Kr.KXSltl'ltO, CAMHKIA TO., I'A. lKIDAV. .JANUARY lv.a !. . I. AM) PIH.,I Mrs. Y. A. Sianlan is visititiir frh'iuls ill llllll.HKl. Thf -.l.'iniiiiiir In this n.-iiflilioi IiixhI is lctz;int ami can't lio t at. -INv. l'ath.T Kitt. II. f l-orvtto, was a viitir to our town tn Tlmixlay. Mr. 11. A. Kiii?li l':irt haslx'cu ntpoint tl di-iiuty r.-Kisl. i ami nioiiltr. V. A. Fa:in, of Carroll tow i), lias been graiit.-.l a K iiion of per inontli. Mr. llairv r'eiilon, of Kellefonte, visit ed parents in this plaee last week. Mr. William Uirlianlson ami family will ivinove to Kradilofk in tlm spriiiMr. Arthur Jones, of t'ainlnia township, hi-t xck shot awiltl turkey that weighed pi; . pounds. Mr. John Lantzy, one of Elder town vhip's lest eitieiis, was a visitor to our t.. ii on Monday. Miss Tillie penny of Altoona. is visit i mi her l.iiilher, Mr. .1. 1!. l)enny, of the Mountain House. Mr. John James, of Canihr'a township, had a cow killed on the railroad on Wed nesday of last week. A sleiuhint; party from Ctx-miiau txli, all holies, was ill town on Thursday and look dinner at the Mlair lloue. William Storey, aeed St years, died at the ie?-idenee of hi son Alexander Storey, in Croyle township, on Friday last. It is eurrently reported and uenerally lielieved that the South Fork railroad will be extended to liedlord next summer. Mr. Simon Sehrift. one of New Ger many's (Croy'e township) good, citizens spent a few hours in town on Tuesday. J. W. Kinney, the well-known sales man for U. C. (Mit Co., of Pittsburg, wa; hereon lhursday looking up bis custom ers. W. A. Flood, a freight brakeman on the Pennsylvania railroud, was killed by the cars at on Wednesday of iasl w eek. Mr. Caron I.uhey, of Lilly, has been awarded the contract for furnishing the courthouse and jail with coal during the ensuini? year. Last week the owners of ice-houses in this place stored away a good crop of ice tor next summer. 1 he ice was about ten Indies thick. .Iiuiiic Parker is holding an argument court in Ih'llffolitc this week to dispose of Mime motions imuli' in cases tried by ) i i tit some time airo. (Jeo. A. Ixinkead, Joseph llipps ami and W. C. Perry, county auditors, bcan the work of auditing the accounts of the county on Tuesday. Mrs. Morgan II uulies mid lier sister. Mis. John I.. Stotigh, l)ot It of this place. visited frienils in Johnstown, the latter pu t of last week. Mr. James P. Zaliin and wife of Pitts burg, spent New Year's day with the for mer's parent, Mr. and Mrs. I Jeo. C. K. Zahui, of this place. lr. T. M. Kichards, wife and child, who were ubseiit for u couple of weeks visiting Ir. Kichard's parents at Zanesvillc. (., returned home on Wednesday. Mr. II. J. t'rouse has been appointed janitor at the court house for the ensuing year by the county eoiniiiissionrrs tt took charge of the building on Monday, Fiiiier the Itaker ballot law it riiiires earlier action upon the part of township Ulid tiorough candidates for otlice. To he be valid a ticket must be approved sevei. days prior to an election. The "Convict's Oath" was played at the opera house on Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday evenings. The company is a rood one and we u iider-tand they are billed for Lilly on Friday ami Saturday Hindis. Joseph Ivillerman. a brakeman on the P. .V N. W. railroid. was instantly killed near ttie station at Irvona on Monday. bile making a coupling vv ith a chain. He was alioiil '.'O years of age and his home was at KellwiMHl. ,uite a immU-r of J'arrolltow n's lads and lassies took advantage of the sleigliing and visited Klx'tisbiuu on Satiir.lttv even ing. While)here they took in "lrisii ArisUn1 rai y" whichwason the hoards at the opera house that evening. Key. John Wild and M. I. Kittell., executors of Mai till Ward, deceased, w ill olTer a valuable piece of real estate in the Westward of Kneitshiirg fir sale on Saturday. January ".'Ist. See advertise ment in anot her column. On Saturday, Governor i'attison ap pointed Hon. Augustus S. Landis, of-' liollidayshiirg. judge of the courts of Plair county, to till the vacancy caused by the resignation of J udge I lean. The new ap pontee will serve for one J ear. -At Hi-mplielil, near (ireensburg, a house w as lies) rnyed by tire on the "Jilt h ult. Aii old man was burned to death and several children were perhaps fatally burned. l.luo were burned besides the household ctTects of ten families. -While J. II. 1'ieedhotT. an employe in t he stuie J. M. Yollllg, Johllslow n. was c irr iim a Imx into the store room on Sut urdKy, he slipped in Mich a manner that the tmx, which Weighed l'.'