The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, June 17, 1892, Image 3

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    flfinnbrin d rccinnn.
.FKIlP.W. H NKH l.r.
.Iiilv lili th- m-M liolli.luy.
VCftStill 'H Vtmnliiy.
-Tin- Muimtllill lion-.- ;,!J '.,-li
np on tli'' I'- in-'-
Mr. .I.'.l.n ll.-y. "f on-maui:l.. w;s ;.
Visitor ! 11 !" 11 '"I Moiiilay.
J,,.. ' MiIN r. f I!arr towiisliiji.
drop.-"l ''I " M- "" ''",,M,i,V-
Mi. li. 11I'- IMicmIv. "f s- l.auiviii-
was n i" ""I' m Thursday.
K-li. 1 ill' l.utli.T. f t'iirri.11 town
ship, w :i- a i-i'or 11 "" '"''i,lly.' SIiiM'inaki-r. of tlii- l:n-.
1 vl.iiiii-' f' i. in- in i:i'l'-'-way. Kiu coun
ty, - y. .Inhii Tr.-M il. of Caiiilin. nt a
(ow ilav in town tliisi-i-k iloiir.' 'luty is
ft Wit II'
Mr. .Ii'lni ( inn-''. oniM.r (lirst S.rini.'""
jrood-ii.itiui'l lainllonl. a in tow n oil
TllVSil.lN .
NiniiiH-r I "M r-! 1 ai r lii i-'iiinin I" hunt
up quai f r- 011 tli.- iiiounlain iliiriiisr tin
hot a
III, 11. .I.1I111 Crillilli. of Kane I'a.. for-
niwrl.v "!' tin- I'lacf. is vi-ry ill at liN limm
in tdat (!.! '.
Tin' tuu n-lii i -n t" i-of-s an- lni-y rr
pmri nu t In- 1 ami t lu'V have u liii joli
00 Ii.iii'I- in many plan--.
-Mi'i. William anil Tlioma Ihtrun.
Of Siiuiilii'-rliill trtw nli i . were ill town for
a few hours mi filnrxlay.
. .1. l'.irri.-li. i:i.. of ( spent
8'Vt'i 1! I ' - in town iliiriiii; tin' ,r's-nt
week ;i t ; in i i 11 limit as a witness.
Mi. .1. A. Slnii-inakfl. lias cimtrarte I
for t In- 1 i i i-t ion of a in-w il w i-l I i iiu lions.- mi
his ii 1 "ii mi in t he rt 1 nil of town.
II. ,11. .lolm l.:iu. of llolliilay-liurx'.
Repul'li'-aii raii.iiilati' for .Itnliri- of tin- N11-prPDi'-
out t. a- in tow 11 on .Moinlay.
Mr. )aiil 1 t;t i - :i u I w i f-. of Morri-ll-Villp.
fin tin 1 1 v of KIii ii-Iiiiil'. win- visiting
anions tln ir frii-mN lu-ri-on Tm'sday.
I'i v. II. S. .Iniii-s. of Si rantiiii. w ill
supplv tli,' niliit of. iln- Conuri'iiat ional
rhuri'li ii'-t Sunday inoniin;; anil 'Vi-ti i 11 a.
Mr. It. . Hawaii, scrri-tary of tli.
Crimson A t'leailielil loal ami (Viki- Com
pany. a-a visitor to our ollici- on Mon
day. Tli'- -ale nf lots ai Spailitler on Tin-S-doy
v a- 1. 11 LTi ly at leinli-il hy ,arti's anx
ious to .'i t in on the L'rounii floor of the
new tow 11.
Tin- an- linht on the diamond ilroppeil
onThu-l.i niL'lit of lust w eek. caused by
Someone nil. nkeyiim with the rope. The
lamp w.i- 1m ily ilamai.reil.
Ml-. Martha lais. w iilow of the late
Joseph iai. of Carroll tow n.-hip. ilieil at
hcT holm- in .liilin-'ow n. on .Sattmlay.
June IMli. a::i il ahout r.s years.
Stewanl llni.xer. of the Almshouse,
accorapanieil hv II. .1. ( rouse on Wiilni-s-
day look ( ii i.'e 1'i ilen ami I'atiii-k l'.oy
land, tw o in a in- inmates to I ti xtn u t .
Rev. latli-r Mo'iUiuier. th- famous
priest am! physii ian. ilie.l ai his In, me 011
Troy Hill, I'iitshurir. at .' o"-1im k on el
nesday afternoun, ai:'l alnnit To years.
Messrs. .I.,hi' I). K.iL'i-r ami .John Hit
ter, mipervi-nr of r.arr t,wnhip. pur
cliai"d u new mail tn.n liine for that tiiwn
shlplast week. It 1 11-1 s.'.t.". ami it is sai'l
t dll thu Hul k W ell.
Sunilav niirhi William Altinan. em
ployed 011 t In- f;i rm of Hai ry Ferret-, m ar
Adamfl'in 1:. Vi-stiiin-elaiiiI eounty.
Skipped for part uiiknow it. takim; a horse,
dogcart ami hi- trunk.
Dr. Julie-., of I !N pkli-e. li,-t his pm-ket
book containioi; a hunt twenty-live ih, liars
on Tuesila y . w In !e ilri v injr out in t he 1 nun -try.
Luekily it fell into hoiie-t hands ami
was returned on Wednesday.
On day lat week Aaron I . Over, of
Juniata town-hip. Hlair euunty. wa- rut
ting dov n :i tree. and. in its falling, a
llmbstriK-k him on tin- head, eru-him; his
skull. Me died of his ;iijiiries within a
few hour.
A lawn fete, whiih was largely at
tended, was held in Criftith lawn on
Tuesday evening and w as a sueeess tinan-
CUlly. The pri.eeeiU ale llUelldell for the
pnrcha-ei.f :m uilmii fur the Congrega
tional rhiin h.
On Sunday evening. Annie, t he t w el ve-jrear-oM
duu-jht.-r ,f I.ewls I'asrix-. of
Johnst hi ii. died from the efTet-ts of a sun
Stroke. The little sirl had i-u playing
with nne 1, tht-r rhildreu in ihe hot s:n
hjnatl'iriiur the day.
Sainii' l A. Kephiirt. of Viltunre. mad
uatedat et I'liint. No. I i. in a class of
63ead ts. Cad.-t Kephart is n craduate of
the Soldier-" sehools of this state,
&ud hL- friends may well feel proud of the
Ji(?h po-iin.ii he luid In his i htss.
