A 1 ;i I" 4 r1 ! V t I in if -5 II . - f ; i ' 1 :. CD rTrilNBHUKO, CAMHKIA CO.. PA. FRIDAY, Oenincratle Kfate Ticket. For Aulitr (rt'iirnil. ROI'KRT K. WKKSHT, of Lehigh. For St.ite TrostsuriMf, A. L. TILDKX, of Kri. Tor Constitutional Convention IK-lo-g.ites at Ijinr", Charles Tl. Buekalew, Columbia. Chauncv F. IWk, York. George M. Dallas, Philadelphia, (iforge A. Jenks, Jefferson. Samuel (5. Thompson, Philadelphia. David W. Sellers, Philadelphia. Henry W. Scott, Northampton. Kolert E. Mona;han, Chester. William S. Mclean, Luzerne. Frank M. Vandlinj?, I ju kawanna. John Latta, Westmoreland. Kinler Sherman, Crawford. William Weihe, Allegheny. T. C. lonr, Alllegheny. Samuel B. GriHith, Mercer. Grant Weidman, Philadelphia. George W. Zeigler, Uueks. Ii. M. Root, Montgomery. Dfinurrdlc loanly TicUe. For Pnvident Judge, JOHN P. LINTON, of Johnstown. For Delegates tv Constitutional Conven tion. JU-iEPII M" DONALD, of EUnshurg. AUGUSTUS V. D1YELY, of Altoona. For Sheriff, JOSEPH A. (J KAY, of Carrolltown. For Poor Director, JOHN F. LONG, of Kbonshurg. For Jury Commissioner, E. J. B LOUGH, of Johnstown. Os WVwilay of last week General Boulanger, who for several years past was a prominent figure in French poli ties, ootvTiiitted suicide by shooting him- BcJf. CiUTM.-Ks Stkwakt Pakskll, the eele" bratei TtHiii leader, died at Brighton-, England, on Tuesday night after a short illwss from acute rheumatism, having leen taVaon sick on the previous Friday. A i-KTATcii from Washington on Wednesday says: Benjamin J. lluj wocd, T'rothonotary of Mercer county, Pa., hnr'-i een appointed recrtvr x'f tl e First National Bank of Cleafltiold, -I1. On Twi-sday of next wek the State Senate will meet-in extraordinary session in ncpordance with the call of Governor Tattisnn to investigate die chiirges against tiie State Treasurer and Auditor Generfii. The people will 1h derply interested in the jnoceedings and wilhwcit with baited breatk to se .how the Stn;itors will mci-t their duties. "NHtTiATioss are said to le in progn-HS ior -reciprocity lietween the I'niled Statef: and Germany. Tli report is thftt when1 Xiermany raised the embargo on American pork she exiiei'ted this gov rrnmBi'.t to reciprocate in some wr.y, but' the president declined to do so on the ground that he could mot afford it iarg!s for the righting -of what wae coin'iitied to be originally .i wrong on Germany's part. Urmxu on election rtlis does not jirove itiything, hut stnw;fhov which w;iy tiie wind llovs. In the New .York pool rownis on Monday theii-ctson thc Pennsylvania election urere ;100 to 80 thnt Pennsylvania "voukl s Jeniocrutic. This wems to le a Deniocriitic year and the- 'Republican leaders 11 over ; the Suite aein a juandarr wiint:iodo and nre now-s'mply sparriti far avind. ' In this county they made a great ffort at first bubi.eir candidates are how going back further every day until it-eerns to lieionly- acitiestion as to liowilarge the Democratic majority will ic. Cur lie pttiiliean; friends in Ebensliurg n& a few weeks ai.r:inde a businer? of -ritnling on ihe eciruers, watching every ts:iger wht cnincMo town and getting tietory of Judge Barker's great popularity with the 'teniperijrice men" with the-'.'iijiuor men'" and with every other man, wutked into Ihim, -stm to have gone .out of busicKiss and tj.iit. Kven 1mj 'Repniljli can wntleniau who posed to strangers as a "L)eiuocjM. who had lieeaa a I)eiKf crat 3- hks liiclmt intended -vq ling for Parker ior jiftl" has retirvj from iUe field aaid given it up in disg.'.w-t. 3'he fakir game ia .rJitics was not asuctvi and as iit was tiioir only stx-k in 'tntde they lisue.coiK-luded to "shut ujn-shop:" The E.-jublien leaders, say? thc Ilarrisbntv Tatti-i, having reached that stige where tliev couldn't get any worse searwd and ilive, have comme.ui:ed to recover a little. iThey see that tooth ing can save thtmi from irretrievable , disaster in Xveiulor.but fight ami ti&ey - propose to warm up what blootl is i them and fight. Qua has leeu culllrd flr.m his resting place &Jid all the minor 'laa-Icrs have lven .urxxl to give their ;bltf-!t and best wo:k to t.iie stniggle. ,It would lie deaih to &e Republican .boti-; to yield thi a.wiHtuting depsirt-meul.-and the treasury totL opposition. "Tlie Jong closed look wouil lie openeil. The U-iXg practiced uj-thotl would lie cliaugud.. The use of public unds for private pnfit and perSKoal e.irichment wottll be estopped. The payment of ititetiust frji public moneys .hy.Uic cir cuitoats pUiti of a -campaigti contribu tion w.Hild-l ended. Poliiieal -.bosses could n lonr obtain thre per .cent, loans, unbacked by collateral, becipe of "pulls" on the treasury. fSolicita tion" of th? State Treasurer for a shara at the taxpayers' .vioney would Avail iiothing. SihycuImUpu in street railways cd other doubtful .pa.terprises with the pgople s fund woiild cc-we. Ihe school fupd would not lx hiade jart of ttie jer eon;tI jiroperty of alelinqu,lnl treasurer. Clocki and neckties tyould jot seduce xflicecs ixun their duty. The nefarious niethodc 9'hich have brought shame to the people and robbery to tlie vaults at the capitol would lie swept away. - 2s ow, are Uve iieople ready tj ni t the bossGg with ght? If so tho tolls fihall f tiu l,iattle-eM and bnllota the ammunition. Day h ...y the piiuation with n- j jH( t to th defraua.