The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, August 28, 1891, Image 2

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    iarnlma J; vranmt.
AUGUST LN, isil.
Imr rat ic t utiuly Tick.
Fr rrosidont Judge,
JOHN T. LINTON, of Johnstown.
For JJologato to Cont-titutional Conven
tion. JOSEI'lI M'DONALD, of Ebenshurg.
Jr Sheriff,
JOSKl'II A. C5KAY, of Carrolltown.
For Ior Director,
JOHN F. LONG, of Ehenshurg.
For Jurv Commissioner,
E. J. IJLOUUII, of Johnstown.
I'lllI.AHKI.IMllA, August 1, lli'Jl.
To the lcnu-rutic Elector of Pcnnxyl
I'tinia: In ari-ordanc with the resolution passed
at a nift'tinj? of the Democratic State Ex
ecutive Committee at ius conference on
July t'th, l.S'.'I, I hereby Rive notice that
the Democrats by their duly chosen repre
sentatives will meet in State Convention
TEM11CK .1. lsU, at 10 a. m., for the pur
pose of placing " iionilnatioii candidates
for the ofiiies of State Trwasurer. Auditor
General, D.-legat-'s-at-Laife'o for the Con
stitutional Convention, and for the trans
action of such other business as may be
In accordance with the rule sixteen unan
imously approved by the State Convention
Septemlier 1, "'., the representation shall
consist of representative delegates, one. for
each one thousand votos cast at the last
preceding jruU-rnatori il election, or for a
fraction of such vote amounting to five
hundred or more in the respective repre
sentative district, provided that each re
preseutive district shall have at least one
We omit in thecall the Democratic vote
of the state and legislative districts and
the number of delegates allotted to each.
Special notice Is directed to rule twelve
concerning the election of delegates: "All
notices of contest shall le sent to the Chair
man of the state central committee, In
writing, within ten days of the date upon
w hich the election was held," etc.
Jamks Kkkk,
Chairman Democratic state central com
mittee. 1U:n.i..mis M. Nkad,
Secretary Democratic state central com
mittee. King HrMflKKT of I tally has signed ii
decree granting amnesty to all evaders
of military service from the year li13
to 1S72. This affects -10,000 men.
A lil KKK vne which swept over Mar
tinique, one of the French West India
islands, resulted in the death of 00 per
sons, the destruction of many vessels
and damage to many plantations.
I'isksiI'KntHakimsON reads the speeches
of all the leading Kepublican stumjers,
but he isn't finding as much comfort in
them as he does in the editorials with
which his son Kusselinspi res the party.
TtiEsanie Republican papers that were
predicting the election of Delamater last
fall rn ....w strivimr to .m .tn'iUr
are now striving to out
former efforts by predicting the election
of Ciregg and Morrison. They have
just about as much ground to base their
predictions upon this year as they had
last year.
Thk World's fair management have
accepted the proposition of the Henry
R. Worthington company, of New York,
to put in u pumping plant with a capac
ity of 40,000,000 gallons per day free of
charge. The plant will furnish all the
water rc.'p'VT0'! fQr the grounds and build
ings and will cost aliout $lou,Ot0.
Ex-CoNtiutssMAJJ Ma'isii of York, tin
eta ", in an interview at Washington the
other day in speaking of the Presidential
nomination, said: "Of course, if Mr.
Pattison hhould seek the nomination
and should demand the Pennsylvania
delegation at the National Convention,
he would get it and they would support
him loyally, but Cleveland is the most
popular Democrat in Pennsylvania.
My own opinion is that he is the strong
est anil in all ways the safest man we
can nominate."
Thk McKiuley tariff says the Phila
delphia Tiling means wanton, cruel
taxes on the necessaries of life without
compensation to any but , monop
olists. The Blaine reciprocity system is
neither more or less than free trade,
modified as it always must be more or
lee?, by fair trade, as the reciprocal in
terest of the treaty-making countries de
mand. If the MeKinley tariff bill shall
be sustained by the country, the Rlaine
reciprocity jo!ioy must le abandoned.
If the Blaine reciprocity shall previii!
the MeKinley tariff system must lie over
thrown. The Hon. E. C. Wheeler of Tipton
la., who has always voted the Republi
can ticket, authorized the publication in
his home paper of this announcement:
"I will tell you what I intend doing on
election day. I will rise earlv, take a
fulfil 11, v.. 1 ll.i, .If Ill, I .........
. ..1,.-. 1,111, t,ii.ii iaiv fin j
n my Ixst suit of clothes, and U-fore
the sun is an hour high I am going to
the jiolls pick out the longest Democra
tic ticket 1 can find and vote it from top j
tO liottlllll- mill vvisll it l'r liivim.t- " '
, - - . . V I . .
The reports from Iowa indicate that
thousands oi Republicans will "go and
do likewise."
Ne man "with the re-cord eif Governor
Pattison, says the Savanah (Ga.) AVira,
can be kept out of the field eif national
politics if he deciren to enter it. His
political record is a phenomenlal one.