Ill--aid that Kiamreis of Westmore
land &! I Indiana counties pnipuse to pur
ehasea tract of land at some Miint near
the hot' - r line 1, fthe two counties. Theoh
JeH Is t., e-i; ihli-h there a live stock mar
ket anil I 1:11.' the Quiver and seller t-'jreth-
Gefn-. l:nrk. nf New Kloreiice. anil
James- ratter-.,!,. ,,f near the same place,
were Sti u, k hy a la-.-tiL'er train on Wed
esday ev. nin-,,f W(M.u and instantly
kiried. I h.-v w ,.,. -tnttdius on a i rossiiu;
waltiap f.,r a frei-hi train to p.iss j,d
Stepped ilin i tly in f,,,i,t ,.f the tas-ener
Sunday tn.,i ,,in- th- ticket otliee nt
at Ptilli.' wa- entered hy thieves who
broke the ru-nniiiiitioii i,f the safe, hut were
surprtseil hy pa er--hy and tied U-ron- se
curing any hooty. They are -upiH.sed to he
thes&m- jini; that Liuke int.. Martin's of
fice and Senior.-".- me n market on Thurs
day nlht.
The 1:fl. -nut hram-h.-s ..f t he Kmerald
BenefieWl .ss,-i;,ti,, ,,f tins and iidjoii,-tngeonntie-
an- try iiiu to purchase a ph.t
of ground tiear Cres-on. which they pro
pose to improve a- a pi. nic cround. and
where they w ill have tln ir (,tins jljs
thepuri"'s.- al-., to leathe aruumls to
other ptn ti.--.
Oeo.M l:.-,,.!,.. 1-:-.,..,,,-, l:t.-,,-hurfr"s
best know ,,, i, We,,-and a leadinir n.-mU-r
Of thoCamhria eounty har. ha- U-. con
fined told- hum- with illness f,- tt. past
W?V;A ,l"m'"r ' i court in
-which he wa- ,,,., I as t-..uns.-l were
onttnned on T,: account. It is to be
toped that he will -o,,,, vi r
The corp- of railroad enci,,,',.,- w,,rk.
InInths m iL-hlH.rh.M.d were ord.-re.l to
KrIor'Son Monday and are w locating
the-road fiom that point we-tward. Kb
entiMrgjieoplear.'anf.,uslv awaiting their
PWf ih i- nt work in tow n as an indica
aCt the line through thelH.roush will
:t.d in-t. ad of tl, ,,e ,;oitiif north.
Apwty of -windier- are doing up the
farmer. Minm,, , .,,. They maker
pretends make M, fanil(.r u if f
enough wire to f.., e a t.- a. re held if he
Will Sign run. ran to ac, as for the
saieorthc f..-.- in hi- towM-hs,, Th.
contract turn, a i,.-.j..t iahle t... I.,,k
Tr. Ul "" y !,r" ""...., this
-Ey n idv.rtl.uent iMll. .i0t.iwll
rrOn H W. s..y. K,.. ail1 Tlltl1H,
W. Marshall. Jr.. e.,,,.,..! flir ,,..
neri-who 1 mid.-r s..,,t....e of ,jeath for the
they t H1 ,nake an appll,-,,,!..,, to the Hoard
OTP; W,i,, Harnsh.iruon Tues-
J ' .s, J,
iav- a commutation ,,f
iitipli-otiliieiit t,Jf (if,..
Hon. Daniel McLaughlin will soon be
removed from the Memorial Hospital to
the home which his family have rented
near Ciesson. and where they will s-pend
tin-summer. It is hoped Mr. Mcl.auch
liu's health may improve in the mountain
air. JWi i.fon-(i Ilcrtthl.
Rev. Father Andrew. Arcli-Aldot. of
the Ih-nedit-titu- order at I.atrolM-. some
time airo sent in his re-isnation to the Ho
ly See and on Wednesday received a dis
patch from His Holini-ss, statinii the re
signation was accepted. Father Andrew
succeeded the late Aldtot Wimmer.
Ilev. I'ather Iea-y. pastor of tin-Catholic
conirrejiat ion of this place, has rented
lheM la lloil-e in tiii- place, for the Itll
and . Mh of July. A festival wHIIm- held,
the ploceeds for the tM-tietil of his rhlircli.
but as yet no ilelinite arr'inirenieuts have
h-eti made. We expect to announce the pro
gram next Week.
A zriind t ionic will ! held at St.
Michaels Parochial Hall at I.oretto. on
Monday J illy Ith. Dinner and supM-r w ill
he served in the dining room of the Hull,
and dancing will I- in order frxm early
morn ing until i m. A. tine orchestra
has tx-en s-cure,Caiid everythinit will Ik
done to make it a plea-ant affair.
Kvervbodv inviteil.
At a meeting held on Memorial day by
the ii. A. K.. a I'e-olulioii w as passed that
a committee lie appointed to receive and
solicit snpscriptions fur the puiose of
erectinaa soldiers" monument at this place.
The following committee have been ap
pointed. .1. W Leach. A. W. Luck. T.J.
Davidson. Kilwartl Jones, Charles A.
I.anglx-in, Lester Larmer and Walter
Contractor Charles McFadden last
week presented County Commissioner
Lloyd with an elegant (fold watch and
Chain, and also gave a tine new biif-'iry to
Mr. Webster liritlith, of this place.
Messrs. Lloyd ami Criftith were audit for
Mr. McFadden in the purchase of a law
lot of Llacklick coal lands, and from the
indication-. Mr. McFadden appears to tie
pleased with his investments.
On Sunday niuht burglars entered the
ollice of tin- railroad company at Hastings
ami succeeded in robbing the safe of alum t
seventy dollars. 1 he safe w as blow 11 open
with dynamite and was pretty badlv
wrecked. Tint entrance to the station
lio isi- was made by nreakiiu; the doors, and
for that purpose tools were stolen from
the blacksmith shop of Stephen (Irassltcr
ger in the vicinity. Some parties are sus
ccteil. but w hether they are the guilty
ones or not is not yet know 11.
Captain James Snyder, w ho for the past
thirteen years lias been the accommoda
ting conductor on the branch, lias Ix-cn
transferred at Ids own reiUest to the main
line and will inn Ih Iwc.-h Altoona and
l'ittsburg. Kveryone hereabouts is sorry
to see Mr. Snyer (to. as lie is one of t he
uio-l accommodating men that ever lifted
a fare or punched a ticket. His family
will remain in Khensburg until he secures
a suitable house in Altoona. w here tl.ey
will make their home in the future.
At an early hour on Thursday morn
ing of last week the coal ollice of J. C. Mar
tin at l'ortage wa- broken into ami the
combination of the safe broken off ami tilled
with powder, preparatot v t blowing it
open. Seymure"s meat market was also vis
ited ami broken into with the evident in
t tition of blow ing blow ing lioth safes at
the same time. The burglars were sur
prised, however, by KolnTt I.ongwell. w ho
happened tu come along about the time
they w ere in Seymore's. and they lied" w ith
011 accomplishing their puiose.
