The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, April 22, 1892, Image 2

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1 1
nyibra freeman.
aim: 1 1. - i-
I riiior rntlr Stiste Tlclt
I ! iinu't --:ii:i:t a'
(.i:i:'.i: . u.i:v i'-'"--THom
s i Mi:':i:i IT. i: !'
Li Siijui iu- -1 'i'
i:lT 'Til I'.l: II KYIMMi K
l'ul Klifl"! - .it I.
r. lU'I.I.ITT. I'hi!;i.l-!.lii;i
TIHM S !!. KKNM:1V. I rani.
IiAYIIiT. WILSON. .!l.--li -ny.
I'm- 1 i-U i. li. Thnmp'oD.
Al" S. ("unwav.
W. KoIwmhI Wriiffit,
.Idtin J or..-'.
Jam.' Iii!tcy.
v W l'rimtiior.
Air J.-irhr,..
Thorn:, a 'haliiint
I'. It Nrrutnouer.
.ri5h li. Orr.
An.ln w . l'ayt-.n.
Mi.-lnf r.lef.-l.
J. K V. H ill
'lm-nt IJ. Wjitr.riht.
hriH Ij.rl-.riv.
i.-re H ini,
Wilha'D .M
'hrlc 1. Hre-fc.
S ,:ii,i--l S. I.?tf'V.
y.f Hn.fle.
V I llnitiun'IrlKht.
M. H Hiacr.
Charles A l-'ian.
.ir.l.n 1. lir lTi.
1 Mi.tDa. M I .well.
Ml. Khi'.-K iiii'l 1 ! r S'.n were 'uil!.
tinr.1 ;it I . .rim u ; rm any. Thiir-l;iy
Tli.-y h:i 1 iminl.-n-'l 1 1 1 - - luii'.an.l "nil
father la-cause he iv;i- unlit for wi.rk.
.vo:l-:--Ms' II"!MN. "f Indiana, has
I -.-! ix.iiiinat.-'l f..r th.--ii:ht. -nth turn .
Th" Il.).uh!ian.- in this .listri.-t an- very
mu.-h afrai.l that (' ?r -ss:n:iii S.-u!! will
in it he snu-ri-l witli any
Till: Snat'- has l.a.-.-( -l a l.iil t. ml
intr th-' j iriviU-.LT' -s of th' ir.-- delivery of
mall- to cities ari'l Mvn- with : popill.-i-ti..n
.f not l'-s tlian .". mi, ami where
th- .fiMaflii-f .'r..-s receipts fr tin- r--im-
vc;ir amount, d to ?".
Tin: N-w York A-scmbly I. as -hen
wtiK ii th- ri-.'lit to vote at state elections.
This may otter oca-ion to older anl
married citizens to n.-k th.-m-h - the
fiitioii. I.-n't this a stop towards pr-
tuatinu' ami -tr.n;,'thenin,' ho-- rui-r
Iv California it is foiHi-l that pencil
stmn s burn jis well as the Ust coal, ami
r.nt tn. .ri. boat in lirotiol tii ill to
Weight. The stones taken out of the
fruit that is tinned or lri"'il is c. .lleete.l,
ami sold at the
of .!"
a ton.
Apricot stones also hurri. hut not mi well
ii p-acli, ami ilo not ciiniinaml S' ;".o'l
: price.
HoX. Ai KXAM'l.l: M M KIAIK. X-l'relii-ier
of Canaila. die.l at T .ront-. 'ana. la
.n Sumljy av'e.l 7" years. For In years
he hail l.oen in poor health, ami in Jan
uary last he l.eeame l,e,li i. Ion through
si fall which l.roiielit on paralysis. i;.--
elltly it ua- tholl'Mit that he woii'nl r
cover from the stroke, hut he took a re
lapse, ami for many days hal lie. n hov-
rinir l.etween life an. I il. ath.
Tin: St. Louis ,,.','. lias inml'- a
e;i!ciilat!"!i that iii an onlir.ary family of
live p rs..ns who i not lie cly
the ta paii! on woolen ''oo.!s c'othin''.
carts. hlankcts. hat, etc.. in the
i i iiirse of a y. ar is 5'.. Investigations
of this kiml when Lrouht homo to K' H-
ral puhlic appn n will set a LT 'at
manv people to thinking. The cry for
"free wool" is il. stilieil to 'prtV loUil.T
until the prayer of the taxpayer shall
have 1m-.ii h'-aiil all.l heeileil.
Tm-ihK was- nt vtr a rational u.lminis
tratlon. says the rhilml.-lphiu U,mUI,
that ha.l - .li.-reputahlo an appell'la'e
as Hairi-soii's ailininistr.itioii Las in its
comn.i-si..ner of pensions. Ii;u:n is
uni-iii" in lii oiii. ia! .1. lin-i't- nci.-s. No
,.ti . ,.t. r hoi 1 s . ri-s:,.tisi':.'e a
p. .sitiou un.lertlie i;..veniiiicnt was ever
L'tultv of such a variety of (L.-'-r.-'lkai.le
piai tic s.
He ha-1 ha:-'!ly install. -.1 in oi!i. .
l.ef.,:-e he he.ill to Us- it
':iin. An itllianceafKftini: the iiiamvj'
m nt of his ollioe was entereI into with
one of tin- most notorious ..f the jx.-rision
-narks, who was urant.-l j.rivi!. -'.-s that
ha I no other ohj.-c t than the securing of
imj.iop.-r j iisioti.-jii! tin- conv. r-ioti of
the hureau into an ins'runient of j.rivat-j.lun.l.-r.
There was evi.l. nce of rott u-n-
ru::nini; thrnii:h tlie entire a.lmini--
trf.ioii of In- o;h.e, attc.-tin'4 himhwi as well as that of suhor-hria t.-s.
im 'ji.lii:.' liis .-on, a:..l extelnlin- to his
rounection with A patent ri-'ht whidi :n
Volve.l hi.- inte-'ritv as hea'l of the l'l ll-
sioii Hureau.
