The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, March 10, 1893, Image 2

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MAKC'II 1 . 1
Thikty-six nominations sriit t tlie
Senate l.y lVsi.l.-nt Harrison .liirini; tlie
l;l t s-ss.ion of t'oiir faii.ii t ."J
A in Kkn ask in Mailairascar on tin
'J-Jtt of February, il -strove I many ves.- It
on tit' i-mit-t ami tlie li- of life lias U-. ii
j-rtat. In Tamatay twenty-two of tlie
l taiililini in li place were Mown
ilown. The Itntisli Consulate ami four
t-iif-ar factories were licinolirhtil .
lU iUNii I'n-si.l. nt lfarri-on.- term In
.an!one.i seventeen hank wm kers an. I
embeers. Vli n he contemplated the
condition the States Treasury
would tie in at the close of his adin'mis
tionit is ni)womlThe had a syinpath-tic
feeling fiirjit Ot.le whoerre.1 in that way.
IIli ARY A. IlKKHKKThas U-en a niem
Ur of Oniim from Alabama for 14
years. He is'. ais oltl. ami was tmrn
in South Carolina, lie was a Colonel
in the Confederate wrvice, ami lo.-t an
arm during the war. Other ex-Confederates
have served in the cabinet, but
Mr. IlerU-rt is the first to serve al tin
head of either the military or naval ser
vices. On Saturday last, in accordance with
the provisions of the national constitu
tion.t trover ( level and w as inaugurated as
1 'resilient of the I'nited States. I're.-ident
Harrison and l'res'uient-e ei t I'lt-veland
drove to the capitol and witness! the
organisation of the Senate. Then in the
niid.-t of a driving snow t-toini, the l'res
ident -elect ileliver! ids inaugural ad
dress. Afterwards he reviewed the pa
rade. The inaugural ball in the evening
concluded the cer -monies of the day.
Ntw Yokk State experiences the
simie tin-isr-ity for amending defects in
her ballot law as is ex ri n ! in
IVun-ylvania. ami the attention of
Legislatures of both states is urgeiith
( ailed to this duty, The fact is that the
new ballot law of lth of these states
were doctored to some extent to serve
interests which in itsohject ballot reform
was intended to ignore and now the
neccM-ity for correcting this error ha.-bt-coine
obvious and imjierative.
fioVKKNoR TattisoN, Thursday last,
sent to the Senate, tlie name of Samuel
ti. Thompson, of Philadelphia, as Su
preine Justice to succeed Justice l'axson.
resigned, and Ma.-nn Weiiimaii to be
Common I'leas Jmlgt? of Schuylkill
county, to till the vacancy caused by the
death of Judge (ireen. Judge Hey
tlrick, to whom the appointment to the
Supreme leuch hatl U-eli offered, le--lin-d
the honor. Mr. Thompson's up
ointment was unanimously continued.
1'RKSIIiENT Ci.kvki.asu on Monday
sent to the Senate the names of the gen
tlcmeti whom he had selected as his con
stitutional advisers, and the Senate
promptly continued the selections. The
Cbin-t, therefore, is in working or.lei
ami ready to proceed to business; and
never has a Cabinet U-cn confronted al
the outset with busin.-ss of graver irn
port to the interests of the whole conn
try a fact in which lies the I test assur
ance that it will address itself to its ap-n.iint-d
task w ith a w ise measure of de
liberation. The English railroads use a much
heavier rail than is commonly used in
this country, and for a simple reason,
namely, the cheapness of su-el and the
costliness of timber. Cross-ties a:- scarce
in England, and for that reason few of
them are used, only aUtut IMhi to tht
mile, wltile in America the average is
from Slum to olMHJ. The further apatt
the ties; the heavier the rail must le, so
w hile the rail used on most of the roads
in this country weighs from i: to 7i
pounds to the yard, that on the Eng
lish roads is from '.H to ltM) rounds.
This is a winter, says the I'resiue Isle
(Me.) Jlniron, that tries a man's religion,
and if'a few "cuss" words will sometimes
escape him it should le overlooked and
no doubt will be. First his sink spoil I
freezes up, then the pump refuses tn
furnish water, one end of the house
heaves up, the doors refuse; to shut and
first one corner ami then another i.-
plane.1 on; the house plants all get
nipped by the frost, his better half gets
mad and threatens to get a divorce and
drives him out of the house with a
rolling tun. Surely this is a winter of
sorrow indeed.
I'kesihext Cleveland received the
public tw ice 011 Monday, each reception
lasting less than an hour. He shook
hands withalxiut 1 ,tM0 people, although
fully o,(KHt passed through the White
House, The only incident of note at
the public reception was the presentation
to the President of a U-auliful white
silk banner by the pupils of the Central
Female collegj, Tuscaloosa, Ala., Secre
tary Herbert introduced the young ladies
who ueiivereu inegui. itieiuinner con
tained the programme olscrved by the
Tuscaloosa sclniol in honor of Mr. Cleve
land's iiiaiiguartion.
Tin: attendance at the inauguration
at Washington, was large, but not as
large as it would have U-en hatl the
weather Ixt-n clear. The storm reduced
the uumtier of excursionists fnnn the
immediate vicinity more than one half,
according to the estimates of the
railroad men. It also played havoc
with the street decorations ami kept a
tmmU-rof the inttst striking feuturesout
if the parade. U-sides less-ning the
number of paradt-rs in the organizations
which braved the weather, ami it is very
likely that it will result in a harvest for
the doctors, and perhaps for the grave
tliggxs too. 1
F.X AfPlTOR (iKNKRlL Nilf- has in
tPHlccxl a new tax bill into the lionise,
it Harri.-biirs. which is very s-we pmg
is ami if enact-! iut !i
in its provision
I, iv will revolution!1 the
-VfU-iii in this '
The bill .livi-l.-s all prop-rty into t-evt-it ;
classes. Tlie first is all real pro rty, e- !
ct pt the real estate .l.oliit ly iiei-ess-iry ,
for the transaction of the business of ,
railroad, telegraph, telephone. t;.is and !
pipe line conipani.s. exiliiding from .
the latti-r two. however. ris andil pro- !
