i.j:K.WU. J!, CAMPnt.V .. PA. kkipav. - - ."-"juxeVwi. Dltt .OIUK. 1 roiu and afu-rthis date no advertising .tri msc.nv. --- ti ' II nit .iiitUM'S Will DO inseri- .: ...i.tt.nw i:...t..r tile i,i aiHt'rmiiiB . - f -.Miscellaneous Not ices." ThisdiM's , ,!v to unexpired contracts which ' 1.1 l. . . . ...... .. t . I I;,, i i im plclcu, ill L. ii' in """' t-- id.- insertion Ol aun iiiiik no' ' f " T. :lli " matter will lie entered into. A.MU'IKKOSIAI. i t.i tin- primaries on Saturday. n.d cow for sale. Inquire at tins were naturalized in A iM - ri iiiv-tivc men (',,,; i.m m.hiu;i. was ln-ld in the orient lions- on S.,nnila v.'iiinir. l, A. Leap, of Nicktown. was a vis- l t 1 1 1 I' Olllll- OH .K'IK1.I . I II - T! 111 1 t...t!i.spiinif tooth harrow for 1 . ip at I tufloii's hardware store. . t I . l . . : 1- i . r:i in I .1 ury eompi uineu nuiiv . ili-c liariri'il on Wednesday even- v 1 1 1 .M. Tli l v an oflice is tin' place ti pet niiitiiiir. Good work at low Mr. AiU-rt -Inp. a" J. Nagle, of Clcnrlield a visitor to Khenshiirsr on w ;i- - M. M,.!iila. , KaM-U'- county people lain mecoinei s,ne of a new rotirt house at I'liiontown ,, y.n.ilii v. Mr and Mr. Joseph Bearer, of Carroll t.,n-l.ip. '-re visiting friends in Kheiis liiiri: "ii Saturday. TI,. attendance at Court this week was small ami tin- cases, jis a general thing, of a trilli ii-' character. Mr. Janus Burke, of Sunimerhill t,.i'i-li'i'. an "Id friend of the liif-KM AX. in inw ii oil 1 ue-n;i . O'llara. Luther A Davis, iv.-ryiii. ii of this place, lost a valuatile h,,is,' hy death on Saturday evening. -A well N heing drilled in Lloyd's .-enic-T,ry for the purpose of .furnishing w ater f,,-" : i.-l-iiii? Howers uml other purposes. - Mr. .lame- McXeelis. one of Hastings" ,.,,1, r .i i-iiig citizens and a reader of the I-'iih-mw. ua-a caller at our otlice on M 1 1 leili I'fi i-ter. of ('ioss.ni. who -.mraaeil 111 iiiei-ehandiy.iiiti at the new ! of Kilkeiinv. was a visitor to our a I, mi Wednesday. Mr. -loli" Powers, an old-tiine resident l,r K!u-i;-liiirg. hut for several years past a tii-n of 1'pper Washington township, M.....I.... (;roi'iI 111 I'l ee US t.u .nmn.n.. . - Mt r-. Henry Diiinni ami i ranK Ki ii'. nt tin- place, have heen aw aided t he fur the caienter work 011 the 1 . w hnildiiig at tin almshouse-. - The National Guard of Pennsylvania mh get .;. . rmni ine i mien .hiiii-.i .ni riiiin nt. 1 his ilitrilution of money in.i.h' on th liasi- of Con'iressioiial re--nt.itioii. am! tie- funds ill lie availa r ,itl .1 11! i-t. M ni or the Berk- county farmers n.- f 1 1 1 1 I that potatoes nil- the most ahli' crop that can he raised. Many 111 ri-alied ht" per acre for their last ar- 1 rop of potatoes, whereas wheat . j.;, .1 tllelll Olllj to -vlioo! ilirectors eh -i teil iiel year will .v.- !.. lake an oath. The pre-ent loiri--i'io- iiaclt d the law. The new law ... 1:1' effect I lie present di rectors elect - : 111 February la-t. -A aluahle trotting horse owned hy Uanl I'.yth.way. of near (.'rah Tree.. .-I'liureland count . w as stolen on Sun i.urht from ti pasture lield. 1 lo-ro is I . r ue to tin- thief. -so.u Ho--, formerly of Blackliek wi-hip. this county, died at his home in 1 r..i:--io 11. Iniiiana county. 011 Friday -t. Thi ileei a-, il w as ahoiit thirty-live -:u - of a-'e aii'l hi- remains were in in- it-'I ar hel-ano mi Sunday. - t Hi . 'In sun y('. .1. Mayer is sending ii n.it 11 - ! t h"-r -iiliject to pay a mei -.1 ' lav that the -ame is now due uml .i .0. '.. Tie-law make- u the duly of t ho oiiuiN 'I n a-uii r to hring suit against all if'1" h'i il" ii"t 'ift t heir license on or I- for.- tin- l'r-t of .lu!v. hi ti e ltd of July the Klx-iisliurg Alt n'.iiir.iil A01 iatioii will im-ii up their "'::;ds with a grand ii'l'i'. We have not m i leariieil the program hut we uiider i . ! there iij he rai e- of every deseri- 11. hi.r-i -. foot races, etc.. along with ' ery ' lung that go to make up a uic- I .11 Kil-.'. 11 niiie-vear-old 1 1 nntrari.i 11 . I Inline is in Sixteenth ward- i iiii-i.iwn. wa- struck hy a shifting i-n-4 : I'.aying on the railroad track on 1 inili.y evening and so hadly injured that t - t.:. ve(1 Ik. cannot recover. He was ! ' ' '" 1 he 1 umliria Hospital for troat u'iii!rl -lull lis, of .lohllstow II. W liileout i-i. mi Sattmlay. in getting over a '-. Iilaeid hi- right hand over the H1U.- :l,e jun to supiHirt himself, w hen the ' iischargeil. the liull pass- -' :l.rni:irh the hand, causing a wound 1 ' I, Hi ee ;tateil the a III pi 1 1 a t ion of tin; k llr.'ef. "a viu.h.v ..selling, w hile Mr. Barney "'et. h.s '.. -.I.. I i. i.;i,ii-,... Barb wire and vlro nails cheap at Dufton & .Son's. Clement's show went to pieces in Johnstown last wn k owing to a luck of patronago. On Monday night a irtabh sieaiu saw mill, situated on the farm of Scott Iloborts. in Cambria township, belonging to Mr. Oliver 1-2 vans, of the same township, caught fire and was bnrnod. We have not learned the amount of Mr. Evans' loss, but wo understrnd tho ongino and boiler w ith some of tho machinery is not a total loss but can be repaired. Mr. Evans also lost his hooks which cannot, however. Ii- re placed as they contained many accounts that will bo extremely difficult to settle w it hoot them. Joc.Jacko. an Italian from Johnstown has Ixi n in Jail for some time charged w ith the murder of his w ife w ho died a short time ago in that city under suspi cious circumstances. He was discharged on Thursday, there being insutlieient evi dence to hold him. Loege Biitaria. a rela tive of his deceased wife hail Mssession of his four year old daughter, Mary T. Jucko, and was hen; with the little girl in attend ance at com t. After his discharge Jaeko demanded the little girl but Butaria re fused to give her up and started away w ith her on the 3 .V p. ni. train. Jaeko had a writ of hiibat voriiu issni-d after the train left and Deputy Sheriff Young startiil to Wilmore to capture the child who. w ith Butaria. is supposed to lie 011 the west-bound train. A use has at last Ih'cii discovered for Mlrcllll Sali'. On Monday Sl.c-riff stj:-. rv.t: -s;..