The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, September 19, 1890, Image 2

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    t.lUASHl KCl, PA.i
FRIDAY. - - SEFT.3V.1syo.
l-iMM-rallr Ntt Ticket.
For Governor,
ROBERT K. IWTTISOS, of Philadelphia.
For Lieutenant Ooveraor.
For S ecretarj of Internal Affairs.
WILLIAM II. BARCLAY, of Allegheny.
UrniiH-nlle Conuij Tlrkat.
For ttongr!!,
Subject to tte decision of Democratic con
fern nee.
Fur AftttemblT,
M. riTZHAKUIS, of (iaMitzm.
ED. T. Mcr.ELlS. of Jottown.
Ktr Treasurer,
CHAJ LKSJ. MAYER, of Jor-nstown .
Frr (Vimmlxstiiners
JOHN KIKUY, of Johnstown.
For Auditors,
Joseph iurr, .r chest Tp.
For I'oor House Director,
8. W. MILLER, of Johnstown.
JIk, Gr.uKciE V. ni. of the I'tiDo
eyUaaU lUilroad, arrivnl at Creadon
ou MoLdny io Vice President
Thompson's private car.and placed ital
General Harrison's disposal duricg bis,
stay at Crroou. It win be used io
making short trips to ru.icy points of
Houkkt Hay Hamilton, whose
trouble with bis wife at Atlantic City,
New Jersy, caused such a sensation
about a year ao, was drowned in Yel
lowstone Park. Montana. His body
was discovered in Snake river, on Au
gust 23. and from the appearance of the
body bad beea In the water tor several
days. He bd evidently been drowned
while attempting to ford the river
while out on a hunting expedit ion.
Tueue is one provisioo of the anli
lottery bill nays the Hirrisburg ratriut,
that Is now awating tbe President's sig
nature whicn conftrs a rather danger
ous power upon the post office offlciais.
It is the right to open letters supposed
to contain lottery matter. The bill
would be better without this provision.
Heretofore all sealed letters Lave been
held inviolate and to confer the right to
open any niay lead to consequences not
contemplated by the framers of the bill.
Stea k eii Heed's majority is nearly
five thousand but It the next House
should be Democratic and the majority
follow the r"ecedenis established by the
IiepuUcm majority of the present
House, it might bother the Speaker to
hold bis sent if it woul I Le contested.
Kicking a Congressman out with 5,000
majority would be just as easy as kicks
ing ore out with 5k) majority and just
hones'. As De mocrats however are not
built that way.
Ex fiiiVEnsoit Pattisox savs the
Wayne Aiir-f ( Republican), has th an
impeachable record cf au honest ruler,
lid Is active, honest cappable, with the
traits of fitreme fidelity to bis duties,
from which nothing thus far baa swerv
ed him. He has the good will of the
people for what he has done, and now
they are willing to trust a good and
faithrul public servant in opposition to
one whose reputation is not free from
stain. The tide of popular Xeelings is
in his favor and it seems now to le in
creasing. IvEiiE.MiiEn Saturday, October 4lb,
is the last day for naturalization, and
the last day for t he payment of taxes.
To be qualified to vote, each elector.
If twenty-two years or upwards, must
Lave paid a State or County tax within
two years, and at least one month prior
to the election, which tax must have
been assessed at least two months prior
to the election. These voting on age
need not have paid a tax.
Remember, Saturday, October 4'.h,
la the la. dsy for the payment of taxes.
Attend to It. ly your tax.
The republican csmpateo was open
ed in Pittsburg on Saturday evening by
holding a Republican meeting at which
United States Senator Ingalls, CandN
date Delamater and ex candidate Hast
ings were the speakers. Their only
argument lr the election of Delamater
was based on the claim that the Repub
lican party was a good one twenty-five
years ago. It is needless to remark
that Congressman Kennedy, of Ohio,
was rot present and although a Re
publican with a rational reputation, be
will hardly be invittd into runpyl
vania this Pal'.
The Democrats of 2sew Hampshire,
in the platform adopted on Tuesday,
have described the McKinley bill In
terms quite as remarkable for their ac
curacy and justice as for their severity.
Tbe resolution says :
"We denounce the McKinley tariff bill as
nothing less than a deed of conveyance by
the Republican party of the enormous pow
er of federal taxation to a combination of
manufactures and trusts in consideration of
money advanced bv thm .iih -ki-k
t rrH!'' railroad; president of the Mead-
vunscu. ll u riot i M ....
e.-- n 11UICC
American laborer Infant Industrie, nor to
raise government revenues, but to enaMe
prosperous manufacturing concerns to In
crease their profits and furnish future cor
rnptlon funds to the Republican party."
