The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, May 22, 1891, Image 4

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' I
A Nr.v." Yokk auctioneer ndvcrtives:
"For Sale a larp1! '''.ant iy of oil
paint ir'c-'y s. me of lln- most anwient
m.ii-tt vs of the d:'.y."
It is said that the spriiip lion net this
year will eclipse that -f ull previous
seasons. It (inTully does po t the
A TRAVEitNii company of actors is
said to have posted thf following- no
tice: "On account of thf want of a.
handkerchief, 'The Kobber' will be
piven to-nipht instead of "Othello. "
What is considered a pxl joke on a
banker of Washinpton county, Kan., is
a chattel mortpape on tile in the regis
ter's ofSoe drawn by him. which reads
as follows: "Two bay mules and all
thoir increase."
One of the daily publications in Mad
isonv ille, Ky., pives this pood counsel:
'"Kvcry man. woman and child should
read our paper, and hy that means will
be exempt from jury service especially
if it sliouel be a murder case. No man
who reads this country paper and keep
posted, is ever permitted to serve on
eases of this kind."
The trustees of a schoolhouse near
Moutioello, a., the other day adopted
resolutions to the effect that "that biff
hicliory near the left hand of Iten II ill
academy is dead, and that if it should
fall on" any of the children between
their 7th and 17th year, and near the
small of the back, they would surely
die: therefore, that we hire an un
bleached American to raze the aforesaid
hickory tree to the pround."
Rr.siA ha-s the largest royal family of
all civilized countries. On January 1
the twenty-seventh living liussian
prand duke was Ixirn. The Kussian
grand duchesses numK-r eighteen.
Stove are compelled to do double
service in Russia to warm two rooms
at the same time. They are built in
the walls, lictrt-een two ntas, and thus
the apartments on each side are warmed
by the sanle stove.
Tin: czar did pood work in extinpuish
inp the fire which broke out in t!ic St.
lVtersburp palace, but when it came
to shoutinp. swearin-p and drinking
vodki arid black coffee he had to take a
back seat amonp the firemen.
The liussian povemment has issued
a ukase ordering thnt all sardine boxes
are to be opened at the custoifl houses
on the frontier. It nnjiears that shoals
of nihilist tracts and publications have
recently been imported iitfo Russia
from I'rawee in apparently penuine sar
Tiieuk are reports from I'olanl of
fresh plotting against the czar and the
secret police are said to Ik.' adopting
measures of brutal severity to lind out
the chief conspirators, arresting for
that purpose the wives :,nd daughters of
suspects, who are subjected to horrible
tortures to make them divulpe their se
Reckxt explorations in New Guinea
show that additional sjveies of animals,
not marsupial oiity, but a iso insects, are
common to that island, and to northern
Thk Termination olnni in Hawaiian
names means "of the heavens."' Thus,
Luliuokokuii means "Lily of the Heav
ens." The ticw piren of tlie islands
possesses pre at executive ability and is
couraivous. truthful and honest. She
is a woman of handsome pre sence and
is a skillful musician,
Tun natives of the Phillippines arc
sociable to an extraordinary degree.
Whenever rmi' of them finds himself
without a companion to partake of his
meal he runs till he meets with one;
and it is said that however keen his
own applet ite may be he will not ven
ture to satisfy it without a companion.
A 'ov.uiu: bankinp olliec proves u
profitable adjunct to a, bunk iu l'ui
inerston. SVv Zealand. It is a carriage
which travels ahmp the railway line,
and halts ut the way stations in the
Manawatu ;,;,,t. ' occupant Js a
brink clerk, who Is authorized to re
ceive money, pay it out. cnh checks,
etc. He carries Ids cash in a satchel
swuiii round Ids neck, ami is well armed.
Great crevasses in Cuba are said to
fort-shadow its speedy breaking in two
and sinkinp.
The average width of the path of de
struction with tornadoes is said to be
little more thanone thousand feet.
In lioise City, Idaho, the water com
pany has sink an artesian well one
hundred and twelve feet deep, from
which tlows a sulphurous water with a
temperature of 115 decrees.
A S r. (Mo.) weather prophet
says that from May 1. ls'.U, to May 1,
will be an era of penoral destruc
tion throughout the United States.
Earthpiak.s and volcanoes all over the
world will be very active.
Is a recent pale the anemometers on
the top of the Eiffel tower registered
six hundred anil thirty miles an hour.
Had this velocity occurred at the level
of the city every chimney would have
been leveled to the ground.
Observation. seem to show that a
decrease in the earth's latitude is in
progress, implying; un alteration in the
direction of the earth's axis. The fluc
tuation is thought to lie due to a mi
nute oscillation caused by some changes
in internal wars of the earth.
The penny-in-the-slot machine is
rowing- in depravity. It has now
taken to throwing dice.
Thkiie are about 12,00.) nickel-in-the-nlot
machines in nse in thisoountry and
they comprise fifty varieties.
A ruiXTER put a penny in the slot of
a machine intended to prove a man's
striking power, and then punched the
pad offered to receive the blow. The
spring didn't work, his wrbt was
broken, and the jury pave him
The Enrlish postal authorities have
introduced nickcl-in-the-slot machines
foT the sale of postapo stamps. The
town council of Iverness has just given
permission for the erection of the first
The latest plan for heating the nickel-in-the-slot
phonograph Is for two men to
drop one nickel into the aperture and
each hold a tube to his ear. The music.
speecn or soap ground out by the ma
chine then costs them only two and a
half cents each.
X nky for th Mir.