-.! 1 reasi.rv oi up state of Pennsylvania, and the tlerelic. com luct of the accounting otlicc-rs of th sUte, grows more interesting, me pup. . Ucation in the public print,, of , resiwndence of the Audit. r Geneml and j the State Treasurer with the convict Treasurer of Philadelphia, was speedily followed by the proclamation ofiJovtr ernor Pattison calling a iiocial session of the Senate to take action in the pre all classes alike, without resrard to Pfirty atliliations, men w ho think, were convinced by a perusal this correspondence that Hit: kl i . , v. I oilicials were guilty of grossly improper luct, alchongh there might be a ones- . as to whether the pro.f was j con tion cient to t-oiivit them of their misdoings in. the courts of nistice. In striking contrast with the diploma- , tic conduct of District Attorney uranam .- t n,l the Republican managers in Phila- delphia who had original control of the j i case, is tne eonuuci oi ne ii j cratic Governor in applying tlie heroic t remetly to this malady which has ' brought the hotly politic nigh unto death. The situation is extremely alarm ing to the Republican leaders of Penn sylvania. They control the Senate by a large -majority. They may le able to delay investigation in the case and post pone and jKissibly avoid entirely, linal action upon it, but the great tribunal of ..:;,, .-ill in.hmi. nt mxm i p 1 1 1 p 1 1 v ' -J" ii i- n " t -' " - - j -Mo i , the party which they represent, and it ; Republicans and independent voters an will e no longer . an individual or two ! ninity to win in e future fhey .. say that the election .nthe lvcpubucan who will be held responsible for 'the . CKIIjithltes for Suto Treasurer and Audi wrong, bit the party itself wiil sUikI i tor-eneraI this year will only perpetuate convictel of attempting to cover up the ' and strengthen Quay's jniwer and endan-crim.-s of its representatives and to save ! jwr the party in the future. In the lan itself at the expense of the public weal. ! e New ort J ,Jr one of It ito be exjH'cttHl in this trying li- , Jemma, the Republican manageis will raise the cry that this is simply a piece of political clap trap on the part of Ujv j -rnor Pattison and his advisers, andtha , . , . . , .... , reinsurer cu j-iiinuieipnia. was mim the special c-ssion is irt of t!e i-.hu- j tnvictocuiTAiug verAi hun- ral campaign now leing wagHl by Uie ur(Hj thousand dollars of money intrust Democratic party, but thc fact sUll re- j h! to his care by the State, everylody mains that Governor Pattison is too well was -astounded. But when they learned , - ... n that two of the h'urhest State officials vri"vll tll'T iiv 1.11 x nuK-j i them to U'liove that uuless he was con vinced bv a conscientious seuee of his i.-.. ... i . ii .i ... i .. l . ( tliuv , niiu liiijH'ueu ui huuiki lugut-i motives than those which inspire tlie parti.siin, he would have ever called inUi play the machinery of thc oflkie which he holds. Recognizing that Uie best interests of the jieople lav in this direc- , now-seeking the oHices of Auditor-Gener-h:.s not hesitatinl l ao. Know- ! al "l Treasurer, are not ehargtil liirii, iiu in; ui.t iii.-rii.iit w.. ii-, ' :.... l, i. ... . . .1 Willi i in ruiiii in. jink n i n liici mi- i-ii. ing the significant eharaotei if tlie evi- i,cnMureif.ot Uie same gang that seleet.il deuce which has already boon presented " tne present officials to oflice? If elected and is likely to lie brought -out, the de- i Ihey dare not expose the rottenness now fenders of the accounting flioers of the ' listing n the otfi-es to which they as ... . . i i .' pire. The two candidates, Messrs. commonwealth are already -lieginning to , ' ,,, . . . , , ., . " I tregg and Morrison, have pleilgeil thein- put in the plea of confession and avoid ance. They can not help but admit that there has U-en gross -neglige nee on the part of these otliciaLs, but thev-are l. , . , , , . charging that it has U'en .the custom of u,e accounung omcers, in uie paRl, in this particular. But the Jaw which has . leen hud d down for the guiilaiice of the i General and State Treasurer is a ' Auditor l:.in one. It is tl duU- of tl... ofli- ! cers to see to it that no county official charged with the eolltvstion of state funds, failed to report tiie amount col lected by him