Kaunas inalf.-a-.uice was ohvioiis al
most from the l,e''inniiii; ot his incuui
.. m y. He h.el not h. en in ot!i-e six
months 1- foie there was sil'ici.-nt known
of hi- coielu.-t to have iniluce.l hi- re
in hv any aihiiuiistrati-i having u
sj.eet for its rej.utation. A Conr.-s.-man
f his own l.artv, convtnce.l of hi- olh-
cial criminality, hroii''ht har,' aain.-t
him ami move.1 for an investigation, hut
the j.artisan conimittee ajijHiintcl to in
vestigate the ease of the implicatcl
olhcer. insj.ireil l.y a sympathetic a.l
inhiistration. L'ave him :l-j.retty a coat
of whit. u.i-li as was ever .'ijij.lieil hy a
committee that wished to conceal o.'li' ial
il liii'iuency.
l'uhlic discerniiH nt knew that his vin
dication was nothing hut whitewash,
and had no liiiliculty in j-rceivin that
the (resident was disjK.sed to shield his
derelict sill." .rdinate .
Ilaum's case was bad enough, not
withstanding the whitewashing it rc
ceivrd. hut he had to add liiaiinancy to
the other feature? of his rej.rehetisil.lo
conduct.' He entered into a consjiiracy
with a pon-ioii shark, named Morgan,
to injur.- Kej.roentati ve Coojut, hv
falsely connecting him witli dishonorable
transactions. The scheme was as l.asely
I'lannod as any that was ever concocted
for th'- di-prav.-d juiiose of revenge.
Hut it ha- Ix-on ex!ilo.'..-d hy ( 'ongrcs.-ion-
al investigation. Morgan, the i-erjurcl
agent of Katun, hroke down under cross
examination and told the whoje story of
the consj.iracy to defame Congressman
(.'ooj-cr, of which 'oiuinis.-soner I!:iuin
was the instigator.
If President llarri-on has any t
f..r him-. If. for his administration, i-r
for tile credit of the J.uhlic service, lie
will at om-e turn out this ra-'-a! who lias
in-en to., long allowed to di--race an im
portant !.'ment of the government.
If he i- allowed to remain it will he a
chail- IlL'e to the lie. rill .-.-ntimelit of the
The Democratic riaUorm.
The following i.-th..- platform
l.y the. Ifc m.K -ratio Mate ,-onv. iition at
liarrishuig. last wwk :
We. the Democracy of P nn-yhaiua.
in .onvctitioii y.-eiiil.led. j"in with our
jH.llti- al as.-.K-rates of other .-tiitcS m tin-t-ff-.rt
to restore the control of the I.xe-
eutivel.raiich of the Ft Ueral ( ovei nmeiit
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
to the J'aity of the jK-op'.e. W e J
Pi:i .-ni:M Cn m n i.v F. IIi.ack. of the
national association of 1 lemocratic socie
ties, has written a letter on the occasion
of a tariff reform c
h:atli ti I.v Mi' hi-
Tmk Alg.-r l.oom has he.-n d.-linilely
launched hy the Michigan Iiepuhlican
convention. Tin- military record of the
Michigan :i-oiraiit may I'cjt l.-v the kiml
fo carry a nominating convention hy
Storm, hut Alg.-r has a well tilled l.arn-1,
and when tiie colored and carpet hag
delegations from the South gel to a li. -an national convention they
know exactly what they are there for.
For this reason the Alger hooin may ,',.
veloj. into a higg.-r thing at M.'i'tiieajpolis
than is exj.ected.
( H i: in i'.'hhor the II. gi(S this
taffy to the farmers:
'Farmirs will make a note of this:
K. ports of l.readstuffs for Fehruary of
this year amounted to '..Ciii.i'.iii, as
ngaiiist ..' I,.,,'.''.,7 for the same time
last year. This a Pej.uhli. an adminis
tration has ill ne f. r the country."
The ch(k of the protectionist organs
IS nimifein. To think of iiriw.ring
3'rovidence and crediting the abundant
rrops in this country and the famine
- 5n I'uroj. tf. the Pej.iil.rn an administra
tion is only equalled hy trying to make
voikingmen Ix-lieve, in the face of re
luctions all over the country that the
tariff is a Lie-sing and keeps uj. tluir
Till", number of new.-a.ers tiiiblislied
in all countries is eSjtimated at h'-.nnn. of
which number about iM.nuo aj.jiiar in
Kiiroie. (ieriuanv heads the F.urojx-an
list witli ."niifi, then conies Fram e with
lion. F.ngland with loon, llustria-llun-srary
with :'.." m . Italy with 1-lnO, Sj.ain
with S."o, Russia smi. Switzerland with
1"n. !,,. l:jium and Holland with .".no
cadi, and the r- st aj.pear in Portugal,
the Scandinavian and P.alkan countries.
The 1'iiited Mates ha- 1 .7n newsj.ajHTS
Canada has "-"". and Australia also has
7nn. The j.eojile of the- I'nited States,
therefore, read and siiJloi't al-iut as
many as I'.ic.'la ml, France.
Cermany Atistiia -Hungary. Italy and
an students, in which he calls attention
to tin- fact that it is to the education of
the from uh'u h ihe colllltrv will
i i
enjoy the lasting triunij-h of the j.rinci-pl.-s
of tariff reform. The intelligent
yoiingt m.-.i of the land ar
now allying them.vives with the
llemoeracy as the j.arty of progress and
of scientific view- on the great economi
cal .Ue.-tion.s of the day. Almost all of
the scholarly treatises upon the tariff
-,,i -i.i'ti, tl... .'.o-.-fiiin (;il:.,i: .''V t:f
H.-mocratic j.arty and the contrary views
are generally to he found only in the
columns of the j .artisan Rej.ublican j.ress.
The science of political economy i In
coming more and more exact each year.