A traveler mentions that, in crossing
a plain in Africa, far distant from any
fctreum of water, where no cool shade
refreshed him, and as far as the eye
could reach, nothing could Ik; seen but
lieaps of sand, he met with many creep
ing plants of luxurious vegetation.
They were covered with large berries,
each berry containing nearly as much
as three teaspoonfuls of water. On in
specting them more closely, he was as
tonished and delighted to observe a
numlx-r of mice, the only inhabitants
of that inhospitable spot, busily em
ployed in nibbling oft the berries and
carrying- them to their homes, as sea
men would carry casks of water to
chips. petroit Free Press.
An Karnrat or Ilia Lofr.
Jack Well, you are engaged at last,
eh! Gave her an engagement ring-, I sup
pose. Chawles No, but I showed her a
pawn ticket for one and told her I'd
give it to her as soon as I could redeem
it-. Munsey's Weekly.
Aa aood as new
that's the condition of liver, stom
ach and bowels, when Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets have done their
work. It's a work that isn't fin
ished when you've stopped taking
them, cither. It's lasting. They
cure, as well as relieve. And it's
all done so mildly and gently !
There's none of the violence that
went with the old-time pilL One
tiny, sngar-coated Pellet's a gentle
laxative three to four act as a
cathartic. Sick Headache, Bilious
Headache, Constipation, Indiges
tion, Bilious Attacks, and all de
rangements of the stomach and
bowels, are prevented, relieved and
cured. As a Liver Pill, they're un
equaled. They're purely vegetable,
perfectly harmless the smallest,
cheapest, and easiest to take.
They're the clteaptM pill yon can
buy, because they're guaranteed to
give satisfaction, r your money is
return ed.
You only pay for the good you
get. Can you ask more ?
That's the jeeidiar plan all Dr.
Pierce's medicines are sold on.
r.l7johssto. m.j.bcck. a. w. bvck.
Johnston, Buck fc Co.,
A. W. Ul'l K, liler.
Carrolltown Bank,
T. A. JIAKB.trUlI.lCaaliier. .
General Banting Ensmess Transacted.
The lollowlnn are tbe principal features cl a
general buLEiair business :
Kecelved payable on demaixl. and Interest bear
ing certi&cuteA issued to lima depositors.
Fi'endod to customers on favorable terms and
approved paper discounted at all times.
Made tn the locality and upon all the banking
towns In the United States. Charges moderate.
UK .4 FT
leaned negotiable In all parts nf the United
States, and foreign exchange Issued on all parts
Of turote.
Of merchant., farmers and others solicited, te
whom reasonable accomodation will be extended.
Patrons are assured that all transactions shall
be hel l as strictly private and onndenttal, and
that thoy will be treated as liberally as good
banking rules will pcratc
And Manifact jpt & Dea'er In
Mattresses, fcc,
tSTCitizPiJft of Cambria County and all
others wishing to purchase honest FURNI
TURE, Ac. at houest prices are respectfully
invited to eive us a call before bavins else
where, as w? are confident ttat we can
meet every want and please every taste.
Prl-es the very lowest. f 4-16-'80-,.f.l
Policies written at short notice Id the
-nt oilier t'lrnt CIumb Companies.
OLD iIzYllrFF01tI
EeD5bnrg. July l. 1S82.
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
Robes, Vly Nets, Curry Combs, etc., etc. Re
pairing Neatly and Hromptly done. All work
guaranteed to give satislactlon.
4r-Shop llarkers'Kow on Centre street.
YalnaWe Eeal Estate
A LOT of ground tn the West ward of the nor
ouich of K'Hjnshanr, "mbrl eounty. Pa,
(rooting on Sample street bavlnir-theraon erect-
and outbulldn. all In vood repair. or terms
or particulars call on or ari-lws
JOHN NEALAN, Mcktown, Pa., or
At. l. K11H,I.1 Kbensburtr, Pa.
nrTDfiTT cre rii
ULlIlLll Nteel Tackle Block
HALF THE COST of holstlns; saved
tn storekeerera, Batohrs, i'artnersi
Machinists, HniMr, I'oatraetqrsand
UIUKK.S. A J milled u the areat
. est Improvement ETVHR mart la
tickle blocks. Freight prepaid.
Writ for eatalocue.
10 Krash St letrolt Mich.
Established maSOU.Iy
4 no Arm.
Tn n-.H.-n. rt V. - t . .
the country. We guarantee satisfaction to all
ensiomers. rso previous experience neeessary.
Salary and expenses from start. Ad-lrnss, statln
aice. HOUI'ES. BKO. fc 1IIOMAS.
Maple Avenue Nurseries, West Chester, Pa. .
apr. 24. 4 1. I
Etenslnn Kre taaiice Agency
T. "W. DICK,
General Insurance Agent.
KMKjiaBrBO, fBaiA.
tyofflce In Opera House, Centre street.
F you want the aews read the rniEXAV.
L 1.6tM columns a year.
Namvrlral MrfJ.-lh anl Ilrlativo
Wrakui'ss in IVjcc atml M ar.
