Ada D SCK, IG. US Clocks v,- TIDIEM! oods. gent Uockford HR8. onia Watches. . u Winders. S of ALL waje on band. i-lry Is unsurpasirf -.rlf before purclut L RTVINIH FUL! f Spring Gooi Hats, Shirts,', :i First-CLfi CK OS lower thai ; nl would bt o.-k and prices. 'lours, UGH, TOWN, PA. CO. J klD GENTS' : ride in calling .ur aim to set ible cash price. t new things stock ordcre-, ike them, lices, we are CO., JRC, PEN ppel, ldise, FEED, kockala a Call. )ppeb Won, Pa- k AND CAR- I KBKXSm'KO, CAMBRIA CO., TA. FRIDAY. i.)iai. ai pf-Rkonaa.. -Mr. Ssiiiun-1 Trfll, one f Uracil township's hest citizens, was iu town for a few hours on Mtint:iy. Kugetie I.ltingcr. " of l.oretto's good citi.-ns. was in town a icv. noms 011 buslines on Wednesday. --.Mr-, Kichard Ailaius. of C'lcarlicld tow n-liii died on Friday of last week af ter a Ion;.' illness au'.-tl ahotit 4 years. Mr. 'I'li'-odoif Sell. th- jolly tiri-wcr from Lilly, was here on Friday last and of fours.' puil lli' Fiskkman a li'asant visit. Mr. K. Shields, of Lout to. took ad vantage of theirood (?) roads ami ha.l a ... i pleasant ilrivr to Khi-iisliiirg tin- other day. Contractor McFuddeii will in the Course of a few days open an office in Miss Ann McDonald's storeroom on High Street. Mr. Patrick Mmaii. of I.orctto. laid his hammer on 1 he anvil on Monday and took tin- day for a visit to Ltx-nshun;. f course he isilcd III.' FlfKhMAX office. Mr. Jolin Porter, who has trod the heath of Tininclhill ahout as Ion,' as the next man. and who is oni'of that horouuh's best ritizi'iis. dropped in to see us on Wed nesday. Mr. Uichurd Denny. cf Allegheny township, was here on Monday, and not having time to call, dropped a dollar and a half in th editor's palm on meeting him Outside. M r. t o-orije Duniaii. of St. James. Ce dar county. Nebraska, who hud lieetl vis ft i nir friei.ds in northern Cambria for the past nine weeks, took her departure on SLuiday for her western home. ', Messrs. Simon jfc Co., of (iullitiu. have ft new ad iu this week and our readers w ill do well to read it carefully. Simon A- Co., Have always trains to offer and this time the bargains are greater than ever. Mrs. Mariraret llrady. one of the old est residents of Siiuiinci hill township, her age U'inir about years, had a paralytic Itroke on Sunday last, and owing to her advanced aire no hopes are entertained for her recovery. Mr. W. W. Ain.sbry. of Philadelphia. Who owns the win ks and for whom the town and postollicc of that name, on the Cresxiri Coalport road, is called, was in town on Monday and paid the 1'liKKMAN Oliice a brief visit. Mr. Allien Ulosser. of Ehenshnrg. will BBoVe on the 1st of April to the tenant house on the farm of Mr. T. L. .Jones, in Catnbri.i township, a short distance out ilde of the liolouirh. Those wanting weav ing done w ill tind him there. Severa1 cumnuinications liad to no Over this week on account of want of pace. We l ulled the news out of them Ind trust our correspondents will excuse US for takinir that Hhcrty. We hope they Will not be offended but still continue to let us bear from them. The organ contest for the hclif'tit of the Catholi.- church at Asbville was ilecided OnSaturday last, Mrs. W. A.Wills lieing the lucky winner. Mrs. Wills collected 312: Mrs. Harrington, of Frugality. :i7, ftnd Mrs. .lobn Hubbard, of Hastings, $'.'S1, aakinu a total of 1.171. Of the three applications for license held over by Judge Marker last wrv.i for further consideration, he on Ftiday grunt ed the application of Hugh Canavan and refused the application of Andrew Smith, both of Portage. The application of Fred Crick KadclitTe is still held under consider ation. Distri t Attorney Joseph A. McCurdy. Of Wstinorelaiul county, was lield for Court on the charges of bribery and per jury by Magistrate Keener at ( ireeiiburir On Wednesday tuoi nini;. The bail tied Was '.ii on each charife. McCurdy srave ball for court and t he trial will robably COOQe up in May. A irallon of maple tnola-ses should I Welifh 11 pounds in order to keep well un til Used. If if weiirlis i;i ne than that it is apt to turn to suirar. and if it weiirhs less. It Is too thin, and is liable to ferment. SCllie .oinids of suirar w ill make one trillion Of mola-si-s. These are the tiirnres jrivcH by a uirar inspector sent out by the in terna! r.M iiue departtnent. "-Klwood tlordon. a notorious colored Criminal who was sent to the penitentiary from l hi-county at March term. 1Sm. to ere a tuehe-v. ar sentence for the mur der of his ujfe. died in that institution last week. Cordon, before his incarcera tion in the penitentiary, served several tartiis in jail here and was noted for his Ugly, vicious disposition, and was a troub lesome prisoner. Hurlnir his term in the penitentiary he attempted to kill one of the keepers, and he w as regarded as one of the Wot si men they had to deal with. Hon. Datiiel McLaughlin. 'ho former ly resided on Napoleon street. Fifth ward. Johnstown, ln'fore the tlood. and for a Couple .f years has lived In Piusburfj, has becoti le so en fecliled that he was hroucht to Johnstown on Monday afternoon on the . Mall F. pre, s from that place and Taken to the Memorial Hospital. Mrs. McLauch lln accompanied him. He was preatly hocked at the time of the flood and con tinued to ;row weaker over since, until he If now entirely helpless. It is feared that he has not very lonir to live. Jnh nxtmrn Mr. Adam Hamtnan will offer for : sale ftt his residence in Allegheny township on Tuesday. April IV. IV.-.'