The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, March 10, 1893, Image 4

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Millions of Yoiins Mon Who Pre
fer Sinrrle Lifo.
.llthnugh There Are Plenty of 'ivm to
He II tlie Sein-h I Tent urea rliolf
to the .! of Harli
elorhootl. Tt is estimattsl that tlii'n- arc tlircc
million younir men ..f marriairenl.le m-TO
in tin i'niril States who ..list inat.-ly
n.-yl.H-t to prdvi.l.' themselves '.vith
wives, an.l this imp!'.- tin- existence 't'
at least an epial nr.tulT f youmr
women f miirriareilile aire who are
waitinif for proposals tliat iii'Vit come.
The fact, is important, says flu- St.
I.onis ;iole-lcmoerat. as imli-at in-,'
, (f the social tendencies of the
period. It cannot !.- doul-tcd t hat t he
popularity of mat riiuony has
.let-lined in recen t . i-nrs ami that a
kin. I of ovncral h.-sitan.-y s.-.-nis to pre
vail respect imr 1h.- iii-u'otiatioiis of sin li
alliance. There was a time wh.-n the
Voiintr people of tin- -oiini ry hast. -n.-u
to pair themselves with hinllike eatr.-r-n.-ss
an. I d.liirht as soon as t h.-y w -re
out of school, an. I society not only i-ti-
coiiraired them out pra.-t i.-ally n-
man.l.-.l th.-in to take that .-ours.-.
Thev were considered superlluou
hunlensome until they yo married.
The true work of lif.-,-oul.l not ' 'in
with them, they were taiiirht. s . Ion-'
as they remained sinirle: it "as tin-u-,1
nt v to Int.. me yoked without, un
necessary delay, and it was a di-racc
to miss re:i.soiial.le npp.rtiiniti-s in
that relation. Hut it is dcri.l-.liy dif
ferent at the pr.-s.-nt .lay. The prac
tice of wedlock is no longer imperii iv.-.
nor .lo.-s discredit atti-ml tin- u ti m.i : .-. i
stat.'. even wh.-n prolonged into the
thirti.-s. Th.-r.- is as mu.-h a.lvi.-i- 'jiv.-u
against, marriage a-s in favor of it li
the wis.- an. I experience. 1 of Itoth s.-es.
.iii.l th.- n-siilt is a steady decrease 'n
thf proportion of actual w.-. Miners to
p. ssi Lie . n.s.
Th.-causes w hich have pi-o, ! u.-c.l this
tn.irkcd chariire are nor. siiiVi.-ietit iv
ilctinitc for satisfactory analysis. It is
pr..lally true that our cNtravno-ant
style of livintr is on.' of the .-iVc'tiv.-iniliicnccs.
The cost of supporting a
w ife an.l raisin--a family is mil. h lar-.'vr
than it useil to I.e. an. I I his feature of
the .natt.-r often .rives pans.- . .n
si.les. We have coin.- to measure so
many thinirs l.y money that matrimony
has not escape.! the rule. The y .uiiL'
pe. iple are disinclined I o start in a iu;;n
l.le way ami jrradnally improve tlu-ir
situation: th.-y want all that their
i rents have wit hout wait in:r an. I st n v-
nnr tor it. A any proposal art' un, u.-s-
tionahly delayed or reject.-.! on I hi-' ac
count. Then, it is well known that the
new avenues of employment open to
women have mail.- thetn more in.l.
penilent and prohahiy also more exact
ini as to the .pmiiticat ions of h usl .an. is.
It is not nearly so coiiinion as it ..rice
vas for --iris to marry simply in r
to secure a home ami a living: they are
ai.le now to earn jr. mm! w.-il'.-s aa.l to
take their time ah.uit assuming tin-.iuti.-sof
wives an. 1 mothers. We may
safely helieve. moreover, that the prog
ress, .f xt mien in ei I mat ion a n I in social
power has le.l them to l.M.'k less t'avor upon the connuliial .--ml it i. n of
sulM.r.!inatinir their hearts to their so to speak. Ami tinaily it can
not hut he that t he ahun.lam-e of criti
cism to which the marria re sy-te:n has
l.een suhject.-.l hy writers of pr.-
noun 1 viiror an.l skill has crv.-! to
weaken it. in tin- popular estimation
ami to .lUparaire the quality . .f saere.l is its highest claim to resect
an.l honor.
Tliere is no reason as yet. however,
to lament the prevailinir t.-n'tetiey as n
national misfortune. The amount ..t
mai-rr'inir is still lar'.re .-nourh for all
onlinarv piirjM.i-s. ami it may l-e tii.o
less rat her t han more of it woi-.M h.-'
promote t he interests of societ y. Sncl.
unions shonl.l 1- forme.l with s me
other ol.j.-ct than that of merely projta
atin the species. They invoive t he
most serious ohl iirat ions am! responsi
bilities of human life, ami if people at.-l.-arninu'
to he slow ami carclul al.:'
makimr cotit racts of so iniicli im poi ; ., i,, i
it is hardly a sirn of .lecay or a thr.-ai
of calamity. W henever any t v. . . per
sons care so much for other thai
they cannot happily live apart thev w il!
he weil. le.l inspiteof ail . iposi i cr i n
tluences, ami p-rhaps t In :se are t he . .nl
ciri-umstances un.U-r which a w.-l.oti.j
ouirht ever to take place. It w nil,! n..t
ilo to si iv with Hamlet tliat "'.v.- will
hav no more marriaires."" an.l that a:!
who are now simrle "shall keep as t le v
are,' hut we are justiiied in t liinkin
t hat t he rate of mat ninnii ia 1 ha t pi n.s
is likelj- to ' incr. ;ise, :w-cor li n r to
the measure of marria-es that ar,
l.rousrht atiout t.y retl.-.-tive inst.-ri.l . i
emotional means. The system with
which t he crit ics till.! so much fault i
not. perfect, hut it is much l tt.-r than
t bey represent it to he. or it oul, not
liave survived so lone-. W ith all th. ir
tlaw-piekin;.'. they have not Im.-ii al.le
to.U-vis- an :i-ceptalle substitute for
it. and until they are al.le to ilo so it
will coiitinue to stand as the most
iM-ncficciit of those jrreat aLrem icsw Inch
r.-irnlate and cut rd t he atfairs of civ
il iat ion.
IIU f arlefie44 V:im 'nrrett il.
An unfortunate yountr man was
sharply relinked for inaccuracy of
s(ieei-h while jr.iing- up in a Madison av
enue horse e.-u- a day or two airo. Me
!iai! Iieen talkin.' interested!;- with :.
rather superior-I.M.l.-in- youtur woman
im the snhjoct of a common acquaint
ance. Finally he remarked:
"It'.H see. Me lost Ids wife, didn't
Tliere was the froen sweetness of
iee-rreaTn in the y.uin'r woman's smile
as she answered amiably:
"If yon mean to ask whether Mr.
Iilank's wife il.ed the answer is that
she did."
'Hie silenee was broken only by the
Nliirht titter of the hearers until the
youth remarked:
"Ah! I rememler; von've lieen risit
injrin P-wton." N. Y. V.rld
Muktlnc KverjrtMMly.
At tlie end of one of ford Palmer
ston's speeches a butcher called out:
"Lord Palmerston, will yon gave me a
plain answer to a plain question?"
After a slight pause I.r.i I'almerston
replied: "I will."
The butcher then asked: "Will you
or will you not support this measure ?"
a radical bill.
-frd Palinerston hesitated and then.
with a twinkle in his eye, replied
Then h stopped. Immediately
radicals cheered trememlonslp -
continued his lordship. .oud con
scrvative cheers, j Wh.-n t hese cease. I
I-ori PalmersUin finished his sentence
"tell you." Then he retire.!. lto
too (ilo be.
nrt.licrl- tt.Mi.1 l.n. k.
Mistress You got btu-k earlv
Kri.let Yis, mum. f)i r.xle in a ker
raire; leastwise it was as frixxi as a Uer
rare. "You were fortunate."
"Yis, mum: it happened this war,
mum. Oi fortrot th' strate an' numlM-r
but says i, -if Oi can foind the
BhmallrH,x hospertal, Mi ll know me
way. says Oi; an so I a.x -d th' way:
an' all at once every h,ly p:ive a holler
an.! a run. an.l a polacemon run aroun.,
tho- corner, and, U-far Oi knew pliwat
ha.t come over thim all. Oi waz hilH-d
int.. an ambulance and triven an illi
iTantruMUi 'm.Mt all th' way here, mum."
I.ovcd ones siy it.
