Ciijiibrm M mnmn. tnuxscmtk cambrul co., pa. L1.1. ---'. FRIDAY, - JANUARY 2J. ISO.. KlCAI. AM prRMtXAI. - A new M. K. iJitirrh will le ileilii ateil ;u Lilly n January 2lth. - -lion. M. I-'itliai i oi' OaluUiii. is laid bp aizuiii w ill Lis old eiicin , tlii; l lieuiiui-ti.-in. - Mi. Joseph !i iilin, if Minister tuvui sll. wii" a iitor to iir tow it on Samr day. - Tin- OiUl I Vil.iw of this tilai i- w ill lmve ;i l'aniiii-t at tin- Catr.nna. lionet' this fl-'ri-t!j ) e ehiliir. -Luke llcln Lls- nf ClemiieM t ii- sliip. was unions th" isitors to our tow ik mi Wednesday. Mr. StittTnatter, f famill 1" ihi. s;artl on Wednesday for a vis it to l'liiluiW-lphiu. Father llovle, pastor f St. ( ntludir cliiireh Johnstown, sip-n h mi - in lawn ijii Thinxlay. Ii : l;lie itiehes it) ti:irk tn-ss John's a few id as ! ;u- Jis M -.tal iswhat mir iei harvesters ai-. .it"int; Itway at ?'rei;t. liX-t oiiMaWe JoJiti Haitian, of ilal fi'iti, was luoiiuhi to jail last week to Vwvri' a ehuriri" f Miilezzleine!it. liaimah KoW'jisoii, a eo!ored woman of Kiutianu. died in that plai-e on Mond.ty last at tin- ri'inarlhle ai?e cif 101 years. 1 1 is 'wvleil 'hat Khen-hur's elec -trie ireet IcchtiiiK system will l- in oper ation; the latter part of Kelu nary. 'Siiii- (o-oiL'e Fresh and .Mr. Adam. I. J.eih. nv of l!arr township's worthy i-iti-n-. Mir stimuli; the visitors to out town on Tu-day. I.iie. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. ( 'on ik lly. id t dieii on Friday. Jan uary l.'iili, ajred twenty-one years, after a l.Jip illness. All insane man named Harnett w r.s taken to Divnioiil this (Thursday) n irniii; hy Sheriff Shiimaker and Jail- Vaidell VlXIIKT. Mr. Simon ( Iiiines. ot Dean, while in Fheiishiuir on Friday last vistited the I'iti-.K.M is otliee and added his name to the Jit id siiliserilx is. . Mr. Henry Mellon, of l'attoii, was here on Frida last ami reports that place as fret t inn ready for a hoom as soon as the new railroad is liiiished. Tin; city and Inn ouirli superintendents of the ptihile sthiKils of this state will hold their t hird annual eoii ention at Williains port mi January "Sand -".. The tneriiiiy dropped down to IIP he low zero on Wednesday morning, lint is now inclined to climti upw ards, tieinn U uhovi' this (Thursd iv) inoruin;. Mr. William Tate, of this place, was presented ith a irold headed eaneliy the Sunday sclmol clas in tin' I' ioual ehurvh over w hich he preside-i as teacher. Mr. Iliihaid Koherts. of Red. Oak. low h. son of M r. (Kii'ii Roherts, of Suui inerhill tow liship, after an al.-eni-e of tlf-t-i!i years, is hack to tlie old homestead on a visit. 1 r. T. M. Richards and w ife, of this filai e. took t heir depart lire on Wednesday for Winter 1'ark, Oranue county. Florida, where they will spend the halauce of the inter. It is w tilth know hit; that kerosene is often recommended to tie added to a boiler full of soiled clothes. Turpentine Is also said to he iiood for w hiteiiini; and sweeten ing them. Sheep Irivo tw o teeth in the center of the jaw at one year, and addtwoeach year till live years old. w hen they haw a "full iivuvli." A tier that time the aire cannot tie told hv the teeth. Mr. John (Jrillln. a natiw of Minister township hut (or many years a resilient of Fl ie w here he is eniplo eel as a conductor on the 1'. A F. railroad, is isjtini; rela ti s ( m tli,. m, u n t ai u. Mr-. MclliiL'h, widow of the late Felix Mi'Ilu;!h. of Callitin. w ho died ahout one year a pi. died at her home in Callitxiu on Sunday last, and her remains were huried in St. Patrick's cemeterv, in that place, on Tites, lay. Mi-s Alva Stew ai t, a rohust Youim township, Indiana county, school inarm has til veil hail for court on a charge of as sault and hattery. She applied the hirch vigorously on the peisoi. of one of her small hoy pupils. Messrs. John Ricket I s. of Ueade tow n- ship, and Adam Ksch. of White township, Vioth i a led at A No. 1 citizens, were anion;! , t he isitor-to FJieiishurn on Fridav lust . and while here dropped in to pay theFlint ; a friendly visit. i Mr. Rhilip Sanders, of Minister tow n- t-hip. was liere on Wednesday, lie reports : fence timlier as gettinj; scarceon the line of the new railroad on account of the recent old snap, which impelled the Italian la- Mirers to sei.o on anythint; that would make tiro woo I. John HulTm.iii. a helples.s aud Seech ' lens veteran ol the lat war. residing at ; l'aulton. Wi stmoreland county, was fa tally burned, hy his clothes taking lire Jfrom a spark ftom the grate on Tuesday . lie served four years in the One Hundred fend Second Ohio Infantry. ": A slick-tormued swindler is abroad amonti the farmers . selling them twenty five pounds of coffee for a ridiculously fmall sum. When the farmer gets hi can lie finds Instead of coffee he has some nice ly browned navy Leans with a little coffee essence-poured over them. Look out for 'hi flu " Executions were issue! in this place last wool against II. O. Stoltz and M. H. Stolta. trading as II. (). Stoltz. ,t Son. a large firm doing business in Altoona pity, And their property passed into possession f the sheriff. Tin estimated liabilities 4Te 1S.M); assets, 7,:,(in -lloUUUvjstmrg . JStinttrn. On last