i- (Tnmlmn Jftccman. fXlPA 1 , - A If! VSTS, ISOO. Im vr I cli'ep. A ool bu. ( ipr.iin Mrao McDonaia. or uorrtto, nt a ff w honrs in town on aaouaay 1 Mr. ttHlsl waiters, qi iibiw f.t-r. fe town hour la town on Moo- Mr Mvtim'l FHsrrls, of Ualllfzin, wts raumi auionii rrlecds In tnla place piom.s I . Fen ion and ois Mis. Nicholson, are flaltlnji Miss of this place. I 3 r jtlin Uiilan. a Pittsburg carpenter, fell . h.u-f wblle working in Jonnstown 'n . . P. . I T l-l. T. lUatin.s 'To''i baabsrn purchased ' lr. ruymnnJ Kaylor, wno will take cKar "f PPr ,D w- or tw0- I Vr .' "f1" s- F-rrl8- or rittaborg. BOO (Mr J " l'"10' of Place, wlta bto i . jn,i t0 children, is visiting bis pas r'-M""""' "nt nttlB Sharbaugh, of t Tn'! t.'w- Cambria county, are visiting ;;, jnn K on Kidge street 'rip;. Il-m'-l. lr. M ' Kirh. the. well-known con. j-n-tor "f ,!',rr township. p-Msed thmagt) t n on Mi mlv on his way east to look 'r.T"ni j T M. NeM. Kq . who will do bla rrt in hv 'presenting Cambria conny In ,. net' I.iri!Iatnre. was a visitor to our f-s i.o Ti"iiy Wrtv. . ma' teacher to take Irharc of t.nrettn Jitr1ct school. Good lt, w;!l be paid. J. E Phuci.db. Secretary of Boartl. -n" f!r"' ,r' wade In the new plant tit Irs rVnn-Tiranla railroad company at ijj j:n wt tnrnni out on Monday. The Jj itut ha i-ii'ity of producing fifty tons -Mr J.i-erh !)inny, brother of Mr. J. B. ;vrnv. i f ie, left on Wednesday for r.'wi!",,iirv. Macnaaitta, where he haa jvn attending school for the past two jjvara. VM!i trvkt to rescne her rutte girl Vnm ti 't;rit of a bue mastiff on Mon Yar sv'-nintf, nnar Trr tat Ion. Mra. Jt.mrKi' Wright wt almost torn to pieces by ijitf "! "Ill Jio. ( We rnv a spcely and posltlre Cure 'for ('nturrh, P'rhrla, Canker Mouth, and H-mhi-h.'. In SMluh'a Catarrh Remedy. A rNwn! Irim'tor free with each bottle. Use ti: If ynu (li-slre hfalth and sweet breath. .Vtwrt Allonbaonh. of Wllmore. itirak-'irinn on th rcnnylanla ral'road got !. id arm rnuutit between the bumpers while .vonpllnij cm at l-rry. on Sunday laet and l..l it br kn. II . wn taken to the Al Jtoona hinpital wfre the fracture was re- iijucml. J -Robert Sari!!, aeut for a Philadelphia ! bailment honse, wlill aoITerlng from ex a.Hiv drliilcintr. attempted auiclde on Frl iav at AltiMna by cuttlntt hla throat with a jj.ii-Letl'alfe. II 'a demun was frustrated and :.t was placed under tratront In the coun- :t iloi'-bou'jp. -Whilt walklns on te railroad track lafir Klmlnn on Thursday County Coromls-l.-uiniT Hendtrson, of Centre county, was :rack by an engine and hurled forward Cr.irty f.'ft. II was fortunate to escape .without injury, but will give locomotives a .Ji biTtli In the future j -Charles Watiton. was brought to Jail trnm .Johnstown on Monday U-t. charged ith horx'-stfaling. The aorusd hired a jtjam aotui time ago from Liveryman Fen lier, of that city, to go to UMford county 3d fal'inu to return was followed and cap- t ir! at Daltiruore. The team was recov- irrd. -W received two eommunlcationa on the subject of the water works, one f avor ingandthe other analnst the proposed In- Kree In the Indebtedness of the boron gh. .fl'ha length and lareness of thlr rficelna hreTents ttieir inertion and as we do not isfc to pubii.h one without the other, we are obliged to let both go by the board. -General Robert A. McCoy formerly Aa- rewtanf Adjt. (Jeneral of the Pennsylvania ues oi. corps has been selected by the Hoard nf Commissioners on Gettysburg mnnnments to relate the services of the 1st Uriga.le of ffmt corps at the battle of Gets tyburu on the oc-asion of the dedicatory ceremonies at (iettyshurg. Ps.. SepL 2d 1!HJ. Mr. K. B. Cresswell wbo has the con rvt for rtellverlng the polls for the New 1 't .t Chicago Cable and Telegraph Cotn Pnr between Ilollldev.burg and Ebens vt. hn commenced delivering tbe poles the old piles. After entering town :h line follows Sample street to tbe West wbers it again strikes the pike, which it follows to Pittoburg . p m' F n D4rkr' Chairman of the He- ruaiican Ponntv Committee, hae published 'lto tbe Republican voters of Cambria wy. to hoM their primary electlocs en v-itHr. Aoias lVh. 1890. for the pur P.of electing delegates to the Republl- Convention to he held at Ebensbur. on y. Augjst isth. for the purpose of "mating a county ticket, etc. s L "ut for th8 counterfeit two-doller They re n excellent lmiUtloo of - utne. There I one infallible way -Z nd "thr Vaii Paper T.,"7; Tk'' a oln or needle and run It -er the si:k ntMr tnat , ierrt itnvgh In W b,,K lf with t6 P,B oa nvh gp th lhr'd tnmt 14 to P'miy tben ym, r,n Uke tI)e fof "f, ,- The counterfeit two'a are ', rf rttfirates. -Tfc, rennnywanla Railroad company ll5 '"' ' 'a-t week, paid tbe State lj,.n . ' " WM tne ioetallment main he main oaxsin- punnawa in ror ' 's. L T" 17 000 tb nllnma stlpn 'idar Inetallment fell due 5a. ,bT ,hl' T10 railroad ! Ins the dear title to the proper I,,- ,cn WM tne 'o"1" ' firmed from the State. The "'the m, . . . Co !'Ch"d f Cb"", Of a 'p.... lwo old' WM rescued pepr, ,n tu to save It from the aer. :iotit niW' Th 8n'ke bad somehow got wa. f th ''"''rice and tbe little " tn a :'s7ere1 dailberatety punching 'PrirB . Thesnke was Just ready so rprnu' "enthe mother a p. tj,, c''n6 D hatched the 4 of .,.,?! ther thcn blew snake's Wth his gun. fSve IIlfrd. President narrlson'a nn,,. f",r"ary' "rived at Creseoo on rJl"'nNfoe'rrP,,eof eo"P'rtln ar. rUr?i'n , th reP'om of President leat r, n'' flmily. The famil. nf t,..i iirr . wot mm '"""i on ."'.. xIcel to arrive at 'Vl'Men :rned,a,0f n""iek and ,h" itav .f o f P'wr- Dur- i .. at tresson T..u . . 