u u (C.nmlmn Jrrarnm, KHKNsnro, cavhria ro., pa. KlilDAY. feruuauy -.m. isa MK AI. ANII PEKiMtMAL. Mr. V. A. Seanlaii wa h-ro on Thurs day. Mr. C. A. Diuioml. of Sumintrliill. was in town on Thursday. Mr. John K. TiMiott. of this placi is cmitiiH'il 1 hU hoim ly illness. Mr. tiotli'b PtVister, of t'resson, spent a few hours in tow n on Friday. Hon. M. Kitzharns, of tJallitzin was in town for a few hours on Friilay. Mr. John MelJuire, of Delanc-y, was a visitor to our olliee on Thursday. The w hole Republican city ticket was t-liTtrd in Johnstown on Tuesday. Mr, IVtor Caiiiplx-U, t'.irrolltown's pnliiiutcr was in tow n on Monday. Mr. Joseph Kiown. of Suiiiinerliill, was a isitor to our ollice on Weilnrsday. Miss May Ivory, of Urrensburir, is visitini Miss Mary ISeiiUVr, t.f .this plat e. The total receipts of t lie en tell aiinuen t irivcn hy I'rof. Kihle.on Friday 'light, were .".. 7.'.. Mr. John T. l-outf. the enti-rilisinir contractor , of Smiiiuc rhill. was in tow n on Thursday. The license court is in session this week hut up to this time no licenses have U-. ii granted. -Olive, line. -n til. Hit lis Hid chilil of Jlld soii Kecse. of lilacklick tow nship, died on Sat urday evening. Mrs. fainter, who was on trial at (reensltiirK last week for po-iionitlij her Jiiisliand, was acquitted. Messrs. Thoina lMunket and .lilin Trainer, of Tnnnelhill. were visitors I our otlice on Wednesday. -Dr. T. S. Troxell. of (iallitin. has heen npiioiuted surgeon for the Pennsylvania railroad coir.pauy at that place. Mrs. Kvaristns Wilt, of Chest Springs, has U-en trianti il a pension of s u mouth and hack pay from Auirut ls'.m. Mr. Samuel M. Iloycr, a native of Cioyle township. i;i this c unity, was elected mavorof Altoona on Tuesday. Mr. John ISeers one of Kcailc town ship's oldest citii ns ami a veteran of the Mexican war. was in town on Thursday. Landlord l raver, of the P.lair Mouse, lost a valuahle horse on Wednesday night. Hot ts is mi jiposeil to havi' causeil its ileal li. A tramp was struck hy a train, near Jiolivar, Thursday night, and instantly killed. From S4me papers found on his person, it is supposed that his name was Fred. Parks. Mr. Dan Zahni. fireman on the branch w ill next w eek go to ( lesson to take a like position on tin- t'resson t Coalport road for several weeks. Miss KateC. Knilger. of Philadelphia, tdsti r of Mrs. C. T. Kolierls. of this place, w a seriously injured hy a fall leceiyed at Philadelphia on Tuesday. The coiumitlM on examination for permanent cei l ilicates w ill meet in Kiicus Inirg. March ill. and April 1, al which time applicants w ill lie examined. After the first of March the mail route between Klieiisluirg and t'arrolltow n will l.e discontinued and the mail lielwccn the two points carried on the railroai!. .loin. I.inlwig. son of Mr. Samuel I,ud wlg. of this place, had one of his hands severely crushed in the machinery of his father's grist mill one day last wee,. Jessie, a little daughter of Postmaster J. Karl Ogle, of Johnstown, died on Friday evening, of pneumonia aged one year, seven mouths and tweuiy-ouo days. The cream of the country papers ate found in lii-minglon's coiiutv seat lists. Shrewd advertisers will avail themselves of I lies.- lists, ii ropy of which can lie had of Kciuinglon Pros., of .New York, of Plltshlll g. liming the storm on Sunday niglit t lie hirire tiarn of Mr. William I'aruey, in Minister township, was unroofed. The storm lifted the roof entile from the upper plttlcs and dropped it he t w ecu t he haru and the pike. A. li. Sulkeld, of (iallitin, made an infoiina'ion In-fore JnMi.'e .loues. of t his place, last week again! Kmiiii'l (lignum, of I allil.iii. for selling liquor to minors. Mr. llignam lias entered hail for his ap pearance at court. K-Ueu'lster and K inter P. J. P.lair, of this pluce. accoinpaiiied hy his w ife and mother, w ei.t to A llootia this (Thursday afternoon, being called thither hy the death of Mrs. Sallie. wif.. of W. Worth ltlair. el. lot son of Kx-SherilT Plair, of this place. (icoige tiarris, of Johnstown, was brought to jail on Tuesday chaiged hy Sy I vester Sichle w i t h t he larceny of eT.'.V from his trunk. After a hearing; hefore : Aldi'itiiau Harris, tiarris was hehl for 1 court and in default of cMni hail, he was hroniiht to jail. The Hope Fire company, of Altoona, on Wi-denday purchased from John Mar riou, of near Chest Spriiiits, this county, a pair of dapplc-irrav horses Inch they will use to haul their steamer to lires. The price paid a as ::ni. n Thursday night of last week the Recorder's ollice in the Westmoreland count y co m l Imiis' j-i'iiii'v hy hur liliirs h.i broke open the money drawer luwhirh u as (!,:! in money and several chec Us w hich t hey carried off. The ollice door was opened with a skeleton key. A corps of engineers under the direc tion of Harry Mo-s, for-nerly of Spaiisrler, arrived here this week and are at Work on the Plackli"k ex'elision of tin- Klii-til.iil g branch. They are at pre-cnt work in:; a I ml twomih-s west of town with a view of making some tieltcrmeuis in tin-line originally surveyed. Tlie worst hli.ard of the season struck this place on Sunday evening and al hougli the wind has uhaled, the -now al this writing, W. -den-day