the same reason. Th-se men have
been in office so Ion-: that they have ar
rogated to themselves authority hi-h
belongs oulv to tlie head of tl.e de'urt-
ment, and their d.smissal would !- for !
the good of the service in more res-c;s j
than one. In fact, there are few men j
who can in in a responsible govern- j
inent otiice lor a long term of years
Without forg'-tting that they are servant-,
instead of masters. New men arid new
methods are wanted in every branch of
the government s rvioc. as mu-t s-ti
become apparent to every mnii(-r of
the cabinet who examine- into the tie
tails of his department, and the indica
tions are that that is n'-w ing more
thoroughly done than ever t-(ore.
Removing a U. S Con-ul ly c:tt.le is
very seldom resorted to by the Ik-part
mentof State, but it wa- done m one
case this week t-y Secretary Gresham.
and the man removed got jn.-t what he
deserved. The rea-m- for Secretary
Gresham's action are in short, as foil. iw. :
In the early part of the Presidential
campaign Wiiiiam K. Sirsbv, of Missis
sippi, was acting as Congressman fat.-h-ing's
private Secreiarv, and taking ad
vantage of his position he ilitreted cer
tain taters containing im;rtant f it-
relating to the Iemo-nt:c plans for the
campaign from the private d-sk -f Mr.
Catching and gave t.'ieii; to Mr. Thomas
H. Carter, chairman of the lb-publican
National committee. In N'
last Sjrsby was appointed U. Consul
General at Guayaquil, Ecqua-l.T, a
sition which pays ayear. presum
ably as a rew ard for his treachery to Rep
resentative Cntchings and the lfc-iuOcral-ic
party. At sjn as these facts were
brought to the attention of President
Cleveland and Secretary Greaham srsby
was dismissed by cable, and Mr. George
E. Dibard, of Mississippi, nominated to
the vacancy.
So far from the nomination of Dr.
Joseph S. Senner, of New York, to U
Commissioner of Immigration at New
York, which went to the Senate this
week, having been secured by the steam
ship influence, as Republicans are al
leging, it was made in direct pt -sit i -n
to that influence. The c-otit--t for the
position has U-en quite spirited, there
having been a number of candidates mi
strongly b icked. In order i: ascertain
the Sentiments of the steamship llieu to
wards each of the applicants Secrelajv
Carlisle had a tru-tv personal friei.d
call on them for the purpose of discuss
ing the fitness of the several candidalr-,
and as soon as his- report was made ti:
nameof every man the stean. ship men
had expressed themselves as l-ing favor
ably inclined towards was stricken from
the list of possibilities.
Secretary Hoke Smith is giving the
bureau chiefs of the Interior lw-j,;irt-ment
some new ideas about the s-ivi--e
they owe the Govornment. Instead of
their leaving the department daily at 1
o'clock, as tne ordinary clerks do. and
as they have len in the habit of doing.
they are Comj-i,ed to remain until
o'cloc , the additional hour U-ing de
voted to a conference w ith the Stcrc tary
on the current business t-etoie their se.
eral bureaus. There is some kukn r
among the chief-, but as most of thet.i
are Republicans it is done very quiet! .
Secretary Smith has already earned t!.e
sobriquet of the steam engine" among
the employes of his department.
It is not often that a new official is s
well fitted to a time Lis dutits as ev
Congressman Stump, of Marxian !. wh.
is to t-e Superiniend-ni .f In. migra
tion, a p s-lti' n to w hich he W as this Week
nominated. He was chairman of the
House commitee on Immigration dor
ing the last Congns- anil is the author
of the new- immigration law. which, by
the w ay, would never have gotten througii
the House if it had not l-ei for his un
tiring efforts in its 1- ha f .
After the Senate dispose-; of the cases
of the appointed S-uators. now und- r
discu-sion, it will take up the r-s. '!utio;i
providing for an investigation of the
charge of emt-zlement against enat. r
A Fatal lllerj Accident.