T;ik New York Worii Bays that
"Maine and Vermont offest each other
la the elections this month. In Ver
mont the Republicans stayed at home
and the Democrats voted. Asa result
the Republican majority was reduced
one-balf. In Maine both Republicans
and Democrats absented th.mselvea
the latter In reUHrefy the greater pro
portion. The Repblicar.s polled in the
Vate 4 UK) or 5 COO few vot fhan In
and 10,fio fewer than In tca
yet D-mocratlc unconcern k-pt enough
voters on tt,at side at tome to Lave tha
Republican pjr3nty b,Kher thin U8oal
There is ,l0 reason In Ibis for hvsterlral
rejomng on one side or (Jiscours.Hrg
depression on the ott er "
I In ali the movement t th: ore.iuN
i zk'.ioi, ot ii.e Republican party la lVnu-
sy v, ii is mnif"st tbat the prln
, ciplea of "(juayism" urc s:rictly adher
I ed to. lndiead of decvlne. or attempt
ing to answer the charges made against
Delamater, the managers of the party
campaign have adopted apian of sowing
broadcast throughout the State, in a
series of documents of the most remark
able character, the mutilated record of
Governor Pattlson while in office.
As has been said, thee documents
are of the most remarkable character.
Nothing lka them has been tm posed
upon the Intelligence r? the people of
Pennsylvania by the managers of a poli
tical party for many a day. "VTbere they
failed to Insult the Intelligence of the
people, it rs simply because they are too
redlculous to be seriously considered.
They must disgust the oKl veterans in
their party, and we can Imagine the
trr'mn-es of exCbainnaa Uoofwr's smile
In his sleeve as he contemplates their
The docntreiit upon wh'ch the? acute
managers evidently "nde themselves
most Is the one iu which they attempt
to set forth the a'leged hostility of Gov
ernor Pattieon toward the soldiers. Or
eonrse their chief target is bis veto of
the "Soldiers' Burial Bill " and the
lesser ones the veto of a number of per
sonal pension bills. Of coarse the same
unfairness which prompted such an at
tack bits witheld Id each instance the
good and sufficient, the salutary reaon
why Governor Pattlson felt Impelled to
veto the measures. These reasons are
fully contained in the veto messages,
and no reasonable man, free of partisan
prejudice can read them without admit
ting ths force of Governor Pattlson s
objections. In cot a single one of these
cases was the objection which led to the
veto directed toward the purpose of tbe
bill, bnt toward tbe careless manner io
which It had been drawn; the otter ab
sence of the ordinary safeguards which
well-digeired legislation demands. In
the ease of the "Soldiers' Burial Bill"
Itself, even Col. Thomas J. Stewart. Its
great champion, has admitted that an
urgent necessity existed for Its ad mends
ment just In the particulars objected to
by Governor Pattlson. and it Is the pnr
pose of Co!. S'ewart to have proposed
just such -n amendment In tbe next
"While engaged In this futile appeal to
the prejudices of the soldiers, the Re
publican managers suddenly recollect
how their present standard bearer, Sen
ator G. W. Delamater. on tbe occasion
of his return from the Republican State
Convention In 188S, In tbe midst of an
enthusiastic speech at Meadville, "put
his foot Into It," so to speak, by Indica
ting verv plainly that !i his opinion "it
was time for tbe 'old soldier' to take a
back seat and give the young man a
chance." This intemperate utterance
mnst be gotten rid of In some way. The
easiest way seems to be to print De!a
mater's ebeecb on that occasion and
omit this damaging part of It. so to this
end a whole cage f another of these
remarkable documents, beaded "Dela
mater Endorsed." is devoted to tbe de
fence of the Meadville speech. But.
alas, those who have undertaken to
steer Delamater out of deep water. In
their efforts to shun Charybdls, have
rno Into Seylla. Senator Delamater has
been busy for some time past In quietly
telling the Independent Republicans
whom be is privately seeklpg ont. that
he is "not for Quay." bnt will promise
to throw Quay overboard when he is
elee'ed. In tbe Meadville ana.h
referred to, appear these words: "Who
can forget that the 'wise and peerless
Quay, the tkalwmrt Cameron and the
gallant Braver have contributed in
moulding our party policy.'" S3, se
"the wlae and peerless Quay." It Is
this "wlae and peerless" one whom
Delamater now talks of throwlrg over
board. Will he do it? Can he afford
to do il ?If he does. Is he a worthy otject
to trust? VYhat can be thought of the
rmmfses of a man who wil! proclaim a
p-MHel friend "wise and peerless"
when he Is seeking hfs aid for a nomi
nation and then secretly promise to go
back on him afterwards.
Tbe only other one of these remark
able Republican campaign documents
which Is worthy of partlcnlor notice is
the biographical sketch of their candi
date for Governor. It Is supposed to
cover the whole ground. It goes Into
the ancestral hleory of Delamater. It
snows that be Is of tbe eighth gener
ation of the family of De le Maltre.
