1 ill ...f.s?t Eliuj Ot-car n. Superb Specimen cf 11 mttood. A Qtic-rn v.'ho Wna 'oui. I'fl l tt.rt Uark of .Mcnl.il :i f'-li-r ft IV rie lor I.--.i,r:tiitic lrii.c The rm?t talented rrionaivh on r.r.y Kuropcan throne at the present i::i incut ii uiiiloiil.tetlly Ki.i;,r -t-iir : K'.viK'ii, Kij :k writer i:i the Nc'.v Yor : Kocordcr. I":i;!:e tlx c-.ni.pcror o.' '.'v;:.il. whoso hit. u-!-.l;r :' H ! n.;;h ct:i bracin;r a vast iiiu-unit i 'f -relit ar.li jects, is of the i.v.K.l superi;ci;:l nature, that, of hi s Sw !: r.v.y ty i , ,f a t'::r more serious ami prut'otiiid chiiiMi.t ar. lb is a, si:i'ul:;rly jrracef'.tl )'t ::i'.'l 1. isV.-rittcn i : i : t a iiumlicr ol pi ;. -which have been t.t-.ii-vd with toi'.M'.i'ar ;i!;li smvess in lli'rmnny and Au-tri.i. Astronomy, ct"! .-lui.-'r:.; !'.v anil p-y h-'l-o'ry are ai:i :i.t tV-. s. ieiice'- to v. hi 'i h devotes iiua-!i ot 'hi-, time ar.-l int. H and he Ii;nls relaxation in 1 lay in r upon the r::".::i, : :. i n -t rnnietit. mi hi h he is a pa.-t. m:.sii-r. Nor -h:i!l I furyrt. tl x(Ui--.iW- ody which inal.il firth from tin- mva't loft of aa old Xnrwi uian ihurch .f the fourteenth century, situated in Mi." -.-"omuls nf the country scat of tin- kin iMir t "1. r i-.t i i lirt. Ih' sat no there a-. ! played to us for almost a fnJi hour, af ter which la- took us to a (plaint .11 peai-af t ci :t tar.' Midi as t h y haw n; in the wilils of Ye Icm.irkeii :.a i treat-. .! .. to tl typical Ni r i ;;iau peasant r- :. '. On a Lin;; tali).' Hon' spread i'.i! hi:'. id. ja-oats" che s- and all the d ! i.-a.-i -. '' tkv Norwegian eui inc. Hi. 1 .-' then seated himself at the jaM'..ial. tahin-r t he Ii'Iltc 1. .vill'f esn. -which was 111!, d v. it li mead, ir:'i-.k to t i . - he ill 'i i.t his 'lie -t -. hi-eithe ha. id of Ids fair riei; !i 1 1. : mi l:i- i-i-ii t and t Ii.-a a ed the cup t her. Alth 'a.-.-'i far m-.re i.f a st .-..lent than : soldi -i. tiie l.itiL:' !' weiieii a:id Noi"';'.V d -es n..T ;.o.-es . : ai.v way that peenliar a siear::ia e ! l.'i are vuiit to a-- -eial-. t!j" j--s .f uiue'l le;:iMt:vr. ' t-'V.er- 1. ad : d shoulders al..ivi- every ot'ier t.n .aar. h in I!ari-;i-'. i -in r j .:1 r t iaa t'i . :. !Kl. lllili'.ie t he latter, i.i.ia.'a' : t:t l ire; l't iiini'.l. v.'ithi lit . ne l.aea I -.ii-Jierdia-i: ' a--lle !-: 1 la- hody. li'i, indeed a sa'.'rh le-'iaiaa .1' li.' MrnMvi'i' vi a v.i.ri' y i::ei'::)lK'!.it of the thr..-.e i.f !a" aneieat vi';;i!;-. w ho rilled n!t;ia vi.i. 1 !e 1 : r . 1: M:i self u i:!i v underfill llTIli:y a lliaaje-.-ty. and pr.-.-.. nt the I i -t - et :i- tra.tt'i iai.,'. i'nr .'o'.iai-i 'rsa.'.f.y 1 ha t it i . .ii I. t .- ai. aa. ! ' r t V hilier i t'ae v. ry is I lie.: ' i; -w f r. tles-r''-, ; a.t ..i-. u, t, r. v. r i:i a ry. v. hie'i alt Ii. : ;Ii lu-rad-ail.!.- on th'l'irt i f an ordinary i i. '. . id. aa.l Ih--cniiu'. uui ;i"..il'a'd i'.: the raiert.f forty mi d i- ire. of .-a i j lie. iv In i )-ear's v i i 1 '.' ro'dy ai'iiears 1:1 1 !ie -nterl lirrn : t- i- 'e 'i : for she i . a ei.aiin.i , a. a I i. !. In r meats 1 i.i r ( . ervn.. . ehara. t Iinl-ed. f .r a tine ! i::i a I v;.s a ;.". ! .d ::ad ! i.i.' -ai :r - .. re (' ree I ! . ad'.pt ' iial ; . f d in order ti i'lt"i'k th eoiir -e i .(' a. r aial .d a. 'l',,r. for a til. i h .y i: -i a I i a ;t -.he da a'd liarfortn a. i i kiad of ha-l and i::..t!i..l lal.or. st! h a. . . . ; I i . waahii' -'" and d ; a t toe. lUllteiMet I . h ' ! . l' : l" normal a:td u: a ', ',. : her Del V . I. I'a- .I i.li.' v- tria. laa' fe-s ia . ;. ;:; t hot- r. iy a I and ; rial h . a. ,.i '. j et : in th ah 'f. m. at of f . n .- d : -Vend li . ha ; . u patient .t the taa: : la: , ; . ist. Dr. Me;;'ar. a...d ,o -ud . i ,.;iiii'i' of week-. . ..i h y a : r ;. ; hi-, io : i. i.i. Th.- . ; ) : r. .;' ,. :h i-very one h t'aeai -i ; :! . i-j theiravera'i-e heijht hi iaa - it. ' te. are far from p.i---. ia;' t' :i ; i i ; -eent eon-d 'at i.-n ; :: ai v.-: a t'i:;. ir father. 'i ' ay : ;-e : : i . hoi t i:.. lted. and I he eld.- t t v . . . a. rale, are ahliel d vith v. i hi., wti as ha. rre I t e L i. '. hie", re.ii,'.. r . aeee- .::'.-ei.a-.tant ; M ili.i'i . ;: h. ; ..filieir Atiierie;i ii d l.'.i t 1 r-. !a.a ; .i.f. I'a.ris. NATURAL TELi;.Ji-:ONZ LINE. Itli-rl;i)'t' li-.-oe--, ' ' i !k- a , an I!--i'ir- la There phone 1: the Ida. an inter fa, y n .1- t in 'IV '. a! tele i .. ii. in :e ha; .v. . :: ! Hi' Is :i ellil!,.' Vail.'i la ) ! t'.V. ea -h i 1 of Ive t.aia.s in e.:!i, wkieh aiai.ii.is ;i i'. 1 landmark. . width sta tower , have l ui,' heintr eail the sion- have aial lUl'.e d f.vo hi e the .,;! 1. h"en IillnU'll dl the tuhl are tnllv ten : k The.e I C o ...... i f....t ! ran. re. t 1 these peaks i.. ivas ';n..wii of on l'el' oei.M e'.l a eeilded. th.-'r totio- r.'i;hy. tourists d i:n. weclcs i a tiart v of leriniiied to ma.lie the n-n-nt. tiiul. fori.iiii' into two )a it ies, r.ia for f noli peak, they t'.xik :.J aiaratus for s'tlalm r iitid eX.ee1ed. to L.lVe pleasure thtal amusement by liashinLT the helio uTrajih code a.-ross the inti rveiiinir space, to tlie my -t iiieation of tin- pci .pk of t lie valley. Tho ascent was made, and while the people we re makinir arran.