trBt ite. pa. - rc. .wo. TrtBSurer George Miller, of Johns. " . ...i .t hi home in that city on batur (DfD.U".-"- ...., m i - rhl. jjf nrmail ""UJ! loruitrrijr ui iuu ,uL u ow o( Homestead, P., spent a i!i tiwn last week. .u harvest has commenced. The ihA rfam9 riar town now measures lad Oil I" j .1'fi ! thickness and is as solid and . , . m Drrtkner, of Jlammotli. West-j 1 county. i;eu amui a;x jcma, cn "", ' r ;rr 'ti Tuesday and had both bis it ' it :p tn sr-oulder. l1-!-t-'onnery, a Johnstown poiice , . .- walking on the pavement tn s'; , -1 (.n Sundy uiuht, slipped and fell Ms li ft lejjat tLo hip Joint. Sh;i.'!'5's store at Loretto wlU be "a on iiouday. Uecciuber 15th and alt -,it sold at bar! pan prices for cah or ijood marketable produce. IIiu- - s- n!lri ' HollidaysburB. a .known a'.turnt-y and former Congress- j ;, m tills Uinrici, uirru iru muuu) t iiJWt' 'a .lOllluajsuuiK. ncu oj Mr l.uke Bebe, of Clearfield township, rr,i,lert t f the Farmers Alliance In this V-nty. WM a visitor to our office on Mon jjnv, wr.iie lo attendance at Court as a Jur or. F,il!pli. tne seyen-year-old son or liar ., j;i;r.n. of Canolltown, died on Tues j,r last r typhoid fever. The remains t(re interred in the Catholic cemetery on Kupture cure Kufntee,l by Dr. J. R. jji.-r, ,s,l An li St., Philadelphia, Ta. Ease it once, n operation or delay from busl atteted by thousands of cures alter others tail. Kor rent. The Loretto IIons, Loretto Cwibria connty. Also, a larae etoreroom fitb dwelling attached, adjoining the bote! property- Address Mrs. M. F. McDonald, Loretto, Ta. -Mr. J'hn Crouse, of Chest Springs, who citers U) the wants of the traveling public md presides as landlord over the Dexter House in that place, was a visitor to our cOrson Monday. -run Evts, a sevens-year-old boy of Bimmiili, Westmoreland county, while pitylni with a red-hot? poker on Tuesday Borning, tell, when the poker passed tbronch his cheek. -Henry Sean lan, Esq., of Carrolltown, who has probably carried tbe compass itjudiI more Uod In Cambria county than Kf other man iu trie county, was a visitor to our office on Tuesday. -Tbe street lamp at tbe earner of Julian izl Sainp le Streets would be vastlv Im proved by a coat of white wash. Except on moonlight cUhta It Is, like some of tbe erases, invisible In this latitude. -For sale. One of the cosiest Blxroom team's w .ti lot 110x160 feet having all wsiry outbuildings, etc., and all In good repa.r. Will be sold cheap. Call on or litm l-e e U'.ur of the Freemajt. Alexander (jeer, who was badly in jured while making bis escape from the Sircrs' t county Jail, along with the Nice ly boys, died from bis Injuries In the Som erset jail, ou Wednesday of last week. -We have a gpeedy and positive Cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker Mouth, and IIeilactie, In Sblloh's Catarrh Remedy. A 'ia; Ir.jectur tree with each bottle. Use :: it y u a desire lii-alth and sweet breath. Jinie-, the 12-year-old eon of Mr. Jos eph Gardner, of B.irr townsb Ip, died on Tuesday (if last week, his death resulting from lMinj ki. S?d on tbe forehead by a Fur .' F.jr .' Ilanters and others sh ui'ii that (1. L. Fredericks, of p .v.', j'lys t:,e highest cash price for o't.'r. i:i,ir. c 1 fux, Rrey fox, raccoon stjLfe, c(j,j-u,a and rnuskrat furs and 4:"-. -.r.'.)r!3 f ,uat7 pild out for Court ex-t-r.w ;a-t w.ek tbe folio wini amuunts: JKUay, J-i.:., is: Tuexlay, (1,128.91; Wed nMay, $93 4;; Thursday, fl,085 09; Fri toj. H-.'i .v,. and Saturday, fS73.27, making total of J."., iu J. -ilr. John Howell, contractor and car pejttnr t;;rs u'.aee, removed bis family to .' on Tl.ursday. Mr. Howell hss kra working for seveial months past In '-ito.ty and expects to reside there as lonir fctbire b plenty of work. -"c Thursday of last week while James of Sout'i Fork, was driving along 'i-'-wr taLk near tDat place with a load of the team slipped on the Ice and did -t sti'P ur.til they lar;ded In the rlyer. The esc,ioe,l without injury. -I'. Alrlpy and John Urapper, mlnera. er pruba'.ly fatally injured In a prema-ep!o.-!oa in Crab Tree minw at TMnjuurg on Monday, and Georcre nouot- so , a Luurding house keeper, bad hie scull i..uren by a stone from the blasting. -Mr. Carl Uivinlus wishes to Inform the MVicttath- has taken th ai?pncv In thl for tne Concert Roller ormn. thp organ yet made. Trice, $12.00, Includ- BVe roilnrj. Yon tra InvltuH tn Mil anrl ai n(9 sZora ana yoa cn tnen ja(J..e portly after noon on Tbarsday of last . George Stacey. freight brakeman. "'Sg Dear Derrv statlnn w otutalnon bis train, when be slipped on t roof falling off. rolled under thn ! Ills head was cut off and tbe horribly mutUated. -'or rent.