STORE, S nine Ath rtratcd ft all. rus, Clock :sical tare: Oocdc. ' Agent . the 1 Rockford ':e.!r-nia -tem vVitid"r. ION op ALL K:, always t.n hanii. w.'rv Is upsurpt. Mirelf before puro,- . f X IIANTKEP RL RIVISII' lsS.-j--tf. IFUL iif Sriir Gov '. ILiis, fehir ' i :i 1'irst-CL PCK i : - lower t! Mini Wl'lliil ' --k and price Yours, sran, LLTOWN, Pi e ncm Stock - ;i Cull. WIV, ia 'J ND GENTS i.r'nle in eali-- ,,ur nim to - -Ible cash pt"- I new things -stock orders ..ike them. rices, we aW URC, PEN" baa.1. PICK opnel CO S' J J 3 CLUSIDTB, Pi :Y ANDCaR' tt'amlmii freeman. EBrNSBlRO, CAMBRIA CO., TA. Fill DAY. - - Al'IIILl.i. 1W. Mlt AI. A!-l IT.BSOSAI- -Mii-s K:it.- Neon l as returned homo lifter jr.-iuliiig the w iiiHT in tli'" Smith. ' -Mr. David Hollas, of White township, was a vii-itor to our to" n on Saturday. A "National" .juilt" is composed of pi, cos L-ath.T.-.l from every state in the country. Mi-s Mari.ret Rli'-v. after an absence Of several months at Fort Reilly, Kansas has returned home. Mr. .lame- A. Wharton, oil'' of Clear field ioMisiip's he-t citizens, was in town On Friday of hot week. Tin' liody of .John Waters, who was drowned In-low Johnstown one day last "week, ha- not vet Ix-en recovered. Leopard .lones has been tendered and has :n'i i-pti d the position of assistant tick et audit at the depot in this plaee. Mr. K.J. l.ntln-r has purchased a lot On Julian Street from Mr. Ilosea Evans, End intends erectinir a house thereon. lluah l!o .inhleslieck. an aed man liv ing on a farm near was found dead in his room on Tuesday morninj.'. " Next week Messrs. Robert Evans Sou. ll.r tin nitiiie dealers will commence the ere.': r,,n oftlieirnew business house. 1 r. V. V.. I.owniau. a well-known Jvhvsician of Johnstown. Iris been serious ly ill for the past week but is now itnprov- . Inc. A -ample elect ion booth has been re-eeiv.-d at the Commissioners' otlice. and it Kill I..- ri-.'L'ed up for amateur votinir in a few day-. Mr. .! .!n J. Noel and Mr. Joseph C.rirtin. both of Mmi-t'-r township, honor 's. 1 the l'i:ri man nil ice by a visit on Friday ,I la-t Week. Flvun. th. -seven-year-old son. of YU!iam 1 "1 rm. of had his left leu biok-n. by beimr run " . r bv a heavily laden uai-'oiion Monday. Mr. '. T. Kobert- is i-itim; liraddock .this w.-.-k a delegate to the Nnrthwest rn A--01 :a' i"U ,f Coiiu're-'a t itinal churches. Vxhirhis In. Mill-! it- meeting there. The F.beli-lMim public schools closed On We.ln.-day. and ihe small boy is pa tiently uaitiiur for the . ath. r to v.arin tip the w ater lor tin- swnuniinii seaoii tu Ollell. . train cont aiti i ti!i '' i cars, each la.l.-u-e 1 u i 1 1 1 o io mi ii nils of th.ur for t he starv ing Ku--ian-. pased over the I'ennsyl Vania in i 1 r-i.-i.l on Thursday mortiiinr fnmi III i n nea p. d i-. M -- Kinr ii. Meliermitr. dauihter of tlie la'.- ol. V.. Mchenuitt. a former ii-si-dent ol Klieti-luii . died at li.-rhoiiie in Al tOona. on Siilurday last, asjed about twenty-four ears. The leartield and Northern Railroad w ill be extended from its present termiiiu-. ai I in uirhert y . in lleadi- tow n Bhip. to ( 'oaVport . a di-t anee of about five Bltle-. in the i. ear future. Edward Maligns, of Croyle township, died on Friday ni-'ht fr.ui. t y phoiu f.-v. r. He was alio i it t w ent y-oiie vein s of Hiie and A few bonis before his death was sup posed to be mi a fair w ay to r. t overv. James A. Com ad died at tin- home of his parent-, near Ashville. on Sut.urd.ay night, nircd about thirty-three years. Jle leaves two .-,,iis and a daughter his wife havinir di.-.'i only a few mouths aco. Jarni", h'l. lil.a w a t. h man on t lie Penn sylvania rafiroad.w ft- truck by a pus-. ni;er train at Ni eali on Sunday niirht and in stantly killed. lie w as a r.-Md.-iit -of San.i? Hollow, ai-'e'l year, and h aves a wife. A loirmaii named John Camejvn was drowned in t lie ."siimj uehanna. near Kettle Creek on Monday. He was lui.-U:tf loirs and fell into the sluice anions the joys and Was di'ou ned. Mi-- I.iie Kinkead. a youns lady of Indiana while attending Mvicef in the Prc-bilei ian chiin h. at that plu.-e, on P.iilav eveliins fell HOT fli-inl. sin- was about .'' years of nue and w as a nn-tti In i of the 'The ; h (reek Kailioad (uiuiny hll-bought s. .me foiitteeli hiiiidl'cil acj es of COa! l.l hd i ll t he ii-init y of sy ke-V ill.-.. Jef- fei-oii county, and it has son..- two thous at.d acn under b w hicli it will inu-t likely Jill! chase. ' Fivpal at ions in luoiire-s for the rtotl i 1 . 1 : m of a la rife niiinber of additional COke o en- aioiii: tike 1 'en ii y 1 vii ii i u rail rOad 1 i l e. n l.ati-be and le atty. TluM'e Seem- t-. . ho limit to the capacity of thi.--TCtrion !,.r p:-,.. (ileitis coke, The l...ri tto normal schod om-iis in the I.oretto -ehuol biiildiuu on Monday next. The -choi-1 i- under the maiiajre BlCiit of Prof. K. II. tiit.-r. a Micc-ssful teaclur iii both normal and common SCboo We w i 1 1 him -ucce-s. -J Hi PO!l- bOaiied a! 1 by ; :. ' . i 1 1.. i tramp claiming "a., a- Lis home. va- severely uninirton .iii Saturday niirht -ieeji oil one a .f t he Co k ' 1 1 Ve 11 S Whiie fuil ot whi-k.y. 1 1.' was taken to theAitoona l.o-pita! for treatment. ni Tue-d.i y a in n di-tl!e'i y wa-open-dttpal Walnut (iioe. in ar John-low n. With a ca) aci t y of t w o harr-l- of whi-ke Prt'ny. John J. llui.'h.-sis the proprietor. Gauirer inceiit H. iir i- lookinir aft. r the JOTei iiun ut int. rests at the iicn plant. t iara, dauirhtef of James I Kini;h..rt y , form, rly of Eln'tislnirir. died at the hoim p..-, nts in Sumnierhill tow n-hip on Saliird.iv la-t. air.-d about three year-. The i ema'ii- were bnuiirht h.-re on Tues day ai.d burled in the Catholic cemetery. Tl..' A'!...,i,;i i;.i;.f!,. a new Republi can !..:! in that city, made it- bow to the pubis !a-t w.ek and i- a candidate for put' e f.i or. The '.(: tti is neatly in int- d, con'aili- the Associated Fes news, and ii. A e ! bin it but it- poll tic- is ill the frOl. ' i f t !..' proceoojoll. Ti.e ' . uet imi of annexing part ot Al legl i tow ii-hip. ltlait county, to Tun Dell. : bormiirh. this coiitity, i- still un. le eldtd. tl.oiuil, i.oth school Imard have atgrt-ed so far as -ihool ma t ters a re con -CAra'd. ami it is li kely the annexation w ill talM p. a. e ii, th,. near future. At th.