UNEXPLORED AFRICA. A Portion of the Dark Continent Yet Unknown. Vnapproprlntet Parts of the ('nnntnr the Objective lolt of Kxplorintr. l'nr ties from Yariuti-t Xation. There is yet an unexplored and un appropriated section of Africa extend ing from tlie scene of Stanley's explora tions on the Cono northward to I;ke Tchad, says the Sprinjrtielil (Mass.) Republican. It lies east of the equa torial province and south of the new line of the French sphere from the Ni;er to Lake Tchad: it is a rich and fertile country, and said to le one of the most desirable possessions in the dark continent. The London Times pives an interesting survey of the man euvering on the part of France, Ger many and Kn-ktnd for pos.-ession of this territory, which touches the -phercs of all these nations. The French scheme is the most am bitious, and it includes a railroad from Itra.zaville on the Conjo in that part of lower (iuinea given to the French by the conference that fixed the lnjun daries of the Free State of the Cono northward throiijrh twenty-five de grees of latitude to Algiers. For five hundred or six hundred miles north ward the road would pass through this unappropriated strip, then would come disputed ground, not intended to le in cluded in the French sphere, and which can only be annexed after a prolonged controversy with Germany and Film land. The valley of the Shari, includ ing the province of I!a'rirmi and parts of Adamawa and IJornon. lie south of Lake Tchad, and are in the territory under the eye of the Uoyal Ihitish Nifrer Company, which would formally resist their annexation to Fram e. Nor would Germany consent to this addi tion to the French sphere if she had no other reason for opposing this railroad. The doctrine of hinterland, however, comes in play here. Germany's sphere in the Cameroon extends eastward to the fifteenth dejrree of east lonjritudc. and behind this sphere Ties territory appropriated by France reaching to the Mohanr'i. wldch is the property of the t'ono Free State. This French appropriation is contrary to the Gerinan-L'njrlish afrreement, and cuts Germany oiF from a portion of her hinterland, as the appropriation of ter ritory nlon the line of this proposed railroad would form the remainder. German parties are now pressing east ward from the Cameroons to take pos session of this hinterland a strong one under the jjovcrnor working steadily toward the northeast: another under Lieut. Morten makiu r its way to the sources of the J Univ. while a third is on its way to c:-.iblish a base of opera tions in tlu J'aii v nintry, on the bor ders of Adanviwn. French exploring parties are pene trating this reion from tlu1 north as well as t!v south. From the south they have followed the Mohan si river and its branches o;ie p.ietv f..lloivi:i- the i-mr.;1 to alxint fou- c',j:-.-.-s north lati tude; another the Mob ui.s'i to the Hon frru rapids, whence it is proposed to push across c untry to the Sharl ami throujrh to Lake Toh.i-1. From Algeria and from Seneambia expeditions are trying t re:vh the upper iycr and thence alon,- t Lake Tchad. In the meantime the Loyal Niirer Company are lo.iki:v.r after their coii ncftions with the central Soudan and trying to k v-p hold of the c mntries not granted t ii'rance t the south an. I ca.st of Lake Teha.t. The Sh.-ri valh-y. la girrui. an I Wa.laith -y will keep in their sphere if they eaa; tlie Ih-itis'.i V.:it Af rican Company will h-nd on to Darfur, and will work it; way s far to the siuth and west of t hat conn try as it is able. Whatever lYi-vc and Germany may claim when the time comes for the new partition of thi.. unappropriated part of Central Africa liy international a.rrei nier.t. as it must before long. Film land will probably manure to secure the larger part if not the whole of the Central S oinl.nn for herself. RANK AND RICHES. They lo ?,ot t ut Mtirh it a Figure in 1'olitr MiikIikIi Sorii ty. Air English woman, whose position insures the absolute verity of her state ments, affirms most solemnly that, so far from Albert Edward setting the fashions for Kngland, the fact that a lady is a memlter of the prince of Wales' set acts as a bar wl, cli shuts the dors of hosts of exclusive houses against her, says the Illustrated American. The heir apparent is himself welcomed nearly every where, but individual men or women whom he delights to honor are unmistakably stamped as unfit. Such knowledge is consoling to a large class of thoughtful people on this side who were stagirered by some of the es capades that supposedly passed muster, even among the conservative clement of Great lhitain. The llashj-, much quoted, photographed and paragraphed woman of the London season holds by no means an enviable position when lists for country-house parties are made up. Of course, very exalted titles and the fabulous wealth concentrated in the fortunes of to-day carry a magic inllu ence few can resist. l!ut. nevertheless, a pure, exclusive circle of gentlemen and gentlewomen still remains that has withstood the blandishments of rank and riches. MOLECULES AND SPAUCES. A Simple Keriment That Srcuis to Ka -tnbli-.li the Atomic Theory. According to the atomic theory, all matter is composed of small particles of matter called molecules. ltvtwccn the molecules are spaces called port s, muh larger than the molecules them selves. Loth molecules and pores are to small that the most powerful micro bcope cannot detect them. Neverthe less, says the Albany Argus, the follow lowiny simple experiment is convinc ing: Fill a wide-mouthed lottle completely full of alcohol or kerosene. Then drop small tuft.