. at one o'clock. i St., S hay "mares 3 years old. ' mules, -j COWS. '! yearlings. hogs, mowing machine, horse rake, two-seated carriage, sprint; wagon. S buggies, sled, sleigh, w agon, ."l eta work harness, ?. sets buggy harness, blind bridles, riding bridles, buggy bridles. Check lines, saddles, side saddle, plows, haiTO -vs. u ritulstone, 'J soaps Ix-os. hay fork andr"pe. robes, halters, chains, grabs, car penter tools, forks, rakes, grain cradles. Blowing scythes. a lot lumber ami other articles. Mr. .Tohn Kimball of Cambria town hip, w ho fur many years was a resident Of Ebenshurg and vicinity, died at his home on Monday last, aged about fiO years. The dec-used w as a native of Maine and Came to Cumbria county at the opening of the shK.k Industry, and worked at making hook until the business dosed for want of timber. He was a kind and generous man and had many friends. He leaves a wife and six children three sons, William, of Ebensburg. and Edward and Joseph, of Cambria township; and three daughters, Ire. Fred. Jones, of Conernaugh. and s Sadie and Susie, who are at hmne. Ths nrst house at Ashville. built about thflyear ljo hy Joseph Conrad, who then Owned the ground where the Ashville fur ace Stood, caught tire from a defective Sue On Saturday and was burned to the ground. The property was owned by Mr. Joseph Halet t and was occupied by Mr. Oetrge St ins. who stved his furniture. The boilding wasoueof theold landmarks. While x he old house w as burning the res idence of Mr. Ha.lctt In Ashville caught Are and In a short time was joJuced to aabe. together with his meat market. hoibold goods and al .ut t Vrt In money. TLaJatter tirx w as caused hy some tallow tltiii; (in llri while the members of the fam"r w en. engugod in rendering it. The fc7 'he latter tiro is eslim ite,l m uImhh K.KZt, on h ,heri. Ha, ilM ii,-,M Hl. ,.f fl.300. Judge Barker on Llcenaea. Ttoforr granting the licenses last week Judge liarker took occasion to deliver the following opinion: We filed in court last year, at the time we disposed of applications for licenses, a written opinion, embodying our views as to the pro-r construction to Ih placed on the Act of Assembly, and. in addition to this general opinion, we tiled special opinions in several cases for the purpose of making clear and plain our method of ap plying the law to individual cases. We still retain the views expressed in that opinion, and we have, in applying the law and the facts to individual oases, endeav ored to adhere rigidly to the rules then laid down, and we, therefore, tile neither a general nor iiiiv special opinions this year. We have a few general suggestions to make, however: Wo have received many letters in reference to licenses generally. mil many referring to individual applica tions, most of them not signed, and those having signatures attached in nearly every instance marked "Confidential" or "Per sonal." This is a useless anil senseless thing for anyone to do. for the obvious reason that t lie court cannot acton information so re ceived. Anonymous letters are not worthy of notice, and every applicant isontitlod to have notice in open court of any charges made against him: and. therefore, we take no notice of information furnished in such a manner that we cannot make it know n in open court. There is one feature of this correspondence, however, that has im pressed us. ami that is the fronueney and persistency with which these letters as sort violations of the law-on the part of licensed hotel-keepers. This fact, togeth er with the information that incidentally comes to us in Criminal court, forces us r conclude that violations of the law are not infrequent. notably in sellingon Sunday and to persons visibly intoxicated. Now w hile it is not our province to admonish anyone to refrain from violations of the law s of this Commonwealth unless they are legal ly before us, yet we feel like saving to the persons to w hom w e now grant license that they must remomlier they are a privileged class, directly responsible to the court for the abuse of the privilege granted to them, and that all allegations of violations of the law coming from anv responsible source shall have the lienofit of a judicial invest igation. Second. Y are convinced that many of the evils flowing from the use of intoxica ting lienors result from the facilities with which liquor can be obtained at late hours of the night, and we. therefore, request all persons to whom licenses are granted to olose their places of business at lo o'clock, p. M.. of each day. and refrain from selling liquor after that hour. We do not make this in the form of an order of the court. it will be observed, but we suggest that it may bo considered as a condition on w liich licenses are granted. Third. Wo do not regard females as suit aide persons to whom licenses should be granted, an 1 in this view nearly all Judges concur, and. hereafter, none will bo grant oil them unless in exceptional cases. 15 v Tit k Cor tt r. March 34. lS'.r.'. A Former rhfnilinrifr Hart. A terrible accident occurred at the con verting department of Carnegie ISros. Co.. mill at Homestead. Allegheny county, on Saturday morning by which eight men w ere . seriously burned, one of w hom. An drew Stoflield. died on Sunday. Among those seriously injured was Albert Will iams, foreman in the department, a former Ebenshurg boy. son of Mr. Thomas J. Williams, of this place, and a brother of Mrs. J. (J. Hasson. wife of the editor of this paper. The accident happened during a melt in the converter, and was caused bythesktill. or debris, falling from the shields over the ISossomor converter and breaking the pres sure pipe. This caused the vessel, w hich was tilled w ith molten steel, to turn on its trunions. throwing the metal into the pit. The falling met al covered eight of the men. before they had time to escape and biirn-'d them terribly. They wore given every possible attention and soon removed to their homes. Andrew' Stoflield was fright fully