tolran freeman. EBKXSIUIK. CAMBRIA CO.. PA. FRIDAY, JANUARY 'J, IS'Jl. DEXMRUIC rTE-ESTBLCO!I. .1 I TT EE- IlEAIHJIARTKRS r-1 Democratic Statk Ckntrai. Commit- TKKOF I'KXXSVI.VAMA. lMin.Ai'Ki 1-hia. January 1, K'l. ) Th.- D. ni.H-iati- St:tt.( Central Commit-t.-e of Pennsylvania will m.-et nt the Hol ton Hons.-, liarri.-l.nrg. I'a..on V.-.lniay. January 21. 1 .!, at 1 o'clock, r. m., for tho rurp..-.of .-k-otii.x a Cl.airman an.l Por manpnt y.-cn-tary and to transact such oth er husini'ss a-i mav properly come before it, Uenjamix M. Nkad. James Kerr, Secretary. Chairman. UlfAl AKO PF.BSOSA1. The K'kxI sU-lKhiiiff makes the livery men happy. A slHuhlnir party composed of Johns town ladies visited Elx-nsbiirfron Tuesday. Mr. James P. McCanse, of St. Augus tine, was a visitor to our oflice on Tuesday. A number of ladies from thf.s place took- a sleighing trip to Johnstown on Wednesday. When you want first-class Job printing (rive this oflice a trial. Prices the most reasonable. Mr. John Anstead, of Gallitzln, ac-1 companied by his son, spent a few hours in town on Saturday. Mr. J. E. Shields, of Loretto, tried the sleighing; on Tuesday and visited our town for a few hours. Prof.-ssor John Me Cormiek principal of the St. Augustine schools was in town on business on Friday. The nomination of Thomas Monroe as ( postmaster at Gallitzln was confirmed by the Senate on Tuesday. Mr. William Skelly, one of Gallizln's good ritlzens and an old friend Of the Fisee mav, was in town on Wednesday. A Gauze-door range, almost new, and a New Alma Heater at Read's sale on Thurs day, January lMh, nt one o'clock, r. m. Ex-ShcrifT Luther of Carroll tow nship, and ex-Sheriff Gray, of Carrolltown, were among the visitors to Elx-nsburg on Mon day. Mr. Caleb A.Gray, one of Hastings' cn prising citizens, tried the sleighing on Mon day ami spent a few hours In town on bus-ln.--s. Mr. Morgan Hughes, one of Ebens lnirg's oldest citizens is on the sick list. We Join with his friends in hoping for speedy recovery. The new board of Commissioners met Motiday and appointed D. A .MrGough. clerk; M. P. Kittell. Esq., counsel, and Jesse IJolsinaer Janitor. H. A. Shoemaker, of Ebensbnrg, was slightly injured on Monday, at this place, by being struck on the hip by a spring pole. Smith Fork Courier. rMr. Lemuel Hughes, of Iowa, son of John T. Hughes deceased, has purchased the old homestead in Summerhill town chip and will make it his home in the fut ure. A party of Ebenslmrg ladies came to the city yesterday (Wednesday) in sleds. One of the sleds upset coming over the Prospect Hill, but no one was injured. Jhnntmcn Democrat. Complete sets of the works of Dickens. Thackery. P.yron, Hums, Shakespeare, historic-, liooks of travel, novels, and po etry at Read's sale on Thursday, January IMii. at one o'clock, p. m. For sale or rent. A house of seven room- in the East ward of Ebcnsburg. Will le sold on easy payments. Possession giv. n on the 1st of April next. Call on the sub-cribcr for terms. Hexrv Pykxe, Fur-! Fms: Hunters and others should remember that (J. L. Fredericks, of this place, pays the highest cash price for otter, mink, red fox. gray fox, raccoon, t-kmik. opposiim and muskrat furs and skint. LouK the four-year-old son of William W. and Sophia Luther, of Carroll town chip, died on Tuesday last from pneu monia. His remains were interred at St. Benedict's cemetery at Carrolltown on Thursday. Lost. A small heart-shaped silver locket was lo-t a few days ago somewhere between Mr. George Roberts' stable on Jul ian street, and the Opera House. The locket will reach the owner by leaving it at this oflice. In is-o there wore G.'tO,(m,0(iO pounds of tobacco consumed in the United States, pounds of which was imported. There were 4.(,r'.' cigars consumed herein the same period, all but 40,ouf).(X) of which were home-made. Mr. John Beers, an old and well known citizen of Reade town-hip. and a veteran of the Mexican war, w ho has been seriously ill for some time svast is said to l slow ly Improving and his many friends have hopes for his ultimate recovery, Roliert W. McCoy, only son of General RoU-rt A. McCoy, cashier of the Blair County r.ank at Tyrone. Uie.1 at his home In that place Saturday evening last of pneumonia. He was a little over -'3 years of aire, and was highly e-t.-emed by all who ku. w him. The J,,hn-town Diihj Democrat eamo out in a new dr.--, f type and with about two m.-he, n,.,W t() ,,. ,,.n(th )f - urns on Tuesday. We are ad to see this evldeneeof the Dnwraf prosperity ami hop- its patronage m;iy (.,llilm,. to kt.,,p pace with its improvements, -Mr. F. J. Vamrht. of AHoona. a former r.