f;viun: Overman.! - i r;ir. . . ocr. 17, tsuo. I'Finurmtlr Male Tlckfl. For C iv.-rnor, i:o'?rr:T f.. i'rnov, ,f mitivieiphia. F . I.vr.tir;-w,t (Jivrnor, C'hVNi'KV K. PI. (:K, of Tort. F' -r I'rrrti'j of Ierntt AtTiir. WILLI Wl !I. IMT. 'LW. f A-iTi-ny. Oi'inorr.tlle County TleHet. For 'rCTr. THOMAS II. (IKF.F.VY. ?ulIi-t t ?) (I.'fi'n of D'ro.HTa'.li! ertn- F r A-xHrb'v, m. Firzn n::is. dffuirirzin. FD'V.M!') T. M NKP-.LIS of J muown. Fir T""'-i-pr, C!II!I,FSJ. MYF.It. of Jr,stnvn. Fiir fVrruni-l'iners, lWTllT'KF. PILI.ON'.nf Fuler Twp. JOHN KlUUY, of Johnstown. For Auditors, WILLI M C. r.KiniY. of WI'mnre. .losKl'il Til ITS, of Ch-t Tp. F"i r..nr !Itnsn Director, S W. MlLLI'.n. of J,:mVowrj. Kx knatoi: Wallace h;is return ed fr mi K'iri' nrnl enfT-d upon the cimpiiij i f.r Ft'MHon. The cn'y s-n of Colon! Charles Crock r f S n Fra-.c' ?(?. Ml over the fo.tr. i.V:r in ?:: f V tier's hius liaf S'in diy iv.ij viiH ki'.le.l. II wu heir to 51. V 0 XI 0(H). At tV U-rks nmty f.ilr Mr. I-lt natters til 'h rrm-r h 9 been taxd too h-ivily. Wh.t.xr-d him? Will th firmer c r.t'i'is to lick the hand tlia. stuits Mm ? Tiik I'lii' j'!t'phi.i Timrs siys "there isnoda'y on f r.'gn skilled labor and Ani- r c't innki eo will Qnd ere long that t! i n-h it is admitted free they will Vivo to p y for I." 1 The police census of New York city was completed on Tuesday after- to.in. It hows New York city's pop ulation to be 1.710,715 an Increase of l'.7 21l ovr the census tken by the Govt ra mnt. ITon. Wayne McVragii, the emi nent l.ivyir of rulUd'ihia, Attorney General under FresldfUt Girfl-ld, and a brother-in-law of Senator D n Cam eron, hs declared his intention to sup port I'a'.tlson for Governor. Tiifke is not a man In the United Sls'fS hi hj? a dollar to epnd and spenda ir in any If-ijitloaate fashion for the I'C'iul ntcesaries of life who is no4 at thid mmi'iit (LiJir? existence more expensive by rb.ism of the Mtlviuley tar 1 IT. Fx iov, Fattisov a:;d the Sate Ciitul d ites, r.ccoir.p mi 'd by II n. Will iam A. WalUce, are m iking a speak irijc tour of the ao'hraclce coal regions this wotk. Their receptions are of a very enthusins ic character at all point. Fin r ay, 0.;tobr 21, has been desig nated as Au'umnal Arbor Day, to be observed by the schools of Pennsylvan ia. M iny of the schoois are closed b fore the April Arbor Div proclaimed by Governor Ii averand hence the Au tumnal. GrxKr.AL Wit.t.ia Wor.Tn Bel knai", who was Secretary of war under President Grant was found dead in Lis room in Washington City on Monday morning. The deceased was G2 years of age and his death was caused by heart failure. An exchange, in speaking of Repub lican financiering, says : "'The treasu ry comes to the relief of men who gam ble In stocks snd bet on crops, while Corgress heaps more taxes on the men who p.iy for the transportation and those who raise and consnme the crops." SHIRLF.Y&r.CKO GRANGE, No, 110, one of the strongest organizitlons of the kind in Huntingdon ronnty, and com roeed largely of Ilarubliean, Friday, adopted a resolution asking all farmers to suj port IVtifon owing to Pdama ter's action in opposing the grange tax till. On airman Kerr, of the Democratic fate committee sent a letter to Chair man Andrews, of the Republican State committee, September 30-.h last, pro posli g, in the line of ballot reform, that the Su'e ticket be printed In the same style of type. Andrews baa made no reply. Wilt.iam II. Dill, of Clearfield, has been appointed one of the three commis sioners to visit the Warm Spring In ditu reservation in Oregon and report on the proper location of the northern llneofthaa reservation, and to negoti ate with the Indians for a part of tntt reservation. In Eurrpe the people are taxed to snpput the nobility. la tnia country the people are txd to support a cer tain cIbss of manufactnrers. IJjtli are living (T the earnings of other people, wrung from them in the shape of taxes ar.d both are equally impositions on the p-oplit who are compelled to support tb'm. J. Donald Cameron, the senior United S ates Senator from this State has contributed $100,000 to the Repub lican campaign fuad. The only ray of Loje for the M mopoly party is in their unlimited command of boodle with which they expect to corrupt the peop'e and purchase the election of thiir can- didite for Governor. The McKiuley tailu has gone Into i fleet and already the consumer is feel ing Fa 'fleets by paying higher prices for a number of articles that come into daily use. The wages of the working men, however, are not on the upwaid tendency, and ehut downs are already talked of to prevent over-production k u rumbtr i t Industrie. Tiik ' ."