' " Restless, irritable, exc italic,
and exactiii-" is tho charge
against you by those nearest
an J djarest to you.
They tlon't know tho liorror
that oppresses you.
Every hour pains nm ram
pant th.rouh your bo;ly. You
sutler secretly as lon.cj as you
can, then po all to pieces and
-don't care" what happens.
The iron r:p female dis
ease is 'upon you.
Dear Sister, Mia E. rink
ham's ' Vfftable Co''?MTi,t
has cured thousands like you.
It kills the pain, and invigo
rates the system.
NTo, more backache, no
more " bearing down," no nmre
restless days and slecpl
nights, hope will
take the place
of despair, your
laily dut ies will
be a delight, and
life, a joy.
I..r-i.k;t-. ..ii rrr-it ! I - 'lV '
4ltf I.M.I K 1T.K- S
am l:tift '. I.fw C' -
From Pole to Hole
nn'i fiAn.r mi l a ..- i). mnntmi.i im
jKiwtr .it cur.: lor til tf tl.e tji4Kd-
Tho Harpooner's Story.
rn. .T. C- Arttl 8c I'".. Tr.-nrv y.-:ir IW'" 1
wa hnrrH''.T in tl.e Nnh l':n-.i..-, wh.-n ilv
thr of lh .-rew nn.l n.y-'if wrrr up -ith
iciinrr. 'ur In.ii.' w-re ll.:it-.t, sum wwoiU-a
n.t bi.-.-tln, tu-th loom-, piirpl.- t.lotohra alt
ev-r tin, nn(' jnr t.rrth w.-n.-.i Tak- tx
by ni lar? -w. w-rt pr.-tty bully ..if. -Ml
Uinr-.mim arri.lnuilly a,, tun tin
cantnm hd cmnM fiox.-n lM.ttl...f AvK'
Bai-.sapakii.i.a n.l imve u tlua. W'n rernv -rmi
n it qui.-k. r I hivH rvcr e.-n m.-n
broil ir lit a Lout by nny other trruimr-nt fors'i-nrry,
nrt I'.nawn a tfood ileal ..f it. S.--ina ! men
lion in votir A Imnnac if yonr ?ar:iH. ill;i twine
jroo.1 for -nrTv. I thoueht y.-u oi'la u knu of
11. in, nn.l ao Antl vou tae fnetn.
Ki-Hiw-rtfiilly y.Jura, 'tu'ii T. "Wiwoatb.
Tho Trooper's .xpcrlenoe.
tfurrf", Hnnutnlantl, S. Afrira,) JarcAT,
1r. .1. ATM "o. CH-ntli-mi-n : I l.av
mnrh ple:u.nro t. U Iil'y to U) n of
Tour r-arxnnitrlllu. We bav V-fli AtiUionMi
YirTti fii" over two TMr, diirinif luch time w
h-l to !ivn In IfHti. Iteic undrr ranva ft
i i: h a timrt hrraht on wliw ia rallrd in tlu
cnuntry "Telil(-nreA." I hul tliowe orp for
onf limd. 1 w:ia M.iv.Ai-.l to lakrt y.mrSAfc
parill;s two l.ottt.-A of whi.-h my or
d.Aappenr rapi.llv, an.l I am now quit well.
You ta iniiv. 'I'- K. l:..lcv.
7roo.rr, Ciipe Mouutrd UiAtmrtt,
Ayers Sarsaparifa
X th nr.iv tljoroiitrhlr ff.-rtlr rlood-yvaHflr,
tu onlv nir-ihrinf thut niw-:it' the pion o
Hirofnlii, Mo-n-ury, and Conlaifioii Ui-"
Irom the nyMi-tn.
Dr. J. C. Aycp & Co Lowell, 31
Sold by all IrTurjfit : Prc l ;
tii.1 botu i lor
Chhohig Cough
P. .r il you .li ii -r. it mitv t."('Hi- - n -
j i t ! . K -r f v)i,j fit int. Vivr I'ft,
. tt i nt hii it if ;in -1 it tt,t,f I tt-H f
Ii '-l c i. !i h i n ' i. k
1 CP
2s 5,1 a I siari
Of rtitf 4-n1 Liver Oil :iml
! : f'r ' 1 11 "' hT .- -.u .t- t i.ln liinhMiS.
J V .v.-ii-i. rrui ;i. -aIi j.r-itiMT.
; Sooll's Emulsion
,J :.rT ar' r, - r ll;i!lai..,-. f.,-t thr jruiur.
Thf cTeat rxiiiiilnrity of tliis (.rrp.irnti.-n,
after its ts: of many years, slioulj le r
&Aiir:iiii-e, v.-n to tin- ni.-t --k. pt i. al. that
it is really merit. ri..u. '1 ! li. liave
ii-.l H il l 's II nt Kknkmkii knuT that
It .In.- all that is i laillli'.l.
It rauxe tu-w rtli of linir nn
hea.l tirovi.l. l the hair follii les are nut
Uta.l. wliii h is M-l.irii the cum-;
natural -..l..r t. pray .r f ul.-.l hair; p
Bfrv.s the -i-al healthful Hll.l -li-:ir of
Jan.lrtifT; pr-. ntA the hair failing otf or
phaiiiriii enli.r: U.-epA it coft. pliant, lus
trous, an.l t au-M s it to row lorn; an.l
Hai.i.'s Hir Rfnvwfr )ro.lin-esi it
effert hy the henlthfnl intluenee of It
ve-j-.-taliki'iit.s. wliieh invL'oratn
n.l rejiivonate. It is not a dye. au-1 in
.leliirlitful mrti. le for toilrt lise. on
tniniiur no alcohol, it il.e nt eva
orat. quii-Uly an.! lry up the natural oil.
lenvin-; the hair an.l brittle, ax do
other preparations.
Buckingham' Dye
roa tub
Colors them l.rown or blak, an desiretj,
and is the bewt dye, beraiise it i harmles:
prrwIueeH a permanent natural color; and,
beirur a sinele preparation, is more con
venient of application than any other.
rasPAacD bt
R. P. HAI L & CO, Nuhna, N. H.
Sold by ail Dealers in Medicinal, ,
Xolhin- On Earth Will
ShornlanN Condition TowiIVr!
Strong and Healthy ; Prevent all Diseane.
HfHxt flf Mmltimtf Urn.
It -r.ft-)v Hir HiirMv l(nt rri1 fn qtin-t-tv
.-. .-a- u-mIIi m ,,ilwr th un
-tn1 4 ( pr Vi-itl K !)." vh inr i iht.XiH r
II you rmn't il Mnt n. k tirl.
Sanit fur s f 111 -lntl. lit- (.M-k 1 I jt IV t I !
Iy iiimiI. 91 Utv ."!. , irm M-f !!
,,(.(.. .-.,, -r The H l.iir lMr-ta rni-
I' t.HI-C.MlIri V 'Htr r trff , ,in .Mir,. .4,
I. s. J Ml "4 iS,iiii, ,11 nt'Hn Hrtif -t.. Mmm
iT hi A.T XOM
Hand In-strciaonK Snare and B;i Dmm
UMnanii lo u bb fUn.u ana I
!.. BO.I -:U " l.-tl-n.-A IM-l.l lV sto.l.
lii a 1. .-..-rr ;"'' " ',-'.
V!,.ii livin-..' i.--:'-r ' l':o!..
K:ir... :i t: " '" "V;!S :l ',!,r!:,'t
l.ii-.l !o:iit.-r. ..'t fi-o'.i ! ln-n-1' ' '"
for th.- n 1' ' "f 'i"iti::--'
-n.-i i-noi-;.- .-M li-ns in tin- Uil
,'.f 1 1:.- v. :.r." ' vvrit-r in S. i. : .
II,. toi.Ii liiiM :i i:iv..-iti- -.i:.U-r
-- -lit - t.iU.-ri w:i v::t!iu:o-'l
..,,1,. nf miles to I'urH. .!... K.i:i.. i'.V
,-:,iii-..:i.i t!i.-i;.-- ii 'rt!..-i .iv.:,r.l to I' rt
S ott :i:,-l iin M' :nri. ii.-nri.v !j-i-;,...!
t!i.- l.if -r point. Ai! '.v.nt
v.-rv v . it :i 'V "' '" ''"
i.ilio i;i r. ''it! (, '!!- lii.-ir;:. ill.- -.'
!mi-:hi,.- ' -1 liini. 11.- vi.rit two
i!.iVs Ihi.;'. in :'' xv:! '' ' "'-' '
1 rv to ioiii' :tl. ii tin' l-'T ! '..-nt
Il'.iii-- tin.! !'.. r-- f. .mi.! t!o- -io ' :ii! rV:t.