-re-Hu nts to signal across one of the party on the nortii mountain was surprised to bear voices which apparently came fr..m the air. lie moved about and the sound was no lon;rer heard. Dy chanr in;X his position several times he discov ered that ;.t a certain spot on the moun tain lie c nihl hear the Voices, and il was imt lon'r lie fore he found that they proceeded from the party on the other mountain, lie called the attention of the others to the phenomena and then they attracted, the notice of the party Oti tlie south mountain, and found that a conversation in an ordinary tone of voice was plainly heard from one moun tain to another. There was only one i'!.lcc on each mountain where it could be heard, and it appeared to lie a nat ural telephone. No shouting was neces sary, und the word's were perfectly dis tinct. Tlir- .Mymrry "I Murk Istiml. Mark island, the led-je off ."small point, where a sehooiier was wrecked the other day. s.ivs the Lcwiston (Me. i .loiirnal. was the home for tw o nr three Neat-sofa mysterious family. The cot tain there was erected five or six year ; a". i by a man who came with a tine y.ieht, his wife and a mulatto boy and took possession. They made friends with no one and never allowed anybody to land on the island unless some one broke an oar or was shipwrecked. There is oniy one place where u land ing can lie made, and from its leach a path leads to the house. At this path, at a point which commanded a full view f tin landiiiir. the mulatto I my stood from layli;rht till dark with a musket on his shoulder. Two or three years this strantrr family spent on the island, and then one sprinj they did not conic, nor have they been seen or heard from since. Dut three years ayo this fall a man was urrestcd in either Huston or Xew York for passing counterfeit money who anf wered to ths ileseript ion f.f the one who lived on Mark island. No attempt was made to find his work- siioji. iitiu some loius iiiiiov mis ,s i ae place. Nni - lloy . Seven new alloys have been invented rect i. tly They are niekei-aluminuiu. for decorative threads: .iue-nickel. for a pv.'meiit: nickel-hanilod: for type: platinidc. c.mposcd of platiniuu, ni.-kel, .old and iron, for crucibles and chem ical utensils; roshie. composed of iiiek.l. silver, aluminum, and tin. for jewelers' work: stm-brouzc: composed of cobalt, alumiinim and copiK-r: metal- 1 i in. ....,. l . .r .i . ; ...r...s, .,, i- m . aiiiininuiu. iron and ' 'J'!" A Mm 5 Vliat Your Uveal Cranilmollicr Did. Sh'j l'l'tebeleil tin? flax nml anU-d th .oh raid v.-ovo tJie liiien, mid npiui th tow ..l iaade tho c lothes tor t.t-r hushand and n fhilihen. She made I. utter m.rt t-hoto, eila pcl la:!'i-.v -!.adies, to light tht liOIWi n; :ht. mid she --oked all the food for her lUist'liol l liy an '! n lir plaee iinil a luk'k veil Yis; and v. hen M;e wjls lolly years of she v.: us itlr.-adv jm old lady whose litst :vs wt riMiver. li'r slionlders were bent and r joints enl.ired hy hard work, and i-he ere sie tai li-s-nml a iiji. Her areat irruiiddaiit lifer, with nil the xli rirer.nvenienees l'er oiiifort, refinement ul luxury, may le as rimmiiug nml attract e at tor' v live as at tat-iity. l-j-'i fially is h:s true if she prerves l r health liy the "r of Dr. l'ierci's Favorite 1'rrsxTiption, . hieh wards o:i" all female aihiit iits and ir viilarities. eiiris; tl'.em if they already exist, ps the hie eum-nt healthl'id and vigorous, ml eiial'L-s t he wom.-ui of middle n'e to ro hti the Iri'siiniss of j;irllnxid ujm.u hrow and aeel;. Ilie h;lit of youth in her eyes, and its elasti' ity in her step. io to vonr lrn store, pay n dollar, prt a hot tie and trv it try n second, a third if neo rssarv. lief on; the thinl oihs l.cen takeu vou'll ki.oiv that there's a remedy to help you. Then v a ll l:e i on and a i iirc'll rome. Hut" if you fhoiildu't fed the help, should ho disappointed in tho results vou'll tinil n srmraiitei' priiit.il on tin. lK.ttltvTapir tliat'll (.et y.uir money baek for you. Can yuii ak more v 1 ' 1 vnii.t NO. I ' tK ri.K l :resson, UearneliU'ou-ty ana .New York siiert lo.'iiu In . Ilua i. alter .N.ive:nter l.ll h 13 t. I H Uuuri'h Z l... e KiMt K -'. -r - e. a. - x :: -1 ' i 13 ?t rt ?i H U jj Mill" r. J ; T r 4eS- 3-- -1- - s :- ir T r - - .- .;r.;.- - j - c : a . t r j: t : t- t-- '-t- 3 I Mii;.. C'-'l'. .. t . I I ... .v.- .1 ly rve.it s i ).' . t 1... o ! v t) u'l V ..... K l.'l f-t .-il''l! t-l..zr;lil f:lti..n'. o-Mli' Ai....';V ;oi.t t.'ri.-l:.-' I 'rn -Milk 9 i It iiii ii.ii- l.ir 1. 1. Iron . i i-..iit,-r!. ar t.-..T'. mrh .t..hn ..wn I .... u K -7 !.r I...II.I.4 ltirri t rr'.ri i..i-...lt :oi. ltli l iieirli; Kt(rP'? ;.t 8 !." t i r. ; - itc-t tit ...ioi-t..n. A r.t wit!i M til I ta .i v:t ur p. 'i; i - fft i.f t 'rr ..n. Xi. Scum i't- nh M'l' IV.im at 4 -! I'.r i.ili. .I .. i t."'r ""ti. utiil MO. K( rcj.i f'.r j -mi.. -I .)! I ' I . ,-M., Kr.-iii t I " . -! i't "rr-..n S.i. 4 r.inn.'l 'it M :i il i r.o ii ut 'j;. a.i-l lr.:u ...li.;n ewt . r s-.a wati J. tn. : n i:x ri- at s i7. aul P ii. x, r.. :t' S I'i. ti c..nnr."- with At. til Tr.ori io 4 -.'rt tr ..iitJ r i-t is Crc-s'.n. hii.1 Mail tx,.r? t 5 1 -.-in (.i.iiiis west ..I I i'".-i .ii. -tii.ii.iy tr.on?1 ennret uti l:.citi I'ixiTr-.in I oi 'J r. i in rnt Hu.t in til t.xprt t: t-l I' i--rneiT.- ni ..r trma p inii i.n IVn sj lvi. v .',,rlh Jr-ti;rii K.tilr t ran t.tUe tralo itt t!... . Tt i.r lrvi.Q.1. t itiur." niiil kit "i" rr tliic ftatlunF P iut:rs wihiQrf to rr otl wOi nittify the v u.'i- r r...--'0r- witi ii in vet on wil. fl ir on ;i Hi.- htaLi'ian. Tr.i.i'i will n.l ie nicsK n.itilcl. W I K.VIHKL'.V tiri.tTAl M tn-urrr nn.l nprriiiteiMen .1. lit" Io H M l.. I'otln Mm er k--'i;iiiicii:'l aliie i.v Li: 11 a r.s. l'LVi.ei Til Cc. 1a., liay, lssO. I huirtrej froai tfiiijioiary sli lreBUe&s tron. lverwork tor two years, for nhicli I until l'n.Ui tsioi-ui'a Nervi' Tonic, niiil can reconinieiid sauif ;B the bast, niodiciDO for siuii I:ir troubli a V. BOl.NIiUl.ST. I.xlnil I'rnni nl.rlli'r if the l;ev. J. Mctionan, Cailyvlllr. New York. 1 ret oimiK inl you to firnit for ht Iv.tU. i 1 Pastor koi'iih: a .Wrvo Tonie, and let her use It i ilirectcl. H eurci beveicl in my iarish," East (ii.i:sxviLi.t, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1-00 I nsiil onv bottle of J'adtor Kumlc's Nrrv. Loaic for iliziuea arnl nrrvom lii adache. and t ai l itli you claim f..r it uui cvn uioru. 