(fmnlmn tmnnn. ,!. AMH-rBWJIlU ;( JlU aut pluh coat go to Mr. K. t nt are seWn for one twenty- ,..,ul. uiL!f tench rs "teach trie Mi a bow tosbeot." ri.t i"j t.' t-;-- u sickntia. "cod.or-'t county" J!l li cotroleted auJ J1B , ff U'r cootractat's hand. j,,lf...r tbat Mrs R. E. Jones mk- ' '..'t e( coat ana1 trimmed bat. H, chailM IHsnnnd. or Bummerhlil . . imun la tow oa Tueadar. CPe tici or uo:i ana pocaei cut- 11 1.UILUU liBIU WBI ir J Hallo, of Carroll township. tv iUir lo Ottfflle on WedntsJay. ,T!ir hundred OTarcoaU from fj 50 to ,r oo at C. A. anaroauaB a, i-arroutowa. .ar J 'J McDerasltl. af AsbTllla. paid fnskiiia a brief rtalt on Wednesday. -Mr Jainet avlripatrleb, " Elder tiwa- .p sp, UI a Iw I.Wtll-1 II .owu vu " Ctn 1rn' suit. a:l price from J 04 op "iri" :i lea new a.eortnieot to aaieei SB' .t.:, u about the tin of the year tbat P,u'i fail to ae th Immense stock of . p;'dj and overcoato at C. A. Sharbaugb'a, jwfolltown. Twa "oa of Aaealoa Weakland, of El r:..n'p, ar rtprU4 yary III with ty- ft... l.r.tAst lint nf santa fnmLKInd -III" " K VW IULIIK11IIIJK ;x1 In the county at C. . SharbauKh's, A pras born November 5, 119, be ta.. if tt NoTemtxr 4. 1390, and may !f-f ir ot this yaar. -Mr PMIIp Deltrlfh. of Carrolltnwn. Is tportsl viy low with typhoid ferer. Ex iri trraj. U r purled belter. -Tea Larfl Una of nnderwear for men, toTifTi rhtldran baa Ju?t been opened 3 irkar Brn.' Call and ee tham. -JohB UabaffT, a old reopectJ citizen H Cni-rrytrae, lil at nia none la mat (iff cn Saturday ladt aaad 63 years. w.uld call yonr attention to our i tsvortoient of ladlos' and children' cnata uJ wrap. Mrs. R. E. Joseb. -An mrbanae nays: "'Speak no eT'.l of !wnt; tbat l cowartlly. Likewise yl do evil of tha pre?!U; you might n-X -T6 de1!pat!n of the nw Catholic tnrrh a Chit Pprious wbtcb waa an- loafoa ior ia. ouuiisy, was yosipouru mU.Oto'jat lik. Urt. X E. Jones Is Id FhlladelpMa "syinij fba ba!aae of ber Fall etock, i? J ia thn rtr will xhow you ip .'flJ:! Hat of (nods. -Fniik J. MrUftTtrn, of tb Arm of Mo r tra Braiaara, of Tyrone, died at hla me Id that piac an Wadaosday after an .2t nf eareral month. -wn yea ar rady to bay an overcoat i.c't fan m ! what Brkr Ilros. can of r jou. They certainly bare some nice f! : vary low prices. -1b weathxr Is loterferlnn wltk the rtnnthe falrgronods to a sreat extent, Tt!ie'fs the contra etor are puhlnii cul with their roc tract. -T Catbolli? cbnrch here will be dedl- rt-iliin tbe necoud Sunday In November. CarniCtown choir will render the mnlc it '.lie (Kv'attlun. Huitino$ Tribuns. -U D Kitten. Ei . and wife, of tbl s-. fUrtt-J on Friday laat to Leaven- i.lL. hlauta. on a visit to Mrs. K.'a rar- :'j U are rtwi.l3ts of that city. xi ovtraiH'ked with soma sizes In i.idrt'n'i eolj, and are 'Trlnf npecfal r.;u in ri: for children of . 6 and 8 '' alH. R. K JOk Ed. -kr. M;rka8 Luther retired from the rr flrto of OUara, Brown A Luther, of ; p oa Ta -sdy, havlrit; sold his In vest In the butlues to the other members -f ;te firm. -Ruptar cara guaranteed by Dr. J. K. !r, g.ii Arch St., Philadelphia, Ta. Eae ttoacf, no operation or delay frem bunl . attetei by thonanda of cures atter '..rr full. -U'Tai-e R Rose. E-q.. and M. B. Steph Z q , of Johntnw, both member of M.a! ccunty Bir. were admitted to :"V. In t!;a Supreme Court at rittsinrg Unc'lav. -w r:-,Te a peedy and positive Cur MVarrh, Diphtheria, Canker Mouth, and ri. in N!oh'a Catarrh Remedy. A v InJctr free with each bottle. Ue ;llT"a desire health and sweet breath. -Mr. J. 'ho LelaMy. the lowest bidder on Ua-w O.m to b hur,t for the borouah tf i' bat h..a aardnj to Mr. J. A. Shoe :r. tha cut low.,t bidder, for the sum iS oo. -At K-pubMrai Conference which t t t L.iyaa Home, In Altoona. the a'd ru:t WM obtained. Scull, 6; irtt .!'. - a. Aner rour inenect- bai.'ot. th Conference adjourno to t to-ty (Thurad,.) -Ag'iad ball will be held In the Opera. on Tharsday evening. October ?3d tor,"Ch everybody Is Invited. T.x ' lit mmlclan have been aeenre.f oanA i:i b malntalced and delightful "r,n it prornlseij to all who attend. --tPHU may h road to keen their ist Uete and ba kpt free from worms T iniia them for a few minute in a p!rd in a hot ove m an to kill th h!rh ar in eo many of them, tren l tUr 3 malln bas in a dry place. -rM3ttive of one of the 1aret I Mr. hert Scanlan, of this p!ac spent a couple of days in rittnburg the latter part of la.t week. Mrs. H. E. Jone has a let of !ad!es coats which 8be in selllne out at half price all desirable cood. Charles ITowrd, 0f B'alr or.nfy. who ws. eervln g a three vear eenteree In the Western penltrotlary. committed aulclde one) nlcht last week by hanifin himself with his hed clothes. lie was twentvtwo years old. !Tarry ITnflr. a ynorg man who Is em ployed at Temberton Mire. Blair connty, was fonllnii with a (ran on Sunday after noon when It waa dlecharaed. the content entertnc one of his feet. lie thought It wan't loa-ted. Hon. P. Grr Meek, of the Bnllefor t Watrhmnix. was nominated for State Sena tor by the Democratic conference at PhVips bnrg. oo WedoeJay. la the fMearfieM, Clinton and Center district. Th noiuioa tlon Is rqulvolent to an election. Mr. Woolf U. rwtey. formerly or Bsrr townMp, th I county, but now of Jtffer