The total t-xiH-mliture on thf araiy,
out of taxes, la the year in the i-a of
the I'niU-d Kir.jnlom was last year,
aoconlinv to Sir Charles Dilke, li;.5(K),
0O0, says the London Saturtlay Koview.
and in Imlia the same or Jl:3,0H).000
(34,(M)0,0(0 in the prt-s nt year), bt-sides
the expenditure out of loans and that of
the self-roveming' colonies for the
armies of the l'.riti-nh empire. The col
onies altop-ether spt-nd for themselves
aW.ut 1. :(.. oO a year for urmv pur
poses, in addition to the contributions
made by come of thorn toward the im-K-rial
forces and toward marine de
fense. While the armies of the Hritbsh
empire co-t about it:w. Mjo.ihio a year,
the tieriu-tn empire cots about
0K and the French army a little over
Our armies cost tis, therefore, cwnsid
erul'ly more than theirs, but while each
of these powers would have ill the field
on the twenty-fir day of mobilization
over 2,000,000 of men, with between
:?.000 and 4,000 puns, and bhind this
vast force a lare gurrison and terri
torial armj- in reserve, we could alto
gether muster but S.0.000 men from all
the resources at our command. I!ut the
infrenious ISriton will retort that,
thoupfli our forces are small, they are of
exceptional quality; that one EnlLsh
man is equal to two Frenchmen; that
one volunteer is as pood as two pres.--d
men, and fco on uud so weiter, etc.
Not so.
The 2.000,000 active 5erman or French
troops, of whom we have just spoken,
are "pretty much the same all-through"
that is to say, they are of uniform
quality, even if it be granted that their
standard le not as hili as ours. Our
muster-roll, on the contrary, is built up
from the most heterogeneous sources,
w! the quality, when the training and
education of the soldier arc considered,
if in some cases lii,rh. is in others de
plorable. The total we arrive at is
made up of 170.00;) troops, excellent
though deficient in some particulars;
.'0,000 to ."".,000 first-class army reserve,
useful but not periodically drilled as i
the reserve of every continental army;
2.000 second-class army reserve, hardly
worth counting; li:s.oi0 militia, who
may be said to be without half their
oilicors; :.000 Channel iskuid militia:
about 1.000 .Malta and St. Helena militia;
1 1, 00i yeomanry; 'J-J-l.OiiO volunteers: 74,
( regulars in India (undoubtedly a
splendid force), tis.t00 pood native
troops in India: 50. 000 bad native troops
and 21.000 of what Sir Charles Dilke
terms -vxlds and ends.
I:i other words, the fijrures we can
produce include everything we can pos
sibly terra a soldier, from a fmardsman
to a native policeman. They include
some regiments of Indian infantry
which are -recognized even by tursclves
as worthless, and whom we from time
to time disband as such. They include
the St. Helena militia and the Voyal
Irish eonstabulurj-, who, however etli
cient in their own sphere, would proba
ble lie so occupied in it tltat they can
hardly- lx- available to fight a foreijmer.
Hut. more than this, not only is our
force thus variable and sometimes tin
satisfactory as repanls the ciuality of
its component parts, but it is siiifrularly
badly proportionetl as regards the arms
of which it is composed.
If there is one thinjr which rtvent ex
periments have established more than
another, ami upon which there is com
plete unanimity of opinion amoiir mili
tary men. it i this that motlern armies
should in future campaipiis lie remark
ably well furnished with Inith cavalry
and miillery; iu fur. try will be unable
to face ino-iern musketry unless they
are well su;iH.rted by (runs, and have
the way of their at tack: prepared for
them Ly uriii'ei lire. A v.:l.f
inirsenieii will s'-r.-otnl the ruovem-Tts of
a moilern :.nny frmn its opjvim nt. and
r.n army which has not a stronsr force
t i cavalry , liot'.i t- fain informati-n for
it rnd t. w.ird oil its op--onens si-outs,
will Ik.- at the mercy of a !ettcr-iufor:ned
an onist.
It will lieither 1e aUo to see nor re
main vnwen. Yet bow do we find th:il
;r.r attenuated levies are furnished witl
these necessary adjuncts? Contempt!
My so. it seems, as rcfrr.rds artiliery
Vii hare but a nominal Oi'O f-nns ail told
njrainst 2.000 to 4.000 belon-rinr to th
powers thi-.t may oppose us. and o:
these we cosld not place above 320 ir.
the tiehl.
"S'ot only have we an absurdly small
numlK-r of batteries, but we propose on
an outbreak of hostilities to reduce
them by fourteen in order to male up
ammunition columns! That is to say,
wo orjri-nize, equip and educate a scien
tific body of men in order that they may
on the outbreak of hostilities be equal
to the duties which l'ickford". or Carter
I'aterson's draymen daily perform in
our .streetsl The Germans on October 1
last added to their artillery almost as
many funs as we have in the wliyle
world, and Kouniauut and Sw itzerland
can each of thcia put in the field about
as many -runs as can the Itritish empire.
"or when we come to analyze our cav
alry returns are matters more reassur
ing. We have only 12.000 horse to
mount 10.000 troopers both in India and
at boroc together.
Mr. GoLiomxT is the name ot a po
liceman in a Missouri town.
Ciikis Brown, of Fort Wayne, Ind.,
has aTced to walk from Aspinwall to
Alaska for ten thousand dollars.
Mr. P. S. Dcxx, a Callaway county
(Mo.) man, has a pourd which was
brought from Wales to this country in
ARTnnt CraxocK was given five thou
sand dollars by his father for leading
the Harvard football eleven to victory
against Yale.
Josei-h Bond (colored), living- near
Toronto, has lain in bed in the sulks fox
twenty-seven years, and is - nor- ap
proaching1 death, all leeause his mother
sold her farm against his wilL '
Maiuiadvke . Watson has been a
school-teacher in Philadelphia for fifty
four years, during- thirty-five years ol
which he has been a principal, lit
has now retired to enjoy a well earned
A max named Fields, who had just
died near - Danville, Ky., never, it is
said, though sixty-svenyear old, slept
a tingle night out of the houte in which
he was born, and never ate but one :
meal away from home.. lie was outside -of
his native county but twice, and then
only for an hour each time. !
