(f ii j i ; -if i : a. ( ll i 3 J ill ' i : m I 1 ' i '4 '. .3 CALIFORNIA liELX i MountRin Cavos Converted Intc Hoj.0 Hive ! A ciitwl-lc Mine of l ?-.:- lt-o ere-l iu i tile !iitnl ::: -A k. .--.!. I'r Ita l'09-di'. K-eS Mini .'liners. In muVij place.-, l iii-t rly in tii.' Southern pait f iho Mule, taw, in t!:c mount.. kiro'Iilivc K-en t.iUcu p. sion of :vid lit. rally filled with the .nec tar p-.'it'H iv.! ii-.ia the myriad honey' prod'.J; i:: wi:d!l 'ivi'rs. Tin"..- ii a re nia-rV.Mi iii-tui..-e of thi- sort of natur al 1oe-hiv, savs thu S.ti Iranc'ise O-.ronichv in the Cajoi) Pass, north t i lie citv of San l'.ernardino. In a -cipitous-bioff rising from the K-d of the creek that llows thr.su'.i the cunvoTi is an open.nir in the rock laro-c onoturli for a n'sn to walk through. Over this a rude door m;ule't' w ide-uie.shed wire nett'itu lias U-i-n placed, s.i that while tho ingress ami c.'res of th boos is nut VnxKcvii. tin- stores of Ihiucv cannot be ii.oicst-.-d except ;it the. -wMl of th pel n having the kev to tl-Clonr. 'IT e cau penetrates far into the CilKide a'.id is literally alive v.it'i befs-. Away in : tii? back the cmiU. h:a from the rocks for several t--ct diAvmvan! and are literally black with tire. T.vard ' the front many fresh combs are seen. ' some already siviued owr and thers Ix-inr tilled with "honey.. It is evident that then must b-e many swarms in the ' cave in order to have produced as mii'-h honey as is stored awaj- within ? s rocky walls. The bees of ralMrmiia art- Ambitions workers, and v. b.-n their hires are not kept elear of tin- Msrpius h-mey v. ill put their stores in all sort-, of .l u-. s. The writer unci iia l i:li:ir;.".' of a l.ir;re opiary, ami the season -..:s . f;iv- ralle that it v:is imp!.:.:bie 1. !:.!; t he ii:ej from the hives as r::i.i.l.'y as it was stored. In one cns- there were three Lives stand.n on s.-me .-.eantlin r. with .about a foot oI .v.;ioe iiitervenin; .-. li:i .--in tilled the v.ieant 1 o.es the bees next turned tV-.eir attemUiii to the (.it sides, aiul tlMe. I the spaee b--t ,-e'ii the bives u-ul also i.ii. L-rnealli t'.iein With a solid laass 'f ilo ie. So el.isi--y were the hiies f sstrn.-i'. that ;t actu ally reipiir. 1 the usi of a i ri'.vi'iir to pry them apart. Down at Ti tncs'-:.:. S.i.i ITeraar.t'Bo county, near the faaions San .laeinlo tin mine, there is a veritable mi:ir .i lioiu-y. .et nally ami liter.; lly t his is a fact. There is a -lare f n-e - f lien employed at the ttu aiine. and ta -y put ill their idle t;;ue pr.)..pec' ::e' i:: -: " hills in the vi-iui'v. ;i Suad.i.y h.iif a dozen of the nine! a pp'.i.-d to I 'oi. !,! illson, the --:;;iel'i:i!eii(ie;it, for tile p'-ivi-lee;e of umii s uie ir'v.: :it powder ati.t a few tot.ls. Ilea;U'-d th. in wii.it wanted to.lo. an', they replied th,;t !:i.-y had found a 1 otit-y iniiie to tap it. L:oi:;!:'ne.'. sent and an or.e r on t for the de- ired art i h -. sunplv -f ieil-an-.l ti.l and pr. . i.--.-d ave his con st ireke.-pcr nil. vil:i a the IT.en s,-t out on tliei.- -., --.;;,! .n. They were j'one all dav. aru.1 toward snnion ; sorrv -: . '; :ii cession eiii.ie ovi r t!:e hi:. .: ,i i.oii.- its way to the employes' ii -. ..h pi.: rt r -. They h.i.l t " d t'.i-- mine, lh.-rr ei ul 1 be no ipieoi,, that. Ti-e'- u. re Kti.-kv willi hoti,- tioiu la :.d tof-it. il.iir and l-'ar.l drip.x-d with it lik 1 ntothe ap.iear.ii.ee of Aar. i! I. . was annointed, t ien so th..t tivo'i all over him arid down to !"-. ;' Their eloliies v ire I i i in'ii ! ! y p',.-.t-with a lire nl h.'a. y ai..l m-e.!; t' was honey every a ! re. ll-.-.t 1 he : mid biu l.t t . wert f ' 1 1 of I .ii-v :.s for a rub I -ed had ii h .-.i i erisi:-i red l!ut the iiiiiiers had :i':ii their trouble. ir faees v ''. 1 ri and : w in-n. i -.; s vri- a:n.- .-.t elose.l. an. here w:i - n. t a .-'.e.n ,- t-i.-l :' i.-ie but -h..". i i:i.o-':s of expos -d el: . 'f e, ip. .let V of t he in seet The m. 1 1 . creviee jr. f eonstioi . i; t he t. irr'nl l i.- hie-s i ml . u ho h. ,1 been r.l:ied. it .led. h ; 1 hr-.e.d a , ' ri el.S h-'iie-.- !.,.e;ed a, I'll of I ee-,. ;nl fn.-io t hi 1 they ju.l red tli.it there must t.i- a lar-. quantity of honey in the ree.-vs -s of t h li1T. Thi openiPT used 1 - (Jji. bees .'."lis too broa. ' 1 to admit of the i;;i:.m'c ef a human In i ny, ai.d :ut.-r earet-.-il y xantin'.n fie plaie a tttr.:..-l w;.s -Ti:-K-ni-ed a little way f.-.-m the i ft ri; n.-e , r.nd after this had been run t he rhrh t distuiiee an ui.r.ii.,e w as put in, hi;-J-by ";'oi link struck the h-.l'e of hone-i in its i-ent. r. After a hot contest witi the e.-s Ter.il hundred p.e.inds of comb hone;, were taken out. and the tumid was then closed up. Several lines since s.:Mition;tl Mipplies of th.-s'-vect materi.il have bee n t i!:e i fr,,m the eav. . 'i - h is riow : od.- l ;is a perinaneiil o .aure .1 li.