evening, is Mill falli'itf. The hrauch road is completely hlockaded U-tween this place anJ Kaylol's an, I all travel with the out-ide world is made overland to C'ressou with sleighs. Nclwii P.ittner. a whilom distiller, aired is. with a wife and three children, and Mrs. licorgc Mart., a young woman with four children, livimr at t;ienciM, .Somerset county, have disappeared from that locality. P.oth deserted their families. Pefore his departure Pittner converted all his possessions into money, which he Umik with him. (u Tuesday evening. Vincent Smith, weiuhiuaster at the Caiuhria hliMtiuiui; mill in Johnstown, was crushed Itetwifn two coal cars in the Caiuhria yard in that city. Mr. Smith was passing lie t ween two cars w hen an engine pushed the cars together catching him U twecn them. He died In a few minutes after. He was about (iflv ' years of age. Some time ago Mrs. Mary J. Iscnlierfi:. w ho at the time kept a hoarding house in FJiciishurg. made information against a iimnhei of Johnstown young men, charg ing them w ith d. fiaiiding her out of liard hills. Among the parties accused was Jacoh Martin, who had defrauded Mrs. Iseiihnrg to the amount of ,ni. Martin was not arresUti until Tuesday, when Constable Harris corralled him. At th hearing on Wednesday Martin showed that he wanted U go to Jail hy his inso lence, and Alderman Harris accommodated him l.y sending him u Jail for ninety days. He was taken to Jail last evening. Johnn Ufum Herald. Messrs. C. A. Sharhangh, of Caroll town James A McClain, of Spangler, and Fletcher C. (ieorge, of Lilly, were recently appointed notaries public by (lovernoi Pattison. A telegram received here this (Thurs day) afternoon brought the sad intelligence that Mrs. Sallie, w ife of V. Worth ISlair of Altoona. had just died. Mrs. Itlair was about 30 years of age. and liesidcs a lie reaveo husband, leaves live small children two of them tiwns but recently born, to mourn a mothers loss. Purgess-elect Lloyd, should at once purchase a few Hungarian and Italian text books and post himself up en the Ian guage of the Huns aud the Ikes so that he can administer the borough ordinances to his transient customers during the time of the building of the railroad. In a manner that they will understand. S uit was entered on Saturday in the P.lair county courts for fl.l.fK) damages for In-each of promise to marry, by Klmira Williams, of Johnstown, against Kl titer Cerhart. of Altoona. The plaintiff avers in her declaration, that her engagement was contracted on Christmas Day, IS1.!, but her suitor has proved faithless to his vows since that time. Mr. Cerhart was reiiuired to furnish ?.",i) bail. A delightful mixture for perfuming clothes that are packed away, and which is said trt keep out mollis, is made by pounding to a Kiwder one ounce each of cloves, raraw a v seed, nutmeg, mace. cl; i, anion ami Tonotiine lieans, and as much orris root as w ill equal the weight of the foiegoiug ingredients put together. Little bags of muslin should lie filled with this mixture and placed anions the garments. After considerable squirming our con temporary, the Republican ISoxlhuj, con cluded that the Fi:kkman Is generally right in its diagnosis, and that It, the ('"(ii;. was Kepublican as the Fhkkmax had pro nounced it, and on Friday announced that hereafter it would lie a true Kepublican Ihislhiij and support the party of Lincoln, (iratit and Plaine. If the Kepublican party- can stand it, we see no reason why anyone else should object. Notwithstanding tiains were kept running on the Kbcnshnrs A C'ressou branch on Sunday for the purpose of keeping the road open, old Roreas got ahead of the railroad company and m Sunday nig lit lilled up the cuts w It li snow am! closed the road. Communication between Fbensburg and the outside world is now made by sleighs running from Khetishurg to t'resson to connect with trains on the main line. We clip the following pointer from an exchange: "What shall it profit the country editor if he shall gain theapplause of the whole world and lose that dollar you owe him for subscription ? For all Is van ity save the dollar. Yea. verily, man shall not live by bread alone, but it i? very essential that he have a little bread, and wherewithal -hall a young man buy bread if the dollar is w ithholden? Prelhren, think on these things."" On Wednesday morning Mr. Charles Owens, the undertaker of this place, start ed to go to the residence of Mr. Judson Keese, in P.lacklick township, taking with him a small collin for a child of Mr. Reese's that had died on Sunday evening. When about, three miles from town Mr. Owuns' horse got off the road in a drift and in plunging through the snow broke the sled. Mr. Owens had to leave tin; sled and colli u and return to town for another sled. An exchange says there are things a levelheaded human being should never do. Among ihcse is to walk on the railroad track, to attempt to get on a moving train, to point a gun or a pistol at another, to put his name on anot her man's note, to keep his savings Iti an old stocking under his bed, to play a game of chance with a prepossessing stranger, to run for ollice w hen he has a pay ing situation in private life, or call a bigger man than himself a liar. Mr. John P.amctt, one of the auditors for Allegheny township, was here ou Monday after the election tickets for that township. Mr. Harnett had to walk from Kaylor's to Kbeiisburg, haying reached Kaylor.s by means of the train from Hastings hut at that point found furlher traelling hy rail cutoff hy the snow. In company with about a doen landlords (torn the north of the county who Were interested in the granting of licenses, Mr. P.arnett set o:it through the drifts and renehed here about boon. The Ciirweusy ille Monitor of tlie I.'