-, of cotton batting upon the fcurface of the li pii.L The batting will immediately absorb a portion of tlie liquid, and will then sink In-low the surface. Kcpeat tliis operation several times, and it will then le noticed that the Katie does not seem to le quite full of the liquid, although if the expert ment has lieen carefully icrformed, none has overflowed. Now, by means of a line wire, puh the cotton to the bottom of the lott and add more. In this w ay a large aiuontit of cotton may be added before the liquid will overflow. The only satisfactory explanation seems to le that the molecules of each buhstauce enter the spaces, between the molecules of the other. I low to Kill a Cat. A numlrof people are interested in learning the lcst way f jiainlessly kill in;,' anima's. -md we 'may usefully note a communication on the subject from a correspondent of the En-lish Mechanic He writes: -The most merciful way of destroying cats is to chloroform them. Draw a sock (knitted one preferretl, as being clastic) over pn.-svs head so that the toe f the is brought to her nose or nearly so: then pour about half atciispoomul of ehloro'orm on the Book close to her nose. Almost as soon as she has become frightened ly the unu:.ual smell of chloroform she quietly Kocs off to .sleep; H i:tt,; la,)r0 cnoro. form is added, perhaps twke, aud pussf never wakes araiu." IBS Used up. It's the only way to use some things, but it's a bad condition for a man or woman. It means disease. Take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. That means health. It invig orates the liver and kidneys, purifies the blood and cleanses and renews the whole system. For all scrofulous humors and blood-taints, and even con sumption (or lung-scrofula), if taken in time, it's a positive remedy. It's a gttaratztccd one. In all diseases of the liver, blood and lungs, it's warranted to benefit or cure, or the money is refunded. No other medicine of its class is sold, through druggists, on this fe- j adiar plan. You can judge why. You only pay for the good you get. Rick ITcailiieho and relieve all tbo trouble tncf ect to a bilious state of the aystem. such aa Xizziness, Nausea, JJrowsioesn. Distress after rstinp. l'ain in tue Side, to. While tlieirmoat xtniiiaLilo aucceas has been ehown in curing , Keaflache, yet Carter's Littlo Liver Pflla ars eanlly nlual.lo in Confftinat ion. curing aud pre VcnUng thinaunoyinROoruplaim.wbilu they also correct all dijordorHcf tbescomachtimulateths) liver aud regulate tlie bowels. rea U Uiej only Aeli eiVipy would tfl almitpricsel53 to those wll eai'.'r-r from tiwdutniksingcoiinilauit; but fort d BnUly thfircroodnass doos notend bere.and thossj Vho ones try Ui(-xn will iiud these llttlo pills Yalta r.'jifi in fo runny wars that tbey will not bo wil to J - v.iOiuu t tli cji. Butaftorallaick bea4 Z -f i.:..iy lives that here Is wfcer ri :.:itt--..::r ...iUKt, Ournuacureltwhila ci'-.i da not. ' :'s lr Pills rro Tcry small and v"" eiy takv. die or two fills inaksa duse. . :i t:r:.-.! x -tabl-j a:id uo not grip or - - -. .-.; 1 7 tl.tj'r ;;tt;tle tction please all who -cliici. ii viilsr.r 'IS rms ; livefor ft. &kd " -t J. :.::"'!!." or a- nt by matt. r?.olUd CO.. New York. :.L SMALL LOSE. SMALL PRICE jual.tl ly.NK .-..otn.. 4 I:V4T' !X s veToH Mrt itt'KKnt;,!!! Cured. St. Si.vnu.v, Keyl r.on P. O., I'a. I am rlaxl to testify thitt 1 used l'atoi Koeiihj'a iNerw Toai: iih the best sueos for leeplewcness, and believe tbut it is rrr.l!y a Kria.i i lief for suifcriuj linn:auity. K. H;a.M; I'astor. Oldtov.-n. Jlil., Sei.tuuiU r. 1-:j0. One of tho puiUeM t l,oin 1 ..M noma of 1'antor Kiu?r's Nerve Tonic naa telling iu to day that he bad huiteritl from ureal .n,-. in. and j.aiu tl.rou;.h hi wcolo liody. .Mtn uhltj ona In.ttie he wan entirely cured. JOHN W. t:Ai:i'Klt. MertLaut. fy r. !fe H-.:iTere.l for a tin:nUr of years from violent nervousness uiid hpenL uur.drede .f lo' l'irs for dixti in a.'d iu...i:i i:ie. b .t ad to no avail. Aft-r lakmr oidy t uo iKtt;. oi I'ntor Kooiiig's Merv loLie liar ttoubix bu si:b-id.l JtlH X 1. I I s I J.