- property of the San Jacinto estate. SMALLPOX ON SHIPBOARD. "Trying Times for th C'optaiu. Itcqu iring Norve and Irrriu-c of Mind. There is nothing more formidable, 6as Sir James 1'ovde in the Iondon Daily News, than for a captain of a vessd to find himself on the surface of the broad ocean face to face with a ter rible outbreak of infection, llappily thcre are captains who are equal to the duties which that sorrowful position imposes on them. The Mercantile Ma rine Service association at Liverpool, of tv itich Sir James was the spokesman, has presented to Capt. Duald Lyon, master of tnc ship Sierra l'edrosa, . wned by Messrs. Anderson & Co.. a tfold watch and chain '"in recognition of his devotion and cnerj- in personally attending to the momlors of Ins crew attacked by smalliox on the voyage from Chitta;,'on to London." It was shortly after leaving the former pi..rt that this hiathi-iornr disease broke out aboard: it spread and continued until the vessel reached the t ape of Good Hope, just fifty-live days out. Short handed and bound by the rules of the son-ice to consider the interests of own ers and underwriters as well as those of the crew and officers, Capt. Lvon nevertheless took the first sutlerers into his cabin. Three men .Mibsequcr.tly f illing- victims to the disease, lie was Compelled to take stringent measures for '.hieldin,' other member.; of the crew froi contamination; but thro a 'boat the Toy tp the humane and indomitable . cnpain of the Sierra l'edrosa 'T.ttendcd b's patients like a hospital nurse, and w ash-d them andravc them relief thrc- r four times t day." Einlnrnt Women Who Smoke. -If women smoke much nowadays, aays the Trilune de Ienevc, they can at len.st plead that the example is set in hih, circles. The empress of Austria i-mok? thirty to forty Turkish cigar ette every day. On her writing table Iherp. is a silver lox with fine relief vor" fijled witli cigarettes and a fold ash tray. The czarina also yields to the passion' for nicotine, but bhe onlv smokt.i in her loudoir, a copy of one of the prettiest rooms in the Alhambra, filled with palm trees. lK-r anxieties may plead her excuse, but Queen Mar guerite, of .Italy, whose life is freer from care, smokes also, and smokes much, but always in solitude. The 'jucea regent of Spain consumes Egypt ian Cigarettes Li larjfe quantities. Queen Nathalie, of S-.tviu, has u wonderful store of cigarettes of every kind, the queen of ioutuar.ia carries a little Kohic-n Iwx lilied with the same means of delight, v.-'ul., tho c.iat 'ic ,Ie Park appreciate ul)iy t.L. tobie. c. of Jl.-jvum. and her dnujfliu-r, the queen of Jor tuil, gets her cigarettes from Drc-b- frn. A,.L71s- A woman s aim is to look her best but she'll never reach it without perfect health. For perfect health, take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. All the func tional irregularities and weak nesses that make life misera ble to women, are cured by at. It's a powerful, mvieoratimi cr i tonic, and a soothing and strengthening nervine purely vegetable, perfectly harmless. For ulcerations, displacements, bearing-down sensations, un natural discharges every thing that's known as a " fe male complaint " its a posi tive remedy. It's the only one that's guaranteed to give satisfaction in every case. It costs j-ou nothing, unless it helps you. You can afford to try it, on these terms. Can you afford to neglect it ? KAI ..' i Tin i-a l,K NO UK C-rssson, Clearflel.l Uouniy and Mew "Yoik sfmrt hunt.. ... is. . liiri-i u Artti aiier luno T.h. 13 1. ( onoerllans ( rfM(in. WKST. Esr. Ovitcr t:x 'Z 5". a M ! Exp.. 11 04 a J ve-tern i-.xi.. 4 t i a m iM:oi A M 1 flu f X .1 l.rrciuwii Kx;.t -' a v I'li'-ir.u Kxp i 4 a !U..il 4 J I- M fit ! lie- K 47 V M Way -J 3d i- it Altuoin tip.. M-.il Kxp I'll Ha t.Xi Jji'iern i:x(i... t-'it.'.l Liue..... . 4 57 r X .. 1 3 r m ..lo 17 r Jt ii im Irvc.n Kxp.T.. itinrrh I'miu . KiiAt IMil.. 3 O . r x- r. -c rfs i t Jf N ?.-!:. -t r 6 2 r. Y. c . I MSC . ' t'rti-.n." r. ol .1 . o 3 .o x -c r- r r- - Mini.. l-SMrtMp;i"f:C?Wt1?.MMM9. 3 - t. r -- - ;nr. -?i5co cc v s c x . i i - - I'lmri-ti i l r:.l!. ' Cr.-oo 5 o c 1 . -: . c . - "t r r- .-3 n m I..-ve .litily exnr.l Stun.lay. i l:ve Sun.ill) UH.T Klui-U f fi iii.litt" tleirri"h utatlon. I vutij Mmie'" Hti.l Vii.tie" l'ru-.3in will .. dm .tMiluni. -hr i; tntius Nj. 1 nuinn't at 'reason with Julinsnitrn tx-jiri-s at 17 for ixiints Petweeo !rc.n nj .,lits!n. a n.l witli l ariflc Ex,'rr- .-it 4't tut point west of .lohtipt jwn. At"" with Mall Tmn t y for iH.ints eaut of l-rp-n r. Xo fi s.r. rtf.-LN with M 4.1 I'm-n al 4 ''4 tor nolnrn Wet of son, iiD.1 Mai. t.A.re3 for points J 4.1 oi t r'i'-.ri. wtih Mini tr.nn at v a-t. an.l from w.trita et of , l re.-tf-.n win. j. nn-t.wn r.xpres t 8 zr.ana r- i . .ii'T r A.roer, n. -. N 4 c.nnertd with .Mill Train at l'4fmni iikl ei-tol 'r.-i''.Q. ami MhII Kjiire.a at 4 67 ironi polat!. wtit ot I'ttM-in. un.lHy irir. c ipnfi weh Pi.rln ! Hxpresic(l M i .1 Truin wf -f r..l in . il F x ir.-s e t-l. lJvmt-r i- "r ir-iii j. :iii . n rcn:- ylvinla c fttorlii. e.