! s 1 i i ! ; I A i i ' 9 ! I HlKNMUKrt. fAMIil.l V CO freeman. FRIDAY M K 111' All i n l . t i r i- j -. ni I - t i ' l" ( (atiirr.--in.iii M :!:.-. "t T .. l'n tc! St.i'- t-imt..r fpi; l':..it "-t.iti- Mr. CYrvr.i wr' letter to (..rnontl Urapjr. pays tho rt.iUtl'lphiit Timf, tis llw t!.ivvr cf p.ttriMk- frank ncf tl.ut i-otn.--. with e Ty it!T:ituc fr.'m lif rp-i.l' iit. atidniif -i-nt'-no' in that 1- t i. r ..iM J--s )j" iinJ-rT. tin- Artiri- ! k lit ta.- li:in WIllll T-'l it re I I ' -i,..'. ... II. i i Vtrt"l -mi'l iy tiifl.t ri !, II- - : ..I l--- tki" Mi -I. 1 1 i r.- Hti I -;.'.. t "i:.fi I. 1 1 . . I- .t t.(M i it .j--! . .i 'i i . . - it, rt. I !le-l -I i i ' 'i .i r i 1 if.II.il i.. in ! 'i ; I . 1 I t T f- -r r -!. I i. it i- i. I ! ..-t.:.- .in Jin. K r " ! it I- I. .; i iii.t r - -A.T.I " .111 " tin- I .- Wn-y -Jll.l'.l J!ltK- Hi tll.il ll liif p.ya 1 Itlllial l1 I .1 ..- f f th t- .i w . ii . -, i.ii.il -tr;f .ll-t rt : !! It I- tr it . ;i- Mr. !' l.tii.l it..- I'r i I - i . i .!f-ftn. 1 1 1 1 1 1 .mi' "1. v fi .i t 1 tltt'UctT IV -ult-n. v i- prt-tniiirTtti.v '. i. :'.-." .lU'l If n-1 K" ""I PVJiiil tlrr -ti.U- .in- t. ir.c ti I-it- t:i- 'lf- .w 'f t' l!:t ft. t I tilt f f ; thi .ii - -rt.i t i. u-t ..f tl.t-i-.-..!:. 1 I., tl !) til' .!' 'f t !l- hmiit Kin-. Mi:.i-ttr t Vr.iii.t . 1. f.ht. .r-1 i - f if ti.f Nf" '..ili 'Vi'-ttfi. . iiii.l now it. tj .ri-l ir. i Lilkfl i .f ;i!- :t Kfiillii-n taii'li'liit'- fr thf ii..iniiiiti"ii fr Yi'- rrMl iit "itli llarri-m. Hi- i. a tnillionairr, lmvin in.trrii .l '-1 njii n.i" MilU' only ilaui;ti-t.r. !,i , ' alil It t!.tint lt- rli !f it!v ).:!. t t Un til U Uashinpton Letter. Vuin..ii)n. I Man H 12th, l'J. Si-ak r 'ris will, if liis htnltti runt?, Iinkt tl.t- . l.-iui; s-i-t-tt ti ill thf tl.-tiat.-iww I inn so :th!y in;tint.iiiuil ly th-fc-iiu tTatii- iin-ii.it'rs f th- Ilousiri the fr.f Hi-.', l-iil. Mr. .j.ni.- r will ......l.l. t.. l ,L. nn I Jtrl hat. T Hi ! tU-hittt-, :t hi- .hJ l.tli iiiUj-1 i away ii -t-n noiiL-li to trv( J. lor t'iv alir-iliUi- n-r-t, l-for !ntf- ill the ll-Mi-.- ay itiat in il ho i v il or.-ix vik of In- ran rtuit tns Tin- -I itc "f Mr. Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report lv t,",-- !.. I :i i- MH h thitt It 1 fr-lu l..tl!.tf'.ll nl4-Jh-r h- lillf ith'.f li liiaWi- A:. I.llt tlnTf will lr no lii' k OIK tlilll ! llif Mm 1 li.xi.ry.r.i.i.s'. ASSOLUTECir PURE A Coiirt'.-v iijihrtiir.iii'Ht hill, which :l iit itrly as p'sihlr ilUi'lcs tiio i-i mjrn'Ss ional ili.-tri ts of the stflto of New York Iwtwi-tn I i-iiKiTiits ami Ki-jiuhli-:ins, h:is - n m parcil. arl it will sjnttlily jiass hoth hotisfs and ! .isrnnl hy tlw liovcrnor. TIhto un :U 'rn;r-ssi."n:il tli.-trii-tri in the st:itc. Tin- hill niaVi-s li' diatrii-ts l)i-iiiotr;iti-. 1" K-juhli-;ui aiul H ilouhtfwl. Tiik lVm: lvania 'orli's Fair m inission lias hi-t-n unfortunate in its Chairmen tho tirst one of them, Hon. (.'hiirles S. Yolfe. havinic ilieil imnili ately after his aiointment. anl the M-eond. Mr. Vhitiiiiin, having U-en fori -oil to r -si ii on aoiint of ill-heiilth. The vacancy, however, has hecn till-il hy the iointnii-nt of Mr. A. 15. Farijti liar of York, a gentleman whose various oualitications ailmirahly adapt him to the position. Amon the fviih-nces that he is a level-headed man is the fact that lie is a manufacturer who does not he- lieve that hi.- hu.-ines.- is henetited hy :i lnonojxily tariff. if iipprtfiitt'- It i- vf hihe-t iv-rld. aii-1 tin- in. in l'rt-idt t -y rdioiiM Ik- ci II i-id !.; jtldtlH llt i-i tin- iin rie;iii jH-oplf -i !vtin a puh l M-r.mt t' di.-i liaise th mot rMHi-k'-ilulit-s under our fr- in-titution. Il is tin- one otli f ti l- Kepllhlic to hi' h the rreid.-nt fleet liould hiiii'4 the hi-'he.-t dignity of t htracter and the f li-iire.-t record of maii'iUj.-s. and only Uiii-u who can thus come to the hi;rhe-t Lonois of the I'nion .-ho4.M U' reminded i-i within the list of iossil,le rresidentiiil cllididiltes. I'ulike mo-t Fri sid;r lial asjiirants, Ir. I'lcveland always iWiiiis precisely -.!i;it he says. He has srt times suffered i iuch from liis candor ic expressing his views upon puhlic iiu-j;ti.ns, hut tiim has always vindicated tht soiindne.-s ol Lis judgment and tho iierity of his convictions. H is the one puhlic man of the nation to-day whoever dares to 1 riirht. to siak for the rit and to act for the riirl 1 1 as lie consi ientioiislv un- il'L-stands it. and tiuit is iliv he is to- day the choice of an overwL-lm:nn ma jority of the people of tht nation, whi detiirt a change in the political power of the tational ''overnment. He fullv till.- the hill of a man who reiirdri the Fn .-i tlencv sis "pre-eminently tL- ottice o the people" Thk Fennsylviiniii railroad is trying to j;et tot;-tlier for the purpose of compar ison a numlver of locomotives of differ-f-nt types. The company has ordered from the ISaldwin Locomotives wcrks a len-wht els passonsrer t-limine comjiound--d on the Yauctain .-ystem; from the Schenectady works a pa.-scnizer i-nine ooijijioundeil on the 1 'itkin system, and from the same works a simple engine with l'.'xiM cylinders and tli feet drivers, wei;hinj ahout IJ.OCmI pounds. All of tin'- engines, are ordered simply for purposes of investigation and com pari -0n. The Baldwin i-ompound Xo. MJ h;is hei-n running an the Pennsylvania railroad and on the I'ennsylvania lino west of Piitshurn witliin the last few weeks and has shown extraordinary efficiency. any set I it iiKH-nttjr iieinU r.