u I! I ! t i ? 1 I i IA V 1 ir 1 . :. i ' ' ' . i V- -i ;S ST1:AMaii:i:TS- i A New Craze Amonsf Followers Of Fufihioii. l urlcim uml lwlTrrt tux '' ' i' le mail t t-r II tf, liol I I'l i. : iiintfe In-;ir.lci l.tvo m-4 tvkiiJ -. A :.l.;l.I. TV piihr crae to on v soru.-tuinjr th;it i- iHlii it out of the common order of t'iiiai'' extended its.-U to hony hoid pvt.. n i.vi the Ni'W York Sua. A iiuiu":- i li. n srt.irvs i:i O.ii; direction h...-o Uvn made i:i re ---ut y-.-irs that art? s. -i.ij'.j . -i...vcl. .i:h tiiio and mon ey h.ivo b.-ea -pe:it ti'v-tM'iun of thil curi.ni.-i r.nd iuU'restjnjf stvcinitn that oiiu occasionally hears of as household pets. Tlio popular craze uow seems t In'. to keep t.une and harmless reptiles; wild-cuts and ja.ftiars have "-one out of fashion. Tin- r-vtile family is a larffe one tochw from. Many of the vari eties arc perfectly harmless and so rare that few jr-i-nous have ever seen a specimen, imd but Utile. i-s known of their habit. '':: : are several kind- that aro e.-eeeuin-dy pretty, and to leara the pe culiar habit of these wry timid creat ures citenth.ie. th instructive and aranMiir, especially to youn people or ch...livu. The sm.iller kinds of harmless rep tiles are. as a matter of cour". the only ones from which L-:dr;ib!e pel nv.ty bo fccl-cted. They can be kept with little, if any, trouble, and no expense. The only onlay is the bnyiuir tf a cast; ia which to keep tlif pets and even this may If avoided by making one. A good-sized Iwx with a glass hide mi.'.'ht easily Ik- utilized for a den. A liniu.T of bark both adds to the effect and makes it pleas:: nt-r 1". .r the imaatos of the ease. A sandy, tfravelly tloor, with a few stones, apiece of rivr.red wtod and a (:" d-sied pan of water are. all th..t wiil Ih- required lor the most fastidious reptile. Tho.se intending' to keep these curious pets can buy or tit u;.i :,s hand -ouie a den us the len,"Tth of their pocket s and fmiey may dii-tae. if t iie many '.von. !:.' ul cre;-.U:ie.s that will t:ir:vi-iaa limited spat e and readily adapt themselves to circumstances, the tJTcca tree-t 'ad is piol.ull ti.e Jircttie-.t and most c:,t rtai-iuii.r. It i.-. found in larfre numbers in Southern Knror'e and Xortiiern Africa. It lives almost entirely on insects, which it jruta ers from trees. The iortuatioit of the tree tiad is iinleed pet a'isr, and i:' a strikiiiir extimpU- in tue pruvi ion mace by nature r her t Id! dr en. On each of its toe:, tin- tree to.: a small ucker bv which it is enable 1 to travtd over smivith perpendicular -urfa toad (. an cdn:' up ;mi1 rem;: to a pane ot ,l: !a , v. it Is at ;. effort. It is - csti-emely li able to wa'k over a l ;.i.: A tree t lini: in rr .j ,.!cnt : . to be without v ei. blue1 then, the sli,;l.lr.-t Ue:;a -. la clear, tine. . ..iisii Co!, -r d I he re ; ii .!" i i : d. t .1 i-r the ..erald loudy v. si-!,-1 y . Tor t. auI ! preen. It t :s- 'e the color of t: changes to a nu food it ; 1 1 f . i;e a 'i a. T ,m:'hi ;. .. ' t.-e t 11 1 td'iy. !ii 1 1 "iv ..i: V s:i.i. I in - is very tont of ni.--.. Another j.retty an.l a: -.usher little reptile t .i.it i. very casiiy :::,.. .! is the fl.Ullll'UI l:..U:'d. Its eaieU l.lo(t'tllt't:ts ami the way in which it e'i:L,vs for it. eli makes it .: v ry ii ler.st.ai; pet. The li.-.ar.is are pr.-lty. -i:l sae rare spec '.mens hue b. en t-:o,s -.t ir:a t'ee W-s. I:s les t!:at ;.re vey hand .omeiy 'i he r ma" be ia ; l in thr mrl.ed. 'i hey s::iue vi'.st: vvi: li lliC i kind ,- 'iiu it' ar fee. spised bv tae ee tvads anil tiirire on tx I. I'cp; iles that .-.re iie avs r;:;4c e imtrvman III- re t'.iorou:;:.!;.- titan t'.ie coram ueui, va.i -i. may tie I .uud m all lioiuN. !i-e..e , or smsii ,0,,is .lost l tie v are perfect iy harmless :nid fivpienth . 1 1 I'l.i . i . . i i.i. .oii-.e in ine ,irietess are beaut -fully .p,;Ued with bright .jl low on a Isa.-k sarfaee. Tin y are n.s much at home in the water and us iUick of motion as a 11 sh. Thev :i ure constantly on the move and swim graecfully to i nd fro, .searching for tad- u-orms a..t any sinun water-iil-1 Reels t'.u.t may come in their way. all of which they devour with aviilty. The r.ewt iai;;ht ah-.o be kept in the den with the tree toads an I lizards. providing1 the vatcr supply is larffe enough to allow the newt space in which t ) swim. Like frorrs, newts do not train fa: ir perfect form for six weeks after they lire hatched or come out of the tg?, which really hatches itself. They are constantly chanin. their skins, and often look tpiite ra ' ed, as if ia want of a m w coat. WRONGHEADEO PEOPLE. Those with WIi.mii 11 M DilHouIt to Oet A leu,-. Anions the most unplcusant people one i-; v o;e. on life's id '.led to rc.lj slcni'i ler. with iliuav lire the class whose rniiKls take hold of every thin', as it were, th'- wronjr v'.i'l f-.lcinost. They are n.ually hstiuate as perverse, and the falsi" inferences they draw from i.:i.-.appis heinh d premises taoy ad lirre to with as much tenacity as if they were lospcl truths. One knows not h.e.v to d"nl with such incorrigible. iood-hu.nored rallying they are as liljc ly as iet to mistake for studied insult, kind words for hambti-r. endeavor to instruct and convince for airs of superi ority: atl3. "whatever one may do or say with a view of benefiting them, they ffostake fer insidious altempts to get on their blind side. Their llelil of moral vision is filled with n raist of suspicion which ilistorts every thim.. and it is in vain to reason with them: for you can no more do away v i;h their absurd im pressMir.s than you eaa wipe out .'raven letters with a spore'.