The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, September 16, 1892, Image 4

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Effective I'ee of Mid UnciMK lu Seo-tenrtn-r
Once upon a time, says the San Fran
cisco Examiner, there was a judjre
naminl Bedraan, who presided over a
biff territory, which kept him racing
from Santa Cruz to Salinas and San
Luis Obispo. The Spanish population
was the chief race to l found in that
district, and Kedman knew but two
words in that lanffuajre, which were
"No tiende," and was put to the neces
sity of employing- a court interpreter,
who attended him in his rapid tour of
the biff circuit.
It happened that a murderer was to
be sentenced in Monterey and that an
important trial must be attended, wiles
away, on the same day. lieilman's in
terpreter had (rone oil to a fandango in
the wilds somewhere anil could not he
found when court was opened, and ICed
man was in a fury of impatience. At
last, when he could endure .the delay
no longer, he said to the man lielow in
the dock:
"IVisoner at the bar -itan.l up!"
'No tiende," said the man, shaking
his head stupidly.
"You don't savey, do you?'' exclaimed
the judpre sharply. ' Well, lo you uu
ilerstand this?" and he proceeded to
gesticulate vigorously with his hands
ami indicate the motion of rising.
The man finally comprehended and
arose stiffly in his seat.
"lrisoner at the bar, it is the sentence
of this court thtt you be taken from the
place whence you came on Friday, the
iTth day of June next, 1 handed by
the neck until you are dead, and may
tlod have mercy on your soul. Now,
tlo you savey that?"
The poor prisoner .shook his head in a
fiewildercd fashion, and could only cry:
'"No tiende, no tiende."
'Is there anybody present in this
court who can translate that awful
sentence to this prisoner?" demandd
the judfre of the half a dozen of officials
and spectators in the room. They were
in the same boat as the prisoner, and
could only shake their heads mourn
full v.
Vell," exclaimed the juJg-e. a bright
thought strikiug- him: "I'll just show
you, then, this way:" whereupon he un
reeled a yard of red tape that lay on his
desk, and, twisting it hurriedly almut
his own neck, held the two ends hifrh
over his left ear, at the same time roll
ing his eyes and wagging his tongue
down against his chin.
A dreadful (rroan went up from the
prisoner and from the others in the
court room. They understood the grim
judicial kindergarten completely.
It Wu Two Miles. Hut tit I-aller Wm
Not Hurt.
The experimenter was Lieut. Mans
field of the Royal Naval Reserve, says
London Invention, lie made his ascent
from the Victoria gardens recently, sit
ting upon a trapeze immediately be
neath the balloon, to which was also
attached a parachute of a new fashion.
The whole rose to a height which ren
dered even .he big- balloon itself scarce
ly visible in the cloudless sky. It was
now, as appears from this brave sea
man's narrative, at an altitude of eleven
thousand four hundred feet, or more
than two miles, commanding a vast
horizon, but the voyager's hands were
so numbed that he was becoming un
able to feel the cords.- "Then," says
Lieut. Mansfield, "finding my apparatus
all clear, I took the balloon ring in
my right hand, drew myself clear of
the trapeze and dropped down into
space." After descending with terrible
velocity for some distance the para
chute began to open. At ten thousand
two hundred feet he was falling at a
great speed, but was fully able to con
trol the apparatus. At ten thousand
feet he was sailing down calmly into
space. Then he drifted to and fro in
various counter currents, and at one
thonsand feet exactly felt the heat
from a long, red, iron chimney. Now
comes the more remarkable-part of the
narrative. "Steering my parachute," he
continued, "to the eastward, I dropped
her rapidly to clear the buildings
ahead, and, seeing nothing but houses
to descend on, I selected the flattest I
could find and dropped gently down on
it." A spectator who watched the voy
age from the gardens gives a vivid ac
count of straining the eyes till he was
jukt able to discern a tiny white speck
on the blue sky. After what seemed a
terrible length of time, Lieut. Mans
field liecanie visible swinging under the
parachute, and working the valve lines
so as to insure a safe landing when he
chose to make it. "Such a complete
master of the air," says the eyewitness,
"has never been seen before in this coun
try." The balloon fell, as was intend
ed, in the sea. where. Wing fitted with
cork belts for the purpose, it was easily
recovered. Lieut. Mansfield, who looks
for great advantages from his manage
able parachute in naval operations, has
announced that his next ascent will be
with an entirely new apparatus, spe
cially adapted to military warfare.
Ntw waitress aprons seen in the best
shops are of tine lawn with wide hems
and deep rumes reaching to the bottom
of the skirts.
Nickh. pudding dishes with covers
are a new mderate-priecd substitute
for the silver-plated ones all housekeep
ers like, but which many find beyond
the resources of their pocketbooks.
The "Rosebud apron," so called from
the new song which the foreign papers
say I'atti is to sing in her next engage
ment, is a pretty confection made of
dainty flowered stuffs of sheer material.
Ax ingenious woman has hit upon the
idea of a "dress album," n which tiny
cuttings of every gown belonging to its
owner are to be chronologically ar
ranged under the dates on which they
were purchased.
JtrTTKKcrrs in an old blue china
bowl gave the touch of grace to a cool
suburban hall the other day, and later
more of the same field blossoms in more
old blue china bowls beautifully set out
the suburban dinner table.
Sjrnt Bkaslet, of Aberdeen. Ky.,
has performed the marriage ceremony
for over fourteen thousand people.
Thk daughter of Thomas Kennman,
of Llnora. Ind., while asleep, stepped
out of a third-story window, but was
only slightly hurt.
Matthew It. Excei.l, who was recent
ly eleeted mayor of Alliance, O., is the
youngest mayor in the United States,
lie has just passed twenty-two.
iKBTRtnK SonsE. aged eighteen, of
Aroostook, Me., has never laughed or
smiled. While intelligent on other
matters, any ludicrous event or witti
cism makes no impression upon her.
It is said of the late Samuel McDon
ald Richardson, of lialtimore. that he
was personally acquainted with nearly
47.000 depositors in the savings bank of
which he was president, all of them
working people of small means.
Pljrmr I'tnwU of Persia.
' The. western part of Persia is inhab
ited by a species of camel which is the
pigmy of its race. Typical specimens of
this creature are almost a pure white in
color, and are, on that account, wor
shiped by some tribes of the natives.
When the shah was in Berlin in ls9
he was very kindly treated by the city
authorities, and in return presented the
municipality with a pair of these little
white wonders. The largest of the two
weighed but sixty pounds and was only
ven ty-seven inches high.
A Woman's Rack.
It is the mainspring of her
What can she do, where can
she go, so long as that deadly
backache saps every particle of
her strength and ambition?
