: 1 I EARTHQUAKE PROOF. A lactor That 31usl He Considered In Jiifir An ltltcct urc. Tn nil countries where earthquakes nrt f coiniin'n occurrence tin- art of eoiistructin-.' buildings in such a way as to resist tin- t-tT. i t of the shocks has bet n studied, anil, as always happens, xpi'1'ii'inv lias proved tin- best teacher. An extraordinary opportunity to com pare tli." strength of buildings thus made with others h-nlt after the ordin ary Kuropcaii fashion was furnished by X'-- terrible earthquake in .hipan last October, says tin' Youth's Companion. Prof. John Milne, one of the foremost authorities ti the subject of earth quakes, has studied the effects of this .Treat shock, which dest n cd over forty thousand houses, and reports that "in manv places so-called "fort ;r.i build ij. rS ,,( brick anil stone, undoubtedly put up in flte llimsicst manner, lie as heaps of ruin between Japanese build in -js yet st.tnilin.u'." Some of tin- Japanese east li s and t".n ples escaped, though sit nated within the district when tlie shock was mast dc-s-tructivc. l'rof. Milne attributes this in tin' case of the castles to t heir pyra midal form and to the iao::ts that sur round them, and in the case of the tem ples to the multiplicity of j.'ia's bc twciTi t'.i' roof and tin- support in;.' col umns, t ho Hfct t of which was to prn- (luce has' et-!i!:o y iclilirj.-'' v. hen tic temples were shaken hy the eiirt';-.-quakc, thus preventing tlu breaking of the walls. In some of our western .states where torna -Iocs occur a similar problem is presented, and so far no method of co!i struetin:r a house that will enable it to resist the tornado s fury has been in Vented, and the only ait 'malice has Won to t'"S underjroiu.d cii;:irdcrs near the houses, into which families can iioe for safety. Probably a Japanese wo-.dd consider one of our tornadoes as a thit: far more to lie dr adi'd tlian his native country. PECULIAR TO ONE RIVER. The St. I.-iwrence 1-t ttio Only stream That lit -N I loo.l Tho St. Lawrence is a phenonienon amoiiii' rivers. No other river is fed hy stioh iriyantic lakes. No other river is so inih'nendelit of tho eleiKonts. It de spises alike rain, snow and sunshine. Ict and w ind may he sai i t h- 1 10 only thiiiL's that atVect its m:;rhty 1' ov.-. Something- a'.niost ;:s phonometfi! a tho St. Lawrence it -e'f is the fact that there is s,, little re'ie:d!y kami-ii al i.:.i it, :i-.serts a writer i:i the America:; Angler. It mk'ht ho safely a!':;:-:S'.si that not or.o per oonl. of the America!; puldie are a wn re of tii.1 fa.' t. that. P. moti all tl:o ;.'re::t rive;-, of the ivnr! !. t St. Lawrence is the only ahsolut lloodless one. Such. h iV.eVer. is the oa-o. 'l'!ie di:" -ren'-e Ivt'.v. e hi rh i low water in t lie ')ido at t 'Incimia! i is nearly tifty fee. liven tin' upper Mi -M.ssippi. jilaeid and sinoo; 'a-!1,. ; ",r. - -stream. : it i -. soir.-ti:::e.- over-! v-. the country f. r noies i.;i eilhv-r si '. - t.;' its li.inh. The t .irhide'et ?.: is'.oi-ri i al -o 'O.jec t iaoiieii-e ri-es. oirlit e:.rs it very nonrly itr.nv:i-.; o'U t'. ;-'V .'.;in-.' citv of t -t llltirr- . h.:d 'it risen three : more, th niatro.t'eer-.t iron hrid e tii. t spa::;; :t '.nd which connect-- ' lUuiTs villi r m a ha v.oitl I have only r. nnid hole, ml the va .a' river u-ouhl l'.;o e oarvoil out :. i.e . chain. e! for ite!" rifht thr'-ucdi the center of Conucll llliiil's. K'.e!l the mi s'hty Amaon has its rises ninl falls; if it-, .-.outhera ;,;:,1 northern t iiitarii s shoul 1 happen t l-o low, or to I hi. h at thes.-.inc tii:o. it hceonie-. ser.i -i-'.v uiVts-ted. I'.vt it river, in fact, on t'.i. ooiit iiiei.t. and ;d! over th.o '.vorld. ii. :. rri'ilt rises and lolls hro;;:-ht ahoiit li,' the elements, the St. Lro.vreru- ah.;,',. excepted. A RARE VIOLiM. It AnN'iT.iii-. t!o ia !-;r;: j ei f iirlc- pernjcnre :iul I!. is a Mi-fivv. I'i-ol.al.ly one of tl Ue-t and nv-t val.i.d.h- di. tins to he I' .;;:d oa 1. ;. Islan.l is owned, hy l'rof. ( leoru"-- Uew mar.n the we' l-U-tiov, :i Musician, wl" ooual ry resid.en. e is in t ' n- p'et u re-.. . north -i-le i;laj ;f ' f u 1 1 1 i : ptj-l i . . In .vr r' . .miner, i.d Ad .-.-! i . The )!i-t i-Kf-i. , ; i-'f 1 1 ;; 1 ia :i ma ' e a:: i Mr. I lev ma:.,) thtuii ; il is of its hind in this country. l-.!v lie: , A'-'viiii.' to ii. ..i.up i 11 tne His; . ! of tin; r.,p ,,f the instriilileut it was 'a-;.'.. l.y Pa'-id i iehh-r in lT-o. The' presV;:t owiief of t'u- violin l.oui'lit it fz fr'.er.d nrr.i. d Urirati Hens v,: l.o home u ;is at Syose! t. I.. I . i: 1'd. Mr. H',i"Nin was a talented. iiui-vi:o : played ia theaters i:i this uy after :oisi'iv-T t-i tlii.s coiintry in Ki''i. P.er.sie, sought seclusion :.t Syos. tt i;i his old iie and while he was there Mr. llew mann came into p-iss'ssi. m of the vio lin. Soon after reeoivine; the instrument from liens in Mr. lL-vmann sent ii to Strodel. in this city, t he repaired. It was not until then that t lie .: -f i's nncient manui'aet uri- he.-aine kn-n t its owner, f. ir. on taking- i. apart . r h 1 found I ho maker's nam" on the iiisidc inscrihe I in (plaint Iema:i letters, and the year 17'. 7. Mr. I lewmann has often re--eiv. d ih.t torintr oiToi-s for his violin. Not only have those offers come from cmi. si'.y liunters. hut from some of th,-lea lin;r musicians of the present day. The instrument is indeed a handsome one anil possess.-s a tone of rare rii h. noss. lHeirii"- fairly l e,..d 1 r.i , rit ireiy le Vie.l of harshness. The sw-et strains of tho old instrument have heen heard on l'th continents ;m,l in nearly i very ity in tho old and now world. GREAT fcLLVA lORS. Two Near Now York I li;it Are tho I..tri;i't In ttio V;rl,l. The larp-st elevators for carryine; passengers in the world are on the hanks of th..