KBKNSIU'KO, CAMBRIA CO., PA. FRIDAY.- - FEUHUARV 17, 19.1. I.'AI AMI PFH.MtM A I LU'fiise court next wt-k. llo to tin' lection on Tiifsiliiy. Mr. T. II. Davis, of (.'uii.-maiiirli, was in town on Tuesday. Mr. A. K. Keiultr, of this place, visited Altooua on Tliursl;iV. Hon. J. t". Stiiit'inan, of South Fork, was in town on Monday. Miss. Mary ISciulcr, of this place U VisitiiiK fiends in Alloona. Mr. (ieore JStiei ry, of l'.arr township, l nt a few hours in town ou Monday. Kx-Keuister and Recorder ('. J. Hlair, lost a goml cow y deuih onu day last week. Mr. Frank Fees, of the harher firm of Fees Jt Miller, of this place, ; viited Johnstown on Moinlay. Mr. Iadoie Lilly, of Minister town ship, former Stewart of the Almshouse, is set -iouly ill with liruiii fever. Mr. Lein Davis. f Kane, I'a., a former KU'iilmrner, Is a candidate for justice of the peace on the Republican ticket in that place. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has hi dried twenty lai;t;ak;e and live po-tal cars. They will be built at the Altooua shop. Mr. C. A. Sharhaush, Carrolltown's ex tensive clolhinit dealer, was in town on Tuesday ami paid the Fkkkmax ollice a pleasant visit. N The South Fork Courier will le issued semi-Meekly in the futuie if the peoplu of that vicinity give it the encouragement the enterprise ditserves. The election of officers for the Daunt less lire company will take place on WihI nesday evening, Feb. All members are requested to attend. Mr. Joseph Dinule, tax collector, of South Fork, died at his home in that place on Thursday of last week of pneumonia aged M years. He leaves a wife and fami ly. Mrs. Flenner died at her home at 1'oi tage on Friday last aped iU years. Her remains nciv interred in St. liartho- lo mew's cemetery at Wihnore on Mon day. Peter Chipper, aged TiO years of North Woodbury township. Hlair county, com mitted suicide by hanging himself in his barn on Thursday. He had U-en suffer ing from la gr ippe. Mamie, the L'-year-old daughterof Mr. Beii-on, of WeMniont, was badly scalded on Saturday by accideiitly overturning a bucket of scalding water. Her life is de spaired of, for lung trouble set in. tu Saturday night Miss Minnie Werlner, of l'het Springs, bad her arm badly .-plained ly tteing thrown from a sleigh which upset Hear the McMullell school house, ou the road tetweeu Khen.s burg and Lore! to. Judge llarker, Alvin Evans, M. D. Kitlell. II. 11. Myers and V. H. Sechler. Ksirs., of 1 his place were in Johnstow n on Friday last in atteiidanceat llie funeral of Hon. Danial McLaughlin, an old member of the Cambriacounty Ha r. Hamilton Horner, of Carmichaels, aged M, fell over an embankment twenty-live f-ethigh w hile at Urow nsville. Westmore land lointy, Friday, l'.oth legs and his collar Ihiuc were liroken, and he sustained other severe injuries, that may prove fa tal. We rceived "Fillups" Interesting letter from Irvoiia last week after our paper was out. As the items are a little old for this week and we are crowded We obliged to pass it over. Hope '"Fillup" will ! beard from often and a little earlier in the week. Dr. K. C. Hunter, who formerly prac ticed inedccine at Ashville. in this county, died in Cherry tree, Indiana county, a few days since, from blood poisoning due to septic infecting. The remains were buried at VYInslow Cemetery, near Piiuxsutaw uey Jefferson county. James Cassidy, of Curweusville, is one ot many men who are devastating our forests as rapidly as they can. His score of timlier cut in twenty years is '4uu feet. All of it was cut in one county Clearfield and floated down the west branch of the Susajiie hamia. Marriiil at St. John Catholic church at Altooua on Tuesday by Uev. Father Sheahan, Mr. James F. Durhiu. of Fallen Timber and Miss Allie ti. Mullen. of Duhutiic, Iowa. The attendants at the ceremony were Mr. Patrick J. Haley and Miss Maude Fiske, of Alloouu. The citizens of Cheirytree and vicinity will hold a meeting in that place on Friday evening for the piirpo-eofni ging t he legis lature to grant an appropriation for the erection of a monument to mark the Cher rvlree corner. The .spot is the coiner of three counties, Cambria, Clearfield and Indiana. Dr Moritz Salm the eminent physician who has made a life study of diseases of the eie, eai. nose, throat, lungs, and citron ic diseases w ill In- at the Mountain House, in Khfiishurg, on Monday February -7th. w here all in need of his services ran consult him. See his advertisinent in next week's Khu m a n. Smith . Kobiiisou, the architects, have completed plans for the erection of a liiltii of cottages at F.lienshurg by V. S. ftarker Jk Co. There w ill lie nine or ten of the new buildings which will lie erected soon in order to he used by visions from the cities. They w ill be. erected in the stilt urhs ou the west side of FU-ushurg. Jithnxtiurn Tribune. T he livery stable of W. S. (iallatine at Dawson was destroyed by tire early Thursday morning. It Is supxised to ha ve been set on fire by sparks from