." pounds, fell on his head, i 1 1 1 1 i l i 1 1 i si'rious injuries. On Friday night a tire broke out in the Hotel Maueval. on Clinton t r . I . Johns town, and the building and its contents totally destroyed, tjuinu's large dry goods and millinery store across the alley was also Miinew hat damaged. The loss is esti mated at P.' .. tin Monday the followi.ig named gen tlemen who W err elected at the last elec tion took their oath of otlice: Prothomt tary. James C. Ilarby; register ami record el, llauiel A. Mctiough: poor house direct or. Uaphael II i t ; county surveyor, Henry Scaiila.ii; coroner. Ilr. George Martin. Hon. Cyrus L. Pershing took the oath us Judge of the Schuylkill district on Monday, for the third time. On account of his recent seven- sickness he was driven to the court house in a closed carriage, and i in :nediately uftei Ix ing orn returned to his home. He is slow ly but surely re cover! nif. The assessment return to the state by counties shows that Cumbria has imide the largest increase during the year in the value of all real estate. J ls'.'l the value of real estate in this county was i.' I.. '!."), while the next report to the department will place it at f','l,4S.'I,l:.1, u KU.ii of about f Ki.imi.imi. Our friend P. A. McGough. Esq., w ho w as sworn in as Ki gister and Recorder on Monday, looks like the right man In the right place. Everyone knows that he Will perform the duties of the ullice well and faithfully and when it comes to obliging anyone there is none that can do it w ith a belter grace than Pan. - On Tuesday morning an unknown man, dlessed i II Work i llg clot lies, medium height, weighing ubout one hundred and lifty pounds, aged about Till years, w as struck by an engine near Allegripus, on the east ern side of the mountain, and instantly killed. His remains were taken to Altoo na, The remains were interred in the Almshouse cemetery. Messrs. Johnston, Puck fe Co., bankers, of F.beiisburg, Carrolltown and Hastings, have issued a finely engraved calendar for ls'ia, and our thanks are tendered for a copy. John Pevine, while walking on the railroad lietwcen Kell wood a ml Fostoria on Saturday evening, was struck by Mail Ex press ami Instantly killed. The deceased was a sou of the late Thomas Peyine, a former resident of EliensburR and a sister of Mrs. Jed Dow. of this place. Ills re mains were taken to his home In Pell wood. The inventory of the personal proper ty of the late Pishop Tulgg was filed In Pittsburg on Saturday. It amounts to only $237 worth, and of this all but S7 Is placed on his library. The S7 is made up of a gold watch, a dressing-case and a manicure set. There w ere T'.rJ volumes In the library, the highest priced being fl and the lowest fivs cents. The largest freight car over built was turned out of the Pennsylvania Uailroad Company's shops at Altoona Saturday morning, after three months' steady work. This car w ill be used to transoort from Sparrow Point, neat Paltimore, to Chicago the K't-ton gun manufactured at the works of the Kruno (inn Cotnwanv. at Essen. Prussia, for the World's Fair. On Monday Eddie Dit ker, the eight-year-old son of James Pecker, a miner liv ing in Elder township, near Hastings, while coasting down a hill on a small sled. run into a piece or iron pipe that was sticking up out of the ground and froen fast. Tin; iron pipe struck the Imy In the stomach and penetrated up into the region of the heart, causing death almost Instant ly. As will lie noticed by a glance at our advertising columns the readers of the Fkkkman will perceive that the well known firm of Simon & Co., at, has been succeeded by Messrs. Orth : Co. Messrs Simon -.t Co., return their thanks to their many patrons in the past and recomend their successors in business to the good graces of the people of ( a-id vicinity. John C. Plakency, a prominent citizen of Saltsburg, Indiana county, as well as a memlierof town council of that place, was Instantly killed Saturday afternoon by a fall of slate in the mines at Fairbanks, Westmoreland county, where he had been employed for a number of years. Mr. Plackeney for a number of years was prin ciple of the Saltsburgscho-jls, but owing to declining health engaged in mining in hopes of improving his health. When Farmer Crissinger, of (Ireens burg, visited Pittsburg three mouths ago. an old man introduced himself as David Pallison, of Wheeling. W. Va., and said h had lost his pocket-liook containing a sum of money ami a railroad ticket to Wheel ing. The young man bought a meal and a ticket for Pallison. P illison took Cris- singer's address and promised to return the money. The young farmer grew tired of waiting far the return of his mousy and linally concluded he had lieen swindled On Monday he received a letter from a Wheeling attorney saying the old man was dead and had left Crissinger 10,(XIO. Engineer James Poran, of this city, was handling the throttle lever on the engine of the day express a day or two ago and narrowly escaped a fearful accident near Wilmerding. Two eust bound freight trains were wrecked near there and blocked the tracks. A flagman had gone back to signal