-:d-nt of Allegheny township, was visit ing fn. nds i Carroll township in the early part of the w,-ek andstopp-,1 in EU-nsburg '"' w;i-v '"""'onTu.-MUy. Mr. Vaught s about emtKu king in the grocery bush,.. In Alt. -ma and we wih him suc-.-ss. T -.i no ie,:ilis ,lf Mpi vVilsou : ! : wife of "ii-on. or Altoona wh o a couple ) ars aifo was a resid were brought here on M. 'lit of this place, nday on the ears and from thence conveyed to the cetnetry at Iteth.-l. Mrs. Wi son w as a daughter, of Mr Thomas C.. Davis, of Cumbria town ship. u.,d .!ie,i i Alt.-ona on last Friday. Milium Shary. h miner residing at hv v.., i . . onman. was struck While win... ' .."''r'" , railroad near B.-tis- r-k on Monday .,, irwu f,,,m ,,. ;';,''N's,iavin U' i oken in t pl.Hee- he received internal injuries wh ctl may ,,.s,lU f;ttaIIy J( T""'"h"sp!talut Alt.xma on Wednesday -Wanted an intelLVeiu lady or trentle- nutri t in I.. . .. i ' . . . ' "'"xPKiuceouriiew -foncise Cy.-lo-lieligioiw Knowledge" to the at- f'' o-ntloli of t... , ""..ui K-oiie or fclicns ""r and viciulfv. ',.ri t ,. . page. large Handsomely illustrated. Over title. Crnnili.t ..):.... i . . ""niuin oook ever i ldr..-s A. J- Potter, Manager, 3 East 11th siet, ork. -It will U- noticed in reading our local 'terns ,lial Mrs. A K R mi Afrn v , w,u therefore Ml everything itio,it reserve. iN-ron wishing to get r. h(iul(i ;itu.,ld , A--''ytiiui(j wiu b.-svid. .4,,u iH-rsonal pro, rty at her res idence ,ilis pu,,,, Thursd jailIliiry w " 'II health of Mr. Read, n o ,a "1!ikk hUe on a businesi him... .. II. i Mr. Joseph Bearer, of Caroll township , sjH-nt a few hours in town on Thursday. One cow (2 gallons milk per dav)' one heifer and two tons of hay at Read's sale on Thursday, January 13th. Go. Mr. and Mrs. Thilip Collins, of this pla ce. started on Wednesday morning for F lorida w here they will spend the winter. The good sledding brings an abundance of country coal to town, which is a convfln ient thins? to have about the house in winter weather. Dr. Jones, of his place, has pur chased the John O. Philips property on Centrestreet. opposite the Jail, an.l will oc cupy it on the first of April. Editor KildnfT. of the Gallltzin Tio'i enfor. spent a few hours in town on Wed nesday and w hile here dropped in to see the Freeman. Call again. Brother K., and stay longer. Mr. B. Zolner, formerly of Carroll town, but now a resident of Charleroi. Washington county. Pa..where he is en gaged in the furniture business returned home to-dav after visiting friends in the north of the county. "Just a-going, going, gone" tothe high est bidder at Read's sale next Thursday, January 15th at one o'clock P. m.. kitchen furniture, parlor furniture, bed-room fur niture, stoves, carpets, tables, dishes, cow, heifer, hay, books, etc. Farmers and farmer's sons who have a a horse and rig at their disposal, and w ho are looking for profitable employment may secure positions worth from thirty to sixty dollars a week by addressing A, J. Potter, 3 East 14th St.. New York City. The following appears in the Gallitzln 1'lnflirator of last week : "Xotlce is here by given that an application will be made to the Legislature, to change the law re gulating the collection and time of pay ment of County, State, Poor and other taxes in Cambria county." Superintendent McAlister, of the Philadelphia Public Schools, who has Just returned from a trip abroad, says: "A notable feature throughout all the Euro pean schools is that they employ very few lady teachers. I saw but one lady teacher in the schools of Holland, and she taught sewing." Anthony Jackson, employed by Taylor t McCoy, of Gallitzln. has been arrested and bound over for court to answer a charge of stealingmerchandise, consisting, jewelry, clothing, shoes etc., amounting to about 100 from his employers. He had a lot of the goods at the home of his parents in Altoona where they were found by the officers. The Poor Directors at their last meet ing made the following appointments for the ensuing year: Steward, Thomas Hoover; matron. Mrs. Hoover: house physician. Dr. F. C. Jones; outside physi cians. Dr. Bradley, Gallitzln. and Dr. Con rad, Johnstown: counsel. Col. John P. Linton. Johnstown, and D. E. Dufton, Esq., Ebcnsburg. While Miss McAfee, of Bairdstown. near Blairsville, was stirring a fire in an open grate on Sunday afternoon, her clothes caught on fire and she was so badly burned that she died at 10 o'clock Tuesday night. She was a weak-minded girl and was caring for her aged father. His hands were badly burned in trying to extinguish the flames. Wash Reim. a freight hrakemon on the Pennsylvania railroad whose home is at Ligonier, was thrown from a train near the BO oflice in Altoona on Saturday last by the breaking of