? '"n of It Uert F. lVtifon to l ? i' r-t (Jv--mor of P-"myt-1? ;n l f ic. If the I-mi- j criC7 ''; S '( p!l thfir w.. ti. i:'. ': .! p-t I ; 1! pubis? ins here J dc'in d t ti tr intention to csi off the (Vi iy collar at the cimlng electioa, by voting the Df tnorraMo ticket, to over come th natural It pubHc.tn majority. The band writicg is on the wall for the defeat of Delimiter, and every lodica Hon or the political tarometer po'.nts oierrirg'y to the success of ths D?mo cric tickjT. If th D-mocratic vote hronghrMi tr.e S Ve Is pMled, and we bt-licV it will be, the domination of Q-iny in r-nnsylvtnla, Is at an ecd and thf corruption that h 3 long ruled and born a reproneb to the Statb will be trampVd un;lt?r foot. It will not be arcompMshed, however, without an effort. Qnav will not grt down until every nit-ana known to political cunning and trickery ba-j been usd and failed. Monty wi'hout end will be used, princi pally in the cities, to accomplish the debauchery of the people, but we hare f.4?th in the watchfulness and organiza tion of the Democracy and belieTe that all ha schem-s will fall ; that the hon est voice or the people will prevail and Fattison be triumphantly elected. From now until election day It should be ti e duty of every Democrat to use his utmost energy In urging those who are careless about voting to go to the pol's. S e to It in time that the aged and infirm ar provided with transpor tation on election day and urge upon those who are In the hibit of staying a, home, tha Importance of the present election. Iit every Democratic vote In Cambria county be polled that her people may feel an bonest pride in Pattison'a election. Governor Fattisox addressed Vn thousand people at the Bnrka county fair recently, and was heartily cheered by the vast crowd. In the course of his remarks h- said : "We need nave no fear of any election where the peo p'e exercise intelligence. I appeal for the exercise of that principle in the coming election. The farmers of this State, who eomposs one-third of the voting population, have the power to correct the evils In legislation. There was a time when their voice was heard In tt.e balls of leg!sltfon but they have been crowded out. I appeal to you fel low cit!:ns, farmers, soldiers, mechans Ic8. to exercise your intelligence and manhood in the coming election, and I shall have no fear of the result." Jtsticb Miller, of the United States Supreme Court, died at bis borne in Washington citv, on Monday night without a a'rujrgl, and, apparently, without pin. IV-sId-s Mrs. Miller and her son Irvine, there Wrre pit-sent Dr. Conk. J. W. Wood worth, an old friend of Justice Miller, who had Just arrived from Omaha, the family servnts and Chief Clerk M K-nney, of the Supreme Court. Jus'ire Mil'er w as stricken with appoplexy on Friday evening while get ting cut of his carriage and his death was expected. His remains will be taken to Keokuk, Iowa for interment. TnK young man who took hNJhalf-do!-lar to the store a few days Bgo to buy a box of cartridges. Intending to hunt for fqulrrels, was surprised to End that cartridges had advanced to sixty-flve cen's p?r box. Oa being told that the ex'ra fifteen cents was put onto re imburse the contributors to the fund raistd to elect Harrison and put the saintly John Wanamaker in the cab iDent, he could not understand it. The tariff is a great blessing to those who are gobbling cp the extra fifteen cents, but it Is an imposition on the boy who has to pay it. It Is but just to Governor Fattison to say that he has made a good Govern or ; that be has discharged hia duties faithfully and fearlessly, and that he retires from the hfgh r Glee with the re spect and confidence of bis fellow citi zens of all parties, lie has made gome mistakes, it Is true ; but oc the whole be has given us one of the best admin istrations we have ever had, and has at all times acted from conscientious mo tives, and wiib the best