She cannot walk, she cannot
stand ; her housework is a bur
den ; the hours behind the
counter or in the factory are
crushing ; she is miserable.
The cause is some derange
ment of the uterus or womb.
The backache xsthc snresx . V.v.
I.ydia K. Pinkhan's I " -ret r :-ls
Compound is the .... - ininilmg
remedy. A worn i'i discovered
it and gave it to women. A
woman reads your letter and
gives you a woman's sympathy
and he.p. Thousands send
letters grate
ful for physical
salvation. The
same salvation
is for you.
Don't hesitate.
All drugs "t tell it, or -ait ,
hj uai'. in lorn ft' Till or
lajsi-gt-, on rtwtpt of H I
wrrl. At4rrM m Ctnil- y'mSC
H4 MKhli AL C., I.'.lrt,
From Pole to Pole
Ani'i SiBdAFAjiiLLA haa demonstrated lie
power of cure for ell dlawaeca of the blood.
The Harpooner's Story.
A i HeJjorJ, June J. 1833.
I)B. J. C.Ati at Co. Twenty years ago I
was a brpooir In tho North i'aciilc, when lira
ethers of tne crew and mynrtf were laid up with
carry. Our bodies were bloated, yuma swoltra
and bleeding, teeth loose, purple blotches all
ver us, mat jut breath seemed rotten. Take It
by and large we were pretty badly olf. All oui
lime Juice accldeuially destroyed, but the
espial n bad a couple doxen bottles of ATI it's
Saksafakixxa and Rave us that- We recov
ered on it quicker than I hare ever seen mea
brought about by any oth-r treatment for Hcurry,
and l'Te seen a good deiU of It. (Wing no men
tion In your Almanac of your Sareaparilia being
(ood for scurry, I thought yon -Might to know of.
this, and aa send you The facts.
Respectfully yours, .KaLra T. WixaaTB.
The Trooper's Experience.
Marten, eutolanJsS. Jfrica.)March'i, JJ"S.
IB. J. C. ATI1 it Co. Gentlemen : I have
ainch pleasure to testify to vbe gi-at veuie of
your AarsaparllU. Ws have hem staUoned
hers for oyer two years, during which time we
had to live In teats. Being under canvas foe
each a time brought en what la called la this
country "veldt-sores." 1 had those sores far
eone time. 1 was advised to take your Harea.
Serilla. two bottles of which made my eorea
Isappear rapidly, and I am now quite welL
Tours trulv, T. K. Bouix,
Trooper, Cap Mounted Jtlemsn.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Is the only thoroughly effective blood purifier,
the only medicine that eradicates the poisons oC
Scrofula, Mercury, and Contagious Bliss as
from the system.
MlirARIB it
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Ml
Sold by all Druggists : Price (1 ;
Mis. bottie t tot e
Chronic Cough Now.'!
For If volt fin tint It ttiKV kjuvtm. ,1,. .
I sumptl n. For Cunnonpcfon, Hrrofulet,
j tirtu-rul Itrhilitff and Hatia Itiacaarm, )
there la uoihintf j
Of Pure Cod Lirer Oil and
OT Ijlma Mnd BorlA.
It In almost a j-nljitabie as milk. Far '
liAtli.P 1111,11 f.tlnir ..f.ll.l Vn...1f..KU
j A. wouderful Beau producer.
- - - .. ...... . ... .... 1 u., A-M.Miatl.UD.
Scott's Emulsion
'ncreare poor imitations. Get the peNMitte.j
1 1 A I I t
VCt a ble
The great popularity of this preparation,
aflr iu test 01 mauy years, should be an
assurance, even to the uiot skeptical, that
It la really meritorious. Those who have
used Hall's Haik KknkwK know that
It doea all that Is claimed.
It cause new prowth of hatr on bald
heads provided the hair follicles are not
dead, which Is seldom the rase: restore
natural color to gray or faded hair; pre
serves the Bcalp healthful aud clear of
dandruff; prevent the hair falling off or
changing color ; keep it soft, pliant, lus
trous, and causes it to grow long and
11 all's Hair RrxfrwKR produces tta
effects by the healthful Influence of It
vegetable Ingredient, which invigorate
and rejuvenate. It I not a dye, aud is
a delightful article for toilet use. Con
taining no alcohol. It does not evat
orate quickly anil dry up the natural oil,
leaving the 'hair hanth and brittle, as da
other preparations.
Buckingham' Dye
ros thi
Colon them brown or black, a desired,
and Is the bext dye, because it is harmless ;
produces a permanent natural color ; and,
being a single preparation, is more con
venient of application than any other.
ft, P. HALL & CO, Nashua., N. H.
&dd by all Dealers In Mediclr.;
j nrjEuui tsi xxrxsarn n.v;j
LAi cseo A BLBBaan rr. . sAG
Droppe exs Sum. CX.rsm Z It.
anoeia nave a bocue or it in kk tK-i
1 1 ffe Frum RaeaaistliM. aei.
""SI d atlea. K
AsUibu, c aolera Morbua, Ilarrbo-a, !in-iM
Datarra, BronratUs
laaeaaa. S. ) mm
Itralna, arill find ta
iy eare. CamptileS
U) Bodv
I Us old
or umba, Btlir Jomu or HUmlna. wll And u
1MJM m.M
ana speeuy eare. tnuuohieA
Price eta., hv mall. S IxtlVa.
KaprsssialJ. ax 1. Si. JUUNbOll . ixi!
mail, s lvu
UuasTua. Mi
nana instrBmenia, nanre ana kcss unini.
Sea. VSocoo. ctarteosls. CiMAilt anS all IftMnaataata am
VI I V . .1 a r. w
r. .Tavarroa a soa as ss iw lust Im avjl
em mis 1
Every S
A Iog lies a niffleulty vsltli aGsadrrsad
Comes Oat Second Uest.
A hit of meat cast on the lako in one
of the parks of Allegheny Cit3" ret-ently
gTive a forcible illustration of the re
nowned pugilistic qualities of the genus
Anser. The wrap was tossed to an
oM gray gander.sailinff and dipping ma
jestically back and forth.with his harem
ut a safe and respectful distance Whinil
him. Just ash? made a frra-eful dive
forward a stray dojr, of hungry aspect
and venturesome turn of mind, made f"r
tli-. pv:it al". The pander paused,
.,: T-.:iis':i:iu-!it written in every line of
i,:., ir-.i:i.d neck ami extended wings.
The lU'g friskily brought up at the
.valer's edge and reaehtsl out a paw.
The eoveted morel was midway be
tween him and the gander, tuick as
thought the gander slapped the water
w it h his wings, heating the scrap he
low the surface and diin4' after it.