Friday evening the building Wringing to the Pennsylvania railroad -d as a waior tank and tool house at Lilly, caught lire in the loweror tool house part and burned dw n. Owing to the close proximity to the westbound track, trains going in that direction were delayed for about half u-u hour. The jury in the libel case of Senator Quay against the Ueaver Sttir. after being OOt twenty minutes, returned a verdict of COilty as indicted. The penalty is a fine not to exceed or imprisonment or fcoth. A dispatch from Reaver. lVnna., 9yt It is believed that Senator uay will Intercede in N-half of tho defendanus. Adam J. Leib. e.o'-utor of Sebastian Graff, deceased, w ill sell at the decedent's late residence in Harr township on Thurs day, February tth, at 10 o'clock, .v. m.. three h.-rses. three cowj, one fanning mill! plows, harrows, harness, a large quantity f hay, straw, wheat, ryo, oats and buck Wheat, grain in the ground, household and klt. hen furniture and other ai tides. .Mr. Frank J. Over, editor of the Hol t'dayshurg ltfyixter, waslast week apjiolnt aJ l'stmaster at Ilollidaysbnrg to succed Editor Traugh. of the SUutdtirtt, w ho was the appointee- under President Cleveland and whose term ol four years is aliotit ex piring. We are oi-ry to e Mr. Traugh toriied down, but wheu tho plums Ivlong io the Republicans we are gjad to ;-ee our CTi ing and misguided brethern .'f the pre?? frttliiT a f.iir' of the fi .lit . nl th- w lory. i Tho pole of the Electric Light Com pany Id this pJnce will cany about fifteen ml of wire wln tho line is completed. Fthrufcry lfith Is the day of tho spring election. Sot-k good men for thfl offices v bother good men seJc the offices or not. Mr. Joseph Trexler. one of ClearfmlJ j tow nsh IpN oldest citizen.-', tiled at his honn: in that tinvnahlp on Sunday, lie was ; about H) years' or ago. A man named A aron fiood, skim! Ta years, residini; near Irw in Station, on the Reimsylvaiila lallroad in Wrstniondaiid fountv. Xatally shot himself Tn Friday last while onny.rarily lnsan; Irmi erip. 11) ram Sibloy, of Rjihster, N. V., w ho j r.iadc much of his mouy In early life upon a farm, once said tbej-r never was a dollar ruade fatienius an xniinal. If you iiiuko any money it must be on (rrow th and not I on fat. The oflice o tlie Letultr in Pittsburgh was cotnpletuly destroyed by lire on Fri day niiilit. It had recently beci. fitted ti w ith new machinery, w hich Is an entire loss. TIip loss is ?lo,(niu, entirely covered by insurance. Three weeks opo R. K. Nelson, a resi lient of I'hilipsburjf, Center county, disap peared and no tidings whatever have been nveived concerniii(! his whereabouts. The general impression is that he wander ed into the woods and perished. ' Mrs. Amy Vanscoyle and Mrs. Kate (raier. widows of railroaders who were killed in a wreck on the Pennsylvania & Northwestern railroad several months ado, have entereil suits at Holliilaysburi; to r--cover !iM).iKm datnages for tin1 loss of their husbands. Mrs. Mct'loskey. an aed lady, died at the resilience of K. W. Raiiiihuiaii. of (Jal last Sunday moruini!. AfteralliKh Mass of Reiiiium in St. Patrick's church. Uallitzin. for the repose of her soul, her re mains were taken to St. Augustine for in terment on Tuesday. Mr. Joseph Rearer, of Carroll town ship, w as here on' Monday, having bnuijiht his son-in-law, Mr. P.. Zolner. of ( hai leroi. Pa., in to take the early tiain for home. Mr. Zolner had been called hither to attend the funeral of his father which took place at Carrolltow n on Saturday last. The collector of Cambria township will be at the township school house in the boron kI of Ebensbur on Saturday, Jan uary lioth, l..r. for the purpose of re ceiving the school taxes of said township. Five per cent, additional will be chained on all unpaid school taxes in said tow nship after that date. Rev. H. M. Kerr, w ho some twenty years airo was pastor of the Presbyterian church in this place for several years, ilitd at his home in ISrow nsville. Pa., on Satur day last. The deceased w as the father of I Kllisti. Kerr. Fsip, a practising attorney ; of the Cambria county bar. formerly of F-b-' ensbiiri!. but now a resident of Johnstown. The case of the Commonwealth vs. Kl mer Ilruner, eouvicled of the murder of I Samuel Reese, for a new trial, was aririieil at argument court an Monday. Thomas Marshall. Jr.. of Pittshurii. appearing for the defendant and District Attorney O'Con nor for the Commouw ealt h. After hearing the case Judtre I'.aikcr reserved his de rision. Horace R. Rose, Fsi(.. of JollllstoW u. on Tuesday mornim; while washing in his room in the Mountain House, lccidentally let t he wash-bow I slip from his hands, and breakinn. one of the broken pieces struck h i in on the left le)!. ciiltini! an uily nash. lr. Kchiie.U dressed the wound, which re iilired live stitches to blinj! tlie severed tlesh back to its place. Mr..!. I). Lucas, of th's place, propri etor of the hoot and shoe and f nts furnish ing jioods store on llinh street, has associ ated witli him in the business S. L. Reed. Ksij.. and hereafter the tirm will be known as J. 1). Lucas A Co. The stock wf noods w ill 1m-enlarged and the business of this heretofore well patronizod establishment increased correspondingly. We wish them , success. 