-ierr. U..!''..!'! cia tuke tr..ln tl CtMl linrl i.r lr...ii.!. St.irlt.ii ui.ii ko 1 "f" r fl 'tt siiiHr.n-.. Pas--Hiiuers wiiinii i ot i.fl wi'tl ti -nfy tle cua ,1 in-. -.-r r.-eiiit.rs w-li n.: to k-.-t on will flaa: tii tr.ln a' ihf!- sfiitiuai. Irni. " will n -f. stop Ul.'.-.o i. -.tit i-l. V.'. r K A ; il HI." N, (i.-m r.l M i.:ir am - up-rltiteoilent. Y.3. Jaii ju.N. lfulu ..l.i:er. I All ii" A1 TIMK 1AHI.KIIK THE KKKNS I. 1'U-u & ('reisfon Hraacti Kai'rua.l. Ia effect Juii.iTlU I'l'l. Cnnnrrflonat t'rftioa. W rT. I lysttr Y.tlv - b u ui We.-li-m 4 I I i id .fuhnsif.wn I.jj...m -7 h in I'm-inc Kxp ...s .i in Mall ..4 lirt ui Kilt J.iu.. a 47 u ui Wtyl'Ms i .m . ui EAST. l.iy Ex 11 4 a m Mail 1im Mtoon.i E'(.... 1 .4 ) AI-iil Ktj. 4 67 p ui t'niU Kxp. K Id p in K.uMem Kxi....10 17 pm Knst L.u.e 11 ! p in tiOfUIWAI.il. i;s- No. 1. iu. J. A M .. Ilia.-, .. ...10 111... ...1I JS... ...lo ;... ...Ill 41... No. 3. turcc. m 7 :n r m -.. 3 34 ! 3 44 I 3 SO ' 3 5S I 4 110 I KrenturK-. Hra l .ey Kull Noel Minis. ir .... l.u.-iiei t'rreioin ... 3.o ; ... 4 K ; .... .i ; ' 40 .... ' 4(J i 51 id U 6 Ii a lo 4S... 4 08 4 15 ...il :i . K 10 iO 5.1 NOKTIiW AKI. liia No 1. tunoe. a m 4 .... 1.7 .. 9 iwi a S 5 , 5.3 B W .... 0 a 10 1 8 3 10 117 11.3 1J IS No. No. 3 am rtt II 10 5(i5 ...11 5 IS ....11 5-2-J .ll 3V 5 -' ...11 41 j 33 ...11 47 8 42 ...1HI1......6 56 t "respiin. ....... . I'irLft M UIl.-lLT Noel Kay lor. liraillev Kbt-uvbur.... Krud)y, Noel ami l.ucket are Flan StatlODS. No trains on Sunday. natural :u;medy run Ti-ilcj t:c nis, rciHirj :;tkupr--, Iljiter Iin, &t. Viitu Diiii-v, i':.rvt;:onci.-, chriv, Sif:t;lc ll"S-. t- ual Vi "caiucss. T'.I - M. ilii 'iK- i : :. s ii.'ri-i-- ni ti.-a upon the n( rve centers. a!k. yinz ai! irritabili ties, an.i i !-. n-ai i; cr tho llo.v an.l p.wer of u.-ive tl.iid. It is iH-rf. el .' limitless l.- -. . i; ii .is:,ii o i :;. i . rnri"-A Valuable Rook n Nrrnau L i ' b l'li aut Ire to any altrra. I 1 f ami pour patitfnta can alo obtain I IIUU thl uioduiue ire of clutrxe. T!na rmilf liti n prrtarv4 by the Rrr-ren'1 Pi..r K. raiu. ut Fort Kivut, lu0 auice uf and ia a.w iiri-i-ard ux.dcrUisirt:cu u b u.o KOEN1C MEO. CO.. Chicago, III. S..I.I by l)ni-ir'.t at per Kottlo. 0 tar . 5. Itr-AK six'. f " '. c I.o:o.r -3. Policial written at ihort nolee la toe OLD RELIABLE ,rETNAn tad olhtr 1'irat 1'laaa fenpaalM. T. W. "DICK, reT FOR Tlir. OLD riYUTFOim mm COMMENCED Hl'SlNESS 1 794:. EbeniDnrtt. July l. IBM. SSI2tCun 3 O 3Z Hifles, 8- 1q.-. Keia. Houhla fererb-Latnv Rbot Gnat, eako. htr.-'l. t Ui SinKla Krri-LAlac Sht Clunl, f tatj( lir-.-'-ll-Loa'I.nf ana Krp.a:.iif Hit-., ! sa u SlO; Muxvle f. .i.i . i.oiil.lc Si.oc (iiiDi. t(ii nrie shM Gum, fi-j.) ta r, K.rotrrr. i ta 'AT, loblfAe'loa H-lM'ock-n, 9.' Mla f'l.). 4'arul'U- SbrlL, Caps. Wads, Twi. Klahs, Pmvh, Prtmr. 8--Bd Stamp hr Iltu.tramS l iiiWa. A44r-a tiaatT H'anaaa Oca X amaa.TimauatUic.aail'nubuitii, l'a aplasia. V jai-'1-', I Ml : Jarv. Uavnlvars 2 W ' J -Ti a (J z4 r J-rv.4 UU. euuJUtttarilLrW IN CIGARETTES. But NV.oe of Them lo"Mio witlt tb jlrrptinn of i-otine. CipirctUrnokers and opponent of the noxions little rolls n well will 1 in iorested in t,orae researches recently made by State Chemist I'ayne, of Geor gia, who has iliseorered that cigarettes are pure tolace and paper, and nothing else. The scene when the chemist met J a temperance rommittee of the legisla ture the other lay is thus reponea in the Atlanta Const itntion: Tho chemist stated that cigarettes, were competed of tobacco wrapjel i rice paper, and there was no poi.son 5ft. them with the exception of nicotine. Tlien tlie pathering looked surprised, and ruemWrs of th committee b-an firinperos-iue.stis. They nere anx ions to prove all about ciparettes. and rr. Tayne told them clearly and in a manntt that ffcainly showed he had lone "his vork ell. Jirielly the-doctor explained what he had done. He lad taken ciparettes of nearly every hrand and carefully analyzed them. The contents, without the papers, of eiphty ciparettes were mixed- In this mixture was not a trace of poison, not in tobacco, such as is used for chewinp and in cipars. He examined for mor phine, bnt found none: for opium, and fonnd none: for "hasheesh" or Indian hemp, and found none. Then, as a surety, he mixed one-qnar-ter of a prain of -morphine with the eon tents of eiphty other ciparettes. Tins be examined In'the same process as the cither ami the poison was clearly shown. This was onVy one-three-hundred-and-twcntii th of a prain to a ciparette, but the presence 'of the morphine was easily fonnd. The papers of eighty were then an ilyzed and no arsenic or other poison was found. Jtcsides the paper there are in cig arettes: Nicotine? Oil of tobacco. liittcr extractive. (inm. Chlorophyll. "What sort of a thTnp is that?" broke in a mciiiWr. "It sounds like poison." The doctor lauphed and told him it was merely the coloring matter in all plants. Cellulose. I'otash. Chlorine. Silica. Water. Sulphuric