,-.-oi- ; i ' t Ii.- n-tv.rt of hi., ;':ii:.oV
! !,.- -' li.i ' 'i.-.i th.-r.- -olliiln t-.-.o
x:tv- t;-..;u :ii-- o:i. h.- h.i:l ! -t iii'n.
;ni.I :is th.- .!i--:!.'ii- w :s- inoiv t'.irm
m i-n! V -li". mill"- it is inii.- .-.rt:iin
lh. it t 1 1- ! r ' : u,-:ir ,-iu f--r li..'iie.
.'oV. if .I--;" h.l l l-OM'tl-t- . f ,!;,-..-
li ,n u-!,:!t li ! ! 1 Itrit !iit:l ! t;iio-
li;it -a " foil iitii't.T : " Ih-1i. t- !m-
t h-vt r:i: :i!i-l t ,-n.- ,- nii-s.' for h...r,.
. l',-:i !,' I I c.-i-s- .1 ovi-r tin- - t in r ! o
-i.i.-s ..I I'..- tt-ia.i-.-!.- hy ho - lo.-s
not k. 1:1:11 i.:il..-r ev.-n :i h:ilf
irvovvn 1'.!: 11. t il..-:i :t lo.-j- way f.-..i,i
hoi!..- ill .1 l.:r.-. n-af!y its
.v:iv .:... Whi-ti livni- in ;i"r:ii,r:i
'i i. ;ii ":! -i 1 1 a . a! u t ir-i of. I j - U
li.-r '.M a ! - :t .'ie,-,-iiy a.-r-- la,- hit..-.
ai-.i:t two i.ii':.-s. ai I t.irti. ! !.- r 1. .. - .-.
I : ! 1 1 :!'! 1 u u as a : .. ,i : - : . 1 . 1 ! -. an 1 1
to -i : 1 . t ' i.- I a - -. a .-I 1 1 1 -i'. 'Urs.-.
.: a-! .-. '. 1 a i 1 : '. o.i;- . : r . ' ; r i- ' : 1 t h.T l.y
i- at. i;-.--. 1 a.. -i-jiiiii.' . was t.a.-U
a ! ' ! ;'a 10 I !i. r . as.- i n - !:it- !
t . tn.-.a' a --at tliat 'v:i- ta'. an ly rail
oiiiv I .tit v i.-i'i s ia s. nit ii'Vt-st Mis
.. ari. a 1. a 1 a.- si.--: I .lay hi- wai in ail
ri..'lt at hi-i 'oiati. r lioni.-."
V IrAncr s,,.,,.ril il ! . .f 1 1 MlkU-iiia of
N.-ar Tr-poii l!n- M.ish tns have i-rti-t-i!
.1 lar r . Iii,r'i litil.!ia-.-. with saow
.I..111.'. ir jion.i ami tnv
hta -- n i--. .-.:,!! I it .-rat nr.- a . I ! " i'ou.l
,-.-! of ! !:.- Sa. rv. l-'i- !." 'I'll,-
' ni'oir.jr !:s,-.J' has a ti't.- i-oaa!'y :-s
. . i r - a !"" I ' as tin- p. I an.l tin- t r. -,
I .-in-.' I :ii .-.! t !ir tr.'lioiit 11. -rt !n rn
ai.-;i T!..- f :!..- a.r.-.l
1 '-.'1." Th.- ii: h. .I.i- h a:--.- l.-p! in .1
1- p- 'l in th.-f.-arof tin- 1 .it i !. iii)r,
a.i.ii - in t it- -null-ii ia.--oi-.-ha h.
;'i!l la.- .1.1 sh.-iiv v lio hi-, ilia i-.'o of
:!..a. 1 -avs that t h.-y a r.- n:t 1 i v tln-n-o:
i ma I '.in Is T . l.-part.'. 1 1. si.-ais of
hi: !' e, ,;.,V. II,!,-. .1 iill ;;-.- Iihi' h !:;.h.
i ;- oi r -; a t ii. p '-a i h i. ii t : -s. is
to !..' :,n siiitv ilia-.-.!', hu? th,-
't;i;. l.---.-;-!i ia t hoi. -a ta :s. '1 ho
; I . la il;. -. ho mas! 1.- of :t I ho. .s, ph--.-ai
'iii-tiot iitia.l. .say-, tiiut ,Iii:-:iilt tin-
:::; v a r a 1:1 , i V .-f t!i- ohh-p hsh.-s
' -. ,t" i! : i.-r t h i-so l. t . Si-h;i-.: o;x -i to
'h i: ! i la- lot iii. 1 i lit, I h n a. 1 r.-i Is . ,f
i h, tt. .!,,- 1.:.. h l.iioly woita.h-.l. Th.-p.-opi.-
of Tripoli l.-i.--.- that ariy..'i.
so r. : i'-i-l-i -1 :ts I., eal .-in - 1 ilese tt'il
w. .on! inslamiv .ii.- a li, -i-i-i I h- .l.-alh.
'!'!iis sit .. -'! :! ion lias 1 a ri f, ,r y :n"s.
As loti ' avro as I !)r. .l.-.sup. tin-Aiii.-f'
an i- oi-al at Tripoli, .-aa-j-ht
' ;'i.-iii oi-l .-o-:-." 1 aa, aT-- th.-m.
i 1 1- t'Cooo. p a.-.-. : t h.-ai its -oai-'.- ami ini
tial. tta I. h f.M..;: . a h.-rw-i -.-'iii.
.Iiiryim-ii :i -J it s, ,i s,,v.rii in tl-
in.! ! , a,... i , : : . .-!.
I'.'n. rut.-.- -!' th.- p.i- ,vi ions ..f Mr.
I -rao ht ; i - . -a 1 lis a,- . . ; i -ss is. 1 sm-
i-. !,- for f:,:-t t!i..t
i , i i h rt i -. -1 1 -1 1 at,.! -a ': ' ; ; . s I a - a-'i.-.-,-f.
or t-.o-a!-.- . v.-r. ' ..i
. r ! : . - p - ' ' ' . . j a a . . 1 1 ! . i
. a' o i-n , : , .a. .s. o i . i , , a.-, 1 1 ,. , , i t ri :r t , !
i -t !.!! .-. :- o : . It T.-a-i "f I . .. s:, r
!i. :. . s:, . . !.. ,., j. -a Ti-ut h. !,.'.
v. r. i,. - - - j: , . i a : -'a'., a (,-. - i 1 1
i ; ,, ! t . ; i '. i , r ; '. .-1 ii, i ! , p.r. . a.-
..rt;.- at.-' .i'.it-r "t.s os nl itoi-y n. t li -.!
f a: h " i t os i . e. i , f th.- .i.ih ap.w.irs !il..
,V ; . I.. s.,,i, t. t i itl -.---1 1 i "
ti'l - !' p'-a,-t l.-.-. i i i r ' n: tt -i,s
... 1 1 a ' ia- li -1 o-r u a al ! . , r;. - .1
is-1..'s r.-. - ii! !y. aiel :-t i' ii:...i p- ii.-,-
-.!-: a .... ..I.j !.'!. '-.ti .. at;. ir,-
:' oil, 1 .. " T . t-.s t I a- '! si 1,1: ; t . : . i ! i
.- i.s hi.:, : i t . iil.ii. i I .-. a.ft . ! i i . !s
. -r.- ii:- : fit- I .' ', to .i- i, ,'.,. h v. il l .. - s . .r
; li ;.';a.t a i:. .'. h. i- --i -. o,i.,l l-
s a . .rn t ;. . : . - ' a-' t : i I "h i-siti-' 1 in
N i. . ail, ! s. . n 1 a t h imr f t In j.ast .
... . Hit,. V li 1. ita.
lli'-ir I.- I V !;!( T! I IV.- i! Itl nil
ori -:s 1 h.- - i" i,,s. i".-ri
' h-r .iloj as, t !:. "J a! I. -r . f USi. ry.'"
-.-s ;,a :.:..i-;t ,.f , ai,- ; ', ta -o-s.
-.- la- -Iv ' a', aa- !!:!;. art::.-- its." a
I - - - f i'i-i ti. - ti - ' h a r, ti-
v i-s! v. ,th a l-i! .- - ! ! a h.-n-
i:. p .:',- --a : a ri , -.- i a,i -a, ! -i 1.
' to r, p. : . ' . I .. .;, . . p. i . . j :;,r.
