i: II i ; m-ttifciirfrfii- iTaO.tiai.le sronT. There Is Money in Coyoto Scalpa in California. lt Ilaa fust the State One Hundred Thou sand Iu.llur ror tin- Tropliu i in June Months The touu tieii Infesteil. Au act passed by the last lefrilature provides chat a lounty of five dollars shall bo paid o.it of the jreneral fund in the state treasury to any person who kills a coyote, provided the scalp be presented within throe mouths after the killii)..'. IYobaMy r.o piece of recent legisla tion created .-null a fumr throtihout th.e interior as did this bounty act, says the S;in Tram-isco Ihron'ate. Oriy-iuully intended t, he a means for the exter mination of the obnoxious -md preda cious coy. .to. the" act has had the addi tional oYl'cct of creating; an army of nimrods who have ever since been active in hunting down tins profitable animal. The killing bee commenced ilurinc April of last year, extending through all the c. untie.-, of the state except Solano. Yr.ba. Sonoma, an Pranc'isco. Marin. 1 ! n .idt . d.tui an.i lie. Xrte. I'nfortmiatoly f..r these di: ti icts. the coyote is not, "native t.-t!iesoi!. althonrrh plentiful i-iiou'h through the rest of the state. At lir.-t the coyotes were hunted in a desultory f.ishion. the se.t'os coat!!...' in one at a time. but t ie coi.nty jusUccs. wliose l.'.isi;u's.s it became t.. "swear in" the hunters' sjv.il:.. spread the news of the bounty far ami wide, and by May oruani.e, 1 hunters ;-;it up other pursuits to chase the nimble coyote. '1 he clerk', f the interior eo inty boards have had their safes stuffed w it'i skins, and th new industry promises t- ta'.:c rank Ui.ii the lamer Tmr-uits of horl't- culture r.i bo e lie ).;: d icu Itui'i it c. d. Intero.-t in the b.no.itv terprisiu;;- syndicate it, fornia to employ .xioxic: line to kill coyotes am skins over, but the an'!: this little scheme in tl can d in en ti aero: s tlie ! ::m tie ori". ies nipped c lai.l. Other llTlserili ul : lis hunt,. -is have tried !. rt - of i leitis and ai.imal district clerks, am! pcr-sucecc.-cd in some i:i act. however. requires palm off iiroilie.', ol hap - they havi stances. The that t!ie scalp and nose of th iliti- .n prevent "i:iu-t i ni;,..ti. m th. id thi ears e m- lieei pi. .m l.t i: as-. I ill'. ..: "11 i . i . lt r'.e.v,- ot Secret. .- and State I ;a: t he v hn r i : o: 11- Mate il. k V. t roller Ik 1". - 1., able to -;ic ir. . -!,. iiv. t he muul .er ..,.,-d ti.es far. the oi'ei ;. o.il.i and i;. ki::cd. -.lpei". isoi-s of i a eh t i.e number of scalp. of eet'tl... ..; -.s amount of th. lium i i i c. e. The boarl of e, .n lit V . 1, t - in ilepos'it.cd wit:) 1 el- r! to 1c ai ouarter ami ei-rtiheat '-'1 '. d ; l,,:; c::.i i . l i i.i d t .: tr. i". 1 1 r .iniia rv t a m . ! w...t: b..u:,-y cert lb -.J the ;:.-si .1 . ; sp.-c,.' . ! cat, .s t . ti'.-t to. o Nol.e I 1 l i::s rt- r tro'i, y th, d ... e:--r::s !,,. irtvrs : :i' t:.a t cerlin I i ! the be .aid. t t..e ileeend.ei' i,ed -:,e mp :i (...;.; ;.r;i'ivr I'V lue .state t he .n.t e.u-'d i, : i he counties t .t et.-nt ..f the re.enly at h--, ee.Ied 1 iee.-m-oiiiity hunter'' 1. 1 i ho ot!.. !' Hal t! tine i do: ks the t: 'l 1 v r.-i :. ber :;: e ; . T": : . , c. .11 . i ' iii": : . i":- . Tular van, .ii -ci-s the -.I'-lliCsS la . .in. M'l. : 1.1- is An-. Luis Old .no Lrom Ileceaih. 1' the s.ate 1 it, Is it is seen that lip to 1. tile ani- unit l.-r which to coy ite huiilei's ' t ho h r ,t ijiiarter .",.u.,7 iiiv.I: de i'iiiii' the sec mil. 1 he t hird T.ss;;a t. .ta ! i' ti-e. r, ., i.est illustrate tlu" c ..wile must have .1. I . I. at. -.''.' 7.1. :'i. -..n, a ti.'J'.i t. am I ihn i: of l'.i.si ;. l i. liow rhi:t;i;:l been and v. hat interest i- bein- taken in its ct.il.-mi'i;..ti..ii. 'II,.1 cliuia. in the t iii'iiiii'. ' and I'l-ii'. u nei'at ive past'nuo ini'ht be leached ol the i'st ,.i d i.diia.-nt of c .ye,, farms, i hi-ii tin hunter could simply walk into hi-, stockade and n k th wn a few hundred dollars of .alps with a stout cudgel that is, pro- l ided the state tiid nut i.law the line at d. -in. et icateil covotcs. REDEEMING BANK NOTES. Many fiir'ou- A arc. I., tc tit Their I'arti.il liistruiti ui Ai't nil ii-curil. Many an interesting story miirht lie told of the i,ia-"er l'l v.hieh bank iii.ti'S nri- s iiiu time redeem, d, writes Harold (teoi-e-., ia the l ht! ut ail' na n. They are sent t-1 the trea.sur.v department in every ii.ih iv::l!e fum. Sometimes men w ill hide their in.mey in chimneys, and the rr. iod lenisew i:e, ignorant of the w he re id .. .' 1 1 s i,; tin- treasure, will build up a tire that heats the chimney and sets lire to the valuable contents. Mice and rats, particularly in stores and banks, steal the precious paper out of tills and carry it away to make nests, line's liesiroy and swallow if. and fronts, which are said to exist at times on tin can.s and back-lot deposits, are on record at the treasury as havintr tried to live on rolls of money w hieh came in their w ay. I n eases of this kind the animals are killed, unless thought to bo in. u'c valuable than the money lost, and the little wads of pellets found in the -I eiei.