1 v'v . tboroul"T overhauled V rtted 0p for m iveMdent's To Decooie a teacher, trained In the science and tbe art of education, go to lad ana Normal Indiana, Pa. A pony that Mr. Alex Grief, of Carroll town, bad purchased out of the drove be longing, to Meiers. Crown A Denny, of this place, died a few ad notes after being pur chased by the fornvr gentleman In Carroll town, on Tuesday last. It is supposed that tbe animal was hurt by being thrown when lassoed. John Dunco, a Hungarian, was murder ed on Saturday night at Wbltuey near Greeosbnrg, by a fellow countryman named Andrew hhersxey. The quarrel was Inaug urated ever a keg of beer when Sberskey. in a drunken rage, drove a pick entirely through tbe breast of Dunco, killing him Instantly. Tbe murderer has been arrett ed. Mr. Charles Troxell, or this place, is the possessor of seven young rabbits that are a curiosity. Tbey are about two werke old arid seem lively, though tbey have but few legs and one ear among the lot. Six of them are without ears ; two of them have each two legs and no ears ; one haa but one leg and no ears ; one minus both legs and ears ; the sixth la without ears but has four legs ; tbe seventh baa foor legs and one ear, and seems to be tbe king of tbe lot. No one ean account for this strange freak of nature. There are seven others nearly the same age that are perfectly formed. GalliLzi PUdi cator. Mr. Timothy Sbeehaa, an old and re spected citixen of Allegheny township, was a visitor U our office to-day (Thursday) Mr. Sbeeban worked In Ebensbnrg forty two yeary ago, at the building of the old Pre&byterlan chorcb (which Is now torn down) and while at work on that structure, by the breaking of a ecaffoU. fell from tbe top of wall while at work oo the gable, to the basement below. Mr. Sbeehan fortun ately was not much hurt, ar.d soon recover ed from the effects of his talL He Is to day enjoying lood health which we hope may long cootlnne, as be is a worthy citi xen and a veteran and prompt paying sub scriber to the Fbxkmak. James D. Sleeman, a young English machtneat. lately employed by tbe Fluntlng. don Manufacturing Company, was engaged to be married last week to Mtea Annie F. Culbertsoo, the nlnetesu-year old daugh ter of W. W. Cutbertson, Eq , of Uunttog don. Thursday of last week was tbe day set for tbe coo pie to be made one. At the boor appointed for tbe ceremony, tbe in vited guests assembled at the residence of the bride's father and everything was In readlnesa for tbe bappy event, but the bridegroom came not. Sleeman Is now a resident of Jeaoette. Westmoreland county, and Miss Calbertson Is a highly . respected young lady. Tbe reason for tbe groom's failure to arrive at the appointed time is a mystery. A fire In the southeastern part of Brad dock, on Thursday erenlag of lat week rendered forty-seven families bomeleas and destroyed $100,000 worth of property. The fire originated In a summer kitchen attached to a bouse belonging to John Barlock, oo enpled by a Slavonian family wbo kept boarders. The women had turned on the gas te get a meal for tbe men, wbo were to go to wotk on the 4 o'clock turn at the steel works. The roof Ignited from tbe stove pipe, wnteh became red hot. A stiff breeze was blowing up from the tlyer. and fanned tbe flames. There was much delay In the fire department responding and there was but little water. Pittsburg engines were wired fot and were loaded on cars but before tbey left tbe depot word was te cetvea that tbe fire was under control. The houses were occupied by poor people. J. Wilkinson A Son, marble and gran ite dealers of Ebeoaburg. Pa., wish to In form the public that they axe prepared to fill all orders for cemetery work, In either marble or granite, at figures that defy com petition. Tbe artistic excellence and su perior workmanship of their designs are evidenced by the many specimens now on exhibition at their establishment and by tbe numberless designs which they have erected In the various cemeteries la this county and elsewhere. Every department of their busloess la in the hands of skillful and competent workmen, who are capable of executing any piece of work from the plainest to the most elaborate, which to gether with the personal supervision that every Job receives la a guarantee that per fect satisfaction will bo given to tbe most exacting of patrons. Tbey ordered forty tons of marble which arrived In April, and now have aa fine. If not the finest, atock on the best marble that aver came to Western Pennsylvania. Persona . wisbnig anything In the line wonld do well to give them a cal( before leaving their order with any other manufacturer, as yon can ' depend upon getting a good Job at a fair price. ierrctpsadesee. Xicktowx. Fa.., August 7th, 1800. Editor Cambria iYeemo Dear Sir. Brother Ocacloa Donahue, Order of Christian Brothers and his ancle, Brother Dominic Byrne, Order of St. Au gustine, both of Philadelphia, visited friends and relatives and tbe birth place of the former. Tbey started frcm Gallitzlu Mondsy morning, July 29, accompanied by Joseph Klrsh and wire, of that place, wbo drove them over. Tbey stopped at Lorret to to see the buildings and tomb of Rev. Father Ga lilt z In, also, to see tbe beautiful church there and Its sarrouodlngs. Tbey took a piece or tbe statue In the old church as a relic of Rev. Father Gallitzln. After leaving there tbey drove by tbe way of Xlcktown to Mr. Byrne's, who Is an nnele of Brother Ocaclus, also, a brother of Brother Dominic where tbey stayed all night, the next morning they visited tbe cousin of Brother Ocaclus. Mi. Bernard Magee. That afternoon Brother Ocaclus, went to see bis birth place which Is near J Strongstown, Indiana county. lie was born there In 1857. When