-. lirror, we sujv ptise. is to them what truth is to r;,'bt hcad.sl men and wou.eii, and they clinr to it becaus.- they Is lieve iu it. They lire objects ul commiseration: yet, le ia;' nuubatuble nuisances, it is prudent to i'.-e them a wide barth. It i.-. really a sad thiuuT to lie pr, dis posed by nature to misconceive r.nd Diiseonstrue; b'tt it is equally tint 1 -as-ant to Ik- misiin l.-rsti"l and miscon strued. We. therefore, make it a rule to have a.s littl..- as post-ible to do with invcteratclv w rc niieuded people. N. V. Ledger.; THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Foil rapid pr nttneiat ion: An anony mous Ananias is an aic-maly anil on mi achroni'Mn. Tr.r. 1'rench rhouvini-ts retel a-rilnst the use of tic lin'.iA vvoi-tt "yacht." and in def -rciicc t their f.-elin 's, tUe word uiil probably be spelled yaute."' lla:-. M.VItsK I. a.s in:ide ii ii estimate, bnsed on er.ref d analysis, that the pro portion of An -flo-s axon words in the Unrrli.dt li'.ble i uinety-s ven per cent, of the whole. A ri.-ct -l m upon the modern pro nunciation of Eayli-.h .oads to the o; Rervafion that the letter U has cca,l to be heard. There is now no differ ence between "law" and "lore."' Ouveji YVuM.r.Lr. IIi.i.mk.s has just in Tcntcd two admirable words "tsett tlon.ithy" and "p-'-eudothcrapy."' one hi;;iii'vi!i0r the qnack si ieneo of disease mil ihe othi-r the quack method of healing. llivr.E is a sentence of thirty-two words which an jiieniour. jK-rson has constructed of the six letters foar.d in the word "mai icn. " Ida, a maiden, u mean man earned Xed De.au and Mctlia. a raa.1 ii i.ue. muile me mend o die and dime, and mind a mine in a dim den in .Maine. St. Loui Ucpublic. j j. . JOB : : PRINTING inn rut: em as I- us vl.tiw i.i i;el yen.- JOB PRINTING t'tuniiMv "H'n-.r- ... . p .... '". a - - - . :k IV e. Ji e- rl'v r-t--ij i--t " if A, r,t -1 1 . s ' ia Fast Presses ssi Scw Tyus We are prepircl to turn out J.ih P.-mtiinj "ot every dscriuflon ii fti FINEST STYLE fnd at tl v-tv Lowest Casl Prices. Nuthiiiji out thf best material i nsefl and our wujk rpks for it Aif. We are pre pared to print on ti.e ntjurteS nelice Posters, Proohammes, HLsiNEi-a ( Anna Tagh. Hill Hkads. iiO.NTHLY STATEMKNTS ESVELOPEB. Labels, t met: urn; w kdihso and ViblTINO (.'aD3 L'HtCES. NOTES, Drafts. Receifth Bond Wohk, Letter and Note Heads, and LIop akd Paktt Invitations Etc V can print anything from the mualit-i-t nn1 neatest Viyiti'irf t'arl t rtif lsnrst PostT on (ttnrt notice ana at ttatj must Reasonable Kates. The Cambria Freeman, EBENSBURf;. I'EXX'A. --L. i Ikui -d ' V - s . 'A 'i . . ' :r:.- 5. r-.r l . i- i'ln;'. CLc.t'i - : ft? -P. AS..: ! 'i ;. a - j. , i .- b.:- t .- 11 'Mi r:: A'-'. -LS Vhat a Comfort! No Dirt! No Fuzz! No Deck Ashe! LASTS LONGER, LOOKS ERISHTER, and miVni the Shoe WEAR BETTER. Poa'tlet lheworr.cn he all cue best things, but use WolffsflGiEBiacking ONCE A WEEK FOS MEN, ONCE A MONTH ?OR WOMEN. I find it a tip top Harness Dressing. WOLFF & RANCOL FH.Phiiudtlphl il iAGi.'-'i.'- -'MAHK. PC ft Cjce!5 oryrer-oift lor lUt ra?id cart of Karf Co dj.Co-j-rs.b'.icCaKil.Ye'.lomWatsr.lCswr, CI:'. --.r, cro sr.d IVes Ees. Lung Forfr, Co.ii-. Clctohc, crd e'.l iliiccl'.le aris--) !.-cm i.Ttc jritles ol tho Blood. V.':il relima ilo-Wii! Cr. :e. MnnfcturtJ ly the 1CA-P KKUrACTl,S!,.-3 CO., LYC'.S, N. Y. PERUVIAN TONIC LIVER REGULATOR. The only sure R1 radical cur for CONSTIPATION. DILIOUSNESS. I DICESTION, snj all di'orjrrr ot tb" liver ind Las currii hun lrevl? of . i.llo arel is ths only romc.lt lir tho tl l ea, ep, so l ia rapes lu irbV-h th rno't Kkllliul phyirl'io bav n:torl tallrd. leaitmonlal Iron hunlrU ol pvopi livtnu in Hi ilrcniinjr, Fe.inTWuia. it l manu-ni-f.iro-l . T. Ktrlnsr. 1 1 1 1 a u, -tnrl, Pia. Mr toe . T L. K. : , and lor -am nv all ilruirlii at &0 runt rr r.-tti. Nono it.riaiuv excapt IaM-.I khuws iLs la- ', aiao arrow-ae-ia iwi iuara. mil SH&VIHG PiP.lORI COR. CENTRE AND SAMPLE STREETS EBENSBURC, PA. J. II. OA NT. Proprietor. l,l'.KP"hl. Hi will alwavs Dud at at oar tia I of business In business hoars. KvervtLlna'ke ii!i and rosv A lia'h room baa boon con neeted wtrh the shop m here the pnhlte can t ac. eommivlted witb a hot or rnlj hatb. Bath tub and everythiou connected tbereio kept perfectly CleQ. ('LSiS TOWSLS t SI I11UI.TT. Pi Ccr. Katsr X 5... . ' V;..-r..-i! ' i:-.'! heel Se:a fC:i La .to. f v , V i-Jr: r----f ; V V- : LAOOH3 OF ALL KINDS. . Thk morre wwihh a man hi, the xaorc di2ijr.it for Kan to tlnJ ot wlKt peof-'re rrilty liuk abuct "Ko- nn jou cu jour trsab&iKl of smoking, irs. WiiigT" "I nvfcj Mn let tic &uj ta cignrs for Ua. It L o of Uii cariosities ol naCarai brtstory tKat ft hcirso (tnoye) Kis fixxi most wbea he hasn't a bit in hi noutU Betauha-vt CnrEMT "Every tiunjf cm htve brrnvi:t xna U stroo cold." Volite Waiter "Herxs are the mufrtAi-4 and perpvr, sir." A ciiemi-jt hae) chrtooverwd a mixtTjre whici La..un prgt-.Hrtk-Q from aat.. But what tlio public really yearns for ia prciteotioa from unclii- TitE different kinds of laughs they have: Dudes, Hal ha! Fanners, Hoi h.! TeamsterH, Haw haw! Fed dealer, Hay! hay! Women, He! he! .Small Boy "There's one thin? in the Rible sis says she'd like to chang-o." Minister "Impossible! What can it be, my young1 man?" tmall Boy "Her a sir." "What