-h:, of the oitVndiivr quadru peds are rosened and forwarded for re dempl ion. Jiabics have also been known to swallow valuable bank notes, but there is no record o" having been killed to make it disirorye. what it had eaten. It is a rule that no bank note can l redeemed unles., ;,t least three "ft" .if it are presented at the treasury, or tlui loser makes alUdavit th it Ids mon ey was lost under ci renmst anccs sr.eh as to preclude its recovery. The stronger t kind of evidence is necessa ry t make the ;"V;-rnmont officials redei-i:: l,i..t or destroyed money when the notes in qnosU .ii are not forth coming. stuii r mi nf Thoncht. Molusses is honey to the contented man. Ion't rub a woman the wrony way of the fur. Kvi-n a sheepskin isn't a yard wide and all w ool. Some men are L-raspinr onourh to want b Mibdivide th a. IV th are made of and sell it f.r town lots. li.scoiiteiit is the pc1 in your shoe that hurts. A woman's smile 1s the little poem we th: 1 in the ptoi of life. We never read u novel that we don't liken ourselves to-souie-one of the char acters. The man who forgets himself in his sacritiees tor others is not as frreat as ho wiio maUes the sacriliccs rcmcmher-in.-r hi.nslf. - lail'. on dollarscovercth a niultitniie of .' ins. Thcucands of Vomen Testify, from pc-Tsonal knowledge and experience, that as a simple, reliable cure far female complaints, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is uncqcalled. Mrs. Mary A. jorv i vii'i. Mass.. savs : "I suffered from womb trouble, mis- i placement, ulceration, leucorrhcca, j etc After t:sincc few bottles j of I.ydia F Pinkham's Vegetable , Compound, I recovered entirely." j All l!m-"'.'i ' - ""' by , ;'' ln ,"rT" "f I:!' 01 i lutrufr.".a t..!.t -t !.. l. v.-r S.le. Cnc ... i .!. u.r tie-v .' tl.!. Aidr-f in cnSlucp.c I JjiA L. I'l-VkUAU MtL. CO., LVNX itAi. j 0. A. LANGBEINi ! IIauufa"tui'er ol au.1 1'i-ali'r In VLT, KINDS of HARNESS, e. " '"ts k:.-' - ; r - i- ' SIDI.1.S, KKIItl.i.S. HIF COLLARS HARNESS GILS, BLANKETS, Ktl.iv. iv Net.-1, 4'nrry tt.itnti. etc. p-iirlm.' .Nc 1; :v rr-'mt.t'.y done. i;u;irH:t'i5. to ifive sut if la. tion. etc.. K? AU nora KMir. rtri.llf.. frum .',.). up. '1 . llr:,', !e.". ir-.m i 0 ui. i .:! 1' i.- I'M, lr.,m '" ui. :.!.i. :..:n;-;iiu.!e II ;rut.-s. irutn W.iki up. Ii:ir.it ira.ic H iriie". r."u i'.O.Ou up. ill n,l exatnimi mv s'o.k beli.ro pur-i'lia-in- ei'pwhiTe. I urntte tu fell a? cheap as the .'iic ii f.H. til l:o; liarn-.r. lor- on Itcmre firtet. aiirl-'1.'!! JUST RECEIVED ! A I.AIUiK LOT Boots L Shoes -Itol olIT AT- he riff's Sale f I UO.M TIIK STOCK OF W. E.SC-'M'RTZSiCO., ii nsr.r i- A. The Prices jdibli iviy : : i 1 to call. i: iiniicu down. JIIO. LLQYD & SONS. Etensonii Fire Aienci rr. av. oicjiv. Genera! lrsurance Aen EJiEXJBUllG. Jt. lO-'l P; VA i ! D ' villi.. Jli. ..1. i.UlA'N V:tluitlle Hook on Nervonn FREE!" ii?H!e M.-nt tree to anv ad-lrer-K. unit MMr i.it;oi-f can iko oittmu this iiifsticriiie tree f rlmrwe. Tins r-mnilhan Ikk-o tireiar 1 by the rvt'vcretitl Pastor l. '.niir. of Fort Wavnt. Ini mixb I and KOEK'iC MZD. CO.. Chicago, (!!. Sol! by liriiK-rintaittSi per ; Jot t ie. 6forfS3. iu.ij,S.it-i5. C i:tt'cjt:.i'; J. 4 No V) S x til ZTTIIAl bm.' rNrDtTinu ACTCD r.rursiTlrMl Brippf on Anonr, tIWmi tore ft. Frery Iraeiir ilioulj L,e m botUe of It lit bis mtchrL Every Sufferer I 'SSSSSr oob HeMlarhe, IiphthrrU,Coai;hH, attttrh. Ii:tuoJiit, A5thmA,t:hoIT MoH.n 1-uurli.i, Unn-rtrws rv.n iH mh in Body or IJinb, HtitT Join La or strmtn, mill Ami in thin old AmMlviM relief anft nwvtly rum. lmmphlt ' rtA. H,lo fverywherr. iVn-- ;i& cut, by Diall. bottlcM. Scteiitifio American Agency for Lk TRADE MARKS. DESICN PATENTS F1rO COPtRICHTS, etc For Information nl free TTHndboott writ to MI .V.N A CO.. HkiiuiwaY, New Yokk. Oluet,t lun,au fur snimn ptnl In Anirn1m. Kvery ntiut tultim out liy un in l.ruiiK'bt tx'tiire thv p'ulUc- ly a iiuticc Kiveii trw ut cIiutkc In the Scientific American Ijircest cfronlntion of any oleiitifl papr In the wurKl. Spli-nilidly llliivtralot. ' iiitclliL'i-ut miui utiould Us without it. Week It, ti.OO a Jfar: tl.hi nix monthn. AiWrmm MtTN.N A CO-i'LBlaaUk.H-sai.1 lindaj New Vol it. JOHX F. 8TKAITOS A KOS, 43 A ii H alker St. M:W TCBK. ln.porUrrt maA Wbolcal IWm tr. ail km dm of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, Violin. Guitars. Banjos. Accordeons, Harmonl cas, &c, all kinds ol Strings, etc.. etc 'I'lIK r Ki--r. il A.i I, n.e ircrt j, J! er in fioriL 1 jiiotiu. tiun't liiiiitt It. j . it. .i : v .. N. Y., -ut: 1 . '.' . !.. r.-n 1 ,m l ot: n::.ict :i : -i . o..' Z , i j i: . mi,!.,-, l tir-' - J?i - - i . ". . . ,1: i Nl ' ii. .:it .1 : i-. .tu; y i :.. ,C. ftl!-l leu ty:i::,il;i-t :. i . -;r-. i.i,,: ut nil I' Ie- NVri,- 1 , ii- rt '' r..-.,- h i :, t.,i, 1 to U.n r-.c t'.?.:.'.H. -. i ax 4 E A NEW CAVALRY WEAPON. A KiHe Carried l'nlrnath the Hore WIH Mioct Acruratrly. Capt. W. 1 IVel. of the l'.ritish nr:ry. ; has invented and tested a contrivan -o ; for adding to the effective li r'.'-kiL" ! strength of the cavalry. '1'he nv.cn' : u. j say the I'nited Servie? Iki.-tte. t-on.sists 4 an attachment for rit'es or titer firearms to the harness of cav airy horses in such a manner that they i may. while so attached, be fired at the will of the rider. J Fitted to the under side of the Firth. or leily band, is a clip or other suit able appliance for sustaining1 the (ire- arm in a central position, ionp-1- j tudinally. under the txxly of the horse. .i. . kl.. !,. fti-.iriTi Tirotrtld- 1 l ll- nim-.