.th says: A train of eighteen empty coal cars passed over the Mahaffey extension of the Keeeh t reek railroad last Sunday en route to Pattoti. Cambria county. We under stand that coal traffic oi. the extension will begin but that it will not U open for general traffic for some time yet. The trestle work ut the lloyt tunnel will not permit an engine to pass through but two are employed, one on each side of the hill, and the cars are pushed through by one and caught by the other. A correspondent writing to the Hunt ingdon .Vi irn from Oneida tow iiship, Hun tingdon county, says: "We were shown recently a curiosity, which the Allison children, of Miller tow nship, have In their pos-es-ion- a cucumber in a narrow in-eked bol'le. It grew on the mountain near Cresson, Ca mini a count y ::.'! years ago; being placed ill the bottle, W l.ell small, by their father, and allowed to reach its present sie. w hen it was harvested, the Uiitle tilled with alchol. and there it Is to day in a perfect stale of preservation. About tw o wii-ks ago M iss Samaiit ha V. A 1 ha ugh. of lack son tow us hip, made an lu fomiati 'ii before Alderman Harris against Isaac K. Rowers, of FastTaylor low nship. charging him with trilling with her affec tions. lhiwerswasarresteil.it the time, and a marriage had been arranged for, but he kicked. After Ix-ing taken to jail in defailll of bail, he reM-iiled of his course an I agreed to marry tin- pirl. This morn ing he was brought down from KU-n-liurg and t heir troubles w ere settled by Alder man Harris ;m i forming the ceremony w hich made them man and w ife. They will make their home in Fast Taylor tow nship. Joh nsrou n Ilcrtll. The Club house at Dunlo. In Adams tow nship. a hew mining town a short dis tance out ii: the. mountain from South Fork, was destioyed by tire Thursday eve ning. It was the lodging place of a iium U rof men, who lost their clothing and trunks. The fire issupposed to hayesturt ed from a defective terra-cotta flue. The Hub house was a plank building and was the lirst structure erected in the new town The house contained six rooms. Every thing ou the first floor w as saved, includ ing the englin'er's map and Instruments. The loss is placed at 1.1uf. This is Dimlo's second experience with fire in its existence, a large amount of lumber having been burned a few months since. On Wednesday evening of last week about half past 0 o'clock the passenger train known as No. 2."i, struck and fatally Injured Ignatius Flenner, who was cross ing the tracks at Portage. He had been at tll. lu.st ..llw... 1 .... e - -."'".-. unu v as on ins way home. An east Umud freight In front of which he was crossing, so engaged his attention that he failed to notice the approach of the west bound passenger train. He w as bad ly Injured Internally, licsides sustaining several fractun-s of Uines. Mr. Flenner w as a single man about forty-tlvs years of age, and was a son of the late Philip Flenner, a soilderof the war of lsi2, w ho died about twelve years ago at the age of loo years. Mr. Flet.ner died Friday last and was bulled Monday morning in the Catholic cemetery at Wilmore. The Election ! Kbnibnr. r.OltOl l.n AT tAKIiK. JJnrycx8. Lloyd. R 1-'"' Scanlau, I) Lloyd's majority Collector. Tibbott. R 13! Ryrne, I) ff Tibbot's majority 53 Auditor. Davis. R 'J? Langbein, I) Davis' majority r2 WKST XVAKI). liurucx Fes Lloyd. R.. W; Robert Scanlan, D., T'J. Collector John F. Tibbott, R., 73; Hen ry Ryrne, I)., 04. Auditor V. W. Davis, R., 73; C. A. Langbein, D., 04. Council Wm. II. Iayls. R.. 07; John L. Stotigh. V., 71. Srhool Lirerto) (Ieorge Huntley. R., 71; Lester Larimer, D., 0.". Constable -K. W. Humphreys, R., 75; M, D. KU-rly, D.. 02. Judije of Election Xleo. A. Davis, R., 70; II. A. Shoemaker. D., .r'.. InxiH'ctom Albert A pel. R., 74; Thomas James D., oi. KAST WARP. Burge Fos Lloyd, R., 57; Robert Scan!an. D., 27. Cnccir John F. TibKitt, R., 03; Hen ry Rvrne, I)., lit. idifor-Fred W. Davis, R., 02; C. A. LangU'iu. D., H. Con nrit Thomas D. Evans, K., 05; J. II Denny. D., H. Hrhool Director V. C. Jones, R., 07 Michael Donovan, D., 10. Conxtaltlc Evan I). Evans. R.. 05; Win D. Jones, D.. 17. Jndijtf of EicrtionS. D. Ludwig, R. 03; Harry Lloyd, D..21. Inxitertor of Elect ion John D. Evans R., 04; Philip Luttringer, D., 17. Alrurilr In AltMiia. On Tuesday afternoon a terrible tram'dy was enacted at the Wurlciiiherger Hof, 5u" Fourth avenue, Altoona. in which little Emma Ingold. daughter of the proprietor. was shot aud killed and Joseph Renson w ho committed the crime then turned the weapon to his ow n head and shot himself, but not causing instant death. Renson had been in the employ of Leo pold