The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, July 17, 1891, Image 3

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(Cnwlivin gsttmm.
- JULY 17, lS'Jl.
For n-8t aud cheap Job printing try
this oftii'O.
jrr. JoJiii Owens has moved into his
r,.i(i. ni-.-in the F.:ist ward.
Ir. John Si anlan. f Philadelphia, is
vi-itine friends in Ebenshurjr.
-Pink-eye IssaiM to be prevalent amontf
tlll. )'S in this neighborhood.
Vr-i. K. R. DunoRan. of St. AnRustine,
.r mntlier. Mr. Ourley. In this
is vii ii".
-The Fkkkmax office Is the place to iret
your jh prlntiiiR. Good work at low
Mr. William Trimble, of Philadelphia,
jsvWiinif hi1 friend Mr. Cyrus Jones of
Tli" taxpayers of Clearfield county are
Mtiutin the advisability of erecting a
county home.
l'p to this time Summer visitors are
fyw and far between. Hummer visitors
nd the fruit crop don't seem to go to-
K"V. Father Deasy. accompanied by
th.. members of the Catholic church choir.
of this pla e. took a drive to Wopsononock
nn Wednesday.
-Charles Golicrt, an employe of the
Cambria Iron company at Johnstown, was
rauitht between bumpers Monday night
amI severely siue'zed.
A hnrslar entered the residence of J.
H. Miller. Coal port, on Sunday morning,
and stole a gold watch and chain, the prop
erty of Mr. Nora Miller. Wetteritreen, a Norwegian, was
punoverand killed on the Johnstown street
railway on a curve near the Suppes' hrae
(.tea.1 on Saturday night.
-Mr. J. W. Kllduff, proprietor of the
(iallifzin Vitulli-ator offers the plant for
sale. It has been established for five years
and Is a prosperous paper.
An Indiana county farmer has in his
orchard two apple trees bearing fruit
wl:l li were planted In 17H3. Ono of them
Is ten feet in circumference.
For sale or rent, the Loretto House,
I. oretiD. I'a. A Iarire stable and all neces
n:iry out l uiMitiifs and Hardens in good or
der Address, Loretto, Pa.
The picnic at Loretto, hidd on the 4th,
Inst., netted something over ?I7." for re
j.:ii r; iiit th old chapel and residence of the
pioneer priest. Kev. Dr. (iallitin.
Mr. John S. Davis, of Philadelphia,
came here on Monday to attend the funer
al of Mrs. I. s aunt. Miss Eliza Murray,
who was hurried hereon that day.
Mr. Alfred (Jibson. wife anil daughter.
of Philadelphia, are visiting the family of
(ieneral McDonald, in this place. Mr.
Oihsott is a brother of Mrs. McDonald.
M. s-rs. J. K. Shields, of Lorctto, and
A. .1. SpeiitN'tnire, of llraddock, drove up
fnmi the former place on Tuesday, and
while here dropped in to see the Fukkma.v..
-Thomas !. Davis, (Mason) of this
ii;i.v has been (cranted a Pension amount
Uu to one hundred and thirty-three dol-!;ir-:ie.i
twelve lol!;its per month in the
futu re.
A little daughter of Prof.T. 1$. Allison,
of tlu plaee. fell from a chair in Johns
town one day lul week while there with
her parents on a visit to friends, and broke
her arm.
Mr. David Kirby. son of County Com-
mis-ioncr John Kirby, and Miss Sarali
Dunn, of Johnstown, were married at St.
John's Catholic church Johnstown on
Mr. John T. Long, of Summerhill,
w ho has the contract for building the Cath-
ilic parsonage at this place, commenced
work on the building on Tuesday with a
force of men.
Mr. Harry Esterllne, formerly of the
Mountain House, in this place, but now of
Dn llois, Clearfield county, is taking a
look at some of the many Improvements in
town since he left.
On the afternoon of July 4th about 5
o'chx V. the people attending the picnic In
This place were disoersed bv a hail-storm.
IThc ground was white with hail-stones
which were as large peas.
The store of E. L. Edwards, at Ber
winsdale, Clearfield countv. was destroyed
jl y tire on Monday night. The explosion
; r f a keg of powder caused the entire de
Kruction of tha building and contents.
J. -Messrs. Hopkins ,fe Weymouth, of
, Lock Haven, cut from the 5,000 acre tract
t)f lan.i at Snow Shoe 40,000.000 feet of
fthite pine lumlier, and 10,000,000 feet of
:ak and hemlock. The tract Is now en
t re'y cleared of lumber.
-Mrs. Julia Iii,.v. of Portage township,
3 i at her home in that townshipon Tues
iay. July 7th. 1S'.1, agnl Sfi years. The dc
' avil was the mother of I'hilin anrl .!..).
J. !ii V. we known eiiirinei-nt on th Pitta.
urg division of the Pennsylvania railroad.
-Mrs. Francis Kinnev. Sr nf f inllitTtn.
u at her home in that place on Monday
. agci atHiiit seventv-five Tears She
fvs threu sons. John J. and Francis, of
.'iiitin. and Charles Kinney, of Summit.
r remains w,re interred in the Catholic
t met.ryatiJallitin on Wednesday.