a locomotive falling is the hav mow. Seven horse were burned to death and twoolher had to be Miot. All the harness and a valuable iihw rurriilffu were destroyed. T he loss is about f 3,mii; insurance f l,7oo. A fellow is now traveling through the country trying to swindle parties with a contract for w ire fences. He offers to give enough w ire to fence a It)-acre held It the party will sign a contract u take the agency for the wire. The contract is w here the swindle comes in, for if read closely it turns out to be a promissory note for $4'i after a few words are eras.il with mailt acid. Mrs. Mary Roast, of near Lilly, died at her home Sunday night about 1 o'clock after being il for a considerable time. She was the w idow of Jacob Hoast w ho llitul years ago and is the mother of a large family, all of whom with the etceptiou ul one sun, Stephen, are at home, Stephen, U-liiu uf Hrintoii. The funeral took pl'tc.u ou Wednesday morning at u o'clock from Hi. H-ridgef chmch, Lilly, Th Cambria county Medical Society held a meeting in the Toner library rHIUS, Juhiutuwu. Thursday evening, and elected the fullowing ulliivfs: First vice president. Dr. L. . Mayer; presi dent. Dr. W. H. Iiwinan; second .vice president. Dr. K. L. Miller: secretary. II F. Tomb; treasurer, Dr. F. Schillj LKrd or ceiisors, Dr. V. V. Junes, . K. WiH.mer. aud I J. . Wagoner; ttoanl of enatniners, Dr. W. II. Lowman, O. W. VNaouer aud 11. R Tomb. The hot rays of the un in the past few days has badly damaged the-sleigh-iiiK- F. A. Lyte, Esj., of Kane Pa, spent a few days in town during the present w eek. T. D. Patterson of Itarr townsh'p has been appointed to a clerkship in the House at Ilarrisburg. Mr. Pat. Doran, the well known railroad engineer of Wilkinsburg, spent a few hours in tow n on Thursday. Mr. Will. Hoi an. aud famil y are visit ing Mrs. Horan's parents. Ex-Sheriff Hlair and w if.' of this place. Last Friday's Philadelphia rr says: Charles S. Sheppard, manager of a com pany which h-is be-n playing "The Con viol's Oath" through Northern IVnn sy I vania, who was arrested at the Hlack Horse Hotel ou a warrant charging him w ith conspiring to cheat and defraud the memlH-rs of the company, was yesterday turned over iuto custody of a constable who will take him to Caiubira county for trial. About 3 o'clock on Monday afternoon w ill iam Knight, aged alKjut thirty years whose home is at Mineral Point, was struck on the back of the head at Portage by a freight engine on the Pennsylvania railroad, aud a large hole was cut in his head. He was rendered unconscious, in which condition he reiiiaiin-d for some time, tiring finally taken to his home on Way Passenger. He was reported to Iks doing nicely. Marion L. Smith, of dreensburg, an engineer on the llemptield branch rail road, was instantly killed alvout 10 o'clock, Friday night. He had charge of the front engine of a coal train and w hen entel ing the cut at the summit, tine-half mile south of thn Madison Junction, his engine was derate. I and upset by striking a large rock which had rolled onto the track. The unfortunate man was caught lietween the tender and the bank aud his body literally cut in twain. J. K. Poorman a wealthy citizen of Pleasant L'nity, was arrested aUSreens burg Thursday night charged with coun terfeiting, and taken to Pittsburg by a I'nited States officer, w lo claims to have sullicient evidence rgainst the aecusscd to co nvict. a good deal of spurious money has been floating in the neighlorhood for several mouths, principally quarters and half dollars. The dies were captured. Mr. Poor ma n has always been consid. red a good, honest citizen. The rights of way for the extension of the rairoad from Ebeitsburg. down the Rlaektick hayc all lieen secured without cost to the railroad company from ElH'iisburg to the forks of the Rlack lick about twelve miles, w ith the execptio n of Misses Harris and Rishop and (ieorge Huntley in Eltcnsbnrg and Edward Oweus in Cambria tow nship. Each of the parties mentioned claim damages and bonds will be tiled and viewers appointed to assess the. damages done to their respective pro perties. The barn of Mr. Martin Armstrong, w ho lives alMiut one mile west of Cherry tree'was burned last Saturday morning about .r o'clock. When first seen the fire was under such headway that it could not lie controlled and a colt, 3 calves, all the grain, quite a lot of hay, and most of his farming utensils were burned. Mr. Arm strong got his horses and cattle out by quick and effective work. The loss is about f-.'