Somehow he luisealeulated. and when
he cam up the morsel wa. dancing u
few feet awny. The dog, says th.
I'itthui'gh Times, was softly dimpliug
the atcr with his paw. At every wave
the scrap came nearer to him. The
harem drew closer arounu its lord, aud
the oldest in the ll.K-k gave a few words
of advice to him. She received a siund
slap withawing.apparently a command
to mind her own business. Just as the
d;ig reached out for the meat the gan
der gave a lunge also. Hill and paw
ith missed it. It disappeared, only to
rise tantalizingly a few feet away.
The dog was no longer hilarious.
This was too seriou-. business, and. he
ran up and down the shore, bark angri
ly, while the gander retired to wreak
vengeance on his hapless harem. A
moment later, seeing tte scrap almost
ashore on the waves of the conflict, he
made a sudden dash. So did the dog.
1 hey met, and for a few seconds gray
wings, dog hair and wild screams
of purp and gander tilled the air. Then
the dog trotted slowly away with a
f.u-e full of religious fervor turned
toward the theological seminary, while
the gauder, wiping the sweat of vic
tory from his brow, carried the scrap,
for which he seemed to have lost his
appetite, to his proud family.
It Was Simply Naked lore with No Pro
tect 1 n a; Sheath.
In modern cables the core is always
protected tirst by a serving of hemp or
jute and then by an outer sheath of soft
steel wires, which are relied on to fur
rish the mechanical strength which the
. .ble must have in order that it may
stand the pulling about which it re
ceives in laying and repairing. Hut
iu the pioneer trial there was no idea
of a protecting sheath; the naked core
wan to le laid in the channel to form
the first telegraph betweeu England
and France. There was but a single
wire of copper inside, according; to the
Saturday Heview (nowadays there is al
ways a strand of several wires twisted
together), and this was covered with
g-utta percha so thickly ai to bring the
diameter to half an inch. The covered
wire was wound on a great reel on the
deck of a steam tug in Dover harbor,
and after a number of preliminary trips
the line was laid on the J3d of August.
1S5U. Lead sinkers were attached at
every hundred yards to carry the cable
to the bottom, for iu the absence of any
heavy sheathing its specific gravity
scarcely exceeded that of sea water.
The attempt was at once made to open
communication, but though signals
seemed to pass nothing could be made
of them, and Mr. Smith records that
the operators at each end were regret
fully forced to the conclusion that those
at the other end had been lunching, not
wisely, but too well. Next day matters
were worse, no signals could pass at
all. The cable was broken, and so end
ed this first attempt at submarine tel
egra phy.
The liignals of the first day had been
unintelligible, not because of any breach
of continuity on the part of the cable or
failure in temperance on the part of its
guurdi.ius, but simply in consequence of
electrostatic iinl u;Uot. the influence of
which in r. the electric pulses
was n t understod. It was to
over.-'" difficulty caused by in-
,.:o.t Sir William Thomson,
vurs later, invented his mirror
. uuomcter. thereby making it prac
. iciiblc to speak at a reasonable pace
even through lines as long as those that
cross the Atlantic.
(Jf.n. KrpA lli'sxo.v, Virginia's new
senator, rose in four years from lis.- t in
federate ranks to a major gen.-r.i! . !iip.
SfcNAToK Itl.ACKBrRN is ,:.' i.f the
readiest f congressional .-. akers, and
can re.-l on pretty thoUjjf'its and smart
ideas by the huur.
l'KKsint.Nr IIa:iisoh has accepted
honorary niem!era.hip in the tJarlie
club. Atlantic City' new newspaper
men's organization.
Win 1 is the second candi
date on the republican bide for vice
president who, prior to his nomination,
hud never been a candidate for an elec
tive office. Chester A. Arthur was the
Si.satoii Peffeb says that he "gets
the most real fun in playing with chil
dren in the street. There is an abun
dant sincerity about their fun that you
never find in the sports of folks that
are old enough to be conscious of their
tlignit-. "
Minister Cooi.ihoe, as he appeared
to the eyes of the Paris correspondent
of the ondon News, is "white-haired,
hale, of a straight carriage and direct
manner. lie strikes one as a man of in
tellectual as well as business tastes and
First Roi-sdkr "Why don't you rise
eailier, old mau'.'" Second Kounder
"Well, principally because I am afraid I
would meet myself going to bed." X.
Y. Tribune.
Fair Passenger "I wonder why the
ocean is so restless?" Oallant Mate
"How eould you expect it to lie easy
with so many rocks in its bed?" Har
per's Ilazar.
Mrs. Kicks "People complain of be
ing robbed at drug stores; they never
overcharge me." Hicks "What do you
buy?" Mrs. Hicks "Postage stamps."
X. Y. Herald.
Law and Lawyers. Richmann "I
have decided to make no will." Law
yer "Then the law will divide your es
tate." Richmann "Well, that is better
thuu letting the lawyers divide it."
N Y. Weekly.
As to Rivers. "Know Rivers?"
"Yes." "Is he all right in his mind?"
"I think so, why?" "He seems queer
that's all. Has his office in the Wayup
building; sixteenth floor, you know."
"Well?" "Asked me if 1 couldn't drop
in on him some day." Chicago Tribune.
A Cauraeaiu Canloe.
A funny incident occurred while
ome blasting operations were ia
progress lately at HulL Que. An un
usually heavy charge was about to be
fired, and everybody had been warned
away. A little dog immediately jogged
over to the edge of the pit where the
explosion was about to take place.
The canine stood w-agging his tail, the
onlookers at a distance, of course,
thinking it was indulging in a final
bark. With a loud report the rock be
low was rent asunder, the men ran
over and to their astonishment found
the little dog uninjured and barking'
with all its might at the noise in the
middle of a cloud of smoke.
"Well begun is half done." Tepin yoar housework by buyin? a
a cake of
Sapolio is a solid cake of Scouring So.ip use 1 for all cleaning pur
91 and 93 Fiah A7ecue, PITTSBURG,
cj-r.- WiWi
a s u - ?rtrri. ss. -'ar- "f , . -?-,. ' i
d-L ' SJA-Ti' L 'vM r 1 ! . i --; i . -; rrt I i v vi
--i-s-ifCSU.-U- 'A' i. i .-' ! .
Whether With Hands or Head,
During the coming campaign you will easily earn
ISeside pleasure you will have and the future prutit. Wc !i::vc pi.-. ly iT.ii i fil
for just such trade a yours an imiiicii-e i:i i. nf
Instruments of Our Own Importation,
Direct from the great fae tores of the world and arc i:nat,uii. . ,1 ti 1 f ili- .-r
choicest miality. but which we to si-'l at N K I'll' ! IT N I. V. No Mid
dle men and small dealers' proht. but sold to you direct at i M IMi:TKi;s" THICKS.