burned alx.ut the head, back and shoulders, and has already died from his injuries. Allcrt Williams was also badly burned about the head and nock and se verely burned on the wrist and arm but it is tM'lievod that the chances for his recov ery are favorable. The writer visited him on Monday night and found him. although suffering intense pain, in good spirits, hearing up well and cheerfully expecting t recover. Arthur MHInrk. was also among the worst burned and his injuries may prove fatal. IVter Woods. Thomas Harding. John Shields. James TSaird and Frank Alwl were all seriously burned but they will recover. Edward Williams, a brother of Allien, died in St ptemlier last, from burns received In the same mill and from an accident at the same converter. All the injured men except Frank Abel are married and are residents of Homestead. The skull, or ''ebris. is a collection of cinder, small particles of steel and other matter that is thrown from the converting furnace by the heavy pressure of airthat is forced through the melting metal. It had never before slipped, and in falling it ac cidentally struck and broke the pressure pipe that controlled the movement of the immense vessel filled with molten steel. The Finann Fxrnralon Rriorl of Idle wild. The popularity of this famous excursion resort has been unprecedented in the his tory of a resort so young. It is a verita ble mountain park. located seven miles from La t mho. forty-one from Pittsburg, and three miles from Ligonier. From La trobe old Kingston Forge is passed where more than one disastrous Indian skirmish was averted. Historical associa tions are numerous in this mountain run. Tleyond the fighting ground, framed by a beautiful order of rhododendrons and mountain laurel, is the mountain park of Idlewild. a place where man has figurative ly harnessed with modern improvements and convenience nature's hills, vales, and lakes into a limitless park. The beauti ful Loyalhanna is spanned by bridges, and connects the park with thn wild, pictur esque, a,,, .js; yet uncultivated portion be yond, where the lover of the romantic may tind scenes to delight him. Extensive improvements in the way of new buildings for the accommodation of excursionists have been made In anticipation of the sea son soon to open. As a place for recrea tion and pleasuie it has no equal. Committees desiring to make arrange ments to visit Idlewild can obtain com plete information upon apylicatiou to T. E. Watt, Passenger Agent, Western Dis trict Pennsylvania railroad, Pittsburg. Marrlave Llreaa. The follow ing marriage licenses were is sued hy the Clerk of the Orphans' Court for the week ending Wodiiesday, March 3u, lS'.i-,'; Stephen Waksuiaki and Clara Calata Hastings. Joseph Ueckctic and Annie tialovic. Summit. W. A. Owens. Elienshurg. and Martha J. Koese. C ambria tow uship. A. ;. Mey. r and Louisa Nicklar, Johns town. Julia J. Felix, Shade township. Somer !""f",'i"'jy. and Mary Marks. Morrcl! villo. H. K. I.o kurd. Oreene township. Indi ana county, and Mary McNulty, Carroll township. Jleorge. T. Davis and Amanda E. Davis, r.t'iisbiirg. James Casy. Johnstown, and Jane Con nalian. Scoontow n. William Shearer and Til lit- PulU-r-on. Johnstown. Jacob M. 'oon and Los Abler, Johnstown. Correspondence. Lokktto, Pa., March 28, lsoi. Etlitnr Camhrin Fret man: Slit: At a meeting of the Farmer.-' Al liance at the Hlair House on Saturday last one of the speakers made the statement, iu speaking of the causes of agricultural depression, that "the federal and .state governments have boon hostile to the far mer during the lifetime of of a generation. In lsr.-,' certain schemers applied to Con gress and obtained a grant of the public land to the states ostensibly to establish agricultural colleges. The amount was .tt l.i mo acres to each inemlwr of congress. The land scrip was issued and at once se cured by the parties who had obtained the grant. At the next session a grant was obtained for a larger amount to build the two Pacific railroads to and through these lands." To avoid taking up your space I will only say that he went on to show how the entire volume of imigration w as turn ed into those cheap and fertile lands, and transportation was furnished for the pro duct of those broad acres to the eastern states, thus destroying our markets and creating the present depression. He also attacked the agricultural school and dared that wore it not for its constant raids upon the state treasury maiie by the Pennsylvania A college, its very cxistanoe would have lieen long since forgotten. The speaker gave as authority Chamlx'rs" encyclopedia. Now. the object of this communication is to ask: Is this a toiintl"T ing statement ti ue? If it is. every citizen of this country should know it. If it is not I suppose the government will survive the attack. Spkctatok. Lilly. Pa., March '-'S, Ir. Filitnr Oitjirfi Freeman : Sik: I propose to furnish something" additional concerning this truly interest ing municipality. Strange indeed, that on enumerating the different public buildings an.1 places of business. I should have omitted some of the most important, nevertheless such is the fact. Why. Lilly has a money hank, a money order postoftiec. a drug store, and a planing mill: also in course of erection a ton-pin alloy. This last enterprise seems to be conducted by the chief "condorset" of the borough, and will doubtless bo ap preciated by the lalxiring class of our young men as affording another chance for profitable C.') investment of their 51S or ?