.cmo with a small insurance. The tire is supposed to be incendiary as no light had tiecn in the barn for several days. Joseph Kemnierer. a prominent citizen of (iiven township. Clinton county met with a sudden death Thursday afternoon about one mile from Logauton. Report says he was engaged at sliding logs ou his land, and w bile standing close to the slide a log flew out and sirfti-k him a violent blow on the hip. throw ing him quite a dis tant" aud caused him to strike the ground ou his head with such force as to break his neck His shoes were found about two rods from the body. He was a man alxmt iio years of age, and leaves a wife and five children to mourn his unfortunate death. The Pittsburg Timtx of Wedensday says that Edward Hlackniore, a Red ford county lmy who married Annie Johnson, a six teen-year-old girl of Johnstown, three months ago, was at the City Hall last evening seeking consolation and inciden tally advice as to how he could win his w ife back to him auaiii. for she had deserted him for her first lover, he ft-anil. The lirst lover is a fireman named William File ai.d he lives in Johnstown. Mrs. Hlackniore got a letter from her sister telling her that Fite was "a-pinin" for her. and she straight away packed up and w ent back to Johnstown. There in one ost -office in this county for which President Cleyelai.d will not likely Im harassed to make appointments, although, strange to say, is is one where an appointment is urgently milled. This Is the office at Vinco. in Jackson tow nship. Several months ago, David Simons, who has held the position for the past decade, resigned aud left the village, Elmer Rod key succeeding him as post toaster. Now Mr. Rod key has resigned and there seems to be no one w ho cares to serve Uncle Sam at that place. If a (Hist master cannot lie found it is likely the office will have to be abandoned. Jultuslmrn Ihnthl. The Carrolltowi A"cicof last weeK says: Mr. aud Mrs. James Stoltz. who live on Main street, this tow n, less than two weeks ago were the happy parents of three pretty aud bright children, who were among the little favorites of the village. That most dreaded of all diserses that ever menaced our latitude diphtheria entered the hap py household, union last Thursday, Feb ruary ,'d, Delia, aged six years, became a victim to the horrid pestileuce and died. David, agtd eight, died oh Saturday, February 4th, and tierlrude, aged four, died on the next day on Sunday, Feb ruary .Mb. Insovrryslu.it time a home is left desolate indeed, as the parents are left childless. Alexander Curry got ditmkon Monday night and went to his brother William's house, who lives at Rotx-rtsdale, in Hun tingdon county, and got iuto a quarrel. Mrs. W illiam Curry ordered him to leave. When he did so he went home, got his re volver and came back to shoot her. He kimcked at the door and a young lady named Annie Walk ins who wa.s there opened it. He tired six shots, then hit hi r with the revolver, after which he fled to the niountaiii!i. He was captured ou Tuesday morning and lodged in the Hun tingdon jail. Miss Walklns is in a critical conditioi. and cannot recover. The doctor have not yet extracted the bullets. Curry is a single man twenty-two year of age. All parlies are uf Scottish descent, and are residents of Robe rtsdalo. The Pittsburg Tim- has made all the tm-essary arrangement fur the accommo dation f the fifty school teachers that it ill take tu the World's Fair. Tlic special train that w(ll pouvey the happy tear bet toChicago will leave Pittsburg qlxint mmu un Monday July S4, and the escurtlonlsts ill arrive In cycuHu early p the morn illg of the ','Mh. Fpon arrival of the teach ers hi that city they will be taken to the Lexington, one of the fluent hotel in Hie country, where they w ill te entertained for ten day at the expeuse oftkeT'i'M The hutel I r entrally located and U w iihiu. easy reach tf the ttir gruuods. The e curtiuiilsU ill leave Chicago for Pitts burg on Thursday afternoon, August 3. Every nssible arrangement for the com. frt of Its guest I being made by the At llie Optra Hnae. A local institute w ill be held in Ebens burg. February 17 anJjiiid IS. Prof. Geo. V. Bible w ill give his pleasing literary entertainment on Friday evening, Feb. 17. To those who have heard Pror. Rible he needs no recommendation. If you want to Ikj highly entertained, come and hear him. General admission, twei.ty live cents; School children 15 cents. Whatever lunds are over after the expen ses are paid wil" l added to the school library fund. The Alms Glee Club will enliven the enterainment w ith music. Sati kpax", 9:) a. M. Little things in the scIumiI room Agnes Myers. The work of a progressive teacher On this subject papers not e.xceedin; ten minutes in leugth ure to be prepared by Hi., fi.llowinir ucrsons: Rose Garmau. Annie Heynon. ProL John McCormick S. L. Reed, Esq. Composition in the schools T. L. Gibson. The parent an aid to success in school work A. P. Weak'and. To lie discussed by others. Recitation J. S. Foley. l:3i p. m. Class drill bv Allie Lloyd. How the In crease in the Slate appropriation w ill bene fit our school. A. P. Gibson. Hygiene of the school room Dr. F. C. Jones. Uni versity extension or a broader education foroui people Supt. J. W. Leech. An address by Hon. A. V. Rarker. The possibilities of our public schools Wni. Tate. Pulagogues Journal Annie Jones, editor, Maggie Shcnkle, assistant editor. Items of