be waa atsout three years old bla parents Mr. John Dona hue and wire, moved to Maryland, where bis father was killed on a railroad shortly after, bnt be remained with bla mother un til be was nearly 21 years of age, when be entered a colled ge In Philadelphia, but soon after entered a college In Baltimore where be graduated. After graduating be went back to Philadelphia, where be took the habit and la at present a teacher In the Christian Brothers' College there. After taking a view of his blrtb place be went back to Mr. Byrne when tbey started home by Ebeoaburg to see the grave of Brother Dominic's parents and tbe grand parents of the other brother. Brother Ocaclus Intended going by Johns town to Maryland, wbsie be will spend a few weeks with bis mother. Brother Dom inic went to Gallitzln with his niece, Mrs. Klrsh and her husband, where be will stop until tbe following Mooday when be will return borne. Tbey both seemed to enjoy their visit and we hope tbey will both come back soon again and stay longer. M. fcberlfra Stales. Sheriff Stineman will ffVr the following propertl. s at Sheriff's sale at tbe Court House In Ebensburg. on Monday, Septem ber it, lsyo. at l o'clock, r. m : The intereft of A. Farrel in PS scree of land In F.arr township, about 40 acres cleared, haying thereon a platik house and log barn. Tbe interest of Georg Wesser In a lot of ground In 15th Ward, Johnstown, having thereon a two story frame house. Tbe Interest of J. S Or.boro In a lot of ground in 1st Ward, Johnstown, having thereon a part frame and part brick build ing. The Interest of Margaret Kittle and An drew W. Kittle In a lot of ground In Gal litzln. having thereon a two story plank bouse The interest or D. E. Jfotley In 060 acres of land In White township, about 35 of which are cleared, known as tbe James Tlarrls tract, excepting and reserving cor. ner of said land bounded by northerly and easterly tine or said tract and tbe Philips burg road, and land previously sol J to Adam Each. Tbe Interest of same In 300 acres of ltsd In White township knowo as the William Harrison tract, excepting 130 acres previous ly sold by Chat lea Ranstead. The Interest of same In 460acree In White townahlp known as the John Harris No. 2. tract, excepting 30 acres sold to Caroline Kessler. The Interest of same in 450 acres in White townahlp known as tbe Alexander Brown tract. The Interest or same In 594 acres or land In White townsblp known as the Tbomss Brown tract. The Interest of same In 523 acres In White township known as the James Reed tract. The Interest of same In 115 acres of land la White townsblo. Tbe Interest of same In 400 acres of land In White and Reade townships. The Interest of same In 137 acres of land In Reads township, excepting 0 seres con veyed to B. McCsbe. The interest of Jsmes T. Mnrty In a lot of remand in 3d Ward. Johnstown, fronting 43 feet on Union street, having thereon a two story bowse. Tbe Interest or Lewis Strayer and John Strayer In 137 acres of land In Taylor town-, ship. The Interest of same In 80 acres of land In township. The Interest of David Burtnett la a lot of ground in the village or Summerblll, con taining 49 perches, having thereon a two story frame boose. Tbe Interest of John Ana man In 7i acres of land In Allegbeoy township, having thereon a two story frame bouse and frame barn. The Interest of John McGifBn and M L. McRifflo In 96 perches ef ground In Carroll town borough, having thereon a two story frame planing mill and fixtures. Tbe Interest of same In 1 acre and 80 perches of ground In Carrolltown borough. Tbe Interest of William Keith In 23 acres of land In Suspuehanna township, part cleared, having thereon a log bouse and log barn. The Interest of Karl Hellrlgle In a lot or ground In 11th Ward. Johnstowa, r rooting 50 feet on Maple avenue, having thereon a Oklahoma eottage. Tbe Interest of John M. Coad In a lot of gronnd In 2d Ward. Johnstown, fionling 23 feet on Washington street and 50 feet on Market street, having thereon a three story brick bouse with Mansard roof, unfinished. Tbe Interest of Samuel Smay In 49 acres of land In Summerhill township, about 40 sires cleared, having thereon a one and a half story pla nk bouse and log barn. Cwtarort at Iadlaaa Marwaal Kchtewl. 1. a very health rn I place. 2. A very con venient building. S. Well furnished recep tion rooms for tbe use of students and their friends. 4. Well furnished looms for stu dentsfurniture, carpels, book cases, gas light, steam beat and natural gas. 5. Good boarding at low rates. 6. Steam laundry Just the kind of work a voung man or lady waats Is done here. Too need not aeid your linen to tbe city. 7. The socials for the girls and boys are special features. 8. A beautiful campus, with trees, grass, flowers and fountain. Obituary. WARD. Died at tbe Mercy Hospital In Pittsburg, on Tuesday, August Btb, 1890, Mr. William J. Ward, aged 34 years. The deceased was a son of Mr. Martin Ward, of this place, and was known and esteemed by a large circle of friends, who will deeply regret his early dembe. He was a printer by occupation baying learned tbe trade In the Freemajc office snder Its former proprietor Mr. H. A. McPike, now of tbe Altoona Times, who was a brother-in-law of tbe deceased. Af ter the purchase of tbe Freemax by tbe present proprietor. Mr. Ward worked In the office for a yer or more as foreman, but on account of III health gave np the position In tbe nope that a rest would re store bis health. With his active tempera ment It was Impossible to remain long Idle and sometime after, bis health being some what Improved, be accepted tbe position of foreman In tbe office of the Xcw at