i rt T i it a, r.. ri:w i v.. - a va isr isuo. I'f nmr rnlic f l-lrl f r ( 1 a "niir. I)?E::T F.. ".vri'MlS, of Philadelphia. I" I'fi,-i'-.:-.t 'I 'Vi-rnir, CHM'N'J.V F. lU.ll K, of York, w, -SwMi'V of I ifruil ACTai;. WIM.IWMI. IIVU'ILVV, of Alir'i'oy. : -.u icrnlio County Ticket. T!IO,;.s i . ii!;i:KVV. ft tu the di'ciil.in o. Dui.iorat'e ( su: j fivrrv. M. fitzi r;ri. r . iii'.m. Kl). T. M -NK-.1 of J.it:i,tta. V r T ei ,- r, Cli Al'.l.KS J. MWKi: r J ."i.st.i vn. Ki.r 'unin.'- '.iniTs, IWllIK K. K 1)1 1.I.ON, ,,r K. rler Twp. jn.'i.N K'!;i:v, cf ,J..l.tnv.wn. F t An tor-, Wlf.I MM (' i K!l.;Y. rT WT.nnrw. .: Kl'U . f Cfi. t Tp- F. t ! Ii.recfur. S. . M!I.I,K!:,,.f .T,.tinit.in. Ss I ii.mtni.o w K9 invaJ-d f y a lly ti.tn f. u e .f tK;-n. and fpu'ifd with a l.i-"i or -2" miii. T!f c;u-i of f.v.uMc ts ?is.!iiti-faction with s-.oie fta'.urt9 of a c, niniprci.il tifaty. Tiif. CMc iff i siyi thit Mr. (ny l..i bpn after ih Miiufafiurs to li.-lp el-el Il'limihf, and they Live rep.u'J : -.Not dol.ar till the ' Tur IT t ill Is pi-s- Tin: pzice of w jjt h iaan up-vard j fmlrtiL'v. In e;i5.-rn rir it l,.. i - Com" ftb.iv tr.e d )!Ur tank. Whether 1 It ia the result or spcrulation rr an'.lcit rated shortse of :!ie crop in Europe, ia not kuowo. IVrhttps all ctre.ila will b rjQDre !n demand at higher pricfs. Tnr most remarkable striie ever known will be Inaugurated in li-lnlnm. Sp' "-.' r 1. Tli- i-n'ir. laboring cl. " j will q iit wirk nn!l thy at'' pivnth r:' o vre. Trip C ivrr ta"t rv.y f ' ,;vir to s-ij-prfsa the u:ov. r :.t, r.- k": 5 t,:,;,...V!i-l probible. I j- !:oxs to m-.ke sure of voMng i in this S nt :Ik Xovern-er eb-cion r.v;3t !. re?:.-rMl ty S-pUmber 31. Th'T.' ?h s. m i fT re ij i) of opinion ah to the .TiV, ! 11 If you itr. re-i.stered by the I of Si-pri niVrr t!ruc n b- r.on, if il.- p.'r o;i ia re!.; i.i all obT re- Sf'-C'. s. I Tin: S as; .fl; t. i '.iSiiio.Ti .' mv-'r.tion. Hit si j - ne-k nrd Iri, V i mi'. o.ir.r,--, ; I.-, f; lv. rnor. C?- . 1). Ili j't, (.f Cli-. r ; s ("r!iry of ln'err. . Afiir-. Wn,. T. Iur.a, cf A'lcfl.H-.v. . he. 'lir? eff "dilatory'' motions and A .-.k.isv r,H tj"of, h..a be.t in-ro- t 'r'':" iri'y obstructions," wouM Insure du-.-d i:i li e llre pror -"r- ?ll ; J 1 1 --np1- di-pttch of l.'gis'a ive bus Kt.'i. i.tliii t t l.o. co si lint I in rrov:d- ' iar- sr.d siid tlm bills of each House ' l n I s ,i' ' nor S ii',- .-!..'.; j ..a !..w Ri,il:i.'7"ri idiKI(t.:uor.t rr r;. n ince of a rycrr.nr fii.f tiiM". r ibe dis'riln- tl.T. for j ri -s by r?; -nee. Hon. I.nvi V. V,.t-ov Crrers H1.1TJ f.-TT: l!ir Tjver'y s vr.th il''rict in tl..s S , v i.". h-r.v w-i it War- ten. Pi., 1 y,;y K. in W:isoi-ig'.on en b :.: a' b;s ot. 1 Mj-;'l..y from cpf-'jiiexT To .s tMrd r-nrsr!TH.!,i Cr lit d ilnr'r; 1 his s s 'iJllluU Wl' 1 bfiS .1 ol Coi;rn3. - hi: T.-'Wis -rr .7" r--.-2 -ays enn r.'r. pf.r.y Repil 'i?.trs In te bror.gh vl. . I..;-.-.-' dcV.T:. tt.c-lr f-.te-.:on to vote for R ibert K. Pitu-n i r:-. r or. Th i'.'s th way it H !! ore r th s a'c. 5 ir h.is anybedj s-en or reird of uny Ii-ta icrat wio bss d-c'sred bis i' tcr.'. ion to yot for l?!im.At"r ? We guosa not. Is the House, at Wayhlngton. on AVednesday," during the debate on the ('Mrpoan.I laid r.; Cort:resrsn P. 'c!tw!ta rrpjired cfT and hit Corgress man Wilson How in the f;ioe which Wilson replied to by connterirj ci r.ckwith'a bdy. Thy are bothRs rnblicar.s and the eneonnfer will likely Induce Speaker Red to Incorporate in Lia new rules some aJop'ed from the London prize ring. The Repnblirars don't do mnch talk ing these days ahnut a conyressional r-- cpprronmrit 1 Ms year. Ciuso why ; t!e-rns shows that the Sjnth will rin i sad of lose corgrf s.smen. For wtVs ri,t Snrer;ntfrdint P-rter l is rrorkI i,!j rro- night and lsy to Ct the ecnnr eoninl-led in order that tho re-apportionment might be made ; I nt the rrjnlt has not been just what was anticipated, and no reapportion ment will b made. Ttimr ' n rjor-.d account from Perry crn-fy. It 's reported opin reliable authority that from ton t,y twenty R- rnbl'rins In rspb cT the tLirfy election districts hare .leclarI tbeir int.antic-1 ta not only volefrr Robert K. Pattison. t"".t to labor f.ir Ms sueppqq. Thus far t'.o vlrrli-.r,, rr,,m the R rublican np ar- pr'rcjpilly by Mrmers and V ey tx-long to n clas whoie charge In dicates a poli'ical revolution. The movement for Pattison Is likely to car ry along with it all the Prohibition voters in Perry cennfy. I Idfa cf the interest alreadv ! An nr. A l ,. ..... 1, V: Tampan of PniU- j ... ., ... i;v K(UCPJ wtlfn lt is 8,ateJ . the answrr to a call of tbe city c ...rn,an over 2,a Democratic .niM-r- T.sors, c.sssors. eection officers and members of the various ward commit tje met in the Republican city on Mon day night to discuss the situa'Ion and to receive advloe Tro r. S ,ie Chairman F-rr and others hs to tt.e details or the ,- f , . ,lu", "mFU0. Chairman Pattijon would U o'tvlcJ. Tiif. S cr-?: rv of Agriculture. a 'V mVirgVp, i'i's the f.jllcwlsg .