- H FREE A Valuable Rook en Kerroiu IiM4 jnt rre to any addreiui. and MMr iiatieuts can alM olrtaia this iiiotlicine free of chance. This remedy has been prepared by the Reverend PaMor Koenw. of Fort Wayne, lud.. -nice ur and is now prepared under his direction by the KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. Sohl by I?ruKKisU at I per IJottlo. 6 for SS, LarxcSixe. 1.75. 6 Dottlej for 99. B. J. LYNCH, UNDERTAKER And Manufacturer & Dea'er In HOME AND CITYWADE FURNITURE mm and muni suns, LOUNGES, BEDSTEADS, Mattresses, cc, 1G05 ELEVENTH AVENUE, ALTOONA. TENN'A rr"Citizcns of Cambria County and all others wishing to purchase bonest FURNI TUKK. Ac. at hnnest prices are respectfully invited to cive us a call before buvlc.; tlse wber. uh wei are confident ttat we cao meet every want and please every taste. Prices th very lowest. f 4-16-0-tM WAN WHEAT -AND GRASS. Th Whoh of Europe wants WHEAT, and the most of America wants CRASS in abundance. 72 leading Agricul turists hare written us essays on "How to Crnw Wheal and Crass." These, in pamphlet form, we will send Free on receipt of three 2-ct. stamps. -Members of the Farmers' Alliance n! Farmem' Clubs can have their Fertilizers made (.pecially iu or-ler, at reduced prices. IV. S. POWELL & CO.. Baltimore, Md., Hrwi. .w. FKRTii.ixi.R Mt r(-rtit. ' lUeoHTKKS UV AOklll'lTI'llAi I'll KH ICALS. Junl2'ul Wt 4 lVFRrisr.R by aadet.ln? . f. Howell V o., lOKprnoe St,, New York .". lfJr,?J!,h".!t con c proposal 1,Be " VliVbKTisiN. iQAmoriosa Kcwspapen. 10 PaaiuU, toe. CARTERS! k. ri r i.xx'-VaVf el TED FROM MAINE TO CALIFORNIA. Tiikkk is sail to te a sprinff in Mon.l.K-ine county, Cat., fiom which rises Mich noxious pas that one whiif. of it will extintruisli life. 1 x a recent storm in North Dakota hailstones of such extraordinary size fell .that residents sought refuge in cellars. tnc of the hailstones it is said measured twelve inches in circum ference. A imrMMPR, who has traveled all over the United States for a firm of tobacco owners says Maine men chew more to bacco and Maine women chew more pum than is chewed in any other state in the union. One of the queerest names for a street is that borne by a public thoroughfare in the annexed district called l'eatherbed lane. It is supposed to hare lxen so christened leeause it is full of rocks. The name occurs in the new directory. N. Y. Sun. Thk war upon opium smugglers on the l'atific coast has leen so effective that the price of opium in San Fran cisco has increased from three dollars and twenty-five cents to five dollars and twenty cents a tin. All the opium fac tories have been driven out of China town. IN WORLD'S FAIR CIRCLES. Alabama may le represented in miniature nt the exposition by a series of comprehensive relief maps. A i.i. of the important trunk lines in the L' ni ted States has agreed to trans port exhibits at half the usual rates. Tkxas has decided to set apart a spacious room in the exposition build ing for an exhibit by the colored people of the state. (!k.oh(;f. Ward, manager of the Com mercial Cable Company, writes to Chk'f ISarrett that he will make u big display at the exposition of cable instruments. The London Times, in a long review of the exposition, says there can Ikj no doubt now that the exposition will surpass in many respects all expositions previously held. The New Orleans Machinery Com pany writes to Chief IJuchanan that it will make a complete exhibit of cotton gins, sugar mills and other machinery, at the exposition. Thk Wisconsin state building will le two stories high, with not less than ten thousand feet of fioor space exclusive of porches. Tho whoh ntructure is be built of Wisconsin material. IN LUMBERING REGIONS. A Chicago man is at Poland looking for a stick of timler one hundred anl ten feet long and four feet square. It is thought he wants it for the center-pole of a circus tent. A (KoWiiA woodman has cut a tree from which he got two saw logs, each forty-five feet long, and forty feet of the top of the tree was left after re moving this section of ninety feet, making- the tree one hundred and thirty feet high. - v t y -; A sEoroi.v tree has ln-en found in King's River canyon, in the Nevada mountain range whose original diame ter exceeded forty feet, but has Wen reduced by fire to thirty-nine feet. This is larger than any of the gigantic trees discovered in California by soven feet. - Ix dragging the An Sable river for sunken logs. lOU.OtKUKX) feet was se cured within a very short distance, nnd now the statement is s-oing the rounds that it is ln-lieved there is l.VUXhi.tKK) feet of logs tunic in the An Sable alone. At six dollurs per thousand this would amount to siKMUHjO. VACATION ADVICE. Don't go out in the woods to fly a kite -only the birds fly there. Dox't waste 3-our time In trying to catch two-inch fish with a ton-foot pole. Dox't try swimming in creeks where the water is two feet deep and the mud six feet. It is always well to remember the fact that savage cows anil fierce dogs can't climb trees. Ir a strange dog