- h;tc inrtitied Mr. McMillin. h i-in charre tjf il,e hill. of liit ir tl!ire to ,-jH ;ik. It - prol.;.l.ie that iMiiiir t.f them will have wait un til one the other tariff lilils IS cahttl up, a it4-i the pre.- nt int -uJi'n to vote on the fwt: wool l ill I'll the J1. inst., So its to ! it out of the way of the tree oin:c' hill, which come jMn tin- under tV' resolution adopfc--d la-t Mon day. Mr. .Harrison has lieenis preiipitate in malin puhli,- the rre.-poiRience with lrd Salishurv coiiorninn tho re- fu.-al f that otlicial to r-new the mo dus vivendi in Itehriiijjs Sr-.-i dining the cominj; si-aliny season, iis he was in seitdinn thiil famous ultimatum to Chili Mu IJiaine is iok in l-wl and has had nothiiu; to do with this undue haste. Ilefore tiie last commuuicjition to Lord HalL-hury could josihly Ltve Um read and digested hy him, it was sent to the Senate, something unheard of in time of jit-ace. It is not prohable ihat the Senate will take any action on the arbitration treaty, which preceded tbe corresond enee ly one day, until iime has Ix-cii )jiveii Lord Salisbury to reply to the la-t ili-pati'h sent him. It is; generally exjrf-cted Lliat Kepn-sent-ativc Mci'reiiry of Keni.'i'-ky will It chairxj;m of the 1 )eiii H-j-atic t'omire sional ( 'iim jiiii'ii committte tliis y-ar. The ciminiiltti' has not yet Ikk-ii selected, but a caucus will lc held for that purjise in .t few days, lteprcsentiitive Mci'reary tLinks that fore the tariff debate which In-pm in the 1 louse tli is week is clo.-nl, ihe country will he fully convinced thai the tariff is the paramount i.-sue, and that silver is A l.t-itt-r from Cleveland. Muwaiki.k. March 14- Ci ii'-ral VaI- father of the fiimoiis want S. Ura phr;--: "-We love him for the enemie lie iiiisiiiiiili-," has lt-n iri;inij ex-l'n-si- dent Cleveland to make public an avowal . , .1 i - m -onnectiou witn uie aiiproacning I teitiiM-ratii' J'lesident.'al convention. I'ndi-r date of March - he wrote a. letter to !r. Cleveland from Fon-lu-Lac. con tiiimnu' the following paragraph. '-The danger to puiiic inten-.-t w hich a failure of the I it-miM-ratie party would involve seems to now rfiiire the avo,val of your williniriie-s to submit to any scr vim to w hich your party may assign you. Many eiitertain tin- Iw-lief that you may docline further Jitlhlie iltity, whiih none hut you can effectually remove, and yur voice will everywhere In? heard with l iuietit ami elf -ct. I l-clieye your use fulness to the nation ut-iy l- greater now than ever in the pa-U to carry to victory tlir cause of tariff retcm and to restore the blt s.-in-rs of imx! oveinnieiit to our jiplo. liiis as your fellow lMnm-riil and fellow citizen I a-k you tn say to your party and tin- jn-ople that your liiuue be t -seiilel to the national I emo- I cratie convention for it.- noinin:ition to tle presidency and tha' you Will aeeej.t I that nomiiiiitioii if tlt- -onvention ,-h;il! i make it and airain undertake the duties ! ! of iiresi-leiit if the piLrty shall, as I lt- lie.vc they will, choose lull for that of tiee." ex-prts-idciit wires N. .1.. March Ill reply, the follows: "Lkl.Vool Hon. Kdward S. Iliai:. I;i; S:i:: Your letter of the ."th inst.. i-rei t-ive. I. iiave tiioulil until 1 .,,), ... . i .. . i . i . .. .... tl... I to l so i ait iiiiiiiiu.iiii ma ui.-j .is soi ii.- now 1 llilill i iiiiuiiii'- riiiiii i'ii in- t-i it- . t, ... ... .t . .. , , i li-t .- M n-lii-.'-i l.:iMlil:ii. ii'-M 1J e:ir. I lm-i of Hie talk linllll-'iil in on Ilie lloor ot . nl.i.-, I v. ueli innli-r l'i- iii-'Ii sanction I . ... . , , I . - , ,, i. . Iinn-el! Li-neat h a iii.ivniv Ki-liiL'-'t all.-v Hit House wnen llie vole w;is taken on ot your position its my ieiiou ienio.-r.ii . ., ... . ..... .; ...... .f. :.: 'i ;.. I"'-i.i tia.i. at I ark I'lace..,, .va nir.'.-ii lilt nil . . oiiii asi'iv nun o.i s, aim it iil ill.. 11, hum hi ...hi ii...i... , . , -., i i . t . . . x i i I i . i r i" . . : ami wa- i n-t a ill I v klili-il What i-.iiisi-I iiiirinniii'' .iiiircn , ior ine cjnsnie;it- i as a irue a u ii ii-iea ii icini, iim int-M-m . . . , . . . . . . . ,, ,ii ... - i 111 in to no t lie act I- lint kixoi ii. I Ml! lie 1- tien ul llie l.liiliil iree i-oinage iiju, wouiu l to me. II in ansyerin your uesiion i i ........ ... ;. ..!.. ...... ... ; ...t i.. i ...;..i.t ..,,1.- ....ti.i..r no- i.rsi.ii.il iti-ins ' ('l The House Committee- on Jliv. r-and and mv individual ea.-e and comfort, my ! -Auirn-t Litilml. of 1 I. II...!::.-. L.wa. Hari.rs has closed its hearings, and ! n;n- would be prompllv made and j .-t-tiac caii'li'l it.- for a !.:.rin:i n a'am-t hoi hvs to bave tbe bill reoorl.-.l to t lie ! vvii'i.oii t I he 1. a-t re-er atioti or dillielllt V 1 '. .te-t of 1.1- w I f.-. 1 1 w ..I k.-il a I ! la y Ilou.-ewithiiiaweekorten ilavs. Chair- j Fut if you are ri.u'ht in supposinj; that i at w;i-el.-.-i r.-lil.l to :i ilntv 1 .ai-.. to1 Went Imllie lie Iolni.1 T lull i;Mn.tii oi in k 1 T.-n men ran lie arraniieil .i jjian-lt in sinirle til.