eon Texas, was a visitor to our r flic to day (Tbonday. ) Mr. Rgv tad been vUltfng friends In Hrr towrshlp, and was on his way back to the lne S'ar State, where he Is a successful and prosperous lumberman. Tbomss R. Ilaley, cashier at the Iojan noose, AltooBa. who left tbat city on San day nliittoo a trip to Joplln, Mo., dropped dead on a streat la St Loala en Tuesday frem heart dleae. The decea.sed wait aboa PS veare ef as and bad been connect ed with the Logan Dona for the past eighteen year. Oc or th Ortt thine tbat strikes the eye of tbe reader In loekma at the second pag of the Frkpmix this wek will be the blit "ad." of Meurs. Woolf A Son. tbe pop ular clothing merchants of Johnstown, who will be here week after next and all In need of clothing will do well to read the "ad." and profit by It. Emanuel B?rkey, ef near Foutsvllle, Somerset county, met a horrible death oo Tuesday. Mr. Berkey was working on a steam ttaw mill and in some manner made a mts-etep. and falling upon tbe swiftly re volving saw, bis body wa cut Id two In an Instant, lie was thirty-nine years ef age and leaves a wife and seven chl dren. -J. K. Gardner, a lumberman from R Idgway, Fa , while retnrsing from tbe fair at East Liverpool. Ohio, one day last week, was robbed on the train at f ittsburg of bis pneketbook containing $10,000. the proceeds of a lumber sale. It Is supposed that he was followed by olekpe-kets who were aware of tbe large amount be bad on hi pereon. The Democratic Congressional Confer ence for this dlsttlct met at the Leean IIouio on Wedresday evening. Tbe Cun ference, after taking a ballot, adjournd to meet at noon to-day (Thursday.) Tbe baU lot taken resulted as follow: Greevy, 61 Metzker. 3; Linton S. Blair and Crmhria voted for Greevy, Somerset for Linton and Bedford for Metzker. The State Fish Commission Is 'now ready to supply German carp to all who may apply to any of the commissioners. All orders may be addreeeed to any of the following, and will at once be filled without cost to the applicant : II. G. F-rd, I'hila delphla; Q. C. Dtmuth. Lancaster, S. B. StillwelU Seranton; L. Streuber, Erie; J. V. Long, Pituburg. and V. L. Powell. Harris burg. The barn of Smpmn Stevens In East Wheats! tJTwp.. Indiana Co., waa da 'over ed to t i a frern NVe'iaeday night f latt week, and notwithstanding the heroic ef fort of a number of people who were at bla bouse In attendance at tbe wedding of bis dauchter. It was burned to the gronnd. Tbe horses, harness and farming imple ments were saved, but bay and gralo were burned with the barn. While tre train from Hollidaysburg bearing ExGovernor Pattlson and party nearad Seventeenth strewt, Altoona. on Thursday of last week, the cars left the track and ran for half a fqusre bfore be ing stopped. Tbe dsncer of a very serious accident was great, but bes'ds shaking op and alarming the ditin?afhed travelers, and the breaking of a step oa a Pullman car, no damage was done. An impression generally prevails that the legal season for the shooting of quail b glns on the 13th of October. This is a mH take. Under an act panned by the last leg islature, tbe season does not begin until the Crt of November, and termlnUe on the 13th of December. The penalty w lift for every flotation. Hunters are, therefor, duly warned, as an effort will be made to e tbat tbe law Is rigidly enforced. Th report of th death of ex Sheriff Gray, of Carrolltnwn. was circulated on our streets on Tuesday but we are glad to state that the report was not correct. It no doubt originated from the fact that Mr. Gray la very low with typhoid fever, but we hope that bi life may be spared for many years of usefulness. Tbe latest news ftom Carroll town report Ms condition as critical but with hopes for bis ultimate recovery. The ringing of the bell of St. Mary Catholic church on Wednesday recalled to many f oar citizens the peculiar legacy left to that church by the late John Gliptn, Esq. In his will Mr. Gilpin set apart certain real estate, lioo of the annual Income of wnich was to he paid over to the trustees of the above named church providing they would ring the bell of the ehntch for one hour on the 8th day of October cf each year. Kit tuning Prt$. The newt of gas being discovered last week at tbe well being bored on tbe Jnnlata Valley camping grounds at Newton Hamil ton 1 confirmed by later revelations. On Tuesday wbl'e boring, oil was discovered and a gush of gas Issued that sent the debris as blgti as tbe tops of the trees In that vi etnity . The people are greatly excited over the great discovery tttat has been anade, and tbe citixens cf Newton Hamilton flocked to the well Tuesday afternoon as soon as they learned that oil bad been struck. Prepara tion are being made to pump tb o4l. Hunt ington Loral .Veic . A nsw assortment, all nf w styles, of t-t't! hats at Barkers.' Cali and we ttem. A'so a new line cf c'oth and fur cap. Mr. Benrrtt. cf Attorna, one of tbe cm fmployed ty Foieman Hf-irzrotb. of the Postal Telegraph company, while d'ep'rg a hole in the narrows esst c f Water treet. fonrd a pieeeTf Spanish coin dated 1776. Tbe noet slrgn'ar part was a blast bad been pnt off and be found the coin be tween tbe rocks; bis bar slipped and be would have lost It If he