Interests of the rublic at heart. Pittsburg Gazette, Jan. 13, 1S87. At the Democratic meeting In Johnstown, on Thursday night of last week, fully 10.CC0 peopls turned out to hear Governor Fattison discuss the Issues of the campaign. The reception accorded to Ex-Governor Fattison everywhere throughout the State is an evidence of bis popularity as a candi date and that the pao le will endorse the purity of his former administration by electing him again. Tna Allentown Democrat, says : What the Republlcaas fear the most ia the record of their candidate and his sponsor, Qaay. They are badly fright ened over the report that the Demo crats propose making free use of the printing press this campaign, flooding the Sf4te with the exposures of Quay's boodle raids on the S'ate Treasury and Delamater's connection with the Standard OH Company. Govern r. Hill, of New Ycrk, said in a speech at the Niagara County Fair : "Many thoughtful men and po litical economists are convinced that the great obstacle or impediment to the betterment of tbe condition of the aver ga farmer may be traced to the burdens impoeed in the shape of exces sive tariff duties upon nearly everything which he needs to buy." Twenty-onb Chinese were arraign ed at Seattle, Waab., Thursday In the United States district court on the charge of Uitg illegally In the United States. They were arrested on a sloop at Fort Townseod two weeks ago. The judge ordered them returned to Victo ria, D. C. Frick to Fattison : Will you call out the State Militia to aid as in quell ing the s- nkt ? II. C. Frick. Fattisou to Frick : Tay your men fair wages and jou won't need the mili tia. lloiiEUT F. Fattison, Govertor. A rorrert Picture. Tt"e induc'ion of ex-Chairmin Thom as Valentine Crvr into the manage-' inrot of th Rjj ub'icn State Cam- ! M'rn, Rid th- s'multaneous retire- ( rrxrol of Chairman Andrews to the tail end of the ou'fit is explained. The re cent visit of Senator Cmeron and the contribution or 100.000 accounts for it all. Senator Cameron knows Quay and Andrews well, but strangely enough, be doesn't trust tbem. At the begin ning of the campaign It was understood that the S'andard Oil Company would supply all the money needed. But Quay and Andrews are extravagant t nd trie 8 aDdard p-p'.e got tired. Then Cameron was appealed to. There is cotbirj email about Senator Cameron except 2j! hands and feet ; but be is a particular fellow. He was willing to contribute freely, and even on a princely eeale. but oo conditions. Tie bas doubts of Quay and susp'cions of Andrews. Tbeir Interests are not mutnal. Quav wants to elct Delama ter to vindicate himself, and there is no sacrifice too great, to accomplish that result. Andrews is or the same aaind, though it is whimpered that be draws the sacrificial lite at the Senatorial seat for Crawford county. Cameron wants to e'ect Del a mater, but be is anxious to carry the legislature, and wouldn't mind the sacrifice of a county or two on the State ticket in order to secure a &af mwjjrity In tee General Aeermblv. When Don was asked for a contribu tion be didn't say nay. but be did say that be bad doubts o Quay and An drews and would contribute only on condition that one of bis own friends should bave the disbursement of the fund. The coadirlons were humlll a'ing to Quay and Andrews, but neces sity kaows no law. and tb-y bad to yield. Accordingly Thomas Y. Cooper was called to tbe chair and Cameron's check left in bis bands to be used for the ?arty incidentally, but for tbe leg islative districts primarily. This is tbe present aspect of tbe Re publican campaign. Coper is tbe rep reeebUtive of Cameron brought In to prevent Quay and Andrews from tmg gins: the boodle. It lent a beautiful picture, but it's a correct one. Phil. Herald. A Thiers ppeeeh. PlTTf btro, October 12. "Guilty" was tbe verdict brought in by tbe jary 1b tbe case of Owen McNaliy, charged with stealing, and the prlsraer. a good looking fellow, witb avme edneaiion and a persuasive tongue, made a re markable speech, flenylng tbatbe was a kleptomaniac, which his eovcsel bad a. tempt id to prove. He said : 'I bave never itoUi from isopalse, and I would rather serve the balance of my life ia the p?uUeutlary tbaa haw anybody believe that I Inherited aa im pa9 to theft freoa tilbr of aav pe-rea's. for