-.H) dollars per month which they are able to earn now that the McCinty tariff law is in force. You didn't publish the poetry I sent you last week, which was a pretty cool pro ceeding. I forgot to tell you. howevi that the crank of the machine was broken and that I took it to the blacksmith shop for repairs on Saturday. I expect to have it in tirst-class order in alxuit a fortnight. In the meantime I will try to keep cool. Judge liarker has rather disapiointed the expectations of some of bis recent ad mirers and whilom supporters by r.-ducing the numlier of liquor saloons iu this Inir ough. We wanted all the license money we could get this year. The intention was to make Hare Rock run navigable by flat lxiats. Hut now. unless congress will do something in the w ay of an appropriation, it is feared the pioject will have to Im; abandoned, unless we get a lcttor Judge or something else turns up. Lilly is well supplied with social and benevolent societies. First, we have a building and loan association which, it is said, is in a prosperous eondit ion. We also have the Knights of I.nlor. the Knightsof Pythias. Knights sf thefoildeu Chain, and hail, some time ago. a dramatic club. Then we have the E. IS. A. sand X. N. T.'s. There was another s.M-iety started atiout ten days ago styled the "'l 'ninit iga till Sons of Misery." but I think when the bars reopened most of the rnemlMTS withdrew. Mrs. Margaret Kobe, wife of John Iteho. of Washington township, died on Saturday, the With Inst. Her funeral took place from the Catholic chiiri h to-day. x. x. T. Ararnment I.lvla. List of causes set down for argument at Argument court. Monday. April llth. Martin vs. Coad: Commonwealth vs. Watt: Commonwealth vs. Koqucs: Com monwealth vs. Shaffer: Commonwealth vs. Charles ( Jaunt tier: Commonwealth vs. .Io. I ia im t nei : Commonwealth vs. Pert (Jauntner: Yet tor vs. Lea hey: Equitable ii. A L. Association vs. Shoemaker: Yeas ley vs.Huebner: Donelly vs. I.eaheyetal: Heitstein vs. Kiith: Ovetlx-ck vs. Oyer bsck: In re except ions to roxrt of M. II. Stephens. Esq.. in re Oxnard property: In re contested election iu Yi I more borough; Johnston, Puck Co. vs. Dimond et al.: Varner vs. Wendle; Cauflield vs. Sher man: In re petition to remove old Horner burial ground: Swank Hardware Compa ny vs. Hoohstein: Kuffmau vs. Storey: Stebtle vs. Pierro et al.; Ager vs. Itaslot; Holsinger vs. McKillip A Co.: Hooier Drill Company vs. Moorhejd: Rager vs. Rager; Workingman's 15. .t L. Associa tion vs. Plunkett: In re rule on Jarob and Elizalieth Thomas; Shirley vs. Trustees Mt. Olive Paptist Cnurch; McCool vs. Leahey; Jordan fc Hinchman vs. C. Wilk inson A. Sons: Fowler it Umharn vs. Crosswell; Oaks vs. Itetts: Atlas Publish ing Company vs. P. 1. Eek fc Son: Pierro vs. Speath: Paker vs. Laker; In re excep tions to report of S. R. Murphy, Esq.. in re McMllIen property: Ilracken vs. Stine; Halewine vs. Troxell et al.: Lanty vs. Aiken. ,T.s. C. Dakuy, Proth'y. The following cases will bo presented for argument at Argument court, April 11. 1 S'.2 : In the matter of the rule on Joseph A. (iray. administrator of John 15. Miller, de ceased, to show cause why widow's ap praisement should not lie filed. In the matter of the exceptions to rert of D. E. Dufton, Esq., auditor in the es tate of John Campbell, Sr., deceased. In the mat tor of tirant Pfeifer, adminis trator of J. Charles Pfeifer, deceased, to show cause why letters of administration should not be vacated. In the matterof the ruleon John C. Car roll, executor of nngh (Jaffney, deceased, to show cause why an attachment shiuld not issue. In the matter of the rule on Charles Voeghtly to show cause why he should not lie discharged as administrator C. T. A. of (lermanus Voeghtly, deceased. Cri.KTIXK J. ltl.AIR. Clerk O. C. When Dor t era all Aarree. It is a fact well established, that Febru ary and March are the most trying months to aged or enfeebled persons. Pneumonia, influenza and kindred chest afflictions, are most liable to get in their deadly work. There is but one thing to do build up and fortifiy the system with a pure stimulant. Medical men all over the country agree that Klein's "Silver Age" at 1..V) per quart, and "I)uiuesnc" at er quart, stand without a p"er. If you w ant fine six year old (iuckenheimer. Finch, (Jihson, Overholt. or Hear Creek, you can have them at f.PXi per quart or six quarts for f.'.lO. W are recoguized head quarters for the choicest brands of wine, liquor, cordials, etc. tioods expressed anywhere. Send forcatalogue, mentioning this paper. Max Ki.f.ix. M Federal St., Allegheny. Pa. For sale by J. Jfc A. E. l iid. r, El i.s burg, Pa. tarried. DAVIS D AVIS. M arried at the resi dence of the bride's parents in Ebensburg. on Wednesday, March 3th. Isp?, by Kev Ceo. Hill. Mr. lieorge T. Davis and Mi-s Amanda Davis, both of Ebrnsbursr. List mt Jarera. Following is the list ol jurors for lie Special term of Court commencing the 4th Monday of May, and also the Grand and Traverse jurors for the regular June term ol Court: SPECIAL TERM 4TH MOM'AY OK MAY. Arbauph, John, Johnstown. Ilyrne, Thomas Susquehanna. Coufer, Frank East Conernaugh. Carter, J. W. Lower Yoder. F.berly, Aug.. Munster. Foust, John, Ban. Fees. John, Carroll. F e, John, Croyle, tioug,hnour, Aaron, East Tailor. (Jani. J. H. Ebensbnrg. Harris, W. W.Jackson Headrick, C. C. Johnstown Hoffman. Joseph. iStonycreek Horner, Cyrus Adams Jones, T. 15. Johnstown Jones, Aseph, Johnstown Jones, Isnac, Johnstown Judy. Samuel Franklin Kaylor, Joseph, Carrolltowu Lucas, Emmett. Morrellvill McDonald, Perry, Cbest Springs McAnulty, Frank, Susquehanna Mellon James. Carroll do-Lrjujj, Josephj iMwer Yoder Hdcduire. John A. tiallitzin Myers, James F. Asbville Neary John, Johnstown Oak A, J. Johnstown Ott, John, Richland I'lummer Amos, Summerhill twp. I'lunket, John, Gallinzin Porter, John, Johnstown Ueed, Oliver, East Oonemaugh Kodgers, Geo. B. Ebensburg Schader, George Stonycreek Sberbine. Aaron