-Ua:r) c r-.c r'.irc: crop in lVn'Jyl vi.il.i : o ' o .!. excessive rains much, rf t!.. crc waaqjlte late ia bes r'nn ::,J ia b-jsss s.'ctbaa the !;y weathr of the past month h-s ma'.Pii 'iy ret-inled growth .ind reductd th ; r-!:ect. S me ii jary Is also re pjUfd frrai local hail storms. Oats he 3 d lev tot thn vr.is nntic!rat"d, tut i uu "cconrj of 'Tn'aso aff-cMng It since j ill.- rnMil'e i f M iy k did not spread cut . wvi:, :r:d is t?.l:i on th ground, short t L J s" r.iw, clnifTy, and very uneven Jn rip ninjr, which indicates much light i zrnin. j lVutoes Lav been qnite free from j toga this var, tu some b!!.rVs i r i porUd. TuLhcco will be sSort ia the j snik, rnd, aa a couse quence, will bave fewer lvfa m l a l;cht yMd. Timo t!iy h y is tbe Usl !r.rl lirjfsi yield ia ! rr.:ny T-.irs. Cl.iver ii r.ol so good. r.'i' is :t n.: c jrpvta failure f;r ' m.;::v r-- ;r. A 1. 1, v. r lh S ate, Ind-pndnt K- j i ui.l.wTH nr d.ily iaDOuicInff tbem-a-'ves in fr.ver of Prison forGiTernor . an,l trie; t-rrd of th (aay Toke. . T.i I'.i;'ii.ir'p'iU Xvrt Amcrictn (Ra- F vi ':et. ) i:i a rCHnt i.-su siyi : T! xr.-nt of th R'pubilcan parpose to ttirrw Mr. D'lamater orirboard wits hl rrlnp'pi abundantly uffi.itnt to mk ttie result sure. We tiae ro prefect tionbt bnt vr of trin elwtioo of Governor l"attl nn by s. iviortty In xr of that whlrh hi liil hi anil in xaylng this we are FpKklnt from koowl,'i!j, and not bcaae th wsh 1h fattier to the thoanht. Mr. IVI- ' ftnmttr hid h..ln mtfrlrn frntl A..rt fi Vrhate.er impression he haa a..da la ort4nt, ,nJ :he ramMof md.Tldaals stra the tiiu ; but this la ImD&osible. anlm- trblctl are pri!f(t ai dow enllsf-d In his behalf I have little or no practical bearing on the si?u-tlon. Tt.e slf respecting Uepoblirana of the State, and those In other States, who realize that the saltation of the party ntiotallv (tfcends on the overthrow of Qul-m this year, nay be assured that It la "in the wojd." and will be hewn oat clean and sore. The rapid increase of the wealth, business and prosperity of the United S.atea during th past ten years, savs the R)Son .Vala"atls, Oazrtte. is slrrply marvelous. According to tn published Chores, th toal wealth of tri? country is now ?71 4"i9 "H.(M). i equ.:l to n ariy jlOfX) per capita. TMs i is an ircrnao In ten years of f IS 000 ' (KlO.OiO. or -12 pr cent. England's 1 wef:t i in 163 is given at $"0.000 000. 0 "1. Tiie avc-rns- of wealth pr tiead In Klitid ia 154. Scotland J1245. in IreUtiJ but S"x;. The total wealth of France is esfhu ited at V. uOO.000,000. Ki'R'.fiil cxas's in taxes f20 pr bfad of ptp'i!,iiti!n, while each individual in thf I'n" i S ates p;.v- ba f 12 50. Amr- 1 5c '' rriuce T.kO 0 tons of iron thii "r- v-hiv J-r'?,Tir.d 's greatest pro- dutf : n is S 0'HJ (X0 tons. With both ll.iuseaof Congress It pubMcin by hu amp'e ruirgin says the s-. Iv'nirt 7'fi.st J)LHxtrh, th country Trr o'd hj winter that a new rule. O-llt . . lift - 'l " r .tv-uii;,i '-.it- "Fvii-i i iri--io viici arprovirg signature of a President in harmi'uy with l o h br&cches of Con grr. Tliit waa the "iridescent dre: ni.5' The gloomy reality in the ninth month of a protracted session ia an ur,pr!Cf dentrd record of de-lays and i i.n'..igorisni3 b"iwirn a Republican . S u j'.e M.ri a R 'fut'icin House, und be t ---n a K-"i t'i- i'i Administration at d ;a II pi:biic,,.n C rress. House bIVs : I cvi ber-u h j'.rVerpJ iu iLe Suate and t Siale bills in the House. The IcJepend-nt Republicans, says the Piiiisdi''-riia Tiws, who expect to sujpjrt IMiison have been qaietty cusy for the past two or three weeks in c rr-cling an crgan'z-ition which will ext xd to CTerv coontv In the S'ate. They are looking for suitable rooms in tlila city in which to open headquarters. Asai on as a suitable location is en gaged the names of the chairman and secretaries, who have already been agreed npon, will be announced and the active weak cf the campaign begun. Those who have been engaged la tbis work say that Pennsylvania 13 full of R-publicaM this year who will rote for rattison. John B. Rae, a Republican and President of the United Mine Work ers' association of America, has return ed to Pittsburg, fiom a three weeks' tour among the miners of Central Penn sylvania, Mr. Rae aayi they are for Pattison to a man, because they be lieve he favors and elamater opposes the Interests or miners. Ha says the sntimert for Pattison is almost as stror g amorg the farmers as among the ml.iers. "I am a strong Republic in on national Bflairs," said Mr. lite, "but I am urging all our people to vote for P.utison and I believe he will be elect ed' (i forge W. Cuilus' rhilaleh hia l'ulir Lsljr says : "A cumber of prominent Republican business men hve announced their Intention to vote for the election cf Ex Governor Patti son, and do all they can to induce others of their own political faUu to do l.kewi'p. There