1 John tiill. a coal miner living at Rens creek. visited Johnstown on Friday last, and while walking on the railroad track in the vicinity of Woodvalo. was struck by an east-bound freight train and hurled from the track. Although severely hurt. h:s injuries are nfit dangerous and he will re cover, lie w as brought to the almushouse where he will be cared for until able to go to work again. I The party having the contract for lay ling the track on the Cambria it Cleat field railroad expect to have the line of track completed from Kaylor's to Hrubakor junction on Saturday evening. The con tract for ballasting the road has been let and before long trains of loaded coal cars will he. seen winding their way up the Chest creek to Kaylor's, and thence out to Cresson on the m ain line. J. W. Strong, emploved as a trackman in the Altoona yards, while working near Seventeenth street was knocked down and , run over by a freight train the w heels passing over both legs. IIo was taken to the hospital w here the sumeons concluded that both legs would would have to be amputated, but he victim of the accident positively refused to allow the operation to be performed. It Is thought he will die. I It is said in view of the Immense amount of traffic over the Pennsylvania railroad the directors will open up the Now Portage "railroad from near Peters burg, in Huntingdon county, to Cresson. The opening up of the New Portage will give the Pennsylvania another track up the eastern slope of the mountain w hich will he fifteen miles shorter let ween Peters burg and Cresson than the main line, and besides, has a much better grade. A collision occurred between two freight trains a short distance west of Kittanning Point station on Wednesday night by which an engine and thirteen loaded freight cars were w recked, the en gine and two of the cars going dow n over the hank. The wrecked ears caught fire and the P. R. R. fire brigade fr jm Alt toona was summoned to assist in controlling the flames, which was soon accomplished. Luckily no lives were lost and no person injured. On Saturday last a pairor sheep-killing dogs kilted one on the farm the Messrs. Doran. In Summerhill township, that was out with thocattle and not housed w ith the othr sheep. Having got a taste for mut ton and not having the opportunity to sat isy it there, they went to tho farm of Mrs. David J. Evans, where they killed throe and wounded four others. The does were followed to their abiding places and their ow ners w ill very likely have the opportun ity of paying for their dogs' illegal appe tite for mutton. Robert F. Pollock, of North Mahoning township, Indiana county, whileout hunt ing on Tuesday, tripjied on a wild grape vine, and falling, accidentally shot himself, the charge entering his left side. Owing to his heing absent longer than he Intend ed, his wife who was at home with sick children hecamoalarmed and cominuriicat sng her fears to a neighbor woman. Her neighbor started on his tracks and found his dead Ixnly lying w ithin 60 rods of her house. He leaves a wife aud two children to mourn his sad death. Mr. Thomas Wills, of Loretto. w ill of fer at public sale at his resident-; in Lor etto, on Tuesday, January Wth. IMC, at one o'clock, v. m., one set of light harness, lot of hay, corn, potatoes and apples, one barrel cider, one harrow, plow, grindstone, one heating stove, gra'ii cradle, cooking stove and utensils, chairs, flour chest, iron ki ttle, buckwheat Hour, wheat flour, corn and outs chop and other articles too nu merous to mention; also, at the sum,, time and place two lots of ground in Loretto, with a two-sp'Tv p'rr!- bvv ; -M. ,r.. o'tthU'ldiii:: . The patriotic cltiren who Is willing to servo tho people in some of the various borough and towushlp offiesis beginningto throw oat Lluts of his being willing to ac cv pt ofilco for the good of the public, which H un omen that the sprinjr (lortion is draw inj! m ar at hand. SaiHdes of thf4 now pai-rs to loused foi I'nit 'd States ijills hav b-en n'ci-ivitl at the povernmerit mills. It is called 'hx-al-ized fibre paper"', and is entirely fliffen-ut lroui that used heretolun;. rTlu; new paper wiii be distinuised by two lines of scat ten-d red and blue silk threads, one ijuai ter of an iiu h loud, crossinn the bill from toil to hot loin. The lines w ill be an Inch w ide, each an inch and a half from the centre of the bill, the reverse side of tlie bill opposite tin- lines will be left blank so that the fibre may becasily distinguished. A lirunil luirrli nedictine priests at the The II St. Vin- cent's monastery, morelaiid count, the specifications near Latroiie. in West haw about completed for building a church. which b Pennsylv onlv one not onlv. to be the largest in inia. but it is to he surpassed by on the American continent, and and that is the St. Patrick's cathedral in New York. The church is to be 'M feet long and ISO feet w ide, sill mounted by two immense steeples, each 41) feet high. When com pleted the church will cost more than a half a inilli hi dollars, and the time for building il will not take less than four years. The building is to be