- Hudson, near Woehawlcon. says Harpir's Weekly. Tho hiirh ta hhsland in New Jersey, opposite New York city, ami between tho Hudson riv er atid the I lackeiisack. lias tip to this time not hccii used as jvn-r:dly for pur jioses of pleasure and residence as it should have Won. This elevated plain, known as tho Palisades, is at its Wrin n in"; some one hundred and fifty fed nWvo hhdi tide, n nil is over a mile wide at tho same jx.int. It stretches north formany miles np tho Hudson river, und naturally rises in elevation as it proceeds. This hie-h land lias Won a - fossil.le only hy stoop grades for Mi"f m. roads, and by means f slairwavs which !iml d ialioriousl v up tlie stoop cliff. Tho Hudson County Railway Com pany, which operates tho elevated road at HoWkcn and lontn ls many if tho street-car lines in that licie;hlorhiol. has of late years heen oxteiidin"- these lini's. and iiioro:isinr the facilities for jrottinj; on tj ,.f the Palisades, and from one part of this hijrh plateau to another. Tho mosf recent addition to the plant of this company has heen the huildiiir of hiiL-e elevators a t Woehaw keli. hero tho forryWals from 1'i'ftv soeond street and Jay street, New York city, tliseharjv tlieir pass, n-ers. Those clova tors are tlie largest over ooiis.triioto'l for pass, i1r,.rN- ;itl( ni pi;m. ninifthem the one-inoer. have adopt-l im-W dovi-os to secure their saf,!v ajrairtsf accidents. Prom t ho elevators, wlik h rise just from tin- wair's d;.'e. thore is an imim use viadib t of elevated railroad w hi. h runs s. ,i,ie , ijrht luindred feet haf k- to the hi! !. u h, re eourie t ioii.s will he mad,- with the v:.ei,ls st .-:.m , i.I hi H'se , i rs wlii -hwil! run in one dh-c -I ..... a :. ( atiol tier. , ,; "We Sand Free Vy mail to .tnv v ;n:tn a beautifully illustrated Ijri;k. containing over "o prices of must important infor mation about all forms of female complaints. X woman should live without a copy of "Guidejo Health r.nd etiquette," by T.y?ii I", rinkbtm. Thotisatvls of v.v.oj'-n haw: been benfiteJ by Mr-. rir.':'e.ar.;'s r-.lvico after all ot!: ?r rr.edictl treatment bad failed. ;id 2 twn-ccr.t stamps to cover post icce and pnekinje, when you write for the book. Address LYL'IA E. PINKHAM MED. CO., Lyon, Jia, From Pole io Pole Athii's pAn.aAr. kii.t. a Yin cjcmnn'tratd Urn jjwwt-r cf curu i')r uii dit-at.-s cf the bioud Tho Harpooner's Story. .Vm- lir')sr:i,Junt J, 1S.S3. rn. .T. C. Avru Sc Co. 'l'wi"ity years otn 1 a lirvroo.s-r in ihv Nor;ii l'a.-iiu-, wlirn Itv oib-r of uio rr.'v unii mywlf w,-n; up Titb c-urvv. Our fcoli.-s re bleat.-. 1, pun. 3 Mwolltn n.l t.ke.itn?, tf-tb loon--, iurj!u blotches all ever li", nnT jnr breath so im-.l rotten. Take it by an.1 lure wo were jiretty badly ott'. All out llin-.iuiee s a'.-ci.ielit:il!y ietr.yedt but tbo cupula hai coutlj doen bt:ie i f Atir' f-AKAPAl.lI.l A and pave u that. Wo recov ered on it quirker than I h;ivo trtr Been men brim slit about by any other treatment for ricurry, nd I've ceii a jr,od deal of it. rVeinj? no men tion i:i vnlir Almanac of yui'.r Sarnaparilia b in p cil f ir ndirvy, I thcnsfl.t ye'i o.'gUtto know of Uiin, and fend yi-u ?to f Ueai.e.-tlully our, RaLPU T. 'VTlsaATB. Tho Trooper's "xpericn;io. i!-iart ,j:.i.iutoUnJ' S. Afr in,; JArrcA i", tt?5. 1 11. .1. '- Atf.h Sc Co. G.-ntlemen: I have much nleasuro to UrKtiiy to tbe mat Tmiue of your uriirari'.l.. Ve Vave beet tationd fcero f..' ever tv. o years, du.-iu which time w Jid to !ivo ia teBt. Beinj under canva tot i.-h a ten trr-o;ht on what in tailed in tb! ceuiitrv vfll!-8rc." 1 lad Ihesa ore for .ne tune. I was advised to take your SrV pnrilhi, two t hs of wl.i.-h made my eore diiapl?enr r:;li't!-, an.l I ni.w rjie.t wull. JTourM truiy, T. K. Honrs, U'r'H'j'cr, C'Jj'i JJuunUd IXJlemen. flyers Sarsaparilla tl or.v tl-.orouelilv effeetive blood purifler. t- ii'v ii.- .!; ii e that enidient.a the poUon ol St r. t .ua, .M.-r.-i;r , :id Co:ita:ou3 3uivajf li-oii, the yot'.-m. i rr.rPAmcn it Dr. J. Ayer Jt Co., Ixjwcll, Mass. Sold l'v ft'd lrn!ts: Price 1; 'tin. bo'.ti for Si Er fa . V. ;s n. v. . r. ... ; Jan it.-- a 1 hi .' V. ; 1 V. :ri rt ! 1 -v : oa. e j. . c l. -. tl j o.' I' 1..:.:. ! ;-:.-.. t -:!' ?f t J.. v I w i f-i j i. ;: :-. r ' ib -v o.( -. : . fi r i,. ::; .. i .,; t.fcr t. Ni re 'i ir . .:-.-(.:. . . ma! ut :.;:. i r" . v o v. r t ie . e :. : Lot.. ! r-i i- 1 1 U-Ui, o-jo i. i '. ! t , - i oilo .tine: : r-t. Viti;o I.'; yi-n !-.. ? J- ho'-.t ; -.rve ; r ' i i'Lr i" i-. : ; : . i: d ::: t . I Vi1i.hIo Itnok An Nrrons L fj V w I 'ist'iAsos .ut tree to any ad.lrea, r K JT W ami jMHir initietitH can ati-o obtaiU IlLLa this iiietiioiiie Itee of -li;irt,e Tins r mo.lr ua- been orepard byt)io J'.evcreml PaTi T K-. ni. of l-'i rt v .e m. In.l.. wince lltl aad latiow iiri-iiar.'d ui.d.-rLiri .ureeti.iu by to KOEKiC MED.CO., Chicr-H' Solil .-y lii u-si-t.-i ut t rr noti!.-. G fur Se. f.:rc sie, k 0 Pot , ! 4 far ;,. HALL! Sicilian HAIR ESI'ISWES; Tho STfnt popularity r( this prrpnnitinn, ftf tcr its test o many years, should be an assurance, f-vrn to the nn-t skeptical, that It Is roallv inoritnrioui. Tli- who have llo! llAl' l.'S II Mil llKNF.WKK liUOW thut It dm s nil that is claimed. - It i-aiises new eriiwth of hair on bald l.;i,s iirovidt d tho hair follicles n re not dead, which is seldom tho case; restore natural ool..r to ray or faded hair; pr ervi s the s.-alp healthful and clear of dandnill"; prevents the hair falling off or rlian.'in r cuter; keeps it soft, pliant, hiv troll, and cau-n it to eruw lunj and thi.k. Hall's Ilvin ItFNrwrn produces it ofi'i'ct.s by the lioallhful intluciice of it.s vcsrctablu iin.