On Thursday of last week Harry Wis
singer. of Coiiemaugh town-hip, while
sawing a linn log on his saw
mill, was surprised to see the teeth Hying
out of his saw. On investigation he dis
covered a railroad spike buried in the log
which had evidently been driven in when
the tree was growing years ago. as the
growth of the tree had covered up all
traces of the spike. The tree grew on the
laud of Kphiam Custer, a mile and a half
from the Old Portage railroad, and it is
supposed that the spike was driveu in w lien
that institution was in in use.
News has reached here that Mr. Pat
rick I'urns, a well-know 11 citidi of (ial, was killed this iTInirxlay) morning
at Hen's Creek. The particularsof the ac
cident are meagre and can not be obtained
at this writing, but from what we can
learn he was engaged in ja-king up a
wrecked car ami for that purpose wa at
work under the car when the underpin
ning gave way and Mr. Hums wasrrushed
under the car. He was alioul fifty years
of age and leaves a w ife and family his
wifelxdng a daughierof the late Jacob
(lass, of Minister tow nship.
Mrs. Agnes, w ife of Charles Callahan,
of I'.raddock, died at her home in that
place, on Wednesday morning aged about
"J. years. Tint deceased w as a daughter of
Mr. William Kichardson, of this place,
ami In-sides her parents leaves a husband
and three children, the youngest a babe,
and seven sisters, Annie who is married
and resides at Hraddork, Klla who also re
sides at Hraildock, Kose who is married
and resides in Johnstown, and Matlie.
Fannie, Klmira and Maud, who are at
home. Two brothers also mount a sisters
death, James of F.hcnshurg, and William
w ho resides at Coiiemaugh. Her remains
were brought to this place to-day (Thurs
day) on the noon train and taken to the
home of her parents. At twoo'dovk the
funeral proceeded to the Catholic- cemeu-ry
w here her remains were laid to rest. May
she rest in peace.
Jlsktn or "l(uffr" 1 11 Troiibl
On Saturday a hearing was given in
Pittsburg before United States Commis
sioner McCandless to John Hnrinett. of
South Fork and Conrad Myerand Joseph
II. Pi ingle, of Summerhill, this county, for
counterfeiting. Several imitation silver
dollars w hich had Ix-en found in possession
of the parties were shown and also a pair
of copper molds. The dollars were poorly
executed, but the molds were excellent.
Detectives Robinson and Mulhall, anil
Melville ('ring were examined. It was
shown that Hurtnett had made the molds
for Pringle and Myer. Pringle made some
of the money and Hurtnett some.
Myer said he had no connection w ith the
case, and never saw the molds till he saw
Hurtnett hand them to Pririgle. He ad
mitted that he had given Detective Robin
son some counterfeit money. He also ad
mitted that tie had said to Pringle to get
the molds fixed, so they could get to work.
Pringle also testilied that Hurtnett made
the molds and pave them to him eighteen
months ago: that Hurtnett told him to get
some more brass and he would make an
other pair, as those were spoileJ. He said
when Hurtnett made another pair he wa
to pay him 2 x-r cent, of the profits. He
admitted he had made 7, but they were
so had he couldn't u-e them. Pringle and
Hurtnett were held for court in fvo bail.
Myer was discharged.
liair-Kalen lo Oiualia Arte., via the
frnnii 1 1 kii la Railroad.
For the benefit of delegates and visitois
to thu ImleM iident Party National Con
vention at Omaha. Neb., on July 4th. l'.rj,
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell excursion tickets of the iron-clad con
tract form to Omaha, from all principal
stations on its lines, at a single fare for the
round trip. The tickets will be sold from
J une -.".ith to J uly 1st, inclusive, and the
return coupons will be good until July 15th,
inclusive, and going journey must le eoni-
mencil on date of sale. Tickets w ill
valid for continuous pit-sage only in eaih
Trrbrr' Examinations.
County Suierintendent J. W. Leech an
nounces that examinations for teachers in
the public schools will 1- held at the fol
lowing times and places: -,T At CiMijM-rsdale.
June At Moriellville for Morrell
ville and Lower Yodcr.
June .". At Roxbuty for Up-r Yodcr.
June :io At Walnut (!rnvi- for Stony
rreek. July I At Dale.
July ; At Coiiemaugh fur Franklin.
Ka-t Taylor and Ka-t Coiiemaugh.
July s At lla-tings f,,;- Kider and Ha-t-ing-.
Julv '.'At Hearer's for Susquehanna.
July 11 At Fairview for Jaek-011.
July p.' At Ro-edah- fur West Taj lor.
July M At Weav -r's for Richland.
July 11 At Cover's for Coneuiaugh.
July 1.", At Sa!i f ,r Adams.
Julv 1', At Khdi-buig for Cambria
town-hip and Klu-n-burg.
July is At South Fork.
July r. At Summerhill for Croyle.
July 'Jo At Wilmore for Summerhill
low 11-hip and Wilmore.
July .'1 At Portage for Portage Hor
ough and town-hip.
July .'".'--At Lilly fnr Washington and
July .' At ial' for tiallitin Itor
ough and township and Tunnellhill.
July ".v. At St. Augiistin.- for Clear
field.' July W, At St. Law rence fur Cbe-t.
July VT At Heaver for White.
July '.'s At (ilasgow for Read.-.
July .".1 At Dysart fur Dean.
July :io At Ashvilh- fur Ashville and
Aug. 1 At Noel- for Minister.
Aug. -At Loretto for Allegheny and
Lorret to.
Aug. :t At Chest Springs.
Aug. 4 At Carrolltowt; for Carroll ami
Carrolltow 11.
Aug. " At Helsano for Hlaeklick.
Aug.!",-At Niektown for P.arr.
Evann' Mill Bnrnfd.
On Tuesday forenoon ab-nit eleven
o'clock the grist mill of John a'.d Richard
Kvans. in Cambria tow tispip. Tab nit eight
miles northwest of KU-nsbnrg. was dis
covered to be on lire in the attic- and the
(lames had already made such progress
tha the building was past saving. Close
to the'grist mill was a steam saw and
planing miil and these too. caught lire
from the burning gristmill and were soon
reduce I to ashes. Along w ith the buildings,
about two hundred doliars worth of grain
and about tiye hundred dollars worth of
1 1 1 11 1 1 m r wen- also destroyed. Tin- property
was an old land mark In Cambria town
ship, the burned mill which was built
about twelve years ago standing on the
site of an old grist mill owned by
Richard Kvans. an4 the present owners
were two of his sous John and Richard.
The loss is estimated at alioiit ono w ith
110 insurance. The mills were run by wa
ter power when tin- water supply was suf
ficient, and w hen rebuilt steam vs;s also
added to furnish the power when the
water was low. It is supHscd that the
tint originated from the furnace, the en
ginebeiug in use w hen the lire occurred.
