fw.H imeo! His nu!nos. l'.r c.)'. s irt -S"iiion it rtrfix.rk 1 disp'ay of indifference ia trying and excii!ng tlme9, the decentfants of IIm when they want to are bard, to disciun'. This f;ct wis Toreihiy illus trated in mi incident connec'ed with the recent trial of tne CtuiinWs cae at Irootoo. I; will ba remembered that oue of the principal wkutss-s for the defend! was Frank J.-ckios, a negro aud aa eye-witness of the tragedy. Frank was white wishing a chicken coop only a few feet awi; when the auool!n,j occurred. Oa the direct ex amination ha told his story ia a plain, straijjhtforwar J way auJ his evidence vras very niiterlat. The cross eximiu er propounded the usual questions and made a strenuous attempt to tangla the witness in gi vinjf bis testimony concerning the fc's immediately pie ceding and at the time of the shooting, a question would be atktil Frank, to whie'i he would gi7rthe following re ply when the attormy would ask : "What did yu d) then V" "I jmt went ou whitewashing the chirkn-coop." II-jt when the defendant appeared with the Run and It seemed as if some one was g riug to be hurt, what did you do then " "I kept on whittwajhiug the chick ec coop. It was none of my business, and where I came from iu Woodward county, Kentucky, I learned not to in terfere with two white gentlemen en gaged in settleing a question of honor. I turned up one end of the coop and kept right on with my whitewashing." "When the shot was fired what did you do ?" "K-pt riht on whitewashing." "Did you do anything when they re moved the body ?" 'Yes ; kept right on with wy white washing." The judge Bmi!eI, tho spectators t It- tered and the whole court-room appre ciated this wonderful display of dispo sition to attend strickly to ont'i own affairs. Hens as an Alt! to IVarh KuMng. I.ve!-headed farmers in Connecticut I av for several years been at work re. Tiving an old Industry 'he growing of peaches for maiket. Fifty years ago the peach crop of the Nutmeg State was an important item, but the trees ran out afrer a time, the orchards were cut down, and apples and other small fruit took their place. After giving the land a long rest, the industry was revived again about ten or twelve years ago. and each succeeding year the peach premiums at the several agricultural fairs has been increased In importance until they have drawn out some of the finest s imp'es of tho fruit raised north of M ison and Hixou'd line. A" to cu'tiraMon, there are hs manv methods as there are individual grow ers. The simplest wms that practiced by William Tiatt of Newtown, a for merly very "uccesjfu! grower, but who is now an inmate of the Midlletown Insane lltreat. Mr. I'Utt used to spado up a circla around each tree of perliaps thrfe fief in diameter. Into this he planted or sowed very sparingly corn, oat3, buckwheat, and other cer eals. Then he turned hU large flvk of hens Into the orchard and let them scratch for thfir living. He claimed that by this method he kept the ear'u about the roots of the tree looso and easy per meabb? by rain and dew, and the hens, besides gathering the corn and oath, acted ns insects and worm destroyer0, keeping the trnrks of tho trees free from borers and other pests, which would otherwise have to be looked after with a sharp eve. Mr. Piatt used to raise peaches the siz-s and flavor of which gained him a wide fame. Figs ami TliNtles. No man can walk with God without reaching out a hand to held somebody. To be a jack of all trades Is one of the easiest ways in the world to be noth ing. Until a man has been tried he will always have reason to be afraid of him self. I!ifffon that dn't go clenr through a man don't cause the devil much un easiness. To be able to worship Clod accept bly is the greatest fclessinj that can come to man. When you want to fee the person roost to blame for your misfortunes gaze into the looking glas. Treasures in heaven are treasures forevr, but trevur on this earth are onlv treasures for a little while. The man who commits sin is simply rutting a halter around his neck that will some day bring h'ni face to face with God. "' If you are not making the world bet ter, It will be wor?e for your having lived. No man can leave the world as ba found it. There waa weeping at the grave of I.azarus. bnt we don't know that there was a tear shed wh?n Methuselah waa buried. Those who have the greatest knowl edge of God and enjoy most of his love are those who have bad tie greatest need ef Him. The angela have Btandlnsr orders to throw wide open every window In heav en as soon as all the lithea are