-me family of H. Y. Haws, of Johns
on, are .(iiMi.ii.iT XC....1.. T--l. m.,
' lren have a small Shetland pony, with
inns, and cart to match, with which
'y drive through our streets, much to
" 'nvy and admiration of our juvenile
Miss Mand si.u,.,.!. t . r
H- A. ShlMVn-.L-..,. CK..noK..n
f'"" Saturday with Misses Fanny
I. Kat'' UHP. who had been visiting on
P mountain, and now Is their guest at
.notable home of their
'--AtttHna Ti'tiu.
n Tuesday evening a 1
;t!,e Fair grounds b-t'
.""swum,, home of their parents In this
-V.-.t Itiu.n., V!... -
..1 . . .
root race came
tween Herman
' ani Harris Jackson, (colored. 1 both
' thi-
l1'1"'. The rllstniief. n u
iwa pretty evenly contested until
'an . hundred yards was reached
"'n consid,.r.lbly in tho rrar The
mad hv
'irs. l
'i'a Murray, daughter of Hon.
v.. .
""'lurrav. frn,..,i v, i j
i. and a sister of the late Captain
" Murray, of this place, dii-d at her
Itl Phil.,!..!..!.: ... . ....
h ,j noiia on rtaiuruay .July U,
, ' " years. Her remains were
tui hen. on Mollday aud inlt.rr, ,
tno lie ..i j ...
ft. j - I'Higsiueoiini'owi-
r (-R ..,1 i ...
- m.-mwrs or the family.
ov are piUKItlg
. u 0e on the r.n,I-l
V stni.-U ..n ..
v ----- .-man HUhPl OI Oil at a
I ieet.
T . , . . I
i p ui mis time the j
. ui very .
ami t
x fact that oil has been !
'ti l ....
Qif our exchange-s must be taken
""Msl irrainsAf -II
- " - .ii'jnaili T.
' ""dnesilay
room in rr ft a i,,.in
"n at 1 -' Mam
da't,;l :3?.WM runwlng down the
t r, : raq"y. 8 to - -fdg.. at th-
thr. nf!neer Zahm saw a
ntl . h' fcK but owing to the
in l ra i n av
.ir nr&vv
Th cattle
KO r.ff .l.u .1 .
J o''" cow k: i" u" ?.xcpp on of
arown T '",,,Klo"Jh Marsh,
"n fiv.r
me bank and killed.
r was- thrown off th track
"'Wpammly unhurt.
A twelve-year-old colored lad named
Henry Brown, of Johnstown, had his left
leg ground off by the cars ou Thursday in
attempting to jump on a moving freight
The Pittsburg and Ebensburg special
train will leave I'ittsburg during the Hum- I
nier season every Saturday afternoon at t
2:43 P. M., and returning on Mondays
will leave Ebensburg at 7:05 and Cresson
at 7:3j a. m. On Mondays any of our peo- j
pie wishing to go to Pittsburg for a pop
visit can go there and back on the same i
A special from Cresson Springs to the
New York World says: "It Is understood
that the President is expected hero this
m onth, though no official assertion to that
eff ct is to lie obtained. It is thought he
will com- alone and bo at the hotel a few
days. Whether his family will arrive
later is so far merely a matter of conject
ure. A Clinton county man who had been
to Lock Haven attending a meeting on
Tuesday night, on his return home heard
his hogs squealing aud ujon investigation
found a big black hear in the pen. In the
absence of a gun tha animal was attacked
with an axe and driven away. Some time
afterward the largest of the hogs was
found dead, its back having been
Mr. E. B. Creswell, of this place. If I
sufficient encouragement be given him by
the people of Ebensburg, will erect an
electric light plant for the purpose of fur
nishing light to the town. Already a num
ber of people have signified their intention
of using the light and we hope it may be
but a short time until we can touch the
button and the eloetrlc light plant will do
the rest.
Whllo Martin Beam, of Bell township,
Clearfield county, was cleaning up seme
brush and tops preparltory to moving
some shingle timber, he cut away a sap
ling that held another tightly bound, of
which he had taken no notice whatever,
and when the bound tree was released it
struck him a terrible blow across the ab
domen. Injuring him internally and caus
ing his death two days after the accident-
The School Directors for Ebensburg on
Monday night met and appointed the fol
lowing named teachers for the ensuing
term, commencing on the first Monday of
September next: No. 1. Miss Allie Lloyd,
f32 per month; No. 2, 'Miss Efhe Myers,
$.10; No. 3, Miss Maggie Shenkle, $:t0; No.
4, Miss Annie Jones, 37; T. L. Gibson,
principal, who was selected some time ago,
will have charge of No.S, atfTS per month.
Theophilus S. Wilson, aged 54 years.
President Judge of the ISth Judicial Dis
trict of Western Pennsylvania, whose ser
ious illness we noted two weeks ago, died
at one o'clock on Monday niorniug of last
week at the home of Edward Nixon, at In
diana. Pa. He came from his home in
Clarir.n, Pa., some weeks ago to hold court
for Judge White. Heart failure caused his
death, aggravated by an attack of In tuba-
go, which attacked him while holding court
in Indiana.
Rev. Ferdinand Kittell, pastor of St.