Miss Lvdia Landt, a young lady liv
ing at Davenport, la., has become in-,
sane, it in said, through the discovery
that affectionate letters received by her;
and purporting to come from a young
man to whom she was attached, were
the work of some, of her young friencU
who desired to play a joke on her. j" J -
1 Tlnsbanil sf Month.
Sarah Gregg, of Matherton, Ga.,hal a
husband in prison. She thought that
wa3 as good as a divorce and after a
lengthy wooing took to her bosom
Jesse Guernsey as husband.'j But i when
she sat down and quietly thought ovc-r
the matter the ' complexity of her.
wedded relations became apparent. Sba
then went to the circuit judge, had the
Guernsey husband declared illegal, se
cured a divorce from the Gregg hus
band, bought a license and was remar
ried to Jesse all in the same day. vThus
she has had three husbands in as many
months, and Mr. Guernsey two brides
and honeymoons
i'WA opt
a- W
r J
117 Celebrate
sT ,.Sf
We have wagons, buggies, surrej'S. High grade; as light,
strong, durable, stylish, as beautifully finished as modernized
manufacture can produce. Built on honor by men of life
experience. Honesty is our policy; prompt shipment our
specii!ty. We want to know you. Write us. Costs you
nothing. May lead to business by and by. Send for cur
Catalogue. It is free to every reader of this paper. Bing
hamton Wagon Co., Binglumton, N. Y.
Elif Cream Balm i not a liquid, tmuff or
... , . . . ,
puicklu aotoroea. Jieuante
I! f m.vr-rm ' RnlA hti rlr-imrrijttjt or
trie tore.
In Cnsh to be distributed among
Canvassers for Clubs for
the Weekly Times.
A handsomely Illustrated Paper
of. Sixteen Pages.
LessthanONE CENT a Week
Weekly Times
100,000 :-: Subscribers
Belore January, lHri, and to accomplish tbls Is
the shortest rpace of time the price
has been reduced to
0 Cents
A Year.
And Cash to the amount of
One Thousand Dollars
Will be paid to the Kettersnp ot Clubs, as
lolluws :
1st largest list, -
2nd largest list,
3rd largest list, - -
3 next largest,
4 next largest, -10
next largest,
20 next largest, - . -
The Above Prizes la l aah.
This Competition will be 0111 to Everybedy
Every where mea. women boys and clrls. Care
ful record will be kept of the Surxcriiers sent la
by each Competitor and the Cash will b uala
when the contest closes, on the first day ot lo
eetnber, 1891.
A Handsome Weekly Journal, filled with richly
Illustrated articles on every subject ol con tern po
raneoua Interest, lacladinc Fiction, Literature.
Travel, Adventure, Society, tbe Imma, Sports
and librae Lllc. the Farm and (iarden, with all
Current News ef thc-world.
A leatare ol tbe WeeHy Times la a department
deroted to ..
This feature of tbe Times baa aroused mora In
terest among- young people than any other J are
nlle publication, nut only because Its stories,
ketches cpai. puzxlcs. and proMesM aw aw water.
talng and Instrurtlve, but because every boy and
ertrl that ream it is a member ef tbe famous
Eiabs O'clock Club. - The tvimsen and :Jold
Kutton of the Olub la sent Ire to every one ef
them. 1
Taere are na tees of any kind. '-a
You can And out all about the Club and tbe
HUNDREDS OF PRIZES It distributes i monw
boys and clrls by send lna-for a free copy at the
Weekly Tines, the subscription I rice ol which Is
only . .
riTIT tESia im.
It will cost you only a postal card to aret a spec
imen copy, and then byaendlojt M cents, which
we are sure you will do. It will be sent to you lor
one year. Subscriptions may begin with any
number. No continue 1 storie.
Ad dress lor all 4 art let la r ,
THE TIMES, Times Rail dins;
" " FlOTJI RlliHoin C!HrtOl!TTPW.'"tTlITfli(5r rSSf "'Cill"K
comes the verdict that VICKS SEEDS never
lippoint. Why waste tirx, cxne anil paueiice on
others, ahen you can buy the BEST saw prior f
M.;!ce no mistake this year: send lacents tor VicJf
Floral tialde, deduct the toccata from first eider,
and it cr;sts nothms. It is better than ever; 100 larpe
p-ic. co!ored piatcs, fr.mii novelties worthy of
c-Vv Cash pri-n ifo an'-lioo.
JAyIS VICS. SELDSilAjr, EJttestcr.M. Y.
3UG ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street NEW YORK.
Watches, Clocks
ical Goods.
Sole Agent
d Rockford
ColumWa and Fredonia "Watches.
In Key and Stem Winders,
of JEWELRY always on hand.
I-f My liDe of Jewelrv is unsurpassed
Jt oie nd see for yourself before purchas
ne elwhere.
CARL RIVINIUS Nov. 11. 1885--tf.
powder. Applied into the rwHrilt it
. . T .
neaa, auayt injutmmaivnn, ne-ni
Ment bti mail on. rersint of Ttrire.
Printing Office
I the place to eet your
Pioaiptly and satisfactorily executed. We
will meet the prices of alll honoraole
oon-petion. We don't do any but
fit-t-cls work and want a
liyinj? price for it.
With Fast Presses and.New Type
We are prepared tn tarn out JoblPrlnting'of
every discription in tbe FINEST
STYLE and at tbe very
Lowest Cash Prices.