Indeed, it h;is not a parallel in tLe poli
tical history of the country. Pennsyl
vania has a rem 11 rk able largo Republican
majority, and Philadelphia is a strong
Republican city. Governor Pattison,
however, has been elected to the otliee j
of Controller of Philadelphia, ami has j
been chosen Governor twice. He has j
never been defeated in
in a political con-
has btvn a csmdi-
test. Whenever he
uaie- iue iieiier fliU-S OI JicliUOUcatlS Have 1
voted for him, not because they like his
politic, but Ut ause they know him to ,
r:,T;rBUy T-i
integrity he ow, his micccss. j
Thk nomination f a
IVur.-vhanian liko l.n's; ui.i
a il:itform eoii.-tru.tttl to suit the wisnca . Kx-.Seinitnr Mahoiio, of irj;wui4, is tiar
f M. fS. Ouay ami Chris Ma got', says the in enough and unscrupulous enntiph to
Philadelphia Iferahf, is an attempt to
bunco the voters of Pennsylvania. -Acknowledging
that th'c candidate for Audi
tor General is all that the Republicans
claim for him, still his election at this
time w ould lie a serious blow to the State.
If elected (Jeneral (5regg will go into
olllcc under obligations to the Kepubli
can party. It is to the interest of that
party to p? event an exposure of the
methods prevailing in that otliee for
years and to hide both the rottenness
which exists there and in the .State Treas
ury. Hut what the people want is a
thorough and systematic investigation,
so that the sUte shall be purged from
corruption and Pennsylvania saved from
shame. Such an investigation would be
impossible if the cfliee is controlled by a
man under obligations to M. S. Quay.
The Kepublican fight is not to elect
CJregg and Morrison. It is for the reten
tion of the old system with all its cor
ruption and plunder. This is the issue
La-fore the voters of Pennsylvania, and
the selection of the distinguished soldier
to head the Kepublican ticket is similar
to the game of the "green goods" men
when they deceive their victims by put
ting a good note on the top of a bundle
of worthless ones.
Tiik failure of the European grain
croj-s and the consequent demand for
American cereals and naturally the large !
ftelvance in prices, have for some days
past absxirlicd the attention of our finan
ciers as well as that of the farmers, the
latter being jubilant, while the former
are in a fever of excitement, not know
ing exactly what to do. In the mcai
time the great Western crops, now al
ready harvesting, are being gathered in
and made ready for market. The prop
osition of the leaders of the Alliance
party that the farmers should hold back
their farm products, and thereby be as
sured of lietter prices, has not, as far as
is learned, been received with much
favor. The fact is, the farmers are not
as a general thing prepared to adopt the
suggestion. Their financial condition is
not such as warrant them in withhold
ing. They neeel the money too badly
for that, and no doubt the bulk of them
will take advantage of the present profit
able prices, sell and realize.
The London correspondent of the
New York Time furnishes some striking
figures in regard to the possible saving
in Eurorie by a reduction of one-half in
the military force and expenditure of the
chief Powers. He points out that "for
the past nine years alone it would have
amounted to $2,400,000,000, while
nearly 3,000,000 men in the prime of
youth would have lieen resorted to lalior
and production. Counting the value of
of their labor, not their wages merely,
at the low rate ef $1 each per day, this
would have amounted to J'.00,0l '0,000 a
W ' 1 00 ,000, 000 far the nine
years, making a total net loss to the
t t 'filil t tf i ic.Ci civ nmntrioj Ir 1 . .1 I
period of $10,500,000,000. This is
ejual to the total value, at f 1 per bush
el, of the wheat crep of the United
States for nearly twenty-five years."
Four harvests and dear breid would not
lear so heavily upon the people if they
had a nest-egg of this sie in reserve.
Thk weather crop bulletin of the
Pennsylvania State Service for the week
ended August 21st says: As compared
with the week preceding the weather of
J he past seven days has not been so
to crops, though the tlamagfl
done has been confined to particular
localities. In York and Iancrster coun
ties the observers say that the repeated
rains have caused considerable damage
to grain stacked in the fields, and that
the early otato crop, which a month
ago promised to le very large and fine,
is almost a total failure owing to the rot
caused by frequent rains and hot sultry
wheather. In either parts of the state
the crop is reported as large and in goexl
couelition. The continuous moist, warm
weather, however, has very much im
proved corn and the crop is looking very
fine. In Waynecounty the corn is suffer
ing for rain, and the fruit and vegetables
need moisture badly.
T the close of the revolutionary war
when ourindepeiulenoewasacknowleged '
the treaty of peace made with Great Bri-
taiu ceded to America territory to the j
extent of $15,015 square miles. Since
tV,e ,ti. :.;t,.. i..,u 0.1.1..1 .. '
. ., ... . . I
follows: I.ouisiana, Mirchased from
France in ISO;?, G0,03S square miles;
Florida, from Spain, in 1n21, 50,2ii8
square miles; Texas, annexed in 1845,
2:7,50 1 square miles; Oregon, by a treaty
in 18 lo, o0,42 square miles; Califor
nia, conquered from Mexico in 1847-S,
ti40,7fi2 square miles; Arizona, acquired
fnm Mexico in 154, 27,500 square
miles; Alaska, purchafed from Russia in
577,:J'.K) square miles. This a
) total of 3,78,.')t2 square miles of terri
j tory now embraced in the United States,
i King about four-ninths of all North
America, and more than one-fifteenth of j
the entire land surface of the glolic.