1 haj jisiUbUtfisiag i..r yoai a. MliS. P. HAliCE. FREE" A Vlu:ble rtook n Nervous liis9MHeH neiit tree to any ad.ireia. ami MNir smtiJuiM ran also olitaiu tliis iiitsiit iiie Ire i.f lutri.e. ti.. n.m..i7 hax iK'fn nreiiarfrt by the IUvpreni Vn.r K.x iiiif. of Fort Wavue, lnii Riuce liT" U(i uuw irt.'iard uuUer lit 3 illnxU'jll by tiitl KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, II!. St.Iil by IlruwistA at S1 per Rottle. G for 9 ".ure Size, W1.75. 0 Itottlos for 9. 'TO I. 1WD1 Policies written at short nlce in tne OLD RELIABLE 1 ETNA" n.1 oilier Pirat t'laan ('omiiiiilM. T'. W. DICK, JFT FOK TIIE OL.13 FIARTFOTII) OUMMENCEli Bt'SINI"; 1704. I E'jeniBurK..futy "LISAS. i nKl'1 Tilli'H Nil rK t j VtntM Si-Ottlan (Ir fT A?rrA 1 Ttr t--t imnt irv In ttufii ..f Srlitn I'tff. tit- ni Birr li.nhlii ile eii.l. tin tnir ie irrnnietl t m. .r..na ln.ieiit.1 i.i ai.l "Mtn ar hir.hv nf.orlti To ntl. ivmrnt tn m l hn -I i1lii. n. h wn htvinir fllm Birnlnl I a rtrri will i.reirnt them, irni-;r uisnip r-i loriietM n.eni. iM .I MKH. Kt mtnr nf siiifi limit. ircae.l Nicktown I'a.. Jn. "J2 lAtM lit. I 4 '.me mthe reii1tiie nf the ituhrrlnev ir. 'I. hit.- iun li. p inimi tn J'i!y lt a Mirk in.l wh.ie .i.1 t.i . with hnrt rittTi, no er ii.4tI.ii itn-l itsni a ttir 'i'-I when he rutne. Tit wner Ig r..i-Te'i i. n.me lii4r. tiis,Te nriiii rt .v ehnrir n t.i1 take him nwt.y otherwl-e lew II t.e ill pii..t . t "C..r.1 a v Il VI l HOLMS. Fnucattty. Ktihruiry o. IS'.ii :jt. I-VK' f roKS NOTI E. j l.e"e- teiimenir un.in the etinte 'it it .h .1 Tri-xle. lute i.i ltliat-nil'l titrnh'i. Ir he ixmty i.f I'ltmhrlt. 4 . deceased, havlnir rteen tfritnpil o the nnlerlneii nn!iie l hereby ifly e. in all ern..n inilihrt in iiniiI eptaie in mttke iinmeiliate i.inet an l thn-e hylntr rlalm nr l.'iri'tti.l' aiclnt he PHDie are rq'i"f.e. ft ire -ent tbem priterlv eiiihniieate. i..r e ttleuient J AM s F TKKXI.KK KI.KS11NKI KKXI.KK. Kaei-n'-ir oi J." l'h J rI e', .li-eme.l . I'learticld townhii. January Ti, lh'J'. 6t. nOTHi I-KUKANHK. H .1. H KM 1. Proprietor. Ivri-ated at I.iH"i Pa near the K. R kP. Railway liip..t We always enUy..r to fur-nl.-h the t.e-t arpnmmixlalinqp tn hunirjeM men piea'tire feeUem ami hoarders Prron In earrh ol mlfir' end quiet will nnl It a del-able place to op The Tnhle to unnr(.it9."ed and II alwayf nur.nlie.1 with the ie-1 the market aftords.and all rhe deUorie nf the irvno. rte Bar Is np plled with the ph'.lrrsl ol i.nre ll.anr and riirars r.d noihinv hut the hea' l mid. "Special atten tion niven to the care of homea. H.J. SCHETTIO. llnppy and content is a bride with "The Ro Chester;" she lives in the light of t.ie morning. Y'iit H more, writ Kot kmr .4M Co. AVtw 1 Vr- .vl.itun.lj. Cm .. Sii.lt, s IJ UrwuJttaj, V '. A F0r.30TT2N CA3LS PROJECT. The Sihrl- ltont L'otirjntkt;tril IU" Trrre tti ; a-'f; or tho .It ;; .o .tio. lit thoKo i.iys lioi e.i.?jTei N.fiw,v- Auii iieu ti'i'l Kur.); aw hMnhor. stout nw, sa. the niex:trio:'.l U Ji.-v. most 1 i;iU" i-urw fjrgvtU'-n t::-t :! tcriirisi- for seoiiri-v telj ::;.-'..; colv-luuni-.'utiori v.-it!i IhirojKs hv way i" Ilchrinp: strai t:ti-l SiiKTi.i. Crni . iHhl had just i:i;ide an :itU iint t lay other cahk uctosm tho1 Atlantii willi tin; ;re;it Castora, but this caido h 1 sriapjKMl in mid-tK-eaiu Many capital ists, llie'vintr ti;:t l-'ield'n i.len cou'.l never be realized, formed a ciilthciv l extend, a telegraph lino from ou.i IVau eiseo up the coast to Ik.dirin.if : tr::it, run a eahle across to Siln-ria, a:il then con nect with the telegraph systems of the old world. A lar'fe constrtietion lleet lK-f:m work at Tntrct sound, with t.n steainshii Ik-or-,. s. Wright a. fiajrship. The Fremont. Milton. ISaikfcr, l'al metto. Ni j-htiiivfale, .leiinie I'itto. 11' luont an! others lironht up .'.u.iphes from Sjn Francisco, li li. Maine:-, the supcriiiteiuk'nt of construct ion, had a liiif force f men or-,'ani::el and uni formed like an army. Tin- line from San Francisco to New Westminster, in Dritish t'ohiinbia. was owned lv the California State Telegraph tVunpany, and beyond that it was known as Lie Collins Overland ami Western Fiiion Extension. Tlie line followed the c:::.t shore of the sound to Now West minster, and some of the oriffinal Jioles can vet !' seen st ielrin.Lf in tin- mud. The work was carried oi'ht hundred miles north of West minster to Slccna, when tin complete success of tho At lantic calK'l suddenly put a stop to con st ruction. The army of men was mus tered out, and the materials that could be recovered were taken away. Thou sand - of tons of wire and material dis tributed alolir the lint; through the woods of Dritish Columbia remain there to this day. Several years after ward a party of woodmen took to I'ort Townsf.nl a enrjro of the wire and of fered it for sah". but the creditors nf the company seized it immediately. The S 'abec!; mill - sawed out thousands of t'.io poles for the line, which were piled r.O on the mill wharf, and lay there un til burned with the mill a f.w years a;ro. The captain of the ship Iirmont, which lay in F.-iuimalt with a carfo of s-.i'imarinc cable. rot drunk and ran off u it li t in ship".-, papers. The vessel lay in the harlx.r for two years unable t clear. Her owners finally pat -hed up Hawaiian papers for her and she sailed away. Ceor;.-.- II. M an fori I, afterward - ice president of the Western Fnion, came out in J and wound tip the af fairs of the company, paying every bill i'i full. The American end of the line was ahsorix-d by the Western Fnion, and the extension to Skcena. was op crated for a few years and then aban doned. A MATRIMONIAL CLUB. Writ II liy Austrian; liirm ail .iirlluiii fur tin .".rarri.icrr tif I'twir .irl- In these days of mercenary mar ria.e'es, when tlie lords of creation, even m. re than the weaker sex, an iiMitilly ::ii'iiv. t make a rood match, not from t'a p .i:t of view of sweetness of disp i i; ion ir beauty, whi.-h are apt to w.-i-rh very li-rht in the scales of decision wle ti plaet-d in the balance. i'. it li nt. in y. it nioi-c than rcfrcshin;.'