Carroll town, where be remained for more than a year when be was again compelled to seek rest. Consumption had by this time plain ly marked blm as a victim and be returned to bis home In Ebensburg and sought by rest and care to prolong the life that the un relenting disease was slowly bnt sorely taking from him. Notwithstanding all bis care be continued to grow weaker and about three months ago he went to Mercy Hospital In Pittsburg, where his brother Rev. John Ward Is chaplain, aod where on Tuesday abont two o'clock p. m. be breath ed his last. He leaves to mourn his death an aged father and one sister, Mrs. P. A. Schwab both of tbla place. Poor Will Ward, he was known acd esteemed In Ebensburg. Carrolltown and all ovej the couoty by hosts of friends who loved him for bis generous and unselfish friendship, and bis death will be sincerely mourned and by none more than fcla fellow crafts-i men wbo respected him for bis Intelligence. Integrity and honeet worth. May he rest In peace. CHRISTY. Died at his borne In Loret to en Sunday. August 3rd. 1890, Mr. An drew J. Christy, sged 54 years. Tbe deceased was born In Loretto, on the 24h of March. 1836. and with tbe excep tion of a few years residence In Venango county, this State, daring the early days of the oil excitement, resided there all hn life. He was an active, enterprising citizen whose death will be a loss to tbe communis ty In which he lived and whose demise will be regretted by a Isrgs circle ef warm friends, ne leaves to mourn bis loss a wife aod foor children, ooe son aod three daugh ters, one of whom la the wife of Mr. J. B. Denny, or this place. Ills funeral took place at Loretto. oo Wednesday morning where arter a high Mass of Requiem bis re mains were laid to rest. May . be rest in peace. Baeklaaa Aralra ttalvat. The Best Salve In the world for Cats, Braises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no psy required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Sold at tbe drug store of E. James, Ebens burg, and W. W. McAteer. Loretto. Tksftataa Will Stbew Leea Deafness. Washington, August 5th. It is claimed that there will be considerable falling off in tbe percentage of deaf people in tbe census of 1890, owing to tbe extended use of the sound disc invented by a citizen In Bridge port, Conn., named A. H. Wales. Rupture cure guaranteed by Dr. J.B. Mayer, 831 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ease at once, no operation or delay from busi ness, attested by thousands of cures after others fall. Ta tne Farmt n ef Cambria Teaaljr . Lokktto. Pa.. August ah. 18SM). G etj. em est : Yoo are Invited to attend a meeting of tbe Farmers Alliance at Ch est Sprites in Friday, Augct-t isib. The noo titts which late prcmpttd this aoveniect cfttt not bert he ststed. Let It suCtce to s sy trat our present condition is wr.t-Ddure-ble ard as all elates seem to be combined agaitst us. eelf-preseivaticn Imperatively calls upon us to unite In self-defence Cumplaibing will do no good. Our eom p lainis In tfe future, as in the past, will be treated with contempt. We are in the ma jority : we have iDly to assert our power and our wrongs will be speedily righted. Awake, then! A reuse! Those wbo will be free thttnselvee niust strike the blew. Attend this meeting. Come one, come alL James J. Kaylor. Stcretaiy Firmer' Alliance of Cambria Co. Facta Wartn Kaonlif. lo all diseases of tbe nasal mucous mem brane the remedy used must be non-Irritating. The medical profession bas been slow to realize this. Nothing satisfactory can be accomplished with douches, snuffs, powders ot syringes because they are all irritating, do not thoroughly reach tbe affected sur faces and should be abandoned aa worse tbsn failures. A multitude of person wbo bad for years borne all tne worry and pain that catarrh can inflict testify to radical cores wrought by Ely's Cream Balm. Consumption Surely Cured. To Tbs Eorrom: Plaue Inform year readers tt&t I have a poaittTe remedy for the aboTa-aajoed dlaeaae. By 1U Uiuely w thoaaaaJa of hopeless caaae have bean permanently cored. I ahaU be gla4 to aanl two bottlee or my remedy FKEJE to an of your raa-Iere wbo hare eonaumptlon if they will Baud me their Eiareaa and P. O. addraaa. Respect fully, T. A. tUAJCL M. M C-. lal i-eari Bt K. I. WIDOWS' APPRAISEMENTS ! NX'THT IS HEKEBY (iITEN THAT THE ollowlnc named peal eia eat el prefertv apralee4 and set apart lor widows of d re-lrnis ander the Art ol Aeaemblv or the 4th day el Anl. A. I). 1-vM. hare been Bled Is tbe Ke1iter'a fflee la and fir tbe County ol Cambria, and will e prefected te the Orphan Onurl ol laid euao ty lor eonarmatton and alllowaeee en WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 3D, 1S00. I. Inventory nail appralaement of personal property anraled and act apart te Helen Eraaa, wt(w of luhaJ. teana. (earpeaterl, deeeaeU. :. 3. Tneentery and appralaement ef peraonal property of Joseph ra txnear. late of tiarroll township, Cambria County, ra., deceased, ap praised and aet apart lor Theresa tirarerger, wljnw of mid Jppp-IpL KttO. 5. Inventory and appraisement of the perxmal property appraised and set apart to Naary Stray er. wtrtow of Jamb t. Strayer. late of Lai war To. township, deceased. SJOu. 4. Inventory and appraisement ef peraoaal property appretsed and set apart to Kilxa J. Iat. widow el John J. barta, late ef Cambria townshii . deeeased. f3u0. 