Croyle Slick, William, Johnstown Steich Joseph, Carrolltown .Strayer, II. M. Gallitzin twp. Stoltz John, Hastings Swart7eu trover. Win. South Fork. Varner, Sylvester, Franklin Walters, Gomer, Johnstown Watt, Joseph, Allegheny Warner, Jacob, Chest Springs Westoei. Walker. Susquehanna Wilson, J. E. Johnstown Wilson. Charles, Washington W'icks, Ed. South Fork Wise, Scott, Johnstown. GRAND JURORS. Laden, Conrad, Johnstown I5ut!er, Caleb, Coopersdale Cruna Hiram, Croyle Colemao. Win. Johnstown Davis, Aaron, Dayis, Geo. A. Johnstown Dowling, Peter, Johnstown Ferry, Henry. Wilmore Grar, Samuel, Susquehanna .1 Callahan, Philip, Gallitzin Higgins. Frank, Johnstown Horner, Win. Johnstown Jones Kobert, Cambria twp. J Morrellville Knuflieli, Daniel, Stonycreek Krise, Henry L. Clearfield Ivouder, E. V. Heade Masterson, John, Johnstown McGough. John W. Hastings; Moore, W. T. White Paul, Harry L. South Fork Tuter, George, Stonycreek Shields, W. C. Ebensburg Smith, Henry, Richland KIRST WEEK JCJK TERM. Allison, Jobn. Jr., South Fork Uaily, William, Johnstown, l'arnes. James, Johnstown Lowman, George W.. Iteade I5oyle, John, Croyle liitterman, Gustave. Johnstown Hurkhart, David, Jackson Lrubater, D. R , Johnstown Cobaugh, D. W., Johnstown House, Jobn II.. Johnstown Copier, Winfield, Johnstown Custer, Martin, Franklin Dayis. W. P., Morrellville Edwards. Elias, lilacklick Ehrenfelt, Henry, Lilly Evans, Howard C. Johnstown Fisher. James East Coneaiaugb Gates, Isiah, White township (ierhart. William, Johr.stown Gilman, Jacob, Richland Hassenplug, James, Johnstown Ilaynes, Mihon, Johnstown Hinkle, John, Johnstown Hughes, George, Tunnelhill Jugoldsby, James Washington Itel. Joseph, Portage township Kaufluian. Jothua, South Fork Kneids, Henry, Upper Yoder Loho, WilMan:, Johnstown Mellon, Philip. Johnstown McClarren, C- L. Johnstown Miller, Charles, Loretto O'Grady, Robert, Johnstown Overdorf. Edward, Morrellville Page, George, Jackson Pickings, Edward, Johnstown Richards. John, Johnstown Shaffer, A , Reade township Shaffer, Charles, Richland Shields. Henry, Johnstown Shirly, Edward, Adams Slick, Harry, Johnstown Snoval, 11. Morrellville Stutzman, Aaron. West Taylor Niomas, Harry, Johnstown Topper, James, Croyle Varner. Adam. Jackson Wilson, Albert, Portage Wineland, Samuel, Richland Worley. A. Johnstown Second week jus e teem. Allison, Thomas, East Taylor Arnold, A. J., Crovle Ashcom. Wm. S., Morrellville Harnhart, David. Upper Yoder Plough, W. A., Upper Yoder Bertram, Peter, Carroll township Biller, Albert, Dean township L'rookbank. Andrew, Summerhill twp 3uck, Harry, Carroll township, r.yers, Abraham, Susquehanna CoDley, William, Johnstown (Conner, Frank, Johnstown Custer, Emanuel, Dale Borough Donelson, John, South Fork Douglass, Wm., Allegheny Ewbaker, Samuel, Johnstown Fisher, Prince, Johnstown Flinn. Wm., Johnstown (ieorge. Wm. R., Blacklick Hon. Henry, Reade township Houshan, John, Johnstown Hecs, Jacob, Coopersdale Hughes, John, Morrellville Irvin, Eugene, Reade township Keedy, Howard, Johnstown Lantzy, Joseph, Susquehanna Leary, M, L. Cbest Springs Lehman, Charles, Johnstown Luttringer. Philip. Ebensburg Maucher. V. M., Carrolltown McGough, Cbarle, Franklin Moses, Grant, Johnstown Minor, L. L., Couemaugb, twp Moshalder. John, johustown Mockel, Edward, Johnstown Ott, James. Johnstown Rager, Benjamin. Jackson Rhoddy. Charles, Chest Rideout, Louis, Johnstown Rinebolt, John, johns'own Schieber. Anthony. Monster Slick, Charles, Johnstown Strittmatter, Paul, Carrol twp Strumbaugh, John. "West Taylor Stuver, Samuel, West Taylor Waters A. J-, Ebensburg Watt. Samuel, Jr., Gallitzin Wishowr, Maitin, Johnstown Wolle, W. C. LLly Yeager, Andrew. Elder township Balldlnarnnd Uu Aaaoelatlon. The initiatory meeting for iheorgauua lion of a building and loan association took place at the council room on Saturday ev ening and was well attended. Thomas Davis (Jackson i was elected chairman and P. J. Little secretary of the temporary or ganization. Several speeches were made giving the details of the wcrkirjgs of building and loan associations, after which a committee was appointed to make the necessary arrangements lor securing a charter. About -iioshares were subscribed by those present at the meeting, and there is no doubt that the other shares ne cessary to start with will be promptly taken, a committee consisting or treo. a Kinkead, H. A. Shoemaker and Lester Larimer was appointed to draft a constitu tion and by-laws for the government of the organization, alu r lucb. the meeting ad journ-d until Saturday evening. April -nd at . ju r. m. r ANTED ! Fur of alt kinds, tor which the l bifbet market price will he paid. Hrjnk tbem in. W. L. FKEDEKICKS. oct 20 .bensturi(. I'm.. FOK SALE the loretto Hoaae, Lnretto. Pa Termi eay. Kor particular. rt.!rcf MKS. K. it. M IX, March II. 1 892. Ioretto, Fa. ACAKLOAIiot Barb W ire cheap at Dufton Son's. Pttlitlettl A n nmt nreiiuiilM. 1-MK MSTK1CT ATTKNFA I hereby announce mr.wlt a a candidate for IhMrlel Attorney. ot ct t the deelfloa ol ttie Democratic prlmarr election. V. J. OfOXNOK, Jobnitown. March 24. ISf. IOK ASSEMBLY. To the Ifmorralie Yatrrt of Cmmhria rovnlv: I bereoy announce myrelt a candidate lor the nomination lor Astembly. auoject to the decision of tbe Democratic primarr election ED. T. M NEELIS. Flr't ward. Jelir.f town. IUK I'KOTHUNOTKAKY. I hereby announce mTell a c.ndlda'e for tlie ttflce ol I'rotbonotarj, subiect to the decision ot tbe Iiemocratie primary election. JAS. DAKHY. March 4. ls.2. nh ward.. lob nutown. Fa FOK Ft H K D1KF4TTOK. I hereby announce inyu lf an a candidate lor Foor Director. utiet to th decision ot tbe Iiem ocratie primary election. RAPHAEL H1TE. fiarroli townfbij.. March 1. lSwi. I70K KEIHSTEK AND KEOOKHKh". We are authorired to announce tbat Jamn F tJreene. ol the r llteeath ward. Johntown. will he a candidate lr the nominati.m ol the ol nce ol Kemsterand Recorder. uhject to tbe action of the Democratic primary election. -70K KGOISTEK AND FWnlKilKK. J To the Democratic Voter of ' ambria count j: I berebr announce mrteii as a canaiaate lor the nomination tor Krunttr and Keeorer. sub ject to 'be decision of the Democratic primary election. a. uiMui-iin. STATEMENT oMettlement with the Snperyla ors of Dean township for the year ending March istn, is DENNIS CAWI.EY, Supervisor. Dr. To rmonnt of duplicate rJSl bb To amount received tiom unseated latds... 