Hazeitov, Pa .April 3 An accident
occurred about ,..;iH)"cloc k this morning,
in the Laurel Hill mine one,j by the A.
l'ardee Coal company on the outskirts of
this c-'ty. Two men. Thomas Iiud-oii
and John Trcmoalh. are supptr-d to have
lost their lives. It is -upp.-s.-d that
while Iavid Williams was bla-ting in
what is termed lift No. l'J. the walls sep
arating the shaft from the No. 3 mine
gave way and a great mass of water was
precipitated into the excavations. The
news of the actTdent caused great excite
ment, and a large crowd soon gathered
about the mouth of the shaft. Frank
Pardee, one of the operators, with twelve
mineis at once descended into the mine,
and was closely followed by Mine Super
intendent I Mink in and ten assistants
This latter rescuing party returned at
once with three excited miners who had
been caught by the ru.-h of water and
carried to the foot of the s!oie. It was
subsetpuently learned that the miner
had been warned, thoruh the heroic ef
forts of William IV.lan, a miner, and all
escaped with the exception of those meii-tioned-
Fatal CJnarrel ter a haute ( Cards.
S risios, April 4. Ciuiseppi Gian
anellj, an Italian, was shot and instant
ly killed in jJunmoreliy Frandisco (irip
po, a fnllcw c-jnntry men. tirippo wa
staitbed several times with a stilleto
Uuiseppi and (iiovanni Giananeili. cous
ins, and Gnppo were playing cartj- f,
ler, when the two con-ins ai u-d
(iuinanelli for cheating them. A tight
immediately followed. Guis-ej.pi and
his cousin drew- stiilettos and attacked
FranCL-co. The latter retreated, but
was followed by his antagonists and re
ceived a stab on the head and another on
the U-mple over the left eye. (Jrippo
then drew a revolver and shot t!uL-eppi
dead, firing several shots into hi body,
tirippo is xut eapet-ted to live.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Suiptirtaul Cousiy Iffttre.
Coiintv t-omniissioners are to le
-lected thi--yeox in the Several counties
of th rr.mmonwv;i!t!i. They are not as
TflhuM" rjces to those w ho hold then
:t stjine of the other ciHinty places are.
but tijtre are no county offices of so
much real concern to the pe ople them
selves as the co limissioneis. In the
mid.-t of heated contests f,..r local places
to which considerable emoluments art
att: .-hsl these lacts are 'paite liable to I
t ver!ioked.
Nothing ctiuld I' more unfortunate to
any cunty than the election of inctiin-x-eijt
or ven-tl c-i-mmissioners. for it is
in their p.werto do the widest injury
and wn'tng to the taxpayers. The corn-tui-s'.one.-s
pr i tit-ally Constitute the
administration of the -ounty, lay the
t ives, h ive charge of the public works,
and the :.;f.urs t.f the county are alto
gather w iti in their control. Their du
ties are so considerable, and the just and
effi- ieiit erfc.nnantTe of them s-i import
ant to the jrf-t.p!.-. that it is Uwt Inerely
g -J tharact, r that is IleedcJ. but good
business ability as well, for it is essenti
ahy a biosii.ess oth'-e. In no county can
the -pie have an intei.Igerit knowl
eilge i i the du! ir-s of commissi,, ners with
out being in.pitsk-ed wiiii their import
ant e.
S.rireof the counties of the state are
to day siiU-Hotially free from debt as
the r--sult of a wise discrimination in
ttte choice of commissioners f..r a series
of v ears, while t hers are suffering tinan -t burdens as the result of allowing
these responsible t.ii-es to fall into the of th'-c who were either irrupt
r inel?c-i nt. The last year has brought
to light S'-v ral instances cf wrong doing
t.f c-. mmis-ioners w hose acts affected the
whole p-t-pie, as in the case of the
Sr huv !ki!I ct.uiity court house. Any
otht-r county othcrr may oe incumjietent
t-r;igent or dL-hont-st without caus
ing the ;-op'e any such lcis-es a? may t?
brought at.ut by the commission
er when they are nini not lit for their
As candidates for commi-sieners will
le nominated at conventions soon to le
held in many of the counties, in some
within a few weeks, it is none too early
for the iteople of l--th parties to give their
attention t the matter. The selection
of comj-eteut men is of business; import
ance into which partisan politics euters
verv little. The present constitution
sought to lift the office out of partisan
ship a- much as io-sib!e by providing a
minority representation, and this spirit
can l-e carried out by the jeople them
selves in a broader degn-e to their own
Whatever they do with regard to any
other county orfice, they will make a
mistake more serious for themselves than
anyone else if they fail to appreciate the
necessity of wise action in the nomina
tion of Commissioners. The canvass
for these nominations d-tes not usually
attrac t the attention that is given a con
test for sheriff or treasurer or prolhono
tary, but in every interior county of the
state they are more important. 1'hUn.
C'ansht in Hie Hams.
Ilkvi.foKO. I'm., April '2. Fire at 4
Saturdav ri.tirnin tle-lro-l th Mi,,.