din ing lands and leasehold rights tin re- j
in. All this real .-.-tit. is mad- t.ixable j
for all local J-ur. -eS at the rates h-d j
,v authorities. The real estate j
necessary for the bu-in-ss .i;r --.-s of J
the corjH.ratioiis name! is taxed at tin
rate of two mills for state purj-es. I
Railroad. teL i-r iph. telephone ami f i e I
lint s are to U appraiM tl at their market
Moneys and credit.-, ex. ept those -f
tr.insM.rtation and transmission com
panies, are taxed at 4 mills. Capital
stock of incorporated banks is taxed :tt s
mills on the par value, or at the local
rates on tin appraised value. Inatl lition
to the -2 mills on their valuation for state
i. . i .... :.
purM's-s, private oanks aim mi o.i;s ...
titutioiis are taxe.1 1 nulls on tln-ir
i ...i ....
toss earnings. Horses ani came toi
ler I year-of age, sheep ani swine un
l. r one vear. wearing appaiei, lnni.-t-
hold furniture, tools of tra.!e ami un
sold products of farm, gar.len. maiuilac-
tories, mines, oil ami gas wells ate ex
empt from taxation. 1'uhlic property of
the I'nited States, the state, cities ami
counties ami free public parks, the real
State of entireties, literary, wii iiiine.
lietievoletit and charitable institutions,
to the extent of live acres, ami of Schools
I leges and academies to the extent of
lo iicres, aie a Kt exempt except lor
lighting, paving of Streets ami c in
tra tion of sewers.
A poll tax of '2 cents for country and
1 for school puroScS is levied on all
males over'Jl. The licence fees on all
clas.-es of liiiior dealers an! on boitlers,
ami the ." cents tax on writs, deeds,
judgments, etc., are taken frolu the state
ami given to Ical communities. Mer
cantile stM ks are taxed for local pur-
pi iSfS.
Colonel A. K. McClnre. tiitor of the
I'ttiladelphia Timm, in a spe ial dispatch
from Washington to that .aj-r on Tiles-
lay intirningsay: For months past the
one effort f the late administration was
tocon. t al the tru- comlilioii of the Nal
ional Treasury, ami. enibarrassiitg as it.
comlition is known to I-, tin- public will
le startled when Secretary Carlisle's first
statement shall Ik- given to the country.
The treasury is literally bankrupt. '1 he
goltl r-serve is actually lielow the mini
mum standard of 1(n.(hiMHMI, and
Secretary Foster refustl on Friday t".
sign a ;-J,IHH,(tK warrant for an Indian
claim that should have bin paid
months ago, lvaue there was not molt
ey enough in the treasury to meet it.
There is $ 1 t.K hi.imhi of gold reserve,
but s,ihm;MiO has U-en U.rrowe.l from
banks to keep up the apjK-a ranee ol
maintaining it. ami, counting only tie
actual available rash assets of the treasu
rv as they were counted by former Se
claries, there is a deficit of over $:'.(, in m.-
OtHl. All the gold ship-d to Euroi
com s direct fr in the treasury vault.-,
ami the government now rn-eives no
gold revenues. Customs tluties can U
I tit it 1 in coin notes, ami gold has ceased into the treasury.
The early issue of bonds seems to Ik
an absolute necissity, ami it will mw
retjuire probably double or treble tin
sale of Iximlstn recover our strained
credit. In the meantime, with a bank
rupt treasury, we must Imrroiv gold to
buy silver and continue to aggravate tin
evil that has brought the couutiy to the
Verge of financial li.-li.inor.
The administration ami tin K-nple of
the country must accept this appalling
condition as it is ami meet it as lesl
they can. One of two things must Ik
done ami done S-eddy; we must either
reduce our exei,ditureS from $"IU t M ,
(1 K to iMi,immi,MN bv k nsion revision
and r-treii hment generally, or we must
levy additional taxes upon the w-ple to
that 'Xtent. Congnps will have to meet
in extra s-ssion as smh as the new ad
ministration can take its exact latitude,
as the purchase of silver inu.-t Ik
stopped and n.-w revenues must Ik- sup
plied. The Joint Com mil tee, at lLirrisburg,
which has Ik-cii lalKiiing with the Raker
ballot law amendments, has al-out com
pleted its work. One change has been
ina.le, which is contrary to the wishes of
the Rallot Reform Association. This
consists in the adoption of the Ohio plan
of marking the ticket and the abandon
ing of the group system. One cmss in a
party circle at the head of the ballot tin
der the proKsel plan will vote an en
tire straight ticket. A voter who tie
sires to scratch must place a cross opiM
site the name of each and every candi
date for whom he di-sires to vote. This
provision will certainly tend to the dis
coiiragement of inh-K-ndent selections.
Other amendments n greed Uhiu to
strike off the resi.lcnc.-s of candidates
from the ticket, shorten the time for til
ing objections and thereby increase the
limit allowed for the printing of tickets.
The K-rcenlage of the total vote necssa
ry for a party nomination is decreased
toll. This change will let in J'rohibi
ti. mists and presumably put an end to
their protests against the system. The
iiuiiiIkt of official and sample ballots is
reduced and the county commissioners
are given charge of all of the printing,
for I'M-a! as well as county and state elec
tions. Constititionai. government, strict,
impartial, economic and just, is the bur
den of Mr. Cleveland's sK--ch and the
evident purMse of his Administration.
His fellow citiens U-lieve his words are
sincere. They are contideut that hw la
lioni in their U-half will be characterized
with zeal, devotion to his tarty and loy
alty to tlie k-oj tie's govenui it it
(irvclj-ul Inaugural Ad-ires.
Mv Li .i i,,u Cir:i:s-: In ..l-o-lierut-to
"the ini!i l .Ie of in .oimtrxin.-n 1 am
.titoiit to .Uili.-aie inse.: to Hi. ir s.-nice
il... saitctl-ei i a .-oiemn .1:011.
. . . 1 I,v tlie t kl-rc-sloll of coll-
tuleii. e :.t,.l -s..i:al . lad in..-., t v
li.iseaii. .1 me to this . -rvice. I am Sim
my .-lal. tude can make 110 U tier return
th-iifll.e p:.-.!-.- I now vi.- U l -rc
and tln-se wittt-s-.-s of itu:.s.l.d and
complete .levotii.u !w iut.-r. si.- and
W. Ifare of tie s.- who liave l, lite.
.1. . in it ihtin-' n t:os hi.
wliite i:idicati!lg tit' !!