-. -f of the fooown.i: piopi it:. - SinritT s:il... The interest o. Aioln v. Nivl 1:1 tw.-Hjr acres of land in 1 -lid- r tow ulnp w as sold to Mr. Leisinring 'or ?."0 The interest of l llliboth McMillen and J. C. McMillen in a lot of ground in Mor- rellvillo was sold to W. I'. Rees.- for T.'.-.. Tho interest of Samuel Brallier in thn-c tracts of laud comprising resix-ctively 70, 1 -.. andTJ acres were sold forJT'i. fHO and : resiN-ctively to John Thomas ASons. I The interest of Joseph and Mary Mere 1 sy in a lot of ground in Sixteenth ward. .1 0I111-low :i, v. a soli! to .'uru'i ..:..!.. 1 I man fur H. The interest of .Tamos Marshall in a lot ( of ground in In:! tce!:t h w ;:l d, John-tow n., 1 was sold to M. Kose forlo. I The interest of Eveline and A. A. Ox I ward in thrH lots of ground In Moxhaui was -tod to. Ji 1 ii .1. I 1 j:iid!: for .-u'.t.v :'. j The interest of John Ihuinvun in 4 j acres of land in Clcarticld township was ' sold to JUii-liac! Sherry for f to. I Tho interest of 1). Wilhelm in two lots j ill Wusliingtcm tow nship, w us sold to F. A. llioinpson for t-l.irj.fc. Tho interest of I). Wilhelm in a lot in Lilly, was sold to Israel Keith for Tin- interest of John (i. Kring In KM acres in Adams township was sold to Israel Kilns for?S."iii. The interest of William O llara In a lot of ground in t'lu-st Springs was sold to W. W. Duiimiie for ?.V). The interest of J. C Mool head t Co.. in -Hi acres of laml in Summei liill tow nship the Sometsel dog. In a case of larceny by i was soj,j to Adolph Ream for ?H. '1 'OA I -I U . 'Ml ll, hoi 2 1 mil ..-1,-er. ' h ir . - tile 1., 1 K.iv - par. "I the a..'.. I aged u1 West niorelaiid 4Mun i'- from a visit to Mrs. mar Maillxwi. their .1 ran a way. t how iug arriagc and injuring hand that a little ut five years ill die. ' " a- demolished. M- hiid.h-ii. of Philadelphia. : ' t 'or building tho railroad ' " st:,t:, to Walnut Run in a '"ii-hip. Only six miles of 1 1 - lli !,i Her ..t 1." n 1 .m f.iti..ii :- ''ii It at ine-etit. although the work I'ldance .,f t)1(. road may hoeom "I at any tim,, Mr. McKadden was '"'"'j' ll.nr-dayi making arrange " '" r"!i im ti,-. w,,i k on the road next I: CT' K Ooarl m tirt i-ltini. Siinii.r !'S t,,l,i.. r, .,,., t.-f,,ll f,,r r.i.n ,m, MiiikJ :i y evening and was lo ' " t'-- "Ixiars nost" until th next iig r.,-,,1, r p. on Wednos-day Rob-'-'! n r.,1,,,,1 lying around lxkse and - t. a r....r.i t himself in the same 'r- Ui'U i t is evidently accustomed ' '!' ii.kin ir where the bj. are ' 'J fa 1 U-um . i, i41l(j u hi. 11 he gi-I. in- al m ji, " M ,-,. of (In-ensburg. and his .. ' '" A. M. NUian. met Judge Rarker. ' t,tlll r-T I 1 j .... t ,f -"",!un rnaay. itionieet I ' "r th. piirjoso of completing the knj . U4,1 ,,n Tearing Run T J- V fi.ill.ri.. Tl . , ..ri eiM.ur 10 f ' "1 the title which Mr. Moore ! U fore j1!ly t,p j,i,r, iM. t n, ' Mie titles to the land peri.-eicl U Mr. Moore's sat- h'lt It is hop. t wil, K. U. "-iii.mihu Muuu-uyer. r K M. Hire an Aliooua carM-iiter, '"''it .wemy-lx year ctartl for r u " " N,""li4-V 'il intoii- ' '""ing for work. Being Muoitccoss ,"n',"r' "" f.'-bht train ( it- fa, a, Johnstowii. uu ilon- "I'-n sudden jolting 0 the ,!r7 l,im ,,is i" "' r tho w,.s a,,,, Kroilj Iu ,l" lake,, u tl,.' hospital where U Wai anipiitatod between ..,?, al,"1l """ankle. JI. s ,!iluf haiiee tried at the late session of our court, ! tin: plaintiff claimed that t he defendant had appropriated an overcoat, a dross coat, a pair of sleeve buttons, an ax and a pup. placed in tho defendant's hands for safe keeping. Tho defendant's wife lioing on the stand accounted for each item serea tim. claiming a sot-off in every case; told how she had cut up tine of the coats to make a jacket for her boy: had kept tho sleeve buttons, valued at twenty-tivo. cents, because the plaintiff had borrowed lifty cents from her when lie was married, and so on down to the pup. Counsel then asked: "Well, w hat did you do w ith him?" The reply was, "Wo sold tho pup for a dol lar to go to the circus." If a bull-pup can purchase such bliss let not another word be said against dogs. S'mirrsrt Ilrrtihl. A new lish law relating to hass. pike and pickerel has passed both Houses of the Legislature. It reads: -'No person shall catch or kill, in any of tho rivers, waters or st reams of this Commonwealth any black bass or w all-eyed pike under six inches in length under a ienalty of 10 for every lish socaught. But should any lish lx taken of less size than the above, or should any w all-eyed pike or rock bass of any size he taken from the waters in which they have been introduced within two years from the passage of this act. it shall 1m- the duty of anyone taking or capturing