75 T7 Licence money B7 Three hammers, scoop and plow 13 00 Total S47 1 Cr. A mnnnt r I work S tazables. $130 33 I'ald Michael naicie .... Paid tor work on Klchiana road 27 82 Paid James W barton lor aouii- ments ot Dysart bridite Kcturne.i onseated lands Eioaeratlons - H lance raah naid for work ...... 14 00 4 t9 i 6 Vlh H 13 Irfl W Scoop, plow and hammers - Service rendered- - Total , v-.7 I S 47 la Balance due township $ 'JO KOBEKT COXKAD, Supervisor Dr. To amount of duplicate ..Ki3 7 53 00 Keceived from unseated lands Keeelved from licence lund Total. ..saie sr. .,nt 7 .. -JH-1 48 - i r.i 1 4 .. 1 1 h7 7 10 ..$545 S 614 VI 'r. To amount ot cash paid lor work..... asn paia lor oraers ... Work tax .". Kmncratluns ......... Services rendered Expenses making returns, etc Total Balance due township f 28 57 1 - .1 .. i...,.. 1 a ... 1 .... --1 ,1.. -urillv that we have examined the aoove accounts and bnd them as stated. M. L. M CA IITNEY. Jlrl 1 . ii Atn 1 , S.COOHI. AK. BEAKS. Clerk. Auditors. March 2a. 1892.3t r. l. joHssres. n.J. bclk. a. w. bick EiTABLUjUaD 1872. Johnston, Buck & Co.7 BANKKIIS, EHENSliURG. - TENN'A. A. W. Bi t la, C'aatiler. EeTABLIBHKD'1838. Carrolltown Bank, CAKKOIXTOWS. PA. T. A. BlIABBAnai, t'nanler. General Banliiz Business Transacted. The following are tbe principal features ol general baLking business : DEPOSITS Keeelved payable on demand, and Interest bear In certificate issued to time depositors. LOiSH Extended to customers on favorable terms and approved paper discounted at all times. COLLECTIONS Made In the locality and upon all the banking- towns In tbe United States. Charges moderate. DRAFTS Issued neitotlable In all part or tbe Vnltod States, and toreitrn exchange Issued on ill parts ol Euro' e. AICOI'KTS Of merchants, farmers and others solicited, to whom reasonable accomodation will be extended. Patrons are assured that all transactions shall be beld as strictly private and confidential, and that they will be treated as liberally as good banking rnles win permit. Kespectfully, J OH ANTON. ItrCH 0. LILLY BANKING : CO., LILLY, PA., JSO. B. MI LLED, CASHIER. GENERAL HANKING PUSINESS TRANSACTED. FIRE, LIKE, AND ACCIDENT INSUR AN'CE. ALL THE PRINCIPAL STEAMSHIP LINES REPRESENTED BY US. Accounts of merchants, fanners and oth ers earnestly solicited, assuringour patrons that all business entrusted to us will re ceive prompt and careful attention, and be held strictly confidential. Customers will be treated as liberally as good banking rules will permit. LILLY HANKING CO.. feb3'J0. Lilly, Penua BLOODED STOCK SUE! I will offer at my residence at Rebecca Fnr nbce. three miles west ot Mart tnbanr. Pa., on Wednesday. May lllh, 19S, the following- Blooded Slock: Tretllnar-Bred stlalllwna, Rrasd Mares. I n foal to Standard Bred Stalllaa, Marnannlea.10.2V4. Trntilnar-Bred Ksadsfen, Colts and Fillies. Ala, a lat af Jersey Cews-srades. -,S ale to commence at one o'clock. A rea sonable credit will be riven. EDWAKD U. LYTLE. March IS, 189S. Ij'XErUTOK'S NOTICE. j letters testa-nentary upon tbe estate ot Na than Hates, late of White townhlp. In tbe coun tv 01 Cambria. Pa., deceased, havlnn been rranu ed to the undersigned, notice is hereby given o a II persons indebted to said estate to made Im mediate payment and those bavlnc claims or de- manaa auamst the same are requested to present them properly antbentl-ated for settlement to ISAIAH trATES. El ecu tor of Nathan (rates, deceased. White Twpn Fa.. March 2a. lsS2.St Ml. D. KITTELL. Attorney-Dt-Jiaw. EBENSBUKO, PA. Offlce fa Armory Building, opp.Coart Uonse. TW. DICK. ATTOKNEY-AT-L.AW. KBismrts, Pkww'a. AsTSeclaI attention given to claims for Pen lion Bounty, etc chT- UNALD E. DUFTOX. ATTOKNEY-AT LAW. Esssssrss, Fisia. tUf Office ia Opera House, Centre street. GrEO. M. READE ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. Eacwname. Pissi. Aw-OfBce oa Centre street, near High. H. II. MYERS. ATTOHM BY-AT-L.A W. Esssssrss, Fa. fffiee Is Colloaade Row. oa Centre street. fimE FKECMAN Is the iarest paper la North 1 Camorla. lont forsret It. IkiEO. a.MIT,.Nw Totality We received latest patterns. Good Pluck Good LI.k U Good Plui k Our present. Impertsd llarses far Kale. Thomas Jt Pros.. Indiana. Pa., imiwirters of Norman and Clydesdale stallions and mares. A very choice lot to select from. Prices low. Terms to suit purchasers. TAII.KOAITIME TABLE NO. 1 OF THE IV Oresson, Clearfield County and New York Short Koute Uaiiruad. In eOect on and alter November 15t.h I8fcl. Irvona ' , Exp.t.. i .Traint . sxr: r rz rfti- - r7 m ..:..t.::..