. it is idy i i ie t .i read t he act. milt of a vltb lat iy -tarti-d in Austria. The ehivalr. t f'di:i-.'s of the members of tlie aiariahiif Mat riin-rtial elr.b raise them si far a'u.ve 'he la.i.iori; y of their s. - that it i- tlitlieult to Udi. ve in the a.-lilal V''i-!.'ll".' if th. elub, alx.ut vhieh. liowcvi r. I liclicvc there is no doiibt. says a. London letter from a .'o,n..n to the l'hihid.i'lr.hia Ttdeji-itiph. flu- iiiiTioH-rs of tin eluli are all rich ;i"!.. and each ha - pledjrrd himself to taarry a p..r ;irl. For the sake of these noble lieia-rs. animated with sue'.i i.'i-,el'.ish desires. I call only hope t'.iat the seeret of liicmls'i-shi.i is devoutly kept. I am very un w illinjr to disparage my i im n s.-x. yet we often hear of. and even see. the ma tchi.iakiiiir mother on the warpath. Can we blame her for her maternal instincts? While the tuii'uli'ii wli.i 1i;is :i vi-rv kft-n yt to tin if.iiii rl'iii'.i'c in tin m:itttr of lnr inat riiiii.iii. 1 tt 1 1 i:i 1 --. i-, imt niikiniwii. I fi-:ii l'nr tin- jifjuv of mill. I of the in .1.1. -niiiiil.'il nit'ti. Tin -ir riclifs alone tMinl.l Ik :i Ntrin- liait to tilt Hnnil'st iiuii.l-- nml tl.rir hfhfiiiinjc inotlior; wlnl. if tli.- fa.-t of tlit-ir vow was l:tii.'.vnl .-.liiiulil iiiiayint tin oaniliilate won!. I Ih vt'fy iiiTt-f. In case, how-t-v.-r. tin m.'iuli.'i-s litnl tin attention of ioitii.ii:li.',;, "jrirl-s ainl willows too .'ivt'i-ioWfi'iii. tluy liavc provitled tlu'tn:i lvt's with loojiliok's of t-scaiK: fur nIkh-.M tin tlainwl of thir fliok-t lie lili'.-....l with an abundance of this worlil'.s (roods they may redeem their tialhs on payment of four hundred poiuvb .sterlinj.'. A further feature of the eluli is to provide deservinjr but im peeunious couples who, after long1 ou frajrfments, have still no prospect of set ting up house with a start in life. Of course, the forfeitures are devoted to this purpose, anil thus two pairs of lov infr hearts are mad. happy. I act real ly iii.'liiied to elieve that the sterner sex in Austria are a superior set of mor tals to those who inhabit the rest of t ic world, fur I feel quite t'onviueed that none of our linde siecle younf men who adorn London society are capable of i fotindinir a similar clult. "l HE JOURNALS OF CANADA. A rifiinmt Simi.niry of f 'aiirt.liitn Nml :i.tr by v ( :in;itli:in Wrilrr. Tin generality of Caniidian newspa-jM-rs in their st;. lc, savs Walter I'lack lmrii Ilartc. a ( ann.lian journalist, in the New Knrlaiid Ma'r:i;:ine. arc a curi ous mixture of Imjrlish and .Americun nietli.Ml-.. Ja the news department they arc very similar to the new sjiajH-rs in the smaller American cities, and in the o.Iitori;! eoJ'-Uins they arc modeled after the Kn-rlish pr.. iiicial paJHTs. Kcept iii om or two in-tances. thoy arc ilcstitntc of all pretcnt ions to lit erary excellcmt. The Toronto Mail :m.i.loU' maintain n hllu'i standard than anv of their contemporaries. Tho liazctte of .Montreal and tho Kmpiro of Toront.t. art' nlinost exclusively political in thoii4 scope, and exist as the orj.ii us of the coiiservati-c party. The west tro papers have little room for any thing outside of news and politics. The Montreal Star is always on tho popular sido of every question. The Ottawa papers, like those of Washinirton. curry little weight and are miserable in every particular. The French Canadian news papers are less enterprising and ener jretio in the "atherin' of news than the Knjrlish. Imt their editorial columns are tisually more striking; in a literary way. A f.iuantic Clock. Tli. I si-fr rt n rtnV.lt. t.. t A r a4 ' ... ........ ... .- 1 ' uuii.im av PhihuU-lphia it to lie provitletl with a . clock, which, for size aloue, will lie cine of tho iiiiirvtMS of the world. Tht tt n ttr of the iliitl (twenty-five feet in iliaineter) will lie three hundred and fifty-one feet ahove the street. The liell is to weigh between twenty and twenty- hve thousand iioun.Is and will be .sec ond in weight to the preat Montreal ! cathedral bell, which weighs twenty eiht thousand pounds, aad it is cal culated that its peal will be heard even to the most distant part of the city. I Chimes similar to those of Westminster j will lie used, ringing' at the quarter, half, three-fiuarters and hour. The . minute hand is to be twelve and this hour hand nine feet in length, while the Roman figures iu the dial will measure two feet cijrht inches in length. mr j urn THE cO r HAY- FEVER f 1 W. AND COLD" HEAD) Ell' Crtam Balm, i nt a liquid, tmvff or tntlckljf abwrbfd. Jt cUan the r ii- the tore, aout tv aruqgz or im DUC ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren ONLY $20 HIGH ARM, PHILAD'A SINGER. CARTELS ITTLC IVER PILLS. Sick Beadaeba and reliere all tbe tronblea lnrf dent to a bilioaa stataof the aju-m. auoh aa ZHzzineea, Kaoaea, Drowaiaeaa. tiistreea alter eating. Pain in turn Side. to. While Uteir moat romaxkabla succees haa baen abown in cozing Eeadaeha. yet Carter'a little Utbt Pflla arw equally trainable in Constipation, curing and pre venting tuieannoyinKCOxaplatnt.wtiile tbry alaa correct all disorders of tbeatomai-humalate tba lirsr and reguJaxe tbe bowels. KtMalltbeyocuw Corea Aeli tbey wonld be almoat prlceleaa to tboaa wha uf.Vr from Cue dutRuing complaint: but f orttt jiataly tbeirgoodneaa docs Dotend bereand thoaa -jrhooncetry tbcm wiil nad thean little pills Tala eble in so many ways that they will not be wil lina to without them. But after ailaick has it ts tbe bane of so many Uvea that here la where vrenitknniir twl bosat. Our piilacuroitwiula ethers do not. Carl-r'a LitMo I irrr Pilla are rery email ana Tory tj to ti.a. Cno or two I'illa uakea dosa. TUi t are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or pur-V. Lutl y tiicir pentlo action plomae all who ,(io. Iavulat05centa: tire for $l Sold t. y d.-a-st everywhere, or sent Ly mail. BARTER fXEOICINC CO.. New Yorlt. -.'