bad not cangbt It, as there appeared to be quit a cavity under neath, which be aorroeed was fourteen feet In depth. ITuntinydein Local tr. -It will pay yon to go twenty miles to huy a so It of c'othes or an overcoat frem C. A. Shaitmtb, Catto'.lfown. Wtilea freight train was erasing the switches at Creeon on Monrtar everting about 9 o'clock, another freight train ran trro IT, tbrowitsg e'eit car apon th et bound track wfclch were run Into bv engine No. 1394. wrecking several cars ard killing Robert Fee. a brskeman, who bom was at Bolivar. Westmoreland coonty. Ilia re mains wr taken to AIfoona and prepared for barlil and I tea forwarded to bla home. Mr. Fee was a alngte man aged ataet S3 S ear. The wrecked ears were loaded with plane, organs, groceries, ere. In some places an gar was pl'ed a cm pi of feet high, aod some people I'v'ag near got a sapply of sntar enougb to last tham for a year or two. Men's working' skirts, entton er wool, flannel shlrU for drees shirts, or any kind of shirts you want will be fouad at Barkers. Mr. John Bo vie. a voang man agd 17 years, tesldlng In Johnstown, was Iss'antly killed at East Cenemaugb at 10:80 o'clock on Tuesday n'f ht. Mr. Boyl was employ kd as a freight brakeasan on the Pennsyl vania railroad. While cmeslng the railroad tracks at East Conemangh on his vray to his train he was struck oy tb e. gine ef Fast I.loe East aed thrown ander tke wheels, where be mt bis death. Tbe remain were removed to East Cnnemaogh and tbeuc to the deceaxed'a home In Johnatnwa. Tbe deceased leaves a wldewed mother, three sisters and two hretv.eix. He Is also mourned by an afflanced bride, t whom be was to have teen united In marriage next Taesday. It will pay yon to hoy your clothing or overcoats right here at home from Barker Bros., as they can and will sell yon cheaper tbaa anyone else. J. Wilkinson A Son. marble and gran ts dea lers of Ebanaburg. Pa., vehti to In form the public that they are prepared to fill all orders for cemetery work. In either marble or granite, at figures that defy com petition. Tbe artistic excellence and su perior work marsMp of their design ar evidenced by tbe many pecimens now on exhibition at their establishment and by the numberless design which they have erected In the various eeroetertea in this county and elsewhere. Every department of tht ir business Is in tbe bands of skillful and competent workmen, who are capable of executing any piece of work from tbe plainest to the moot elaborate, which to gether with the personal supervision tbat every Job receives is a guarantee tbat per fect satisfaction will b given to tbe most exacting of patrons. They ordered forty tons of marble which arrived In April, and bow have as fite. If not the finest, stock on the best marble that ver came to Western Pennsylvania. Persons wUbing anything In the line would da well to give them a call before leaving tbelr order with any other manufacturer, a you eaa depend upon getting a good Job at a fair price. Read lwwlilp Ilrnta. Mx. W. A- Chaplain purcbaed a very fine horse recently. Mr. T. n. Jervis. cf Etnbnrg. Is tesch Irg ibfr No. 1 hool, neat Flintoo. Mr. G. L. Glsscow wert to Philadelphia last week to lay In a large etock of winter grids. All parties wanting to boy good fords, such as are usually kept In a coun try ttore, can do no better than to take tbelr loose cnange to George. Mersr. Patten and Elliot, of Coal port, have leased a lot ef coal land near FHnton and bate a force of men developing and pre paring to operate It. Tbe coal wiil be hipied over the C A C. railroad. Christialn Waiters bas hart his grist mill changed into a full roller mill this boomer rf Is now turn'rg rat a fine grada cf flour. He has alo purchased a new eegtne and toiler to keep it rnanlng, when tbe water I too low to run it ty water power. The engineer have run tb preliminary :in for tbe lavr alley iUroU, the junction eo be at Firntott.- r We have been Inclined to think of Ute that tbe schools In tbl tewnhtp baye been advancing, but we do not think tbat some of tbe teachers have been abowlng a very good example by tbetr eocduet lately. On last Friday evening John Glasgow, principal of tb Glasgow tcbool. Interviewed Teach er George Williams at Jtba F. Ilollen'a, In Glasgow. After talklag some time they commenced quarrelling, bnt were sooa quieted by Mr. Dal es wb grabbed a chair and held It ie a threatening manner. They got lend again, however, er.d when Wil liams reached to hip poektt (he says for hi handkerchief as be bad no revolver on hU peraen.) Glaagew draw tl revolver and hot to kill, the ball pacing through Wli linns' caat. but not Injuring blnv The trouble grew out of a love affair aboat a certain school marm la this towublp. Tb echo! board will Investigate the matter. 9r V r. 5Z-.f w- . .- if mPm f . -: i 1 lit. k ? . t Sj-.ras, etc., - lh J sT rv: J Ll!'f rf!. 'I' : . . V J r rJJ V -1 mr"-. s,.-t i ' : 0m PiLSiultel tcr.'.a:l l! : ! z: .'in'.-.'. 