two stories high, the first, which will lie partly under ground, will he used for worship, the same as the main, portion. hut not so large, as a great portion of the lower part will be used for ln-ating and lighting aparatus. The lower portion devoted to church pur pose, will be provided withfTiws and. in addition to the main altar, there will be six side altars. This part of the church w ill lie for divine services for the monastry and college classes. The many altars in it are to enable all the priests to celebrate mass each morning as quickly as possible, there being at the monastry all the time from fifteen to twenty-live priests. The main portion or the first floor of the church will be the same as all other Cath olic churches and it will be devoted to the genera! public of tlie nearby tow lis and the surrounding county district. In the rear there will lie tlie gallery, and the space Including the seating capacity w'll hold i.iaa people. The main altar, with font side altars, w ill 1m- of line marble and Un building w ill be of brick and stone. The fourteen stations, or tlie way of the cross, will be among tin; largest and grandest in the w ol id. Th Brrrh Creek. As it is a matterof interest to our people in the north of the county to find out the intentions of the RcccU creek railroad company, whose engineers have been sur veying nearly everv spring run in that sec tion, we irivethe following taken from this week's Indiana .V(hi;it: All indica tions point to the building of the main line of the Reech Creek railroad through Homer ( it y. t his county. A few days ago a large number of additiou il engineers at -rived at Homer and proceeded to view tin land. On Monday Chief Engineer Mc Intire aud a prominent official of l he road arrived at Homer City and on Tuesday liiwruiiig they took a carri-ige and drove down the creek. The survey, as located, crosses the Indiana Rranch where the I'.iani li K. R. crosses Tearing Run and from there down, runs dose to the Indiana Rranch. The engineers are now on the (iearhart farm. This would indicate that the road a ill not be built up Cherry Run, as sup;o-ed Some Weeks ago. The line will go down Rlaeklick to Social Hall bridge, on tlie West Peiui. and the chances are that front there the cnidinsvrs will run a line to La t robe. From Latrobe a line will be built to connect with t he I Sal l i more and Ohio and t he coal and coke Ileitis of Westmoreland and Fayette counties will haye an eastern outlet not controlled by the lVnnsvlvaiiia. ' i - - ! Klllril ui liaylor'n. On Wednesday afternoon about half past four o'clock, w bile the work train was do ing some shift ing at Kaylor's station. I. R. Pringl:;, a brakeman. met with an ac- ciaJeiit that caused his death man was in t he act of makiu The youim i coupliiiL', and for that reason was standiim lielween the cars that were eomiiur together. The car that was lieina moved was leaded with iron rails for the Cambria fc C'learti.ld road, and the rails beiui; longer than the car. stuck out over the end. The youni; man, intent on making tin- coupling, with his ryes fixed upon the coupling link, failed to obser e the protruding raiN on tlie ap proaching car, and was struck on the head by th ; ends of the raiis, fracturing his skull and throwing him under the car, which pass il over his left It--; at the hip. crushing it olT. He was still living when picked up ami was tenderly carried into the house of Mr. John Cain, close by. but it was evident to those about him that he was beyond all human aid, and he soon ex pired. He was a son of Mr. Ceoixe I. Prinze, of Wilinore, was about eighteen years of ape. and was a promising youni; man. His remains were forwarded to Wil inore on Wednesday evening. Hnriieil in Time. I'eojile will have themselves largely to blame il the horrid grip secures a foothold here this winter. The board of health sounded a note of warning a few days ago. Physicians all agree that with proper pre cautions, the desease may be prevented. Aged and enfeebled persons, in fact any one whos system is run down, ico,uire a healthful stimulant just now. The medi cal faculty arc a unit upon this point. Klein's "Silvur Age" and '-Duijuesne' rye w hiskies, w hich sell respe ctively at ?1..V) and l.'Jj per full quart, are the purest and best stimulauts know n. The most skilled practitioners in the country endorse and prescribe these brands anil leading hospit als use them exclusively. Major Klein also sells (Juckenheiiner, Fiuch, Gibson, Overholt and Hear Cro. k at f 1 oerquart r six quarts for His establishment is headquarters for everything in the liquor line. Goods expressed everywhere. S.;nd for catalogue, mentioning this paper, to Max, sr. Federal street, Allegheny, Fa. For sale by . I. ,fc A. K. IJendcr, fclbens burir. Fa. Vlrk'x floral .olde, True and tried friends are always wel come, consequently "Vick's Floral Guide" is sure of a warm reception, especially when dressed as daintily as this year. The "Xellie Lewis' Carnation on the front of the cover, aud 'IJrilliatit Poppies" on the back, are unusually attractive, and the numerous colored plates of lliwers and vegetables, are certainly works of art and merit. The first twenty-four pages, print ed in violet Ink, describe novelties and specialties. Send ten cents to James Vick's Sons, Rochester, N. Y.,and procure a copy of this attractive and useful catalogue. It costs nothing, as the ten cents can be de ducted from the first order. . a . . . Rrlieol Krpnrl. Report of Frown school, Washington township for month ending, January 13, ls-.C: Whole number in attendance during month males II; fi males, pi; total. 