ia it, do you suppose, that keeps the moon in place and prevents it from falling?" asked raminta. "I think it must be the beams," said Charley, softly. HurtRAND "Good-bye, dear!" "Wifo (coldly) "lood-bye!" Husband in her fifty dollars for shopping "Good-bye a?ain, dear." Wife "Kihs me. Good-bye, my own darling-. Be home early. Once more, love, good bye ! The man who was r-onvulted with laug-hter at a woman trying- to sharpen a pencil, was soon after discovered try inir to cut a paper pattern by the united efforts of a pair of scU-sors, his right hand, lower jaw and two-thirds of his tongne. Pkoud Father "Taken hig-h degrees in your scientific course? Proud of you, my boy. By the way. can you prove that heat expands aad cold contracts?"' College Graduate "Certainly. Don't the days grow longer in warm weather and shorter in winter?" Ardent Swain- :t' object of his affec tion i "For several wet ks past I hare In en trying to speak to you. Miss Uota. but you never gave mo a chance of putting in a word. I therefore gladly avail myself of your temporary hoarse ness t make you an offer of marriage." YorNVi C a vdhj "Did you ever hear Kiic-h horrible, discoruant, ear-fsplit-tin;r " Old IVoudf ot "Sir-r-r! Why, that's my eldet-t daughter, and " "I repc;.t, ir, such ear-splitting clatter ad tlie ii!i. ts lehiuil us are niking? Why, I can't heur a word of the song." A frwKt.l. at the sea side was surprised when leaning agjin.-t the railings on the p:ira1e to notice that nearly every iody v. Lo passed him burt into laugh-t.-r. n looking down at his fe t soin tiiuo after he perceived to his horror tl. at he was standing jut over a notice board which rend in large print: "htand for one donkey." ABREAST OF THE TIMES. A M-. : C0.e J Asru L.i. Angeles paper sunk criag the Tour years it wa T.ilt-l!.-.:: d. A M:m: ieemun estimi.tt-s that the s:nvtit f i.-e cut t-n tue !Ct-iint-bec this uiavr will Ik- about ssi'.Omj tons. A f Bui was euught in the harbor cf Victoria. B. C.. that wus thref fett six ki'-hes arer.nil the wui't. It was pre-s-.-tct to the Museum of Natural S.-i--n-"t. A nfw variety wf seamill has made its :iyp-arainj on the New- Jersev Coast. It is darker th in the o!J kiafl. and the mo.! ri.T.i;:ri;i,l,. peculiarity is that its V' i I; s-ucrovvvd t- a slian point. 'ian ia J;:e.c:H..n County. Ore., has li -loM ir.ir t'.iis fall v'.ih a steam en- gine. nr.ci 1; sneee.. -liilly. He puljs eigist plow s with :h oagiin.. r.nd turns over the seal at the rate of sixteen acres per day. The cost of i-xiuuing the outfit is not over tive dollar.-, per day. Tin Kr. stk-nis to be g.wjd reason for the increased inere-;t in atl.lotics and various kinds of physical culture fads. It I., reported that out of twenty appli cations for enlistment r.t the I'nitcd States rendezvous i: Portland only one hns Ve.en aceept-U d-hcient chest teiug the main trouble. litKKAL Behda.v has proposed a novel solution of the silver coinage probleni. !1L scheme L to make a dol-la- of gold and silver, mechanically coiiioined, by first making u silver coin worlh twenty-five cents, with a hole in ti: r-center, and then pressing into the hole a phig of gold worth seventy-five cents. Llectricul Review. CURtOS FROrrl EVERYWHERE, A ntovK of one tliouanil turkfj-s were dxitvn from Parens U Osw-o, lnt. Thk proprietor A a PhiljulolpKia tiar Rtor h-i-i po.stcd u tig-u iu his plce for biiWitio' sinokin;. Iluv. Dvvn Kaitpmax. of Indiana, jMiti him.--lf asleep while in the pulpit. Whil-i appsri-atly asU-op aa 1 unoou-soiou-i, it is .-.r.iiltlKt be Jvliveta!eriaon of amazing cloquonei... A IIavsa- man played a very sharp trick upon a ueig-hlior lat.ly. He stole a her J of 130 cattle. s!d them, porkotod tiie munry and then comiuit tcd buk-ide His victim sees no way of redress. I.v counting hi amall change the oth er day, a Michigan man found the most valuable tive-eent piece extaat. Tho jarr'injr on the table caused the pieco of money t4 split in two, aud fi-onj the cen ter rv'l.i ft gvM di;Jar. Ch AitLiK viTuFHTit. of Athens, (.a , has a curiosity in the shape of a pipe. Tho bowl of th-; pip is fashioned out if a cosily variety of briarwool, whilo the stem was taken from the le of some lordly nobler of the days-of long aero. Rlhioim) on a farm near I);ibui(u, Ia., is a peculiarly afflicted oy. four years of ae, the son of Errest liohn. He was born without eyes, au t has no place in his head for them, the forehead being perfectly smooth. The child is nossc-t.ed of all his other faculties, and enjoys good healtii. Peatb. AltitbuttMl to 1'irhles. In comuionting on a recent caeo of death attributed by a coroner's jury to the action of pickles which bad been eaten a short time previously. thf Lon don Lancet says: "There was here an evident connection between tLe alleged cause and it tHi-ct. but sem farther explanation is certainly desirable. Not v.i thstandirp the i.aturally stimulant property tf the se condiments, this is, to our mind, insufficient in itself to ac count for fatal choleraic diarrhoea. Tho facts of tbo cane are much more supjos- tivc of the introuuetion of some irritant poison. The vinejrar of pickles has f re eurntly been lound to contain metallic, impurities, t.otably copper, derived from the vcsstli usetl in their manufacture. Corrosive sublimate and other irritants have also been dc-t cted, and tho pres ence of some such mischievous addition bhould robably bj blamed in this case for tho fatal lsuo." Telrpbonc Statistic. In Germany the telephone subscribers i urn e . t i m a ttld to number SI. 325: in ' France, 9,iS7; iu Great Britain, 20,4J5; in Russia, 7,55; in Italy, 9,143; in Aus-tro-Hungary, 4,200; in .Spain, 2,218; in Portugal, bJO; la Switzerland, 6,570; in Belgium, 4.GT1; in the Netherlands, 2.)rj; in Denmark, 1.S37; in Sweden, 12,664; in Norway, 8,3W. The Berlin Boersea Courier estimates the number of subscribers in America at 1,000,000, ul ia all the world at 1. 