-rcdien;.s, which inviortite and rejuvenate. It is not a dye. and la n delightful article for toilet use. in lainlntr no alcohol, it does not evaj orate imieklv ami dry up the natural oil, leaving the "hair harsh and brittle, as do other preparations. Buckingham's Dye roit Tin WHISKERS Color them brown or blaek. ns desired, and Is the best dye. because it is harmless : produces A permanent natiirtd rolor; and, oein a Mnide preparation, is more con-veuii-ut of application than any other. PREPARED IT SI. P." HALL, & CO., Nashua, X. II. Sold by all Dealers ia Medic' r t. , FOR ARTISTIC TRY THE FnErMAK. a r an KEanyO HCUCDlTinu .fT-rrn Ttmnrtrrf nn S . . . . i r i m TV"" ""jnr, fit Every Sufferer ! Tons neirh. Ilir.bf herlil.Ootiir Fry Ira.eW .lu,!,,,! t. ,-)ltlc f jt , hl I mm iiheumatlm. S.-i- fttien. Neumtus Ner- . . . . , '( 'I "'nin onim,, atiirrn. llr.melutis, Aj.(li.n,l liler Xlurl.u.s.. ,rri,u-.i. lameness, s.. relies,! ... ij....", m ii j.Kinj or Mnuns, tin, in tins oll Al!Tie relief nri. niee1y cure l aninlilet fr.. Mol.l e. rjrwh,.re. Yrv-r :i. ets.. I.y mall. 6 Iv.tlU-. .xtma 4u.l. Ji I. b. JOli.v.so.M v C O.. Hosj.jn. Uxsi STK A T T O N WrUl rttitl It!s!r!i!t:ei,-t-t. Sn;:rf ami Riss Drums. ' ''.'' .--. 0. :. 1 ..11 1. ,,m p., i" "i 01 a i"3" r rfir.-. so . o. u-. s.. , tv ENNUI OF OFFICERS. Men in 1 Worm An t lii-ic Mont V.irr l-:nilnynicni ttilli l.ii.joy loent. Alluditt- b Iie.r tv," . uli.sn'.e:i. :;s reient instances, the N' .v ork (!rl s.iys: Xeitlur r.i -i;riilo-i:i ier !r:i.U i r . sanity ii"r ih-ht is neces;,i v t ' " " I'l.itcd Su.tcs :irmy i .iiiccr leel like cn!---mittinir se.i i.!e. Sli.vv pr in--t I -i'- Mel hu !: nf (icctpsil icn c:;;.ses nuiiiy :m -biti.ius mini to occasii iml'...' v.in'd. r if 1 ife is vv .rill living. Xevi -riheh ss . rv few undertake t lti ide pr;e. ti. ;:'1;.' t;::;t it is not. X. dhir.o- is ea;,icr to (lemnrt :; ;; ih. i.i th:;t lie 11 v.hn are vvi.rth any I:'.:.' ; I :i!l mi; -t sometime-; vary cither- ;':.:r employment or t!v-ir enj ly.iirrn. 'i; e p.r. fe.ssi, .ii of iirm.-. jh-i:s n; the r.i-. r jrlorious p .ssihilities in times. ,.f e-pe.i.illy in the service of i r: '. "i whh h is as well cak-nlal;! t- t ::t; of itself as the Tuited Stales. V.. .-; may prove exceed mr'.y lonerv :::. as :s ertaiidy no 'V :nous in times ol p- :i -e .11 a cimiitry !i?e tliis. where the :ir'.s ..f peace :ir-- al .-. ;:ys t tin- fore. i-x. v p:. iii the very heat of conflict. In tier:-.::.-:;. . r. t he contrary, these hyivK him -iri.e. . would oe the joilic-t of fell-cvs. h.iviii' men wlioin 'hey could command a!::;o-t Tile- ,p.itvd y and haviaLT for tiu-ir impe: ' ma : '.er a youny fellow who may no . orre-. I'.y under, tand. the Ci-.t prin. ip'.es of camp-ii-rnin-. but who loves l.iilit.irv reviews ln'tter than lie loves even the r. : ami his hiidrcii. and aim-, st as veil as he h.vc-i his all-imp. rtai:t sIf. In . "tlier armies in Kr.rope als; t,-.c iai.ed. lonesome American i tticer turned European louhl reflect that millions were toiling and delving for him. Il.-re he sees hundreds f th msaTids eoiiiui;' :n-.!itt-v u-il j-'ettino- cartloads of enj y aieut while he lives of" of revi-!' le ar'd p i. Ihiy. save for the few thus ineoii--enietu t il. it is all rhrht. Acommcrei.il na:lou. easily mo hi livable, iloes riot iced to imitate totterim,' despotism i;i tuini.Vs- its l.ravc lliccrs and men into mere janizaries. A STRANGE CASE. A Train Svel by :t i'remonition of !( l:n-lnepr. -V teleoTaph pi-rat r on one of the si;:Y h.-trae!c roads leadiiT' out of l'ilts o:;r;i had an experience last week that vil! la -t hi:n a lifetime, says the i'iits-h:;-';-h Dispat.-h. The youn;,' man !--a me eari-less. as dispatchers sometimes .-.ill. and he pive orders for a freight i ml passenger train, moving' in opp--dte ,'iri- t ions, to p to a certain st i l'.t.. When the trains lia.l start id tlu . r.itor suddenly remembered thnt t'.. v t o'ohli.'t reai h the jilaee withont a ..Hi , ion. It was t o late to conntcr ..larnl the ord"r. and in Ids amy eo'-l .1im)s of per.-Ji ration ran down over his t !!.. Ill d.eso-ibin.' his feelinrrs att. r .var .1. h s:.i.! lie lived years in tlie few hort mhiutes whi.-h v.-ould tie id,- the i'ate of the trains. II.- v;i . s;-:rtle i and relieved by see in;.' th- csi;-iiitvr of the freight walk i u th.' tower. The i-n rinecr iiad re- ;,' !i!s t.r.iers. bat when he rea. Iied - s. it -h lie had ri premoni t i-.11 there v.is .so met liirt1.' wroiiir. and he t urned in 011 the sidetrack. 1 1 is train was s.-;tr -Iv out of the. way when the express thundered by. 'J'he ne-t day the operator went to the superintendent of the road and told him what had happened, at the ;.aw. tim. han iin .' in h.is resie-rmti. n. Tic :i!;rri";er l.i..l;cd at him for a moment a id theu s aid: "h l.ae'.: to y. .;;; -.v. .1 k. my boy. This cNperion e has b.-, n a lsso:i t- y .11. I don't think it will 00 nr in the future." RECRUITS FROM THE COUNTRY. Vliey !:,ki tlotter vlili.'r. Tit. 1:1 Tliopio from t lie iios. Vrithirt a year prist the re-.- ii tinrr flair has been lmtitr out in many of our New l'.n;''.a;i 1 tow of l!ie re-ul; pi! V ise 1; 'r: ip t he r:t til.T.t.s of i:: lery. (:;e and villa-. !": rs .r army dett.iled for t!ie ither'.n r volunteers to till f rne'.e Sa.m'.s forty r: : i ar.try. cavalry and art 11-re.-ruit -i'" stations -.:-e nc: 1 i:a. '1 ..lilv in ' 1 ities lil;.- Ne - Y-!k I U st .11. but the. water: :'. -curol th.'f-.' was tot of th best. s,-. , iVirt .r had an id.-.i th.it th- o,ri- 'ryyo.ith were bet t-.T t'.a' iti.-d. iy. nio'ttady and physically, f. r .li r"s life than t lie dree-s of our a ir.' : a s .atiliif urhan r "lp.'.I iti n. and under his i.ire -- . -nil: in.' parti -s. ea -h hea ledhy a f'ua'iiis iono. I ". er. wciv s-. ut hit 1 r'U-:;l X"'.v T'n";:,;:!, Xcw York a'.d s. .;v,e p. -ft j ms f the west. The eperi-a.-" -l . sr.i.l t 1 lie working' adtn'rab-y - f sr a.s the welfare of the army i ; c;m eeri.ed. th- e.ig-h the laieers 1 :i t cxij y 1 lie ins-, ssijy ,if m.-.viiij from ore- t"'-.'ti to a-ot her. 1. 