It regards the so-called protective duties
as nothing more nor lcs than taxes
levied IM.OU the j.eojile, an excess of
which logically jr!ucs disastrous con-
se-jnetices. The democracy of the
country can appeal with safety to ediiCit-
tion and intelligence; its greatest foes
are prejudice and ignorance. If the
tariff iUestion can ho treated on scholar
ly grounds then success for the Democ
racy is certain. Thus it is that we find
almost all of the men of advanced educa
tional ideas readily acknowledging the
logical jiositiun assumed l.y the Demo
cratic j.arty on the tariff question. The
true follower of science and the ardent
devotee of education arc never prejudiced
and are always ready to acknowledged
the truth when they find it. Therefore,
the educated man is naturally a Demo
.- . ., ...I ll- 111 III!" Ill 1 M .
an.. .in ....., ' i - -
d. c-.ired by the illu-liious men who
fout d-i! our free institutions, an listab-li.-h.-d
the Democratic J.arty t- piotect
and .reserve them.
w.. la.ll. v.. in the diM-trins which have
Uen taught and the j.rincij.les which
have U-en enforced in the admini.-t;a-tioii
of Government hy Thomas. Jefferson
and Andrew Jack.n, by Samu. I .J. Til-d.-n
and C rover Cleveland. We believe
in, and we di-clare for, hon-at and econ
oniical administration, fur local self-g-.y-cinm.nt,
for honest money, the gold
and silver coinage of the Constitution,
and for a currency convertible with sllcli
coinage- without 'loss, for genuine
civil service reform which recognizes
public olhce as a j.uhlic tru.-t, for iil- rai
but not reckless jM-nsions, and for the
, i I .ll l t .......11.. :
SJK'til V a l.aiemeiii i an I'lim.- -.-
and oj jtris.-ive taxation.
Willi sjieoial r-latioii to the j lending
IK.litical conditions in the country and
Coiiinionwealtn, we resolve and declare:
First That the paramount reform
. , . . i - i i f . .:
now itemaiuleil oi me i im r.ii i-gisn-ture
is ! in- reform of the tariff laws, uj.n
the ba.-is of the Democratic National
olatform of 1 , to the end that no
money shall U- needlessy exactitl from
tin- industries and necessities of the j o-
j.le. and that our industrial interests
shall not ! j.rejudiced by exci-ssive tax
ation, fal.-..- systems of finance or extrav
agant cost of production. lo tins cnu
tne McKinlev tariff bill should l-e
ed, the e.-'iitial raw materials of Ameri
can manuf.u tui-ers should be put ujon
the free list, ami a revise. I larni siiouni
U' adopted, with due regard for the
rights of American I.ilmr and the preser
vation of our manufactures.
Second That, consistent with this
i-sue and with this demand, the senti
ment of the Penn-ylvania Democracy is
overwhelmingly to the renomination to
the Presidency to the man who gave to
1,;- i.-n-iv- inti llectual and nolitical leader
ship, and to the country a j.ure and ele
vated administration. We declare in
our conviction that the U-st interests of
the j.arty and of the country demand the
nomination and election of Jrovcr Cleve
land as Pr.-sident, and we are confident
that under his leader.-hij. the prin-iples
of Democracy w ill w in a glorious victory ;
and. to the end that the vote and inllu
ence of Pennsylvania may In- most cff.-ci-iv.-lv
heard and felt, the delegates this
dav'chosen are directed to act as a unit
in'all matters entrusted to their charge,
said action to be determined by the vote
of the majority of the delegates. That the honest, courageous
f and ell'icient administration of RoU-rt K.
I . . . e t, ...t....
J attison. iiovernor oi i nui-i i ...n.i,
...,.rt tl..- fir.nroval and confidence of
this commonwealth and has the hearty
commendation of th" larty whoso stand
ard in- twice carried t victory; that his
efforts to enforce the Constitution and
tie-laws are praiseworthy ami patriotic,
and have our unqualified approval.
Fourth That the action of the- Re
pui.iic.m state Senate in evading the
duty of j.roiiouncing judgment on faith
! i .t.. otli. ials was a owarelv subter
fuge and a disgraceful violation of public
Fi:th That in accordance with the
recommendation of the National Demo
cratic Committee, the Democratic state,
county, and city committees are advi-d
and directed to further by every means
in their jmwer the organization of regular
Democratic .-.M-ieties in every district,
and the union of such -oeieties in the
Democratic Society of Pennsylvania and
the National Association of Democratic
.',. s'.iml., That we cordially approve
the action of the Democratic state cen
tral committee in selecting William F.
Harrity to fill the vacancy in the Demo
cratic national committee, cau.-x-d by the
d.-ath of the late- William L. Scott: and
we hereby d.-clare Mr. Harrity to le the of the Democracy of Pennsyl
vania f ir the full term of nio"b:.s;,,'p of
ih.v Democratic ::JwimI committee,
which begins in June next.
.',,,,, That the Democratic state
ri... tril eoimmttee of Pennsylvania, is
b.-rebv authorized to till anv and all va
cancies that may occur after the adjourn
ment of the convention in tne position.-
of candidate for Judge of the Mipremc
court, of candidate for Congressman-at-
l .nre of caiuhdates for Presidential elec
toAit-large, or the delegate-at-large to
the leino ratic national convention n
tl... iir.mination and election of suitable
persons to fill such vacancies;,
that should any vacancy in me position
of .1. l..r:ite-:it-lar''e occur after June 1,
1s'- then such vacancy shall lie tilled
bv the remaining delegate-at-largc
.., That the delegates of thi
state convention from their several Con
I districts lie authorizetl to fill
nnv vHcanr-itss that l-.llV occur in the
, .. .l;tw.. i,f ili-frict camlidate for the
Presidential elector or ot delegate to me
national convention.
Fift'i Avenue,
Pittbiincu n
-'j'' i'l ' A
. t?S t NOT A r; stokC
Washington l.ett-r.
W-hin;tov. D. C. April 1i". Is'-'-.
Mr. Harri.-on is confronted by a very
jK'cuiiar situation. lb- mu.-t choosv- lie-twt-en
violating a pledge made to one of
his few jKlsonal friends, and keeping
that j. ledge nnd j-oj.ardii!ig his chance
of In ing reiioininatiil by antagonizing
the nii-i i.werful Senator in his t.arty.
Tin- iiiual.ei- of piuix-l- in LoikIoIi.