acid. Nitric acid. l'hosphoric acid. Lime. Iron. Magnesia. That's a formidable-looking list, but it makes up nothing but tobacco. "As a result," concluded Dr. Payne, "I will state there's no more poison in a ciparette than in a cigar. "Nicotine is in both and is a deadly Ioison. If a man swallows his quid of tobacco it will kill him if he doesn't vomit. One drop of nicotine will kill a dog." SOCIALISM IN ARMIES. l'ropacanilism Carrlr.1 On I'ndrr the Very Kye of Karopr't 1'otrntatoa. In several of the armies of Europe the sx-ialist propapanda is now actively carried on. according to a big socialist of Xew York cit3 who says, as quoted in the Sun: "It is often referred to with alarm in the European papers, but they cannot find out much about i it. It is secret work. It is an under- pround ... T 1 1 1 Tn -,. , r rn !n .."1 . il.. socialists are engaged, anil their object is to pain over as many soldiers as pos- si),lt. so as to lie readv for the time of trouble that is coming in Europe. It is impossible for soldiers to po to socialist meetings, but they can be reached otherwise. The llritish war office has f.uud this out within a short time: the tierman military uuthoritu-h have known it for years, and tho Italian gov ernment is troubled about it. "In England there are socialist agents in the military ranks. They enlist in the regiments, and, in the course of tiieir service, find opportunities of talk ing socialist doctrines very cautiously. They stir up discontent; they speak against their ofliccrs when off duty, and, as the men all bclonp to the work ing classes, it is easy to raise their prejudices apainst the aristocracy. So cialist tracts and papers are pot into the barracks and parrisons romrliow and are often read quietly at night, and j are very exciting, for they take the side . of the poorer orders from which the I army is recruited, and defend the work ! inpraen and women who are the fathers and mothers of the redcoats. The propapanda has won more success than rntsiders know of, and there is tlisalTee .ion in the Uritish army that will yet tcep the men from fighting against their own brothers. "In the (Jcrman army the socialist propaganda is pervasive, nnd every sol dier in it knows alout fsocialism. The elections of the last few years have shown that there are millions of social ist workinpmen in Germany, and that they are able to hold a majority of the votes in a good many places. The con scription puts these socialists into the military ranks, which are steaming with socialism, as the young kaiser knows and as Itismarck could tell. When the workinpmen of Germany get ready for the uprising that is pretty sure to be heard of In-fore the end of this century, their brothers in the array will not be anxious to put them down. "As for the French army, the social ist spirit is strong in it, as it is strong among the proletariat of France. There is a socialist propaganda in the Italian army, and the names of Garibaldi and Mazzini are powerful there. - "It is hard to speak of socialist prop aganda in the army of Russia, yet we hear often of nihilists among the offi cers or in the ranks, and of nihilist plots in which the czar's soldiers engaged. are "In certain contingencies the armies of Europe cannot be trusted by their masters, and if the general war that is dreaded should break out there will be revolutions and revolutions of a kind that will astonish the crowned heads and other people." GOOD QUEEN VIC., Qt Etx Victoria is fond of oatmeal porridge, and is Scotch enough to be lieve in its virtue of being strengtla-n-ing and having no bones in it. Qt-EEX Victoria now rules a popula tion of 307,000.000 a greater number of Pple than ever acknowledged the kov erignty of any other one person ia either ancient or modern times. Qt-F.F.x Victoria's daughter. Princess Christian, employs a woman as her physician when her nerves trouble her. Her attendant at such time a ia a well known specialist Dr. Jnlia Maitland. QrEEX Victoria still clings to the black dress which Ls the symbol of her widowhood. Indeed, black was always her favorite wear, even when she was young and unmarried, it being an ex pressed opinion that she "looked besk in black." A Bounty on ngp. There is a bountv on Jim v. : Mvvden and Xorway, w here the trees suiter greatly from the pests. In a sin pie Swedish province twelve thousand kroner were paid for, it is estimated, something like one hundred and ten milhons of bugs this spring. Many persons make soup of the insects and eat them, thus making their crawling crop pay at both ends. ,- ""6" " MANY TWNGS CARL RrVIlNTTJS, PRACTICAL . -AND DEALER IN A. KM 7 "WANT A WAGON?" We have -agons, buggies, surreys. High grade; as light, strong, durable, stylish, as beautifully finislied as modernized manufacture caa produce. Built on honor by men of life eirerience. Honesty is our policy; prompt shipment our specialty. We want to know you. Write us. G)sts vou nothing. May