Mil l kk Pt KVis, editor of the Fanner'
Alliance U. mhL the organ of the Peo-
ple's party of Ohio,
that tiftv thousand
pie's party of Ohio, makes the assertion
Republicans of Ohio
will refuse to vote fer McKinlev because
of the tanff question
He further states
that MeKinley will lie the worst defeated
candidate Ohio has seen since Brough
piled up one hundred thousand majority
against Vallandigham.
The Reoublieans trv to make hVht nf
he Republicans try to make light of " FIr.s o proe war oeing en
.... , . . .. b. . eouraged by the evidences of Russian
i the subject and style Purvis as a vision-
ary enthusiast, but the-y are forced to
admit that in his capacity as a lecturer
and organier for the Farmers' Alliance
he has visUed all the rural districts and j
associated intimately with the farmers,
lie 1ms eninveil cti:i f ,m i .d ,
j . ' - l .... v ii ii' i i
out the true sentiment of the farmers on t
the tiriff question, consequently their '
1,i'"ri,i' i
traordmury efforts to keep up. '
Washington Letter.
Vis,,isi;Tts-.I. C. Aug. 22ml. I SOI
attempt almost anything, but if my in-
m .: -m. on.t tlioro is evert- !
formation is correct, and there is every
reason to lelieve that it is, his latest
scheme is one of the most desjierate in
which he ever engaged. He once cap
tured the State of Virginia and got him
self sent to the S-nate by getting control
of the so-called re-adjuster movement in
that State, and he is now plotting to get
control of the Farmer's Alliance move
ment in that State, in order to capture
the legislature and get himself again
sent to the Senate, this time as succes
sor to Senator Daniel. The plot is all
mapped out, and the decision of the Re
publican State committee of which Ma
houe is the owner, to nominate no Re
publican candidates for the legislature
was part and parcel thereof. The word
has passed along the Republican lines
that they must support the nominations
of the Alliance for the legislature if
told to do so by their lrcal leaders, and
they are to be told to do so in every in
stance that a blind pledge-Mahonc's
name is not yet to le used can lie se
cured from the farmers candidate to vote
as they may be told for the successor to
Senator Daniel.
Harrison Republicans have never lieeu
plenty outside of the holders of the Fed
eral office, but there is now a manifest
disposition even among that class of Re
publicans to get aboard of the Elaine
train, which is believed to have lieen
given impetus enough by the semi
endorsement of the Pennsylvania State
convention to enable it to make the
trip to nomination station without any
serious ditXiculty, even should Mr. Har
rison attempt to play the part of train
wrecker by placing oltruetions on the
track, which he may or mav not do, as
circumstances may determine
All the rumors alout the coming re
tirement of Secretary Noble and Com
missioner of Pensions Raum have been
revived this week. One of the causes
for this was the statement made by Sec
retary Foster that Mr. Harrison would
return to Washington the first week in
Septemlier instead of remaining away
until the first of OctoU-r as he had orig
inally contemplated, U-cause there was
some very important business connected
with the Interior department that re
quired his personal attentiem.
The only question pending lefore the
Interior department, so far as the pub
lie knows, that might be cousideretl im
jKirtant enough to require the personal
attention of Mr. Harrison is that of com
piling the cattle kings to vacate the
Cherokee outlet, they having up to the
present time quietly ignored the orders
of Uncle Sam to get out; but the gen
eral sentiment seems to Ik that the im
portant business is naming the successor
to Secretary Noble and to Commissioner
Raum. who are two most important offi
cials connected with the Interior depart
ment. Another thing which is preiba
bly having its effect in making Mr. Har
rison change his plans, is, that he can
pull the win for securing elelegates to
the natioual convention, shoulel Rlaine
allow him to continue to think himself
a candidate, to far greater advantage in
the White House than anywhere else.
It is now absolutely certain that a
very large amount of the 4 J per cent
lionds will not be presented for exten
sion at two per cent, antl Sex-rotary Fos
ter is now putting his trust in the lielief
that the most of the bonds that will be
presented for extension are in the hands
of guardians or trustees and that it will
le a long time before they are presented
for redemption ami that they will come
in slowly and in small quantitie-s.
Should he lie wrong, and the most of
the-se bonds be presented for redemption
immediately after thej mature, Septem
ber 2. Mr. Foster will, if he carries out
i - a'a i! . x : i ,1
to be warm friends of both "Russ" and
himself, from the Cherokee outlet,
Some inquiry into this business may
have to be made by Mr. Harrison sc53ior.
Mr. Wananiaker was the principal
srieaker at a reunion of the "Old time
telegraphers" held here last night.
Wires were run into the hall and every
word of the proceedings was instantly
ticked into more than one hundred
thousand telegraph offices throughout
the land.
A large number of distinguished sci
entists are here in attendanco ujon the
annual convention of the American As
sociation for the Advancement of Sci
ence. M.
An Insane Mother.
Ci.AKKsi'.fKG, W. Va.f Aug. 21..
Won! has just reached here that Mrs,
Sweinfurth, the insane wife of a respect
able fanner living at Helvetia, a German
unttlnniAnl in ITr.lnir ..ill n t ir Lnr
t 4.hiMrM1 thcn committed sui-
ciJe hist Tuesday.
yjie drowneel the youngest child, a
baby, in a horse trough, and attempted
to kill her lioy, aged eight, in the same
manner, but the boy fought her off.