5. Inventory and appraisement of the personal troperty appraised and set apart to Elisabeth 'rtee. widow of Wm. 1 Prloe. deceased. S Inventory and apretsement ot the personal property appraised and set apart to lennle lavis, wlJowof Moses Uavls. late of Blacklick town ship, deceased. T. Inventory and appraisement of the personal property approperty appraised and set apart to jastlna Wacker. widow ol of Conrad Waeker. late of the borouirh I Jobnstown, deeeased. M'-' li. S. Inventory and appraisement Of the personal property appraised and set apart to t:rfeth Walters, widow ot Tbomas Walters, late of Coep ersdale. Cambria county, fa., deceased. S-luu. . Inventory and appraisement ef the personal property apnrataed and aet apart te I.lui Stray er. widow el Cyras Strayer, late el Lower Yoder towoshlp deceased. S309. 10. Inrentory'and appraisement el tbe personal property appraised and aet apart to Christina Staple, widow ol Anarast Slasr'e. late if Upper Yoder township, deceased, ext. II. Inventory and appraisement of tte personal property appraised and set apart to Ellsa Hons, widow el jonti Hoot, late ol CODemaOKh borough, deeeased. tSOO. 13. Inventory and appralaement ol the rersonal property appraised and set apart to Kltzateth Vye. widow of John lye, late ol Adams township, deceased. SV4.;4. 13. Inventory and appraisement of tbe penwnal property appraised and set apart to Ann Hag: ties, widow ol .loon T. Hashes, late ol Cambria town ship, deceased, azuo. CEX.EST1NE J. BI.AIK. Register. Beaister'f OfBee. Ebensbarg-. Pa, August 8. lHyO. "V"OTICE OF INTENDED APPLICATION X lor charter of Incorporation Notice Is hereby clven that aa application will be made to the Hon. K. L.. Johnston, President Jadse of tbe Court of Common Pleas of Cambria eonnty on tbe fella Pay ef S. nirmber. A. I. 1NU. by James W. Klldutl. Thomas lobin. Jas. 1). Clnlnn. Robert Snowball. Charles Job. P. H. Ken inner. John Anstead and others, under tbe Aet ol Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania. eutltle.1 -Aa Act to Provide for the In corpora Uon and Kes;iilatlon of certain Corpora tions," approved April 2a. 1ST1. and the supple ments thereto, for tbe charter of an Intended cor poration to be called tbe -Knights of l-'or Co operative Bnlldlnsr tVunpany, of (iallittle. Pa.." tbe character andbject ol which Is to erect a ball or bulldtnic to be upd by tbe members of said corporation as a place of meeting; and for other nubile and private usee. ana for these purposes to nave, possess and eo)oy all the Mebis, benente and privileges of tie said Aet of Asiiemblv and Its supplements. fcX. T. MTS'tELlS. auS it Solicitor. rTTIAI. LIST. I 8ionp Wm u SirTixaia. Indiana Co. Dep. Bk vs. Anna. Kutterbaagh vs, CanniBbam. Sloan McJUullen et at. Klsher ........ y. Kairer et al. lse Blair re. Oallajcher. Pringle vs. Prlmtie. King rt. Cook. K St tgll :PWBEB Absolutely Pure. Tne powaer sever vanes. A m arret oi ponty, treoa-Ui aad wholesomeneea. Mora economical than tbe ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in eimipetitlon with tne multitude of tbe low text short we'.cht, alum or phosphate powder. Sold eny n cent . Koiit baiiis Powoia Co., 1M Wall bL.Naw You. T Wylaud. Bowman .. Cresswell.. Karber Irvln Irrin Kline liaitan .vs. Kins-. ..v. Barnhart. -ra. Cole, vi. Haywood Coal Oo. ys. dill. ..vs. KutrutT. ..vs. Elliott, -vs. urtunfcr. vs. Storm et al. Miller.... Anna vs. Notley Admrs. ol Kubrlts -..vs. i:uster. Oallns-ber H.fc.. Oallattber..VB. Baker. Malcbonsoa .. , vs. Louhry. Suward A Co vs. Oliuaga. Hall. Nwojer, 'l:ase A Co... . .r. Panish. Wlson vs. Myers. Keade. dreary... . i. Hauich. JAS. C. DAKBY. ProthjA omoe, Au. S. ISwo. Prothonotary. rpTlAL LIST. JL Third Win ( Scm-Baa (SraciLJ. Martin... rt. MeOlade. Saxmaa r. CarrolL Keada T, H pepper heirs. Prinle.... y. Prtncle. Kerr A Co vs. Brown. Brlokar . Pamsh. Potters Co-e;ratlreCo-ys. Mc.lonitl. Kerr A Co rs. Ylorer. Kunkle... vs. Vondeller A Keene. Wes tover vs. Bower. same, , .rs. Same. "lek rs. Adams. Hemnerlv Ts. Ll.ly Mde.Co. fle-" vs. shoemaker. Hall. Swoyer. Ulase A C-o vs. Meonlgle. Same ts. Wllhelm A McOonl- Kle. MeVey rs. Suppee. Mct-Bwley rs. Vaucbn. Miller A Co .rs. anKbn. , JAS. ti DARBY. rrotby a. Offlee. Aug. 8, ism. Prothonotary. .7-" " siereoy (rive notice that win sit at Arourarton Koom, Court Hoove, la J' ' --. i ' na. Animit 3d. 1S80, at - ...wm. . in. ld. nil rm ... .ii.-M ACMTOICS NOTICE. The undemsjned auditor appointed by the Ceart of Cambria county te distribute the fund In tbe hands el Ceron Leahey and John K. Kelly ejertitors ol the last will and testament ol l al MePhilllp. eeceased. aa shown by their llrst and final account to and amonv tbe persons entitled he Kb- 10 . .I 1 -appointment, at which Una and place all person Interested shall attend ee be lor debarred from com ins; in on said fund. -a Auditor. "ATOT1CE. r 1 9"--e' Coca-r or CAMBRIA Co. tT -,b.. H,,r" fad Kepreeentatlre of Thomas Duncan, deceased: Oaaauss: You are hereby cited to be aad an b?beM rl,:.-p."d"e "'J' Onummf "nrt & t?mi?.J?'? bor;B? l-fl"t Monday ol Scp t.kiTh. h","."'1. lhr """'I or reroaeto take tbe real estate of Thomas Duncan deceaji.t at the appraised raluat k fTp-Ton UbTan e-a!-K."y y the said Court, or show cause wby tame should net be old J.C. STINEMAN, Sheriff Office, EbeMbBrr. r A.gt 8f b nr w. dick. - -- ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW M. READE, ATOfKVrV.lTT a tit - -- --a. t ua ww a EO. G taaaaca e-Cffloe on Centre street, near High. , 1 . 10 Spruce ht.. Nw York ADVMTisivA" fl' nr Propoeed line of Register's Notice. mE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS HAVE been examined and passed by hue and remain bled ol record in this office lor tbe Inspection ol belrt. legatees and all others Interested, and will be presented to tbe Orphans' Ccart lor confirma tion and allowance on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 3D, 1S00. I. First and final account ef Krldicet McDer nil'l. ailrainl'tratrix ol James McDermilt, late ol Clearfield township, deceased. 