- . -
gins t.otel. tt.e ti l!ta!o. I.xhester and
PitL-i.urgd. j-.t. the Higgins cigar facto-
ry and tt.e grocery store and building of
.1. i-rrjy. At least s:.v Tif-r-ons were
burnetl to death, and the li-t of injured j
number l-tween twenty and tt.irty. I
The Ixttlies c-f six have already letn ta- ;
ken frrin the ruins, burned Uyond I
Friday night li" per-ons went to
sleep in the building, and, while it is
known that many jumped from the
s-cond aid third story windows, it is
feared til at
feared that many others have r-rished.
II w;ts aft. r o o'ciij, k Saturday morning , l'auT-
l-f-jre the fust body was found. It was! The fa-test time on record for the de
an uu recognisable, charreil mass of rlesh. livery of American mails iu England wa-
The setxiiid was found ;-oon after in a made iwo weeks ago with the mails arriv
similar cttndition. The search contin- i x,iS from New- York by the Teutonic. Tic
UtS, and it is imtssible to state at prs J Teutouic made a passage of 6 davs 4 Lour
ent how many lives are lost. It L? ! to (Jueenslow m. and the mail w as deli vered
feareI that some c-f these who jumped ' 'D L-tdon in exactly 6 days and g. Lour
froin the hotel into the creek were ! rum time the -Lip Lad left New 'ork
ilrttwnt.I. j The w ire-nail manufacturers are -tol
The inmates of the Higgin- building ! raiing their prices. Three meeting- were
were awak-ned from their sleep by a ! held in Cleveland. .. three mont hs ago.
man who rtished through the ha'lwavs, re-ulting iu au aggregate advance oft 5 per
kicking at the doors and calling t'.re. I ton. The reason given wa that the price
Men arid women rushed from their
rooms int the halls, which were already
tilietl with -moke and tlames, and the
general cry was:
Jump from the windows and save
Many did so, but the jump was a
risky one. From the upper story il was
thirty feet on tne west side, with a plank
roadway on which to land. On the east
side was the creek, whicn made the jpmp
forty feet. Several r-rsoiiS leaped in to
the stream anil were rescued.
Testing a w Exploafff.
IiKkiiv, April '2. A commission of
artillery experts has been testing for Sev
eral days at the Jueterborg a new ex
plosive whicn is intended to replace ul
timately gunpowder in the German ar
my. The explosive Ls a brown fatty sule
stance of the consistency of frozen oil
when exposed inordinary temperatures.
It retains this consistency up to 112 de
grees Fahreuheil. A shock or spark
does not set it off. When u-ed in guns
the explosion is obtained through con
tact with another chemical compound.
The explosion i almost unaccompanied
by smoke and the detonation is incon
siderable. The recoil is very slight even
when the heaviest charges have been
used. The explosion does not hat the
wearion sufficiently to cause difficulties
in the way of rapid tiring, and cartridg-s
once used are easily rttLled. For U.e
present riile the new compound is not
available, but if future tests lie as satis
factory as the recent ones, it will be in
troduced generally in the artillery brant h
of the service. Four models of ne
army riiles now in use, have pas-ei suc
cessfully the trials of the small arms
instrtitors. The inventor of all four is
Ir. WeL-s, of the Gera dynamite factory.
m m
Cnm mated by the Presitlent.
Washinotos, April 4. The president
to day commuted to imprisonment for
life the enteoce of death imposed on
Kdward Smallwoitd, a negro, convicted
in this city of the murder of Kdward
Tinuey, another negro. Smallw ood was
to be executed Friday next. The sen
tence is commuted because the president
believes the evidence of premeditation
and design was cjuiu- weak and on ac
count .f the low intelligence of the cons
dedJlUed. I
South Africa still supplies the ereater
part of the ostrich feather- Used Ly manu
facturer. The value of tropica! and semi-tropical
fruits grow u under the American tie is
Liear'.y f-.t cc .i j.
New Zeaiind. An-traiia. I.a rl meat
freeiiun works, ratrahie of yearly deiliiti:
'ith ije p.
The value of irifarr.iy was riot fully
recH.gnized by mediaeval coruiiiauder-until
the nfTeenih ifblurT.
Th Auiaon Indians use a bio" pip
with which thev throw au arrow .m yard
with wonderful prevision.
It is computed that there i- -..'.-mm
in sold and jewels at the l;iom o tb-s-a
on the route lietweeii England.