She finally cot an axe and crushed his
She finally got an axe ;
head. After this she slashed herself
in many places, inflicting fatal injuries.
The husband was in the fields threshing
and was not aware of the awful deed un
til he returned in the evening and found
the three dead bodies.
f ramps Hare a Fight.
Layton, Pa., August 23. On Thnrs
tlay four tramps, two of whom were
able-lit idied and and two whom were one
leggenl men, formed a liegging combina
tion at Dawson. The cripples liegged
money, with which the others lought
whiskey. Thev boarded a Baltimore and
Ohio freight train, but were put off atjthis
place. After drinking for some time the
able-bodied men wanted the cripples to
go and teg more money. This they re
fused to do. A row ensued, in which
' thc cripples used their crutches with tell-
1 " et . - a Tl . I : .it 1 . 1
i ! "a
n.en jeft on a frt-juht train, leaving th
erinnlea victorious of th I.Httle
Morm Clouds in Europe.
Bkki.i.v, Aug. 24. It is reported that
rjiipcrcr t luiam neneves tne trench
! n Vl"S P r, being en-
friendship. The A"w Z it ting says
Germany is prepared to meet the coming
storm. A dispatch to the Cologne Ga
ftefromSt. Petersburg states that the
czarian has influenced the czar in the
." 37
with France, and that Barou von Moh-
rcnhemi tho I'nccio,, , .. ,!..,.....,.!. . .
- - - - . .... .'.iwi nun i.l..,, l n l
1,urili obtained from the French
Rvcrn,,1'' an assurance that in the
turned to Denmark.
ins present luieiuiou 01 using a pari UI ' them
the l(H),OyOI000 gold reserve fund to j ' Xhe fHther auJ niolherof the chiWren
pay them in the opinion of able con- . were a visiting, and returning home
stitutional lawyers render himself liable miascJ the chilJren. The mother dis
to be held personally responsible for the covered them in the chest. The faces of
amount taken from the fund, to Pay ali were black and congested,
nothing of impeachment by congress. xhere ig iuteiwe feeling al(OUt the
There are those who say that Land ! tragedy, and thev blame the Coroner for
Commissioner Carter, Russell Harrison's , not starting a thorough investigation,
protege, has not overworked himself in George Hamilton, the father of the
trying to carry out the law by driving smothered babes, is censured for not
the cattle kings, some of whom are 6aid urcine a sneodv investigation. The
Selling cmiJren (or Food.
Losims, August 23. The stories of
misery received from Russia are almost
incredible. In .IJessarbia parents are
offering rheir children for sale in order
tr l.nv- f.uul M.-tnv dentils have len
to buv food. Many deaths have teen
caused through famine, ami families
. i .1 ;
may be iounu actually perisniug irom
hunger. The stewards of crown lands
and forests have been instructed to allow
the peasantry to enjoy free pasture, and
freely te gather mushrooms and gather
wild fruits in the forests and wexxls of
the state. The collection of state and
local taxes in at least twenty provinces
will fall considerably liehinel the usual
amount. Besides large sums are required
to prevent whole populations from per
ishing of starvation.
The Government authorities are ex
erting themselves, and the distribution
of relief is going on as rapidly as possi
ble. When a quantity of grain reached
Marinpol in the providence of Yekater
inoslay on Tuesday last, the Kople were
so weak with want they were hardly able
to come and get their portions. They
gathered near the place of distribution,
presenting a pitiful spectacle with their
wan faces and wasted forms. Nor is the
misery confined to the lowest class.
Among the applicants at Marinpol were
nobles and tradesmen, the latter ruined
in business though the loss of custom
on account of the famine, and the for
mer deprived of the margin between
their debts and their income on which
thej' hail dejiendcd. The prohibition of
the export of rye was none too snon if
the more frightful results of famine were
to be averted.
A Morm at Pottsrllle.
A fearful cloud-burst broke over Potts
ville, Pa., on Sunday afternoon and rain
poured down in torrents for an hour.
The thunder and lightning was awful,
the. latter doing considerable damage.
Nearly four 'thousand families were
driven to the upjier stories of their home
and their cellars and kitchens are fillet!
with water and slimy mud. The busi
ness portion of town suffered greatly,
cellers of stores lieing filled with water.
Cars on the Pennsylvania and Reading
railroads were moved by the tlotiel ami a
passenger train on each ro:ul w as blocked
at St. Clair bv the washing down of coal
dirt on to the tracks.
The Reading train moved into the sta
tion with men ahead in the water up to
their waists clearing the track of lumber
and rubbish. Water on Railroad street
flowed into the lioiler house of the elec
tric light and railway jower house and
put out the fires, cutting off the current
and stopping the cars. Pavements were
torn up and bricks and stones carried
away. The Cluxtnicie otliee was also a
suffe'rer, the ground floor being flotded
and the engine and presses badly dam
aged. It was the worst storm ever
known in Fottsville. The damage is
estimated at over 100,000. Reports
from Minersville, St. Clair, Port Carbon,
Schuylkill Haven, Girardville, and Ma
honoy Plain tell the same story of devas
tations and damage by rain anel flood.
Iroutou's Terrible Tragedy.
