The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, June 03, 1892, Image 2

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    1 1
rIUlAY. -
.11" N K :i. I-
ilvm.M-tvH 1c Mt Tlx-kt-t.
V'or I ":'! :i, man ill I. U -'.
i;h:ii:i;i-: a. Kii.-.
TIlo.M S I'. M Kill: ITT, V. .
l-ir :-un. i'-'' .lui!'ri-.
( lilNToril Kll HKYIMIK K. Winiirj.i.
I'm i:' -ti a!
MollTIMKi: i'. KI.I.IO IT. Tu-ja.
.INO. C. I'.IT.MTT. I'liihi'l.-lphia.
TlloMAS II. KKNNKHY. r'tanUlii..
DA VI I) T. Wl All.---h.ny.
I'm District Kl. -etuis.
Snuiral Thciiui'MJu.
A.lum S. OunHv',
W. Kr.lw.Kxl XVriitht,
John .1 : ti . ,
.lumen l'iitt-y.
S. W. Trimmer.
Azur l-.-ithr-ip.
Thnniiia 4 ' Mn t
1. H. strHlmmer,
.ln.i(li II. I rr.
Anlr..w A. I'l.yton,
M.-h:..-l I.!f..-l,
J. K. V.
Cieuienl U. Wiiirlit.
I'h.rles 11. Lalleny,
4 Imirite K. tius.
U illmm Mol.iu.
I'liarles. I. Hre.k.
Sitnuet S. IMti V,
K. 4 Hlipl.
W. 1. lluiinui-lriKlit,
11. H. l"iir
4 'tixrles A Fmcau.
John IJ. Hr:iln.
Thomas Wi iwelt.
(i:n. Ki i a Hindis has Urn ni..'iiit
cJ a rnite.l States Senator from Virginia,
viee Harbour, ilecease.1.
Fi:iM present'n ns it kinks as if
after Tuesday next, th re will U nothing
left of Ilairison lut his liat.
Kx-l'ia-ii KNT .1ami K. 1'mIk's xxill
V :is tleelaied mill and V'i.l l-V ( 'iiancell. .r
Alli.-oll at Na.-!li!!e. Term., la.-t Week,
ami tlie estate iriveii ti the heirs at law.
It is innhahly worth $:; U 't'O.
IIlAUY I'.USK, a lueluU'r of the
Keiiublieau national conimiU.-o for Yis
COiision, .l.elaivs that if Harrison is re
Uoiniiiate.l he will 1 se hoth Wisconsin
and Illinois, as against ('!'V-lainl, on
the s h ! ijuestioii.
of Il-ther .laeohs
Sik.-, f...r ."n,(Mi(i
Wiikn the suit
against Henry V
Janiap's for bnacli of j.ri.nii-e was al!el
in court at New York last week, Miehael
Moran, one of the jurors, iln jij-tl in the
corridor ami died in live minutes.
Ar least ei'ht Kut"iean governments
have aeeej. ted the l'les'iib-nt's invitation
to anrtieinate in a monetary conference,
and there is no longer t.ny doiiit of
a meeting. The 1 'resident will t-i.m-niunieaU-
with Colli,'!'. on the subject
in a few day.- and will Tubal ly transmit
the coir-iiondene.'.
. iiot
How xisiu.e lU'i' Lini.t ..Jijivais . e; et
this and th meeting of tho national Ke- iiean i onveiition at .Mimiehs next j n
xve k, .laities 1. I!!ai:ie wi'l U-the tmni- I
in.- of the Keouldiean iarty for I'i.-m-1
d.Mlt. Tiiat hf will he elm.-ell from
j.itt-voik rather than through pel social
lolulaiity or from any paity or p.ttri .tie
n -4.-ilv we are a wan1, Uil the .omioi:
i'i ,n enii. m is o made that what Mr.
Harrison called ja-rsonal disapioint-m-aits"
will control it.
I'.ut Mr. lllainenoitiiuate-l, what then?
I low is he to Ih: tleded '.' What ht ttcr.
s-tronvjer i laiiu.s ha he uikhi his .arty
now than he had when cii;ht ars ai;o
the people of th? Tnited Stalets by popu
lar vote and electoral vot declared
against him? Is his record any clearer,
has he displayed any n.nv .jiiahti.-s of
statcsmai ship, lias he t ra--1 the uj;ly
record of bis Coiiirressional speculations
and invc.-tmeiits, has he divt.sted his
jKiIities f thi commercial .-i.Io ? To all
the-e tions a m-pitive resimse nnsl
U- made. Tho Dlainc of ll is the
IUaiiie of 1S.' except as to health.
And what as to health? The fact
cannot 1 disLMiised that Mr. lllaino is a
man atllicted with a chronic and .' u-ur-able
dis. as( . His age makes any im
provement of his health only temporary.
It is not in nature for him to withstand
the burdens ami caress of a four year's?
term should he make a iloubifnl escajn.
from the trials and excitement of the
preceding political campaign. Xobfnly
knows thes' faets Utter than each ono
of the men who forced him into this
canva.-s. Why then tlo they want to
nominate him 7
To Uat Mr. Harrison, punish the
1'resi.lent w tho Sole purjiose. No high
er motive controls. They an- satisfied
to throw Mr. Ifarri-oii out of the White
House, for 4-ertain. That done the elec
tion of Mr. P.laine is aseeondary matter.
Tiie Iiit victory j.iinetl tli4 .-eoiid one
can be fought for. lint the nomination
of Mr. Main.', unsound physically and
uncertain mentally, is now to bo aecom-pli-hed.
And after the nomination? I'-ath or
defeat, or both.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Tin: state secretary has estimatcl from
Ptatisiit at his command that last yrai's
crops of wheat, corn, oats, hay and pota
toes were worth T-S.t' to the farm
ers of l'enn.-ylvania. That is a good
showing, and by the very force of con
trast brings up the pitiful picture of fam
ine stiickeu JJtissia.