the same to return the lish immediately to water from whence taken, and no person shall hy any means or device whatsoever catch or Ki" any of the river of this state any pike or pickerel between the first day of February and tho lirst day of June of any year. Any violation of this section shall subject the offenders to aHiialtyof 1 10 for each and every fish caught." The section of the fish laws relating to earp. reads: "No orsoii shall catch, kill or re move in any manner Oortuan carp of any age or size during t he mouth of May, J 11 no, July or August, under a enalty of for each rish." The erection of marble is tin- last wkor of respect to the memory of departed friends, and is a custom which has U-. n i'o) low cd from the earliest ages of an tiquity. For many years J. Wilkinson A Son have been iu I hi- marble business in ElH-nsbuig a lid ihrough their energy and honorable dealings, they have built for themselves a reputation for doing their work in a most artistic manner. Their work is an ornament totho town as well as a credit to themselves. Wo are giving them 110 more notoriety than they deserve, and to prove our assertion, go to their establishment and see for oursclf. They take pleasure iu showing their work, whether you wish to purchase or not. They have on exhibition nt their works 'two ear-loads of monuments and head stones, and in April and May will receive two ear-loads more. They w ill then have a large assortment of tho latest styles for customers to seliH-t from. They have arrangements made with w holesale gran ite dealers so that they can till all orders for granite monuments and headstones in 11 short time and as cheap as can he done anywhere. They buy their stock in such large quantities that they defy coniM-ti-tinn. They also have the agency for tho Champion Iron Company and are prepared to furnish all kinds of fencing or anything in iron. Rcrsons wishing to purchase any thing in their line of business would do well to give them aoall before lea ving their order with any other manufacturer, as they have as tine, if not the tinest stock of marble that ever came to Western Penn sylvania. (Jive them a trial and you can depend upon getting a good Job at a Tair price. .1lfmirlat limy. Last Saturday was Memorial Day and the program, as published in last week's FrkKM.VN.'w as follow ed out to the letler. There were a great many strangers in town ami it was observed that more peo ple were here on Saturday than have been in town on auy day for smo time. The. weather was line until nb:ut two o'clock w hen a rain that had been threat ening commenced falling and compelled the large crowd who", at the time wen- lis tening to the oration of (ieneral Rotx-rt A. McCoy, in front of t he Court House, to sock shelter, (ieneral McCov, who commenced sH-aking from the platform of the Court House steps linished his address in thcoor- riilor-of the building and many of the au dience who were eagerly listening t his doquent description of the stirring scenes during the war sought shelter w hcrevcr thoy could find it and were sadly disap pointed at missing the closing JHirtioii of his address. All who Iie-ird the address were highly pleased and during the day many of (Ieneral McCoy's old time friends and comrades in arms called on him and paid their respects. After Hie address tlxs- having charge of tho decorating cer emonies repaired to the several cemeteries and decora v-4l the last resting places of the fallen braves. The Rare Trark. Tin race track on the groundsof the Eb-r-Msburg Agricultural Society is now a Unit completed, although there will Ik- work doue on It for some time yet sm-h as tilling lip and rolling any unevonness that may PI-iir. On Tuesday evening Mr. John IJoyd. president of the Society, announced that iiie track was ready for driving upon and a number of our citizens who have horses availed thcmscl ves of the privilege of sjM-eding their stock on what is said to beooeof the best tracks In the state. The track 4 ne-half mile Jn length jcrfi--t-ly level ami the ground is naturally well suited to making a good track for traveling Oil. We are informed that a professional vet erinary surgeon and traiiwr is In cone -IHiiidenco w ith the Directors of the Socicty w ith a view of coming hero during the sea son with a number or valuable horses and using the track for the purxse of develop ing their Srfcd. Should the Society bo successful iii securing a good trainer, the EUnshurg track will likely be the acade my in which some fast stepper will begin their education, and we wiJI all have an opportunity dnringthosiimmerof w itness ing the s( f ,,f sfiinf high-class Byer. " 1 The sale of the proiertics of Peter Mc Neil, of (iallitziu. and Frederick Schnei der, of Washington township, was post- Mined until next Monday Junesih A Literary KaNtlon. Since the departure of Amelie Rives Chanler from this country almost immed iately after her marriage, we have had only brief "new spa er para graphs concerning her life and literary intentions. Not a little curiosity has been displayed as to the pos sibility of her complete withdrawal irom the lield of letters. It is now nearly three years since any t hint of innortance has ap-IN-ared f rougher pen. but uoono has believed that the exceptionally brilliant author of "A Brother to Itragons" had linished her career as a writer. A recent paragraph in the daily pajM-rs announced the fact that Mrs. Rt es-Chanler was hard at woik uon a new novel destined to arouse the entire literary .vorM by its artistic merit and bold originality. There have been many conjectures advanced as to the probable source through w hieh the new novel would be given to the public. Notwithstanding the i.igh prices which Mrs. Chanh'r de mands for her manuscripts, it was known that many publishers were in the field iu couiH'tition fur her latest work. While many rumors were afloat, the Coxiokii f'Mi Maijttziiic had quietly secured it and placed in tho haniisof a famous Paris artist for illustration. 