I ronton, )., August 23. The sadd-st
funeral in the history of I ronton took
place to-day, when the three pretty
children of George Hamiltou-Ieslie,
Edith and Emma May, were laid to
The three children the oldest of w hom
was 8 years old, were found smothered
in an old tool chest on Friday. Investi
gation showed that after the children
had cither t limlied or been put in the
chest a strong stick had been thrust in
the lock and staple, thus consigning
them to certain death in a few minutes.
Although there were houses in the vicin
ity, the cries of the poor little ones could
not bo heard and theie was no one to
family has subsisted on the proceeds of
the oldest boy's daily begging trios
boy's daily begjring trips
through the city and suburbs. This boy
is 10 years of age, and he La the only one
who escaped, death.
Ready for an Inrasiou.
London, August 21. The Standard't
correspondent at Braila reiorts an enor
mus increase of the Russian troops on
the Austrian frontier. He says that the
Bessarabia frontier guards, formerly a
mere gendarmery corps to prevent smug
gling, have grown into a permanent ad
vance guard, ready to invade Austria in
a few hours notice. Large forts and ob
servations towers are being rapidly built,
and the Russian government has given a
heavy subsidy to the Black Sea and Dan
ube Shipping company to erect a larce
I dockyard at Rvui aod t? forward troops
to any part of the Black Sea. The con
etruction of pontoons is actively proceed
ing at Reni, to be placed at various towns
for the transportation of troops, and
barracks are being built in the vicinity
of Reni for 5,000 men.
Another Ocean Record Broken.
The white Star line steamer Teutonic,
which arrived, at New. York on Wednes
day morning from Livtrjiool, beat the
record for western passages. Her time
from (iueenstown to the Sandy Hook
bar was five days, eighteen Lwurs and
thirty-one minutes. This is one hour
and thirty minutes faster than her sister
ship, the Majestic, on her la&t trip from
LivcTpool, which then made the fastest
westward passage up to that time. One
day the Teutonic steamed 517 miles,
which also lieats the record of speed for
a day. Following are the daily returns of
the Teutonic: August 15, 496 miles;
August 16, 505 miles; August 17, 510
miles; August 18, 517 miles; to Sandy
Hook, 290 miles. Total, 2,778 miles.
A pig building collapsed in New York
on Saturday afternoon and the loss of
lifo is reported at about one hun
dred. The fall was instantly followed
by fire and very few jieople who were in
the building eeeajied. Not since the
Brooklyn theater fire has there been such
a terrible disaster. The weight of the
machinery in the building is supposed
to have caused the wreck.
Reciprocity and high tariff rae dia
metrically opposed..
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
!ktHA.UurlltK .OU.V
Recent examinations have show n that
the amount of xot which fal's In London
each month would require l,OJJ hordes to
cart it away.
Of tht 413 sjiccics of tree in the Uni
ted States, sixteen will sink in water. The
heaviest is the black irou-wood of South
ern California.
Charles Jones, ag-i'dlO, and, Miss Louisa
Abe rcorn, aped lf, a woman of. wealth and
prominent family, have been luaiiiexl at
KingwucKl. V. Va.
William Donnelly, of Tivoli Lycoming
county, was stun? on one of his linpers on
Tuesday morning by a bee. and died inside
of fifteen minutes thereafter.
A baby w as born last wee k to Mr. and
Mrs. Ilaiiiel Warner of Dan bury. Conn.,
which weighed at birth one jiound and two
ounces. Its health is iierfect.
Thousands of inackeral are being ta
ken in shallow coves nU Penobscot Itay liy
people who wad into the water and fair
ly shovel the struggling tish ashore.
James Garman and his sister, of Mid
dleton. Wis., were afraid of banks. A rob
ber entered the Louse, knocked Miss (Jar
man down aud carried of X),ouo, the sav
ings of a lifetime.
In the museum of the Dead-Letter
OHWe at Washington, D. C, thorn Is a
piece of parchment upon which is penned
a copy of the Lord's Prayer written in M
different languages.
An unknown Italian threw himself on
the track in front of a moving train at
Ilrinton Friday night and had his head
severed from his body. The cause, of his
rash act is not known.
Edward Lemon, aged 10 years, son of
contractor Lemon, of Pittsburg, was per
haps fatally injured, at Jeaniietto, Friday,
w hile unloading pipe at Win Ft. Pitt works,
by a derrick Kile striking him on the neck.
The demand for American screws is ?o
gruat in Kncland and (Germany that a
screw company of Providence has estab
lished a branch factory in Leeds, England,
and will put up another on the Conti
nent. A spark from a locomotive set fire to
the gas from a well at McDonald, Pa., on
Thursday nieht. The till in the piie tttuk
tire and raced to a barrel tank and set
it tin fire, alsti two other tanks, consuming
over ll,t barrels of oil.
A syndicate propose erecting in New
YorK a twenty-story business block, the
largest In the world, on Lower Itroadway,
opixitf Rowling Green. It will be sur
mounted by a great tower with an altitude
of 5.V) ftt, and cost $t,mri,ouo.
Frank Johnson, aged about fifty years,
a guest at the Itingham Hotel, Philadel
phia, shot himself in the head on Sunday
night, and was taken to a hospital where
he died thu next morning. From letters
found on his body he is believed to be a res
ident of St. Iouis.