quarterly, -and to make pavment to the treasury of .the state -all moneys in his hamls on this account, 1 quarterly or oftener if Xhc accounting officer saw fit to demand jt. The friends of the State Treasurer are .naturally very much in&insed that he .also has been included in .the proclama tion of the Governor, but no other con sistent course lay open. Tlie same law which applies to the Auditor General, applies to the State Trejwurer. If the .one was derelict in duty, tlie .other has Iieen so also. Herein lies .a little history which dates back to that period in the tiuancial affairs of Pennsylvania when U-c once toverful 3IadLey .nnd Quay ring were first obtaining . foothold in ' political affairs. It was found couven- j icnt when the Auditor General of the State was not willing to lie a party to all , their schemes to devise legirJatioii which gavc-to the State Treasurer equal powers j witl. him, and so it was that as time j weut on, the State Treasuuer came to have, full power to compel settlements ; from county and other officials with that posseed by the Auditor General. These - "chickens have come lionie to roost." It is unfortunate now that the State .Treasurer has been clotJUed with equal power with the Auditor General, for it vonJkl be a most convenient way of. escape for him to simply claim that iie was but. the custodian of tine fluids, and that tUo Auditor General uik .the iOollector. Taken all In all, the Republicans Are iin a dreadful dilemma. Which hum ilyy will seize, they are at a loss to de termine. If they cast obstructions ia the way of investigation, they will Ie crusted by the condemnation of tine public. If they .conclude to make a icrifioe of the Auditor General, they loose their political iower. It remains ito lie sotn what course in their wisdom they .w.ilS pursue. A ".!i-jfi..R lias I" n pent to County fVuuii.sdiwiers and Sharif fs of the State by die Sttiretary of the iCommonwealth informing Uieni as to the manner of Iriiiutg ucKtis ior uie proposal Uon- : stitututiai .Convention. He says the i ex pens of tickets must be .met bv the political party wganization or voters ' themselrtas. There should ke no in- j seription on the outside of tho tickets "for or "againet" the convention but the tiekefs to be vcrte.1 for MemLers-at-large should have on the outside the wonls. "Delegates At large," and should ' ;l printed separately. The tickets to be vrtixl for .listriet i.u... ! ,i . 4, , .lTV.. . , , UV'UK -u.in uew- . gaios, ana snouw ue prxntod separate ; ty. It H ill thus be seen that th?re should be throe separate ticket-j for the use of voters who desire to vote for or egainst a Constitutional Convention and jtor the election of delegates thereto. The Ohio river waw so low before the late rains that ir i'whl I- wadrtf.ut Wh.-eling. W. Va. - i n.'.Miig.oii l.t-tltr. WashimstoS, I). C. Vt., f.th, The rtroiit tU'velojmionts in tijerttU; of important, oi Governor Patt'tpon wnu - nu. uh u - st , ' 7"anii ..pnne d,.mrtnients of the Kevstone State, and conduct of . Tlirtina; McCamant the Auditor-General, 1 I I Fl ' unrr k' ltiivertheTjoasurer. have CHiis.-d a great deal of talk and comment - among the pH.ple in Washington. The Republican oilicials here, wno are ingn L Lv nneil. are U imr criticil in unmeasurable terns for assisting to keep 1 J ... . - a l ' ' (Aiay at the head of the party in I enn- HIKI ......... --- j : o.lminwtration of nff:iirs jn thp ptate To ttat tie Kepubli- aua wUo have the best -interest of. the I - rty at heart are thoro "'-;rV in .t.-e ' cvlvimi:! I iv" the corrupt cans' in it ----- i ' than distfusted and they ' iiope that the rascally gang are niIi( ami n - . . . ..... may lie thoroughly exposed and pumsn- i el for their n..s, o.ngs, siiving the Republican for the sake of i- . . . . : to piew!g0n thc rocks for which tjuay . anij jus henchmen are steering the jwrty now. . All self-respecting ami honest Kepuu licans in Washington feel that it is not possible for the Republican party, under ! the leadership of uav and the influ- Auditor-General and Stite Ireasurer. ciices surrounding him, to avxwd defeat ; paid the school warrants and the coin in Pennsylv nia this vc ar. In fact, they ! mission lawlessly to Bardsley, solely to are of the ojuion that the defeat of the ! reduce the amount of money m the Republican party in Pennsylvania this j Treasury and thus prevent its appropna vear would 1 a God-send. Defeat this tion to the Sinking Fund, where its year, tliev argue, would tend to purify , sjeculative use would end. K.litixi in ll.o SratP urn frp thp h(HlFSt j - - - . - . --- - j - tlm 4:ttVkM(r.:t tl. I r1i - w t If ill TulltfirA 111 Utc ny' "Republicans everywhere K tiecoming nsliamed of Pennsylvania liecause of the corruption exb-ting in the Prty mamigwnent." non "nfi jonn .,n.,e, , v..... were