1 K Tb, Tr r tha TPeaiBi. my I fan lm Rallrad. Preparation for tb Inaugural aerie of personally conducted tours to the Pacific Coast, uadar the auspices of the Pennsyl vania rallroaa, ar processing and a de tailed outline of their bowim, route, ratee and conditions will b pubUahad at an early day. In the meantlm suOclent baadway bes been made to Indicate that tb tour will surpass any similar p leas or s trips ber tofore enjoyed by tb people of tbe Eate-rn States. The special trains of Pullman V tlbole. Sleeping and Dining Cars will exem plify tbe latest and beet work f th PuIU man shops. They will rua throagb to Cal ifornia on quick time, delivering tbelr pvs- aeogers at deelranle points In tbe Golden State and picking than at the appointed rendetvou for tbe - return trip. Too riot Agent and Chaperons of wide experience will conduct tbe parly and minister to tbelr coaarort in every possible way. Peculiarly favorable concessions will be granted them by tbe railroads of tbe Pactflc Slope, so that their movement may b productive of tb fullest pleasure at th lowest cost. Ttaase tour are tbe most ambitious at tempts yt projected by tbe Pennsylvania persnn!lycott d system to provide plead ore tours of tbe highest grade, aod tb trav eling public may dtpead upon securing Id tbaas tb moat perfect aervice. The first tour will lv tbe East late In January. It will be limited ta one bandred persons, aad those wb anticipate an early spring outing to tbe shores of the Pnclfle dbould place themselves In correspondence at once with Mr. J R. Wood. General Pas senger Agent of th Pennsylvania Railroad, Philadelphia. l e, . . ..... - ' Rev. t. Kaeliata. Rev. J. B. Koehne will deliver one of tis lectures at the Teacher' Iostitut next month. He is an eloquent orator. Read the appended press notices. The attention of tbe crowded audience was held from first to last. Mr.Koeho Is a forclol speaker, and erows;elquent as he proceed. Punxjufutrney (Pa.) XeuiM. The lecture is full or startling surprise. pathos and Inimitable oratory. The ridicu le glvs plsce to the t ubilrue, and the'audl enct litens In almost breathless silence to the beaot'ful thoughts so eloquently ex pressed. Waynu burg (Pa ) Democrat. The lecture showed deep research and each fact was given the Impress of a person allty that carried conviction to the hearer. Mr. Koehne Is a brilliant, logical and for clble speaker. Pitt&urq Commercial Qa- . Hon. Henry Hall. Hon. Henry Ilall will lectur on "Tbe Coming Man" at the Teachers' Institute oa Monday. Nov. 17th. Read the following; Hon. Henry Hall gave bis lecture, "The Coming Man." at our Teachers' Institute Octobei 29. 1883. Our teacters and people here apeak In tLe highest terms of It. believe the lecture Is second to none of the many good lectures delivered at our Instl tutes. H. L. Pears all. Supt. Schools. Cameron Co., Pa. The lectut was replete with wit and pathos, and was listened to with rapt at tention at one moment, while at another storms of applause greeted soai poignant crlticlsims on man's shortcomings, or some burnt of splendid eulogy on tbe grandeur and greatness of the of "The Coming Man. Uniontown (Pa ) -Vctr. Argument wm beard lo tb Supreme yit. "':y CoiiTt.,tUT,tl Flitstmr. on Tuesday m "s of tV. . . w : . the case of tbe apnpeal of the D'rectors of v el 1 . .,tOC!' ' " 'Dd f th ro.r of Cambria county ve, sua tbe Ov- UJ ... -. . seers of the P.-r of Madl,n tn.n.hlr, t. at inwer price than anyone N ,.,. , . fc , . ' ros.' aod m.k,k. i... Hi .a ,;8 S. th, Call at Barker Bros. goods. Pli Lhr. 'A't lr'k a braksman on the Penn- fell from a car tw the oa on Monday vornlng, and y a west bound engine. lie hvl'T Irtlnmd that It u rnnmt leg about ' railroad. - a '7 lO imnnlil. ! tr ln"f-s above th knee. .ar, is .'" '' ltlB. ailed on "atordsy last A lc Bock, wife of Mr. John or f;"iti r ciai- in th.f -i ''',t c'noteen years. Th deceased , ,. , ,ll"hr of Mr. William Skelly. of . t-rmer.y of Pcrtag township, and va, . . to which shall support ttree illegitimate Idiotic children of James and Emily Randolph. At tbe time of lb birth of tbe children tbe par ents resided In Madison township. Clarion county, but have sloe removed to Cambria county. The lower conrt decided tbat they were chargeable to Cambria county and the appeal was takea by th Toor Directors of this county. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company's report for tbe present year Is tb first filed at the Department of Internal Affairs, and preaeuta aotn Interesting figure. Tb number of stockholders a t the last election was W.rWt; par value of shares, t-W; mark: This Is beyond question tbe most success ful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a few doses Invariably cure tha worse cases of Cough, Croup, and Bronchitis, while Its wonderful success In tbe enre of Consump tion is without parallel In the history of medicine. Since Its first discovery It has neen sola on a guarantee, a test whicn no other medicine can stand. If yon have Cough we earnestly ask you to try It. Price 10 cent. So cents, and tl.00. If your Lungs are sore. Chest or Back lame, nse ShiloVa Porous Planters. Sold by Dr. J T. Davison. The Rreatb of a chronic catarrh patient Is often so of feneive that be becomes an object of dis gust. .ftr a time ulceration sets In. the apon (TV bones are attacked and frequently entirely destroyed. A constant source of discomfort I tbe dripping of the purulent secretions Into tbe throat, sometime pro ducing Inveterate bronchitis, which In 'its turn