Australia, it would api ar, has some
gigantic caterpillars. Mr. A. S. Orllff, of
Sydney. mentions one moth larva,
abundant during the summer season
which Is from seven to 12 Inches long.
Speei-s are numerous which vary from six
to eight inches in length.
The recent hot wave In Southern Cali
fornia cost out; rancher there over $.viln
one day. He had a bee ranch at Newhall
which In the forenoon was worth f-V).
AtHitit 1 o'clock a hot wind came up, which
in t woor three hours had melted the honey,
i smothered the becs, and cleared out thc
I whole thing.
I he Pennsylvania Kallroad has ar
ranged to place one thousand uew cars in
tho grain tradw between Erie and the sea
board on Septd-rnlier 1st. This Is an addi
tion to the regular equipment, all of which
and more will tie needed to handle tho
enormchis volume of grain traffic that Is
offering the Company.
A terrible cye!ono has devastated the
territory of Sarr-Moselle. Hailstones
weighing two jiounds fell in profusion,
completely ruining large acres of frul
trees aud vines. Hundreds of hares and
birds w-re killed, and the forest at Koller
plecken was partially uprooted. Damage
has been done to the extent of several
Governor Pattison has about d welded
not to appoint a state bank examiner, an
ofliee created by the last legislature, but
for which no appropriation was made.
There are no applicants for the position,
as no oue can depend upon the next Legis
lature to pass a bill appropriating the
salary for work done. The salary was
fixed at tV-oo.
A Pennsslvanla barlier has Just com
pleted a novel fishing line which occupied
five years in making, and is made entirely
of human hair of every Icolor and shade,
nicely woven together. Every time Le
operate! on the glossy locks of a female
customer he begged a few silken threads.
The line, which is over lot) feet long, Is an
unusually strong one.
Lawyer II. S. Graham has been hauled
by a Wayne county possoe of farmers from
a barn In which he had hidden, being
charged with stealing two head of cattle
and selling them fortr.! to Fletcher Iion
nell. The posse turned him over to a con
stable and he was locked up. Two years
ago at court at Media ho charged a prom
inent Phlladelphiai! with alienating his
wife's affections.
MJreat Indignation has been caused by
tho elopement and marriage of Miss Mary
Sehall. the daughter of one of tho wealth
iest farmers near Marbletown, N. Y., with
a colored man in her father's employ.
Tho young lady, who has Jush entered on
her eighteenth year, was accomplished
and a belle of the neighborhood. Tho man
with whom she eloped is a full-blooded
negro of forbidding appearance.
AlphusC. Johnston, of Orange town
ship, Ionia county, Mich., left a largo
property In tho hands of his family and
went in the spring of 1S73. to spend a year
In Europe. He was never heard of again
until Thursday when ho came back, as
one resurrected, to find his estate probated
and divided among his heirs, much of his
land sold and the money spent and his wife
married to another man. Law suits to ob
tain possession of what was formerly his
will follow. The romance Is an interest
ing one but is Incomplete, because he won't
tell what kept him away so long.
There Las just ditl at St. Joseph's
Hospital in Chippewa Falls an eccentric
individual called Andreaus Lowca. He
was born in 1S31 lit Lower Bavaria. His
trado was a worker iu woods, which ho
learned In the piauo manufactory in Mu
nich. Perhaps no man iu the United States
has acquired like skill in renovating wood
work and restoring its iolish. About ten
years ago he built a repair shop. In which
he lived, doing bis own cooking, for he was
never married. He manufactured a beau
tiful coflin composed of different kinds of
wood, in which he slept despite tho per
suatious of intimate friends.
I. P. Thomas & Son Co.
For the same reason yon don't tie your horse to an empty man
ger for months at a time, you don't want to put in your wheat
this fall without au amp!..' quantity of food ---enough to row a
full crop of wheat, and succeding prass.
To supply this plant-food in the projier shape? is our business.
We say jfxjXT shape liecause most anbouy can mix a little South
Carolina Rock and Paint together aud t all it fei liiizei ; but twenty-three
yeai s experience at the business, with o'lr complete fa
cilities has enabled us to make fertilizers that will produce the de
sired results. There Isn't any iiuesiiou i.bout it. You will say so
too, if you have used our go:tds. ami if you haven't, you cuu get
them and all desired Informal ion from our agents. The Thomas"
Phosphates are standard aud thoroughly guaranteed.
"Ve are now prepared to show you the largest and best selected
COATS in the county and give you the lowest prices. My line of
is always complete. Am now prepared to show you a much lar
ger assortment than ever before. Call and see me as I will sell you
nice goods and save you money. Very Respectfully,
Read the
General.'. Merchandise,
Lumber and Shingles.
Full and Complete. Give us a Call.
CARK O I jyrOWN', XA..
Our Enormous Spii Stock of Garnets.
Foster s are now fully prepared to meet the demands of such
of their housekaeper friends as contemplate making the improve
ments in their homes that Spring always suggests. And in this
connection let the fact be recorded that they show as Grand, Var
ied and Excellent a Stock of
Carpets of Every Kind
and description as can be seen in the larger cities. And behind
this very desirable state of affairs stands the even more important
particular. THE TRICE.
PERIES. New Spring Styles of Dress Goods and Trimmings now
Men's, Boys', Ladies', Misses'
and Children's Shoes, Oxford Ties and Slippers.