No matter what interested parties may try to make you heiievc. ju-1 come -traiirh:
Violins. Guitars. Mandlin. IJanjos. I'ifes. Cornels. lli uin. Mu-ic: indeed ev.-rvt Iiiui;
musical. AIo. the MATCH LKSS DKCKKIi ItKos. IIANos. the AnNii, MoltKL
KNAItK A CO. 1TANO, ihe world-renowned IIKILI.IANT l isi HIil: I'lA.No, and
the EST BY, and
all of which yon know leads the musical world in quality an I h:i i .u-: i f ll.cir ihmN.
While we put the prices down to you at such rates, and on such
As puts one of these elegant instruments within t he reach .f
Every Man Who Loves His Home and Children
Yon should have a DH-ker llros. or Knabe or Fisher, or F.stey. and St u v A Clark in
strument, instead of some cheap or unknown or iei liais une ild f. . il make.
Therefore have only one ot t he atxive named instruments. Have tn other. AUo
rememlier that for either l'ianos or Orjrans. 1'ands ami Orchestra insi rniueiits w e
will make to you the veiy lowest .Single I'rolit 1'rires. and K.N' TF1IMSOF
1'AYMENT. Also remember to write direct to the house, or call -roiialIy at the
salesrooms in the
(Krcat IHlamiilost! ISuihlliEig.
Everylx)dy knows where the Hami' lluildini,' is til A Filth aveim--. I'itt-hur.
P. S. If you wish to call in the e.-:i:!..j just drop a jio-tal car.i to S. llaiiiiii.m when
you will call and the rooms , II u- Kept open.
A-.i Muufeturer A Dea'erln
PiUl!!. 1KB lUlfill SUITS,
Matt-ess s, Szc.
Ciycitlicnh of Cambria County and all
4h-is wlxblnK to honest FL KNI-
rilKE, Ac at tioiiest price" art respectfully
niu-d to cIti n a call before buvlrz else
where, as w are confident trat we rati
meet erery want and please evrr tast
Prices the vnrv lowest. r418-'80-tf.l
Blek Baadaeha and rrlla-ra all tbatroablaa tccf
4 act to a biiioua atat of tb ytm. aaott aa)
IVtrTlnnaa. Kauaea, Drcnrainaaa. Diatraaa after
Hug. ala in tua Bids. k.o, Wlula their moat
gamartahla anccaaa haa been abowa la ""rj
ITaaflafha. yet Oartar'a Iittl Llnr pm M
qnally valaabla in Oonstlpation. coring and pro
Tiiclln thtaaaaoytna' complaint. whila they alao
tfMTtTr all dtwrrdpraf tha-atoafrara atlmnlato tha
llTar and reguiaia Ua bowaia. Kwrn UUxjouly
qfWfroaafi la illitraaaiBg complaint; butforto
axataly tna4ggwrtnaa doea notaud he-and too
wboonoatrf tbam will And these little pill valu
able la as many waya t '- at they will not be wil
llng to do without o"". Bat after allalck haa4
1 the bane of so many llrea that bare ia wbera
st make our gruel boast. Oar pills care it whUa
otbara do not.
Carter Little ZJver PfOa are rery amaTI anj
-ry eay to t&ka. Oue or two pill make a does.
ih?y are atrictly ejietable and do not gripo or
- ni-m. but by their rm tie actioa please all who
-.rethem. Iavulaat 2ScenU : live for SL. aoal
r -truglata verjwhere. or cent by mail.
jui.12 91 1 Nil
Walker 8U 5EH TORE.
bscMi aa Wtiliiili DmWi ia , J tiaca (
Vlellaa, (WHari. Baafaa. Accord esaa. Harmoni
cat, all kiadt f Strings, etc, etc.
Happy tk1 content is a bride wtth"TheR7
cnester;" she lives in the light of the mornirig.
Ttltmrm cwrft trriu Ktckttttr .eat O. AVw 1
. V r - -'SVO
Tlie Sir r.ilard Oil Conipnuy, of
Pittsburg, P. , nutke :t speci:ilty
of m:tnuf:tcturiug for the uonies
tic trale the finest hr.niitls of
llluminatin? an.l Lubrkaiir? Oils.
NaphrLa and Oasuline
That ran t o
We chjil!enre comj.ari?on witlj
every known pro.luct of petrol
eum. If you wish the most
Mcst : Moraly : Satisfactory : Oils
in the market ask for ours.
riTTsnunc, fa.
3ff. "V -v.
UC Mlwrd hi OfM". tuni. y JM"T 1
mwiir, iiai4-r. l:; , i.-r-;L. i
pertain tiwft, tna lnm r in I v iU vri :v ai. t i?i
obcroriti-t Jlnrrowmjj desrm.r is l- t nf ii i-.r. r- t
tM-k t.ttf-ken lot, 1 -ntw lost. O'.tM.t : in.ity l.ia- i pu.
S Kmc ft nt. Hm up an 4 timiiir 1 t.,it ...!: r oi-ii :.i
.ti. RH'l acenrept irtoritr. Ir:i tiifiir- pu. it ..4
hf ft philosopher, 1:.t "tii ....:.!. f -ortut rlri-t
SoUIrM or .ortimitT lo wb pei mm : pi i i : ;
uitjrctirlian- njid Iitihii .o i l,r-r ia-he. Int..
oanrl Jp:trt. .,rr to ifi-nn." li .w U.tli y..n fji.4
tU GULUrt nfrotliiit;r I It V.t. -:it ftr-rt c it x'utrm tiiiat
rprs wurth. Of flr pr.iuu ll. tt i. r.!,;ttk l suc-
c1u. rrttttt lo lii is m .. 1 1 t t . hh.-u m ix not ftn
With ift tl.OrwNt t trfl'llllf ...-t.i. 1 ..t,. It W til f:T
ftllrfttt, m crt.d ta. tin 1 1, c..n ,i v r tur.i.r fr
nn is liot. HI ntif y t ! r:tt.. l. lioni-rauif
fcy njf itttirtMii'.i.j j Htn ! cnii. r tt il n-.-s Von can
oi t!i wmk itti't t ti'ittiw. t it- - rvfr I; vn i-
riunera ftt -an,m tr.-m !).. i KlO tt uit. Y
ett io s woll if iu wiii woi L. tin t ,i. ..,t i- .iuttTri
17' n& Tuh CU iltrir T-mr if-..tiir : -.. ?n..n Voft
cao cirr'aijlitt.i.tJr. .rn!f yir im. i-i ii.e ...k. F.sf
to larn. C'a.tul ix.t rtiii4 i:uli...i. A1I1 com
r-mtn-l- t.-w ,.( rcMll .!. -t t.,1 m i,lMMII.t mMi
Uow tosi how. itfrP. r, iit.kit. wM r.....t-tir wtirk
rm. No mom lu Uin lt-t U 1 tt n..L ),..,, n Hu r.
rofnrn tn-til l i(Wi.i t.-1.T .i.ti nt II
lUUtl b Co., HfcO. rii (lauU, JlliS.sJ
Caveat, and Trade-Mark obtained, and all Pat
ent hunine-m rondin ted fir Moderate Fees.