.LLFILI., SMALL DOSE. SUALLPRICE jnl,W CI l Nrl B. L. JOHSSTitS. M.J.HflK A. W Hl'l'ai. LSTABLtHHSO 18Tt. Johnston. Huek A G..T liANICKKS, EUESSBUIU;. - - PENS A A. W. Bl'i'K. I skhlrr. (T.trLIHHCIt IhM. Carrolltown Bank, CAKKIU.L.TIIW.N. PA. T. 1 Nlf RR ! II. I ahlr General Banting EnsiEbss Transactm. The tolli.wlnit are tin- nnclal feaiure -.i areneral bat Kiuv railness : IIEPOK1TS KeeeiTer payable on demand and In-e'ert h-a-intr eerllbrate Ueaed n lima depositor'. E.OANN ".ztended to romomer on laroraMe tatmnann improved paper discounted at all timet. 'I.I.rCTIOKN Mare tn the locality ami upon all the h-tnkinv towni In tbe United States t'harxe tnnderate DR.4FTH lasoed nevntlahle In all parte f the tr.ii states, and torrlKn ezrbaniie lsrue.1 on !l .a-. of tnroia. A4 4 l iTN Ol merchants, farmer and tttl err eo leitml -whom reasonable aecomodailon will re ieni 1 Patron! are fared that all intnaaetlon h' be held ae strict It .rlrsie ar.d einfldeniis I. n that they will be featrd ae liberally a nankiaif inlet will perslt. Kespect tally. JOHNSTON. BITK e CO. 0. A. LANGBEIN, Manufa'torer ol and Dealer In ALL KINDS of HARNESS stnnLCN, BRtnirs, whips. COLLARS HARNESS OILS, BLANKETS, Kibes. Fly Nets, furry Corahs, etc. pairlna: Neatly aad Promptly done, guaranteed to it Ire fallatacilon. te Ke All work KldiBC Bridles, from.. Tea Bridles, from .n. np. .il to no. ... Oe. an. Lap Musters, tmm Machine-made Harness, from e 0 op. Hand made Harnees, from . 10.0o a p. srCall and eiamlne my mora be lore por ehaninic elsewhere. I gaarantee to fell as cheap aa the cheapest. sT-Sbop Barker a' Uow on Centra street. aprl2VU LILLY BANKING : CO., LILLY, PA., CANIIir.R. A GENERA I KANKIXO BUSINESS TRANSACTED. FIRE. LIFE. AND ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE. ALL TIIE PRINCIPAL STEAMSHIP LINES REPRFSENTED RY US. Account: of merchants, farmers and oth ers earnestly solicited, assuring our patron . that all business entrusted to n will re ' ceive prompt and careful attention, and he I . held strictly confidential. Customers will be treated as liberally as pood banking i rules will permit. LILLt UAhlMilU., feb.W0. Lilly, Penua NOTDEAD YET ! VALUE LUTTRINCER. TIN, COPPErT vND OTMRON WARE AND TIX BOOKING, Kanpaetrnlly Inrltes tbe attention ol hit Irtandt and tbepnbllela aeneral tothefaet that ha IsstlU carry! na en hnatneas at the eld stand oppestte the Moantala House. Kbensbnrs;. and It prepared ta tnpply rrom a larwa atoek. or matswiaetnnnt: to or der, any article tn tali line, from tha sa.i .aat ta tha lanrest. in tho beat manner aad at tho low i Hrlng ptioea. flPNo penitentiary work either made nr sold at this aitabllihmeat. TIN ROOFINH 8PKCIA1TY. (Hto mo a eail and latlrry yoarselves an to my worn and prices V ItUTTKlNlrKfct. irnabara:. April IB. lS8a-tt. cancEn -na Tomon CCRFPt w krvtf. ff r,i-n A jxnrdcr. AppVfd into Vis rvtril it it keid, allay injlimnuitun, neal 50c oy iruni on rrrnin. j irur, Street NEW YORK. WARRANTED 5 YEARS. 15 DAYS TRIAL IlaeSrir-M-ttlBK .Mrrdlr, rir-tlardlmi; abwttlr, la Molar Iraa and 1 if;lit-mn mIik, bus the Hand so meat wasd-work, and Anrit art of citra aituu-bntenta. Don't pay acruti i m 60 1 arntt for clrcwlfur THE C. A. WOOD CO. 17N.10tbSL,Phila.,Pa. WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cenm EN THE BEST SHOE IN THE 0RU) FOR THE MONET It la a sfamleaa shoe, with no farkii nr waz thread to a art tbe r.--l; made of the best line retf. atyllelt and eaey. and aenaatae snr mak more eeurs efAts fraii (nam any other manufacturer. It eijuala hand sewed slum ruatma fnm ai.uu to ft.SU!. CS gT liessise llaaet-arwrd. tbe flnet ealf ai 9i abue aver orTt-rrd t vvi; equals French Imported abnea which rtiet frnnt ftt.it. to (J .11. tl H'l'-srwrs Writ ehsr, One ealf. aVVe atjllna, t-cnr.rtalleaod durablf. Tbe beat ahoe erer oflVrvd at this price ; same grade aa cue-tom-maite aiioes coatlna frum ft 10 ftni. CO &9 Pallra ukari rarnier. Kailmad Men Pva aad Letter arriersall w ear tbem: nnecaif. an sa. aauunto insiue, neavy inre soles, exten atoaedce. one ttalr will w ear a vrar. 49 ae- ralft Bi bt-nr h.ew nrTered at aaVe&e thta price; one trial will convince thuaa who want a shoe fornxnfort and aerrtce. w&O and ei.Oft Usrklirnati't sbnea are very stroua and oural.V. Iboae who have given them a trial will w-ar no other make. Dove' 'J.WO ai"d l.7.l a-biKl ebiwa ara BMJ em by tlie bt.yaeverirwhrrr: thryaell oa their merits, a. tbe Inrreaxln. sales tbnw. rM lac Sl-ort f laad-xotrd ahie. beat ssUU ICO lNMiirula, trri sty linn; e4Ualsr'reaca Imported shoes rttinirfrtm ftl.iti t ftii.iti. f.a ales' -i..0. ai.lia aad 91.75 ahoe for Hlasesare the best fine Lamgola. NiylNh aud durattle. t'aatlaa. Bee that VY. I Lunula' nanra aad price are stamped on the buttwm vf each ahua. ITTAKE NO fsrBSTITt'TF laaUtOB lorai advertised dealers stitiplrtna. von. XV. 1 WOl tiLAh. Oratcktaa. Maae, ttuldby C. T. KOBJURTS, OILS! OELS! The Stjimlanl Oil ('onipany, of Pittsbiirr, Pa., make a specialty of manufacturing for the riorues tio trmle the finest brands of illami -atins and Lubricating Oils. NaphrJa and Gasoline Tib at can ba f,UD FROM PETROUUIil. We challen'ie comparison with every known product of petrol eum. If yu wish the most M : URiformly : Satisfactory : Tils in the market ask for ours. STANDARD OIL COMPANY, riTTSBl'RC. P oetlR-99-lyr. B. J. LYNCH, U X DKRrI K li Aurl MnufHflurr A Da'fr In HOME AND CITYMADE FURNITURE :iv::, and cnim LOUNGES, BEDSTEADS. T nL-M, CHAIKH, IVIa-tt oss Slg. 1G0: ELEVENTH AVENUE, ALTOONA. PENN'A a-T'Ciliz-nt. 1 if CaiDorla Count and all itiht-T arlhini; tii turctia lmntKl FURNI TURE. Ac. at hiinmt prlci" are reiwcif alty InviUtd to ele us a call rwf irr buvlcz .!. a lure. w are ctinfidrnt trat w cait m-pl frer) want and plea, evere tante Prl-is tlv rv lowBHt. r416-'rin-tt.l If ir, IleWaTiwiere-. a u n.rrtTT r. ;'" ttiir m TtaAilstt, mnd from lmt emtia m "vort j and di tn brritvl llfrwinfr d pT Is th rt ef mnr. u tl.oy Vrfe h-knlo.c frrr lat,rrMirtiitiiiy. UfeU lf t MMhtit Bp u4 rioinr . I itiprov your ppr la utiy. and merw rotritr. frtniniic pc: It miaI hy fhilAtwpr, tLat tb io4i.M ef lortm Sri gl4 r'-rtmuiy t Mt hf-tttoR at tom mhpw of lifo; krM U rtiHr, aaioi tt fwntro nt htr nch . fail to 4 mm 4 ho tUp-nv wrer t rMrn." oUevi yon fi4 hm MUll prtinitTf inTMttal nrmry ciievnra ta.av4 ypf mnrthf. mu4 ( tmir promi; that i what all aac aaflflitotw4o. Ilr is mm opmrinuf. aach a art oftora artlhts tharamrh "t lahlrorttis . 