is no crgan'z-jj move ment to obtain supporters for the Dm orr uic r.ominejes from the ranks of the epposiag party, but If the unmber of those who have declared for tbe Ex Governor shall increase it will likely r suit in an Independent ReLublican or gan'7.tir.D that will be nopleasant for tbe Rrnblieans to contemplate." At tba Re-publican Senatorial caucus tie Id at Washington on Thursday evenirtr rr u it ,.i " ft.rrn th 1: the Force bill should go over antil rf;xt 8essirn without being publicly posponed. a vote to be taken upon it on lumber 20;h. The rules to be changed if necessary to effect this re- suit. Tne general debate on the Tariff j bi.i to be closed by unanimous consent on September 5, and tbe vote to be taken on Supteuitrfr 8, flail adjournment to be expected between October 1 and 10: This is a victory for Qaay and It will probioly to tbrt last that will ever be buard of l he Foice till. It is Busing Willi Them. The Tt'-pub'ican papers are trying to makes great campaign ensat ion over the starling of the Ci(ix-n' Kepubiican Committee to boom DMamater's caose. To tb rtninitiated tfTcrlsure being mid j to make it ajp-?..r that the great mj jr- i:y of this e xsmittee, in supporting ; Uiamaier, are actuatea soieiy cy me r.ief that hi is the superior of Lia Democratic opponent, and will give Pennsylvania a better and more tco nonlcal government. Iu the list, of the committee as pub-l:.-hed epper the names of several lead er 2 Rrpublican po!it!cinf. Of Course tht-y are always expected lo support the ticket, so tLar parading tbem as inde pendent bnsiuesa men who have recently corns rut for pr'smater teems to be s'.rainirg aa-tters in ord to s'art a boom for the badly hr.d:capp;d can didate. The lis. a s j contauia the names of severs! Republican members of the Lrgla'atare and a unmber of ex H -pnbllcan office bolder. As the Leg islative m-mbeis want another term, and the ex-effi;' holders heva hopes of tb lightning again striking them, ii is easy to perceive why they aie so euthu ai4tic tir the Republican ticker. Of course the ninjs of many prttni nent business men appear in the liaU And there is a good business reason for thi presence of thfir names. The man ufacturer who knows that a high tariff (uear.8 big pn.fi s to him would be vry foolish not to d j bis utmost for the can didate of the party which is trying to mike taxes heavier for the poor man and proDts greater for the rich manu facturer. Mill owner who bave be come millionanes io a few years off the plunder wrung from the poor are not gotng to endanger the tariff robbery by ! supporting Mr. Pattisoo. even thong-) they candidly believed that he would give the Siate a wist and a purer ad ministration S-i2shnes is the motive back of the Citizens' R-pnblican Committee, and when the masses see the professional politician ana the professional high tariff agitator united for a candidate they can readily perceive that the in terests of the poorer and heavily taxed voter lie In the other direction. Phila. Herald. Beat It at the Tells. The postponement of the Force bill nntil December should not make the Democracy too confident. The Repub licans count upon electing Senators from the new States of Idaho and Wy rmmg. and wttb foar additional rotes their prospects of baviog In the next session the forty-three votes necessary to change the rules and set up a gig are not hopeless. The Drmocratic Senators, under the ,,kil, ful leadership ot Mr. Gorman, can be depended upon to resist w:ih every parliamentary resource and to the last extremity the pasesge of the bill ; but it ia for the Democratic party to beat it at lh polls uext November, and then the result of the contest which is to come in D-cember will be known. No smonct of bulldozing and no exercise of party dicipltne can drive the reluctant Republican S-raters who distrust the measure to ita support if the couBtry declares against, it unmistakably at the Congr83 elections. l!v the manufao ture of new States the Republicans have appareutly secured control of the S-cate for a number of years to come, hut a good sound drubbing nexl fall will tench them that there is a God in Israel. They will not dare oppose the will of the people. With this attack upon the liberties, the peace and the bunuesa of tbe coun try repulsed but uot yet broken, the D-mocratic party returns to ita old and natutal place as tbe champion of the Constitution and tbe enemy of federal encroachment. The wildest Free Treder and the most inflexible Protec tionist can get together in defease or free elect iors. Mr. Red end Mr. L5ge have un wittiegly don a great service to the Democracy. They bave given it aba sis of onion ard the certainty of victo ry. A". 