Ingold, the father of the girl, as a hostler for several years. A short time U-fore the discovery of the murder Kniuia had called to Renson, who was in his room on the 3rd floor, to give her a half dollar that she had loaned him and he replied that he would throw it down to her. Shortly after Mr. Ingold heard some one breathing heavily up stairs aud ou going up to investigate the cause, found the girl lyingdead on the lloor w ith a bullet hole in the right side of Iter head aud Renson ly ing unconscious but still living with a bul let hole in the left side of his head. Ren son w as taken to the hospital, w here it is thought he cannot recover. Renson was about twenty years of age and his right Ide cripplinl from a paralytic stroke. A coroners Jury is investigating the case. Am Kbonnbarirer In Trooblf . A dispatch from (Jreensburg on Tuesday says: 1-or some time past ueorge w . Mthaney, formerly of Pittsburg, but now proprietor of the Mchaney house at La trolie, has been missing various sums of money, but could not account for its dis appearance, and although he kept a vigi1 ant watch he failed to get any clue. UMn the advice of an attorney he cm- p'oyed a detective and on Tuesday morn ing was rewarded by the capture of the parth-s, who proved to be Frederick A. Hartman, formerly of Pittsburg, his bar tender and James Wherry, of Ebensburg, his clerk. When confronted with the crime Hartman confessed to taking the money. Mr. Mchaney at once made in formation against them, charging them w ith embezzlement, aud they w ere prompt ly arrested and locked up. The amount taken is not known. James (Chick) Wherry was raised In Ebensburg and prior to his going to La- troU', sometime last fall, was employed as a clerk al the Central Hotel. Tltr K lark I k Kail road Mr. Charles MeFadiirn, of Philadelphia, who has lieen awarded the contract for the mailing ami construction of the Ebensburg & P.lacklick railroad was in town on Monday, making the necessary arrangements for an early commencement of the work. As sixui as the weather per mits, Mr. McFadden w ill ship In a lot of machinery used in railroad building, and several hundred men with horses and carts will arrive as soon as the necessary shanties and stables can lie sccurl or built to shelter them. It is the intention of Mr. McFadden to push the work as rapidly as (Kissible and for that purpose w ill put all the force on the wm k that can be used to advantage. He expects to have the road completed by the 1st of Octolier and as the laying of the track will follow as fast as the road Utl is finished the "iron horse" will In- watered from the RIacklick U-fore the next crop of "pumpkins are gathered in the barn." On Friday last, the contract for grading the Ebensburg RIacklick railroad was giyen to Mr. Charhn McFadden. of Phlla- lelphla. The part of the road contracted for is from the terminus of the branch at this place to the fork of the RIacklick, about twelve miles. The building of the roaJ will give EU-nsbtirg a Imkhh during thecomming summer and the opening of the new line of railroad will give that nirtion of the country west of here an outlet for the Immense lex-its of o,a that are to le found in the region of tin? tlaekllck. The RIacklick railroad has been a long time coming but It w ill lie built at last for certainty. Marrlac l.lrmM. The following marriage licenses were Is- su.il by the Clerk of the Orphans' Court for the week ending Wednesday, February ...I lwo-t. Jacoh C. Potts and Ella Lautz, Johns town, Isaac E. Rowers aud Samantha Viola Albaiigh. East Conemaugh. W. II. Lenlcy Kent, Washington I). C, and Catharine Haws, Johsiow n. John E. Pfiel and Clara Raker, Johns town. William S, Shaffer Johnstown, aud Lula Maud Kuntz. Dale. Tbe !' and AliMf of WhHkry This subject could l dwelt upon to a onsiderahle length and vet much remain untold, but all agree that the use. the iroper use of pure rye w hskey is an abso ute necessity, especially so now. when nature insists -ipou lieing stimulated. All regular physicians prescribe rye whiskey, and justly claim that Klein's Silver Age and Duquesue Whiskies are most reliable. 1 hey do this not only U-causo thev have tried them, but because the leading hospi tals use them find them the lies t stimu lants in ihe world. Silver ? sells for tl.frfland Duquesne for rl.25 per full quart. ror saio oy j. L.uUwitj & Son, Johns town. The Frsriloa la Barr Tonaahlp Following is the result of the recent election In Rarr. township. All are Demo crats except one inspector, Frank Adams. SniM-rvisors. Alex. Rrawlev and Henry McDermott; school dinrctors, A. S. Kirsch, John Yeagling aud Casper Smith; consta ble, John I). Lantzy; tax collector, Adam Leap; auditor. II. J. Kriinieiiacher; town ship clerk, W. A Riaw ley; Judge of elec tion. (Jeo. Y. Sherry; inspectors, S. Nagle and Frank Adams. There Is a oil! now before the Pennsyl vania legislature, w hich. If It would be come a law, would work very Important changes In the giantlng licenses. The licensing power Is vested in fourteen boards of six commissioners to lie appoint ed by the governor in equal numbers from the two parties polling the highest votes in the counties composing the several districts. The state Is divided Into