approaching trains, but Engineer Poran on first Xo. 8 did not see him. owing to smoke, and did not perceive the wreck until within a few hundred feet of it. He then hud only time to apply the air, reverse his engine and brace himself for the shock which came a few seconds later amid a shower of flying splinters. Xooneon the express w as hurt. .lfooni Tunc. The Pemocrutie convention of Altoo na on Tuesday evening nominated the fol lowing ticket: Mayor, Samuel M. Hoyer; controller, Joseph A. McCleary; treasurer, Samuel Lloyd; school directors, Frederick Hesser and Uev. Allen Sheldon WiMidle; assessors, Adolpbus Ake, William Klm mel and W. W. Osborne. A. V. Piyely, Esq., was chosen chairman of the city committee.. Mr. Hoyer, the mayorality nominee is a native of Croyle township, Cambria county. He attended the local schools, worked on his father's farm, mined coal, carried on a coal yard, and moved to Altoona in ls.sO, where he continued the coal business. 11 j is thirty-six years old. A fatal accident occured at Irvona on Monday morning, by w hich Joseph Keller man, tlr., was instantly killed. KelU-rman was a brakeman or. the Pennsylvania and Northwestern railroad, and at about 11 o'clock, at the point inmed, at tern pled to make a coupling between cars. Just as the cars were atKiut to come together he slip ped, falling lietween the deadwoods, w hich caught him across the left side of the chest, crushing his life out instantly. The lnxly was immediately taken to I Jell wood. Coroner Poet wus then notified and went to Pel I wood and Impanelled a jury of im-nest. After viewing the body and hear ing the evidence, which all went to show that the fatality was purely an accident, a verdict was returned in accordance with the facts. AUjnt half-past 3 o'clock on Wcdnes mortiitig of last week a lire broke out in a dwelling house occupied by George Plair, in Morrellville, and lie fore the flames were gotten under control four dwellings and one store were burned to the ground, and several other buildings badly damaged by tire and water. The buildings completely destroyed were three dwellings owned by William Mette. a double dwelling owned by Pavid Hammond and his sou William, the dwelling of John Marsh, a large furni ture store iH'longing to Marsh, as well as all the outbuildings on the rear of these lots, and the stable of J. W. Uager, across the alley fromoueof the burned properties. The loss is estimated at alxjut twenty thousand dollars which is partially covet ed by insurance. A dispatch from Indiana to the Pitts burg papers last week says: Surveyors in the employ of tlm Pennsylvania Uailroad Company are pushing still another survey for a liiu along the Placklick. The engin eers are now at work in this county, and it is given out that the survey Is for ft line from ElM-usburg into the Placklick coal fields in western Cambria county. The character of the survey Indicates a purpose to make something more than a short coal road. P.y running the road from the head water to the mouth of the Placklick some of the lest coal land In the state would be tapped in Indiana county, and the now line would have the addional advantage of forming a junction with the Indiana branch. There will lie a great deil of new railroad work In the coal sections the coming year, tecause of the leases and purchases of coal and IuiuUt rights made by eastern Pennsylvania capitalists during the past four month. Th I'm ana Aba ( Whlikry This subject could lie dwelt upon to ft considerable length and yet much remain untold, but all agree that the use, the procr use of rye w hskey Is au abso lute necessity, especially so now, when nature insisu upon being stimulated. All regular physicians prescribe rye w hiskey, and justly claim that Klein's Silver Age and Piuiuesne Whiskies are most reliable. They do this not only liecausu they have tried them, but because the leading hospi tals use them find them the best stimu lants in the world. Silver age sells fur I.. TO and Puiiuesne for IJJ5 per full quart. For sale by J. Liuiwig i Son, Johns-town. Marriage Llrrnim. The following marriage licenses were Is sued by the Clerk of the Orphans' Court for two weeks ending Wednesday, .January 4. 