1 1 is announced now-that the lirst chapter w ill appear in the August 1111 tuber of 1 he CiimiK'iHilitii 11. and tiiat. Iu the estimation of critics who are most com petent to judge, this last story will lie the most finished, as w ell as interesting, product of this versatile Southern pen. The story is likely to be the literary sensation of the year. Its publication in the C'oxioy..ifMi is a guarantee that it will contain nothing of t lie kind thai excited criticism iu Amelie Rives' earlier productions. Ttie FneMiy 1 n Ambnh. Everyone knows that at this sea son of the year disease lies iu ambush, ever ready to miuiicc and prey iiikiu the weak. And any fair minded physician w ill tell ymi that the only safeguard lies in keeping tin? system thoroughly keyed up by the use (not aliusei of a reliable stimulant. II1111-dr-ds of tonics are advertised for this pur pose, but exM-rien-e shows that a pure rye whiskey is the only one to 1m- depended upon. Max Klein's "Silver Age" and "D11 iiuene" brands are sold under a sworn guarantee of absolute purity; an affidavit accompanies each bottle. "Silver Ago" sells for 1.. M and "Dimuosne" at ?I.-." per full quart iMtttle. The di fferelicei n age makes the difference in price both brand are warranted to lie unadulterated. You can get (iuckeiihi-imer. Finch, (iib son. or Ovei holt from Mr. Klein at r quart, or ix quarts for $.".( m. His stock of w ines. brandies, gins, etc., is ac knowledged to lie the largest and choicest iu the state. (iixMl sliip;xil to all parts of the I'uited State. Send for catalogue and price list mentioning' this pa-r. Max Ki.kin. Federal stni-t, Allegheny, Pa! Ilrin From W 1 1 morf. Wii.xiokk. Pa., Pa.. Junend. 1S.I. Kilitur Ctiiiibrin fVcciiKiM S11:: Mrs. Catharine Connolly, of Siim luei hill tow nship, relict of Brian Connolly, died on on Monday at the age of 7.1 years. She w as t he mother of a largo family, and had lived on tin- farm w here she died for nearlv tifty years. The funeral tok place in the Catholic cemetery at Wilmore on Thursday. The banns of matrimony were proclaim on Sunday last in St. Bartholomew's church. Wilmore. between Mr. John J. McDonnell and Miss Maggie O'TooIc, both of Portage. Mr. and Mrs. A. (ir Kennedy, of Free jKrt, Pa., mourn tho death on Monday of of last week of their bright three-year-old son, Paul. Their many relatives and fri nds in this county will heartily sympa thize with them in their tirst and sad be reavement. Tho prose -ts for a large crop of fruit in Sunimerhill township were never better than now. The present favorable weather i pushing the main crops forward amaz ingly. J. XI. P. K. K. Konte Hok. The Pennnsylvania Railroad's Summer Excursion Route Rook for the season of 1 stl. just from tho press, is undoubtedly one of the most claliorate reference cotn pendiums issued by any railroad company in the world. The company this year has uss:I now illustrations, printed on a very high grade of paper, while a decided de parture from the old cover heretofore bind ing tho work is seen in the new one, which is bttautifully illuminated, and would do credit to a Rosi. so cleverly French is it in every detail. Tin; new map embraces a territory from Canada to the Carolina, and from tho British iosscssion of New Brunswick to the great Inland Lakes. When comparison is made with this vol ume of LT.' pages, loo illustrations, and ov er 1..KIO routes, a I look which enters its year of manhood the lirstday of June, lS'.tl. and tho tiny pamphlet of 24 pag'-s and 03 routes issued by tho Peennsylvania Rail road tw enty-one year ago., and eoiisidenHl at that tin. e a great departure in railroap advertising, tho growth is hardly credible. Harrtaare Ukuim, The following marriage licenses were is sued by the Clerk of tho Orphans' Court for the weekending Wi-dncsday, June 3d, 1'.1: Sam i. l F. Croiise and Flora Nlrt-mel, Johnstown. (Seorge E. McMulIen and Bridget E. I Hum hoe, (iallitzin. William II. Karn and Rose Roberts. Johnstow n. Jacob Mueller. Johntown, Agusta M. Shaffer, Brow nstown. Edward MctiuireCummingsand Sadie J. Blair, Johnstow n. F. C. Houghton. Johnstow n, and Lydia B. Statler, Morrellville. John Ri -karri. White tow nship, and An nie Wcakland, Dean township. I.'oU-rt A. CamptM-ll and Mary Weak land, I oiin tow nship. John J. Reffm-r.Cresson, and MaryCron aner. (iallitzin. ti-oi-go Miller and Mary I ietz, Johns tow n. Edward W. Edward and India Ix-slie, Morrellville. Wall pajK-r. EmUts.sod bronz papers, p; to l. cents n-r roll; grounded white. b.H k, ."iceits. at Dufton A Sou's. (n.irl I'rutccdf uar- Couri met o Monday at 10 o'clock with Judge Barker on tho. bench M. J. Kirsh. of itarr towuship. was ap jioinbxl foreman of the grand jury. July was fixed as the time for holding the. next Argument Court. Commonwealth vs. Eliza Donuclly, sure ty of the peace. No jnm. entered the costs to be paid by the county tho defend ant having been sent to Dixmonf. Commonwealth vs. James McMichaels. surety of the peace. N'of. prtut, entered. Commonwealth vs. Newt Devi tie. surety of tho peace. The court after hearing the ease divid.