Tin-: Treasury department is almo-t
frantically calling upon its revenue
aent.-. to hury up the collection of the
taxes before the close of the lis. al year,
SO that a deficit, riirht in the midst of
the rre-idontial cainpaiirn, may not ap
pear as a frightful illustration r.f tiie
effects of a JJillion Iol!ar legislation.
Tin: acoiiittal f John ('. Newton , the
rnilliouiaire pi-.-.-ideiit of the lus Moines
and Kai:.- i City railroad on Thursday tif
last we.-k .a the Federal court, at 1 c?
Moin. .-, I. iwa, of t'ne charp- of having
padded the mails carried by his line,
was followed by a banquet in the even
ing at the Saveiy u'iven to the jurors in
the ca.-e by the defendant. The next
morning Jtulpj Woolston severely repri
manded the jurors. Mr. Newton and his
A So ii:iv has been formed in London
under the title ..f the Witnesses' Protec
tion Soejetv, The objects of this associ
ation are to protect witnesses from in
sult by counsel, to put thematterof con
tempt of court into the hands of a jury,
and to rai-e a fund to indemnify con
tuma. ious witnesses from pecuniary loss,
provided always that the 'motions they
Tefu.-e to answer n ileet upon their honor,
:ind are at the same time irrevelant to
the i-sues of the case.
Tu t::.i: is a tariff duty of about Hx
Jicr cent, on imirtt d pearl buttons; but
the K"'!s who are employed in the pearl
I'Uttoii factory in I'etroit have been
ohlitred to strike against a reduction of
'Wa'ies. It would appear that an abso
lutely prohibitive tariff rate s not sulli
ciently persuasive to liuiuee the main
tenance of a moderate wage rate. In
the light of such facts the laborer can
eee without eves tin1 hollowness of the
pretense that high duties are a guarantee
of hiuh wages.
Tin: Washington correspondent of the
St. Louis 7.''7'f Mir in speaking of the
ilissen-doiis between the rival factions of
the Republican party that have be.-n
stirred up within the past ten days n
the presidential question, quotes a Re
publican .S-nator as saying:
IJlaine is a trickster and a liar.
If he is encouraging the idea of nomi
nating him for president, I say it
uneijui vocally that he lied to the l're.-i-
lent, and that he has lied to nearly all
the members of the cabinet ami to many
Republicans in the Senate and House of
Representative? who have talked to him
during the past v ar. 1 think 1; is con-
luc t, if he is seriously thinking of taking
the nomination, dishonorable in the ex
treme. He ought to have withdrawn
from the cabinet the moment he even
ntemplated being disloyal to the Pres
ident's fortunes, and if I were in Presi
dent Harrison's place, notwithstanding
Rhone's greatness and his populari'.y, I
would flip him as .juick as a wink and
put some honorable man on whom I
could rely at the head of the state de
Why should not the Way and Means
committee, says the New l ork II mhi.
report at once a bill to put all sugar on
the free list?
Suaris an article of universal use. Its
rice touches every citizen directly. We
have made raw sugar free for the lienelit
ot the rentiers, and for their further
benefit we impose a practically prohibi
tory duty on relined sugar. The sugar
refiners have formed a trust in order to
take to themselves the whole of a duty
which they do not need for protection or
to enable them to control our market.
Why should the rople who are called
upon t pay a bounty of two rents a
pjund for all domestic sugar produced
be required also to pay a tribute of half
a cent a pound to the sugar trust for all
the sugar they consume?
A bill for free sugar could he draw n in
ten minutes, reported in ten minutes
more and passed out of hand. Why
should it not be ilone? Is any measure
of popular relief more urgent or more
manifestly just ?
WashinuTun. 1- C. May W-'-l'rwi
t.-ntiai pohths wre Ingg-.i "-to
the House this w.-k by ih Harr.s .n
and aiiti-Harri.-o:i K p ihm aiis. Rep
resentative Henderson, of Iowa, ma te a
bunkum speech iriuising Mr. Harrison
for not having given th-- n.-gr.s repre
sentation on the lmr 1 of manager of
the Worl I s Fair, which was ieplie.1 to
bv Reoresi ntalive Johnson, ot Indian.!,
who is known to I 4'is. n. Mr.
Harrison. Mr. Johnson cr atei .-oine
4 titem4 nt by letting the cat o(,t ot t.i
bag coinruing the infamous l"or--e l-ii:
which Mr. Harrison is still intent upon
having enacted into a law, if bis party
ean si.-cure -ontrl of the House and
4-lect the Pnident again. Mr. Johnson
indulged in the st.ick abuse of Demo
crats in the South for their treatm. til of
the poor m-gro, which Mr. Harrison
doubtless hopes will haw a good effect
upon the negro delegates to the Minnea
polis convention. I4'inocrats were de
lighted at this open avowal of a .-lose
and confidential friend of Mr. Harrison's
that tiie l'on e bill is not dead, but only
sleeping it will I' wcrth thousands of
votes to Democratic candidates for the
House, its well as to the electoral ticket.
Since the arrival of Commander-in-Chief
John t '. New, enrly this W4-k, the
Harrison army has droped its nuk, by-leave-4jf-Mr.-IU.1ine
air, and from this
time on i. will tight for Mr. Harrison's
nomintation. The anti's also, under
a. a 1
commaii'l ot l-ss larKSon, nave meir
lighting blo.Kl up, and the wounds left
bv the battle nyal thai is to le fought
at Minneapolis will make it all the ia.ier
to elect the ticket nominated at Chicago.
Mr. Cleveland's friends are anxious for
the Republicans to nominate P.laine, a
they U lieve his nomination will remove
all loubt as to the nomination of Mr.