That his maternal ancestry Is to be
traced back for nine generations. In
fact. It conclusively proves that his
blood Is the bines of the bine; that be
Is a "horny handed eon of toll" with a
vengeance. Another striking feature of
this biography Is tbe naive description
that is given of the little Delamater
sitting at the feet of old John Brown of
Oisawattamle. and Imbibing the spirit
of the principles of the great Republican
party. There Is sufficient In this de
scription to move all bat the most hard
ened ones to tears. 'While this bio
graphical sketch admittedly, goes a
gTeat way. it does not In every particu
lar go far enongb. For Instance. It tells
that Senator Delamater is at the bead
of the banking house of Delamater &
Co.; a director of (he Merchants Ni
tiooal Bank, of Meadvllle; president of
me company, and owner of the controll
ing Interest In tbe Meadvllle and Lines-
ilie Fuel uTnd that he Is con
nected with nuo.":i.r corporations. It
tells all this, bat fails icke any men
tion of Senator Delamater eonneetlon
with the Standard Oil Co., thij; eat
monster that Is crushing out the ltns 0f
hundreds of bnsiness interests In Pens
sylvania. This comprehensive biography
Is also silent with respect to tbe fact
that the Immaculate Republican candi
date for Governor was closely identified
and connected with the defunct bank of
America which brought so much suffer
ing and distress to hundreds of the
working peopls of Philadelphia. A fine
representative Indeed of the Interests
of the people is th's confessed corporation-
bound candidate of tbe Republi
can party.
A tat. was introduced ia the Tlcmee
on Taeedsy for the erecting of a statne
aaosjnment la tbe city of Washington to
th aieaory of John Trio-son at the
cost Pf ? X,CT.X
Washington Letter.
Washington, D. C. Spt. 15.
Senator Quay is being pa; in a bad po
sition by tbe demands made on him
from varionp parts of the State to fur
nish distinguished speakers from Wash
ington to fill campaign engagements.
The bad standing in which Senator
Quay finds himself in the estimation of
bis fellow Senators and the leading
Republicans in Washington, makes it
extremely difficult for him to comply
with these requests. Tbe Republican
management of the State campaign in
Pennsylvania Is so associated with cor
ruption and briberv that the eelf-re-SDecting
party leaders here do not care
to be too closely allied with tbe enter
prise of electing Delamater or to engage
in wbat is expected to be a vindication
of Qsay.
Tbis frxt was forcibly illustrated in
connection with tbe attempt to secure
prominent speakers at the opening of
the Delamater campaign ia Pittsburg
last Saturday. Naturally it was de
sired to bave a distinguished party
corse from Washington, and a year ago
it would have been trat a matter of
simile request from Senator Jaay to
hwve accomplished it. In tbe past
twelve months, however, the exposures
ef Quay's past bave had a telling effect.
atid bis party associates do not care to
publicly appear as endorsing his record.
"S'o effort ever made by tbe Senator ia
Washington was more earnest than bib
attempt last week to have Sherman,
R-ed. McKinlsy. Lodge, and McComas
attend tbe Pittsburg aeeeting.
Some of these gentlemen bad found
ample time to spend la tbe Maine cam
paign, occupying days in going and re
turning, but they snddenlv discovered
when Mr. Quay presented bis requests
that tbey could not spare tbe time fer
even svmucb as a day toga to tbe Pitts
burg meeting.
The uo satisfactory iesults of the
Senator's attempt eawwed tbe local man
agers to send a commMtee here for tbe
parpoee of seeuriag tbe attendance of
the speakers whose presence were desir
ed. This likewise failed. Rd. Mc
Kinley. Sherman. Lodge, and McComas
pleaded business. Id the emergency
the vicious and tainted blatherskite,
Iugalls.was secured as tbe star fortbeen
gagemvnt. Tbe Kansas Senator loses
no opportunity for making a public
speech, and if It should happen that it
be in a bad or notorious cause, tbe more
ready he id to lift np bis voice. It was
particularly fhtltg that Icgalls should
be tbe leading figure in the opening of
the Delamater campaign. When be
came from the State of Kansas to the
Snate bis title to tbe seat was clonded
with bribery acd corruption of members
of tbe Legislature which elected bim.
The Commute which investigated
these charges feund them to be true,
but allowed blm to to take bis seat oa
the ground tbat cot enough members
had beea bribed to change tbe result.
One of the members who signed his re
port was tbe late John A. Logan. No
belter chmplon of Delamater, tbe bri
ber, could hare been selected than Bri
ber Ingalls.
The foregoing recalls the fact tbat
Chairman Andrews himself has made a
record which pareticnlarly fits bim for
association with Quay and Delamater.
Two years ajto tbe Republican mana
gers put in his hands 150,000 for use In
tbe Srate of Tennessee. He went into
tbat State with a great deal of blnster.
but on election day tbe Democrats bad
tbe usual majority, and the Indications
were tbat the money bad not been ap
plied to the purpose intended. This sus
picion has been strongly corroborated
tbat Chairman Andrews, who was a
poor bankrupt, suddenly assumbd a pos
ition of affluence.
Delamater, Qaay'a candidate for Gov
ernor, is a'so charged with corruption
and forgery by members of his own
party. He has made feeble attempts to
deny them bat be cannot dodge the
The respectable Republicans of Penn
sylvania should rebuke sueh men by re
fusing to vote for tbem.
B. R. W.
31 a gee against Delamater.