kad to business by and by. Send for our catalogue. It is free to every reader of tHis paper. Bing bamton Wagon Co., Bingliamton, N. Y. "BUILT FOR BUSINESS." e HAY- FEVER 1 Va-W AMD COLD"' HE AE) JE7y Cream Balm in not a liquid, tnvff or jeder. Applied into the nottriU it ia quickly obaurbed. Jt eir antra tha head, allay t inflammation, heaU II fi f Vi mere. Sold 2b- drvr$it or tent by mail en rerrint of prise. C II am DUG ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street NEW YORK. DUG ONLY20 HIGH ARM, PHILAD'A SINGER. B. J. LYNCH, And Manufacturer A Dea'er la HOME AND CITYMADE FURNITURE mm and :mm suns, LOUNGES, BEDSTEADS, TABLB8, CHAIRS, Mattresses, fcc, 1G05 ELEVENTH AVENUE, ALTOONA. PENN'A 37Citzn of Camuria County and all other wfetriuK to purcbane honest FURNI TURE!, Ac. at honest prices ar respectfully iDTited to eive ns a call before bavin? else where, as we are confident ttat we ean meet every want and please evr-rj taste. PrWs the TrT lowwt. r4-16-'80-tf.l CARTER'S C7ITTIE IVER ESck Hnadarbe and nlieraall (botvonUM toc dent to a bulooa atata of tba ayatam. aaek mm iJizxineaa. Kanaea, Irowsiiiaaa. riatraa after eating, faia la tla 81 ia. &e. Whila Uiolr moat rem ar' al lie aitccaaa baa baeoabownlnamina; Beadaeha. yet Oartar'a IJttla TJrer TTOM mtm aq nally valoabla in Conatipation. caring and pa Tenting thin annoying complaint, wbi la thrrj aia9 collect all dlaordeiaof theatomachttannlmtath) Krar and regulate Uxe bowels. Zren UVxjoaXf MEAIQ) 'Aebatbar wtmld bealmoatprioeleaats ftinaa ataa aufMr from Vxm diatieaalng oomplalnt; tmt forto Bataly tbetr goodnaae doaa rxHenrt berawand ttinaa . wboeneatry tbam will find tbeaa Uttia ptltevaha, blata Mmu; waTatbattboy will do be wiU llaCtodowtUMmttbeaa. Sat after aUaackbea4 AIH! Jm tbe bane of aoasany Uvea that bare la wbera we mak e oor f ual boaat. Oar pillacareltwbila Otbera do not. Cartrra Littla Utw TWa ara very aroall and very aasy to take. One or to pins make a doaa. They are atrictly veiretaMa and do sot grip or rn7. bat by their gentle action pleaae all who naethem. XaTialaatUoenta; llTeforSl. SoU bj dragiata varywbare, or ae&t by "'-'I a..C?R. MEDICINE CO New York. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE JotllH ly NK ELT8 CREAM BALK I not a liquid, tnvjr or fxnrder. Applied inta noHriUu quickly ahtorbed. Jt cleanse iMhead. AUoyt inflammation. 11 fal the torec Retorttheent9oftatUandmelL Maataraar DrmomtU; by mail, rajiateied, 60 ornta. CLY BROTHERS. DrnreiststOweffo,SY. A1TTKKTIME KM by addeialo-; ..7p. , "W'll .. loSproee 8U. Mew York Vuveht Trr. r1 ' ne nt .. ' InAmerjcaD Kewspaixin. IO rave laaipble, vr. Watches, Clocks JEWELRY, SilYeTOMiisIdMnieiiL' AND Optical Goods. Sole Agent -rtm THE , Celebrated Eockford WATCHK8. Columbia and Fredonia Watches. In Kej and Stem Winders. .ARGB SELECTION OF ALL KIND of JEWELRY" always on hand. Ut line nf Jewelry ie unearpassed Come and see for yourself before pnrchas dc ele where. tALI, WOHK arjARAMTKKD CARL RIVINIUS ensburc Not. 11, 1885--tf. WARRANTED 5 YEARS. 15 DAYS TRIAL Haa Sclf-actUaaa; Xerdlc, acir-tlarntdliaa; atmttlr, la notaelcaa aad llght-a-sav-1, baa the haadMamt wood-work., and fiaacat art of extra avttaulamcnta. Doat fm.r arata SS5 at 60 1 mbJ for ctrcaJmr. THE C. A. WOOD CO. l7HJ0thSt..Phi!a..Pa. JOB : PRINTING. T11E FREEMAN Printing Office Is tbe place to met your JOB PRINTING Promptly and satUfactorlly executed. We will meet tbe prices of all) honoraoie competlon. We don't do aDy bnt fint-eiatts work and want a liTina price for IL Witli Fast Presses 2nd New Type W are prepared to turn nut Job Printing oi every dlscrlptioo in the FINEST STYLE and at the Terv Lowes! Cad Prices. Nothius oot the best material i used and our work -pak for Itself. We are pre pared to priot on tbe shorten, notice POSTERS. PHOORAM1IE8. BCHISK88' 1HD8 TaO BlU. HEADS, Monthly Statemssts Envelopes. Labels. ;ritcuLARa. Weddiko and VikmNo Cards Checks. Notes, Drafts. Receipt Bond Wore. Letter ahd Note Heads, awd Hor and Party Invitations Etc W-., priIlt anything frra tbe amaileHt d tt Vu.tUn Card to the larest Post-r on nhort notion and at the most Reasonable Rates. The rambria Freeman, EBENSRURG. PENNA. v AGENTYfr or v tract of tu rz.m rarorOMrtloti aad at-1, taa awLftiu.. 11 untal btarka. CO,,, ;W Rrodwr. Etensliiiri Pie lusnraice Apcj T. VV. DICK, General Irsurance Agenl. 