interests w ill le gladly recieved by the editors. All are cordially invited to attend and help to make this an excel lent institute. Committkk. The Kallota. Quite a numlM-r of tow nhip auditors are under the impression that tin-re is no use getting specimen ballots for the ensuing election and that a less number of ba'lots than prescrilx d ' by law w ill be sullicient. The law says plainly that 7" ballots shall be printed for every .") names, and that an equal number of specimen ballots shall le furnished. The auditors have no discre tion in the matter and w hen they under take to furnish ballots in any other manner than the law directs they are liable to lie brought up facing section 34 of the Haker ballots law which is as follows: "Aiiv mi blii officer iinon whom a dlltv is imposed by this act who shall negligen tly or wilfully fail to perform such duty. or w hoshall negligently or wilfully ierforiu it in such a way as to hinder ttie onjeci ol this act. or who shall wilfully or negligent ly violate anv of the provisions thereof. shall tc guilty of a mistlc mcanor. and upon conviction, shall lie sentenced to pay a line not exceeding one thousand dollars or to undergo an imprisonment for not more than one vear. or both, at the discretion of the court." A votei who asks for a specimen ballot at theelection polls is entitled to get it and if there are none provided it is Im-anse the auditors have undertaken to override the act of the legislature and make the election law to suit themselves. KeraonnlrMneen tiled. Saturday last was the last day for filing remonstrances against applicants for liquor licences. Remontsrances have lieen tiled against the following persons: Moi rellville. Francis Leckey, Andrew J. Leonard, Charles Weutzell. John Lor- ditch. Portage. David W. Martin, John Ryrne, Peter Seymore. Andrew Smith. John F. Heiter, Albert Deihl, Hugh Cani- van. Johnstown, First Ward. Wagoner & Dodson. Johnstown, Second Ward. Jacob Fend. Johnstown. Sixth Ward. Henry Shaf fer. Nicholas Hloom. Johnstown, Eighth Ward. Danges fc Sclncler. Dale Rorough. P. C. Ott, George Shaffer. Stoneycreek township. John Finn. Joseph Holt., John Metzler. Adams township. S. R. Vanorsdall. Richland tow nship Rernard Nees, John Ott. Rlacklick township. Joseph Miller. Reade tow nship. J. A. Adems, Michael Scheel, John A. Noel. Red need Rat WastilntMOa. For the N-nefit of those w ho desire to attend the ceremonies incident to the in auguration of President-elect Cleveland, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Washington March 'Jd, 3d, aad 4th, valid to return until March 7th. The excursion rate will U th) from all points on the main line between Pittsburg and Hell- wood, and all stations on the West I n ii. MoMougahela and Southwest Penn Di visions, Including Cunnellsville and I'niontown. From stations east of Hell wood a rate of two rent per mile w ill apply. The inauguration promises to I' a most interesting event, and will undoubtedly aittacta large number of iieople from every section of the country. The magnificent facilities of the Penn sylvania Railroad make this line the fav orite route to the national capital on all occ-isions. Hy Jas. II. Watson, of Pittsburg, who is now at the Cambria House for a few days. This is Mr. Watson's initial visit to Elielisburg and at the request of some of the best families in town, will come regu larly every six months hereafter. TheMi ple have long felt t he mill of a thorough ly practical piano maker who can Im relied iioii to come regularly and one that is thoroughly competent to do all manner of regulating, repairing and voiceingof piano actior.s in addition to tuning. If your piano has lost Its old time full, rich, t ine and I now Uk brilliant in tone, or tinny," don't exchange for a new one till you sxf him, what can be done with your old one, the call and Information costs you nothing. Ills fourteen years ex perience insures you first class work. Leave your order at the Cambria House. Sfarrlace I.trensra. The following marriage licenses were Is sued by the Clerk of the Orphans' Court for the week ending Wednesday, February 1.1th, 1I3: George W. Rhoads, Johnstown, and Jennie Krl ng, Salix. Jacob A. Kinsey and Naintig Allison, Johnstown. William Fay, Johnstown, aud Isabel. a Davis, West Taylor township. A, A. Kring, Johnstown, aud Ada J. Horner, Cambria county. William Stevens aud Maggie Fulton. Johnstown, W'lliam Moser, Juhnstown, and Maggie Horn, Walnut Grove. George Dutenhorfer and Mary Nitzel, Johnstown. Anthony Kabler and Catharine Carvill, Johnstow ii. Iaal laatllnte. The follow ing is the prigiam for a local Institute to Ue held at AshviHe (Vbuary 2.1, commencing at 1 o'clock: Geography, Mary Cundroiij History, Leonard Lytel; Patriotism, Tillie Rradley: Recitation. P. V. Abelj Arithmetic. Menu McMulleui Rnsy Work, George Deuuy; What should constitute the Friday afternoon exercise-. Prof. Foley; Orthography. Tillie llitej How chould we endeavor to act toward our pupils. Eva Ilurblu; Draw ing. A. J. Dia mond: A talk hy Supt. Leech; Singing, Ella Sweeny, A fiame tenement iu I'hilipsburg. Centre county, occupied by a widow named Herring with five children, was buruej ou Tuesday night. A live year old daughter wa bo rued to death. Recalatlaas far Wmt. Following are the Lenten rules for the guidanco of the faithful in this Catholic Diocese. Lent begins with Ash Wednes day, Febuary 1.1. 