At last Chris Magse. than whom
there la scarcely a more popular Repub
lican in ths western part of the State,
has at last come out square against the
Republican State ticket. He says very
plainly that he doeea't want to have
anything to do with Qaay. and he can
not Bapport Delamater because he is
Qaay'a man. These utterances are ex
ceedingly significant coming from a
man like Magee. lie knows all tbe
Republican schemes and tricks almost
at soon as they are hatched, and be is
nothing if not a practical politician
himself. His declarations last week
against Quay's ticket are a sure Indica
tion that be believes tbat ticket is not
going to be successful and that be can
oppose it now with safety. Besides,
Magee does not desire to be oa the
losing side, for after Quay's downfall,
whether It comes soon or late, be will
become a leader of tbe Republican
party of Pennsylvania. ne follows
Quay as Quay follows Cameron, but he
Is infinitely purer than the "branded
criminal." and la a better man than
Cameron. York Gruttte.
A Disgrace to the Country.
The country has been disgraced In the
eyes of the werld by tbe shameful acan
dals which have characterized the
course of Reed as Speaker. Tbe lead
ers themselves have acted in Kilkenny
cat fashion, and have amply testified
their unwortbiness to be intrusted with
the affairs of the Nation. They have
turned tbe House of Representatives
Into a bear garden, and have annoonoed
to tbe entire country that they are not
controlled by tbe commonest principles
of decency. In the Senate sits the
leader of the Republican party, who has
been denonoced as a branded criminal
without daring to make any defense.
The terrible onstangbt made oa bim by
by tbe Republican Congressman from
Ohio will, likely, provoke no response.
Matt Quay, it seems, has no answer to
give to the charge of lel3g a thief.
Albmu Argus.
Eappy .
Thli li wktt joq oofhtto bar, la faet, you
ot hT tt. to fully enjoy Ilia. Tbonsandf ai
erehln- far u dally, and mourning beeana
thy Bad It sat. Tboaaandi npon tbonaandi of
dollar are tpeat aaaoally by onrpeopla In tha
hop that they By attaia Uli booa. And yet It
may b bad by all. Wa a-aaraau tha Electric
Bitten. Ifnaed aoeordlng-ly to direction! and tha
peraUUd la , will bring- job nood dlgeeUoa
and ont the dnnra dytpepala and Install In
taad nptpuj. We reocmmeDd Electrto BltUrt
lor dystepia and all dUeaia of tler. atomasb
and kidney. Sold at 60e. and 11.00 dot betue at
the dru tore el E- Jeme. Ebenstourj , and W.
W. MeAteer, Loretto.
Ti'"- Frances Constantino died at the
residence of n on. In West Manaynnk.
on Monday, at tbe advanced age of 105
years and six months, she baig been
born In Philadelphia Mareb 16. 1783. Al-
iDenga ailing ror tne past seventeen years,
ste was remarkably robust and In posses
sion of her faculties until within a short
time of ber death. Her first husband was
killed In tbe war of 1812. She leaves four
children, twenty-one grandchildren, and
fifteen great-grandchildren.
A sea Hon In the Zoological Gardens at
Parle bas dlstlaguiehed himself by saving
the life of a little boy wbo tumbled Into the
water and couldn't get out In consequence
of the high basin. The seal heM him nr.
until help was at band. 1
TheRecerd Falsified.
The publication of tbe expurgated
and mitigated version of Congressman
Kennedy's speech in the Oorujressional
Record is a fraud upon the public. The
portions now omitted were not uttered
hastly in tbe heat of debate. Tbey
were, like the rest of the address, writ
ten down and read from manuscript
csref ally prepared. It is an open secret
that tbe version telegraphed through
out tbe country by tbe Press Associa
tions was an exact copy of the manu
script speech. Bnt now, under the
press ere of the Machine. Kennedy, who
has cultivated a reputation for blnff
honesty, dishonestly palms off upon tha
public something be did not say.
It is evident that tbe Chairman of
tbe Republican National Committee
has not vet entirely surrendered to the
new "man from Maine." Ha bag still
sufficient commabd of tbe au nation to
compel an apparently daring oponent
to eat his own words. For omitting
from a speech such vulgarities aijd nb
scenitias Cannon ottered in the h at
ofdiseassion there might be some excuse
m tbe necessity of preserving decorum
In official publications. Hat such was
cot ths case with Kennedy's assavlt,
which was neither valgar nor obeceae,
bnt coached in decent, although for
cible language. Tbe fact that it vio
lated the courtesy tbat should odtain
between co-ordinate legislative bodies
was a good reason for pologetio action,
perhaps, bat certainly not for a falsifi
cation of tbe records. In the absence of
any apology.
Tbe efflcial journal of Congress should
always be what it purports to be a
stenographic report of its proceedings.
Revision should relate to matters of
fores, not of substance ; and when a
speech has been prepared la advance
and read from manaecrip, revision 4s
ont of place. If. Y., Star.
Delamater's Cellar.
Tbe Philadelphia Dally -JTetrs, one of
the leading Republican papers of that
city, which announces iu refusal te
support Delamater, In Us Issue of Sept.