the train. He fell on the track and three ears passed over his left arm. crushing it badly. He was taken to the hospital in an ambulance w here the arm was amputated above the elbow. Mr. Andrew Eckonrode, one of Carroll town's live business men. was in town on Tuesday night and left on Wednesday morning for Pittsburg on a visit to his sick wife, who has been for the past five weeks undergoing treatment at Mercy Hospital, in that city. We hope he may find Mrs E.'s condition improved and return with the assurance of her ultimate and speedy recovery The new Catholic church at Hastings will be dedicat-d to the service of God on Sunday, the 18th. The edifice is said to be a fine and substantial structure and reflects great credit on the people of that vicinity who have contributed liberally to Its erec tion, and to Rev. Father Edwin; O. S. B., whose energy and untiring 7.eal has been Instrumental In carrying out the intention of the donors Samuel V. Lingenfelter, an old citizen of Altoona, was struck by Day Express near Bennington on Wednesday and knocked down the embankment receiving injuries that will In all probability prove fatal. He had been visiting friends at Gal litzin and started to w alk home, and being very deaf, faled to hear the apprcachlng train. He was taken to the Altoona hos pital for treatment. On Monday the newly elected county ofhcials took the oath of office and are now at work. The new ofiicials are Charles J. Mayer, Treasurer, whosucceeds Thomas E. Howe; Commissioners, John Kirby and J. G. Lloyd, who were re-elected, and Pat rick Dillon, w ho succeeds John Campbell; Auditors, Joseph Hipps and George A. Kin kead. re-elected, and William C. Berry, who succeeds Joseph Griftin. Messrs. Johnston, Buck A Co., bank er, of this place, iner their first install ment of 25 per cent, on Monday last. Asa significant fact showing the confidence the peoplu have In this firm, we are ate inform al by Mr; A. W. Buck, the cashier, that the deposits received that day overrun the amount paid out and a t't lie close of the day's business there w as l,3m more In the hank than when they opened out in the morn lug. Mi-s Catharine Trenkley, daughter of Augustine Trenkley, of Carroll township, while suffering from neuralgia during a vi-it to Mrs. Kate Noel, at Hastings, a few days ago, called on a physician w ho gave h.-r some morphine pills for her relief. In stead of taking the pills as Instructed she took an overdose and passed into a sleep from which she never awoke, and died on Tuesday. Miss Trenkley was about 20 years of age. The attention of our readers Is dint-ted to the advertisement of Mnnn &. Co., pat ent solicitors, in another column. Their name is familiar to patentees throughout the county. In connection with the publi cation or the Scientific American for the past forty-five years, they have made the drawings and specifications Tor more than one hundred and twenty thousand inven tions, and their facilities for obtaining pat ents were never better than now. Lewes Strayer resigned the position of principal of the West Indiana schools on ! January 1st. His successor has not yet I b.-en elected. County Supt. Hammers ha charge of the school until a new principal is chosen. Mr. Strayer has been appointed manager of agencies for the Fidelity Mu tual Life, Association, of Philadelphia, J with headquarters in Pittsburg. We are glad to hear that his family will continue to reside in this place. ImlUnux Democrat. The fair at St. Augustine for the bene fit of the Catholic church at that place, which had been going on every night up j until Tuesday, is now open on Saturday nights only. People In search of enjoy ment will find it a pleasant place to go and sjeiid a few hours, and also thereby aid a worthy A good orchestra furnishes the music for dancing, while the refresh ment tables are loaded with everything necessary for the comforts of the inner man. Any one who mails a letter ordering a lottery ticket or sends a postal card relat ing to a lottery, is liable to imprisonment for eighteen months or a fine not exceeding $500, or both. The banking house of Johnston, Buck & Co., Ebensbnrg, Ta., has resumed busi ness as also the firm's associate institution, the Carrolltown, Pa., bank. The people of thLs place displayed great confidence In the final rehabilitation of the bank, feeling as sured that the business had been managed carefully and conscientiously. TJieir trust was not misplaced, the temporary embar rassment, brought on by no fault of the firm. teing now a thing of the past. We congratulate Messrs. Johnston. Buck fc Co. out he bright future which is in store for them. Xew York American Banker. For the Ix-nefit of the