! i ! It. a a . ii.:. ;i . ! . i -. : ta. t.
a,: a i . :,i.i -.-:a hi::- !o I , r ...t.
ha.-t- - 'l. . f lia.i :4f.-i,iah-
la- i..-, as a, . ' . .-. ,n ,-a . -t a
ii. ' a i.'a r.-:.,: a. ; s , .f Aia 1 rhi a a. I
- s . ii,.- N. : i .-i-'.iii.i--. ha.l a
a ' lr . i.. ,:r... . f t i.i, h .-ia-
.-. asv.-i; :' i.l. t 1 !i,!.- . ::r . A'l-.-rt.
a f ;:.:.! la . r- I . ri - h.: i i;- !,a, i a
. . ni.. la... ?..'..-;:.---. hi h. : . ! ,iis-h. ! 1
.. h . i. ti. : ! :. " pr a. 1 jn ssi-ss. r .fit v.-ry
'.iiVi- l.hi h h.-a r, I. "
- l:itt ll:,it -l:kt,n-. siM.v.n.
tl.oi, t:.:t ll.A V in- s.,i:.,j i.
'"Vonr vorhl's fihtr 'oiiv.-tiir lialf il.,l
lar remit"!-; m.- ,.f a s.i , , .ihm in. i.h n'."
Niii.! Ilalph ( '. V:it-sni, of I., ai. I- ,n, in l!:,-lii-tirino-
,f a St. I.oni, ;io'
I ti-in. -r:it ri-n .rt.-r. "l!ii!-inr ti-..-il.-.
n s all Kii:.r!:ui.l was
1.mI,-.I witli jiihih-f i-oins. Tin
la rr.-st "l.-nom t nat ion was :i five oiiml
sti rli'.-JT trohl pi,-,-i-. atnl frota tliat down
to :i fart hin AiUr tin- ill
those sx-iial roi ns I haL foil n. ! th.-irway
l:n-k to t In- llanli of I liiL'l.i a. 1 w. r.- taUa-ti
out of eir.-nhit-ion. an.! U-h ,r,- it wa.s
iren.-rslly i-n.nvn that this was Wintr
ilotli ninety mt ri lit. of the coins. I
fiiiu-y. Iia.l found tlu-ir way into tlie
maw of t h.- ..I.l Imly of Tiiri-uiliii-edl.'
"J was :imon"r 1 1 - f.-w who !i:nl st-nsc
i-mniirli t. k.--p a st-t. I !iai a liv
x.iin,l .sr.i-tina- jih-i-e. a s, n-.-riij-ii . a
lialf-sovi-ri-iLrn. a -r..wn. a fonr-sldilin.j-liieee.
a haif-.Town. a t w. -sh i 11 iti- l.'o.
on.-shilliiiLT. ;i f-i h ii. .-. .a fouriH-n.-i-. a
threet-H'n.-e. a tw-iiny. a litilf ,-iiiiy :n,
a faj-tliinir. 'i li.-y lay in a h.. in
my iri-ssiiiir-,.;ls,. f,, nearly four v.-ars.
I tlioiliMit. liotliiiir of t'n-ai until ,.,.
day last siininii-r. hax-itur htisiness in
;!a-sv.w. I w.-tit th.-rc. ll.-r.-Hi.- jnhi
! eoins wen- a j.Teat i-arity. and r
found that my eoll.-ct i. m. wiii.-h
amounted t seven t.nnils. !iv,- shil
ling's, six m-ii,o, lia' (ii'tiny, farthin..',
would i.rintr som.-t hiilir liha- twelve
"Now. tliink- I, I'll just make that
tive pounds like a wink, s I tele
my wife , forward ihe Iw.v of
eoins to me hy evpress at onee. Tlie
nex-t day I ?,t a letter from her ineh.s
i ii vr postal note for s.-v. -n ...ui,ls. six
shillings, ar ' a n.tte from tin' dear
woman saying tliat :s lonr :is I was in
tiet-d of the money sin tliouu-lit the letter-post
ii ii-tii -t" than the !v--ka'-.-rost.
and nml hail my eoins for a
jwista! order, and itd.led the i-li.-inj.'.- lier
self to make it even money. Mad? I was.
I not only li.t my tiv ,iiii.l s'-mi-ii la
tum, hut I lost my jnhili-e ii.ins as wi-!l;
hut, I say. it was nit her thought fttl of
her, you know, and under any other
eireumstaneeH would have 1 -t-n very
nsvar wants to learn, but tte
reads that
OiiD Honesty
is the best that is made, and
at ONCE tries it. and eaves
money and secures mora
satisfaction than ever before.
A.V OED imitations. Insist on
having the genuine. If your
dealer hasn't it ask him to
gat it for yoH.
m. mm & BROS., tonIrlIIfi.Zy.
Th? Atlanlir Refining Co., of
Pitt.sburrr, Pa , make a specialty t
of manufa';turinr for the tiomes-J
'ic trade the finest brands of '
i'liiiriinuiin anil Lulirica'inz Oils,
Na;i!ilb;i and (Jasnline
That run to
We rhallfnire coinparison with
every known jro,iuet of petrol
eum. If you wish the most
jTgsi : Uniibrmly: Satisfactory : OAs
in the market ;u,k for ours.
i i i r.sitt- k. I ntr,
l'ITTS!tn;, I A.
.wis r'-l vr.
And MnufaeHirT I)eaier In
VI attreses, Szc
r-?Citizpns of Camhria I'nunty and all
others wi-hiiiit Ut purctiaw liiinrst Kl'KXI
TUUE. Ac. at ru.n-st prices art respectfully
invttl to !? us a call IWore buying tl-w-
dere, as n are confident trat we can
fniel every want and please every
rrie. the verv lowest. I4-It-'Hi-tf.
not hi in? tr -a'Iwii w -la:- tit;il il t . to -ii:r:iro
in a -rtii:iiMMit. nm-l Im-hIDiv auti jti u-:tit lu-i-ii-.
t hut n turn- a r til r'.tr wrv la'- ttorl.
"tirti fh tui-iii '-' if!r lh wurkin? rla-.
Wt ta-li thni Imw to ut-iL ni'Mifv raftiillv. aittl
irtrriiitf -v rv m who t!ln iir iii-iriiftiu
lail htuNv iniikii.:' of m:umi M mnnlit.
h.v. ry on w m takt- hoi nw :ini wttrk- will
-un lv ant! -(M .'iiilv nirn usf I h-tr ariiiii(;-; thre
4-. in no nufiioii .it. ..ut it; th-r-4 now at work
:ir- tloiu? it. atitl yti, rt-:nhr. mii h t h naiiM-.
1 In- t tiit- I --- t fm it2 hii-itM-xt that kmi liv
t -r Icfl tin- fh.inco to .riirt. Von will iuak a
iz- 't v nti - ink vMI ptf it n trial at mc.
I: vtiiia-i tU- -iiuafitMt, aiMl -X uirklv. ou
uill tiii;K 'iml otir-t-li in a mo-t pr-Mnui
tnimiif-H, al wiiirtt xiii t-an -uriv ttiiik aini ?:iv
Ian -nm- tf tuoiit y. "In r ult- ! uly a fw
Ip'tir- wrk will otfii tiiial a wtk'i wain.
W hfthtr yoti ar ! t r uitt:. man r wmaii. it
mak i n iiil r-in.. it as w' tH von. ani nc
t '-..- will tixri viii :it tin iry itart, Ni'ith-r
vm-riiii-i' op capital nr- ary . Tluw wti irirk
tor u rt r-warl-.i. XVIiv ih writ t lav (of
till) .artu ular-i, r ? H. i . AI.I.KN 4 tt ,
IUi No 4 :o, AuRUiiU, M.
Shaving Parlor,
f,HIS well- known Shuvinr Parlor Ir lorxtet on
it-ntl t.rfn hn1Mnirtr riurbtted. &-er9i.
anl title. t with every mortem rmenieiM, an4
H enc nl th prettiest. neatet. ain! twt tho in
rviorttterti I'mtit-ri If In id ehrrf ! ctie
tent Workmen wno will trtv every M(latitu to
atorner V nor jtrtTrinire -tthriietl
K 1 1 H K KT AS I PAY. -
ir CALTHOS rrrr, ui.l
zuannum tn( I,m sil,
I RF -1.. i i.l .. V
Vint and a,t rf salt's
amor n'HKD tw I
' r- ir (iutni A
rinani!s .i.',:it tr.-at iii-t'.t. The r-milts.-f
ne-li-t t in.iy "im AroiJ
all liarsli .-iti.l li.i.sti- purativoi, ll.a
temli-m-y "f wl.Ii-Ii is to wfakrn tli
Imiwi U.' T!i best rem-l5- U Aypr's
I'ills. It. in-' j.ureiy v-rv-UiJ.le, thrir
a.-tiim is r..!i;r an.l t!i ir t-lTei-t always
Un. i.i i;il. T! y are. an
I.iv. r an.l Af:.-;--.Uiim-r .ill, an.l every-
hi'ri l.y tbe jTcfi-ssjoii.