2, aays :
'A number of respectable newspapers
in this city and in otber cities in Penn.
sylvania, are trying, in vain, to prove
tbat Senator Quay does net own Dela
mater. Tbe troth is loo plain. Dela
mater wears Quay's collar, in tbe sight
of all men. Every rivet in that collar
was forged by Quay's band, and the
padlock tbat aeenras it is Quay's pad
lock. Delamater could not get rid of
tbe thing, if he would, and be is con
tent to wear It, though it is a badge of
'It is not a pleasant thing to be
known as a puppet in tbe hands of a
man like Quay, and yet Senator Dea
snater dare not deny be Is such a pup
pet, ne dare not open his mouth for,
if be did, Qaay would pull a string, and
the jaws woald come together. Like a
monkey bitched to a string, Delamater
mutt dance when his master wills, and
though bis collar galls him, he mast
wear it.
Qoay's collar U like a ticket, which
all wbo run may read. Upon it is
marked tbe dishonesty of tbe man who
made it, and tbe degradation of the
man upon whom It Is fastened."
'How would the Republicans of this
Slate like to elect a man with this
shameful circlet under his chin to the
(Governor's chair. How would tbey to see a man, marked by sncb a
token, discharge tbe functions of chief
executive of the commonwealth at Har
risburg." A Blast from Somerset.
Somerskt. PA., Sept. 15. The fol
lowing editorial, printed by The Stand
ard. Republican, has caused a sensation
here, because Somerset county Republi
cans are usualy tbe Uat to kick over the
traces :
Tbe dissension in tbe Republican
party is produced, not so much by an
aversion for Mr. Delamater as by the
determination to rescue tbe party from
the dishonor into which the selfishly
artf nlmetbods of Mr. Quay are plunging
it. Pure aod untarnished Republican
Ism finds in tbe fear tbat tha grand old
parly is being led into corruption a
lanadabte stimulus to the discbarge of
duty. The desire for tbe removal of tbe
leader wbo bas, by dictatorial methods,
broken the harmony of the party
and thereby diminished its power,
is sot only patent, bnt it is Increasing.
Mr. Qaay is ailently resting under
charges that no great political party can
afford to let remain on its leader.
These charges may be true or the jmay
be falae ; be tbat as It may. tbe public
manner In which tbey were made and
tbe circumstances surrounding them
justify the people in believing tbem
to be true until tbey have been success
fully refuted. Tbe ignore act is too
hoary to enlist the sympathy of Repub
licans wbo bave a higher regard for
their party than for Quay. The falr
thioking people of the party demand of
Mr. Quay a complete refutation of the
charges, and feigned dignity will not
ward off the demand. It Is obviously
Mr. Quay's purpose to own tbe party or
kill it. Tboee wbo are trying to frus
trate bis purpose are showiog unmis
takable proof of their fidelity to their
Wasted at Heme.
We understand Boas Quay has called
for John Jarrett, United Scales consul
at Birmingham, England, te return
post baste to tbe province of Pennsyl
vania to get to work 1th all his power
among tbe Welsh citizens In an endeav
or to stem the current that is carrying
tbem to ths support of Governor Pattl
son. Mr. Jarrett is not expected to
make any speeches, but practice the
Delamater arts of baudsbsking and
bamboozle among tbe Welsh, aod so
persuade them to vote for Qoay's man
Delamater for Governor. The Welsh
are among the most moral and intelli
gent of onr foreign born citizens, and
differ from Senator Ingalls in carrying
the decalegue Into polities. Therefore
tbey are not disposed to stand up for
Qaay the embezzler or Quay's man.
against whom leading Republicans il
lege even nters serious crimes. Wo
dont think John Jarrett can convert
tbe sturdy Welshman to boodle poli
t c.l'ittibura Post.
'Mr. Delamater, in various per
sonal interviews with uncertain Repub
lican voters, has, during the past sum
mer, explained to them that he d!ap
proved tbe coarse and methods of Mr.
Quay, though obliged to accept them to
gain bis present position, and be prom-
oca mai upoo nis election be would
free Lima If from sucb entaoglemeata
and labor for re farm, if tbls explana
tion and tbis pledge of the Republican
candidate is sincere. It proves blm raise
to his political friends and falsa to the
party platform which endorses Mr.
Quay ; hence his promises of reform
are unworthy of confidence." Inde
pendent Address,
A Scrap fPaBer Saved Her Ur.
It wa jut aa ordinary serp of wrapping- paper,
butltred ber Stt Ma the Ut
ol eonraaipUoa , told by pbyddaai tbat aba waa
i earble and conld lire only a abort time
ba weighed let tbaa aeventy ponada. On a
plaoe or wrmpplnf paper aba read ol I. KJn '
Nw DUeorery, and got a sampia feoUl ; it
helped bar. iba bought a larre bottle, it helped
hr more, boaght anolber botu and grew better
laat. continued lu aa and l now itr... v.
roy. plump, weighing 140 poond. Tor toller
p-n.cuian acna stamp to W. H. Colo. DnirrHt.
Fort Smith. Trial bottle ol this wonderful
UlicoT.ry rre at tLa drag (tore ol K. lama
Kbensbnrg, and W. W. McAUar, Lorotto.