- 3.1W111 way-. It is sab! lliat Klaine will -h.utly t ilo a 1 r i -outli for tin- ticiiclit of bis health. .lo-epn K. ;i:iinliaii. of Philadelphia w ill have liver :t'.i nf h is tint: .ler-ey eat t ! killed to prevent t lie pr.-ild of 1 Illieli Uln-i-. i 1,'i-V. Ilittiiii. Sweet. U yitlllilT M-tl;oli-t miiii-ter .f Ku-ell. la., w ;i- si rii k.-n hliml in the pulpit. Siimlaj. in the ini.l-t of his discourse. Mure hvii have "iie.l aiil are tmi ie.l in tin- I-tl.iue-of Piiiiiiina. aitiiiir tin- hi f tin- profm-til canal, than mi any i-ijiia! anioiint nf territory in ih- iilil. A limb of 7". Ilia-ked III. 11 took three ni-vrr.H-s on; of th. Shi-lby cuiinty. 111., jail anil -hot thetn. The negroes were iiiipli-i-aieil in tin- killing f four deputy sheriff-. ('animal liihlmns has a l.-Uer from Ki-hnp l-fil. of Cartliasf. 'nhiinhiii. in which the Iti-hop pii.ini-es to -en. I a Im-11 77s years iil.J for t-vhihiti. ii at the World's Fair. Fiftifll ihullsillid jilik till. hit- Wl-le leceiitly kitJed in one drive near I'lt-Mio. Cat., and it is estimated that more than la i.i no wor.- killed ill t hi- nui.ti.-l through out t he -late t his w inl'-r. T-. iiiti.ii t.-l -lallion-' eustuiu Si.iiai . . . ...... r I ,-arli. and n m-d t. v HaVKl I'biirain. oi ! Leavenworth. Kan., broke lin a f.-iu-.-1 h. tue.-n th. -in on Sunday and 4-niraed in j a tinht w hii-li t e-ulted i n t he ili at h of U,l Ii. Mrs. .lam Voiimt. the aed u idow ..f a Meii-an iir vt-Terau. w bile waiting fm ii M-n-ioii tl.at Iti-V er fit inc. w it- fnillid de.nl in her Imiiv neir Klait.m. Moiitoun-j y count v. Sunday niu'ht. havilur t.irvi-J to TllK Sciiiite FiuanceCommitt'ee has di rected a favorable report to be piade on the House bill for a better control of and to promote the safety of the National banks. In substance the bill forbids banks to make loans to it- oths-r-rs or servants unless the loan is approved by ii majority of the directors or tho execu tive committee, and al.-o forbids banks to allow their ollicers accounts to ! over-drawn. A new paragraph has been added as an amendment, uuthoriini: banks to enlarge their circulation to the full par value of the I'nitod states bonds deposited, so that the bill mu.-t go back to the House after it passes the Senate. Tho COnilMtttee ordered adverse re ports to U' made C-'i four bills intro duced by the Democratic Senator.- to remove the taxation of state bank circu lation and to subject national bank notes and l'nitel States treasury notes to state- taxation. The liil in equity hied by tin- Attor ney (ienrral with reference to the leases and aurif incuts 'inown as "tho Pending deal." i-ays tho Pittsburg lh.-,,nl- h , puts the legal isfiue in a clear form. There has lieen gome dispute as to the -ourso the administration would take in this matter, but th action of Mr. Hensel energetically followed up will character ize Coventor Patterson's second term with tho sturdy defense of public rights against corporate aggression as his first. The bill sets forth that the railroads combined and controlled by tho leases anil contracts are parallel for certain portions: that the principal ones have been, prior to the agreement, competing for freight and passengers ami that they iiro all competing in the transportation and Side ot anthracite coal. It might have averred that the purpose (if tho leases and consolidation was the sup pression of competition : but it meets the same end by pointing out that the se curing of the control is in violation of the Constitution, against public policy, and void. This bill will bring the question bo fore tho courts authorized to pass upon it. I'nlesn tho corporation? are able to show a very different state of affairs than that disclosed by tho Attorney ( ien eral'shiH. the decisions of the same courts in the South Pcnii case leave lit tle doubt that the leases will be declarexl Void. Hut, while securing such a deci sion will le as decided a credit to At torney (Jenera! Hensel as the first case w;is to Attorney General Ca.-siday, that will not finish the work. Mr. Hensel should see that the Coititution is obey ed and that tho rulings are not nullified in actual practice, as was done in the South Penn case. If Attorney General Hensel pre.-ses this issue to a compel) victory the second term of Governor Tiittison will I fittingly complete the good work of hi.- first term. TIIFKK i a sayini? that tin- n ;il . Ii vii i.fhfewill If found when eeiy woman 1- eolltellted with her 'Jo All-. W hell -he i- eeitiiMi that they do li"' draw in tie j back no wiink!.- in front, tli.it tin- --am- . are nut (-u ' lei!" a ml . I..- sk u t - lian i ntr m -caliop- af'.-r uc.il ina -hoi ' turn-, ii w II Ii- uiii-u Ihi-V an- made oi t:t l''-ll. , , Tin- ail black to:!. -It.- i- woiid.-nu . c a- the blench e;.ii il. ''!' it i.iii-i l-c . . a Iim- fabric, for l!ni-. c.c.t. nv a a:.-i i-.i aim. em f their ;.!i-l .i.i u ol i - . n ' i " "' j I. lack I hail il u oi co'". . The in i m la I il of biaci. u n - i - -1 1 1 i a I I hi-jli t til-- and ev.iv woinau aim- to ban- ; at l.-a -I t w o in 1 1 -I" - a i .1 1 -. .en- of n lm !i , n in -I he a - io w i a ii I ! in i n-t la . a i w a - - a - j -.nab!.-, n l.n.-d a n.l i --inly foran " cii-iou. , fitiddaiiil niiiiir alike. M . mil -i w. i . - t.-r t i 1 1..