- nieetimr of the Ebenburs BulH.i ir and Loan Ass,-iatioii on Monday &Ight. a ci n-iitution and by-laws were adopi.d for the jro eminent of the Associ ation and ottieers were, placed in noniina tO be voted fot on Monday ev.-niiur April 18th. U,n't fail to attend the election. Th.-i are at pre-ent 7;k jmti.-nts under treatment ut the W'e-t IVnn llo-pital at Dlxni'.nt. tfioiiL'h the building is designed for but The institution is overcrow d 4 and bv resolutioiiof the Executive Coin ' Clttii'. the Superintendent was instructed to refu-e t he further admission of private Pitlent-. The cui.ttactor havinir the building of the culvert a -ro-s th.- Chest creek at Dish art's for the new railroad are laboring un derdiDicu, ties i,i siting their brick and Cement to tliat jilace. Tli.y are U-ing tided from this 1 ace and the heavy haul t.t on the ruad- have luadn them almo-t ipa.s-ihie. The 11 uniiiitrdon ear w (irk, which have been idle fr i,K),e than a year, have re CSfVcd a larfje order from the IVluinylvaiiia Hillroad Conijiany for standard coal rUrs t'i the works w ill ic-iime at once. Other C le. are eonlideiitly expected which will t "p Un- morks riiiiiiinif i utl.-ti n i t ) y. Tliis Kie UiploV lUCIll lu '.'..I) Ilii-n. Pennsylvania will add 04 to Cleveland's voto at Chicago. Mr. John Pavis, of (Jallitzin, was se verely injured on Monday by tieinc kicked by a horse. rrs. R. E. Jones and her son Cyrus, who were in Philadelphia 'ast week bnyiim poods returned home on Saturday. Walter Shoemaker who has In-eii at tendiiifr scluxd at St. Vincent's. West moreland county, is home on a short va ation. Mi. J. R. Denny, of the Mountain House, was in Harrisbursr on Wednesday as a spectator at the Democratic State convention. David Eastep. of Amsbrv, was admit ted to the Altoona hospital one day las! week for treatment for disability resulting from a stroke of paralysis. There was a freight wreck at l.ens cn ek on last Saturday niornins raiiM-d by the breakinc of a car. but luckily no per son was injured, ltoth tracks were block aded for several hours. A man who had robbed the store of H. H. Hiinmelritrht. between Koretto and Callitzin escaped an officer of on Tuesday iiiirht. and dropped somo of the stolen articles w hile escapinp, Althouch every effort has been made to recover the body of John Waters, of the Fifteenth ward, who xvas drowned at the Conpetsdale pnmpiiur station on Tuesday, it has mt been found. The search lias been temporarily abandoned as it is hoped the body will rise tu the surface in a few days. .full itst'ill'll DtHloCVff. Charles Wess. of the Frit House Johnstown, who has been in a despondent mood ex-er since the death of his xxife which occurred several months airo. while on a visit to friends in Croyle tow nship on Sunday last. tnt hold of a razor and shock inirly mutilatrd him-clf. His condition is precarious and it is doubtful if he will re cover. 11"- is evidently insane. On Tuesday evening a little J-year-old child named Robbie Parker xvas burned to death in a house at Irwin. Pa. Th'-child's mother diud about a year airo and the lit tle fellow had been left in cafe of its irraniliiiothcr. During the afternoon the family locked the child in house and went out to do .some shopping and .luring their absence the bouse took" tire and wa eoti-nnieil. The child xvas unable to es cape. The pupils of the Ebeiisburg public schools gave an entertainment at the Opera House. on Wednesday evening xx hb li w as highly creibitable to the pupils is xvell as to the teachers w ho had taken such pains hi training them. The hmi-e was jammed full, there being scarcely standing room and the audience bv the frequent outbursts ,f app!au-e manifested t In- pl.-a sure wit h x h ich t he effort s of tin pupils were rcceivrd. John Kelly, a lad aged 1". xxho re-ii!s with his parents nt Irw in. met with an ac cident w hid i x ill in all proba hi lit y cost i he young man his rife. He had been in the habit of jumping freight trains. On Sat urday afternoon h-and a iiutnher of other boys at tempted ft jump a fi eight train an4 he missed his bold. x hen he x is throw n under the train, xvhich passedover his leg-, cutting 'hem both off at the knees. He w as removed to the West Penn hospital. fi i i i iistiii ri Tti rnril. William C. Miller, the niooti-hiner. and leader in the gang that murdered old man Hochst. t lei . surrendered to the state authorities at an early hoiiron last Thurs day morning. The search w as so vigorous, and the supplies so nearly cut off. that the fugitive found it impossible to h Id out longer. A new posse was sent to the mountain from Trent to capture Pritis. tin- other principal in the murder. It is in timated that his hiding place lias iH-eti dis closed, and the instructions are that In is to be taken dead or alive. About a xveek ago the eleven-nioliths-old child of Michael lirifbii. of Quarry street. Txx elfth w ard, sw allowed a sho.--biifoiier about three indies long and one inch x id.- at the ring. None f the mem bers of the family knew any thing of t he dangerous occurrence, and a few days af ter the baby liegan to be troubled and its palate to get sore. Dr. K. K. Miller was summoned and he so.m discovered that something had been swallowed. On Sat urday morning the child xvas relieved of tin- shot--button. -r. Ji ii xtmrn Tr ihli ))'. KirrrlArro M oil lilay hIiii rir. At llollidaysburg on Saturday night three masked burglars eiit.-n-.I the house of John Daly, a ii."t-yi-ar-old veteran, am! demanded his pension money. He protest ed that he had no money. letting no con fession. 1 hey stabbed him repeatedly xxith a knife, and after burning one of lit- ears almost off with a lamp, ended by knocking him senseless and ransacking th lions.-.' During the s-arch they chopped holes in the floor and tore the plastering from the xvalls but secured nothing. Leaving Mr. Daley tli.y went to tin home of Mist. Oliva McDow t-11, an aged maiden lady, and dragging her from U d. tortur. d h.-r almost to d.-ath. demanding money. x hich -J..