Mr. George Brandt, of Lilly was a vis
I tor to our town on Wednesday.
Dr. Murphy and Mr. F. D. Saupp. of
Loretto. spent a few hours In town on Wed
nesday. A bog lost by a Lehigh county farmer
was found after a month lodged tight In a
hollow log.
Patrick Conlan, who was brought to tbe
Almshouse from Johnstown, on the 20th of
Jane, last, died at tbat lntsttutlon on Mon
day last.
Mr. Joseph Hogne, Administrator of
Florlan Bongele, deceased of Loretto. of
fers some valuable real estate for sale In the
borough or Loretto. See advertisement In
another column.
A matched black, three year-old team,
will welgb between ten aDd a eleven hun
dred eaph will beeold together or separate;
also a kueking colt for sale by Jacob Iloltz,
Cambria town&Mp.
At a meeting of tbe Cambria County
Bar Association, held at tbe Court House,
on Tuesday, It was resolved to attend tbe
funeral of Chat L. Diek. Esq.. la a body.
Ia aeoordanee with the resolution all the
meaabers or tea Bar residing here left to
day (Thursday) on the 7.30 A. v. train, to
attend tbe faaeral which eares place at
Jonstown at 3. p. at., this afternooa. at
Graodvlew cemetery.
Peansylvanla Railroad engine No.
1993. though Its number starts with tbe
figares supposed to bring misfortune, la
juat sow dolus more for a day's work than
any other piece of locomotive machinery on
tbe road. It makes two trips a day be
tween Pittsburg and A I toon a, or 46S miles,
elx days of the week. On wbat passes as
Ha Sunday off. It takes an exercise spart
of 854 mile, or one round trip. Its weekly
mileage Is 3,043 miles, which Is to sav, tbat
It rana the equivalent or tbe clrcnmTerence
of the earth every two months. Its actual
running time is 13 boars and 50 mlnutea
oat or every 24. at the rate ofabont30
miles an hoot.
The store of J. F. Weaver, neat Greens
bur a. Pa., was robbed of f 150 worth of
goods Sunday night.
Two veterans. Charles Gordon and
Martin Keck el. or Sullivan coanty, bave
etarted to walk ninety miles to Satqna
hanea to attend a reunion of war comrades.
Senator Hearst and W. L. Scott are
eaVd to bave won enoagb money with tbelr
respective stables dnring the past season to
pay tbelr campaign expenses for tbe next
five years.
Alexander Plcaett. a well-known young
man living near Wllkesbane. Ta., was aet
upon by a crowd of six ruffians early San
day morning and so badly beaten that be
cannot recover.
At Seattle. Wash,. Sunday nlgtt
Charles Brown made an Insulting remark
to the wife of E- T. Murphy, an Intimate
friend, whereupon Mnrpby shot Brown,
Inflicting a fatal wound.
Tbe body of James Bailey, riddled with
ballets, was found naar Elkhorn. W. Vs.,
last Friday. He was an Important witness
against a number of prominent men Indict
ed for murder In lynching a negro.
Tbe decomposed bedy of a man was
found la tbe river at Lockhavau on Tues
day morning. It waa not Identified bat Is
thought to be that of a man named Lelnln
gar. who was drowned at Keating last
A valuable bore owned by S. P. Cour
slo. liveryman at McEeesport. was killed
Monday afternoon by cnmlng In contact
with an electric wire. Tbe mate of tbe
horse was badly shocked, as was tbe col
ored driver.
Charles A. Paasmore. who Is connected
with tbe best known families In Chester
county, baa been seotenoed to one year in
tbe Eastern Penitentiary for entering and
stealing. Fie Is only 20 years old. and Is
belr to 120,000 when of age.
Tbe barn of A. M. llall. In Washington
township. Westmoreland county, wltb all
tbe year's cror. was deatroved bv
fire Sunday night, Tbe fire was caused by
tbe explosion of a lantern It the bands of a
member of tbe family. Loss f2,500. No
Ia the maneuvers of tbe German aimv.
smokelees powder bas been found of more
advantage to the defending than to tba at
tacking force. Tbe latter lose the veil that
smoke affords to their movement, and tbe
former do not need it, as tbelr position Is
known and to a great extent fixed.
-A. C. Jarrett. tbe South Side real es
tate agent wbo disappeared from Pittsburg
a few weeks ago after confessing Judgment
for 130.000. and wbo returned last week
and said be woold nay every cent he owed.
bas again disappeared, ard tbis time very
nely statements concerning his transactions
aie made.
William Brock l. shipping and coromls
elon merchant, agentof the Allen Steam-hip
line, and one of Philadelphia's best- no wc
business men. died from apoplexy on
the street oa Friday, morning, while on the
way to bis office. Mr. Brockie was Presi
dent of the Maritime Exchange, and ac
tively connected with the management of
various financial Institutions.
John Dean and William Powers are In
Jail at Uolontown. charged with being the
partiea who tortured Mrs. Market at Mc
Clellandtown at a late hour Friday night,
by tying her to a bed. saturating ber
clothes with coal oil. and threatening to
bora ber to death If she did not reveal the
biding place of ber money. Mrs. Murket
positively Identifies tbem as her assailants.