1. All the faithful who have completed their twenty-tirst year are, uuless legiti mately disueiised, bound to otiserve the fast of Lent. -'. They are to make only oue full meal a day, excepting Sunday. 3. The meal allowed ou fast Is cot to be taken ti!l about noon. 4. A small refreshment, commonly calltii collation. Is allowed in the evening. No general rule a to tiie quantity of fo.nl oermiued as this lime is or can be made, but the practice of the most regular Christains is never to let it exceed the fourth part of an ordinary meal. 5. In the morning a piece of bread, not exceeding two ounces, with a drink of coffee, tea. or chiM-olate. -jr any similar beverage, call be taken. ii. When the principal meal cannot lie taken about noon, it is lawful to invert the order, by taking the collation in the morning and the dinner in the evening. 7. In preparing food that is permitted, lard or fat may lie made use of. S. The following persons are exempt from the obligation of fasting: Young pel sons under tweuty-one years of age. the sick, pregnant women, or those giving suck to Infants, imtsoiis obliged to hard lalor, and all who, through weakness, cannot fast without great prejudice to their health. 1). Hy dispensation, the use of flesh meats will be allowed at the meals on Sundays, Thursdays and Saturdays, with the exception of Saturday In Ember week, and the last Saturday of Lent. The uses of butter, cheese milk and eggs is also per mitted every diy in I-nt. The use of flesh meet and fish at the same meal on auy day, even on Sunday, is forbidden. to. Persons uispenscd from the obliga tion of fasting are not Inmnd by the re striction of using meat only at one meal ou days which its us? is gran tod by dispensa tion. Those who are obliged to fast, are permitted to use meat only at one meal. 11. The time for making the Easter Communion w ill date from the tirst Sun day in Lent till the Sunday within the octave of Ascension (May) inclusive. The use of flesh meet on Saturdays throughout the year is allowed, for a term of years, by dispensation from the Holy See. The I. oral Paper. Governor Francis, of Missouri, w ho ap preciates the valve of a local paer. gives the following reasons why it should be patronized: "Each year the local paper gives from to l,unt in free lines to the community in which it is located. No other agency can or will do this. The edi tor, in proKrtion to bis means, des more for l.is county than any other ten men: he ought to lie supporti-d, not lieeause yon like him and his writings, or not support ed because you don't like him and disagree w ith Ins w ritings, but all should suport a local paper liecause it is the Iiest invest ment a community can make; it may not be brilliantly edited or crowded with thought, but financially it is more benefit to the people than the teacher or preacher. UndeJstand me, I do not say morally or intellectually, but financially ; and yet on the moral question you 'vill find most of the local papers on the right side. To-day the editors of the home papers do more for the least money of any men on earth." The I'ae and A hone of Hhinkfjr This subject could lie dwelt upon to a considerable length and vet much remain untold, but all agrti that the use, the proper use of pi, re rye whskey is an abso lute necessity, csiiecially so now, when nature insists upon being stimulated. All regular physicians prescribe rye w hiskey, aud justly claim that Klein's Silver Age and Duquesne Whiskies are most reliable. Thevdothis not only liecause they have tried them, but because the leading hospi tals use them find them the liest stimu lants in the world. Silver age sells for and Duquesne for f 1.2.1 jer full quart. For sale by J. Ludwig A Son, Johns town. MlkeellaMraaa 9i altera. N'OTH'K hr1n pnrrhad the hrnef -shop lormerly eund acted by l A. Lauk tain. 1 would rei-iMcliully ak a continuance of tne pat ronK and 1 will Ruarntee all my work tn rive natlalartlon. OKllliUt H. LANOHK1N. llmiilinaoM mr the l.leaer Habit f mill ! Carrd adMlelntrrlac Dr. II alar' (ieldf nprrlttr. It U manufactured mi a owder. which ran he Iven tn a tela ol beer, a rup ol cotee or tea. or In lood. without the knowledge of the psilenu It Is absolutely brmlc-. and will fleet a perma nent and vpeeuy cure, whether the patient l a moderate drinker or alcoholic wreck. It hai been given In thourandiol ranes aad In every Instance a perfect cure ha followed. It never lain. The system once lm,'reBald with the specltlc. It be comes an utter impossibility for the liquor sp. pe'tle 'm exist, t'ures euaranteed. 