- denied having. Kiiiv-s were run into her ears and face. xxhiV a blow from a revolver do-fd oil- eye. Fi nally the fiends tied her to a t-.l post and ih liberatf ly set to xork to destroy all ih furniture in the house, a ta-k in which they XX ell They then departed with alt the money they found. Roth the victims were able to r.-lea.-e t hems,. Ivt's afo-r a licit', and made their wa v to t he houses of itelghlMiis. hurt- t hey were taken iu nnd cared for. Li'in rr.t. Pa.. April 1.'. l-i.'. Ktliti,r CumlifUi Fm nfui : Sii:: The d-terminatioii of a numltt r of farmers. whose lands lie along the Pradley branch of the Chest cn-fk to put a stop to hunting, fishing. l rrying. etc. on their grounds, has called forth much adverse criticism. In v'uxv of this fact it is necessary to say that the parties vh.i will suffer by this action have only themselves to blame. In past years raiders from adjoining villages have made an in tolerable nuisance of themselves to the owners of these properties. The time of their depredations generally Itegins a week liffore the trout season opens, and contin ues through the entire summer and autumn. During this time, if the farmers get anything in the shape of gam oi lu r ries, t h.-y must, so to speak, st.-al it from themselves. Fences are thrown Ion ii at pleasure, any remonstrance, Iwing met with contempt and insdence. The law will be enforced on all offenders, and with this defense of a tp which should have N-eu taken long since, I re "' Respectfully. A St i i i i.-i.i:. fell-frill'' Salm. On Monday Sheriff Shumakei-; s,,l.I the following properties at Sheriffs sale: All the right, title mid interest of f 0. W. Gallagher in a certain piece of real es tate in Reade township, containing forty four acres; sold to William M. R.-ers for f3.xi. All the right, title and interest of Will iam Haines in a lot of ground in Ashville borou-rli: sold to W. J. Rose, W. E. Rose and H. (i. Rose for ?l, 12.1. All the right, title and interest of Fred erick DeltZ in tl lot In the Seventeenth ward of Johnstown; sold to John Thomas .fc Sous for f j.i.v.. All the right, title and interest of Lilly Merchandise Company in a two-story frame dwelling house In Lilly borough: -"Id to Michat I Rnidley for .". THE GxVLLOWS AWAITS HIM! nnrrR acjais iosvicted OF Ml ltDKIl in tiii: FIRST llldKKF. On Monday Elmer Ilruiier. xxho w a tried at March court for the murder of Samuel l!ees. and xxho. at the trial, plead guilty and left the responsibility of lixing the degree upon J ml ge Rarker. x as brought into court, xx hen the Judge, in a lengthy opinion which he uive below, found him guilty of murder in the first degree. oriNfoN ok tiik oi i:r. Tlie dc feudal. I i.l. ..v.- named xvas ti n .1 at tin" December term tor minder, and the jury rendered a verdict of murder in the tlr-t degree. This verdict xas set aside and a new trial ordered, and. when the de fendant was arraigned the M-coi'd time. In pleaded guilt y to 1 he indict m. -nt. and tin duty of fixing the degree ii. v, !.d upon the Court. About the same length of time xvas con sumed in hearing the testimony on tlie ar guments hy tlie Court as on the trial, and tin-re was no material change in the evi dence on either side, excepting that the defendant, xx ho was not .'ailed at the trial, testitie.l in his own lx-half at the hearing before the Court, his testimony being sub stantially the same as that of Charles lim ner, both at the trial and at the hearing, so 1'iat. excepting to tin- corrolioral ion of the t -Miuiouy thus furnished, th" testimony xv a-Mibstantiaily the same at the hearing before the Court as that on xx hich the jury rendered a verdict of murd.-r in the first degree. In granting a nexv trial we did not inves tigate or consider the merits of the de fendant's case, and we diMinctly Mated that we had no opinion to. express as to his guilt or iiiiiocense. but were compelled to gran' a new trial Itecause certain fixed rule- governing such trials had been vio lated. x herey he might not have had Un fair and impartial trial guaranteed by law. Whether the jury were act uully influenced by tnese violations xvas not for us to cou-sab-i : it xx as enough for us to ktmxv that they might have been. P.y his the defendant admits that the killing of Samuel Ret s by him xx as un law fill and malicious. Every unlaw ful and malicious killing in Pennsylvania is miir.icr. either ot the lir-t or -ii-uikI de gree; the difference iM-lWeell the degrees, plainly and simply statf.l. being, that xx hen a deliberate intention to kill exists it is murd. r iu the tir-t l.-gr.-e. and where none exists it is murder in the second de gree. Our statute, howev.-r. in making the distinct ion. ay: ". x hich shall In- p.-rpetiate.l by means of poi-on. or by lying iu wait, or by any other kind of wilful, deliberate, and premeditated killing, or x hich shall be committed in the Tp t rat ion of. or attempt to perpct rate any arson, rape, robbery, or burglar). Mia!l be il.-i iiie.l murder in the tir-t d.-gi and all other kinds of murder .-hall be de.'llled tllllld. f ill the second degree." It wa not claimed by t In - ( omtnon w -al l h that this murder x as committed in tie perpetration or attempt to H-rpe rate any of the felonies enumerated in the Act of Assembly, or by poison or lying in w ait, and. therefore, wt-haxt-only to deal wita that kind of murder in the lir-l degree described as w iful. deliberate, and premed itated, a lid in XX h it'll t he essence of t he of fence is the intention to kill. If an :nteiiiiontokillexistsitisxxilfiil:" if t In i utent ion to ki II l- act-on i pa u i.-d by su. h i-ir.-umtanc" as evidences a mind fully conscious of its own purpose and de sign, it is "deliberate;" and if sufficient due be a ffor.l.-d to enable t he mind to ful ly form the design to kill, and to select the instrument or to frame t he plan to carry this e-igll into execution, it is "pr.-lll.'d'-tated:" the proof that the intention to kill exi-tcd ina given case, and the disposi tion of mind to constitute murder in the first degree net.! not not be express and positive, but may be inferred from tin circumstances of t he case; and if from all tin' facts attending, tin killing a jury can fully, rci-onably. and satisfactorily infer the existence of the intention to kill, and the malice of heart with which it was done, tln-y x ill be x arranted iu so doing, and rendering a accordingly. In the absence of expres- and positive proof of intent. x hat facts are snllici.