'I-.;. imiii up re. rails as a commercial traveler drums up traii. Tii- n - v r-ysti'.u of enlist i.iertt :.iv tho various mircr reforms which Secret"! r I'r-. -tor v.-.: . instrumental in intr. li;c inir dui'iri'." ids term of service have had a market! ami instantan const iTe.-t upon th - charrietcr of the army. The s .1 diers are happier anil more contented. a;'.d desertions are fewer than they have bten for ilia iiv vears. DUST TEST FOR FIREARMS. V I'rore s for XJetene.ieiiis. t lie lVrfeot Ion of Yor!i,aaii.--liip. !ae little-known process to which small arms manufactured for the I'nited States tire subjectetl is the du.st test, in-;.-n ie;i to subject the piece to the suuiii lustin;' it would receive if carried by the s . h!i .-r in a march across the alkali deserts of Arizona or I'tv.h or tlie sa'e brt.-.h prairies of Montana or Wyoming. Tr. -ps are lretpieiitly compelled to tr;imr 1- .r hours thr.iiili such clouds of du-t that the head, of the leaders of a siv-mi'le team can be but vaguely seen from the waj'ons aud the dust so tine e-id penetrating that the s;;ldicrs" jfiins ar.d every frarment soon become coat-.-d whh it. Tlie artificial production of a s'o'iilar experience for an arm that nii'.'ht K- atiopted for military s-rviec is manife.-.tly a very H-rt;n-nt trial. This is accomplished by placinrr the rifle on a shelf within a closet I lmx, so that the breeili mechanism, v-. hich is closed, shall be opposite the mouth of the 1k1 bo.vs: line sar.d is then permittetl to fall slowly across the blast of air, which theiehy in two minutes, the time of the test, drives the sand into any open joints or into the depth of the mechan ism if it is much exposed. The pun is then removed and wiped carefully with tlie bare hand, also blown into and cleaned, just as a soldier who suddenly o'oes into action would do with a pun ho has carried on a du-ty march. The piece is then fired twenty shots. This test is then repeated, the ma;ra?.ine lie in;.' ihnrpvtl liefore exposing the run to the dust: the cartridge and the run are then wiped as Ik-fore and the run atrain iir.-d twenty rounds. PERSONAL CHIT-CHAT. The late I'mperor Dom l'etlro was much interested in gardening- and kin tired pursuits. Tiii: empress of Austria's name whou travelino- is tl?at of IOlizabcth Xichol ;.oii. She once had a favorite lady's maid of that name. Miss Fi.ounxci: Xir.iiTixr.Ai.K, from her sofa in a tjuict hous- ia Maj'fair, London, still directs the chief training school for nurses. Tin: sultan of Morocco, having- lieen thrown by a white mule, lias ordered the back of the contumacious beast to be bastinadoed. Tur: f.taff of nurses at the Sarah Acland home, Oxford, have presented to Mrs. I.'nlileil, the wife if the rctirin-r canon, a silver ard case in memory of Iter lonur connection witii the luuue. Pfrr idtbB l. s3 flf3 H 91 asl 93 Fifth Avenue, PITTSBURG, HAS PUT . : I J i : WORKIMCrEW and TOILER Whether With Hands or Head, TAKE THIS TO S 5 E A K T. ORGANIZE BRASS BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS During the coming cuinpaiirn you will easily cam DOUBLE THE PRICE OF YOUR iNVESTENT, Presides t treasure you "ill have atul th- ft. tur- .r..!it. We l.uve imn-.-ely oi-.lci-cil for ju.-t such trade a- yours-;..a miii:-!!-- -1u.'i, nt Instruments cf Our Ovn Importation, llircet fr.e.i lit.- srr.-.it fa-t.-u-- ,.f the wt.rld at:d ate -t;:it Mecl to be ,,f the v.iy l-st, choicest, t-ualit v. but a IimIi e pi.M.e in sell mi N K l'K l- I 1" M.. No mid dle men and small dealers' profit. Imt ol,I t, you direct a' 1 M l' i:T!:K' l'KK No matter what iii!eic:. il nai may try ; make yiet believe, just come stiv.iirlit to iir ir i:tj-:i:s tm: ui sicm. isri:rvi:.xr.. was j:am a j: ciii:sti:a i.xstu mkmsa.xi ti:immi.x:.. Violins. .iiitar. Mandolins. Ihiiijos. I'ifi-s. ( ' .m,. ; -. Drums Mnir: i in! i - -rvt I, hiy musical. AN... the MTilll.l DKtKlil: l'.l:"S. I ' I .". N S. t!..- Atlls,;. ,!M),, KNAUK .'. fIA.t, th.-world-ieiiou ned Ull 1 1. 1. 1 A N i' l-Tst.'I IKU l'IAN, and the k.STKY, and STORY a CLARK all of which you know leads the mii-ica! world in n'lalily an.l diameter of their oods. While we juii tin- Jiliccs do.Ml to votl at sm-h lab-s. and on -u h EASY TERMS OP PAYMENT A lu ts one of t hese eleuaut i list rutin tits within the reach of Evcrv Man Who Loves His iloiii' :u..i Ui hiivn You should have a Decker I.ros. or ICti:be or I'ish.-r. Ilsic..-. aa-i S .v huk ;u st rum.-nl. instead f some elicit or Hi,;.!;.-.', a !' .,-lii:i- o .l fo--;i !a;tkc. Therefore ha ve only one ot tl,e;tbo. iiiiiaeil i c -i : -I. t-. il,ie no other. Also rcim-mlrcr t hat for t-it her I'i.tiios ii!- :;;ili vi.tl ti-!c irri tit't'iilil-tits we will make to you the veiy lowest Sii.-I-- I'n t.t I Vic, s. KASV Tlill.MS OF l'AYMKXT. A Iso relilein'e-r to rile lid ei ! ; , : he h.nis... caii .erso:i:il!y at the salesrooms in the Ilveryhovly kiiuws w h.-ie the Hamilton nuiulimr is X :.: Fitti, avi-nti'-. I'ittsbiir. I S. I f you w ish to call hi t he eveniiiL'. ju-t dr. io a ;-'.;..! card to S. Hamilton when voii will call and the rooms will Io- kept o; n. B. J. LYiMCH, UxTDERTxKER And Manufacturer & Dea'er In HOME AND CITYHADE FURNITURE HU as BUSH sens, LOUNGES.BEDSTEADS, T.-T.F,F,S. CHArRS. Mattresses, &c, 100.") ELEVENTH AVENUE, ALTOOXA. TENN'A FiT-Citizens of Cambria County and all : her wishing to purchase luirest FUKNI- i .