-ii i in i, v.., .-' , ... i . in'r forwanl in t lie !ircci ion 01 aim po ferably In-yond the chest of th- annual, the barrel passing between hi-, fon-le-'s. Suitable attachments are also fitte1. to the harness to iupixrt and adjust the firearm. The rider is provided with means for discharging the iirearui while the latter remains in the position alxve dose iln'.l. These means may consist of mechan ical, electrical, pneumatic or other ap pliances. In workinfr by moans of electricity a bi'ttery, accumulator or dynamo may be fitted to the saddle and ci.-otro inte riors or other appliance may be i'.'.tcd so r;s to operate the triii''er of the firearm, the conneet ion iH-inji' effected 1 y wire so arrtinied that, by tonchintr a button, the electric force erases the piece to fre, the operation beir.;r rcp-ai".l as re c; uired until th.e Grcaria has tiischar-ed its iirr.riinntiun. A lK-arinj rein or other attachment to th- bit or bri-ik is arrancred t. pre vent the animal s Lead beinj lowered when the iun is bi-iier lire.L Ilxpi-rir.ients with Capt. P'el"s :it tt'.chnicnt wore made reently at the Cnrra-'h and at rirhriyM. a.d proved '.hat the riik c.uld K fired with the atta jii::1. Tit without startling the horse and. with a fair deyTee 'f accuracy at short ranges. It has been objec ted that Tapt. Peers invent!, .n could not he iiscd with the jiresent cavalry drill, but it may very fairly be ar;-uod that iiriil hoc.ld de p.'nd on wi'apoiis, and n. it weapons on drill: that if cavalry v.-on Id he ad-vant;.-ed by the add il i. -ii of this new mode of offense, the drill must bo mod iaed to far a., may Ik ncce.s.sary to ad luit of its intiiluction. FEATHERED BOARDERS. The Novel F:ntrpr..si' Ftnlilisheil liy a l"-nnylT:i!ii.i:i. resting hot 1 for summer s di'serilH'd by a Keadm.ir snondent of theChiea - II i, a popular diversion at ..'. .rts. but this place is no An boan lnts rs (IV..) cor aid. Ma summer doTirt e.-.'.s-ptioiial for the i-piality and varietcof the mv.sic furnished ;y the irtfvts. The proprietor had his atteii- t:o" ca.i .1. imt iot!"r aro. to the Iii' t t hat snt: it w 1 ! ladie:; iti leaving home for the ;. ;ir-. i n !:t a loss what to 1 .. the; i- :.. '. binls, n"t wis,..inir to i:i-t!i,-'r v."o.i frienrllv nci'liboi-s. t-itn: -' t:n t.i to careless sorvnrit ,. h.e rid v. r'i-e I for -bird boarders. row hi hait-i. is full. -.. r of 1 .,: rd vary with the i!if- ' di" hird.s, aecordiii;r totl:e r ! . f attention tlu'.v ivi:i:ir,- a::1. ,.t,;. ...r ,,f fo-i.l suit .J t ''. r It!-! r ,f fo- nl suit i s nr.- boat.'.- 1 II: tv-- t-,11 woe!;. - '.;. n- ri ,. ' :. r. v. illi i?o ;e- i seed r.! - asj ee I -I i :!, .i .'r::t"d. with j!.-it v of t. cut t !--:i sli b- !'. : no: .' I a .': 1 h- e b. .; I'.':.-:' i t lity . thviv satisd- .1 v. sun'.l iv.it siviis. ::!i th. V .! lli;.l:d. Th. -.-;!. -r.-.i ;i t-rortabl.' nt : a week. It is :. h er::e;;. rs. pi aanls. :. 1 ntihulled ric. Mm .' a ri -t o"ral i bird-.. !.ow-v er. sti"h In l-:nelns, r.ij.'i.t in ::;:irs and iiimc:: 'I :rd. ,. in:it l.uve a:i':.' i's, v. M-Ii are :ri here, t pi-isivi d.,.!hir i '.:.- i e ::rd shipped : . . r w r i : d,. f pai a half a f these - d-wi rms and .h.rhhil-. :ne .'.. 1: : . charged f. r ;.'. 'ie:.. th 't the or ttian feath. -.! 1 ..aider; I'leh I.i' M. r b..-. i-.Kt: r hot:- e th. ir va'll.b'itvr. ; r. ; bird., to the ijiiaiit;.' ; .f '., I ill th-.-..f th.. "all: . f '. All t ill, -e l:. i etet lilei ' '. ir.T r.-Civ -Ih -. t liird trtl' sts :i of llartz iri.-.. several -. Am ii.-;::. 'i he landlord !"i are ; t and K:. !i car . I'll1;:!: parr, it !: 1 iii;: htii: ;m -s. en b ees the ii use v. ith t (pin ninet and f.els thar.kfnl that his quests eanno ;'. t out of their cafes and storm the biisiis-ss I'l.iint.'r w ith their complaints and remarks, as sea-shore visitors some t imes do. N:m vh f.r tbe 4irip. In the ("on-r -allonali.st. a pliysiciau writes interestingly about tin frrip. In .l;te!:si ,a"s lay his opjM-nents calloil the disease -Jackson's itch." and Tyler's op:io::erits i alh-d it the "Tyler o-ripix-." I. a -Tripe. , i-; only f.r.o of the liitrative terms iis. il by the I"ren-h to descriln tin- iriTucna. fit hers are 'petite o.,t." "petit- courier." "grenade," follott,," "oofpt.'tto." and -la Rvnerale." "La trriiijH1" si-cnred pcncral acceptance from its eraphi" mw tiveness. The It rmans have various di-scriptive names for the -rip. such as "blit.-catarrh"' ( . lilitiiiiio- catarrh). ''schaf.duisten" (sheep cou-'.i), "ii:eh:jer.zicp" (crw in). ino-le-Iieber" (fashionahle fever), etc. The llussianscal! it Chinese catarrh. The (icriiians often call it the Uussian pest, the Italians name it the (lerman disease, the French call it the Italian fever and the Spanish catarrh. The Italians invt ntc-l the term inllnenza in the seventeenth century, and attributed the disease tu the influence of certain planets. PEOPLE OFTEN HEARD OF. Ex-(!nv. 