1 Tiiprt!. U will fi a ItMt, a Krmt4 trt lifo. Tta com pfKrtmaii7 for aaaay to hmm. M-aty to hn rnmtXm rptl'y mud botiTB-bly 9jmyin4ntTinBvr"nt1mittrmmm. All atraa. Vo caai 4o tba arork a4 Itva at bma. ;l.raT n ra. Em a, taaara ara aa-ii? aarTititf from Va to ftt I A rr dar. Taat cm 4a aa wll if wil, wora. fH ta bra, but i.olaotrt aalf ;ari1 yon ran inr rawaa yr.ariitiuaa fn. Vm eaaclTarattitiiimlT.erall rnrtttiiiihtrrt. Kaay to larm. Caaitett at re-,ntt4. Waaiaitvoa. AUiacata fiaratlvalf tw raallv rttiaM(ul. C iaatrvei an4 abow yoi bow. free, t ailnta onku.a amaoc aar vark am. hm rvtr ta ev plain hvra. 11'iita ait lowra mil fra. i mtim ni-u v. hwim o nrimy auiirM at aura II tmUiC Cok. Iftaa . rartlM, MaviM TO 17EA1CMEM Satterlnir from ihoetlecta of toothloltrr. rt oar ly decay, wajtinn weakoe , lost manhanl. etc . I will sand a valuable treat lee ( eal 1 ouolalnlna fall partlcalars lor home rare K EE ol ebaraTO. A splendid medical wurh, s nun id ha read ty ev ery maa who il nervnns and debilitated. Addrart rrwf. F. C FOWLIRtMsadaa, laaa tUiirii Fire Insurance Ape; T. W. DICK, General lrsurai.ee Agent KBENSBUBG. FA, WILD HORSES. Noble AniniaN Oft to Trie.ntMlvc VUI Urceaciate lufo Poole. Mai. many ytars ajn a shlit lailon wii!i trip'iaish It. irste . went a -lion- on the sr.n bt of t 'liiiKtiteafriu i .la:.tl. t.n !! t ;-.t tta-ll shore of Vir;ri:ii'i. t.;i'. 1 Ih-jii.h-r antl lriver. Xo iiili;i I::jows -.1:c:i the i-.hip wetit ashore :r.h::t jxirt "t siiile.l from or luiw many horse:. .-re tstvetj. It is known, how.'fi r. th:.t i ii the extreme e.l;re of '!.:r.a'.ti-r.;r.-.e island a .ship la-ai-in' a fir.i of lior-t-.s to the new world from some juirt ia Spain endtd its vovae in a terrilic storm, ainl that soine of th horse;-, found their way through the brealci rs tn the barren waste of sand. Tliese bursts must have Wen of a hirh order t.f breetl. fur, though seores of years of privation and eNisiire have passed over his head, the wild hor.-t of this in- I hospitable and barren region is a most 1 remarkaiile animal, lie is smaller to day than his Spanish proto -pt. and lack tif eare and exposure storms of this tempest -swept island lias rwdueed the original horse to a roiij'h. sluicT.V jxiuy. yet all the years of tle;reneraey antl vicissitude hare not .shorn him of Ins evidences, of blood -his lieauty, his tntelliirenee and his Jleetness. The s:veritv of the climate, the want of trenjjtheninir. nutritions food, have iatle their influenee felt, net upon a sjiirit. but iijioii the i the castaway horse. Mary of th -:.f inies have Itccn captured by tl.e .habitants of the region adjaeent to L!ie mainland and put to iisc. although ;'.n breaking and traiiiiii' .f litem i ; in s mie instances a very serious j 1. Tl.e Teet of years of unrestrained fret'iiom ion hi-, hi-rh-mett letl Ii1i.uk I has made i..ila:iil horse way want aad j al:ni -of i-., Itln-rty. It usually retp:ire:. t!ie ::iitetl str-.-ni h of four nu ll tn subdue :ie Vnirc horse. Nt v. ith.-.ta:it":i:i.-r. 'icy are f rep;etit 1 y coiiipicred and tied wn to the ilriii rt-ry t.f farm work or :y l m'i ii jaiiliii;' t he t lam cart:, t.f incotcajriie tisheriiit-n alon-,' the ;.ln- 1 .- atls of the Viririnla or Marvlaiitl -ast. It is certain that iubreetlin'r ::iid -ivatiori, together witli the ri-or . of a tTi'i'iilili' climate, have hail their .Vet in tleterioratinr this race of . s. With tin 'y KnrniK nitie of t!i 1inst isfttleliwiit tf Aiitr:ili;i Iiiipm-s were ii.tr.il-.ioi'l. ,; f-:itKtl from f ntrnl :::ul riii revt-rttti t tin . iM stat. T!i :r in;iltiiilii-I :ind d trinr:it.-tl in t!ia.t i:irlv JH-Li'l.tl et.iitineti' until ih ; re :is mini. Ton, as j:iek rabbits ami ;is .h'ss. TIiev ltt.:iiiit such a nuisaiii. l.iat seven tlitnis:iTil nf tlu-m were shut it one statiin in New Stint !i V..lt s. In i arlv every enunt ry when t he nticc .inesticatitl luirs, has rin. wild he lias 'tfrinrated. le has 1 imllfil into a i my in let-land and Shetland. '.irsiea arid Sardinia, the mount. liii.r.is rt-rimis f iiorlliern Eurnne, ami tli. (VnlilK ras f Amerifa. Then has a miniature orst tiri-riuat.-d dtirinr anl :.iuei the .var in the jirairics aloii'T the jrulf etiast r..m Mobile ti tin Western limit of . etistana. Many jilanters lur"ii5 the var allowed their thorou ghbred mares escape, and breeding' in the wild t-;te with the natives the size h:v -rad ua Hy liiminishetl until many of 'win do not .each thirteen hands, und tew of them jrn over that. SOCIAL SUCCESS. Woman iVh Vllif to I Ir Acret-uMf Must I.Utt-n. Not Talk. A wouinti t 'it most arreeabh must Msten. says Kate Field. Keep a man 'Viiiind up. bmk us though J'oil were liantna-on his lips and he'll think you lianuin-. I'or my part I like to listen. It's a "Teat deal lictter fun to make thers talk than to talk one's self. The li -tener never in:iks a fool of herself, lieeatise she says nothing. She cannot make enemies by the expression of opinion, for she expresses none. Mic learns a ileal almtit other eople. and iioIhuIv h-arns anything a Unit her. She rivt's n.i oftenst by ei it ist ie assertion. The talkers call her sympathetic lie cause she has allowed all tn have their own way. I don't say that a woman .hould everlastingly hold her tontine there are men who insist iioii an iu- rehanre of ideas:- but it is alw ays safe start a man Um the subject of him- ,lf. Nine times out of ten you will iiieh the restHinsive chord and Ih en- .