Xotbitig Dot tbe best material H nsed and
our work r peaks for itself. We are pre
pared to print on tbe ebortes; notice
Posters, Programmes,
Business Cards, Taos, Bill. Heads,
Monthly Statements, Envelopes,
Labels. Circulars, Wedding and
VifciTiNo Cards, Checks, Notes,
. Drafts, Receipt, Bond Work,
Letter and Note Ueads, and
Hop and Party Invitations Etc
We can print anything from tbe smallest
and neatest Vieitin Card to tbe lartcect
Posbr on short notice and at tbe
moat Reasonable Rates.
The Cambria Freeman
Wall Paper.
Sond lOr. to our Mail Department
for new samplcsof lsyi. Nice Papers
forfir.: Solid (Jilt, from 15c, to 3ic.;
Fine Embossed and Irridesent Papers
from 2.rc to Ojc roll.
j. mra MILLER & CO.,
S43 Smlthfield St.,
(Mention this paper.)
LILL.Y,.PA., ,
. ANCE. .
Acnnt of mr-rcliants, farmers and oth
ers earnestly, ansnrinionr patrons
. niist an oiisinesj enirusica to us wui re
pel to' prompt and careful attention, and be
i.lMld strictly oonfidentiaK Cnstomers will
1 be treated a liberallj as good banking
-r rules will permit.
fctett). Lilly, Pcnna.
! Ebsmiom, Pbkk'a.
-war-Special attention given to alaimi for Fen
lm Bounty, ets. aaT-M-V0
Kontin About tue Head of IJuerty oa
TliU C'win.
Tlicre was a curious story about the
head of Libtrty, says the Illustrated
Ami-rican. un the obverse of the Bland
dollar. This is kuid to bo modeled from
the head of Mis. Anna W. Villi:im-s
nx' instructor of philosojjhy and meth
ods of kintkTurtcB training at the
tJirls' normal school in Philadelphia. At
the time tlie Bland dollar made its first
appearance, the secret leaked out some
how, and to avoid the notoriety the
most indefatigable efforts were made
to deny the fact, and even to this day it
is difficult to gvt any of Miss Williams'
friends who ore in the secret to admit
it. Her name wt-jit broadcast over the
land, however, and from almost every
iuartcr of the lobe fche was delugvd
with the most pressing and flattcrinff
offers of marriare. Mis Williams was
a student of the Academy of Fine Arts
when Enjrraver t.eorpe Mtwtran. who
made the pattern from wliich the dol
lar was copied, was easting1 about for a
model. Some ladies amonfr the students
at the academy were selected to pose.
The contour of M iss Williams' features
was chosen as coming nearest to the
pure Crecian ideal, lief ore the pattern
was finally adopted it was sent to tlie
academy to pvt the opinion of some
artists as to its artistic merits. Tho
profile was criticised in several particu
lar, chief amonr which was what was
rejrarded as a too prominent chin. But
the authorities at the mint thoupht it
one of tlie most lieantifnl types of face
that was ever submitted for the head ol
a coin, and it was adopted. As to it?
stronp resemblance to the original,
those who see Miss Williams oftenes!
are lcst able to testify. It is considered
a ffod lilc.-ness, but drawn somewhat
liner than the liviiip; moleL Mr. Mor
gan, by the way, is e.n Enp-lishiri-iii. and
s)ine jk'ojJ i.uLst that he h:is 1.1 :r:i-''d
Uj decljre his ori;rn in the jll:i.r" tlol
lar. By holding the coin with the date
uppermost, and covering the figure on a
line across the eye to the hair, the pro
file develops a likeness of King eor;re,
tlie chin being his nose. Holding the
coin in the same position and covering
the medallion on a line from the chin
to tho base of the cap. the curl of the
hair develops a lion with its nose facing
One Caww iu Whirl. It Soothed Two Sav
agp It re-ant .
Ilu'band and wife had en quarrel
liny, says a Columbus p;sper. Thw trouble
bo, ran in tli' house. Iut the ln-Uigeri-iits
hsd reached IrH' sidewalk, where hostil
ities were resumed. She declared in the
heat of passion that she would not live
with him another hour. lie retorted
that it didn't make any difference, the
quicker tlie separation came the better
it would le fr both.
Tlie husband, ruising hw voice to a
high pitch, said:
"This ends all relations between us."
"Go," said the wife, "I do not care
now, for our home in only in name."
Suddenly there hurst upoa the nijrht
the atrainsof "Home, Sweet Home." It
was the music of an orchestra that had
just then lcgnn a serenade to a resident
near by. It seems that tlie company of
musicians had Wen inspired, for the
piece was never rendered any better
than it was that night.
The husband and wife ceased quarrel
ling, and Ixith stood as if rooted to the
spot. The effect upon them could le
seen at a glance. Both were weeping.
There was a brief but terrific struggle
between duty and pride.
The husband glanced at the wife in a
pitiful sort of way, and his look was re
turned. As the strains of the great song
were dying away, they rushed into eitca
other's arias. The love of former years
was then and there renewed.
A labi.e oak tree, claimed V be one
hundred and forty years old, has been
felled at Flint, Mich.
J. J. Westlake, of Wheeling, has in
his possession a land grant made ont
February C, li07, containing the signa
tures of Thomas Jefferson and James
A REsrrEXT of Paw Paw. Mich., has
a receipt for a tax paid y his ancestry
in 14011, but he is willing to trade the
relic for a receipt for his own. dated
this year.
Rkv. Jonx Emot, missionary to the
Indians, wrote a letter in 1073, which
was sold at aurtion a few days ago for
five hundred dollars. At tlie same sale
a letter of Rev. Jonathan Edwards
brought only eleven dollars and a half.
