J, J" i ( lr, W ''it - ' -l . 1 ' : 1-1 EhTHF.tlC SANDWICHES. A - Tootfcpomo Dainty Flavored with the Odors of Flowers. They AVere Tuvcntcil un.l lrrirrcl ly the Ladies nt Oii'iet I . li 1 1-ri liuiiit-iitruti u a Novelty for l he Lvcn luir Meal. To "speak of Kiupiis almost ;!S an esthetic sundwich uni xjH-cloil anil para lU of an esthetie saus- d k al ;is to :-"ie tvv: anil yet in England the gentle women serve, at iifternoon tea. sand wiehrs so amt.rosial that they -fully jus Jii'v tin paradox. These-dainty delights, so diaphanous "that they an- 'almost ethereal. 1 tasted forthelirst time at Elmswood house, in Devon, savs S. T. Mierman iu Table Talk. . . Clmswood house enjoy the distine tion of having the bcst-apjointed live o'clock ten table ii all England, which is no modest distinct ion in acoiiuiry where afternoon tea is mk'Ii an iiuiis- ible iitiiinct to everyday life. pen- he esthetic sar.dwiiu -whs invented .use. as a livlli.-lmlii'S l.f KIuisWOOll h novelty to ueeompany the tea. one re- I rent MimuuT; lull it proved s-o lKpillar th.lt it remained a feature of their table j nil tin- ensuing -winter, and finally he- j cam.- a slavl . appearing with the urn j summer and winter, year in, year out. Such a perfect beverage must neeils ! have a perfect accompaniment; so. to j meet this demand, the esthetic: sandwich j was invent, iL and ever sinee fashion- able JhigkitiJ has heen eating violets j and ros.-s. cowslip anil orange hlos- j Minis ith b.-r daily bread. Thi petals rf the-,.-llo-so::is are not plucked and I lai 1 Mwi'i-a the buttered slices: no j Mi.-h ernde method could obtain at j Einiswoinl hor.ne. Vet their flavors are j pros-nt a- distinctly as if the petal.-. , them-k lve , were there, and for a Ion;.- j time the manner of procuring th-scflVot. j w.i . kept a secret by their patrician "m ve:.frs, .- 'hat the sandwiches added j to their material dclici.msness the fur- j I'ncr zest iu mysT.-vy. l'ut the seen, t tin: .11' wi.ft. d abroad, lis such mt:i ts , subiiv will, ar.d at the time of my Lhiis wood visit It h.,d become such an open I ime that 1 was freely taken into the cold j stone dairy, w her.' VI- Winr ifred ar.d I li'j'ti- ;t:i.j.v unvailed the mystery to ; me. n one of the marble she'ves a j little p it .,f belter, wrapped "m t Ulnr . t . d iiry elwih. rented on a bed t clover j in the bottom of a china tureen, j ar.d itelty. the maid. v. as lillir.jf tho ; sides uf fie iii-h with the -ame fra-rrant j l,',.,,.ms ::n.l heaping them on top of the pal. When the tt.recii would not j hold another bio-.-,. im, the lid was I cmi-I -d o" n upon them and the ves- . .-. was carried t the lr.iL'e. cool, jrothiit I ck.ll; r t await 'the ornanu-ntal me::!." .a:, .M r. ibphuct term.-- the five o'clock j cr. p. I t: .-v. the hnftor busied itseir aosoro- ",.''. ;:.' : 1--1 i. -v . Jike :: bee in the clover, u'.il- ;-e.-it: st in a stone jar was the M.',.-n-.r..i:-ted loaf of brcvl, aKo v.-i-appcd in a l'-Im of dairy cloth and p.-j ked smrh in a in :-t of clover LI.:-.- j v-iiiv Ih ie il kept cool and mo:.t j while It b'vle its time. hen that I tiie came it w;s cut with a keen Idade i:i slices so thbi that they were lacy j Slid diaphanous and had t i be battered j on 'he loaf. They came to the senses j iik- the l.-eath of calves and tlu- scent ', of new-mown hay at dewi'ill. With : such an a-ljnie-r the wonder ccasc-i ' that hot : -vtioo!! f-a in m.iuii!. r cm ! seem --o h li:-i:U.il t. th" Er "li .li. f . all ttir.nt..-!! I'i-een .Fnne it is draidi v. i'iu clove'' .- ir.dw iche.s one day. or M:1 tile 'olet the n -:.t. ;.ud Uvr HI- -n. evonc-ite idealised i hor.-v Kai'ller in the sea-..n there ) !:::vc Ik-cii llo-.KOiL, : turiium. llv hcrrv :i and a. id eov. sli; id n;i- I b'.t -r I . i.i.: the iuo: t i -crs. two p anient r.nd thev ;t-' vc 1 i'l'i; nt i f all. and. y ai'i cti .inj;. they rre:U faToiiUs vit!i l'ie -ei't h-nn-n. No tlowers ure n.-ed . -v it ii tl-.e.-e hutters ex cept tlio ild!e Doners: clover. hcnst and ora:;re hlos so a. s that the hces have 1auht us to relish in honey; rotes an I violets that confectioners, have tauidit lis to reish in j-laces; the cev,V.it, which ( LildMnit h and t!.e llowilts have tan;,'h' us to nlidi in the hom.-itrnde wine of oiil time tictitn; and 11" nast irtium. ivhich. pnn;rent and lK-in-erv in pickles. U lines most nncta-i:-, m the (ii es'.hetie sai the favorlt the hearty;: would urn; cri.-':et, or i dwieh. Tliis tat flavor was ;. par excellence, with ail rid ruddy youn; athletes who ir liii:i;.rry unci thirsty after 'tijhv. or u ni'.i, for a .sji ci jr.iniswcMiti i.ouse .viueuony; anil a. ;"c"'c'i"oas tloa.-n of the .'.Uuphunous v. .sturthnn Uouiinocs: for the ;.l :pe of t!cis delicate sandwich is a snrdl oMo:.'. Ar.d un.U r thi"-i- "liciinimvs" such i!is tinet ll -every tlac ors lurk in si.eh com plete di ..uise tiMt the little cat mi-j-ht he called the "M. sipie of Floucr-.." I ii:ive .