1 i 1 jols ! In Mil ' !l-
0 ritiitu i'ubiic .M.siiH,i- of present mi
imrtam-e. it's-, to 1.... r. !, r to the ex-
iMeln of celt. till
li.lltloliS ami lelftc.l
, -, hi. It s III t
-is .111.0111; onr pe.
I,,. II lie liie llll' 'HI ll
I llsetttlttes.- of
ih. ii gover inn. nt. U i n- w i An.eii
can citizen mnt contemplate w ith the
inmost pride :ind ei.lhii-iasin the growth
:md expansion of t oitnlt . the siilli
ci. ncv of our in-l it .t .. n- tost i:td against
tlie rod. st sl.o.1. - of l, tlie
womleifnl Ihnit and etit. 1 1 1 le . .f onr
ie. and Ih.- lieiiiot.sMalc. I .-11 p. i i-.1 -ly
ot olir fr. e .".el illilen!. it I" Love- US to
constantly watch f..,..iy siiil-m d
in.-idioi:.-' inthiiiity lh::t thleal. ns our
national i.'.r. i in- .-1 1 11 - man wit...
ill the coii ft. I n.-. of .-tnnly in-altn. . ..inis
llie sternest a. IT. itn s of life and . j. .ir. s
iu liie hardihood ol constant l.ii.ol', ma
slil! have liiikini: mar his litis lite tin
heed d disease that d - llllll l" -lid
deli coll lp-c-
It cannot be doubled that oiirslu--nd-ous
a. iiiev.-ni. nts as a -oj.i,- and our
country's r.-bu.-i .-In-ii-jih have giwn its-
to a heedl. ssll. sS ol It lose laws govelii-im-
our national h.-aitli. whi. h we can
jn more evade than human life can -s-cape
tin- laws of i... and natuie.
Manif. stly nothing is more vital to
our snpr. ma.-y as a nation and to the
ln-i.eiicetit purposes of our government
than a sound and stable cum m y. lt.
exposiire to d.-giatioii shoiiid at once
arouse to activity lit.- most enlightened
statesmanship; and the danger ol dcpit-
ciation in the purchasing jn.ucr
f liie
vva'es In loll slioiii.l iiunisii un
strongest incentive to prompt and con
servative precaution. In dealing with
our present embarrassing situation a.- re
late! to this slliije.T. we Will Ik- wise if
we t-inK-r our confidence ami faith in
our nalioiial strength ami re-..ur-es vvilh
the frank 1 011.1 ssioii that even the.-ewiil
not jK-nnil us to defy with impunity tin
inexorable laws of finance and trade.
At the same lime ill .lie ifois to adjust
differences of opinion we siiotiid Ik- ire.-
. . - 1 1 ..... 1 .1
fr.-iti intolerant- and passion,
uiid our judgments should I
unmoved by alluring phra.-.s and un
vexed by ,-elli-h interests. I am confi
dent that such an approach to tin- sub
ject w ill M-sllIl in prudent and eftecltve
remedial legislation. In the meantime.
So far as the -olive branch of the
government can intervene, none of .he
(lowers with win. It it is llivesled will i
Wltlih. lduh. il I heir exercise is le tin 1
necessary to maintain our national ere
.lit or avert liiian. i.t I disaster.
Closely r lalet to liie cas. gcratei con
fident in our country 's goal n.-ss w Inch
tends to a ilisreganl of tin- rules of na
tional safety , aiiollnr tlaiigt-r confronts
us not less .- i. .us. I refer to tin- preva
lence of a disposition to cxjMi-t
from the ok ration ot the goVen.liielit
esK-cial and .iin cl imiivi-iuai advantages.
'Hie Verdict of our vol. is, winch t 0:1
d. lulled the iiijn.-l 1. - of maintaining
protection f..r plot. , lion's sake, eiijoiu
ujM.n (Copies s.rvani- il..- doty ol ex
posing and . I. s! roy ing the hi " 1 of kin
dred evils are lin- mil i. ilex .me
JHogellV of palernaiisill. I his is the i 1 i-i 1 1 1 il in is and the
coiislaiil p. ni of onr govt rnn.. nl by the
..;.!.. 1 1 .1. glad. - to the (.iupox-s ot
wdv craft tin- plan of rule our lath
ers t-stalill-li. d atid I-U. aih. .1 lo lis as
au object ol our love and v t-n.-i ati. .11. Il
K-rei t.- the pa'riotic .-. itliinent of our
coii nlrv lin 11. and t. nip:- tin in to a ili
fill calcul. ttloii ot the x.o lid gain lo Ik
derived trout their govciinciit s mainle
nam .-. It iimb-miines the x-il i.-han. .
of our ieop!e, and si 1 i ..-1 i l n 0- in il.- (Mac.
.1. 1-11.I. in .- up.. n govt 1 ntai favor
itism. 1 1 sliil.-s every eitobiing tiail of
true Americanism and stop, li'-s . very
eiiol.liiig tiail of American ilien.-hip.
The lessons of (i.ttei l.aiislu tilight IoIk
learned and the Ix-H.-r le.-x n taught,
that VV hilt- the (topic should patiiolic
ally and chet rfuiiy stipul tin ir govern
ment, its functions do n.-t include the
SUl'l" Tt of the ope. Ii:e :tcce .1 a lice
of this princip.e leads lo a relti-al ol
liimli. s and siih-idt -iiccs v. hu h burden
lb- labor and thrift of a (M.rtion of our
clllens to aid ill ai!vi.-.I or laliglllslnng
enterprises in which I hey have no con
cern. It lfiids also to a challenge of
wild ami rickl.-ss pension eK-mliluic,
which overltMps the lium Is of grateful
recognition of patriotic s.-ivice, and
prttslilut.-S to vicious HSeS the people S
prompt and g neroii impulse to aid
those disahlc.l ill then collliliv s.leleiix'.