-An eight room hous on J58'reet. In the East ward of Ebens t the property of John Ilowells. The rnJ!y U ln K0O1 reD,r and rxissesslon nL 8iven 'mediately. For further "" inquire of Cyrus Jones, at Mrs. Jones' millinery store. - bond in favor of State Treasurer . Coyer against Delemater A Co.. W".0oo was entered of record In tbe . 1 j a iium uers od juonany appowd that Senator Delemater Is In . i Id Mitio of the purchases of cal 0 the nnrtWh . t fc V1 kliiO VUUUlVi iU 1,,1 T ... T , . "It 1 "".u iee. raiiroaa is to pass to lfwt macaijement of the New York t' ral'fad company, tbe road to be 10 Chest creek coal field In ik't 1irect connection with tbe Van tht kJ5"1 to tlie west will be made, and CT13 r'fck roa(1 mUl m tui;d a u"Jad fr(ltn Kerrmmir u flail. to- Ct'rt ltt r,ypr 10 Mabaffy, tnencn np 5atyCre,!k w Carroiltowa in Cambria kMe.'rrKvh:trn at Kco,l'town, belonging soVr. Son WM discovered to 0n Tnur!iday evening of iaet , 'Ini;ii tit the itiflamable Dature u ur it was 6ocn burned lothe n ' minute barn thlrtysthree J' t ur Worses and to ' ' d. The tarn also cLtalced a " 1 "r Lay, feed and harness. ... i suprjched to haye been ' Tj" . . " v tJ UiJoo,,"1 ar,J euUils l0i f i An unknown man was struck by tbe Mail Express on Tuesday evening near Bolivar, and Instantly killed A black fur glove was'Iost on Tuesday last, between Ensburg and Carrolltown. Tbe finder will much oblige by leaving it at the Fkeeman office. The Concert Roller organ at Carl KU vlnius' store is an instrument wbUh eyery family ought to bave. It Is etrong and will last a lifetime. A child can set it and play It with ease. Otto, a four year old son of Henry C. Maiser. of Johnstown, was run over by a wagon on tbe Xernvllle bill near that city, on Wednesday afternoon and so badly In jured that death resulted in a short time afterwards. We are gratified to note that the credi tors of the banking firm of Johnston, Duck & Company., are rapidly signing the pap-r granting the firm the txteusiou aaked fur. All, with the exception of a few who are llylcg at a distance and barJ to reach, have already signed It. An exchange eays : There Is scarcely anything a woman cannot do with a hair pin. Tbey use it to pick their teeth, button shoes, clean finger nails, panel, bed bugs out of cracks, fasten up s'.iay bangs, clean out their husband's pipe, scratch their bead, pick their toe nails, run it into cakes to sse If tbey are done, and about a million other things that the poor deluded men know nothing about. At tn late late election held at Carroll town for officers of the Cambria County Ag ricultural Association, tbe following gen tlemen were elected: President, T. S. Wil liams; Vice Tresident, John Stoltr; Treas urer. P. J. Dietrich: Secretary. J. V. Maucber; Assistant Secretary, D. A. Luth er. Sr.; Directors, S. P. Kline, H. Krumen acher. II. J. Buck, Alex. Grief, Joseph A. Gray, C. A. Farabaugh, James Sbar- bangb. Jacob A. Hoover. John II. Hoover aDd II. J. Eokenrode. William Kane, of Pblllipsburg. took tbe Friday evening train for Osceola with three women, among tbem Magg McCann. Tbey hired a slelth at Osceola and drove to tbe Arlington note I at Uontzdale. Here they became boisterous and the manager of tbe hotel ordered them one Kane resisted, and William Gray, a Dorter, struck him on tbe head with a. club and dragged him out. Kane was soon after found dead. Gray was arrested and taken to Clearfield and lodged In Jail, Both Gray and Kane are colored men. A Biff Mtore. We ask your attention to tbe advertise ment of "Tbe People's Store" ln another column of this paper. Everybody knows this house, tbe most Imposing on Its out ward appearance of any on Flttb avenne. and more striking within, as yoa go through tbe long alslen, and tee floor after floor filled to overflowing with end less quantities of all kinds of goods, one wonders bow tbey ever dispose of tbem, This store Is one of the finest In tbe State, complete In every detail of Its appoin tmeots nothing wanting here to make customers comfortable. Plenty of room, excellent light, every kind of goods to please the fe male eye. This store does a cash business, and Is well known for low prices and excellent business methods, no wrangling about prloes only one price and that marked In plain figuies. Give tbem a call when mak log your purchase. All kinds of goods are obtainable here Silks Dress Goods, Cloaks, Wraps, Jackets, Shawls, Made-op Dresses, Gloves Hosiery, Trimmings. Blankets, Flan nels. Comforts. Carpets, Lace Curtains, and all sorts of Fancy Goods and Toys for the juvenile members of tbe family as welL Campbell A Dice. Fifth Avenne, Pittsburg, Pa t orrenpondente. St. Augustine, Pa., Dec. 9, 1890, Tbe Cresson & Coalport railroad treats teachers more generously than any corpora. of which we