-f-en the nnuiitiatcd piclf tbc sim ple thiurs to pieces to lind the wmrce of the aroma, and the:, stare i:i hallh-il per plexity, like the lunjr did at the apple ih:mp!;n, wlien he was moved to cry his historic ipicrv: "Jjul how, how yut th.' apple in?" It v.-as une of the pretty conceits of Ibe Lhasvrood house tea tiihle to have tin? various chamois leather tea cokeys embroidered with the ijytl'ori nt tl.nvers used as llavorinrs. ami oa clover ilay to vi!. e the one v ith clover spray iip.n it, on cowslip day the cowslip coscy, on locust day the hcust coscy. and so ou t'irouyh t-e whole r.-pertory of llowers. The mysth -d were often archly assured that the davor iu the sandwiches pro ceeded, by some airy witchery, from the f! iwcrs on the cosey. This flavor ing of butter was au ojurii secret amunj the Trench peasants lonr In-fore it was u.scovereu iy tno L,nsrlish Tatrician. ' ar.d has made the butter stalls of the '. i'urls markets pkturesipie for ceuturies. ' 1 TURA'S FAIRY WIFE. A 1'rtttT u.-i iii t.i-iron.l W I., i: ruy Mioflt.'.J itit linutoi-tjl. Tura. coming from uv-:r s.'as, fonn 1 Li iii .-.elf m a land named tea. and. leaving Iii- canoe, journeyed inland. Tra .. ii i' thromrh the dens'e forest, he saw fah-i.-.s sitting in the llowers of' the climbing plants un.l swinyinjr oa tin h;;ua which trailed from the hirh bou-hs across the vistas of the wo.T.L these fair.es v.ere curious! v-shape t 1..-n-s, havin- small H.-ads nud lar e ' bixhc-H whilv- their hands and feet vvr-j attached to limbs so short that t!iev secineu us u extruding from IkvUcs. their Tura had brought with hi:n the sticks wherewith tire is produced by friction, ' tnd he proceede.l to hin.llc a" fire and to eiK.lt Mime food, mich.-t. the u-stonu-h- ' nient of the fairies who had always Consumed their Mod in i's natural state. . Tura fell iu love with ime of the fair! w omen and married her. 1 1 is. wife rJ- cipnM-ated his atfection and thev lived haipily top-ether; but one daj-', when the el tin spouse wa.s combing out li r husban '-.s hair, she suddenly cried out: ' . "Oh, Tura, what is this white hair among- the black onesV " m lie told her that it was a sin of njro aad of approaching decay, the forerim- j ner of death. Then his wife wept bit-' terly and refused to be coiufort.iL !t is a touching1 sto-, the .sudden -surprii-e and T.ief of this child oi the immortals on licr discovery of th;it. which to us poor sons if clay is x ouimou tih.I ol- ! trtisivc a fact. The old leen.l has .'iven rise to a proveri saying, "the weeds of Tula. synonymous expression hair. V. Journal. Mr ifrav I y i 1 tarrtunim Ji mw man can le malc, out of one that's " usch-u)," biliourt and dyspeptic. It's lono by Dr. Pierce's Uolden 3fodie'al Discovery. It starts the" torpid liver into healthful action, purities and enriches the blood, cleanse, repairs, and strengthens the system, and restores health and vigor. As an appetizing, restora tive tonic, it pets at -work all the processes of digestion and nutri tion, and builds tip flenh and strength. It's the only Blood and Liver Remedy that't guarantied, in every case, to" benefit or cure. If it doesn't do all that's claimed for it, the money is promptly refunded. But it keeps its promises that's the reason it can be sold in this way. " Discovery " Btrengthens Weak Lungs, and cures Spitting of Blood, Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis, Severe Coughs-, and kindred affec tions. Don't be fooled into taking something else, said to be "just as good," that the dealer may make a larger profit. There's nothing at all"" like the "Discovery. F'.ck TTrK!c!ia-nd relieve all ttie trtntfaa fad dor.t tu a t.uou Uto of tho ayatana. such l.ir-inr, Nuitts, Drowsiouaa. Dlstreaa kftar (taur, i'ain in the 81 .U tc Whila ttaair most rtuuuaabla tucctus hoi t-ocn shown iacurlog It.'s-Srclifi. yt Cjirtsr'a Littlo LItot M n ; I y v ai.ialjle i & Co net ijmt Ion. mrlng and pra 'cUu V". inannoTir.k' complaint. wbila tbey aJadl rcxTe.-tftloIiK.rilorMcf tboatozzuu-httlrnulAtatba) liwraiuxnulAtuthebowola. eniXUB7asl9 Il r i- fhty bn cJssoat prioaless to fhoaa vhtt r.-: .r-r i--Mi i !:aiutniugcorupijunt; butfdrto-T-iiry : -...rf hm2iil-pcI h-i aotentl t:Krid thoaa V .oioj-ijt:,.- C.v;airiU &ud Uiuea lltUo ptllKTmltv. fi: ! : la c-m..vj wnyatbat will not bo wll t'ia-.-vouut. tacra. But aiuir ailalck he4 l.'.U'',ii:reof fo tr.r.r.r "j-rna that hope ia wbara :--:"-.-T.t'o-.jiii Oarpillacaruitwhlla nb. a ... : .. c-r. t.'n XJ .;r VH'jt ar Try rmall ajed - .- : i.-. r. 0:itT i-o j.iils uiaLoa duito. "I .-i.. vt .-..nt-io an I da not gripa or ' : . : C-ci-r""Jtiea'.ti."ij plca6aU who -..-l.. 1:. v.ila..--.-.'.o 'lis; llvaforfl. ttoli ' . ','" J'. -ri W-ciu, or c at by zix&A. . -. ;: KFClutKSCO., New York. ' ' '.' l. SMALL LOSE. SMALL PRICE i-o.t-j hi un;; PtJIi MSM f - iVj jflcK- TSfS i&fjfe k'&S '5-..-Tfi 1 IM:, thi ays-j-eU i. 1 am si.i.k, T.. I., Jtarc'o S. 1PT-I. I. tlw nmler.-isai.l, 'jti-r-Hl txom iUpay tot ii'it. . La.: no Kipc.li.t toid oould do no vora 1 .ter; cou.ii.lUal a il ui;lr of doc-tors, but a'l uJ !li-rr vaa c remedy tor try tl.-aa-1 then Uk I'v;.-.; YUhhh Ncrv l.inic, a-tiJ m ncwhi i..