200.000. $1,000.00 i la Gsrth to be dL?iirbutj4 sur.tng CHnvBBscre fr Clubs fer j theWetkly Time. j A handsomely Illustrated Paer ( of Sixteen Ps. Less than ONS C NT a Week mum PAfiR w tue wceld. THE PUBLISHERS OF THE Philadelphia Weekly Times! INTEWDTU HAVE 100,000 x Subscribers Belure Jaoasry. and to acooaipllsb this In tha sboriat pae ol lias tbe j.rice has loii riluFHl to 0 Cents A Year. And Cah to tbe snmuct of One Thousand Dollars Will bo paid to the setters np ol Clubs, as til usi : EOE THE 1st largest list, -2nd largest list, 3rd largest list. - 3 next largest, 4 next largest, -10 next largest, 20 next largest, - $?50 2i0 100 50 25 10 5 Tbe Above Prists 1 h. Tbln "nicpemlun wil' oin 'o Kerytiy Kerythere men mt'in -o boys and lr-- iir. ful to or l will kept of li fin'ii-rriiri -or.i . i. b racli Oominltir. d 1 tne i:rI i I te u a when the e 'Dient el s. on tbe fcrrl lay i-l LSj- THE PHILADELPHIA TIMES. A Handfouie Weekl Jouroal. r W with rchi llloiitro'mi rt. n a everv ml j- ! e..i tauu o raotious IMrrsn. incin.liDn Kieo -' . L.n- uw Travel, A-lrulure. Society. I be Drama jx.r: an.l H .n:f LJIe.O.a Karat ud O rjtu. ub ai: C urrent Ne the world. A feature ol :be Weekly Time, is a department devoted to OUU BOYS AND GIRLS. This feature of thr 1 tnes lis arnase1 mure In trrrst iniont ynnnir eople thii DJ ether Jut. nlle publieailon. n it only l.ffum Its slurl.. sketches rhat Ull e. and .r..tiluii r -iD-.nr laina: and Instructive, l.ul eeaa e evry rn.y and irlrl tat renin it 1 a niriubar el tbs I. moo tin hi '-i-k t'lnt). The I'rtuiSoD sol liu i Hntton of tie Club Is sent tree to ei try one ii them. 1 here are no lees of any kind. You rn find .ut ail ihoul the flab and the HUMKMr K PhlZKS It dlrtrihutes aui..n hoys and mrli hy teaoin for a free o-ipy ot tr.r Week y rimri, ibe 'utmorlptloa jriceol wbicb Ir only riill tISii A TEAS. It will eot you o-.ly a total card to a-et a S-r-im. nioiiy and then r.jr en: ma- &t m.t. wburh mm re nure -a will lo. It "t'l he ent to you lor one year, ubcr lotions may beclu with io uiil'". No contlbus I stories. Addrecl kr all dartiru.ars 1 lit Tl.n KS. Times Hnlldii rHlLaoLruia. . J. JOHSSTO'.. M.J. BfVK. A. W. BILK OTAKLIIUIEO 187. Johnston, Buck & Co.. HANK KIIS, EUENsliUI'.G - - PENN A A. W. HI I K, ( BKhlrr. lT.l!LIIHCt 1BS. Carrolltown Bank, fAKKIiLLTON, A. IIAKHtrilll, r. t'aihlrr. X. General Basting Bnsintss Transacted. Tbe f ..Ilnwlnar are the .rlDc!;ial festurei ol . uencrjl bai mlajr huvlnes : nr.i onitk Kecelved puyahle on demand . and Interest hear luir certlBcales Issued to time de(ositors. Pi'rmtcd to ens omers on faor.tMe tetcji an" a(ipruTcd (laper discounted at all tltues. fOLLHTIII.Mi Made In the locality an4 upon all thehnnkinK tiwns Id tbe United States. Charne moderate niiirrs lasned nuotlThle In all p.irts of the TJntte States, and lorelKn eirhastce Issued on all part of 1-uroie. AK'lll'K Of merchants, farmers and others soileited. t whom reasonable aceomodaLlon will be extended. ratrc.oi are s-ured that all ransctlon sha'i tie held as strictly J.rleate and onfldenilul, and tbnt tt.ey will be treated as liberally IU Jov bsnklnn rules will )eralt. Respectfully, JUItXNTOX. BTCK t CO. ST. CHARLES' Chas. S. Gill, Prop'r. Thl unsurpassed. Kemodeled wita offlce on cmand Ooor. Natural peas aul 1-can ireent iltfht In all rooms. Mew steam laanjrv attached to hons. Katel ii to O rer 47- Cor. Wood St, and Third Ave., Pittsburgh., Pa. PATERT STcEL PICKET FENCL .WOS K, I1t.-TKl CTtULE. Che - iir thaa Wood. TT'.Tfrinrrr--- Tlo. .l. A I r tm u riot.-t rt-c with fsl.. fiai.l.aM a ri at. 1 n ar W 4 t--u. tOias sritlAS far 1 .f. NMu.l-r uf rv.ut4 Hlil, u,,t.'.Miitlltnltui Frftriei . Oemu, i i-- rr- .-... ;-.. . nd rms; ssnrw. Ce.iw . -. J HrvJ n4 lrfc Orll... WIKB DluK 1U WIMbuW U'JLX: d. udu kluUal WLKt ut.lL. TAYLOR ck I)EA', 203 & 20 Jl.irket St., nttsboi-gb, I'a. Wall Paper. Si.-nd 10e. tu onr Mall Department lor new samples of l.'.ii. Xico Papers for tic.: Solid tiilt. from 15c. to )c.; Kine Kmbosx-d and Irrideseiit Papers from 2.io. to 5Cc. roll. J. ERWIN KILLER & CO., 543 SuiithfeM St., PITTSBUnOU. I'A. (Mention this paper.) 5Irci..Jl-'.r When VlaHiog tha Pittsburgh Exposition, call on tha KEHRICKS MUSIC CO., Ltd. Fr Cab or Tim Prtoat on Pianos and Qrgans, 79 Fifth Avo PITTSBURGH. PA. lntjfjr tltil iViflBnfa imiW. ISar m, hy Antit rv. Aupcln, Sca cut. flhT ar tVviar wJ lhv . anil J;o. Hon. 1 cttoV. ttsim. I tronib. If am raatVt ttrr wnrla d Mv " a4HrT are ftf tmrrung fitta ) and text 1 t-sm. Cii work In , r tmm ac mil li. e Hm. It if Msfr ljr wrk rt. 1 si!ijr unktvm n tlvtu. VFn' d.ulM itn,4a.J l'.rtL l.'...fHa 11 H K HHIIT;-3r itTSVaw i 8 oilils I ! I.lfsthelcst. 2. It Usts. 3. Its a pleasure to ccw it 4. It satisfies. 5. Always tje sane. 6. tverybo3y braises it. ZYouwiUlike it. 8. -Yousfjculd try it. Askfor it.listoTj having it OILS ! OILS ! The Sfanil.