-thr wiitiltig to purchase luir.est FUKNI-i TUIJE. Ac. at honest prices are respectfully j invited to pive us a call before buying cls wberri, as we are confident tr.at we can meet every want ami ideas every taste l'ri"es tne verv lowest. n-io-ho-ii. i CARTER'S KITTLE L-7I v am a a II PIUS. FlcS nfadaclieand relieve all thtrcnt)!3 tecf dent to abiiioua etntoof the nystea, f.ic'a as Xiizccss, Nu.u'i. Drnweinesa. lnstroHS Bl'tiC catlap, 1 run in tue t:d ic While their loost xcxu&rkoble aucceb lias been ihown iu curii'g ( Ecaaelia. ytst Carter's Little IJvr Pills ars cquliy valoalilo in Conntiiation. em-in; and pro Venting tliisannoving complaint. -while they also correct al I diEor J(;rs of t bo t toxnx h .sumiilat o tha Jucr and xeguiito Uie bowela. XlvcuiX Uiejotiiy cu.ea Acli s thoy ttotiI .1 h almost rricflea to fhoso trliO 6uu rfriinCi!3 4lictivpinr;comilamt; butforto-jc-.toly lhcirpf?Oiinesdooa uotoud here, and tho5 v':.ocr,cotcy tl-c-tn t1. : ' ) fmtl these htilo il!valu r.:e Jn poiir.ny rys that they will not bo wjl- -- fin many livei that bora Is lrbertl '.Miiirtirct boast.. Our pills euro it whiia ilj r.ot. J.url-i Li-vcr Pills ara vry itmall asi .- :o t-i'i j. One or two l ills laakoa tloas. . r- t-.-:ir Te;Tetab!flTi.l do not grip or : t ir pen )? r.ctica vlcao aii whi 3 :-t; '.'!. BtOrrr.ts; MvoforfU Soli vcryv.liarc. or eiit by mail. - S HEOTOINS CO., Hew York: SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE 1 Iy SK jutili ENGINES, SAW MILLS, THRESHING MACHINES. Best Macbiner' at Lowest Prices. A. B. FARQUAR CO, YORK, PI maiW-iat. JOHS F. STBATTOS 80S, 43 &43 Walker St. SEW TOKK. Impertm ud Whalosl rJm la 11 kicib cf MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Accordeons, Harmon! cas, all kinds ol Strinas, etc., etc 1 1.ippy and content is a bride with "The Ror Chester;" she lives in the light cf the morning. 7 A-a more, write Kotkester Z. a c V. S'e-aj 1 'ork' n ICrilT SAMPLES FREe A. MOTT.Sw Tork City AOME t- ; - .v.- ! : i ' I K, - , OILS ! OILS ! The S: nl:irl Oil Company, of Pittsburg, I' . , m.-ike ;i specialty of i:i;imif:teturii!' fur the ioincs tic initio tlie finest braiblo of Iiliiriiini'ln an-1 Lalrica:iii Oils, Xablttlia and (jasolinc That c. n te I IDE FB01 PETROLEUM. ! We challen-c comparison with 'every known product of petrol- ir .K tk J " 1 " if . tt ;r, . rt o.i . n;i ft "V R j1! V MliXM TV 1 1! ! in the market ask for ours. STANDARD OIL COMPANY, llTTS!;Ui:(i. 1A. o-.-tls ".-l:-r. UC MiwU t !'rlnnilv! IMT Nn, ltrimd i. 1 m :j-: nr iic-lt-.-t ti.t-n : ptrttsnitlT-, ami tt fin vl.-.t c fiM live in imvtM 1 y at.' un 1:1 hrni it" ! 1 larr"wiijjr c-Tair i ti.e l- t 'f i::u.r. t t:t. j nrk on lci, f rtei lost. 01 T.rttitntr I.itV u-w lnz! liosrli out. torn up and usii I'ttiii-oToyjar oj.t'ini hit, nr. i f-ctire prT'i :tr. r ort.tt. n c. par. It w.i i J tf a tiIjiIiojihT. ti.. it '"th tiUi- of 1 ortun otl? Col.ln An;xrtniuty to enrh f: u nt ot:i p.eriod c-f iif; mfirare chutir-p. aiitl p.nn cut Iter iirlii ; fil to tin nn nr.d (lBi.irT'f. ..-' to lf.urn." Il.w tini y.ia th C01.pl fip-mi Iuvi ri-:Tfl rpry r!ntir tliitt rpo-11" wrrt j.r. m.. if t.uz pi wi:ii- . i!i:.t i vliat all ne eef ul men llt-tc an r T'T ' au- it na i tint often wit tun ti:eif .ic!t .-t U;- iiii-r p.". -pit. In.p :i.v-i, it will cit, at least, a pratxl 1 in I !,. 'J':. c. ii.x fT.r..irttinitT for rnnnT i hci. Mury ti mails n;.i-:iT r.t.d honoi&hly ai.y iiulii;i hi p,-i t.t citiirr A .1 urea. Von ca ! tiia woi k m:ni liv at L-'nio, i ".1 H ,v Krrn b rinnrrg m e risi r earn it. 5 lr.m ?- t- V 1 0 p t dar. Ynm ca da a w-il if yon wtU work, not t--o 1. .r.i. t.ttt inrtontn fclr ; and y in cm iiu tirsj y.tttr iiitt:no iti co". Voi 'OKlffl 9pf) tn;itiilr. it &lj yonr time to tl work. Kf to It'rn. (ip.i.! ut-t xv pint J. MeiuitT.m All ii com p&ra'.nVy ttw ninl re tllr Tr.n,!-i : il 'a instrnct and how Ton ItotT. l'lT k :nmr ittikrrtwn mtnnti our work- rra, o rotiu ta rtplniu licre rite mi..1 lain all free, lT rAtnt-ffi inml. I nwtvj t !-'ay. Atl-ii- t-nre 11. 11 .alien V Ct llo& tsOv Purllaud, aialne. CarestF. and Trade-Marks oMained. and all Pat rut huflin-"S conducted for Moderate Fee. Our Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office, and we ran wrtirf patent in lee( time tban those remote from Wafhinrton. Send model, drawin or plioto.. with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not. free of Charge. Our fee not due till patent i set-nred. A Pamphlet. "How to Obtain Patents." ith names ofanual client in your State, cuunty.o' town, sent free. Addre-s, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, 0. C-. WALTEUS' JItTlLLLIC are made from the les-t t-rands ot roofinir Tin plate, and (teel pheeu valvanlzed, Ytu ran t.u tbetn SHINGLES painted or not. Our iralvanlxed jbinicle!t are rain and rust proof, without the nocessity ot lintin. I.lur pilatel Tin Slilnnloj are more durable and ornamental than tt i m?sitile to make a tin roof, put on In the old luFhluned Htylo. Write lor price list H. The National Shut Mitil Kouristi to t t;iiH ttrect. New YurK. 613 Hz tim T send tho marrelntm Frcnrh Kenifsly CALTHOS frre.ntnti. ituarauive that t'ALTium wili Mill' IMwhara-ra tImls.loi ( I IIK Ppermatarrfcaa, Tarlcw-clr Ml KKK rOKC Urt lrr. L'se it and pay if satis fird. ilr,V0N MOHL CO., 8lc aawrlcaa A(cah, (iraatU, oal. ORGANS. X ' -sT - Mil LEAH. THE UGLY GIRL. site, mini nt Her "lurr .c.-ititiri:! -it-r. !o.;n:l llili.-t I:f...r. Dni'iif tin- r-irl'r-t I:-;--1 ri.- U, -. Av.- t v.':.ii:i v liavcany r " ! -.v:; :i ' '' '' --; -i i .j I ' t !:i-4" m th-st !- 't.-r-.v. n r thi; tt-I . iiir i: i i-'st :ir i - ' ' ' 1 ,:: i'. vl::'-v t ' !y r";.-:-- . !-i:-t, tii::t In r : i-t- r l. .!. i' ' ' i- - '-s-.i tlif tr'ly ."il l ii'.ulvt-:. ): i.r. ' :;' tiTft- tijrr.it t.'v s'.;.-.'i' :.!.: fit-- '' -t -ry. in all J.: l.liity ;n fii -. ! 't l" r t y.-s." tli;:l ).r..-.- '. s-. t'.-'.ri:.: lit r in::'. riiii priK-i"- t--. . i - :. r. t.f .! i-s:k rili. i:i;r i.-,-fit'-.i t.' ; i - : tli.-v. Iii! 1;it. -t '::u:-i c in.tnnilly f-.-H tin- :ir- f t'-- i : at l.T i!i..tluT'-. tlt-at'i. r.:. !. v.'iilv I-r-.-tty i;a !i- 1 ivas n.aiali:-- t'.- tit t.'-r. In tl. jxH-t i- t l:ara.-1 r -f :i ' pi !:" ' r Jiirtinc- ami z- rs-.ij.injr w it! sl:v::'.i.-!