-d the io-t between th" dof. 'id- am and Rosa Semple the prosecutrix. Commonwealth vs. Michael Cenway, John Loradilch and Jacob Albreiht, sell ing liquor to minor. Defendants plead guilty. Not sentenced. Commonwealth vs. Charles and Augus ta ILiIk-i-. obstructing a public road. Ju ry iind defendants not guilty but that thoy pay one-half the costs and Jacob Kirk patrick the prost-utor the other half. Com moil wealth vs. John Kuntz. main tain?, crinitiing and encouraging a cock fighting. Jury Iind defendant not guilty but that he pay the costs. Ron Cooor, John Rest. Fred Brehm and William Tantlinger were all charged w ith the same offense and agreed to abide w ith the verdict of the jury in the Kuntz case. They w ere all accordingly sentenced to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. William Peters, lar ceny. Jury iind defendant not guilty. Commonwealth vs. William Moley. fornix et cot. Defendant plead guilty and usunl sentence was imixised. Commonwealth vs. J. E. Terrell, throw ing stone through a store window. IV fondant plead guilty. Not sentenced. Commonwealth vs. Jack Sweeny, carry ing concealed weapons. Defendant plead guilty. Commonwealth vs. Harry Ooughnour, surety of the peace. Sentenced to enter into reconi.ance in the sum of 100 to keep the peace. Commonwealth vs. William Acken, sure ty of the peace. Discharged on payment of costs. Commonwealth vs. L-eTrawatha. fornix et cot. Jury find defendant guilty. The usual sentence iinMsod. The eases of Eliza A. Craham. vs. J. Ii. Keagy; William Bow man vs. Henry Ram hart, and Plsiek and (Jlunt v. Charles E. Troxell on next week's list werecontiuu-d. Commonwealth vs. Ellen Wisermaii and Newton Devi no. larceny. Jury find de fendants not guilty. The (iranil Jury ignored the bills in all the cases against voters in East Taylor township, for voting out of their proper district and against John I-oiiaid charged with larceny. In thi' case of the Commonwealth vs. the election board of East Taylor town ship, the District Attorney entered a iof prim. Commonwealth vs. P. Ii. Kerin, carrying concealed weaixms and jMiinting a pistol. After the case had gone to trial the de fendant withdrew his plea of not guilty and entered a plea 1A guilty of carrying eoucealod weaHus and the District Attor ney entered a iof pro as to the count charging (Mtinting a pistol. Not sentenced. Commonwealth vs. Martha Word, as sault and battery. Jury Iind defendant not guilty and the county pay the costs. j Commonwealth vs. Benjamin Duulap, malicious mischief. Not a true bill and the pr-ti-utor Michael Serine-, to pay the costs. Commonwealth v. J. F. W. Eliey, as sault and battery. Jury Iind defendant not guilty and tho pros-ciitor Catharin McClosky pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. Theodore Barker, larceny. Jury find defendant not guilty. Commonwealth vs' Isaac Shaffer and Edward Anne, breaking into railroad car. Jury find defendants not guilty. Commonwealth vs. Samuel Duff and Mike Rockies, riot. On trial. Iirrornllau ; alKt. Aatamluf. St. At ot sTiNK. Pa., June 1, lS'.tl . K'Utnr Cmnhriii Fnruimi : Slit: Decoration Day has come and gone. ThoCraud Army Post at Ashvillo visited St. Augustine and Chest Springs for the purMso of paying the usual tribute to the memory of our fallen heroes who h-ep their last sleep in the above named cemeteries. They were accompanied by an excellent brass band and tho Sons of Veterans from Baker's Mines. They reached St. Augus tine about eleven o'clock when a High Mass of Rcqium wa offered up for the ben tit of the deceased soldier. The members of the iummittif deoorat-d the graves of the follow ing named soldiers: Thomas Adams. Stanislaus Wharton, John Nagle, James Malotiey, Jacob Wills, Cornelius Donohoe. Joseph Adams, John Bui goon. Joseph Cramer. Thomas Burns, Augustine Wills, Henry Krise, William IL Ryan, Andrew Callahan. James McClosky, Peter Cassiday. Michael McDrmitt. Lewis Mc Dormitt, Evaristus Wilts and Arthur J. McConnell. After tho decoration was con cluded, the veterans and citizens present marched to the spacious teinperence hall, where a warm welcome was given to the soldiers and citizens by the patriotic pastor of the St. Augustine church. Rev. IL Mr Evoy. The orauir of the day. Dr. J. B. Noon an, came forward and in a brief speech, overflow ing with patriotism, eulo gized the soldiers of the republic for main taining an asylum to which the oppressed of all lands could come and enjoy the bless ings of civil and religious liberty. This brought Rev. Father Mi-Evoy before the audience again, who, w ith touching elo queuence and touching pathos, pointed out the crowning fruits of the discovery of America by the Catholic navigator. Chris topher Columbus. I am sorry that space does not jK-rmlt me to give his speech, suf fice to say It w as worthy of the author and the subji-ct in an eminent degree. The adjutant of the post -vas nest called foi- ward and in a tive-minuto speech showed the significance and grandeur of the Amor lean flag. The Samoan episode and tho more recent difficulty with Italy were given as illustration? of