Marrlaa l.lrrnwen.
The follow ing marriage licenses were is
sued by the Clerk of the Orphans' Court
for tin- wt-ek ending Wednesday, June
1.-.. 1
Charles Harmony and Francciui Cmi
iiinu'ham. John-tow 11.
John Ruck. South Fork, and Villa Rraw -ley.
Portage low n-hip.
Allx-rt II. Straub. Johnstown, and Jennie
Conrad. Scalp Level.
William F Saltmarch and Mary K. Wal
ters. Joustow 11.
John Tkaesik and Annie I 'rot ok. Johns
tow 11.
James A. Stanley, Altoona, and F.lia
lieth A. Christy, .iohnstow 11.
Francis p. Dillon and Celia C. Adams.
St. Augustine.
K. II. Rurkhart. Johnstown, and James
rris. Croyle tow n-hip.
Samuels. Horner and Mary A. Shearer,
Ceorge K. Angus. Kast Taylor township,
and Jesse K. Long, Ka-t Coiiemaugh.
Peter l h at har and Apclonia Henuessee,
Jacob Duy and Cathrina Krieg, Kbren-
Kdw ard F. Hunt. Jackson tow n-hip. and
I. villa Jaugert. I.aucasti-r. l a.
Kmlnmt lartn.
Tin-question is often asked and scarcely
ever answered, why whiskey made now is
not as pure and reli ible as it was forty
years ago. It is in vert heless a fact that
it is made purer an.! In-tter to-day than at
that time. With the improved methods
fusil oil and other impurities are entirely
eliminated. A sworn statement as to the
purity, age and quality of the whisky sold
is furni-ned by one dealer who advertises
full quarts, six year old pure Penn.s Rye,
at?l.ioper quart, or six quarts for i.m).
Silver Age .1.10 mt quart. Diiquesm: ?1.-.
per quart. Port, Sherry. Sweet California
Wines at k: A complete catalogue and
price list of all foreign and domestic liq
uors mailed on application by
Max Ki.ux,
!-. Federal St.. Allegheny, Pa.
For sale by J. t A. K. Render, Klx-ns-burg.
Will Sprnd I lie Sinnimer
Kmma Vis and Mary alia Jessie Hovv
den were arrested Tuesday morning in the
Sevi-nteent h ward by Ollieer Martin for
malicious mischief lor throwing stones
through the window of Harry Wagoner's
store room on the corner of Central avenue
and Ohio street. They were taken In-fore
Alderman Harris and he lined them each
?dO and cts and sentenced them also to
ninety days in jail.
Mr. Harry .Wagoner appeared against
them later for larceny of cigars and & and
costs were added to the former sentence as
well as ninety days extra.
They were taken to Klcnsburg. chained
together on the Day Express. Juh nstnu u
Ih mtivrnt.
Ilia- I.OK Job t'onlrarlK.
The CoaliKUt Slonilnnl says: "K. S.
Mays, of Irvoua, and Dennis (iardner. of
Kcrrmoor. have taken a big log job in the
Vicinity of Hastings, on a tract of land
owned by A. XV. Lee, of Clearfield. They
have a large force of men at work cutting
and spudding. Light million is the size of
the job."
"John M. Troxell, of Clearfield, has a big
season' cutting on hands, in the vicinity
of Irvona. We understand his employes
number i', and with such a force one
would not take a great w hile to clear the
county of all the limber in it. At the close
of the season Mr. Troxell cxccts to re
port L'.UU",(HlO feet cut."
llair.Ratea (o Cincinnati, 0, ja (be
lrnnsjr Ivanla Katlroatf.
For the iM-uefit of delegates and visitors
to the Prohibition National Convention al
Cincinnati, O.. on June -".ith and lioth, IS'.rj.
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell excursion tickets to Cincinnati, O.,
from all principal stations on its lines at a
single fare for the round trip. The tickets
w ill Ix- sold June tTTth and good going
only 011 date of sale as stamM-d on back,
but not later than for trains leaving in
itial point of ticket June -jsib, Thereturn
t'ouiKins will be good to return on date
stamped on back by agent at Ciiuinnal i.
but not good for return passage to initial
point after July tith.
Fourteen sheep licloiigiug to Judge
Harry White, of Indiana, were killed by
lightning during the .storm of Thursday
night of la.-t week. Tin sheep gathered
under the shade of a large poplar tree for
protection, and a liolt striking the tree, ran
down the- trunk and killed all of them.
Court Proceeding.
The follow ing cases w en- disused of last
week in addition those reported in our last
w-ck"s issue:
Commonwealth vs. EI1 n Sccly. larceny.
Jury find defendant guilty, -sentenced to
pay a line of ?", costs and go to Jail lor six
Commonwealth vs. Elizalieth Weaver,
larceny, plead guiit.
Commnioiiwealth vs. John l.ulo. Mit-
glary. Continued.
Commonwealth s. James l.ladley. as
sault and batter. Jury find defendant not
guilty but diid.- the costs U-tweeu tin-de
fendant and the prosecutrix. Mrs. Mc
Veigh. I omnioiiw. alth vs. William Alleiibaugh
et al.. malicious imscliiei. iihiici 111
( oinmmonwealth vs. P. W. Heirnelj ami
P. P. Miller. larceny. Dt f.-ndants acquit
ted. Commonwealth vs. (Jeorge Foust and
William Foust, larceny. Defendants a -
Commonwealth vs. Harry (. Mullen.
,ur-ning a worldly occupation on Sunday.
A special vcnlict was aken in this case
the jury finding the defendant guilty in
accordance with the facts, but subj.-et to
the decision of the court on MiintS reserv
ed. Commonwealth vs. Pet r II. Mall. as
sault ami battery. Jury find defendant
guilty. Sentenced to pay a line of costs
and go to jail for rso days.
Commonwealth vs. Annie Frankhouscr,
keeping a disorderly house. Jury find de
fendant guilty.
Commonwealth vs. Max Reigh and
Frank Rcigh. forcible entry and detainer.
Jury find defendants guilty. ScntenccI to
pay joii.tly a line of and costs.
Commonwealth vs. JohnC. Meyer, sure
ty of the eace. Ordered to entr into re
cognizance in the sum of to keep the
Commonwealth vs. Felix McHiijth and
Commonwealth vs. Kdward Clark. Itoth
charged with assault and battery, the
(iranii Jury ignored the bills.
Commonwealth Charles C. Ha-h. forni
cation and bastardy. Lizzie Carney, pros
ecutrix. Jury lind defendant guilty. The
usual sentence was iniMscd.
Commonwealth vs. Joseph Pierro, larce
ny. Jury tind defendant not guilty.