KiiSll.iioI. i- at tfoin 'X." 1"
1 ."..( i.
The iitiail-T of inw-ii.liiig'.r
at th" Wo: M"s Fair aiiummce:! frmn Peru -sj
lvania up l'i -iale i- alut of w l.i h
i.: are 4MuI.iiiell.liiaii-.
.lam.- Doyle. ' year- old of Allegheny
. - t lefnil l'lllol. Oil
He has this intimatt.l to Senator ",. . ........ -- ... ,.,..
uav, who claims the right to name the Mo-lay. f..r n, . to ki.I I ,- g. a
-u.-c'el-or to the late Ju.-lice P.radlev, of ." with a hutcL. r-k.,.fe and -te.i.i.ig
the rnit.-d States court, as the ' m.-ii-y from hi- aunt.
price of hi.-suj.i-.rt. th it he int. -tided to' l.i!. .b.l.u A. ll.-.iii.Urs and U ilhain
l ,1. . . .1... tti.rii.-v- Cell- . H..u!i M"-e l:.iii.i;i.ig a title at P.looMlillg-
Kn I iii. i'"o.i' ........ - -
AM I.l l ! It
era! Miller when he was take i into tn
cabinet, an;! nominate him to the va
cancy. Mr. 2iay t ld him, it i.-sai l,
that lie could control enough votes in
t le Senate to defeat the nomination,
and more, that if it was mail" be would
Use all of his influence, to have the Min-
neajK.lis convention to nominate an
a nti-Harrison man. :
II. i not the first time that Mr. .
II iiiison ha- his intention to
redeem that i.romise made to his old law
- . r - 1 . 1
partner; but in tne cases oi me outer
vacancies on the Supreme court he was
Sill ire!- bulldozed out of his intentions
by S-natois and other j.romineiit men
in his party, and he may lie again, but
those near to him say that he fears to
allow this ojijiortunity to go by of provid
ing for his friend for life as it is hardly
probable that there will In-another va
cancy during his term of office, and he
fears that he cannot be re-elected, even
if he is renominated. Still, he will
j.iobably think some time U-fore he de
hU rat. -'ly invit.-s a light with the Sena
tor.: who could I- controlled by Ouay,
as he well knows very Weil that many of
them oiiiy wish an e-.cuse to light him,
anv wav.
It has often I .ecu -tat'-d that an thing
was Jio.-sible in Washington,
enough money was j.ut uj: and the pur
chase of a site for the new Washington
j,o-t oflice, by authority of the billion
dollar Congiess, in the disreputable
locality on the south side of Penusyl- ;
vania avenue, w here the ground is only j
alx,ut two feet aliove ordinary high tide
in tne Potomac, and w here the engineers
are now driving forty-lioot j.iles in
search of a foundation firm enough to
build uj.on, certainly a con
vincing argument that the statement is
in close proximity to the truth, and the
high price paid for the ground makes it
ceitaiu that the money sjeiit by the
real estate lobby in manij.ulating the
deal, all came back with several hundred
jer cent increase.
The same gang is laying the wires to
unload another section of this swamji
land, w hich it eith.-r owns or holds op
tions on. at a nominal price, on the o -
t..i. II! Sun. lav. it wa- accidentally h--
c'.i.ilgeii in the hands ,,f lh.ul). Tin- hall
pi. ie.-.l 'handlers' brain ami l.- ili'-'ial-'
must ia-tanlly.
.t Nile-. Ohio. Saiiim-l Williams, nil
. Monday evening the scull of hi
! vo-j ear-old .iaiightei w ith a flat iron and
cut hi- own throat. The .laughter will
recover. lie was a jni.l-Ii.T s im-iim-i aim
iii-.iu. from iliiiiW.
t II. t lay Smith. ex-il .u!y -ii. i itf. x
: iilagogne. fnrg.-r. i-.-i..l i-pr. .iui
: ci iminal in general, is at la-' . Ih-IiIicI ' he
: liars at llnlfuril. here In- i- held to an-wer
a ofci iiniiiaK-h.iig' - mad-- aga:i'-t
I, ii. i at 4'iiiuIm'I lan.l.
ll i.- Ik Iii-vimI tli:lt tin- llllllllicr ot e-
I at the World's Fair will l- l..t e.-ii
l.VMn and lT.V.mi. To these mail will be
tlelivereit hourly. Mails. -orie.I mi the
mail cars, will lx- dio.inf at the tnoiual
from im-nmiiig train- whenever ios-ilic
Mrs. Isaac Mux-, fifty-eight
year-, w ife of an engineer t inM.i ai ily
. of employment, which cau-cl Iht luu.-h
w.iirv. committed -uicid"- at Ka-tou. Pa..
liv hanging herself la-t I'li'lay evening t i
a Ih-uiii at her l e-iii.-nce. Sic- wa- i. i-cntly
di-chai g.-d from a Nm i i-t-.w u a-ylum.
Martin K. .b.hnston coiurni; t - I -u;cid.-in
L!a kstor"- w.mhIs, near 'oiiin i!-v ill"-.
Pa.. ri Saturday. The man had linl hi-haiidkerclii.-f
to tin- Irigg.-r of hi- gun. and
iheu juit the muzzle of iho w.-ajKHi into
his mouth and pulled the -tring. which
fired tin- gnu and sent him into eternity.
While walking u tin- Pennsylvania
tnilioa.l tracks near Pittsburg, on Monday
afternoon. I'vrus t'ravilord .f Pi -u-litoii.
w as sti ink hv a train and iti-tautiv killed
lie was x) horribly mangled alioiit t h-
bead that lie could scarcely I" lecogllizeil.
lie was a single man. and aged aUuit
j ears.