know. They furnish a fifty- trip ticket at at tbe rate of one cent per mile on that line. Mr. F. P. McCormick, of Great Falls, Montana, formerly of this county, mourns the death of a twosmontbs-old child under peculiarly sad circumstances. After tbe Jonestown flood Mrs. McCormick, who Is a daughter of Mr. Peter Brown, who with bis Ave children was lost In the fl od, moved to Great Falls in tbe bope of Improving ber health. About two months ago one of their children died and on November 1st Mrs McCormick returned to her former borne r.t Minneapolis, Minn , in order to escape tbe rigors of a Montana winter. About a week after the arrival of the family at tbe latter place, tbelr two-montb-old Infant sickened and died, as stated above. Marrlate I.lensea. The following marriage licenses were is sued by tbe Clerk of tbe Orphans' Court for the week ending Wednesday, December 10th. 1S00. Oscar Evans and Lizzie Roser, Cambria township. Adam M. Storick and Emily C. Slsf, Johnstown. John L. Stickler and Nora B. Divinney, stocycreek townsblp. It. W. Bishop, Stocycreek township and Jesse tr. Astie, wiiinore. John W. Ed mis ton and Mollle J. Smith, Jonnstowa; WiMlam W. Rose and Clara B. Relgbard. Johnstown. Geoge Lentz and Mary Koch, Johnstown. George IT. Scbnahla and Mary L. Con- logne, Johnstown. Ada Ry SpcrlMalar BarlMqn . o The Ada Ray Spectacular Burlesque Co, showed at tbe Opera House last night to a crowed bouse. The show Is a good one and tbe wardrobe was the finest seen bero this season. The singing was good, tbe specialties of tbe Mitchell Sisters were superb, and. In fact, the whole show caught on and seldom was there seen a better pleased audience leave tbe Opera House than that of last night. If tbe Company re turts the Opera House will not be able to hold the people. Come again and often. Washington Timet. This Company will appear at tbe E bens- burg Opera House on Wednesday, Decern ber I7th. Sbllb'a i'oaiBmpiloa Care. This Is beyond question the moet success ful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a few doses Invariably cure the worse cases of Cougb, Cronp, and Bronchitis, while Its wonderful success In the cure of Consump tlon Is without parallel in tbe history of medicine. Since Its first discovery It has been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medicine can stand. If you have a Cough we earnestly ask yoa to try it. Price 10 cents, 60 cents, and f 1.00. If your Lungs are sore. Chest or Sack lame, use Sblloh's Porous Plasters. Sold by Dr. J T. Davison. Anawer Thla Qaenf Ion. . Why do eo many people we see around ns deem to prefer to suffer and be made miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite. Coming Up of the Feod, Yellow Skin, when for 75 cents we will sell tbem Sbiloh'a System Vitalizer. guaranteed to cure them. Sold by Dr. T. J Davison. Consumption Surely Cured. To Tub Eurrom: PIcmlao inform your readers tbt 1 bare a poaitlT remedy for the above-named diimaae. By lta timely use thousands of hopeless cases bTa been permanently cured. I ahall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FEZE to any of your readers who bare consumption If they will end me their Express and P. O. address. Bipect fully, T. A. SUtCUM, M. C, Wl Pearl SU, JJ. I. Court ProverdlnaT). The following cases were disposed of last week after our report In the last Issue of the Freeman. Commonwealth vs. U. W. Bmford. as sault and battery. Jury find defendant not guilty but that he pay tbe costs. Commonwealth es. Vito Guardago as sault and battery with intent to commit a rape. Jury fonnd defendant guilty. Mo tion for a new trial. Commonwealth vs. Barney Sanders, as sault and battery. Defendant plead gnilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of (20 and go to Jail for four months. Commonwealth vs. Frank Ternner. as sao't and battery. Defendant plead guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of 1 5 and go to Jail for three months. Commonwealtn vs. Cylas Alexander, adultry. Continued. Common weal'fc vs. Martha U 'yno'ds. f r- nicallon. (Juutiuued. Tbe Grand Jury Ignored tbe bills In tbe following cases: Commonwealth vs. Elvira Anbrej. open lewdness; Commonwealth vs. Anthony Schrivtr and Pius Scbrlver, assault and battery; Commonwealth vs. Samuel Simp son, receiving stolen goods; Commonwealth vs. Charles Bryant, larceny and receiving stolen goods. Commonwealth vs. George Makln. shoot ing with intent to commit highway robbery. Jury find defendant not guilty. Commonwealth vs. John Schan;ansteln and William Donges. furnishing liquor to minors. William Donges was discharged. The Jury fouud John Schanlansteln guilty. Motion for a new trial. Commonwealth vs. James Daley, Belling liquor to minors. Jurv find