smiles at yon it is policy to smile back, and if he runs at you the lest thing is to run back. Whkn you goout for an all-day tramp do not eat up all your lunch at ten o'clck. You will feel starved by two if you do. Do Not le angry if the roosters awaken you nt daybreak. Ilememlier that if j-ou went to bed at sunset you would be willing to get up with the chickens. Harper's Young People. A BRAVE FRENCHMAN. Destruction or the Frigate Philadelphia by Lieut. Ieratnr. Ninety years ago, says the Chicago News, the pasha of Tripoli declared war against the United States on account of fancied grievances. He felt slighted be cause this government had presented the bey of Algiers with a fine frigate and had sent him none. The pasha began hostilities against the American mer chant, marine, and for its protection a squadron was sent to the Mediterranean. Decatur had command of the schooner Norfolk of eighteen guns, but was aft erward transferred to the Enterprise. In the winter of 103-4 the frigate Phil adelphia ran aground on a reef off Tri poli and was captured by the enemy. The Tripolitans succeeded in getting her afloat and into the harbor. De catur heard of the misfortune that had K'fallen the frigate and volunteered to destroy her. He had captured the ketch Mastieo, which he renamed the In trepid and made use of in carrying out his daring scheme. Concealing a num ber of men below the decks, he stood boluiy into the harbor of Tripoli on the 14th of February, 1S04. He had given his ship the appearance of a vessel in distress, and her warlike character was not suspected. The Philadelphia was anchored right under the guns of the forts, but IXcatur sailed up to her with out hesitation. As soon as the two ves sels were alongside Decatur and his men rushed on board the frigate, drove the panic-stricken crew overboard and then set the ship on fire. As soon as this was done the Americans jumped into their little vessel and made their escape without losing a man, though they were made the target of 141 rapid firing guns. The Philadelphia was com pletely destroyed. Admiral Nelson, of the British nary, pronounced Decatur's feat the most daring act of the age. ' A Dealer In Wrecks. Almost all the wrecks of vessels that go ashore, or burn up. or sink in col lisions along the Atlantic seaboard are bought by one man. Jle has mastered the secret of disposing of all the parts of such vessels to good advantai to himself. He has storehouses at various points for the keeping of tackle and tools and has made himself as formid able as a modern trust. He cannot .sell as readily as he buys, however. He must wait until some one wants just the curious things he happens to have, and very often an engine, or a pair of anchors, or a set of masts lies long upon his hands. How to Find Water. A farmer of Atchison, Kan., wante-d to dig a well; so he plowed a lot of land and planted it in oats. Every day he watched the oats,observingthe spots that showed the greatest moisture. Finally he selected a spot and sank a well. At twenty-four feet he had a fine stream of water.- It is said U be the best well ia the country- carl Rrvrnsrrus, PRACTICAL AND DEALER IN I 'll v ;-. . -V ,"'Vv X. WANT A We kave wagons, bugg-ies, surreys. High grade; as light, Strong, durable, stylish, as beautifully finished as modernized manufacture can produce. Built on honor by men of life experience. Honesty is our policy; prompt shipment our sreciahy.- We want to know you. Write us. Ojsts you nothing. May lead to business by and by. Send f.r our catalogue. It is free to every reader of tHis raPcr- Bing hamton Wagon Co., Binghamton, N. Y. "BUILT FOR BUSINESS." r HAY- FEVER 1 Vv AND OLD HEAD) fUjfe Cream Balm ix not a liquid, envff or powder. Applied into the nontrilx it is quicklff aborbtd. It cleanse the Mad, allays inflammation, heals t fl a the sores. Bold 6y drwjgUts or sent by mail on receipt of prise, C uUG ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street NEW YORK. DUG LADIES! Are you tvcklfwi raouch to venturr If fo en! two emu in stamps to tli Mark -r . tcf) and fiU Skhmtrtna Stn-rt. N.-n Wli. IO' one of thrir beautiful MluxtnittHl I.gclich' Books.' It is a novt-1. uniqii-. sjid iiit n C lug work to rrry perxon of r-nnvns-ut. On receipt of fn o-titH in xtainpK 'b r will srad postpaid a f ull Srt vt Uit-ir luiuoue li. ! hold game Verba. Fortea cents thry will also iiic! hnk ronta nin; eomplr4 words of "The Mikadn." md iuu-i: ul its most npul.r sougf, lortln-r il li u-n rxquirilf curomo csrds. QUINEPTUS! A Tery liinr. lmnnl s- plyrTrrlilml sronn.ik compomxl litt li-'iiifiiiL tit- i.itl: i jcnt iut- snri otlter bitt-r drnr-. t-it.ir-r w!iil or lluial rihrr. T-1 ati prr I'mt IWittk-. P:i- rirx 1 t.y ti. .n.ai.t'K I physicians in Kuroiw aud Ameiira. Ki.imii. couiiuuiics cvi-ry bottle. ForSaiclty liruv-''''''. JIannIar:orrl by The Academic Pharmaceutic 'Jo., I.OIMX ASK ETT YOKE. 532-536 WASHINGTON ST, NEW YORK CITi ELIXIR. An elotrant EntrHsh Th.?rniaf tir.