brought Jeto the store bouse. A Tarrot that Dosrn't Like Chestnuts. A friend tells th's story about a par rot and vouches foi its truth. It must bave been a wonderful bird that belonged to one of those fellows who ara always in bard luck. Oee Jay he found himnelf reduced to hard pan in tne way of linances and left liia green, buod exile from Africa's coral strand at bis uncle'." Every day after that when he paired the shop the parrot would be banging over the door and would cry ia beseech irg tones : "Tete. l'ete, when are you going to take ma out ?" Another peculiarity or his was that 1 whenever any one said 'hullo' to him he would reply : 'Hullo, bnt for f;.d's sako d-m't a."k rue if I want any cracken." JOB:: PRINTING. THE Fit E EM AX Printing Office I) the place to get your JOB PRINTING Promptly and satisfactorily executed. We will meet tne prices of alii honorable com pet ion. We don't do any but firit-ciass woik and want a living price fur it. Willi Fast Presses ill KewTyjfi We are prepared to turn oat Job Printing of every discretion la the FINEST STYLE and at the very Lowest Cash Prices. Nothing but the best material used aad our work speaks for itself. We are pre pared to prlut on the abortes; notice posters, froobammes, Business Cards, Taos, Bill Heads. Monthly Statements, Ex v elopes. Labels, Circulars, Wedding and Vimtino Cards, Checks, Notes, Drafts, Receipts, Bond Work, Letter and Note Heads, and Hop and Tarty Invitations, Etc. We can priut anything from the smallest and neatest Visiting Card to the largest Poster on short notice and at the most Reasonable Kates. The Cambria Freeman EDLNSIiUHG. PENX'A. -rJL AIM'S 0 NEEDLIT r i CIGARS & CIGARETTES. IU PATENTED L' W-j i TIimm UiMd CoaUln the Leaves .cU!r mt the Plie Tree. Use thorn for a plea-nant f moke and cpivdy relief for INFLUENZA. ACUTE AKO CHRONIC CATARRH. CLERGYMEN'S SORE THRO A T. HAT FEVER. ASTHMA AND ALL BRONCHIAL DISEASES; they are fre from adulteration, as nothing U used in th'ir manufacture but the BEST OF TOBACCO and FRESH PINE NEEDLES. M VNXPACTCT.O BY F!?iE NEEDLE CIGAR CO. FREEHOLD, N. J. Sweet t- Groan-Grow. VThil else is to b expected of I ha d fashioned waf c.f blacking the thocs? Try the new way by miog WOLFF'S Acxe Blacling and the dirty tk becomes a clcaaly pleasure. WoiffsACMEBIacking REQUIRES NO BRUSH. Sbcda Water or Snow. Shoe ca be washed clean, requiring clrcitiaj only encc a Week fur men. once Month for women. It is alto oa Elegant Harness Dressing. WOLFFS RANDOLPH. Philadelphia H:iSss, Catl.5, Sheep & Hogs. Excels -rrerty tot rapiseers 4 Xtai4 Cn ' i . C o u 9 w. 5. H : i e Co u n i. Ys : loe Wr at sr. Fsser. Cl ms aac Ikaaa Ejws. Lang Frrsr, Coi: aess, BUUhsg. and all S.Scultiaa aHa. in; frnn lr---:ri'.iei ol ISs Blood. Mill rail) l.'e : . ft ai caca. .I.'d numttmrmd tr tk JO?? M .NL'FC7tWtN0 CO.. LYONS. . t. PERUVLVN TONIC LIVER REGULuVTOR. ;t V Th only KtireWt radical rara for CONSTIPATION. - i . t BILIOUSNESS. INDIGESTION. sail all ttort!err el ike Mvr. and has eursd hun'lrel of pe 1. sved is the saly resnedy nr thane diMswi. and In rases" In arhK-fe tb tort .kititui sthyMiaaa have atterl tailed. Tr'tlrsouial Iron hoajreda ol oio living In HUir iunty, l'ennrran ia. It Is mana. I.i. tursl n. T. Hrlrlac. Wllllassia. hnrs:. Ha . lor the K T. u. K. Co., and lor rain ly all Jruritlt at &0 rents per bottle. None centime except la del shows the In dian arruw-head trade mark. April -r.tB, H.u-ly. STIR SKAVIHG PARLOR ! CCR. CENTRE AND SAMPLE SHEETS EBENSBURC, PA. J. II. OA NT, Propriet or. amEPt7BL.It3 will always Ond at out pla X of taloeM la business hoars. trerythlngePt nest and cgy. A la;h room has been, 'con nected with the shoe where tba roblio can he so. curomo Ute.l with a hot or cold bath. Bathtub and every thin connected therein kept perfectly clean. Olks Tuwaxa erauiALTT. M. D. KITTELL, Attorney-n t -Jjuav, EoEMSRl'Rd, PA. f!e rraory KolMlnir, opp. I'onrt Hotue. 