what respect w as accorded it by the great European powers. After this short speech the column marched to Chest Springs for dinner, after w hich they proce-ded to t he cemetery and decorated the graves of Dr. W. II. Sloan, Frederick Hart, Lewis Mart, George Drown, Dr. James Bell and James Long- well. The orators here were Comrade J C. Sauers and Mr. Williams. Tho former gentleman is unsurpassed as a speaker and has few superiors. Mr. Williams is also an able speaker, but rain prevent-d him from making his speech. The rain soon dis jicrsed tne large crowd assembled here. Every part of the program was carried out and all returai-d to their homes well pleased w ith the exercises. SrKCTAToit. M( OarUlrls. Two Cambria county officers followed Allen's show- to this place from Ebelis Imrg last week 011 the hunt of two girls aged respectively thirteen and fourteen years who had been enticed from their homes by some attaches of the show. Failing to find them in tais place they fol lowed the show to Roaring Spring, but with what success we are not Informed. IlvllUUnjMbury. Staiidttrd From tne best information we can obtain then; are, or were no girls missing from this neighborhood after the departure of Allen's show from this place on the ;."5rd of May. The Stan tin rl is evidently mistaken as to the locality.. For sale or rent, the Loretto House, Loretto, Pa. A large stable and all neces sary outbuildings and gardens in good or der. Add res, Loretto, Pa. ntx-flUurous Notices. --.I- '.n H. Eekcnrode, of Allesh.iny tow nship, will offer at public stale at hi residence adjoining the borough of Loret to, en Saturday, Juno O.h, I Sid. at two o'clock, r. v., tw o w oi k hores,"l two-hore wagon with double bed. I two-horse ileda 1 harrow. 1 shovel plow, I hay rigging. 3 sets work harm-ss, collars, bridle., saddie-t, side saddle, chains, swingle trees, grain cradle, rakes, forks, shovels, fly nets and a variety of other articles. For neat and cheap job printing try this office. Assignee's Sale -OF VALUABLE FARMING Coal JLmul, HY virtue ol an orJer ironing out cl the Court of (jeminoii flea or ' auo.n rontr, the un lrriicned i'trr.re of Tuuinaa iKoative will ex pore to ".ubl'c rale on 3I0ADAY, JULY GUI, 1891, AT O.NE O'CLOCK, . J.t tlie Conrt Iloiisie, Id beual.urg. Pa., tbe lollowlor described Kea.1 late, vix: All taat eertB piece or tract nt land ai'uate partly In (be towni-hi(. of Warbla. tun and t'or taye Cambria cuniy. artfoinlotc lands I Jan (a O. Brawlry. John Brady a estate, Uj lrixu'ds by and ntbers. eoatalcloif 148 Acres, and arlna: thereon eroded a PLANK HOfSE. HAY SHtU and alloiber necessary outbuUdlna Tbe above land la underlaid lth VALUABLE COIL SUMS The Coal and Minerals will be ottered feparate ly Irom the Snrrace. and Uie Suriaoe. Cual and Minerals will al.'o tie offered aa a whole, and (old in the way In which the het price can be attaln el. c:oar ol all encumbrance '. TIKMs OF AI.E: One third ot the purrhnae money to be jmld on the eonnrroailon ol aule and the t-aiance In two equal annual payments, with Intereat. rerured upun tbe premiaea. JOHN J. .McIhiISN t-lL.. AffiKnce ot 1 liuuaj Dviiuboe. Portaue. fa., June 6. lSiiU ANM'AL Financial Statement ol the Ke ceit'ts and tJipendlturea ot Ebensbura; School lii'trlct, Cambria county. Pa., for the 3 ear codiDg June Ut, )svi: ItKCI.IPTS. Iltosi amonnt ot tax duplicate lor achoul pur(Kie ti,6W.21 Five .er cent, added to delin quent taZ'peyen.. 12.61 Total...' 1.S71.78 Deduct abatemrntr t 48.T8 lleduct ex..neraUoDS..... 44 TV Total t t WM Total HI receipts Caab Irom former Treaaurer Tuitn.n Iromadjolninardtttricri'. From oiber eourcea . State appropriation. .. Total receipt EimOITlBU. Paid teactera '. tl'i 00 held teachen atteDding Insti tute 4-I.2S Paid water rent 16.00 Paid t-ei , , na.7 Paid janitor UO.aO Paid repairs and scrubbing buildlna- , 1.678.23 aow.75 10.UO 600 455.29 2.:8.27 Paid salary 1 resurer. Paid ralary Collector , Paid salary Secretary Keiarned 10 t'ummisslonert. Pad school supplies. Balance la the treasury... bl.fi 3& W 4 -23 26 00 1.71 SO.U3 4S7JW K3&8.Z7 Attest C CI. Pakmsh. V. V. PBtcb. Secretary. President. ATDITUKS' RF.FORT. We. rrie ooderianed. Auditors of Ebensbonr district, Cambria county, harinir carefully ex amined the above aecunnts ol the Treasurer, find tbrm correct to tbe test of our knewlrdsre and !ellei. W. H. CUNNU.L, F. W. 1IAV1S. A.J. WATERS. June . is-l.-3t. Auditors. "VOTICEl hereby aivea that I have purchased ll the kiliow'na article at a Sheriffs sale of tbe proieriy el . M. Baker. In Carroll towo'tip, and that 1 have lelt the same with tbe aald ti. M. Bakerdarina- my pleasure: 1 cook stove and utensils. 1 table. I sink, il cbalrs, 1 lonnae.3 beds. lamps, beatine stove and pipe. 1 plow 2 cows. 1 eoit. one siel. 1 brown mare. 1 aray mire, I set doable harness 1 set single harness. 1 harrow, 1 bnrry. 1 wasjon I pair wauon ladders, 1 rake. 1 sleuth. 1 hay lork rope and pulleys. 