Talking al.ut coolness in .rime, -j
negro in l,cav-i. worth, w ho sliii-d int.. :i
house and hid himself in a closet till tin
familv w as asl.i li. tint w ho went t le.-
himself and -l.-pt till niorniiig. when he
.. ............ I t iiL.-s t he l.i ize. Ib had to
hi- thi- i- ea-y fi u
i' Smith a hi hoi i r. w ho re-ides
in A-toii town-hin. Delawan- oui ty. u.-ai
tl,.. l-.l:,.-!; Iloi-e Hot. '. j!iall. led with hi
wife r.i-.-tillv and shot her. so that sh
,li,-.l in :t few hours. Si.- wa- twenty four
year of age and had twochildr.-n. Liiun
.-..j tl... .toisi. The nun .l.-icr w a- Liken
to Media .Tail.
t two i.'i-IiM-k on Sunday afternoon
, - ....
.. I...-, v - .t.rU of .art h i make W -re felt
in Portland. Ore and points tn-arby. Th.
vibrations were fr..mwe-t toea-t an I la-t-
...t -.l-.i.t ti n siioiids in each ca-e. Many
lier-oll- lni allie frightened whell building
...... ,1,1,., I i ii. hid into the strict. Ni
damage w a- ilnnc.
' On.- day in 1-vto a working j.
-I..i i.h oillott. now th famous tH-uinak
a.-cideutal! v -'.'' ..'.'n- mi'.- -h-el 1 i.jls.
:-. -iKiileii'.v reoiiiinl to sign a receipt.
i . ... . " t ' ..:n I...
Tu.-S.l lV "' " llll.llllg HI- .Ulll u .11
used the split too I as a reau sun-i i mo-.
Thi- hai.pv accident to th.- idea "f
THE p-eat number variety
ami low prices of rlocks ami
matches to- .lay brings thfin with
in the reach or all. Ami now
let us say ri-ht hero in our store
we htvc as line ami tlcsinible a
line ot all of tiniu-k';i'peri
hns ftvei been sucn in ihisei'y.
Esprcially l) we take pi 1.1.; in our ; .
watches some of which we oiler j , SOStnl VlVt
as iollows:'s tle-ant gull , '
filie.l case, Ll-in inovcuicm
watch, waranU.l for 20 years,
ca?-s, sIIloO. With every obi g&
watch soM of these majes win dc
ivenarulle.l jrol.l fob cliain tn e. !
Lady's silver chatelaine watch, j
$.".U0. Gobi chatelaine, $1. i
Niciel watches, $2. US to s-"i. j
Men's filled l) ri,h watches, ;
12.50, 15 and $U Elin
movement and guaranteed fcr t
4JU years. Rolled gold chain
civpn with each watch. 1
Also, a large line of men's
plated and solid gold cull' buttons
in new styles, 20c, 50c. and up
to iv),00.
SHOES. W e ve just receiv
ed some very handsome things
in ties and slippers, white and j
colored, some red ones being es-
ii.. . Thu 1.1;'
pCCiaiiy uiuavinv
FINEST 3T0li:.
i.idv Miiin.ti m: init T IT
lilii fiiijrs, Profusely Elliistratcd.
M:Nnr luM,rd; ilotl. Mli
Cssa kt33 Jsza
:5. ST. b'J filth Ave
PI! ACT! C A 1.
a ' ' i
i ' . i i : . . . . a.
white ViJ. one strap ,-rench Heel ; ft tj kjj rj t, f?
I IP I1S 11, a I :i ii'iuiiijai i l. . . -". nit- .
I eminent :is a site fi.r a new- patent nil
;it a l.rice that would purcha-e a site in
; i.nmI l(M-;itin. Already a l.i II lias lut-ii
intniiliK-ed :ipj.r..priating "Mt.Hi.t for
a new patent oMice. and si ilically pn
vidin.s tliat it fclut'l It; Imatnl on the
-outli side nf lVimsyhani:i ayeniu-, and
the- two daily papers, luitli of i ieli own
avenue pricrty, will help the 'ohl.y to
j.-t it through, and .-onie of the ."enators
and iiieiiiliers who j-nshed the Hist ollice
l.iil through will al.-o help. Ikmotratic
senators and ineni!ers should refus- to
aid these spi-ulators, and they doiil.tlesS
will, when the real .-tatus of the matter
is brought to tii. ir attention, they have
l-c-n lui.-l'il hy Washington newspajK-rs.
Chairman O'Ferra'il, of the House el
ection comiiiittee. has fjiven notice tliat
he will call up the report of the commit
tee in the contested, election .-as.
N'ov.-s vs. It- W -"!.'. nPxt
This is ease in which Senator Hill's
JllllIlU ll.i.S I " ' II III I..U. ii t... ', .
lvi.w of his l-lief that the Committee . l"'1" " ' "l L
did wrotv4 in reporting in favor of Noyts . Moniana man killed .me of liischick-
the iteiiiihlican eoiiU-siant. ll is x- . ens for dinner, ami w as -in pi i--. ...."
pec-ted that a lively debate will take place a ,uantity of (fold nuggets in the crop and
.t .-". I . I .. -II ! . . ... ..1. tl... 1....1
wnen inc report is laKeu up. aim ii win (i.ari. Having ..i . iuck.-hs ......
not surprise many if the House votes scratched in the -anis patch. In- U gun post
against the report of the cunimittee and ; tnort. in pr.isM-cting on iik ui. m ... n
retains Itockwell in hia scat. I cliick.-n he found nuggets, and the total
The House has lieen workim; very ; qua mi ty gathered had a -a-h value f
indiistrioii-lv on appropriation LilU this .
- . . - . i . i
week. Hie 1 R-mocrais are ueiermineii
to nnsh the work of the House, so that
the resiionsihility of jTolonginy the ses- afternoon at l'hiladelphia with .John Kusk
... ..llrV .1.
Sion w-yona the imuuic oi June or wie
first of July will have to lie assumed by
fo r. nrp vprv beautiful. Our
patent leather Oxfords, 1 to D
ast, 2 to 5 in sizes, and the red j
Kussian Kid Oxfords, tip and i
Davis heel, are the prettiest ties
we have ever seen.
The Standard Oil Company, of
Pittsbunr. Pa., make a specialty '
' -
of manufacturing for the domes
tic trade the finest brands of
Illuminatin? and Lubricating Oils
Naphtha and G asoline
That cud De
We challenge comparison with
every known product of petrol
eum. If you wish the most
Most : Morily : Satisfactory : Oils
in the market ask for ours.
i : 1 . i
Watches, CIccW
-J kwj: ;.!;!'.