people living on the line of the Pennsylvania railroad sys tem within the State, and desiring to wit ness the interesting inaugural ceremonies incident to Governor-elect Pattison's tak ing up the reins of office on Tuesday, Jan nary 20th. 1391. the Pennsylvania railroad company will sell excursion tickets to Ilar risburg on January 10th and 20th, good to return until January" Cist. Inclusive, at a rate of two cents jicr mile. Sp-ctal ar rangements w ill also le made with organ ized bodies of fifty fir more traveling to gether, whereby tickets will U sold at a rate of a single fare for the round trip. J. W. Sharbaugh, assignee of Daniel Warner, will expose to public sale at the residence of the latter In Chest township on Saturday. January 17th, 1891. at 1 o'clock, p. m.. the following personal prop erty, viz: Three cows, one horse, four pigs, one mowing machine, one wagoti, one hay-rake, one wind-mill, harness, one bug gy, one cook stove, one heating stove, one bureau, one lounge, bed and bedding, hay and straw by the ton. one plow, one harrow, one copper kettle and numerous other articles. Terms made known on day of sale. On Tuesday afternoon about2 o'clock John Brown, boss roller at the Cambria Works, had his left arm so terribly lacera ted that it had to be amputated a short distance altove the elbow. He was caliper ing the rolls to see if they were running true, when his arm was caught between them and his arm was drawn in until his body, coming against the guard, prevented further progress. The machine was stop ped as quickly as possible and Mr. Brown was removed from the terrible position. Dr. W, B. Lawman, w ho had been imme diately summoned, arrived promptly and had Mr. Brown taken in the embulance to the Cambria Hospital, where the arm was amputated by Drs. John and W. B. Low man. Although the shock to Mr. Brown's nervous system i terrible, it is thought ho will successfully withstand it. Johnstou-n Tribune. Will I.orale In the Went. We are sorry to leant that Prof. A. R. Read will not return to Pennsylvania as w as stated some time time ago. Mrs. Read, who has just returned from Portland, Ore gon, tells us that it is his intention to re sume literary work in the West as soon as his health will jH-rmit. Our regret at his loss is tempered by the thought that some other locality in our great land will bo the better for his services, as he will be a val uable accession to any town. Mr. Read is well known In this State. He graduated from Layafaette College In 1S73. receiving the degree of A. B. Three years later he received from the some Col lege the degree of A. M., to which title the College trustees and professors considered him justly entitled by his scientific, literary and classical entertainments. Since his graduation Mr. Read has been engaged al most continually in literary work, part of the time as principal of the schools, in which capacity, by his kind yet firm and gentle manner, he gained the confidence and thorough respect of all his pupils. Mr. Read for six years previous to his de parture for the West, held a responsible position in the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Philadelphia. He also suc cessfully edited the Tyrone Herald for sev al years and has contributed largely to cur rent literature by articles in magazines and periodicals. He is a man of exceptionally pure character and eminent literary at tainments; an Intelligent, clear-headed thinker, a fluent writer and an unselfish devotee to the cause of general education and the elevation of the human race. Narrlaco Licenses. The following marriage licenses were is sued by the Clerk of the Orphans' Court for two weeks ending Wednesday, Janu- uary 7th, 1801: William A. Brawley and Rosie Wyland, jiarr townsnip. Michoel Shoofski and Maria Dinda, Johnstown. John Lynch and Ellen Clark, Gallitzin Andy Buhovezy and Annie Fisko Johko, Johnstown. Richard Goggin and Katie Boyle, Johns town. John Simmons and Lizzie Shuman, Jackson township. J. B. Harkins. Altoona, and Annie Mc- Ateer, Benscreek. Steve Duchaek and Annie Blanda, Johnstown. Michael Billies and Sadie Hill, Hastings. Levi H. Weaver and Emma Weaver, Richland township. Albert Varner. Johnstown, and Mary Elizabeth Bush, West Taylor township. Michael Maxwell. Indianapolis. Ind., and Mary L. Skelly, Cambria county. John Boyle. Johnstown, and Mary O'Connor, East Taylor township. Frederick Nees, Stonycreek township, and Mary Snyder, Upper Yoder township. Institute Procram, Program for local institute to he held at Wilmore on Saturday, January 31st, 1S01, commencing at 0:50 a. m.: Address of welcome, P. M. Brown; Re sponse, Norrls Mason; Music by pupils of High School; Should