- i : k waip lli-iii ii-1 1 a s 1.1:1 u i. f.n - i lined by II. Priestly .X ... who protect J : heir ii-toinei - by -ta in pii.ir tln-ii iiaiie-j ill "old itik c crv live ill d - oil t he -el etiire I of th-- jri Mid- Lin.k for the-.- trade tea k- j wh.-ii von no to buy as the I'rie-tly make i- the lie-t 111 the World. Tll. V ale alwuVS j ,,! iivn shades, j.-t and blui-h blin k, and j .-iili thel.-f'.re b" mat' lied at any time. ( W In n in doubt a- to hat to wear don a black toilette and !-! a--i:r.d it will n- y- erU-olit of pill. e. it i- l.illdlv ll.-ee itrV 1 to iidd 1 hat we. ii.-iy a laitM- Iim- of the-.- ; b.iautiful fabrics in lube- ra::L'iii in.m j .-1 ..'.".. 1 ." I- 1 .7.". a ali. A h;-lid-ome Inotil u ' l.ir ! I -- can Ix- made of the -aim- liiiil.-ri :1 hy tin- addition ot el ape. a- t!if-k in loiiL-i 1 i nl i. -ale- ae oi lii.ciruiiiL'. Put t'.e e'.-'ant I't ii-: ! , not ei.ver our -to -k. We have a full line , of ilrap ii" Aliiiii-. V. ::. ::i.i,s. Annul'-. ; Mohiiir. Tami-e. Kali 1 -. rape. Veiiii.L . j hi-ri, t loth, and m:iii oilier-, all stand- aid VM.nl-. hvi rv woman aspire- to a -;ii dr. --. :n l what w .-r. so -oft. -o ilaiiit and s. aileeiiba- TO the toll" h i- il. ' H -!"' k "I j -ill.- is admirable in price, tevtuie and va- I lietv. In black we have I I All silk, loo- ::rain. -.i i inches .. i loi!le I'raiicai-.-. '-'4 inch- - India Surah-. "7 inches hiua Silks .Vi. :.".. ..i"! I.'.i Pel feet ions. Aiiuure- Ilrap d" Alm.t-. Phadam.-s and variou- other brand- are iii. lud.-d in tin- black -ilk department and are extremely hit nd-. 'me. In colored silk- w e I. a e a li-auliful line of hiiiit and lli la -ilk-, v. bite, . ream and .-ill colors and -hading-. im-he- wide, it .Vi c.-ni- a yard. Surah- in many color, "a. .Vi ami 7a cent-. In the same depart ment ou will ti in a huge assortment of remnant- in black and colored -ilk- in vai -ion- ( iiant it it from a yard to a plain dre patt.inat irreailv r.-duced rate-, all ex cellent bargains. A t t he fii ncy booth ih.-r.-is iil-o a large a--oitni'-iit of I'.-tniiiint- in fancy colored I hiua -ilk- that have been selling at i-1 a yard, going now at and -.' Ilts. iiiii Tiiiimi--.ix boivi; l'ri iixi. ( oi:-i:r taking the lead as a favorite. Have you ever tllen ttieln." 1 h-V collie III IVIllle. iliii'i and black at s;..i au! 1. a pa PAI.T.KI.I.s . Al'.ooiia Fiftli Avenue. Pitt5biirir. P AffIA 7J? nriUUJJ NOT A T!NE STOtr HL'T TME riNFST T,Kf Nr'iul a Postal Caril F A fa l.l l l K Catalogue, Ml i.tnv sunt I II Ht: wiriioi T IT. lOO Iiijrs, irofusIy Illusfritfcd. Mill IIM t iim: t I l.tr I 'ard: I lial a 1 1 IPBELL DICK 81. sr,, s7, Fiftli Ave., IMTT.SU I 'KG. imi-i-i1 to have been tcmpori'.y iu-ane. man Planch propria t ions av s the jir.-s: un for ap- I the subject ard was at least - per cent j the country greater this year than he ever km-vv it to I- In-fore, and that tacts concerning the development of commerce on the great itnl to my party, a condition makes such private and A sKMi frmu .Tohiisto-.vu to the Fittshurg liriUh. of Thursday s:ivs: 'F. H. Rirkcr. chairman of the (.'am Fria County Pe.nblican inmiittee. and ieorge II. Scull, of Somerset, were in -onfcr lice here to-day (Wednesday) with a number of leading politicians regarding the 'ongi-essiotiid nomination in this district. Kditor (ieorge T. Swank, F. II. P.iirker, e-Assembh man John M. Pose and Captain II. II. Kuhu. of this county, each think they would make good Congressional timU-r. but it it is said thitt Congressman S-ull has not yet decidel to give Up his claims to the place. Cambria county people, how ever, in.-ist that he has had enough, and tne coniereiice lo-uay was lor t lie pnr- jK'-e of effecting an aiircable arrange ment, so that the two counties could present a united front when the nomin ations take place." Strange that Cap tain Thomas Iiavis is not mentioned, a he was under the inpression that he was .n congressional candidate two years ago si i:ki i: litsi-w hi. ii ins in aitii jK-r- luits, make the closing speech in the de bate now U-ing so ably maintained by the Id'inocratie members of the JIot:s on the fiee wool bill. Mr. Springer will Ik.' unable to take any j..art w hatever, in the di bate, as his physicians Pay that he must go nvvay as soon as he is well nough to travel, for five or six weeks of absoUite rest, before he can l'.-sUl'iie his duties in the House. The state of Mr. Mills' health is such that it is extremely doubtful w hether he w ill U; able to make any set sjecch, but there will be no hick of sjieeches, as nearly one-third of the J cinocratic memU-rs have notified Mr. Mi-Millin, who is in charge of the bill, of their desire to speak. It is probable that sonic of thorn will have to wait un til one fit the other tariff bills is called Op, in it is the present intention to vote on tin-free wool bill on the '21. inst, to t it out of the way of the free coinage Pill, which comes: up on the ' under the resolution adopted Monday of la.-l W eek . lakes and navigable waterways of the country were brought In-fore the com mittee, that are simply .astounding ti those who have not made a study of the subject. These facts will lie cmliodicd in the speech which Mr. Plain-hard will make when the bill gets In-fore the lloii-e. It is not probable that the com mittee will be able to get the total ap propriations carried by the bill below .