four teen districts, the western ones being made up as follows: Ninth Center, Clearfield, Jefferson, Cameron, Elk, and McKean. Tenth Huntingdon, Itlair, Cambria, Red ford, aud Somerset, Eleventh Indiana, Wes t m o r ela nd, Washington. Fayette, and Green. Twelfth Allegheny. Thirteenth Armstrong, Clarion, Hutler, Reaver, Lawrence, and Mercer. Fourteenth Venango, Forest, Warren, Crawford, and Erie. Each commissioner shall receive a comjiensation 5 for every license consid ered and passed upon, to be paid by the state, a separate fee of ?10 lieing required for this purpose on each application, but the annual salary shall In no case be less than !, nor more than f3.oni). The petitions for and proceedings relative to the granting of licenses are practically the same as under the Rrooks law, and the license fees remain unchanged. In cities not more than one retail license shall lie granted for every 1(K) voters; In iHiroughs aud townships, for every 150. Wholesale licenses shall not exceed one for every 250 voters. The computations for the establishment of the basis shall be made annually by the secretary of the commonwealth. The power to revoke licenses Is vested in the court of quarter sessions. Among the minor provisions of the bill are those requiring the makers of intoxica ting drinks to mark ou vessels containing them notice that they contain uo drugs or active ixiisons, aud forbidding the sale of liquors on Dccoratiou Day. Violations of the law are punishable by a fine of not less than nor more than f l.uu aud im prisonment of nut less than three months nor more than one year. UMd Artenlaa Well. Near Soiiman, this county, there Is an aru-sian well with some peculiar features. The well Is 4!0 feet deep and was drilled about four years ago by Michael Knoiiff, w hile making tests for coal in that section. Ever since a steady volume of water has la-en flow ing from the opening, the stream U-ing atsiut six inches In diameter, aud rises alxiut four feet above the opeuiug by the natural pressure. The citizens of that vicinity are now talking of utilizing the well for the purpose of furnishing a water supply to Son in a n and adjacent villages. The volume is such that it would supply from 5.l) tOs5,UK people. Tne water comes though four seams of coal, as well as a vein of fire clay. It is slightly inpregnated with sulphur but not to such an extent as to render It un pleasant. With the exception of a some what similar spring on the old Dodson road between Gallilzin and Loretto, this is the only artesian well flowing strongly in this county. Johnxtown Herald. An Important oo. A case In equity w hich has U-en dragging along since 1SS4, anJ which involves the title to valuable bituminous coal lands in Cambria county, occupied the w holeday in the court house last Saturday. The plain tiffs in the case are Callitzin Christy and the heirs of Agnes Rurke deceased, the defendant being Dr. John T. Christy of this city. Plantiffs were represented by Ex-District Attorney Martin Hell and John D. Rlair, Esq., of Hollidaysburg and by William Siniilcr, Esq., of Ebensburg. Dr. Christy's interest were lookvd after by Messrs. Neff, H icks and Ambrose. Messrs. Hell, Si-chlerand Hon.D. J. Neff addressed his honor. Judge Landis, on behalfof their clients. After hearing the arguments his honor took the papers and reserved his decision. A (oona Gazette. MlM-elluroai Notices. OTHTE havlov purchased the harnen mhop i lormerly conducted by A. ItaK helo. I would refprctiully ark a continuance of toe t ronaic and 1 will tcurniee a my work to vlve satisfaction. (iEOKUD H. LAMIHHN. nrnnkenneaa or the l.iqnor llabll 1'omIII v-ly Cnrrd by Admlnlnierlaic llr. Ilalnra' Ueldrn ftpeellie. It la manufactured us a wder, wliicn can te tlven In a tela ol l-eer. a cup ol eottre or tea. or In lood . without the knowledge of the patient, ll is ahsoluloly hartules's. and will effect perma nent and uperd J cure, whether the patient la a moderate drinker or alcoholic wreck, ll h? been Kiven In thousands ol cases and In every Instance a ler:ect rare has followed. It neter Ulis. The system one luiereKnaled with the pcetae. It be comes an utter Impossibility lor the llUor ap-l-eiue to eiirt. t'ures guaranteed. 48 a(e book ol particulars tree. Addicss oulhen srtxuKiuuo.. au-lu.ljr. lub KaceSt., t'ludnnatl, O. IF yon are wanting llooki. Stationary, Book let. Ifctll. )uief. Toys. Novelties. School Supplies. KuMr Hoots or Shoes, etc., etc. yon can bare y ur wants supplied bj a rls.t to t). T. K.I ens' store, biieni-hurg. Although an old es taMobrd one. It Is abreast of the times and al ways well tilled with icoods of all kinds. An ex change library bas t-een started at Ibis store, wh ere lor 6 and lo cents you can rent most any book yon want lo read. Any tsxik or aarthlba; elfe not In rtock procured lor you at once. t erylblns; sold at lowtst prices. Hire us a call aud ere lor yoursell. ou never saw soca a large anJ elegant stock tn Kbensburg. IViRSAI-KOK Kf .N r. Tbe undersigned of lers al private tale bis farm ol 111 acres sit uated one mile south ol r-t-enttmrg on the Wil more road. There is about To acres cleared with good orchard and icood aater. If Dot sold be lore tbe 1st of April It will tie for rent, fosses sion given Immediately. Call on or address JAHtS Ml fcKS. Jan. a. IHVi 3m. fcbensourg , fa 'l-HK Klienst.urg Building It f-oan Association 1 will niter lor sale at the e -uucll chamber. YJ rn.lxirg. on the .