two mote bones aoais were sever in exii'enoe. I Uirned to steaJ by hab it, beginning In a eanali way when I was a child. Unfortunately I was s-nt to tbe reforaa school. wUere I first learned tbe fine art of larveay at 13 years of ag. "B-fore I was very old I was sent to tbe workhous. There I Iraoerc every pci-s of vi'enese and crine. I proved the value of the instruction by a-ilcg oommitted shortly aft r wax 4 " to the penitentiary. It is uanrreesary to epek of tbe tr.fluenr of the life there upon a prisoner. Nevertheless, when I cam to t releised I b-d renolved to reform. I went oat la tbe open air with a lofty Ideal In my ekull, and Im mediately set about to obtain employ ment with a view to making an honest living. 'I had while eerviag my sentence, learned the trade of sheemaktng. I went from plaoe to pluca asking for work. I was willing to de anything, so lorg as it was honorable. But every where I was refneed. Some shoe makers were oo the very point ef tik irg me, when they asked me where I had learned my trade. When I told tbem at the penitentiary they ordered me cff. I left the country and got work in Chicago, but lost my place when thev found out where I bad bee a. Then I bad to steal again to keep from starving." Judge White sentenced b!u to eight years m the penitentiary. Delamater aid Bataa. Mr. Ddlanater keeps on denying. In bis speech at Bradford he daaied the inculpations in the lettr written by Sna'or Rutan to Banker Dick, of Meaflville. charging him (Delamater) with sHltrg out to tbe Standard Oil Company for SG5.000. In reply to this Senator Rotan bas sent tbe following scathing letter printed In the Pittsburg TiniM. To tbe Editor of the Time Senttor Delamater Is reported as statin at Bradford laat nluhtthat I an not impos sible for the iUU-raenu contained In say letter to Colonel Dick. Bis statement U false, aa he well knows. I am reepooMble In every way for tbs words contained In that letter. Every line and word written la true, and I challenge Dim to pot me to tbe proof. The letter, thongn confidential, bear evidence of honesty and good sense, and therefore needs no explanation. I served with Delamater's father In tna Senate for thw yeare. and. aa everyone knew he paid f SO 0C0 for his seat In order to defeat Ueorge K. Anderson. 1 win Speaker of tbe Senate daring bis term and as every member of the Sonate knows, sl ways cast the mantle of charity over his weakness. Ilia son bas the effrontery now to ask Cl!rlty for we, well knowing bow easily and eompletely I can pierce his arinnr. Aare hit ev Irttrrt to prove thai Kt is a demarKHpie. aalit!ir and the holder of stoieit pnodt I tinrrrtly hop h vtU prottcute ms for libel im, order l tnablm ma to Jutttfy my lf His organized body of liars and thieves cannot In the end shield him from the pun ishment he so richly Invites. My thirty yea iV service for his maker will not pre vent me from telling tbe whole truth, now that he has forced tbe way. Washington. Oct 10. J RCTAH- A Political Prospect. Tbe Republicans keep np tbeir eonr ege ty claiming from 20.000 to 25,000 malorlty for Delamater la this el'y. Most of them don't expect 15.000 ; many don't expeet 10,000, and there are Dot a few who fear that he may not have 5.000. The highest Democratic concession to Delamater in Philadel phia is 10.000 ; many put It at 5.000 and they are not scarce who expect Fattison to carry tbe city over Delama ter. It seems reasonably safe to as sume that Fattison will eqaal or exceed Cleveland's last vote of 03.000. and there must be unexpected success of machine methods If Delsmater can ex ceed lOO.OoO. The tide Is te-day dear ly with Fattison In both city and State, and if Delsmater keeps on the stump and blunders and frivols along for tbre weeks more as be has done for a month past, both city and State will pile ap majorities against him. Phila. Timta. Tbe First fitep. Terbaps ym are ton down, eant sat, can't deep, eant' think, can't do anythlaa to yoar iat Ufaetlon , and you wandar wtiatalls ynu. Toa rhonld baed tbs waning. yo ara taking tb Crtt atep Ints nervons prostration. Ton Mod a nerre tonlo and la Eloctxta Bitter you will find th si act remedy lor restoring your nerroai eys tam to Us aorta al, baaltey condition. Surpris ing results follow tba dm of tbls great Kerr Tonlo and