William J. Mii.lkr, of Labon, N. J.,
lias a brais spectacle case over four
hundred years old. Tlie outside case
on top and bottom has a ten years'
calendar (from 147S to 147) engraved
thareon, with instructions in Dutch, the
figures, letters, etc.. In'ing quite legible.
Dr. F. L. IlAitnon. of Harrodsburg,
Ky., is the owner of what is believed to
be the first watch ver brought t the
state. It In-longed to tine of Dr. Har
rod's ancestors, who was the early com
panion of Daniel Boone, and is an open
faced silver 'bull's-eye," bearing the
date 1775.
Mary MoCxjks, of Erie, Pa., has the
record of having eloped seven times
from one husband.
A Yorxo man was tarred and feath
ered down in Mississippi the other day
because he married a quadroon girl.
A Genesee county (M ich.) young lady,
who was recently awarded Sl.SOO in a
breach of promise suit, has rewarded
her chief witness by lestowing her in
jured affections on him. The banns
have leen published.
Abraham Speck and his wife, of Mill
Creek, near Huntington. Pa., have been
married fifty years, and the husband
has taken stops for a separation. le
cause his wife and he disagree upon the
advisability of sanctioning their daugh
ter's choice of a husband.
At South Colchester, (hit., M. Brown,
aged eighty four, led to the altar Mrs.
Margaret Clickert, aged ninety-' ven.
The groom had buried frur wives and
the bride mourned the loss of five hus
bands. Her la.t husband died two
years ago, aged one hundred and twenty-four
Carioaitlra of tho f'rnaus.
A curious fact in statist ios of popula
tion is the greater number of people
whose age is expressed in decimals of
ten. For instance, in the last census of
Rhode Island there were more than
twice as many people .SO years old as
there were 4'J. So, again, there have
been found in a certain area 3,000 col
ored people C9 years old, 1,200 71 and
and 19,000 70. The fact is a striking
illustration of the general fondness o
people for round numbers. A man who
is 59 or 61 years of age is quite apt to
call himself 60, and in a similar case a
woman will call herself 40 or 60.
Completed III Make-l'p.
An anecdote is poinp tlie ronnds in
Australia, says the Sheffield TelegTaph,
ejncerninpthe manner in which a well
known leading actor supplied the acci
dental absence of a necessary item of
'make-up." lie was playinj? Macbeth,
and when he came to the murder scene
he asked in vain for the blood with
which he had intended to imbrue his
hands. After abusing the property man
roundlj for bis neplect, the actor, struck
with a tiaipy thought, suddenly hit the
functionary on the nose, so that a pood
strpply of crimson fluid was obtained
and in this the actor bathed his palm.
F v - j. jr-3 .
miU.t.H I loisl
GCUT. BACKACHE. Pains in the Site,
.the Chest and the Joints, Neural,)
Sprains, etc., etc., the
VmmI wlthrrrat Kuur-caa In tbe IniTVJial
aaT Kual Unerml Hutltal ot tloboa
and 11 .any otiwra.
0b twv.",i TesttsosUl cut ef Th:ti: :
TrU-T-.l-oi is, Iu, Jan. . "L
Vnm AMhor l'uln Kin-lW Is rr-allr ri--.l
Urn dih-i lii,a,ir, t.iHT(f-liii? fiNMn fltu.-u.
nMOlum fwr ri-ara, coul't And luinilux to ur
SMC tMitvotir AtcSnr l'filn Frt-4lrr.
ttcauut. fci 1 fc-tta un. tu. vast.
BO Cents a bottle.
1 or most bauuuusTa. oh itiicacr from ,
sLuuatcla. Oliva, utwiuIh-tk
Books abtut ether Ancfaer B-
wdies a Application.
0M3 IN) lj.
VM'lwL'- i '
.'i:r---.! Ol Whtho, ou won am. so hichT
ljlcx. Diamond koorisc -io Thh srr.
ltE IT ALSCKD c .'V::l i T: 4H!'-
Scnd for illustrated drcularto
" V.::r7r9 Jr., & Co,
Wulmit Htreet,
arsarAi ti xtrzurAZ. . f
Ihnrpp& ots Suamr, Childm Zo It.
rmrj TTaralar aboold Lara a botUe of It la hla warbrL
Fvpru Si iff o ro r M KhTOm"1". m-
attoa, Nmrmlgla, iivr-
vxma Haaiiaaha, IMphtSerU.OoO(rh, tarrl. BrntM-Jiitla.
nmi, uuuAerm Hortrai. inmri-hiM-1
la hoar or Utnha, Huff JotxiLa orhi
Umlua, will And In
old AacKlTM rrllef and
ti . Sold atfii , wttria. t-tr 36 eta..
..Vry mall. S bottle.
I ipr 4.irt, aa.
aui! np-ur
I took Cold, -
I took Sick.
k W AJ Pi ii I II
r i st l l :
I tako My Meals,
I tr-.I-e My H.cst,
AVT I AM VI'V",nl, FV"' H I - Kt
ANY llll V; I (AN I V .MV ON ;
niira: tv r:i, iok Scoii's
Erm'hion of Pure Cs .' '.'v--rfjil
and Hypophosphitesoi Lime.ind
Soda oVl.V Cl CHI MV I ISS-C i
t.-iit CfsiiTmijr : i 1 ' i r
ME IT. II IS r- i v -l I I ! :
FLESH cr; t.1r ZC!:1S
at Titr. t.v.f. ( r . iit : a I
1'AKr. I I- list A KAII V AS I I "I MII.K."
such twi'imosv is noihim; M-n-.
scott's emi'ision is !!( v. 0m1fks
iiaily. Take no oi io k.