'I!on" Tavi.hu, of Tennes see, is notcil as a man w ho is fonil of a practical ji ike. Miss Fu.vxcis 1'iiwkk Cokhf. lias lately riccivedfrom a philanthropic woman cl.V,0-J0 to le used in her various lines of humane work. Miss Wkst, of Fnionville, (.. is proud of her skill as a hunter. The other day she shot fourteen quail, four rabbits and accidentally blew off the end of her doer's tail. Johx I. r.LAIlt, one of the founders of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western railroad, although ninety yoars of age, attended the annual meeting1 of that cormraiion a few days ap. t oN.iKi ssmax Johnson', of Indiana, is sai l to talk at the rate of Cm) words a minute. The only other man in the house who can approach Johnson in rapidity of utterance i-, Catchins, of Mississippi, whose usual rate is 2.'10 words a minute. IJoHinesn and iool t'sajre Ilarmonlzinir. 'Would you say 'it looks as thoug-h or 'it looks as ir?" inquired the re porter, pausing1 a moment to sharpen his penciL The editor of the fetrufrprling1 young western daily answered without look ing up from the stirring appeal to ad vertisers he was writing for insertion in first column, editorial page, double leaded, w ith display head: "Write it 'it looks as if, " he said. "Saves composition." Chicago Trib une. So It Does. John "It would be a good tlving to introduce buckwheat into some baseball nines just organiz ing." Jim "How's that? What benefit would thy derive by doing so?"' John "All the benefit in the world. Buek w heat makes a good batter." Brook lyn Eagle as Ik Zf?Y a 91 and 93 Fifth Avanue, PITTSBURG, HAS PUT WOR la C Whether With TAKE THIS i. I B li 3 a kf I Smm S ORGANIZE BRASS 3AHD3 MB ORCHESTRAS j During the coming campaign you will easily earn j DOUBLE THE PRICE OF YO'J INVESTMENT, j Ite sid. s t .. ph-iisiire von will have and the iiituie i i,,:.-. vei,ae pus pus. , . for'jtsst Mich traile us Voiils iin 111I11..-US.- stoei. ol 1 Inctrumcnts cf Our Own Impcrtaticn, Dif.-et from th.- trreat factor.- of the world and are (-'"'-; ;; .'.'':" "' ,x: choic-st quality, but whi.h we proM,e .. sell a. .,1. i U l I I die eieii aa.l small dealers' in.. lit. hat s.,',,1 0. y.u dir.-et at 1 M ,. 1 hl. No matter v. hat interested parties may try u niaUe i b-n-w. jtit etc to cju:sti:a i.tj;i mj:.ts am tj:jmmi.(... Viulitis. (oiitJl-i. MiiiidoliiK. Ihiii jos. l-'ir.-s. . . ., - ill lww'If"'.. 1. r,,c,, . s. I 1 II' I . 11 I 1 1 . T.S.S 111 ll.l. K.N.M! K A .. PIANO. the worli-renou ii.-,! the KSTKV, and STORY & OLABIC all of wl.ii h von know leads the musical world in .pialiiy While c put the pi ices Uou 11 to von at such rates, ai.d EASY TERMS As puts mii. of these cleizant Kvimv Man Wlio Lows Vim should have a D.iki-r ltros. or Kuahe or 1'isln-r. or K-te. and s.: ..rv strunient. instead of some ele-iip or hukhov. ti or p. iha:-- -: . d Therefore have only one ot thi-a!..ve ti.itned . list ti. aien ts. 1 1 i." renii-itilier t l.iit frr eilln-r I'iiii:.. 01 i -.tii ti -. I: I'n! n!:.s'M iu- V i'l make l n : the Vol V lowest Sim.'!- i'luM I 'rices, iii'il K.S I'AVM KXT." Ai si r. m.-ail-T to write direct to I !. I.- is . or .a!! pi-is. Sil ,i-! 1 N.llls Ml fi:.' Kverybixi v kl.w w le-le t!;e ilami'toti Ihihdia. s. If you ish to call in the ci-i:ii,. just y,. you ill call ami the rooms will U- k- jit opeti B. J. LYISCH, TJJSr T 111 LITYIC '.Jl And Manufacturer i L).-a'er Id HOIilE AND CITYHADE FURNITURE tiiuatu turn tuiutmf k w4 kt( LOUNGES, BEDSTEADS, TA13LR8, CHAIRS, 1G05 ELEVENTH AVENUE, ALTOONA. XE' ! S"Citlzens of Camoria County and all ofhfr wishing to purchase honest FUKN1 TUKE. Ac. at honest prices are respectf ully ir.vit-it to itive os a call before buvi?2 ls where, as w- ar? confident ttat we can mefl every want and jlease ever? taste. 1-ilces the verv lowest. 1 4 lt?-'0-tf.l CARTERS Nli iifrn J QUI C -1 Eick Enadache and Telier all tb tronbla lncf flf-iit to a bUioua state of ttoo ijntera. B'ach aa Jizzinasa, Nausea, Urowaiaesa. Iutna afti-r eitn.R. r&in in tue fi 1, &c Wbila their most rczaarkable Boccens baa been thorn in cuilng Ecatlacho, yt Carter's IitUa Livwr Pflla am equally valukblo in Constipation, curing and pro veutoig tuisannoyincoiuplaict. while they ala9 correct a,l iUn..rilurB of tbeatomaJhatimnlate th liver and Tegulute the bowela. veail the; only 11 Ache they would bo almost pricelean to thnae wh Culi'i-r froi'i tiis distressing complaint; but fort a CkUjly tii0.rF'odncRad,K-a notend horeind thoaa Trbor.nce try tucm will bad these little pilUYalu abls in r o many waya that they will not be wil ling to do without them. But after alioxcx Uea4 Intl.sl.nne of eomanyliTPS tht hero i wbers T-eri.!si our greet bo-st. Our pillacureit whUa f.iu-.rm d-j not. rt-r's LiMo Lirer Puis are very nmall and J. . : r c-":- io tta. Oue cr two i.il'.s raakea dose. -I- tel.-.-t : i -?ly -reetabie aaii ii j not pripe or 1 1- " I t 1 v t-':. IrrentleacUoa pleaaeaU who --..-ia. lu vi-Us.'-r .n.-enta: nvofor$l- tioid ' .- a ' j.!. : vuiiit.-4c. fctrnt by 11! : " -".tr rvtE:oic:r: co New York. PILL. Sr.'ALL DGSE. SMALL PRICE jur.l2Kl ly NU F. X. FEES1 Shaving Parlor, Centre Street, Hear Jail. -The nndnmlened dei-tren to Inform tbe l.ub lie ibt bs has oned a bavinic par'or on I'tn tra it reet. near the jail, where the barberltur ha fnesi In all Its branchei will oe carried on la th lumre. tvervthlnif neat ani! eiean. Your palronaKe solicited. F. X. i'EES. ENGINES, r. THRESHING MACHINES. Beit Machinery at Lowest Prices. A. B. FARQUAR CO, YORK, PA D't von need Job Printing? Ii; 10, gtTO llio 1 RKauaK a trial order. r i r Hands or Head, TO IIEAIS'i I- st, lllid- i KS. i.i.h: 11: .I.V; (ill- I' .tii.'ts Drums. Mu-h-: I' I 1 - -. si . - I . 