-rf.-ct hi.nhh. and work nil the tlzan liioua.uU tii&iikd to your rvmitly. rmi.ii' iioNGEox. 93 11u?-ii-r hT., Nkwark, Jf. J.. ilnrch'i. 1 rot m -ait- of l'tusloi Kfouii; b Nt.rva Toui -f.f ix-rv..u';r ! and p.-i-Ki:c a ij1 h. lc-i i i!.tr f!Hi ti:u I tooi It I Lud th-tx-ts' u 1 hi 1 fox SfveraJ ion'.Qa. 2 aM. k'u.u fo-ndj ol u.lnt u Lo uatvl It and -il i- lli lurva toiae t,i-y rr o-t J I'.::. ii:.4t h". if i:tf. nr inty ue jojr uslJii.' n.l ! lirlpiil by it. Mi s 4. X'V'- tTTv FREE! LiukB seut fre to aar ad Jmaa. anil iwur paueota caa a.o obcam uiu ineaicuio rr or cluarce. Thi rvmodrbaa bea praparvd bytba KerTeai Cantor k'-M-oof. ot Fort Wavue. Ind ainca UT aad tauow preprd baderliu ulrecllou b UiO KOENIC fSZO. CO.. Chicago, III. bilil bjr liniinciaUat 81 per Bottle. 6 far 85. eilottloaforSO. J. LYWCH, UNDERTAKER And Manufacturer fc Dea'er In HOME AND CITYMADE FURNITURE ma amn suns, LOUXGES.BEDSTEADS, Mattresses, fcc, 1003 ELEVENTH AVENUE. a -r rw, - s-- . . Ai i lvJ WxS A. JL JrS IS A , t ,r(.l!M,i ( f Cambria County ani all ! . . r , w,,""k w purena.e honest FU RNI TUHK. A.-., nt ton-?t prices are respeetf ally invl'cd to tir? tig a call before bovlcz tls wl.fi', as are cotifldeut ttat we can mrelevtiv WaDt aad please evry ta.t. l'rijus tba verv lowest. f 4-16-'80-tf. WA WHEAT GRASS. 7h0 Whole of Europa wants WHEAT, and tio most of America wants CRASS in abundance. 12 loading Agricul turist hare written us essas on "How to Crow Wheat and Cress." These, in pamphlet form, we wilt send Free on receipt of three 2-ct. stamps. -Members of the Farmers1 Alliance nl Farmers' Clubs can have their Fertilizer made specially to order, t reduced price. M.S. POWELL & CO., Baltimore, Md., Chemical Fkrtilizkk UixmrmiERj, Jiu I ii p.. m tits ur Aukjci LTi aAi. Chemical. . Vl V FUTISER Itowrll A . tty addestln Cieo. p. 10 Spruce St.. New York i learn the rxa.:t i.v kii n i v7ri- I z Z '5yIrT,ur ' eon of dt proposed line ot i, - .a.uni cau i'Hiaufn, iuv ?4e C4iipblrt luc GARTER'SI s 3 N D TREES THAT STING. The neantirnl rhrubt of QtiMiMlama IIava Tbrlr Drawtnarka. Thousrh the tropical shrutr of Qwoim land art- rery luxuriant and beautiful, they are not without their dangerous drawbacks, for there xa one plant jrrow- infT amonj them that in really tloadJy ia j its effect that w to say. deadly in me same way th;it one would apply taat term to fire, for if a certain proportion of one's body be burned by the tinging tre death will be the result. They are found, sayH the Ht. Louis Republic, of all sizo, from three inchoa up to fifteen and twenty feet. In tha old ones the litem in whitbdi. and the red lierrie usually grow in a clut-ter at the top. It emits a peculiar and disa greeable Mrcll. but it is U'tt know n by its leuf, w hich ia nearly round, with a point on the top and jag-gred all around the edges like a nettle. All the leaves are larjre, even on small plants some times larger than a saucer. The effects of the sting are curious, it leaves r.o mark, but the pain is said to In- maddeninjr, and for months after a jab from one of its numerous "sting ers" the part stunjr remains very tender; especially is this true in rainy weather, or when the parts stung have been ac cidentally dampened, even if Tery lightly. Hunters who have 'found themselves surrounded by small forests of "sting ing trees" in the dusk of evening have lieen known to lie down and pass the night as comfortably as pissible. fear ing to make an effort to extricate them selves in the dim, uncertain litfht, lest they might get deeper and deeper into the besetting trouble. "I have seen." iaid Shuman, "a man, who would treat ordinary pain lightly, roll on the ground in afjony for hours after being stung, and have known a horse so completely mad, after getting into a thicket of these trees, that he rushed open-monthed at everyone that approached him, and hail to be shot to relieve bis agony." Dogs, when stnng, will rush about, whining piteously. biting pieces of flesh from the affected parts. The small "stinging trees, mly a few inches lv'h, are even more dan gerous than the large ones, In-ing so small they are likely to brush one's ankles ln-forc they are seen. ne safeguard for the experienced hunter is the fact that they always grow in palm thickets, and no place else. The presence of palm trees is, then-fore, sufficient to put an old settler on his guard. A POWERFUL CURRENT. The ;reatrt Voltage and the Lonireet Line in the World. Mention was made some weeks ago of a line intended to carry electricity at twenty-five thousand volts from Lauffen to Frankfort, a distance of over one hundred miles. The experiment has Wen watched with interest by elec triciaus on 1oth sides of the ocean, says the I'hiladelphia Kecord, since there are not wantir.g those who claim that the thing cannot be done. The pre liminary experiments made over a line of three miles in length were, it is said, entirely successful. A current of thirty-three tnousand volts was devel oped for the purpose of seeing how great the tendency would