defendant guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of f 100 and go to Jail for three months. Commonwealth vs. Thomas Swires, as sault :and batUry. Defendant plead gnilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of f 10 and go to Jail tor thirty days. Commonwealth vs. John Lennon, shoot ing with intect to kill. Jury find defendant not guilty. Commonwealtn vs. Thomas Toner, high way robbery. Jury find defendant guilty. Sentoced to pay a fine of f 100 and a term of two years and a half in the penitentiary. Commonwealth vs. Rosie Se triple and Jake Sample, keeping a bawdy bouse. Jury find defendants guilty. Se ntenced to pay a fine of 1 10 and three months in the county Jail. Commonwealth vs. William F. Cook, em bezzlement. Jury find defendant guilty. Motion for a new trial. Commonwealth vs. William H. Gore, highway robbery. Jury Dad defendant not guilty. Commonwealth vs. Charles Roddy, ob taining money by false pretense. Jury find defendant cot guilty but that be pay tte costs. Commonwealth vs. Nicholas Mnlberron, a sanlt and battery. Jury find defendaut guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of tlO and go to Jail for six months. Commonwealth vs. Luke Weakland, for cible entry. Jury find tbe defendant not gollty and the prosecutoi, Andrew Disbart, to pay tte costs. Commonwealth vs. Newton Divine, sure ty of tbe peace. Defendant discharged. Commonwealth vs. Henry Mnlborn, for nlcation and bastardy. Continued. Commonwealth vs. John Carver, fornica tion and bastardy. Continued. Commonwealth vs. W. C. Westover. se dnctlon and bastardy, yo lie prosequi en tered on payment of costs by defendant. Commonwealth vs. Thomas Jones, high way robbery. Jury find defendant gnilty. Sentenced to pay a doe of $100 and to go to tbe penitentiary for a term of two years and three months. SECOND WEEK. The following sentences were Ixposed Margaret Dinello, convicted of larceny, a fine of 120, costs and one year and three months in tbe penitentiary. George Llngerfelt, larceny, a fine of f 10, costs and three months In the county jail. Augustus Fresh, larceny, a fire of $10, costs and confinement In tbe Huntingdon Reformatory until discharged under tbe roles of tbat Institution. Peter Boldlsb, larceny, a fine of ?10, costs and confinement in the penitentiary for one year and three months. Tbe following cases on this week's list were continued: Indiana County Deposit Bank vs. Anthony Anna; Eliza Jane Vivian vs. William Kichards et al; Oscar Pringle vs. Margaret n. Pringle; William Gray's use vs Gray fc Wyland; E. B. Ciesswell vs Mary Cole; E A. Irvln vs. George Kutrnff etal; Martin A. Miller vs, John A. Storm et al; Anthony Anna vs. D. E. Notley; Mc Garry & Son vs. Pennsylvania Railroad Company; James W. Gallaher vs. William Baker (two cases); Nicholas Yost vs. Frank Deal; Nicholas Klein vs. Frank Deal. In tbe case of Daniel King vs. William F, Cook, et al, a verdict was rendered in favor of tbe plaintiff for 33 74. In the case of Conrad Kunkle vs. Fonde lier & Keene, a verdict for the plaintiff was given for tbe aura of $59.32. In tbe case of Langenfcelm Jt Sbepbard vs. Mrs. C. Parrlsb, tbe plaintiff took a non suit. In the case of the executors of James C. Fisher vs. John Eager and Elizabeth I lager and Andrew Noel, eicctment. Verdict for defendant. In the case of Lawrence Wyland vs. Por ter Kinports. ejectment. Plaintiffs took a non-suit. John Schlanstlne, who was convicted last week ot furnishing liquor to minors, was sentenced to pay a fine of fM and go to Jail for ninety days. In tbe case of Anton Kleic vs. J. M. EN Hot, judgment opened. Jury find for plaintiff $347.50. In tbe case of Joseph Malehlrson vs. Clark n. Lougbry, apr-eal. Jury Mad foe plaintiff $4.48. Commonwealth vs. Joseph Krotendeifer, rape. Jury out. Charles Wilson et al vs. Stephen Myers, ejectment. On trial Ueatts Not lee. Lines kindly offered by a frier d on tbe death cf Joseph, two-year-old son of Fran cis and Mary Ivory, of St. Augnstine, on November 15th. There's a pair of little hands Laid to rest forever more: There's two pearly dlmuled cheeks Whose rich blotsomlns; Is o'er. Death has sealed two little eyes Tbat will no more smile or weep. Tiny windows of the soul. Little Joale 's (rone to sleep. There ' another bod removed Cre It lelt the hllirht ol aln; rb rough the door that angels matte. Little Josle bas passed In; Far beyond the aiure skies Will tbe tiny star-eyes peep. From all earth's doubts and fears, Little Josle 's aone to sleep. He will wake In fairer lands. Where tbe snel's voice will slog, where the flowr'et shall eipand. Then shall love perfection brins;; He bas reached toe golden shore, Throuich the lirer cold and deep, Acela bore him aately there. Little