3 NW ' i?? FO Somrttilo? to Arold. A little personal pique, a bit of wounded Tanity, a sadden flame of anger, often ondoea the moat substan tial and faitbful work, and nnllifles the most Intelligent and wise action. It is one of tba painful things In experience that effort la often defeated by these small, purely personal, and often mom entary things, which are generally on Intelligent and unwise. Life would be freed from some of Its most painful features If men always acted to each other on a basis of real justice and in telllgenee, and left their Pinal! personal feelings and prejudices out of sight. A man's work ought to be judged by iuelf and for itself alone, and the strencth of a man's position ought to rest solely upon what he is abie to do. And yet most of us are constantly neu tralizing the best work of others be cause it Is not done in our way, and are constantly fating to do justice to others because of some personal prejudice against them. The really strong, clear-sighted man Is the man who is able to put himself out of the question and to judge others by what they really are and do, not by their relation to him. In this working world there la neither time nor strength J to be always coddling our small vani ties and still smaller perjudices. The world does not stand in order that we may be pleased. It stands as a place for the doing of honest work in the be?t way, and if that work can be better done in some other way than the one we prefer, our business is to let it be dene and rejoice in It. If you wish to see things clearly, and be just with your fellow-men. keep clear of the fumes of vanity and the thick atmor phere of mere personal feelins;. Make it a rule to see what a man Is and does, and value him by these things. A person may be very distasteful to us aad yet be eminently useful and suc cessful in the world. Ujpaetlilag a Ufa. Within the last month I have made an interesting experiment with a fowl. Some choice eggs being sent me for Latching purposes (baring no ben at that time broody and no Incubator) I determined to set one of my hens on these eggs and keep her there by the force of mesmeric power. The eggs were sot fresh when I received them, and to keep them with the uncertain hope ef a hen becoming broody might have been fatal to their hatching. I therefore, went against nature, and set my hen upon these eggs ; she was In full lay at the time, and remained so throughout the three weeks that she was sitting, laying, according to wont, two out of three days. Those who un derstand poultry will appreciate that no one hen will do this, haying become natrarally broody, although for the first day or two after being set on eggs I have had hens lay once or even twice. Marking the eggs I set her upon, I was able to know and withdraw the eggs she kept laying. The first day I placed her on the ege It took me half an hour to bring ber Into a hypnotic condition ; but each successive day, af ter having roused her to drink and eat, I was able to sooth her drowsy placi dity In much less time ; also there were days, for which I can give no reason, when I had to go to her more than once in the day, aha being in a restless, excit ed state, trying to get off the nest. The result has been much to my own astonishment, that .four out of seven of these eggs have hatched and are healthy, happy little chickens. At night I can etlll influence their mother to her ma ternal duties, but in the daytime she takes ao notice of them. Tlgoreas Men la 014 Age. History gives us some remarkable in stances of great achievement in the af ternoon of age, but they are rare excep tions. Chaucer didn't begin to write the "Canterbury Tales" until be was sixty, and at the same age Milton was hard at work on Paradise Lost," Ho mer, too, was on the edge of the sere and yellow leaf when be put the ficishs ing touches on the Hand. GoldonI wrote some of his best plays after his eightieth birthday. Words worth worked with apparently undi minished power at fourscore and Geo the cot tinned to astonish the world at four-score and three. George Ban croft will be ninety in October, and on til lately wielded bis pea with the grace of Saladln and the foroe of the lion hearted Richard. Whittle r at eighty three writes as sweetely as ever. ;; Glad stone still fells trees at eighty-one. Herodotus tells us that King Argan thonlDS reached the wonderful age of one hundred and Ifty years. Cicero, however, discounts the story, but is willing to admit that he was one hun dred and twenty when he died. Again ocles, the tyrant of Sicily, held hia sov ereignty until he waa ninety-five, and Bardyllls, King of Tenia, reached the ripe age of on hundred, and then, tired of life, ' committed suicide. A&ander was a vigorous soldier at ninety, but af ter his ulnetyothlrd birthday, when his life waa "as full of sorrows as the . of s aids," he starved himself to death. Was Celunbss a Jew Jews figure prominently In the histo ry of lh discovery of America. The plans and calculations of Columbus' expedition were largely the work of two Hebrew astronomers and mathe maticians. Two Jews, also, were employed as roierptvters uy uoiumous, ana one of them, Luis de Tones, was the first Eu ropean to