be for the current to leave the wire for the ground. To discover this the wire was cut and the pieceri then slow ly brought together, and it was not until the ends were within less than au inch of each other that a spark w as forced across the intervening space. An ordinary safety cut-out, consisting of a ball of IcaiL was then placed in the circuit and a wire was dropjM d across the current to imitate the falling of a tree or the crossing of another wire, when the lead ball instantly melted with a flash and an explosion, cutting off the current- From the results of the prelim inary experiments the projectors of the new line feel conlidcnt of its success. ECHOES FROM EUROPE. "Lxht year the London youth wore their hat brims within half an inch of their .Htes. This year's fashion tilts the hat backward. . A cmi.i) three years old has actually iK'en carried off by an rairlo, near TTencsin. Hungary, in bight of the father and mother. Tiik ucreago of the zoological gardens in Kurope rr.nges from alwut half a dozen to half a hundred acres, but hardly one of them has room enough for it-i animals. A small company invited to taste the tea recently purchased by a London company at fifty-three dollars a pound arrived at the conclusion that it was worth the money. Two ArsTRAi.i.lx theatrical managers have Ix.ttled up in phonographs for transportation to the antipodes the voices of several American actors, sing ers and statesmen. ' , In I'aris the drivers of the cars on some of the street railways are placed oa top of the car, thus giving them n-t-tcr control of the horses, while gaining additional space for passengers. I.lT.ts 1'akz, an aged resident of 15ar celona. Spain, is the head of a family of two hundred and serrnty-nine persons. He has thirty-nine living-children six teen daughters and twenty-three sons. Thk followiag advertisement appears iu a tiermaa newspaper: "Wanted, by a lady of piality, for adequate remun eration, a few well-K-haved and re-spectable-drevscd children to amuse a cat in delicate health two or three hours a day." A Novr.i. feature of a menagerie ex hibiting at the Crystal lalaee is a huge cage, containing a happy family of twelve lions, three ISengal tigers, and cheetahs, panthers, l'olar and Thibet bears, ponies, goats and boar hounds, numbering twenty in alL The invention of a wholesome and satisfactory substitute for butter is an nounced in Germany and Holland. In both these countries it is manufactured android. It is said to contain no fat, but to be composed solely of vegetable oils extracted front the cocoa nut and other oleaginous plant. P. T. BARNUM AND OTHERS. Mit. Clevf.laxu is taking lessons on the violin. ' ' ' 'Folio e l.A.vtuoFT's estate is now alued at six hundred thousand dollars. Mrs. TuiLir IL Akmock, the wife of the Chicago millionaire, is a notable housekeeper, and prides herself upon her culinary successes. P. T, Baitxi-v within the last twenty years expended upward of three mil lion dollars in newspaper advertise ments, and he left behind him a fortune of five million dollars. Oeteeaj. ncTLER's luncheon, which he eats at two o'clock, does not vary from day to day. It comprises one small ham sandwich, one small chicken sandwich and a few swallows of brandy and water, P. T. H-iRM M, after making his will in 18V2, summoned several prominent physicians to examine his mental con dition and to make affidavits to his san ity, which they did. This was to guard against any possible contest upon the plea of incapacity. P. T. ISaknim's last marriage was about as original as anything he ever did. He saw the girl in the street she was a governess and followed her home. He then introduced himself to the mistress and said he would like to marry the girl. The mistress consulted the girl, and the whole affair was ar ranged inside of twenty-four houri CARL RIVINIUS, PRACTICAL -AND DEALER IN- - J - i,. f, - ..:--s --'-. 'i '-A "WANT A WAGON?" We have wagons, buggies, surreys. High fcraie ; as light. Strong, durable. Stylish, as beautifully finished as nxidernized manufacture can produce. Built on hon r by men of life experience. Honesty is our policy; prompt shipment our specialty. We want to know you. Write us. Costs you nothing. May lead to business by and by. S;nJ I'M our catalogue. It is free to every reader of tHis paper. Bins hamton Wagon Co., Bintfhainton, N- Y. " BUILT FOR BUSINESS." HAY-FEVER (r "r nu v J i COLD-HEAD v y KW Crtm. Bairn is not a kovid, snuff or Cn. Vu sores. Bold by drvnmtU or 3UU ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warrea Street 000.00 la Otsh to be distributed among Canvassers for Clubs for the Weekly Times. A handsomely Illustrated Paper of Sixteen Pages. Less than ONE C2 NT a Week CHEAPEST PAPER IN ths WOFJJl TJiEri'iu.iaifEr.s of the Philadelphia Weekly Times 1NTKM TO HAVE 100,000 :-: Subscribers Belorc January. Wn, and to accomplish this la the ebonasc i.ae nt time Ue price Lu been reduced to 0 Cents A Year. And Cab to tbe amount of One Thousand Dollars Will be paid to lao ettrs-ap oi Club, as foiiowa : EOR THE 1st largest list, -2nd largest list, 3rd largest list, - 3 next largest, 4 next largest, -10 next largest. 