Cleveland at Chn agi, and they are con
fident that he 4-oti!d beat Riainc worse
than he did in l L
The action of the Democratic caucus
iu dc4-iding to push the rigu la r appropri
ation bills, in the House, ahead of eve ry
thing dse, and to .secure an adjourn
ment at the rarlic-t possible .late, was
disappointing to many members inter
ested in legislation w hich they had hope.1
to have dispos'l 4f at this .session, but
the very large majority by which the
caucus adopted it tl4-monstratc4l that it
was deemed the prop r action to take.
There can be no dolii t that the sooner
the Huns' can pass all of the necessary
appropriation bills and ileinoiistrate to
the country that it is ready for an ad
journment, the lietter it w ill Iks for the
Deiii.H-ratic party.
Tlie refusal of Secretary Rusk to a-k
Congr. s- for an appiopi iatioti to Ih-siK-nt
by the alleged rain-mak4-r. Dyr.-n-forth,
had no effect upon that cheeky
and shek-tongued individual. He lias
talked with such good purpose to the
Senate committee 0:1 agriculture that
Senator IVttigrew offered an amendin.-nt
to the agrieuluual bill appropriating
o. (ion for rain-making c.vp.'rinients.
That is just Jl.",tHHl more than Dyren
forth asked for, and he is corresponding
ly happy; but his jubilation will beshort,
as tlie I louse w ill not allow this money
to le thus thrown down u rat-hole, so to
speak, whatever the Senate may do.
"Teddy" Roosevelt is again after Mr.
Wanamaker, whose testimony relating
to the violations of the civil service law
by the employees, of the R.iliimure iost
1 Hi' e contain- .-land, rolls falsehoods."'
This is the second time that Teddy has
publicly aecii-ed the postmaster Ceneral
...f can kssly handling the truth.
Senator Morgan i encouragi"d by the
vote L's to 17 by which the Senate u
feated Mr. Morrill S motion to rofer his
(.solution, directing the committee on
finance to make an examination and re
port in relation to currency ami coinage,
and as to the effect of the act of July,
1 ', on which the price of silver bullion,
to that committee, to hope that the Sen
ate will adopt the resolution. Senator
Sh rman says that to adopt the resolu
tion would le to instruct tiie finance
committee to report a free-coinage bill.
Only three Democratic Senators t.ray,
Paiim r and Vilas voted for Mr. Mor
rill's motion, the adoption of which
would be eonsi.h rcd equivalent to ilefeat
ing Mr. Morgan's resolution. Senator
Hill was present, hut he did not vote.
Tiie National Silver Convention is in
session here. Among the several hun
dred delegates from nearly all the states
are a number of People's party men and
Knight of Iibor. Tiie convention hop. s
to succeed iu getting Some silver legisla
ti n from Congress.
Seer tary .Noble ha. scored another
failure in his attempt to get Mr. Harri
son to get rid of Commissioner Rauni
bt for' the inve stigating cominittct? makes
its report recommending Ids removal.
Mr. Harrison is said to have told him
that he feared the effect oil tiie soldier
vote (. removing Rauni or allowing him
to resign and providing for him else
where, and had mad"! up his mind to
taud bv him until after the election.
H. 1 u'alican
President Harrison has good rra-011 to
feel aggrieved at the attempt "f the most
a- tive leaders of his party to deprive him
.if the practical indorsement of a renomi-nation.
Mr. H arris n is a typical Republican
and has made a representative Republi- !
can administration. Kven his faults are t
those of his party. If he is egotistical ;
and self-.-utl'u ieut, does he not tyjH' the
-1 11 M iiui. aH)hs 7.-T;.'.'lT 1 aro !- of lion:-
D Ihiin; the !-a1. I.-'OT vs-.-b
1 i-e.l t'ir.c"li the iiez Canal, ami of
tli-se only 4-ariie.l the A lin-ri. a 11 ti:o.
The governor of Soil ill Dako!;'. ha
issiie.l a j u:i antine r. !ai!.at ion t.i pie
velit Texas cattle floill J.asing tl'h
the State.
l.ialitniiiir l! into an La-'elii
towering 4-oti-eit of the Itejiubhcaa I'eiuisj 1 vunhi a 1 111 i n- I lie : day
jMiriy tliat i: :'.lone has tin- governing sluniiil a man w ho was l.r feet VI ov
capacity, and tiiat it contains all of the tl.e sin face.
virtue and of the paliioi.-m of the; a set f fal.-t.-eth tnade of ivory by a
country? If he is bigoted in his par- j -(. y,,, (j,.t i-t C.iu-cWad.iniiiiui.
tisar.ship, pit ferring, villi Sjakcr R.t .l .,, ,,y jlin js ,.vi,ii,it i..n at ih
a kid Republican to a g.-nl Dciikn rat, j,.ul om,.(. in vasl.iiii.Moi,.
not. Miai Hie inexaiiuii; st-niiiii wi m . . . ,. 1 .
his jiarty ? If lie thinks R iubhcan sue- i
;,, great an end as to justify any :
means to win it, has not that Un the ;
Republican ercc.l since the stealing of :
( iell.-l
liiuiile.l the tirst leiriiin-iit sent from I'eiui
sylvania .luring the nUllioii. .iiopp.-.!
.lead on S.i t unlay 011 the porch of his resi
dence at Ashurv Park.
Colorado leetl were
-i , 1 : iw v if l... 1 .
;lie I : .-s!' il'lM III j-.o. 11 ii.i.-
.... ,..-1 .1... i.thei : .s tisirtv stiils. 1 Millions of
is not that what his partv has de'manded ash.-.! upon the shore of S.-a Id.- lily. N.
ofhini? If he has its rasa!s I 1 lie ..1 h.r da v. and ih.- resident ar.- at
and rewarded its 4-orruptioni.-ts, has n.t a lo-s p. . plain t he lemai ka hie . .111 reti. .