4 . tl-t- il! 1- vi hiiei N.oDKK atid l.ll-,- . - Kl'IKi.iANT liSCiiKU urn, 3 ill el 1 1 a s tx--ii th il1 -00. Is. OF PAY inst runic u is ii hi 11 tin- ir.n ii ui iiis avw i U -.ir n i nk in to -:i ir.iiki-. ..:!.. r. Also tr- ":eHts IKihMS i iti i!i v at the l ilt ii avi-tiie-. I'itl-t-.:riT. I1 11, ! :-. S. Han it.iil w hen OILS! OILS! The S r.-l;ml Oil I'omjiMiiy, of Piltslmrg, i t make a specialty of manufaciurinir for the uoines tio traile the finest hra:ils of iliamiihiiiiii, ai;i l.ubricaur-i Xapaiha and Gasoline nils, bat CJii l-c 3 ll. We challenge comparison with every known proiluct of petrol eum. It you wish the most Kcst : Uslformly : Satisfectory : Oils in the market a.sk for ours. STANDARD OIL COMPANY, I'lTTsnunc. pa. octlS ?'. ... r. s-r PC Mlwd hi OpiMnituillv! I0'X MU lour, lt?atfkr. ii. i..j..iity i.e-lotl :it-.: mi- fMrtacitie, at id trum ut cns U o tu p.-vwrt t ntui m obrnritr I Han owing dwapair in tti lui of many, as luj " k tark on lost, forever lost, opftortnitity lJllp:tv. In 1 ! Kcrti out. ba op and cluing. Impror. our oi fH.j i-j-tiiiy. and ecarapronritr. rrounm-i.ee. prara. 1 1 a,J t a phiiUobcr, t:iMt tii ioiiiiu.. of Fortune c:1- a CoUira op-yortni.ty to rh pc-jion at aotr.a re: id fi lif; ::iKrar tJ chain'-, aud n t o -it lifr lichrs ; fail t.d o miid alia depu-fm. ht to return." 11 w liU yn find tl.a MiLDll oj.pu friitT Invta:ifrst fvert cnanr tli. appear w.irtl.r. and cf tair j.ronu , tlmt Mm.itiil nuc c9(til men Jo. Uttm im an oppMrtui.ity. ?i-h as i nnt often wit Lin tltn rarli Iftliin: p- pi. Imjn ,.red. it will f; at lrat. a prat id tn; t in in. Tu gh.i. oi.p.rtntut for mnnj im her: lluury to b mmia .ipi.iiv and botioralilv I f any iudnstriotia pti rti tf eithir ici. A ll act. Von ran 60 tba work aud liv at horn. lie: rr .n ar. Kn t pinnera aie i j cnrniTt; fr rn Sfc." to Pt Jut. Vo can do a well if yon will wotk. not to jmi 1, but iudnntn onily ; and yuu ran tnrrc-;t ynr inr-mi na tii . Vai can ciTapartiTtieott1v. oral! y mr tun to t ua wrk. F.af to lro. Capital rei'' d. V uutou. A tl is com paratiraly new and r:tllv wonlerfnl W in.trnct and bw yoa Low. ft-ec. I- mlura unknown anioti- oar work is. o room to rii.UtQ t.ere. t it d loam all free, t mtnm bimI. tuni t. i)1ny Ai(.lr0 at ones, II. UaUell At Co.. laws, HBO, 1'orUund. Malaa. Caveat, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent hutinc condnrtcd for Moderate Fet. Our Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office, and we ran iKrnre .at-nt in lct s tune than thooe rcmiite from Was'hini'ton. t'nd model, drawing or photo., with dorrip tion. We advifc, if pat nt able or not. free f chnr.'e. iur ff not due till pat.'nt in ei-ured. A Pamphlet. -How to Obtain latent," with names ofn.tu.nl client in your state, cuuntyiU town, sent free. Addrei-H, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, 0. C HiLTK!' LTALI.LIC SHINGLES are mj.'.e lr,,m the let i.mnis .! roi.rinie I'm elate, ani Fleet heel Kivomted. You ran l.ut toein plnte.l or not. Our nalvmere 1 S'linaien are ram and r p-oi.:, witti .ut ih- ne.'.ity ol paintui. Our n unlet I'm Shi e ' mure durl.-i ant oro iini-nl il 111 n it :t . . j 1 1. e to m ike a on M I. put un In tl,e i 1,1 l.t.i,,ue.l style. rito l..r i.nce --t K I'mb N n,,Mi. SiiEr.r Mrri I:.kiHo 'o.. u -1 1 0 trrel. w Yora. i I ! I: 6n the murrelftn Trenrl lu-n.r,l7 CALTHOS inr, and l.'Cul (tuarantee tbat Calthimi wil. Is I l UUraaraw I'.aWlo t I KK .frml.rrt. t artraeeir aad Ktsl OUH Last Vbxufi Vie it and fay if iatisf.fi. AAdnm, VON MOHL CO.. hmim Hirim AsU, tlrlii, Uhla. II Hi -OS LEGENDS OF HAUNTED HILL. TrIitl.i c.f I.oto nn.l Ihit Arr 1 1,. 1.1-- r .1111.1 An.Hi: !'" I.-li:ins- H.i'vat.-d hid. jnl'ra. i r. onth fn.m Spri-i.Tviil ' t ? .tV-viU . odd-! .! i:i" nio'ir-.l which i 1-,'ei i - iuv..i i'i-S of -v r. 1 I r .ad i , a. 1 1- - .. : : vs t..e T'dar. S. ::jo f i ie traditions v i:i I ."). when v.-j iir: t rion. :.n I over sin -e we I : I l r. t it: ; l'e- oa V- Ii.- i .ite. i hive tori -. ori ii t I 'ani t.ie t:ni dial. ; :.re scattered ; id ticdr h' -e'.;'.. are dif.i-ldt to i f i;.te''.i;-; :iee to t.lh. l:at ibtain: tho.e po-. es.-e.l will not or do not care from v. 1 lie men K'.h.;; :irs and v. h i l. ari'.e.l the Ir.di.'n l.:,i "a: '; we h to mati v t Tn:lC ii hav. the : rather. d the partial ii.,rr..', i.v of of Haunted h'i'.l. known in t: t: I mii: ton-rue as Wailing iuniin- n i ii. 'i'v.'o lerrends are 1 : ii:;n love at'.d j : M. -rv of a dreadi'd tohl- one a tale of . t ho other the :.! b:.-tl :i.i:i . ai.d th. ir ixsiiiinir near 111 i 1 t , -:: the 'Ii:h ii'. the Me.-i-'ans -an 1- l: ... in tl.i:. state. n- the lirst tradition but ;-.il-i can 1' obtained. It is the older of tla- l.-rend ami f il-. ori gin I::Tes bach :: s it h i1. ieeu 1;.:. ' 1 down 1 :a th. f.liie . .. : .iii i e:.l t . for h o;, p. l t". t. i liar - 1.:- 1.1: of ars. Thi A tribe 1 iv cu t of th 1. Ait. C! M' U 1 I t' f ,r '.v. 1:1 t ': .' a , .1 b 1 :r:a hi t ' the 1 I the . .;;'' 1 h-.vi: en ry r v : 1 i: : s-.t W .::in . th.1 A . ; .1 t.i r. 1 .lie 1 :ll :.t i.i -ht. v. i i 1 i .. :,.!:, ;..i 1 : ,. 1.1 brief, f:- ,11 south to in:ih r;:h awav tlie p 1 with !..: 1. - t 1 , t . : : rn ;.':, , ; it . . .i.i.