Commonwealth John Ream, constable,
failing to execute a legal process. Jury
find defendant not guilty but that he pay
one-half of the costs and the prosecutor.
Samuel Jacobs, pay the other half.
Commonwealth vs. Ileorse W. Porch, as
sault and batttery. .Vol. jinm. entered.
Commonwealth vs. K. E. Dugan. remov
ing goods with intent to defraud creditors.
X'l. jnix. entered.
Commonwealth vs. Kllen Hums, assault
and battery. 1 h-fendaut, who was con
victed at last court, was sentenced to pay
a line of anil costs.
Commonwealth vs. Samuel Ream, fur
nishing liquor to a person visibly intoxica
ted. Jury found defendant not guilty but
but that he pay the costs.
Commonwealth vs. Charles V. Stains,
larceny. Court direct tliat the defendant
l- discharged.
Commonwealth vs. R. II. Atkinson, en
tering a house in the night time with in
tent to commit a felony. Jury lind defend
ant not guilty.
Commonwealth vs. loile Heslop. main
taining a nuisance. Jury lind defendant
guilty. Sentenced to abate the nuisance
and pay the costs.
Commonwealth vs. Ca-T Wolf, John
Kndlin. William Smith. Pat Wel-h, Pat
rick Nolan and Thomas Nolan, larceny.
Jury find defendant- not guilty.
.-KCllMl WKKK.
S. S. Messenger .V" Son VS. II. J. Hopple
et al. Feigned issue. Claim of Plaintiffs
in writ to goods levh-d on released.
Fse Mrs. Rose MHiough vs. William
Donohoe et al. Sci. Fa. Sur. Recg. Con
tinued. Stephen MeCarveyet al. v-. John Roach.
Kji-et meiit. Cont i nued.
Martin McDonald vs. William F. Pros
scr et al. Kji-etuii-nt. Cont,inu-d.
J. M. M unlock fc Hro. vs. Kllen Connor
et al. Sci. I'a. Sur. M. L. Continued.
Frank J. Patterson, assignee-, vs. Sam
uel Snyder, constable. Capias ad Resp.
etc. Plaintiff lieeomes non-suit.
Wilson - Leckey vs. Charles H. Snppcs.
Apical. Jury lind for plaintiff the sum of
Frederick Kagervs. K. (J-s-er. Api al
Artie Ice Co. vs. C. ILSupjtes. Assump
sit. Discontinued.
1st- Mary Cole vs. K. V. Cresswell. As
sumiisit. Continued.
Sophia Lutzgcsell vs. Cus. SinKui. Ap-
M-al. Continued.
Love. Sunshine A- Co. ys. Caron I-ahey
AiM-al. Defendant consesses judment for
?1 -'.-..
Oeorge Krtel .t Co. vs. Klim-r Walter et
al Assumpsit. Plaintiff lx-comes nun
1'. P. Martin vs. John Coad. administra
tor. Assumpsit. Jury lind for plaintMf
the sum of
Workingtnan's Huilding and Loan As
sociation vs. Thomas Pluukctt. Scin
Facias. Defendant confesses judgment for
? i:f-'.'.s, w ith interest from 11th January,
II. F. Leventry vs. Chas. II. SupiM
Appeal. Settled.
II. W. Ahlcrs,t Co. ys. William O'Rricn
et al. Sci. Fa. Sur. M. L. Settled.
William Davis vs. Horough of East Coii
emaugh. Trespass. Jury find for plain
tiff the sum of ZVJ.'il
William Lloyd vs. Henry Dunlap et al.
Ejectment. Continued by consent
H. S. Omer vs. J. S. ISracken. Appeal.
Defendant confesses judgment.
S. Evvart & Co. vs. W. Miller. ApiM-al.
Ed. M. Lytic .t Co. vs. E. H. Cresswell
A. F. 1'ick vs. Pennsylvania Railroad
Co. Trespass. On trial
Clonlnc; F.crclei or tbe Ebeaabnrc
For several years past it has lw-eu the
custom of the students to close the Nor
mal term w ith a picnic. This year a slight
departure from the old way will be made
The school will close Friday, June, the
24th. and 011 the afternoon of the -J.'t, there
win oe various athletic exercises, consist
ing of a match game of foot ball, a match
name of baseball and other interesting ex
ercises. On Tlmrsday wvening preceding
the close. Dr. C. II. Fitzwilliams will de
liver his noted lecture, "The Rattle of
Life." Dr. Ftzwilliams has traveled ar.d
lectured extensively not only in America,
but also in Europe, having U-eti across the
ocean no less than thirt-eii titues.
After the close of the lecture on Thurs
day evening, a social will lie held, to
which all students, members of the Frank
lin Literary Society, and all other friends
of the students will Ix- inviteil.
Each part of the exercises will U- under
a conix-tent commitl-e, so that a pleasant
ami proiitatde time may be anticipated.
So far fat as arranged the, programme
Tor the atheletic contests to Ih- held on
Thursday afternoon. June ,'.'l. as a part of
the closing exercises of the Normal, will I e
af follows:
One mile bicycle race.
-Ml yard dash.
1 mile running race.
Running high jump.
Standing long jump.
Hop. skip and jump.
Throwing at mark by ladies.
All the contests are open to the public.
lVr-ons wishing t enter should notify the
chairman of the alheletic committee, 0. D.
Jloupt, as soon as fiossible.
Airents for harvesting niacliinery are
gt-ttinfe: their work in now.
ronrtb of July Eirarilom on tbe
Praanjlmla Ball road.
In pursuance of the usual custom the
pennsvlvania Railroad Company will sell
excursion tickets for the Fourth of July
holiday lx-twecn all stations on its system
eat of Pittsburg and Erie at rate of two
cents er mile.
These tickets, which open up a rare
chance for holiday touring, will lie sold on
July 1st, -.'ml. 3rd. and 4th. and w ill le valid
f ,r return until July .".th. W.r;. inclusive.
HIwIIiimii Xotlre.
W.-rks. fltetrbt-.l t'f pp-ial rctK-rtr
lh .l.hntwn liailj lleretd KcllsMe dealer
n1 nrr eord.
-rnrlnf rcnt fltlrir trin tn rihnrr th
wri-,r " ih'" nrfrte ii1 th Mt.l n1
llnnltii W'ttK I't .tM. WUktnwn . Son. which
mrre toorHf tn The rmlnr mrml er of thl
frorrive firm h hd n irtrinre of thirty -hv
trtn. nd hm "n mid t.rt-cr iImi a
kili'd wo'ttcr. The pl l wo-k tl,r rwtu-e
ot the t.irfl e-t " nd 'vle. K-m four to
live h"ds reeaivlnyd and the very ttneft tnon
cmrnt tn th count feat are pe-itn'n of their
Fkill. Shlineritii are made throasa thl ana to
ndiolnln roontte.