3. tr?t and Bnal account et D. D. Motto! 1. ad ministrator et Mra. Marlon T. M. Dlller, late ol Jonnatown. deceased. S. First and bnal account ol John trruber, ad ministrator of Annie Schiller, late of Wood vale, deceased. 4. Kir?t and Bnal aeeoent ef John Oruber. ad ministrator, ol Elenora Scballer, late ol Wood rale, deceased. 5. First and final account cf tveonre E. Hamil ton, administrator o! Jmaol Hamilton, late of Joha'town borough, deceased. S- First and final account of William Amsler. administrator of Fredericka Amsler. late of Johnstowa borough, deceased. T. Second and bnal account ef J. I Metwer, administrator ol Uavld JKetsner, CauibrlA eoua tv, deceased. ". Final account of William H. Kirk bride, ad ministrator ot M ah ion Kirkbrlde, late el Johns town, deceased. S. First and final account of Levi flood , admln Ittra'or of Frand A. btilea. late ol Cambria eountv. deeeased. in. tbe aooodnt el Etlsabeth Blaek and W. H. Settlemyer, administrators ol Daniel Bi ck, late et Summerblll township, deceased. II. First and final account of Levi A. Weaver, administrator of S. T. Blovmb. late of Johnstown borough, doceaaed- IX First and final account el W. H. Settlemy er, administrator ot Uers;e Settlemyer, late of Snmmerhiil townahlp, deoeaaed. 15. First and final account ol Jama Irwin and Alexander Irwin, executors ol Martha C. Wilson, late ol Lower Yoder townsblp, deeeased. 14. First aud final account ol Liaxie J. Caster, administratrix ol William H. Caster, late oi Mill yille borough deceased. lb. First and final account el Andrew J. Akers, administrator of Alrar Akor. late of Upper Yo der township, deceased. 16. First and partial account oe David K. Hess, administrator ol Ellutielh lnveraaght, late ol Jobnstown borouab. deceased. IT. First and final account of John Burket. Suardlan ot Isabella Scnonviakl, a minor child of ofaa ecboarUkl, late ol Cambria borough, de eeased. 15. First aad bnal account ot Mary B. Mouse, administratrix ot Fredenck Mouse, late of Croyle townsh p. deceased. is. First and final account ol John Burket. guardian of AuKUStave Schonvlr kl, a minor child ol Joba aicbonvislcl. late ol Cambria borough, de eeased. JO. Ftrst and final account ol John Burket, Suardlaa ol Imerick Schonvlfkl, a minor child ol obn Schonriakl. late ol Cambria borough de ceased. 1. First and final account ol Frederick Krlne, suardian ot Emma Kriuic. minor child ol Oideon briDf, late ol Adams townnhip, deceased. &t- First and baal account ol (leorre Kelper. aduiiuistrater ot Frederick Wm. Hullman, late ot Conemaug-h borough, deceased. 23. First and final account ol Jno.O.Masterton. administrator o I Wm. Slasterton, late of Cambria county, aeoeaaed. 34. First and final account of Thomas O. Cole man, administrator ol Charles Marshall, late ot Cambria county, deoeased- ilt. First and final aeoount of lastlna Wacker. adminitixatrtx of Conrad Wacker, late of Johns town boioutch. deeeaaed- J j. First and final account ot John Butler, ad mloutratorol Kobert Butler, late ol Johnstown, ucccaaeu. l. First and final aeoount oi Edwin Burkbart, administrator ol Barbara Cobauga, late Oi Jack sow township, deeeased- 2S. First and bnal account ol John H. Brown, administrator u. x. A.or w uiia-n Ljiyton, late ol jonnsiewn, aeceased. a. First and final account ol Julia Wild, ad minlstrator oi -Mary DieLl, late ot onamaugh Dorouicn aeceasea. so. second and finalaccount ol Charles S. Ku'.h administrator ol C Eisaesser, late ol Johnstown, deceased. 31. First and final account of John H. Brown, Edmiuiiir.ur oi Jueepn K. iiloore, lata Ol btony- creea townsaip, aeceased. H. Second and final account of Catharine Schruth, executrix ol John ScbroUt . late ol Wll more borough, deceased. :ri I'lnt ...i ft . i uwABni nf r.h. t u l - execntor el :atbarine Bradley, late of Carroll township, deceased. 34. First and bnal account of John Whalen. ex ecutor el Patrick Cogan, late ol South Fork, de ceased. 3a. Amount ol Thomas J Hatches, administra tor of KKzabeUi Dans Evans, late ol Jehnstown, aeoeaeea. SS. Second and final aeeonat ol M. Fitaharri. admlnlatrator of Christopher Fttxharri. la le ot Johnstowa. deeeased. ST. First and partial account J. S. Osborne, sur viving adm InUtrator of Ueorue W. Osborne, late i ot Upper Yeder towLShlp, deceased. I 38. Supplemental account to tbe brat and final account ot Juan oael, admlDlslrator, ol Joaepn JKyers. late of Cambria City, deeeased. 3. First and partial account ot John Kelnhart, executor ot Alexander Jfecke, late ol Johcctowa borouirh, deceased. 40. First and final account of Eliza Kooa, ad mtnituix of John Kooa, late cl Coceinaugb. bor ough deceased. 41. First and final account of Haiato Baumer, admtol.-trator of H. Ci. Kose, late ot Johnstowa borouvb, deceased. 4. First and final aceount of Lena Schnnrr. ad-mlnit-tratrtx or Cbarles Schaurr, late ol Cooe maogh borough, deceased 4S. Final account of Lert J. Prosser, admlnia tTktor ol David Prosser, late ot Johnstowa bor ough, deceased. 44. First and final account of B. F. Heidenthal. administrator of Elizabeth Banmer.lateol Wood rale borough deeeased. . First and final aceount ef Ueonre Wood, admlnlatrator of John M. Johnston, late of Johns sown, deceased. 40. Second and final account of Daniel Fltipat rlck. executor o I Jdary Filxpatxlck, late of Cam bria borouKh. deceased. 47 First and bnal aceount ot Otto F. Nickel, admialrtralor. etc, D. B. M. ot Caaa. T. Schu bert, late of Jobnstown, deceased. At. First and final aceount of Slater W. "Allen, executor ol Adam Knota, late ot Upper 1 Oder township, deceased. 