1". Sun. Removal of Kriccson's Remains. New YorK, Aog. 23. The remains o! Johu Enccaon, tbe inventor, were borne to tbeir Swedish native land to day for funeral Interment. Tne tribute paid to-day to one of tbe moat noted and successful inventors of the century was auended with appropriate ceremonies worthy of the occasion. The United States, as a Government, bestowed its greatest honors ; Captain Ericcson's own countrymen, many vet erans of tbe Civil War. repreeentatlves of foreign governments, and public men of all degrees united In the last tributes to the memory or tbe illnstrlens dead. R-ar Admiral John T. Worden, the heroic commander or tbe Ericcons Mon itor In the battle of Hampton Roads against the Confederate ram Merrl'm'C, March 9, 18C2. was the central object of lntere: to many. The white cruiser Baltimore, which was selected to beat Ericcson's avhes to bis native land, was anchored to tbe eontn booy north east of Ellis Island in the harbor. The other naval vessels were to-day anchored by squadron ia line tearing west 33- from the Baiti more. As the Tug Nina, bearing tbe remains, passed on her way to the Baltl more, minute guns were fired from the Battery. Colors at the Xayy Yard and on all navai yeseeis m the harbor were dis piavea at nair mast at noon. The flags 1. uuvcrnor-s xaianc ana Forts Hamil ton and Wadsworth were lowered. Each of tbe navy vessels hoisted Swed ish colors to tbe fore, and, falling Into line, escorted the Baltimore down to sscuy iioog. The Alliance East. AsniNOTOX. Aug. 24 According v lur vuiruiu 01 toe larin Iterorm committee of New York. Dewitt War ner, the Farmers' Alliance movement J" not alone confined to the Weat. Mr. Warner, who is in the city to Been re speakers for the aeries of joint tariff de bates at the county fairs, savs while the alliance men in New York State bave not made and probably will not make any congressional nominations this year, yet they claim to be organized in some 40 counties in New York, and the ma. jorlty of tbem will onlv snnport candi dates who favor Tariff Reform. Mr. Warner says the discussions of revenue reform In Western New York will make great changes there tn the vote on congressmen, especially If, as seems to be probable, pronounced Tariff Re form candidates are nominated by the Democrats. a. tr iDTMtaieal. If one which Is g-araateed to bring satisfactory malts, loewtof fallnr a return f porch ae prtoe. thj this safe plan yon can bay from our advertlned Irna-lst a bouia of 1. King's Nw IHboowtj tor Oocsamptien. It ia goraateod to trln nliel la every cas. whea nsed far bt aOectlon of Thrjat , Loui or Chet. such aaConv suirption. Ineammation ol Luiurs. Bronchitis Asthma. Wtooplac Coo?h, Croup, etc., otc. It Is plwant and airreeabla to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended anon. Trial bntttaa th arag stores ot e. James, EbeasbBrg, J w-w-WeAtw LoT,u The Senate Committee on Postal Affairs on Tuesday decided to make tbe bill to extend the free-delivery system apply to cities of five thousand iuhabttants, or to cUihs where tbe pot. tal rtceipta -mount U 15.CO0. Pattisou's Letter of Icoeptauce. T?-.rl T! P.tiis.n. th D. rcoralic nominee for Governor, on Fndt sent J bis letter cf acceptance tu Chairman Sowden and tha NotiSiatioa Commit tee. I' i as follows : Philadelphia, Pa . Au. 22. 18ao. rjNTLEMh.N : 1 Lave tecoived voir If tur conveyina1 tea foraaJ it tlce of tL nocal-ja-tioa tv the Drmcciatic State ConvrutKio for tbo tfhee vt Uuvernor. The custutu v.hich calls for such Interchange of corres pondence baa Ust much of Its eiiimticanoa by rriwo of the changed coodilious aud usages sarronndlUK conventions of political parties of the present day. Having appear ed la person before tto body wbosn com mittee you are. and accepted Its nomination. 1 took occasion to polut out what, to ray view, was the a'.l-rervilir.g itsoe in the campaign then inaugurated An extended letter of acceptance nov ou.d. therefore, be little more than areiterattin it wnat aas tben exp:esfd. It i qui-btiur t)U mare nvrr whffber anvtlKiiif can lx now said. mat WHU U r'V Kl'"-I tirmuirw. tmmm- - pnasis io ine loouici.t ucuiiukuuk iud parties In Pnr.uyivaola. The platforms of the respective convention-, the controlling itfljt'ncee by which their deliberations and action were fhaptnl, and the exhustive discussion of the pro ceedings and tne cndidates by the news naner nres of the entire country, nnmistak- ahly show that not only ts the isue of the campaign Irrevocably made up. but that it j ia clearly apprehended and will be d.retlj met and decided by tbe people at tbe polla. In this connect loo I may veiture the eauaea tion that we ehouUl not permit tba contettt t be diverted from its legttiaane aod true lioes All attempts to import issues from tbe field of National politics will te bat an effort by tbosse now on trial iu Pennsyl vania to distract public attention trom themselves and tbeir records to more remote eubjecl of party controversy. Self-government (home rale) Is now on trial in tbe Common wealth. Oi one side stands tbe people with fietr Constitution and general Interests : ot. the otber stands a frelfisb and arrogant political