-nt to xairant such an inference. He who uses ii H. n tin- body of another, at .some vital part, with a manifest intent to use it ii-ton him. a deadly weapon, mu-t, in tin- ab setice of qualifying facts, he presumed lo know that its use is likely to kill, and knowing this, must be piesuined to intend the death xx hich is the probable and ordi nary con-ci jin nee of his act : and he x ho -o u.-es a wt apoii xvithoiit sufficient eaue or provocation, must be presumed to do it from a bad heart, therefore it follows a-a natural and logical setience. t liat w here do ith results from such use. and there was sulli. i.!it time to deliberate and fully form t he conscious pi I post- t o k i! 1. he who thus takes life is guilty of luurtlt-r in the first degree. Iltll. -s there l- slllbcit nt h gal rea son or cause of extenuation. Now applying these tests io the case in hand: The .left-mlaiit had Ui-ii detected i u t In - com in is-ion or at tempted com mission of the felony of larce ny. and. while yet on the premises f the partv w hose property he xvas trying to teal. he killed him. Ac cording to his testimony and that of his accomplice, t h- it -ceased xx as pursuing him w it h a gun w he n he tired the fatal shot: according to t In theory of the Coiiiuum w ea It Ii deduced from the 'Hisilioii of the body when found, of the gun and hlood uiarks. and othel circumstances, the shoot ing xx as done under entirely different cir cumstances. ;i,d while the defendant was endeavoring tu escate from the premises and avoid arrest. However this may according to the defendant's ow n it-stinio-ny and that of Ids accomplice, he was but a few feel from the dt cciistij w hell he fired a pistol iu his face and killed h:m: the weapon w as a deadly one, used against a a v ital part ; he manifestly f Mended to us( it. and. under the rules above laid down, we cannot reasonably and .sati.-factorily infer anything i-Ne than that there xva" a fully formed intent to take life; t infer anything els,, would lie tt violate all rules of logic and reasoning. We find. then, that a fully formed intent to take the lif of Samuel Rees cxi.-ted ill tin-mind of the defendant at the time of the shooting, the killing then was "xvil ful." That defendant's mind xvas fully conscious of its own design, and that suf iicient time for delilx-i at ion and premedi tation was afforded to enable his mind to fully frame this design to kill, is appar ent to ii- from t lie circumstances. He had plac.-d his hand on Ids pistol, lie says, lie fore he left the house, thus s-hoxving his intent ion to it if iiect s-ary to escape from tl..- premises without arrest. Some li 1 1 le lime e!ap-ed In-fore the i-hot was fired, at least ample time for him to fully frame and consider his intent, and from these and other circumstances xve find t he killing xxas "ddil-crate and premeditated. " On the.-.-minis our mind is at rest that the killing ivas the result of a fully formed in tent, and was wilful. delilM-rate ami pre meditated, and therefore, the offense should be fi.Xfd at murder in the first dc trree. unless under the defendant's claim of excuse or extenuation the offense xv juld l.e less. The excuse or extenuation for t In- killing set up by the dcfei.dant, on account of xvhich bis counsel claimed the offense rose no higher than murder in the second dt -gree, was iu the nature of self-defense. It xvas claimed that the defendant xxas leav ing tlie premises of the decedent, and that the latter xvas follow iug him dn.-e'y xxith a gun pointed at him. and, that at a mo ment when he had reasonable tau-e for lielieviiig that Rees was about to tire on him, and that his own life was in danger, he fired upon Rees and killed him: but be cause he was engaged in an unlawful act, it was not claimed that the homicide was .-XA'Usable on the ground of x lf defense, but that the circumstances made it murder iu the second degree. We fail tool-serve the distinction sought to be made. The distinguishing criterion of murder is malice: the defendant, by his pie i of guilty of murder, admits the mal ice of heart necessary to constitute mur der. The distinction la-twecn murder in the first degree and murder ill the second degree is the intent to kill: the essence of the ofTcnse is the intention. If xve are sat istied in this case that tin- intention to kill existed, xve need go no further in the state of the record, but we do go further. If. however, the intent of the defendant was t.. do Pe. s great bodily harm in order t.ic; :iy t.ut his design of escaping from tin- premises, and not to kill, then we would 1m; warranted in fixing the offense at murder in the second degree. In this case we act both as judge and jury; as a jury we have found from the evidence. l-yond a reasonable doubt, that at the time the defendant killed Samuel Rees, there xxas a fully formed intent in his mind to take his life, and that the kill ing xvas willful, delilM-rate. and premedita ted, according to our understanding of those terms as a judge, and that there has been no sufficient cause of extenuation or excuse furnished, and therefore there re mains nothing for us to do but perform the further painful duty of imposing sentence. And now , March lo. is'.rj, after jury called and sworn, the prisoner at the bar Elmer I'.runer apl-earcd in open court, in the presence of the Court, his counsel, and t In jury, and withdraws his plea of not guiltv to the indictment, vvhcrciiixm the jury em paneled in t he case is discharged and tin Court proceeded t hear witnesses to de termine the degree of the crime, and on the same day anil the following day called the following witnesses, whose testimony was taken and reduced to writing by the oflicial stenographer of the Cuiirt. to wit: ti.-oige McKay. Dr. T. J. Davison. Charles Weaklaiul. Clinton Cunningham. A. J. Diiiiinire. Thomas Davis, H. J. t'roue. Dr. C. V. Ii. Kennedy. J. S. liolsingt-r. Morgan Hughes. Thomas L. Jones. J. C. Si ine man. J. Frank Condon. II. F. Oeiger. and Peter J. Utile on the part of the Com monwealth, and on the part of the defend ant Samuel Moose. James T. Young. Mrs. Ilriin.