-ijo.nooMNi, without injuring the busi ness interests necessarily involved in the improvement of rivers and harbors. A car curving th- remains of the late Pepreseiitative Kendall, of Kentukv, exists w:ii.-ii persona: coinliti-in liliit .y irrelevant. 1 cannot, however, refrain Iroin declaring to you that my experience in the great olhce of president has so impressed nit with the solemnity of the trust and its awful responsibilities that I cannot bring inys-lf to regard p candidacy for tin place as something to U won by jK-rsoti-iil strife and active sell -assertion. I have also an idea that the presidency is I pre-eminently the n-op!e's ollice and 1 I have been sincere in my constant ndvo j ciicy of the iffective participation in po i litical affair- on the part of all our citi- i Con-qUe:itiv I b.-Iieve the people sii'-ui'l in- iiear.i in tin- clioict- t i llieir who died here of atiotilcxv this week 1 party candidates and thai they thein- ind Senators Pa.-coe, Hansbrough. war- selves should name the nominees as di- Kx-( iovenior James K. Campliell, of Ohio, was in Chicago on Muiidav and in an interview a- to the chances for Sena tor Hills nomination said: 'T cannot e any hope for Senator Hill. 'The Southern trips will probably strenghten him." said he to-day, ''but it is im-pos-ible for me to set; where he can get enough Votes to secure a nomination. I am for Cleveland, not U-eau.-e I in dulge myself in hero worship, but lo calise I lielieve the I K-ntocratic party de sires his nomination. He is the In-st representative of Democratic principles we emild s jloct from the many men we have who would make good executive ollicers. He represents the reforms the Democrats are demanding, and for these reasons 1 think be is the man to nom inate. 'Thi-Ohio State delegation, I l'licve. w ill le largely for Cleveland. 1 1 ill may have some of the districts but the ma jority will prefer Cleveland. It is not at all certain that cither Cleveland or Hill will l.e nominated. In fact, it is unite probable that the nomination will lie given to a western man. 1 here are plenty of able and desirable men in the West, and perhaps it will prove a way to combine the factions in New York. It is likely that it will In? a convention of surprises, and there is no telling who will Ix? the succes.sful ii.an." ren ami liiltson. anil Kepresenta fives Paynter, Mansur Ammerman, Pailcy. reiiows, vv nson, ( Ky..) ami iJelknap. comprising the special Congressional committee, left here Wednesday after- j noon. i The Commissioner of Patents is send- j ill" ollt :l eirellhir l.-tt.-r t.. ,i...ti...i,.l f. I ..... ..j., .... printed copies of patents that Congress will In1 likely to hear from soon. It no tifies the applicant that, owing to lack of room for the storage and arrange ment of printed copies of patent.-, their orders cannot be filled until additional room shall In? provided by the proin-r authorities. Congress is the projn-r au thority, and the thousands of Manufac turers, inventors and owners of patents, who will In- seriously inconvenienci-d and in many cases needlessly embairass ed by not ln-ing able to get copies of patents, will U- asking Congress why some part of the JI.IKM.i.imhi, earned by the Patent OHiee, and now lying idle in the Treasury vaults, is not used to provide that office with the room necessary to projn-rly transact its very iiiijt.rtant bus- ine.s-.' There is but one satisfactory I invii.r tli.il l'..n.,n. .'...i. ..... .....I tl... 1 v ..ii. t uilll ...ii lll , IH i ill .11 In , pass a bill authorizing; the stn-ti..l-ir.g cf So much Cf this money as may 1m- necc..ary to provide the room needed. Arguments will lo heard bv the World's Fair Committer of thellou.-t- on the 1'lst in.-t., on the bill proini-ing an appropriation for the exposition. Fx -Pepreseiitative Clement-, of Geor gia, has ln-en nominated to In; Inter state Commerce Commissioner. Vice William Lindsey, of Kentucky, who de clined the place. The appointment is a ixipular one in Washington, where Mr. Clements lias manv friends. m. d. Wh.-n he Mr-. I.iiihu! ha J gathered up h t tf.-.t - a ml vamoos ed. Hunter- near Caledonia. Pa., an- c ' cited over a -now w hite d.-t-r -ecu -.-v .-ral times recently in the mountain-. It i sail to lie a hug.- hink with -pr.a.iiiig ant l.-rs iind as Th et a- tin- wind. A party liuii'ers w lit saw t In- animal la-t tired at it but failed to hit it. ' A woman le-i.liug near Scraiitou. w ho-'- maiden name va- Kate l.andis. in ' ls7.".. was marri.-d to Albert Itaix-ock. s .on after she left him and trot a divorce. 1 S!ib-eiiiei;i ly sin- has b.'-eti married and i divot, c.i four times. 1,-j-t week she again lu.urii i! Pabi-nck. h.-r l:r-t hu-h;ii.d. ! Thoina- Agl. r. ag d 7o v.ar-. an , linn- wealthy citien of Akron. .. was ; found in the barn of his -on. yesterday, i -ii'Ti-riiig from want and neglect mi the part of his child ren. to w limn l.e bad turn 1 overall his wealth, lb- had been kept in ; t!i- barn for two year- by hi- .laiightet -iu- i law. i j Joseph Miller, who was stabl-.! by O. P. Smith recently at a dame in loang. , ha'.l. Salem to.vn-hip. Westmoreland , count v. died nf his injuries mi Weilne-day. I u ll.ui-ilav morning itiformat mn was ! made agiiiu-t Sni.th and hi- two -ons. .John and Pi. hard, charging tln-iu with i . in ai der. t omi.l. te supremacy of Democratic prill- ; ;,,r:r. s IlaI. lt.of Wa-hingtoti. Pa.. cip l.