-ml Oil 'oiriany, of Pittslurr, Pa., make a )C-cialty of man u fact uriiiir fr tht liome tio traile the finest bra mis of illnraiiiaiins and Lulricaiins Oils, XapLiha and (jasnlirif HM FBoFptTBOLEGIi. Se challenge cm pardon wilh every known pnnlutrt of jietrol euin. If yuu Yii-h tin mst Kcst : llEirormly : -atisBctcry : Gils in the market ask fjr oursi. STANDARD OIL COMPANY, PITTS'JL'IU;. PA. octlS r. B. J." LYNCH, U N : 13 W. HT A J: K li A ful Mn fact r--r Jt Diu'er In HOME AKD CITYMADE FURNITURE Pi5.l0 iS5 Wm iWii L0UNGES.BEI)STEAI)S, 1G0: ELKYENTH A YEN UK, ALTO ON A. PENN'A S7CitiznU f Oaiunria County nu, all ti.-r wii-liinc to L'lirct.a-.e horit-at FUItNI- TUUE. Ac. at nii-st pric-8 n n-Mt c'.i aily nviu-a to givr us it call lietur. buv'l-2 I" ti-r, ts w? are ronfiilt-nt tlat w can nt-ft every want ami .ileaf evt-ri? tasr i'rlccs thf vprv lowest. 1 1 lC-KO-tl.l IT - iKhANY art, V rcrr22SALaarzrrarn8ts.-' Vi stavx uses ass wi.rsKio rr. kAv BS ex Ettaar. fTtiljIt ia Tam r TravakM- umid Lara a bottia of it In tu. aateaeL Every Sufferer ons Baartacha. Diphtheria, Oonirbs. I atarra, broarhlUs. Asthma, Cbolvra Morbus LHarrinKa. Laimoeea, fiorennw tn Body or Llmha. ButT Joicta or tuwu. vlll and in Shla ol Atkodrn. relies ami iudr rajiirhlc tl ... Hold evar j eliriw 3&ota.,t' bv n mail. S boiUM, jpreasjalil.Sl. L a. a, OX. smmtwm, aUaa. au3i rr. t-7v v --u -a, S ft ml " '. a' V f ' a" Vt5 an . - .- a Frftin lui'iTcrr. of castors et, d'irir? the pat yean. rnicr. tr.r t :.rt that ViCK S SZEDS never d-v.rTvi-nt. . iiy v.-i;te tin-., Mo-wv and panence on Liner,, vn-.il v-T.1 r;m u-.iv inc r . r 31 Mirr prurr i M :i c r.i;Vti.-e:i : ti- 'HTctnu tor rick's ricrx2 til'im -'''t tSr nc-t-ts from firt order. ano ii n.'t:,-r.. J; i ur. -r ainn ever ; too larpe pa-'--.c :-. - 7..-.U-S. firnrJ novelties worthy of "Uli':'t;r.: H T 7 i a - arl $ r D. JAKi,3 iviKi ZZZLIZZ.VS. IlocUcBter. N. Y. I rJ u K rrl Inisi qs,s lishinr til (J a VV ana 4 V.J U 1 trf A B.rktl r hi- ! f.fmt..... m... . Sm?r. form r.4 litnitu N Ltb-TCWr-" TifV':, " i lcfrmlc rrr m-r. WW fi.'. 1 Ul'-rmiln, i4 In Betf riiarwmiMiii f aarm. HWAVkfe. s4MMH.vt a "itl tj d T U Ca . l UiaJ' 4 MJ a1rfa.M r r- f4 of prl'-, eta. a t ; 2 bca-a 1 . ,Z. FffjmiSEASES it-j SWAYKt'S Bb01.UTKt.Y CCKa. CSfslsSlifaY .?f Klrtil rt.'HI''. E!- i.m.kl,..-..n. 1-il-.l.. ."V of T.l.rr K,m . I. -.-r li,,tr w V:rr.t. ....... X.. s-mli b.w M-.i.l .r )i a --lo.fi. S .lu li, L iri-iT. nr -ii ims. I tit ... -iv j Kv,..,. s;.Ls 1.1 in . PlaUlkl wsa4Si, laitaarlj-ala,!-. Atiu: J;.lifoc A TERRIBLE FOE. 1ir M. f'ul M. JlulluUltV Asl UU l-tret urLtla. I't 'b:iilln was; -w.;lk.irir.a ws bi iw ti 1:1, Mi;- ilistauo.- in ji-tviintf t f fu.s ini.inious. r.Ui.'t-U iu siuK- liU . vth-:s ).: :u tav.-v KiJutoJ X-y a f-trun,, i-.I;hort- njiliuj-d fconruL stays Lippla xU Mi f-azine. It rjvetxl tip bitoa tiou at cuoc. CouUl it ? tb xtoio of souk- curriilvj tribe p.reparlLu,' Ur ccci riat, jr of an rU-phant ii-turlx.O by hii a;iroach? He cast hitii-wlf tiown aiui with ear prosovl to tht- earth li&U-noiJ bri-uthl-jrJ-. thieve morv.-tie oirrc--.ivt siU-tM- tvii rokc-ii, this time hy aw.itul of jn:ippiiig tiiut-r, lotui as a gTinshut, arid tt.cn there catao crabbing to I IK.- vrwtuMi a sjre ut brunch of a troo lnthat hesnij to hunst-Lf: "GoJ iifs: Thi-6. mti-t c piants!" Another 1. tv.trli was pit.-hod down and it wa plain, though ho could not -e the t-n-. iny, the t-m-iny could s'.-e him. Then fri.m snuii-v.-liri' alcft th-ri- ibstu-il a proloiifjvU. ftittr-ral fp-ow I, full tif mis chief, a Jlllli-culiJiIlg sound never to be forgotten. He htoppeil and nidde tlie native sig nal t,f laiijrer a peculiar clichiii- nui;e of the tou,fin .-...':: int the roof of the mouth. lie trot hit, riile iu radiness. Th-lKiT::har!in-rjt of l-ou'h li;.'J now ceased; there was absolute sih-rn-e, save for the thurr:;iir.;r of his heart against liis ribs. It thuiiipcd ho l..md thrit he feRrml it world betray l.iiu t. ;'.-, uti see n arid unknown fe. Wait a lit tle. Pa'.:'., wait a little," he sai l to hiui t,eif. "You are not readv to fi;,rht .ait ot.- Peorin. into tiie tvi!i;;ut around and above hitu. he was tuu-l--i:ly aware cf an object iu his iinin.-v.u.te in ijhl.r s.ood. A Fhort, liairj', rannliUe rertt i::v, with a blacL. hideoa.1- vj.-a'o, fierce, .U.rinjr eyes u:.der low brows and !. .rmr moi;'.i with liue eariim: T- i.j; his In-rid set on an cnnrmims '..: i aud paunch rmu:itd ou i.hoi-t, r j.'L;d ! , and furnished with a p-iir o l arms li-i.r and muacuiar ciiuiih to S'1'it.eze a lion to death. Tliis was the bv-in,T he had Cuino fo far to behold; tliis tiiisthe creature that no white in:;r., iinh-.ss it was Ilanno. two thousand : :-. u'j. Lad ever been. Thi.s was the ila. 1 t brute was r.eer him liofore he It, : !.. ik,w it fiiirriped .n its elu-t-t :tiin .1. iittcd an. tl.er iony-tlra. n, tor ..'.e yt 'd reseiiibling' tlie .sound of tlmn . r :.i the bl;y. It advanced; its black .ps ciuU-d away from its loi: loeth .n a hava;i;-.snarl. It wai not tfoiri to vait t. Ix.- att;.ekciL It was i-ajcr lor a .'ray, and ativancin, lx-at its breatt v. .th s-i::ids :.s l;i.m a ';' dr.v.n. I i'.'! -ailla va . al-.ne. He drvw hi-. riile to hLs shoulder. He said to himself that the nearer the creature cam.- th. better would lie hLs chance of iij; it a f.-.tal wound. Savage thov;'h it 1 .! 11. it ta.-.st have a vital part. lie unit- 1 c.r.til its hairy body v. as 1. - t!i:T tn iu the length f his r'Al.- fr.-m 1 1 s iu';7.zle. Then he j.-iuh-d the tr- --er. .;:.min-for a i-pit of lle In-art. It v.