1 aT mm A aam - a. T J 4 1 Fv3 -ill CUBA'S BALEFUL. MOON. Tbe Story of a Wonu Who Waa ( hancni from m lU-auty to a lllilroua frfalurr. "The ujrlioft wornsn I ever kaiv," j sakl the racontcnr to a Xew York Com- ' merrial reporter, "wai a Culan, aful , she was so wjfly that it was really pain- i ful to look at her." "It takes the exception to prove the rule." said his ris-a-vis. "Tell us about her." "She was a woman of the humblest I class, and it was at Havana that I first saw her, ttthorcd to a poat that : she was herding amn; the stubble of , the siifrar cane, llcr husland was a ; charcoal burner, and when I first saw i Cstella I wondertvl how any man living J could have married such a character. ; "Love pies where it is sent," said one of the after-dinner crowd. "Yes, and the t-harcoal burner mar ried for love. Hut he never would have J won EU-lla if a- dreadful providence had not favored him. The Cubana had once been the most beautiful fprl in Havana, and as pood as she was beau tiful. Her eyes were biff and black, her skin a plowing olive and her hair a mass of blue-black silk. That is what an old dame told me with much lino. Her father was a bodijrero a man who kept a wine collar. The pirl's mother was dead. One niht her father went home drunker than usual and turned her out of doors." "Unite, exclaimed one of the party, with that quick sympathy that the sor rows of Wauty always arouses. "She did not ;o to her lover, nor did she fly to the rofugf of some rof where she had friend. She simily piiloweii her head upon the pray donkey that had been her friend and playmate frr.:n childhood, where she slept ..T:'':t the tumblcd-in thatehed roof of the pen in the ehaparal, prayed to the black ma donna and slept soundly like a child in the moonlight. "And the bripands came and carried her off to their fastness," Kuppcstcd one of the party. "Xothinp of the kind. When her pil low, the little donkey, rolled over iir the moriainp she arose another person. She ran into the house ami her i.r.:.er screamed 'Saneta Maria!' and ilrmv her out as a stranper. She had slept in the Cuban moonlight, the fairest moon lipht in the world, but as deadly as tin shadow of the upas tree. Her face was drawn out of the shape resembling a human beinp. It was the horrible, dis torted mask that I saw, with the fea tures of an imbecile. Her father drove her from him with curses, but the lover with whom she had coquetted married her at once," and thc-y told me he had made her a pood husband. "l!ut you will hear the Cuban mothet callinp lier younp dauphter in the house when the full moonlight is fl'KxIinp the balconies with its silver lipht anil the lipht seems made for lovers to wander in, for everybody there knows the storv of Estella." There was a lonp silence, then one of the listeners said: "I don't believe in that theory of the moon. It makes a pretty story, but it's too romantic. "It's a matter of history, take it or leave it," said tne raconteur, idowmf blue rinps of smoke upward, a sipn that he had finished his postprandial exercise. Cela aa Cnrwioy. Teacher Jnstesen, of Vool. Denmark, sold a pipe to a neighbor for twenty yards of eel. Another farmer ltotipht it the same nipht for twenty-live yards, and still another pot it later on for thirty. The scores were settled by recourse to the near Lake Sminpe, where eels alounl. and nil parties worn paid off to their satisfac tion. The teacher's share was forty seven eel, which topether measured up the requisite twenty yards. In Jut land, where eels thus pass as currency, distance is measured by "smokes." not by miles. It is "so many pipes of tobacco" from one town to another, not so many miles. The Jutlanders smoke as they . act, slowly. About two miles are reckoned to the pipe. A Long- Dinner. Georpe IV. asked Dr. Grepory what was the lonpest sederunt after dinner that he had ever heard of on credible authority. The doctor answered: "The lonpest I know of was at the house of a learned Scottish judpe. Lord Newton. A pentleman called at his house, in York place. Edinburph, at a late hour, and was informed that his lordship was at dinner. Next day the same pentle man called at an early hour, and, beinp apain informed that the judpe was at dinner, expressed surprise that the din ner of that day should be so much earlier than the dinner of the day be fore. 'It is the very same dinner,' re plied the servant; 'his lordship has not yet risen from the table. A. Rottomleaa lit. If the bottomless nit has not leen located before the Maine Central rail road officials are willinp to waper tlrat they have found it at Lily poml, on the new Dexter fc Dover branch. The track be pan to settle at this place about two months ago, and since then trains have been run around the spot on a temporary track, while efforts have been made to obtain a solid roadbed by dumping' gTavel into the swamp. The more gTavel used the more appears to be needed, and now, after fifteen hun dred carloads have been dumped in the hole, there is still room for as much more. It ia said that the waters of the swamp are inhabited by strange lizards and eyeless fish. A BEAR ADVENTURE. Btrnla Makea Ilimarlf at Home la a Tlant er'e Cabin. A Montirria correspondent of the San .Francisco ltulletin records an adventure he had with a bear. He was returning to his cabin after an excursion in the mountains and heard a stranpe sort of rumbling from the inside as he ap proached. "We had left the door open, but concluded to cautiously peer in at the window to see v hat was going on inside. In the dusk we discovered a mass of blackness