Michael's church. Loretto. has Issued a
circular appealing to the jM-ople of Cam
bria and other places for funds to presnrve
from ruin aud decay the chaH-l and resi
dence of licv. Demetrius A. (Jallitzin. the
pioneer priest of the Alleghenies. If. ns
the circular says, you care to aid in per
petuating the memory of one w ho was treat
as a prince, a missionary anil an American
citizen, kindlv send a contribution, how
ever small, to Kev. Ferdinand Kittell, Lor
etto, Pa.
The Johnstown Tribune learns from a
trustworthy source that the linn of WimmI,
MoiTell & Co.. Limite.l. hiis sold to a syn
dicate of capitalists its buildings, grounds,
stores, goods and fixt ures. The sale covers
not only the buildiugs, grounds, goods, etc.,
in Johnstown, but those in Blair county,
and everyw here else the firm has interests.
In an article taken from the Phila
delphia ltecitril, to be found on our second
page, the reason of the sale is accounted
for, and goes to show that there are other
ways of killing a dog than choking him
with butter.
John W. Whistler, formerly of Johns
town, was drowned in the Allegheny river
on Sunday last. The Pittsburg I'ourt of
Monday morning has tjin following con
cerning Whistler and the manner of his
death: "John W. Whistler, a man of
thirty-five years old, was drowned in the
Allegheny River at Brilliant yesterday
afternoon. With some companions he had
goni- in bathing, but got beyond his depth
because he could not swim. William Mon
dell found the body an hour after. Whist
ler was a painter and decoratcr. He
boarded at No. 412 Fruakstown avenue.
Mrs. Peter I Inner, ditid at her home fn
Carroll township, on Sunday, the 5th in
stant, aged 70 years. Mrs. Hnbor was born
in Lycoming county, March 14th, 1M, and
was married Juno 30th, 1840. Last year
the deceased, with her husband, celebra
ted her golden wedding in the presence of
a large circle of relatives and friends. Her
death Is mourned by a bereaved husband
who was her companion for lifty-one years,
and ten children, Thomas, who is at
present Stward of the Almshouse; James,
Simon, Joseph, Rev. Vincent. O. S. B., Ed
ward, Peter, Mrs. William Dishart, Sister
Teresa, O. S. B., of Allegheny, and Sister
Irmina, O. S. B., of Carrolltown.
Altoona was visited on Wednesday
morning by another disastrous fire which
destroyed about worth of property.
The fire originated in the Ice cream manu
factory of Harry Nixdorf, corner of Tenth
and Eleventh streets, and before it was
gotten under control the rooms occupied
by Geo. F. Streit. dealer in hides and
leather, James C. Watts A Bro., commis
sion merchants, Hennenian fc Itesnnt,
commission merchants, all under one roof
and owned by Geo. F. Htreet were con
sumed. A building owned by Andrew
Parcell, Sr., fell a prey to the devouring
element. The roof of tho Lenoard House
House was partially burned and tlie Inside
of the house deluged w ith water.
Jerrv i. Magginnis, of Grccushurg,
lost his life by a jieculiar accident on Tues
day. Mr. and Mrs. Maginnis were sitting In
the kitchen together, the latter preparing
breakfast. Up stairs above the kitchen
was their sleeping room aud under the ImkI
were two loaded guns one a Winchester
rifle. Their little son aged three years and
seven months gotont of bed and seeing the
guns t.K.k the Winchester rifle and drag
ging It across the floor by the stock. In
some manner discharged the weapon.
The deadly ball passed in a slanting di
rection through the floor and ceiling and
struck the father on the right side of the
head penetrating the brain and causing
his death In about two hours after. The
lamentations of the wife were heartrend
ing as she stood by her dying husband.
The Democracy of Blair county met In
convention at Hollidaysburg on Monday
and unanimously endorsed the candidal--
of Hon. John Dean, who was
! by the Republicans, for President Judge of
1 Blair countv. The follow!
et was named: Dclcgate-at-large to the
constitutional convention, A. S. Landis, of
Hollidaysburg; district delegate to the
constitutional convent ion. Augustus V.
Dlvrly, of Altoona; assemblymen. Geo. W.
Rhine, of Altoona; prothonotary, Wm. C.
Reeni, of Altoona: sheriff. T. D. Hughes,
of Altoona; poor director, Samuel R.
Downing, of Altoona; jury commissioner,
Irank X. Meintel, of Hollidaysbnrg; del
egates to State convention, Geo. B. lliaht
A. O. Johnston, John Filtz, Michael Man- j
ryand William H. Si ullin: countv !
wan, ThODms J. Burke. j
While a local freight was shifting at
Clearfield on Monday a w reck train ran in
to the rear of the freight, demolishing six
cars and the engl no. One rrr was thrown
over the bank onto ih.; !i. c, , (-.' rail
road, fatally injuring Ctorge -x;li-ii and
Charles Stewart.
John H. Benfordl the contractor, is
engaged In erecting ten dwelling houses
for the Cambria Mining and Manufactur
ing company on Trout Run, about three
miles from Portage. He also expects or
ders fortenrnoreindwhen these are
completed it will 'make a total of sixty
houses which Mr.lten ford has frectd for
this firm. Mr. Baird, piesident of this
corporation. U a millionaire, and Is chair
man of the cf:mmitt-e for carrying out the
charitable purioscs of the will of the late
I. V. Williamson, of Philadelphia. Jolin
itnen Herald.