alteroatUs. Yonr appotlu returns, good digestion Is restored, and tba Liter and Kidneys resume healthy action. Try a bottle 11 rice loc. at E. James, Ebensburg; aad W. W. 41 c A taer , Lore t to. Shot by Iturrlars. Washington, Fa., October 11. Mrs. l:iaorib Saunders, widow of a veteran cf the Me war. kps a toll gate on the plank road, five miles from town. She was alone with one young sonjio a little frame coitgn by tie roadside. Last evening a' 7:30 o'clock it was dark, and tbe heavy rain of an hour before had made travelers scarce. At that boor Mrs. Saunders beard a knock at tbe door, and when the opened it she saw tbe figures of fwo men, one tall, witb a black teard. and tbe other short and stout and witb a smooth, round face. They wore masks. Tbe tall man Cashed tbe muzzle of r. revol ver in'o the woman's fac and demand ed ber inony. She drc'ared that she bad DO money, and uttered to show ihe men through tbe bonse. They accept ed ber Invitation and entered tbe bouse. Calmly wa'ktrg to the burean Bh threw open tbe top drawer and quietly tossed up tbe eotnts wib hr fingers. In an apparently eareles manner Tbe men looked rn Hercely and eud ber. Sudden'y &be turned towerd I he big man and before be could reooyer from his astonishment fired a shot at bim. She bad gotten her band upon a revol ver in tbe drawer and knew how to nee it. Witb an oath, the big man struck witb bis fists at tbe delicate woman aBd bis companion drew a revolver and opened fire. After a dcr?n shots were exchanged, of which the plucky wo man fired taree, tbe men retreated through tbe door and left tbeir victim lying in ber own blood. Tbe shots at tracted the attention of ber eon. who was in an adjoining field. lie found bis mother bruised about tbe faoe and unconscious. De summoned tbe neigh bors, and tbey procured pbyeicians. It was then ascerTalBd that His. Saun ders bad been shot through tbe abdo men and that the wound was probably fatal, bbe rallied, however, and was able to give la a whisper a daaerlpitlen of tbe highwaymen and tbe story of ber encounter. On Sunday evening, Mrs. Saunders died. Rush Dorr and Ueorge . Teeters bave been arrested for tae crime. TToy Agitate t -The Senate Is Barely Republican for six years to come." says tbe organs of that party. 'therrfor what is l be s-bm In cootlnoirg tbe agitation of tbe Tariff I question r Wbat the country wants la re." The idea that Ibis nation Is to accept without qaeattoa a Tariff which ad vances taxation 50 per oent. a bo ye tb war rat-s and was fraaaed aad passed by a combination of corrupt polittel ds and greedy monopolists, is simply pre posts rous. rbec-ds of agitation a in the law. Fro' oat will oonos from the people every time aa extortionate tax is paid. In a republle thers can be no repese under injns-lee. JJor is lb agitation bepeless. Upon this question the Republican grip ob th tteaita is by no means ceeure. Three western Sweater of that party votad against tbe bill in spits or sncb ffort at whlppinc-in as havs rarely baea talt ia Coagrajj ta.'ora. At !aat half a donsn other Senators of that par ty votid aainrt their crwn convictions and tba avowed Intsreats and wishes of their eonatltaeata. Tba loss at the Hons and of haif a d"en States on tbls Inue would quickly trieg tbe Re publican leaders to their a-ms-i and se cure a mitigation of this new "Tariff of Abominations." Thy Amcrleaa peopls will never niaks pace with oppreseiea aor pnr ebafeulct with acquiescence la rob bery. JV. Y. World. A Hstel la names. Stractbe, N. Y. October 18. Ons of the meat dieaeiroas fir s that bas visited Byrscuss for many years was dic;overd In tbe Leland hot-1 at 12.30 o'clock tbls morning. It is now 2 o'clock and the fi'S is still buralrg fiercely, although tba entire ire d:gartmeot, consisting of oica ta glDtti, ara working bard to sava furth er lurs of lire aid limb. An eye wit neea of the fire says tt Is certain that at least twtuty-five persons bve lost tbeir llvrs end meny ethers bave been more or Uis icjared. One vomu as blng lowered frBC a window by tba aid of a rope. She had reichej a i1nt epprstts the third stoiy when the ropa t?came Ignited from a baiaitj sill, parted, end the woman fall to tbe pavement, ber brains being dashsd out. Iler body flattened into a eh aelej mass. So great is tbe conrusiou and exeitemnat that the identity of tboeo killed and injured Is wholly unknown. But Oae Course Left Open ta Rim. Senator Rotan b-s thus mads the issue t. tween blmeHf and Mr. 