as de;p in Uie mire as B;mlsley was in the mud, they threw up their hands in horror, -and wanted to see the honor of the Suite restored. They want to see the corrupt gang punbJied and every lionest IJeiiublican in Washington, if he had a vote in Pennsylvania, would cast liis lillot against the machine ticket this Fall. It is true the gentlemen who are i i i , ,ifl ; ,.it.s to Quay to oUv orders, and if j -elected (every lionest Republican at the j National Capital hope they will not) le rt!'e, .' the ,,me tnR who now eon ttrol their predcessors, Mr. 5Iet.am.int JJnij jJ,)Vt.r Voters of Pennsylvania, the whole r0uiitry is waiting breathlessly for a just verdict, will you give it? It is earnestly - hoped you will by defeating the Iiepub- j Ik-jji tu kctaiul thus overt liro : iisin and. his corrupt followers. ticketaiul thus overthrowing Quay- 11. R. W Pennsylvania's Miatue. "J lampion iL. Carson, a pruamncnt Philalelthia .Republican, furnishes this - vivul and trufhful picture of the political -situation of tins suue at tiie present time : "As to state matters. The present condition of puJJic affairs in Pennsyl vania justifies revolution.. Fraud, cor ruption,; theft, collusion, ignorence anl .neglect of duty, hard svearing, shallow riiiventions, concealment of books and ! tmiiers, anil feeble as well as foolish 'efforts to delay - or resist investigation, iKive supplanted honesty of administra tion,: integrity- of .-conduct, protection of thelrieonle snghts, oliservanceof the law, i truth, honor, fearlessness and a hold , challenge to public scrutiny. Tliese are ' virtues of which Rexaiblicans could ' once proudly boast; but now apology, excuse, cowardice, superstition have af j flicted the lejulers. On all sides the fig- uH6 of officials are observel skulking in the dark, crouching from the public , gaw; behind hastily constructed barriers, or Jmrrowing lieneatli. heajs of registered letters containing 'neckties' and silk handkerchiefs. It is tlieduty of all men whether diepubliains, -.IndejK'jident Re publicans, J'rohibitionists or Dtmocrats, to sae jL'ennsylvania . from the fate of Actoson, who was ..devoured by: his own dogs."" Looted a Bank. KiNLTtK, 2f . i: Oet. 4 The Ulster County -Havings liank, always considered one of the trmget ;institoticns of the State, closed its doors .yesterday and its failure is a great tinaueial shock. An cxauoination .into -the bank's af fairs has le.n in progress siuce last Monday aikl ag a xosult .Assistant Trean- urernmipbour was arruetetlon aicharge of falsifying hie statenwit hist July. Rank Hxaminer Judson has leen going over tlie books and gives. out the as tounding report that $103,000 of the bank's money had boen stolen. Assist ant Treasurer Truuipbour, who. had .een out on $:!0,000 bail was given up by his bondsmen, and Treasurer Ustran- der was also jailtxl. It oems the treas urer and assistant treasurer have leei carrying on their speculations for a long time, their ingenious sy,tem laflliag the kill of exriert eniriloyes of the ttaie for 20 years. jtie majority ot tne ieiKsitots are Ioor people many of them old men tuul women dcpenU-nt on the interest of ie few UioiiSiind dollars they had in the bank- There is a bitter feeling and Oetraudr and Trunipliour are Item guards in jail, Uood Roads. I Ylen the people can be made to un . .i . i .i . -. . 1. ut-reuiuu lotii u actually costs ruore in . i . . , ume ami wewy to travel over a poor j road, Utah a good one, they w ill be less inclined to tietn-udsre the exnense of good roads, and what is more important suu WUI ' wllunS anxious to put 5,le wnw of pDad-rnaking in the hands of intelligent men who under Etand the busimss. Poor roads are the most expensive things that curse a coun iri' district. Uvrhngton Free Pros, The Commission appointed to select a f,iUs fr the. P!! rttate Hospital for me curonic Insane, has seU-re.1 M. SoutlMoiintain site, eight milex from Reaihng, lietween Wernersville and RolKjsonia, and three-ouartes of a mil i east of the station at Robesouia. There are oij acrtii in .'jf site ami the price is $77.01 to. . - The I'aseCcncisclj Malfd. Tlte testimony given by Auditor-tJea-erl McCamant and Suite Treasurer Boyer, as dicitel by the s.-archin-. ques tions of Attorner General llensel, con- - th following law to committed by the Auditor - eial and SuUj Treasurer: - 1. Jna.uiey .,. the smking nn.Lon Ja nuary 1 If 1. inesum i -t-j,r", " Banlslcy. on school Iirdsley was indebted school " warrants, when over fl,OtX,000 w X . -.