Our Office is Opposite XI. S. Patent Office,
and we fan emre patent in le t inie than thoie
remote from Maihin?ton.
Send rmulel. draw in? or phnto.. w fth denrrip
linn. We ad vine, if patentable ir not. free of
rhrre. Our fi-e not due till patent i necured.
A Pamphlet. -How to Obtain Patent." with
names of actual client in voor State, fouutv o'
town, font free. Addre;
Opposite Patent Office. Washington. P. C
we cend t!i marvlnnc Fr.-ncli
lu-tuedv CALTHOS t nr, :iiJ ,.
h eal euarantm tliat
DUrharcee KcuU.loa-1.
Cl'ltK -prnaalin i aaa. VarU-ciaeU.
aed KEHTOIaK tM viror,
L ie it and pay if lathf.ei.
Addma, VON MO ML CO..
cW tawrloa Accela, Ciariaaall, Oale.
- y s '
. 1 TVT -a.
Wrorkeil VeorU ul irond IVople Al
trsv sink to the Oround.
Th- is a rathor -mmon but m
tutuis notion ti- the lTn-t tliat a htun:in
Uxly or rvon a ship will nit sink t tin
Liittotn f tht- iirofounU-r aysss of
the ikvan. hut will. n account of the
ik-nsity f tin waters at a prcat depth,
inui:n siisjx pditl at Bonie distance
;!i.vo thf surfave f th'. earth. This,
a-'-c.r:litifr t Mcribm-r, is an error. No
other fate uwiiits the lrnwneil sailor or
hi-; ship than that which comes to the
marine creatures who die on the Imt
t. .:n of the :sca iri time their dust :i;l
pae-; !!it- the preut st-T.-hoti -- .f the
ettrth, even as those who n-eeive lu-.r;al
on the hind. However deep thi sea. it
i-. Tint a few hours fjoforo the KkIv of u
tr. Jii who Ihnis his prutv iu the oeean i ;
a! revf tttk.n the Kit t.iie.; il there re-ee"ve-.
th-- same !. i ft -rv i.-e from t tie
a-fetits which, in the or.ler of nature.
appointed to care for the dead, as
e. -ine-. to thoc who hre reverently in
Iniiiie:! in lile-.s-l roiiiid. All save th.
hardest pattof the skclet m are iiiflf
lv taken aain ii'to the r ilm ! the
iIimm- !! r.' tef-t'ii-
jMrt'oiis of the Kdy "'" n hr-7- part,
iipnroprinle 1 the creatures of the : i s. that he'ore the dust return in
1he;i.-.-T!ii!!l:itil:r writer t the !irm--el
-rii-: ii it I'rt ': Tiaxs throuyh an e tended
i-'-.-'e of !iv;iv. firms
'i lie f;:til f a limat Kvlu-s on the sea
f'.M.r i well ill i.t rated h.V the faet that
he,eat!i the waters of tne culf stit-an..
v.l.- re it j.assj-s southern I'l-iri.hi. there
;,i s.u:ie p'a.s's 4n'a'itit:r; if '.ins,
aitiurent !v those of the laanitee. or sea
cow, a lare herbivorous tuamnial.
e. i:iL-h. ii!;e the seal, has In-come
a.itiMte l t-:.'jnatif life: these ciea tare.-,
jilefitifu'ly inlialiit the tropk-al rivers
vji -ii :lov inu the Caribliean s.-a, ainl
atv. th ni'flt rarely, f.mirl i:i th. streams
: --oil! !i--ril 1'iorida. At their death
tln V .'.rift out into the opcii water and
in swept away to the northward I13
th tk-eaii cnrreiit. for some weeks,
perhap s thi- earcassrsarc baoye I up by
1 !ee j-iiM.'s of deeomjNi-.iti m wliii-h are
relaine I by their thi k. oily skins: as
these l -cay and break the I unties fall to
I he bottom.
It tiuea l.y .tiiolher iia, Itut X It-imlaKi-l'urr
UUil sili;le.
Slaverv h a . 11 r '.-o;r:ii:inn in Peru
vian 1 -i-.v. there are ways of main
taiiiin;' an 1 e'.plaininf il n l unv.-ortiiy
01 some a li.iiriition f-ir tlieir el.-vern.-ss.
Take, for instan.-e. an established
eiiaera or ha -ieiida any haeienda. Ac-e..i-diii--
to law tin Indian is a tree man.
t 'ertaii-iy. Also, aeeoiiliii;' to law. n
man v. kite, mestizo r Indian - may
ave the
where he has -otitraeted
a debt until lie ha;, paid it. if his credit
or:, enjoin ; eiubarjfcr I him.
Now it happins that thi- Indians are all
and always heavily in debt t ithe owner
of the chaera where they liv... aul saitl
owner.-, do choose to enjoin thi in.
When lor., concludes l!:ir:cr-s Ma.-a-ziin'.
the In.lian remains M'rpctually
4-mb.iry-iH-il. When the yoime; Indian
hits . row 11 lar":e eiioiifrh to do w hat may
le rerarthsl as a man's work In enters
service. lie receives the habitual
recompense of nine soles jxr month,
tin this sum he cannot live. The master
kn-iws it. the Indian knows it: but what
i -. to be done when sueh is the estali
lisheil stipend throughout the leiirth
and breadth 4 if the valley. The result
i .. receiving none of the commonest
m-ccssaries of life jfratuin-usly. he over
draws from the tirst. A strict account
is kept of all that he obtains from his
master of food, clothing, implements
and knieknaeks: papers .if injunction
arc duly .served, and he is compelled to
wirk on day after day in satisfaction id
the debt.
'.'on.sidcr -mother phase of the matter.
If a man desires to establish a new
hacienda he can obtain all the land he
may by simply --denouuviu" it in
ilr.e lejral form, occupy in-r aud bnildin-.:
a house m it; liut he cannot secure
laborers by spri-adinfr the rumor if hi
wishes and summoning a crowd iif ap
plicants from which to choose. For thi .
he must repair to some well-stocked
hacienda where there arc Indians to
spare, pay the debts of such as he se
lects, thereby transferring the Indian
with his obligation and its attendant
bond f servitude from otic master to
An laveiillon That Uicn the Solution .