set foot in tne 2itw world. When Columbus sighted the Island of San Salvador he imagined be was apt proaching a portion of the East Asiatic coast and he sent Torres who was ens. gaged for bis knowledge of Arabic ashore to make lnqurles or the natives. It was probably, this Torres who was the Madrid Jew to whom Columbus be queathed half a mark of silver In his will. Another rurlons fact is, that it has been eeriouaiy suggested, by Dr. Delitzch we believe, that Columbus himself waa a Jew. or of Jewish birth. The name Christopher was frequently adopted by converts, while the surname Colon was borne by a distinguish ed family of Jewish scholars. Christo pher's brother. Diero. bore orlflnallv the Jewish name Jacob, which sounds surprislnirlv like Sheaa Kadosh. Per haps during the noming celebrations some Jewish scholars in Italy will make inquiry Into the validity of this daring suggestion. it ilakes You Hungry I luve used Ta in-'s ivl-ry Vvnirind and lr li:ul a OtHt;irT t rc t. It l-:vti-r.it. d'Ii-- J st-iii a:-l I r. . i :; ., j. -v . ri !:.i;pt-s II..- : : :.! f ., .11 ; ... J. '' . r.:- Haines Celery Compound j H a unique tunl- MM ni.r. -1i r. M-i inl to ' the ta-t.-. qnU W. In ll m-i'ktii. k kI without anr Injurious n. t. It triv iiuat ru-jjreil iM-alii. ' h lnafci- everiu!i'T lat- ;rm-l. II i-ures ! lysM-psl4 and kindred ll.s.mfc rs. J'h Ui.in pre, rib.- K. fl.ou. Mx for ..' ltujnfl.-c. ; U'm.ls,BjcHkdo Burlington. Vt i diamond ores'SSTSfuSM ; DRIHK PURE MATER . BY USING THE Bucket pump and water purifier 1 :v YATER PURIFIER 441 a eiUMST CIITTI.O. ! cent fur fwt. -:-C.MAY.-25. I-'. ' 1 1 441 and "wfias s aatia. .' -". . . fe?.Sa iJrr-A-iiWiV.v- ry - . - r . -toil . sn r - m - -w m - -V CEO. HUNTLEY, Agent, Ebensburg, Pa. THE ALLMENDINGER ANN ARBOR, Manufacturer of HIGH GRADE PIANO? and ORGANS. Importers and Jobber of Music and Musical Merchandise. nil 1 W. ukMwMce no rl-rml. in abova stytaa. tn TOKS, ACTIOW or WOKKKAITSHIP. Pianos and Orcmns tn AJ.L. Myloa. Wa v. Mannlaetne-rs aad m.k nuiteannr-f pneaa. Otdm for anytninc tn LUo music lino will rooei.s prontpS auanuon. Correspondonoa aotieitad. Ive Aa-ents wasted. FiCTCnr; Car. Tr:l i3 Ufishir.jtan Sts. : RET11L WiREBOIJKS: 31 So. liain SL SW6EPINC PRICE - REDUCTIONS ! Preferring to carry Uncle Sam's Dollar to a big stock, we have inaugurated a Great June Sale. Sweeping Price Reductions. A rare chance to get fine Cloth ing far below regular prices. A. C. YATES & CO., Cth and Chestnut St. (Ledger Building;) lStb and Cheatnat St. B. J. LYNCH, UNDERTAKER And Manufacturer A Dea'er Id ' HOME AND CITYMADE FURNITURE field., m emm .HIT., LOUNGES, BEDSTEADS, TABLES, CHAffiS, Mattresses. &c., 1605 ELEVENTH AVENUE, ALTOONA. PENN'A tVCittren of Cambria Coant- and all others wtsnloji t purchase honest FURNI TURE. Ac. at honest pricea are respectfully inrited to ciTo ua a call before buTlcg; else- wuerv, na we are counaent teat we can eTcry widi ana please every taste Prises the Tary lawest. r-lS-'80-tf.l WANTED AGENTS r vavsas rts l'K TREES, SHRUBS, VINES, &c. STEADY WORK Far Heaast, Ia4aatriaas Bsa. Bnlnrr IzpmsM. or Oora- uusbIod If prafarrad. Wa srw a full tin orvarla- TW Ksaiasas sickly Umi U'rif imumtrtiatrlv for Irrm. ovM m.um urnci. R. C CHASE A CO., PH1LA.. PA. 1794. 1890. Poll el as wmtaa at short nouea la ika OLD RELIABLE "iCTNA" slacr Plrat Clakaa CoanatsvailM. J VEST FOR THE OLD HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMT. COMMENCED BUSINESS 1794. EbaosDom, Jalj aCissa. ELYS CREAM BAZ3T It not a liquid, tnvjf or poudtr. Applied inionotirxauqutcJcIt abtorbtd. Ittlea tht Xad. AUayt inflammation. JltaUths tort. Rtttortt Vutvxse oftasU and tmelL fcO nt mi Drutm; try maW, rtgiaUmL, 0 eetyf. IVt BROTHERS. Dru&rgfetSiOwegOsXTa -1 sprl n g med lei ne men n more now-a-l:iys t han It .11.1 t-n jeaiM a--n- The wlnwof 1 has left I lie Ii.T-- m'l J'K.mrA mt. The nerves, must lie -trenjflh.-tied, the Mn.il pnr1fl.il. . liver and 1..U.-I-. re milted. l-nllie'M Celery Compound .jr.M m- ttirifr . ftdnf ?!!.-. ll 4 1. if el.- . alt :r-r.U I. . I I . ..if bit ir.ft; ... I;.,.. I The Pert Spring IVeed.c.nc, "In I lie nrlnc of HT I wa n!1 na woiil'l tret up Iu I le- lu-Tiilu" vtl'u ll'eU : feeling, and v.- Hfrfc 1 h 11 1 .-...:. 1 i.anii- ' ariHiii.l. I l..u.!ii a l.l 1 !. i.r l':iln ' I- 17 '-. 1- (UMlU.i. al.ll lor.- lljcl I.ik. I. !! v i . k i . rv in... I. Ii it. r. I .11.0.- I i!t ! . (.mi., i: II to all I11 ikn-i a bull. III..- up.ii.d sci-ir.1 li.-i llitf Ji.e.1. llir." Mrs. U. A. Ikjw, lllirllliMoll. 