Every thoughtful American inu.-t it-al-i.e
the iniMtrtau-e of checking, at itsU
giutiing, any t. ntlency in public or pri
vate station to regard frugality and
tconoinv as virtues which we may safely
outgrow. Tin- to! ration of this id. -a ie
slllts in the Waste of tin- -opie's money
by tin ir chos n servanis, a::. I ncoiiragi s
(r Hligality and extrav ig.iiicc in t he home
life of our country men.
I'mler the s heme of government the
worst of (i in-lin y is a crime against
the citizen ; ami the con tern j.t of our x ..
(tie for economy and frugahly in their
(K-rxuial affairs deplorably saps the
strength and stliidiiiess of our national
character. It is a plain dictate of
honesty ami g.Mid govei iiin.-nt that pub
lic ('.XK-liditlircS should Ik- hliiileil hy
puhlie necessity, and that ibis should
Ik- measured by the rules of strict econo
my; ami it is equally clear that frugality
among the people is the U-t guarant-e
of a conU-nteil and strong support of fr-e
iiistiliitions. (ne m. tile ot the misap
propriation if public funds is avoitle I,
when apMiintnient.- to oilice, instead of
U-ing tin; rewards of partis-ui activity,
are awarded to those whose efficiency
promi -s a f;iir r-turii of work for t ie.
. oiiih iis.ilion iaid to them. l'.t secure
the fitness and competency of apH.intees
to oilice, and lo remove from k ditit-al
action the demoralizing madness for
s(Ktils, civil service reform has found a
place in our public policy ami laws.
The bent lit already gained ihiough this
instrumentality, ami the fuiUier Useful
ness it promises, entitle it to tin- hearty
SiipfKirt ami eneoiiragcim-nt of all who
desire to sec onr public service well (kt
foriiietl, tr w lin hojte for the i-lt-valion of
(Kthtical seiitiuient and the purification
of (Militical im tliotls.
I'll existence of imiiieiiscaggrcgations
of enterprise and combiiiatioiis of busi
ness interests, formed for the (.urjMise of
limiting production and fixing prices, is
inconsistent with the fair held which
ought to Im-ojk-iiu every independent
activity. legitimate t-irife in bii.-ineSiS
-houlti not Ik-susm rxil.-d by an enforced
conct-ssiitn to the demand- of coinhina
tit.iis that have the jMtw-rti ticslroy; iuir
shotltt! the K-o.le to be xTled ItK- the
lK-i;ctit of -h-ajines which usually re
rulls from wholesome coniK tition.
Thes.- aggregation!; and conibinatiixis
f rejlielitly coiistitule ct .nspintcies against
the inU n-sts of the (K-ople, ami in all
their phases Iht-y an- unnatural ami op-
kis-I U) tur American sense-of fairness.
To the ex U-nt that I hey can li r-achel
Ht-hrst of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
.-.n.l n-stralm .l by f-.!eral ( r, ll.-g-n
eiai govci unit ut sin u!d 1. heve our citi
zens troiti their interference and exac-tioit.-.
Ijoyai.y to the princij.les U(m.i.
svhichour government u-sts nsilively
.leinii. ids thai lite equality iK-fore the lah
nlilrli il guarailU.-s to -elV illieli
should Ik- justly ami fairly conceded in
ail pails ol the land. Tlie enjoyment of j
this right follows the badge of citizenship
wherever fou 11 I, and, unimpaired by
r.n-e 01 t-olor, it a!p(K-.ds for recognition
to Ann ri. an niaiiiiiit .- and fuiriie.-s. rela'.-.uis with tue liiili.tns 1 M ate.1
wllhnionr b inli-rs iiujios.- ii(n us le-
.-(.onsihiiiti.-s w- cannot esajK. Jlu- I
mauity and consistency re. it ire us lo
treat tii.-iii w ith f..i lK-arance, and in our i
dcaln gs with Ihein to 1 10. n -stly and t on- I
sider: t -Iv r.-gartl linn lighu-altd interests.
Every i-tfort hoiii! It-iii t.le to It-ad them 1
tiirongh the paths of civ ilizatioii ami ed
ucation, to sell supporting and inde- I
(K-mieiit cilit riship. In tin- nit-aniline, !
as the 11 alioii's wauls, thev sliotlld Ik-I
promptly tlefemled against the cujiidity
of d. -signing lin n and shielded from
every iiiilin in t- or temptaiioii that re-
Utl'.ls iheir advancement.
The (K.-opl- of the I Iiitetl Stat-S have
de. let d thai oil tills day the control of
tin ir gov ei urn tit, in its legislative and
execlilive bra IK lies, shall Ik-given to a
(Hjlili.-al pally in tin; mot-l Ksi
tive lei ins lo llicr a. coiii; .lishliu 111 lif
tariff icloriti. They have thus deter
mine.! in favor of a inoieju.-l and e.uit
able sv.-lclil of federal taxation. 1 lie
agents they have chosen to carry out
their (.ui jh tk s are Ikuii.I hy their prom-ist-s,
not less than by the commands of
their masters, to devote themselves Ull
lemillingly to this service.
hile then should Ik- no surrender of
Jil illilple, our task lit list Ik undertaken
wisciy and without vimhctiveiiess. Our
mission is not punishment, but the rec
tification cd wrongs. If, in filling bur
dens from the daily lifeol .ur (ieo(ile, He
reduce iiionliuale and une(iial advan
tages tiM long .-njoyed, this is but a ne
cessary incident of our return to right
ami justice. If we exact from unwilling
minds aci.uiesceiice in the theory of an
honest disUihuti. hi of tin fund of gov
ernmental bciieliceiice treasured Up for
all. bin we insist iiikiii a principal w hich
un.!. in..- otir free institutions. When
we tear aside the delusions ami misconception.-
w Inch have blinded our coun
trymen to their condition under vicious
t.tnff law.-, we but show tli.-in how far
they have Im-cii led away front tin paths
of contentment and pros(K-rity. When
we pr K-laim that the necessity for reve
nue lo support the government lurnis.hes
tin- only justification for taxing the (k-o-e,
wt: aiiiioiuice a truth so (.lain that
lis denial would seem to indicate the ex
tent ti 1 w hi. h judgment may Ie inllu-
lice.1 by lalniliarity Willi the (it-rver-sioiis
of liie taxing (Kjwcr; and wln-n we
set k to reinstate the seli'-cntilidclice and
l.iisiuess eiitcipris- t if our citizens by dis
1 retllllltg ail afijttt le(iiidt-li'e U(mii
govei lilii. favor. We sll 1 ve to stimu
late those elements of Aliiericau -harac-ler
vi liu h slippol I liie hi(K of American
acli it'V t met. t.