113: Charles E. Shoemaker, Johnstown, and Jennie E. Leldy, Woodberry, Iledfwrd county. George V. Trefts, Johnstown, and Eliz abeth Will, Stonycreek township, Somer set county. William Reed and Emma Morgan, Por tage township. Michael Shea and Sarah T. Conner, Johnstown. L. II. Heines and Sue Cullen, Portage. James Giles and Vida M. Davis, Parr township. Law sou G. Loudenstlne and Mary Car mena Judy, Franklin. Adam J. Keafer, Upper Yoder township, and AlWrta Paul, Homer City, Indiana county. Thomas J. Litzinger, Cairoll townshlpj and Emma McMullen, Clearfield town ship. John W. Miller, Conemaugh, and Lizzie Bllckenderfer, Pelsano. Clarence L. McClel'and, Johnstown, and Mollie M. Home, Pleasantville, Pedford county. George W. Conner. West Tavlor town ship, and Mary J. Philips, Jackson town ship. Harvey Miller, Pale, and Prucilla Hoff man, Johnstown. Stewart Mangus, Cochin, Indiana, and Jessie Makin, Johnstown. Eli P. Wissiuger, Johnstown, and Mollie Hunt, Conemaugh. Daniel S. Oldham, Pale, and Annie Crocker, Johnstown. Enoch Wise, Jordan tow nship, Clearfield county, and Jennie Hand Ion, Cambria township. Allien Sallega and Mary Takuska, Gal litzin township. George S. Mishler and Lavina Rose, Johnstown. William S. Patterson and Emma A. Smith, Johnstown. Alfred Pououghe and Gracense Pisinger. Ashville. John W. Myers, lTper Yoder township, and Emma J. KautTman, Johnstown. II iratio II. Skelly and Lizzie A. Perkey, Summerhill township. John Spisak and Frances Piles, Johns town. Michael Collins, Altoona, and Catharine Punegan, St. Augustine. William Johnson and Helena Harry, South Fork. Edgar Tenant and Catharine Carr, Johnstown. Joseph M. Ashbridge, Johnstown, and Margaret J. Seigh, Sheridan. William M. Morgan and Mrs. Eflie An stein, Johnstown. Samuel C. Lilly, Cresson. and Katie M. Stewart, Summit. William Moose and Stella Jane Mackels, South Fork. Artuiurnt I. lain. List of causes set down for aigument at argument court, Jauuary 10, isti3: Commonwealth vs. Swank; Murrino vs. Pear Ridge Coal it Coke Co.; Common wealth vs. Klrsch; same vs. Snyder et ul.; same vs. Purk; borough of Lilly vs. Leahey; Fultz vs. Maucher; Frick vs. Newhouse; In re road in Croyle township; Shaffer vs. Nolan: Fearl vs. Harshberger; Rhoads vs. Morrellville . Cambria Por- ough Water Co.; Heslop vs. same; city of Johnstown vs. Davis; Rakrr vs. Paker; In re appeal of overseers of poor of Toby township, Clarion county; Langbein vs. Thomas; Hughes vs. Leahey; Ryan vs. same; Seese vs. same; Krise vs. McCance; Yinger's executors vs. Puck; same vs. Plum; Ream vs. Sauer; Holtz vs. Glass; same vs. Walker; Elder township vs. Yah ner et ah; in re streets in Lilly borough. Jamks C. Pakhv, Prothonotary. The following cases will be presented for argument court, January Kith, 13: In re exceptions to report of Wm. Wil liams, auditor appointed to pass uiion the the first and final account of Henry Parn hart, administrator of Michael Parnhhart, deceased. In re exceptions to rcort of M. It. Stephens, auditor appointed to distribute the funds in the hands of N. S. George, ad ministrator of Win. Kncppcr, deceased. Uaxikl A. MrGoi Clerk O. C The F.lrrloa Vmnrm. In the contested election case of Slater W. Allen vs. Jacob C. Slineinan, w ho was elected from this couuty as a memlier of the assembly at the recent election. Judge Parker on Monday made the followlug de cree: And now. January 2. ltf.O. after full hearinir. the netilion In this case is dis missed, and it Is ordered adjudged and de creed that Jacob C. Slineinan received the greatest number of legal votes cast for the ofhee of representative to the general as sembly at the last election (as between himself and .Slater W. Allen) and Isentitled to the certificate of elertior.: and the pro- thonotarv is d rected to forward at once to the Secretary of the Commonwealth certified copy of this decree. lir tiik Coi kt. And now. January 2. Iy3. it is further ordered and dt-reed the costs of these pro ceedings ho paid by the county ot Cambria ltV TIIK Col'ltT. In the cases of S. V. Davis against I). A. McGough for the otlice of register and re corder, and Dr. J. W. Hamer against Dr. George Martin for the office f coroner, Judge Parker declined to appoint an ex aminer and decided to hear the testimony himself, and for that parpose fixed upon the first Mondav of February as the time for the hearing. Superintendent P. II. Lovell assumed charge of the newly created Cambria and Clearfield divisloa or the Pennsylvania railroad on Monday. He enters on his duties well equipped with a thorough practical knowh-dge of railroad affairs. and no doubt he will aid very materially in developing rich coal territory in Cambria county. On and after the loth Inst, the Crsson and Clearfield and New York Short Line will be merged in to the Penn sylvania system and become part of the new division. The history of the last named road Is almost unprecedented In the history of railroading. During the past seven years It has been successfully opcra ted without a serious accident. This Speaks well for the management, and es pecially for the great ability and sound judgment of Trainmaster F. J. Purgoon. Altoona Times. Rice 4 Abbotts "Irish Aristocracy company played at the Opera House In this place to ft small house on Saturday and on Monday did not have sufficient of the "filthy lucre" to get the whole of the triiUe out of the town. As a consequence live of the members were left In pedge with Landlord Prown, of the Central Hotel. Ta-Jay (Thursday) they succeeded. In