has been tbe exciting cause of pulmo nary disease. The brilliant results wbicb have attended Its use for years past proper- ! ly designate Ely's Cream Balm as by far tbe best and only cure. Starring- Llecai laaand. The following marriage licenses were to sued by tbe Clerk of tbe Orphan' Court for tb week ending Wednesday, October 18th. 1890. Francis J. Wills. Abvi!le and Han let B. Rurgaon, Allegheny township. Harvey M. Rsger aod Mary M. Orner, West Taylor township. James S. Karr. Roanoke, Ta.a and Ella M Stpe. SummerbKI. Frank Dc and Sophia Una, Ehr afield John T. Morgan and HUMe A. Walters, Ebensbnr". Georg Esr. Allegheny. Pa., and Mary Friant. Johnstown. Mahlon Sip and Tanetta Relghtnour. JoriB'towa. Cnaries Job aod E'Izabeth Lynn.Gallltz'a Stephen Uarchar and Annie Pastorlk. Johnstown. Ssmnel Shaffer. Johnstown and Margaret J. Shearer, West Taylor township. John A. Hsllstrora and Amelia A. Zim merman, Johnstown. George A. Gender and Lnclada Seas. Stonvcrnek township. Joseph Boodarbaugh and Hanna Wll liama. Anisbry. David Richards and El'za J. Caddy. Johnstown. Joan Becker ana Soph U Studeny, Johns town. John Link and Annie Rorabsngh, Croyle township. Rack lea's Aralaa Malva. The Best Salve la tbe world for Cnta, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Faver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cores Tiles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price S3 cents per box. Sold at the drug store ef E. James, Eben.-e. burg, and W. W. McAteer. Loretto. Married. THOMAS PRICE. Married at Houtx, dale. Pa., on September 24tb. 1890. by Kav. I) C. Tbomas. Mr. Militant R. Thomas and MIs Beasle Price. MORGAN-WALTERS. -Married at Eb ensburg on October fttb, 1890. by Rey. D C. Thomas. Mr. John T. Morgan and Miss Hat tie A. Walters. Consumption Surely Cured. To In Eorrx: Plaaaa laforai ysr reader that 1 bar a poaiHr mnm&j fr tha abara-nanMd inima. By its timely llfta thonainda of bopniaas oaaea haa been permanently eorad. I ahall ba glad to aaa4 two baWlaa of at ramady FBZB to any of yaur ravlara who hnn aonaonipclon tf they will and ma their Kxpraaa and t. O. add nun. Hexiieea folly, T. A. kUXXJrjet. at. a. 131 Pawl St.. X. I. Bct your clothing at Barkers." Buy yeur overcoats at Barkers. Buy vour boots and shoes at Barkers. Buy your underwear at Barkars.' Buy your bat and caps at Barkers.' Buy o3 your goods at Barkers. f, 1 h ''eeniea fur her raanv vlrtnea value. M.'; In Vnt.nhr ify a. disl.ind of 2 Hr cent, was declare.!; In May. 1890, a dividr&d of 8 per cent, was declared; cap ital stock, 1150.700,000; amoont paid out In dividends last year, 6 0M,2V3; surplus, 2. 2.19.731. 64; gross earnings, 104.971,134; gross expenses, I44.0G0.563 27. The number of employees l 40 748; ealarles paid tbetu. JO.. Ill 751 5.1. The Injured last year were 4.070. T I. 1 I I r a - j w uiru were U-amstsr of Jingit.- UDd (iei4(1 fK . Ut j t mi vltn- iHiin'Wl IIRCK 1Q - w nm, a,, in im. I"''""1 "3,lry- ht they adjourned 1 nr'iy nut. The marks on the r-iii iti. .. I... . . . " iiMiirmH mat ne caa ' H IIV ft -t... . W w - --vi uta uy a train 5";r, (Jf i-e the bad lie was Amawer Tnl Qaeallaa. Why do ro many peopl w ee around us seem to prerer to suffer and be made miserable by Indigestion. Constipation Dizziness. Loss of Appetite. Coming Up of tbe Food, Yellow Skin, when for 75 eeoU we will sell them Sh Hob's System Vitallzer, guaranteed to cure them. Sold by Dr. T. J Davison. Kbllaa'a Catarrh Remedy. Sblloh's Catarrh Remedy, a marvelous cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker Mout and Headache. With each bottle ther is an ingenious Nasal Injector for tbe more successful treatment of these complaints without extra charge. Pr'ce 50 cents. Sold by Dr. T. J. Davison. All ktods of Job work neatly and promptly executed at this office at the low est prices. R SALE. In Cambria Tnwnehlp. wtthta fifteen id I note walk of Pnat ( ifflra, n email property, heantlfnlly trtnated and affording n tine view of the town and iurroarj1tnft country. VBttns Ove and a ball aires (&H) of fertile laJ. a One orchard, law haded with maples and entaipa tree, r'vnr ramned honee witb tinner kitchen, wood and coal hour attached. Excellent cellar. Ih-tlied well, never talliiur rply ef pure, ecld water. Oood ataMo. three etalK and carnt abed. Ilti-elleot loratloa for igmmar home, or frntt and tmrfc laroL For terms rail en or addreea. . MRS. A K. HEAD, Ihenabarr;, n. ASS ION EE'S KiniOE. Nor Ire la ben-t-j aires that M. F. KelVoa ald. at Ljarett toraueh. Caatbrln county, rn., by deed el rolncotry ae'ignnrBt dated oUfior 8, 10. baa slimed to E. H. rilek.of Altoona, Hlalr ronnty . ta.. In rmst tor the honettt ol the creditors ef the natd M. T. McIocaid. all the ae tata, real and peraoDal. of tha aald M. F. aielmn ad. All perw na initeKted te the (aid M. T. Me iKinald will nake Immediate payment te said anaignee and tbu tailnic elaima or demands win i.rej-ent tbe tame nlthoot delay. E- H Fl.irK. On 17, iraO. AJflfnae of M. F. Mcltenald SALESxMEN WANTED. A good chance to aee-nre a ravlBg situation for the dull winter month. F.aoh alroan fur ntfhed with a complete ontot tllu'lratliig and derr1Mnar New Frnlra. etc.. that sell rvadily. Salary and eipeone from tart. Wrte fnr terms. liUOPES, UK US. fcTHDV-AS. Alaplo Avoae Nureeries. ec W 0t Ueet Cheeter, Pa, . F. AD. SiiVATU i CO., eaeaean Henaaat Bed, latartt. Gy. C: t. : m. lun&, H.4tto-u , ITl-ju 5 I B naMeln. Otaav, J unNulwu, Ixuiii. pi M a CA.u nunu awujm 0 ;evra Book about other Ariur fte-JkjV tasdiet aa Application. 