- i 2. Tl.at the $4i,0(Kl was not only 4at-orinl fn-un f V iinlinlr flintl IP violation of law. but it was taken from the Treasury on school warrants which were eouallv in violation of law. The We school appropriation was not tiien avail- j ,WW uuuer tue w auu I'Hho hrMge. -several years ago suit was U-gun by a enforce the positive mandate of the law i that reiuire prompt settlement from uie - . City TreasurjS or to place the delin- quent am ounts in Uie bamLs of the attor- "? . Z Bardslev was lone in the arrears for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and tnus enaoieu w''" 4 That they paid Bardsley $150,000 j count of commissioners on ; on acc 0(H), when he owed the entire amount of ?7S2,000. and more That they as testitieu djmwui uie .-UCU are Uie lacis a iw"" the Auditor General and State Treasurer themselves, and what answer can be made to this studied and persistent law lessness that oj)enei wide the dxr for the Banlsley robbery? I'hiht. Tw. Schools Sa rings Bauks. In a rei-ent adilress at Reading, irof. George M. Philij. of Uie West Chester State Normal Schxl, had the following to say in In-half of school savings banks: "These banks were started in France. At present there are probably 100,000 in Uie world. Prof. J. II. Thiry, f Brooklyn, introduced them into Ameri ca. On'Monday morning erf -ch wek at roll-call each child brings his savings and gives tliem to the teacher. He is cretlited for it and sent to bank Uirough the Superintendent. Tien tie child wishes to draw his niouey Ik signs a j check, which is also finned .r the jr- ' ent ami tlie J-upenntcnneiH. Jt learns the children to save." Hr. PhiHps Saw the systeui in effect in Longjsland City, ami was assured of the fact that it worked jwrfectly. It yuiltiviUes. goal, frugal aiul industrions haUts. It also iniprovs the order in the. school. It I 1. -..I 1. anaciit- iiiivut Jt la, t-, wm,i n r .i 1 1 . ii I even aff--ts the parents anil prompts thein to save. He hoiei1 that ty these banks the extravagant h aid Is of the American people cnld be-6tnpd. The Fvstem iIih-s not ta-ke timcii tune . iu to l- minutes a day. Mney should al ways le d'posited in the name of thc school anil alwnvs in a good bank. Pottstown as tle first -district in Penn sylvania to adupt the system, and in one year the rliwdfi-n -of J'ottxtown savetl $10,000. Xorrisown has also adnptel the system, as have West Chester, llk esliarre, Williamsport, and many other towns. The speaker rtrged s-h fl sav ings link"5 for fitr'cs county and asked the tcacliers fc endeavor V start the svsteni. A ralal I- ire. I'lTTsiiniiV, Oetolier, t'. James "Mc Guire w;ts burned to death at Rraddock. Six houses were also destroyed at an early hour this morning. The fire-started in a row of six frame houses and was caused by the expliiision of a lamp. jTc Guire was asleep t the time the fire started and it appear? was n it awakened by the noise or the excitement caused by the blaze. The houses-were all oc cupied by tenajits. Young McGuire, boarded with his ister-in-law, Annie McGuire, a widow living in the house in which the fire started. He was not winied until after the fire was about out. A search of tlie ruins recovered his rharred remains. It is probable that he was partly suffocated by the smoke before he awoke, and then , being unable to help hfiuself , fell a vic tim to the flames. As the houses were all frame, tlie lire burned very rapidly. The fire departu.ent;did everything they could to save the property, luit it had gained such headway liefore they arrived that it was impossible to save any of the houses. McGuire was about 2S wars old and worked as a laUrt'r in tlie Ed gar Thomson steel works. He has lived in Braddock all his life and is well known. Thc houses burned were cheap structures, lieing worth about $400 apiece. For Meallfag $6,000. GKEENSBt KG, Pa., October 1. Consid erable excitement was created at Mill vale to-day by the arrest of Harry Stit man, a prominent merchant of that place. He is charged with the robliery Vif John Carnahan, of Sewickly town ship, w-hich occurred about three monllis ago. It will be rcmemlered that some one entered the old farmer's house and stole from a chest the sum of $0,000. Suspicion at the time rested on the hired man, Jacob McXally. Tlie de tectives yesterday arrested Stitman and he promptly eonfssed that the money was given to him by McXally the day after the robbery, but to-day only turned over less than half the amount. The merchant was brought to this place and at a Lite hour secured bail after being scut to jail by a Justice. McXally, who it apiiears stole the money, will be ar rested to-day. A Female Moonshiner. He sting dox, W. Va, Oct. ii. Word has just been received here that Lucy McClelleo, a notorious woman moon shinger, was captured near Lincoln court house on aturtlay. She is twenty-one years old and an amazon in strength and courage. For two years she has peddled illicit whisky to thousands of workmen engaged in the construction of the Xor folic & Western railroad. Deputy mar shals have made frequent attemps to ar rest her. Iist week they came upon her unexpectedly in Logan county. She escaped, and they pursued her for two hundred miles. On Saturday night she was taken while in tlie house of a friend taking tlie first sleep she had had in tlie four dayv?. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. : s H - JBQW7E1X PURE iLHXAMt OTIIIK MOIIXJ. It is estim:il-l t!i-!t the S''emtxT hot wove has bi-eu worth r;.".R.m to the rrp. Edward Gerdcs, airl fotirten years, of Steelton. ws instantly kilW on Sun day by falling fram rhist!iiit Vtv'. His ueck was lroken. Mrs. Frank fjesllewa married in New Ytwk on Sunday to William K. Wilde, brother of Ccar AVIlde. The ceremony was solemnized very ijuietly. A cirl twby eame to the residence f ex-Prsi!ent CleveUnd in New York city at 12: Saturday morning. Mother and child are doing well and fattier is proud. An attemp'. was made to kill the Em peror of Austria by Wowing ni a lirulge last ednesuav. tint Uie rtynanutn ex ,,,,M,, Mttrrt tiie i,,H.rial tra'n reachd you us man na in Ni'W York worth nr.U. The ease has tiuaily been divided in Ins favor, hut tiet ween f3,(K) and . is all that is left. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has taken up the mile of cast-iron railroad ties lictwefn Huntingdon and Ardciihelm, which have been down for a year or more. They were kept in pi They were a failure, as they cniild not be ace. While nutting on Tuesday, Daniel ; Chilcoat, a lifu-en-year-old sin of A. L.. ChilcnaUof Orliisonia, fell forty fret to the ground and -was instantly killed. On learning t the fatality. hlsmolker Instant ly tiecame a ravinji maniac. David M. Woodwanl. a wenilwr of the legislature from Philadelphia, has disap peared. He was to have hern called as a witness liefore the committer in investiga ting the chances of irrrjrmlarities in thr Board of Real Estate Appraisi-rs. William Carfield has eonfesMl to hav ing turin-d the switch which wrTk"d tlie limited train on tlie FVrvv-Ivanla railroad at New Palestine, Ohio, a few weeks ago. rn which three men were killed. He says hr atP-mptcd tn wreck 'the train to plun der. S. S. Miller, a hrakeman of I)erry, while coupline cars atTIufT s scah-s, south of l-Jrcciisburn. Monday eveuiiig, had his Tipriit arm ranghl hetween the dead woods and so badly crushed that it was amputa ted atMive the ellxiw. Miller is aged 2. years and uiimsrriiii. A liore twlontrinir to Mrs. S-hwartz of Centre Valley .Cnintierland county. Pa., din! of hydropliohiu -on Wednesday, hav ing lK"en fiit ten hy a mad dog three wii-ks asro. The animal was heard all over town. and tore Its fiesh from the fore legs in its a irony hffure It was killed. Iviward S-ott. of tireensbunr. a t-le-irraiih lineman, fell from a hieh tela-ffraph Mle. near lrwiu. on Wedn!day. sustain iiiS a broken back and other serious Injur ies. He hits since tMen lyintr at hi home In a M-mi-unronscioiis condition, and it is 'tielievi-d hemnnot rcf.vr. Congressman Ja-ob Turney. of Westmoreland county, is dead. Fivewei-ks asro he was afllicl-d with a sore foot. GausnMH- si t in. and the member was amputated at the ankle. He suffered greatly from the effeet of ihe o era tion. and oiv.-Hunday breath.-d hi last. The largest aquarium in the world will he built at the World' Fair. It will lie stocked with Ivoth fresh and salt water fish, and tlie supply of water for the latter willbe furnished hy evaporating ni'it, water to onu-fifth ius hulk and forwarding it ui fhefair, when fresh water will be added in tlif l-3(ioi quantitii-s. Tlie first payments of Ik unity under the'law-sri ving a lioHiity of two cent per lwMind on sugar produced in the United States wTe made at tin Treasury IVpart ment nn"Vrlday. They were lioth in favor of the China Valley Sugar company, of Chino, Cal., on two claims for the produc tion of 4,0ik iioiinds of beet sugar and amounting toSS.Sno. A Itound T5rook (N. J.) man. who sneezed so violently as to fracture a rib, lias been notitii-d by thw Preferred Mutual Accident Association of Xew Yrk that payment on his iwilicr is refused on the ground that the fracture was not caused hy external or accidental means. He will sue the company for the amount of the Indemnity, which amounts to fiVX. Near Wan poasea station. III., on Mon day. W. L. Harrett, a Chicago book-keep er, shot and killed his wife, who had ep aratedj from him, and then set tire to the residence and attempted to drown himself in a small stream. Failing in tlris he sent a bullet tluough his ixidy, but the wound is not fatal, and - the murderer may l1 lynched. The fire was extinguished by the neighbors. William Iiarr. a well-known drag clerk of lirady's IJend.' who was visiting his on- cle near GreviJle, met with a bad acci dent on Sunday. While gathering chest nuts a liml broke and he fell a distance of thirty feet, crushing his breast. His right foot also struck a