maklnv a compromise and took tutor d" parture. The county commissioners last week appointed Mr. Anselm Weak land, of Elder township, mercantile appraiser. They also appointed Geo. C. K. Zahm, Esq., commissioner' clerk In place of I). A. Mc Gough, the new ly elected register and re Corder, andC. A. Laugbein, assistant clerk the position formerly held by Mr. Zahm, The mucilage on the back of postage stamps is nothing but dextrine dissolved In water, with a little alum, vinegar and alool hoi added. It U the finest mucilage in the world, for w hen It is once set paper or cloth gu mined with It w ill tear any where t-Ue rather than at the JoiuU larlar KImIIobi. Election tim.a , drawlng I1Par ahd cau. didates for bor.UKn and township oflii-es must tie placejjn nomjuation and the proper ?erlific Gf nomination riled w ith the borough fa township auditors. The auditors are fhen made responsible for the proper printing and distribution of the tickets. The provisions of the law which apply particularly to township and borough elections are. In brief as fullows: Any convention of delegates, or primary meetings of electors, or caucus held under the rules of the politicel party, or any lxiaid authorized to certify nominations representing a political party, which, at the election next preceding, polled at least three jiercciiium of the largest entire vote for any otlice cast In the state, or In the electoral district or division thereof for which such urimary meeting, caucus, con vention or board desires to make or certify nominations, may nominate one candidate for each office which is to be filled in the state, or In the said district or division at the next ensuing election, by causing a certificate of nomination to be drawn up and filed as hereafter provided. Every such certificate of nomination hall be signed by the presiding otllcer and the secretary or secretaries of the conven tion or primary meeting or caucus or board, w ho shall add hereto their places of residence, and shall be sworn or affirmed to by them, liefore an officer qualified to administer oaths, to be true to the liest of their knowledge or Itelicf, and a certificate of the oath shall le annexed to the certifi cate of nomination. All certificates of nomination shall specify: First. The party or policy w hich such candidate represents, expressed in not more than three words. Second. The name of each candidate nominated therein, his profession, business occupation, if any, auJ his place or residence with street and number thereon, if any. Third. The office for w hich such candi date is nominated. All certificates of nomination when tiled. shall ! open, under proper regulations, to public inspection, and shal! be preserved not less than two years in the otlice where they have beeu filed. Certificates of nomination for candidates for township and liorough ollices and elec tion of otllcers and school directors in the same, shall be filed with the auditors of the respective t jwnships and boroughs at least ten days before the day of election. The certificates of nomination lielng so nicu ami oeiug in coniirmity witn tne provisions of this Act shall lie deemed va lid unless objections thereto are duly made in writing within three days after the last day for the filing of sueheertiticat es. Ob jections as to form or apparent comformity or non-conformity tolaw to certificates de signed for borough and township oflicers shall be filed with the auditors and shall be decided by a majority of them. All objections as to the validity of certificates other than objections as to form or ap parent conformity as heretofore descrllied, shall In; filed in the court of common pleas within the judicial district in w hich such election district may be situated. In case the court is in sessiou the judge shall im mediately proceHl to hear such objections without unnecessary adjournment or delay and shall give suclw hearing precinlcncc over all other business Ix-fore. him. In case the court Is not In session, the judge, on the presentation to him of the certifi cates of the prothonotary that such ob jections have Ik-cu filed as foresaid, shall ininH-diately proceed to hear such object Ions as foresaid. There seems to be no provision In the law for the withdrawal of any person 'vhose name has been presented as a can didate for a township or borough office, at least not within twelve days of the elec tion. The auditors of the respective townships and liorouelis shall cause all ballots for elections of townships and lioroughs and election oflicers and school directors in the same, to tie printed and distributed, and shall certify the cost of such printing and distributing to county commissioners for payment as part of the county election ex penses. The auditors shall ascertain the ollices to be filled and shall be responsible for the accurate printing