-parat.Iot! ror billon, material nnd I.I.xkI ti. ; tin- iv- suit of over twruiy-nvf yrars .f ttl mitre Scientific resmrc-h. Approved by the lifchi-Ft iiM'ir-fll n;h-r':ies In UHein the lsjilais in everv pnrt 1 1 l.mt pe Especially helplul to Indies, chiMn-n aud ihv. ple of ed-ntrv bnst EnUrely veiretuble ; free from hormfcl lra;s. In Handsome Packages, Price LO Cts. Prepared solely by LONDON AND NEW YORK, Chemists hy appoiuiment to Her Majecty tLe Qusen and to the Royal Family. NEW YORK BRANCH: 1 30. 1 32, 1 34 Charlton St . royalTills. Same medicinal properties as Rotal Tj.vx.ik, n boxes, at' pills to box, for 25 centa. FOR SALE BY ALU DRUGGISTS. REMEHBERTIffiBIG FOUR! Vinegar Bitter COSD.AL, SOe. Ylnegar Bittert PO"WDEKS, 50 doses, 50c. Vinegar Bltt. new style. ,,1tut 1 .00 Vine jar Bitten, old style, bitter taste, $1.00 The World's Creat Blood Purifier and Ufa Giving: Principle. Only Temperance Bitters Knotm. Theaat 3fth f a Centorv tbe Lca-Unr family Medicine of the World. E. H. McDonald Drug Co., Proprietors, SAN FBAXCISCO aJT H&W TOBS. EL rS CREAM BAU snuff or powder. Applied ,'lnZ riU, l,1 absorbed. It cleanses VukecxL Allays inflammation. Heals the eorec Restores thesenses of taste and smelL ELY BROTHERS. DrnreUtsOweso.ST. 1 Watches, Clocks JEWELRY, SflTErvare. Musical InstrnmentF AN Optical Goods. o Sole Agent -FOR THl- Celebrated Eockford WATCHK8. Columbia and Fredonia Watches. In Key and Stem Winders. uAKGE SELECTIOX or ALL KIND of JEWELRY always on band. tW My line of Jewelry is unsurpassed Coma and see for yourself before purchas ne elewhere. BTlLL WOK OTJA11ASTKED fl CARL RIVINIUS ensbnrg. Nov. il, 1885--tf. WAGON?" JOB:: PRINTING. TUE FREEMAX Printing Office Is tbe place to set your JOB PRINTING I Piomptly and satisfactorily execoted. We will meet tbe prices of alll honoraole competion. We don't do any but first-clans work and want a living price for IL Willi Fast Presses anilNew Tjpe We are prepared to tarn out Job Printlog;of every discrlptioo In the FINEST STYLE and at tbe very Lowest Casb Prices. Not hi kg but tbe beet material ! used and oar work speaks for itself. We are pre pared to print on tbesbortes; notice Posters, Programmes. Bcpikess Cards. Taos. Bill Heads, Mojtthlt Statements. Entklopks, Labels. Circulars, Wedding and VifemsG Cards. Checks. Notes, Drafts. Receipts, Bond Work, Letter and Note Heads, and Hop and Partt;Invitations Etc. We can print anything from tbe smallest and neatest Visiting Card to the largest Poster on short notice and at the mofet Reasonable Rates. The Cambria Freeman, EBENSBURG. PEXX'A. Wall Paper. Sond 1(V. to our Mail Department for new samples of Nice Papers for 6c.: Solid ;ilt. from ISc. to 30c.; Fine Embossed and Irndesent Papers from U5c. to Mk. roll. j. mm MILLER & CO., 543 Smithfield SL, PITTSBURGH, PA. (Mention this paper.) Mrcb6-l-'.Tr ; atrsul ... t... . .... . i-aieuis, .ihuii, TrJr, mimrmm, Trntnita, ScM J nr.. muhh a CO., -tt U road way. a srk. I017EAKCHEN SaOerloa; from tbs etlecU of yoatbfal srrort. ear ly decay, wastlna: weakness, lost manhood, tie.. I si 111 sand a valuable treatise (sealed) eontatolDg fall particular, lor horaa ears rul e nr .h.. A splendid medical work, should Ie read bv v- erjr man who 1 nerroos and dsbilltated. Address rrsi. sr. v. ruwuK, fleectaa. Cass prnlls. A rare a 1 1111 a, M. V, NEWS FROM TRAMPDOM. Kansas has been borcottol lj tramps this season. Work is so plentj that it is not safe for a loafer to fctrikc the' state. Ax ex-pli-em?in, rho has Vne ten years' luty in one of the larfje cities of the east. Wlares that he has never wen a hallheaU'tl tramp. Near New Albany. ImL, a passenper train struck a horse, and a tramp who waM stalinj a ride on tlie cowcatcher was hit 13' tbe body of the animal and fatally hurt. Ax express train near Lin wood. Pa., struck a tramp and threw him several feet in tlie air. When the trainmen found him he wa rx-li-rhtintr his pipe, and was angry because he had to waste a match. A tramp detected at Port Jervis, N. V., in the act of attaching to the trucks of a railroad car a novel contrivance for stealing a ride, volunteered the in formation that, seated on the contriv ance, he had journcved over 1,500 miles. A Uaxnixo (Cal.) constable . arrested two vafrrants, who were tried and f-iven five dollars or five days each. They had no money, but they could both, play the piano,"so the jndgw siirctstHl that they pet up a dance, which was done and enough money was rai.sed to pay both fine,. GUSHING MEN AND MAIDENS. Ou, Mr. Bulfineh, you are so odd." The remed. Miss Smilnx, lies entire ly with you.'" 1 lot. ton Courier. Kxpaxkivk. Spooney "What lovely hands Miss llreatfist has! Wentman "Yes. I could write volumes on them. N. V. Telegram. Lavka "No, I am hardly certain whether he means to propose or not." Miss Klyppe ( Jcotlness ynic'ous, rirl, why