On Wednesday. H. Y. Haws" celebra
ted trotting horse, Jeett,- arrived here
on the cars from Erie, and is now quarter
ed in the stables on the Fair Grounds.
.Tewett has a pacing record of a mile in
2:14 and a trotting record of 2:23 and some
of these days at the track on the fair
grounds some of the fastest trotting that
has everlbeen witnessed it this part of the
country will be done by this noble speci
men of the horse. We understand the Di
rectors of the Fair have in contemplation
hold! u some spirited races sometime dur
ing next month.
Mr. John Keough, of St. Louis, Mo.,
came np to Ebensburg on Saturday and
spent a couple of days In town. Mr.
Keough is remembered by our older resi
dents as having lived when a boy for sev
eral years with General McDonald and the
late Thomas 1i. Moore, and afterward
clerking In Moore's store, Carrolltown.
Mr. Keough at the breaking out of the
war left Ebensburg as a member of Com
pany A. 11th P. R. C, and after serving
for three years again enlisted In Company
E, 77th P. V. He is now a a memlierof
the Christian Brotherhood at St. Louis.
On Sunday last Captain Thomas Davis,
while sitting on the porch of his residence
with his wife, noticed a commotion among
his chickens. He had a hen that number
ed among her flock four little ducks that
claimed her for a mother, besides a num
ber of half-grown chickens. One of the
little ducks was seen to bo backing away,
apparently from some object, while the
the old hen and the little chickens and
ducks were following up, seemingly great
ly alarmed. On the Captain's approach he
found a garter snake about eighteen inches
long had closed Its mouth on the little
duck's bill and the duck was making fran
tic efforts to break away and disengage Its
bill from the hold of the snake. The Cap
tain killed the snake and released the lit
tle duck, much to the satisfaction of the
old hen and her brood.
The erection of marble is the last work
of respect to the memory of departed
friends, and is a citstom which has been
followed from the earlnst ages of an-
tinuity. Formally years J. Wilkinson &
Son have liccn in the marble business in
ElxMishurg and through their energy and
honorable dealings, they have built for
themselves a reputation for doing their
work in a most artistic manner. Their
work is an ornament to the town as well as
a credit to themselAes. We are giving
them no more notoriety than they
deserve, and to prove our assertion, go to
their establishment and sec for yourself.
They take pleasure in showing their work,
whether you wish to purchase or not.
They, have on exhibition at their works
two car-loads of monuments and head
stones, and in April and May will receive
two car-loads more. They will thon have
a large assortment of the latest styles for
customers to select from. They have
arrangements made with wholesale gran
ite dealers so that they can fill all orders
for granite monuments and headstones in
a short time and as cheap as can be done
anywhere. They buy their stock in such
large quantities that they defy emMtI
tion. They also have the agency for the
Champion Iron Company and are prepared
to furnish all kinds of fencing or anything
in iron. Persons wishing to purchase any
thing in their line of business would do
well to give liieni a call before leaving their
order with any other manufacturer, as
they have as fine. If not the finest stock of
marble that ever came to Western Penn
sylvania. Give them a trial and you can
deend upon getting a good job at a fair
A nreenabara; Scandal.
On Thursday morning of last week J. M.
Ncnbaucr, proprietor of the Fisher House,
at Greensburg, about 3 o'clock awoke, and
missing his wife got np to investigate the
cause of her absence from his bed. On go
ing to the register, he found noni No. 17
checked off as occupied and concluded that
from the peculiar marking It had been
done by his wife. Proceeding to No. 17
and 'demanding admittance E. W. Keenan,'
proprietor of the Hotel Stark. "of the same
place, appeared, with Mrs. Neubauer by
his side. Neubauer began making a noise
to arouse the guests, w hen Keenau hasti
ly dressed and slipped out by a rear door
and Mrs. Neubauer, skipiied off to her own
room but returned shortly after and gath
ered up her underclothing hosiery etc.,
which was scattered over the floor. Neu
bauer denounced his wife in the severest
terms and threatened to apply at once for
a divorce. He however, after thinking
the matter over has condoned the offense
and he and his wife have concluded to
stick together, no matter what any person
may say or what may occnr, barring a
repetition of the offense. Mrs. Neubauer
Is well known in Ebensburg, being before
her marriage Miss Alice Foster, daughter
of Mrs. C. Foster, who for a number of
years presided as landlady over the Cam
bria House in this place.
Nherlft'a Kalea.
Sheriff Stlneman on Monday of last week
sold the following iroerties at Sheriff's
The property of Ciesar Laforte, two lots
and a plank house, situated In Elder town
ship, was sold to Francis Huber, far f J30.
Forty-five acres belonging to Samuel
HofTa, in West Taylor, was sold to Cyrus
HotTa, for 500.
Two lots belonging to Peter McNeil In
Gallitzin, were sold to the Gallitzin Build
ing & Loan Association, for frJ.V
The right, title, and Interest of the South
Fork Hunting and Fishing Club, of, in,
and to a tract of land, situated in Coyle
aud Adams townships, was sold to E. B.
Alsip, Trustee, ofr futt.
The sale of the properties of Andrew
Mummau, Alex. J." Berkey, and John S.
Burk, was adjourned until the first Mon
day in September.
Tha Npeelal'a Flrat Trip.