48 paxe book ol particulars tree. Address UOLIitN SiPKi'lKlU t?l.. aUKlV.Iy. ISA Kara St.. Cincinnati, O. IK yon are wanting K-ks. Stationary, Kook lets, lxills. (lames. Toys. Novelties, School Supplies. Kuldier Hoots or Nhoes, etc., etc., ou can have y ur want supplied tj a vis t to V. T. K-Ierts' store, Klienrburic. Although an old as tablUbed one. It Is abreast of the times and a l ways well hlUd with Kuods ot all kinds. An ei chanee horary has been started at this store, where let fraud lu cents you ran rent most any book you want to read. Any book or anything elfe not In rtork procured lor you at once, fcv erythlngscld at lowest prices. Ulve ui a rail and see lor yourseli. a never saw sued a larice and eleant stock In Kbensbura;. 1.VK SAKK OK KlJSr. The nmiersliined of lers at private rale bis farm ol I A) acres sit uated one in He south f Kbenf burg on the W II more road. There is alxiut Tu acres cleared with KihmI orrhaid and kooiI water. If nut sold tie lore the 1st ol April it will lie tor rent, fosses slon Kiven Immediately, ('all no or address JAMI-S MV tKS, Jan. 6. ISwJ Sua. Elieusuurv. Pa I'll K Kbensbur HulMIn. h. Ijoun Association 1. will utter lor sale at the e -uucll chamlwr. Kb euHhiirx, "a the fourth Monday In February. i.uou.iw TlltiS. 1IAVIS. l.anTR Ihimbr, Secretary. President. GET THE BEST! USE R. C. ORR'S G OLDEJV CROWJV COFFEE. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. Raid by K. V. OIR, WlirlssalsUtserr, Pit l.lfrerlj- Mrl, PlfTMHt Kli, PA, X'OI t:E is hereby teo that the lollowlns: ac- roue ts have lieen Hied In the Court ot lkm UtoB fleas ul Cambria eounly. fa., and will le eonflrmeil by said court oa the Drst Monday of March, A. l. Intl. uuless causa be shown to the contrary: first and Anal arcoant of J. E, ('handler, aa sltftiee ol Jacob J. Windier el m first an-l naal aoouuat ol l. if. Mers. assig nee ol Ctlauntaer et ui. Second and Onal aocuunt of John Foust, ai slgnee ol frank tlahn. J.C. I'AKHY. Feb. 10, 18H3L frotbonotary. D ON ALU E. MJFTON, AT1"UKN BV AT. i.A W. EaaaaBt'BS. rsail fWUtbeu la Opera Hesse. Center street. T tF. McKKXBICK, Je ATTOBBBT anc.H'HftXO AT UW, BHBNSHl'KO. - PA. a-ltflce ea Centre street. 1 I 4,iW.li j. tin. A. (, MS lUJ.w, Js, k. UALTZELLST IF you are wHe awake you will not wait until the last mo ment before taking advantage of the great bargains we are going to give you this pay-day week. In domestics we have several brands that we will sell at less than we can buy them to-dav. The household department is full of bargains, as you will see by the t.ckets displayed on goods. In the Men's furnishing de partment we have decided hold a great SHIRT SALE this week, shirts of every description, Flannel, Outing, Cheviot, Mad ras, Percale, laundried and un iaundried, anything you want at prices that will surprise you, but only for a few days. Again we call your attention to our carpet stock. If you will glance at our south windows you will see an indication of new spring stjles in Brussels and Tap estries, with or without herders. As in the past three se;tsons, liijht colorings prevail and once more the artists who originate the designs and color combina tions have excelled all their prjvious efforts in the beauty and elegance of patterns for the ap proaching spring season. The bargain list in carpets is not yet exhausted but will be continued through the present month. Some idea of these goods can be had by a few prices in the window display. In every rase they are marked far below the actual price ve paid for them. The low prii-es are made simply liecause the remnant thus marked is all we have of the pattern, and no more will be ordered. BALTZELLS Altoona. ft- L. JOHSSTO. M.J.BVCK. A. H'.B I f K. TAHI.1HBBD 1872. Johnston, Buck & Co., 1J AN KICKS, EUENSBURU. - PENN"A. A. W. HICK, (ashler. ferra bxihb bd 1888. Carrolltown Bank, UAKKOLJ.TOV.-N. f A. T. A. Nil AHBArtl If, ('ashler. General Banting Easiness Transacted. The lollowlns: are the principal feature! o! general bakainir business : IsEPOKITS Keeelved payable on demand, and Interest bear Ins; certificates Issued to time depositors. I.OAKN Extended to eatnmer on larorahle tetmsand approved paper discounted at all times. ." I. I.r.CTI OWN Made In the locality and upon all the banklnv towns In the United States. Charges moderate. DRAITIl laaned negotiable In all parts of the I'nltart States, and lorelgn exchange Issued on ill parts of fcuroi e. ft! merchants, farmers and others solicited, u whom reammaMe accomodation will be extended. Patrons are assured that all transactions shall be held as strictly private and em n dsn tie I, and that they will be treated as It tie rail 7 ss good banking roles will pen It. Kespectlnlly, JOIIWNTOW. BL'C'K Jk CO. LILLY BANKING : CO., LILLY, PA., JIU. M. III LI.EX, ... CANIIir.K. A (I EN ERA L It A SKINT. BUSINESS TRANSACTED. FIRE, LIFE, AND ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE. ALL TIIE rRINTII'AL STEAMSHIP LINKS REPRESENTED II Y US. Aoeounts ef merchants, farmers and oth ers earnestly solicited, asstiriiiKOiir patrons that all busim-ss entrust.'d to us will re reive prompt and careful attention, and lie held strictly confidential. Customers will lie treatinl as llherally as pood banking rules will permit. LILLY ISANKINT. CO.. feb-i:). Lilly, I'enua C. A. LANGBEIN, Manufaturerof aud Healer In ALL KINDS of HARNESS, NtnnLm, bkiblf. whip, COLLARS HARNESS OILS, BLANKETS, Kobes. Ff NeU, t'arry Uombs, eta., etc Ke paitine Neatly aad Promutlr done. All work gnarabtaed U give aalislacUon. Kldlng Brldlee. frotu op- Teai Bridles. trom- 11 to up. Ip Ihwters. Irom ue- !