Republican s -ntim. tit him? j nr form any idea as P. where th- v came
President Harrison has l n true to from,
every principle. pr4 .lent and practic ; -Charles p. fiu-. of Ashland. Ya..
of his party. He has done exactly what .,. pu found a jar . oiitaiiii:i
was ask .1 and cxjh-. ted of him . we pt, s. ;.,;t j ,,;. j,ij silx. r. 1 1 wa-buried hy
as he well says, that there was not 4-nough y R. 1 'o. m.w deceased, iu 1-.'..'. lie wa
otlic.-S to t:o around. Lvery stat' con- . afo rw ard nnahle to locate tl.e burial
v. T.liun has oiid .reed and applauded ; place.
him, b t y t tii. re i a w ide.-;.read and ; Thishde has ha. I .1.;vT.s.vj.j ;7.oT.-,.-deteriuiue.1
. !'!.. rt to cast him off. ' 11lua j11M ai.i,:lllti .;,.,. the l-e-innin;:
If r. s are ungrateful what shall if -j ,, ,.v,. ,..rv thi- va-t number
i- of Republicans? A. 1. " til.. w ...le land. .1 -urr.ic.-..f th-'!..!-.. .-x .-ry
. . . : inch of it. have tnl du ox. i f."i
t lines.
Iii a JX-rH (rac.
I TI v t f . V:...i-..f f !!
a:, May l!. A riot K-eiir. d l-a Koman 1 at !.!;.. and l..-xx ill aip..!:il a
Ji:i i:-ia
: t Caiumet la.-t night. 111 which a man
name.! Shusick was shot and killed. As
Usual with the Hungarian miners there
on the eve of a holiday, they had on
hand an unlimited otiantity of !evr.
John Liions, a Ix.ardinghouse kejK-r,
TIIH working pirl as vell as
the busy liousekteper often finl
it it dillictilt to -ret thoir sewing j
done, especially Mieir evTyi;ty j
gowns, ami why slioul.l th'.-y wi.-r- j
ry about treui when they an jret
llitm re.nly ma.le unwh hc: i(;r
ami fully as ;ool as tin lioiiic
maile article. A new nr.ler of
w ash 4li--.s-s has v.m Cl ami i-how
tsoin. fspocially nice patterns.
Calico, nay ami liht blue ami
white s:rijes, skirt anl plaiieil
waist, .1.7"i. Iii'ht percale,
stripes ami checks, pink ami
white ami black ami white, hand
somely laumltieil, s2.0(). Dark
lVuigee, skirt ami nicely shirreil
waist, 2.0M. These are in
1 1 . t.
many sizes anu arc ?xiremeiy
neat ami desirable. We have a
very large assortment of waists
of every description, Irom elegant
silks to calico, nnd all well and
handsomely made and perfect fit
ting. In wash goods there is a
full line of white lawns from 70c.
to 2.o0. Ulack Lawns, SI. 'I'i,
to si. 45. PolKa Dot, black and
white and blue and white, sl.-'iO
to ."flJO. Figured Lawns, "i0
75, S5c, fnd l.l!5, in many col
ors. Navy blue cambric waists,
50c; striped cambric, 75c. ; light
calico waists, 25 and 15c; latin,
dried plain white lawn, $1.50;
laundried percales, $1.00 and
sl.20. A fullHneof children's
waists at 50e. Why should one
trouble about making such gar
ments when they can be had just
for the asking?
yC-. r-d -.- r'
Ca'liii!;.- j.:-iei a- his cliailain. It xi!l !
llie iii-lance of a leiai.ia allolic
ItoMillU the latter M.sitioH since the
Kefxiniat ion.
The m ay rat rame to Kur..K from In
dia ny way ot Itussia. and is in.xx j n jii
had a '-l eer party." A free light started . j:ir;y ell(W as thl. rat. from a
and Liions nulled a revolver uim Shu
sick, who fell tei the Moor jaerced hy two
hullets. 11c was carried away and died
some time aft. r.
The Hungarian.-, to hide the crime,
huricd him se-retiv in a thicket grave
yard near hy. The mining Hungarians
have hiirying grounds of their own.
Many a victim of a midnight hraxvl has
found aiuiet resting place in the thicket
chos. n Ly th.-se foreigners, and no one
has Wen the wiser. In this instance
thesoiind.of the lrawl aroused the neigh
l.orhood. Shusick was missed from the
tahle this morning, and a .miet in.juiry
was s. t on foot. Ollicials visited the re
tired II ungarian graveyard and found a
newly made grave, This was opened,
and tin- hodv of Shusick was found with
two hullet holes in his hrcast. Iletec
liv s :it oie e started in searcii of the
; mi-iaKeii tiial it came from Nor
xx ay to Lnifiand and from the latter ouii
. try to Ann riea.
i A priest at lianioUin. r.fti-e.1 to lnar-
ry Anna Miclia and -I'eph Mi.-cli lK-cau-e
' they XX ere coil-in-. The l"l opect IX e til ide
; then pr,. posed to III.-, li to p-t a l'r -T u lit
i minister. lie refu-e.l and she has now
' tiroiiirlil suit at;aiii-i him for lnea. li of
1 promise.
Watches, Clcc,
J V.WVA. i;Y..
Silverware, Musical Is;..
A Nl.
Or.-,1 "
Sole Agent
-K'l: Tin
Celebrated Bockfc
?! J
1 i
In Key ai.d St.-tii
..AlitJK SKI.Kt TIOV ,,K , ,
of JKWKI.UV a:v,,,'.'
I-T" M v line of .Ih Wi.
Ji.Ui4- and sh. fr,r your
tta 4dpwher4.
X-r at. i. woi-.K itM.Ar,-,
Kinsur, N-iv. ! :--- .o
If vou don't buy your Spring Suit from J. i. WJLDEJ;.
murderer. I.ii
iho 1
las not -
t Ih
found. .Iea!..usy is supposed to le at
the hottoin of the crime.
IneeMaV 7th lliere have lx-cn I.Vi
I deaths from cholera at Serinaixur. in the
Vale of ashmere. All the Kuropean- in
the place heeanic alarmed some lin.e ayo
, at lh- fearful ravages of the d;sea-e. and
left the city. There is noxv nl a Kuropean
in S. i inamir.