-a-, a shot upon whicli a p-.d dead i!-'p. ini cl for the youE er hirer in t t 1 lui-n-i .ri the g-orilla. Tiie smoh.- lum;' i i the s-tiil air. hut lie f,av.- tl:::t tie l:ail suc ceeded. Ihe animal lift-J its Ion;' amis and l--t.t forward, utt.-i ii: oai-.s tiat were- human but full id brutish- ucmR. It stumV-led f--rward and on its ur-v face, and was dead in a few ;iiir.iU'-s. Ke.r," obscrvcil l)n(. hailiti, ett is luclry. thoup-h th-y :tre -o rtrni..'. they die very easy." ueh w as the end of his tirt gorilla. MICROBES UNDER THE NAILS. V Chemist Provw Tli.-it the Tin er Tip Are. Ilouiea of lic&,e. There is a roniuinn Vel'i-f t!iat tl. e C.ii;vr nails are poisonous. vhie!i i.i- a is natural enough, says the lU.stnii l'-i'-t. Coiis;iK-rmq' tne iact trial berate im-s :-jale l.y them are jre tie rally quite irri-tat-k ami raucli iacUued to unusnal iu llaiimi at. ju. The reasonincr is crror-oottv. l.owever. for, a8 far as is kuovrn, t:e u:;!is t.eitt selves do not have any j-iii.in m- ir. .jv erties. The trouble oxeiteti 1 y them i Jue to the foreiirn t!i io-lts u::-.h r theia. I n other v.-onK. if one keeps his Cup-r naiis cl. a:i. s.-rat . !n-s ea.ieil ly t:e:n will be no ni' ir - ir. itabl than t V--e 5 ro tluceil liy any like inslrauieat that is eor.siilereil inii' -i-i:t. The results of the examinations :nalo in Vienna sho-.v that is more imor tant that the finder jiails In- k ;.t. 1 lean than any woulil supie; S-.-vent v--i-rlit were niailo and there it ere foumi thirty kinils of micrococci, eighteen ilillerent baeilli at-il three kimls of sareeuie; le sl.irs, common mold spores were pres ent in many instances. It would seem from this that the space tinker the fing-er nails wt-re favor able hilling places for the minute or ganisms wLieh are more or less pre judicial to health, and that therein lies the jwisonous, element attributed to tho nails. Furthermore, that eleaulinoss of the nails is a very important essential. It is not Miflieient to use merely a knife blade, but at the toilet a nail brush and plenty of soap aud water should It? called into service. Surgeons lonj ao learned that de p.isits under the nails were a menace, and that through them wounds were easily poisoned. This led to extreme care ia the matter of personal cleanli ness on their own part, and cm the part of all their assistants. ltefore an operation is perform!, all who touch the patient or the instm meuts which are to be. used must Crbt clean their hands thoroughly with soap and water, being' especially careful to have tho spaces under the nails abso lutely clean. After this the hands arc put iuto disinfectant solutions. F.ngllsh !-aklnc Indians. It is a common mistake to suppose that most of the Indians can speali 12n plish, sa3-s a trader. I presume in it to e.ceed one-fourth of the Var.ktons speak Vhiiish. The various tribes of the ioux use practically the s.uu- lanruaffe, though there are si'iTiit differences letwt-en the 1 rilies located iu diiterent section f tiie country or on reservations at wm dtance npart. 1 15ut o'f the Yanktons h comparatively small numkr speak lh:!:sa. Ab.ut tho bamc proportion of the Santee triln uses the lanrruae. and the number of Kn:.rlish speakinjr Indians in the other tribes i-. still smaller. Tin y have much less need of the Kuplish lanuaX' now tiian formerly. The Yauktons have an excellent school wht-rc they are cd- in their own lanrrua-c. John Williamson, the missionary who has working with them for many and whose father leforc him was an Indian misMonarv, lias reuucea their lan!Tuare to a practical system of 1 orthojrraphy, conipiled a dictionary, and . , , - . . . . translaU-d a number of books into the Indian tonjrue. Mot ol the lnit:ans can now read and write their native lan jruajre. Sioux City Journal. The I'u-.her. The pusher is a ta-Me utensil with whoe use the majority of bachelors may W unfamiliar, for it is tiseil only iy naall chiMrcn. Jven the l"-t Ire-I yormtrster is apt ut lirst to hen himself with the tools that nature pro- vmeit to pu.sli refractory Ints of fxl i.a his spoon with his f:np-, r. The Y-'jxLicr has a bainl-le like that of a small sjir):. Instead of n bov-1 it has across thr.t'i .i.rAla rii.-lt assies with it htt.o .'i i-s'.tapi-d pis;- of silver with t'.-j cn.us curvixl .slii.-h'jly .forward, so Ibsil. -t-.u. food can not slide on" at the side. sVi - a sjvkmi in one hand and u ,.v...vvr in -te n'A-.er vme Children can d y '. ii' h i t."tr,. n' T.' k 1 A- s.-,.-i. I M i-O r:. T t' lf 1 1 5 si r. . M ; Tte Ect.r. i;aEvu: fj i.r "-it"or. i i-4 T.'"-t t-H-t .' ir. i..- :u I'.-r ii TJ-?rUl V aj.a lv:J .11:1 V. : 1 ! .r Vktiu C li -!l. I 1 ti Cm VtzZZui :.;:-..'. :.i-.f Jin:aris: I U 1,1 r i-.. i-- ii... J..'i M ' f4 Yocr Acrhrr J ...n i. 1- 1. r .il ,-e..-l , h. li-til . On.' a', t .iir . 1.1! i-rii. - ' rt'tn Itdu- mn-l.it: Tor y 4 U 1 urn Is ii.- Im. t our U belinot. Sis ll.T. r . Hi lie. .N 50 Cents a t;&U?e. t KOfcT bRfOOlsTS, OK MilrXT VUO F. AD. P.ICHTER & CO., 81 0 JSroadu ay, Xrv 2'vric Earning n ilmwt Hi: i .N'lt. Q'y4 fa J. (t IsMU 11. "Seeing is Believing." And tha beat lamp JJJ ever made, like Alaii- . cz- din'scf old, "a won derful lamp!' A lamp si tM. lately uo ti es plnal sod dii breakable, which rives a rlsar, aolt, Brilliant irblts light of M6 aii.dU jMHtnl Purer and brighter than (a light, softer than electric light, more cheerfal Itfan cltherl That lamp ia "The Rochester.' And with it there is ro smoke, no amell, no broicfn eaimsKv. "o ftickeriog, 00 aweaticg, 00 cllmh-ng p of tbe flame, no "taotruma' nor annoyance of any kind, and it never na.de tnmmlar. Its fount a (oil reservoirs) being tough rolled aeamleaa braaa, with cen tral draft, it ia abaolntel jr unbreakable-, and aa c$ a ia.fvr ciui u. Only five year old and w tun minion f thr4lamp$intit. It tnu.t be a GOOD lamp to mikt such a telling success. Indeed it is, for lampa may coma and lorr.j-s may go, but the "Rocheater'' ahir.ca on forever! We make overs. 