The-Pittsburg and Ebensburg Special
train made Us first trip of the season on
Saturday last. When near Ben's creek rnd
running at a rapid rate a tramp stepped
off the opposite track out of the way of a
freight train In front of the engine of the
special and was throw off the track along
side of the rails, but not under the cars.
The train was stepped and the man who
was found to be living but unconscious ta
ken on board, and brought to Cresson
where he was sent to the Cambria Hospi
tal at Johnstown, on Fast Liue. An ex
amination of his injuries by a physician
disclosed the fact that his jaw was broken,
one arm broken, N-side being badly cut
aud bruised aUut the head and body.
His name was found to be Gotleib Hum
mel. It is not likely that he will recover
as al last account; he was still iiiiioii-
Saw Axtonio. Fla., June fi, jsni.
Editor Cumbria Freeman:
Sib: As the brceie from the old ocean
, kisses my cheek this afternoon I wonder,
v he thcr borne o'er hill and dale, it will
i leave a message for me among the beauti
( ful hills and grand old mountains of Penn-
: syivania. nui no, l ii not trust you, ncKie
wind: l ou are too much like changeable
humanity now you come with a gentle
caress; to-morrow you may change into a
howling, tormenting demon of the air.
Wny do I wish tbi.sfmessago borne? Not
that I claim a home or seek there any
friend's face. My home! Tis where
hangs my hat." A Nomad 1 ! But
chancing to lie present at a most Interest
ing exercise here recently, and learning
that some of the gentle Sister had dear
ones living in your tlon, I concluded to
let them know what theyare doing in the
I am going to stwak of the commence
ment at the Holy Name Academy. After
a week's examinations, in which the pupils
acquit ti-d themselves in a manner that
would have done credit to some of our old.
ves. grey-headed, institutions of the
North. The school wasclosed on the l'.ith.
Early in the morning friends and relatives
began to assemble to witness the exer
cises. At 10 a. m. the curtains were drawn
aside, disclosing a beautifully; decorated
stage. Misses Klein, Bishoff.Stratuer and
others greeted those present with a wel
come song, after which a bright little miss
from Clear Water, a coast town, delivered
the salutatory. The bright eyes and In
tellectual features of Miss Ruby Wallace
show that with proper training she may
make a literary woman. "Forget-me-not"
was next on tha program by two little girls,
Abbie and Annie McCarthy, of Ocala.
Music followed. "Dottie'9 Dream," a
glympse of fairyland, was next on the pro
gram. Little Miss Ginse.of Chicago, act
ed the part of the wilful Dottle. Queen j
Mab (Mrs. Boncn) and a group of fairies
Srounl.ST&n. ffi XI isii-fnlow.
ii. C . v . -.
VI., O i I V illl. II a IIUUIUL I Ul !HJHg9 , II
sung by the little folks.
The seniors then gave a droll drama,
representing life in the oil regions. A serio
comic. "The Peddler." was next presented
by Misses Str&tuer, Klein and Hishoff. A
recitation. "The Last Hymn" was pathet
ically rendered by the talented little Miss
Bowen, who if she continues will make a
gifted elocutionist. Having touched all
hearts in her sad recital of the poor ship
wrecked soul. In response to an encore she
threw them into laughter with "Why the
Rooster Would Not Die." Again music
lent Its charm. When the curtains next
rose it was "The Dentist," in which Pat's
proverbial wit and ready tongue were
brought into play, and kept the audience
amnsea irom beginning to end. A beau
tiful farewell chorus was rendered by the
school. The valedictorian. .Miss Strainer,
of Crystal River, then thanked the aud
ience for its encouragement, and bade fare
well to Sisters and companions.
An address by Bishop Moore was listen
ed to attentively. At t ne close he awarded
the premiums, of which there were a goodly
number. The medal for attendance was
carried off In triumph by Miss Moan, of
St Louis. Master Kennedy bore the palm
for superior conduct and was awarded an
elegant gold pen. Three beautiful silver
thimbles were bestowed for needle work.
Misses Osborne, Cons and Kennedy being
the recipients. Every branch had at least
one premium.
This academy Is destined to be pride of
the South, under the management of the
present able and efficient directress.
Mother Dolorosa (Scanlanl. She possesses
rare business ability which, combined with
those endearing traits that make a woman
lovcable, wins all true hearts. A sweet
home has she made for her Sisters. I shall
not forget the strange, sweet feeling that
posssesued me w hen for the first time she
showed me her home. A longing for Its
?uiet and rest fills one. But relentless
ate bids us up and away. Shall we bow
to Its decree and turn where duty calls, or
list to the sweet siren who bids u linger
where the heart has found repose for even
a short time. Be that as it may, I only
wish this school and Its surroundings were
more widely known. Then from our
Northern home pupils and Invalids would
come and reap golden harvests from the
sunny dime and well-equipped school. A.
Marrlacv Licenses.
The following marriage licenses were Is
sued by the Clerk of the Orphans' Court
for two weeks ending Wednesday, July 15,
18-.U: i
Albert J. Wet more, Goshen, N. Y., and
Maggie Orner, Strongstown.
Samuel G. Daff. Sonman, and Jcnetta
Thomas Ehrentieid.
Thomas P. Cullcn and Elizabeth Belter,
J. N. Wagner, Bnrnside iownshtp. Clear
field county, and Florence Patterson.