'Delama ter a dir:et one. The latter cannot es cape frjcs i. Mr. Rutan aaers that be holds lettsrs writt-n by Dalamat?r, by which he can provj tbe Republican can didate ta fe) "a aejaagogue, a ftiiflr aod tbe holder or stolen goods." Mr. Delamatr, If be rtealres to preserve bis manbe jd, should ose no time in calling the Allegheny ccunty mao to account. His failure todsN will ba an sd mis sion af Mr. Ratan's claims and a prac tical ackhowledgment or the trath of tbe charges against bim. There is only one oouro open for bim and that Is to praseeute tbe author of the letters for libel. It will not do for bim to ssy that he eaucot obtain Justice. An as sertloa of thst klad Is aa ad re lesion of the weakness of bis position. The people ara anxious to bat i wbat the Republican candidate bas to say con cerning the orioaa charges brougnt against Mm. Will be still remain si lent ? Uarrishurg PatnoL A 4,000 raand Cheese. At ihe chese factory n East Otto last Thursday there was put in the hoop tbe biggest cbeeee ever made in this region, and pmhably the largest ever made ia tbe Ualt-d States. It measures five feet in diameter and Is thirty-nine inches blgb. Is weight when sored will be four Ihooeand pounds, and fully thlrty-ight thousand pounds, of milk eras need in its manu facture. Tba abundant pasturege made tbe September milk unusually rich, so this huge cheese is expected to be of wirne sjuall'y. About four weeks will be required to cure it thoroughly. This record breaker was made for a grocery honse of Cincinnati who are about to occupy a new building. It la wanted as an attraction for tbe open ing. In speaking of Senator Ratan's cnarpPB araiDSC Candidate Dslimsier a.d his chalienirs to tbe 'atter. the New lora- Uerald says: Thls Is sTori- ! lanpoaga bat there Is nothing- to fear, j iseiamaier win not reseol It. lie bas aa noeommra anoant of resignation, aad is a non-combatant, oot so much through principle aa tironzh timidity. Tbe merest rag picker in tha streets will return blew for blow, bot the cant didats for Governor of Pennsylvania bas too much caution to rite his enemy ackance to prove his charges. Tbe Kew Dlaaoyary. Too have fcaard ronr friends ana neighbor talktae about It. Ton aaay ynnneir he ona of tbe many wan knew from peronal cxparlenca jnt bo g-ood a thing It ia. It von bie eer triad It. joa are one ol lu staunch Itiends. be cause the wonrterrol thins arxot It le that hea onceileoa trial. Dr. Klnfs New Uis covery toldi a plaoe In the boast. II too hare oerer ne-l It aad rhonld ha minted with a eooh. oold or any throat, lun or chest trouble, sacare a boula at once ana k trait a fair trial i-lJ,.K,rant1 eTorytlme. or moeey rrfonded. Trial bniMM tnm at the lrun stores of K. Jamee tbenrtarg. aod W. W. MeAtecr, Loretlo. SEWS w OTIIFR tOTI1G. A connterfelt dime heavily pitted with pore silver on a body of German sl.ver lias appeared ir lioslien, Ind. It Is dated 1889. Tbe Daponi Towder Mill, at Blooms hurg. blew up on Saturday. Fred Urubor, an enploye. waa badly injured. Tbe loss waa S5.i00. Relic sellers t Gettysburg are said to In port wagon loads of iank from Southern battle fields aod sell tbem for Gettysb urg battle relics. While trying to catch a pet'dog. Mrs Emilice TraU waa knocked down and killed by an Est:-Penn ecgina at Temple Station, near Reading. Tbe winning candidate for Clfrk In a Kentucky count y died Ju-t before the polls clostd on election day. His competitor now claims tbe office. Jutioes of the Pra;e were fit appoint ed In England bv Edward III, In tbe year 1327, and in 1300-1 they were empowered to tri feloob. while tbeir wage wers fixed by Richard II, In 1550. Step bave been taken to establish in bt. Patersbnrg a society for the Insniauce of crop' against cllmatie mishaps. Tbe Agr'cultaral Society of the metropolis has Initiated tba movement. St. Louis claisis to manufacture more wagoas than any other crty In the country. Tbe entire Seoth and Southwest are sap piled from this point, while fancy wagons and carriages are shipped to Europe and Australia. Gas from Coleetoek A Co.'s well near Butler Ignited from tbe boiler fire, exloded, snd