-sof ; ri r v.--:.::s. Il .v.' s re . ' i .1 , . ' .1 fv the i... rail .11. the iia 111.-, and, if p. is from f..s ! t t a- iljV. ot'l i'..'l h 1 hem. Kea'.-hi . i-:..:i in lar. . I':.-.' trial of : tr :; -t thi,. I ' 1 ' '. X ! li.l.'l ' ' ' 11. -.II. -I'il valh-y at thj .. ians, teiaihed Vh :. i.i . in the hill. Tie- III ;1 weal ". t:, M. Iheir nu: . - r .it it-- I ' ' i 1 a 1 r s. they 1.1 .1; a 1.. i de.,---.U ll :.'..ili.l. S-...:l the b::t :';.:.i I hi.- it.'V.. vli...-! dis r- tu. '.'.ii'.' ! aivi .-! the !,idi..ll!'. Ur- i;t.;.-!..-rs fa!:i:. - ;.t .-.. '1 lroui their i ii -my. :d.,' -i -i' , '.v- ar.l'v c cr::e l. the real warri r ! . " : - ai.ii I th - 1 e'., :;'-ieed r Tivi- pile--,, f. r 11 . 1. It is t-.Ml! 1 ;. ii tt ... .'.red Ind.-n . p.-rish.-l that '. : 1, . i:vA ..si the mi mud I ..f thi . ! v.hii'h ev.-r sinee i-, hn ovii 1 , the 1: an . as thi- "V. i.i! in;.' lie .tint:: in." I': in-' the hid j:t i:i"ht the iiidiatis th:.: ti- ; iteo-e. - - ,. t .. ,! .; 1 , be .'.isti-iol!;.- i. . i d. i. :. . il . ; its dr. I t , all al.. .rip'iiies of thv i ai valh-y NOT HUREDITAHY. You May ; ; i. 1 Wa.r, i:..t : The Cci-t!IIili!..l I'Cl 1 f eon. in ' so ; e. t th:;t t v i -i-ri. iiee i f re ! to -.'" !i the lell! J i .'.1 of l.eihf liiii f e. of th The: : ra.t h they in t'd N .rt' than :i!i:m:.i al-iii' v real-, .Vv.'! I..1,:. ill 11- W.I it hat for ell I' - '. . .tj . 1 t! or i.s ire ciises t ,a.t lor ve.ir . . .-ht had . s I):-. : hi:; ;,, !!. i : : ri -:,n Ih Vt -W. 11 ,V else ia aiiiii.'ai i 1:1 an- . e t in- .-. .1:1. t for t hi i.l i-preadof coii'i'.nijv- tl. thi !i'r.'st s:iva;o nations, where is-was i-.tikn. :i b -f, .re ei vil- : 1) t vi- it theiu'. Tni 1 our ..'AH American In.'.ians, dtiinls of tVntral Africa ai ia r I'liiir.tri.'S. Interiii.irrv in ' . 1 ; i -..-d f. i . t ri: ti e il.h: I li.ey or an v nial.o h tluT fomlitiou v.hii illtarv transmission ii in: j-ht a possi- l.li' ciiilr o im t :ii:il V I'.nil,! int iiv unt f -r i' r.i.'nl pri cTi'ss. J-si.i, , .n,.- of V .; li.-st ol.si -itits ami invest i'ati it's, 1k--iii-v.- that c- .iistiiiij.i i.ii is iit li-.-n-ilita-ry. ::i.il t!n-rr is imu'li positive I'vi.knof in favor of this vic.v. ith mu h -vi-il.-m-..- of tin ruivsil.iiit v .f i::!i;.l:.' ' tVc I'l.i-illi the jiii'-i..!ivoil! nal, r :!;;. In ;;sl: 1 1 w il-1 I 1 .aci! ! i p-l irit-.ti:.-:t in. )s;!,.-ri- v. In n tin y ari- not f. .iiml in tlii.1 Irralli if Mi.a ri-rs of this liisoaso? W lciow ji. isitivi'ly that in tin's.- ';.s-s l.aci: !i -rost-nt i:i tin liua-us l.irh rais. il after foii:.'Iiinfr. l'i its moist c-oinlition it is imjx.ssi! .Ie for it to lv in-liali-.l. 1 .tit ivln'ii it ilrit-s mul Ik -oiiii's lust it is 1 ilow ii aliont. an.i it i.s in this form that it I..-1-oiik-s i!a.irri rous. Tlic .Morality of Athi-n. The oit. in IlnrojH wliu-li mut-s tli lx.-st showinjr, so far as morality is co:ic'!'iii'il, is Atlions. Within tin mi-iiiory of the prt'st-nt poniTation, there lias In-en no single matrimonial seainlal that has take n jilai-e in the so ciety of the (ireeian metropolis, an.i the latter is alM.ut tlx only capital in the worhl which is alisolute' v v. itho'.it any cliroiiiijne scainlaleusc. The Athenians marry yiiunj and remain faithful to their marriage vows. This is not alone on account of principle, l.ut is also at tributable in a measure to the almost entire absence of the ilcmi morale. hat little there is of the latter in A the us is exclusivclv of foreign origin. PICTURESQUE ABUSE. An Irl! Orator W tio Iteeamc I)ecldtlly 1'toii iI Iii III lU-murkn. Conrresstnen 'ln-fore the war" wore somewhat accustomed to the exchange of unparliamentary lantruatre, but per haps no American legislators were ever so practiced in vituperation as the menilKMs of the much-lamented, van ished Irish parliament on College p-i'cn. Somehow they contrive to heep on friendly private terms while trcat inj one another to most pictures. pie abuse. On one oo-asion, says the ( hicafro News, ixintinfe a quiverinp; finder across tin- lion -.- at hi., opponent, one Thaddy llurke eonclu.led with these words: "And every mimlx-r of the honorable p-int lcmau's f.nuille is lciia.vth cn timpt from the w hitc-livod hound that i.s shiverino; .n the llure to the pailit-d har that is j.'riiiiiiti1 in the jrallcry." How did you know that hi sist r was in the p-allery?" whisp-red a com rade as the orator sat down. "Shure, didn't Thaddy himself tell me she was f-'oin to Ik prisint when we were coming down to the house after dinner?" Nu Knirliah CmmelMTricf IIer. 1iat is called the Knjrli.li pHsclorry in this countrj- is not such. lut ahylirid. The Kiitflish (riNsclcrry will not thrive in this part of America, for no sooner tl.K's the lcrry In-o-in to form than a mildew app-ars upon it, and only liy the constant application of lime and sulphur can the crop I brought to jht fectiou. The climate is t hot for the Kiiflish pKjMdM-rry, aud even in the shade the berries often "scale" and fall off. That which is called the Kiijlish grxiseWrry is a .rraft upon the native stock, having1 all the hardiness of the native wild berry aud the delicious tabtc of the Ene;lis.h. LADIES! Are yon "ckl ffimurti to rMitnn- If w n-f5 tw o ei-lits in ims to tli Wu, k iWJulm') C ., and - W a.sliin-.'t.ti Str.it. N-w lt'. lif f.np .f t!