don't you ask him and find out." Indianapolis Journal. "It"h a pleasure to call on you this sort of weather. said Billy I'livcn to the girl who hadn't spoken for som' tliiii" over an hour. "Indeed?" "Yes; it'.s mighty hard to strike a good, com fortable, cool place." Washington IsL A Fair Shaker. Sageman "A re markable girl is that Miss Snapper. You know her pretty well; has she any leaning in the direction of any particu lar creed?" Bluntly "I can't say def initely, but from the way in which she disposed of my marital aspirations last evening. I should say that she was a Shaker." Boston Courier. SAYINGS OF LITTLE TOTS. Easily Exn.Aixr.n. Visitor "Why, Bessie, the dimple in your papa's chin is just like yours." Bessie "Yes. I "spwt ho inherited frwm me." Chica go Tribune. A New Optical Term. Tommy (aped four) -ta"ma. I tan't see froo your specs." ttrandma "Why. Tommy?" Tommy "It makes my lxker feel wig gley. Jeweler's Weekly. A FLY was buzzing against the win dow panes. Little Fanny noticed it, and she said:""Mozzer, shan't I open the door?" "Why do you want to open the door, my child?" "Ik-cause I s poet that fly wanLs to go out." A hoy five years o'd stood with his father in the d.xr-yard looking at the moon and spoke of iLs brightness. "Yes," said his father, "it has not lccn so bright for some time." "lapa," said the little fellow. "I guot.s Cod's washed the moon, hasn't he?" Roches" Express. "TEXAS SIFTINGS" O" WISDOM. Ai.wat forgive your enemies espe cially those you can't whip. Some men are liorn great and prow smaller every day of their lives. Adam was proudly conscious tMit he never made a mistake in his boyhood. Man finds genuine diamond.- in na ture. The false ones he makc him self. The individual who entertains thought wouldn't always like a neigh bor to see his guesL When a man discovers his neightiors devoid of virtues never possessed by himself he is shocked. It is rather discouraging to a man to be forced to wait until he is dead to dis cover that he is a good deal of a fellow. The world owes us all a living, yet no man can collect the debt unless he pulls off his coat and takes it from the world's hide. A SNAKE THAT REASONED. How He Managed to Oet a Frof Ont Where He Could Knjoy It. I lived on what was formerly called Slave island and occupy a frame house which is raised from the ground, says Donald Mellotte, a resident of Ceylon, in the SL Louis Clole-I)emocraL The damp condition of the ground makes the island a popular place for snakes and frogs, which penetrate the houses. One morning while I sat in my room I saw a frog leap through a crack in the floor near a corner in the wall. A second later a cobra snake pushed its head through the crack and caugiit the frog lefore it could pet away. When the snake tried to withdraw his head the swelling caused by the presence of the frog in his neck rendered the effort unsuccessful. lie disgorged his prey, but held fast to one leg. Three tiu.es he anvallowcd the frog and three times had to give it up. Finally his snakeship uppeurcd to think, and ended by grabbing the frog's leg, dragged it ouLiide and swallowed it for good. I think that wus as smart a snake as yon could find even in this country. THE TRAFFIC IN TITLES. Addle-Pated Americans Who Ape English A riii toe rat. 'Thousands of American young men. of fair education and excellent possi bilities, captivated by the pictures o. English aristocratic life drawn in Eng lish novels, are learning to despise the simple, rational, useful life of the worthy American citizen, and to court consideration and vulgar popularity try adopting the habits, and leading' the useless lives of English lords. As in usual in such cases," writes Thomas Da vidson, in the Forum, 'the copy is a car icature of the originaL The untitled American lord proves usually to be a vulgar creature, having to assert his self-conferred lordship by all that is most unattractive, most inhumane, and most un-American and it is a good deal in the English aristocrat. In England aristocracy has no need to display or to obtrude itself; in America it can exist only by display and obtru sion. For thus reason the American would-be nobleman must necessarily court attention and try to strike the vulgar imagination by the mere acci dentals of aristocracy, such as any boorish Dives can command houses, horses, turnouts, yachts, opera Ikixcs, and the like. And the vulgar are im pressed by such things, low down in servile reverence before them, and do their lest to make a similar display." "If all the sacrifices which degener ate American fathers and mothers have made to buy titled husbands for their daughters were recorded, they would form a revelation so ignominious- that it would not be believed; and, after such a revelation, patriotic Americans would hardly dare to look foreigners in the face. But even without such a revelat ion the conduct, of m nnr i country women abroad, and especially in I England, is enough to make everv self- ! respecting- American hidi? his Load for shame." ta;;e fou RHEUMATISM 1 GOUT, BACKACHE, Pains in tne SUe, tie SUe, h k the Chest and the Joints, ficarz'z'i, h Co-tins. etc.. etc.. the IMPORTED '"AHCHOR" PUS EXPELLER IT IS A HP WILL EVER, BE Tli BEST. Lff.0UAL ED f.EKLCY. TTLMi with art-cat uiTrtM In Lite I ttn I HTil and Hoval (j.