Also, a fnll line of Hats and Caps, Tics and Scarfs, Underwear
Hosiery, Gloves and Shirts, of all descriptions.
Opposite Cambria House. tBENSBURC, PEN1A.
A. TF.A1C ! 1 uod-rtk to brMly
, Nk Md mm4 nt.anil ho.
t-ara tfcrra TMMk4 fliar a
Y rar ta tHmr omm U-m litMta.whir-rvr tlir H. will (ofunnah
tba MlMlin at liirh -'i rmm mrm iliatwMount.
K aoav frtr m ! ffcm fwl mm ttlxirt. tCaattr a4 qnx-k iw
laxm4Ml. I daaira bt wackvr from rtth tf iatrir r rvnntv. I
hav alraatW tautriit ao4 prwi.1r1 with MWtnant 1 ra
Mbr, wtin ar ma kirn or a tfinacb. il X I- W
4 MM.I Fall rkiticalirt KR K. AUr at tra,
t. ALLIl.( Jfta)& 4 CO, AusaftU, Jjklne.
IMm Fire Insurance Apcy
T. "W. DICK,
GeAeral Insurance Agent,
tvS TuriKirs CfiKn no knlf-s
i.i in-. Ir 4tMrtifiV A Hvtt,
eS ita tltU We Clfc' IllHil. O.
Johnstown, Pa.
Ebensburg, Pa.
per Year.
- & - Hop) ol,
We keep our Stockaha!
1 lOTtL LK tl 1( AN I'K.
J L H. J.SHfTlId. PiuirKirrttK.
lxx-ated at lull, I'a., near tbe H. Ii. . r.
Kailway Dejiot. W always endeavor to Jur
olrh tb bot sceomiuodationi to lnnlnef men,
idea ur noekt rr and Uiarder. er"n In aearfh
ol jotnlort and quiet will nnd It a desirable pi are
to stop. Tbe Table Is unurpaaMJ and Is always
supplied with tbe bent tbe luaiket affords, and
II the delloaeleii ol tbe eaon. 1 be Har Is sn
rlletl with tbe rboli-exlul pure Itijuors and clirars
and nothing but the bet is sold. Spei-lal atten
tion given to tbe care of horses.
H. J. tSfllETTHJ.
W A fell IK (.TON, PA.
''l'hetiliit tear la:ln Sept. 1. t'lasslt-al, l-l'n
Scientihe and Si-ienliUo oiiir.-ei ol I re
pailtory 1 ! bv lire t i.lleitf -.-ullv.
l:i.-nsr low. AL.rals ol tho j-lui-e ijood. Jo
aaloonn. fit catalogue a ppiv l"
au;.W.lbi. I'aaoiKaxT M.irsaT. iAj.j.j N,7
:r-...n. irn.. ,i, ,, 1 .
Nhort Munis fc.j. 1 m " 5sJ
W 1T.
ytr Ki. 2 A -
Wenwrii Km,,., ii;,,, Mi
Joliiipicwn k.x-j.k K a it
MH 4 M r M i-t.,,' V"
' Iron ;
- t:iiurrh -
H 1 mint "
35 !
I ant !
" 3 - I V
I Mill..
- A i Z
2 -
"s c - - ' -'
IMst ....
Vt S ?! ?. Z. L : Z'l
I I. .
Hacine i , 5J?
t :
U Stall.. I "
It'durcli i
TrlBt. j
Kzp.t..l dully CM"P.t Sun laj.
1 mjvtm it .-uiiijbi (iD't
ItlMca lot't-m Iri'licite t ; w
lwiiu)'l. Aluure 'rl"-,.', f1"'' :
b flat? utallonii lor i; tmirm ' lfti
No. 1 eonn:cti al t't-f,, W1(, .
;.re at 87 lor ,,. 'J'f
leliuftovn. arnl Willi I acftr f , ,, '' .
polnt nut tl Joliiinumn. A ,i'iT' ' "
at JH lor east .M ,,')B
No. 6 connect with .11 nil Trai0,, '
't ol Cte ao, aa.l Ui. Ij.JJ.1
ea.t ol erin. itw fc.
Knun i-oiuiii wt.t . f:e..r, v.
with Mall train at u'N ,. ...i ..
Crel.n with Jetiimtowi,,T,'.it .j"'1'1
cine Ixi.rrn. at h 4s. "lert
N i. e roliinu ,1iHii Tr,.. '
IoltiU eant ol Ctfircm. uii.l Mn.l
Iroui JtointM went ol ( 'ref fiuu. ' 'r,to.
Suridny traina connect i:L Haf'ft.r '
lnll Tr..ln went kti.1 1 X,ie.,'f.,,'lv
'Ki.fnrrii to or Ir in i Ull p. ;
K nriuwetrn KatlruaJ tau u. o!
port or lrvona. ""i,
suUiim tuarked w, f tt ,
reniier wtflnnn to net (,n m.i 'l' '
aucun. Fan-f i itt w !.,,. !;'
the train at tti -te nalio. Irali", ,
tii -ml -u.