horribly horned William Bixler and Toel-Dreeaer Touag. James afcElbannay was killed by a railing board In his Bara bardt weU. A yosng locomotive engineer on tbe Southern Paelflo Railroad ia tbe ion or a millionaire or Texre Haute, Ind. The son voluntarily chose bis present life on ac count of a quarrel with bis father. Tbe family Is trying to Indue him ta return. It Is r ported from Rama that there are alarming fiasuraa la tbe dome of bt, Peter's, boat a century ago a similar state or things waa remedied by encircling tbe dome with a strong hand ef aortal. Tha baud waa beated and Ita contraction on sooliog was feund sof ficieot to cloee up toe cracks. A so at three years ago seveo aaen In Perry, Ga , paid II each to etart a eavinga bank. Tbe bank la bow operated oudr a Stale charter, la looated In a building owned by Its stockholders, and daring tbe list 12 months over 1 190 eo of a business was transacted through Its eashier. A man died la St. ran I tbe other day, leaving a fortase or fa vv.000. The will dtreeied ha division among bis wtfa aud ehlldreo, exempt aa was ear, aoa, wbo la 150 0OS In debt. The hscefielarlas daatroy ed tbe will, atlowlivg'lbe youcg man to re ceive bis a bars or the property. Mr. Murray, of tha Pittsburg mine, near Grass Vallay, split open a large Ing tha oth er day. He foaad a muzz'a-loadlng shot gun that appeared te be all rlfcbt. bat wbsn be tried ta pall It freta the bole the stock era aa bled alaoea. Tbe barrels are of Una make aad tha gun was evidently stolen and hidden many years age. A boy at Plaluficld. V. J., was attacked by a large eagle and arveraly Ir.earated about the chest one day reoeatly. Although much flight .ned be grasped the bird aod ehoked It, and throwing It on the ground broke Its wing by Jumping oa It- Tbe eagle was than aeenred allva aad afurward exhibited la a store window. Mrs Catharine Sullivao, of Sprint Bad. Oblo, Is erazy as a loon ea reltsrlrm aad bas been sitting up light along nearly every algbt readlav the Bible end loetsg -leep. Oa Thursday night she fixed ap an altar to eeeraflou her little sea, wbosa she had pre pared after the style of Abraham and Isaac. While bunting for a butcher knife relatives round ber and prevented tbe sacrifice. Alexander Sartleeon a Ed hia rod squatted on a claim near Republic, Wis., which waa claimed by a man named Nellls. There was frequent quarrels between tbe two and the latter bad often threatened Bartleson's life. It had evidently been car ried Into execution, as a party of prospect ors, coming by chance upon the cabin, fund both father and son murdered. Nellie has disappeared. Dr. C. W. Banks, of Derry Station, Is the possessor or an Intelligent dog, said to be a soivrvor of the Johnstown flood. Tba animal Is kept at Llvermora, and one day recently dlcided to pay a visit to some can ine friends at Blalrsvilie. He boarded the tram at the Cepot and Is due time arrived at his destination. Concluding his visit, tbe dog trotted down to the depot, got on tbe first train and reacbed Llyermore In time for supper. The new automatic machine new ued for stamping In the Kew York post office will cancel, postmark, count and stack tbe letters and postal cams at the rate of 23 000 per hour. Tbe machine la driven by an electric mo ter, bnt It can be run witb foot power like a small printing prwj. A short time ago It cancelled, postmarked, counted and stacked 46 480 letters and postal card, of which 21.000 were letters, In two hours and two aulnntre. William Sbuman. a printer oo the Mea de Times, at Muncie, Ind.. lay down on tbe Big Foar track near Satin a, and was decapitated by a freight tilan. He trx.k off his coat, vest and hat, rolled up his sleeves, threw himself outside the track wlthhls neck on the rail and held bis head so that It would pass under the pilot. lie leaves a wife and algbt children In destitute cir stance. He was driven insane, by settlDg np the olscilptiou of a murder ease. Foar years ago. Miss Lena Woodward living on Thorn Creek. Wash., sowed tbe seed from one head or barley. She har vested the crop with a pair or shears, and sowed tbe amount received the nxt year, again harvesting It with her sbeara. The third crop her rather cut with a grass scythe getting enough tarley from tbls crop to sow 40 acres last i-prlng, which averaged 