, mi IMjpurtaut I'ruliliui.
The suf.ject of lolisi tauce iceaij
towinji- has been receiving mu.-h consi.!
i ration :.t the lmnds of American shi;
ovviit-i-s. A roposal has already Wen
made to emoioy hermetically scaicd
? Leel barges for cH-ean t rau -jort at ion,
the i b:ir;rcs bciiiL- lowed by special ly
desi-.-nc.l ti:-s ami towiujr ajiparatus.
I". i. belicve.l l.y many shipowners
in this country that we arc Hearing
the tir;e when the towing steamship
will he largely employed to ilra
fr. -i;;i.t barges across the Atlantic.
il.ili'ies in this direction have K'-'ij
si';.- res! ivi ly indicated by some note
worthy feat-.f tijwiny doni; recently
ly the I iiited States tuj; steamer
Satt-rn. which is alxiut twenty-two
l.tiiMire.l tons and is titled with very
powerful engines. The chief difticnltv
in ocean tm iug is the failure of the
tow rojH ir steel hawser tir its faiten
if.'s. Neither manila rope nort-tecl
wii-i rojH- i-an witlistand the sudden
strains caused by the motion of the
t owl-oat and her consort in a heavy
seaway, the creat want Kdnp elastici
ty. To overcome this iliCiculty the
Saturn has been littcd with a towing
a;: .iratus invented by an American
cntrineer. It is a balancing cable
d; i;i:. which is s.i geared up that the
notnial pressure of the enfrine cylin
ders, situated on either side of the
drum, w ill balauee- the normal strain
on the cable or hawser: but if the
strain on the hawser is increased tho
drum revolves aft and the hawser pays
out, running in atrain when the strain
is relieved. The inventors of this in
rcnious apparatus cJaiao that they hare
solved the problem of ocean towinjv.
Chicago Journal.
ki:ll f a sweuth ijueen.
A Swedish t neon's gmve was re
opened at I'ps-tla in the presence of the
prince rcfjejit, the archbishop and
many professors. The prave, which
dates from l.V-4. is situated in a side
aisle of the cathedral at I'psala, in a
vault iicr.cath the pavement; on the
cciline; are painted the royal arms. On
the immense stone over the prave are
oiio-ravod in Latin the words: "Cath
erine, ip.u en of Sweden, died Septem
ber US, l.-,r-:l; daughter of Siismund,
kiii;r of r.iland, and wife of Johann
III., kin? of Sweden. She was buried
in the lfith of February, 15S4." On re
movin;? this stone a copper coflin was
found and opened. Within was a
wooden coffin, somewhat dcoaj ed. and
lined with velvet in rajrs. lie neat h a
leather cover lay the corpse of the
p-eeii. clothed iu velvet, the feet in
fluffed shoes. Amid the folds of vel
vet lay an extremely small akulL Lou
don News.
An lil ( hratuut.
One of the idd stiiries. U that in the
year li;pj two council. .isi :.. ..
X .. of Denmark, while sailing-lietwoen
Norway and Sweden discovered a mer
man swimming about with a hunch of
fc-rasson his head. They threw out a
hook aud line baited with a slice of
bacon, which the merman seized. Ileitis'
caupht. he threatened vengencejio loml
ly that he was thrown back into the sea.
Are you -i-t-kls .'U.Miirlj to venture If k. aenl
two ceiits in ne:i-i ti Hie Murk JtiM ixtuny (.'..
'cH nn-f ". asliiii'.-toti Street. N. Voik. t.r
(me of their l-autifji lilustrut.-U I.acllf
Hooka," It i" a. tiov. i. timq'i--. un.J iiiicn-a:-xix
wt.rk t every iersm .t r titii-fut-tit .
i in receipt r.f t-M t-utH iti -.atiis tltfy villi
atiifl niKt-iHid r. tit'.l act tif their faLuuus Loufe--
huid ffiu-u- vrlm.
l'lirtt-n ctitu iIh-v i i:! n'.r. ciij u tnK.k f-initaiuliif
rfiniilct word of 'll:f .Vikadu," niid muilc 1,1
Iti. iii'-it j-o.iilar uin-., t(f-ctli-rvitli t.-u i'Xtjulnilu
rlirtimu ra.l.
A rrry i tlfn-Inir. !i'rm!-i- fit ynl.i tromntic
roni)Muii J tr 1 tit- 1 n t t quitmte nud
oflHr h tt-r i!ni--. --it ! r -.': or fluid lrlr, Ji
4 roll ifc I'ml J'fMk In ti t-y t .i;niuiui.i-ot
phvtsh ..iUH in I.i.r..:-" "! Ami -ri F orirmlit im
cawjiAKif-. wry h- F"i Sa.e by l)rumtii.
M I'.! -it !-!ri-il ly
The Acadonuc Pharmaceutic Co.,
iommin sn M.iv lot:;..
An eleaut Fnlish j.!c:rn..'M .;- '.r r.r.-iriiii(ii
for biliou-i. itmlariHi in.d I. ir al.l.-s ; ih- r.--Sillt
i.f .ivt-r lM-nty l:ve ai - i.f JJUIl i-Iiiilli-at
tk'K-ulitw- r-s .-ii i-li.
A ir. .--.i l.y th-- liii-ht 11. ..Ileal nutlioritiia.
Jii us 111 Ujc li-pit:t'-; jti ---ry of 1 .urow.
c-cu-.iU )ii-!j!iil l laiii-.-s, cLilJr-u uJ mo-yr-
of v liiiit-i
tiitirri v.xi-iubic ; t:.-.-from f.arisif ill ilruc.
i Handbortip P.k kajres, Piict- 50 Cts.
I"r( ;ar--d soL-ly l.y
llje ioyal J Jiiinnaceutic Co.
I'Leuii-Jts XiX aniviiitni.-ul to J!.-r Maji-sly th?
liix u huI to ti": Hi y -iiiiili .
130. 132. 134 Charlton St.
Smne uiirJiciui.! I:.val F-Lixir, In
bi.xe-.. :a.illsto tux, for Hi f.-nts.
Vinegar Bitters COED.AL, -J 'V.iln-',1" ) &
Vinegar Bittert P0W2ZES, M losrs. ioc
Vinegar Bitten. u.-w Btyl-. lAa.''x J $ 1 .00
Vinegar Eitten, oUt-tyic, blu. rtaM.-, $1.00
The World's Creat Elood Purifier
and Life Civingr Principle.
Only Temperance Bitters Known.
I bctiaat eflh of n Onlury Ihr l.rniliDB
laaiily Miilirlut- ul 1 lie erltl.