" Aver"- P';!l- are an.l univer
nallv ".:i.k-n .f l.y Hi" -..lrt al .ut
here. 1 make daily uie f lli.-m in my
prac-tief." IT. l.'E. iwU-r, I'-ri.le-jM.rt,
I ran n-mmmoiiil Ayer's Pi!! aiiorn
all i.Mi.-rs. li;iin !..n .r..'-.l the:
value :is a ralliartie !r l.ivfwlf an.l" J- T. L--iib.s iii.-. 1'a.
"F.-r s.-r era! Ay-r"s Pills !iuv
leeu nsr.t i.l my I-nuily. Wo tin.l tln ui
Effective Remedy
f.,r i-..riti:i'i..ii an.l in.liesticn, and
Hre i:-.-r i:ii-nt. ;h-m in tin' hoii.H.
.M...-.-S (iretiu-r, Ix.well, .M;is.
" I have lis. .! Ay. r'j Pills. f.,r liver
troll IiU-i ami;; ?-t ion. lnriiiir in:niy
-ais. an, I l!.ir- a! wax 4 found lli-iu
i.r.-n.,t :n..! ri. i.-nt lit llit-ir a'tu.u.'
S. 8iuit!i. I n. ;i, N. V.
" I MitT.-r.-I fr..iii -..iiHtiputi.,n wlii.-h
ft-.-'iiiii.-, .--.i.-h mi !-.! iii.itf-- 1. .riii that, t
I.-.ii. .! it. xv. .ill. I . ;m.- ;i niipi:me if tlirt
Im. !. Tvx.i Im-x.-h of , y-i'.s i'ill.s ef
f. i-t. ! a .;,!. . nre." 1. Uurke,
S... ... M.-.
I lia-. n-.-d Ay. r's Pills for the past
tlnrty v.-:u- ami ..ii. i.l. r lln-in an in-.ili:al-ie
I. .lulls- In. -il. im-. 1 Llloxv of
I,,. In-iii-r for l;er tioiil.les,
uii.l lirtv e iilu-ixi found tin in a prompt
etir- f, r . 1 sih i;i " - .l.iin.-!i luiim,
Mi. I. II.- l'i...::,,i.i. I', nn.
Having Im-.-.i -l xvitli riwlive-li-ss,
Iii, li s.-.-i.i-i iu.- Mal'l.- xvitli H-r-Hotis
of m .l. iit.n . li iiuts I have tiled
A v T s ri!!-. tiooin-; ,.r r li. t. I am
I' a lli.. I. Tl.ex liait- M-rveil Ui
l,.-it.r any olli.-r I
Krt:.- ai li.i-. i-..ti,-lii:,,ii only aft.-r &
faitlifnl trial - I t ln-:r nieritn." Sauinel
T. Jones, tlak St . UoMoli. M:iss. "
Ayer's Pills,
ri:i i-xi:ki ht
Or. J. C. Aycr & Co.. toe!l, Masf
Sol. I bf ..! Ileal r In Me.liriua.
uhi it
.J i i L.Z.
s n r
2 &E?a
!!rV TlMniflin and rIiovoall tLo tr-.tiH Inrf.
ftr-rit to u l,ili"u flt-it..f t!-.o syfltt-ir-, nuca e9
Dizr.inesn, Naunea. D.-owKitie. l'istre! e:'tee
eJi:u. t ain la t H I.-. -V.- V7.-1 tlj.MruoC
renurksUis sucraia ban Ho n sbor-n ia ciinDj
H'(Jj'5tt, ye farter's lat'ln TAwr Pm art!
eii'"'' ' !'.lnal '1 n n.nnii au.t pro
Trntiui; tlimaxmoylxifroinpiaiiit. till.) tti-y mlM9
rorrrv-tall .iia. .rrl.-rol tbeoiua liumiilmtaTbo
livex &uU ruKiilUi the bowota. iv- a i Um-j only
Arbthr "rTonli! ta&Iraoetprinmtntfinmwh)
n tU'V from Cis xli-m-atiu; but f rri
nr-.tly thf ircxliti'M-a nf'tiii !i-riini t!ioMa
V tio once try tLm trill tiud thewo httlo x-ilU vJtv
i le In Mnnor wavn thmX tbr will not bo wil
luig to io witlKiOt Ljuuu But aftir ailfiick haul
In tlie tne ef nr many liw that henx ta -whera
hnkem:rpT.lljast. Oar pill cum it warta
Othf-rn ilo xjot.
fjir.-r' Littln Utpt Pillji Tn -my mixll nU
T-ry r,y to .-.- (Ineor two pilU ni&kea ilaM.
Tli. j- aj- strictly vtvetibla aa.l Ua u.,t tfnpo or
pur", l.nt l.T tiieirpentluactitm pUneail whi)
one tiim. In rutliat 'j5--nta : ux-Af r f L. Soli
by ilrugiata cvorytaltem. ur K-at hj niaiL
THE NEW tfiSftn
Successor of the L'rtibriffc'i.
For th Fttmily, I li S i ihrmrr
Th work of rtvit:in c-.-i-i.i'l ovr t
ir, mtr ihnDA htinneJ mIkHmI
trrw li- lna; h: t npSv . !. ami ovt
:HHf.0.m fi,wndet b-ltrt- tl-r- iirC cup
mmm prlntl.
A Pamphlet ( fer?Tltll f , ;!n,ttnif;n
f('sti!ii4iimlM,t., nt li ty n;d (Mtlid.-ti.-i
Caatin in t i-.l :r. ur .--tii: n 'ii. fsor-
rV, HM tlotoirr&l-li' rr-pri!.T4 t .If. ;t v.'
W'rtttl-fi.titi of W'-Off. r nre tfinj marUf-Nv
nir v.u loiifi n:itii-i, oft-u r . roT-?jrt -'titUo-i
GET TH z eesT.
T- inirTaiional, hi ; tu-at- th in print
C. &. C. MERRIAM . CO.,
Cnvvntn. nnd Tradr-Markii ohraixMHi. and all lMr
ent fnHint- rnnrtd fur Moderate F.
Our Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office,
and we ran cfnin patent in lti time than thoce
rrmitf fnm U"a?hinrTn.
Snd mrwlel. draw inir r photo., with dorrin
tim. We adv(e, if patntatle or not. fre-w f
char-re. Our fe not due till patent i imred.
A Pamphtet. "How to Obtain Patent a." with
nun of aTnal rlienta in yonrState, wmnty.o
town, aent free. Addr,
Opposite Patent Office. Washington, 0. C
Cnre thnnianda annti-illyof IjverCom
plaintn. Biliousness, Janndice, Dyspetv
i. Constipation. Malaria. More Ills
realt from an r'TihealthyU-Tertbanany
other cause. Why Buffer when yon ran
be cured f Dr. Sanfonl's Liver Invigor
ror i, a eelehratei family merieine.
talmn Insurance Apcy
General Insurance Agenl
Walker It. t;yt TOEK.
ImtMUn w4 Ik i. im ..1 kw.-
Viallaa, GoHart. Baaiaa, aeceedewM. Man
C, all kladaal SUia. etc, ate.
to Mm nrLTMTwr i.ivti futrrjr in oaoni.
A Pitiful .,eeti-l WIUc-U iui
metit lur vales;;irU at Tlinea.
Then is nothinfr more pitiful to the
feminint- ln-holtl.-r tliau a uia.n frun
tieally -ii.l-:ivrinv' t lny Sfitt f r his
wife r sv.ft heart. His intent i. ns urc
f tit. In-.t, hut his knim liiltre issliiii
itiil tli:it an unserupul.ius s;ile-v..iniiii
c-an pa'til T sme wreU-liiil ohjeeton
t.ihitu if s!ie simply assun-s him tliat
it is iut the thinf. "Slie is u vvonian.
tht-r-f.te she uht know." heartrueH
with !iinis.-lf. anil nine tims out of
ten lmys whatever she a.!viss. rerani
less of or expnse. Xw
with t!u-s tnistinjr ami eri-a-tures
roy.llliIl alumt at larg-e at tliis
M-aMl it In-liooves the salesp-. .pie t. I'-t
ep-i i:iilv holiest ami not liriii- ihovit
jjxm th.- iiiiiiMt-fit he:ul of tlie j;iver t!
wrath f some fair rei-iiu-nt who i!i
covers inst. -ail f a inoiiisli an.l
pn-snt a pass otTi-rinj tliat lias lai.loii
theslielf iii.xil.l sin.-e last "Iirist mas.