Reconvene, W. Va.
P. L. Cramer and Jesse Klrtley, Mor
rellville. Johh A. Barker and Caroline Alcorn.
Saltsburg, Indiana county.
Andy Vauach and Mary Turin, Johns
town. William McCoueghy and Maggie Corco
ran, Johnstown.
George E. Thompson. Delaware county.
Pa., and Annie M. Hollen, Reade town
ship. James G. Warfle and Emma Florence
McCleester, Conemaugh township.
Nathan Howard and Amelia Mangus,
Ernest Banfield and Clara Bradley,
Charles I'rilxk and Amelia Dangas.
Lawrence F. Wakefield and Annie E.
Hammond. Morrellvillc.
Charles A. Miller and Julia L. Bowers
A Ka( Accident
From the Gn-ensbnrg Arytm: Walter
Todd, the bright little sou of Wm. J. Todd,
of Scottdale, was fatally injured by being
run over by a coke car on Tuesday of last
week. The circumstancce of the sad af
fair are about as follows: Walter attempt
ed to crawl under a car which was stand
ing near the Gn-cnwalt block. When half
through the train moved and a pair of
trncks passed directly over his body, cut
ting him in two. Rev. Fuuk,who witnessed
the sight. Interfered and rescued the Iwy
from instant death. He was carried to
his home, and Doctors Rodgers and New
man summoned, but the poor boy suffered
for several hours before oeatn came to his
relief. His distracted parents have the
sympathy of the entire community.
Wm. A. Todd, who is well known in this
place where he formerly lived, is a resident
of Scottdale. but whether there Is another
William Todd, in that place we have been
unable to learn. The several papers in
which we have noticed an account of the
accident all give the middle name as J.,
while the middle Initial of Mr. Todd, who
formerly lived heri was A. This gives the
many friends of Mr. Todd and his estima
ble wife in this place, the hope tnat they
may not be the parents called upon to
mourn this distressing accident.
Take) He CAaaeea.
During the present heated term, sur
rounded by impure water and subject at
any moment to epidemics why risk your
health, your happiness and probably your
life, when a simple, pleasant and most ef
fective preventative to human affliction is
at your command. Physicians everywhere
and nurses will promptly assure you of the
advantage of good, pure liquor, such as
Klein's "Silver Age" or "Duqucsne" pure
ryes. Goods that are without a compeer In
the market, and the boast and admiration
of everyone testing them. Ask your drug
gist or dealer for them. The "Silver Age''
sells for $1.50 per full quart, and "Du
quesne" for $1.25. If they do not keep it
end to the reliable wholesale liquor house
of Max Klein, 82 Federal street, Allegheny.
Von will find pure Guckenheimer, Finch,
Overholt and Gibson ryes, either at $1.00
per quart or six bottles for $5.00.
A complete catalogue a price list will be
mailed ou application.
Teaeben' Eiamlnallea.
During the present week commencing
July 2i)th the County Superintendent will
hold examinations at the following places:
Monday, at South Fork.
Tuesday, at Summerhill for Croyle twp.
Wednesday, atWilmore for Wilmore and
Summerhill township.
Thursday, at Portage for .Portage bor
ough and township.
Friday, at Lilly for Lilly and Washing
ton township.
Saturday, at Gallitzin for Gallitzin bor
ough and township and Tunnelhill.
The hay crop which Is being harvested
Is nearly up to lat year's
Tka reBBSjIvaala Kllreal' Htmma
Baalire Exr atrlan.
The first seashore tour which left Pitta-
burg on Thursday, July 9th, ws a most
successful one and many persons who
were unable to secure space, will avail then
selves of the second tour, which leaves
Pittsburg, Thursday, July 23rd. Thitour
offers a choice between AUautic City, Capa
May, Sea Isle City, or OceanTCity, as the
rate is the same for each. The excursion
tickets good for ten days are to be sold at a
rate of $10.00 from I'ittsburg, and at cor
respondingly low rates from other sta
tions. A special train of parlor cars aud day
coaches will leave Pittsburg at 8:50 a.m.
for Philadelphia, stopping at all important
junction points, w here connections will bn
made with trains from the branch lines.
Passengers will spend the night in Phlla-
nelpbia and proceed to the seashore by the
regular trains of the next day.
On account of the desirability of the sa
shore points, the liberal limit and low rate
of the tickets, and the fine equipment of
the special train, this excursion presents
the most attractive of summer outings.
Tickets will be sold from stations named
below and train schedule will be as follows:
Johnstown t 9.25
Cresson 8.50
Altoona 8.00
11:03 x. M.
11:52 A. M.
12:55 v. u.
aiaeellaaeaaa Hatlcea:
The people of Ebensburg w ill be treat
to a phonograph exhibition and concert on
July 17th. Mr. J. W. Ball has been en-gagi-d
to give a phonograph concert In the
Opera House and will come equ'pped with
all the necessaiy appliances. lie will ex
! Opera House and will .come equipped with
all the necessaiy appnancos. lie w
hibit the latest product of Edison's labra
tory and will produce all kinds of music
from the clashing of a brass baud down to
a flute solo. The progrgmme will consist
ef music by some of the most noted bands
of the country, including the U. ii Marine
band, Gilmore's famous band, cornet so
los by Levy and other creat musicians;
songs by the Manhattan Quartette, of New
York city, and a host of great singers. No
ear-tubes are used and you can hear In any
part of the hall as if the singers and talk
ers were really present.