the teacher assist tho pupils to prepare their lessons. In what wav and to wlmt ertent Pnsf ttlfo- Mnefo by primary school; Neglected art of oral expression, Robert Davison; Recitation, Miss Hanna Kneppor; Music by Institute; Select reading, Miss Mary Kinkead; Meth ods of teaching primary arithmetic, Miss E. Kern: Essay, Miss Zufal; Music by In stitute; Query box; Paper, Miss Kayes; Education, Prof. John McCormick; Ad vanced arithmetic, Prof. Biter; Recitation, Miss Jennie Black; Music by institute; Free text books. Prof. Marsdcu: Music bv Institute. Night session commencing at R--o r vi Address by Prof. Biter; Debate, Resolyed that the Indians have not Ix-en Instlw treated affirmative, Messrs. Davison, Weakland and Prinjrle: negative. Mr Ilite, Kauffman and Diamond. Friends of education cordially invited. The Beeeh ( rrk Road. New York, Jan narv C The formal wa- ing of the Beech Creek railroad t th Vw York Central has been accompanied by in timations that the Central was ready to parallel the Pennsvlv ania. 1'rpilHtnt Chaiincey M. Depew says: "The Beech reeh. roau has been taken by the New York Central on the same tcrm .!, K it w as acquired by the Vanderbilt brothers anu ptner individuals. The road was a necessary anlunct to the Central .-m..i. has lacked a direct connection with the bituminous coal regions. It w as needed, if only for the actual coal supply of the Cen- irai roaa, and its acquisition will save us about fifty rents on everv ton .f ... consume, and that pretty neary pays the le.nai. ,111 i.iea or antagonism t, the Pennsylvania is absurd."' Jk. Dellffhtfnl Set1e f Tr t Waah Isftaa via Pennsy Irani Railroad. For several years the Pennsylvania rail road company has run a series of excur sions to Washington, D. C at a season when the national capital is in a whirl of pleasure and social activity, and these tours have met with marked success. This year the company has just announced a series of three; to leave Pittsburg Jan uary 15th, February 5th, and March 5th. Excursion tickets, good for ten days from date of sale, admitting of a stop-over In Baltimore in either direction within tho proier limit, will be sold from Pittsburg at ?0.oo, and eorresjondingly low rates from other station in Western Penniylvania. The tickets will be good for use on any reg ular train of the dates above named, ex cept limited express trains; and in addition to the regular service a special train of par lor cars and day coaches will leave Pitts burg at 8 a. m., and run through to Wash ington, stopping at principal stations. The return coupons will be valid for passage on any regular train within the return limit, except the Pennsylvania Limited. Both branches of Congress will be In daily session, and. In fact, every branch of the public service may be seen In the actual work of conducting the government. The public buildings, embracing the Capitol, White House, Treasury, State, War and Navy Departments, the great Smithsonian Institution, the National Museum, are open to the public every day and offer a field for Interest and study that cannot be excelled any where. The great Washington J monument, the highest memorial shaft In the world. Is In Itself worth a trip to see. The rates are unusually low, and the lim itation of the tickets ample for a most pleasurable trip. Beats MeUlaty. Oneday last week Mr. Valentine Thomas, of Carrolltown, In assisting Mr. McBeth, a neighbor, to repair a pump, undertook to godowu Into the well by suspending a six ten foot ladder with a chain to a plank across the top of the well, and made a nar row escape with his life. The well was forty-five feet d.-ep. with fourteen feet of water In It. and Mr. Thomas had scarcely got on the ladder when the hook fastening the chain slipped and down he went like a flash. He stuck to the ladder until it struck the lottom, w hen the rung to w hich he held pulled out and he went under. Strange as It may seem, he escaped unhurt and climbing up the ladder, kept above water by standing on the top rung and leaning against the side of the well until the parties above hunted up a rope of suf fiicient length and strength to pull him out. Mr. Thomas certainly had a novel exjHTience and we congratulate him on his lucky escape. Fair Meeting. A meeting of the stockholders of th Eb ensburg Agricultural Society will be held in the council room oq Saturday evening, January 10th. at half past 7 o'clock. The purpose of said meeting Is to adopt a con- stitution and by-laws, fix a date for the. election of permanent officers and attend to such othe business as may properly come up. Every subscriber Is urgently re quested to be present. A. W. Buck, Secretary. Bneklen'a. arnica Salve. Tho Best Salve In the world for cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ul"ers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and ail Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guarant-ed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Sold at the drug store of E. James, Ebuns burg, and W. W. McAteer, Loretto. Consumption Surely Cured. To Ths Editob: Ftetaa Inform yonr nsdera that I hare a positive nmedy (or ths sbors-nanisd diaeaso. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases hare been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FBEB to any of your readers who hare consumption if they will send me their Express and P. O. address. Bespeot raUy, T. A. 8 LOCUM, M. C. 181 jrearl Bt. N. r. 1 lappy and content Is a bride with'The Ro chester;" she lives in the lighi of the morning;. Toltarn tttrt. witt Kotktiter- Lam O. AV Yjrk. Orphans' Court Sale OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. BY Trtne of sn order inning out of the Or phans' Conrt of Cambria county. Pa., the nnderalitned administrator ol William I). Price, late of Cambria township, in said county, deceas ed, will expote to public sale at the Court House, ib ujs uorougn oi coensourg, fa., on FRIDAY, JANUARY 30TII, 1891, at s o'clock, r. v., ths following described real es tale, to wit: All that certain piece or oareel of land situate n oamona townnip, t amona county, ra.. ad joining land ol John J. James, Obadlah Keee, eftate ol Peter Scanlan, John S. Darla and oth ers, containing IlSflD Acres, more or less, about 100 acres of which are cleared, having therein erected a two-story Brick Dwelling, Bank, Barn and Outbuildings. The a bore dercnbed r rem! pee are situate abnnt one and a bil; miles East ol the borouah of Eb- ensourg aad are In a rood state ol coloration. The place Is about a quarter ol a mile from Bradley station, on the line ol the Ebecaburs; fc. Cretson railroad. TERMS OF SALE: One-third of the purchase money on confirma tion of the sale, and the remainder la two equal annoal payment with interest, to be secured with bonds and mortitae. or judgment notes of purchaser. The purchaser to hare the privilege of paylns; the whole ot the purchase money la cash. IlAVin D. PKTCE. ADDISON P.PKYCE. Ad mlnstrators of Wm.D. Pryee, deceased Cambria Twp., Jan. 9. 18VL AU TUTOR'S NOTICE. In the Orphans' Court e f Csmbrla eountr. In the matter ot the account of Anthony Anna, executor of John Hlle. lata of Elder township. And now, December loth. 18V0, on motion ol F. A. Shoemsksr. Esq- S, L. Keed appointed audi tor to make and report distribution of the bal ance la the hands ol said executor. Notice U hereby rlyen that I will alt at mr of fice In the borons-h of Ebensbarsr on Wednesday, the 4 th day of February. A. D. 1891. at 1 o'clock, r. K . lor the purpose ol the aforementioned ap pointment when anj where all parties Interested may appear or be forerer debarred Irotn comlnc In on said land. L. 8. KKAU. EbeDSburg, Pa, Jan. 0,1991. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the Orphans' Conrt ef Cambria county. In the matter ef the account of Anthony Anna. administrator ot J. H. Wolf, deceased. Havtna; been appointed auditor to dl; r bate the fund la the hands of said accountant to and amonw those letrallT entitled thereto, notice Is hereby siren th at f will attend to the d sties of said appoint ment at my office In Eoenara;. - oD Monday, the 6th day o February. 189L. at 10 o'clock, A. M ., when and where all parties Interested may ap pear or to forerer debarred from comlnir In on said fund. 1MINALDE. DUFTON. Ebensbunr, Jan. t, 1891. A editor. EX EOTJTOKS' NOTICE. Letters testamentary en the estate ol Wm. M. MeNeelia. late ol olearfleld township, baring been aranted to the undersigned, notice Is bereoy rlen to all tmrUes Indebted to said estate to make Immediate mibmL and thnaa harlnar claims against the estate will present them. property autnenTieaied. lor settlement. Hi'OIi H AO AN. St. s.uerestlne. THUS. HAUAN, Oallltsln. January . 18al. Auditors. NOTIuE. As my wife Harriet has left my bed and board without just cause or prorogation, I hereby notlly all persons not to harbor or trust her on my account as 1 will pay no bills contracted br hmr. .. M1HE MONTUOUEBT. Wblte Twp, Dec. 19. lSuaJt. TAOXALD E. DUFTON, ATTOKN ET.AT I. a or Eumru, Piiia IVOmce In Opera House, Centre street. GEO. M. READE. ATTO KN K V. A T. T. A w EBcasacM, Pen si. Offlca on Catr itreet, near Hig. TAKE FOR GOUT, BACKACHE, Pain la the $!de, the Chest and the Joints, Neuralgia, , Sprains, etc.. etc., the I M PORTED S nun rvnn i riSUr IT IS AND WILL EVER The BEST. UNEQUALE0 REMEDY. TTiwl with nrat success In the Iin wi 11 and Kuyal O-neral Hospital of. Vienna ana many oiner& Css Cudltsd Tsttiariisl sat cf T&sttssis : i H'MWLy. Jan. A. -l Tour anchor Fain Rxppller Is really excel lent. One of ourSlstera. stifrerljiff from Rbeu- TniUHm frr y-A-a. i-r.i-l r.nd notntntc to cure Itor utit voiir Alienor ls:n E.2fe!ier. School BISTKRS liB. KOTRS DAJLE. SO Cents a bottle. CF HOST DRUOtilSTS. OR DIRECT FROX F. AD. RICHTER & CO.. ,810 Broadtaw, JVese York. I Kara-wean 1 1 eases, Ttndnlstadt. O'r. Luuon, Vienna, Rotterdam. r-raffuJ Svonsmm. Oiteu. Auremuerg. xipsio. . 