leadership, aelf-ennstituted aod defiant, and resolved U use tbe wfficee and treasury of tbe people aa personal spolL IJetwen these must tbe voter choose. '..'onfiaVnt that tbe Demo cratic party, its prlnciplt-a and candidates represent tbe right and jast side of tbe con troversy, I bave no noobt of the popular verdict. We offer deeds, not vacaDt words, as tne guaranty of eur fidelity. With tbe assuranco ot my profound ap preciation of the honor conferred by tbe Democrats In chosing me aa their candidate, I am respectfully yi-rs. KOBEKT E' r ATT I SON. The Democrats Have no Objection. Tbe Democrats are at least as well satisfied as the Republicans with tbe f prospect or the passage of the larifl ill. It was a good buffer agaiost the Force bill, bat with the latter bill oat of tbe way, tbe Democrats will have no reason to wish to delay the passage of the former. The debate npon it which bas come about, in spite ot tbe chiidlab resolution of tbe Republicans at first to abstain from discussion and let tbe Democrats do the talking, bas helped the D-mocra s and hurt the Republi cans. There has been, iuded, little serious manifestation in tbe Senate cf the strong feeling sgaiuat the bill which exists, especitliy among the Western and northern Republicans. Mr. Ptumb ia in a slate ot continual mu.iny, and two or three otber S'oatoia have gone to the length of voting with f id i)-mo-crats on certain amendments ; but on tbe whole, the party in tbe htnate has kept together surprisingly will. Yet every day of the debate bas increased the evidences of Republican dissatis faction with tbe bill. Con yen ton after convention tu Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Iowa, aod Kansas baa de clared for reciprrciry, thereby endorsing Mr. ti'aine's candid condemnation of Mr. Mt.Kinley'8 Dill. Intlufntial Re publican newspapers in half a dczo States bave been firing away at tbe bill. Tbe Democrats, then, have good reason to l pleased with the Tariff bill. It eeema to be m-king Democra tic votes. It certainly bas made a host of Republican k'ckTs. Will the Re publican sweeten the doee with recipro city, aod, if they do, will th B aiue Bet counterbalance tha M:KinIey bitters? Tbe Derrocra s are well susd with Mr. Mi-Kintey'e hi I if Mr. B aine is not allowed to interfere with i . .Y. Y. .Stou The Mrikea Failure. Tbe refusal of tbe Supreme Council of the Federation ot Rtiiway Employes at Tetre Haute, Ind.. to order a btrike or ail tue employee on the Yandcrbilt system yesterday (Mordaj) probably ends the strike ot the Knights of Labor on the New Yoik Central lUrway. Tbe (tlicers set-m to have thd road in fairly good wotking condition now and the sinke.if maintained lot ger, would only be a strike in name. Tbe Supreme Couucil very wisely con cluded that it would noi be justified ia paralyzing tbe entire transportation business of the country out ot eympatby for a few discharged errp'oyes on a single line of road. The members of the Council and the organization ttiey represented had no grievances of tbeir own against, the roads upon wbicb they wire employed, and to orcer a suike lo right the grievances of others would only be to a greater wrong than that they were called upon lo right. Argue as the labor, leaders msy, the rights of the nubile are to be considered in the question of railway traneporta iron, ao oroer a strike that would affect almost tbe entire railway system 01 me ortnern iau-s would be a vio lation of tbe rights of the travelicg and iraaing puniic which could only ba juouuwu oy extraordinary reasons. j.nst tnese reasons did not exist in tbis case Is very apparent, and public sentis meni, nowever much it may be in eym paiuy wun organized tabor in tbe struggle to secu re ita jost rights, will ousiain toe raiusai or the Supreme vonncn 10 engage In a strike that would be merely sympathetic rhila a tints. Is It a Panther I Ilainsburg, Ta., August 2t. A wild animal, supposed to be a pauther escap ed .rom a menagerie, ties thrown the country around Doupbin into the great est state of excitement. Ite first appearance was about two weeks ago, on tbe farm or Reiilv Boe ner. on tbe slope of Peter's Mountain. Towards midnight Bogner was aroused by a furious stampede or bis cattle from tbe field In whfch be had pat tbem to pasture. Next day the hired man stumbled pon an animal, tawnv in color, about seven feet long and higher than a smvi. 26d Shepherd doff. The antmul an. pea red to have dined, for it merelv snarled and fled. Within the upti r days it was seer by several other people, and a regular reign of terror set in. No one ventures out after dark. Dur log the day search nartle irm.,1 .n, rifles and shotguns, hunt for it in tbe placed where Its screaming were beard the preceding- night, bnt thn fr trace of tbe brute has been be found. Merit Wine. Ws desire to say to our citizens, that for years have been selllna; Ir. King's new Dis covery for Consomptloa, Dr. Klnas New