A dispatch from Berlin, Germany, says:
Twenty villages In the neighborr-cnl of
Targan are now inundated sine Septem
ber. The booses of several can only be en
tered through the attic windows and men
and beasts alike have taken refuge In the
garrets. Two thousand people are at the
point of starvation, as the entire crop and
most of tbe cattle are burled under tbe
At Minge Junction, three miles below
Steubenvllle, Ohio. Mrs William rrazier.
wife of a laborer, thew hot mortar luto her
husband's eyas on Monday evening, burn
ing both of tbem out. Frailer bas been
putting np a new bouse and bla wife bad
been hauling dirt out of the cellar. Dur
ing the afternoon while doing this. Frailer
came bom drank and abused bla
She turned to a box of hot mortar near
and daubed a shovelful of it Into his face.
Frailer suffered Intense pain and lost bis
eyesight Io a abort time.
Word from Chattanooga. Ter.n., says
Mr. E nirscb, an extensive mining operator
wbo bas seen red options on tbe celebrated
Docktown copper mines, has returned from
Polk county. He states tbat laborers bave
discovered a prehistoric city near Mineral
Blnff. In tbe copper regions. Many evi
dences of Iadlan occupation bave aire2j
lwq nKMrlM. The fl rat mil- . . .
.- - - principal
discovery was that of an ancient stone wall.
It was traced for a mile. Traces of bouses
were also found during tbe brief Inyesttga
tioo made and pottery found. Mr. Hlrsh,
wdo bas visited the burled cities of
people in Arizenla, recognized It as of
similar character to tbe relics discovered
there. There Is a tradition banded down
from tbe Indiana tbat there was here a
ruined city, and tbat vast treasures bad
been found. The work of excavation
be continued.
A son of lieury Hitler, rreiilint! on one
of the furnace faiois in Fetgaaon valley,
Mifflin county, waa riding a mule on Satur
day, wheo the animal lurew him to tbe
ground. A thai p pointed stick which tbe
unfortunate iad wan carryiut: plttcd bis
abdomen, itoduciug death sitortly after
ward. Frank Adler. a carpenter, climbed 150
feet up a tU-eplef the Ociiuan Laiberan
Cburcb, Id St. Ljuia, to replace tbe spire.
While arranging to descend I) is fool bo
came tangled in a rope, and In stooping
oyer to release bis foot be oecaiue overbal
anced and fell. II ia o.Kiy bouuded off a
cornice, then struck the roof of tbe cburcb
and fell to tbe ground a shapeles mass.
Tbe juiy In tbe McCaaUy murder case
tried at Braver. Pa., returned a verdict of
not guilty agaiuft Aiius Sinit'i at 3 r. M.
on Friday, after being ont aoout 22 hours.
Tbe verdict ia one ur tbe most surprising
ever reudt-rea lu Braver aouuty. There
was, pt-rhaps, not a slngia person who
beard the evidence woo did not expect a
verdict of tuanslaubur at Irast.
An immene-j bud of gold baa has beeii
made In tbe viciuitr of Il.ipid City, S. D..
during tbe Ket few days, but the loeater re
fuses to indicate lis rxact locality. Several
poubds were taken to au-syrr. wbo made
several aisnys, the recults of which far ex
ceeded anything vet fou'id lu the bills.
Four pounds of the rock yleldod one acd
seyen-tenths ounces. The pronpsctor says
be can get out srvrn bundled to 1.000
pounds dally. If such proves to be a fact a
starop- de of liouiens magnitude will occur
a soon as the local inn is made known.
Earth Will
Sheridan's Condition Powderl
It la ahaolutoly parr. HiRhtr ennoratrmtcd. Ia
Zuantity It cou Icaa than a triith of rnt a dj.
"t.J madiruiB. Prevent and cum all alaraaaa.
Cood for yountr chlrka. Worth more than frol4
wbtm bn Moult. ' nm lanr ran aaTed um 90.
and rtz for aft to prnnot rvii p." my. a cuatoiiMT
If 70a cant r It arnl u. 60 rmU for two packa;
flraSL 4IH pound rau SI SO pt-pal : leans aft.
iprraapata. "IFH KEST 1(11 I.TRVTil'EK," aain
pl copy fnaa. foultry Kalslnj; linido fraa with $1
au&2 OUpur
THlf, g
Thla medlelne. comtlnltiK Imn with pare
Vegetable tunica, iui-kjjr anj euuitletr ly
Cara DyapcpaiK, laidlgrralloB, V rak
ataaa, laapvm Blood. llsUavrLa, ClalUa
avmal Fcrtxa, aaid Jk'eu-a.lsrLaw 4
It la an unfailing remedy lux J-'ioeaeea of tb
KUatf auatf Latver. -
It la intaitiabl for Diseases peculiar t
Wata, auJ U who lend aeilentarj live. -
It do not in jure the toa-th, raim haadaehe.oe
produca constipation Vr Iron mrtiieine do.