1 srrtndstone. I rot iud I teed cutter. All persons are hereby notified not to Interfere with tbe same. O. I). KELLAK, May 9, 15ul. Ia Jose. Cleartiel.l Co.. Pa. VSSHsNEE S NOTICE. Notice ts hereby iciven that Thomas Dona tive, ot Portaite, Ciml ru county. Pa., by deed ot voluntary assignment, tas assianed to the nn oerslicned. In trust lor the benefit of the ereai'ors ol the said 1 hnnaas Ikons boe. all the teal f state of the said Thomas licr ahoe. All persons In trbted to said I hninas Kouahoe are hereby 00 tltie.l to make payment without delay, and those hjvm elains avalnst the same will present them, properly authenticated, for settlement to tee. J. J. M'lHJNNfcLX., Assignee of Thomas Isonahce, Portie, Pa., May vfth, 189U EXKCUTOK'S NOTICE. Notice Is hcre'y given that letters t e sta tue mar v on the estate el Catharine J . Mulhollen, late of t royle tcwnslilp. Cambria eonntv, Pa de ceased, havlna been aranted to the underslicned. All persnns Indebte.l to said estate are notified to make payment without delay, and ibose nav ies? e'aims will present them, properly authenti cated tur settlement. OEOKOEC. Mt'LHOLLEN. Executor of Catharine J. Mulhollen. dee'd. Croyle township, May 21, lr:.'.U HOTtXi LE GRAM'K. ii. J. SHET11J. Paorturroft. Located at ImBvis. Pa . rear the H. K. A P. Railway Depot. We always endeavor to fur nish to best accommodations to business men. pleasure seekers and boarders. Persons In search ot 50m tort and quiet will hnd It a desirable place to step. The Table Is unsurpassed and Is always supplied with the best the market affords, and all the delicacies of the season. The Bar is sup plied with the ebolrestof pure liquors and eitcxrs and nothma but the hct Is sold. Special atten tion given to the care ol horses. H.J. tSCHETTNJ-. ARM FOR RENT. Thesubscriher offers for rent his farm in Minister township, alotitr the line of the Elienshursr & Cresson railroad, ahotit two miles from Cresson. Farm contains about TO acres, alMitit 1V1 clean-d. Possession giv en on 1st of April. Call on or address the the subs;-rilH.-r at Loretto. I'a. JAMES XOOX. Feb. 27, lsw. TJMIK SALE. X The uodersiirned will sell at private sale pieces of real estate situate In Monster township, Cambria county. Pa. containing retectlvely sixty six and n fir-five acres and allowance. The protiert? Is improved and in ajeod state of cnitt tlvatlon, and will be sold at a reasonable price and opon easy terms. For Former particulars call on or address Alvin tns. Ebensburar. Pa., or LCAK KOIKJEK.S. December 12, 18yp. Loretto. Pa. I. ARM FOR SALE. Tbe subscriber offers for sale the farm for merly owned by Evan K. Bennnett. deceased, in Cambria township, three miles north ot Eben bunt. The farm contains 24 acres, about 126 of which are cleared, bavins; thereon a house and oarn and a srood orchard. For particulars call on or addrevs. EVAN J. BENN ETl', fcb!3 Ebensbarc. Pa. Wool ! Wool ! 1 want FIVE THOVSAND pounds ol Wool tub washed or unwashed. Very bis-best prices will be paid, eilber cash or merchandise. CAKON LEAKEY, ma22 2m. Lilly Station, Cambria Co., Pa. A Tr.AR I InnktstirW7 ftr iMtoyoc. will wvrk iH.itaMl7, -w- w is n 1 1 uaHmwm a ttM aihsbw rmq.y t,ai wklHk tj ma mrm thmi mw.n. " mimfal al. lal.. m4 qalrttlr tal. 1 tnu m warkr Sroai rack aiuiki ran, J aalimnhMsi sa4 frmjiM wwa ap)a,anMa Imm J0.1-.1 !' FuU l-rtkrmton rkEE. Aadrr'.I v S3000; Satterlna; Irom the Bee is el youthful errors, ear ly decay, wastlnr weakness, lost manhood, etc.. I 111 send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing fall particulars l.ir home core FssEE of chance. A splendid medical work, should be read by ev ery maa who is nervous and debilitated. Address frmt. T. C. f wWLtB, Bexxlsja, ;. T'HEnrm doles; basiness at Fallen Timber as NO 1 LEY At HAkTr-K bas been dissolved. Mr. Hftrtw h., Ima -- - - k xj . . . Neal and the buaines will bereaiter beeondact l bw NuTl.KY a I 'M 11 m,nk k i. cjunis must be settled. ' juaa II. MYERS. ATTUK?iEY-AT-LA W. . EaaysatTBtt. Pa. AtsT-Offloe la Coltonade Row. ea Centre street. H tlEO. il. READE. A ATTOKNEY-AT LAW. mnm...m, EBBHsnrae. Pekba. aJArOffloe on Centre street, bear Blab. DO yon need Job Printing? Il 10, air the f mxti a trial order. Only Twelve Days Yet remaining that we will present j-ou with a un1ch. We have rim-ii dozens of ttiemaway and ttn-y all give entire satisfaction. l:u't mis tln-chaiire, Couio tnii ffet one of theui. Ve have about One Hundred on hand vet. Our st.K'k is trrowiiiif dailv and our prices are uitis down. You all know that SIMON is the leader. There is nothing wm can't tret. Our dilT-r-iii d partnieiits an; all over-stocksl with iods. and the fa.-t is we have too niui lion hand. There fore, we are endeavoring to make room, and prices are no object in tiiis case. U e w ill only mention a few prices as it is impossible to remember a--h Ji-pal tnii-nt. ILnclics! lLadie! ILaciies! We invite all to viit our Drv CoimIs 1 1. .;i 1 1 iimhi and exatiiin-' the m:tny i:i-w styh-s and sliadi-s i.f line Hre-s Cashnieres ie iitiv- Jit iti s. nl. V- c:in -lio-.v iu twenty-five shades in the above line. Cream. lVarl. Old Rose. Eleeiric liitic. lo!d en Ilniwii. Lu vender, etc.. will Ik-sold for the next tnidays at .Viand iio cents, worth 75 cents and cl.l. We keep th- largest -tiH-k of Ilress Cliuliies at .". ami ii i i iit- per yard. Calicos, (iinehanis, hl.intiels. Muslins, etc.. are sold hy us at very low prices. Don't forget to look at our Keuiuaut Counter. When voii -ome to our Furni.-Iiiiig Goods !