1 I lactated food gr? YOUlt Warxantod to Purify a Foul Well or Ci.stern 'in Ten Days UW or Money Refunded. It will draw tea smIVm nf water per mltrate. " N.rr Imm U br MMkel. vtinj-l Ihnwrd wilt. A Irn t Ar A ttojr ru Or. walrr Ith eur fnTV a 10 ft. w-fll. ti lr.n tuKlnc te niM r iKirtC No .u.-krr. or .alv. t ar ont It haa bo w.;a tUl-lHt: t" -.e.rotlt. lli-.jr r pollute th water. It lit b.4 P..I w orae. a. t!x- L1B if lusvle.rf ttMifaiiirjr'X Initt. It Im I K. ikn pl t uirt unmM uurablv .uuetur. uumI I.jt ruMuv wnlrr. ll cui I set up lii i.riet n ni!i.uie, n.- ther-1, noihlii to fateu l lw Hm- lMtl..rn. Jt wUI ih Trt -. l.M.ln. Mnl th- -t ft a I.k4a w Int.-r. .m ll. l.iu k. I. tlt-.-hurv-r- Ui. iu-lvrfc I!.. . k-atlu-r. rdbtwr . wood u ooula. t ixili the water to i-on t lltlllUllr it. Yoa t!u - ba.r In mn. out a vullful t4 water :et a I e-l. e.j Ill-ink. Irr. ry l.lh-k'el yoMoown lllll 01 wr o w uu.iu..mw fllU with oUd water a. Uie air rcmm. Price $10 for a tcn-fnnt wHl r cislfra; rrrrj additional foot in depth, after 10 A Ue airetit wanted In rrer t"wn in tbe Vnltod States. Addrw. BUCKET PUMP CO. 443 Plum Street. CINCINNATI, Ckj PIANO & ORGAN CO., MICH.. U. S. A. W Maka a SPECIALTY of Organs in Piano Cases, FINELY FINISHED and HAND POLISHEEO, In Rosewood, Ebony, Wal nut and Antique Oak And : eon tain ing: our town Patented : Improvements. OILS! OILS! The Standard Oil Company, of Pittsburg, Pa., make a specialty of manufacturing for the domes tic trade the finest brands of niiminating and Lubricating Oils, Naphtha and Gasoline That can b LUDE FROM PETROLEUM. We challenge comparison with every known product of petrol eum. If you wish the most Host : Moiily : Satisfactory : Oils in the market ask for ours. STANDARD OIL COMPANY, PITTSBURG, FA OCtlS-S-lJT. PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. HAXIWIIME, IMIKSTUl CTUiLE. Cheaper thaa Wood. ..t.Mr-M9f. h ,. L 1 " .'. !; ! ifwii BfiW wmm TUiMfmnn IVM Pnt vita (U. llukMi BU.(.) n W as I.m M -4 Tmm.. Vawrtuu fc rtlMac. rira Itawi aaS riltC 8air Oallw Iter.. .n4 all.c. IdM 4 lr Oriiu. TIKI DOJB 4V5D WUilfOW acKIIHa. ul ail fciaSsaf WIKK l ull. TAYLOR fc DEA, Ot. COS A t03 Harkrt St.. IitCstara;h, Pa, JOHX C. KIXCH, Golta - WeJJiDi - Eye - Wlislies, 1S WiTU Snurr, PiTTaBCBa, Pa. Oldast astabllrhad hoosa In tba elty. vhera Botblns; bnt para ftoods ara vat op, strictly lor iaaaUy and aaedielBal nsa. Nothing hatter than Oolden Waddlna;. Nart on tba list. Unck anbeimer. Oraj's Moooorahaia Ktsj tbeaa poods are lead Ing brands. R randies or vintage of 1ST ea band. Ulns. Holland and Uomastlc also Old Toss. Finch's Oolden WeddlOK. $1 OS) for fall qnart. lor $i.00; Uackenbelmer's tba same; Monongahela, .00 per doxen. Wines. a.00 par down. H 00 for one-halt doxen. Seeare It boxed. Also bare In stock. Ormndrather's Cbolca, at 2.00 per gallon, barrels at sport a ""- Apr. . "90-17 SlILES! ItoklaaT mm4 mtimgiMMM f m as Ifhll W ar talk ir tat. ITCHING PILES.r tm MM faat-M a4 mm m aaWaPaaat- M.HT mtmpm Ua limaaai mm4 mlillmst. mmmM lmtt, aVJtal in aiaa)i emmm wmm mm ihm a Nsmrtisrr taai4 Wy drM1t atsutlalk avtf aaMi AtiUmm a ansa, t' Tsb. m l sMkXaaa. lJm DISEASES S WAYNE'S OINTMENT tBSOLUTILI CVHTU. rasiiti.,f m anaeMSarsS CaRaaarWrltato J. R. HENRICKQ ror csaa or Has Price oa EE Pianos and Qrgans, 79 Fifth Ave, PITT8BURQH. PA.,, Junl3 em. DETROIT Stel Tawkle BIerk. HALF THE COST ol bolatlnt: iae4 to Storekeepers, Butchers, Farmers. Maeblnests, Builders, Contractors and Ul'UEKS. Admitted to e tba irreau est Improvements tVKK made In taekle blocks. Ireight prepaid, write lor cataloaroc. i t'LTON IKUNK ENdlNE WKS., ......... 10 Hrash St Detroit. Mioh. EitabUshed m30.90.Iy CANCER and Tumor crnTTi ne VnMVn KH.a it. In Oa.risKT r-.w t o. m iMit b-. Clsciaaau. C in Feathered rhieres. A Xova Scotia correrpoDdcot who bas CaDada groase in confinement, de scribes (heir egg-stealiDg procli Titles as follows: The way tbej will steal eggs from one another would do credit to a London pickpocket. Two bens bad tLeir nests near together, perhaps two feet apart, and as each ben laid erery other day, one would be vacant while the other would be occupied. The ben that laid last would not go away until she bad stolen the nest egg from the other neet and placed it in ber own. I once saw a ben attempt to steal an egg from another nest that was twenty feet away. She worked faithfully at it for half an boar or more, but did not succeed In moricg lb coveted egg more than eight feet, it being uphill. The egg so frequently got away from ber aud roiled back a foot or more each time, that she at last got disgusted and gave up the