4K. First and naal account ot Henry Hesselbeln, administrator ol Lewis C. Ueeselbeln, late ef Couemaugn. deceased. &u. Flntaod final account of Cbarles Maneval. faardiau ol Clara K-st. deceased, a daughter of barles and Charlotte Kait, both deoeaaed. late ot Jobastown. SI. First and final aeeeant of Oeorge Kelper. administrator of (rottlried Uutlmaa, tale of Johnstowa. deceaaed. S3. Firetand final aecouat of Dwlght Koewrt. executor ol Howard J. Kobarts, late ul Johnatowo bo roUKb , deceased. First and final aceount ol Tboma D. Davis, dmlaisurator el Jocuvthan Ooodwia. late ol Jonestown borough, deceased, 64. Seocnd and bnal account ol Mary K. Camp bell and C Campbell, admintstratun ot Jacob il. t.'ampbell. late ol Johnstowa. deceased. W. First arcouot ol Wiiilam Johns, guardian of Kicbard D., Willmm A., Thomas D Hebert L., Bertha M. and Vida E minor children ol Kicb ard O'Nell. deceased. s. Second account ot John D. Kobert. guard ian ul Lillian Phillips, minor child f Peter E. Phillip, late of Jobnstown borough, deceased. 67. Flrstnd final aeoount of Oeorge Wild, ad mlstrator ol Jacob Wild, late ol Johnstowa. de ceased. . Flrt aceount ol John D. Robert, guardian of DeSaqoe Dlbert. minor child of Mary L. K. Dibert, late of the borough ol Jobruluwn. de ceased. M. First and partial account of John Yeaarert, executor ot Ferdinand Neairauer, late ol Kich- t tana township, aecesea. j SO. First and final aeoount of Henry Hesselbeln, ! administrator ol Charles F. Heaselbela. late uf Coneroauirh, deceased. eu First and final account er Henry C. Heasel bela, administrator el Id art a hUmpla. lata ol Johnstown, deeeased. B3. First aad final account of Anna McOar Ity, administratrix of James Mcdarity, late of Wash ington townsblp. deceased. j S3. First and final account ef Thomas D. Ev ans, aoministrator or rieaosr braai, late or to ensburg. deceased. 64. First and final account of J. B. O'Connor, admlnlatrator ol Jomes B. Howard, late of Job nstown. deceased. 64. First account of Otto Huebner, administra tor U. T. A. of thrlsUan Kimple, late ol Johns town horougb. deoe sed. 68. First and final account of Thomas F. Brady, administrator of John Brady. teq late of Johns town, deceased. ST. First and final account of Ah ram B. t'ltl !erd. administrator ot Elisabeth K. Beam, late ol Jobnstown Borough, deceased. as. 1 he account of James P. Thou as. guard iaa of Moms CoBPtable, one of the minor children and heir ot Jane Cocatable. deoeased. CELESTINE J. BLAIK, Kegtster. Keglster 'a Office, Ebensbarg, Pa., Aug. S.isvu). IVEKYBODY in Cambria county should read J Ute k iucjaA. VaiJ ilM par year. What's in a Name? Shakespeare says: "A rose without a name would smell as swoet-" Nevertheless just at the dawn of the XXtb century, la tbe year or race kkjo, there's qui-e a great deal In a nauie. A Clothier wlthont a name ana reputation Is heavily haodicepped In tbe race for trade. People like to bay from dealers wbosi established reputation is a guarantee of fairness and bonesty. Our name SIMON'. TI1E CLOTI1IEK cost oceans of money and month of toll and experiment to make it what it is to-day aad it'&ZchesD at the price. It Is tbe standard of excellence, tbe guarantee of supreme superiority, and it stamps every garment w bich bears this label 4 Ors. Simon, i as beinK the liES r that man eao prorlooe. Oar name bas a FINE CLAJTlilNU. S value to you. Tbe reputa tion of a clotbler ts tbe accumulated eyidencn of many transactions with many custo mers. A Bood name can only be founded on continued "merit in merchandise." Our merchandise Is always meritorious. Tbe value of anything is what it will brine in the market. When a maoufactur-r gets an advanced price for his product. h KPti it be cause it Is worth IL Oar goods corn m acd hih prices but we invariably Well tu:-ai low. as we not only gain a reputation thereby bat also the ct-etomer. Some men caril and eay. ''You pay extra for the name." bo qo you 1 It's worth it. When a man's repu tation commands a higher price it's always because It's worth it. Liy his reputation one man can borrow money at 4 per eent. ; another must pay 8. The act in the same, tbe money the same, but one Is secure sod the other is cot. Imputation makes the difference. When yon buy our goods yon get onr good name with them. It Is blended in with every seam and button bole. Von get tbe name and more, you get the quality that made tbe name Best quality. Cling tightly to this word "quality." Hold it op aod examine it. study it and think about it. Tbe profits of tbe clothing business are seemingly locked in an Impregnable, vault, bnt tLe combination unlocks at tbe word "quality." Experience will teach you tbat Dy tbe workings of tbe law of compensation, all things cost about the same. Your loss of trade and reputation on Inferior goods makes them cost as much as the best. Ton (et what yon pay for. Tbe only question Is, wblcb method will pay you? Will you buy the beet and have It, or will you play at moey-makin and buy trash aud lose trade? Largely soeesssral merchants In tbe clothing trade now-a-days deal only In the best qualities. Every great success bas been bniit on this foundation. IVrmanent success requires reputation. Connt over tbe big men of the trade there's tbe proor. Reputation can only be secured lo ooe way buy and sell best qualities and let tbe customers tell the story. It ts tbe best advertising and tbe cheapest you ever did. Our customers will talk abont tbe kind of Clothes we keep, as there's so much in them to talk about the fit. tbe fabric, tbe fashion. Tbat extreme Fineness of Fin ish you can't find In otber makes. And tbe good things they'll