Josle 's gone to sleep. Uatklea't Arnica) Halve. Tbe Best Salve in tbe world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rbeum, Fever Sores, Tetter, CLappod Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively enres Piles, or so pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents iter box. Sold at tbe drng store of E. James, Ebens burg, and W. V. McAteer. Loretto. Lex-al Isttltatri Following is the program for a teachers' meeting to be held at Hastings, December 20th, 1390, at 10 o'clock, a. m : How can we hold tbe attention of prima ry pupils In ungraded schools, Mr. I. P. Yabner, Committing to memory, Mr. G. L. Bearer; Free U-xt books. Prof. J. S. Foiey; Recitation, Miss Annie White; Select read ing, Miss Annie Grlmee, Drill. Mr. Joseph Farabaugh; Teaching manners, Miss kadie Gorman; Wbispetlng. Mr. II. N. Trice. These topics will be open for dissuasion. Tbe exercises will r tlntetspersed with music and all friends of education are In vited to be present. BLACK LICK TOVTSSHir. Following Is tbe program for a local In stitute to he held in Blackllck township at Bethel school house. Decern', er, 1890, at 1 o'clock, p. M : Duties of teacher. B C. Cmrrm; M!h- of teaching cuuipoeitiuo. Sadie Baiclaj; Duties of pupils. Wm. Edward and Harvy Roland; Essay, Katie Wallace; Duties of parents. E Rowland; Evidences ot a teach er's success, George Fyock; Duties of School Directors. Thomas Reese; select reading, Clara Gfbson; Methods of teaching leading, Clara E McFeatters; Whispering, W. W. Price. 6T. AUGUSTINE. Following is the program for Institute to be held at St. Augustine. Saturday, Decem ber 30tb, 1890. commencing at 10 o'clock. A. M : Seng by pupils of ptlmary school; SentN mental roll-call; Address of welcome by tbe president; Recitation, Miss Celia Bebe; Notes of the County Institute, Bert .Season; Song by pupils of high school; Primary physiology, J. S. Foley; Recitation. Miss Mealley; School punishment, Roel Srtt86r- ville; now to Inculcate patriotic sentiment In school, John McCormick; Iustrumeatal music. Andrew Carl; How should a child or six years be taught ar.d vhat. Miss Annie Callahan; Recitation. Miss Jennie Ryan; Object of parents visiting the school, C. L. Luther; Pnonetic spelling and diacritical marks, SupL Leech; Beet way to teach pri mary arithmetic. A. J. Sauker; Song by In stitute; How to secure tttntlon, R. II. Bi ter; How to prevent tardiness and secure regular attendance. M. J. Cramer; How to secure apparatus for tho school. J. R. Swope; Song bv the Institut-; Paper, Miss Minnie Ivory. fxbeel Brpart. Following Is the reprvrt of the Eber-bbnrs pntlic schools tor th m lU'.h of Noiele-, 18W: A r erase tDrulicd. atieiiUanee. ? i ?: i S Teach sbs. 2 i v1 .i r, ! n- ri S . c i . ! - ? I a-. -I : : i : i Allie t.toyd fcrfle Myers Mai(i(te Shenkle.... Annie Jones . T. U. Allison 1 i S4 f.5; E5 a2 6; S 2 I -r. Zl W J3 J 4 3 ! 3J 13! 49. 2fi IS 3i 4 ! 14 as 4-jI u -n 3il 14 i 11 a i J O M.W. ToUls .. Tbe following pupils were perfect la at tendance during month: Room No. 1. Jse Erans, Daniel Thomas. Charles O'Hara, Walter O'Hara, "Walter Apel. Ralph Davis, Artbnr Hill. El mer Davis. Harvey ribhott. Cari Eagle hart. Waldo Squires, Harvey Kodrers, John Cole, Harry Jones. Robert Young, Jet Verne,;Albert Srown. Willie Craver, John Rees. MauJ Foisom. Sallie Young. Hattie Urown, Angle Connell, Uaigaret Connetl, Llda Davlpon. Beatrice. Mower, Flora Weaklen and Uarwl (iant. Kooro No. 2. Wal'or Jones. Willie B1 key. Ernest Weaklen. Dellie Chute, Arthur Evans. Frank Borkey, Edson Hill. Harry Bennett. Florence Evans. Eihl Shields, Mary Connell. Lizzie Ludwlx. Gertie It ill. Carrie Uarman. Annie Hammond, Nita Evans, Mary Englehart, Mattie Euerline, Annie Heitclne, Emma Evans and Peart Kruis. Room Ko. 3 Annie McBreen. Maud Sbinefrlt, Floy S:il. s, Anie Owens. Alice WeakU-n, Relta Uarman. Bessie Evans, May Lelebty. Mittie Craver, Eddie Craver, Ollie Dayis. Willla Leluhty. Wal lace UnmpnrA&. Petnr Ludwie, Charlie Evans, Davii Evans Earner Davis, Her Die Evans and Willie Cole. Rnoin No. 4 Blanche Foisom, May Grif fith, Sadie Nipple, Stella Crtery. Annie Mills, Minnie Kirachnnr. Monica Murray, Minnie Craver. Ida Craver, Ada J es. Jeu Dinstmore. Mary Nipple, V, y MeCaoe, Ada Jones, Morgan Kvans. vt illie McCabe, Butler Roberts and David Thomas. Room No. 5. Annie Shield. Minerva Leighty, A nnie Davison. Charley Weaklen and Ueorge Thomas. CLASS LEADERS. Room No. 3. A class, Willie Cole; B class. Flov Stilus. Room No. 4. A claxs. May Griffith; B ciaas, uav Uivis. Room No. 5. A class, Julia CocLell; B ciabs, Annie uavison. fclilleli'a (atarrti Remedy. Sblloh's Catarrh Remedy, a marvelous cure or Catarrh , Diphtheria, Canker Mouth and