-.l la. is arniri'l tin- well f I'adatian'-n. jM. ir Li-ah. tin' h nis-li nt t'n. !r.-. v.;.s sp ii i;r;r ln r t yt 'itls atul ma'-.i:' her r.:"i;il' i.i:i t-. c.rsf und rfl vvr 1. it lit-n iln-. Ari l it wa.sf.ir thi- 1::;.t .ih- v. i.s spisr-ii J.y li.-r liti -V:. . tin n vh il. 1 li.'ivt- mi t'n.tilit. wi-il--. Mis.tK. 1". Amlrt'ivs in tlu ';:' ii'iauiji';'-.!. f.atl.l say s in:.ny llmM! -it:---. ::! -at lfim-stii- virtut-s as son..- i f mtr i;k.r iit-w p::pi-r I'l raii..ts wlm :;n fil-.v:ivs hi':-..-:i1iivr t!i; ti'-:-r:ir:- -y "l" ni. MicTii wi.im.-ii Ik-c !.:- t'.cy 1"r."t ii.-.v li"v.-1! sj.in ;ir:! v.ri'Vi- r.;i:: v.-a--h .-iii.! ir.n as th.-ir yr:-n' n- '. . r t'i l. atul v. li.i yi t. v.nulil Ir- th.'l.i-t t , il.-.i.i.s,- ynu. my fair rt-ata-r.. f .r y. i.- ;.:,r t liani's Mi.l rt' 1 fa-t-.-. if v. -.i "... ' ' t t th-iii s t tla-ir v. ;-! a lii.-Tf i'ltin :;t . :';":: .t : t;.. f t-yiu.T lJ!ti ami tin- v. .. -'.t ' . .-'-v. I tlfii'l M;V this flit f any .v: ;it r. - t for t'.i- st- li-.ir-nl.',,. v'..-!-siis. l.- t o.-.l-.-t-; ! triitt y-i'. :'i:-t! ' i '-' v.,-.ir !ir-! .-:-ty"i. u- '.. ;.s Cv.-A .M !:. : ;.. I-. lc r.,-.-fy. 1. ti t . r1 iyi-ur . .' t.-vt i- it 1 . :- -: ' ' - ; i'-.- .--.. 5:. : ..f .i -.1 . ..'r-i i:i'-i- on. I-:-ni-ir v :i f .' i'. .- I' J- f- t .':- ! - :: --- !-, :-. -. I- .lil. v.hos.- ' 1-1 its r-iyai iim t l:t Ia'1 l.caii. l!.- if-":..- .'':' " 1- ilai;i :: t'.li !' .1 l -i-p ;.- r t'i' a.i tl:-.-'. ; :-;.r f.ivtu ill 1!k- t ;.'; "f !n .( '; . ..; r. ROOSTERS 1M CJ.j:i. Tim ;:'iit.- f ;ii-!v.-n . iiiti- - ..'eiioi- .Iiii! ;i- i t i '.ury- ' i : " : . Two crow i iy r.--st'-:-s tie - 1 th. eru-.t of .lil-Ie C!i:?::io:-r-s- t-l:.!V t . t!.--j-try jn th-- re ir-le.'.s i mi l " 'if -l 1: -r moraiii-.'- und ftirnish'd ;:n-:it aiaa-.- l.l.-.it to tliet ro'.Vil of ,e.-t-l 1-S. The c.: - v..-.s one t-f ar.v.:i. and tl--. eliar-r-e t.f the ju.l.tre pr. n-eedi-.l in th -vis.-: ; ;entl -inen of th" jury." s:ii-l t'te r... ( c1.--::-..o.lle-l i..." -hri--.-tl ..tie loirst -r "y-.'.i have h.-:.r-l th.- r.i " " - uk-a-d. r. i.1.!. : ! ," answered tl. t ft 1 -T 1" . :ost ""lie ill-!- o;l l.'.lll si 1. s 1 this ease as :iv-ti !y 'h - i:;T. :-. :i' ( i.-'-:-a-!o-).li.- I n" -:. it:: -.- . a.i.l. the ar-iimelit-r -f t he ir- e.-at-1 r r 1 1 e jit opie" "t oek-a-d- h : : ,1 ' 1 tlie att iriM V for the !--fe:..ia;it . V.. ii have lu-:r 1 of th r -,l.-r-! -I m.-an the defendant tel I -. 1. iva .n:i the tii'ht f t'.ie lirt " '"oel:-u- -...'.le-tliM.." Tile sirt tat. i"s were hy this .i:iie iiu.-t-1 ile t- rest rain their laairht and the j ii-!; l.xrkt-'l :iT.p.:-.li.-i .war. I tii i n u--t-ii. l-r. vtn i-Iii.v-1 i'n- r.-ar no-.;-. Hut tliis tlid not fiitin-ly drr.vn th-' so'inil in' tlu- I'tiriiyanl fowl, as t-vt-ry o:icf in awliilf tlif faint f-!io t.f a ""oili-a-tli " m11 (1-. "" ivoiil.l mar tlif s il iimity of the t-oiir! ruoin anil fans,-a s:nil-t "TsTr'.-iil tlu- ffaturt-s of tii. url.aiif ami tli'nifi.-tl jnl'jv. Tlie raust" of thf r. h istfrs pr st-in-f is aftcrwanl -i!.iinf 1 v. ln-n tlify w ;- l)ivitio-it into tlif t-. iiir'iMi.m am! introtlttfttl as t-vitU-ii.-f in u:iotht-r him-. Tht-y witi' stinpi isfl to in- jj-airif ci H-l-.s. wortli alrout tt-Ti tlollars apif.-f. Imt "in fellow's lh'irjt;,- was sp-iili-.l liy liaviar hail all liis tail ft-.Toicrs jmlli-.l out. Tin-otlu r oiit.. ktiov. n as a "llinkt.-r," ha:l only hdo eve. havinir lost the titht-r in a liuril-foiiirht 1 tattle. ! Anlnial- Ttiink? Tlif fjin-ry. tlo aii'inals, otln-r titan aifii. think? has tloitf al.le service in K't.-ains all over the world formally, many years, and yet I r aw an answer to t he iutiuiry. sa. s a l-tn-it lVn-I'n-ss writer. A h.-rse "in? a halter on Lis head liatl esajvtl from his stah'e an.! his owner was trying to reeupture hi:u. As h- rses u- ually lo inaler sueli i irci;!n ? tanees this horse was insist talitali;-ii!.r an.l :;rra v:'.tin,r. He woiill tl'Ml.'e. ki.-k and run :it the most iiiopport une moment anil enjoyed 1 he fun. 1'resently a dof- ran iiarkin; al the li:irs'. whii li st-Ht.l stoekstill. Thetlo? lHs.aiiif timre io!d and at last snapped at the horse's heels. It isn't likely that he will re peat the experiment very mm m. for In howled himself out of siht on three Ic'-rs as t lie horse walked 'piietiy up to his master with an air wliieh seemed to sav: "That was all I v. as waitinir for." Jtiet-r I rit a.isliip. "In the village here I live." s;iys a writer in the Spectator. ! was in the haliit of visiting iwo vir. in'irm old women, t nit' i n haliitin; the single ,. nvn- stairr. room, the tither icviipyiny the garret almvo h r. Kaeh kept a jealous watch as to whethei1 I lrcstowc.1 more tea or sixpences tin the other and eat )i was .sun- to tell me every ill trait she could hear of the other. line day the old lady, who lived upstairs, thanking tue effusively for my visit, sai.l: 'You're the only lady ever comes near inc. th" only friend I have. That one. pointine; tlownwards, 'ha-s heaps of friends." adding hastily, lest I should Ik- tiro favorahlj' imprcssx-d ly that circum stance, 'ami there's not wan of them hut hates her.' I thought to myself that such a deM-ription of friendship may Mniiotimes apply to higher circles than that of my poor old friends." FIRST TELEGRAPHIC MESSAGE. It Watt Sent Ovit Tlir-- .Mile t.f Ittimiet Vir- .lattuary . 1h:;k. Sti-phen Vail, the son of the Alfred Vail so closely identified with early tel egraphy, says that on May 1. 