-rtaincd.-as everylKKly can talk well on what is nearest the heart. You've made an impression on Mr. Randall." said Itob, this mornin,?. 'lie t'.inks you remarkably iutcllhrcut. What tlid you sav to hitn?" N'othitijr." I replied. -I asketl an occasional ucstinn and listenetl. He talketl about himself." A woman may serve up w it or cpi .rram as an entremets and Ik liked: but I'm convinced that a woman who monopolizes conversation is doomed tn Ik hated. Woman in society is to Ih. man is to do. Ik-yond all other horrors are the shtip-talkin- horrors. A wom an may translate llomcr. write llom :ila, edit a newspaper, conduct impor tant business, or net Lady MaclH-th. but she must forget herself if she wants to Ih welcome in stn-icty. In fact, if a woman is not bom unselfish let her as sume the noblest of all virtues, and. prtTvided she drc&scs well, she will Ih admired. A MOTHER'S LOVE. With a Tl re k I nr Heart she Iteado Her Ilnarli t vr'a rnuersl rviee. There was a simple funeral at ink woods cemetery on a recent Sunday, says the Chicago Tribune. No priest or minister was there to read the bur ial service only a heart-broken mother who saw her only daughter go to her R-rave, while a man who had been a stranger to both and the under taker watched the silent grief as the coffin was hidden under the clay. Unfortunate Mamie Jennings, whose body was takeu from the lake off llydc l'ark Thanksgiving day, would have jone to a pauper's trave but for tho kindness of J. 1'. Luby, an operator on the board of trade, who read the story of the suicide aud himself arranged for a respectable. Christian burial. The mother of the girl is without money I and, but for the aid of Mr. Luby, who j had known neither, the girl would haro been buried hy the county. j Mria. Jennimrs claimed to have asked Kendal Street Christian church, where the crirl attended services, to send a ! minister to conduct the funeral. There was no minister present, however, and the mother, rather than see her daugh ter buried without religious observ ance, stood beside the coffin of her daughter and read a portion of thn eleventh chapter of the Gospel of St. John: "I'or I am the resurrection aud the life." She read and there came a solemn amen from the two who looked on in reverent silence. Snow had covered the mounds of earth about the new made prave and headstones were half hidden by the mantle of white. Near liy. a long- line of carriages wound in and out among the leafless trees, following the hearse containing the remains of a daughter whose life had liven passed in the midst of riches and of luxury. Aliove her grave were heaped beautiful wreaths of flowers until the dark clay was hidden and sorrowing friends stood by and sought to soften the grief of mother and father. At the other grave the mother gave one look across the snow and then placed a little bunch of faded forget-me-nots on the grave of her child and turned to where the one carriage stood. There were no tears in her eyes and as she gave a last look at the mound ami t he poor offering of flower she said: Thv will dtie. an.4 cfjevV Uou&ry fu ciai tliZ IOB1CCO a Gpod quality in on fe r?ar(ef in only one siase-3x;a- full 6ozjb, rnost convenient to Cut for taoct or To carry vfjole. Insist on hayfina tlie Genuine with 1fe red H tin tag , made onjy ty, John "TTnzcr fyBrcrSibouisi'illt, Xothiii-OnKarfliill LIKE SheridanN Ontlitioa Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevent, all Disease. 4io4tit far MoMltiittj -. Tt in atwMt.uf.-lv piin-. Hvf'h 4-rrn' !it rutil. in quftn tit tJMto t-nt u f m .- tit :n:uv. V. t-i t-i-r orie-f -nidi a. trMnr Nnitiv a tn-:i in. t.- lari. c.:i tuv atnr. i tt r. -r t l'i. " i fi i u t im r. II 4ii i-aii'l tftl It (wiicl to u.. niMii oiii tM-m )- $1 A X I 4 lt . tttl Pi M. Six "nf.. $' tftt. i-r til t ! trii i"i"f "-, pri- i nr. ii i i in nni rri k i m i r -. JKSS1.. & l t Urt. I II.. 1 . l'....t.i Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS. TRADE MAR ICS. DESICN PATENTS COPVRICHTS, etc Fi Information and free Handbook write to MI NN A CO :1 HKo.M.wtv. Nrw ohik. Oidet hnreau for eeturiiiii patent in -Mn.-ncii. KTery patent taken out iv n i Prmiirlit I-!.. re the public- t.y a notice piven free ol charge in tlie Scientific American Tjairest circulation of anv edentitle patx-r in tho world. splenilidlT illiiMratcrt. No inn-lhirent ruan hhould he without it. Wwllv. MI a ear: fl.il aix ni.mthf. Addrt- VL'NN i. IO. l'LKUaui:iiS,3i;i Broadwar New Vtirk. Ml Caveat, and Trade-Marks oMained. and all I'at tut buini condnrted fur Moderate Fees. Our Office is Opnosite U. S. Patent Office, and we ran itmre jiatent in h1! time than thoe remote frrnn Wahinirttm. t?end model, draw inn or photo., itfc di-rrip-tion. We aiivine, if patt-ut u We or not. free t.f char-re. Our foe not rine till pati-nt i fi-mred. A Pamohlet. "How to Obtain l'ateut.'" w ith taami e of ai-tual ciirnts in your State, county, or town, tent free. Addrc-, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, P. C. PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. Uv.NUSO.1IL, LNUESTlMCTUtl-l- Cheaper than Wood. Tb Kb rutshvOT rtrkrt Fi" with fmU. ttls.eaaheeal.er rfru. Ma, V Qnaatitj. Sneih-r it Osics. Do 1 1 tin u tn a rhn tvntini l..r DeuMe and tliucV, EaaT w. au.lu.il Ur.r, Iron F.nrin.. fret ni. n.n, sa4 Kiiin. Brs ana lrB OrlM.. Wl' fc l..u au WU.UOW SCMKI.KS, sa4 eil tanas of WlKt WOsiu TAYLOR fe BEAS, 01. 03 ' -03 Marlvt Ht riUsburjU, Pa. Wall Papku. Send i. to our Mail I i-i;irt nit tit ' lor new saniplenif l".'l. Niee l';iH r fitriV.: Solid ;ili. from IV. to :.; Fine KtnlMisst'd und Ii l ideseiit I'iiimts1 from 2.V. to ."ik-. roll. 1 J. KERWW KILLER & C0.5 :AZ Smithtield St., lMTTSIU i:(iH, I'A. (Mention this p;iM-r.) tarvi.(Ml- FOR ARTISTIC JOB PRINTING TRY THE FREEMAN. Mountain House STIR SMVIliu PmORI CESTRE STREET, EBENSBURG. 