Happy and content is a home with "The Ro
chester a lamp w .th the light of the morning.
CaljJt.aes.wTUe K hca rr LamCcOewYock.
Two pa euer train on the Philadel
phia and Hea.ti.ntr c-t!!;ied at li-i LVhem.
(lisjtbiiuiC oue iorontolive. No per-ofi
Ii- au- Hei.ry Collins refu-j t,-, hur
rah for !e elatitl. i.nrjp II a pp. ol L Law -t-rshurg.
kriocketl Lim d-j u and hoih
are in jail.
A luidn oc-curred at Manlet.iu ou Fri
day loiil.l in which iiine frt ijihl cars were
wrecked, aud tne trains w t-re blot k-tl for
four or Cve hour-.
According to the woodm-ii the dr-r in
the Ad.rontlacks ate verv thiu in t!e-h atxl
are so scant of feed that they corue forag
ing for scattering Lav and stia m the
A giarit is incluvietl in a ronsierinieiit
oflioliViafi fr I he orld's Fair.
lacJ.-d in New Votk s-aluriay. Hi- uanie
is Jo-e MaLuauji. he is 'J feet Id inches in
height. -5 vears o!tl antl Wriahs 41s uini.
llr i- s4ji i.j he the iargt-st man in the
The Columbian stainr.-! envelo-s
hav e heen placed on sale. The nriiiciial
feature of the desjjm of the -tamp iripre
sion is a spread eai'e. the deriominal.oiis
correspond in s in coior to tho-r of the ad
hesive stamps.
The w ife of O-irum BorizLt. a drunk
en laborer, at !t. J-jseph. M.. di-vl there
a few days ago leaving -eveu little child
ren. Irigbl immediately commenced
disptjsiLS 0f his ofl-priLg ty giving
them to married couple-, upon receipt of
for each child.
Thcr-e who declare that thearthi
graduaiiy drying out and that w ithin a few
ceulurie- every drop of w atw w ill bav
disappeared from our planet will tind soUk
consolation in the announcement that th.
water line has risen one fool all around
i the iulf of M-ico since We
Important freight agents at B-ton for
the Net- York A New Hniaiid iai!roaa
Lave in charge f.,r the World's Fair, a
case containing a block of canuel coa!
i weighing 1". tons. It i- said to tie inipo--i-
hie that tht-re i-another seam in the vtori.l
I w jcrc such a block couid be min.-d.
hi-D M-u'it-r in the Norlhw e-t Ten i
I lory want-, to go back to Ontario to t
j marrit-d. the Cauaiiiau Paciric Kaiiwa
! sell- Lim a matrimonial ticket at the u-ual
; rate: and. ou pre-eniing the return
; coiiitoti and a niarriage certificate, he i
entitled to a free t ran-port for hi- hn ie.
I re. ... . ...
iw wcirKmeu ai in irwin
, Works wer. riven check- for I Lei r i.av la-t
! eek but refused to accept them, demand
iliS lhi. Cjt!ll. Al i 0 lock the entire force
j!i;t work and remained out until 4 o'clock
when the corii pany ordered the a ages paid
iu cah and the men resumed their place-.
The Philadelphia Heading Company
! i now bur i 1.2 holes tu locate the rjit-s
j which Lave for forty years Leen razing
I in the valuable coil Veins between NeW
i Ca-lle nd tiien Carbon. It i U-Iievetl
i that the fre- run now be extinguished and
' . . r . . . r ... ... t . ..... . . i .
i lu cuecom-
of raw n.ateriaiS was steadily in the in
crease. Last week about a dozen of the
manufacturers met and de.-ided to put ihe
price up ar.other dollar.
The Kilauea crater, in the Sandwich
Island-, is the largest active Volcano in the
world. Four thousand four hundred feet
above the sea leyel there is an oval open
ing niue n. i,es in circumference, with ver
tical side l.OHJ feet deep, and covered at
the bottom with a lake of liquid lava.
Around the edge and from trie midst of
this fiery lake 51 conical craters send forth
jets of boiling lva.
Mr. Hiller. the ecentric po-e or of
:;. i.i , married lor the second time her
coachman, at Wilmington, on Sunday.
SLe made him c hange Lis name to that of
her former husband. Dr. Hiller. The wed
ping occupied 14 coacLes, drawn by gray
Lores. All the neighbor- in the
turned out and cheered the Lappy couple.
No pre-ent wete allowed. At first Arch
bishop Williams refuse! to allow the cere
mony to be performed, but finally yielded.