000 artistic varieties. Hanging and Table Lamps. Banquet, btudy, Vaac and Piano Lampa rvrrf kind, in Bronze, Por celain, Brasa, Nickel and Black Wrought Iron. Ask the lamp dealer for it. Look for tbe trade-mark stamp: "Tn HocarsTta." If he haaa'tthe'vmii-. Rocheater and the atyle you want, or if no lamp-store ia near, send to us for free illustrated catalogue land reduced rrice-hat), and we will boa and send you any laxr.p safely by empress, right to your door. XlOCIIESTXa LAMP CO.. 44 Park IMare. View Yas-k. Jmuif ftrer. od s Oimi ofIVieHrtT Potmttm, 'ih4 Laryu Lamp blurt in lh trend. Cereat. and Traite-Marks obtained, and all Pat Uit basmftsa rondncted for Moderate Feet. Our (Mice is Opposite U.S. Patent Ottiee. and we can wmrf patent In lens tune It an tboae remote from W'sHLliiini.n. end nod!, drawing or photo., with dsrrip tum. Wf advlre. If patrntalile or not, froe of cbarpe. Our fte not due till patont Is sectired. A Pamphlet. -How to Obtain rateota." 1th namts of actual clients in your State, cotmty, or town. K-at free. Addres, C.A.SLMOV&CO. Opoobita Patent Office, Washington. P. C. i im s Stlmntafes the torpid liver, slrsaflb. netrteellireailse era: asia. s-estul a tea Ike) bow e I a. soil are uneij aslril aa ass ANTI-BILIOUS LiEDlCINE. Jss malarial itlalriete thrirllrla.i srs v. Intely rtmrniuil, aa t hey pinaen es. si I tar .rof-rt lea la f rc-eior t lie ay area from that poiaosi. .lKiMtly iasr coated. Hake sraall. ica, SAeta. Sold Everywhere. Ofiiee. 4- 'Itirray St.. Ni-w York. TThe-n t My CTTtS I & tiot riefto meraly to ttoD them for a time, ami then liaye tbem ro turn apain. I mur A r: a iiita r. CL'iLC 1 iuit e uaaa tha duicaaa ot FITS, EPTXnPSTZ or FAIXHTQ SZCICTSS, A llfe-loBi? sttiiJy. j varnjiyT my remedy to LTTiB toe worst case. Brcuse other bare failed is uo reason tor not now recei vine core, bend at once I or a trenuae and a Kittt hoTTUfi of my l.vFii t.rBut itziiCDT. tiiTe i-xpres and rout otOoe. it eoata yoa notluug far a trial, aa4 tt wul care yon. Addreaa H.C.ROOT.M.C I S3 Purl St, Kr Tos iil MM ONLY. 7i tr LCSXorTA-n.lKO KANEO0D r-C-Beral aadKEKVOUS UfcBIIrry; -Li'lVkkoesaaf liottyaadMiiid, licit a I-Ulif Krroraor tlofuM ia Old orf ounr. ttutt. JiaI.1, L 4M1IM.U rttllr NNtofH. Hm, t.ra!,m ai.a airwrtbr.tlS 4K. rM:nil.OrKtlOllblTSSI IRTM.I Stlll'l. ii'.i; etil :-t It.il Tmi1kM-B,i, i. ,,. Urn Ir.tltJ trt.m I.U St.m uid f-'.rrlro I nanlrl. Wrli ISM Pwisll -V H-S.k. r , j.t.n, I lo ,nd pvof, KtttllrS fmi3 ? Im 4cicM ErilE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. mm i S B VS I Ks J VS Liver Oil and KYPOPHOSPHITES of Lime and Soda i i 1 la en1or.1 and itmhtIM hr 1ad!tir 1-hj on-:..U3 bviuiuso both tbe tknt f.im- .( aad llliHifh.iintrB are the recogtilza I i n--i:'8 la tiierureot Conntniptton. It la aa Liu.Uiblu as nil.lt. j Scott's Emulsion iz7t JUU iUmnly tor CONSUMPTION, J Scrolola, Dronchiti, Wastinfr Dia- l ea.es, Chronic Couch and Colds. ' Ask lor Scoit'B Eruulslou an J take uo oilur4 I OUk JVfiCFiKXS-T yv. M.1.-L-. '. I,V-t.ll- t ' kx'ykFREE Bunks i!x-4 oUr A-4r Se-5 s--. tr medics imi Am'. ca. iaa. .f!: -I a- tat . 2& Kai Ia3 til iL.z. - liir Q ,?aj i UJ CHANGES IN CHINA. w, ni.oi ianr i.t eota of It, relKi- lit tbe CXeatlal l. . T:e .U ath IHneOitia. u., . f t.'u' pn-.---nt Hinjir-rrir t.f c :. ' -ri :ii.. njui.i'niil hy two .. ti..- i'r..l..V rJ.U PrtVA, t'Ti-at iilU-r;.i Miun in tU: spiiit . a;.d jvmviil j.urjv of th J i:j j-u'jililv. a:ii oftca Iuvl-,'. ia ryuuii !, who K-.vay tae i .' ' ll.li; a, sunsnmd tin- thrnm. u, " tu- p.ti.-pow-r yeturc ofu-n .V. ni ..iile t-i Itiirf-iTi. l.m , i - i-, t-u -j- liui ' n- iiliiLit in China. 1-e. Tl.eiirstof thiwxi cLani, s, , tL- access of fore irn Ala ba.s.l,.,..r pi-csi-riec tf tlie lmfH-ror. I,,r( t -is is ae.-oTnp.'inied Vt the .,. tlirieo pro-1 ration a Ue(rru,;;, , iuniiT tu iuro-ttn eyes, t.icj'r; in;. Hi r c-f ordinary ri-foort i--.. u ii.se p. invi-iitions. Lord Aa.":,. ! ref;:-e.l perempt-jriiy to h;t tV! . i'i spite of unbroken iMit- it p"N-eeh-nts, and liroiti; ; t iul ion. TUe cuntinneil n Ur- h in. :' aut liont ies was (,!,(. ,lf . r;iu.M-.', (. war in lk.NC by lirii-a-i . I'rartce, and, w Idle I 'Lina of.. -,--.' -, iiol oi.r own M ir.i--V-r V) hr.v,. ;.-' i-:i.-'- if lie would temlotii kiin-, tl.is was refiisc-d. There l ? " :i.it '.orii v fur saving thnt if t'.i-. er;ii r wlio wuk our Mir.i'..-r . I'll sfime eil insistenci- as t.,-. iiiriiii.crr-d Northerner who J" tnrv of legation, full Cutioes-ioti-, w li.-v.- ).. -; ui.i'ie Tln-n. T u ;. wvi-re n- -t, war eatn ariii ) -1 . 'ii t'-.x i;s to lV-Uin, an .-. .. J '. t.:-v.I i .-7.1 ua liT a Jw-rcr, iji.ft.l, t'i.: C'.iinevi liov.-.- ;ai-. in i it 1 an an-! i-nee. Sia-c t , . ., . .' ar- of two L..n;Tors hus !,.,. veiii rit pri-U-xt for d'-lav, ar, '. ;; .. . a I'ri'at i Iratiw! that th . uin-. - , -r:i;u-r.t. wit'tout await:i: i t. . lias fixed a time fr an uuaivac ; r .,). ;:ii terms. Tlie other i-lLinfe is ti nnw nn.