task. I bad no fear of get ting tbe sets mixed, as each was so dif ferent from every other in color and shape. On going-to the pen one evening I round one of tbe bens on tbe oast, and I knew she was beginning to ait. as all tbe others bad gone to roost. Slipping my band under bet I found three eggs, the nest egg, tbe one just laid and tbe one stolen from the other nest. I picked two of them np and held them before ber, when she at once placed ber bill over tbe one held between my thumb end forefinger and tried to pull it out of my band; I did not let her have it, however, and she Immediately stepped up on the 'side of ber nest and, placing her bill over tbe remaining egg, drew it out of tbe neat and pushed It back un der her out of sight, as muck as to say. "You have two. and that ia all you can have." I must confess that it waa with great reluctance that I took these eggs from ber, as she pleaded so hard for them. Descent With Parachutes. . "How high do you ascend to make a parachute descent ?" was asked of a well-known aeronaut. "Not less than 3.000 feet. A smaller distance' does not give tbe parachute time to expand and act as a resisting force. Tbe bigbtest leap I made was at Quiocy, wbeu I Intrusted myself to tbe parachute at a height of 10.000 feet. It la, of course, quite ao experience to cleave tbe air for that distance. I use notbins but m; bands to hold on to the bar. 1 do not grasp the bar tightly, as a less experienced man would do, for that would soon exhaust my strength. I bold on merely enough to support my weight. At the beginning of the de scent tbe sensation resembles that ex perienced by people descending in ao elevator, only it Is more intense. Tbe first hundred feat, or so, , my bod? is a dead weight and the descent is nearly rapid enough to take one;s breath. "Tbe main danger in parachuting baa been due to the oscillating motion la the air. During some descents I bave been astonished to see this oscil lation so great as to bring the para chute on a horizontal line with myself. Going thus from side to side, para chuting becomes dangerous business. I have at the present time a fringe three feet wide attached to my parachute, and in descending think this steadies the motion. VWben I leave the balloon for the parachute, I pull a rope which rips it partly open so that the gas can make its scape and allow tbe balloon to de scend. My baloon generally reached the ground before 1 do in the para chute. t Uy parachute is twenty-two fact in diarcater and made of silk of the lightest and strongest material pos sible." Waitixo ron Sam. A man with eleven weeks of wiry hair and a !oug growth of beard stepped Into a barber shop in one of our cities the other day and sat dgwn. Trobably he was not in bis beat mood. At any rate be looked cross, even though it was bis next turn. "Next." said the barber. - 111 wait for Sam," said tbe man with the hair and beard, and as be said it be kicked at the dog and looked about as pleasant as a circular saw in motion. "All right," said the barber with emphasis. "Next." The "next" got Into the chair and left tbe man who was cross sitting by tbe window, watcbinn for Sam.' Tlalf ao hour passed, The shop was full and there seemed to be a good deal of amuse, xnent among all except tbe man who waa waiting for Sam. One by one tbe customers kept cosing in. Tbe clock struck eight. At about thia time tbe door opened and a bead popped in. "Heard from Sam yet ?" said the bead. u "Yes," replied tbe barber. "How is he ; having a good time.?" "Guess be is" When do you expect bim home ?" In about three weeks." Tbe door slammed after the question er, just as the man with the beard, who waa writing for Sam, jumped to bis feet "Wh what did you say ?" shouted be. "Did you sav. that Sam wasn't coming for three weeks ' The barber repressed bis smile, and in a voice that was low and even toned, he Aid:; Yea, sir Sam is in the;countrv, and we expect bim. back In about two weeks and a half. But if you want to wait for him we'll make up a bed for you right here on" but the "rest was lost by the door slamming on the retir ing form fo the man who was waiting for Sam. ' - ' Oh.Wbalareata. will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease, Consumption. Ask your selves If you can afford for the sake of save log so cents, to run the risk and do nothing i?r. J1- w" know from experience tba bhlloh's Cure will Cure your Cooh. It never falls. This explains why more than a Million Bottles were no id the past year It relieves Croup and Whooping Cougb at once. Oothers do not be without