All kln.l ni cetretw-r work Is eicecnted and
tine line ot Iron Kallinic la handled and od
The Hock f work kej.t on band (reeeive! ry ma
rr-.u.1 ) i very extensive and many very tine
monaments are exhibited, two ecpec'atly oeinjc
ex nied In the mute atyle and In Imitation ol
brickwork, with a finely executed riws on me
top. Amon the many fine monument eree-ed
by thl firm l an eiht ton ftifteeo-leet-blMTh
ronanien. for Sherift rlttlth. monument tor
Father Christy ("txteen feet hlirh). aio monu
ment lor Jacob Ktbler and dauntiter of John
Orittllh. Both Kentlemcn tve r-eranoal alien
tn,n to huatnefn aa well ai executtna- the nnent
work. In all the time they ha re been In hotnea
hey have adhered f trlrtly to tbe maxim kii icooaa
,ui mm Tenreaented and price a low aa the fine
clia ot woik can b bonifhi elsewhere. We have
no hepitanrr In recommend mic Maaara. voimn-
aon l Son to'oor reader a reliable bualne men.
l.mcrefslTe and tru-tw-rthy. Vllt their estab
lishment before ordering eiaewnere.--
raS eclat attention paid to aettina: worn.
EA I.ED" PROPOSALS will be received by the
retary of the 'lie!-l townamp rynooi
Hoard lor the butldina; of a school room. 1 iui
i.MP.iini n.l rlrarlriL' off one acre .l irronnd.
Tbe place la known a the MrKance fchool. All
blda mut be In tiw JuIt lat. liwi The toard re-ae-re
the rlkrhi 10 reject any or all bid.
JOS. HlffS. JAS. 1. I11I.I..
Secretary. ITealdeni.
June IT. 18W.
i The Ehensbnr Kolldlnc fc. Ian Aoela
tion will have fi wai to aell on the 4th Mondar of
June, ls'.it at their oftlee In i.ouncii f hamper.
tbenabura. fa. LKSTtK LAKlMbK.
June 10. lsw at. swreury.
Krm In Munater town'hlp. Cambria coun
ty. Pa. For part(colar call on or addreaa
j'l i,,.i.i..i t - -
JunelT.3m. Creagcn, Ta.
FOK SALE the Ixiretto Houae, loretto. I'a.
Terms eaay. Kor t.articular. addreaa
no. r. -'i 1 " i,.,
March II. 1S. Loretto, Pa.
-r ANTED ! Fur of all kind, lor which the
bin heat market price will be paid. Krina
them In. t. L. fKKIitKlCka.
oct 30'uri. 1 a.
CA K LOAD ol Barb Wire cheap at I Hilton
L a Son's.
THEKE will be expoacd to public aale at the
1 V aahimcton Hooae. tn the borough ol 5a
lltrin. tn Cambria countT. Pa., on
SATURDAY, .JULY 0, 1802,
at two clock, r. at., the lollowlna- defcrlbed
Keal Estate, vlx.-
No. 1. A ple-ss or lot ol icrou-d rituate In said
bornnirh ot lialhtiin. bounded on the north l
the PennsylvaDia Kallruad: on the eaat 1-V lot of
the I'ennaylvanla Kailnad tlompanytatatlon lot):
on the south by t'heatnut street, and on the el
by an alley, bavins: tbereon erected a lare two
storied Frame Hotel buildinic known as the
a Frame Stable, an Ice Houae. and all necessary
OuutbulldinKS. 1 he Waahinirton Hnuae la one of
the t-est hotel bntldlnifs lo (aid borouicb. of tial
lltiln, and baa been licenced lor many years.
o. . A piece or lot ot ground situate In said
borouKb ol (Jallltxia. bounded on the north by lot
ol Jaeph Outwald: on the eaat bv Nutter alley,
and on the south by Xachrlah Topper. aid lot
trontlna: fifty leet on Main street and extending
back one hundred and seventy leet to Nutter al
ly, and havInK thereon erected a two-Morled
Frame House and OnMuiins !
Tbe tal and other minerals and necessary
mlnlnar riehu teen reserved by David
Wattt. the former owner t-f above devrlhed lots
ol irronnd lii-nrantlniiland conveytnr said lots tlie
said ('oat and minerals and minlnie rticbts will be
reserved and excepted when sold and conveyed r,y
the undersigned.
Ten i.ereent. ot the purchase money to be paid
when above properties are sold: tbe balance of one
third deeds or deeds are delivered:
one third In six months, and one third in twelve
months from day ot sale. Inferred payments to
bear Interest and to t.e see urea oyjuaguicni imuu
and mortvaa-e t the purcuaaer.
Surviving executor of Albert Bender, deceased.
Oallttzln. Pa.. June IT, lsvi
rpilE undersigned will ofler at public tale on
1 the premises in t'amtwla township, on AT-
I KIIAY, Jl .lt.:.), IV'i, atone ocmcn, r.
m., the well-kuowu
Shenkle Grist 111,
and about 25 At'HKS OK fOD LAND.
liwtl,l,IN() HOUSE, STABLES and otber
Ul TKl lLlHMiS.
w.lhis is a very desirable property, slt
ua'.ed within one-tourtb ol a mile ol Ehensbarg
Ftatloo; luRic'.eot water t-ower, and well estab
lished trade.
TEKMS OF SALE will be favorable to pur
chaser and made known on day ol sale.
J. A. OKA71KK,
A. V. BAKKfc-K,
Executors tf David Shenkle, deceased
June I7,lS'.nM:t.
Policies written at short notice in tee
. not other t'irat C'lauta Compiaiilea.
EuenaDnag. JuJT 1. 1882.
Etensturi Fire Insurance Apcy
T. -W. DICK,
General Insurance Agent.
11 smnul 'mm the nremisei ol tbe nndcrslsn
ed May 30th. a nay mare; lame in In ber right
hind Icir when she trots, lump on hock ot same
leg, also lump on her nose: age somewhere In ker
teens.. Any information regarding bor where
abouts will ne manaiuiiy receivou uj
June lO.Zt, Summit, Oambria Jo Pa,
i t I f , ft e t l.nil I tnfttail In
a ii c iiuiire, ...
. t...hin 4 - K.I. MMiitff winliJnlDa not
l Trm u vuw upu . -. . - " - . .
lass mat nan m iniiiiou -
hlr.l Hemlock, balance hard wood. W llnln
three quertera of a mile of the tt. fc. K. K. In
.i l in its; k I., a I.N KY. Aveut-
uuiivv " - . -
IVtl Eg,th Are.. Altoona, Pa.
June lo. iw.i.01.
EBEKSBl'R'l, lA.
Offlce In Armory Building;. opp.Court House.