'Jl. Average attendanci males, s; females 7; total, i:. Those p. rfect hi attendance: La vlbia Raiucy, L'lnuia Prow n. Annie lirown. Wait George and Michael t.eorite. Vis-" i: 11. S ;. A.vy.i.: M alo.nk . Teaeh.-r. ' rmnaiBieail4B. St. AtrG wttxe. Pa., Jan. li l-iw. FUUtor Cambria Frreman: Sn:: A gang of whiskey advocate have been plotting to come and break up ourfair next Saturday evening. Tlu-y may be sor ry for this even. The church building committee is getting the names of the con spirators now. The friends of disorder aud drink will have to work harder if they w ish to succeed in fastening the reputation of rowdyism, pugilism ami barlarism upon us people of St. Augustine. The Ashville man w ho says he examiut d our church last Scptemlwr. mry have done so, but he was not almut in daylight, aud our great, watchful dog has not apiioated since that time as having had a rough and tumble tight with tramps or night-prowlers. These gentlemen could hardly have briU d the dog with whiskey for Carlo" is a total abstainer from aw ay back. Some worshipe rs at Oabriuus" shrine publish that the god people of St. Augus tine are greatly interested alxuit the safety of the church building, and that there rages among them a controversy at out the price of a brick church. The rotten tim bers of the part of the church taken down showed that that part of the building was very unsafe. However, our iws.ple go to church like good Christians, w hether there is danger or not. ami they are doing all they can to fill the handsof tlieiriinworthy pastor w it h money that hi-and tin- com mittee may provide a church for them. II. Mi Evov. From Aehrllle. Asitvit.i.K. l'a., .Ian Is, is;r.'. Klittr ( 'it io ri t Krreimirt: Sus: Hoping that a few niore It this "neck of woods'" may not lie ems from amiss. I send the following. After .ia ing knocked out a paint shop and a number of farmers in the first round on tho subject of framing a church roof and the cost of a brick ehur.-h, Mr. John Storm, of this place, has packed up his fur niture and will move to Altoona. where he will work at his trade, that of carpenter. Our genial friend I), ti. Myers ha so far recovered from his recent illness as to lie able to out on the streets aain. A cow In-longing to Mr. Samuel Suun of Dean .station, w as killed on the Cresson A CoaliRirt railroad one day last week. The cow was insured for STtO in the Ashville Mutual Live Stock Insurance Company, audjMr. Stone has been paid the amount of the insurance. A Sijuad of fiye unbleached Americans struck town to-day and rented a housr here, l'oiir uf them intend to work in a stone ijuarry at Moore's mill, while the other w ill start a barber shop in this place 'A. ConimanlralloB. Loiiktto. l'a., Jan. Eililnf Cumbria Freeman: Sn:: A branch of the Catholic Mutual Ilenetit Association, a society w hich is rap-i.ll.- ......r..;......... 1 1., .1;.. circles, was instituted at Lon tto within the past mouth. A charter was procured ny tne follow 111 twelve uieiniM-rs, iz: Ki-v. F. Kittell, li. V. Lit.iujrer, Thu. L. I'arrish. Lewis Kaylor. V. A. li. Little, J. K. Sliields, Dr. .1. Murphy, Luke Ivory, tJilbert Storm. Kdward Tomilsoii. S. Kit t. il ri.i.i i .1 i.itri.. ri,.. ,.i.;..,. i ..r association is t improve the moral. mental and social conditions of its members; to educate them in integrity, sobriety and frugality, to einh ax or to make them con tented with their posi-.ion in life, and to aid or assist members irr their families in case of death. The constitution of thisfo ciety is perfe. t in every respect, and lends assurance to its memlM-is that the jiovcr which is now vested in this asSocia t ion will le felt hv any Catholic who seeks to promote its interest. A Mkmisfi:. A Srrlra uf nr Sprrlatl I icartlona to WabliiEloii, !.". A del'mhtful opportunity of visiting tie national -apital in its most attractive s-a-son, while lotl houses of Congr-ss are in session and a,,d aj the departments open to visitors, is presented by a series of four sh cial .xciirsions of the Feunnsylvauia raii on January 'lst, February 1th. 11th, a ad :.'.lh. is'.r.'. Excursion tickets will I good for ten days from date of sale, ad mitting of a stop-over iu Haiti more in eith er direction within tin- proper limit, and tourists will travel in a sjxt-ial train of parlor cars and day coaches. Train leaves. 11:1". .. m. l'J:i Noon. l'J:.Vi ! . t . s:r. " Kate. .-;.x, .. T.:c .bdinstow n Cresson -Mtiona 7.:." Washington Arrive The tickets will be good for ii se on any regular train of the dates aliove iiam.