40 bushels to tbe acre when threshed, making a total yield of 1 .COO bushels from one head of barley In four years. A remarkable case cams to tbe notice of tbe police or Brooklyn, If. V.. on Thursday meat. A man ir.lv Ink his pame as William Tryor was found on tbe street eovered with tar and feathers which be alleged were placed upon him by two unknown men who knocked him down, chloroformed him and conveyed him, while unconscious, to a dis tant place, where they gave bim a coat or . tar and fathra Th .tnr nmr f.i.o and it was dlscoyered tbat Prror had an ambition ta figure as a "freak" la some asoseam. and got two friends to apply tbe coat. The friends were arre6ted and re manded. One of the most exciting fire tbat bas occur ed Id Pittsburg for a nooiber of sears waa discovered a boat five o'clock oo Friday afternoon la a building near tbe corner of Tenth and Liberty streets. About fifty girls Id so upper floor or tbe bonding he came panic stricken; firemen were injured and overcome by smoke; Chief Evans fell from a ladder and was nearly killed, and other Incidents tended to make It an unus ual occurrence. Tbe building wbiob waa on fire Is a four-story one located on Liber ty street, near Tenth street, occupied Joint ly by Dean & Niebsum, flour merchants ani wholesale groceta, and D J. R.x & Co., paper box manufacturers. Tba loss was heavy and largely caused by water. AT From Monday, I5on't GREAT CLOTHING STIOAV For one vcek commencing Monday, October 29th, TuJor'e H'gh Street store roo- f merly known as the "New Plan Store." Here we will show the largect and must vaiud 7o Fine and Medium Grade Men's and Boys' Clothing ever exhibited in this county. Our Mr. Reynolds will represent us in Ebensburg and would be pleaded to have all hU oil as many new friends visit him. 6 Our Prices This Season Hare Been Forced Don to the Very Lowest Notch. If you value your moriey and personal appearance?, by all meant wait for ua. Reefs.' the dates, week after next, L, JOEKSTOWH'S MEN'S AND BOYS' PRACTICAL AND DEALER IN every WATERPROOF COLLAR c CUFF BE UP TO THE MARK NEEDS HO LAUKDEBIIiC. CAN EE WIPEB OCEAM IK A RSCKINT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN S00NW iAPouou,srI QUICKLY MARRIED BAPOLJO is ons of tb.e beat known city luxuries and each time a cak.a is used an hour ia saved. On floors, tables and pain tad work it acta like charm, or scouring1 pots, pans and metala it haa no equal. If your store-keeper doe not keep it you should insist upon hia doing; ao, aa it always gives satisfaction and its immense sale all over the TJnited States makes it an almost necessary article to any well supplied store. Every thing: shines after its use, and even the children, delight in using it la their attempts to help around the house. fasi Oct. 27th, till Saturday, Nov, 1S Forget the Days nncl Dates. Watches, Clocks JEVTELHy, Silyerware, EiacalMriEcEt! AKLI Optical Goods. a . Sole Agent Celebrated Rockford WATCH KB. folnaula and Frfioiila Witches. Id Key and Kteai Wlndara. liARCE PFLKtrriOy OF ALL KIND of JEWELRT always oa han-1. t7 Vy o of Jrwelrr I axarpafd Llf.iue and see for yooraolf b fore purcbas ne elwher. ALL WOkl 0lRANTBBOft CARL RIVINIUS K wo st org, Not. 11. 18M--tf. THAT CAN E REX I ID ON JNTpt to FSirsTAX I Tot to Plxcoloy 1 BRAILS T1US KAK.C. TRADE Mark. THE MARKET. 1 1 PS ' C I OUTFITTERS P J B tl t 1 t t f I tt t I I t a a J i k I I i l c k 2 c t t t t i w i Y J I t t tt. t. t 9Ms sViaMa ea, SV Vvsical n -iur.i 1 Kaaaaa yenjlti lian nuuu to tat RUSSIAN RHEUrjsATJSH SUSarsa tw aav- v VvmI a IT 3. W. Hrrm it kj ht fi irirrrrnrll 1 n mm wJj r.lL Siat I bail ta banoa fata aa u kna4 to mtm taf tjr immmm w.a.ai Mill wmf; l.,iil4 ,rj mm ad ft 3.'Jm t-n,mMiCrit 1 ? llUJ ttmr, torn wm mm a." R baa aiS mar oi aaua a aM - vtiote tt aa VUL . u . . . una rm imub iti w. pi - 1 . As p o o t at m am S d 1 1 i.l i m atae i iimlai pi wi PFAELZCR BROS, ft. CO. . SlMil iiiari 1 1 tanan. fiu.aiWij WOEV1EN UnrdlB p4 tr.l, "V.Zua ir.a mmmmvm and e VV mmmmm. lnl mil a rtcaaa and Far turn AaeacliA. ar wa l. hfm m kfa. a Oananl ana dbw dij ..-ui- axaooa brawn's Iron i-tpt Mavtn ba mmm Ta M" TV awrmmvm. "flUr aa U"T. ".i.S wa i-irxj-- TFF3a TO TBli; TItTi- Te hoes $3.00 SIX IX TUf MAr Use Caress, . -i-vr I roi- I.liATilI K i'm .M -1'- BRp5 j Ti U ' 1