It. For Lme Back. Side or Chest use Bbllob's Forons Plaster. . bold by Dr. T. J. Davison Dyspepsia and Llrer Complaint. Is It not worth the small price of 75 cents to free yourself of every symptom of these distressing complaints. If you think ao call at our store and get a bottle of Sboloh's italizer. Every bottle has a printed guarantee on It, use accordingly, and If is does you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold by Dr. T. J. Dayioon. M. L. JOHKSTOft. M.J.BVCK. A. M'.BVI K. EBTaftLIMIijD 1873. Johnston, Buck. & Co., liANKIiKS, ' EBENSBURG. - ' PENN'A. A. W. BHK, I'aablfr. EATABLIftHKD IMS. Carrolltown Bank, OAKKHLLTOWN, PA. T. A. MIARBAI GII, Caakler. General Banting Business Traisacted. Tbe IoUowIdk are tbe principal feala-rei ol a general baia-in- business : DEPOMITH " KecelTerf psyaMe on demand, and Interest er- In eertlttcatea Issued U time depositors. LOAN H Extended to enptnmers on fa Tors Me term and approved paper discounted at all times. i .... , COLLECTIONS Made la the locality end upon all tbebankrne; towns In tbe United Stales. Charges moderate. IIRAITS Issned negotiable In all parts af tbe Unlt4 States, and loreiirn excbanne Issued on all parts of torojo. . AC O CATS r . Ol merchants, farmers and others solicited, to wbom reasonahle accomodation will be extended. Patrons are aspured that all transactions shall be beld M strictly private and onhdenttal. and tbat taey will be treated as liberally as gwod back I ok teles will perstt. Kespeetiully, " JOHKNTON. BCCst dk . John A. Ulaib. !0 V. Blair M.AIR & SON'S DAILY MEAT MARKET, Centre Street, Ebensbnrs, Pa. The Iift WVhtcrn Jattl Hiil b ri vrv liT - Alao l''r-h. L,nrnT, Wal. Mutton, lnrtl, l'.-t c always on lmncL. Market open at all hours and at tentive and obliging salesmen to attend to the wants of customers. Wsfills re earn slTwatna Ska wae1lela ani ' haiai a aartsllfs. Te as SBaeat. li aawai eo&tala Tonic, Alterative and Cathartic Properties. TWtt'a Villa smimi tbeaa aalltlsa lsa tBUasal tr. aa4 Speedily Restore towela their nlaal rltlU . MMtlsil V rea-nlmrlty. Sold Everywhere. Whan X at? Craa X J sat mean mmtj ta stop them for a time, aad then bave them raj. lorn attain. I na aw A h anirsr. CUiUS. 1 Ivava made tbe rtlaeaaa ot FITS, EP1XEPSTT or FAIXING SICKNESS a life-Ions; study. I trASJUVT my remedy to Cras the worst cases. Because others have failed ia bo reason lor not now recetvins- a cure. Fend at once tor a treatise and a FtiiBOTTLa Of my lKTHUBLi Kimivt. Give Express and Post Office. It eoau 70a noUuaa tux a tnal, and it will core you. Addreaa H. O. ROOT, M.C.. I S3 Putt St Nrv YOU for nm ONLY! . J IIlUwr1Geval ana HK&V0U8 XJ ABILITY; Waaluwas af Body and Kind, Xffseta lof errors or assesses ia Older Ts n.taM. stitf aAanoos fiiy m.ii. hot SirwihaSiii.titii'iuiriDiimmmiTioi Hum. hrw iMMllI aateillae SOU ItUTIIIT-bMlla Sm IMUFf fna W Bum m4 Itftltt f MMrtM. Writ, I...rtyCl.. BmI. nluaUNM4 tm rjl .,l,r; ftw. sMtm KRIS MKOICAi, CO., BUFFALO, N. V. 80TP DOE8 CURE CONSUMPTION : 7 ....... In Its First Stages. .Be ntre yett get tKa ytaaisa NOT DEAu YET! VALLIE LUTTRINCER. stAWCFAoruaxB or T1X, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON WARE AND TIX MOOFIXQ, KespecttnUy Invitee tbe attention el bis trtendi and tbe pnblle In a-eneral to tbe fact that be Is still carrying oa boslneaa at tbe old stand opposite the Moontaln Honse. tbenabunc, and ll prepared to supply from a lante stock, or mane factories: to or der, any artlela la bla line, from the smallest to the largest, lb the best manner and at the lowest living prices. rfNi penitentiary work either made ar sold at tbls establishment. TIN ROOF1NO a SPECIALTY. Ulve me a eall and satisfy yonrselres as to my work aad prices. . -. LUTTKLNU Kit. . i-usbunt. Alrll IS. 18i3-tl. C. A.LANGBEIN, Manufacturer ol and Dealer In ALL KINDS of HARNESS, ADDLED, BRIDLES, WU1PK, COLLARS HARNESS OILS, BLANKETS, Robes, Fly Wets, furry Combs, etc, etc.. K pairlna; Neatly and I'rooiptly done. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Aw-Shop B arkeri'Uow on Centre street.' aprtastf . : - . ALESMErjVl , WANTED. " V Local or Traveling. to sell our Knreery Stork.' Salary , Expenses and Steady Kmployment Uuarantoed . CHAt-tbHUlHElib COMPANY, msAjul . Kochcater. N . T. talmn Fire taraice Apcy T. "VV- DICK, General Insurance AgenU EJBEXSBUIta, FA, FATS! J?a"lrink,!n The country house anf f. deuce of .he lV1Dce Jl SandriDghara estate, ia ment except the df a. 'V meious Bketches in War . ODB.and oils of the pr inc. of Borne adventure. I- ffi . 