! A i i-iirn of terror .-ist in Venem la.
' l'alacio ai.d his soldiers are t-imniii thinsr
xx ith a hi'h hand, rai.lii.g houses. pi'.la'r
iu toxvns. and mar. hiiiir pri-oiiers in
chains lhloiiiili tin- streets. A numlx r of
' liiiildins have been Moxxn up and many
people killed.
I Kiidolph Sliiih r. a proadnent laiildin
! contractor of Huntingdon, after di-cii-iii
1 the prex alence of siii.-i.Je with a pally f
' fl iends at 1 lie l.ei-ter house. XX ellt into I he
I a -emeut of the liui'dinu and s,oi himself
xx ith a r.-yolver in the forehead, killing
himself instantly.
Senator Kutau, of Pitt-hill ir. xvas in
, 1 1 arri-lnii ir on Tuesday, and si ate. I that he
for a conference xvith the altorney-
Uisli pile. Ihev .-limed all over the, u"" 1 i-
camp, chewing the lmrds and nm.le a. 1 proceedings again-t Senator ..,ay.
much that it was imi-.s.-il.le to , S,:U" Ti-.-atir.-r !I..x i and Tr. asur. r
sl. ep. The men would have driven ! M'i'ris..ii f-r a!I. g.-.I violations law and
them off, hut no sooner would they lie ( lll,-eal "rC ,,f s,au' f"",ls- "
down to sleep than the uill pigsappear- A cyclone. Friday night, destroyed the
ed again. The hovs concludetl to kill toxvn of Wellington. Kansas. AImiui
5 Cents.
That's the prin
and s i viceal.le
now .in -t x l i-h. elegant
are ereatma s.i
This very e-
Atlatked by rorcupuK-s.
I.o k II xvkx, May '2'.K Two young
men from the city had a th'illing exper
ience in the wilds of Mck'ean county,
last night, where they were p ''ling hark.
Tiie men occupied a deserted woodchop-per.-'
camp and xxii.-u night came iheir
trouhles commenced.
Porcupines seemed tocomefrom every , aiue
liersons were kill' Dxx.llmg
d and .VI dangei-oiisly in
and Imsiiiess lumses alii;.
Mr. ii valuahle territory in th West
has heen located hv settlers through the
means of scrip issued to Indians in pay
mint for their lands, and afterxvar.l as
signed to other parties. Secretary Nohle
Of the Interior I Vnartmcnt. now hold.-
that such assignments of scrip are invalid
and the ownership of sections of the
puhlie lands h.eated hy means of assigned
Scrip is consequently open to question.
In the first case of this sort hronght to
Secretary Nohle's notice relating to lands
in Minnesota formerly owned hy Chippe
wa Indians, the contestant will ohtain
possession if he can prove the regularity
Of his application.
Tut: Michigan road law, providing
that the u.-ers of wide wagon wheel tires
shall have a r. hate of one-half of their
road tax, is an ingenious inducement
which works great advantage to the tax
payer, to the roads, and, hy consequence
to the general puhlie. According to a
writer on good roads, "it in estimated
that w ith I. road tires on wagons, carriages
find hiiggies all public highways can he
kept in very much h. tt r condition than
is now j.os-ihle. at one-fourth the cost of
the pr.scr.t sy.-tem. In the matter of
road reform the first essential seems to
be the widening of the tin s of the ve
hicles. The general adoption of this
would he a long step of itself in the di
rection of perfect roads. Without it
perteet loads aie practically impossjlile.
IIi.ainf. and Harrison are noxv playing
' hide and seek.'' iJlaine skipjied off to
New York last week and while there
Harrison's enemies took the occasion to
expand Blaine presidential loom to its
utmost tension. Blaine tarried in New
York until Harrison started for Bochcs
ter where the president was billed for
Memorial Day, when thewiley Secretary
returned to Washington. The It lief
prevails that when these two particular
stars meet there will be a lively roxv, end
ing xvith the Secretary's retirement from
the Cabinet, but every effort will be
made to keep them apart until after the
meeting of the Minneapolis convention.
President Harrison's friends are noxv
loml and open in their denunciations of
Blaine, s tricky ways in playing into the
hand of the President's enemies xvhile
.H-ctipying a .seat ut his ollicial table, but
Blame and his friends have no conscicii-
cious scruples, and if Harrison ran be
downed, they are in no way particular
about the means employed.
1 lie Kivf r Harbor Bill.
Washington, June 1. The friends of
the river ami harln.r bill aro l.ecoming
somewhat anxious as to its ultimate fate.
At present it stands upon the calendar
xvith the Senate amendments pending.
Should it again as according to the
rules it must do run the gauntlet of
the committee of the whole, the time of
its final passage would W wholly prob
lematical, as every amendment would
k' subject to further amendment and its
enemies could take advantage of the
present depleted condition of the House
to posti4ne its pasoage indefinitely.
Confronted with this condition the ad
vo. at.-s of the measure have decided to
a-k the House to su-iend the rules on
Monday next, in order to non--oncur in
the Sena to amendments and to agree to
a conference.
them off. One of tlie hunters seized an
axe, and while the other held the torch
he made a dash at the porkies. The ; wen- scatter. -d like chips ix-fore the t rri
latt. r were now ready for light. They j lie storm. The cyclone sxx. pt a path si
gathered around the men snapping like miles w ide through the open country !
vicious dos. stroying everything liefore it.
Th.-n follower! a lively time for a few It is stated that there is a movement
ninutes, when the pjikies lied defeated on the part of this ix.wcrftil Uri-xel iiiflu
and the victor came marching in with ' ence t.. m.-t President ll.-orge II. Kolx rts
his axe on his shoulder. He was slight- j from the control of the l'euiisyl vauia
ly bitten and had a few "pulls in his ! road oinpany Imm -ause he is too slow and
legs. This morning there were eight has let the Heading management pet away
dead iorcupines lying on the scene of ! with him in tin- matter of securing control
the contlict. I "it to this time they have
killed twenty-nine porcupines anil the
cud is not vet.