-r. Anna llruner. S. F. Mitchell, dared Laiigham. Clinton Cunningham, and A.J. Dunmire. as well as having heaid t In- tesi i m, tu y of the defendant, and having fully considered the evidence on the part the Collin. oiiu. alth and on tin- part of the pri-oiier. and continued the case until this day. now. April 11. fs-.t-.'. we do find the de gree t.f tin homicide committed by tin prisoner at or m ar Kt-eushurg. in the coiin tyof ambria. in the killing of Samuel R.-es. on the i:;th uf Augu-t. A. I . ls-.d. to h.- murd. r ill the tllst degree. The Court, therefore, do adjudge that tin-prisoner at the bar Elmer Ilruiu r un. i.-r his pl.-a of guilty, is guilty of mur der in the first degree. ; ud this finding js t h. i i f. .re ordered to 1m; entered of record. Jly the Court. A. V. President J u.lge. At the conclusion of Judge Parker's opinion counsel for the defendant made a motion in arrest of judgment which was h. arJ on Wednesday. Judge Harkerovt r rul d the motion and called lli'inn r up for sen teliee. Judge Parker, in imposing the sentence. said: "Elmer llrimer. you may le sure that t his is t l,t-most painful hour of our livt-s. ami xx.- do not expect in the course of our judicial career to have another so painful. You were tried by a jury and found guilty of murder in tint first degree. We. in our judicial decision and what xx e think is light under the law. gave you a new trial. When called for the second trial you placed your case in the hands of tin court, there by imposing upon the court the duly from t In-evidence of determining the de gree of t he oflense. "We feel satisfied that, had t he case gone to a jury under the evidence offered lo the court, the verdict would have U-en the same as at the lirst trial, and for that rea son our conscience at least is at rest in the matter. Have you anything to say why a sentence t.f death should not fx- imposed upon you?" llruner. in a few tumbling sentences, said that if In- had intended t kill Rees ,. xx mild f xx illing to hang: that in did not mean to kill Mr. Rees. and did not think he w ;is guilty of murder in the lirst degree, lie appeared to In- very little affected by his position. The Judge proceeded: "'I he sentence of the court isthat you be taken back to the jail and that xou lx- tak en from there on t he day lo lx- fixed by Ids excellency, t he Oovernor of Pennsylvania, and on that day so fixed that you lx- taken from t here to t he yard and hanged by the neck until you are dead, and may (iod have mercy on your soul." Judge Parker then called up Charles llruner, tin- Ix.y xxho xvas xxith Elmer llru-ni-r at tin- l hue of the murder and xx ho had plead guilty al the lime of the trial, and sentenced him t o be con fi lied iii the Indus trial Reformatory at Huntingdon. rtprlnc Stfr. The gradual o-iiiiig of tlie budding tr.-fs and the shooting upwards of the blades of grass are signs of the advent of spring. Tin farmer is already at work st imulat ing t he growt h of his crop by fer tilizers to insure a rich harvest. Nature ueeds stimulation and why should not mail".' The system needs building up af ter t he attacks of grippe and cold, and the only tonic is pure whiskey. Max Klein, of Allegheny. Pa., has the endorsement of eminent physicians, certifying to the pur ity ot his famous Silver Aire ami Du tjuesiie Rye Whiskies. Sold every XX here at M.-io and ?!.!. jx-r full tiuart. Six-year-old Pi nna. Rye Whiskies, absolutely pure, at ?l.u k i-tjuart or six o.uart for Kl.ou. Send for catalogue and price list of all kinds of liquors to Max Klein, s.' Federal street. Allegheny. Pa. For sale by J. .V. A. K. Render, Eltciis burg. Pa. Obllnkrj. MILLER. Died at the home of his par ents in Parr township on Monday. March tth. is'r'. Mr. Leo Miller, aged -jo jears. ! months and is days. Tin deceased was the lifth son of Mr. Joseph Miller, of Rarr township, and leaves to mourn his death an aged father and mother, five brothers and five sisters. He was a young man of many good quali ties and his death will lie sincerely mourn ed by the Jteoplo of that neighborhood who were acquainted with his virtues and his kind dis(oitioii to his parents. His sickness and deaeh were the result of his devotion to Lis brother, whose illness with typhoid fever brought Leo home from Jeaunette, Pa., to assist in taking care of him. He, too. was attacked with the same disease, and notwithstanding he had every attention medical skill and kind nursing could give, fell a victim to the dreadful scourge. May he rest in jHace. The following marriage licenses were is sued by the Clerk of the Orphans' Court for the week ending 'Wednesday, April IX I.': George W. Ludwig and Elizabeth Yon Alt. Johustown. Charles W. Sjrck and Annie Weaver, South Folk. Frederick Rurgdorf and M. Annie Dibit. Johnstown. George W. McGrew and Theresa Malzi, Johlistoxv n. Walter Roltcrts and Helen Rodgt rs, Johnslow n. Mrs. 15. F. Campltel!, of Illackhck tow nship, died on Tuesday of last week, and xi as burn d at Pdsano ou Thui -tlay. )llu-rllaDraa oll-r. K BtNSHl'KCI'S NUKMAL promlMS to bo j s.ore fluuriFhiDK toe eomlon "maimer tniin for fi me tetD rut. jnilKliir by luc lance nam- ber !reJy (.rolled. The rrhuol vill meet at 2 r. v.. 1 n tlie public school toUtling to ontaniie N (it H EK ( iPH iK It'N ITY.-Bj fpetI ar. ra nurture t Prol. L,lttle. tte ocoulln-op-tlrlxn.oi Pntt-hnnc. will tlslt Kt-nturir arain. Friday. April 23d. Persona havina eye trf utile, t.r neettintt g ws ctn crnfplt him tree ol chime at dr. freer) ' llrula. i tfice. & a. u . tiff 3 r. u. TANTtf)!-Kuni(il nil kin.l. Tor which the t highest market prices will t i.t. Krlna tbem in. O. L.. TKKIiKKH'KH. oct30 tbtns'iurit. Pa. ROK SAI.K the Irrtto Hohm-. Irnto. -1 , . c . c IV r i.a rlii-nlur a. 1. !, Pa. MKS. K. U. S1UOXAI.I), L. jn t'-o. Fa. March 11. PV.-2. A CAK I UAIlol Karti Wire cheap at Haiti. n Sou"- I'ldilifiit .1 l ltt) mi in, i,x. Tl IK tlsllJI 'T ATTIIKMIY. I f.