83 KXSAL3 ATA2TX3. FREE Books about other Anchor Re . mediee ae Aooiicalioa. A Oil 3 180 lj. BETTER VALUES aud more for your money In cv?ry ca.-w. on every item is what we claim. Writo our Mail Order Department for of Dry Goods of any kind that you may bo in want of; compare qualities and prices with others you may find, and see if we do not prove our claim every time. Only on this principle of giTing the most and best obtainable for every dollar do we hope for your patronage. No sentiment In this. We offer among other specials this week 30 Inch Imporu-d Talloi suitings, checks and stripes, 45 cents. 40 inch Cloth Suitings, mixed aud solid col ors, 43 cents. 3G inch All-Wool Camel's Hair, all colors, 45 cents. 43 inch Chevlotte Suitings, 73 cents; In all ultra fashionable shades. 50 Inch Scotch Check Mixtures. ui-diuui dark eolors, 75 cents (sold uulvemally at tl.00 elsewhere.) For the Holiday special large aud ele gant stocks ot Handkerchiefs. Mufflerp. Glove. Umbrellas. Cents' Furnishings. FANCY GOODS And very extensive lines of of all kinds at our usual low and attractive prices. Wo will fill your orders by mail to your satisfaction and profit. BOGGS & BUHL, ALLEGHENY, PA. "Seeing is Believing. And the best lamp ever made, like Alad din's of old, "a won derful lamp!" A lamp absolutely non eiploslTS and u n breakable, which fives a clear, soft, rillisntWnlte light of US candle pouvrf Purer and brighter than gas light, softer than electric light, more cheerful than eitherl That lamp is "The Rochester. And with it there is no smoke, no smell, no bmkn ehimnyi, no Bickering, no sweating, ao climbing up of the flame, co "tantrums' eor annoyance of any kind, and it never needs trimming. Its founts (oil reservoirs) being tough roiled seamless brass, with cen trsl draft, it is absolutely unbreakable, and aa ffl4aia taiiow can til. Only five years old and orr ttro million rf fWi lamp in tit. It must be a GOOD lamp to make euch a telling success. Indeed it Is, for lamps may come and lamps may go, but the 4 -Rochester" shines on forever! We make over artistic varieties, Hanging and Table tuamps. Banquet. Study, Vase ana Piano Lampe every kind, in Bronie, Por celain, Braae, Nickel and Black Wrought Iron. Ask the lamp dealer for it. Look for the trade-mark stamp: "Ths Rocotstkb." If he hasn't the trtnulnt Rochester and the style you want, or it ao lamp-store is near, aend to us for free illustrated catalogue (and reduced ' price-list), and we will bos and send you any lamp safely by esprese, right to your door. . BOCHE8TKH. LAMP CO 43 Park Place. Hew Terk. TeTunsfTrfsrrrs, snl sols Omw'l oJtoehastsr Pataats. J7 Xerowt ln4 Stort a ts IFvrU. HASTINtxS HOTEL. U. J.SHETTIO. PsoriurTOR. Located at the Station, near the centre of the town, on t oarth Avenue. We endeeror to fur nish the best accommodation! to business men, pleasure seekers and boarders. Persons In search ot enmlort and qoiet will find It a desirable piece to stop. The Table Is unsurpassed and Is always supplied with the best the market aSords. and all the delicacies ol the season. The Bar Is sup plied with the ebotcestof pure liquors and cla-ars end nothing but the bent Is sold. Special atten tion given to the care of horses. 11. J. bUllEITlU. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the matter ol the Brst and final account of John Eger. executor or Margaret Ulllan, late I vrasbiagtoo township, deceased. Harms; been apdolnted auditor to make and report distribution ol the lands in the bands or the accountant, notice Is hereby wire that I will alt at my offioe In h-nbor lor the purpose el y eppoiaunenicn tonrsaay. jaauarj sin, ttwi. . 