Some nieTi s-.vatr'er in witli a litiow-it-
all i-vpr.-s:.i..ii. wliieh. Imivi-vi-r, .! iv
no, whi-n they ask. witli a very iiu
jv.rtant :iir. ti 1h eon.luetl t."t!ie
ai 'rette. please. an.! on t heir arrival
at the -. uiiU-r wli-re thes are S..I.1 .!.
i:..t I; now an aijfretU from au oystt-r
I Voin a Ion?;- an.l tryinj? peri.Kl of !-ser-atioii
of the i rnoraiiee tliev mani-t.-.t
on a shopping tMir. tlie l'!iil:iilel
pliia Tinit-s has a!.iit -.nn to the eon
elusion that the only pl:ues where a
man .-:ui U ailoweil to roam witli K-r-f.-et
s:if.-!V are tlie ll- rist. tile eonfee
ti. :iiers an.l tlie jewelers. They ean't.
11 very far wroti in eillier f i.!n-s-estal.iiliai.
nts. an.l it is in.i. li Ix-tt.-rt.
Imiv wilii an air of eertainty art ieler.
thai ar.- sure to . all riu'lit than t
int.. a Irv is store wliere they ar.
ai t!ie mer-y of tlie jrirls ln-liin:! t lu
e. .11 lit- is an. I I Nit lne t lie vi.tilli:. . i
own -t-.- '. i, it .'. All ye tn.-n wli i m.-an
to ;rive ;-ift ..H. ll ;us are f.iim.liii til.
e;:ip. .riuius wlien feminine S ry
.I.M--. most larjrely hol.l forth !n- wis-,
.five th.- iii.uiev to a woman frieml who
.-aim. ,t t.- 1ul!!ozil ly nali-sTirls. :ml
eontii;.- 1 hy pun-liases to jewelrj, lii
ln.ns ami Mowers.
Somel 111 ic AlMiut I lie lilueM ThwH-y at
Kvolut l.fll.
Tile 'hinese liave as n1.1 i.leas alxuit
the earth an.l tlie origin of man as they
liave alxiut other thinjrs with whie!
thev, as well as ourselv-s, are 1 letter
a.-niaiiiteil. Aenir.liiitf t th.-ir way of
viewing tlie matter, the rocks of the
earth are tlie Imnesof the llivim InnIv;
the soil is tlie tlesh, the metals, tlie
nerves an.l veins. Tlie titles, winds,
rains, e' as well as frost and .lew.
are eunseil 1 1 v tin respirations, pulsa
tions, exhalations, etc., of tliis set-mint.'
inanimate litwly. iritrinally, aeeor.lini
to tlu-ir idea, the mountains rose to tin
ski, -s and the waters of the seas anil
oeeans covered the mountains to their
tops. At that time tliere was no life in
the Ilivine tody. except tile Divine life.
Iiv tl.-'rees tin waters ami
small herls iN-jran to jrrow, an.l. in
the lapse of immense cycles of time,
tliere herhs tievelopetl into str.ilitr
slirulis and trees. As the hotly of man.
unwashed for years, breeds vermin, so
the ai intairis. unlaved liy the seas. w.irms :itn! insects. (.Teater erea-tnr.-s
always tlevclopinir from the
lcs.-r. In tlie course of untold air.-lN-t-tles
liti ame turtles, earthworms In
came serpents, an.l hiihllyitur insert-lN-canie Mice devc!o)e.J int
wildcats, ami the wildcats into tt!.'er
the mantis was by derrtis transf. r:ne. :
into an aM. and some of tlie apes wer
tinaily !rn liairless. A hairless ap
plavimf witli two tlints aci-il.-nt;ill .
kindhil a tire ly striking them t. .treth.-r
With tin- tire thus . .Maine 1 he .- m kc. !
f.Nl and tlie eatintr of f.Ml tluii j.r,
pare! made him more stronir and inf.-1
l.-.-tiial than liis fellow a. With al
their faults, asks tlie I'hihidelphi
Press. ' lio will say that the Chinaman' -the.
rics of evolution are not :is reas. ,n
al il as some of the ideas advancwd '
tlie Darwinians?
fVminiiir Irs.a Tlier Cttnlta M.tatlr j
Accordinir to a recent writer who ha--N-en
t here t lie native women f India
s"-m to array themselves mostly in
jt ciry an.l m.Miesty. He says;
' The Indian laity is down wit!
silver an.l -.iltl jewelrj" ami pre--iou:
stones ll.-r ears have many rintrs ii:
them, some so lur;v tliat they reach
her slioiilders. Next comes tlie nose
with rintrs lare enoiitrh for a bracelet
N-ca-ioiially the lijs are also oru.i
"Then she has several llti-klaces
ii:-t!y jH-arls, armlets, wri .lift - an!
anklets, and innumerable rintrs on ni-.s'
of her lingers and tNs. inclii.linir t li
tliumlis and reat t ns. An In.liai.
latly's jexvclrj- was weight- I on one o
c;iM,,n. and it was found toturntli
scales at thirty-five pounds.
The e .Ire.s f.r la.lie
ei insists of a pieet of silk or ) .re, usl y
colore.l eott-m alxiiit live yards 1 :i -and
hal f a yard wide. Tliis is wrappe 1
alnit the InnIv in the follouinsf way:
t hi.- end is eir.-leil roun-1 tin waist on.-.-or
twice, then tlie remainder is thrown
t wer the left shoulder, leaving the riirh
breast, liot h arms an.l lens bare. The
eloth reaches nearly to her knees.
"It may thus In seen that she is well
tlresrrfil for the purpose of displaying
her ornaments and eoiiitortably dressed
foe the climate.'
It l'rnU ('..innirnoralii I ta lirath by
a kniiiial l'u tell ami show.
The parents of a child that .lied some
few ears ha -k in tlie lireat Urniuiiil
Street Ilor.piuil for I'hiltlren liave hit
upon a .piaint ami iu many respects ai
mirable mctli.l of peretiiatiuir his
memory. n eat-It anniversary of the
chilli's death a performance of Punch
an.l Judy takes place in every ward in
tilt hospital.
This jrreat festival for, remarks
London Truth. I need not say that it is
a jrreat festival to everylxNly concerned
h:is been duly celebrated ajrain. The
only blot upon it was that one p.Nr lit
tle fellow hal to In taken away just
lefore the performance commenced to
under'.i an operation: but it will In a
satisfaction to every reader to hear tliat
he was more than consoled by sulis.
quently liavinif "Toby" brought ti his
In.1 by a kind nurse for a private inter
view, ami. thus fortified under his
troubles, the little patient pnigTesse.1
most favorably.
People who ltwie children are often
desirous of ..imm.-m.iratin? the little
lives in s.. me way, and t.N ofun their
eir.irt-iin that direction are not over
happy. Here is a hint for -rui.lance in
all such ease. It may be varied
Militarlaiu In Nwitserland.
Even Switzerland i.s leinr carri,.!
avvay by the general European epi.temie
..f militarism an.l financial exhaustion.
In a bu.It estimated altogether at less
than 17.IHUMM f..r theyear lsy:t deficit
of el. upon f VrHUMNl. or upwards of IS
per ivnt of the total amount of the
Im.tiret, is declaretL Nine-tenth of
the deficit are made up of the additions
to the military expenditure. Hitherto
Switzerland has leen deserving of an
honorable mention on account of her
keeping aloof from entravae-am-e in her
militarj' preparations. Kut the timehaa
evidently eonie her to abandon her
rantafre rroun.l ami make strenuous ef
fort for defendinif her noil in the case
of an approau-hiDtr warlike Ktrujfi5.
t'orrmoM IX-tiHM-riitir yhirnUiij .Y.-rrxxyw-r I
ill i'i-niiA!,'i".niitl. j
tm tlu-ir vm ta llif W'liitr ,(.-'. i
IhiT. every week -.lay tin-mlnic In the ytr, Kl
a ear. i
Weekly. Torxlajfevenlnit ol evrrr week ID tlie I
jer fl m year.