-s means increased national iirosin-r- : i-- i o.. . .1 -.t i i oi.-- r..i,,..!.. mil,. happint of our i u,.!s -hould not pel form 111 hi-town Sat- ! iirdav night, and his a.Mioti w;is approved ! by the highly moral council. The mana ! KT thrc.llclied to -lie illnl tile bulges- ft I l.-llted. the notoriety of which pr.M-eeditlgs j caused th.- high-kickers to have a crowded ! house. rectiy as is consistent with oj.cn and fair party organization and methods. I speak of tins.- things solt y for the pur pose of advising ymi that my concep tion of the nature of the presidential of fice and my conviction that the voters of our party should In- fn-e in the selection of their candidates. It precludes the possibility of my leading and pushing a self-seeking canvass for the presidential nomination, even if I had a desire to be again a candidate. Ik-lii-ving that the anxious for i-y and the increa.-eil jn-ople, I am earnestly success of the party. "I am confident success is .-till within our reach, but I think this is a time for iH-luocratic thoughtfuliiess and delilnT ation, not only to candidates, but con cerning party action upon ipiestions of immense interest to the patriotic and intelligent voters of the laud, who watch f..r assurance of safety for their deuce and support. Yours very truly. CARL RXVIjNT.IUS. IM1ACTICAI WATCHMAKER & 4EWEIER, A N' )) I ) K A L KR I N Watches, Clocks IKWl.J.i.y, Silverware, MifeE B. ; ' .i A.M. Octical Ozzz. Sole Ao:er,t JUST - RECEIVED. One lot heavy dm I hie-w a rp.-d SURAH SILKS, Kl.tt K AMI !. Its, Fabric- a Woud.-i f u 1 H K 1 HK- i 'J- IL ' KlegH nt. I. u-t riou- ill lie at oO cts. INDIAS 50 lor y:irl. t-onl.s to Celebrated Eockford WATCHFS. jhmMa and F:eJi-n"u Watc,. In K'-j anl Mem IV. t. !. r ttr. - ! I! .a r:i;K ski.ki tion ? of .IKWKI.KV" al c- 1 a i.i. k:v NKW 1- DRESS GOODS. Tiji i l. 1". cent-. th- and Diuiitiss. p.- lit- ;i nd u.d ; i m ; tiillll'e.i. 1? lie fil-t col rents. ri:i:.( 11 oi:i;axiiiks II A M S. cent- to : . cut-. COTTON CKKPoNS. . ISAl'TISTK. -tri-.i ami C.-Ilt- to Jll cent-. Fancy Wi.yeii l'.la. k l!r. m s. ?o c.-nt-. c.-nt s and ''. KlltfUsh I'lillle.l r.loches. hill"'. til.tck and hro. n irroiind- vv itli colored print imr-. hiiiid-oine as In. lias. c.m-. American Wool-nii.-d Challie-. I-c.-nt-. lonuine I'r.-ni-h A il-Wool Challie-. cl -ms. i-oinhiiiat i.uis and d iirn- perfect. In a 11 y t-M I u-i v e pri n ti nn- found nowhere else. .Cli ents and 7.". cent-. CHINA Cl.oTIIS. lucent-. American Cliallies. fa-t color-, irood de signs. 7; . cent-. Frmu ." cent print- in elciian! imported I -e-s Materials at .". n-r van I our l-.C Iin-ss Fabrics include the ii.-u.--t and ino-t -iralile in every i-espt-ct. l-f Mv I i ii i. f .Jewelry is iin-i,-;.(... 'i.tne and sef far yourM-lf hf : j ur :, T.tf -U wht-rp. lrC a:. I. vvoiik r.rAHANTi:n)! CARL RI Visit: K i-ns!urt:. Nov. 11. lXK5--tf. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL r t COIltl- iliuVI l; t'l KV1 1 .AM).' It is reMirted in the City of M.-yico that Jay tJoiil is nt-t'ot iat i ni with the Mexican government for the ptucha-e of tin- famous ChatMiltapec Ca-tlc. it U-im; said that he has orT.-r.-d ?7.iai.oai f,r it. If 1 th-d.-al is elo-e.l Mr. Could will make the I ca-t!"- his "vint.-r residence, as he is unable ! anv loiui.-r stand the lium-of a vv int'-i in 1 N'evv York. 1 i Attorney SIi. i uihhI. w ho has ju-t !- Uiciivtosi.. 'a., March It".. licfore a ' ,.,,. interested in the cas.--f Kd. McMill- I coin t of iii'(uiry here Commander Gra- ,.)? vvlm is seuteui-e.l to be haiiired at ham ha.- Iirn M-rsoually examined, and , Wilk.-sbarre on April 7. has discovered an this p.ts.-age occurred: omission in the t-.uirt record which is cou- ""U :,re charg.-tl with having u-ttl t.-.I inipm taiit and the matter vv ill lie tt MjJNHTite. A tiiri l.ynrlied. I' vYvil!.', I.A., March 1:5. -The lifeless form of u colored girl was found dang ling from a tree on the road leading to this place Saturday morning. It was identified as that of a l.Vyear-old ser vant of W. It. Helnier, who resides on the Crecnvvell place, '2t miles from here. The girl became offended at the ac tion of a colored man also employed in the house, and in seeking some mode of revenge she decided to put rough on rats into his coffee. She put the jx.ison into the coffee intended for the family meal. Aliout nine jersoiis drank the concoc tion, and all came very near unto death. The girl acknowledged that she intended to kill the man and shedid not care par ticularly who else suffered. On Friday night nunc parties started out to bring t ie girl to the jail at llay ville, but they had not proceeded far le fore a marked party overtook them and strung the girl up to a tree at the first crossing. All the parties ioisoned will recover, From all dim-lions wherf: workers of iron are employed, Says the Philadel phia Uinil, coiiie news of projiosed or accomplished reductions in wages. This is not the feast to which the working man was invited when he was implored to vote for "Harrison and Protection" and against 'Cleveland and Free Trade" in order to prevent wage reduction and assure himself of more butter for his bread. If he shall learn in this day of calamity that the lips anil downs of tariffs do not control the ujs and downs of wages the lesson will have oeen dear ly learned, but it will Ik worth all it cost. It may then In- more ditliclilt to fool the vvoi kingniiin out of his vote in than it was in Isss. abusive languaire concerning the late Ad- lnircl Forter shortly after his death. Slate what you said." 