Life r-Uis, Bncklen's Arnica Salvo and Elertrfr nt. ters, and have never hand 11 remedies that sell aa wall, or have alven such universal aatuiactloa. W do not besluto to aarantee thea every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price U satisfactory results do not tollow tbeir as These remedies hare woo their great popularity purely oa tkelr merita. Foe sale at tbe drag stores ot E. James, Eben.bunr, and W. W. Mo Atesr, Lor:to. THEcrime3 of poverty tecooae the ec centricities of wealth. ALUS AX I OTHER KOI IS VS. -Hairlsbnrg taa a population of 40.1G4. according to the tfflelal census figures A Ilirtsi'an caasht stealing at Plym outh was strung np on a tree, but be man se ed to cut the rope and escape. Abrttn Coburn, elx feet five and a half Inches tall. Is the biggest rrao In the era pioy of the Pennsylvania Kiflroad. It la estimated that the accidents to va rious warships during the recent English naval marten vres have cot.t tbe Govern ment ft 230.000. Tha prnne eroD of California will be 13.000.000 pounds this year. As prices for dried fruits are steadily going upward. Cal ifornia will enjoy a big boom. , In celebrating his ninth blrthriay at Vt-pt Newton. Pa . Monday with a fire and an oil can, Johnny, eon of .Trof- E. E. I. gUij was probabtj fatally burned . Jatnps Maeny, a prominent yonr.g man of Erie, went home Wednesday night nder tbe lafluence of -liquor, and while afccrndiug the s'alrs fell tu tbe bottom and received fpjur its from wbicb ba did. Clarence Grabas. the 8-year old Stgin- aw boy who was shot and supposed to te fatally injured July 4. has lived since then by breathing and eating through a silver to be. Tbe doctors now bope to save his life. - A Plymouth. Mass , man who di.-d re- 1 cently at the age cf 89 years, left a request that bis cat, wbicb bad been bis companion for maaj rears, be killed and burled in the grave with hi an. and bis wUhes were carried out to tbe letter. About tbe only peach tree In Bucks County having any fruit upon it stands in the rear of the Doylestown Democrat offier. The editor statea that be has placed four bull-dogs and a howitzer loaded with rock salt under the tree. At Carboadale. Sunday. Mrs Wilson and ber Infant child were instantly killed by a falling tree. Mrs. Wilson, with the babe In her arms, was In the cemetery sit tiogonthe grave of one of her children when tbe tree fell on them. On Thurso ay afternoon Mrs. William Marshman. of Granville township. Mifflin county, attempted to start a Bra with coal oil. Tbe oil ignited and she was homed to a crisp from ber feet te ber waist.and can not recover. She is aed 20 years, and has a bnsband and one-child. While workmen were engaged In top ping cfT a chimney on tbe new convent of tbe Sisters of St, Joseph at Baton Rouge. La., a bolt of lightning struck tbs chimney. Tbe masonry was shattered and Hyppolite Bebrill, colored, waa Instantly killed and tne otbrs seriously hurt. A retired English army flBcer of means is on a tour through the Western States of America. Wben be sat down to dinner a day or two ago he met with quite a surprise. Tbe waiter wbo took hla order waa his son, who tad run away from home to scalp Indi ans some seven years axo. A wonderfal change bas taken place In Kansas In tbe past year. Last summer it took five bushels of corn to get into a cir cus. This summer you can get Into the main tent, stay to tbe concert, go to the sideshow, and get a picture of the Circas sian beauty all for one bujbel. While Misses Mame and Corel, daugh ters of Senator Quay, and Catherine, daugh ter ef Jerome Qaav, were out riding at Rochester, Pa.. Monday, the horee attached to tbeir dog -art started off at a rapid gait. In turning a corner tbe yoong ladles were thrown cot and all were Injured, but none dangerously. Three boys James aod Willie O'Brien and Frank Gallaber were swept by a gale nineteen miles out on Lake Superior, near Ashland, Wis., tn a small boat on Sanday. Two of them swam for sixteen hoars with ore hand (ach on ths gunwale "of the boar, thus paddling it. while the third boy bailed out the boat with bis hat. Tbey were finally sighted and picked up by a passing yessel. A Belfast, Me., lawyer does considera ble marrying and was beard - to say to a young couple whom be had just married : "Married life In tbe best regulated families bas its troubles, and should either of yon come to the conclusion that vou bave made a an is take, don't forget to call on me and I'll get yon a divorce cheaper than any other lawyer tn town. That balance of 73 cents ypu owe me for marrying you. you can band In at any time." A heavy raiu bas been falling at Sioux Falls. S. D.. for the past twelve hours, the third soaking rain during the past few days. It bas greatly interfered with threshing and farmers say will caose tbe grain to grow in stack. Very little grain baa been threshed so far, and tbe yield is below tfie estimate based on the ootlork before the