-ourih Alon.lay In rehruarv, j.ai.oo THOS. IA IS. Ikktkr I. Mia , Secretary. f resident. R-L. JOIISSIVS. M.J.HII K. A. H'.bl i'K. Kmtaklimh cd lT"i. Johnston, Buck & Co., 11 AN K KKS, ERENSRURO. - TENN'A. A. W. Bl H. 1-aabler. lTABi.iBan 188S. Carrolltown Bank, UAKUOU.TOWN, f A. T. A. NIUKHtrUII, t ashler. General BantinBnsint;ss Transactei. The lollowlng are the principal feature! of general backing- business : IsCPUNITM KecelTed payable on demand, and Interest hear Ins; eertincatet Issued to time depositors. I.OAIWN (extended to eostntnere on larorahle term and approved paper dlseoanted at all time. "0 1. EJECTION Made In the locality and npon all tha banking; town In tbe United States. Charges moderate. DRAFT lasuej negotiable tn all part ef the United States, and foreign exchange Issue.! on ll paru of Kuroi e. ArcorisTs III merchant, farmer and other solicited, to whom reasonable accomodation will be extended. fa Iron are !inrert that all transaction hall be held as strictly prleate and confidential, and that they will be treated as liberally as good banking rule will permit. Respectfully, JOHNNTOM. BFCK et CO. ADM1N1STKATI IK'S NOTU-E. Whereas letter of ad ministration on the estate ol liatrld Trexler, late of ilallllaln town ship decoased. having; been granted to the un dersigns! all person indebted to said estate are hereby noli ned to make payment without delay and those bavin claim against the same will itreaeut them broperlv authenticated lor settle ment. ANN fcl.lZA I'K r.XIfcK. JOHN O WII-T. Alviw F.v8, Atty. Administrator. Jan-il, la-Ai. , HU. MYERS, e ATTOHNKY-AT-I.AW. KBBwanuaa, f A. Vittieei.VUona4o Bow. on Centre (treat. BALTZ ELLS' TO-DAY or to-morrow you will be pleasel by the exhibition of some spring fabrics in our windows, especially some India silk effects in satines. They are new styles and exact copies of high priced India silks, with a beautiful lustre. Think of goods like that at 15c. a yard, and you will have an axemplification of "goods at low prices," bargains in the highest sense of the word. We do not expect them to stay with us many days, as they have no STAYING qualities. While talking about cheap cotton dress goods, stop at the Gingham coun ter and look at the display of really handsome patterns in all styles and shades and of One quality, reduced to 8c. and 10c. a yard, truly wonderful bargains, and of remarkable variety to se lect irom. INothinfi: could be prettier for home srowns. or for children's wear, and their dura bility is unequaled. Pass on around the end of the booth and look at the lovely spring shades in plaids, checks and bourette ef fects, 36 inches wide and only 50c a yard. They will make lovely costumes. Further down the aisle are some new arrivals, plaids in various shades of brown, 30 inches wide and only 2oc a yard. Would be cheap at 50c. Our splendid line of serges, 4C inch wide, in popular shades are fine sellers at the extremely low price of 62J a yard, nothing bet ter of the kind in the market. BALTZELLS', Altoona. ri'KlA 1 1.1 1 1st oi causes set down lor trial at March Vrf. Jordan. .....vs. stutzman et al. . . vs. Kose et al ..vs. t'li-er & i'n. vs. Cambria l.and Co. v. stlne. .. .vs. Kays. ...vs. Johnstown Lumber Company. .Ts. I.I. yd. vs ro.. le. vs. Mine ..vs llilestlne. ....vs. IHbert. ...vs f . K K. ..vs. Met lough. ,..vs. Mt. Mive Church. ....vs. Mc.Mullen et al. ....vs. Xiuituerinau. ....vs. Kliody. ... vs. (tropin. ..vs. leunings. .....rs. fuller ....vs. H-tluer. .. .vs. Wiiictu 6l H erring -ton ...... vs. Haves heirs. J. O. HAKKY . 10, 18-J3. froth'y. term, lxwl: aupi et al.. ....... h0 ir Zimmerman .......... M vi lonlw-l I'lndle ... limcken .... w'llara ttlil , James irk .. Hracken..... Sloan Zimmerman , ,, .Mattlson et al KltDeordlinger. Shirley Nolle h. Hurler Hen lord , Kbiers Tse Howell . Mock S a uj e V looker Uove. Suusiiine 4t Co . Valley I'lke t'-o froth'y" oBtce, Feb. TW. DICK. ATTOKNEY-AT-L.A.W. tSHHSl'HU, f BHIf'A- eSpeclal attention to Riven claim lor fen don Kounty. etc ch7- 'uO Acemtswaxted: 2V unlumts. tiw. A. k lak . SAMPIE FREE A trs Knilt. rMHJw.j, A. . This eminent Physician has de voted t lifetime to his Specialty Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Lung and Chronic Diseases. if w 'i p C2S MOUNTAIN HOUSE, EBENSBURG, PA., .Mondays, February 27, March 27, April 24, May 22, June 19, July 17, August 11; September Hf Octoler D, XovemlK-r i', Iecinlier 4. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, JOHNSTOWN, PA., Tuesdays, Ft bru.trj- 28, March 2S, April 2-", May 23, June 20, July IS, Auu?i l.", fx'piemlier 12, tK-tober 10, NovetnlK-r 7, lMit'inU-r ii. II. wltMlsit Kliemkdr; every lour weeks, th Of sarins; bis patients the trunble an.l irif u- -rl elslllac 'olnmtms. . . as he Is the or.l phTSlrlan ant t-a-Kmii In the .iintrjr mhn rsrrles h. ..srn saanaklna. sno.tel. 4:irsnt. etc.. to Illustrate an I mke Uln Ui all m-te. the eanse an.! liiure ul tht-lr disease. l"bl will le his nameruus eatieuts aul uthe'S srh.i are lu uenl uitue.no. intot an o.rtonl tT ta consult this .11-tin olahed physician, whose duties at the Institute will i-er-tn It only suunthlj Tlstls to yuur eomtnuaity. ('OrbI'LTATIOS ADD rXA!tlA1HISi IRIX ALL EYE OPERATIONS SUCCESSFULLY PERFORMED BY HIM ttrMlr nitrawisllbsrjs. Sncb as (sraaal-tiej liJ chronic Intlematlnn of tbe lids. l the Iris l tbe liaoroM. ol the lie tlna. ehn-olc C leerat Ions. S.asms ol the lids and K,c, Tears man ids: over the the cheeks. luy nl Nieht H Undoes. Purulent or aa ter ure Kyes. staorrha-al I lhtha:onia. vSyai.hilliltc llnthal tula. Ked Klotrbre or Kruwn onee on the hall, t-hlyeenular tiiithlmla. ciUesur mlik: white sjm.U on the ee. tllaoc-mla or ctlHln; on th. nerve. Amanmsla. Kail Ins; out ol the lafhes. Sore. Ke-Jness of e pr s ol lids and eye, and other diseases to which lb eje or lis aci-endaices aie 11 aide. PoalU. and rapid cure avaranteed. A Ward A tutmt (-atarrls. It I the mucus memhrine. that wondertnl sem t fla d envelope surroaodins: the delicate tissue of the airjand rod ssa.es. that catarrh makes It ftonabald. Cnce established It eats Into the very vita Is and makes life a lona-drawn breath of m It cry and disease, daillna- lb. sen e ol bear. In. trntn melina: th. pewer of eech. destroy lnt the faculty ol mell. taintinc tbe breath, and kitt le lb. red ned pleasure ol taste. Insidiously hy ereeplnir on from i simple cold In the head. It .(gaulutb. mcainrabous llcicln and envelope the bone, eating the delicate enats and canslnc InHamnjation. slooxbinx and death. Notbins; short of total eradication will secure health to the patleot and all alleviates are simply procras tinated suflerlnifS lead Ins; to a lalal termination. In. Salm bas by a treatment, local and onstitu tlonal made the cur. ol this dread disease a cer Illsea g of Women, such as have baffled the skill of all other physicians and remedies, quickly rn rxl. Cancers, tumors, fibroid, and polypoid growths cured without tbe use ol tb. knife or caustics. No cutting. No pain. No danger. Manhood perfe.-tlully restored. Cluick. painless and certain euro for Impotence, lost tnant-ond, permatorrhufs losei. weak and nervous debllty; also lor prostata 's. Tetieoceie, and all private dle- eKKel whether lrom Imprudent babll ol youth or sexual functions, speedily and permaneullv cured t'nsullalion freo and strictly confidential. Absolute cure guaranteed. No riak Incnrred. Kre ex aminaiion ol tbe urine each i-ersoo applying tor mealeal treatment should bring 3 to 4 ounces of urine, which will receive earelul chemical and microscopic examination. Small tumors, cancets. warts, moles etc,, removed without acids, anil., pain or scar. New method. Klectmysls Kpilenso his sclcntltirallv treate.1 and cured by a never-tailing tnetu. d. Address all communications to Box Columbus. Ohio. Kxassslasatlets e-wssaaillsitlwii frr rf rybedy. t.OarATrrtlssseal Will Appear Tw Ice Before Ksm-Is. Vlali. Addrrss all wsssm wn leaf tasia i. Ksi To Investors. -1IVHY go away from bom. to seek Investment when yon ran bay Pennsylrania Kim Mortgage securities on tho t-'asn or Monthly Payment plan and which will net yna twenty per cent, on your money T Kor imrticulars call on or address H. A. tNOI.EHAKT. Aug. S, 18W. Klens!.urg, Pa. DON A LI) K. DUFTOX. ATTOKNEY AT1.A W. Ksssssi-to, PbIA : taumee la Opera Hon, Center iret, J -LEADERS Ill THIS WEEK YOU CAN HAVE PittslmrK lxst flour at 1.? r sa U; pm1 flour at cl.l'.i mt sack: U'-t i-oru atid oat rlnii it 1 . itimh! coITm'. T'c. : iiiiii-rs oil for3-.; -urranls. 7 muik1s for S.V.: irood latitKlrv soap, in pi-rr for .m-.; nitrar, i IMiuutls for l.ii. A Big Pall in Dry Goods. ltist rali-fK'S at fi and 7 n-n': muslin. Iil.ai lid and iiiitilaclM-d. 4li anil 7 rent'; iiiffliaiii. .". ninl 0 r-iits; cloth. In Rray. brown and rrwii, to :c -.tils; t'asli iiiiTf in all -olors. ,KJ to X cnl.-; rd tlanul, a f-nts; ;mm1 towclilie 4-i -Mit. tfTli aixive stock lias bc-n n-duc. d -j:, jxt ct-iit. Our Stock of Ladies' Coats Sold Almost For Nothing. f 'oats f.rmr prii-e ev..ii. now 't.isi C"iat loriiK-r prir r..i. now 3.si Coats ftnin-r inii-t: f.:nt, now 5.3 Also, do not forget that wo arc now oflcring our entire stock of Children's, IJoys' and Men's Overcoats at half price. Good All-Wool Black and Brown $7.00; Hoys' lllueatid Klack Cliincliilla Coals, Former price, ?s.ui. Children's Cnje Coats in lii I'laids or Stripes, ti."; former price, f:i..Ml. Ifj'Tlies- goods must co and there is a good chance for 1'uyers. Men's Ileavy-Weieht flray or Ilol 97h: per suit, former price, tl.M. LADIES' IFiiiclIDrcss Sliocs at $1.25 to $2.00. The Doctor has been for years a Professor and lec turer in several of our largest Medi c.il Cttlleres, and has earned great fume rts an author ity hikI author on all ?iitjf-cts concerning liis sj'ialty. tainty, and has never failed. Kren when the disea. had niadv lris;htlul Inroads on delicte e nnstltut ion a. hcarlt.;. smell snd taste hvve l-rn ree,vered and the disease thoronahly driven oul. .'ttrnt llUssars. The doctor treats no acute diseases but ntid an entire .