moving around in the cabin. At once we knew a monster bear was there. The Winchester lay inside near the. window. By breaking in the pane we could reach it. For a moment only we hesitated and soon the gun was ready for firing. The falling of the broken glass attracted the atten tion of his bearship and he whirled about face. We fired again and apain. The monster beast rolled upon the floor, upset the table, spjlled the ink, scat tered papery, and created a general whirl around. We lighted a lamp and found a basket of epps and. a. side of ba son had furnished bruin with an even ngmeaL" ...... Now Kind f Headache. A number of remarkable eases 0f headache have been prescribed for re cently by a physician of this city, says the Philadelphia Record, and investiga tion proved the fact that they were due to the absorption of poisonous coloring' matter in hat-bands through the open pores of the forehead. In a numWr of cases the patients tried eTery available remedy for what they imagined was neuralgia, and relief was brough to thcin only when this discovery was made by the physician. Tlie names of these danperous dyes have not Wn de termined, but a warning is Usued to all people to discard hats the bands of which discolor the brow, especially if tlie discoloration beof a brownish or yel lowish tint. A FINE PIECE Or IS INDEED A LUXURY FSHZER'3 NEARBEIN3 A PNC pIECE OF PLUG TOBACCO AMONG DEALERS THESE GOODS ARE ON THE MARKET IN ONLY ONE SHAPE, 3x12 FULL 16 OZ. PLUG-THE MOST CONVENIENT TO CUT IN POCKET PIECES OR CARRY WHOLE. MO. FMZER A EROS., LoniEfille, By. PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. IaaXJJSOMI iJ.DL.s'11 ICTiiii-K. Cheeper thaa Wooa. TkM mfxm t ir,K F with m,mt. Uili TIiibi ) ni b mm Im W- 1 tf When wruiAg for mrimmm fiw Qevutv. Hanher of iimim. Omhle aVZ-d feibcte, V'Mfasd. Wm aviM 4 3Pnftar Jivy Iron t'etM-iii . frt-at.t.B. StavM rttttatn, Virm totw m& FIUB KH( at--. C I- tWi. n4 K iiiIbk. ftrw mA lrb Anils. U K K l"uE WlltW myCkLlLk.HA, Oil LiDOof H lktU WOKa. TAVLOB 43c iEA, BKAfv I -v i2r-s.- TfMOnaVf ilM .aaoe... M ' X . 1 V rry Travclm- mtim.M tat, . bia 4 it lu turn tmXrbeL 9 40 . . I x.- i, a , Every Sufferer U TOnti fl rlTihii frliih-Tiim ! fva, i i tin t.ijrumai isut. nc- . . V ... . i v a:.aa, iu a4k f'T- in bvtly or Uujrsm, nff Joint uStnuw., (!! nnd ta tll eld Aavxiriw relief ud pt-ry tune, t'euiiphiot aaamt, - a. j 41 ZjJJ 'V liuMuN, lUi lrt,- ir Liver O:! ra:d KYPOPKaS?H!T of LiniQ rend UCl Is en-lomd an.t prescribed or l.-adnitf IhyKlri.-iiis Iwhum ImuIi ihc 4'a.l-I.ir, , o.f auj JfJeyj.'ri are tlie r-c. .giii,.t I aeunisin Hicr .iror Cowhi.m ;tit,i,. u is a i-aiutabl.-Ha iui:iL. Soo.rs E:iS'i!Min ry- !., I'l'i.-tti.-ri; Jt in th? Scrbiui.1. BrcDchitis, XV. eaces, Chronic Coughs t .ii C-lir. AsX for Ed lt's F.imi!" -ti jiu l !u'.;r. r-r...-U: r. CaveaU.and Trade-Mark obtained, and all Tat. ent bainea rondurted for Moderate Fet. Our Office it Opposite V. S. Patent Office, and we ran m-ti re patrnt in lei-i- time than tboao remote from Washuiirton. Send model, draw ing or photo., ulth deacrlp tlon. We adviae, if patentotile or not. frre of charpe. Our fee not due till patent i crured. A Pamnhlet. "How to Obtain I'uti-nta," 1th tiaiiM.-a of actual clit-nta in jourtetate, countT.or town, aent free. Addresa, C.A.SNQWi&CO. Oppotrta PaUnt Office, Washington. 0. C. FOR ARTISTIC JOB PRINTING TRY THE FREEMAN. 9mm hnVm tnrfwm mf Sm Mdt Work Ijt M, hy Amu l'ar, ualin. mu Jim.. ll.Mitt, lnlMtn, Ohio, rl. tbrairr(lc4itrM writ. W mf M-Metta. mm rvat U the- . ..rti m4 lt 9 (U. All a fr-a- U .. al,... nm kiw n4 Mart vou. (rn w rk iu imr titua) T mil Maj. Miff SMtaiVt fiar wait rr. Fallur nnaii n inuaif tbt VaT ' u.wi. Bl.tltrUlaittafti: ilmm. ClMa( t mim Fartjiaiap Egjsleia Cera fkt:r ami'.'' nfHT Corn Jr'' ..! ntti !-rfTtt J -n -f fe. I-Vrtl-itu-r tjiTrili'((.r in itic world. a i-l-: A. B. rRCJKi!" CO. Vullk, 1A. 8end for Large Iuvustratco ctllo-j PILES relH-l uiki 1.4 n iiiliiliibw 4'r fur i'ilrk. l r--$i. lly lMiiKICiMiioru!:!!. ttint-lj-ft free. J.Wr4 kLMV' Jjox 2iXi, i .Otj-. PF POSSIBLE 'AND IS XJ to KNOWN ASA )A fvlAKE IT 2jrano i U n U 'n ii7Twggg ii M m 0 llWif ilfli a Ii 1 ! ki v m fc! BBS Mm (i'OMXG FOR WJH.Niav,. A New Method of ObM-.rali .-. Footprints of Tiie. Novel Olclit '.on Tli- ; to l:-ump a V-!i!ii:,. Apiuraiu--. Thus- Tl-ll, ifKiy ! iijitifipr:-;'- ,v t:itnr will Ii.- tliiiii -,1 j'i iici- I'.uit a iii-w r-uu-. kill!, l l'l'tl c. l--li .s;l. It j . -I. t "m tin- in..rla-t," nic- i: i :, p:ist or lotion, and car.ti. i1 I. in tli" lM-:itity shops t k-c-i i-r:;1i'iii in.-toiid of a pr..r ;tiir-s tli N-n'ici'H of a M,. kn:.f- and iifcdlc. Tin :u-i-onn1t of tlii-. in v olli . f:itin;j tii" fontvrit.i . the !.-.i:i::ll rorritr'iKri -. : Yor'.i V.'orM. -.iin- lt-inn ;,f ... land of tli clirvMimht-niiiMi follows: T'ic .lpant-so liavi- .!; Im t !iit is not p.it nt t 1 . s-r-i-r. who is im n 1 . pri-sMnn iuipal-tfd hy t!:.' atid r'-Tn r;'.' ly f iil s t i p. r. orls lM-rn-:ah arc full and Iruus. II:il.itt;:l i- ri . f raihi'lis. as in tl,--asi- i f :. orator, dot s mm li to in.., li-jnity. as ajijH-ar:. f r. .:i 1'.