Silver m JlLsicl terneii;
. SI,
Soie Agent
y K 1 hi.-
Celebrated Bcckford
JelumVra and F:ed.r.ia Watd-.
in Kry and U'.-nJri-.
..AVJiF. selection .
of JEW ELK Y a'.waj . .. ! u: i
Mv lire nf J.-wt !rv I- ii!
w nnd see for your-. 1! i- f-re I :.
t. !! f:ere.
Kitajtur, N-jv. 11, l."-tf.
OiDhans' Court Sale
. .
1 jv Tlit-,.'J- uiaer of the Orphan t'fiurt we
1 will oiler at public '.e t the imt Muid.
in Carrolltown oa
Bt i v M that rartiiin tarm fitu.tein Carrel!
f.wn'hu.. adj..inin lnU..t H.'. iLirlc.Btri.-k.
-invder an'l others. cotitalnin al.uut li,
ACKKS. nearly an nn't
. t.o-..T KKA.MK .HutK, IIAKN Dj
. . ..t tv.m. ..... tr Im. c.n daT ot
alo n.l the remainder til two e.jual annual ta-
ments witn inirri-i ,u r-.u.... ... j--
tv.nd nj Mortitae. wrmrKStobe piJ 1 r ty
the i.urcsaft-r. ,.vu-i.v
tiecutor'f ut Jumes T. Kirlii.alriL-k.
t:arrollt..wn I'a., 18 .'i.
Mi. lm. l X.-.-.lliain. Jl y.-ars .f ai:.-. 1-
i-atii.' iiivoly.-.! in a iiari.-l on Siin.lay
iho n. .in St-nato
Tlio Sonate omiiiitU-e of foreign re
lations lias turncl down the Chiuosc ex-
clu.-ion l.ill, l.y the Housr, l.y re-
.i . . .i: i...
Iiorlinj' me ."-iiaie uui exieinunj; ine
i,resent anti-Lliiii.-se law lor a jxtio.1 oi
i .i t ..
len yc-ars as a fuosuuue mcreioi
. ...I ...i., innn mid wa- v-t l'
i:ii-k.kniM k-.llo" u ami ki. k.-d l.rutally
that )if .li'-J i" a f.-w iiiiniit-. Tin iuar-r.-l
that l.-.l to ;ln- liotnK-il' wa- of Ions
stamling lM-tv-.-n llu- txvo ymiiitf in n.
Rusk was iUT.--t.-tl hitly aft.-r llu- tinht.
The works of the Aim-rii-aii l'or-il.
r.,w(l.-r Couii.auy. m-ar N-ark. N. .1.
n-r . . . - i i...:. t. t. . b 'W up -horlly afl. r .1 . l.H-k on Monday
The staUiiH-tit is made, but it hu-ks 1 ,.
. . ... . I .. n. .-....... si-v-cii iii.'i. wit.- 1, ow n t
A 1 1 .1 i: . i; m from UiM-hol.-r N. on
M.iiiihiv kivs: A tron.' t- i,n:il flii-il.l
of s. iialr Mill, in :m int. r i-w in th'
.'.. s:iy.- that Hill now fully
r. :,!i.-- that lit- . aiiimt 1- ii. iiiin:it".l
iimler any . ii i inn-l.iin-. s ami l oiit.
noiiiinatin t v.rin r I'l.'Wcr for
l' nt hini.- lf. aft.-r the fut hallot
nt Cliieav;... Tin- int.-rvi.-w t ontiiaii-s:
".Mr. Hill lia- not vet . on. In. l.-.l to
i.l,..t thi- course, although he is v i
iri! th- niatt.-r seiini- eonsi.l. -ration,
Smiieof hi.- fri.-n.l- anioii.i; the "lain
many l-a.l-rs in-''.- him to eon.-.-nt to
jilace Cn.yer 'lev.lainl in nomination.
They fay that this will he tin mo.-t jiolit
ie.-onr-.- for him toiulopt, us ('levelalul'i
nomination seem- inevitahle. If Sena
tor Hill takes this oui.-e :ui.l Mr. Cl. ve
lainl is .-iie.-.s-ful, he will, his fri.-ii.ln
Jiri;Ui'. niiilolll.te.lly S.i lire the a.liniiiis-
trati..n's tnj.jH.rt of lii- own .-.sjii rations
Tin; Pennsylvania ti.-li t-ominission,
savsthe rittsLurs JV. lias done a good
work in its unerasing labors to increase
the food tish Ftioply in the waters of the
state. 'ne of the 'reat dithculties
which the commission has liad to con
tend with was the culm from the coal
mines, which the operators deposit.-.! in
-ix.tsfrom which it was washed .rirectly
into the mountain streams, and thence
carried into the rivers. This culm, con-
si-tit;' of small particles of coal and im
pregnated with sulphur, is highly in
iurious to ti.-h life, and through it many
stream? once thickly iopulated hy trout
and other valuable food ti.-hes have I entirely barren. The coiiimi.-.-ioii
has made many fruitless efforts to havt
thi-cil eradicated, or at least
and at length has iipi al.-d to the at
torney g.r.eral. In its communication
the Ix.ard a.-k what measures can U tak
en to reouire the coal oiierators to avoid
tin-IH.llutioii of the streams, and what
power or authority, if any, has l-ecn
conferred on the Ix.ard in the premis.
If the 1-oard has not full authority, the
legislature should grant it at the first op
p., i tunity .
Ilioi ou the falls of Minnehaha have
gone dry, Minne.ilMjlis will supply an
Hi lifkal cataract there while the national
Kei.ublican convention is in .session by
lav ing pities to count, t the falld witli the
cilv water works.