-, . that the a'.'.e. ,:d ..i:i. '- i a . ' I.i 1 !":i' t c:i i V.t p is-, f -. as Vi.vniy ii ' hi Li, t'i.- fi--P'V.t ia th.? Ii i. lire, r.-Mt .. her of tlie "rand cum. ; I'i h itijr. I it -t it tit-2 in 17.;.i r r Yim-f t'liin?-. n. -t I.. . con founded with the four j.-, taries, of which I.i is a. Imt ns one of the two this boariL The grand e a ta.- i!i:i::;.-n .ii--.; ,s jinny senses the snprt-m': e' p-wcr in the Krnpire. o-r. i.ed for ini'itary pn:-p. .- -uu ,. . mv-.l ofMaaehus.it had ul , -; ninof the year but one M .iri.-h-i : f-.--.r ' "i ;:ic. Two of these are . r. i.-a -d'if firi-i-n afTairt. T!:e .-;... lina nf I.i to this hili p-nst wi'; lK Vi r..al!y a-'i-epted in China a:. .. t!i. ise iutcl!iii-ntly fauiihiir ail'airs a a pr.iof that his liber.il t . un' t) lie paramount, aud. as the t sti p, the lonjr-expeeted exti nsi n '.-Tien-Tsin to Tung-ehow is eoul! expected. I.i is Kn old man ami t," -He bns had one stroke of paraits j : he is the ablest of bin rav. :iuC : n-w ost otifrht to enable bin; Vj - cotnethe bureaucratic r-sist:i!i i has so loup? balhed liis l-tt.-r iilamn fiuntruted his wis.-r policy. CHILD SOVEREIGNS. Ttie Status of Koral atluora la tha 0. World. It is an ir.tere'.tinjr circumstance no fewer than three Uuropeau t!.r " are 'K-etipi.-d by children. liinoe ab-lii-atioii of King- Milan, Lis Alexander, who was born in Ai:-;. It'Ct, and is tiv, consi-quently, fuur!: years old. has l-,n the titular ru- . S'-min, though the country is r: governed by a board of r';'rLi:A. T present Kinpf of Spain, Alf.:-i;o X:;; is an infant, and ilnrin bis tc the normal head cf the inoDa.-vi.;,-n bw his mother, the Cjun-ii !; Christina. liy the d-at h c f li u iiiiam III. the crown cf 1 1 iar.d vi ilvcu on bis daughter, V .'.i...L. who is in hi-r eleventh via npriin. the child'f, mother, Ij .'.wc Z-z-is teujporariiy invested witi, tirrrra, f unctions. Vhat likelihood, aslcs the N.--1!-:' I.ejp-er, is therenhat these cl-.:.c--: ever rule iu their own T.:i:i;if 1 yoiinf King f Servi.' has o iorst'tti ' pHirest chaii-ei.f reinii, ; ' :.'; ."-. Ix-tween his father and li.s ic.j'.:;fr i-ex-tjuecn Nathalie, h.tsdivideii hpi" --.mis. while the pri -K uss' ui (u-; uiinaut in Servia, :.i:us t-o ii i; the ( hrenoviteh dynasty to Ttl.a K. Milan and his son belong. ai.!-' tuie the pretendi-r Karar 'Wt.v; As to the infant Kin? of v;i ,.n, h.1 '-' j-cts have lieon hitherto wl'.!.!.'.i!': revr.lutionary outbreal: y a Ct" sentiment of chivalrj-. hi;'. u U i' i-n-ijm throws older, this f-e..r.; disapjK'ar, and it w ill pruvp i-itri i ' ( 1 ditlicuit for his support. rs to head naiust the Spmtish I:i'i".- . mi the one hand und the ( ariis'. ii other. The close approach to uc:vT;i. frac which has recent!;.-n ri ' Spain must jrwatly .stn-iij.". ''" t ular leaders who regard - ystem with contempt an.l (i.'to-'-'--The pirl-Queen of Holland l.:i '" chance of retaining her j. - .t os -li-r hour of trouble will i-e'ti.- w::-5 . luarriapc is discussed. lu-r luJ-" who is a (icrnaan. all r.:iti:r- b.-r to inarrv a (ierrrsan I'l ii'. '"-: b- .i proj-i-t is certain to r-- hussia and France, nor i i. vii-wed with favor by who dread absorption Ji the Kmpiro. On the whole, ti.e: tiling pathetic iu the si'.uii child sovereiTis. ,.f W npeed In WrltliB. A rapid penman run wi; ; in a ii i in ute, says a ri '' livenir.jr Journal. To dra- bis quill tbro i'; red .sixt'fn and a -1 : a '. ' ' n;int:tei his pen truw!-a ' in five liouri and a '' make, on an averaf,"-. - ' ' the H-n ia wrilinp- oa-'ii v...-. i liirty words in a riin!;" , . four hundred and ;-'.. v-"' 'tiinute;in an fc'.:r '-: ;.and eiht bui:rtrei'.: i ' ' hours, omi hundred and "'" sand; and in a year "f days, forty-three mil. housand. The man -li.in troli R cf a pen in u p." ut. all romarJialdr-. Ma:i fo;;r million. Here e !. prejeato a mark, tbrf' ! l.-rt:.'. to be tra-"-J "'' wriier in a year. In '' '' of ib' ordinary alp'-.a'"-- '"' f-,i!.i three to s-eii si -on au average, ti.ro- .o ' four. w IlulnNi for thf 1 "lu .a .. a-.tTnt't.""- notnintr are tn i to people w ho are ln) " lf l5fS strauijerson stranire erratuls There is a woman livm? tl). says the Buffalo Exp" s" j v husband on traced in hm-M ness in liuffalo, and. cf '""T ln. w ife wants to know h" l)0 himself, -hc probably h..s y here, or, if she bad. it "'",,1jc to ask them. So w hut .n - , rite, in a neat and 1- Ki,ki. letter to the postmaster. .." -t wont take a stroll .!.. ' other half U supix'scu u . . . tu'Tl'S P1 ...rf - I bow and wliere i- -i - Not re.-oving' ret;': .,! ... ...iV " . i... .. lt..u m-:iin I ri"" .... s - ri" " " n: . i i l..... . r she 1-. ii' 1 III- factiou lieut tkat scuiv- 'It t ! la fat Mi . ... .ItlJA.' f)viai'lt el mr sip si OBeeoi-y,irr.f 4a do Art IA I A. 1. i aVta tet.oti i go aants d ll'.... Ml tpostaste. ae-ls a faartad tnm. an-' ,.l iasrests tr I post Vo be 4laeed . 4. svetun" lata nave firaard. arri! rur your It sua sisst r.o don't oe a sealaw, Oil The Stan Pittsburar, of manufin tic Iratle tl Illaruiiiaiin? - Wetlml every kw turn.- It; : Host : M in the ruar STANDS ootK-Sf-lyr. SI mm Chaa Tli unsu-, (reread fi u r liaht lo all n.i tu llllllS Kales IS I i ; foi. W(. Pitts' s Ml CCL CENT Eoq i. ii 'I'MfiftiBI.!' 1 e4uislues I neat fttiii -.. aeetwl with th. ohsuis.. at4 a and ir-i iMiil claaa. . Lt m Barb A flrrt'sss tbe 1-aa.iat.aat . Iiaiitiea au a I . tha lotnre. 1 1 anl.ts at.ari mars. l.irt patr.naae lu. I - (SEE