'v tlff-r in Hen-.,. or a hare in Xorfo'.k, sth I , VV In a Uussian Ice-chair on ,h. v ' tAberReMie.ip.Min.4llv from the bat k of an iepiam,H between hfe,eS of a 1 'r ready looks "killed'' by t' Pterin from behind a t ? take aim at a rpd deer triumphant amidist a shower oTf pheasants. Ves, one can tr prince on his glory war.p..h the aninaal kiuydom all t' house, and he ia - a Ji ne Bho - to Perhaps of all the cluf.th' rlngham affords to areal it..w the prince's character Uint fu.n-.7 1 his private study is ?.he t?t 'j. is the smallest of the Bui t by a Binjr'e but Urpe wood-work is ail of i1?ilt 0,k wallBand ceiling of a Leu'ral'ti Is eBsentialiy th fcaunt of ' There are no banging,, no brj nodaiuty devices of fair eD.J soft rns, even on the oak.n Cr V Business" was written in icT. characters all over the The principal piece of fnrnjinr ' a solid, rtjnare.onken d-sfc, all ready laid to his hand, were' Pper and envelopes the i'rtct ' Under the desk stood an odd basket, for wh;ch the 1'rinca fBrL the idea originally. Tbere r books in the rrora, but a set of tltl holds all conveniences for t' On tbe walls hanps a v4..,, aketches. A telephone hap h-! by the window. It connc!s w.tlf borongh House, in London, ' ffnrded by the servants wi;h a cx of fear and superstition. A I'ata gon Ian llnli l)w-(or ? "When a child in IMap ura isj.i' me ssenger Is despatch d for tbe dx. ani never leaves untii Le coe r bim. As soon as the doctor arrvs looks at the aick child hnd their much, ceremony rolls it, ap in p:-ekin.-' IIe then orders a day pV. and by this time the child has eta crying, soothed by the wnrmth of; skin, and bo rendering s' ill mwt' hls reputation as a wi m-in. Yrr clay is brought and made into a:;;1 cream with water, and the ct.il painted from t -d to foot, cnuvati: to cry again. me devil is still th remaiks the doctor Bar!y, and d:; two mysterious packages he camet j contains rhea sinews (is'r'cL) ar2; other a rattle made of Pieces in agr decorated with feathers. lie then fingers the sinewp, o,u'u;-.-something foi a few minutes, seizes the rattle and shakes it v tt'r, staring very bard at the ctyirstfi Then wram it In the skin afiiri ceases crying. Again it 13 rattled at and stared at. and viz'. then the cure is considered c t; Tbe doctor leaves the child quirt,!, folded in the warm Fkin, and r:. way, having received two p'p- tobacco as a fee. S'.rarge to child generally recovers, but if it i not, the doctor get ont of the i t'. by declaring that the paren'sdir keep the medicine skin tightly 1-. the child, and so let the devil gfi again. This is the onlv treat oats' children in Patiffonla are ever ki.r.. receive. ' I Great CathedraU. Tbe cathedral at Cologne is c the moat impoaing gothic structnr? Europe. The original archi'ert! known. The length is feet :! breadth 231 feet. The cathedral in Mexico, b;3 1573, completed 1GG7, is built in t: regular mixtuie of tbe gothic acM ian styles. It ia 500 feet in lerr 420 in breadth. J?t. Paul's cathedral in Londo:s fifth In size of linrope's great cV: Its length is 500 feet, the trs:r? 2S5 feet long, and the west front feet wide. The dome is 3V. fr:: ground, and it is 143 feet in J Tbe cathedral of Notre ! Montreal is 25.5 feet long ai d 1 1 broad, and is capable of "entice persona. It has two towers, e: feet high, one of which cod- chime of bells and the others- bell, tbe Groa lJourbon. weigtt'-I 400 poonda. The cathedral of Xotre IUmf'-1-' Id stands upon the spot once ocr.; by a rioman temple. The leng'.t i feet, width of transept, 144 feet of western tower, 244 feet ; ifli front 12S feet, and length of m" transeDt ls. lSG feet. Tiie covers 94,108 square feet. The building of St. lVter's 175 years. The length of the 19 6i34 feet : of transept from wall, 44C feet ; height of ns. wintb ol '-' to. Bide aisles. 4 ftet .30 feet ; - of side Xi'i i1 heicht of the dome from th P' to the top of the cross is 4 IS M- A Useful Artiole. After a housekeeper full? r;, . u r.. the worth of turpentine in ie hold she is never williuK to be it. It gives quick relief to b""; an excellent application for o is good for rheumatipm and W . Then It is a sore prevent motbB ; by just drr-HS ' 1 '':'" drawers, chests and cuir'' ' .... .v, .urmant secure 'roi icuuri luc s.vvU V. U t A . " i if and bugs from the clow" jt rooms by putting a few Jr. y ( corners acd upon the shells, sure destiuction to bedbug-, , ' effectnally drive theui away . haunta if thoroughly WT'a joints on tbe bedstead. . J neilber furniture uor clulo(0 spoonful of it addtJ to a P" water is excellent fur cts r Scittccica lot the XlO' I