snag, which entered at the heel, -tearing the flesh clear up to the knee and expnsinglhe ligamentsof the leg. His recovery Is doubtful. Edward Xitroul, a young man twenty five years of age and single, was lounddead n the A. V. Ii. IL tracks, lielow Carver's Ferry, near Salusburg, on Friday morning, by a track walker. His limbs and head were mangled, having been run over by one of the trains during the night. A singular fatality seems to follow the family, as his father, John Sproui, was found drowned a few Tears ago In tlie river near where Edward's body was found on Saturday morning, and Ed ward's brother Frank was drowned In the Kiskiminctas river several years ago. Hon. A. F. Itole. an esteemed citizen of Corry, Pa., and ex-Mayor, coinmitfd sni elde on Tuesday morning by shooting him nelf hi the head, lie was not feeling well ou Monday night, and late Tues lay morn ing a shot was heard In his room. Mrs. Itole and a lady friend was at nis id a moment biter, and a physician was railed in. hut deatli was instant. A thirty-two caliber revolver was used, the ball entering his right b-mple and passing nearly through the head. The principal cause of the sui cide was business embarassment, though Mr. Hole had b-en sick for some time. Hy an explosion in Richardson Colliery Saturday evening, John Magasky, a Po lander, was killed, and James Grant and William Couvillo seriously Injured. The men entombed in the mine are Thomas Clancy, married; John Lawlcr, married; J am. Simmons, Michael Welsh, marri.-d; John Pnrcell, fire boss, married, and John Cusick, k Polander, single. The work or rescuing the miners is still Ix-lng vigorous ly pushed. Mine Inspector Doyle of the Philadelphia A Heading Company, which citrates the colliery, is superin tend ing the work, hut has no hope of reaching the en tombed miners alive. 'leLeniode - & - Hopjiel, n n ltio -DEALERS IN- General.'. Merchandise CLOTHING, Fit O Ult , FEE If, jLumberandSliingles. Wc Full and Complete. Give us a La 11. T77W rim. vMrkirn JTv U IsTK nn Y n m II Fall and Winter I I have just receiveil a large stock of Boots,ShoesRubbers FOR FALL AND WINTER TRADE. ALSO, A LARGE LINE OF SCHOOL SHOES. The Finest line of Shirts and Underwear in the town. Hats and Caps, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Mittens, Rubber Coats, Umbrellas, Boys' Shirts and Waists, Cardigan Jackets, etc. You will also find I keep the Latest Styles of Neckwear. P. S. Agent for John W. Carroll's Tailoring House. J . D. LUCAS. Opposite Cambria House. 16BENSBURC, PEN4A. 17ILLIAM M'KILLIP & CO., CASSANDRA, CAMBRIACO., PA. -Li V if a la Trcteal la la id. a. wad fac ..VT.Al.4M. Cat aaai-al jT5ZmZl ? TU. a. ' O and all kinds of farming implements. Parties desiring any ma chinery of the above description us. WILLIAM lYrixlLLIr 6L OU., CLOTHING! Overcoats! "Ve are now prepared to show you the largest and best selected stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING AND OVER COATS in the county and give you the lowes' prices. My line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS is always complete. Am now prepared to show you a much lar ger assortment than ever before. Call and see me as I will sell you nice goods and save you money. Very Respectfully, octS-90-ly Onr Enormous Spring Slock of Carets. Foster s are now fully prepared to meet the demands of such of their housekseper friends as contemplate making the improve ments in their homes that Spring always suggests. And in this connection let the fact be recorded that they show as Grand, Var ied and Excellent a Stock of Carpets of Every Kind and description as can be seen in the larger cities. Ani behind this very desirable state of affairs stands the even more important particular. TIIE PRICE. Also.-BEAUTIFUL VARIETY OF CURTAINS AMu DRA PERIES. New Spring Styles of Dress Goods and Trimmings now ready. ANDREW FOSTER, 217 &. 24U MAIN STREET, JOHNSTOWN, IA. M'CONNELL & SAUPP Are showing some Handsome Styles in IX CHEVIOTS, KERSEYS, ETC , AT $6.50, $8.00, $10.00 and $11.50. M'CONNELL&SAUPFS POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE, 1300 Eleventh Ave., Altoona, Pa. y 0 M M ' New White tat Biiffii, 113 Clinton Stria, Jotetom, Pa. New Stock of DRY GOODS, MILLINERY AND CAR PETS. Call to sec us when in towu. fx) M Pittsburgh, Pa. -..T.f ..f "d .'h, ,?,tU""011 hM Pwp-red utlea oi Ilia, lit Uiuaa la wnt i nwi.,1 j READ THE keep our Stock alas CARROF-.L,TOVN, PA. We are agents for the Penn Man- ufacturins Company, of ork, Pa., manufacturers of Eipei - Hay - Bailers. - Ttiresters, UW Ml I.I J. will do well to call on or address CASSANDRA, PA CLOTHING! Overcoats! CARROLLTOWN, PA. 9 9 thn.o.aod. of j-oodk men and w ..... . . oroan Kir the artlTe he -rnt on anpllca. FREE MAN. SOME OF THE NEW AUTUMN :-: DRESS :: FABEHS Sliow n in t st,,r.