Mineral Right
BY VIRTUE of an order ImuIck oat oftno Or
phan! Court ol Camnrta county, toe andor-
igned all! expo to paMie rale at tha Aibvllla
Uoim, in too borooga 01 AiBTiiie. ra. oa
at 1 o'clock, r. au. tbe follow tug Mineral and Sur
face nghU:
All tha Coal and Mineral right In all that rer
t&la tract ol land altaaie la tallltla towsahlp,
Cambria county. Pa adjoining lands of tae Al
tonDa Coal a. Coke Company ' James lianlln. Mas
tka Selbert and other, cocialn.lD
4KB Acres,
Alio, all tba rartaea a all that eartala tract al
land annate la iMan township- t'asatirla eonnty.
Pa. . 'adjoining land of Lake XcOalro. Klehard
tlder. uzabelA Trailer and otbera, evntalalng
S3 Acres,
Term a ef Sale: Ona-thlrd at tbe purchase
m oney to be paid on eoonrtnatlon 01 aie; one
tblrd In one year, and one-third to remain a lien
upon upon aaldl properties , and tbe Interest
thereon to be paid annnally to McCatre.
widow of James N. MeOnlre, deceased. Ileferred
payments to bear Interest atfd to be aecurad upon
the pram teat by bond and nriasre.
v JOHN A. M11U1KE,
Administrator of Jane N . McOoira, deceased., Jnly ltlh, 18U1.
Johnston, Buck & Co.,
A. W. BCt'K, Cauls ler.
Carrolltown Bank,
T. A. HaBHaCen,:Casbler.
General Banting Business Transacted.
Tbe following are the principal features of a
general basvsing- business :
Keeelred payable on demand, and Interest bear
ing certificates issued to time depositors.
Extended to customer on favorable teims and
approved paper dlsoannted at all times.
Made la tbe locality and upon all tbe banktnsj
towni In tbe United Stale. Charge moderate.
leaned negotiable la all parts ef the United
State, and torelsta exchange Usoed on 11 part
of turoi a. ,
Of BterebanU, farmer and otbera solicited, to
wbom reasonable aoeomodattoa will be extended.
Patron are assured that all transact to aa shall
be beld a strictly private and confidential, aad
that they will be treated a liberally a good
banking tale will permit. , ,
Accounts of merchants, farmers and oth
ers earnestly solicited, assuring our patrons
that all business entrusted to us will re
ceive prompt and careful attention, and be
held strictly confidential. Customers will
be treated as liberally as good banking
rules will permit.
febSOO. Lilly, Penna
In tbe Orphans' Court of Cambria eonnty.
la tbe matter ol the estate of John Campbell,
Sr., late of Carrolltown borooa-h, deceased.
Having been appointed Aadltor by said Ooart
to report distribution of the land In tba hand of
Jebn Flick. Sr., nd Hoary Bender, executors of
tba last will and testament al said decedent,
aristae from the sale of said decedent's real ae
tata, a well as to report a distribution of tba un
matured payment mentioned In tbe mortgaae
securing- the balance of purchase money on ald
ale, notice l hereby riven that 1 wUTslt at my
office la toe borough ol Eoenshnnr. on Woela
slay. he Stta stay er Assail, at 10
o'eloek. a. at., lor the parpoee of dtscbarfrlaa; tbe
d atlas of said appointment, wben and where all
persons Interested may attt nd or be loraver de
barred from oomlnit In on said fund.
DONALD is. uurroN.
Ebensbnra;, Pa-. July J. ISvl. Aadltar.
NOTICE I hereby a-lven that an application
will be made to the Ooveraor or Pennsyl
vania on tee n&th day of Jnly. lswl. by Jama I).
Caller?. William V.Callery. Charles D. Cat lory.
John Bobl nsteea and tieorae T. Hamilton, under
an Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act to Provide
tor tbe Incorporation and KearulaUon of Certain
Corporations." approved April nth, 1874. and tha
nppleiaent thereto, for the charter of an Intend
ed corporation to be called "The Ebensburr
Tannlna! Company," tba character and object ol
which I the maanlactnrinxand tannins; ol leath
er, and lor these parpoee to bar, poetess and en
joy all tbe right benefit and privilege of said
Aot of Assembly and supplement thereto.
UfcO.O. WllJSON,
Jnly 3d. 1801 St. Solicito r
Letters of Administration upon the estate ol
Sarah Elisabeth Burke, ol Summerhill township,
Cambria county deceased, haying- been it ranted
to the anderslxned, notice I hereby rl7en to all
person Indebted to said estate to make payment
without delay, and those bavl g claim or de
mand against the same will Dresent them, dnlv
authenticated tur settlement.
... , AKTHUR 8. BURKE.
Administrator of Sarah fclizabcin Hurke. dee'd.
Jnly 3, '
Dry : Gools
addinR to the patronage of these stores ev
ery day.
MEST offers this week these bargains: 400 pieces
100 pieces assorted styles, 35c
H " " " 40c.
ioo " " " rn
K)0 " " Sic
Above offering of all-wool fine challies,
for excellence of fabrics and artistic styles,
surpasses anything yet done in the challie
at 10c. and 12Ke.. in light and dark
grounds, artistic printings and particular
ly good for the prices.