Saved by a Peasant.
of the Lehigh Valley and Jersey Central.
l-'ive xx eeKs ago a -'-year-old lx.v named
John I.lexvellyn. living in Steulx-iiville. ..
sxx alloxx e.I a xx hole peanut kernel winch
l.xlged iu his 1 he child ever
since has experienced considerahle troiihl'
hut nothing xxas thought of ilhy its nn.ll
4-r w ho refu-i-d to have an operation jmt The child to death on
Sunday night after intense sutTVriiig.
VlKNNA, May oil. Tlie sp.- taclc of
Russian troops marching in hostile array
against the Austrian forces was witness-!
yesterday at the (ialician frontier, near
ICadi vilo'.l. The Allslrian oarrison if The investiirat ion as to the cans.- of
Br.xlv Was out liian.eliverin ItrixK- is' i Ik-ile:.t Ii of Camhle W'ier. late Slleiiu
only a few miles from the Russian-Polish j t. n. h ut of Police in Piitsl.urg. xx hu h start
frontier, and in the course of tramping nl with such great promise of highly s. u
about the Austrian troops unwittingly sational developments, leas Ixi n dropp.-.!
crossed the frontier, into Ru.ssian tcrri- and the much-talked-.. f r xat ..fChemi-t
tory. I p.iauck will never lx- made puhlie It is
The Russian cammandur niarshalnl I l.y s .tne that the friends of the
his men and start4-d out after the Aus- 1 de-eas4il have reached the ..ndii-io!. that
Tic pric hy xx hi. h xx
Illlich dress go.xls hll-iuess.
teiisixe line includes
any ol xx hu h xxe are anxious to have you
coin pan - ii d other T'.-cnt v a! ue: as x al
ius go lo-dav.
Cur f print; Coods :
hoe-- ali i,i,ali!ies. .j j ),.. and -i
a. I Ih' latest st les alio i'
diing ;,,od of all kin
a li- .'ol' people XX lio
a I x i u t t h e
I'll t II
Neck xv ea r a m ! I
val anx 1 long x on s,.,
I ' m hr.-: la s a :1 grade-.
Pul -he. i; 1- and - 'i-l
Working Pant-. Die-- pant
and .la. U.-T-.
ue paiti
nderxx -a i" that
el-exx he) e.
ioi a i.
. IV. 1
Slippers for men. v. omen and children.
: t tiii: in:. i i'kst " 1: s r
siniiT is ;:..v;ry;v.
Cive Us a Cat'.
xT- IB
A LS(l.
3VIMII, AM, Wll.
Other stores sell these
. to S 1.1 I.
fill i.irren. (7 ) r) all wool im-OKTMl
I II tl.l.ll S,
35 Cents.
A lol
or iirr Mil ltl. K .lll A.
50 Cents.
ml iiiueh hett. r than
A suim i I. .iiality
ordinary value.
Vou ought to have a copy of our
siioiMMNt; .niii:.
I i s money in your pui s.' and is to he had
for the asking.
We can now show you :i Complete Assortment of Sprir,:1.
consisting of Men'-, 1oy anl Children's Suits, lint-.
Trunks an.l Valises, anl everything usutilly kopt in a IV -Clothing
ami Gents' Furnishing Store.
have arrived and our stock is much larger and prices 1 o '.
ever heforc. We feci ple.isi-d with our new stock and w -glad
to show it to you. Call and examine our stock an!;'
We can and will save you money. Respectfully Your.-,
C. .1. SiL'llilUllJGll
Hop pc
115, 117, 119 & 121 Federal St
General. 'Jerchandisi
Iluryiiig, for Mx I'ajs.
Tin: rennsvlvania stato Senate is now
ma.le up of lletitihlicansnn.l J0J)eni-w-rats,
there U-ing a vacancy in a lte
.iihlicaii 4listrlct. The old-nuinlercd
S -n a tors retire this year, causing -20 of
the i'.i llei.iihlican scats to lx vacnnt xnil
only making four Democratic seats va
cant. In other words the Democrats
will have 10 hold-overs and the lU-iiiih-lieans
hut nine.
Himi.AM) K. Smith, of New Jledford,
Mass., on tonday hroke the world's
hyeiele record for twenty-live miles, lie
made the ilistarice in '2 hours, 17 min
utes, !." fiecond.-, hreaking his own re
cord of 2: I'd; l:i.
London", June 1. Further mail ad
vices from Mauritius says that the morn
ing after the hurricviie every street in
I'ort lxjviis was lilled xvith 4lehris. The
courses of the storm was erratic. Mas
sive hous-s wore overthrown while frail
houses near them were not injured in
any way. The hurial of the 000 .er.sons
kill oil in l'ort Louis alone accttpied six
Out of the sixty two churches and
4 -haje!s in l'ort Ixjuis fifty wore ruiiutl.
The remaining twelve were hadly 4lam
aged. IJ..ats were stranded iluring the
hurricane at places olHi feet from the
Tornado iu L'uglantl.
Iiniion-, June 1. A most terrific tor
n.nlo passvd over Blakney, in Glouces
tershire, yesterday. The wiud was ac
comiianitHl hy heavy thunder anil light
ning and a reinarkahle downpour of rain.
The streets were flooded in an instant
and rushing torrents of water sxvej.t
through them, carrying oft everything
that would iloat. The roofs of houses
wore I down off an.l the torrents of rain
destroyed almost everything in them.
A Most; the prominent l'ittshurgers who
have recently come out strongly f..r
Cleveland is George A. Mclic-lh, the glass
manufacturer, who left the Jiepuhlican
party on account of its high-tariff jioliey.
Mr. .Mclleth says he will vote for Cleve
land ngaitis-t any other man in the
United States.
trians. Had he 4vertaken them, a san
guinary eni-ount.-r would prohably have
he'n the r.-sult.