"AAKESISirlvwi instant
n-lM-f and tt an lot amnio
( are for Plica. Price I. By
lrupgiwor mail. Mitiium
rree..Aonrr-s -
Box S4W. Mr tv Jiy.
mfVthct on Cenue itrect, near iligh.
R. L. JOiiSSTOS. ii. J. BlrK. A. ir.UVfK.
tjSTABLiailED 1ST2.
Johnston, Buck & Cc.7
A. W. Rt't'K -bler.
Est a HLit-H bi;i 818.
Carrolltown Bank,
T. A. MIIARBArUlI, faalilrr.
General Banting Business Transactcil.
Tbe lollowlna; ara tbe principal feature! of
general burning business :
Kecetved payable on demand, and Interest bear
lnic certificates issued to time depositors.
Extended to customer on favorable term and
approved paper discounted at all times.
Made In the locality and npon all tbe bankinit
towns In tbe United States. Charges moderate.
Issued negotiable In all parts of the T'nlt-1
Statea. and toretirn exrhiniii iaauetl on ill nartjt
of Europe.
Of merchants, farmers and others solicited, to
whom reasonable accomodation will be extended.
Patrons are a sxured that all transnrtions shall
be held s strictly private and c mbdentlal, and
that they will be treated as liberally as Kood
banking rules will permit.
Manura"torer of aud Icalcr In
Kohes, Fly Nets, OurTy Combs, etc., etc.. Ke
patrinK Neatly and Promptly done. All work
guaranteed to Rive satislaclion.
KIdlnr Bridles, from Wc. np.
Team Bridles, from lJrfui.
I-ap Itosters, Irom uc. nt.
Machine-made Harness, from .o op.
Hand-made Harness, from flO.Ou up.
4)ar-CalI and examine my stock belore pur
chaKlntf elsewhere. 1 guarantee to sell as cheap
as the cheapest.
4)aT-Shop Barker s'Kow on Centre street.
Af'coiints of ni-rchants. farmers and oth
ers -arn-stly solicit-d. assuriiiirour tiatruns
that all buslm-ss -iitrusUtl to us will re
wiv prompt and rar-ftil attention, and lie
held stri-tly -onlil-nt ial. Customers will
Ix- treated as lilierally as rhmJ lianki'i
rules will ix-rmit.
feUV.iO. Lilly, I'eiina.
The annual meeting ol stockholders for elec
tion of IMrectora ol tbe Cresron t Clearfield Dm!
Coke t'ompany will be held at the oftice ol the
Company at Vruitality, H., on ldBielay.
Jane IS. 1', at one o'clock, r.
M ay T,, 1 8i creiary.
No let up to the Great Bargain Sale this week of uress Goxl.,
Carpets, Shoes, Oxfords ami Clothin-. GO THEY MUST !
This week wc will sell a big lot of new Challies at .'I aid It ts.
a yard. New wash dress goods, worth 10c, at Sc. a yard.
New 30-inch dress goods at l"e. Dress ginghams at 8, 10 and
12c. Good calico at Gc. Linen toweling, oc. Red table linen
at 21c. Cartain scrim, 7-'c. Men's gray-mixed IIosc at he a
at Lowest Possible Prices!
Is our watchword. We can suit you in prices, can please you in
quality, and if you want to buy carpels this month come to us,
as you will find our prices the lowest of any house in this coun
ty. 1-yard wide carpet as low as l- cents a yard. Cotton in
grain at 30c; best heavy ingrain at 45, 50 and 00c; Urussels
at 65, 70, 75, S5e. and $1.00; Hag ut 30, 3S, 45 and 50c;
Stair at 20, 22, 25 and 38c; Straw Matting at 17, 10 and 25c;
Window Shades, C feet long, on spring rollers, at 25, 30, 35 and
45c each,
Infants' button shoes, 1 to 5, 22c a pair; Children's spring heel,
button or lace, 5 to 8, 50c; Children's spring heel shoes, from
0 to 1 1, 75c; Misses high cut spring heel button, 1 1" to 2, $1.25
and $1.48; Ladies' Oxford Ties, patent leather tips, at 75c;
Ladies' Oxford Ties, patent leather tips, $1.9S; Ladies' cloth-top
Oxfords, with tips, at $1.23, Ladies, try our new button .shoes
at $1.23, $1.48 and $1.75. Also our new cloth-to spring heel
shoe at $2.48. Gentlemen, try our new solid leather shoes at
$1.24 and $1.50; Kangaroo, Lace and Congress at $2 25 ami
$3.48 Boys' lace shoes, 11 to 2, 0:c; 2 to 5, at $1.23.
Try Our Clothing !
For the next ten days we will give you your pic k of two hundred
men's suits worth $12.00 and $13.50, at
This week we will sell a big lot of (hildren's and boys' suits at
chasers to the amount of $10.00 or over will have their fare paid
by us. So come right along and do not allow this item of ex
pense to prevent you from taking advantage of our Geat Bar
gain Sale. SIMON &L CO., Gallitzin. Pa.
Will Have For
Spring Titith Harrow.-.
Mowidu Machinf-ii,
Se-tlnti for all .Machine
Hay KorU.
Hay Carriers,
Tluciiher ,
Sled s0ie..
l'iiiar I'Mnt.
J. i ml? l.l C.
dm HiillJic f,
J'l'iw !Si-:tluK,
-!,! H.Mir.,
' lilt Mu -P,
Heat iiik,
i rates vl Mil k ituls.
It In a fw-aml-K8 ntitw. with lit tiu-k or wan thral
to hurt ttrt-l.ct; iiiale f the lMtt iiue cult, ntvliHta
a lid -aiy, ami b''iunc iticike wtnrrr mhfH-n r thtm
pradr than any ttwr manKftfturrr, It e4UAJL hauil
ir ttl flio. 4 c'ttstlut; from l UiO U t"i."0
CC OO ;miiur Hanil-ftfvird, thf flnt rir
ij(e 4-vcr 4nt.'rsl fr mijuIs FrcucU
lTiijort1 slifv- which ost from to U t.
J A OO llnd--ivrd Writ hhor, nn ralf.
!9 t j UkIi. coiiifl.riulil ami )uru.M. Th lrit
fbi9 fvir rnVrel at thin iri. ; win if jrraJu u cud-f'm-ma'le
ntKwa cntiiiK from l ij.'fct.
CO AO Tolirr hor: Knrmcm. Hailmad Mn
j)Oi aud it-tUT'arriTall wear thfin: nutcalf
doartilAa, miitMtth lnsidt. heavy thnt) aulca, aUu
eton das'. 4 ue alr will wear a vrar.
y 50 fiof mlO no I'Uct sh.eeror ofTrrl at
XZ) mm ttiu priof ; n trial will ronvuico Uiom
who want tKbite for cmfrt ani htvIp.