Headache. With each bottle there is an ingenious Nasal Injector for tbe more successful treatmeut of these complaints without extra charge. Pr'ce SO cents. Sold by Dr. T. J.Davison. It would save parents a great deal cf trouble thinking what to buy for their ciiiinren at cnrlstmas by getting one Of Carl Rivlnius' Concert Roller organs. Each roller has a separate tune and can be had Iu nnilautcd qnactl y at 23 cent:-each. THE - STATE - CAPITAL. Watch the Proceedings of Your Legislature. The Ilarrisburg Daily Pa triot, in addition to the general news of the day, will contain full reports of the proceedings of the Legislature during th3 session of that body. Send one dollar and twenty- five cents to the publisher and get a copy every day during the session. The Weekly Patriot i3 an ex cellent family journal and will also contain a report of the legis lative proceedings. Terms: $1 per copy per annum; to clubs of ten or more, 75 cents per copy per annum, with an additional copy to the getter-up of the club. Postage on the Daily and Weekly prepaid by the publisher. The Daily Patriot and Free man both for $6 per annum. The Weekly Patriot and the Freeman both for $2 per annum. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Ettate ot Henry FreldborT. deceased. Notice la terebjr given that letters 01 adminis tration on tbe estate ol Henry t reidhofl. late ot Monster tuwastilp. deceased, have been granted to me. All persons Indebted to said estate are notified to make payment u me without delav. and tboee havlDK claims against tbe same will present tbem, properly anthrnneated. lor settle ment to SIUON COMtAD. Administrator ot Henry r relJhoC, dee'd. Lilly, 1'a., Dee. U, ISM. 6t. TjHIH SALE. I The undersigned will rell at nrlrate ula pieces of real estate situate In Mu oiler township, Cambria county. Pa. euntaininic re4i,cctlrely aixiy-six and Olir-fUe acres and allowance. The property Is Improved aud ln god slate of culti tlvatlon, and will be sold at a reasonable price and npon eay terms, for Kurtner particular call oa or address AWIa fcvins. reai-rur. fa., IXeciuber 12. 1SJ0. Luietto, Pa. TAKE FOR RHEUMATISM iGOUT, BACKACHE, Pains in the Side, .the Chest and the Joints, Neuralgia, Sprains, etc, ete, the I M PORTED AHLnun m EXPELLED IT TS AND WILL EVER BE The BEST. UrtEQUALEO REMEDY. TJset wlrh m-at iihmh In the Imperial and, UujmX Unneral Huepltal of Vienna and many others. Cas ValidSiei Trttlmsalal eat of ; T irioi-uLia, ll 1.. Jan. J. VL Toor Anchor Pain ExfwMer is rtUlv ex-ol- Vnt. Or, tf ourSbtterA, auiTeriuK front Jjnen anattsni fr ca;x I nnd n.4hln; lo cure htJ" i.ul o-.r A:iclto. i aln FlW'tlw. Bdiuot. blsTtria 1K KCT&& DAMX. CO Cents a bottle. I OF MOST DRUGGISTS, OB DI&ECT FROM OU31SWJ f. BETTER VALUES and mure for your money in every case on every item Is what we claim. Write our Mail Order Department for BAXIPJL.KS of Dry Goods of any kind that you a ay be tn want cf; compare qualities fti-J prices t with any others you may find, and sea if we do not prove our claim every time. Only on this pri ucip'e of giving the most and best obtainable foreery ao'.lar do we hope for your patronage. No sentiment Iu this. VTe offer among many other specials this wek 3S inch Imported Tailor Sailings, checks aud stilpes. 43 cents. 40 Inch Clotu Suitings, mixed and solid col ors, 43 wnts. 36 Inch All Wool Camel's Hair, all colors, 43 cents. 48 lnca Cheviotte Suitings, 73 cut5; In al ultra fashionable shades. 5f) Inch Scotch Check M xtures, medium dark color, 73 eents. (sold universally tt (1 00 eiaevtbere.) For the IlallJijt sitcifal lar,e an J ele gant stocks of Handkerchiefs. Muffle rr,. Cloves. Umbrellas. Cents' Furnishings. And very extensive lines of FANCY GOODS of all kings at oar usual law and and at tractive prices. We will fill your orders by mail to your satisfaction and profit. BOGGS & BUHL, ALLEGHENY, PA. CWaiilON FLEAS TRIAL LIST. J Third Monday In lMrember, ItM. Indiana Co. Dep. Ba.ak.TS. Anna. Hutierbauab ts Cunningham et al. Firttier et al trs. Kctrer el al, revy vs. Keade. 'reswell ys. "oie. tarber ... Haywood. Irrln... ts. Uiilet al. Irrln... vs KutruHetal. Kline, vs. Kllioit. Miller t 'am ey Sloan.... Use Wiley ..vs. McKay. ts. Smith. ....ts. Mcilallen. .ts. Humbert et al. -..vs. McKb'.jj et al. vs. 8hoem leer. ....vs. Wyiand. vs. Weakland. vs- Hack. .ts. Khody. ts. Wa.-hlnirlon Two. Mnrdock . Bro.. ' la?KOw . try... rarrell... iKioohoe (aanlyn t zirln : Sauip....... J. C. UAiiBY, Frothy. EbensburR, Nor. S, 1S90, NOTICE TO PERSONS Dasianro to mrser iv Borough. Bonds ! "ftTOTICE is berer.y irlven that tie orouth of 1 Ktensborir. Fa.. It anout to lssae bonds la tne amount ot tte.OOO.OO. In sums of SIOO.OO each, with Interest at the rate ol 4 per cent, per annum, f.aysttle semi annually, tree from taia tlon so far as the Individual bolder are concerned. 