-reNy xunnnnce mxnclj a? a cantMate for Ilif'rict Attorney, vut-jert t.t the tlc-cUit.n ol the iJc-nioeratlc primarv election P. J. OCdNNOli, Johnetown March i!4. T7V1K A-SKXtKI.Y. To the Irmorratic Yntrrn of t'ambria rovntii: I herftiy announce nivnelf a "eandl.tate tor the noinirtu.n lor Affemtily. atiniect to the decision of the Hemecrattc primarv e!e-tln EI. T. M NEKMS. First ward. Johnstown. FOK I'KOTHONOTKAKY. I heretiv announce myfetl a e..n.lidae for the rfflc of (r-rothonotary , Btit)ect to the decision of the Hemcenitic primary election. JAM. t 1A It BY, Stare't 4. lsyj. ltL ward . Johnutown. Pa 1-VIK POIIK llKK-rOK. 1 1 hrrehy antonnce my.-clf a? a candidate i..r fixir Director, put-pet to th .lecifion of the Item ocratic primary election. KAPHA FX. HU E. 'arrell townphlp. March 1. ifcri. I-MIK KF-'ilSTEK AND RKCI KIK1C. We are atithorire.l to announce that Jaraett P Oreene. of the Fltteenth ward. Johnftown. will te a candidate for Ihe nomination ot the of fice of KeitiMerand Keeorder. nul.ject to the action of the Ix-mocratic primary election. 1"K KK'IISTKK AMI fW'llKUKK. To 1 he Ihmm-ratic I ottrw of t'ambria county: I herel y announce mr-iell s a candidate lor the nomination I-.r K-ieli-tr and Keeorder. sub ject tu the .lecition of the Iteinocratir primary election. U. A. McliOl'lill. Al'DlToRS- SETTLEMENT with the Supervisors of Washington township for the year fs'.d. i.Ktii:.K sf. j;. in:. To amount of duplicate fto.1 7 To amount license fund .'lo'.fl To balance from last settlement I t Tl StkSO ? 11 r :. Ily Auditors" exonerations Ily amount returned to Commission ers Ily amount horse hire l!y amount worked out by taxable. Ily commission on rash 1o.'kS. at :1 MT cent Ily orders red.-eun-d l!v cash paid for work My cash paid for lumber Ily '.io'-; dav s" services at supervisor at ? ix-r dav P.v trifi to Eixnburg liv oath of oftice 11 ti7 1 ' i; oj in s-u.i i:t . . t-"o I".".' ,ll i 47 Hi!U 41 Haluiice due supervisor .l.tsKI-ll ll.tV l.A . ti:. To amount duplicate To amount license money I v.. 1 ly Auditors' exonerations Hy amount returned to Commis sioners ily amount horse hire Ily amount worked out by t ixabh-s. ily commission on cash collected ?l.-."'.s'.t at .1 per cent Hy orders redeemed P.v cash paid for work liv cah paid for lumlx-r llyltoday as suervisor at .1.:.I x-r tiay Hy professional servi-e II) tools and sharpening P.)" i-XX'lises to ESletlsblirir P.v oat h of otlice Halaiict due tow nship jo 4'.t 11.1 d 171 .J"J -Jin i;.'t 4 ficii fi . V..' 1 1 Liabilit ies. as pe r order I x. ok .... . .vsst ts. uue ny .losepn i.oyian.i - - Liabilities in excess of assets 4 'U We. the iin.b-r-igii.-d auditors of Wa-h-ingtoii toxxn-hip have examim-d the above accounts and lind tin In as stated. R. C. MYERS. SANKER. F. P. MOVER. Audit ii -. litn. J. Sr iiw Ain:i:i.i:. Tp. Cl.-tk. March .11. 1 .'-. STATKM KNT ot settlement with ti e Superrle ir ! lNn tovn-hip lur the ) ear eliding March PJth. ls'.'J: PEN Mrs-. 'AW LEV, tsui-ervisor. nr. I'.. ruiuunt of duplicate JS) 55 To amount received Item unsealed taLd-... 75 7' l.lcmfe m'iney lm? fc- Three hammer", fcoop and plow l:i jt lota I. $476 1 s-r. Amount ' t work t.y taxable! 130 XI Paid Michael -Naule ilH H7 I'aid f.r work on Kiel: la ml road J7 eJ Paid Jame Wharton fur huiId.Di( al.utt menmol Iyart l-ndice 14'. 00 Keturne.l unseated lauds . 4 f.;t Kxojt-rationf. V sti Hal.mce cash paid lor work 1J5 St Sctxp. plow and hammers 13 4xi Sen let!! rendered- - Total lialance due township KtiBLKTt'liNKAIi, Supcrvi-tor. lr. To amount of duplicate Kecenred Irom unseated lands Keceived trom li.-case iund ..f-1'17 C8 470 1J ,.flfi3 f7 53 10 Total ..toie . ..flin 7fl ,. Ks-J 48 - 4J73 1 41 .. t l 07 - 7 10 ,.f.'-.1 4L bit '.'J To amount of cash paid lor work 'ah paid lor orders Work ta Exonerations . , Services rc ruler. I Expenses makint: returns, etc Total Balance due township .-s 57 We. the under.-ta-ned A ndit tra. do certify that we hare examined the atx.Te a-i-nurit and tud them as suited. M. I- M CAKTM.V, JOHN T. HC.NFHY. S.t'.KirM. AK. BEAKS. 4'ierk. Auditors. March ua. lJ.3t IIIT1X I.KiiKAMiK. L II J. SHETl'iO. l'ltornirToR. I.x-ated at IiuB..I. Pa., near the B. K. fc P. Kallway ltcfHit. We alwayf endeavor to fur nish th l-et accommodations to business men, pleasure seekers and hoarders. Persons In search ol sotnlurt and quiet will end it a desirable place to slop. The TaMa Is unsurpassed and Is always supplied with the best th market affords, and all the delicacies of the season. The Bar Is sup plied with the choicest of pore liquors and eilcars and nothing but the best is sold. Special atten tion given to the care of horses. I . J. SCHETTIO. VDMINlSTKATOKS NOTICE. Estate of Bernard M.-Oiluan . deceased. Letters ot administration on the estate ol Ber nard Met 'olican. deceased, late of the borouxh ot Wiltnore in "ambria county. I'ennsy Ivanla. hav ii st Ixsrn irranted to nt. all x?rsons indebted to said estate are notified to make payment to me without delay, and those having claims axainst the same will present them properly authentica ted lur settlement. M. It. Kin KLU Admlnivtrator of Bernard M-V oJgan. dee'd. Etosbur. Pa., March 25. l. 6 ADMINISTKATOIIS' NtriCE. Letters of administration in the estate of I'harity T. Sharji. late ol the township ol Al legheny, county of i'ambrta. deceased, bavin arm ((ranted to ns, notice Is herebv tiiven to all persons owing; said estate to make payment at once, and those and those haTlnv claims aa-ainst the same will present them i.roperlT autnentl cated lor settlement. JOHN W.SHAKP, JOSEPH SHAKP. Administrators of Charily Sharp, deceased. Lorello, Pa.. April 1, liv. IXECUTOK'S NOTICE. Letters testa-nentarf upon the estate of Na than dates, late of Wblte townvhip, in the coun ty oi Cambria. Pa., deceased, barinu; been arrant ed to the undersigned, notice Is hereby Rtven -o all persons indebted to said estate to matte Im mediate payment and those having claims or de mands atiainst the same are re.