114, his father lelerraphcd from Halt imore the news that Henry ("lay had Ih-ch m nni lKitctl for tin' next -president. Mr. Vail al:v says that the lirst real niessye t ran-.iiiittcd ly U lefrraph was sent over three miles of lioiiiict wire, stretched around tbe walls of a hire-!? room on the second floor of the now historic factory at thti Speedwell irtni works, Morris town, N. .1. The tlate was January fi, ls:;s. On that day a new set of instmineiits was put tip and tests wore made in the pres ence of distinyuishod rniest-s. All per sons were then convinced that Mr. M orse and Mr. ail liatl laid the foundation of a wonderful discovery. Itut it was not until live years af terward that the liill appropriatini thirty thousand dollars for tlieir inven tion passed the senate and was signed by the president. Wlrtrn forTcn Iu liars. The Espjimaux wear reindeer skins for clothing-. They lmy them from the SiU riau ("huckchees, wlm come over to au international fair that is held every Rummer 011 Kolzebue sound, just aUivc Itchrinj,- strait on the Alaskan side, lor the pelts seal oil and walrus oil are exchanged. There is much tlancin and fcustiuf; on these K-easions, as well as trading. All tlie tratline; is done by barter, nt sort of money iH-in- in cir eulation. At this fair also many wives are iHtnjrht. One can purchase a very e-ood article of a w ife for ten dollars. ives ainoiifrthe Esquimaux jK-ople are usually 1 fought. Sometimes the wouivu. are tiisiiltetl. LADIES! Are vim rt Viies n.ni.li to vt-ntrre Tf o tv r.d two cent - iti staiiij ;s l. ti e i. l i l . y f tt . Tii urn! .t ftir.u'l..ti SIr.i l. Si r,- for one of tli. ir iM-amilu. i lit-lrr.te.t " I.r:il-r IIooUh." it is it i iv-l. iniiijiie. mi l i:il i-i-st in uork l. every ji-t-.-i: tl j. fin. a lil. On ree ipt f leu ei-tits tn r 'au.j.s ib v ill fvnd uistptti: a full .-t t t It li f;iiii.n:s Ijntise. fiol.l fruui- errtitt. F'ui l.-n r.-ii tlii-.v w i" nls. is. in I :i b.M.h o.iitiiiiiit.ir rolllpl'-t.r ililr I'! -'ll." Mlr"fidil." und iiiu-i.- . itr to. rst M..nl:it- siiij.'., Ii.yrll.t r v. .l!i 1. li t-xijiiifite Ctiri.lu.i a! il-. aUINEPTUS! A v.-ry pi. i-iii:'. liar...'- r- I'lun1 i.-.l nr'Miiiit'r cii...iiii,! I' r : ' t !. i ::st.- ot m. 1 n-::ri.l oili.-r li:!!- t i'rii -. it . r .-..'ill i.i 11:. i I I't i- . (nl MT l'i:d Itlrtlle. I I' M l l 'i I 1,1 ''! jiliysi. inn i K i; r. m - tt.j.l Aiii.-ii:. i-m:iu-:i ho couiai'-fiv.-iy Initv. For fci.lc by 1 i t" "'; -Muiiulu' tur- d ! y The Academic Pharmaceutic Co., j.omion imi 532-525 WASHINGTON ST., NEW YCPK CITY. ROYAi L IXI An Ii-s-nnt Kiifaslt .l ;,niii( if jn r.urfltitin for l-iie ..is. i!iA'::iri.tI rin.l 1.-"-! I; '.!.! - : U.f sit It of ov.-r I w r-tif y I. te j s f i.. .si einiLn-ut aci-nti:ic ivw or-h. Approv.-d l.y lb- ltf'Ij'.st tn.-.!i.-.:l .' n'l.'.ri: ii-rt. In ii..- in : 1;. Ii. s piltt.s in r rry . ri .! I .i.r. ij .. Ktip cutll.v lielj.l ni t.i l:eli.-s, -In! Ir. li a:.'i jlf . r..-.i -iitiit-v h-lU;.s. Kiitirr- y i-;et:tli:f ; f:.t- fr. !:i 1,-u n.f ul lnia. I'rt'par-.- l rl-'y ' y Ti,c lux LONDON AND NEW YOP.IC, fbfiaists l.y n.;..iiMi:n-::t t'i U. r M.i .-Ty tLe y-it.-a aiiituO larj'ul i'naaiy. NMW Y(!';K I:::.NCi! : 1 SO. 132, 134- Charlton St. ROY ALT' ILLS. S:unc mftliciiaii -r j.. rii :- u- I.tryAi.TCt.irtu, lu boxes -fi j.iiS to t.Oi, : t--.--. . FOR SALE UY ALL DP.UCC1 jTS. REMEMBERTIlEOiG FOUR! Vinegar litters CC2D.AL, C;X' 50'" Vinegar Eittorj l'OWBZE.', d s.s. so-. Vinegar Bitters, ii.-vvfcty;c,1'' J $1.00 Vinegar Eittsrs, c'.dcn'c, t.itur t-u-, $1.00 The World's Great Elood Purifier and Lifo Ci''ing Principle. Only Temperance Eitters Eno"mi. TUrrfi'-f ftifi rT n t'eitiurv thf l.rndiuft tuuti'y .'i.ii.iiii- ul itif Woiltl. imp 4 3 E. H. lIcDoua!J Drug Co., Proprietors, fiAN Fl'OiCIsc'o anu NEW "x'OJ.Ii. JOB:: PRINTING; tiii: nn: i:hax Printing Office I- ttc tiiace J uct yi.ur JOB PRINTING Prompt ! aa'.l .satisfactorily e.-rute.l. We will i.:... t tl.t- j. ,(; tt !. iitianratde C(::.prt:oi:, We tloii't ti t any bin iirst-tfiss wtrk an.l wmi a ;ii:i,! pricti fur it. Willi Fast Presses ni New Typ Wr are prcji irt-.l to tu:u i-tit .l.ii ,l latinof cvciy (icilptniD in tt.t HN"KjT M'VLK Mi.) at the yt-rv Lowest Cash Prices. Xotbiurj out tbe beat material h usca and our work speaks for itself. We are pre pared to print on the shot te: i.oiice I'OSTEItS, PltCH.UAMMiC:?, Bcsinkss Cakhs, TA;t-, Hill Hkaps, MONTHLT STATKME.NTS, E.N VtJAtl'Krf, L.i:ki.s. t'na l I.M;r, Wl.lllUNtl A.VU VltlTlNll t'.MtliS. C'HI.CKS. NtlTKS, l)l!.Kts, KECKlI-lrt, Ut)NJ Woi;k, Lkti'Kk ani Notk IIkahs, amj Hoi' ami I'Aiin I.vvn ATIO.NS tic. We ran pritit anyttiitu; fmtu tbe tniallest and neatest. Vi-d'.iu:: ;rd to the Iniucst Paster on slmrt ritt:ee im t ut lli uinst 11, i.ab!e Kiii i. The Canilirii Krci'iimn, 1:11 1 : n s in; 1 : ( ; , 1 1: n n ' a. Scieiilific American Agency for CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESICN PATENTS COPVRICHTS, etc For information anil ftw Htimltxx wnto . MI NN A CO., Ji I HHiiAimtr, Kf V.niK. OUient hurtu Tor fMS-uriltt; imtt'titH tn Attii-rii-M. Kvery putvttt ttik-n nut l.y tin it. I.niit.'hf lMt.itt the public by a uolioc itivvu tree ul cluuvc lu tlie Scientific mcricau Ijrctst etrtTilntlnn rf antr ftflontiflr psrior In t no WirrlO. Sl'IfllilKllT lllllslrtf.t. No llltr-llu.-otll niuu hht.ultl lie witlii.ut it. Wtrektr. :. 4Mt a J-far; HM kiz tuiititlm. Aililrt-st. MLN.N A. (JO l'llil.lIH,lis, JCl Hruawy. Nuw Vutk. PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE llAMJSOMi:, 1MJ1-ST1U CTIltLli Cheaper than Wood. t re mil ii iiiiini ri: 1 iliiiliHi , .Ttii. tt w-uJ- TnrtlxKraLhon I'Urt Fmo wtth Kmtr. Ilmtlf Df- ft MttBt.lcA he Md0 lrr AT H m4 rirai. WtMa vrtttliit I'T .rWs (joautity, Numbr flllUM, Dout.t aud HtuKlo, Vltnul. ITf klw Muiefotr Urivy Irntl Krurluf. . Cts-.uin. fcr.t.K rittin. IllP fUl au4 ril.lt KsCAI'KS. Ucllat .r. ai.t Kuilno Hrara anil Iroa Sr.il.. H IKK I'.IOK. ! WIMMiW bClwKLNt,auaalauidal a Ikk H Okk. TAVLOlt A: UCA, tot. S03 : -OJ SiMlA-t St., ViUaburgli, I'ta. I) ( I you nci-.t Jjh Prlntlr? II to, give 1 LKLUaN trial order. E ' -r f- i 1 1 a i THE FCGONIP rrjc J'-.-.i-: tr i -l-.t iti- .in -!i i 1 , t l-i I i !i-r -. I '. fit of t . .a. N- I . 