Fortunately for i-eace, the Austrian
commander had his attention callexl hy
a l'olish icsaut to the fact that he was
4.11 Uussian territory. The Austrians
turned their faces at on.v toward th.
frontier, and Ik fore the Russians got
within tirinir distam o the Austrians were
on their own side of the line. Tiie affair
is r4 gard4-d in Vienna as of considerahle
significance as sh.jwing the readiness of
the liussians to seize any pretext for hostilities.
Killed by tlcctrlritj.
I'lrrsia nr.. May -Js.A seiisuti.mal
a.-cident 04-curred at the Ivlgar Thomson
St4-1 works at I'.raddfK-k, aU.ut " o'clock
this morning, hy which txvo men were
killed and several others rendered un-i-oris.-ious
hy a shK-k from the electric
light wire in the hlacksmith shop.
At th.' time mentioned a nuiiilior of
men were working on a traviding crane
in the hlacksmith shop. The Uhiiii
came in contact with the electric light
wire and cut through the insulation.
In an instant the full force of the cur
rent was con.hi. ted among the iron
framework of the crane, and all the men
in contact were knoi ked inst-nsihle.
All hut three of thi men soon recov
ered, but the others W4re earrie.1 outside
the shop and restoratives promptly ad-
Two ilied in a few moments after they
had 1-een removed. Their names were:
Anthony I.kcl, twenty-four years, re
siding at Knoxvillc; "Joseph" Zoleny,
aged twenty-three, unmarried, of Knox
villc. The name of the thinl man, who is
still unconscious, has not yd been ascertained.
the pres4-iici- .f arsenic in the stomach xxas
(In e to the 4-iiilialniiiig fliiul.
At the 1S7.-, Centennial at l'hila.leli.hia.
an 4'lectric light xvas evlnhite.l as a eiiri..
ity, -hi.! in xv nearly all 4f the cities of the
I'nit.'.! States are s lighted, and Mr.
soii has given the xx4.rl.i the iiieanilesc.-nt
light, for the interior ..f 4ur 4lxx. lliiiKS and
hiiil.lliiLts. The storaL'e battery is noxv !
ing so M-rfecte.l tint it is reasonable t
prophesy its la-lug 4-inploye.l to 4-..IIV4-V
passenger cars over 4-oiiiinou ruilroa.l
tracks, ami even to Ik.- iis.-1 in the place
4.f the stean 4-ngii.e for fi. iglit trains.
-n Friday aft.-rii.K.n. atC'IifTor.l. I'.ar
tlioloiiiew :-4unty. Indiana. Maggie limns
Went to th.. r.'sidene.' of Max ill.- Tolen. a
young and farmer, who lias
called iim.ii h.-r f r- tn-ii t ly xxithin the last
jear. and. in the presence .f his parents,
askc4l him if he intend. -.1 to carry out hi
promise and marry h.-r. Yoiins Tol.-n.
xx ho is much ynung.-r thaji lu-r, replied
"X.i, xnii arc" Atll.isshe pulled
from a p.M-k.-t a revolver and l gau tirinn
at him. I'ive shots w.-re (ire.l. Onexxent
through his coat and the liflli struck him
in the neck, intlictiug a xxoiin.l xvhicli may
prov el fata. Mrs. Hums eseaM .I.
JMI. B. 511 -
4 AS II I I K.
a ;i:ni:k.l i:nkixi. hfsinkss
F1KK, LIl'i:. A X I AC lli:XT IXM'K-
am. Tin: I'liixt iivm. stkamsiiii-
Accounts of merchants, farmers and oth
ers earn. -si ly s ,i n-i t.-.i. am i ni our pal runs
that all hiisiiie-s cui riiste.1 lo us xxill re
c.-ive prompt an.l careful attention, and !
held st rid ly confidential. ('ii-i..iht xxill
!. tr.-at.-d as liU-rally as g. h h! hanki'ig
rules XX ill pel lllit. i: xkixg ..
f.-KV.m. Lilly, r.-iiua.
CL O TUIJYG; VM, O lilt, FM2M2i,
LumherandSliingles. We keep our Stock ah;
Full and Complete. Give us a Call.
OTI K I- her. l.y t'iv.-li that the f..
loxx ing accounts have l-. u tiled in
1 tie Couri of 4'oinmi.n i l.-as m amt.i ia
coiintv. I'eniia.. and xxill Ih- conliiined l.y
sai.l Court on tin- lirst Monday of .lane,
ls'.r'. unless .-a use Ih-sIiox ii to t he on l rai y :
First and ti nut a. -fount of Stephen Siui-
maii. assi-ruee ..f John A. II ill -t .
First and tinal ae.-ouni of II ii am 4 rri-.
assign.-.- f Archil. aid Johns 4-1 ux.
Second and tinal account ot ll.-nry
Shall. r. assign.-.- .f V . I-. Ilnriji ali.
First and tinal account of Henry Alle-
man. coiumitte.-of Henry X'ortli. lunatic,
First and tinal account of H. V. Sli.-k.
assign.-.-of Win. M. I'elusetuv.
First and linal a.-.-.. nut of Frederick
Saner, assignee of John Saner
. First and tinal account of John A. I '.!
assignee of Ldxxard M. IJla.le.
.?. C. HAKIIV.
I'rol hoiiotury.
1 r..t lionot ary s ottiec, May I t, l-'r.1.
In Hresentine: this siiinouucciaent we ttiko great t.ri'tV in
attention to our present stock of poods. It will be our . :ni'
nothiu-r but the best of ools, anl at the lowest possible cu-: .;'
We have received within the hist few days several new t.
Shoes and Gents Furnishings, and have a large stock
which will be coniinp in as fust the factories can make t !: !::
Inviting you to call and see our poods and pet price-, we
Yours Respectfully,
,J. D. LUCAS & CO.,
Opposite Cambria House.