-d ex cept limited express trains. The- return coupons w ill be valid for passage on any regular train within the return limit ex cept the Pennsylvania limited. MarrlaMce Liernseia. The follow ing marriage licenses were is sued by the Clerk of the Orphans Court for the week ending Winlnesday, January JOth. lsfrj; Frederick Nalcwskv and Minnie Konlor owitz. (iallitzin. John i). A. Hildcbrand, South Fork, and Lizzie Jane Weinier, Adaiiishurg. Ferie A. Anderson and Magcio Malzie. Johnstown. Samuel H. Mears and Harriet Proad, South Fork. James Taggart and Kate Carroll. Johns town. Joseph McGouzh. Fast Coneiuaugh, and Lizzie Kurtz. Johnstown, Julius Suchman aud Makhi Fisher, Johnstown. Powell Kochon and Mary Lynsch, Gal litzin. William Lester Larimer and Izora Dayis. Lbensburg. Mike Zions and Catharine Dukoski, (Jal litziu. Henry J. Kaufman Somerset, Pa. a ml Sadiv EasL, Froaen to Ieatta. William K. Ilandeuff. of Altooua, who was C2 years of airo on April last, and weak minded because of a paralytic stroko sus tained some time ago, wandered away from his home on the second day of thl- month, and despite all search, was not found un til Saturday morning, when, as was feared, he was found dead and frozen to the (ground. On that day Seoit Mussulman went to one of the tills made for the new tracks of tho Pennsylvania railroad across toward tho hill from Klair furnace, for the purpose of skatintr, and here, lyinsr on the snow. was. the body of the unfortunate man, frozen Miff, and so firmiy fastened to the ground by the Ice that it was with difficulty that it was removed. Coroner Poet was noti fied, and going to the scene, empanelled a jury of inquest, who, after hearing the ev idence obtainable, rendered a verdict that the deceased had come to his death from exposure and natural causes. UoLUlays bury Jliijhur. Died. ZOLNEK. Died at his home in Carroll township on Wednesday, January nth. Mr. Joseph Zolner, iu the 71th year of her art'. Ll'THEK. Diil at his home in Carroll township on Thursday. Januarv .".th. ls.rj, yr. Jacob Luther, about 7 years. WILLS. Died at her home in Loretto mi 1 tiesday, January 5th, lrj, Mrs, Mary Wills, wife of Mr. Thomas Wills. EVERAdE. I)iel at the hoine of her parents at iK-lairey, on January 7tli. ls-.r,'. little Rone Everage, agi.-d i rears, after a few days illness. Tbere'i a t.air of little hands Lald to rest lurerer more; I here's a pairol dimpled check Whoce rich blorfomtn It o'er. Anjrelii bore her aalely home. So ior her we need not warp. So Illy lo the door-way route, liarllcs h'oile't gone to sleep. m.t. MlM-ell LtUt'"ID r.Lr:'1Rl ITY THE MAUNtTlll WATER OF LIFE. WHATls II 1R. W. U. Eldbed. Dear .Sir. 1 tiivai lour, hunt ol lmi r'nc to any to jou and 1 trust you win real wo letter paiifouy to lie rcriuf ion. ! It is my mutton to maiiulArture and iliu,iltiw most c incutar iuhntaaisa hl-b lt has led me ' to dl'rover ar..t Meh I will Introduce to yoo. And It wUt 1 nte may peem eurt"tis to jou 1 bolt to believed in what 1 iy . 1 mu truth fully rmy tliut ev-ry rren. however l'tly in lne. lona lor health; hut rot all nofei theeatrKy r . the eiTiosuy to f-K the key. wt.irh .hey can ! tin. I hy rall'.nx n our urnt. Mrs. M. shoenlc- j er. who fcteti tur meriicice on hand and l ready I to aduilniMir in all. It cures catarrh, rhenma- i t rrnaudall dlreasea ol the ear. J.iqiid Eire-trit-itv due- Dot reiul-e "la I Wen up" riter tt Is onre known, li ull Iticil. I hjee the lull rtht f ol tan eiiooiy. No uuc r.n r-oate In ai d ,r!i un. ' les- I authorlre icem. The undeia ud ul give all instructions when enltt-d nr:on. I J1KS M. SrfOEM AKElf. j hAHLuritlKIVMl'Y. l I'ioi J. T. ;e. ll.e oculift optician, of ill fenaatt. I'ltisiiurv. has arranged t- fori. I ma reureeniaiue to Ehenrbura. Jaisuury stlt a: d , Kind, aid ex:end an invitation o all nii a , b u k ee tree tlo nreilitiar x ' '. -r fivinn dittlcu ty lu being uued with Kbs-m. i. c.T-uit hi in tree o" charge at Ir. treery's diDiai i.fti.-e. ThuTuday ai.d Friday. Januait 2iit an.t -.-Jiid. Two-third ol tue i-u callel head ache and nt-ri oua nr irum iiraiot-d eyea. If yo-i iIcmic relief thl la aii a; pertuiiliy to secure the tiel rclctica . anunir. I The und trained otTr lor rent. his .Moil Murae a:I.l.:. alt all the ap- iurienanor. Ice loa. KeT nert r. n .. and S.auablrr Hotise. i'Oftefon ir;t-n I in turn late ly. Apt ly to JOHN MtlZ'UK Jan. i, Itflii. JiHy AllVIKIIMKH hv addoiaiu Uro. F Itaarll A .'.. luSoruev Su. Mew York an learn the extc coat oi any rfrett line of MVEltrsINt InAlnertcan Ncw'ia;n, IOO l'r e li.-attilet, lite. 'A.TK.I:-Fur of a'l kind, for which the f hiaho.-t market priors will he tiad. Hrina them In. li. L.. kkkhehkkj. oct30 htitru'iurtc, Ta. ANTK1V K good Klrl to d cook not Jood waaeK paid. Addrta. Mrs. M. riixbarris. aliitz r Hotel, ilalliinn. pa. 7.M LTZEI.I.i? 1 When we say wc are nreparins; for the greatest reduction sale that we have ever yet given we do not desire our readers to understand : that they can enter our store md carry away its entire contents and ' leave no form of equivalent, but we want them to know that we do intend to give them what they , may wish for at one-quarter to . one-half of what they have been paying here or elsewhere, and that if they have dreams of economy i add many posssessions ft r the us- ; ual expenditure for a few the time will be when our great reduction sale begins on the 11th of January, ; Our black dress goods shelves have been deprived of the greater share of their treasures but we still have much remaining that is of the best in style and quality and WC CXpect to have a COU1- plete thinning out before our mid winter sale is over. Therefore, they have been touched by the General Reduction hand as can j be seen by the following partial ! rmntatinrist of thft fifnelr on luiml- , t . ......... PriestlvSilk Warp Henriettas. l.