-nvi.... ;IHst. 7wiS5w rarinc ; j o c t r: cc 5 c a. . - f 3 5 -'Exp 3 Mail.. " r' i Church j Traint-! Cresson' o !Eip.t..i Cre S3 m m m Leave dally except Sunday. Leave Sunday only Blaca- lerers indicate telea-raph stations. Itonnj 's. Moore's and CrUtie's Cros8lnn will be t!K stations lor all trains. No. 1 connects at 'reason with Johnstown Ex press at 87 for points between Oresson and Johnstown, and with Pacific Express at 8 4! for points west ot Johnstown. Also with Mall Train at 9 Xi tor points eat of Creson. No. 6 connects with MailTrain at i'X tor points West of Ore--on. and Mai; Express fur points east of Cres.on. From points west of Cresson No. 4 connects with Mali train at 1, and Irom points oast ot Cresson with Johnstown Express at 8 27. end Pa cific Express at 8 4S. So. e connects with Mail Train at 4 26 from points east of Cresson. and Mall Express at 8 17 from points west ol Creson. Sunday trains connect with Pacific Expressand Mall Train west and mail Express east. Passengers to or Irom points on Pennsylvania h. Northwestern Hatlroad can take train at Coal port or Irvona. Stations marked T' are Has stations. Pas sengers wlt-hion to aret oil will notify tbe con ductor. Passengers wishing to itet on will flag the train at these stations. Trains will not stop unless eo notif ed. W. P. KAIHBI'N, treneral Manager and superintendent. V. J. BVKlRKJN. Train Master. " AIIJKOAD TIME TA ULE OF THE EBENS IV bunt a Cresson Branch Kailroad. In effect December 20. 1191. Can nee II en a at Cresson. WEST. 1 EAST. Ovster Exp i 55 s m Harrisbur Ac. 0 23 a m Western Exp.. 4 43 a m Seabore Exp.. 6 30 a m Johnstown Exp. 8 24 a va Mall 38 a m I'acltic Exp 8 45 a ni Day Exp 11 (Mam Mall 4 -M pm Altoona Exp.... 1 00 p m Way Pass 2 36 p m Mall Exp 5 17pm i Phil Exp. Blip m SOfTHWAKD. Dis tance. .l z.o'l 4 .8 .. 6.1... 7.6... No. 1. A V ....7 40.. ....7 50. ...t se... 8 01... 8 08. No.i A H 10 25. .10 31. No. 3. T K 3 :ts 3 44 Ebensburc. HraJley..... Ksyloi Noel Munster Lucket Cresson ....10 38... ....3 .so 10 38 3 5ft -10 41... ..4 (10 ..4 08 ..4 15 8.6.. -.8 1S. 10 45 ..10 SO.... II 3 sao.. NOKTHWAKD. Ilia- No.1. No. 2. No. S. Lance. a at S 30 ... 1.7 35 3.8 8 40. 5-3 9 44 6 9 47.... B.3 9 ta 11. 10 10 A If 11 10... -.11 20... ll-. as... 11 41... .11 47... 12 01 r at. 5 20 30 5 37 5 43 .--5 48 6 57 0 10 Cress sn Luckct M aneler Noel Kay lor Bradley Kbensburg.. Hradley, Noel and Lucket are Fla Stations. No traint on Sunday. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the Orphans' C-ourt of Cambria county. I a the matter of the first and final account of J. B. Denny, administrator ol the estate of A. J. Christy, deceased. Havln been appointed auditor ty said court to report a distribution ot the fund in the hands ot the aocouptant. notice ts heresy alven tbat I will sit at my office In the borouitb ! Ebetsburs;, on I'rl4ar,lh 1st day mt April. at 10 o'clock, a. v.. lor tbe Doruose of discharatna- tbe duties of said appointment, when and where ail uenons Interested may attend or be forever debarred from ocmlnr n on said lund. DONALD E. DUFTON. Ebensbura;, March 18, lSvri. Auditor. CANCER and luaon ct'KFD i no fock m Iirr 1-rhATioxr hrr i'v. Id Lim bu, iwvinnsu. ' Fast ! no Line j Mail Jt'iifc-ft-"S i . ! ! ::7:":: -rfij Hi: 1 1 2 5 ge-z.- 5 i i Spring Styles Our Stock is ripjit up to date. In ihe matter of late styles WE ARE ALWAYS IN THE FRONT RANK, display ing all the choicest new novelties as fast sis they appear. We keep a thoroughly modern line of goods in all departments, cater tc the very bes: trade, and make it our special pride to be at all times fully stocked with the latest and best. " DRESS GOODS. last week a full line of Dress Cashmeres pi:i i:s: ( asiiuiei')' h Lust. r.. . ci-nls cents r;.". edits Also a large line of Dress Ginghams, Calico, Lawns, Lace, large line of Cambrics. stock of Furniture has never been so complete as at Come and see. It is for your own interest. Chamlier Suits Complete, s Pieces. lien y mid O.ik s.n.111. Chamber Suits Coniplele. s Pieces. Solid Oak '.'."i.OO. Sprinz ItiM-Uers. CarM-t Si-at. 1 1 iuinn d v it h I-'rinif . .'..Vi to 4.ii. Also a good assortment Extension Tables, Cane-bottom Chairs, Small RocKers, Stands, single Bureaus. The Champion Clothiers, Simons, are able to knock out all competition in that line. We have practiced the clothing business for the past IS ears. You are sure to get satisfaction in our est'iblishnient. We displayed last weeK over 1,000 pairs fiuest light weight Pants that means all latest spring shades. Men's I'ine Plack Hress Suits, frmn. Hoys' Cussimcre Suits, all wool Children's good Schuol Suits Knee Pants, from . .S.,.(MI . . l.'.l . . 1.1 .' . . I'M', Our stock in the above ready to be examined. DON'T l-'opGKT Our illaminoth Grocery Department Which we 1-iteIy built. It is a Dandy the 1 urges) iu Cambria county. We filled up with the Ix-si in that line and are ready to give you ISuruaiu. Good Green Co ffece lc. pel pi .11 nil . Oood lloasted CotlW -lc. per poll mi. l.'l Cans 'J'oniatiH's s-l.isi. i:i Cans Cm n I.on. Kxtra iood Flour ..'.". Ktra GimmI I-'lour i.:;u. Kt i a i iiHt.1 l-'lour 1.:;.'.. Ktra GoimI h'loui I.lo. tiootl Leuiolit Chop I. We also keep t he best stock of Meals a ud ot her articles in t he line. 1 1. m' give us a call. W e ill save you per cent, on your purchase. Ol'K SIIOK STCK is ready foi inspection and has neter U-eii large as it is this sprint!. We carry over rw different styles of Ladies' Line Dress Shwes. and u c feel sure wr; can please you. Also, k'M-p a large assortment in Men's, pny' and Children's Shoes. We quote you prices: Ladies' tine Douglass sIkm-s. i.s a fiair. Ladies' fine Kid Shoes, Ladies' tine Kid. with Patent Leaf her Tip-. 1.T4. Ladies' Mohm-co Spring Ili-el. 1 j t e:t.isia pair. Men's smm! I res sIhm-s. f.i a pair. Men's (;.m1 I ie-s sil(M's, 1.4H a jiair. Mill's linml Dress K a 11 tra n Shoes. a pair. M'-n's Prolans, s-,,.. a pair. Itoys Dress siioes.,-. Infant SIkx-s frotn o to 1 .. Purch::s,'rs can't miss it iu our I jrse establishment. Therefi.i-.'