The chapel built by the late Father
Molhnger, at Pittsburg, and the grouted
with Lis dwelling house and stable, are
about to be transferred to Father IufTr,er.
the pre-ent pastor of the Church of the
Most Holy Name. TLe relics are included
The price is to be 3o.Onl. A valuation of
fg.i.M wa put on them by Father Mo!
linger, but later the relics w ere appraised
at le-s than and the chapel is of
light value except for the purpose for
w Lich it w as erected.
livery bugy sold by agents has St vera,
loll or- add-d io the manufacturer's price.
We are uiauul'aciurers. and have no
ignts. For twenty years have dealt with
Uc cu:iumtr. We ship anywhere, wilb
riilc,;e of examining l-elore buvinj;. Wt
ay freilil charges both wat. if not sat
.sfactory. Warrant everytlui.g for two
.ears. Anyone who tau w rile Cnti order a
tuggr or harness from us as well as pay
roJi 10 to f V) for some middle man to
rdcr it for tucru We give no credit, and
:ave on; price only. Why c'o jou jtay
rj profits on your carriages and harness.
Vny d j you piv some one Jl'l to o0 for
rderitig llise things, when you can tlo
and sice this in-iney? You run no risk.
A'e let yoa see the goods licfcre ac
o?pt them. We pay all the freight if we
."ail to suit. Uver twenty xeats ago we
:ommenc-ed to sell in this way, and would
lot lie in bn--.iuess now if we had not
iuited. (el iage catalogue free. Adilress
Elkhart, Indiana.
Dr. MiUm Mtditml Cv. Xlihrnr. Imd.
lm.A F:m : For 50 rui I waa croobied ith
bean d.wue. wootd frvqueniir Lave Ullmt
aif 1 raotbniur at Die bt. Had to ait up or
ret out of bed u bre&ibe. Had pwia la way left
rtdcand toca moM of vbc time ; at kaat I tmranf
lrefv2-ai. 1 waa Terr cervoaa wad nearly man
out. Ine lea e Tenement woniA caui me to
wltb tatterrng. For toe but Clsen reart I ecmH
not eieep on my left le or back caul bsraa taaiag
oor trv Ur fw. I Lad oot taaca it very
lobg cstil 1 feit aoeh better, and I caa now alerp
en ei'er tX&e or back wiuwiut tne least diwro
un 1 rue do jia. imauenii; drrvr. no witwl
on Kumarri or tter dagTeeabte rrmptoma. I us
at-le to do ail ot ova b-xework wiLUtut alif
E.khart. lrd . Maa. Eunaa Hattw.
It i now four rears Knee I ha takes any
Bedieine. am in better bealUl tbao I bar bees
in Vt years- I boneetly be- . . n k w
berethat MU m fTl J H K U
Hmrt C-m saved my Ute a-
and made rae a well woman I ta bow O yeaja
of ace. and am able to do a mod dav'a work.
Hj Lh. IrSy. Mas. fl ktia HaTC&
6ld oa av PoaiUvo Cuarwateav
D. K'LES' PILLS, 50 Doses 25Cts.
SOLO BY IK. T. J. 1A 1S4.
Garfield Tea
n r --""" T '" iw at...i.
Cures Constipation
Pin in
Ar- very d.irablf. -tli-ti and. tt--id
are full of s-rvio?.
f ile-- de-irablt- -tuiT e're -bowiiiif
elaf,rate -Jt-sieii the mo-t lor tbe iuoi.ey
IQ Wo iled- We've Jet --eti.
Here's t.r -torj-
T',- inches wide, .- fellts.
SO iliclie- w hie. :dt cent-.
-fl and Vj inclie- w id,-. T". ceni-.
' iiicln-s wide. l.i.
." iiicht s a j.Je.
5J IliCbe- Wlile. 1.
Tlie-e arc In Af in all tbe new- prinff eol
orins. aiid cf llie wide ones . 4- t ju.,
but live ard? required for full suil.
Alro. bote one ism- All-Wool
indies id.-, in full line of color-.
45 Cents.
And the price you'll I. lid less than the-e
faoric- aie u-ua:: -.i!d al.
If you'll w rile u- for S M I'l.KS of II;Y
G M ! you cor.tein(.!ai- buying, and wm
compare cjua lit :e-i. -iv 1. and prices. Voii'll
mmIi discover, we knot, how nun h its to
our IMhKLM A.Vh I'KnUI to m-uJ
us your
Catalogue fre-. Write for copy.