20 next largest,1 - $250 - 200 100 50 25 10 5 Tbe AbeT Prize In rath. Tbta Competition will be open to Everybody ETerywbere men. womea boy and cirla. Care ful retoni will be keptol the Subcnrcr eot In by eacb OomDstttor. and Ua Cuk will be paid when tbe ootoet elosea, on the nnt day ot Ie cember, 1S91. THE PHILADELPHIA TIMES. A Handsome Weekly Journal, filled with richly llluatrnted article on every ubject oi eontempo raneou Interest, meladlnir K'letlon. Literature, Travel. Adventure. oeiety. tbe Drama. Sport and Hime Ljle. the Karm and Harden, with atl Ovrrent Nti e( tbe world. A feature ol the Weekly Time 1 a department devoted to OHR BOYS AXT) GIRLS. Thi feature of tbe Time ha aroused more In terest mon yoana; people than any other Juve nile publication, not only beeaase IU stories, aaetcbe chat puts e. and problem are so enter tains; and Instructive, but becaa-e every boy and e-lrl ibat reads It is a member el tae iamous Ela-ht O'Olora (llab. Tbe tirlmaoa and 3old ballon of Uio Club la aeat tree to everyone or them. There are so lees of any kind. Too can find out all about the Club and tba HUNDREDS OF PKIZfcS It distribute a moos; bnys and arrl by senetna; for a tree eopy ot tbe Weekly Times, tba snbseripUoa trice ot which Is only rim cms Lm. ' It will oeet you only a postal card to et a spec luen copy, and tnen byeadina: eenta. which we are sure you will do. It will be sent to you for one year. Subscription may begin with any number. K continue 1 tone. - Address lor all darticular. THE TIMES. Times Kuildliia; - Pau-ADkLraia. cstajners, durljie the pt rears, combine vcr-ct thxu VICK'S SZEDS never disappoint. hv wa-e time, cion .v iud patience on oifM, aliea you c.-ji buy tU BEST : prit M ike o mi5ta th. ye-.r : se.i lo. cm -it Tick' a Florat Gaide, uedw-l the to ctnts from first order, and it co no.hin?. It tvm.-r uian ever : too large par, colored pbtes. rrco.-f tiuvtliies trorthy of oilnvtior Cash rrira -i.-f jd il-to. JAME3 CK. "EESSaiAH. Socaacter, N. T. Watches, Clocks JEWELRY, SilTBnrau Musical iJistriiineiitF Optical Goods. o Sole Agent run THI Celebrated Bockford WATCHES. Columbia aad Fredonla Watches. In Key and Stem Winders. uAROE SELECTION OF ALL KIND of JEWELRY alwsyf on band. t-W My line of Jewelry Is unsnrpsAsed Jr.tnft and see for yourself before purcbas n elpwhere. t?"ALL WOKTC OrARAKTKKDif-l CARL RIVINIUS ensburg, Not. 11, 1885 tf. porUrr, Applitd into ths nouirtit it is xflammntinn, heal mWL. 50c sent bp mail on rerfipt or JOB : : PRINTING. j T11K FlZEEilAX Printing Office Is tne place to set your JOB PRINTING Promptly and satisfactorily executed. We will meet the prices of kill honormote cooDpetion. We don't do any bat fir-t-ctss work and want Hring pnc for It. Willi Fast Presses 2sfl:NcwTFU5 We ari prepr?l to turn out Job Printing'.of every Hcr!piiGii in tb FINEST bTYLE ami at V., very Lowest Gash Prices. Kothitig out tbe best material n usea and our work rpiaks for Itself. We are pre pared to print on t!:e shorten : notice Powers, Pboobammes, Buusebs Cakdo, Taos, Dill Heads, Monthly Statements. Entelopes, Labels. Circulars, Wedding and Virrisa Cards. Checks. Notes, Drafts. Keceiftii, Bond Work, Letteh and Note Heads, and Hop and Party. Invitations Etc. Weein print aDjthinK from tbe emallfat and oeateitt Vletting Card to the largest Poster on hbart Dot ice and at tbe most Reasonable Rates. The Cambria Freeman EBEXSBURG. PENN'A. Wall Paper. Seud 10c. to our Mail ropartrunt for nt-w amplsof l.Vjl. Tioe laprs for 6c.: Solid (Jilt, from 15o. to 30c.; Finn Embossed and Irridfsent Papers from 2.c. to Mc. roll. J. KERWIN MILLER & CO., M3 Smithfield St., PITTSBURGH, PA. (Mention this paper.) Marcbfr-ul-lvr J? w v AGE-KY Sot fc- fc A ponnhl of InforraatloQ and in- i-f- Ol.ram r'.teium 4'uTcar. rrrji. P f-X 1 f? a i mw .tra. x, TO WEAK MEM Suflerlns; Irom tbe enecu of yoothlol ern. ear lT.?.ec",l wastlna weaAnes. lost mannood eic I J.U1 .end a valuable tretle C le5) ctalnini full particulars lr,r home cure t'EE of chaw A splendid medical work, should be read tr ev ery man ho I uervnu an.l d.ninuo. Address Frf. 1 C. tOVl LI K. noet..t tna. you neod Job prlntio? Il e0, fclte tbs Mimn mm ;i m aw Il-uij a is 'i M m r jj.r AT AN "OLD HOSS" SALE. Some of the Qa-er Titins Ifemght miiI the lttit-r SolJ- Au "oUl lss" kiW is a fitrvny sirtit. Jt is a kiml of l.tt-ry aft-r all. and to what eNtn-mitu's th followtTS of th' fli-kle T'il.l'ss if ilianpc will (nt is .liovvn vi-itU many trikirlr im-ulciits. Tlu Tarious fxpress ttrip:mi-s. nt jtatei pt riixls during the y-ar, m-11 tin; um l.iiriKNl paokap-fs that have atv-uiun-l.it-i in tln-ir otikfs. All tlay an tast Wasliiurtoa btrot-t auotion-riMin has Imx-u crowded with, men, wuinen. old and 3'onng-. eai-r bidders at the so called "old hosr" sale, says tho Phila delphia CalL l'acka'eK. lmndles and trunks of every description were brought forward ly the voluble auc tionevr. "Here is a