VII11CK UK AI'l'l.ieAllUN FlU 151 IK
Nut ire Is hrr.t-y itix-en tl.t an alicati..n will
tie to th !ourt ot Hurter Sccsiodj ol i 'aui
lirlaci.iimy, Ceniirylvania. on niitfa),Jnne
for m Uirouirb charter lr the villavo
ol Sumiuerhill. cituate in the towDihip ol ('royle,
4Kunty ol ('amhria, I'ounde.t as killowp. yit:
lt-Klnnlni; at the nortlieKt corner ol the 1-rlJue
on the township lea.llnit to South fork;
then.-e north '1 deicreei west "1 rche; tiicnre
north 3', aenrcef west n percbei: thence north
34 perches to nlone; thence north 7 d.-Krees eal
VI perches to ftomw; thence north 63 decrees cast
4t rchcs to the lxaac I'aul I. ranch ot laurel
run: thence down said run Vj Its various Murrei
27 M-r-hes across the KhenshurK road; thence
-uth 43 decrees east 160 perchs; thence south
M decrees west l'.T lurches to the loner end ol I.
A.Sis' tail race; thence down the north hank
of the 7onemauch river by its courses 107
ten-ties to the lilace iif Im-it 1 n n 1 n - tli tfvlit mwA
title ol frl-1 i.roed boruUKh to le the Itorough j
olSuniiuerhill, M. I. K 1 I'I Kl.l.
May 6, 13S.'. Atlornt-j lor istiUouor.-.
lK-.-te.1 at liultois. I'a.. near the K. K. st t.
Kallway 1-in.t. XX e always endeavor to lur-
nUh th te.-t accoromodalioTis to l.uines men,
pleasure S4SRk.-rs and tMiarders. IVrsons in search
ol roinlort and quiet will rind it a dcslralde place
to sti. 1 lie 1'alile is unrur.rtl and Is always
supplied with the rient tlie market anords.and
all the delicacies ol tlie feafon. The liar Is sup
plied with the chmcevt ol pure ll.juors and riicars
a&u noiinnic nut tna i-cr-t is sold. r-ecial atten
tion Kixen to uie care ol Horses.
11. J. cil-HKTTlO.
n n n n nn nn 9 & '
New White Front Bnillini, 113 CMoq Street, Jctostcwa. Fi
PETS. Gall to see us when in town.
il 1 he annual ni.-llnij ol MM-khl.lcri. for elec
tion of IHrectors ol the CrecMm a. 'lerht-li1 ':-al
ti foke 4"oui;.ny will le held at Hie otti.-e ol the
ttouipany at Vruuality. fa., ou Hr.luri.4s;,
jobs so, iw;, at one o clock, r. u.
it. 41. ItAlt AN
May -27, IHVi Secretary
- H."
l.iii'ii, Ya.
RTVf a KmT9 SAMPLES FKte 1 t.BBXHBi'Rv, fa. I
0'IlllnitHIiH..-in xxV.1-... - I -.mce In lioilguaJs iiow.ipn I'enlre street, ryrl'ttice la I'i
aVswaJUMto. A.V4 01T.Sew Vuiklu
I.lll A I
f;.-t out ' 1
M. D. Ki
last xxe.
'J'lie I u 11.
day. "nl
f'liarl.-s l
a vi-iti.r to K
John s).
Iu t4 ti " T
lr. !.;.
-on"l' !.i x
-Mr. i:. n
r visitor to
A turnip
fift-n lini
Mr. iiinl
Slietil freix I
llMlian 1
lui.-e U-. .I 01
ininx-. S nl
as In t..xx 1
ii Tliur-'l
Mr. W
Illair st ii1 u
conm x . In 1
-Satiii'.ln x
as an."
till r on M
A mil'
Esij. of I
tlUSlliess .
Mr. .1 tov
wrc In i.x
Mr. r;. .1
1714" XX' il ill
home li.iin ii
Tlie a 1
wan firm l
but tlie .111 11!
Tlie Jll
camp at I::
1 f I h, l!is. ;
tary ai-mlen
trl.'t, w ill v
Of IH'.rj.
Hun. I!
-BS liere
north wa nl
TIi I101
lit7.ll!. XV 11
day, but xv .
tlio damn l
(Jovei Ii I
lleavor, ei..
Mr. Pa
lost a hoi s.
fulling ami
lilnff in a p.:
The .lol
lT4'd tliem
Monday tie
day for a l
I). i:. Il
K.J. lames.
TJre.-n and 1
In Jolinstox
Uev. l;
rimi -Ii ti r-
TIastiups 01
-The r.
aiiotli.-r ti
South l-'oi I
l- four tr.i
4-r, vlslu-.l
lliC hinne x
ItiliK r.-lu
M i- k tir I .
The 1
one firop.-i
f)V4T III tl
ph: thoui.'
1 ill Jiff KM).
has deeiil'
dlffs lie.
ll-4-nsf ii,
Tin- :
!i4ild Its ii
f,, atid i
thf. feeooi.ii
A pan
t'tt.l 4.ffl
wIll.-H f!,
Tim rfsn i
burn nil.''
The e,
tor th (
I'lsMTfl on
txr lf lie
tiiKiny l.y
Zav- '
tria Jroi
roiua h.
vi-nlnir f.
Wilder the
At l
one day I;
!,orM 1 1 ii I
VIV fMtis.
uro now ..
tO the (Ms
t broiip iif,
Lo to s
rlsjn or i.
dnt of j.
on Monili
an alees
liiu-i r.-.j i
Kou town
fhip, fl,
aX4-h, stu
"ii who
D-ath 4iii
the W'esi
What a t
tionNts ..
-The !
t'f Kell.iv
i th In
I'aul. 4.f
of Wlim.
10 lie foil
him Ix-ht
"III.-.. U I
4ih1IiiK d
fit on tie
in. -at ma
I lift and
der i-onti
w ith u SI
bilKBy, -