Four fgroes Ljuclied.
l-'.mr nci'mcs were lynched at Ivern.-ss,
r-.r n. i.1,1 Kla.. a 1 Mint 2 o'clock yester-
.l. i.iiirnini, hv a mob of alout l'0
men. On Monday eight negroes, sus
pected of the mur.ler ot sievenvin aim
ravne, were cauglit. une ci mem wa
a woman. She confessed ami impiicaieu
,.-,. others. All were taken from the
; i.v- miisk-ed mob. Three were han
ged first, and at the hanging another
w as implicated. I lie governor wircu ior
the Ocala Jiilits, uui meir umia- m
r..f .-...o.l.L The neTos are in creat
strength at the phosphate iniHes, and it
is estimateU that weapiiis are m
1 ..aI 1 .
their jiossession, ana iiuure ouioraKcn
lire expected any time.
otiieial eontirmatioii, that the state de-
partm.-nt has reached an agreement
tvitli ll.e Ilniiuii n n 1 1 1. .rit i. -; oil the oues-
approval of Congress, to pay.
Look to Hie i'oor Laws fr rrlection.
A tariff nroblem has U-n presc-nt.Hl
for solution in Clearfield county. In'. of n phut down at the
Ill.xjmingtou mint some six or seven
hundred ticople arc in want of fd.
They had no work for a month and the
"i 1 1 1 7, t i . . t is lMH-oniinr The
overseers of the poor of Ijiwrcnce town
ship have lieen appealed to, but as these
i-.i.i.. Lav.- not 1h-u renularly iut on
the township, the overseers hesitate aliout
living them relief, the tarm Having
failed to save them from starvation,
should the lKXir laws step in and supply
. .. . ... , ! 1 1 1 .1
the deficiency oi me iciviniey i.ui:
7.i7.t. Iltruhl.
lie Wanted Her Money.
, II "Martin s.ful .1. W ( tiTifrru-l, ..f
... t - - - , ' -
IiCbiuiuii county, arrived at Ianc;istcr
Friday and charged that their niece, Ada
M. KlK'rs.ile. who was buriinl at Milton
Grove, I-incaster -ounty, on March US,
i r tl 11. . 1 11 1
nau been iouuy ueau wan ana demand
ed that her remains le disinterretl and
an investigation lie mode. Miss Kber-
sole diel at Dalton, O., and her remains
where brought east hy her steplather,
r : . i . i.
iiarry i. eiiuiiau, mm wnom mh
lived and who id suspected of having
caused her death.
The reason assigneI by the relatives
f . ,r foul i.liiv l tl.tit fr W.irtrti'in tw
. j . . . . j hi ' . . . ., v .......... -.
sire.1 to obtain possession of his step
daughter's money. She had lieen left a
good sized lieijuest by her grandfather,
auu w:is 10 nave neeu marrieu soon.
The liody will be disiutered and a thor
ough investigation made.
Manufacturer ol aud leler In
! We can now ?how vou a Complete Assortment of Si-rinp G -consisting
of Men's, "l Joys' and Children. s Suits, Hats, bLr,
! Trunks and Valise?, iind everything usually kept in a rir-t-l.--
: Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Store.
have arrived and our tock is much larger and prices low.r t:-
i. W fool with our new stock and weiiw
CU'l in;io. - i . . .
ctKMo how it to you. Call and examine our stock and pr. .-
I- If., lit- Wmt-.:
We can and will save you money. ne-p.-i uuu vui ,,
c. .i. sit.niiuiiJGii,
carrolltown, n
Ectcnxodo - & - Hop pel
afli-i iii.oii. and s.-y.-n iik-i. w ere hlow n ti
atoms. The town was panic-stricken by
tlie explosion, the cans.; of w lacli is a inys
f l. r .i-l:tl hours1 work ill
tion of indemnity to the lamilies ot tlie - ... ,, . .
. .. . ... .1 vi-Mnli.-is Micc-.-.l.-.l in ixath.-i imr aUuit .
lUlians ivneiicd ai ,civ virieans, ami. - ,
that 10r,tMH francs is the sum which r'"ls of n.aiml.-d rich l-.n-. w In. I.
Mr. Blaine has promisetl, subject to the l,,ai " "
As a result of tlie'on ..l.-i.ialioii
liv II mis and Italians at Stockton, in-ar
liuli-toii. I'a.. one man was killeit ami an
other M-rimi-ly stahlM-.l in the hack ami
may die. The dead man is John Iaksta.-h
unit the wounded man l Anoro aira.
They were drinking with a crowd in their
sh:unv. when fmir other for.-iKii.-is cam.
to wih them a hapoy Kaster. Takstach's
head w as tiatt.-red and he fell tincoiicioits.
To make his death sure one cf the visitors
picked up an ax ami chopped the injured
man's face into a bloody ma-s. In the
meantime Vaga had a dasrer thrust into
his km1- twice, and lay blecdiiis r.u the
Probably the Ui'Kest ap pl- tr-- in the
world is in the northwestern corner of
Cheshire. Conn. Its ajre can tie traced by
family tradition to 1 years, aud it is
probably several years older. One foot
above the ground, free from any enlaree
........ nf the roots, ihe eircunileieuce i
I : f.... ..;,.!. i. '11, e trunk is
llllll.-e.i .
very symmetrial and divides into eight
limbs. Three of thex? usually bear one
year and the other live the next. One
bundled and ten bushels have M- n taken
from the live limbs in a single cai. The
tr. is -itV fe t high and th. spiead of the
branches not Tar from lif.-. t. The fruit
is sweet, rath.-i- small, and only moderate
in ipianlily.
A Coj Hand it Hauled I p.
Kansas Cirv, April 1'.. The criminal
career of John Bishop, aged 1 years,
u-., ii rmiii'it.Hl trv-nu'ht l,y bis arre.-t.
Bishop has made a remarkable record
for a lioy during the iwtst nine months,
having held up six or eight men and two
street cars durini; that time. From
nearly all of his victims he seeurcn
money f.r valuables. Pime novel litera
ture gave Uir-hop hia thifet for money
aim criminal i.iuic.