It l.rad I n lk ! The ..toy ater In I
t'etitral f'enupytvauia hnviuic fia w I rep i
an.l i.jtemtt.ra. eonner tl with the n-wa rrnirea
of tbe w.,rl.l. With In rn;. i.l (.- :ltie il reat-tiea
ihree honlrelitn.l it.xTy r.,et.,wn wi.h a 1 1 it.e 1
new trten lhre to win li.tunt .f ail ..(ti
er. Ha.rtit.hura; 'will ' In an unui-iislly lin'H.rtaul
(Kiint the ct.iol j jf The i-"l,,u i.l the li-ttla-I
at ure, the elect l..n ..I a iti.--Fm.r ui H uay. a Ke
l.u(.llcn lexlafalure rtnir.nte I tr a li.-iattrmtlr
atiminlptrmiion. all len.l to -Iraw Hie .nt.ti.; eye
U the ra(.nal. I ll K I'AMilnr will aim uiort
ctiizif.lete refttirta ..I all ttiepe interer'tlntr
I nat.
The paft year,hPt ha lt-n Ihe nn.Kt urrepiul
in the hitlury ..t I'll K I'Al Kl'ir, It wain a lh
new year to te rli.l l.-tl-r.
It I.awtw I m lirmlalUa -Kt .tvirto
Inic uit-diuni In IVnnt-yivania .nli.i.te..l I'littt.uric
an-l rhila4lelj.hia.
TheOtaly lltuiM-r'lllr Itially I'wltl In heal
lsm Ram im f n Itmr r I It- r . .Mo it
In httmea and t.iiinet, ,l:Mti whi-re it ,1.- not
tro txntl ai.t In tea. -tuna- it.mhI Iietn.tfiratl teach
itia- TH K PAT K f will tt tent l.y mnll I,, int
nr-w MutterttNir I. .r, tour inoiithi ua rttei.L tl ono
Thr Weekly.-'Ilie weLiy e.lltl..n will Ih
pnt :n (nal t.y mail l..r four in.iriTli-. ou
ol twentyt-entff; on trial r.nly. Al!rtaf
TH t I'A'I li I IT rnM IM N Y.
Jan. 10 At. Hitrritl.t. Ia.
Uurin- ISO. 5 THE SUN will
be of surpassing1 excellence nnl
will prinit more news unl more
pure literature than ever before
in its history.
Tlie SundaySun
Is the Greatest Sunday News
paper in the World.
Frlee 5e. arapy. . Rr nmlKt'-ayMr
Illy. by mall, - - - - - Mil m year
llv aad Siin4r. Hy mall. H j. year
Addr-M THE kl K. - Tork.
j t.aric lal'reKtin Hran.-h Kailn.a.t. lu ellcx-t
IMvemtier Stu. lHfil.
t'wta neef I tin a mt 'rewn.
Ivtiler Kiti -i f..r. a Ut durrtpl.nrif i a m
Veateni Exi 4 a m SeOi,,rt- tip., f. a in
Jolmuwn Hxp... '4 a in Mail ' :.m a in
I'aottle Kip H 4.S am I v Krp 1 1 i.l a ni
M all 4 id p in A it,.n;i Kt... . ' 'i p w
Way Paaa a .10 p m Mail Kxp .' 17 p m
1 1'hila Kp I'- l m
IMa- N,.. 1. No i. No. n
taure. am am pm.
7 40 1.. : ::
.... 3 0 7 M to : 1 a 41
.... 4 H 7 ' I.. .! i
.... tl 1 .s 1. 1 10 :t .V.
7 it 11 1" l 4 ..
.... H rt I.i M 4.. 4 .'
...11 .1 M -ju iu 4 I.'.
MiKTHW Alil.
Urn- No 1. N... -1. No. :.
tit nre. am am 1- m .
u :ui 1 1 ! 11 i '.v
.... 1.7 x'.. ..""..; 1 -j. i .i
:t k v ', 1 J 1 .'. :i7
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.... I.i, : 47 : 1 41 ."1 4
.... H .1 '1 .VJ 11 47 ;
..ll M HI in 1XOI ..l) li.
M unmer ,
'rearon ..
1 "rt-"".,n
M uDMrr
Kay l..r ,
Hraaiey. Noel n. I I.ucket are Flu:
No (Taint, on Nun. lay.
Printing Office
I the place to get your
Promptly aotl natifrtorlly executed. We
will meet the pnrei of altl tionoranle
competion. We don't .to any hui
first-clatm wmk and want a
living price for it.
f itH Fast Presses ni New Type
We are prepared to turn out JonPrintirijj of
every diwrtption in the FINEST
STYLE ami at tlie very
Lowest Casii Prices.
Nothttjg out the bet material i ued and
our work i-paks for itself. We are pre
pared to print on the shortest, notice
BCH1NKM9 tARIM Ta.. PtI.T IlKAnfl,
Monthly Statkmknts. Enveixjpks,
Labelh, Circulars. W'kduiso and
Vimtinu Cards. Checks. Notes,
Drapts. Rkckipti. Bond Work,
Letter and Note Heada, and
Uop and Party Invitations Etc.
We can print anything from the niallet
and neatest Vifitini Card to the Urtfeit
Potiter on short notice and at the
most Reasonable Rates.
The Cambria Freemau,
.wr-TaiicT. erc-i
rai.Tmaiinn ana rrre HantlNnnk wntM
MLNN a 't Uh.iaiat. Ntw VokK.
Wt tmreM f. aeeurtna- Tiita In Ano-nra.
Kvery paietit taken nt hw ua la tnHw-l.t Ih ..i-
Umi puuua by a auuia tfivtja tree ur cluuiiu In Uiw
g ricuttfic mcrtQii
Larvest rtrmtatlna of nny arientiflr- paper In the
Worltt. ei'lmMlltlly illuatratetl. No liitt-llltreut
anmn ahouM l without, iu Wn-ilt, 4.u a
yeart flJaimz montha. A.ktmttt Mf'Nv hi.
Kaumiitiiis am itruauway. Attw lor a City.
Cheaper than Wood.
eMWm tVM rtm lt Itv. ik..taaea
a mn 1 1 ta m a .1 r urn VTms wrtoiae
a. Wnm alva Qaaatity, I. i.M mt timum, ffctut-l aia H,i,b,
aataa. Tt mtmm Mtaiftmtfi Htry Irnm Vrnr..n. t'tt-UM,
PuM rtniaaa. rira lIMaat aa rtKM KH.-41-ta VmilmM
mmH iuiiimi. a trmm nli..m ,,H1 llll
WiaiMiw acaaajia,aaiikaadaa a ma a oka.
A. Scientific American
Agency for -a
a ts. r a m m
THREE QUECH pass:nc::,:,
A 'I'y M- ttf tlie Hii.iian I.I.-.r. 1, . t
Atiit-rlc- Tri- t. .,,, ,t 4i .
An oil"! tri.i !nirt i.-. t l.r .-.
i niiitl '. nt r:il stat i. .11 h. iiti.-re in. NS l.-M i!,,
ti":iin t'.r whi. li 111 1111 1 1 1 . -1-. . 1
w:i. tlie l.r. .i-l'in . ,f ;i f, '
vus t!u- N.-u' Y,rU Sun. '!':,,- .
Kt liee 1. .11 si ri. 11 - u -,
i;r t- vvit'i lit -r Iiii-I.:iii.!. I:i ., 1
mi''it r.-:i--li l..-n,-:i! I. !n r
ri.-lit t lie itiai;t!juv ment ,,( ,
I. l.- -:ir:ie-nt. 'l'r-iiri !.:ui,!. :, ..:
lii:rri.-.l i:i-.- ii'.-rs stii'li-il ,
I'. l i:ia:i-.-. Imttlie uii.-.iii-.,'. 11
er 1 mi I li.-r vt ri-les ..l.i.
iuij.i-.i.ri. ty. A t in-, l. iv . I, . :
1,- Ii . -.Uip ai..! ji:in:
ofi j.l tin- iat.-rnal li.iti.l .11
e,l :i 1 ..: :-. t I'm- train ali.-.l .,1
er. Til-' tlir-t-e t Iuti f.,1111,1 i:i
II. 1Y :it i.ii.-i- Iteran st:irni',r , ,
1 tl, C' IU .
h.-:i Nii!nir!i:iii. n- ,t.- a - ,.
ei u'li I-'! i li'-' fel I-tra. !.-r ..,
atlire lliev at .tti.-e --t I,. -in -
1 1 al lull :i "I L'i v.- l!ie ma ;; .
t li.tuyl.t. l.nt ..ti!;. 1 1,,-
H'l-.ll ei.lll.i lliive llli--t .1.. ti f,.r Italians. Tlie 1111:1 . .
his I..-. I. Hi-- .-,.at. -.ii: '...,
tr:in -1'.-. w.-c- .,f liia- !. ;i: ,'.
sU'mi.i'v -'.it. 1
s; i 11, 1 1 in:.' an. I lii v:ie-t -i:i,,- . Th.- L'ariti. tit-, w.'.','
It ti-niii, le. '.ut th.- ,;ii". r
v.r.- ....J;.-.I a if it !iu:'!.i ...
t In- r.-:il i. Hi .f In- . vv 11 h i:
..f tlie . hii,.' Hi th.- wii. -.
i-iliil.-. T.'ie woitiaii A.,t-.-ii .
yr.-.-n ir-..vii 1 riniiii.-l w'tii
Ia.-e. he ha.i sliliil! ..-.I ...-i
li.-r .-ar-. 1 1 -r !i .ruf.- vi .-
shape, iiml if -ti.- .r,-
w.-re t.f t In- ill-ti! titi:r km. i ! .
last t.imii .!' shal.i.i.i.--. -. , ,
L'wti. The a I,-- :
U 1. i -k.-f! M i,. r an.i . .