'I do not know exactly what words I Used," said Commander Crahaiii. '"I rcineinlicr that I t It that from the great injury I received from Admirel 1'mter in having me relieved of the orders which had lie-en given lm- to command a vi-ssel and from which I stiff red for several years, it was a sort of mockery for rue to wear a badge of mourning for him. and so expressed myself." hwlmllfd tbe tioteromeut. taken la-fore the supreme court for decision This will defer tint execution if the su preme court docs not change the decree of the lower court and jury. It is r.-p'ti ted upon o.mI authority that Ceiieral Ma-'er Workman I'owderly. of the K. I... contemplates resinning hi- po-i-lioii at un early day. 11. is said to Im- dis-jru-teil with t he criticisms ;hat have Im-ch heaped upon him in the. last two weeks by Iahtr leaders who have heretofore tx-en his friends. These criticisms have their ori gin in I'tivv di-rly's failure t.i In- present at the hearing in the Heading Kallroad deal at llnrrisburg recently. Wa.-iiim.Ton. March !. William V. Hodge, a dealer who has supplied coal to j the Washington Arsenal for tht; past five years, was arrested to-day on a charge of era nd 1 1 ls'.r.'. (oniiuanlnliou. Lilly. Fa., March 11 Jijfor 'ni ii h'rt cum 11 : N11:: Seeing that you made out lo it-ad ami publish part of my last week's I . . . . . - -1 the winter S supply of coal was found to effort to inform and amuse your reader I have tnt-11 exhausted. 1 he orders w hich : feel eneouraLred to essav another batch. have l-ecu issued m the supply durimr i You do not anm-ar t have understood the winter were diet ked up. and it was 1 that tht; names of imtsoiis and places were found that the deficiency amounted to j fictitious, except that relative to the bo nine hundred tons. Detectives were set vine, which was founded mi facts, to work on the case and secured an ad- W hen '"I took my l" n in hand" last week mission from Sergeant Win. Ii. llaj.p, who ' I had lf 11 but a short time 111 this place sujieriiitended the weighing of the coai an 1 could not say much almit it. biiCnow, that was delivered, that he had leeu. ! Ih-iiik much Wtter informed, I shall en- paul fiA) by Hotlge to sign receipts for coal never delivered. Kapp is also under arrest. An Escaped Murderer C'aufrlit. James F. Mills, chargevlwith the mur der of I'eter I ugan, was taken back to jail at IiUtler on Saturday from Marien ville, where he was recapturevl, after a series of exciting incidents. An im mense crowd awaited the train on which Mills arrived, and he had to be taken to prison in a clostl carriage. Mills will le tried this week. I'eter Jhigan was mar ried December 2- He and Mills worked on the Walsh farm, in the one-hundred-foot oil field. On the previous night the two men were at a dance at Kenfrew, and while under the influence of liijtior they iiarreled. The tight re sulted in the murder. Canada has Ix-en given 'S,4'.tl square feet of space in the various buildings at the World's Fair, exclusive of space yet to le granted in the agricultural nnd live stock departments. Menleuced For Fight Years. CoLfMisrs, O., March 14. Pascal II. Ijtng, for several vears editor of the deavor to furnish some little information in regard to the position, character and prospects of this cculiarly interesting locality. The territory of Lilly Uirough is about one mile si ma re and is situated at the coiifluenci of r.are Hock run with the the smith branch of the Little Cuiieinaugli, and compares exactly with John-town in Drown county JVVm Vemmrat, was com- ! I'sliiou to the . mieiiiaugli river ana mined to the oeiiitentiarv to-nikiht on ! Nu.nycreek. The P. II. II. nuts through an eight years' sentence for assaultiug the tvwu in au aluio-t northerly and an eiiilnx-ilo woman, the sistf-r of his de- southerly direction. Also, from the point ceased wife, and the second cousin of of n extensive "Y" a branch road extends General Grant, Miss Sarah E. Markley. eastw ard to an iuiortaiit coal ticld, where Lang was an applicant under Governor 1 there is great quantities of building stone Campliell for the secretaryship of the and an almost inexhaustibleoceau of beau Prison Hoard and served on the County i tiful whim sand, which 1 understand ha Democratic Committee with thcicuiten- w-en favorably tested for the manufacture tiary warden. Field Declared Insane. New Yof.k, March ltl. Judge Van Blunt has decided Edward M. Field is insane. The Judge said: "I hare ar rived ot the conclusion that E. M. Field It: confined in an insane asylum under 1 house thr' State Snjiervision until such time as. it bakery, undertaking establishment, soai 1 .l..c...:t..i. ,:..i ...i.,..i ... . 1..1. i", uoiuu. i, mniiniiRiiiiiiruii-i inc factory, excellent school house, and ex- syinptoins which he exhibita of insanity I CUM- mtifoi p lining it-nine lict-u i d h-l Are real or feigned. 