-. mi'mln-rs f these -l;is.-- i,i l:t-r::!ly w idcr eyed t!i;.n their :"o-.i nt yiii-'Ti. uservatioii of this l.-J :i . man surgeon. wli :i Tokio. int- a field -f e-p. . lie fi: ally '.'s-.)Vered a lie.-, deaiinr ivitii wrWi'iles. lie found that l.y piiie!.!:: plait of skill Ik-Ihiv th.- : the cyt-lids of hi-, shi.-r. t he lid - fou Id be drawn , proiM-r U-vt 1 and made t wiiU-ly. Then he t-ut n:t pati h and joh-.ed theed 1 of st itches ii". 1 c.ivei e.i IU,. with st'.ekinv ;hi-ter. It hejih-d. leaving n . . thiny desired of the oper.,t; ! Jittailieil. 'Ihen tin faJiji uhroad in the city. The Iiati ills of the e;t-' oients. wh'-ve riMi-, and . des--i!"-d as "u.v-ri i d." c orhs a t-hief lt-;;iiy. and several Japanese lielu-s avail themselves of tlie I t-otild in tin-, wav ennan 1 This stimulated 'ener il i-. !.. ly and hy an liti;di-l:in.iii. u i.:. dried tip and shriveled a ri.! alx nit the eyes in that li:a:il.- ;n;,.;i wanted to go home looking ;iv v.. a1. tln (,'mln mulil iH-rmit i i;.,.rr ; voting pirl in l-n'land. en, . -notion of tr-intr tlie same imuti-i, smooth out his puckered vi-a'c-. Knife und stdssijrs did their ..'.!:' work. Tlie oiera1in v. as 1., :: .:. success and has since h,-n t:,,i,.. several other Kuropcans up t., ohviatc the same dislii'iu . :m i.t, .;; perfectly satisfaet-irv re-.'-''. It ci-rtamly st-em- -tv , thai mj stKin as this m. i: ducetl it will lioeoliie i-xtr lar in this country, h-r I"'-' -1 i-a:; m,!y;.. Ill,- l,r. and breezy i-liuiate alt.-ni. s::..:. and dazzles our eyes until thena-v- of the face art- drawn like -1;:-.-strings and wrinkles an- tM' V,-t"i ma.! thc portion of younir aud !! .:!.: It is not reported thai t -l -.. i.-s leave no trace on the face f I li.r. -j- . Trobably a blight murk The .Japanese are a not blooded people whose wi tti heal with plieiii nuenal it, is not at all strain'-'-siiows where the skin p.:' from their faces. I Int. . s r-i i.ii-.;y :i.;i:.lv h-ss fortunate and a mii it isn't so much of :i di- .'. perfi-ct cohweb of . -. ;,, anil doubt less the wdl incline readily to ti.e u ijr wrinkles. LIFE IN THE DLSERT. .KlinfT. Hf-at of Hie secli-.n i.f (001117 Made I ; 111 oil by tlie N Saiton lias been one oi' I'm- salt works on the I'aeili, proprietors had to do ; salt from the surla. . a:. f 1 clean it. Few white m. 1: work, as the temper::i a times as hi'h as ,. :' shade and Hi decrees in liie a man who has Wen ti. makes the least excrtrei ours from him like wat-.-r. 1 he room and your i-' ;: wrinjfinfr wet; yt t in t. u '. this water lias evapor:.-.- i. yourself alive yon are f water by the j.ti1Ioii. Il y water, your t-ei-ue swell-., torments of the damned. : 1 doesn't reach you 111 t .'. ! teen hours you will pi '' .'. The Indians can st.m.l ! V longer without water. t; to keep a small hlc find only take an ocen water, lu this way I1 , forty or fifty miles a ii. dogtrot. The Indians a ajrant, and those whow.. mill, though they ca'u never have anything, 'i. for canned jroois and otin cles, as well as on for themselves and the::- -are worth seeing on sun.:.. array themselves, the -.v. 1::: pini' ni-arly naked 'hi. donning curv'ts, an i '' inp shirts that wouil 1.. tlude envious." A (nir'l Wil.l i:-irc It is nothing strun 'e t!-;-' a hunted wild animal, ru:" tvl-Il ir T-ill;or,. f.llo;litl t'l r".i I; in its efforts to escapt thoit.-U!- -' t; 1h rather exciting - -e-" '( animal is larx'. Such a" :i : ,j. prompted by the creature' h''!" ' a ci-almentor protection, hut ".VI ' 'f probably done in the blind , r "'' 'irv ror, like the frenzy of a runaway ' I'y The San Francisco 'hr-"'' P'TJ. that in Ikxlie-a.Cal., ti"t ! ":-'",n'''u. lass.K-d a wild cow. he U-iii? back, and w as tryin1o,!-ivc li.r him. when the animal hreiii' b' ' j and made a dash fork!" rty tiiere was a lare-e house. u l'h '', dMr wide open. She ru-'"''1 , t At... -,.. a.t .1. t"'' t4" I ..a. to.lhi-av int a ln'tl!"'i; 1)'.-J- the window, on to the r""' " .. : .1. . I... ..:i!H-(l ' ti' pore n, irom wnien su - -1 . (rround. btrikinjr with such vi" to break her neck. Thi- Sparrow " l ""11-'' TV fcr Iw.nis ;1..Ih--I.i'i " ri' ... 1.... im rt.i li-r: the lne-Ils!l sparr' in the common red-headc I I.; who, though no uint ai'! as bi as half u docn Ii" ' and not afraid of half a ,;; i.iroi- .,1 vtollH-ckcr"b Iks head nnd neck arc so sinplepeck he can kill I'M1-'' Tin' .iTt the I'nedish birds 11:1 ' . ...t re ver.V his powers 11 1 iMfii-in unu - - .i-H-i- him. The apiH-aranc of '.- 1 nek' wixxlpi't-ker will s.t sparrows to r.i-ht. an A' will face him is w Im set on their nest-. '1 row are not hn . ' r 1.; younj a Knit the- 1 1 a nestful of V"i.:;r' ' !' f..f : Mi tlpcc , till' I.f .ci I'll uiv -- - 1't" i.f ul nut to oven'"- li. -!:,-V c:ii'""' ' w ill Cfht. 1 nt a xv ay. 5 TV I J -We jams .MIy 1 EBEX6BUBG, rA.