E. H. McDonald Drug Co., Proprieton,
KAN FltlXCI.--" o ash NEW YOKE.
rut: r 1:1:1: ma. v
Printincr Office
I the jiiace to et yonr
Pioniptly anJ t-alUfrtct.irliy exciJtd. W
will mi-et the pi ires of alll lintuiraole
Ciimpffioii. don't do nt:y hut
Crtt-p; "in k and want a
1 i V n at liric for it.
ra Fas! Tresses ani New Type
tVe are prenan 1 to turn out Jon'Priiitin-f.fif
every rin-orl- tien In tr.e FIXRST
STY l.F. ami at the very
Lowest Casli Prices.
N'otlntig nut the nest nitterial i ua nl
our work -p-ak-i fur it-tif. We are pr.
pared to print on tl.e aliorltis. nniice
POCTF.RS. riifklKAMMEii,
DrPiNKss Caulk 1'ai-. Him, Hkim,
Monthly IStatkmenth KsvKi.orKs,
I.ahh.s. tiun 1.AI1. WrnniNo ami
Drafts. Hki-rh-th Bond Hoiik,
Lktticr and Note IIkai, ami
IJop ami I'akiy Invitations
We can print anything from the mall-t
aod neatest Vifitlu Card to the latest
Poster on short notice ana at thu
niost Hria-Miua ble Kates.
The Cambria Freeman,
4 Scientific Amertca
V Agency for
TDinc avat a r. as
nrCIbl CS c -V ar avf tr- as
neVee m a-a) -O
(Z.'"'7I?"t,0n nl trr Handbook vrrlti. to
r.rilS V! to-i :4,: Bwoai.way, K(W Vohk.
lL?J,?ru 'iriiurratit 111 Anurini.
rr?11 ,1-n "" i l.roiu-lii lM-tore
ia public ly a n.Aioe itiveu fre of cliaive lu tUo
Scientific mcricau
171 r?"n','"n of any artontlflr par-w In the
lM,".""f"lly illMrat..d. No ii.t.-ll.nt
J without it. tve.-i.iv, m:t.tio .
lLt.LIbntn,, New 0ra.
Cheaper thaa "Wood.
LiluUi-ii iiitr if
. cm mm IT. .1 rraac wtth jcatr. I la Bo a
atiiac.K-aa 1-eaMdca l.oaer .! pu. Vbr. vntlic lor
C" VaKilT. Kutnter .1 Uua, DouhW aiid KiDf la,
aaleo. Waalag Muaafactur Ural' Iron a'raciaa. t'Mlmc
MtatMa rittlr,,.. flrv Bl...i,r- aud nut BHeaPKM. uilu
e. ana Hra.aa.n4 Icon fnn.. Wihk IMiul Al.
WUHH-W lM.tiat.M.S, aaa Jl luii .1 , IkK H OKk.
01, 203 & -,03 ALavrKt St J'lUaburgh, Pi.
"pvflyou neit J.a. rriuUn.;? II m, KV la
J cKKKMan a trial urder.
T4 ( uriou. TrilM-a 1 it
tort to Imiirovr Thrlr ..
Ilun lmls of st-iimi-rK sail . v
tln-ono-h tli M raits i.f Mniu..,..l''(r'"
thousands if jiussf-rif-rs. w)
lr otn that just bi-himl tin. t,; tho narrow Malay n.-niii'.' '
t-Aotril.H-s apparontlj- tint;i..,..P,'
!. .v. any int.T.-..r";.-!
1-.-.1 ..f tin- v..rl.l. an.l v.i .,!v','''
h-t itlono. Th.-y arc linvi'., ' ' '
.-.-tn:iii"; and thi Su'..-, i tr:!.s . "S '
f '..ji-xis'-.I, s-iys tlie N.-w ,T:. ' : '
V." ; h. :ilori";ines of tlw M;,::,'v
:.l i. Kv-r mi th vissi.i... ,,,
jiition-. h:iv fr.U.iit'i! td,,. ':
y h ive li-id there, and u... ' '
traditions us to t-vi-r w,--iv;, '"' !
oih.-r ri'trioii. Once, lum-pv.-V" '." '
'. i n. i 'd .i.iwii t' tho .-oa-.t, l,n.' .i ' "
l:iy . .!r tlu-m t.iv. ;irl ti.,-.
h. Th-nin-i-ala, whirc, in j',,, r
f t'u v fou.'i.l l.helVr H'-;i ,
1 : j : . : t Ti .-!n-i'ii's v lu m th.-v f '
i;.. ,-v. urj'l llll-j .. II;,. n;i
ur ;VTld t in m.
Th' rf-.-iii'ilo ti.-;-r,
r il i t ts wh.i liavi s.-.-ii .
:r.; ...
.vn.'id.T vh-t". t!i.-- I .la ..,
.-.iH.lly h:iir, ll:it iins.-., '
.I riv. th-ir Jihysi.-al hr:i
Th.-S.-niun' tri'i. .n tin- r..i,tr..'.'..
ivi-.-j.-r-.-olt.rcd. uith i'l.-Lir "'
l.rown ihciks and ih';ir-i"i f,..,
'1 lu tril.-s i.jit'uk dilF.-r. u .,, ..
ln-.t tl:-y havt thi sain.. ..u-,,r'
livi mi t In l-st t-riiis w ii ,
'i'h ri N.i.iis, liowcvi-r, t . l.c v. -i?i1t
rsiiisrriniff atnon th.-m, h, ,
th. tyjii's nr. l;-pt . t i -1 n . -t
i !;. Siuc. l t'oiuinnn n ;r
tiriK with tin Malays, 1.,,; ;.,. v
ii. v.r Kuvi th.-ir in, niiit.,,,.
S'lin to liavi no idi-u .,f r. !:
t:..-ir imritrinutions ar.- n ,t a.
i ...-... 1.1
jri.-ss-o i iiitiuni n.ii. iMi.-ij
thiir i-ir.-nins.'riln-d liiui'v
am. jri-.r th.- T.'atfst ,,i :u,.,.
h-u.l a thorotiylily i,,-rar.-ly
ivmain tw. d.i ,
jila.-.'. and lo nut ti-t ru. i
est shi-lti-r Xi4Jit ik'.mm. .iia! !
liio-hs to iivi-r tli. :u f
li-xTs fixiu a t..!in
v i . l - r . . . I. ik. son..-tivi-s
.f Tiira t.l In,-,
no i,U-a i.f liiiildiiio; lin
livi. Th-y haw n.. I..r,l
f.Ttatist iiassi..n i, th-- j.
uhi h th-y ";uard tli.-ir hi..
ix v
.U pflld.-lir.-. hit. :
m;;.h siilin a I t.ii:nt t.. t'..'n
iiViT th.-m. hut havi- v,
f.iii-.-.s-.lnl. N i -ti rt - I,, -i .-,
.f thi n.iti.ii.s .f .-ivinj-.i-.a
i-.-..h-d in thi -"'.il, t .!..-:
have n-t assunn-d .-v.-n T 1 1 . -
.i ili.ati.n whi. h r.-iusl ;nii.,i.;
jn-ar.-st ti.-irhlior-.. thi Malav- '!