1 'HIS wall known aim it.i.C tst.litie.1 Shavinif Wrl.iriBiilitril . n (Vtilrs nrpei. on- posl.a tba livery siai.le t fit ara. list Is at I.uih er where the I'liatness will e wri on la the lulttre SH VI M:. I1A1 K l'T IMI AMI H AMI1KJ1NU d'ie in ihe beateM anj D.it a,rtiiM msLnt-r. Clean Toel a olaitjr. a.uafaiaa watted, on at their residence. JAMKS II. HAM'. I 'ri. pro-IT. n i aVv a as. a lill SOLI) III FAMILY. Quocr Transaction Bntwoen a ITusbnijct and Lover. .1 In. i.l. n.- kl,i. . lllii4tr:it - Mii- f l!ic (.1 1 - t i.-.v; 1 li.;t lr.it! S:i.i:it-- iai.ln 1 i.li.jli l.o.l in; if s( .tr . 'I .1. t s ,.t r ' .- --.;itr :. tL,- t;i; 1 ! .ft . f t:. -' t 1 ! .r. .i. :l ..f I a :t . f t'i ..- ; ..it i ( .:i.i tl.-. ' , .1. . nil l:;:i.l '.I.- pail ;r f: l fvr t : V i. i.l.-r.i! w ii ii. 1- H: Tl..' 1 1 fl... : '.- i ITI.Itl Wil" :i . f ( ( ' ii i- r til e in :it r.- -I be ft I V.lllTV ! : i , v. i . .! 1 t . w.i 1. :id . .! I' .f tin il. ::i!lV ' t'i v list ti I ;:-.i i-i :ia h. r. : .1 r :-.ri .; r l i- n.i i f r.-:. '.: . .. .; ! a :.:ii ! t 'i ti. .t -U-..T t:i it i 1 . l.i;t li -v ' 1 1 1 1 : t 1 I t. If I rt: Iv f t ' r : .1 I. li.l !. :,s J. -1 -i ; l-.i : ! i.t f r ii. -I .il - a i iin t:.. i:i:i e. it iii-. w:i . 1 :: iwi I in- V v. i !: i-. :;; ' i. ..r. i ! ! t ; t 1 a; ! ; i I. .it 1 I'i, 1 .i:i' :i :! u-t . .i . t 'VI. ! . I .f i :i ft i- . '. -n;i r : ! th -y la: .1-1 i i N'--' i:i .:i y. It:-- n 'I f..i-iaa i:i ili.'i'.-i'. nt .: rt .f t ; v;: . ti'.iii '. . t i ;.'-t .: :i.-;i. 1 11 'I'll.' i:i i:i 1 wi'. 'lr''l t it . il.iiii ' v. i"'.i . ii ; i i.-.lM ' 1 v :u.i! .1.-1. lit. i liu y fi'.i. !m-.1 t 'i .:it!i . .i.l.ttl v. the u :i ..an i; .: ! i: i t . V. :t ..t' 1 : i.i .1. ;.tii-i nld hi !il..Il I'istelf- t.r.t 1 ' in -t! iil'n: r 1 1 1 th i-i li -.' : li.- l i.. -.. I'.-, i .i -.1 t! .'-1 i .1. jiai 1 li T il: v. ! .-iii.:.' .. a.-.l la.r, . ..f hi -I.t. !h J-:iI. t ; . . r -i:.-', I 1 1 I n 'i 1 i : i I .It'll -. li wl.! ll.l-A fr..i:i th 1. illiil v - t;i-, a : i ! i '. v. . id i.iii-e ' r"' Hue still- I his ii.tu . .IV i '- tl : -..lv .I he 1 : 1. : inv . . . i 1 1 . ' -. .! 1..:. . :i:..l ! I'aat .1. v. la. ..; thf.-a . .-it 1 !: I it ' ;i . : i;. 1 !i ' w .li.l not I.i... 1 1 . '. i l.a til.. li love in r. sni.l t !i;,1 h :i rr.-v.l tn .it i. iii v. n'.-i' ii: . I I t.it'e ini'l i-hii-i if 'hri..teii vii ;.V.. ll'lil il stiirt ill till V.-i.fl.l. -.v.i . v. i i l :: i'-' ii in I i. i. -us. n n. '. 11,. '.vii th;,1 the deed t-. the . i.'l.r i ! ' l:i:i.l '.Vl, . li'.ls-eil illiil tile Mi mi. liiiV. 11VII1J- II- A tl'.vi rei u ;i the v. i!'e ..f 1 l.ri 1. . lll'.M'lll-f.l illi.l the li i.r. nil: lf'.o-e 1. 'II' iWe.l nil t.ie -ii III. - i la i -ell live- lit the f..i ni lift i! 1 '.tiild ii l..i:;e. i.Ti-! the .; in.l. !-.t liui'l'V . ive r 1 lie n.-'.v turn et ;i ! i. i i f Trin-it 1 .&! rutn-.li.i . - . it .1 ; tt 1 V ilil. It ell ! I i:l !:.!- :' ! t'.. I'tn-p. .. . tii'i.et ie'il wiit'hi'.i;- -l..i'..e f. r til - t rii :i-; i. .rt..t i. 'i A t i:i Ih int' pl.tii H'l' The l.l f". i ' ti- rtll'l I'l'eia'lit iil 1 'llell Uli't ie In'..-. li: e. 'i -i -t i if ii j.iieiiiu.!: i ' h, eti. .ii-.h 1. 1 1 .lice ii en r 1 .ft v hiehi- i:i t.i.iiuetiT iiii.l ;ilniit ix mnl nn-ii;i i f f.'t-t I.'IilT. Thit eiif i- ilivi.le.l int.i three eit!i;iiirt illellt eiiell i if wlli.'li U i i '. .! e. lillll. .il.lte il prietl-VI". I.il !l e-'!'.-J a.Itlneiit i- to ei.litiiiii iin ;i,ii:ir;itii liile.l with eiimife-.el itir. tliiit i;i-- t e .-en . ill i 'I' i !- i-iiii liiite nil iiiiijue -ujijn t'i iiir if l"ii;.' ;i-l!ie.' leiiiiiin Uixed 'l'lie e.-ir i- t" lie -li'il tl i-i.ii;.'-!i tl.e tiilK- iit ii hla'li rate .'t -jiee.l. In. I Willi u ' t title r-li.Iiii- motion. On.' i.f 111.' f"r i i ;ti ii:;ier. in n ft rrin' to thU rail r. i-i tm:r!;--: Tr;iveler. will 1 1 iwecl a limited amount of lia j-iiu'e. l.nt -t:i lUin-r will he sti-H tly pr h i l 'it '!." An experimental line i. to Ik lmiit on this principle LetwetMi 1 1 amliurjr an. I Ilnehtli. a d'ttanee of alotit lifteen i.iil.-s. v. hieh tin ears are c.lceled to traver-e in eleven niinutes. SOLAR SPOTS. Ilci-Hpt ion of mii 1 n t t rct in 1 rmiiinil ral I lieiitiiiifiioti. J he cunout ami sti'e-m e p enoii of tlie fiill of a solar fi ll. Oll ;).. r- ance into a Mtn spot has I teen re. et. reported hy M. Tnnivi'lot. the l i'i astronomer, lie was t"i:ilileii ' serve this fall very distinctly. Th spot in which the protti!eraine lost was very fjuiet. (.'ivin-; n- slightest evidence of any Voicaii' ' ' timis jroin' on. There arc in or m ' sun sptit usually jets of incandesc matter. fiitjuett ly thrown tip t" X' heights, hut tliis voracituis -pot I swallowed up the pn ituhcrati ' ti"tion was in almo-t entire tea M. Trouvclot hint- that the iu-t i . aide explanation of this nio-t in--:.- ous plu-uoiiiciion I- that the c..i--sjm its which arc i:i a Mute of rap -' crciso some liiud of attract iti ' certain prottiN'raiices. These - ' eloinls. sometimes liliiiiieii;irv. times diffuse, sometimes seen to rating like a cyclone, ar. tfp- mainly cf hydrogen and hci.-Ai-oini.l tic spot the m--tit ni of lihon-. is usually inward toward h et ntral and tht'ii downward. It mi, vht. t '-. ' fore, Ik supposed that the prominc seen hy M. Trouvclot approached '' spot by asjiirution. tonki Iteeelve. 'hcn a man walWs diafronally anl dowly across a street with shoulders tooped. head Unt forward, both hau ls n his trousers pockets and a pcnorally lejectcd air about his persou. it is n" .ipn that he is kick at heart, disoour id and perhaps recUlcss. I saw- a uau behaving in the manner dcscril. ays a writer in the IVtroit Free rivs.-. ind I haprn.'ued to know that clutchi a u cither hand we re lepal tender notes eprescnting over ci-.'1't tn ousoii-i ti--. ars net rroht in l.tlslUfSS lit Ul i had just concluded ami that he wasfici inr fvtirly W.-U over tl- tr-in'J