My aiixn ly for the redeiiidlioii nf the
pl.-dg.s win. h my paity has mailt, and
-.mi. nude for liie complete ju-lilii aliou
of tile trust the (K-opie have lep-xtl ill
us. constrain me to remind those with
whom I am to et o(k -rale- mat we can
stl. feed in doing the Wulk Which lias
l-een -sjKt-ially set iK-fore us only by the
1. .-si sincere, harmonious ami ttislnt. r
. ,-t. .1 etioi t. Evelt it lIlslljK-rahle olr-ta-cles
and opi-. k-Hioii jut-v.-ut the consum
mation of our t-u-k, we shall har.liv be
excu.-t tl, ami if failure can Ik- traced lo
our fauit or lieghft, we luav Ik- sllre the
(.-pie will h.ti.l us to a sunt ami exact
ing account. .hihty.
'I he oath I now take to (.reserve, pro
tect, ami tl. fend the coitsliliitiou of the
l ulled Slatts not 01. ! impressively de
lines the great r.-sitoiisibility assume,
but SUgg st- ol-edli lice to l.istitlUoiaI
t oiiimaiiils as lite rule by which mv iifli-
ial conduct must Ik guide-. I shall
to tin- best of my ability, and within my
sphere of duty, preserve the cnstilion
by loyally protecting every grant of fed
eral (tower it contains, by defending all
its restraints when attack..! by impa
tience and restlessness, ami by enforcing
its limitations ami reservations in favor
of the states and the (Ktiple. Fullv iiu- Willi the gravity of the duties
that confront me, ami mindful of my
weakness, I should Ik; apalle-d if it were
my lot to lie unaided in the resjM.nsibili-ti.-s
w hi. h aiv iit me. I am, however,
mi veil from discouragement when 1 re
member that I shall have the supKnt
and the counsel and 10-11 K-ration of wise
and patriotic men who will stand at my
side in cabinet plac-s, or will represent
the (Kttjile in their legislative halls. I
find also much comfort in renieiiilK-ring
that my countrymen an- just ami gener
ous, and that they will not condemn
those who by sincere devotion lo their
service deserve their foi lK-arance and a:
provaL AlKtve all, I know there is a
Supreme Ik ing who rules the affairs of
men, ami whose gt k nines s and mercy
have always followed the Aniericeii e
ile; ami I know He will not turn from
us now, if we humbly and reverently
st-k His powerful aid.
earate.l Hy a CaL
New York, March 7. A sore-eyed eat
separated Thomas lit-ws, a liveryman of
this cny and his wife. Tlie woman
charged him with cruelty Ui-atise he
ihrevv tin cat out of the third-storv
win. low. I-ew is entered a general denial
lo his wife's charges of ill treatment
'She is the aggrsor. She insists ..11
sleeping with that eat, ant' because I ol
jtte.l she toll me t'. go to a hotel," said
l-wis. "I thought 1 hatl more right to
my IkiI than the Pore eyed eat, so I
threw the I -east out of the window."
The couple refused t Ik rtt-tmcilttl ami
the husband will have to (.ay alimony.
Tlie wife went off with the cat.
Health ol Frozen Misers.
Holly, Mini., March, L'S. Altotit
$-Jo,(hni in cash, iK-longing to the Fagan
misers, two brothers, who were found
frozen to death in their house five miles
north of hen, Sum lay, has Uen un
earthed. niht -fr,4HNI had Un
r.ctt..rd. ami this morning a ot con
taining f-S.iNtnj,, f,ilt w as dug up in the
cellar. The proK-rty U-l.-nginy to the
Faga-is already nt ovent or accotinte.1
for ainonnb- ti:J7(l.tN. The old shanty
where tlie Prnthers liviij U U-ing torn
down, piece l.y ,iev, in the (search fur
their hidden wealth.
Vl K l'KhII.KNT .Sl KVENS x has U-en
Itrtvejiletl with a eavel fntni an (ml
J f;nwu (in the farm Hiere Lincula was
' lora.
. ; H, t A ft I O T tl M - .;.
I lappy and content is a home w ith "The Ro
chester," a lamp nil the light of the morning.
Catalugucs.WTiU: Ktxhrstcr I -anij iCXc w f L.
AImmii lut acres of surface land U-loiiir-iuglothe
Ia. alliaiuia c. .al uil, from
Under tvhicli the coal had lat-11 lioiieil,
caV 'if in la-t e k . re-ulliiii; in a x-i ions
loss to the c. 1I11 jii 11 y.
It i---tiiiiitted that 111. .re hooni.-r- arr
s.iia! Inn.' along il.e U,i,l,-i of the Chero
kee si rip than can ui-i-i. nun. .i;ilef wild
quarter ss.-.-tu,ii hen the land shall have
lnt-11 oM-mti f jr M-ttlenieiit.
Mi-s I. I.i Wi.tiier. of lVtltstown. l'a..
placetl In-r golil-tiiiiiif eiiiragt-ni.-iit ring
t.-iiiKuai ily in h.-r ni.iiitli. Il went down
her throat alliio-l IK-fore -In- knew what
had liaiM-neil and nearly kill.-d li.-r.
tii. agit is not lining lo sMtif tlie 111 11
sical al 1 1 actions of I h K Msi I ion hy any
p.-iitii ion-it.---. Mine. Nikila will sing
Hi ice at each of the concerts and have
a cli.-ck foi ."o. liainhtl to h.-r as a token
of apt-rcciatioii.
Mrs. I'lys-tes S. (iraitt. hav ing s.IJ Iter
lions. in New York. tie. ires to make Itei
future home in VYa-liinglon. tlesire
U locate 011 Kafayetle square, and lias
an offer for the Cluilie residence that is
now under' consideration.