1'erfoni drslrinc to invest In such securities will please make known at once to the nndercifned or Kerirus C. Lloyd, Itputy Kuntens. tbe amount or number ol such bonds tbey wish to purchase. The?e bonds will be sold to the nrtl purchasers prepentlim tbeccseives. hence the necessity ol promptness ln making known tl:e nnmixr ot ol bonds desired. J L. EVANS, Kltn'-Lurx.. Aun. 29. 19S0. liuntess. HASTINUS HOTKL. H. J.SHETlia. PnopRirroil. Located at the Station, near tbe centre of the town, on r ourth Avenne. We aodearur to fur nish the bent accommodations to basinets men. pleasure seekers and boarders. Fersona In search ol comfort and quiet will bod it a desirable place to stop. The Table It unsurpassed and Is always supplied with the best the market aflords.and all the delicacies ol the season. The bar Is sup plied with the eholcelof pure liquors and eiirars and notblna- but the bent is sold. Special atten tion given to the care ol horses. H. J. SCUETTICJ. SALE. In Cambria Township, within fllteen minutes walk or Fost Otflee. a small property, beautifully situated and aflurdins; a Due view ol the town and eurroundtng country. Contains nve and a half acres (5) of irrtile land, a tine orchard, lawn snaded with maples and cat 1 pa trees. Four roomed hoti'e with summer kitchen, wood and coal houre attached. Lxcellent cellar. iTilled well, never failina suiply of puse. ecld water, flood stable, three stalls and carriage shed. Kxcellcnt location lor summer home, or trull and truck tarnu For terms rati nn er addres. MRS. A. K. HEAT. LKneburij. Fa. ESTKAT NOTICE. Came to theressdenceo! the no lersla-oed to White lownMilp. (Jambria county. Fa.. Id May lat, a black and white speck led bull, apparent ly about eighteen months eld. Tbe over Is re xatreted to some lorward. prove property, pay eancea and take him away, otherwise he wlil be disposed ot as the law directs. JOHN STABLEK. decs.tSiW. ILEOTIOIS NOTICE. j The annual election for Directors of tbe fro tection Mutual Fire Insurance Uuinpany ol Cam bria t'ouBtv will be held at the otnee ol the sec retary In EIenburT. on afvatday, Jaaaarr 12lls. 1M91. between the hours ot 10 a. at .and 1 r. at. T. W. KICK, Ebensbura;, Fa Deo. 121 ltM.St. ISecrery. H II. MYERS. A O vJii Itx-AT-LA W, EBBsawuBo. Fa. MfUtTic ta Collonade Row. oa Cectro street. TONALD E. DUFTON, U ATTO KN EY AT LA W. EBBBTsaraa, Pnia IfJOfflce In Opera House, Centra street. TW. DICK, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. Ebkbsbcbo. neclal attention riven Ui claims tor Fen. ion UoUDty. etc ch7-li-90 GEO. M. READE. ATruKNET-AT LAW, EniJtBRritn. Febba. MWUiSct on Centre street, near High. m lw 1 f i 1 F. AD. RICHTER & CO., I ilO Broadtraff, Xetm l'or i. Isrsafsa llamnet Rwioteta.t, O'y. lrf.CHl.icL, YhHiuA, Kotterdam. PraffUft u Kimstnlg. Olten. KunsnitMUV. Leimio. 3 FSIZ3 KS9AL3 ATASIE3. YREE Books about other Anchor BeK Vi ineditu oa Application, j. S2 The Pittsburg Times. The most complete one cent daily newspaper published any where. It is clean, bright and enter prising. It prints all the news of the day; its market reports are full and reliable; its editor ials able and fearless and its special features such as to make it a welcome visitor to every home. Many improvements have been made during the past year in ev ery department of THE TIMES, and it will continue io introduce new features and spare no ex pense to hold the place it has won at the head of cheap news papers. In every essential it compares favorably with the highest priced newspapers of Pittsburg and the country. Terms of subscription, invar iably in advance, are as follows : One year $3.00; six months, 1.50; three months, 75 cents; one month, 30 cents. It can be ordered from any Postmaster, or from this office direct. Address all communications to THE TIMES, Pittsburg, Pa. THE UN" BOB 1891. Sntna people aa-ree with Th Sun's opinion about men ana thiOKtl and some IoH don't: Ont ev erybody likes to rein bold ol the newspar which is never aou ana never airaia to spe&B its mind. 1 hrmorrats know tbat Tor twenty years The Sun bas lon'a-bt In tbe front line tor ltemoeratte princi ples, nover weakening; or waverlns; la Us loyalty to tbe true Interests ol tbe party it serves with tearless Intel lle;enre and disinterested vlaror. At times vntnions have di tiered os the best means of areouipitt-hlun tbe common purpOM : It ts not I he Aua s fault 11 it Bas seen lurener into mm duu- tone. Eighteen hundred and rlnttyKce win he a a-reat year In American polities, and everybody should read rae &. Dally, per month. ..... Daily, per year, - .0u Sunday, per year. ..... 