harvest. Reporta fiora thirtystwo counties in this State ebow an average of only eight bush els for oats and nine for flax. The Boars of Trade of Wllkesbarre has taken action looking to the relief of tbe sufferers by the cyclone of Tuesdav last, and will meet early this week to raise funds. Meanwhile information as to the really needy and deserving eases ii being gather ed. There is no actual destitution beyond wbatthe regular charity organizat Ions can relieve. Tbe worst sufferers are thoe poor people wbo bave lost tbeir homes. It will be tbe aim to Del p tbem rebuild. Details of a probable murder on the Chippewa Indian reservation in Wisconsin, Thursday night bave been received. The victim was Mrs. A. L- Setter, wire of a French Lumberman living east of 11a v warn. An Indian woman named Larusb called at the Setters' cabin to beg alms, but was re fused. Attacking Mrs. Setter with her fists and nails, sbe Inflicted fatal injuries. Tbe squaw was rather unwillingly given up by tbe other Indians and was taken to jail at Day ward. On a Western and Atlantic train that pulled out of Atlanta Monday, waa a negro woman wbo bad paid ber fare to Chatta nooga. Wben on the outskirts of tbe city ber 25 -cent straw hat waa blown through a window. She jumped up and pulled the bell cord. Tbe train stopped, and when tbe. conductor rushed Into the coach he saw the woman disappearing throng, tbe oppo site door. While tbe woman was chasing her straw bat over tbe meadows tbe train pulled out and left ber behind. Milton Pettle, an Allegaany grocer, was shot and dacgerouslv Injured by a burglar who entered bis bouse at 4 o'clock on Sun day morning. Mr. Petrie beard tbe burglar downstairs, and went out on tbe landing to scare him away. The barglar saw Petrie. j and shouting. "I've got you now ; I've b. en waiting a long time for this." began shoot- ! Ink. One of tbe balls struck Mr. Petrie in i bla breast, and the burglar escaoed . II I secured a considerable sum of money. The ' police think they will capture the burglar ' Petrie is still alive but will probablv die I A runaway car on the Mt. gravity railroad, which ascend the mountain near Reading, Pa., dashed down a five-mile de clivity at 11 o'clock , op Friday morning.1, Tbe accident occured at tbe Horse Shoe ; Bend, the second grove from tbe city, j while tbe train waa coming down bv era vi- ' ty. At the foot ot the plane It jumped the track and landed upside down at the not- I torn of a ' fifty-foot embankment with the ' passengers imprisoned within the ear. Doc J tors and ambulances were hurriedly tent ' for. Four persons were and a number Injured. taken out dead Cambria Xothins. On Earth Will LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! It ta ahKliit.r pare. mhlT eonrwntratMl. Ia fjuitttr it r-a. Iw tkalt . t-uOi of a rr.t a dir.' etricOy a infirm, frvventa ana rum all diaraa-. io.l f-r y.Himr ctairka Worth mora tliaa -"! b-tt hens M oult. ",!- Urye ru sated ut so, aDd u fnr $3 to prr-veut roup.- rata a rij.u.iiH.r. If yea can't n .end u. 50 ivnu f . r two pa-Jia : Hit fl. A 11 I P-.UH1 ran Sl.zo DMt-raKl : S caus Sa. eiprraapaid. "THK flKWT lrt'LTH V FASEK," aajn 1 iv.pjr (rr. I'oultrr Pal-inp- Outde fr-a with SI rdai-a im- iiura. 1. S. JuitAStuS A Co., rfirrtifil. aav auZiVitp-nr nm At, list I Sr mi Waa a ts Skptimbier. Inataoa t?u. Dep. IJuttertiaoK h... Sloan Hl.rr t'ae Hlair Prinirle Ktn. Wjrlaod Hjmi 're.well .. Farter... Irrln Irrln Kline Haitao , ,, Miller Bk a. Anna. - " t'unnlnabam. vs. McMolli-n el aL a. Kucr et al. ..r. Oallsjrber. - .rs. FrlOkTle. rs. ('ouk. . .s. Klnoorts. v. Hxrntiart. vs. ole. ....... Harwood t3oal Co. VS. (JU1. vs. Kutruff. ts. Klllott. . .t. Mutineer. Ti. Storm et al. Anna.. Aflmm. 01 Kofrlt . Notley. a. vs. t ;unter. Gllrhcr r... railaiehcr . Ulalrlinnaon .. Starar.i a Co Hall. Swoyer. 'I: 4k WIlMID Crerjr vs. Kaker. . lUter. v. Iiuuhry. vs. (JltunKfi. use it vs. Parrlh. vs. Myers h. Keade. vs. Hauuh. J Asi. ('. IIAKBY, Aug.S.lSwo. Frothoootarr. I'rothy'a. Office riTlAr LIST. 1 Tuikd Win 11 Sii-kmhh (SnciAi.). Mrtin. vs. McOlnde. Smin.... vs. Carroll. Keade .vs. Knei.iwr heirs. Frinirle Kerr at I 'o vs. Prlnule. ..vs. H row n. Krlr.acr .vs. Parrlnh. Potters 'lo-oerativeCo.vs. Mjough. Kerr t Co vi. Yioirer. Kunkle vs. Vondelter u Keen. Wemover vs. Howers. ne. ..... ... Same. J'llck vs. Adams. Remiieriv -...vs. Lilly M rise. Co. ia-irow vs. Shoemaker. lla.ll. Swoyer. 