C and .Otl Wnrkinsman ahnrm
atvP mm m arc very irattz ntid lurulle. Th- wni
have Riven thf-m a trial will wear no other male.
nAyC i.OO and wh.-.l cIkm-i m
iwjw worn hy the l never whrre; they tell
on ttitTr merit. n th- iueratiiitr nalea rthor.
oHlOC IlninUrwrd tthof. te
mm CI U IC9 lonK'Ia, verv ht liwh; "(iiiUaKrcucll
linpurtrtl shfr cwtjuir frmi .. to r,.(t.
l.adtrN ti..'V, .00 and 1.75 ahne for
Klitotare the tK-t fine LHMijjola. Mylt!li aud durable.
4'aatiaa. 6ee that W. L.. ltUKlaw' iianitt 4iltJ
pric arts uuuped on Uic IaAUw uf each ahut.
1aai4on local advertli d-alra i!TplviUK yroL
W. ! 1U1 i.LAN JSrorkloiMaa'-. tovltl by
Ac-at(, l lll:MII IIU
tionary. I- urniture. Knel and other
In ccmpliaiice with the Con .niuiioii and laos
of the t'omimnw-ilth l I'cnntv Ivanta. 1 hcrcl-y
invilt- sealed pr..p.i.als. at prices boiuw uiaxi
ujQni rates tlxcri in n. l.c Inlci. ti lurni-h Slalioii
ary. Kurnlture. Kurl and other Supplies fur the
several depart merit ol the State i rv eminent,
and lor making repair' In tnc several .li-purt-mei
ts. antl for il.e ni'lriSution of 'he fit-He do--uments.
lor the er t-iidiiiK tho Lrm jviouday (
lone. A. I. lHU'L
St-i-aratc irop.ial" will tc n-.-elve.l an.l sepa
rate contracts awarjet an announced in said
rchodules. Ktch pr p iH il -nil"! be accompanied
bv a bund with approved Kiteetieii, conili luined tor
the lalthlul periuruiarce ol t lie onl rai t , an.l Ad
dressed and delivered tn ne l-jart twelve o'clock,
.. ot H'edne-day the iMU day of June, A. 1.
Iter.!, at wbu-n time liiu i roposalu will be opened
and contracts awarded, in the l.'eception room ol
he ICxecutive Itepartincnt at HarrUt-iire.
lilank bonds and schedule containinir all ne.
cexsary Inlormation can lie otained at thin le.
partmcnt. Vl I.I.I AM r. 14AKK11Y.
Secre'ary of the 'omuionwcal!h.
June loth. Ivi.m.
I have li a p.ntit.-. t.v the Men. Se.-re-tary
of tlie Interior I'I:n N AMi CLAIM
All claims enirunvd t tlie will ri-ci-lve
prompt atuntion. Any t-oMlurn drawtnir less
than rt Ikt o.ont h jKM.Mon can have it increased
to $4. s. (lo and 1- per tiK-nih ac-ordinic to disa
bility, nndcr the a4-t u 1 .1 une ST. 1 .
1'lease icive an old woumlnd comrade vuur pat
ronage. Ofncewitti W m. II . Se.-liler. Attorney at
Ia, iieade's How. Centre at reel. Ki-enshurg,
Fa. J.C. Kl lvkK.
1'ensiou Attorney,
I.ate Major 11th Ket.. fcuna. Ketervei
May -M, iN-.2.4m
.Ovoun-ed Job Printing It; o, tle tke
iuiu a trial order.
rO 6
Sale This Year : Windows,
Nn-li Weitrliis.
" 1'i'p",
lrn uuni-.
ISuue Kuft,
Kmi.l iirt.!.
liuililiriL- I'upcr,
ni-oi K.M-ririK.
Stoei rsidina
Sti-el r.lnltiif,
s-utar Kuitiue,
Kuail Si-oi,
train Hri I Ih with i
I'lantcr A t tULhincnt
IreKKun, learticlil Ciiunly am! fyeM York
1 l,rt Knute Kailroad. In efloot -n and allrr
i oeuitr j.ii.h loil.
Irvcmn '
Exp.t.. i
' Church
1 ra i ii t .
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Leave dally en cpt Sunday.
i Leave Simdtiy only
lilai-k let -erf indicate trleirraph stations
Ih-nnj '. Moore's and Crime's Cro-uHnKs will
be (Ian stations lor all trains.
No. 1 ennects at Cresson with .lohnptown l- -press
at ii 7 lor points oetween Oresscn and
luhnstown, and with racinc Kxpress at 8 fr
points west ot .lylmstown. Also with Mall T-aln
t !' i-j lor points east of ( 'rcson.
No. 6 connects with Mail Train itl for points
West ol tire son. aud Mai: Kxpress for points
cast ol Cresson. 1
Kroin points west ol Cresson No. 4 connects
with Mall train at nil. and from point east of
Creswon with Johnstown Kxpress at K 17 and I'a
citie Kxpresg at h l.',.
N . 6 conue-u with Mall Tr.iln at 4 -j irom
points east ol Cres.on. and Mail Lxprcss at & 17
Irom points west ol Cresson.
.,s,u,'!;!a; tr:,,ns '-t with Paclhc l-.xpressand-Mall
1 rain west and mall Kxprevs east.
I'assenuers to or Irom points on I'er.usvlranla
A, Northwestern Kailroad can take train at Coal,
iMirt or Irvona.
sutiots marked "f" are Hair sUllons. I'as
sencers wisliina: to set ol! will notify the mm.
due tor. lasseDKcrs wishing to trot on will tlH:
the train at these stations. I ralns will not Un
uuless so notii ed. w. I'. V Al H BCN
,. , ,,,!'fn,'r,,l anairer and suiiermtcndcnt.
KJ. Hrh'UociN. Train Master.
I . bun; ii Cre.son Branch Kailroad. In efleot
iK-eciiihcr an, Intl. '
nnnerf louasf t reaann.
WUST. 1 a-aT
vster i:xp i .Sr. a m ' llarrlsl,...'-
. Western Kxp.. . 4 41 a ni Seashore Lin
! Johnstown Kjcp a -.-4 a in Mail
i l-acihi-Lxp h.aiii IhtvLxpT
P m, Altoona f:xp
"J I -"" - :) p m Mall Lip...
I'hiU Kxp..
I' St a nr
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II " a n
I i o p m
ft 17 pm
taneo No. 1.
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INo. 3.
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Z'. air."" 7
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tance. 1.7".'.'..'
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No. I.
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No. a.
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...11 m....,
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....11 41
... II 47
...1-4 ul
Ilradley, Noel and Lucket are l ltii utlon
No train on Sunday.
4-t.o. A. MVTT.Nm toik C 11
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