trunk," said he "that may contain silk dresses." A man paid a bijr roiuid dollar for it. OpMiinfr it he found a lot of old calico dresses and aprons. One man paid -5 cents for a small ketf labled "handle with care." Dynamite? He thought to. t'uutiously, in a liack room, it was opened. It contained axle prease. A "culled jein"man" paid -l for a trunk rilled with air. A dude secured a packaye with a llible inside tlie wrapper for '20 cents- A rcntleinan with a shilling silk tile" and wearinjr a "creased" pair of trousers paid for a package containing- a pair of overalls. For -J." o-nts a man .'ot a miniature sewing- ina chine. and a lady iaid -JO cents f. r a Imix containinga duile's laundry shirts, collars. .u1Ts. i-lc. One fellow loiil,t a jiaekage of four water vam-s and thought they were Mine new-fa ngk-d bric-a-brac. A colored frirl oecuiii a package of jewelry for 25 cents, jut what the wantetL A man with one eye pot a box of spectacles. A carpenter secured a package of blacksmith.- ! .Is. One fellow, who said he didn't sin. -ke, purchased a large case of "rcil l.-tter smoking tobacco" for i'l.u.l. A colored man jj'.t a trunk fall of dishes f..r and a lady buyer found a "governor" for an engine in tbe package she opened. A young mn pnid 10 cents for a tintype of an old 1 ily with two grandchildren about her lap a photo-prj-.ph of a dear relative had gotu astr.iy. A young lady secured a pack age of gelitlem -:l":. soeks, and a lny lMtught tin iim-.i.-iise iron pulley lor l-'i cents. This "sight liny n" i-ii. 1.1 :-:l... i- tinueil hour efl.T ln..ir. lliv- j ; k- :igi s were opened l.y t i .-- i s i :'? wen- gii-L t r.iii"J.ris.'.T 1:.:-. .i-U r ;.;:. . ing. tivery class of people was rc;.rc ser t-.-.L ;:r.i! ;t inur. n-inaiked on leaving, alter the sale !. a !: "I liave laugheil more h-re t -il.:y than I ever did before in all inv life." APRIL. FOOLED. The Mortifying I .. :-:, :i.v .f Truvi-lrr in sj oi. A traveler i: lik- :y t Ik- s-ri. isly gullel by the pracli.-al j kes of foreign countries. With the if. i.-isin -. of his native h.ml. to whi. h he i:, accustomed, he Ciin e -ntenil. but tht-r.- i-. iilarm ing el'.-:n-. nt of the uuexp-.-i '.e-1 in ;'.i.-e of other i-.-u-i s. w rit- s Irving i".ii.i;.u. in "W aiiileringr. ni a War Arti-.t:' One evening I met t'.vo vi ry fascinat ing Spanish girls iu n oui. t qtiai ti-r of Irun. (Oi- of wnom. eing a l.l.ni.le. v.-as enveloped in a white maul ilia. It Wing customary on nut-ling a white martilla tu extend her somewhi't similar homage to that paid to royalty. I raised tny hat, and steped m oin- side to p.liow the couple to pass, wLen, in doing so. 1 saw, to my horror, by the light of tlie moon, that they v.ere f il-luwi-jl closely by a grim an.l gi-olesij ae reptile, half li.:ul. lialf frog, whii-h. Willi a series ol spa.-,m kic: bonaos. was milking directly for their hi t-!:.. O. the horrid lieast. the iiIeserib-.ible monbtrositv! '1 o rush f. ru-;:rd an.l trample on the uncanny tiling w;is t work of a moment. 1 was dumfoimded: mv exploit o lieroir-in. far fi-oin induein-.r the grati tude 1 expected, v.as iir.mediateiv fel loe. el l.y roars of lau-"liter, the merry ring of which reverberated on the still niglit air. "L'neonscirinable fool" d.x-s not ex press the littleness I felt, as I was sul- ject 'd to the ridicule of those wily dam sels, and if a man is capable of that In coming peculiarity, I must have blushed scarlet. I had trodden on K drap a piece of cloth cut into th.- semblanec of some monstrous lizard, and uttaelied by a thread to the skirt of tlie maiden, so that, by certain dexterous movements and hkches, it could le made to leap after her as she hurried ;long. It was the Rasipie equivalent for the old Kng lih jokes. practi-ed on the first of April. A GERMAN MYSTERY. The tjuwr Little mid IWUrlotUea of Tin re t.unf ry. Cicrman beds have always leen at once a trial and a mystery. That a race by no means short should delight in stunted bedsteads has puzzled many a French and I'.ritish traveler in the Fatherland. Xot less mysterious is tlie nnrrowess of the IwdsteaiL When one compares the figure of the more Knlstantial burghers of a I'erman town with th receptacle provided for their accommodation at night, no effort of the imagination will make th.-m conU-ruiinous: it is certain that the liesh must overlap the feathers. Then the ledo!otlics are a trial, consisting, as they do, in .'