of the ballot in accordance with this act and for the safe keeping of the same whi'e in their possess ion or that of their suliordiuates or agents The duties imiosed by this act of assem bly upon the auditors are entirely new and it will doubtless be the part of wisdom to hold all primary or nominating conven tions at as early a date as possible in order to afford ample time for filing proper cer tificates and getting the printing properly done. If Is thought necessary to have watchers aiiooiiiled. the memliers of the county committee in election districts can suggest names of persons to act a such to the auditors, whose duty it will be to issue certificates to the parties suggested. Iral laalltale. Program for local Institute to be held at Ashville on Saturday, January 14th, com menclng at one o'clock: Recitation. Lettie Tiernery; Teaching Penmanship, Eva Durbin; Supp'iimentory Reading in 3rd and 4th grades, Clara Meers; Comiwsition in the class-room. Leonard Lytle; Recitation, Tillie Hit' Puzzles their use and abuse, Mrs. Van Sihviip! IM.vsioloirv. Planche Anderson; Declamation, Tillie. Pradley; The Future of our Pupils, Ella Sweeny; Kecliauon. George Denny; How shall we make gen tlemen and women of our puoils. Menna t.-t iillen- Kssav. Marv Condron; How- to make pupils feel at home in our pre; euce, P. V. Able. II le Jaret. A tnrt-ev liefnniriiiir to our friend Ossie Wilkinson In this place could not wait to have Its head cut eff on Sunday next, but to-day closed Its eyes, folded its wings, and not rl death. We know Ossle U always hunting fo mething nice for a tomb stone, and being too modest to ask us, we voluntarily suggest the following: It felt like one who treads alone. n . . I . ........ .4...'.,v-t..4 Whose charms are tied, companions dead. ui niriii'y iiicuiwuji. MlacellaaeAaa Natleea. oalllvrly Cared toy AdnlnlMrlC It t manufacture! a a powder, wblcft can be Klven la a ai ol beer, a cap ol eotfe or lea. or In lood'. without tho knowledge of the patient. It If abeclnlely barmle. and will effect a permi- uenl ana upeeuy euro, wueium -moderate drinker or alcoholic wreck. It bat been Riven In thouBandi oi caei ana in eTery niwnn a uertect core bat lollowed. It never lallt. The a ... t ... 1th Ilia Siuw-iHr It ba. ITMDI IUI(ii - comet an utter lmiosatbllltir fur the liquor ap. .... ... i .. . . ' . ram u n a rm n t iJ AH f.ftWA book ol particular tree. Addreaa niiw Ul . - r -rr- auglO.Iy. 14 Kapa SU, Cincinnati, O. Tv you are wanting Buokf , Stationary, Book- elf , jjoiib. uftun, mu, s,uptllet. Kubber Hoola or sinoee, etc.. etc. joo can have y ur want aupiHied dj a vw i . tabiubed ooe.'lt It abreatt ol the timet and al wayt well filled with (cood of all kind. An ex change library bat been tuned at tblf (fore, t. iA. I -A i ii Mn i won fin rent mutt anv book tou want to read. Any book or anything el not Id tock procured ur yon at once. ervtblna told at lowett titlee. Olve at a call and see tor yourtell. too never w tacB a large ana elegant iwi o . 5 . Ti.iRSALElIK KKNT. The Dndertla-nad of- X lert at prlrata eala hit farm ol 1AI acre II t u a ted one mile aoU ol tbetuburg on the Wll more rued. There it about TJ acre cleared with good orchard and good water. If not told na ture the Ul ol April It will be for rent. Huatat lion ttlven Immediately. Call on or addreti JAMtSMYtHS, Jan. 6, IMC Sou tbentoura , Pa. NOTICE.-The quarterly njeetlpK ol tba Far mere' Alliance or Cauibria county will be beld la Ebentburg oa aiatardar . January I, laws, at 0 o'clock, a. A .ante attendance It dealred at buaeat of importance will come be fore the meellmc. The public cordially Invited to attend. ' IH'-BWKJM. J . J. Katlob. Secret ary. rreaident a OA kXTiA l ol Mara Wire cheap at iKilton The BALTZ ELLS' OUR annual Clearance Sales havi become almost hous-iholJ wonls, and the sale etgerly looked forward to, because ev erybody knows that when we ad vert ise a grand clearance sale that we mean business and genuine bargains for those who choose to to take them. Our bxz sale will begin on the 10th inst and con tinue one weeR. lhe following are some of the departments too heavily loaded for this time of year and the goods must go: First, Ladies'. Men's and Children's Underwe r. Every nook and corner in the depart ments are filled with all kinds at all prices. It will pay you to buy Underwear and lay it away uotil next winter for on the morning of the 10th you will find our Underwear stock in some in stances reduced one-half. The reason we mention Coats next is because the cut in prices will compare with that of the un derwear. Many handsome gar ments will go this winter at just one-half tho marked prices. We have found by many years' ex- penence mac it does not pay to carry Coats over to another sea son and the wav to move them out is to Cut the Prices. The stock comnrises all the fashionable shapes