-pteialty chronic and Ion standiiiK dlseas. teases alven np by otner doctors and prononneed Incurable, he most desires to se. The doctor ha treated over ls.UiO eases lo t'enn . Ivanla in Ihe last tw. ve yexr. many n which have heen ten una n--u-a-ie. some o be blind, other deal, and a Ure number to tie invall d lor 11 le. But lehold now they see and bear, and many are on the nls-h mad to recovery every day. The doctor Is surrounded with the larsrest Collec tion ol nne instrument ever imported to Ibis country lor examining- and treatins; chronic dis ease ol the Head. Face. Throat. Eye Heart, L.UUK. Stomach. I. Her. Kidneys, Bladder. Skin. Jirain and Nervous r)stem. Cancers. Tutnorj. Pile swelilncs. Ild Sores, fits. Paralysis. Neu ralala. Kheumatlsm, Isropsy , t ul. Sick Head ache, Oeblltty , liepression ol spirits, llisea.es ol children. Hereditary diseases, t'te etc., and In laet all Ionic sianuioac and chronic diseases. Lar TreaillM Cared. In an stonishiDg; quick time. He will relieve you of all roaring, hissing and rinitlnir noise heaviness. Itching, pain, running or tbe ear. will close op a bole In a drum of fifty year standing, will Insert Artificial tar Dromf ol bis own Inven tion w ith astonishingly gratifying results. V7I)TIi:K I hereby given that tbe lollowlng ae XN count have tieen filed In the i ourt ol Com mon Pleas (il tamlrla county. 1'a., and will le eontlrme.1 by said court on the brut Monday of March, A. 1. 1W3. unless cause be shown to the contrary: First and final account of J. E. Chandler, as signee ol Jacob J. Misbler et ux. First and Onal account of 1. . Mjcrs, aaslg- I n- of C. Uauntner et ux. sigueo vl Frank Habn. J. C. IIAKBY. Prolhoootary. Feb. 10, 1W3. J. F. MrKEXKICK, ITTtiKSST .B(v-l'!lltlLOI AT LAW, F.IIFNSHI' Kti. - PA Xy ifflce on Centre slreei. FAUCI MID STAPLE GROCERIES. FUR TRir.ir.lED - COATS, Reduced from $12 to $7.50. Misses' Coats in I'lain and ltox-l'li-au-d. lieht and dark colors, in all si.s, can c lxni(flit from dents' Neckwear atl'.c., rejrtilar .Vic. goods. C'r'or next two -k we will sell TWO lll'.V 1)KK1 AND KHTY l'AIRS 1'ANTS-WoisUd. C licyiots, AII-V(KI Cassi meres, at one price, U I A PAin-NO VOi: FORMER PRICE, MEN'S CAILIF M(I1)IE9 In Cencrss or Lace, f 1.7.1 to .'.2.1. Miss-s' Dons:.. la and Crafn Srlni? Heel ShiM-s. 1.1.1. Child's Donirola and (irain Hit-I and Sprlnu Heel at 71c. Men's l ine Dress .Shoes in Congress or Lace for fl.'.M. 500 PAIRS 31 EN'S - BROGAJVS, Solid iA-ather. Oak Top, Sole with Itnckle. i.V;. a pair, former price f 1.3.1. the liiiriresi olTer ever made in Camhria county. r?rour st.K-u oifi:i:nitl'rk.caiii'ets, hats. CAl'S. TKL'NKS and VALlsKS is now ready for in spection. 35""Come spend an hour with us. THE BEST PLACE IN ALTOONA TO BUY CLOTHING IS AT JK0MN McC0OTIEILI, 1300 ELEVENTH AVENUE. Where you will find a complete line of Men's, Boys' and Chil dren's Suitings in all styles and qualities. for Men and Boys, for Style and Finish can not be beat for the price Furnishing Goods, Hats and caps, TRUNKS AND SATCHELS in endless varieties. You are invited to call and see us when in the eity and we will do you good. JOHN McCONNELL, ALTOOXA, PEXXA. "Seeing1 is Believing:. And a good lamp mast be simple; when it is not simple it is not vnnA Mt'tnA Fttutiftil fZmi i . i . , r wurus mean mucn, dui 10 will imoress the truth more? forrJhlv. All mefa1 tourrh and seamless, and J it is absolute! safe and unbreakable. Lite Aladdm'a of old, it is indeed a "wonderful lamp," for its mar velous licVir ie. ntirsr anti rrirrKt iki. o - - softer than electric light " iu .uuip-1 as KocsnTi. ii tne lamp dealer naan t tne csnilM Kocbestcr. and the etyle you want, send to us for our new illustrated catalogue, and -e will send you a lamp safely by express .your choice of over 1.UUO varieties from tbe Lar r at Lamp Start tn ikt World. BOCUESTW LABI CO., 42 Park Place, New York. City. QUlliMIIM New WMte Front BnildinL 113 Clinton Street, Joktown, Pa. New Stock of DRY GOODS, MILLINERY AND CAR PETS. Call to see ua when in town. JVA-IMIIES Mountain House STAR SHNIIiG PARLOR! CENTRE STREET, EBENSBURG. 'PUIS well-known and luna; established Shsvins; 1 larlir s now located n C-cntre street, t-. puslte the livery statde ol ' tiara. Iiavls u Luth er. here the htisines will l carried on In the luture. SHAVINt:. HA1K IT1T1MI AMI MIANHHIINd done In the bealest and must artistic manner, t'lean Towels a siieclalty. a.l.aule waited on at their residences. JAMES 11. O ANT. 1'nnirietor 1K1VATE SAI.K. The ondersiitned will sell at frivate Sale In I.l!y lMn.uah, Oaml.rla ounty, I'a hi Hotel, with Krewery attached; Two Ice lluuses. Siahle, and all necessary ( lut luildlnits on the remises Tbe House I llcenswl now. r or turther irtlcular call on or adores the trrletor, THtl)lMKE Stl.t.. I-Jly, rsM tctst4.1lr. I 1Y'T"Uneed Joh Prtnlln? It o, sjly th ' XJ juattsiaa a trial order. S2.97 MATTEI! WHAT CtHAHl W ANT WE 11AVK. $14.00. LEADERS OF LOW PRICES. GALLITZIN, PENNA. v 9? .I . M see " 1 ne as.ocnester made in thrss nirv-. rn1 . .....w ..au SAd A1t and more cheerful than either. "The Rochester." 3 9 GTXIlsntsr. 1704. 1HD1. Pollcle written at short nolc tn th OLD RELIABLE ,'ETNA, T. W. DICK, UT.HT roK THE OLD HAHTFOHD PIRIi INSURANCE C03IV. tHIMMENllKll BrSlNIJW 1794:. Ehenstiunt.Juiy l.lSa. M. D. KITTELL. Attorney-nt - nnw, EHENSBl'KII, PA. Offle in Armory llulldlnn. oii.tVBrt Hob. i r