V. 3. UC'KtiO' i.N. Ttulu .1i..;t.r.
1 A 1 1 ilt' I A 1 Tl M 1. 1 A 1 : 1 .1 ,K T7f7r '
Juno 7ia lnil. 3 " ;
(ounn-lliiiKiit rf.M,
WKT. K.s," j
' i)lcr Kx, i i.S a ni Inj .i j
W eat era Kxj. ... 4 ; in M.ul..
Jolirctow o t-xji..K W iu A i!.'.nr'i i
1'acir.c txp b 4.'. k ui H:l .i ""
Mall 4 2s j. ui i-n.u t ii ', I
tun Linn. 47 t ii, K!iti-m l-.r '
"J u u. . ra-t itiot
4 a .
e i..
. : o..
V c ..
11 J .
N'i. 1.
... 7 -o...
... 7 4
... 7 4i .
Tt! itlif u:r... .
1 J
MHi ! II W Ai.l,.
.... 3 a...
.... f'.t ..
.... 0 ' ..
... "...
N-.i. ,
I'rcf mm
Noel .
Kraft ley
t. M
i! i .
.... lie.
. rj -
I" "T.
. lu 11..
HrA.lltj-, N1 u l l.u,
No trinfe on Suutluy.
i '. arc l .n
1Y virtue of au orler l'u!t.i cit i-':'-
ol 4!tiui!un Plcii of I un trt!t r
uuJcrslKni-J am exiu.-i to ,.:...-!.,.
at I o'clock, r. m.,
on the rem laaK, tne Mloa.r.n 1
Allt.tot-e tan ctTLatu l i:. n( ifrou- .i;. 'j
tlie ItorouKh ol Arlivi'Ir. t kii,: ra I
Itounded and f1fBiT;iifl a t.iiii.w- htt-'."4
a tt on Hi corner o! Wa'i 'ii ftrtt I
tlaii roal: thence al' Dir rmi.l .: ;.:! '.
Z'i leitretr!i en u 10) ti-ft to Knxid
ali.'iiK imi1 HroM.1 tiel Durtti 4S aw -Icet
to Kihj t all-y: ll.ei. c 'Mf '
lekree 1 1" let-l t" Itj I
thence aU-DK liaitl pit l i.u t.ti U U.?
IfglDUin, Laviug tLert n ire
ui Necessary Ge!M f l:- inr-tlniJ ultl''7',
money to t9 pal l on C' lm.-tu iti"Uu U.;'. t
the lialauce in tw.i e.u..l u.t
twelte itit.iiilin. Willi n:t- rr.t. lu t
Uie jiretutous ! bond aud luiirmaii . r
Allf nee ol l i ter w -1 .'
Aiuvllle, I'a.. Aumiti l.'i. !!
XTOTH"K U uercly Klvm tl'it .'
i name.1 aTainit t
au-1 k-i Hpart lur niui "I
Actot Ai-emM? ol tt:e 4il. ut AT!i
have heen Bled 'r. t' a Ui-t'i-ti t -V"
couuty ol faiulirU ;.ti 1 1""'""
Iho ir.tiHn' ourt i l i fvua.j '
lion aud alloirauce uu
1. Uvent .ry auU "l'i'r-''!t',t".n; . i
t.roi.eity ai-iiralMd and -t , j
idi,w ol Heury t ikn, ia.
ceai-el. tM.W . r-l
i. luventory ua a,'i j.i
uropctty iii.rafoi ami ",' . ,...;;,.
hart, wliiow oi ii. t . irui.u..
OeoeaKcd. :)ou.00.
3. Inventory aoil ar ... t
l.TMiertv nHriii!-ei ai l 'T ;
kbeeban. widow id .I-rci.n" j
Clearfield toru.-l.'. oe..'t 1- t- (. r:
4 lr.venliry ai.d iv"-" " .:
iir'ierty aiii.ralKed and ct d--' ,
cbl'drei ol Andrew W.
town-blji. diwi.ed. . o" ..:"'
6. lnuuury and a, .";,t) -.-t.rtiper.y
aM.rati-ea aul ' "'.,..
idi.U. widow of Joba "" ;."; ,. : !
reused, l. r ll.e tve .1 t, r--.l
6 Inventory and l
sIHltI. widcw of J. w M-t'. 1 j
UWDbIl. deeeaiiod. ,. r! ;'r
1. Inventory and aH'''"'-1" --Vr mirand " ".,.
Vlct-locy. Ute ol 'i-ll;"':.,:; 'V.
f3.H w. t:i.l.l.! I. !
Kenlfter'a olllcc , lam: - j
Mauufactur-K i
. ii.,nil. ,l " I
Kobes. K'y Nets. ;;; , J.a
pairiurf .Neatly ' ' , J, a.
KldniK llrt.ll-'. Ir ';,
Tcilo ItridU-f. ' .
ll.lnsters.froiu.n - .
Mai-hine-made ,
ll.Ld maJi' Hr"1' s
-t:all and """;, ;,.lfe
cbafina eiin.-whore. if
as tne i-noapc-v. (.CI,
. irL-ir 1." -
' l'! -M i.t 'M."r,"
t ..miiii.n I'lt'ttB ' . .
. (1'ilLlll!' I." . .
....i .ill ! e'inBriii"' ',"
Urst aud Anal j i-t
siuuoe ol V. r. ur-
.luiif1 I
i;'.,-,isl uri? 1 a.. . ,
i i , u v ' '
) iatfc"