-irml lUmpitul ot Vienna V ii. .'icy oUr, T I 1 111.. JM. f -t. Your ADrhor'l'isin Ixm 1't i rf-rfl e-xt-i-1nt. OtM tt irurblr-r, r-uflt-rinp fpmii K't?u n.aUlirm fur 'r&rm, -stuM tlni nottittig lyrura br tnit -f.wir ArfVor Hin F-fll.-r. &-iiOt, Mf-Tthb Vk. SV I iJAJISJCa. 50 Cnt a bottle. , OT ORT lKUGolijTS. OH IIHCT FUOM F. AD. RICHTER & CO., tlO JtroaAttmy, 2irt York. Iirsseas II -' t Tn1lsta1t. 0r, a-xeiii, oiLeu. j uitrmix-rtc. iiiuc S3 niZZ K:;a3 iTiiiB. p. FREE Book about other Anchor Re- V medic 00 Application. ";.5?a ost ltwo ir- I ! L' S 'r A': Ti'nr- f! O! Vtirntn. r:r wou .N, FO Iirr.Ht Vitk r.'.fK Puuovn RnoHtio to envrr. tub srr. Vu . s,ci iau r-.:j n:r. l-.n: or v-k .m1 BrXAIC IT AFT5V OVTIrS T1IS EKTII. -tinted cii :ular tc Jk., & Co., 11 11 L Htrcct, r"! nn phi a. HT tP AWV w ANY V) ' for CTZJAl aid TZZTiZ. cte. Ar GENERATION AFTER GENERATION -J ) "i ram Aim ai jqrrf r TmpTt ets Bmaar, Children 2 II. Frery InuaUr stUMjld L..e m butUs at It iu tal, mmVi-hxL Every Sufferer Tt. oos H rt.gha. Dinbcbnia. Coatrli-, . storrb. brunrhltm. A-Jim, C holers Uurtrus, 1 nrrk. m, UmntMi, Uur-xir-ai In body or Limb-, Ml IT JuiuU or Htr-una, will nnd in tnls cal Anodyne tvlif u.mi pwdy cum psmMil,-. fre. feoM -fprrwLrr-. rnT X. rU. t tn.il. I bi'Un. Czpre-a j-ud. It L. JOUSouH S. Cu, burros, au3--Ji-nr I took Cold, I took Sick, kKsl'l.l: I taliri My 3VT!t, I tn.?;o T - . ' -1 AVI. I s : ... .:.i;-s , . . ANVTISINc; I CAN- I.V MV II VM.S o ; Cfflirit: r-it tM. ims S''''.' tmulsionor Pure Cod Liver Oil ?nd HypopliosphitescfLimeani IOil ""'' "VI V fl KKIl MV I '-i- i'it ('titijlii. i iii ii i Ml'. I ', AM' IS N."V II I I . i; FLES12 CM liZ' QCNCS AT HIK K A IF. OK A hll'MI A IHV. I 1 I I ll sl A I'A.II .-. I I- ',!! K." 1KM IM.iNV l V.M!:; . MJlTl's IMIIMdN IS i ' 1 1 . V...,,(US liAHY. Take v- iiii::. Careats. and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent rmsine-s conducted for Moderate Feet. Our Office is Opposite U.S. Patent Office, and we can semre patent in less time than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is serured. A Pamphlet. -How to Obtain Pstents." with names of actual clients in Tour Mate, county, or town, sent free. Address." C.A.SIMOW&CO. Opposite Patent Office. Washington, 0. C. FOR ARTISTIC JOB PRINTING TRY THE FREEMAN. - vi vr -,..( t..i ...... lI.tljUleltsA: 'e.,lt.K iho IcrilMMt Miaie- farciar Ssjtc:: Cera Jbtsr ie L.rM. V JK A. U. 1-M.itohA. CO. Seso rod Lakgh luLucTrtA-i j ... PILES I sejMAAKrciSMirlve Instant relief aii'l is an lnfallit'lo Cars for Piles. PritfSI. ly iIrUMiitsormnil. Saiyplcs I rree. AiKiress- k oty. v-r-r Vet 1 JSSifS I T(HK 1 1 Ll sl l I ' ( Jt . if , I,-- A Mesa I Altin, f I A 1 -, mwi Jiut h.nn, 1 iilo. V "f A"k V-"-1- ''-,-r-rt.rtt.f-w-vl. Wliy F Vji' frv ' I " -" -.n. ...rr raft.f J K. m rsuOA lite twork a-axl lit-) iKlawV f i ll.ll. wkrrrvsf V.M IN-. r.M bt- 7 F. It r--wi -mil rwn.inK iWm . Cj f Allar-. W-.,,o-s etm(m W fate ibs Mfl tiert r-4,, in rh ( eMr M )rll .U j- I Instruments of Tortus Tt the Dark AZ k A i: .r. oll.nl.,,, frou, ,,. . ". " VhiSHi,.,, , .."-V TI... 1 .n-. mi i ! .-i,ir-'AVsi!irv r,. -h:is.l the t irtnrv im !..!! ..f N il " 1 f-'. -l l l t., ... :i .--:ul.i1i..-i r, l. L v.ilu.ii.l,-. as it istli.- r.nv. ,,f,;" ' f..ll-.s'tio. is 11ii- ir..:ii. : i . '.' v i .... . "..ii i --iit.it i. i-i c .1 I-v..' :vri r;,u ). riiU t, lure iiistrnm.-i.t. mi-Vs ,ju. ,K " "u.i. in i:ri-l:. of :.tr..n' .. 'T H.T wit ii mm Icm l,. t t vv. 1 f rs to ail.nv i ., . j,..- ')' ! ,1 . l,'.... '-;. k witM lonjr, shiir;) im.i v:,; v.lifii tlx l.nirs an- (ir.'-ss, .sharji jirons force 1 1 1 , -1 ,, "r i f; "' '-I t.,.. riotis jvirlions of the v " . ii :.r, back, liis chest, ati.l ii, f:; .. j!, . " 1in alive in snch si nr,,,,,,'' liriL"-rcl in Vf nost l..ia-'t,,- Wlii'n ili-at'i rclicve.1 i',. , . . !""r-.., froia Ins. air-:mvs jx-i!,;, , ;(.-,( . a trap l.r in tlie hav w:is ,!!,. ,'"'v aii'll'.ie 1m1v was allow - .;'t.,V tlie ri iat or river la-low. l' rviti " -.:-ileinnc:l to il.-ath ,v ' of t-u iron inaiilcn for ,ts ,-; vcrnintr powers, par.-, li -ioi's nnlwlii-f. Tin- .Lit ?jv.-i;:i'n is the flft.....,;' f-rc:t nninlkT of t u-'Mi-.- UIV fv, 1 ' ; ,- ii'iirt, 'vit'i -ii.;,, apparently const ni'-t -.l lll.sii iiii-ne.iiv lliat 1 v iitid rack the ileli.-ate ! ''MMiin ),., the point of in i 'ti.-s act rally cnilati"cr life. illl'l v,t'. i he tort tire Im-iicIi. Iktij.'. was tis-d for Mre1 the fe-t iH-in r f t ' -n' 1 t hati'lh to the other. a n. !' 