.umnier of a blanket with a sheet buttoned to its under sur face, in winter of an eider-down ouilt inclosed iu a cotton bag. Neither can lo tucked in or secured in any way. and only a born Teuton knows the art of retaining- them in position. Most mysterious of all is the tri angular section of a mattress which is placed at the head of the beil, and which forms perhaps, the most effective obstacle in the repose of a foreigner. All this seems to have leen much the same in the davs before the railway. A traveler thus naively describes and explains the ("erman beds of iv.'d: "Tall people cannot sleep coin fori ably in any part of (Jermany: the lieds. wlii'ch arc very narrow, licing placed in wooden frames or lioxes. so short that any per on who happens to Ik above five feet high must absolutely sit up all night supported by pillows and this is in fact, tho way in which the Cermans sleep." Doubtless his explanation is the correct one; but those who are not accustomed to sleep in a sedentarv pohture can rest iu such a in-d at all only by assuming the shape of the last letter of the alphabet. Jury. In sharp Itewand. Capitalist I understand yon have just returned from a western trip. They say here money is in sharp demand all through that section. How did vou nu-.i il. Waglcigh In sharp demand? Well, rather. "Why, the train w e came through on was held up twice in one dav Li;jht. Sold an IaBle for a Turkey. An east Nashville (Tenn.) nepro. who sells poultry for a living, recently found himself without any stock iu trade and minus the money to buy more. He had an old pray eagle, though, which he had received from his former master at the close of the war, and this he de termined to kill and sell as a turkey, de spite the fact that it was know n to bo alMint forty years of age. He killed the bird of freedom, sold it for a turkey, and was arrested by the irate purchaser, who had cooked and vainly tried to cat the national bird. TAKE FOJ? fi- ?ficri r vm i A P tv f eic. cc.f the c IMPORTED . lit . w vynini riiapi rrv tli.M LTliLi I Lll IT tS ANPWiLt EVER B" Tte CEST. UnEQUALEO BEMEUT Cwl wii h T-at luif" I" the Imperial and nuacy otners. Tn ronax Jap. W. Tw Anchor 1'ton Kxial T la ri -i-ei- ... . - ..... 1p.nP.ifi. Hlll. ...... . r. n ml iM.tlJior Locan aor o-Jl lour Anmnr I'Hin r,.rnp.. r.o nntn n battle. I ty osT iauuu-iBTS, th iahect fuou c an RiniiTFR nn.. lO Urood-mtv. yrm York. Pi Earenoaa rioucatEarloUtadt. Gr. t? .uiloa. Viuuna, hiu.-im, priHru. 23 TZZZZ VSZtlZ ATAiTU. FREE BaoM about other Anchor Rev-y medies on Appilutwa, v " .: 1 IK m Vi'irmrr! O! Whthkk, oi.i. w..kan. so hl-.h ",T:T:i U-v A p(A ..o-.I; k.-)r:s-'-. TJ CO'.TK TMh Sirr. tVl l l.J SO i F-. i! THK L.I OF VOT K VlKTul liZL.-'L. IT S.-? DV 1 OvrTS TitE K '.kTIl. f.f-r i or i".".t-strcted ciicjlar to "I. Ttst, Jr., & Co., -.iia Vi'alinit rStrocjtt r:::: arr- -ki. I-' exVai eVel - J-. A Vf vef bav rem avi at i-.rrt rr .AO '0s. Itrnj.prA on Svnar, Children. tm. It Everv Sufffrar Kruni KJMm"n. VAnfl HmHu.1.1. lllnhtkM.. . . . . . 1 . . , . ; - - -.--. . vu. ii v i ii. in ' 'in 1 1 1M, Athm,t holr Mortnui.lnArru.f.lAnnaa. Sointu . B"lv or Urobs. BUff Juli.ai or Ktruni, will Bud in till old Anodyne rvifejf ajj ft w) J cum. I'afutUiWC trr. 8.1M (Tt rrwhrra Vrifv a;, cla.. hy mail U.tUn. UDnHMld. b I K jrnjCw.u ... 1. . . . .T UMll v (tf. nr mm f 1 XrK- -.s.r yr.-rrj DOES CURE in its First Stages. it- ttsstt ; I th- hhh Caveats, and Trade-Mark obtained, and all Pat ent busim-sg conducted for Moderate Feet. Our Office i Opposite U.S. Patent Offioe, ana we can secure patent in lues time than thos. remote from Washington. hend model, drawing or photo., with desrrip-tl"n- e advise, if patentable or not. free of charre. Our fee not due itatent is secured. A Pamphlet. "How to Obtain Patents." with Barnes nfartnal rllcnta in our State, county, or town, sent free. Address," C.A.SNOW&CO. Opposite Patent twice. Washington. D. C. FOR ARTISTIC JOB PRINTING TRY THE FREEMAN. rtil, Hti ar4oUar sm fell Why Mtvntli. Tou emm do At vArtrt sm4 Mv -, Mii'I .Inn Hsnu. kit K CtHt. tester iiir,lifnTrvJrr Wm r (titiTa mrr w..U t-eirttinar ft mm m f iMIflaV. AUsf.e. r sU'-m ftm h"W nd s)tri ..ti. 4 au s- or In tamre tot T U flir ItiiH-. HiT liMirr ti-r r m I'siliKt tiulinoeja m fir 1 m Hi ail VhW !" taMfatt.rartto r tVM ,lt M rwrtlund.MaiM S. t,.. . ...... 'Tl..- T -7 1 . ..1..- a. n. i- co. - Nil -s . .. i . Send for LAfrr.r. Ili.ue7I:t; 3 Ctmc:-.t. S4 5 4 K FsIS (tItw lnhnt rrlM-f an.l is Mil liit:illibl Care for file. lTk-fl. Ity Ilnwuitaoriiinll. Sample free. M.ln-W" AM a asK lMSUii,.Vi-w Vork City. mat 1 n f S s! OH i IBU0 If. I J i PILE DEFINITION OF Something Ncvr for Po:;t;ca, E. Omlst3 tO Com:' ' "- A Critical Aiinli uf tUe 4 JKellnc It True Mc vrh. "" and 1 imi'f.lifina ft.. " O'lvir.t. Inc Mu.!y. The term "wealth" s.-,.m t i ' formed by coml.iiijitioii ' '' old Sixoa v. (irLs, "weal" n'ni - wri'l pi-.H-.-ss may ha-,. .,'''. this: Weal things, wcal-thh.v, ' 'pronounced as two fv:!. '"-,.s "in.rs" dropiMMl), and finLi:-. Wl. : we now have it. Jlut, hov.'i -1 that the term wealth k !.i. ; .:i(-g with wi-ai-things 1 !,,-.-,. ,. li- fh-tibt. I!y exiunii'.h'.g , ' word... therefore asecrtaiuh.., ,' 111. : vn'rs and coiubitiing ;.,," Work- 1h- well loii.. the ex.--t 1,1,,;'. I 1 -t liieaumgoi me word 'a. tl, ar'ear. The word "thintr," Kays th ,:,. .Io':-.-?i::l. .- pririgs from ;,n ,,1,1 ,;.Vl)' ' v!.i--li sLi.iiiefi "to hi-tfw " v. luil i-Jicavy is of niaU-ri;,! m;i- nun is an oi.jeit 01 sutise. taen. is any material 1 . i, -, t bv the i-eii-j-s. J lit it t-v-i, ot wln:t is without life, hot;..; ,. . ,....t, .11 ...:. ',' .n-.ii r.j.ii aiii 11,111 IM-Jii'-K l)-(, lire sjoki-ii 01 as things, 1 ... .1 ...1. . .i -1. . 