- Tweed-. Ilmiiesputio. Knelisii Siiiilni. S-ot-li Suitinif-. ':.il,S' r V,-; In!. 1 ' ll"- Hill an iii.i ,i l:r..;i, l,, " liaiMi;i.. SlTKl-s. j a- Austrian Suli intr. rican Nuitinijs. I Hairs. ! Atrakhii Suitinss. Illll!l Siiiij rii-, I "hecK. SlriM, I'lnlii. i-i,. :-ford I ords. Draiide I'alenua. 1 i.. .i l.p.. 1 lUvu-n. Elegant line of m w jo-un-i FANCY SUITINGS, II uirpn ii f flVrt, Iii various nhade of hlui-. l,r.,v a, , colorings. 7"i C i;N'J'S. Stylish fahric and piat value- f, , cents. Oix-iiln of FALL AND "WINTER STTLP CLOAK B0DM3 SM-clal sali of I.aiJ ;- BLACK HARE CAPEs Hitch shoulders," iKiititi-d fiui.c. y,, ' collar, S400. M VISITORS to tts EXP 0 SITIOI Will find many tliina of inii-ii-.t tut,... in thene Mon-s. and if jmr-l,4. miK-h that will irov- ini.ti :,t,.' If you cunnot conn-. 1:1TE Our Mail Order Departnic Sainpli-s and CataloKin- i;.nii ii,i,. BOGGS&BUHL 115, 117, 119 & 121 FeW St ALLEGIIENV, PA. ; Every t Patriot hoold real a good Dewrpajier. In ttit tir. ota newrpaper tuanjr cootlderatlnnr rhould i- ero. Klnt, it nboulj be one that enlc. give all tboca without Jjwju.! i. Hir.u-.,; neatly printed on fcood paj.er. It rtiualj k dependent tn favor at all ilia. Ii ttubit o;i: clean. Bucb a oewepaper Is The Pal not, printed In HarrUborir. It la no In net; bs:u luentnlarired, bandtome. bosd in the rx learleai In denouncing wron: It If ;whim: ewerrlcglir Demorratlc. 1: It tin oul; In eratle cewspaper at the rtate capital. I; au a fieciltf of IK-pnruucDt newr I: u:i.ft paper In central I'eODfj irat ia tt.at riie u prloU tall AtMctated l're rrportr. uti'.ijt:1 It over Ita own wlrei. It pient en t ili; ftal 2orrepondenre irurn all ikd'' trHu'j: HarrlsborK. all the Humour nfi. ui! Dutei. tiou'ehold hinu. u"Oitir r".M wr cxlp. fclsollnc. political atij huuj'TiO' r abort atjrlei and Kketche,. Itf in-kn T;r. are complete, bjtb a to nnan.-e ami Mtirs Ita live rtock asarkeU are i rrprri i-:i" THE TATKIOT, till bare only t n n Imitated by one other tiewf '1't i. tit exj Tl Saturd ay icrtnon ol Ktf l'r. u:tr. Ixindon, If a treat feature. THE I'ATHItir wantitbe rafcil? t.T- or locked op. To tMa ei.d It lirartilr cr election ol WrlKhl and Tlidrn ai- tljtut jios' to itop the the plundertuir of tt.c puMir :rnff THK WEEKLY I'A rH!"T. H i-aire-.net a year. It malotaini the tx-'i iciu-x ' dully. Inoludina: tLe Suricroo ncruut. i-' take joor home rai.er. th-n It. nil !'' !;r lara and aample copiea (I ret) ot eiUicr a--!' weekly. Lltiera ratea lorcDipalif or other.. Addterf, TIP C i'ATKIOl (Mt Tl A (IKU T.w'.int lUlTHt'OK f- JOHN COKK. Treaaurer. KO If TIIE lUf To bur a Shot Mug or Kitla. and e la" a tuck to aelecl from. e lit tnta Double Barrel BREECH LOAI-Fi! IRO t.iVO I P. SINGLE BKEEfll LOADED i Kim ti.io i r. Hh i.,iiin. i;ma 41 mi and an I, Into Una of Ntmlla l oula. er l.W " Dirni ol llamonda, Watchei Jewelry, and Clock In I'eana) ltania . K S M IT. r Ire acres in nn one ej.n-Ui';;'1;- U7 Smlthfli-ld nri. 1 'T1 and 703. ?o5 and 7U N. H Send lor our ni-w luu1 ' Cl lojrue. Mo. 1, Iree ol charge. I" Mountain House STAR SH&Y1KG HB CENTRE STREET. EBENSEIS ........ .. . . i.l,.hrd S:Irt TI 'lll wen snown ano i'ik r " I 1...-1. . i. .,.. . ,, C'fpf r" i.uilla tlia ll, alutile Hi (I liar.. I'ltlf I. . II.. I,,ia, n.a will Iri'HTIrl B future. HAVM:. 11A1K I ()IM don III the l.eali-1 " auner. flean Towels 'If' SHAIdPOOI t tf i af ttnati.. a.Ldiea watted on at their re';"" ' BLAIR IIOl'SK Barber :-: She? A nrruetaaa narner tmy thrtt herawmentot Wlair Hoi' wi.rra in hnatneew In all IU hranrbea will I"' , the In lure. The ahoo l in n. , .fw artlau who will rive every """'"L. 1 alleti!" 10 A HTA1 patronage aollotted. i-au f IUT1X LEIUIANHK J L H. J SHt ni. l-aoraify-'"- . ,f. loeated at iHiH'.la. fa nrii . . . . . . i i.nrp iiiiu." ...i .,k. h..t tha imi la anlil. I Uon Kiven to the cara ol born" Hcx71i. :i.J. F ,1 11 .11 .-a ai- - -fail i in- (itilTlinT - i i,m. o 1 I , a In .MIU1M4T TOwnMi'li. a,iUt Vtw..,luirir Cn-MtHi ,-ut If" ". .(. ml. on m t Us from Cress'"- : ,n i .at ii- l'arin 7t Bfit'S, atxitii ' i " r ,,idr' rt on 1st ol April. lUf (.iibsrriU r at ""''J',, Xt .")" F-h. 27, tniR SALE. ... ,. or"-' Zi 11 The d-'5"ir,iln Mu'S t.lecea ol real .u.Minin re-.--p, ilaiuhrla county. I . " " . ,i,a0 e.r,,i..riw ia IninroTed and in K ,.MlBM r. tlvalion.and will be aold " and upon ea-y term.. . , t"? callonoraddreM Alvln r . " KUi.t- or W lieoember 12, WO. S3000I IK" f f itktnt' Hafl h itll.llorlM'i'",', pTwom-- .r mt -tntrww "-' a a i Arr Kul "IM L . l.:"'1 . T tut P- Hallway leHH. e ai-.j- , .,,-, Dlah tb beat aocommodiitl"n U pleaaure aeekfra and boardera. "T n,.v" ol somlort and quiet will CnJ "'V, , to atop. The Table If unur(.a-ea rt, aupulieil with tb bent the nrk n j all the delleaclea ot the aeaaon. ' " n.0,j OTa,i-r. h .r. .-. ""';, ( II. araJ i-nJI