01ae a. ... vs. Mcloniitle. Same vs. Wllhelm A. McOonl- Kle. Mey ey vs. Sujij.e. MoOnvlet vs. Vaughn. Miller Sl c i , , Vauichn. . JAS. C DAK BY, Protny's. Office Aug. 8, lass). Prothonotary. I a U i UVtZ-f-tii iye O ISENO FOS OUR CATALOGUE...;, prti-rs ATLAS ENGINE WGnuS. INDIANAPOLIS. IND. V-OJ1CE OK APPLICATION FOK CHARTER 'or the Prospect Cea.etery Association. INotlee is hertv irtven that at.i.Il.rln -:n . I mVdt? 10 the Court ol Common Pleas on the se Moolay ol septemter next. (Septemter hth ! ISwi). tor the -proKpest Cemetery Ais iciatlon the I "Joct of which is to procure, maintain and deco rate e -meter at or near lort.ir. -.rn.n. cuanty. Prnnxylvania. ALVIN EVANS August liih. 1 St. Attorney Jor Petitioner. TW. DICK. AITOKNEY-AT-LAW. ., , , EniKSBtlBII. I'OX'A. aaT-Speclal attention given to claims lor Pen. aion Uoaaty. etc. cu7-ls-ao D UNA LI) E. DUFTON, ATTOKN EY AT LA W. ,, . . EluHKllrlin, PKHIia. jyOtOee In Opera House, Centre street. G EO. M. READE, ATTOKNEY-AT LAW. EnansBCRo. Pxaaa. afOfBce on Centre street, Lear High. AnLrJlFinS bT ."dressing Gee.P. 1 lucpruoe new York l"a s-asnptilet JV-. A movement Is on foot to Celebrate the 100th anniversary of th. At. . ... SDvf vci y Va, PU thracite coal on tbe Lehigh by Philip GIu- ter. ine proposed conmem jratlon con templates tbe erection or a monument to Ginter and an Imposing demonstration at Its completion In September, 1891. A cycl one of great violence stroek St. St. Clond. in the suburbs or Paris, France, on Saturday. It waa of only brief dura tion, but IU path was marked with great destruction. Twenty houses were utterly demolished, the occupants being burled In the ruins. Sayen dead bod'es have already been recovered ard the list will certainly be Increased, as several persons are still miss ing. One family named Divid la known to be buried in the wreck of their bouse. A farmer named L. A. Smith was killed on bla place, near Mulvaney. Kansas, on Saturday, by a mad horse. Smith was ty ing up the brute.when the latter turned on him, and seized falm by the shoulder aud threw him down. Just then the barn door waa closeu by the wind, shuttlog off all means or escape, and the horse viciously attacked the man, biting, pawing and klck iBg. nntil Smith seized a duo and killed tbe botse. lie was so badly exhauster, bow ever, that be died shortly after being dis covered, wben be bad just strength enough to tell of tbe fiiht. Miciael Shslly and wlN, each aged nearly 80 ware and very wealthy, wbo re side alone on a farm six miles southwest Of Wooster. Oaio. were robbed of M 000 by masked boigiars on Saturday. The men. four In number, used a heavy plank as a battering ram. forcing the door from I s binges. Going io tbe bedroom of the old couple, who had been aroused by no'ae, they held revolvers to Ueir heads and de manded the key to a bureau drawer. Mr. Shelly showed fight, and. with a 10 year-o d grandson, waa bound to a chair wi'h binder twine. A chisel in the hands or tbe one who appeared to be familiar with tbe premises was used iu openfoK tbe drawer containing the money. When leaving one of tbem said : "Sit stilt till morning John' bor6e ia In the barn. ila will come up and untie you." Th:s fact and several other incidents go lo show that tbe job was com lull ted by home talent. !E-vei?y"bocLy Reavds the All the News. Only $1.50 per Year. PRACTICAL -AND DEALER IN- iptrv tip! I -.3 !-: '. a-TT-VW.'V-w?. ti:t.-.c. TVfiM.a-:': Eckeurode -liEALEKS IX- General.'. cl o thing, JLumbcr and Minifies. Wo keep our fctoekaU-ajs Full and Complete. Give u.s a Call. every WATERPROOF COLLAR or CUFF BE UP TO THE MARK I ft NEEDS NO LAUHDERINC. CAN 3E WIPED CLEAN III A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. ma-i-ao-ly INDIANAPOLIS, IND. .No,7L Price, $18.60 at ractory, Cash with Order. Strictly Firrt-Clas. Wjirraateil. All .-oii.l Growth Hickory. Steel Ax.Ies ani Tiros. Low llent stut Arms. I"erf(.ctlv lialanct Lone. Ewt KiJinff, Oil Tampered pprins;. lieat Loeia aud limit All Uver. IF YOTJ CAK'T tlSD THEM FOR ONLY HIGH ARM, PHILAD'H SINGER. - taaawaVI M. V fisiSOod hOLlfe.-A7i?tt tirnn uct?Fi SAPOUO. ib is welfsskidrThe mouse is muzzled. in her houseVTry ihand keep your house clea,nAII grocers keep it- Cleanliness and neatness about a house are necessary to insure comfort. Man likes comfort, and if he can t find it at home, he will seek elsewhere for it. Good housewives know that SAPOLIO makes a house clean and keeps it bright. Happiness always dwells in a comfortable home. Do oU want cleanliness, comfort and happiness? Try SAPOLIO and you will be surprised at your success. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Watches, Clocks JEWELRY, SilTerwareJIisicalte Optical Gccdc. Sole Agent FOK Til E Celebrated Rockford WA'J'CHES. Columbia an ! Fredonia Watth Iu Key aod Sten. Wir.deri. -ARGE SELECTION' or ALL Siv, of JEWELRT alwancn Uvl." My line of Jewelry U unsurp,., r.tt.e and see for yoalf before vm1L nc elswhere. " ALL WORK 6UARANTKBDJ CARL RIVLMrs E f us'jurg, Nov. 11, lB8 -tf. - & Hoppel, Merchandise rjL o un, feed, 5 CARROIJTOAVPA. THAT CAN BE RELIED ON PTot to ZJiscolor! BEARS THIS MARK. TRADE - d. SALE BY Y0TJE MUBCHAMTS. WKITE US WARRANTED 5 YEARS. 15 DAYS TRIAL Seir-aetllBuz SJ til read lax sti n It la, otseleea and lUhl-m" r.bas lhehand"n"t d-werai, mud f tltn attathmrat. Doat pay teau iS " ISO 1 msmI for circular. Tucf a wnnnnn. ijZ5g 9 IIILWini lli"" 17 N. 10th SL, Phila., Pj. IU A x is- i-' ' x "iN1I 1 Vl ir