In i i-v.t. havi in!- .,:., i n, .in.-. ,i !,, . ti
.if i n. am. v.h-.h i--.
l.a -.-o Th. w .-.-.l .1. -s n .,
in thiir mntn . an, I th.-ir ;i-, ...
i-lTirts ti jr.-Miri- it fr.nn thi .-..a- .
ah -lit tli.'iitdy M-!ati..ii-'.Ii. i,a., v
nt'ii r pi'i-pl.'s. Mauy.'f ih.-m - .
sma t tt-t'i tijJT 'f Malay or Sunn s. ,.
in-i-s d'Kstny i-i th'.:ih w hit. -tiui.v.
is known to hav livi-.l . v.n a
tiun nni'in' tl.-s.- v.-rv -.i-ii!:ar : :
and. al i:t all tin inf. rni .it i. .n w.- ;u
t. in.'frniiijf th.:n has Ih-i-u s:i;;,uv;
Ju--r I'tM-ullarlt - of Vu.
tli National i apltal.
Tin' native of th-s part- i-, .,
Iy hitnsi-lf, says th. a'-hiiiL- iri ,
roji-jiidi tit of th Kan-as i i;y Ts,
His iirijrin is if.'u-i-. Th.- tiara.::
W a-diinj.rt m Iw-an as an h.i.-n ,,f
lii.-s with an otlio.-h. ililinj. s
I-v.-. The original i.f th. ra
otii.-i-hi ldr of S'ppoiniivi- sort
Ii-tnatisl in his place and p.-niiv :
lr.vid.nie tn have .I.:-'
animals l..rn in eajitivitv ar. nT.-
hy their unwonted i-nviroii.ii.-i.:
iloes humanity 1-iirn in rhc l.-a: :
marks thereof. Tim native muo- W..
inpt. itiian is essentially su.a'.l: s::
mentally, Mnall physi.-a!!y. 1
.say morally, Iniuum 1 d..u't k:.
Takinp the oM'u-.-li, ildin is-u.-fourth
and fifth ions. s.,:.
the characteristics an v.-r;, on.-
-speaUinj now tif the male, "in- t.
him stunte.1, a feuthervv.-iht pliy-.
very narrow l-etw.-en the : a'.:
alNiut t h- fnri-e nf eharat-t.-r ,f a p :
The hat of the male N ashirifi,,!...;
always, nf isiurs.-. r.-fcrriii;.' t.
native reaches its maximum n'. s.n.
s.-ven-i-i'rht hs. 'Mil avi-rai'r is .:U
t hree-i-i-.'-hths. 1 rec. lvcdlh.-s. ti.-.
from a local dealer in h-a,!w.
wept as In ami. .unc. d th. m 1
i:.n f these .'.ntr is aU.. -i
si-vi-n-citrhtlis. They i!--
as t'arlish- said. fr..m the pari-t. '
The female i n .rt, mi iau 1 ,
vciuisl from afar and l.n r,-.'
little aU.iit. 'itituardly st,.- i '
(.'autit. w.-ir.l it Ii a jolty sta-vti' 11
full of rests and (jraee n..lcs. ,(, .'
a plain, eh-ar strain of step !a I l t .:.
Iihsxl. -she is two feet tali. I I'.-'1-
male of her sjMi-i.-sand s,-. in- l.ui.t
a t h.'Utrht f ul eye tot he mailer "!
cts and hio-h water, line .-an u'.'-1
mark the male and female V ai.ii.
ian when one meets them : -atumt
their native wilds l.y vir:.'
this two feet towering dilT. r. ii..
fav. .r.
Then aj.'ain. as lie trots paii. i,! .
paiitinjfly--for he is very shy !.
l.y h.-r side he takes two steps !
on.. Sh. sw iii-j-s al.ii-j r. har tin- '
har action. I have noted in pr.!'.v
shai-: he trots. The native U -toliianstalU
l.ut little. 'I'h.-y are!
means rey ers. n. il h.-r menla!i r.
a ioii ersat ioiial m-iis.. 'J'h.-n- i
much scenery to their minds. '
haven't much to show you. Tin 'r
is. they simply live, dream of un.U-'
oilici. and that is all there is iu t;-pin-head
The i.rcat I-atly " In Aui-rl, -
A m-nt writer in the Nm.!'
i'elitury. in a study of New V..r
i-iety, jmts forward the lady's hu
an im-x.rtant factor in the pr.-'
evolution which the societv .-:a-
lindi-rpone during the last tw . nty v"
Ihe huly's maid is now as . :i:ii
New York as in London, an. i lr
increase in this city may 1-e r. i'r '
as siirnifieaut of the ciiaiv'- :n ':
woman she server. She h;is. in ''
develoiH'd from the woman f '
and leisure, but still of simple
into the 'R-reat lady" of "
aristiK-racy. Said a visit iiu" l 'r
man to a New Vork woman tlx' ''
ilav; '! tinH 1 1... ..1-, .1 in. t ion fir"
iptite as stronp-ly drawn as in I.'"' 1
lli-ally, I think in the more ',r!1
households in which 1 have U'":
lines are preserved with jrrcaicr r-t'" -than
in many Knjrlish estahli-l'1"'1''"
the same class.."
Mark Taaia nl the lc.-..rf-r
"Ten warn airo." savs a i.. -!'-'-'''
. ' " i .,,r-'
man. I was very yomiL' an'1 ' '
. i : i .. x i. ' .... i -...I it V-
1 ..i.uii-c iy i-n-sii. t nan m-.-i.i---.
as reporter on the I tost on Travcll'-r that I held the destinies of
iu wv hands. 1 was taking !"''' (
rival, fine day, w hen a stramrcr l"1-1
up to the register ami asked j
drawl: 'Kditor i.f a pa. r !'
n, sided patronizingly, and r
that it was a (Treat resioiisili!i! v
said that he had tried hard to
(Treat editor, and once secure! a !
on a western w.Hkly, hut had '"1'"
gloriously ilisidiar(.-isl. lie scenic' '1,,
heart-hroki'ii, and 1 jiiMceedcI 1,1 t
him that journalists were K'rnrilll
inadi'. ami to make an '"'T'rt!
ass of myself (rein-rally. H 'vl,.
awav. the clerk told mc his uii'U'"
Mark Twain and I made a
the back av."