10 o'eloek. a. m.. whea and where all parties Interested may attend or be debarred from nom ine; la on said rand. r . A. baUeaAaKK, JJee. lv, irwot Auditor. ADMlfi IS TR ATO R'S NOTICE. Eftate ot Henry Freldhoff.deoeased. riot Ice Is tereby alien that letters oi adminis tration on the estate ol Henry t'reldhofl. late of inanster townsnip, aeeeasM. nave Deen granted to me. All persons Indebted to said estate are nounea to mage payment to me without delay. and these baring claims against the same will present them, properly authenticated, tor settle ment to SIMON COM K AD, Administrator ot Henry 1 reldhoff, dee'd. Lilly, Pa., Dec. 12, IBM. eu TJHIR SALE. X1 The nnderslrned will fell at prlrate sale pieces of real estate situate In Munster township, Cambria county. Pa. eontainlns; resoectlvely sixty six and flltr-flve acres and allowance. The Broperty is improved and In geod state of culti vation, and will be sold at a reasonable prloo and upon easy terms. For Fortaer particulars call on or address Alrin Evans. Rtiensbunr, Pa., or LUXE KODOEK5. December 12, 1800. Loretto, Pa. H H. MYERS. ATTOKNEY-AT-LA W, EBB-wavuM, PA. WOfflee la Collonade Row, on Centre street. T. W. DICK. ATTOKNEY-AT-LA W. LBBHBBCHa, I'XHM'A. SSnSfllll Attanftlnn uvmt tn ptilmi fnr Pah. lion iJonnty, etc C&7-18-90 THE - STATE - CAPITAL. Watch the Proceedings of Your Legislature. The ITarrisburg Daily Pa triot, in addition to the general news of the day, will contain full reports of the proceedings of the Legislature during ths session of that body. Send one dollar and twee ty five cents to the publisher and get a copy every day during the session. The "Weekly Patriot is an ex cellent family journal and will also contain a report of the legis lative proceedings. Terms: $1 per copy per annum; to clubs of ten or more, 75 cents per copy per annum, with an additional copy to the getter-up of the club. Postage on the Daily and Weekly prepaid by the publisher. The Daily Patriot and Free man both for $Q per annum. The Weekly Patriot and the Freeman both for $2 per annum. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE J F4DIHL SAILE. A lot of ground In West ward ol the borough ol xbensbunt. Iron ting VU leet on Julian street and extending back 132 leet, harms; there on erected a good two-storied FRAME HOUSE and ALL NECESSARY OUTBUILDINGS. Also, a lot of ground In Cressoo, In Washing ton township. Cambria coanty. near the Callan House, fronting ss leet and extending back 83 leet. This lot Is an excel lea t location lor a store or hotel. For particulars, call ea or address T J. CONDON. Uallltaln. Pa.. M. D. KITTELL. EbeasburK, Pa. December la, 1890 .St NOTICE TO PERSONS Dasixtwa to ivrasT l Borough. Bonds ! NOTICE Is nerer7 given that the Borough ot Ebensbunr. Pa.. Is about to Issue bonds In the amount ot ft.OOO.tH, la sums el S1UO.AO each, with Interest at the rate ol 4 per cent. er annum, payable semi annually, tree Irom taxa tion as far as the individual holders are concerned. Persons desiring to Invest In such securities will please make known at once to the undersigned or Kerens C Uoyd, Deputy Burgess, the amount or cumber ol such bonds they wish to purchase. These bonds will be sold to the first purchasers presenting themselves, hence the necessity ot promptness In making known the numter ol Ol bonds desired. E. E. EVANS, Ebensbnrg. Aag. 39, 1890. Burgess. ' Tata Real Estate TTOR RAT, "IT, ! A ttr)T ot ground In the West ward of the bor ougb of Ebensbunr, Cmbrla county. Pa, trusting on Sample street bsvlDg-thereon erect- FRAME HOUSE and outbuildings, all In good repair. For terms or particulars call cn or address JOHN NKAI.AN. Mcktowa. Pn..or M. V, JUTTJ4X,fcbMbur(, l a. AUGUST SIMOJS G1LLITZIJ; V. FOSTER, Formerly of the I'lrmf Uela, Foster Jk 4slss, Is Located at m ai 249 Main Street, Jolmstown, J?.eu, With a large and full stock of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Trimmings, Hosiery, Linens, Flannels, and Winter Goods. Carpets and Oilcloths of every description and everything in the line of House Furnish ing Goods at the lowest prices. evert WATERPROOF COLLAR or CUFF BE U? TO THE MARK NEEDS NO LAUNDERING. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. mi-.-Ss-lr OVERCOATS I Clothing ! Having returned from the Eastern cities I am now prepared to show you the largest and best Caps and Gents Furnishing Goods at the lowest prices in tho county. As I buy and sell for cash, I can and will sell you Cloth ing at prices that defy competition. Never before have the people of Cambria had such an opportunity of buying first class goods at such low prices. Call soon and see my stock, learn prices and be convinced. Very Respectfully, et3-90-ly ONLY $20 HIGH ARM, PHILRD'R SINGER. THAT CAN BE RELIED ON JeTQt to ST3l ! TXTot to XlscoIor ! BEARS THIS MARK. TRADE Mark. Clothing! I l I I selected stock of Clothing, Hafs, fwTK. C. A. SHARBAUGH, t'AKKOLLTOWN, I ENN'A WARRANTED 5 YEARS. 15 DAYS TRIAL llasSrlf-srttlMg Needle, eclf-lhrea4lBs;shettle,ta stats lees sad I lg;Ht-rk Ins;, has tbe hsndMsMSt weed-work, and flstest set mt extra attmcbsnesita. Uoal per stents tS5 or S60 1 Hail for circular. THECHWuQDCO. I 1 1 F !