and shades in long, short and three quarter lengths, plain tailor-made or fur- irimmeu. All kinds of Blankets, including Horse Itlankets and Lao Holies. Comforts. lire Woods, Embroideries. White Coods. Tabie Linens, Towelings, etc. W e are troinir to cive von somet hing to taiK aoout in tlie rurnislilug deuaitment Besides the Underwear there ill be wMtlen and cotton hosiery bought to sell at aie.. c. and :k:. but all w ill bedunincd into a big basket and labeled "your choice --'i- " BALTZELLS', Altoona. IB HOLIDAY GOODS ! We have made immense purchases many FonTrNATK l't ur iiASKs from L'n- FiuiTl XATK Imiiiktkks w hereby we are enabled to put prices, on certain lines so much below real value as to surprise the most conservative buyers! Knouith saved u articles selected from any Department lO 1'AV KAII.KOAll r A UK II 'UU SljOUld come some distance. Largest Stock of ART NOVELTIES We've ever shown. Also. SILKS. OUKSS COODS, VELVETS. FL'KS. ALASKA SKAL GARMENTS, LADIES', MISSES' AND CHlLDUENs' SUITS. WUATS. UNDERWEAR. tiLOVES, HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS. SILK MUFFLERS NECK LINGERIE. MEN S FURNISHINGS. ETC., ETC., ETC. EWELRY In Sterling Silver, Solid Gold and Roll.-d Date. Stick Fins, Scarf Fins, Hair Fins. Cutf Buttons. Rinics. Thimbles, Watch Chains, Gold i'ins. Napkin Kind's, Books. Games, Dolls, reoiiireuieut for the Holiday Every Ti: auk is here found at prices that won't admit of competition. ASoecial in Dkkss Cihiiis is NEW BLACK am NAVY BEDFORD CORDS. We had onoortunitv to buy at just half v al in and as aSi-KciAi. Xmas offering, these Elegant $2.50 S OODS GO AT $125 per yd. Inches wide,) BOGGS&BUHL, 115, 117. 119 & 121 Fefleral SU ALLEGHENY, PA. 0. A. LANGBEIN, Manufa'tnrerol and Iealer In ALL KINDS of HARNESS, MDBLE8, BBIDLE8, WHIPS. COLLARS HARNESS OILS, BLANKETS, HuhM Ti Nau. Onrrr Oombt, etc.. e Ke- n.irinir NeatlT and Promptly done. All work guaranteed to give aatlttactton. Ktdlnir Bridle, from &0 :. np. Teaui Brldlet. from It- O up. Iap Dottert , trom ..0-. up. Machine-made Harnett, from o.- up. Hand-made Harneaa. IromC 10. up. m 11 .nJ .Timlnfl m w mrv-k he ore tiur- ebaelnir elsewhere. I guarantee to tell at cheap at the eheapett. M-Sbop Barker t'Kow on Centre tfeet aprl'iuU JOHN PFISTBR, DEALER I If GtllERU MEHCilAIiniSE, Hardware, Qneensware, HADE-UP CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCEHIES AND PROVISIONS, VEGETABLES H HEASOX, IURXEKH, ETC. OPPOSITE JUNCTION HOTEL. CRESSON, PA, ma2 90lj XrXJVTKIX' NUTICU. CaUt of t'brltln Bopp. deraaaed. tettert teitamentery oa tne eatate ol Cnrtittan tiopp. lata ol Watblna-to township, Cambria count?. Pa., havla been created to t e un,drr tldicrd.all persona Indebted to aaid ' taU are hereby not! fled to make payment wltlM at delay, and tboae barlp elalnjt against tha ame will t-reaent them ppuiiarlT aotlientlcate.1 or teltle meaw Mats. r-HlLOJPlNt; Er IEK. Kiccatiik. Summit P. II., I'aaibr a uo.. Pa. J. V. MrKntiua. Attorney loreatate, UwtmrK. Penna, ilec The most important event in O all it be our TF;Jn.lW $nSI.Ta It will extend to every stock and department in the store and matciilcss values will le met everywhere. The most im portant announcement we intend to make in connection w ith this sale is the following: This Offer includes all our Pine Worsted Clieviots, made in Cutaway, All the Latest Makes. This Offer includes Any Suit You Stock, no matter what price S15.00, or S22.00--TAKE THEM AT All this month you can w alk right into our Suit De partment and select any Suit in the entire assortment for just TWELVE DOLLARS. This is a fair and to investigate; the TLN MIEN'S 1WEKCAT5 We shall ofler UNUSUAL INDUCEMENTS to economical buyers. -EVEIJAL STYLES Worth at the very leat $12.00 and $15.00. Durimr this sale we sive with every TEN DOLLARS' WORTH OF r.nnnc n FWo Pnir of DRESS SHOES ! BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS at $1.09, worth at' least 2.G0 ami $3.00. id don't foorget that our lines of Men's and Iioys' Underwear, Hats and Caps is the largest in the And county LEADERS OF LOW IT IS A DPTT yoa nvri rntiwir and fam. II y ta at lhe km valae lor your moni-r. .umi w I. your fnol hpi r by parrhavlog V. 1.. Iteuglaa fh-. wktrh rrprrnrnl Ihn brmt value for prlcr. a.kea aa thauaauda till Irrnlff. tar-TAJtE NO PrBSTITUTE.J W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cENf&W THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONET. A e-realae trwrd .ba. that trill n np. tin. ealf. aKanilia emooth IdkIiIa, tlrslbl. mom com-furtabk-.stTltHtt and durable than any ithernboeevr a ild at tbe price. Equaia ciuumu utade aboeacoaUns from at to aaa Hi Tlinfwpd, flnralf tthora. The inont at y Usn. f an anil duraM 8bH-ev-r wlil at the ftrk-e. Tbej equal Hue Imported aboea eoaUns from a- to C9 iO I'.llre Pti.r, worn ty farmpra and all others mho want a flood havy calf, thn en!d, extension edire aho, eaay to walk In. aud wUI krep tbe fM-t drr and wHrm. ffi SO Ftnr Calf. and -2.00 Werk. Pib. Inaanrn'a Shm-a will give mure wear fur Hi. moaej than any fit her make, 1 hev are made f ir Her vtoe. The tnrreaatng aal abow that wurkingiuca bare found thtaout. Dnve' - and Tantka J vl D thaea are worn liy the bora ev.