1.00 Dally and Sunday, per year. - - - a I' IT and Sunday, per month. - . 0.70 Weekly Kan. one year, .... Iu0 Addreas TUEkl'S.Stw rerk. IXKCUTOKSS' NOTICE. j Tbe andersla-ned bavins; beea appointed exerators ol the estate ot tbe late Kobert 1. Job&fctoD, request all parties bavins; claims aaainst ae id estate to present them properly ao tnenliea.led tor payment, and tnose a no wins; tbemrelve Indebted to said estaM to malt im mediate payment tf erect. A. w.ur?K. KOBT.SCAUAN. Ebenrbarg, Ps Nor. 11, 1SU0. tiecntors. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Iettrrs ot Administration on the estate ol John A. Krlse. late of Clearfield townsblp, Cam bria county, deeeased, bavins; been itraated to h-Jun lenluned, all jwrrons inl.lled 10 said ea ts a- retjaefted to rustee pnjtnent aid those nariSK Claims to pruoul tne rauid witnout delay u. JKSK1UA KKIsK. CUa.teld t wj'.,Nov. It, lo-.-O. AdDiiiusUatur o-tts. sinvnoisr, The Only Clothier in Cambria County Who Carries the Lead ing Styles at Popular Prices. WINTER OVERCOATS Ont, away and above the famous barcain eaks of Overcoats with which na. Slmnn has surptlsed his customers durloiz the seaton. will be the special eent of this ana n?xt month. It will be a most extraordinary, exceptional and remarkable affair. Don't make llst.t of this announcement. If you ned an Overcoat. us. Simon Is not the man to cry "wolt!" when there Is no woir. Italy on It when this great cloth ier r ngs the "bargain bell"' a sumptuous feast of low prices is on the tabie. And the bouse Is open f or all; the hand of nop;tall;y and Kt-nutn frleudrhip is rxtr.ded to everybody. No lines drawn here; no classes recoci ized. Th rich Iran's collar Is as Rood, but not a whit better than tbe poor man's hundred reriU. but In older to Kiveyouan idea of fcat ttis big f ptrcial tJe for the coming event means, we will call your attention to tbe bona fide reductions: All Men's Overcoats which fcimerly retailed at f and f9 have been rebuced to 15 and f6, while those that formerly retailed at f 10, $12 and fl.r. will hav to " tli. plank" at IS. f 10 and 512 reppectively. In the tii.or Kiedes li e elaueh'er le veii wore. Regular flSaad f'-0 Men's Overcoats have been marked down to f.o aud H, ibile tte Uet. wotth from f24 to be effertd at is aud Boys' and Children's Overcoats. Boys and Children's Overcoats have not been exempt from this rednctlrn fever. Two dollars and fifty cents takes choice any time from the three twenty-Eve ar.d three dollars and fifty cent lines. Four dollars buys V"ur pick froo the reenter bye dollar lines. Kiye dollars entitles you to a sel ttu.n Ihe peven dMiar line. E c'.t Wi!!ars fives you tveholee from the ten dollar lir e, acd somi. I'.ut binmn'a libetaMy does not stop at reductions. The ii tt!e ores will be especially n n euitjeit d, f(.r with every purchase iu tte 15ys Clothire r CJirU' Cloak Drtarmei.t iifcndsotne, uselu. (and oiiiamentai as well) present will be aiven tree of ctatce. Our Great Bargain Sale Includes Ladles and Children Coats and Cloaks, IMusb Jackets and Coats. Our Offer. Remember your Far Is paid by me both ways, providing your purc'.ias es amount to or exceed TEN' DOLLARS. The People's Favorite Clothier and Merchant, CHESTNUT STREET. CALL1TXIN. FOSTER, Formerly of tlie I'lrtur el, Foaler A Qalna, Is Located at 247 anfl 249 Main Street, Joliiistowii, -Pa,,, "With a largo and full stock of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Trimmings, Hosiery, Linens, Flannels, and Winter Goods. Carpets and Oilcloths of every description and everything in the line of House Furnish ing Goods at the lowest prices. evert WATERPROOF COLLAR on CUFF BE Uf TO THE MARK r I NEEDS NO LAUNDERING. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. ma-. S-ly VEECQATS I Clothing! :: Clothing! Having returned from the Eastern cities I am now prepared ta show you the largest and best selected stock of Clothing, Ha's, Caps and Gents Furnishing Goods at the lowest prices in the county. As I buy and sell ior cash, I can and will Fell yen Cloth ing at prices that defy competition. Never before have th people of Cambria had such an opportunity of buying first class goods ht such low prices. Call soon and see my stock, learn prices and be convinced. Very Respectfully, C A. et3M-y ONLY $20 HIGH ARM, PHILRD'R SINGER. THAT CAN BE RELIED ON -aae-aJa-aewAa-aajaasa--a PJot to Discolor! BEARS THIS MARK. TRADE B US' cr L LI H M ARK- SHARBAUGK, l.'AliKUUTOWN. I tNNV WARRANTED 5 YEARS. 15 DAYS TRIAL f i 6: t slataSelf-ecttlam XeeUle, aeir-tlareadlBia; aUwttle, U, ssalaeleaa and Ilgtst-rmasa situs;, has tbesasdassuaat w sod-work-, sued flsseat aet er est attmchanrmta. Don't pay sts 139 er CO 1 aead far tlrculas. THEC.A.W0C3C0. 7H.tntr,t. psi