- Machine-made Harness. trom.4.i up. Hand-made Harness, Irom 10.uO up. r-OaIl and examine my stock be lore pur chasing elsewhere. I guarantee to tell ai cheap as the cbeapast. aT-Sbop U arkr Ko on (Jentre street, apriwtf rpKIAL LIST. 1 List ol causes set term. 18i: Sanpp et al Shatter Zimmerman Mr)onlgle-........ I'lttdle ... Kracken... . . ... . tt'Hara 4111 ........... James ......... 1 1 lark . -- ftiracken ... . .... . S loan ... Zimmerman Mattison et al Klineordlinger,, Shirley Notle; st Harter Hrnurd ... down tor tral at March Ji'dsn. .....vs. Stutsman et al. . vf. Hose et al ...vs. Iiier A '. vs. t'amlirta Land l"o. vs. suae. ....vs. Kays. ....vs. Juhnstown Lumber Oompany. ....vs. I..I yd. vs. Oroj le. ,, ,, vs. suae. ..vs Bilestlne. ,.,,vs. Ulhert. ....vs f. K K. Mctiugh. vs. Mt. Olive Church, ....vs. MrMullen et al. ....vs. Z mmerman. .... Ki.odr, vs. Cro.-sin. vi. Jennings, fs. Fuller ....vs. Kalttar. vs. Wllleits A Herrlng- ton vs. Hayes heirs. J. U. liUKY. Khlers.. lTse Howell Mock Same Valoke Laitc. Sunshine a, t'-o . Valley like tV ITolh'y'i ofBoe, Keb. io, troth" j. ADMINISTHATUK'S NUTCK, W hereas letter of administration on the estate ol I lav Id Trler. Iste of tlallltslB town shlii. dceoasaj. bavins; been granted tu the un derslgnej all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby Butlned to make tuiymcnt without delay and those having claim against the same witl iireaent tbem prulierly authenticated lor settle ment. ANN I-UK I Kk-LES, JOHN U WILT. Alviw tCvana, Aity. Admlnltrator. Jan -JT.lttva. TW. DICK, e ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW, tisi:ui, Pcaa'a TSpactal attention to alyeo claims for Pen sion Bounty, etc Chi- LEADERS III THIS WEEK YOU T'ittsbiirs U'st flour at n-r sack; ctxid flour at fl.l'J M-r sark: U-st porn and oats chop al ?!.'.: cimkI collee. T'v.l millers o for Msr.; currants. 7 pounds fur -.v.; jrmid lauiidry S4iap. ID pieces for -."ic.; suirar, VI pounds for cl.oo. A Big Fall in Dry Goods. Itest calicoes at f. and 7 ecu's; muslin, bleached and unbleached. and 7 cents; iinuliatns. .' and ti cents; cloth, in trray. brown and t-re-n. :so to ci-nts; t'asb mere in all colors. .K to cents; red Manuel, Lit cents; jr. il inwelint: 4' cents. IS "I'lie atiove stock has lie-n reduced 'T, per cent. Our Stock of Xadies Coats Sold Almost For Coats... Coats Coats.. . f.irmer former former Also, do not forget that we nre now stoek of Children's, Good A 13 to S7.00; I!oys' III in and 151ai k Chinchilla Coats, $4,OOr Former price, ts.mt. Children's Cape Coats in bin Plaids or Stripes. ?1.7."i; former price. ,""Th.-s' goods must tfo and there is a uood chance fur buyers. Men's Heavy-Weight Crav or lied tlNOERWEAfcs O.V. per suit, former price. (I.. Mi. LADIES IFine HDrcss Shoes at $1.25 to $2.00. IT tH A DI TT yaa awa yaararlf aud faa. fcraaiaaiica la Tssr fsslwrar by aurrhaalna; W. 1M Itaasjaa Sha. whlra rrsrnest Ike kM-at valaa lar artcea askei, aa taeaaunua will t rat Iff. -UTTXH.K NO SrBSTITLTE.J W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cen'lei EN. THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONET. A frsslss ifwrd sbsf. that trtl mic rip, ti 110 Calf, seanileiia. smoiith Insltle, flrxlhla, more com furtable. stylish aud durable than an t other lueivr td al tb price. 1 glials custom made aaoeaouaUns; frooi H to S yi mmd 0H TTane-arwed, flnecalf atanrs. The Boost stvluh. eajiy and durante wbiir-s rviv m ld at the price. Tac equal Que Imported auoea oarlns; from - to !!. J O 40 Fallre Shae, worn by farmers sod all 790e otbera wbo want a Kuod heavy calf, tbiva aitod, eztenstna edire auoe, eaajr to a aUt tu, and will keep tbe feet dry aud warm. SO He alf, 8i,J and S'2.00 Wark- Isfars's Suuea will tflve more wear for Ilia IiKine tbaa anv other make. Thev are made f.w aer Ttee. The Increasing a&lee abow that wurkinginen nave found this out. Pnucl 9t-0 ana Teethe 91.75 Brheel Dvl O Shoe are worn by the but every. where. The most scrvlceableanoeaaildat tneprtces. I sari iac 9:i.O llanri-ewed. SJ.5II, aa UICS ti.OU aud 1.7i sh. for M laeea are made of tbe best iwrntrola or flue Calf, aa deaired. They areTery stylbdi.c4iuifortatile and dura ble. Theuiahoeequalcutitomniadciiuoeciiittnt; from to etu.ii, Ijuiies who wish toeauaouUBB la their footwear are flidlu t inn out, Castiss,-W. U IkwiiW Bnia and tbe price Is stamped