-j.". to?1.7." Carlier's, All Wind " .Vito l.: Noveliies in Fiuiin-s, .-triju-s and dot-.. i, to l.iat ain-ls Hair. l.v", I'ur Plaids, .vj inch, l All WlM.I STges. .VI to l.-.'.". At the eame counter jou will find elegant silks at the following reasonable figures: Perfection .Silks Faille Fraueaisi iros liraiii V. t- fl. to i -l.'"l to !.' Also colored Failles and vel vets in all shades lor trimming. A short time hence such goods will be much higher in prices. The Shoe department has also suffered in the general cut which will be but for a short time and affords decided chances lor bar gains in that line ! RALTZELLS', Altoona. Xothins Ou Earth Will LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! It is ahaolntrly pur. Hiirhlr conrratratmi. In it rrisu k- than a K-nlta of m. rrnt d. rK-tlj m mnlicim. Prevents ana ram ail diaeaaea. oood for yjuntr chick. Worth more than o-oM witen npiw n i -ult. end Wi for $5 to prevent roup. wvi a customer' x ii nena u im cent lor Iwo pack ; ore ai. A 11 pn'ind ran tl 0 sr-iai! ; Urana as. ri rvip.,.L "THE Bt-sT l OULlKY 1-AHEK," mmjn plr copy r-r. r-oultrr Kaiinir Oujda f rvsr witli MX ...j'. j ur i . . . . u i , : 1 1 . . . . ' ..... . . . Valuable Real Estate FOB SALE! AI T ol irrnunit In the Weft ward of the bor oush ol rj'r ui-hunt. t,('mhrla eountT. Fa. IroDtlCK on Sample street ed a avinic-thereon erect- FRAME HOUSE and riirrulMiuifa. all lo a-ood repair. For term or particular call m or ali!reiii JOHN NKM.AN. Mcktn-n. Pa .or M. U. KM VtLL. Kteo8burr. Pa. IXtC l.'TOK'S KtiTirt J r'ta to i l N. hatlan lr(f, rteceared. L. tu?r tft meourj In ibe et te of S hart Inn ti rati, late ol Bir township, di-rraud. havlnir ie a-ranled t - me. all looi t led Ut eaid e tale are hereby notified to make rayment to me without delay, and tnoe harina: rialins aicaint U a fame will pre-enl theu.proM.r'y authentica ted lor aottlr men t. 1AMJ LItB, f-lx'cntor of Sebar-tian Oratl, il ceased. Nick town, Pa.. Jan. !, 18-J U I 'ST KAY NOTICK. i I'auieiothtt rraiifence ot tbe underjlsned rrsialnje at Frn nali-j. w b te towtgl p. Oiob'li connt. Pa . od about June aoib. 181. one dark red better, abou t one year old. email horua with white f ivntt JJtWMD th-m. and white on hlpa and eiues. the owner la rrqueiied to pom forward. pr-.Te .r. ert pay rliaricei and take her away, otherwise ate mill be dlfi.oard it cc"rd1nic to Uw.- , c . KieHAKH KtlTH. Jan. IP0i.3t. Jruaty Pa. M. D. KITTELL, Attorney-n c - j o w . KUENsibl'Kii. Ha. iffice in Armory Kal.dloa-. o,p.t;..urt Hoace. T. w- DICK. ArroilNEY-AT-LAW. , . tlBKSSIHKO. I'BXS'a. '" U1 Uail gtren to claim. ir Pen. aion Konuty. etc. ehi- -.y OX ALU n. DUFTON. ' ATrtiKNEY AT LAW. , . , . Ehwiivo. fmi. fVUthct in Opra Hoove. Centre 'treet. . HEADE. I A TTO KStY-JT-L.W. j V hkiklir'iiU I ar u v a w-OlUce an Centre I reel, bear Hik-l". TT " a, a attiiCsi' i v ATTOK.- iKca, Ja. -umce la i tUonsl How. vm t cnue atrcet. MEKIS REDUGT OF I arain in Gallltziu. and have the ron't delay your your coming R. L. JOUXSTQS. Jf. J. BriK. H. Sl'CK. L6TA1U.UIBID lKT'Z. Johnston, Buck & Cc.7 UANKKP.S, EUENSBUKO. - - - rENN'A. A. W. nrH, 'ablfr. Fmtaplihhilu 1SSB. Carrolltown Bank, OAKKOLLTUU'N. PA. Mil AKI1 I (sublrr. T. A. General Banting Business Transacted. Tbe tollowinic are thr principal leaturel ot KvncrAl buLKiu tiuiDrvs : DEPOKITN lieorlvert payable on demand, and Interest bear tntc certlbcatef lanued to time deixisltori. I. OA X N Kxen1e1 to rusroroerfl od lavorarile tet and a-irovei paper dlsennnted at all time. U.I.F.CTI!S S Made In the loolitT-Dit duod nil thr htnklnii I towns In tbe United Statrj. t'harxe molrate. DRIFTS Innned neirotlaMe Siat. and loreiirn ol l.uroje. In all partu of the United exrbanKe irr-ued on 11 part Atcmsr Ol merrhant. farmers and otherg (oliclted. to whom reasonable accomodation will be eztenite1. Patn-na are aaMured that all traowK-tlon rliall be held an strictly private and eicDdentlal, nnd that tbey will be treated aa liberally &j sued backing tales will permit. Kepectlally, JOHXSTOX. RK H A IO. C. A. LANGBEIN, MannraMarerof aud Iealer in ALL KINDS of HARNESS, 3 V .-V.sis SADDLES, BKIDLF.S, W1JII, COLLARS HARNESS OILS, BLANKETS. Kobe. Kly Net, furry Com fat, etc.. etc. Ke pairinit Neatly and Premptly dune. All work KOaranteed to Klve aalifitaction. I Hldlna-Bridles, from .Hf . up. lea.j Bridle, from tlMlup. i Lap lus tern. Irom '0c. up. Machine-mae HimM, Irum mi up. Hacd-made Harness, troin . ilO.ou up. r-t'all and examine my no. k l.ciore i.ur- chatnir elewbere. I KQarantee to fell an cheap j a tne cneapei-i. -Shop Darker I'ltcw on Centre stre-it. aprl.