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all I'st
ect bnslns conducted for Modcrat Fcss.
Our Oflic ia Opposite U. S. Patent Office,
and we ran wrnre patent in loss time tnan uioee
remote from Wasblnclon.
(send model, drawing or photo., with descrip
tion. We ad rise. If patentable or not. tree of
cbarpe. Our fee- not doc till patent is aero red.
A Paaiphlet. "How to Ootain Patents." with
names of actual clients in your Htata, county, or
town, cent free. Address,
Opposite Patent Office, Washlnooa, 0. C.
l teK kit. -4
i A fK-.nipriieS. of mfonnatlmi and afc- fj
i' itnuioi ij law a, bo ti iir 11. w t ; J
K-JA. Oiain l":itoiita, ( vmls 'Cm-li. 'ff
f 3k Uaxka. C. rrrirl.:a, . i f . . A r 7
,3oJ Hini!ar, i
ane B'tl f m aaa We
vwk fee a, by Sana lf. Aanta,
!. i4 Jim. l.W lil.lo.
MMI. ptlwnkl. aaa uwl W hy
Itnem'f a. ra.d. th. imfc aeS llva
mil . T hunt Hni ap.ww
r1anf . r. m,h. fmlni tnm S lo
Kill. All -- Whow rMbrm
a4 tail t-q. I n rra la lr flat
o all Wi HnM. HI ma) w
mm. tajlur anhwowa uuaf tbra.
N KW mttii raitvllil. aiw.
B.UalUUA C-. Mwa a rlwail, Mala
, .- , - ' " !
n. r a
ADTrBTINrR by eoaesstne;
RswsllAte., 10 Spruce St., New
an learn the aiact cost of any proposed !'
.UVKKTlSINi la American ewae.ra.
fsMta HaaspsileS-lwe
Broad, Acte Tork. i
rscaa Hwrat Ru1-.ltaflt. O'v. A 4
lam (
. P.
DO too need Job PrlntlDa?
FkEaaaii a trfal order.
II so, give
auctic Exruiilvi
The Latest Bchemea for fte
the Nort'i Pole.
Slitpa, Ital1MMia and !or--l4 j, tl
pluyed In the I-n..r. t .
That I'rtifouixlc-tt f "" I
My.t4-rl.-a. ,
l-'Sn1 '-?n:'t':;.i!' j-o ;;.;... . , '
V-i -1 J;-'"1- ' - ' !...-.! ' ;
::.i:.ii-'..: 1. ly y-tu . . . .
tli rt- art- o:-ntv of .l.,r;.;
t ri:.l liji' :i:ul liii.lj in :,n ;i,
jir-ni- tiiiit it i.t ici'M.. j,
nioiv tlian t'.M) liuinln-fl ,,rs
llo-.ton Triuisi-rijit, thf n .ri i .
l.:; n tsi Mecca of t.,r, ,r, i
ti;ri's. Iisnsti-r upon Uv- ...
liot dit,iii;ii (l tlii' wii-ii' , ,. .
itii.l .Iiim' iifvt Ir. r'riti.v,
an iiilr ii.l Norn 1-,,-inn :!,: ir' '
llU- 1 --iitl V .T )lii.sjints j- .' '
liy . j.iiu-n. j. a.-r-.
will :t;iit fr.iui I'.ur. j;, t.(i
lllilt :.). for th.' J ,
l-oll-l eu- tv-.l IIS to 1m- Itlli,- '., u '
t ! iiii) litters of th i--- ny.
t tit- .!:! iwntt' to tiic Ik lit-
will 1- irovisinicl f,
ii!il v.ill farrv strong mh;.;
,!X:- t'-. for in c--,.- ,. ,,
t!ii' t.hi.. t:iii4-it 1h';--vc
O'ei-'t in th;il r-;rio;i ti.;n 1:;: .,
ti l,-y us f;ir ;.s t!n- i- n.. '
Mk riau rivi-rs. In-re In . , ,
a nort ti'i-rly ounvnt . !, w .
l.iin noi-tli to within tin- '.v-v'. 1 1- basf-s liis o; ).:,; ,:,,
crly current ir curri-ut- on ! ,
ct-rtain articles l.-ft tju tin- u h
.Icumu-ttc in tlie ojiju.sit,- j,rr
m -lar n-a tlriftcj in tiin-t- v. .
o;t"t of rcunlaliil. So In- u;:;--.liip
to tJi" jjlacc vln-n tii, .1, :
wont down. mi.-l ullow iv t,
tlii- ice il(K-s nut'.! l!ic Don!,. r:: c
.ire rcaclicl. In this wav v,
tiavc to U in cnrn-iil.s or tvi,t ;, ,
lut will iilln'.v t!u-:ii l- j-arrv
Jcstifiution. , '-irt'.icrn ur.-.i,-,
thinks. inutt formed hv ,
ini jf the Silx-riuu rivers int., t;,,
Another sc hetue t r- i:. l, ,,.
xlu is that of two -Ti,,!,i. i., -:
I-'rcnclunen, who jiro;,,- t-, ,;-
the ijle in a n-. i.ti,v
liulloon. Tl.i.s iiir k1i:o v. ;. !, ..
citistru-t-tl of tW'l thi- lai. - ,
sill;. Kiul wi'.l have a i. ;:
l.U-x-ll. the ohjei-t of v. In, -i, i, .
vide that the larfcr ! v.
w;iys 1h- inlLitwl. Ji.ur
lcillooiis uul ri.tei-Ti n-ry
1, Kills will Ik' iitta )j-l t- Tii
lwrith to alfonl n'.ixillnrv ;
scientific u-.o in .i-t riii. :,'.!