-partiiieiit you will dPpen Wow Myes ! We have over one liundri-d dozen line shirts on our counters which we are selling at ,1m -ents. worth .V cents. KmliK-i Jere.l whirls. .V ami io cents, wort It 7." -eiits an J 1.. Itlack Sutins. with stripes, for '.s cent, elsew liere at and 1.:J. Our StK-k of Fine lress Neckwear anI Full Dress Shirts can't Lx- fw-at. Oui Stock of I'nderwt-ar is now complete. dDiir SliocIDepartment! The (ireats'st Itargains we offer every day in Sho-s. Well, we are -M-lliiijr good Shoes at almost half price. Ladies' Fine Dress shoes. I.l'i; Ladies Fine Dress shoes, v. ith patent tips, fl."4. Kadies" Fine Ioiigol-i Kii Sum-s. s?1.74. Iadie.s" Spring I i SIkm-s. 1.'.is. Men's Fine Dress Shcs, c'1.2."): Men's Fine Callskiu SIi.m s, Men's Fine KaugariK) Slusr-s. s.'..Vi. Our (ireat Keystone Stiw. M.'.rs. We have a treiuetid ous stock of In fun us' Fine Dress Shoes, yellow lops, with patent leather. Hosiery, Gloves & Underwear ! Ladies' Hosiery and iloves form a siecial depart meiit of our our store. Iadies" Hlai-k Ilose froci 10 cents up to ,V cents. Ladies" Lisle Thread Hose, from to .10 c-iits. Children's black hos; from Hi cents up to 3.". cents. Ladies Kid loves, buttons, hook or laeo. from ivs e.-nts to We have an endless variety of Ladies' M uslin Cambric and Woolen I'nderwear. Ladies' cross-ribtied Vests. 10. 'j'l up to 4.1 cents. D a rpe ts Wi 11 d o w B5I i n d This Department is overloaded with bargains for everybody, our goods and pris. and tie convinced. IXiu't fail to atttend our great ("time and examine DJLDinmiN(& SAJLJE. Now- is the time to to buy Clothing at the lowest figures. We have two hundred and hfly 1- nil Clack Indigo (.rami Army Suits, with t wo setsof buttons, at ? ..) i.nu K7..VI. worth -?1.o. Men's Fine Illaek Dress Suits. up to sMo.io. worth fl'l.tvl and l-.'.. Jlovs Fine Ulaek and ISlue Wor.-ted Suits, ag.-s from 14 to is years, f."i..M) up to ;..". good value for and 10.l. ISoys' slu ri punts Suits. l. -.'." to Jfl.iej, worth f 1.75 and Wit have a tine line of IJovs Short l'ants at l'. cents. DIIKSS I'ANTS. We have the largest we ever earriisl, from si.-:.-, up to f7.00. A Special OJfemingl We have twenty-five dozen Soft Hats worth ?I.t each w hich we will sell at j( i-ents. Now- don't forget to give each department a call and examine all goods Ix-fore you purchase. We allow car fare to visitors w ho purchase goods lot lie amount of t'lo.isj. The L:trgi-st and Most Reliable Dealers in Cambria and Itlait counties. GALLITZIN, PA. This wrekly ANNOUNCEMENT In these columns we mean only to lie a Plain Statement of Facts' with little or no embellishment. S that, when w e announce a special sale of dollar fabrics at 50 cents, the statement may tic accepted in entirety without reservation. More on the subject of Spring : Dress Goods. We never before had so many to sell in fact, these stocks are so large and we've bs;-ii Mich liberal buyers that we must, of necessity. ! LIBERAL SELLERS. Cho!ce line of 3o-Inch ALL WOOL PLAID SUITINGS in grey and light brown colorings, 2.V., lvalue fsHc.) .VMnoh ALL-WOOL SUITINGS, plain spring colors and mixtures, 3.V. 34 fnch CAMELS HAIR SUITINGS, plain colors. 4."c.. and most extensive as sortments of everv kind of SPRING WOOLENS at .Vc., fi-V.. 7.H-.. l.(t0: gixids that werrt mostly all bought late and much below regular prices. An unusual opportunity for buyers of DRESS GOODS. Write for Samples. Write for Catalogue. Buggies, Wagons, Cm Carts a:i Tot i!::ti:.ry c! E?sry fori.!. Bsscrijlisa. BOGGS&BUHL, 115, 117. 119 & 121 FeSeral SU ALLEGHENY, PA. , ... j S . v;- ' " A -, t". s-tjt---'- ---yl .. r .-' - V'- v--:-;,-- s --V-' - . -. - - - -- - ' ''V -vjfi'v', a... -s5Ci5' KV-C V.; .'.V vT-X C-'A i Pi--v The Deering Junior STEEL BINDE LEADS In Strength, in Durability, fitness of Weight, m Keliability, ;htness of Draft, in Economy. C In Stre J In Ligl ( In Ligl BINDER TWINE. The IWring rider Twine runs more feet to thfl pound, U stroug er and smoother than any other twine made. FOR ARTISTIC JOB PRINTING TRY THE FREEMAN. Announcement:. "CKIK SHEHIKF. I beraby aatioaoee mrsell as a candidate lor tha etllea ol Sberttt, sabjart to tho decision ol Uk Lssnacratle primary election. JAMES MYEKS. Ebensborar, February a5th. 1WL THE DEERINC MUWERS. New Deerine, Deeiinji Giant, Junior Giart, One-IIorse'Mowers. These Mmreis lirvr larpe wheels, wide tread, fiue euttins apparatus, many adjustments and rt-inarual lT litrht draft. They are the lst grass-cuttitiss; machines in tho world. Are wcrtl; dj);aV for dollar w hen other machines are worn out. TXK SHERIFF. JU I bereby annnaDOS tnystlf as a fsnrtldate fur Sheiift. sobjert to the dorWIon ot tbe lsnmorratle primary election. JiiSEfH A.OKA.Y. OarroIPown. Fa-, March 17th. I.'L T.XlK PKESIDENT JU1HJE. I? 1 hereby aanoatire myself as a candidate for tba nomination lor President Judae of Cambria county, snhjeet to tbe decision of tbe Democratic primary election. JOHN P. UN1XJS. Jobnatown, Fa.. May 1. 1W1. IOK KESIIJENTJUIKE. 1 respeettolly ;reqnest the support ol tho rotors at the oominir Democratic nrluiary election as sacandldate lor tbo nomination lor tbe office ol President Jndae of tbe several eoorts ol t'ambrla county, subject to tbe rules i suld primary lection. W. HORACE ROSE. Johnstown. Fa.. May 6. Itml. M. D. KITTELL. Attorney-o t. juaw, EJJENSBUKO, PA. UOee in Armory Bondlns,, oip.Cuurt Uotut. f ROYAL SELF DUMr. HORSE HAY RAKES. TElA AL. CUANNEU. 1 THOMAS HAY TEDDERS. The best Rakes and Tedders known. Orr rLoJ; comiilete. . , ... . Send for Special Circular nd prices oi Kinder. Mowers, Buggtea, .atc:., t. . -Farming Machinery, I'aint, Oils and building Material. Swank Hardware Co., Cor. MAIN AND BEDFORD STREETS, J0HSST0iYU, PA.