-uested to present them properly authenticated lor settlement to ISAIAH OATES, Executor ol Nathan dates, deceased. White Twp., Pa , March -lb. lbi-J 9t DONALD E. DUFTON. ATTOKN EY-AT LA W. Ebkuxbi RO. Piim. tar-Office in Opera House, Centre street. fJEO. M. READE. V-S ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. Lbuibhi'Iui, Pia. -Offlce on Centre street, near Hich. H II. MYERS. ATTOHIH E Y-AT-LA W. Ebbhabcrw, Pa. sr-Ofllee iB.Uotloaade Kow. oo Centre street. rpHE ERE EM AN is the iarest paier in Nor.h- a. aiaiTia. l'on't luncct IU f hk id Ilhi' k i as hn, en -. . i t. hmI I .iack Ch it h Rim k't r. . . . l.aiil'-s line li. .iii - line Kid. u nh Paient I.. a I l.t-r 'lip-, r-i.', i. Ladi t .!. a pair. Men K. L. JOi VSl o.V. il.J. Hi l K. A. II . U V i K. EtTAULISIIE 1?7J. Johnston, Buck k Co.7 RANKERS, EREXSBURG. ... PENN'A. A. W. HI CH, 4 aobler. K-stablisuku lss. Carrolltown Bank, CAKKOLLTOWN. PA. T. A. MIARHAl rill, Caohlf-r. tarai Baniing Bnsintss Transactccl. The toliowlnx are the principal features ol general baLKing- husiness : ir. posits Kecelred payable on demand, and Interest t.ear Ini; certificates i.sfoel to time depositors. LOANS Extended to rupt rimers on tavurahle tetms and approved paper discounted at all times. COL LECTIO! Made in the locality and nj-on all the hanklnv towns In the United State. Charges moderate. DRAFTS Iftsned nesottahle in all parts f the t'nlt'd States, and toreixn exrbaOKe itf ued ta xll parts of Enrol e. At OU .TS Of merchants, farmers and vtt.ers solicited, to whom reasonahle acciraodation will Pe extended. Patrons are assured that all tT-aiifu.ctn.ns shall be held as strictly private and onCtlential. and that they will 'he treated as lioeraliy as good banking tales will xir3itt. KeFpectfully, JOIISSTO.V. Bl t lt A CO. LILLY BANKING : CO., LILLY, PA., J.0. B. 511 LLEX. ... CASIIIf.ll. A GENERA r- RANKING RL'SINESS TRANSACTEIi. FIRE, LIFE, AND ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE. ALE THE PRINCIPAL STEAMSHIP LINES REPRESENTED RY I S. Account's of merchants, farmers and oth ers earnestly solicited, assurinirour patrons that all business entrusted to us will re ceivt: prompt and careful attention, and lx held trictly confidential. Customers will be treated as lilxrally as good banki'ifr rules will tiermit. LILLY RANKING CO.. feb'i.iO. Lilly, I'enua "V OTIC E is hereby elxren that an application will he made to the Oovernor ot Pcnnsvl vanla. on .Monday, May 2nd. I .. ly J.ihn Sct.all W Hhelln. J..repli P. V ilson. Itantel VV. Luke. Thomas Ix-nohoe od W. A. Huff, under the Act t Assembly, entitled "An Act to pro vide for the Incorporation and regulation of cer tain corporations.' approved April W. 1674, and the sunplenents thereto, lor the charter oi an in tended corporation to be called, -"Yellow Hon Coal Company," the character and object ol which is the mining ol coal and the manufac ture ol coke and the sale ol the same In crude or manufactured form, and fcr theve purposes to have, possess and enjor all the riifblii. t-rneOts and pri-llees of the i-ld Act of AmemMv and its supplements thereto. W. A. HI EE. VHMIMSTKATOK'S NOTiCE. Letters ot Administration on the estate of Anasttoia Hewitt, late of Wasnintfton township in Cambria county, deceased, having been -framed to me, all persons Indebted to said estate are requeued to make payment without delay and those having- claims aualnst the same, wili pre sent them properly authenticated tor settlement JOHN K. KELLY, Adininfftrator of AnaMasia Hewitt, deceased. Lilly. Pa.. April and. .. 1."XIX"CTOK S NOTICE. j Notice is hereby Riven that letteis tefta mentar In the estate of John Ioui(lass, late ot Allegheny township, t'ambns eountr, deceased, havioic been irranted to me. all (-ergons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment tn me at once, and tbot-e havinic claims against the same will present tuem proper It authenticated for settlement. W. A.B. LITTLE. Ezecntor of John lAiuulaes. deceased. Loretto. Pa., April 1, M. D. KITTELL, Attor noy -o t- jittAV, EHENSBCKtl, PA. OOlce in Aiuiory Huildlng, opp.Couit House. Spring Styles ! Our Stock is ri,ht up to -lute. In tlie matter of lute style? WE ARE ALWAYS IN THE FRONT RANK, .lisplay ing all the choicest new novelties as fast as they ajijiear. Ve keep a thoroughly modern line of goods in all ilep-irtinents, cater tc the very les: trade, and make it our ?pj( ial pride to be at all times fully stocked with the litest and lest. DltESS a (PODS. Wc received last week a full line of Dress Cashmeres of the latest patterns. PRH E VI ct nt- .'i cent- eents Also a large line of Dress Gingham-, Calico, Muslin, Plain Lawns, Laee, l trge line of Cambrics. FURA'iTURE. Our slock of Furniture has never been so complete as at present. Come and see. It is for your own interest. Cham Iter Suit s ( '!t t-. s 'iect-s. Ij.iiy and a !. - V Chamlx-r Suits ( '.mipiete. s pieces, s.tiid i lak sv '.'. S; rinrj'v.-rs. "arx-t s, ;lt. 1 1 i'urue'l it Ii Fi i .s.'. ji ti. I in. Also a good assortment Extension Tables, Cane bottom Chairs, Small Kockers, Stands, tangle Uureaus. The Champion Clothiers, Simons, are able to knock out all competition in that line. We have practiced the clothing business for the past IS years. You are sure to get satisfaction in our estHblishmeut. We displayed last weeK over 1,0 pairs finest light weight Pants that means all latest spring shades. Men's Fine P.l.t.-k I in Suits. f-t,m. . R.tys" Ca--it:n 1 1-Suit-, all xm..i! Children's n.xi.I St-htiol Suits l lice Pant s. It ..111 -,. 1., is Our stock in the f.bove ready to be examined. I T FORGET Our IFaiiimotl! (Jrocerv Department Whit-h XM- 1 itely huilt. It is a I la mi t he lai .'.-1 iu Camhria i-.inni x . . 1..-. i i: tilled up with the lx -t iu that line and are ready In uixe y..u l;.n'aiiis. fi'xld Gle.-ll I l.lleee 1-c. pound. G.M.ii R ll-te J Co!!.-.- Vie. .er pi.nn.l. l.t I an- l't.n.:it'i-s .-;.'i. 1 i t ans ( ni ii l .oi. Ext ra liimil I- lour ..;,. Ext ra omuI I lnur l ..n i. Extra (i.xxl I'loui- j. Exi i a inoil Fl.i.ii l. in. G.kxI I in t ho; i . U't: also keep the hl-st stock of Meat- and l.ther al iiiles in the line. I I. in " I fail lo ui v us a eal I. 'i- vx i I a ve y. m V". p.-r t-i-nt . on on i pui chase. l "R S 1 IoE s'I' . K is ready foi iiisj,, ,-i an, ui I .-- i s,, laiL-.- a- ii is thi sprin-r. Wet-any nv ei :u d i 'hi .i, i i !.-of Ladies' I'm.- ;,nd f.el sine we can pl.-ase i, ii. AN,,, keep a laru'. assoHMniit in M.-n's. R.ijs ami Children's Sh ies. , 1 1 1 1 . , t you prices; iass rshoes. .ss a .a:r. I. a. In- fuse I. i.l s -j. I I in-s m,,,.,. rim a nair. Men's .!- a pair. M.i,"s, p.,.. .; , m,, . A (i;iir. M, s.- " a pair. I'.:.;-' Iin-ss s. s. .,s,. Infam shoes ti,,in u t,,;,. p.t,.. Purchasers eau't mi-s n in our l.uve .stahiishiiieiit. 