It ciaricatM aLjvd pairlfiea tbe blood
StlinulaM-s the appetite, aida tbe assimilation
Ol food, rliT- Heartburn and Tk-killing, and
Strengthen trie mua:l and nerve. ,
For Itraitea Fevers, Lamaelrade,'
lamest of aTaac i ete it has uo!. .
SaT Tha genuine hca alxive trade mark and
crossed red lines on rair. Take no other.
Salt sal aaOWS CUUUt Ilk, BaLTUOBS- BJV
No otlicr blood-purifying medicine Is mad
or has ever been prejiared, which ao euro,
pletolv meeta the wauta ol physicians auj
the general public as
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
It leads the list as a truly scientific prepare
tion for all blood diseases. If there U a lura
Qnunnil a i8 taint of Scrofula about yoti,
OLKUrULA Avers Saekh-arilla wai
dislodge it and expel it from tout avHtem.
For constitutional or scrofulous Catarrh,
PnTflDDU Atbb' Sarsap hilla is tha
a'HIHnnrl true remedy. It has cored
numberless cases. It will atop the nauseous
catarrhal discharges, and remove the strkeu
ing odor of the breath, whiah axe indications
f scrofulous origin.
lllPCDniK? "Hutto,Tes..,Sept.a8,le2.
'At the ase of two veaxs one of
my children waa terribly afflicted
with ulceroos rnnninir ainw An it
face and neck. At the same time its eyea
were swollen, much inflamed, and very sore.
CnBC PvCC Physicians told us that a pov.
yUclt L.ILO erful alterative medicine musk
te eniploved. They united in reconunoudiiif
Atpr-s Sars APAB.11.LA. A v dostw pro.
auced a perceptible improvement, which, by
an adherence to your directions, was contin
ued to a complete and permanent cure. No)
evidence has since appeared of the existence
of any scrofulous tendencies; and uo treat
ment of any disorder wag ever attended bf
more prompt or effectual results.
Tours truly, IS. F. Johson.
, H.-l ij an lM-uggiate; f 1, six bottles for 13.
3IG SALE--811.25.
The will .' I th )i , vpi,,.,-.
ifTfJCK of A I try V It" A 1 1: ik 'omiuin v Klria
iK.S JI.ISH T 1ST! TKKI,i.....,1 utmle. choke
Ihorc. I7T.TEC1I I.O-M !-!! T UL .VS.VaJ.
IHU f-K.cs, miui l....r.i fmeiitH, only
.e-i ; . .. t. -, i" ' ; ' y no y irds,and
rlrajs hiir'.l ..... ....... .,.
( r. per wt ; r : ,e Si. ; I Rlfi,,.. S.....O each.
.-4.l43. .. n-, 1 t:e m.-h . sent free.
relurjud 1 Jlot .Ili-U el . :.. i,.,i. .
Ule ItWIlIi'T f,.f r .1 .". hMM.,i -s, ,. ..,', m,.v .' ta
JOM.N JIcMM" .-i. fir. Varst d.
Rnom-a mm
Every IdocLv Re; i
11 AT- !f
Only 1.50 pei
General.'. Merchandise
Lumber and Shingles. Wc keep our Stockab'ai
Full and Complete. Give us a Call.
JEeffiesBS'&de Moppet
as sfjsr'fBMsap
no: 71::
Frice. $18.00 at Factory,
cavsn vrnn or
Btriotly First-riasa. Wnrranted.l CaL
All Second Orowth Hickory. fK
Steel Axles and Tims. -
Low Bent Stat Arms. l'arfectlv Balanced.
Long, E-wy Ki.linp. Oil Tettipere-l rprinf.
1UIU Iim1.iiiH1uI All......
r a s-a wa w v s v I , a I t i w-" J J "- a
scouring soap which has no equal
for all cleaning purposes excepts
the laundry-To use it is to value i';-;
What wiU SAP0LI0 do? Why it will clean paint, nir.k oJ ;
bright, and pive the floors, tables and eLelves a new spp---:-cv
taKe the grease oil the dishes and
- C- f" - a . . :.ri ,jr ;
res and forka with it, and make the tin thiBsJii-- L a
isin, the bath-tub, even the gTtay kitjlicn i-ii-k v. .- J L 4
jin if you use SAP0L10. One cake v. ill prsve '-'
the kniTes 1
a new pin
clever housekeeper and try it.
tbe 1
th 1
own 1
to tt
the f
Is tl
tt 2
I rev
Wan 1
Usar ,
ds tlie
Watches, Clock-
Silverware Jcsicallfe
Optical Gccd:.
Sole Agent
fok rut
Celebrated Rockford
Columbia and Freloiia Watch
In Key and Stem Wiadert.
of JEWELRY alwty. on ban.
W My line of Jwe!ry l iiE'yi.,
CoBie and see fer yourself before Frta
se Biewurir,
Eensbnr. ?lov. 11, 18K5 tf.
- & - HoppI
TXTQt to S5.T3lj.-fc!
TJc-t to Discolor-
oa tlie pots an 1 pans. -u : r
S07.3 CO..