In Uooinerdcuu
It U i-tho:.t.-l thut frnm SlHMHI hi
40,iXH people entered the Cheyenne and
Arapahoe reservations, which were ojien
ir tl,i lHtniirs v;tfrfh' Mr.ill
j trouble is as j et reported. The area of
the reservation is mucn greater man u
11. 1. A . . 1- II 11
is generally unaersiooii 10 1 n wouiu
make two OklahoniiLS or five Ithode Is-
1 iri.l while the whole fcLiiteS of Cinnort-
1 icut and Rhode Island could beset down
in it and there would still remain room
for four Districts of Columbia. It con
tains alout tl.oOO square iuili, or 4,
(.KXt.tHX) of acres.
dispatch from Brown e alley,
Minn., sjivs: Ijisgusted homeseekers
doen from tlie SLssetou reservation.
All of them succeeded in locating
claims, but they say that the land is
worthless and not wortn payiug taxes
nairl Die Neatly aad ITomi'tly June- AH worK
guiiraiiteea to tev atistactlon.
Kldinir Brl.Jle. lrotu ..f- ;
Tea... i '
Iap Hue ters, lrom - ' Urof. from .4. Uj .
Handmade Harness, Iroui lo.wo up.
-'alI and examine my nork tit-lore l ur
ch. elsewhere. I Kuarantee lo ell an cheap
as tbe cneapeft.
-Shop Markers Kow on Centre street,
Boots & Shoes
Sheriff's Sale !
General . Merchandise,
Lumber and Shingles. We keci our Stock alvav
Vull ami Complete, (live us ;i Call.
!i letters testa -nentary uiK,n the eaUte ol Na
tnan tlates. late ol Wblt township, in the coun
ty ot t'amt.ria. I'a., deceased. haTinic been fram
ed to tbe underpinned, notice Is hereby Klven x
II pereons Indebted to said estate to mCe Im
mediate payment and the havlns; claims or de
mands axaiot tbe same are requetet to .resent
them uroperly authenticated lor settlement to
Liecutor ot Nathan . Jatef , deceased.
White rrj., f ., March ISKtBt
j Notice la hereby Rlren that lettets texta
uentary In th eMate ol John liouif lam. late ot
Allegheny township, t'ambria county , deceased,
having been icrabled to me. all persons Indebted
to said estate are requeued to make paymeut u
me at once, and those having claims against the
same wilt present luem properly authenticated
lor settlement. W . A. U. L.1 IT1.K,
Kit- ut"t ol Jotii LioUKlacn. Uecea cd.
luietto. fa., April I, 1'
The public iDvited to call.
Prices away down.
J. D. LUCAS 2& Ca,
In l.resentint; this announcement we take great iridV in
attention to our present stock of -oods. It will be cur ana to -nothing
but the best of goods, and at the lowest possible cajh I -We
have received within the last few days several new thu
cu VnmiOiinn-s. and hav e a larjre stoik ordi
J11UV3 auu vjvuu " - . l il
which will be coining in as Hist the factories can make th. in.
Inviting vou to call and see our goods and get prico,
Yours Respectfully,
J. D. LUCAS & CO..
Opposite Cambria House. tBENSBURC
Policies written at short nu-e in the
tad oilier t'lrai ! "otnl-a.
l.tIUbulK, JulJ A. IBii.
6 fi
Hew Mte Front BiMiaL 113 Clinton Street, Jctastow, Pi
PETS. Call to sec us when in town.
Head "fch-e Freem;
1.411 A
Wli.n ii,
J''t".KM AN.
Mi Ai.n
(11 All.-irli'-iiv-
i-:. 11. rii-
fi.ili.-ltur of A'
Hon. A.
rittcbtirtf hi
ElM-tisl.iii if i
u ai1 Ik-k- on
Kcv. Kail
lt.Hl lllll. I.I.N-
Carroll'' '
golnfr to linv
nf t'li.-n in-.
Mr. -Ur
aliip. t-Ii-itl
'I'l i. n i;t -alii
It liJt- 1"
lr. ..ri :
cm Fri.lin
trif to Ml. I
ills ll .1 ll.'l
tm M"M.i:i .
n'inl:i in-'
Mi. n.i;
".tit I In- .:i
llOIIK- I.ll M
ofi.-iiliiir r i
"l'llttt Ollt'lll
Mi M.
ft tiiiz Iht l.i.
"M on M la i ii II
Ovi'i i,i
kill.-l in ll..
jmst -oii ,l- .
Mr. .hin
a vi-lt to lii-3M.-('b1m-.
M.- .-.
k.T wi-ri' :i
tciiila'n . at
dwelling I...
to tli ci i-. l i
Mr. Iti 1
vt.i,M.( in -Oil
Ills ;i I
tli. iiort li. i i
count '
A fa v., i.
tli.- Fnlt.-il .
jn iatliitf f I
county fui- t
and is us l,i
A d.-liu.
miles Koutl
last week, i
Mr. C. .
rollt.iwn. r.
home from
last wc-li.
The tin
Charter f ,i
ASS.M'lat I. .1:
dav. May I
Mr. .1.
likes the
Mr. .1
township i
barn to I .
couple of i
Mr. I'-.
Villc'K Olll,
'nsburf o i
visitor t i
Hon. .loin,
and fell 01
'.Last ami l
wh.'ii -.,) i i
tlisre w ill
ttroy in-.-.
M. I),
depart in .
Mun.iav I,,
riotis Him-
Tli.- I.,
& C. :i ! H
account .,!
now . ni l i,
A lin
ate a iia i
after. 'Ii
liad 1h-,-i, ,
Mi. I.
ship, win
Wed . -si i a
His iirj ut i
Mr. .1.
tv years n
Hotl in t
ti n this
.Johnstou ,
hh i
Railroad '
to the in;.
JM-p ll) W
Mr. J.
Hrer fr '
Maple l'u
day to lx--tor
the m-.
Amy JCali
I. Zalim ,
furii, to .V
41 Anil .
'a1W1iif 1 1
Friday lar
t-nd of a in
kicked an I
Sc Ocai'ti.
to Cherry t
ini shed.
Wed ne sd -cruelty
pay a fine
bronchi t
ftuy for .
-Mr. J
lias a ncu
fue of tlie
"lock of
;.mks, ct
ifor.. pin
4 )u 'j
Cbarlcs ;
fili.'iV In
A tnl,io
vi t.i ha
in lvo."