1 with wis i li-n .sj.iUc-. pris,s ""'vU. 'I r. .; ,,r k. , Jiarc." The tort tire chair, the Neat 1..- phtcly coAL-ri-d with spiKcs. imi", uritis nt,, j,. . t trappcil to the chair. l ;:1 w,n,. two h-avy stone wciiji , fit;i,-;,.. . the feet. The ii't-il loots. which, l':n1,. on a priMOtier'x feet, luoltei. ii ;t(i.,ri iivj-oil was jM.nri-il into t hem. A trhastiy relic in a 1.1 cU l,ux ,, , fin-like appears. nee is the ilri.-.; j(. a., : cl.iU'.-mur.lcivss, still tninstixnj 4. rusty spcar-hesuL There are toni.me-te:ir,Ts, t- screws, mouth jraps. Sjiani-li t:-,.." Mjticiv.ill the l-j-s to -r.!n. hr,; irons, l.xit-MTcws. ir..p e',a 11 . 1h used when rcl-h..': in .11 i,.,.,. iron-wire whips, lienvy st u,,., V Worn arounil the ni'ck, thi. -f-, ... and s: laltre iiiiiiiIht of t . .-h;::. .;; fcnl iotier's swords. if t!u- , articles if, indeed huia. .n-m n:- - -such f-rim companionship wv w.-.-stanc- the i.h:iiue-ina ..r 1 worn as s-ictis of dej.'raihit i-.a f.,r -olfi-nses liy men or women, ti,,,.. ; tin- nobility havit!(- vi ,..rs t t i,. rr. lieliiK'ts. so that tlie feature., v.v-i , ecaled till the penance was,,vir; v,, en collars, wit 11 l. lis ai; ! t ,t.v .-; s-oLs: diielin'stM.s ati.l ''."r-i.,.-. lsixes, known as dni'.k ' ' uncotn fort aide parinciit tightly round the neck t, . :'.w :,. ;.., to le withdrawn, and. while t'- h-i-to walk aliout in for any pvjt l.r of time, yet not fiuite f!,..rt ,-h' V.;'..: jx-rmit the wearer to kneel J-.wi. the in. Anion; the pictures is one 1 tax i of whom it may lw rci.i. ml-.-r.-'i ij. after four horses hail failed t asunder, he was afterwanl t-.-:-with urnin oil. and, tliat !:'. V..:. him. was finaWy lxnind t . :i 't;Lv s: burned to death. Appropriately m c the instruments are phi.-i -.1 in a -!-dungeon corridors and cells t;.a '. Messrs. Tussaiid Life '-ri-ct. J :i basement of their estahiislnu. a'.. T (lnn .'eon cell is a small r.ieia sr ei'ht feet by five, so eotistruet.-i '.'.X the air in it could I- puiarv! r. that the inmates died a s'mw. e:f cntinj death: pcrliaps the r-txo-of cruelty was reached in the escape cell. It was a lale I-a t an esvcapin? prisoner, a hait Vi a p i wretch, who 110 doul.t th.mlit lie alxiut to regain his fn-edum. m:.;' connivance Ixm'ht: he w.n:M h' down the dark stone corvi.l-ir t . 1 the rusty (ate tin! oelfil . r .' Jeft ajsir would welcome liiai. t"1'- the bit of shilling sky seen thrrcrs lijirrod window would ''lad 'en . heart, and nushinjopen the (.:lV r eafrer hands would at on.-e step at. deep well of water with perp-. ni.i - feides. SEEING THINGS GKOW. The Itspl.llty with W lilVh the tlill Sriiix- Int.i Life. Did von ere r a c 1 11 ;i H v s.-e 1 1 1 i n r- r fn the KnririL' and siuurri'T !ay ?T- , often we a tre' with buds 111-t r !, explode like p. vpi-orn. and. 'i' cha"W sinldciilv to ma-'-es ,.f i-' white. You walk bv it and it com. Vhcn you ret urn it h:i- P I tut lid you actually eier - -v sion. or lH'tt-r yet. see t lie (.T 'V.'.i. t !.... w mt -ilr.rm t.i e;i!i V. HIT tion to the cham-e- asks the N' ' Tribune. Well, li.- down s.m.e .!.. side a pladiolus 1k-.1 after n-ei:t and sunshine have made a t.'i.n 1" .,....-.1 .wl, ..,..1 tvli.-Ti t lie -Te i tlP are just beinriki;.' to piish it. You will see soiee era., crust, and bv and by a l.'t.e t:ir ...;u i..i i i;fi t.s th-.n-'li S..W f-- Titan "were striv;:ni..: Mi Iook shnrplv now. tor if ynn.." - ri-.i- tiii-Ti i'itir :irnlt'l'il-" y fir..! tlw t-r.-.-n 1:iJhIH'1" ...... .. p,.,, - v d.Kir without you liavr:.' s..n -come. So. .11 he will thnw k- ; cover on its hinevs and tanl ; ' the tirst time in the s'lii.:----alKve the prcmnd. A.' t;,i" ikne even in an hour. 1 '!': fasU-r than the fladioliis- Tlie Only iiit.iM i.Iul I"1 It is Wlicved in riiil:i'!'-!l:li-"; onlv one of the orL'ina! f'S- lla;rs in existence is in the 1 the citv troon of t hat city. The J is spread lctween tw o k"'-"' T'' f pl.iteplasK, which ken the a:r from it. The pr.d.abi:it.. iv.-r.. it removed frolu ' j-; fall to pieces. I n d.-si-n it - similar to the Knli-.l' jae.i. was made bv a cunni; m.'.-:'-'r-' n..nimin l 'rn II kl 1 II W a - ' . ..j.. ...... . 1--.-. f.oi- vears l.it.-r t he l-.-t As can standard aceeit-d i' ' submitted and adopted. . . ...r,..l. l.t lT,"r' IK' The Kerrptians had a very aide onlinance to prevent H-r' lorrowinr imprudently. - was not iH-ruiitt.'d b ,K,rr"" .y'X r-ivini r to his creditor in ! , f cf his father. It wa d.-ein-'" cI ins lamer. - n-"' impietv n.l an infamy u" ' hJ & wen-Ja ple.l-e. A l'' ir without .lisi-bartnnjr t hat Ji? : a .. -.i.stomarv in""'" ' , ! jri o ' i... the dead. ( iirioii it is said there are - . j . .vet" the Kuplish lanr":'' ; ; f nil the vowels in th. ir . . . TI" abstemious ami '" ' follov. in? each have r l".fi,. order: Auth..ritative. em-onraiin, erticsH i"" "' f l stantaneous, imi-,'",,",:'1''-.: precarious, pertinaei. "is- j 4t( similtaneous. tenacH'iis. tincntti vocal arid v.Ta.' '