tion of air curp-nts at th.
lilT lalioi will Have a ean;i.
forty-live thousund ouli.- f,-. ! . : ; .
jren fTa and N t'ntiinati !
carrm capacity of in. r -i '.: :. .
thousand pounds. The ( ;;r ,. n
c instruction aiul looks I:.,.- a
houe. It in to 1m- made of . i, ;:, r
el with thin plutcs of !t--i 1 ai: i v..
watrr-tif ht. The .tjuij-m.-n.
licsidt-s tlis fire men aJid a in; ;.
dofz-s, proriaJuriK f .r :.-!. 'y
sleipii, an unsitikahle ciiin'i'.
instniineiits. rtc. Accor.lin.' t.,
ffruiixiue thy will leave Si.l'. 'i' -in
the autnmcr ut 1W, s. nn-' i;i,,. v
u m ind is fotinil lilowin- .;.:, : -.
tin- pole. They expoct to k in V.-U-n
driys and to laml in Alaska - r v
t-rn Asia. The scIhwhc is aot
Iy the I'reneh icroiiautieal s :. .
A pla& of jH.lar research th:;1 :-.,;
to 1m- tit more pr;u.-t ical value t ! .
of the alove-iuciitioncd -.;
which are- only to satisfy -curiosity.
is tlu sclremc-dcvcl, ,j. ! .l..
trali.i f r tlie fxplorutioii of I
arcti- rejrinn. Since the i-. l.-' -peditioii
of Sir Jiuiies ltosv :t) !- -- ;
the Krehusand Ti rror. m.
lieen inale to iuv-st:;r;Jc tl.i- r ; ;
However, in the full ol the pr.-- i '
an expedition will set o;:t ui; ; r ' ,
command of llaron No: d. i-.-kj i ,;
of the most exjx-rieiieei! p .iar :riv:
crs living, to expl ore the A:.t
trict. and l;op's an- cntei ;ai:.i .! in. ,
tralia that new llsheri.-s f.,r ...
seals, cod. etc, will la- ,.:. J, I.;..; .
prove of intrinsic vitluc i t;.-1 -.I-.u"
Incider.f illy Huron N r.:-:.-t.'l
determine whether the tu- i
uotit is rcaJly n c-udin. t r un a: . '
TH-lairo; aooertain W.e na'.un- 1
fossil plants. aniianK.
seem that this Antarctic
:i much broader and in-u.-r 1.
ploration than the Aivti--.
etrated. to c-Iom? on t i ir'i
Niluml ..ia In I:uk1:u1.
The Middles hrouc-h eorr.-- ''
the Newenstle (KitA "hr-'f.ic v"
to his paper regard in? -the !:i:!
(fas that it wan made at a i'..-;':-uliout
cih.t liuudreil f,-it. A' "'
huudrrd ami sixty fe-t wl,it 'M '
struck anU salt is!'U ral; f"Ua..a'
twenty Uy twenty-live fi-et 1m 1
tiUiue. At ei'iit hundred anii ' '
feet salt wa struck at tai 1 r':
Continuing o bore through ;!if r
blue Kiue-stone was struck. -the-
present ffiis. .Viuiy .-.,;-. '-Middhsbroiv-h
district !.;:- .
the opinion that it is ?-v. .y ' ; -marsh
paR, whicli is hva - ' "
near salt, but whicli is of !:".'
use. It is needless t
effect that such a discn , i v a
licvi d by some to have h- n
week would have on the ' "
otlicr industries in s. ";-!:
natural pas as a f m l v vi ; '
the manuiaet ures, as.d th .i
ilreatly favon-d natural ' '
..-ill deoo-dts. orovi-d over
twelve square miles." n- -close
U navipable .il-rs
Li:t a man lead a cr-" '.
onouph and he will s- in
The man wh first wr-tc ''
pleasures of jrivin wn-s j--r.'
inventor of tlie charity hail.
SCIFtCB 1 maknip w.w. r.-
nowtvlays. An ajrricu'ttir.d
ha jast discovercsl that if a V
ley are tied topothor she ran t 1
The man who uikcs
presence of ladu'S in lra,v'' :
vator may have preat p..litcm--s ,
will also have a fTent coi l " ;
-I iniEAiini of you .i''-n;'v.-i
said, with a linpiTiuz cr!-'1"'''
vou, really?" he irKitcn-l. .
"Yes; I alwnys dream when
sU-r and pie at rug-ht."
MATHFMATlCrANS fliT-" t .- ;
sixtv yean old has siviit three .-
Luttoninff his collar. How iiitu ,
has been consumed by "
f4rty-five in puttinpher hnt i-; ,
A "Tiirr.F. is a mast n-ma";
in a cave in Kentucky.
tliere remarkable alxiut it ." - . sl
call out: -Hello, Smith:' V- ,
What Smitli do you
than fourteen distiuct tiuM-s.
Tire most powerful kiup
wor-kinp; the laziest. "
doubtful kinp, smokinp; tl k t , ;
mon kinp. jo-kinp: the u- . ,
i.: 1.; est one. r. II K,,-.-f
Vim-aiUK. . )Nt
slyest, win-kinp: and tin
ous, tal-kinp. . ncT
O-Kun-s ti Knnw.-. rrl"s,;,
had been convicted at l- -' ..y
times was placed at tin' ' ,
, t like t ha" .
i continued for a week; my 1' ti
I "Hut you wetvcapturt.i - ww
j in this pentleman's J';
P. . .-.n n -1 Ml V
" Precisely so. your h'-j',r:
I am eurtou to kn"'-