-VU JUST RECEIVED! A LAKCE LOT Boots & Shoes -i;urt;uT at Sheriff's Sale ! -I ROM THE STOCK OF W. E.SCM?RTZ&,COM I'lTTSfll K , fA. The Prices public invited to call, away down. JINO. LLOYD & SONS. i XTUT1'E. t As All per.nE are liaretiy nctinej that 1 have ( li;l day ixiua-tit Ireui Marlio bo. ne r one parlor i u'rin and two i. and liavo Iclt ttis rtui with ibiui durinar my pltusure. lsJAI'OKK Sty MfKE, Lot cite, la., Jau. iih, y-.t. 4 f: i UN The weather so f;tr this fall h:is leon very im:ch against the sale of heavy winter gnoils and in fonsciueno-' our stuck is lmuh too lanre for the time of year. It miy get ever so c.-M yet ami you neel the gomls, but we neel the money anil therefore we have reduced every article so we may fell them iuick 0veA9emil8 mud &iets$ which we sold at $10.00, now g a( $0.00. S35' ST' which sold at So. 00, now i at ME REIDCT10KS IN SHOES AP RUBBERS. Men's Dress .Shoes, formerly $2.00, now $1.50. Ladies' Dress Shoes, Spring Heel, $1.50. Gum Iixits, Candee best in America we sell at $2.00 ; others get $:).0U. Rubbers for Ladies, Gentlemen, Hoys and Girls at lowest prices. DRY GOODS, HAPS, CARPETS, we will sell at prices so low that you cannot imagine how they can be manufactured for he price, but we uust reduce our stock and low prices shall do the work. GtKRaC-ESEWCjES, Don't forget our mmirnse stock of Groceries, and always bear in mind that by dealing with us you always save 25 per o tit. ATTEND THIS GRAND fsSOOOTiOK SALE if you need goods or not. Such a chance will not b-j olfercl We c;tn start you in House-keeping 3 I w create test arS Jilui'Mit of Furniture now is the time UP li u SIIMZOILT - &d - CALLITZ1N, PEMN'A. CLOTH IN i Overcoats! i i We are now prepaved to Avw vou the largest and best elected stock of FALL AND WfNTF CLOTHING AND OVER COATS i the county, and gie you the l,wes' pricts. My line of GENTS' FURNISH NG is always complete. Am now prepared to show you a much lar ger assortment than ever before. Call ami see me :i-s I will sell you uice goods and save you m ney. Very Ktspejl fully, C 811.11! I1.-1UGII, - -.u-ly Read $1.50 QUI 1 1 IS F5 M Wliile Frail WH 113 flislij tre t JteSu, Pa. Now Slo,k of DP.Y GOODS. MILLINERY AND CAR PETS. C-'i'l to s'.i' u-t wlieu in tuwu. A til IUK S Mil n-r. 1 u tr.c 4 r (li ii us' i 'i.ur i i.J rnai rn nr.iy. d ni l in t l.c ru Hit li e r p;n.:i i. it,, t ; tl -al ai-coun: t.f Wiu. W4fu:r. t-Jltrru er Hji'iik I cn iflai.l l.v rill i-L,ri ltir and Ott-nle i.on i lit eiii pt ..1 ii t- l : i.i lu rr i rt a r!i-:ntjil m ot Tlie Ijt.i ! i o iin,l i,t itie aviuuianl. hefci-y rnvni ilm 1 w ll m at my Hire in il r t .r .i-ali I K - i :,ui n t'rl la.llir 22ml lu ,( . ls'.2. .,: IO i. "Cits K. A. M . I.r liic .1 ' Ii . l -ttli: dlltl- el iiid Hp t . I .. I u, t-1, 1 . w ,r , Wl. il- ail prr..iS Ull.ierlrl t.;:.V .iirfi.. ,.r ;,(. ,rL..r debarred Iroui ceiuti ji 1 ai-l t:ni i l- i; h i li.v. l-.lien.-b rt I'.i.. ! ;-:u ;;r. .li..! i ,r KAY. nie lo I lie le ulc jce o I t lie u'MTiier MaSUllKltU t .ain. I;, i . June, If.'l. a ini'i)le . m ut.l I Hit ;i u-l I, t 1 1 yi a-a u l. ha auu e oi, tier Imik an i I. .. aiili n.itcii a. ecr the rtbl ear .1 .. num pi ceoul nl be UH. I'l.e u ner in r i ii ' i i i,, c me and pre i r p-tty. chart: ? ..., her away, olbirt i.-e !.e -.i i ol,. . i ,i . r.l mu iui. ii aici;li t Lusi: lii.y. 4'a . J.ia. H. ls.i ji. KAY Ml Ii:i:. t't.e Ite ei.i- i k ne i I lit-al-eii the pi: .. iv . I i t -'r: . I i 1 K- eh I I . r- : I" ii e.! I'll. t-r. t.iie iil-l i-a-i. mi.m h-n rarrr.T while pi l t,:j.. ami the end ui h.T t.ii!. I;. - .-. I.- ic h : I li I Mnl lo warn lui aaid. piute i.r -verly. pay cli-irse ami li.rMBkl i.lli.r.l.H .1.. ...I I.. i... . I 1UK to law. J, s. it-, I January 15 ls:.:j:. 1 1. vihi; SALE AT rrps. r U. from to select from. t buv er never. CO. V, fiTHINR J Ua Overcoats! GOODS CARROLLTOWN, pa. ihe per Year. 9 3 3 . V L'l 11" i. Li nt; i.i: 11 J.Mli:i U. I"iu.i-i::i:n..K. j l-ati! at IKj IJ..IK. In . t.t-iii thr If. K h V. , ltaila in p.. I vV H i w :i H nj'lHT(.r to lor j ii?.i Hit lie.-l iiri-i'iii hi-hJmi m'lh iii biifitirrr. men. p ru-iire irr!.er ami l"inr l-r !' r-n in vrarrli I ol .- "i !' T 1 uict will Mini it x rtrsl al lu place lo i p. 1 lie l'a I lie t. un - 'jr(a j.-i ami ir m,it J 'ii iii-.l oiiii iii e i ft Ihe uiuik't iitti.rdK . aiid ; ;i ' .-.- :r:i" ,,i i In- j'fu-.iii. lie p.iir 1- Hup. i J.;.- ! . 1 1 II t r!;"!r - i - I .u;i- :iuiit n l.'t cinx rB I !.; i u Lu i tt.n i -. i.- ,nM, Special aiit-c f teiiiHfii lull. :-:iic oi ;;ern-i. ' ii. j. M iu.rTio. IF i"n' a i ; m 1 1 . 'i'Le--i''.si-: i;.i-ri.t!i -rs f. : rent iiis f:u til tie 1 1 lie lit 1 l,e ii t . :.I..Mit two M " : ". r i "v i.- !ii ii. :i l .ti iisinirp.V ( re.ssnii .aiJii s finni ! ri-.-snii. 1 iirin eon i ui us atxiu t I 7'! i-i-s. :.l -mm tl' 'i-M'eil ros,s.uii piv- ur adiix-.-s tb ll fill 1st (,f . t i i 1 1 e ui.- ri! i r ;:t lazuli i tt... IV. .1 A M 1 S .NUi'i.V. T-vu; SAI.1.. 1 I he in. ; pic u ri-.i I i ! I I' IU ...:. . i . ' x ; ti-: r t . i.r un tt I ni.,.r v . "l'l r.-' ! t r lili- ,i to l.iiiitn In .Mitu-:cr luaii-l'ip. . t .i . i. I i ll. :i i m -,. .'I - i p, . . t. - .-ii . 1 1 , 1 : it i, i. .-., The i.-.l Mini ;n ti 1.1 h'aie ! rum- le r'liil at a rc.a.. pnisu 1 1 1 a 1 1 u. a ii .1 w i an. I up l r f r r I ll i Iv t- . i l.i k , ; 1 .. i . 1 1 ii. r 1-.'. Is- 1-n n m a n it u o -1Y m j TT