-ry-wbere. The moat aervleeableaboeaaoldat uieprtcsa. aCl UlCD '. and 41.13 hhi-a for Miueaaremadrof the het lxmKola or finet. alf, na deaired. They are rery tylu.h.romrortalils and dura ble. Tbr a:UKboe equalaruiaom niadahoeritlna; from ai.m to afi.ul. Idiea mho wish toecououilze la their footwear are flmlina this out. C'aalloa.W. L. Iniukuu' name and the price Is atamiied tn tha bottom f eaeb atrne; look for it when yon buy. Beware of dealer attempt Initio aub mitute other makes for them, tiuehautiiitltuilonaara fraudulent and eutiject ti roaeutka by law for ob taining money under falae pretences. W. 1 UOl'ULAS Uracktaia, Mass. Sold by Ce T. KOBE11TS, Aarnl, EBU tBI KU, PA. ma27.aui JUST RECEIVED ! A LARUE LOT Boots & Shoes KOUGUT AT Sheriffs Sale ! FROM THE iVTQCK OF W. E. SCHMERTZ 8l CO., PITTSBrRW, PA. The public invited to call. Prices awty down. Jim LLOYD & SONS. HOTEL. LiEOKANIlK. H J.SHtTI'KI. Prot-biitor. Located at KuBota, ft., aaar the H. K. at P. Hallway lepo. We alwayi en-leavor to lor nlab tb baat acoomtnodation to buMnera men, tileaaure aeekera and hoarder. Perrons In aearch 01 Jomlort and quiet will Und It a del'al-le jilaie to atop. Tbe Table If nnnraaed and l alwayi aupolied with tbe b..t tbe market atturda.aiid all tbe delicacies of tbe season. I ke Kar Is sup plied with tbe choicest ol pure liquors and eiKart and ooiblDK tut tbe beat Is sold. Special atten tion aW t tte care ol horses. H. J.SCHSTTIU, JX tCVroK'S. KtTlCE. Notice terel'J U alen that Itter ret)iutctary on the .(ate ol John Noon, it) at Carroll tomnstiip, :amtirla coqnij. dcciA-eU. hae bee. granted to Michael Sfoou. resident of Carroll oaruchip, to wbotu alt iersoni ladcbld to said estrte are ra to make payment, and thote harinic riaima or demands will make known ih. atne wll boat delay. M It'll A EL. NIHlN. Ezecntor ot Jame Noon, lieceaced.. Carrell Two., Pa Urc 'JA, llf-U. H ii. iiyEKs. ATTofc.NEY-AT-I.AW. Enaataauaw, Pa. rtV"?iA'olloDd. Kpw,ob .'cntT (treat, i ti i a t3 Kl $ns.niD! square ofler, and one that will pay you earlier you come the BLACK BEAVER OVERCOATS, BLUE KERSEY BROWN MILTOXS " OHTSS CO, PRICES, THE BEST PLAGE IN ALTOONA TO BUY CLOTHING IS AT 1300 ELEVENTH AVENUE. Where you will find : complete line of Men's, Boys' ami Chil dren's Suitings in all styles and qualities. for Men and Boys, for Style and Finish can not be beat for the price Furnishing Goods, Hats and caps, TRUNKS AND SATCHELS in endless varieties. You are invited to call and see us when in the eity and we will do you good. JOHN McCONNEIeX, ALTOOXA, PKXXA. GRAND CLEARANCE SALE J. B. LUCAS & C0S, Banains In All SUMMER GOODS! Fall ani Winter Goofls Will Soon Be Here Ana We MUST Have lhe Boom! 6 t (QU 1 MM New White Front Bnildini, 113 Clinton Street, Johnstown, Pa. New Stock of DRY GOODS, MILLINERY AND CAR PETS. Call to see us when in towu. j" ames To Investors. IVHY ao away fruaa hem. t aeek Inveatmenta 1 wben jru caa huf l'enna;lnia First Murluuin aa.4irtlief on the !afh or Monthly Pajkueat Via. and whirl, will net you taenly ir ord I. un your money? for part ii-ulara rail on or "J,'" H. A. tMll.KHAKT, Au. S. WW. EtKins-jar.:. I'a. KTICE la herehy Ken that tae followinu ar ll foucu have tieea ftled la the Court ul 4-nai-mon I'leaa ot taoitixia, eounty. I'a.. and will be confirmed r-y tald court oa the leih day ol .Ui uarj, A. aA l"'. uulcaa eauae be ahown to tbe contrary: Tbe ttrat and hnal areoant ot Matbiat Keade, executor ol ilwime M. Keade, deceased, wbowaa aiaigneaol Jobs . Kaylor. J. C.UAKHY. Xase. 1, lsw. iTothoDotary. M.VHufUy. a- hewit, M ir.dai. J. V. .in this montli will Cassimeres and Frock or Sack. Can Find in the S18.00, $20.00 better your chance. I $9.48 I GALLITZIN, PENNA. 7 D 3 9 GTTinsrnsr. ILKtrriON OK MKWTdKS. J Notice la hereby if ven that lb. aanaal eTrr tion n DWecior ol tbe I'roleelkia Mutual Klra lnauranre tympany will be held at the olrk-e r the seorptaiy in Klenatkura;. I'a . on M OK HAY. JANl'AKY V. IHiO. between the hnra l M a. and a r. x. T. W. DU'k, lec. v. la-tt. cietary. IK1VATK SAI.K. The nnderalirned will aell at Private Sale In I.lly iMirouvb. tiambria eounty. I'a bli Hotel, wlib Brewery atkwbe.l ; Two lee Hnuaea. Htable. and all narnwar; OuU buildlnica on the premiaea Tbe liouae la linen! now. t.r further particular cull en or address the tiroprtetor, THtXlHKK St.l.l lAly, I'a IK-tM.lJre M. D. KITTELL. Attorney"!! t- JiaWa EBENSBl'K. FA. Office In Arraorr Hulldloa. oip.Joort Nona.. DO you need Job I'rlntlDT II ao. Hive tbe KkBKMaa a Ulal older.