4 s oats ! ly. Laaaefal n ady e-rer (9Borrr- nnrtaan aa aa afflBota and aoat not C-mix f"1' O0Ca- Man Ha! red. as U I Mlater. Baadprooa Pa, B. J. aire t La4 aumanar I eafd aCarbirpoanyhorna WUta yoar aoatjrail Kmm rtatl a fipavln Care and t waa u nana jua a ever aa ouoe. l fia. a amn empty eoaiaa. haTta aaaJ la ania ais-feot n .i curing every thin 1 trim! ta oa. Ir aeiirhtjuradi a bona anta a vary bad aeavtn aaat maila hire lama. Be aafcl aae auw a aua av. I rnuumwiaad jaaa I ta On, aaa eaaad Uie bparta Ua t. i ami Itlnra OucuuVtun rwdora Uiaa Caa aiaa said to um. It waa tbe teal a aept and at l"at ue ever tbd. Oouajrarn, OhJo, Aprtl . "Ck " Da. R I. KawoAis. Oo.: war ntra i 1 bavo huea ealRnr mora of KendalrW mm rm ana ninri tiuiuiiiuin rawnan ever oeruee. o lrtuaKlar 1 ever 1 iivto L. Horrausk CrnTTOAaao, X. Taj 12, "SCt 1 Dn. B. J. wawnaxx Oo Dw Blra i I have aaad earvenl bottlAaof ynsr Kniaall'a eoavta Core with perfeet annin.. on a aiujOUe and hinortart mare aba waa quite laane with a Bone Bmvna. The main h now entirely trea Crutn I a in ana aad aawa aotian ua oa u n. AeapeattaUy. If. U. Mcrauauav kehdiu's mm CORE. omanv La, HUy 9, -Sri,. iau s 1 tbkua- U mv daty to aonder yofl my thauaa for yonr (ar ftmitd Keavlali a Spavin Carta. I had a fnor year old filly which I i riaa 1 very' hlctUy. "Je had a very eerore I'oUan laff. I trtS atoat etcbt dUTevaal kiaua or mealtolaaa whlob dlA an 1. x perwtiaar d a bottle oC yoar tkaadall' apavai Oare whiea mrad her m foar daja, 1 raataln youra, auazoa Dowses, Frtee 1 pae PoMaa. or at boat lea frr S. AUdraav fraan havett or oma It for yoa. ar It will be aamt Bo any adrtraai on raoatpa or (alee tar Oae prcacta. Suae. 1JL. At. J. KUU1LL CO, Ttieuamt raaa. v ortlSM.ly. P I iaftH w. 1 D.itiu , vautiVM era bee bran irramad. i aad ae-toe ata aod aa aeuaa. 0 -v. njavwivet' W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CSUTLEMEN. Flae CaJf and I.arad Watararaaf Cratn. The exoeneaoe and waartna qsallUoeur tlw ahoe renni4 ba batter ebowa than by iht etroiuc euduraa manta of lie . , t cmiataut vmnrr. S FT .OO Oaaalee Tlandewod, aa alxrajit and aiylin drve rOve walob corirMuaiU It.lf. B Jt JOm Haad-aewed 'Welt. flaa oml abne a enaaaaalad for atria aul dnratUtv. JO beedyear Welt at the ataadapd dreas 3- kUioaTa, at pnpfalvr prioa. i TTabllr-Palrl ! lat waM4ardaJlT aTatlefeaHOal AM mahie In Oonfi jMa aid I mm, $3 &S2SHGE3 lafd0,23 btT thrawra re oa.t ftvvifaMy rylTv1 tlnrn latrvJurwHl aod vb rseil lirnprvwi mkjm tbnra apatiur tO Ui7 I.0II all ftt tba7ta r rlO W. Aftk your l-r, mxxA it mine anptT yoa nvtnfj AtTvwt ha fav9tirr abocnjnlajX mdrad Eric or t. Trmrwl for rnrd'-r ft n kj W. la lOOLOIaA niN-hkXO&a M aTJadW O. T. ROBERTS, ASKIT. oo 1 7 lot DO YOU KNOW TUT TOTJ CAR BCT Poah'e Barrel Kreerh Loud la hot Onu at ft.Su; Dob bla Barrel Mule LsMtJlnc runa at ft.lM: Nlnarle Harral Shot Uos at fl'MJ. aad all other geodi at equally lo prime. ' A Lao a mi uirs o IMaraoadr. Watches. 1-lnckJ and Jewe'ry. K. SMIT. 12 a Ml Ltfeerty wt.. Cor. Man 1 1 It fl eld. PITTSBURG. PA. Hand for ear targe aanaal lagne. No. It. Ire el ehanre. Illaatrvted Cata, aepM.3m HAJJTINlrS HilTKL. -U. J.SUKT1H1. PBorHiaroii. located at tbe tUuo D-ar the centre of tha town, oa onrttk Aranne. U e endeitvor to fur- Blah the heat aooommodaticnf to baalQeea men. pleasure aeekera aod tMiarden. Persona la search olcotnlort and qo let will Con It a desl'able place to atop, l ne luei la nnsorpaaaea aoi ta aiaraya sauplied with tb best tL market arlordp.and aU the delleclee of tbe seaaon. The Her 1 anp- plled with the ebotceel of pure Itquora and i-tusra ana notoiDK nut toe beet la ania. special atten tion given to tb eare ol horses. H J. W-lHETTltl. EXF'UTOB-S MITll'K. laatata el Flocian Kengala, Loretto boronch, deceaaed. Letters testamentary on the eata'e of Florlen nen-ere. late oi i joretto DcrnotD. i amni onnn ty. dai-eaaad. bavin' been araoted to tbe nader lamed, all iwrwni Indebted to asid etat are hereby notified M nakc furnrat to me wlthont delay, and theae bavtnr claim airalnat the aame will preaent tLe cm properly autrirntlate ror eettlement. JOSrJ H Bl.N(lkLE, Ltoretto, Fa., Oct. S, laws. tttetor. ALEXANDER F- MAY. CITKREH. Ladlos' and Cent'emen's Dln Inecand L nch Rooms, 614 Peaaaa Av , - riTTSBI Mat, PA. f4F-Weddlnga. Parties. L.nncheena. etc., aua plled with ee-y reqolnte. to any available point, by rail or other coaveyanra. Sterlet aod propmt attentk ajtren order by mall or telephone. Anirnat A, lW-3ra. SELF-FEED ie.-St'5:ia- MARSH STEAM PUMPio. st..arr .d Tnnira Ifnainaa Ail arav-elaaa Staodard alaahmaa G Gns. Simon's Card to the Intelligent People of the Mountain Top. ET .