1 V.: .'I, I. ill. i nm '.l li:oe.rliL 01 M ' to tiie animal kiugd mi, as i: 1;,,. ., "ai! animals and imuiiaiiii.- i, u,.-". stri 'y speaking, man 11 ,1 I..- a lm v.', oeoause ne is a Uljr . ..t: t;.l T - ...!. ' .1 1 (tl fit r i i. rrieijT c -.-v ,, rais.-s l.'nn above the S.tn-iv ,,f V. eal has the s;.in root ;)s ;i be well that is t. Ik' in a s.i,i( ;. weal - is to ne in iieaii.-i. anU t.ia b -iitlie t.tste of fui'. st, it, , . i:'i I most imiiiipaircd i i f . k-.:i(.te word of tin- Ii:.-. To be Well is to liiat is weal is Vj I b is i-l-.te .. - h. a v i tic t- di rri-e al've. T ie thin: that nial:.- f.r tr,.k; the t:i:H!'s i i- h l-i. d;.- ;..r ! that is to 1. alive. 1 1 -. t ix u.':.in ' life. The t'-ings e.hich f.,rv,K V.:.'. I-. for lil'c. eiiin.- in ! v,.,f. . t . lr- called ( -iil-thin;-.. :.! t:.i, , . ! pound vor.l waseotitri. -iiii..R, - i; these sleps tl ..rr.-.-' S,.J f ,ii of our term is brought ; ' in: ; view. j W'e.:!'1! is one. r.r inor.-. urtlimu thing., w'li.'h make f..r l:f.-. r And here, in pas-.iti-j-. ii ia;ir hr . ' th:it life. ;nu esoeeinily !i 1 .(:.. man. i-. tlie licwi.iir ..f eoiiti-ined in what in. 11 liave Uxi to e.ill "politieiil i-e.Mi-.iiiy." Nov.- take this iti-tmit i. m a m-;. ing st:t!: in the himd y, ; tl.'-.-ngh the world :inl in. n-nr , arr;iy of things 1 herein. Ai'. ; wideb make Tor lif.- are w. : ','ii. Vhe:it. -.rii. (rr.i'.:,. f-. root erops. fooii things . e-.-r are wealth, ."so are nl! iiu; -i:. 1 v. -. i. Ii- tli.-ia. No are . '. '. .1 - : ... iijjleueiits to provi.ii- tl;. ail things to he'.p about tin- u. s tr:uis:v .rtntion and xe!iaiu . I'-.-. hurnnti life lias f..:i 1--. ir.-: things which feed it 111 iTv ii'-rh.-r .. al-.o we:itli 11s wm-n. ..f .r. il!e.:-tr:-.te the Hi'.r'ier. -;.i'-iM.n liiKuan life, or hospital-., to i!:u.-:- :e l-ill. Iiut are muskets and imm r the tnunit'ums of war. v, ;; fir :i. I'n-V are jK-.lfcl !.ii..!;i l:fe juv.'r-.e its-lf i.g:-::i 1 0-e.-by other life, they are v. -i!':, 1 !v.-s t 'e-y preserve; but !a ;. .-- . v. hieh is -i!Hh" to thos- u!i-:. : in jiresi-rving alive ttio-..- -. i ..:! defend. Hut to the who!.- m::u :' -life on the earth, they n evil, to tie swept off I'r .in t:i-.:-1he heart of human kiln! i-. I .-:,:- !, impulses to rob an 1 k '!! hi: eeonomie sense iiot!ii:ig ti-at i-: for hilling men is v. a': .. .-; w hat is made to make l--r ii - : :. loit. ii:i;,lly, are not l.aiii .-. f. ; p .-rs. jietioiis. aetivi' r:.-I t:. w. aitlr.' No: they i-nai 'i ' word. There must le ai ! . - 1 -: them, if one would cM'ii'i-'.'w: mind and utter eiear i:. .-a; eurate sj'ei-h. ;ily the material th:tt; tr for life are weiti'h. j,n,j i :ii tluit word includes. HAiiH A NO iriASri. It has l..-eii di- .-...! :i,: ' :'- date baek to t he ye..r i !' It is estimated that evi-rv ii sumes alM.ut ten j .'i(..i- ..f 'V. .' A Mimcou brought to t!,; 1T70 stands 5n the wiii.l.nv .-f a:". ( la.) fnrniTure -tore. A oami: of iirirbl-s n-as :' sevi ral prominent 1 ji ..f ' 1 on 1 he other u,. -. . ia - 1: . :. avenue. A ('(ivnitticit j-'-t.-r swei'tnes and gran- T T 0 the eonti-ibiitioii h..v.. !va:: two little girls to the vi.-. ' A iwn-vi: m:-..i j. ; '. ; Ma scout a h. 111., . : . pounds, exactly u hat when Inirn. lie never M - -e heavier during h.-r 1-!;.-'. j A l:oc(. nii.l: w ha-li l.a i pledge" was n lit! , -:. ! " ' tree river. Jlieeii-;aii.. T'-c ' . stoniaeh eolituiued a 1 atie-r tempera nee medal, dated lvJ. ' As oyster sut.ner w:i giv.-n "' by the authorities of a Muiiw - the interest of the -j,ei.r-c f--r-oyster must lutve a po-.M-rfu! 'r taiu its pku-e in the :.i-''' stomaeh under sueh ciri 'ni:-.'. " ! Nkai: Oeahi. 1'la., a U i: -" j an engine struck a -"i--. , tangled up in the i-.i-A.-..t i-'r ; fore the train eon!.; - ' dragged three hutu::v.l '"' extricated she wulio-d - ; pan to bite grass as ii tu :''"-' '" lened. j POINTS FOR AUTH?" ; lr you intend following 'r'" : a I i ve 1 il u hhL n tid ea t ; v r:' i"-" . same e:ie tis p,M try. I'.i :"- 'J i 1. iw prose. F. word. eontrihiit T. snbmiL :i MS. to nil tilt him how long Vu Jiave ' ! " hf 1 seriWr to his jia-n-r: -. wouldn't have been a V long if you had lieen i-cm-' '' the kind of aitioles ":vM:.'s Mit. Wai.tki: I!kam '.v-,''. f out of five books im!.:is.u pays for pap-r, eolnp"si'!"n .l work, and only one 1,!I .';f author for his time- I IcT'' .' f out of the (juestiou and f his time." J 0rc of the comm.'" ),;, It-' many manuscript- i" , rr i, ing." Hditors un.l -"m'", the eorreet ions, in'd savi- tat ion thereby; but h"" 1 ,.f tit-iviai su rr-Nlv ilittt'ii' x s derers? Such eorrespei"". one to eritieism ana w", for the charity and unna al-ih'.' .-a ing-honst's is t l.loi" aide world. -- ; " i.ii'"! Kansao an.l . 1 . r. ' The mmI hoiiM oil I and the dwelii"-' "! ; lnoiire very Hi'"1' !"" dilTereuee Wing row in the holm au f t. .. f...... th.- same a ' -h. nl .ir- . , 1 . ....r cl e same material ftd. mid tiiort ar. i I uuli '.-I lr 1 t 1 1 1 i t lio