'l"h.-i ci'..i .-. (. invite you to ('.line and have a hx.k at ihe t:.- st ju-t rec.ived f.r sniiL'. Tho-e u hu luiy early Ix-fore th. usual -piini; ru-h t,e"ins vxill have t he ad v anla-j.- ,,f s.-h-et ii," from an iinhfiiken ass,,rt mi nt of all t he m w pa 1 1. i n-. t o in- u :i -:i i . - ii rnvnonsr - &d - GALLITZIN, PENN'A. A tter of Great If st,!T.-.-:n- ft. m I..!,- -lai.-Rnsj fl.r. s.Jn. ami N. i i.. sisti-m, a EYE, EAR, fiOSE AND THROAT TROUBLE. - vsfo-t-. -x-i.-T . " iSiyvl,. ' : i" J ' M if' --.'-.: : ...' : v.. v S -..--:Us-V J -3 - i'.,;.l...-- J. J. Url'lriUu, 1. I. a-ix-t-l-allol. E.viiiiiiialiuii .nhl Consullation Free U) EveiyJiodv. C1IKI 'MC H1SKAM.S Vt LVLS Such Granulated LiJ,, f) runic 1 Llla:::fnat Ion ot the l.l.1. et the Irlr. t l tti. ( t.l the Ketini. chronic t 'Iferatimi. Spami o thcLnlit add Ere. Tears runnlnu ol ihe t-tiei-ks. ltuy and .Nii: In lilip.' i.efs. I'uruVnt or c!..lterir . re E e. 'iumrrt.eal ophthaliuta. Symp Inn tic Oph thalmia, lied I'., etches -r lirowu oneti on the Hall. W'fc'Te Siott" on Eye, Oiaui-niia t.r Cutipinif t.l the Nerve. AuanroM. I'allirn out ol the Luohp. Sores. l;e.lne.i ol E. !..! of Lids and Eves, am all other diseases to wn.cli the eye or its' apnend anjrcs tre liahZc. l.ovuivu uuJ ra.ud cure isUaraa- tei-a. A VVOIII Af: it TCA1 AKKll. It 1 the tpiicuf tiu-tiit'tare. tdat wot.derful st-tr.f fluid ei.velo.t- lurtn-ju i the .1- licate tirut:i el the air HieJ hud j.-.saK,-i. t'aiarrh njfc. F lt rtTucuhold. Once e-tal.lif lit-. it eatit into I he vitals and render? a lite a Iut.k drawn brt-nth ot luirery a td diiafe. dullini. the 'eii'e ol bea r lnu. trail, well nit the -ower ot fpee.h, dcftrovinu the faculty ol htut-l'. taicttnv the i reath and kill ion the rrhned pieacures ol tune. InMdiouxlr. t-y crecpiiiK n iroui a simple old in the head. It assaults Ihe meriitTaneout; Iiuiiik and and envel t.ti l.ic bunt-!., eating ihe delicate cnat and causlnic it.IlainnjntK.ri. r louishlnit and death. Noihints Mtort il t.ital eradication will secure health to the patient, and all allcvlatives are ciiin ly procrastinated su!lrrini-t. leminn. to a fatal termination Even wncn the deat-e has u a.le Ir it nul n.rja.18 on lciicatc coustltut lon, hearlntt. smell and tafte have bet-n recovired and the diseajf thoroughly driven out. liiseas. s ., xxoinen. Mul. as ,-,V,. balll nllli-k V rlir.-i I :.N,.,.fs 1IO.....-S ..I....:. I . , i "t-, , ii" , ; ' v .o..s.... a.,., i.e nu, I, laicm.-. -o cm iniir. nn MOUNTAIN HOUSE. EBENSBURC. PA. April Weilncs-lay, Thursday, 20 21 WINDSOR HOTEL, April May Monday, Tueslay, IS 19 N'iTlCK Is hereby clven tl.rt an n plication will be made to the Oox trtn.r oi I'eiicsyl vania on lli'i.'iili tiny r April. lHini. iv A. W. Buck, Thomas Iiavis. Thouiaf .McHreen. John L- S;ounn and J. O. Lloyd, uuder the Act ot As sembly bpprov-;d April r.t. 174. entitled "An Act to provide for the incorp. ratine and regulation ol certain corporations. ' t..l the suppli intun there to lortho charter ol an Intend. 1 orp.. ration to teilled The Lbenshurtr HuiI.iiuk . Lo a Aso clation of EfH'Csljuru. Peunsylvanl-i, ti.e charac er and object ot which are ihe Nccuiuulatiun of a fund by the n.onthiy contribution ol na mem bers thereof, and to loi n the tame trom time time to enable them to pure .ae real estate bu.ld themtelves house, or entxa-sO In any Uiritimate tuslnea. and tor these purpo es, por . es. and en joy all the rik'btJ. bent-tilt?, and prlxilettes ol eaij Act ol Assembly and suppleioeii's there... M. 1. KM I ELL. EbenshurK. Ia April 5'.h, lsij a.f.0. A. MVTT..V. . York, ny x r x ard. .. r yard. .. r yard. I.'.'- I . I p I.l i I . I V !'. T..V Shoes. .)s. Ra.ii. s' -pIltlL II. 1 i . V I 1 1 1 1 : I m oo. Importance to You. -.i- Gis,.;: v. ,i ;. s s,.s. ;-.. a-, s ,,f t .- l: i. :. I-.' i. fl --riiiyr fi om V-v r '-- ' - I l.-.s. ,.y -. v h7..h--:-ys v-'c i'' -v.-' -Sr-:KX II. n. TATI.U1I, M. !., S.el-tll-.f . Jlht i.Ml DISEASKS. I !ie il i-t irn treat tin acute dl-tases tut make 'tiri.tiic and Inti .iin.iin au entire lecllty ,.i , d.fc-as,,,. M-oSKiven up l y olhcr doctor, ami ero tiuuiiCft Incuraolt. ttiev tin.. -I desire to see. Th e t Kierf have treated ..vt-r over l.' out, cacs in Oliuo in il.c Urt twelve year, ui my m wtn. h had bun klvrn up an Incurable, some to be blind, others to be deal, and a larie number to lx: invalids lur hie. Hut behold: new thev see and hear and many are narted on the rltht road to hcalili and recovery every day. The doctors are surronn.lel with the largest collection ol nne Insirunii-tits ever i'nportxd to this country lor exainlr.lnc and trt.-.tln all ci.ronic .iiriia-t-a ol the Head, Ih-.i, Eve 1 ar 1 iri:it. Heart, hums, Sto nach, Kidney' ler. sfc!ri. Hrain. and sv-tem an ccrf. l uimrit. Pile.'. Swcllinics. Old ivrs Pits I'Hraivi. Neur Ima. liiieatuatif m . lirmify' Oout. Sick Headache, Kelnlitv, Iepre-..i..n ,.f Spi-lts. 1 i.ea.-e oi t hlldren." Hereditary li cascases. etc.. etc.. and in fact all Iodk stanJuJK and t hronic lilseafe;. liECTAL DISEASES. They also make a specialty ol all l.,rm of Kee tal ln.-eases. Piles Internal and external. Itch- ou., iot,-tiiii rcctai ulcers, hecurc-s. listula which are often tnkan lur Ctrntr. us and Hlsei-e, ail cured If taken lu time. Uemembor we cure al forms ot Piles without pain, detention or interuptiim Iroui I'UMinn.laDd without the use Ol a knllff, eauxtic. Ilxature or It iecti.,n. t'ome and be convinced. Hr. Met 'lellan made these a tpeeialty tor ten years In a large city - d th- s. j ; j (f all phvieians I. ...... .. .. l".-"iaiis and i eined it-- -..u-, pom trowti.s ur,-a x i'.liout the Us pain, no iiaii ll-,'.I. May J ii in- July 13 1 1 AiiKii-st IS 10 10 11 A iii-ii-t S- 1) 10 JOHNSTOWN. .luie" .luiy 13 11 n ij 17 F. X. FEES' Shaving Parlor, Centre Strett, Ktsr Jail. sa.Tbe underalKned desires to infor:-! the pub lic that he has opened a sha.-in parlor on Cen tre street, near the mil, where the barberlUK bus. In all Its hranchc. will Oc earned on lu the luture. Evervthint; eal an Clean. rcnae solicited. rp W. IICK, Xe AITUKNEY-AT-LAVV. hbtliSill Kit, !'!'.. 4ir-spcclal attention (ifen to claims !..r Pea. sioii Hounty, etc. clo-"-! .. , to - 'Jest -' . -.---' ,-si..