1 - 11. . 1 of glass. In addition all the adjacent land In every direction is underlaid w ith two excellent coal veins the Lemon and Mill er. or White Ash veins. The imputation of the town is alout 1,'jnO, and thequalilied voters iiuinlx-r about '-'J.". The borough has three churches, ten stores, three blacksmith shops, opera ublic halls, machine shop, BOGGS&BUHL, 115, 117, 119 & 121 Fefleral St, ALLEGHENY, PA. . A. LANGBEIN, Manufa'turer ol uJ Iealer In ALL KINDS of HARNESS, We t an now show you n Coinjik-to Assortniont of Spring G cn-klinir nf Mra'-. l)ov" :iml Cliillrcn's Suits. Huts Trunks aliil Valiso-, an-1 cvcm) tiling usually k-i't in a Firt-Cl -Clothing ami Gents' Furni-hin": hitore. OUR SPRING STOCK have arrived and our stock is mu. h larger and prices lower thy ever before. We feel pleased ith our new stock and W'.ui l glad to show it to you. Call and examine our stock an 1 i iK'; We can and will save ou money. Restu-ctf'ulk Yours, C. ,1. SIf. lIUt. JUGtl, CARROlLTOWN, pa J. D. LUCAS & CO. J KAIIIILCS, BRIIILr.S, WHIPS, COLLARS HARNESS OILS, BLANKETS, KnVira 1v X'eM. t'urTT Oombp. etc. etc.. Ke- iiriDK Nentty and I'romi'tly done. All wora KUuranteed to tcivo valielai-tiun. Kldlnir BrMIen. Irom 5c. up. Team Bridled, from H-bO un. .l Dusters. Iroin Dc. oil Mchlne-tn.le Hirntft. Iroin .(") up. Hand-made Harners. trum ilo.uo up. -('alI and examine my a lock belore pur- cba-unit eiaewhere. 1 ituarantca to sell at cheap as the cbeist. -Shou llarkqrs'Kow on Centre ttrel. aprlvtf BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS, AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. In presenting this announcement we take great pride in cull::: attention to our present stock of goods. It will be our aim to nothing but the best of goods, and at the lowest possible cash pri We have received within the last few days several new things 1: Shoes and Gents' Furnishings, and hav e a large stock orden , which will be coming in as last the factories can make them. Inviting you to call and .-.ee our goods and get prices, we are Yours Respectfully, J. D. LUCAS & CO., Opposite Cambria House. EBENSBURC, PENN. Ectearode - & - Hop pel JL X -DEALEllS IN- JUST RECEIVED ! a i..m:;k lot- Boots & Shoes -i:oriiiiT at- Sheriff's Sale ! KHOM tiik :;tock of W. E. SCHMERTZ &L CO., FITTKBIKV, PA. The public invited to call. Prices away down. : JNO. LLOYD & SONS. nUTfcL. LtdKAMU;. U J.SHETTKi. I'ROPRlaTOal. Imitated at liuHuts. fa., near tbe H. K.ai p Hallway Depot. We always endeavor to fur nlnb tbw beat accommodations to tiualneas men iileanure seekers and boarders, i'ersons In search ol 2omtort and uuiet will hna It a desirable pla to stop. The Table Ii nDKurpasoed and Is always supplied with tbe best tbe market aflords.and II the delicacies ol tbe seanon. I'be Kar Is sup- Idled with tbe eholcexl ol pure liquors and elitars and notblnir but tbe bet. i is sold. Special atten tion given lo tbe care ol Horses. 11. J.SCHKTTIO. 1 lappy and content is a bride with "The Ro Chester ; she lives in the light of the morning. i Ummrt. vu tit Attirr Lrf C Aaiv York- General.". Merchandise! CL o Tiiuva, FL o ui:,FEi:ih Lumber and Shingles. We keep our Stockab luill and Complete. Give us a Lull. CA1MJ 45 n n n n nvn nvn 5 New WMte Front Bflillini, 113 Clinton Street, Jotetom, Fa. New Stock of DRY GOODS, MILLINERY AND CAR PETS. Call to see us when in town. , JAKES GTJinST3ST- sad the l. .li t ii tin- K; hi: - Mi.'l l. lm iili i i -otir .llii ! ('mn t v U tl.i- i JuiiriHil tint M. If Jutl Ine Ai i n. -a!t. ii in! i lilarUcn in'.' Ml J.ImI 1 '. tutt II oil W fiinci ul ' A I i t : i smiuiliiv alurtlt .",! -W ( f ii'' -Il I- I. r I'll-l'l i li-n t- li-lu-- ill I. ll I 1 1 d Jo. M . .S1iim-ii;i i.' -IK u tin law mikI. - -If i,:i i If - ; tin- of t l tllllRK of t 1 tv nimU . Kil :i farm hi I nn e. l:i.i May II. at tiri-.i Ktiili VlTt i-I IIM- I In- lr lot tlltlt .1. on in t in- Mori', ami Tilt-Ill nil lii-Mlii-i- h; Mr. C -) Hi t a I I I In "t his N liauirli ' : jirii-i-h ii I m-lls y n JllSI ill Ii Tin- -Hla-nil iIm lH---SS!ll 1ll lll-W I. Tin- coin ii J)l of tin- hlolll'I'S ol! where ; i the flat ti. tein. Frank In AlllHHl llclit.-l hi the Ktrect. the f1ame hud Imi-ii :i later alio il leri-r has eh I Ul ren h colony tit t It i Ml the J'eiif tint n cm of tin- rail the first vjr work-of f pet the that the meiii ed -,i i Oirc (Ollllty i-' ineinhcr i which w hliip niiin prior to ' Tie! SCVe: tha prim anil lirnn ticketai ! 1-Vli-llliraT. I ried on 1 1 Uxxr fin roa.ldftn . )oine' in affed Ti'.i bund of Ill Katci tlriiii(rir i p-olf' i .Jam. fotipllni; hN rlfrt. nialieii. ptttatvi dentally ' he wen t heal. It became (Motidat t the litis 1 1 Last th( ttiim 'liquor I Jixmtli a OHO yeat . ash.linifol third II . Bin! as a fcrxi if ti tb-f-. saliM uuil-tlu-i -waiMS a i 'pay.-ko - '1 1 r j don 1 alt on nly. -Mm ni ay Tuiililso this CIMH th 4Ht ii a rife a and f ha brotaien- and C Ih.I this aviii ItradU-v It is ta ary and to aari-d . influen most liaij Tlaere U fortitiy t Medical that K tuart, a' ?tund w . -fear oh - (H-erhol Ua 'Ill at for. the Scud fi or urg, 1'. Sllcd ly (or t U Kith. J i.a a U4 con uty. Rtb.-r Johnsui Will . JolillMlo lactllttl ritk. W. .Tohn lull lis to I X A w