-ir Ivauiii'.il i.liijitrnll IicHt- ttooUH." It Ii a liovi-1. iiiiKiiK-. ami in:-n : work t every h-siu ft reliiiemeiit. Oa rvi.t of t.-n c i.t in i1nTi: hi-T w-lll u-ii l (.: t..c 1 a m i of I It it' tanions li';aw ioM (.'ami' V'-TliU. I'.ir r,-n ..i t:. i v iv.,: : -!i .s. i,.! :. txx.k roi.ti.lt i.itf ,im;.i oni ol " il M,l..ij i." ul.'l l ui-:. .1 jt- in. t iMil:ir h.Ij, t.ipi-tlii r ith I' ll Xljtlii-ilo clin.iti'i i :iol-. aUIWErTUS! A V -rv .e-:.s:u-. I,:, coin;. ,mi. 1 !r til--' : other l tl r ilrn".. . ( KT I'jllt '--' I i. ).liy.-i. iiinn III iC:i'.,. cuii'i'uiii'i .-ry 1 V:.l i i i, ion., i o I : ir.i- ; ,.ii lei 1 I'iiit. 1't . I : I-'.- I.-Ii-ol I . .1. .'a IC V I 'r'J, I ,. .-. 1 .in.! Ar; fer The Acr.ilcniis Friarmaceutic Co., I.o. i;; AM) M .V ni:U. 532-535 V-VShlKGTGN ST., l.tW V0i:K CITY. An! -.-ait r.tig"U linf.:.f " r. i--.r:.uoti for I. : .:.s. uiruiii'ii.-l ni:.l l.l-Msi II ll. 1. s; t!i I'--li.it T ..v, rt-..-l!iy '.'.- lar- . f C,. l,i .!.:.: 'Lt B-l-litl' it I -!l(i'. ;. ..I I v i::-!.iii it iii'Mlif-f-l r.m!,' ritHT,. In' 1:1 i!i."l..ri.itKV irieverv I 'irt of l ui il. e. . i.-:; ,' fi. ;j:t..! t . I-i ln-s, el.ii-h' -ii aii'l miv i.1..- -1 i ,1 . i 1 -i' s . I . y '.. i-t-v c . fr.-e from l.-.rt.f.i1 .m:ir. Im iiwivs-jriic Pjtkres, Pi Ice 10 CM. Vr. . S ! ) y 'y 'Vl, Vxoy:i 'iVvuceutic Co. I.OMDOIJ AN'D NEW YORIC, Vi.-u.:-: by tij ; .-.I:.t r.:. - t f. i!-r Maj, ty tta vj-.K'-'i im.: to !. .y-l 1 uu.'.'.i . i v: v. s i k nc:i : 1 CO. 132, !'J-r CharRcr. St. PILLS. .. -., t. . r ;.i.... r : j f. i la For:- c. .L 'jnucc: .To. Mzzr-dT -j.iie;-? uniia., , ....... ( 5 Or. Vinegar B;tters FCWDZ2.S, doses, Sr. Ylscgar Eittcrs. ::cv,-E?y. i J fl.OO Viccgar 5;ttcr:, cMr.rylo, lii:u.r tu.-te. l.OO The World's Grvz.t Clcod Purifier and Life Civing Principle. Only Temperanco Bitters Knovn:. Tbc nii .Ifih of a f-nlorT (be I.endiuc fraiai'y ,Ii aiciuc ul ii..- Wtiild. E, IL Hdonal J Dm; Co., Proprietors, fi'-; rWANC'l-fO anj NErt' VOUIi- K. L. JUHSSIuS M. J. I'.fi-K 1j-TAHLISHK1 T'i. Johnston, Buck .1. in 1 7w t.v. HANK Kits, EliENSlJl'lIG. - - - l'KNN'A . A. . I.i I It. uxliirr. J.a-l A 1.I.IKH I.. I J. "!. Carrolltown Bank, ;aiu;i h.i.tow . i a. T. A. Nil lit II 1 1 ;il. I nOilrr. General Banking Ensincss Trarsactefl. Tt:o loilo ti:i; ire Hie .r.Dl-lJ,l Ii-.. i urt ( , I trnrrai iai Kia Lunne.-p : l.'ei'.'ivei' im a!e -n iti-inai:-! io.'I Interest tiear llii: eeri l!i-jj :c if.-'.i -.I I . 1 1 n,e Je,oM'..r'. I.O AX F.xten'tc.l to ruptomer n lavnra! Ii ermi.AijO l,;.r,vej ,a.rr discounted at ali nujtf . CULLElTIOMi M1f In t lie locality ni1 ujon all tl.e Link Inn tuirn Id the United states. t'bHrues moderate. nutiis lnel nei.-. tiat-Ie In all j.aTt." of tt fnltd Stat'si. si.d li.rntn eX' tA-ite lom-d .u ill artf of l.uroi e. AUITMS tit merchant, tarmera and ot'ier K iU-lted. tn whom reasonable accomodation will be extended. I'mnm are aasured that all trans irtu.nf tdiall te held ptrlcily .rlvate and c mh l.-ntial. and that thee will be treated as liberally aa bauking tales will permit. Kci-pecttully, JoiiNsrov. Ill Ii A . PATENT Sim PICKET FENCE lmusO-MK, 1XIHsTIU CTIlli-Ii Cheaper than Wooo. a-a ;m n . iy Th4 above cut fibowa tnrkn Fraw with (Us-. I bi ta no Benitti4X.) CaVC tafP Mod OO 1 'OB OT V "01 PofH. Wbea. VrttUAR for ertcom Cle tUaUitity, K unl49r of GaUtsa, Doutile aM4 Hiu', tntawl. W KlfM MaailfWcturfB B7 lrem PrnrlDfc. e-tiu. &tt4 tMttiar. Firt) bhatlerw n4 FlUK KSCAI'f.H, Ctlr l".r. nl kantnr. Briur. to 4 Iron fiiill. WIKK lMjft Ail il)OW bCfc.tt.Mi, ao4 a kiwis ot IkK U oE TAVLOIl V IA Ot9 203 Si : 43 Market Bt. rituburSu. ri. Mountain House STAR SHIilG PARLGR1 CENTRE STREET EBEKSEURG. 'puis well kDown and ionic establiabed Shavinir A I'arlor i now h eated n "entre reei. on- oil.e t lie livery ptable ol O'liara. I'avii" a. L.uib er. m here the Lupine will e carried on In the luiurc. SHAVI.m:, IIAlii UTIINU AM MIAMI'lialM) .1 m the Mal.-M and uiot artictic muiiiur. flean loaeln a .ei-ialty . r.l.aule waited on at their residences. JA.MKS H. 1 ANT. l'ro,rietor. ii i:m 11 in. m ii.nii;iis: 1 haie t een ai I'olnted Lt the lion. Secre A tary ol tlie lmrrior '1-..1 N AMM'I.AIM A.TF.NT. 1 have l'Wt,VK YKA1IS' KM l.U 1KN1K. All rlaimi 1 ntrunted to ine will receive firompt attintion. Any roldlcra drawing Nan than fffl Jer nonlh ter.rion con have it lncreair t fW. 8. 1 10 and til itt month accord injt to disa bility, under the act o I June 27, lttiw. I'b e Kive an old woun ied c.uirade Tour nat ron a a: r. titboewith W m. H . Secbler. Atuirney -w. neade a how, I rnlrt aireel K'enllurK, l'- .!..:. m'HKK. lenl.,n At'.irnev, Late Major lltb I.et.. feuua Kerervea. May ao, li'.ri 3m Hand Instruoiuts, Suareand Bitss Druai5i fH-. Pier l . Ciartonsl. Cymbal and all lntrumnt p Uintng la Hiah H rvo arvj Lruin C' krw l IHuMlM. t AlUw ; JOUM r. .TataTTOM 4 SOH. 4 ft WolW t. Mm XmM rp W. DICK. -La ATTOKNEY-AT-I.AW, KUKXKUl KO. I1k'a ar-S,clal attention fdven to claioii lr IVn luu Uuuuiy, etc. cLI- a-u o YA H aV " - ' ' i' i' ' ' " 'I !! I I ! !i i. ii li ii t, I I I STK ATTON Skeletons of Strrir Found In thf. i;, ,i A I'Imcb In iirnrui lil. , , t llurjlnic t.rouiKl ot l:,r.. Hll .. o I tlt.. - A il,Kl),u " I'lH i.lrri . A pnrty of '.ph LATEST t 1 1 : T t! .1 m: Th - f t : Ui:' 11 re 1 .;- 1:1 440 4.'',W 140 I IH r.ii 4". 