Inly his .-:i I ia.l a f - ,r. :
il l.r,.wn el..t It atfiiir. r:.-i:
sharp tii-sele.1 ieak. u hi, ii ,. ,
iivit iialf v-.iiy up iLii.l ,,. .
si.le ..f 1 he hea.l.
Only ..lie with . -. . 1 1 - i . : , r: , : . ,
jrrapliif'e w..ii;. ,
tlie nationality "t iii-.t:,t-r :n.-, ; .
former was pale hut 11. ,i .
siiv.- tliat nl' mt h a ri, I I, : ti
f. invar, I in :i ri :"-i -, n I , : .
ha.l h's in, .t li.-r' p;,.,
an.l sti-;ii-rh1 11, l.-it
eiiriosity l""l-.- ! 1 1 - -' 1
e hi 1. iren 11 ill i v.- ; . , ; 1. . , 1 I ; . : 1 .
tlier Was until, t.i. ..:-..,- t . :, .
slant itlL". tlitH - -',. ,
II. se. Il iu'll e!ie. '. i ,. tie- , , , .,
pr la'mie,! the a ii,- -1 -' -. . i
e. .ii-.i tiship v it li In -; .: i .
was all eastern II 11 e- ! : 1
mote Ar-iat ie orti'in. if- .hi i:.-
I,.r.l. rs ,.f 1 1 iiiij-arv. A '
piiiLT Im.v in N' ja. :.. ' .. .
I . N-kers. liis sitii 1 i iil' ,-u ri, : 1 .
him master .f A meri.-a 11 .
hii. attiiine.l his m.iiih-,,:
en. .rrnoiis . i i'.-M i e p- , , r : :,, ,,
lif will ilolllit less as'-illeiate to II.
W.tvliiif tlie ireut I elt-rof l.,.i
W i.liil' fc; t oil.
Tln-re was a v.-rv plant hut v. - . ..
stant ial lookin pin.- I... T i - 1.1.
iniiiieroiis, . ,f r, .p.- an, I naii.-::.
lit ;iil . nits lvine- yeter.lav 1 1 r-r .
011 1 1 ie tl, " r , ,f it ': 1 i.e" v an.l . i.
r 11 ill th.- "1,1 tia-. al lser iit,.rv.
t he iu hiiiirtotl I', .t.
The olisen iitioii iit in the rev,,,-.
.lotlle lia.i ln-en el, se. I iill.t
1 11 1 m- ,,f the I iir it i,-h .- . ,r:a , '.
seopt- w as swunr aroiiti,! iii:,!
jeete.ilv il i oil Lfs i. I . of its pt-ie1..
The ok! sky-serapin-.' w.,r!. -.!,--:, ,
.vemtnent lia.i U-eti .-i,,.-,i -l',Hi.
ami in tin- pine liv ..n tin
was all tliat .is vaiuahle ,f 'i,
t i-leseope. the LTeat Jl' III' h
two ami lift y iiiiry-l. n .1, im.' -lass value.! .1: - 11
1 1 was the last . .f t he appar:; '
lit I oliserviitory that was to t t
up to the n.-w station mi the h. t
altove its .rLTett .wii, itinl th.-r- to
tit te.l t" a new 1 11 Ite that is 1 1. mr maii.i
faet ureil ly Wai.'iier .V w ast-y . ,I lev.--lan.l.
The task of removing' tlie r'-. :i! , n
to 1 he new ol.servatory iis on.- . t :
most ,1. -lieate ieees of Work 111 eotn..---t
ion witli the transfer of tin- sti-.-n
'I'll.- ;jiass was piu k.-'l in a -, iiil , -a -
wnL'nl into place w ith ,,) s. :
paper plaee.l with re'rulai- iiili-rv.n
over its surfii.-e ami allowing for -pansi.m
liy heat, as m th;i! -a-.- 1
t iu-ht -li! t i ti -r 1hi miiit pin. h" am! 1 i;i 11 !." the p. ife. 1 iu..
w hi. h it now 'i v.-s.
This inner ease was pack.-.! in '
outer heavy l with pl--nty, :
paeUinir in Itetween the two an, I ' ,
lotith-.l ean-fiilly njioti a lhiei matt
HI the 1m .t 1. nn of a spri m w ;i:, ,11.
It w:is tie,! in j.laee w ith s. ,
ropes. ami rolls .f pat-kin:. .
weil;'tsl iM-tW.-ell the Im, :i:.,i
eil;'es . if t lie seat : an.l t her,. '::.
m.-n sitting ar.niml it to j .t-. -. . 1 -xissilile
sliji, the way:oii st arte : .1 paee. w hi. ll v :is 11::..:
till tlie prts-i ns ease was fair :.:
at the new station on the hoi.
Jnlet, ortlltiary I. He I uri.ih.- i..r.- li
e.liea W ar r l't-i it.-n.-.-"The
trayif an.l the in.-tapii;.
in reality inseparal'le . I.. t us .
familiar illustration." wri;.
IlhifUliurn I larte in the N.-w I i
Miijray.ine. The tra:.-ly of i in the r,,:;r '
lery. the einfu:etl mass of v. .
lt.pinit-liorses, tliiimi.-rin' .
llllliri.lle.l or ri.ler!-ss. the . -elii-sli
of arms, the f. -rtns up-'
swayino; in the sii.l.iie. the l-I.i.-lin.
sooty t-1..11. Is tin. I 1 lie ti:-,- .1;,
of SHinpow -tier. All this mak, -p'.-t
ure; ! ut t lie t rae-.-'ly lies in;!,.
tif e:ieh iiuli vi.luiil ti.l. r, who ha
his .tivinity in this lii.Ieous in-.i:;
"TN many writers seem t th.ii:.
trajredy consists solely of mut-ier
tlt-nts. suiei.le. 1.um1. tire, shi ij-'it
the rattle of musketry. Th.----may
lx either the aeeompaniui, i '
tlie eaiiss of triitrtslv. it is true. I" '
traireily itself is in the :
f the aetoraj or onlookers. An, I
are the t raireilies of .pii.-t. or.liiia;"
There is the t of pin ;
tlefeate.1. are taking
every tlay l-t eeii ii.-t ors who .1"
move out of t heir chair.. Kvery.!..- ;
ofiiee. t-v.-rv lawyer's saii.-tuiii.
et.urt of law every house iu a 1
city has. la-en at some time the -. en.
a traireily. "All houses wherein
have live.l an.l tlie.1 are haunte.l h, - n
"A man may live a life tiih-.l
tracsly and never t to the w:irs ,,r
shipwreclietl; in.lee.l. he ruiiy m
leave his His. Iioiise. or his o-ar .;
All this is. of course, olivious; hut ,
would not imagine it to lie s, f,,,i
constant readiii of the criticisms
tin fi.-t ion which jr. m-s ln-hiii.l a.-ti-and
discovers sotlls."
I'laylu-; witli Mi.. I1....I.-V.
The talent which small children ha
for pick imr up the most character's;
phrii-ses of unciiltiiretl cliance foul, 11
ions is well known to patents. 1
other day ut dinner tlie ethcrciil Iii-''
Marjorie. aired four, as t. .11 is he. I 1 ,r
parents hy excluiuiiiie;. aproMi.s of t-"'
pud. lino;-.
Holy smoke! ain't that e-o..K'
Her father and mother looked at h. '
iu astonisli.ncnt.
"My cliihl, wliere did yra pett.'iii:
expression?" aske.l the motner.
I'm after playinir witli Itridir''
ley." auswere.1 Marjttrie. eitiuplaci-nt