100 pieces 30 Inch
(made in Japan,)
The Intended retail price was 50c, im
porter's loss, your opportunity for a bar
gain. Still a choice assortment of those
left, 35c. qnality.) all myrtle green
trrounds, with white, yellow, old rose
printings, choice artistic stvles and the
greatest satine bargains of the year.
Your orders by mail receive best atten
tion and you're sure always of lowest
prices and highest qualities.
115, 117, 119 & 121 Fetal St,
A Specialty.
Hlaaaleet, Host Durable, Economical and Per
fect la asa Wsilis a Ural a; Uesa if
tttrndfjor Market.
TIsreabiaaT Eaajtaee Jt Bar Pewers,
saw mills:?.4! i-ssna
ead far III Uatalorne.
Peaaa. Acrlealt'l Warka, Yark,
A The anderalsmed wtQ roll at private eat
piece of real estate situate ta Monster township,
Cambria county. Pa . eonUlnln; weoeetlvelj
lxty-tx and flftv-flve acre aad allowance. Tbe
property 1 improved and la good state of onlU
tlvatloa, and will be sold at a reasonable price
and apon easy term, l or Fanner particulars,
call on or address Atria Evans. Ebcusbnre, Va..
or LUaaKUlKIEuS,
December 11 , 18W. Loretto, Pa.
The subscriber offors for rent his farm
In Munster township, along the line of the
Ebensibnrg; A Cre sou railroad, about two
miles from Cresson. Farm contains about
70 acres, about fit) cleared. Possession giv
en on 1st of April. Call on or address the
the subscriber at Loretto, Pa.
Feb. 27, 189L
The (nbscrlheT offer for sale tbe farm for
merlv owned by Evaa K. Bennnett. deceased, la
Cambria township, three miles north ol Kben
banc. The farm contains 240 acre, about U of
which are cleared, having thereon a boose and
barn and a srood orchard. For particular call oa
or adees. EVAN J. HKNNETf,
tcbl6r EUeiuburs.I'a.
-a--r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
out for another installment of
inducements in our next.
Out Enormous Siting Stock of Carpet;
Foster's are now fully prepared to meet the demands f
of their housekseper friends as contemplate making the imprj mo
ments in their homes that Spring always suggests. And in thi-;
connection let the fact be recorded that they show as Grand, Var
ied and Excellent a Stock of
Carpets of Every Kind
and description as can be seen in the larger cities. And behind
thi3 very desirable state of affairs stands the even more important
particular. THE PRICE.
PERIES. New Spring Styles of Dress Goods and Trimmings now
Men's, Boys', Ladies', Misses'
and Children's Shoes, Oxford Ties and Slippers.
Also, a fnll line of Hats and Caps, Ties and Scarfs, Underwear,
Hosiery, Gloves and Shirts of all descriptions.
Opposite Cambla House.
Policies written at short nesice ta the
tad at her first Claaa t'eapaales.
EbenabarR.Jaiy at. 1882.
Tbe anderslft-ned will sell at private sal all
tnat certain lot of ground situate la the borough
of Loretto. I'a,. fronting- on ist. Joseph' street
r.A hnn Aa. V. . V. . ti .
' sooth by let of Mr. Sarah Salker and bflnn
aawwn ana bihmtm on the plan of said borouKh
as Lot No. 114. There Is erected on tbls lot a
la rood repair.
This property will be cold cheap on reasonable
term. k. a. BUSH.
Ezecotor of Marraret Magalre, deceased.
Altoona, fa.. Jane 26. ltou
U. J. KHETTHJ, PaorftirroR.
Located at iMtHot. fa., near the 11. K. a. P.
Kallway Depot. We alway endeavor to fur
nish the best accommodations to business men.
pleasure seeker and boarder. Person in search
oi eotaron ana quiei win dm 11 a aesirapie place
to stop. The Table i unsurpassed and I alway
supplied with the best the market afford, and
all tbe delicacies of tbe season. Tbe Har I sup
plied with tbe choicest ol pure liquor and eitcar
aad nothlnn but the beat Is sold. Special atten
tion given to the care ol horses.
11. j.sciiErriu.
- - - - - - - fc y
Manufacturer of aud Iealer In
Kobe, Vly Nets, flurry Combs, etc. etc Re
pairing Neatly aad Promptly duae. All work
guaranteed to give atislactloa.
r-Shop II arkeri'Kow on Centre street.
Wool ! Wool !
1 want KlVE THOfS AN 1 pounds ol Wort
tub washed or unwashed. Very ts lac host five,
will be paid, either cash or merchandise.
ma'ii 2m. Lilly Station, Cambria C-., IV.
Office in Armory Building, opp Court House.
EstSKSttU, I'KN'..
v-Speclal attention given to claim for t'.
Ion Bounty, etc. cM "
EaKSmaiiia, Pnrr; j..
VDiflce In Opera House. Centre sircc
r.nKnrrko. msi
Aa-timce on Centre street, nea r Hl-h.
Eaavancaa, Pa.
aaeTOIBee la VuUuaed Vow. oa Centre street.
If you want the new rend the raacuAS
I .BOO coluiniu a year.
" . . ......