3 l.l "II M7 MKI 401 TV fxl RI 4MI 400 ISO 1 i- ARTIFICIAL PARAS. 1 ranUy I -.- ; ,1 Win. A I iTi;ii;iii.ir' ( r-. "t'raii! Kritoai .' s In i -: t !l -;,!- l-i'eelil ! -re at . lit lis of I.: I I 1 v.-it:i: : : :.:;!- 1 1: 1 i ' l.y i-ay i u !. :.i ! :. t lu- ere.;: :.!-. - : .! r -a . - .-e".- i. i:n -1 him t ! . : ; a'onv. e'.a '.vinp at tin- lr-..:a ami tiie .! lie;:.e un iul .r.. a I.a:-sa:res. "'I liis was very un;.'e. ami il J-a-l li:ia!ly . the luir. au . .f e:;t -t:i , ! .-. '. ton ini.rl.t sti -TL-c.'-t a r. in.1..;.. ' lie sa'nl. f.ie et . ; 1 1 --.-! - lia '. slieil l";.'--. a ti nm I. er of . '.rcser-. cii. I 'iili-s- l.e oi,,. lie sai.l lie vas ci .11 v ineeil tli:. si m ;- . era.y. "We wrote to him. shviiil' W011M I, ' ;:ia,l if lie would s ,; if the leyv u hieh 1 lie cent 11 . le'eil to have .-hcil. He 1 ! ' sen. lino; tI a few art ieles of - . .: tlo.eii or so of siu h -iria'l hair within the external 1.;.: 1 . '. : 1 ' .-' ' Aiiionr t hose sjiei iaieie ' ! e re to Ik f.uiiiil any .-irn of of a1 sect or other creature. Jt v.a liail stij.p. i-eil. t!ie man's coiuplaii. simply imaginary. "A -i-iiilai' ea-.1 oe. ui'I'e.i not 1 - .ti iii wle. 'i the .--n::'.-rer wa-, an (.rent '. -ma 11 livin;' ahroail. who sent t- him from this country co;. certain Ainerii-ati i:ewspac'-wrot.- t'.iat thev vu.i'icat i-mis ilently carried with them ' the mails some dreadful 1 . which had attacked him and iti"; him the utmot tuis'ry. 1 w lio lia.l Im-cu called in hae that there was nothing the 1 itiLT I'viiu-nl ly i;rt.orant of t h - : " kind of imp-.i-ted paraMte juet he sent tons an e provi-d to Ik only U little - ' -illicit Ih scrat'hed from t 1 licaltliy crsou. Cf course ;'. ly a delusion. "This is 11 very peculiar ' lnsion. and il i-, 11. d all. : moil. It lias lieen call.1,! 1 lirated Dr. l.lanchar.t. of l'.--' " parasitism.' Victims of it :...!." they nrc attacked y i:ir.is:! ' on-- kinds and slider ad ' w hich imao'ination i-ipLiiiN 1 physii'al torture can iiillict. 140 100 14 I (IB Ml bU 60 H 00 4H 83 HI 3S 00 w T 3 0 0 A a to t K) 00 24 00 00 00 lft 80 SO 00 06 71 Alt PI 33 10 !Pl C4 60 Ui SO OO 41 KINGLY OCCUPATIONS- -40 fo Although Tliey ;ov.Tti M..1110I1" Have some Ihviti .- Kind's urc siipp.is.-d t,. . " r ' like othe r men. .me i f t ' , passionately ford of s..;:., : ' inonplacc fiuplot incut. IL ' of the most curi .us: l'riantes. kite of I.v.lia. '"' no Ti 00 00 - ;io vo . So 70 1 ' "0 adept at filing needles. one of the kin its of M .iced "i 1 (Treatcr part of his time in m" oils kinds of lanterns. To couie ncart r horn.'. Tid -Hits, l ieoro-o III. (.-av ' and attention to the s. i. i , inr. but 5-jH-nt cvi-ry in. :. snatch in turning. He ' .e. for his own use, ill the ' :: palavc at Kcw. a u- ' whence he was often ' e1--keeping ii cabinet enr 1 hours. I'iKir Louis M 1 Mx-nt most of his t hue i, ' - " ne trade, that of -niakiiii.r, ha.s had two' ' 1 1 l.eopwl.1 11. and I'har', " 144 40 -.4 no on 1U KYI 00 63 0 U6 at I 30 10 Ml Hw s HO 7a' 17 very f.md of ma.; ui-T a; timekeepers of their st rankest of nil occii1'-! was that of Ilarcatiu-. I w ho sjietit his time hi lie was eoii-idered ti.. in catcher in his kin ! on l:- .,:s f ., - ef i'- ! : j 7 SO - t I ' Cnmbrin 1 ! iKliee, BCXbBI RU. AMI HV J4.Mi:s I - Ouarantaed Clreulatlnn, Kabarrlpf i One eo.y. 1 year, rrn.li in do do il not I- do l t" 1 I1 60 do tl i." I aae-l'o ieron rrpldit,. f i oenta ad-'ittonal i r pay poflajee- r-la no event will oaried from, and Ho I urn ioleret t.T i 'in pect to I idaeed on tt.e -d-.. l-ettbi la4H i-e dl ibl tux. forward. M0-ry for your i.ai.er ii mii mum None l.ut - don't a aeaiawau I" 1118 Etotl Ate OFTHECQ W'o hp now rem! v ren'n t'lot hilifcT v ei till Ix-Sl W l.lf H le ' Cluy WorstciN. Ti ! frvtliinsf tie aii.i I'rinen AMH-rts. .,,,.1 Neckwear, I la:- n ID. Q hr: M .K. IE, V. TREASUK Seated an Lands Cambric- A I . eount. tn the ranla. In mruan'o i tily In aald f-on-.n-.o tr.it manner ef e'lln.. lo hereby rive tti. onwttm landaand I fi'anibrla. or nieh i ary to ra y rr-H' ror nm year or mor-. he tloiirt H'ihw. Ir, in tba ISECUNK M' i:;tii day ind eortlnne of a.l.--' mtll the whole be f axe? and co!p ne-e-' I neafe1 ,ain Namkh or t i cum. yln.T .lohn Ati John M ' Mlcrif I n Ni Martin " 14 Same.. . Sh lliliel 40 H.it.t I,-, Tho. 1'i.r Slame Sione .... Same . . Henry I; Jr'erd.nioi Jacob 1 Jno Wi ! T. s The. S 11. Tl .s A Mc, K I. A John 1 1 e v lint Mich.-: John '1 I iwen 1 Fred. Thorn Ilia, ; Oabrirt r-'amuc Jafne 1 riwe Willbu Jeo. I ' O'JHinT , far, John v. Cha, Ham 11C Cne hn Tet.. tire hi, Test . J. II I Oondn lame I Martin (ro John S f U, 108 Jamea Klder Wm I' "Henry Simon 124 137 Iianl.'I -, Hell f, John ' John I lehn 1 John 1 Ham., Tho. I tnn 1 1'alrlc 1'atrl. . ,1arr Jiatehl H'ar Wm 1 1-r.eki. Jenae I Kuth I.ewl Jame .. -A J42 Jame Jame Norrl Henr Henn Jaeoh Joeri Jame, Jama Joaejit Call Mary Jaire depr Jm. Wm -Jnha Thotn Then, Wiae Wm. John Hett-r Iao at, I'm Kredr Natnn. eo. ( H. K Wm .1 Jno. Thna. John H. ee. : P. at , ltri John Tho. Ihtvi, Henr, J. H. Wm. I San 1, W. II Jame! John H. K r- . T log Will, f:tien Jere RO Ml o B0 .lacoi Henr .la ui 1 Jame Wm. Alibi hei 1 terr StOI. IIWI 14. li I, I pi I