-. DnLING WITH t GUS. felMON, Oceans -TTr n J !.:0ALLITZIVS ui jaujiuy mm StoicU to Select from. A S40. Iry Ooodt. Clo'blnit. Ladles' and 0ns' For. nlBhinif Oooda. Hooia and tsboen. Furnltcre. Hats, and 4 'p. at prices that il atuniib ev rvbedy. AerHrlng thle Hill with yi a and be aure t) a.'k lor what la published on It. as we bare all In abundance aod nine need go away empty. Dome aloDK. Calico A big lot of new atylea at 4 cents: Paaaato 6S eeota- tha W a.MuKtun N'.ivo ty, lull ritanoard. mau : Hanoi Staples, 8 "ents; tancy lodno prints 6. fl and 7 "elite: oil (V.vored itIuis in red, blue and nrPO at IS bd1 7 oetita: Sateni. all pattern, at 8 cent?; Mardard dark prluta at 0 -ent. 'ItNOHAWS A!D Ch . H BKltBS A -Ood Bpfin ohork. 6 cents. STanla and laney cent, sta ple cbarks, Mne, xreen and hr.wo, s and 7 eenls. Bplendld atyles In dress iilnKhams. 7. S and 9 cant. Wyotninir drew Klng-bam. 8 crnta. Plain cbamhreea. 7 and 8 cenu. Toll ie .N'orJ, In plaid and utrtpea. 8V rnts. KiMr Sali u' 1 0O0 yards of Calico and Mallo at one-half price. Klbahkd amd I'SBHicnm MrsLixs Plearhed Mufllus at 4. 6, t, 7.8 and Mnti. 4x4 Middle Sex at fl cetita. 4x4 ooe ft the flm t at 8 centa. 4x4 Iay, 7 wmj. 4x4 ttolden It" 1 and no lilrker 7 cents. Our "A N'. 1," 8 -eots. 4x4 Pennant. 8 cents, ttl I'lll'ia - motllii, 10 cnta. "FrMef tbe We.t." 14) cents. Cureot Jean, 7 cenu. Tic'KiDb. Fancy T1-klrr at 8 cents. T'x brtdae, bloe striped. 10 cents. Harvard leatbei. l'i rents. XXXX rpeclul article 1.1 cents. It u hle told aatln tick, blvh colors. 18 cents. Aim, a large line of remnants In ticking. tVme early. BUSINESS IS ALWAYS BOOallNU AT SI MON'S STOKK. Everybody la c.mpIalnlnK ol dull times wLlle we are du'.nv a rauhntr WuilnefB all tbe time. Tbe only trouble we now experleuce Is the tact tbat we cannot iret goods In lart enough. Kunsiu Att Hlahkhts. No Unterllne kept In tbe United State-. Hi Drive, 3 by 4. a-ray twil'ed flannel, 12 cents. Am.fier array twilled, la cent. White flannel. rt. 25 cents. White dotuet, S rents. Ked woo' bacnel. plain. VU, and So cents. Nice plain, blue twilled. HO and 3ft cents hi leached and nnbleanbed Canton flannel. 5. 8, 7. 8, W aod lo cents. Alo. a nice Hue 01 colored Canton flannels, 6. 7, 8 and V cents A Itood pair of white blankets at Vi cenu. f -JS. fl 4S, SI S. W 50 and otward. All wonli n bank er at (I SO. rj 00, fi .VI, t3 00 and upward, tt my blanaets at 7ft rents. $l.o0 and upward. Ofay blankets at from R5 cents to $2 SO per Pair. Com forter at from b cents up to tit 00. Lace Curtains. 76 eents per pair, best qnallty. Ilress Ooods department full ol XSoveltleg. ElaeK Henriettas at 35. 60 and 7ft cents. silk Flushes, Vslvkts A toll line keut. All colors and eha legat from 35 cents up. Towels and linens v ry low. Come and ask for our Ktd tlloves. Btcelets. K'tgs, Chain". Cufl Ha'tons e'e. Largest line kept. Ask to fee them. The het line of Corset at 34. 4s. 75 and 8 rente and tl-S Velllnir S'.lk. nil colors. 14 cents per yard. Laces. ErnhroMertes, Hufti ok., Vandyke i.ace. In'ant t'iles. Ice ''ollar? and Infant Cloaks. V sit a 11 you want a J'-rsey Coat or FlU"h t'oat. Lonir Cuats fr lallon am chilJren. Children's Unsr Coats, tor ares u; to 12 vears. fl 00. Lrnir ' nts fur tr iris. -i 5o. Flue Plni-b floats at t'-S-Vj, torruerly o 1 at tift oo. Now. toe here. We can aflo:d to fell cheup be caase w. have no bttr expenses or rents to pay. A NEW STOKK EXCLUSIVELY FOR I runniMl. CLfiTHlKO ASD 1T!'' r t R s IF BT ?f rj rors. Men's rul's, slx-s :;i to . .Men '" wtoii Satinett suit, i:: f0. llrown V. .,sht.i tl. f 1 .' . lied and gray plaid, all wool.tS.48. Hlue Benver Chevlotts, all wool. 4 75. U.ue pnutuso-k . 7.V. tlmy cheek cashmere, f. . HlH?k, ail wool, cork screw, s So Black, red and koWI check. 7 oo. Hlu corkscrew, si'k tace, fl K iirk crk- terew, iift.-k, best. (il'iOO. Hlue corli.-crcw, best, 12 no. I'ilr,ce Albert suite, Lest curkferew, at iit "o. lis oo ami -' ou. M us e CfTAWAV Scits Very fl&e Imported poritciew. ttick. blue or It vii, "anii, tI'J l. A ! I w--o! rk-crc w . ttce.l or I ou tol . warranled, JlaW. Fancy I'l.ick, plain Imported corkscr- w, CIMO Very tine iK-.piTied wide w:e. ri"ed black. t!6 00 lllue and trrav chick cisl. hire, rl Ty. U ray or t n.wn ct e' k f! 0- M'iruL IUi:ui I SIiu'm Pa ti Men's fctoo'i )"HD '4Ull. 5f Cei.ti. -n' I'OJ CelToii- s-iof bfi cents. Mro's pn s. finish, tl -.'5. IJoihI cl eviot patif, 1 Hlnrkcork cn w pnnts, f 1 ftti. 4lHt1 cual.tiinre pan'-s -' no 1- ..' i.-b wor-ted pant. .J.0o. Impo-ted I .nc'e, fi.ii), H o f, i.-i. i rji. J i-o end tr.t per pair. SfiTrt witm LnMi Pants 1( i-jf r.r.it'n In ave from W t 17. sutlrit-t Suitk. tio'-d Union cashmeres, pm. Wnsfifr.ert Siiitn. t-uk. UO' d cheviot suit. t4. "4. Corkrcn-w niiis. r 48. Jimi? Knirllsh worsted. 7 no. Imnorted i;'uo Dal. is uo. Tricot eloin. niack hinl t inc. ilo to. I HlLHHMifim. 'ne thousand it nod licavy cashtuere suits lor winter. foui vi o" up to tl f.'i, J IK), ti 15 i-2 5o. S2.T5. Sli.isi 3 io. 4 0". 4 JO 6. no. Nine hutoired pairs t'hiUiren's kne. pints, teavy, at -6 cer-ta per pair. i-rKin'i lorvet that we carry te larifist line ol flvep-onts lor men, boys, and children to be feen anywhere. LrIK4' 1XD I'BII.liliKJI'S llNQ CoATSI AM) jAt'Ttt. htldren's coats, f I in. Children's a'tnett coats, lor nites ransiT.c rotn 4 to 13. at ii.'Jft. Coats in hne suitings tor Hi-'es rstilra: from 4 to 13 4 I'S. and up a.