1 1 : ; f evf r: 1 n-T t i;-- t ', . ' i r .': j i f i ' " ' i n 1 I .. c. ! . i r i i . 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 ." ; - : i .- .'if i f t i :i ; .. Th. I-'.-im',! 1 -.- ; . ' , at ' 'X e m in t If ; , . 1 ; ;r fids Ir -M I h .. i - a - :.- . I ,f i . i i a f. ' . t" 1 i ;!"-. ', .. i;' aj.r. ! l-y 1 1 i'l- I !:::t tile tiff- .. : .':.. Mr. ' -. i ii. : N - a '.I III! !f I' i' 1:1 - t : ' . , :- ;.. -.lfs.-r.i.t; ' ! m t 1 1 i" I in-- in T f .i i. tae lly':o and i-.. ra : - it ;,.,.,'' c .in : .i ' !...-:s.- ':;, I. -..! ' . 1 V I'l-'-' 111-' e. hi' f :- ; -.-.t .-at:-.-. 'I h.-re ! - ... 1 --..I t air fr. u. .".ad-iaiiy : - . i i " '. s i.p t !. r.i .. ii i. 1 1- . i.iiir' .-ry t i i ! i 1 ' . et- - . U t :.. - -1 i -':!.'. V; : pin -n- -im-ii f Ir-ifi.-. ia t t'.w- .... . hen t he i' ' i:.-- -. 1 -(iii L ie , iii a i:.--!-.- t i 1 -'..t hilif. priMiivli:-' v.-r; teet. f.-er-h v. .'!.-;. i- - i . in 1 a.- . . ::.-r of h-- : .ii;!..;' ' i , . i i ai ..- i li;- -a is.- . tin- -. . ;t a--" ai .v.ty . to f 'i .l'-s.- sprit' J--. I a:ls.- ., jt .;- , ii ; ri t ev ry ni .''. t. :.?..! i'h. '.. i 1. 1 i.i the v. l.-v .. , " -i "iiv . 1 ! i't -- t i i i i .' i t : ,. .: n 1 it i r!a : : . 1- ! ': . ir.- !r..;:,l. '! '. s-:i - . i-. r tii : i t'o.-- iii- 1, .;:!.'. .: til' f . . .' 1 . . s a ii'in;. i-;.;.ii;-i- : . rlt. ft " CONCERNING CI-.TCX' A l';tiil(-r-s s,- j.. :i,.t, :iK ;,, :i :-l if:. .1- :! I,,. 1 : 1 1 i- r 1 : 'V 1 1 t ': V. 1. . v . : 1 ; . : th-- ' :'...' . : . . ;.. . ;., h:-;..i tit.sr.-r .- 1- ' r t!:' . i tl. - I .''. in;.-, f.e eh-.-'. '- !I- I.- ..- l.s tii" i;!lt ".-;t : a:..', ri !. :'....t tt.- t'f lii.iti V. !i 1 ': . - .- '.'. 'i l.--! '; i '"...!: 1. - :, 1 it lie- i.;i -ik. a:i I - !. 'I ;. . .f this . , .111 .1 '.. : - : tii 1 :-. t .-. ::: i. : e n: I..- s.-,--. ;.t . : .-he, K :-. I i'p e!ieei;sa hill- ii i- t.-. .1. it . nit I'n .:u 1 1..- l..i;:i' ! ' t-. .' t .11 h. n.t it. A ca-hier pa"i:ar of s-.i'-li c;..-. t-':J : i-n.'.s ;mi 1 s,-t t'.i:i aside than rt v...i:ld take t y thr.-e cheeks of th.- ..id.-r t 'V all d the hir-.'' r li.ri'.iii-' ! I.i-"" eorpi T". , iwfis have tieek. a. id it ui-'l 1 t. . L . wav down to th.- r . ... CLECTRiC TRAIN 3. f I:iv I.reis for "..ti-it Ti. Near ! Ill :;.-e. Kvery n-i-.v an 1 th.-a elect rie mo'.'.rs will s n;i t.i : : . if steam h ' mi' t i ves . m vt much truth 1 here is ia 1 1 1 :n " stat-d ill an ini-.-rest ifiy r.r' . I. . ni' it ive 1 .in'iii.-erin r. whi.-h - - The prttsj-veet of nr. via. trains hy elect ri. ity is a 1 nit ." as t lie protpect s .f liht iti- tri.ity wen- before the i!:- . - ' ele.-trii ityc.n;! ll.e generate t !;. ' mo-el.- t ri.- machine, l'revi .1 : : . t rol-,n-ti' .ti of the dynamo i; . - -. known that ehtri.- lihts made with powerful batteri- -ziii' and copper that 0 .11s' it :.' fuel of the battery were t i...-. to make elect rie liuht in.r a - ni' ire than a curiosity. Tii-- effected a revolntfon by ch. ' electricity. If another i:ii"v '. eijitally r.id.ii-al should be 111. 1 1. ' " ' present methods of i'.-in-r.i-.: .' tri'ity it would open tie- . operatiii's' railroad train.-. :r. by electricity th-m bv lo. The radical iaijirovemeiit ! - r th" direct e-enerat vu of . '.. ": fro-n the energy of eoai. coal has to be burned in a f make steam for an en "in.- ; dynamos for the pent-rat ! iti "f 1 1 t rieity usetl th.-re is no j -. . I ... 1 . ' elect ric t ransmi.ssioii beiur ch. a-. 1 " hauliii-.'- by locomotives: VISIBLE ONLY AT NIGHT. The Singular Will m .r a tVt I!.t -l ' ,r" lliollt Wetntttt. A sifi-rular character resi.iin.' 1 Ira-bur;:-. Vt.. is said to ha.- a'. ' 110 human bt-in- to 1iU upon h ' inir the tlay for nearly forty cai- vr ;.'' tlie iiamcof Ann I e:mi . - ' -t he Philadelphia Times, and is s.i ' have been t hi 1 1.1 11 L'l : 1 if of a Well! " larim-r. and that she lo..t ln-r miini. ' .it any rate, tool; up her sin.rua'ir Hi" of lite : fti T tlie tl.-a!t if li - r licit h. f whom he accidentally kilied by a- overdo. . . .f some ojiiatc. i.e lives i; i siii ill. u' 1 an'.ial oiie-n nue.l ca1-.:. aln.iit si . miles from the town, ati'! f mains tirht ly shut up during t h - ' f and ventures out only .n theii.it' -' niirhts. when she will walk into t -- :iiid tr;insact such business as sic- r. have, but eannotlH induecil to : ' : -.... .... i j room iij.Mitc.1 up save very tltin . -then only whcfi thi -kly veiled. As she has some little ni..n. y ! ' ' by h-T father, the tradi-.iai ti r t Ids singularity of lurs. th.m'i a '. t- nipts ha ve been mad to ' '-' I-I...W herself in the li"ht. I- - iv '' well planned the strategy i' ll" ' sut'i'fiiliil. sin converses ii epoiiifh when she wants t .. :-. " deny that her mind is at all '" outl a little harmlc-s " Those who reiiicnilrer h. r in ' ' say that she was an unusiia: at t ract i ve irirl, and w ell e.lii' . - lives tpiite alone w it h n. .1 lm. 1 ,-Ue-j her eoKupany. "Knew li nltto. A Cedar Kapids lla.l man. w i'" a valuable hois.-, conci ivt d 1 i ' ' ' ,. testing human nature the ' -' ' Aceortliiiply, he huiij.' a ''' ' the horsv, which wasti. d in :r' :,t ' '. ofliee, aniioiincini; that thee:.' tit must Ik- sold for thirty -if" thcri- was a prM-essi.ii t f " ; - j intr at the teeth of that r I ' -l '. lifting his feet with a m -t air. each mm iu 1 urn annoi'U,-i" . pi ice was much too hi.rli. It 'v " 1 ' oli ieet li-ssoii. and no on.' h I-1 ' i that a live hundred-dollar in.,' tilfered for thirty dollars owiu r can-out and drove a i w a- . 1, a t- ttllllK .rttrrll. Our .-ot ton-packers ?!;"! sons in India. Hi-' 1-1 ' baled accord in;,' I'-ic 11,1 w ill not burn. l i "' states th..t a welt h'"-" it v has Mated a- hi- '! whereas, with an Amen . smaMest sp.nl. i v uu-v its tlestni. I I! an ltKh.m b.ile.vf.1 m . i '. 1 1 . " ' ' 1...' tho 1