115, 117. 119 & 121 Federal St,
Mountain House
'I'HIS well koowa nd iob eftabliahed Sbarica;
A a rlt.r Do w locale! n Ostra treef. ot-l"-'l
th. Urtry taM. of O'Hara. I Nit la a Uutb
r. where th. tmneu will i nmril oa la the
SXANPliUIMi d-ia. Io in. beatrnt and mail
arttdte matiBer. 'teao Towel a -eclallj.
wft-I'euiea waited oa at their rerid.are.
0 t
w. d a
& W 'S
: s h
U g " a
r" h o 3 O
I a t
z K
carl mvijsrrusr
g3$ W?&
" i
' hk y
I t Si - a- ' I
Where you will fin.l :t t'r.inpletf line of Men'.-, R,.v-' rir. 1 CI
lren's Suitings in all stales :nilju:tlities.
f.-rMen ami Roy?, for Stvle nml Finish can not 1- ,.- .t f rth.- i rio
Furnishing, Hats ami caps, '
in en.lle.-w varieties. You are invite.l tu . all nn-l ec u- w,-u in tie
tityaocl we will do you yi l.
Our Sprinfr Stock is now here. We are now ren-lv to show tU
most Complete Assortment of
Mon's. Boys', jiikI Cliililreifs Clotliinir.
Gents Furnishing Goods
in the county. We have all the New Shades an l in IImN
Our Clothing neeils to he seen to be apprec iated.
It will pay you to come anil m e u as we will save you mont.
Ver Re-pei -tfully Yours,
C. A.. SH-A.Tfs.J3 A.XJGrI-1.
Marblei Granite Works,
I'EAl.KlL-s IN
.Monuments, Headstones, Vaults ami Sarccpharis, Mar-Mf sr.:
Marbleizetl Slate Mantels, ( Vmt-tery Fencing of all Ai
Iron Fencing for public buildings and dwellings.
I'titcLasers i!l find our pri. - 1 1..- ,-st ,ei, i.,.v , -..i.s.j.., .
ii.aiiufat-tuie. Wral-.tii t the cai -load anJ iiiv- u-u.tiier- t(..- a : .
duiej freiirbt.
fi 6
Kei White Front BciMinL 113 Clintcn StrKt, JctetcTii, Fa.
PETS. Call to see us when in town.
nriLrit in
Hariwart, Qneenswire,
Tli.i:T4ri.M i t:K,
hik rjM. i .
H J SHtrinl. Porim..
UnM at IhiHi.n. r-a.. near tl.a H. K a P.
Kallwar Ieiot. M alanri m-lraror tu fur-
lh tba bani awwiBBMHlattunf to tniDe DtD,
plMtan mkpn uil luarjm . frrtKia la rrfa
ol .tnahirt aaJ qaiai will nail It a dtti'l-l .iarw
Ubtp. Tt Tadla l a n-urjwi vseil and I aiaairt
0tli.l ullb tba lfl tna Drrt anurucand
all Ihe drllrarle ol th teaM.n. I fce Kar l t.
pllal with tbe raulrati ul pare liuur r.d
aad aocblor bat tbe leat l sold. Special aliea
Uob Kitaa to laa care ol ttureea.
H. J.S4 HKTTl.
Watches, Clocks
Optical Ozzi-
Sole Agent
-r'.K TUK
i , -.. A
J Celebrated Rockford
Culcmbla ii FrftJonia W.m
In Key and St en. H,
A SO K SFI.FCriOV nr A y v.
d JKWKJ.KV :)., ,r. .4r1" J
tJ Mr lln of Jewelry i- Lt.- ..
t'- o.e arid for j-ocr-- f (. '"t
el-trtiere. ''-r"i
I-- illwnverUM(t:,
Krtiburg. Nov. il. i-.;
just received:
-a;e i.ot-
Boo(s & Shoes
-i:cil'i;HT at
Sheriff's Sale!
KKOM THE : Tch. K or -
The public invited to call
Prices -way down.
At Ullull S NOTICE.
Notice it bert- citea th-t bt;ti Aalllurt.T tbe ri'ao fvurl rt
tntiate the lead la tbe bo0 ol t .' .
ao-l bm. Mr 1
dereaArd. at (boaed T tbeir B' "J
nvODt I will lt at tLe Att4ruej
. . .j L . I . ,,n r i ' '
mm A a. 1 1 itarllM B I rflMt4tl Ui
IB "
klarrh 4. imi3. A .
, mikMV-M..
.a-i - -