. we initc you to i-iiini' and have a look at the new stock Just received f jr spring. Tie e w bo buy early before the usual sprint rush liegius will ha ve t he ad va nt ;ui i.f - ecting from an unbroken assortment of all the new pa 1 terns, to Im- had h. n lc.; r d. siMonsr - &u - 00., THE LARGEST DKALEfW. GALLITZIN, PENN'A. A Matter of Great Importance to You. If suffering from loiiir standing Chrotiic Diseases. Diseases nf the PIoihI. skin, and Nervous Sytein. as well as t bos.- suHering from EYE, EAR, HOSE AND THROAT TROUBLE. i,s.y . TAYLOR, it f II. 91. Examination and Consultation Free lo Everybody. CHKO.MC DISEASES OF EYES, Such as Granulated Lids. Chronic Inflammation ot the Lids, of the Iris, of the Choroid, of the Ketins, Chronic Ulcerations, Spasms of thr Lids and Eye. Tears running of the cheeks. Day and Ntirnt Blindness. Purulent or MatterirK Sore Eyes, Gonorrheal Ophtbalmia. Sytnphllltic Oph thalmia. Ked Blotches or Brown ones on tbe Ball. White Spots on Eye. Olnucomla or Cuijiirnr ol the Nerve. Amaurosis. Falltn out of the Lashes, Sores. Kedness ot Eilves of Lids and Eyes, an I all other diseases to which tbe eye or lts'apnend-ana-es are liable, positive and rarlid cure aeuarau teed. A WOliD ABOUT CATAKUH. It is tbe mucus membrace. that wonderful semi fluid enveloe surroundine tbe d licate tissues ol the air and lo'wl pasfaiteii. that Catarrh makes its stronghold. Once cfiKt.ltn-,1 it eats into tbe vitals and renders a II le a Ionic drawn breath ol misery a-d disease, dulltnit tbe scne of hear ing, trammelinir the jK.wer ot speech, destroying tbe faculty ol smell, tainting tbe breath and kill ing the refined pleasures ol taste. lniUdlounly. by creeping on Irom a simple cold In the head. It assaults the membraneous lining and and envel opes Lie bones, rating the delicate coats and causing Inflammation, sloughing and death. Nothing short ol total eradication will secure health to the patient, and all alleviattves are simply- procrastinated suffering, leading to a fatal termination Even when the disease has made frightful Inroads on lelicate constitutions, bearing, smell and taste have been recovered and the disease thoroughly driven out. Diseases of women, such as havu baffled the skill of all physicians and remedies murk r cured. ( ancets tumors til..-.,i,l U.,H n.l....-.i.i .i. .... , . . , ' .. . - of the knife or caustics. No cutting, no MOUNTAIN HOUSE. EBENSBURC. PA. April Wednesday, Thursday, 20 21 WINDSOR HOTEL. April May Monday, 18 10 Tuesday, 19 17 AUDITOH'S NOTICE. In the matter of tbe Drstand partial account ot I rank Powers, executor ot the last w u and testament ot Her. Thomas Davln. dec.. Having been appointed Auditor by sa Onrt to report a distribution ol (he load In bands or tbe accountant, notice Is hereby rives that 1 will sit at my offlee in the borough ol Ernbnrg ,B "- mf April. st 10 o'clock, a. lor the purpose ol dis charging the dntlea ol said appointment, when and where all parties interested may attend or be forever debarrod from coming la on aald fund. DONALD E. DUFTON. Ebenfbure. Pa.. Starcli 1, I8V2. Auditor. fvTOTlCE. i.1 All thoea Indebted to the estate of Wm. Litzlnger wtll please eome and bay op on or be fore April 5th. or costs will be added. Also, those Owing Eugene LiUlnxT will do the saaia. EUOLNE LIfZINGEE. March 18, 1S31. l of th- per ai d. M-r ani. per ard. Muslin, Plain I,, to lO.ISI. to 7. Ml. to 1. IS. rep it t fail to 91. Is., nneelallst. CHKON1C DISEASES. Tbe doctors treat no acute diseases but make an entire rpeclalty ol chronic and long standing diseaes. Caici given up by other doctors nounoed Incurable, thev most desire to see. Th.e docters have treated over over 15 uoo cases In ibl'o In the last twelve years, many ot which bad been given up as Incurable, some lo be blind, others to be deal, and a large number to be Invalids lor life. But behold: new they see and hear, and many are started on the rlbt road to health and recovery every day. The doctors are surrounded with the largest collection ot bne Instruments ever Imported to this country for examining and treating all chronic disease ol the Head, Fa-re. Eve Ear; Throat. Heart, Lungs, Stomach. Liver Kidney. BUd ler.Skln. Brain, and Nervous System Can cers. Tumors. Files. Swellings. Old s.ur. ynK Paralysis. Neuralgia, Klieamatli-m, liropsy lout. Sick Headache, Debility, Depression ol Spl-lts. D.seayes ol Children. Hereditary Dis easeases. etc.. etc.. and in lact all long sutndlnr and Chronic Diseases. KECTAL DISEASES. They also make a specialty of all form of Kee tal Di-es. Piles Internaf and external. Itch ing and blending rectal ulcers, fissures, fistula which are often taken for Cacnercus and Lung Diseases, all cored If taken In time. Berne tuber we cure all forms ot Piles without pain, detention or lnieru;tlon irom business ,;nd without the use ol a knife, caustic, ligature, or Injection. Come and be convinced. Dr. MeClellan made these dlseasel a icialty lor ten yeari In a Urge city. .... vijr"!. iipiii ureu witnout tlie pain, no danger. use May J unc July A ugust IS 19 15 1C 13 11 10 11 A uciist 8 9 JOHNSTOWN. .Inn: .luly 13 11 14 12 4 I'DITOK S NOTICE. Notice ia hereby given that havlrur Ix-en an - i'iws uj me oy me wrpnkiis court ol Cambria county auditor to distribute the fnnd In tbe handa ol Francis L. Little, executor ot tbs last will and testament of William Little, deceased, as shown by his Brut and final aocountto and amongst those entitled thereto. I will sit In Attorne s Koom. Court House. Ebensburg. Pa:, on Friday. April H, lsj. at ten o'clock, a. w . for the purpose of attending to the duties ol said appoint ment, when and where all iersons may attend or be forever debarred from coming In on said lund. II. H. M V tKS, Ebensburg. March 2&,182. Auditor " A A SESIS - gives Inst tit relief arid is an infaHfliia 4 are for Pile. IViceJl. By Iirupgistaormnil. Simpl' rrre. AMrs-A A a kJlS.' lioxziM,Se V-a. City. junr.'yiiy PUIS 1 fr