On Saturday morning J!-.- Stowe. of
A llcghciiy county, sentenced the coitvict
etl pi isoiit I s in I he lloineslead xii. oiling
case as follows: lleinpsey and l'.eatty
eac.i seven years, (iallalter live years, and
Da id -on lliivt. years.
The contract for the exclusive sale of
lKt-r at the World's Fair in t'liicaitu vva
st-urttl la-t week hy the I'ahsl hrew ing
company of Milwaukee. K.-.-r will 1m- sold
at eiifhly-seveii places 011 tlie grounds and
w ill Ik 011 sale in every lui lid 1 ni;.
Tin- s-yere cold and deep snows in the
Norlliwest many w ild annual,
to venture near tht settlements in search
of food. A mountain lion, uieasui in
seven feel and eleven inches in lein.Mli.
was kill.-d recently near irthiir. Wa-h.
An old farmer nam. tl Teltediah ISIan
toii, of South ll.-iid, Intl., in riding a mule
through a thicket, was catiirlit, Ah-olom
like, hv his long hair and (K-ri-ln-d. Wln-u
tin mule pas-ed from nn.f.-r him. the
weii: ht of his susM-ndtl 1-o.fy broke hi.
St.iiie months since Harry David-ou.
einiloy.-d al the Ohio .V I'euii-y I vauia
coal mines at Saline villc, ihio, wa- injiii.-.l
hy iK'iiti struck hy a car in the mine, lie
brotiijlit suit for fM.ii damages and the
jury has returned a verdict awarding him
.".t .
IJeo. Aiiilerson and William I-e. two
Smi tlitoll miners, were .-IllolIllKt in the
Kiueka mines several tlays ao hy the r.Mif
of tin pit t-av ing in. With the .
of several ot her miners, ht.w ever. 1 hey sue
c. t-.lel iii .1 i uir 1 ti ir their w ay out and weie
ri-stnrcd to their families.
A Mar.piette. Mi. h.. N.y jiiniK-d .tf
the side of a hill dow 11 at-Hit I'.' feet into a
snow hank in which he siiik--i1 was a
-hallow eully. W ln-n In had settl.t! tlou n
into the linlit tlrifted -now at-otii l'.". f.t-t
he reali.d that he had mad. a mistake
It ItKik him ov.-r two hoiii. lo tlij,
A l.-rifrlc ry.-loi.e . w.-pt ir Mi.-is--i.i
ami a-far ea-t as We-t.-ru ;eoiiria.
1 1 1111 died-of hoii-.-s, .-mhi at-im; a iiiimher
.if ilhlli es. Were cl tl-hed like t-u-f lit-lls.
M any chtirc h.-s and puhln- huildiii-r-v.-re
liilu. i to a mass of ruins, a tiiiuil-er of
-i .ons w -re killed and many oilier- in-j.ii.-d.
Mrs. Maria Kernan. of Irw in. on We.1
itesday drank the tea made from rtKits
which she purchased from some street
fakir, to cure -some coiiiil'.iiil. and was
soon taken serioiislv ill with syinptoits of
of Mood uii-i.nini'. A phv-i.-iaii whssiiiu
ini.intl w ho siiccedttl :n saving her life, hut
she was in a critical condition for three
hours. Ib-r hu-haud w a- o:ie of the ill
fatcd ! Iiiuhar miners.
An elephant gives, u-rhaps, the liest
instance of disciplined eotirasre to k seen
iii the animal world. They w ill siihmii.
day after day, to have painful wound.
di.-ss.-d in olK-diertce to order-, tfiontrli
t heir intelligence is sntficient Ut under
stantl the teril and far too great for a
man to trick then) into a iK-lief that it 1-noii-existeiit.
No animal will face danger
more readily at man's bidding.
Saturday nighl. as the ft'i t rain 011 the
I'eititsy 1 vaida raiiroatl was Hearing the up-K-r
end of the ovens above Ieith, Fayetu-'
coillilv, the eiigimt-r saw two liin 011 the
track ami whisiled brakes. Tin train was and run hack to where the men
hail heeii s-eii. A search was mad.- hut no
one could Ik- found. On the cow-catcher
IiIimkI ami hair were found. The engineer
thinks he hit one or terhas two men.
lottrge Singer, a youth .if is years,
011 Monday drove to the home of John
Saeinan. in Nipiilciiose lownshiu, Lycom
ing con nly. and abducted his young sis
ter. The girl had Un adopted by Sae
man -seven years ago. The old gentle
men tried to slop the pair, hut Ihe
young man Hogged Saemau with his horse
w hip ami drove away on a gallop. They
hell. led for tlllore, where their mother
Last Saturday afternoon a sad and
distressing accident occurred at Tarr's
station. KolK-rt bne, an agttl ami higtdy
nsKctttl citizen of Alverton, aiu to
cross the railroad track at the alrove
named place, where he was struck by a
freight train ami instantly killed. The re
mains were (ticked tip ami prepared for
burial. The deceased was a wealthy far
mer and leaves a wife and family lo mourn
his untimely death.
After three days entombment under Inn
tons of rock. Miners Kdward Aplum ami
John Sundhlad were rescued alive 011
Monday night. They were buried by a
collapse in the Win ihrop mine at fsj(M-r-iiiitg,
Mich., .tit last Friday, ami him sup-K-sed
to have U-en killed. The mine
timlM-rs had fallen In such away as to
make a small c Ii.-iiiiIkt, and a broken
air pie supplied them with fresh air
from another (tart of the mine.
Iii a coal mine unused for three years,
in Daiiigrove township. Law retire county.
Joint Martin, exploring for minerals for
the Juniata Land Company, found the
skeleton of a man chained to a o-t In one
of the The remains are
to lie those of John ISaird, a soldier who
disapKartl w hile 011 a furlough during
the war. He came home to visit his sick
wife, found imr (leHtl ami became insane.
The skeleton will Iki
Ikm1- of his wife.
liiLcrretl t-side the
Attorney-o r - jo-w.
Omaa ia A rssory UaiidlAc. e-ppAVMst Horn.
rr. marm JT-tfteoi c ftH, Mm.