- hiifh as 3 M, 4 0o i Cj aid S UO. Lndi -a' Jackets flue line nf the la ten styles of Jackets at a no. i -jr,. v fsi, 3 no. Stockl cett omts. binck, at 1 OJ. a !0 .loo 3 !, 4 Oo Jer sey coals. Inches louu. a.ar. 2 75, i no, 3 f.0, 4 0. Jeri-ey ci ats. inctie, Ikbic. H 3 50, 4 oo. 4 f o, u 00 St'ort plu.b coats, tj inches Ion:. 7.oo. H 0, Duo, 10.' U. ne also have an exqolfi'e iii,e of lorK coats lor iHdies from 3 50 up to ill. 00. La'ire line of hats mm caps, trurks. Tallses and furniture. ho.ts. sho-s and Itnntters. Weal wait carr a st jck a moutitinn to $10 nco and over, and can consequently atl.tr-l to ive on t.ig bar Kaios. Men's toid prolans at w.'cei.fs, I.'ju. 1 a.i, and 1.S5 Hoys' it nd hrnirun at 7'J ccDtf. S6 ci nts, llKi and l.lo. .Men' ilre-s sh( cs Ht 1 -.l "O 1.7e, a fW. 2.6o and i"i r ttemtntiit tor the cele brated ELK"TI.'I ' SHOK.s. t.'lij'dren'f shoes, at IS . aa. a5. 36. 48 and fb cents. Luulas' Lontrola. Opera Toe. Com lu-'ii Sene or S j r'. n k liccl.atlJrf cents, 1 ao. 14. 1.75, a 00. 2 as and upward. 1 I t ....tl.lr. ni..l.r tl.. Bun In i.nr l.,. I I. , t ' wecannot jai e veu &i per cent. As te siock ol a-ood we hve now on f unds- mnouiits to j10 ono, you enn sure'v ti i ve h se!e't!on. KKM KM PV.K UK IMV sTKANOFRS' F HE Horn ways piinviniMi ii-iiK riit- 'HASES AMul .M' TO ri:" MiU,Ai;S(.'K o i:k. '1 hi rule wi;i he srrtc y kept. Give me a call and save money. -h'i memheran addition hut been erected to our already lartte store. k.XJGrXJST SIMON, Who keejs the Largest Stocked Clothing and Dry floods Store :n Cambria eeunty. THIS WEEK. -DEALERS 1K- Vf e offer 46 locb Biack Silk Warp Cashmere. ?L00. 48 ineb All TTooI Black Serge, 50a 38 Inch All Wool Colored French Surges, 43c. Aod la the Silk Depaitmeiit. 21 Inch Black Silk Brocades, 50c. 20 Inch Black Retjence Silks, 73c. 24 Inch Black Silk Rbadame. OOo. 21 lach Black Groa Grain Dres9 Silks, (truaran tend.) 95c. And tha Great Brocade Bargains. 24 Inch Black Silk Brocades, tt 00. Value, tl 50. 19 Inch Brocade 811k Velvets, Worm Brocades, Very fine quality In all Choicest Shades, 0 cents. The Identical quality tbat has Sold heretofore at tl 50. These and many other specials that are sure to make these ators even more popu lar than er with careful and economical buyers. General.'. Merchandise, CL O THING, FL, O UH, FEED, Lumber and Shingles. We keep our Stock ala'js Full and Complete. Give us a Call. CARRO LLTOWX,Pa. OVEHOOATS I Clothing! -:- Clothin Ilaving returned from the Eastern cities I am now prepared to show you the largest and best selected stock of Clothing, Ha's, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods at the lowest prices in the county. As I buy and sell for cash, I can and will sell you Cloth ing at prices that defy competition. Never before have the people of Cambria had such an opportunity of buying first class goods at such low prices. Call soon and see my stock, learn prices and be convinced. Very Respectfully, For I. J. 4 and 10 H. P. PICKET MILLS aor llama aad Factory eaa. B.C. MACHINERY CO. 301 larrl ftowat, Battle Creak, Midi. DONALD E. DUFTON", A.TTOK.1tT ATLA"7, . EaBHanraa, fnit ; Dffi in Opera Hons, Centra street. EO. M. RE APE, ATTOKKLY-AT-LAW. tDEKSBCBd. PEKJIA. Office oo Centre street, near Hlfh. Write For Price, For Samples, For a Cataloeue, And ft tbe most for the Least outla) always. BOGGS L BUHL, ALLEGHENY, PA. NOTICE TO PERSONS DbSIRIXO TO UIISTIS Borough Bonds ! TkJOTICE Is berer.y srlven that the Borouich of Xl F.benrburs-. Pa., 1 aboat to Issue Ivrnda in tbe amoont of . .OO. la sumaot lto.oo each, with Interest at the rate ci 4 per cent, per annum, payable semiannually, tree from taxa tion so tar as the Individual holders are oonoerned . Person deslrtnai to Invest In such securities will ('lease arake known at ence to tbe undersigned or r err us C. Llovd, Iwputy Bnniess. the amount or eumher ot such bonds they wih to purchase. Ttese bonds will be sold to the first purchaser presentlns: themselves, benea tbe Beceseity ot promptness in making known the number ol of bond desired. t L. I.VANS, Kbenrbnraj. Ana: 29, IS90. Bura-eas. oeS-oMy C: A. SHARBAUGH, CAKKOl-LTOWN. 1'tN'N" I X ob work of all kinds neatly exa ented at this ' J othce. Oive as a trial. VIVF.RT1SF.BN by addressing Gee. P. Kaa ol I at 4 -, 10 Spruce &L, K York an learn the exact cost of any proposed line of AliVERTlINi la American Newspapers, lf4) raaapblet Itle. IU BO. A. aHXTT TsVw TcVk CS ry ONLYS20 HIGH ARM, PHIL AD'A 1111 SINGED. lift (.tstJ R3 ar m WARRANTED 5 YEARS, 15 DAYS TRIAL. IfasScir-eettlnir 'erdle( aeir-threadlnsr shattle, ta BOtaelraa and llght-rwia win;, baa thebandaomeet WMd-work, and laat act of extra atUchairata. Daat pay amenta (55 ar 00 1 eend far ctrcalar. THE C. A. WOOD CO. 17 N.10thSL,Phila.,Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. This old and reliable Inttltation has praj ared thousands of youn men and wnnen for the s-"vo duties ef life. To thoe in want of a uselul, practical education, circulars will be sent on arpiienuca fl't- V. Id FK a MiS. ' H, II. MYER?. ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW. i EBKnaarao, Fa. ArOfflce la CYllOLkde Bow, oa Caauo itrooL TW. DICK, e ATTOKN EV-AT-LAW, - . k. , , . . Lbuksupko. 1.sV aJar-speclal attention glveu to tuitul ior Pt-n. slon liuauty, e. eii7-is-sn