ou tbe bottom of rach shoe took for it w hen yon buy. Beware of dealers attempt Hit; to sub stitute other inakea for tbem. feuchaubtititut ions are frautluWutand subject to proats-utiou by law fur 00 taluiQM money under false preteneea. V, 1 liUl. Ui.AiS, lirattea, Mus. Sold by C. T. HOBEKTS, Airal, EllLSkUI Bli, PA. ma'.Tiui JTJST RECEIVED ! -a larc.e lot- Boots & Shoos -BOUGHT AT- Sheriff's Sale ! FROM TIIE I'.TOCK OF W. E. SCHMERTZ 8l CO., PITTKMTRU, PA. The public invited to call. Prices uwiy down. JN0. LLOYD & SONS. Ut)TKt.l,EIRANlK. H J.SHfcTTUt. ranrairroR. Lettated at lMBois. I'a.. near tbe H. R. fc P. Hallway lepot. We always endeaTur to lur Blshtba best aeeomsaodatiuus to busluess men, pleasure seekers and boarders, fersoes la search ol jomlort aud )ulet will end It a desfatle place to atop. The Table Is aasurpaued aad Is always supplied with tbe best the market arlurds.and all the delicacies of the season. Tbe Kar Is sup plied with tbe eboteeato! pare liquors and cucars aad nothing hut tbe beat Is sold. Special alien. To Investors. tithY a-o away from boma to seek IntresttnmU when joa can ln Pennsylvania t'irsl MurtaaK aerarttler on tlio tiasli or Monthly fay turn t ilannd ahlrli will net yoa taenty l'r cent, on yoor taoneyt "ut" r aiMrers H. A. r-N ll.r.HAKl. Aa. k, WL Kliens'jurK, I'a GAI1CER and Itimors tl'RFW : ao K buuk inv I'm iiTMi A tu a Aik ki Uw hi- I tUctUUaU. ( ( W1E AMJE F&KCY MID STAPLE GROCERIES. CAN HAVE FUR - TRir.ir.lED - COATS, Reduced from $512 to 7.50. Misses' Coats In I'lain aud lSox-I'lcatcd. lieht and dark colors, in all si.-, can U- UuKbt from Cents' X.v-kwear at Vic., reular .Vic. -vods. I 'or nevt two weeks we will sell TWO HI'N DKKII AM) I I FT V rAi:s I'AXTS-U ."su d. I iieyiots. All-Uool Cassjiiifn.s, at one price. Nothing. price f'i.(i. now :t.ii priie r,.ti. now :i.i A I'AIU-NO Vol' price now i.lts Boys' and Men's Overcoats at half prirc. All-Wool Black and FORMER PRICE, La ITU MEN'S (DALF SIHKIDIES, In Canurss or Lace, 1 1.7.-1 10 t M.'-i,Sl'.S'.I""!I"l: ,;rain slr'"f Heel SIkm-s. fl.l.-,. t lilld s Dout'ola aud tiiain II eel and SprlUK Heel at c. Men's Fine Dress Nboes in Congress or Lace for tl.j:,. 500 PAIRS 31 EN'S - BKOGANS, Solid Leather. Oak Top, Sole with Huckle. .M a pair, former price H.:i'.. tbe bi)f.'est olfer ever made iu Cumbria county. rSTOiir Stock ol Fl'KXITr KK. CA K1KTS. hats C.M'S. '1 KL .KS and VALlsKS is now ready for li-sM-ction. C5fCome spend an hour with us. 0MTM THE BEST PLACE IN ALTOONA TO BUY CLOTHING IS AT 1300 ELEVENTH AVENUE. Where you will find a complete line of Men's, Boys and Chil dren's Suitings in all styles and qualities. owe for Men and Boys, for Style and Finish can not be beat for the price Furnishing Goods, Hats and cups, TRUNKS AND SATCHEUS in endless varieties. You are invited to call and see us when in the city and we will do you good. JOHN McCONNELL, ALTOOXA, PKXX'A, "Seeing is Believing. mast be simple; when it is not simple it is i ri J - . r n . r m 1 . I ( words mean much, but to U'ill imDress the truth mnr 4 tough and seamless, and it is absolutely safe and unbreakable. Like Aladdin's 01 ojo, it is indeed a "wonderful lamp," for its mar velous linht ie mrw mrl kn'nl.. u n . . i:t o . .v auiLcr uuu cictinc iienr t r aav rM t t.i. - -' .-..-.iii-iB! socHaTu, 11 toe laniDdealer hasn't the n..!.. I -anct.c. (rum thc turu Lam ' BOCUKSiTEU I. A BIP 6 fi New Wiile Front BnCttinrj, 113 Clinton Street, Jolinstown, Pa. New Stock of DRY GOODS, MILLINERY AND CAR- PETS. Call to see us when in towu. Mountain House STIR SH&Y1HG PARL0R1 CENTRE STREET, EBENSBURG. 'I'll IS well known anil tons: established Sharins; X farlor is bow titrated m t'cnlre street. ot puslta tk livery statile ol O'Hara. Itavls a L.nttk er. where the l-uslness will t carried on in lae mturs. shvim:, haik t'lrniMt ami MlAMPt KriVl done In tbe iteateet and most artistic maimer, flean Towels a Siaelalty. 9.Ldiuiea siiuti on at tbetr reaidenres. JAM US U.OANT. rrufricU IKl ATk; SAI.K. Tbe andersUnad will sell at I'rtvata Sale In l-llj Itornaich. )mltrla pimnty. I'a, bis Hotel, with Krawery attached J Two Ice Houses. Stab le, and all necessary ( Hi t bnildlnKS on the premises The Hoase Is licensed now. k"T turtber particulars rail en or atMress the nminiettir, lllilM)liKSKLl.. I4IJ. ta..tol4.1He. Dllyoanned Job Peintln? II so, k I re tbe J'RBKJiaa trial order. MATTKi: WHAT CUUHI WANT Wi: I1AVK. oflerincr our ent.ro Brown V S14.00. CB.9 OATS LEADERS OF LOW PRICES, GAIXITZIN, PENNA. 99 And a rood lam6 see " The Rochester " fnrn'KU All - w. lUtlAl, V made in three nieces onlr.t kingniti uiau llglll, k. ana more erirrfiil thin ,thT ww... " w.V... . ... rAnlktHid ' CO.. 42 Park PI.... ... a, 44The Rochester 9 9 1704. Pol l etas written at snort a)ce la the OLD RELIABLE ' ETNA" " r W mwm w esTsil m WMpAM IvVa T. W. DICK, ar.NT rK THE OLD HARTFORD 1794. Khenshnra. Jniy l.IS. M. D. KITTELL. Attorneynt-Jjav, KHENSBl'im, PA. omna IB Armory WBHdlnn. opp.tlourt Hoose. r