Iab Bibs: For 20 yr I wtta troublttl with
bran. diKw.-. WouJd fntiuenilr hae uvillnf
Ik11m and uootbennK at tuvht. Had to ait up or
-ret ,ut of bral lo bremtbe. Had p&ln In mj left
tude and back most of tbe time: at last I bectun
dt-ofK-i.-l. I a very uerroua and Dearly wora
out. 11m leaat einunnertt wonid cauae me to
with flatterfn. For the Uat fifteen Tears I could
not tltxp on my tell aide or bark until he-ran taking
y.Kir " -w ilart Can. I bad nut taken it Terr
l.iiitr until I felt nio-h better, and I ran now sleep
on either side or bark witbout tbe least diaeom
fort I li-ive no pani. MDOtbennK. Ammy. no wind
on atomach or other diHat-rveable synipunna. I tun
aMe to d.t all tur own bout-ework wubout any
trout. Ie and consider myM-lf cured.
Klkbart. lnd.. IssS. Mas. unit Hatch.
It u now four year since I have taken any
medicine. Am in better health, tbau I baT betaa
tn 4U years. I honestly be- . n tp-ta.
lierethat Ir. MU Jfre CUntU
Jiwar CWe savetl my life " "
and made ine a well woman. I am now 02 yeaa
of aB. and am able to do a (rood day 's work.
Hay 2Kb, 18-2. Mas. KlmiilA HalCB.
SIt on ta Poaitl-ro Guarantee.
Or. M'LER' PI LLS. 50 Doses 25 Ct.
Garfield Teasr
Cures trt4.iitMo, iu-4trvsCu.jir-Ajrti. rm lutcU'r
Cures Sick Headache
Ct IV. Hrawiile, Fair Ia, ICeaC Ox,
yl d.t ha va :
With !) lK.tin.1 ; rtt r-nwrll'i Greets
'eta;; Krrtlllxrr I'wlalwra, OU 1
n.-re: of i:u..l, be raised 1,.0 buabels
antoolli, .K - HiM-d -olatoea. When
qiiuntlly o- r.-rtili.-r and quality ol
land in considered, this la lan-ext crop
of -miLhIoi-k ever raised Irt the world.
W hy not ra.s-- bit; crep-t of totatueat
V e .-un tell ,. ,. to do It, and bow
to .r -- ent !- -. Hot aMl HlittbtL.
t-s.t. ; iHuH-rui tiatupa fur t-ook
of l in;c-i.
W. 5. Powell & Co.,
Cfiemical Fertilizer Manufacturers
Baltimore. MJ
lit Ml-nr. hl fs;M.f-Cnitv! 10T M U-
llL IMMI-St. l:-l-t-. I l IH .4y'H tt y I? I i lie-it .
portal i Is. fthi Irttin .na( ratiMliia tn p---t if fttiU Ui i -br
wri: t II artov utff is tLs l-t Lf n. mt . us l;.r
I'M K fcrfc st l..t. t'TOVOT Mt. Of.lHM T llw I e-
Inz ! K ai it ut torn and c. u-r luuituii ur 4itti t . tid entir .( tt.eitr printifb4- t-cm
lf i'l.iittt'''. n.t "turn f .urtaio crtr a
Cl-4-M "r -t iiti.tij to rub at ti'4 ri h .t lf.
t-u.l'f tr I its it rr itbi ui out It ar i ultfl . t-ul (
a ti4 ) lr-tt( :s ' " t. i t'lui ii " l.-r sit It tuJ
tl cm in n -ihii t i; ii l u .: i tt eti that
ta-fmara .- ii.y. t.t.. . )ir iiih-. tUl wi.jat U lac
r f ut fipt) -at ll-t e is a u .t- 1 1 v stu ii a a is uol imu Hi ta Ii liei ii.r l-l I mttt . 1. it ill it it.
at ll-e. ) fl l i St n Ml 111' 1 Cl I' Ptf rtubli J for
1Mb' ia It els. M4F y lu ta iMt isii l!f atid honorably
X f at.y in in: i umi km. l.1 riu.rr s s Ail ar cum
flu tl. win k aii'l li at lotn. .' -.- i -mi m -. vn
f utr si :- il j sarnii' e Irotu t a I tfe -r tr Ya
ran tl a srl I if u ni tl ( t-u t..n J. but u Jastri
Hi-til r ; n4 si r4N lui ionsa vir -ui - m rs) Voi
CD el !- m ' in t . r al! ).nthms t tl. ta
to l-usj. tit ".iiti--4 V atit Akin cosm
-ralielf tw ai.l ttruti sr i-.'t-t I nl insti urt iiJ
tivsr t. It'itr, li-rr. r .tm ufiktcwa mtuvtig onr work
si. No rMm lo rtt.l tiu l.ei U til ati4 toai u all "
t rtin in nl I itit. it (.Hy Al Iidm si onr II.
lsAliect l C.. AXws. tBJ. I'-wr-tlMM-l, Matu
. IT IS A Dt'TT yea ewe yearaelf ad faiw.
Ut la Ktl the atHrf valtm tmr mmr tmeaev.
KrwnetmiM. ! Tear ftMtwfarbv m rr a t, -.1 urn
. I. DaMfc la tttfn, akirk repreaeal the
be-t alae ler aricea taal-.ed. u tkaaaa nttls
will le.itly.
M s( sF p su irai ru
asWSS' sW BS m -VBF- BBBBBI SjCH I laKeTltrls
A geaatae aewed tka., thnt wntt mat rtp, Una
eaif, MfatilU-, tiriK Milh luHkle, flexible, more entlt-fnrtall--.-tyllt.i)
an.l Ourallettian any .-.ber shoe ever
auuttuwi rue. tiuu cutauiu nuuu uuMoaHiiic
from St to
JyI mmd 5 TIaaa-aewetl. flneeatf aboea. The
acw ni.i-t al t'lti-tt. .-aoy ami uuratM- atnieti ev-r ai-ii
at ttte tM-e. bey equal Use ItupurUMl abues costltn
fnirn i- tii $tL
4CO At I'ellre f-aae, wrun byfarmera and alt
iui olbeni who waut a icoud b-avy ealf. Uti-a
a. .1 ,1. exteUHton eiiKe atwie. eaaj to waia in, ana will
K--e. toe reel ary ami wann.
A SO tlae all. S-2.-2S and ml.BO Werk
d)a.ti Intam'i -.hea will irlve more wt-ar tba
money tban any HtM-r make. Tbey are mate t.r a-jr
tmei 1 be im-reaiuiiK aaiea anow taat wuraiutpnea
eavetoutia tntti.Hii.
Bnucl i.OS ana Tantha tl.TS Srkewt
wbere. Then-oat ttrvle-allealio-aaai-lil at tbef-rtta.
I nrllPC' f-t.Ow llaadM-wee,
i-Cl UlCa i.OS anil SI. 95 Khora t-r
ftl iMH-i are made r tbe tteat lotiK .la or flue t 'alf . as
desired. Tbey are rery -'llt.h,conif. -rtalilr and dura
l.le. TI-eauiiHbueeuuaUeu-44jmmadeabueaeattti-r
from S4 i.iu.a-i.ui. j,iii who wlah toaouaomiae ta
tlM-tr f.Hrtwear are fin.llne tblaout.
t'aatien. W. u Itouxla-i' name and the prloe Is
staniied on the bottom 4 ea-ta ab-e: k-ok for it
tnH-n Tim nay. rtewareor dealentatu-m-tlna toautt
tnitute.Kher inaketi f.-r tbeni. t-.u-hauli-4tltuil-nan
frawluleotand aul.le.-t to proaeeutaia by law fur un
tatnlim ni. Htrr uii.ler fal-ie rr-teneea.
u S'.. t tl.
. til.Afs U rtarktwn. Ml
sold by
Ateat, KHKXkBI KU, PA.
H J SHtTl tU. PttirmrroR.
Ixx-ated at lul.tii. fa . near the K. K. A P,
Hallway IteiKit. We always enoeaur to fnr-
aivh tb l-ant aeeomtnodatuins tu. bnalners tnea
leanure seeker and hoarders, fersons la search
ol M.m liirl and .aiet will ft no It a desirable plana
to stop. The Tattle Is aa-iari'asaed sou Is slwsys
supplied with the bent tits market snords.aDtl
all the delicacies ol the seaoon. The Bar Is sap
lled with the ehtdcest ol iure llqaors and ri tears
ana aoihtUK nuiin r-ent ia mta. ecial attea
ttoa Kivea to ine ears ot norse.
4 itlNlsrilATOUSNimi'r;
V 'A lierea letters l atlmlnlKlretlon oa Ih
entate l Jnlin Kelte. late ol W tufaltucUin town
nblli. deceaeed. nalna leen era Died lo tbe an
dernlKnea all -ertna lodet.ted to said estate are
nrrel.y aotiOeJ to make payment without delay
and tttooe Itavioa rutins aa-ainrt the same will
.re-rut tlttoi ruerly a utltrnt tested lor eltte-
lurnt. JllllIM MTAM AN V,
Koli. 10. 1-W3. Adutais tratnr
tassaaoaa. fa.
sytlistisls llollenade Kow. oa HeBtresu-sst,
ATTllktN EY -AT I. A W.
fan a a
t" .-.j - i i r
AN, SBO-fca-B'
((ariMTioa ta Opara H
Next Vt-'lnelay anl Thtirslay, Mart h 1 Kh nn l
15th, we throw open the doors of our preaf .store tn
tlie jiultlic, and shall welcouie the people of this tity
and surrouiiditi'rs to our
We devote both these days to rei eivinp our friend-;.
Exeellent Music from .":."() to 8 p. in. Beautiful
and Costly Souvenirs for the ladies. Magnificent
displays of Spring and hsutniner Styles in every U.
j.arlnieiit. Every thinp Bright, New and Perfei-t.
Visit us. We will welcome you.
Mi . -i-. -. i 5
.. . - . ; .;
ii 1 "; - ' ' !
t, -
Read the
The Fall and Winter season of 1892 promises to he one of the
best seasons we have ever had. We havo heretofore carried tl.e
Largest and Finest Stock in Northern fambria. and with the ex
pectation of a good fall season, we have more than doubled '-""
stock. We are now prepared to show you the Finest assortment ot
in the county and give you the LOWEST PRICES
state. Our stock needs to be seen to be appreciated. Call and ee
us and we will save you money.
150 Hods
X rWvad mj Child a Ufa.
"V. t u tuy child a trn.
ttM, ,lwt.r t'tl--r-i iu4.f tli
.'l.r Loll Mf nts tlul fit
t. .- :x ii ly d. Ihadtlir.-a
Mutrx. a Ut. raid ,b trout Jr
lotl.i.-titi.n. s im! flvl-r-il' I.-J ili-Uj-iJ t I.ii tt..l
t-..-l ltuTtklutr IiiM'b lif.-.
-nj I m r.Mi too lif tha:ik
It 1 n-i-ard J -t l'w-4 u.,d ui.- ;-r tn all
,h-- .jd f.M4 1 i-r lit.ta m
M f i l rr
I -
ron ir:r,:;. ts and invalids
I ti:e r::rj;ctiN S vcr.xz
.. aU i.Uw
r- mi.-p nv
1 " , yLlD3 RCLISH IT. u I :-." Nourishes a Hubf r.;tn
r -.!.c-u t acltJltlon Of m-.a. ti:ia. rac. 5c. 9t.OS.
I . .1.1.. 'iJ.i.-t .-ru 1 I"'- "'u'ritaw
iui. .'
UM Iklb. ti. alaa4.
1.I1M I a v-
t l,.l.u.i. -
SPRING 0F1893.
Watches, Clocks
Silverware. Mnsical Instrimieiit?
Optical Gccdc.
Sole Agent
-hik nit
Celebrated Bockford
CoIumMa anj FreJonia Watclifs.
In Key and .SU-tu Wimlers.
of JEWKLKV always on t,su.l.
tff Mv line of Jewelry Is unsurtis-Nfd
't.tii and me for yoiirsflf ht-fttrt purrln-i
ne "Ifwlit ri.
t-T ILL VflKE fll'tRlKTEEP -J
K'n-n-ibure. Nov. 11, lKH5--tf.
per Year.
for $1.00
Ii rlati Ho -u'
.a ara l "
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