say about the clothes they'll hay about us if you buv 'em. Merchant and merchandise are always classed together. Bad, j;ood or bt-st, only one "best" In Clothing our's, Simon's. We're ready for Fall. Wby not let our good name be yonr mascot for the season? Drop la and see as. Tou know where my store is. We'll we glal t3 see you, or if you can't come to see us, send us word aud we'll call on you at home, liy buying Orocerlee, Clothing, etc. of ns you save lots of money by the traotactlon a Ucl which you do not realize when you buy elsewhere in town. GKETS. SIMON, Gallltrln's Cheapest Cash Merchant and Iletailer at Wholesale Trices NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS ! Notice 1 herebr irtven that tbe County Treas urer of Cambria eonnty will attend for the pur. pose of recelrlnit County and t-tate Taxes lor yoar leSO. at the dace of holding the elections in the respective districts, on tbe dates mention ed below. South Fork... .. Croyle townh!p..... Wllmore .,, ,., ,, Summerblll township Portage tewnhlp.... Washington township. No. 1. No. 1 Turmelhlll Oallltsin borowa-h. Monster townsli!p Oallttztn township. , Asbnlle ,- Chest Sjrloifa Alia heny townahlp Loretto- -... Blackllca townshlp.... Cambria townsblp .... Ebensbarg-, West Ward East Wara Barr township Snqnehanna townahlp.. Hastlnirs E'der township. Carrolltown Carroll tnemMn Claar field township Iean township Keade towash Id. . . White townsnlp... t:net township ... East Cooemaugh.. Franklin Johnstown. 1st Ward- Jnlr 14th -July lMh ...July itb Tuly lTth -July 18th Jnlr 21st July id ....Jnlr Kid Tuly"24tb July lMh July Wth ...July troth July Sltth July 31st -Anmm lt Autrn't lh ..Aurust 5th An trust sth An-rst 7th - August Sth .Aumist 11th -Ana-nst 12th 1 Ward.. Sd Ward - n ward .... .. " Sth Ward - Sth Ward - 7th Wsjd - Sth Ward - th Ward loth Ward " 11th Ward " 13th Ward - 13th Ward 14th Ward . lth Warf - 16 b Ward T'pper Yoder townsblp ...... Part Taylor township ....... wifon lownsmp . . ..Aunust 13th Auirust 14th .-.Anirnut 15th August lsth Aueust 18th .. Aueust loth . Ausruet iotn Auxnt 21 t -..Aua-ust i2d Inly 14th Tnlyl&lh July i Sth July 17th July 18th . . . .July 21st . .. . Julr irid . . . . July Xid . . . . July 24th . ... Joly 2Mb . . . July Mth .. . July wth . . . . Jnly 80th . . . . July 31 t . . August 1st , . . Auirutt 4th . . , Auiruat Sth . . . A uir a st Sth . . Augnst TU . . Auuust Sth . . . Auitust 1 1 th Conemausb township , . ......... Auirutt 12tb ruDey-ree townsnip ..... ...... Aueust tsth Ixiwer Yoder township .......... A u rust 14th West Taylor township August 15th odams township Aueust ISth Kleh And townahlp ............. . Aug-ust IStb A discount of t aer eent . wll II be allowed nn all tase paid on or betnre Baptember 1st. and after October 1st t per cent, will be added nn all ua- Ebenibarg, Jane Sth. Treasarer. evert WATERPROOF COLLAR or CUFF BE UP TO THE MARK THAT CAN BE RELIED ON -OwTo-t to Discolor ! BEARS THIS MARK. IvJjf TRADE Mark NEEDS NO LAUNDERINC. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOVENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. ma2-0-!y INDIANAPOLIS, IND. oo.; no:".7: SSaQ 111 X J Price. $18.00 at Factory, Cash. with, order. Strictly First-Clasa. Warranted. 11 iecond Growth Hickory. Steel Axles aud Tire. Ixw Hcot Scat Arms. Perfectly Ilalauccd. bone;, Evy Riding, Oil Tempered Spnug. - lkt WbeeU and lit All Over. IF TOO CAKT FIND THEM FOR SALE BY YOUR MERCHANTS. WHITE TS. ILFX-nON NOTICE. J la pwrruaaee et a resolution ol the Council ot the borough ol Kbenrbur;. approved Jane d . lpo. notice Is hereby rlren that aa election will be held at the usual place for bold lor tbe mu nlclal and aeneral election in tbe East aod Westwards ef said norrnrh on Tassday, f tie l.tts eJay or Anrast, A. Is. 1S0. the poll oiMinins; at 7 o'slock, a. at. and cloaiiur at 7 o'clock, r. sr., lor the purpose of determlnlnv whether tbe Indebtadnes el said borouirh shall be Increased to aa amount not ezceedinaT 7 per centum ol the assessed valuation ol the taxable property therein. Tickets roted to be labeled on the eatslde ncreaae ot debt," aad to contain on the Inside the word "no increase of debt" or -debt may be Increased." Amount of last assessed valua tion (117,436.00 Amount or existing Indebted ness, coupon bonds . ,, , , Accrued Interest on bonds Deduct amount ol duplicate lor lft0. applicable to payment otsame STt.70 Iednct balance dae ea dupli cate tor a 40.00 3.000.00 34.00 3.031.00 sis.oo Is'et amount of bonded ndsbtp edness. - 2.115 30 8S7.77 Amount outstanding orders Amount tax aasesaed for bor. ouKh purpoeee lur ISW. S &S5.03 Amount ol Indebtedness pro- to be Increased, -' t 6.000.00 Percentage of assessed raluauoa, M10 per centum. . The proponed Increase la' the indebtedness el tbe twrouifb 15 (er the purpose of securing an ad ditional supply ef water. E. K. EVANS, Burgest. AUest: W. H. Crumt. Clerk. Council Chamber. July T, lS9U.6t. HH. MYERS. : : : ATTUBNEY-AT-UAW. ' I :.' . : EaKBBBCBe, fa. jTU-l4s la OslMati Ke, a Centre sweet ONLY $20 HIGH ARM, PHILAD'A SINGER. L wan- i y n i a rru i ir Iti,?' If II tSl-i n"1 v T lens r a ua ii s a so WARRANTED 5 YEARS. 15 DAYS TRIAL aa Seir-eettlsas; Needle. thread Ins; aaattle, 11 teelcea and ltghl-ran- has tbebandeosneefc ood-work, and flneaS a extra aaea i hmeBt. t pay amenta $S3 er I Bend ssr circular. THE C. A. WOOD CO. IOthSt,PhiIa.,PiU Y is a. solid he,ndsome cake of scouring soap which has. no equal; for all cleaning purposes exceptin the laundryTo use it is 10 value ib- What will SAP0LI0 doT Whj it will clean paint, make oil-rloths bright, and give the floorf, tables arA shelves a new appeavA ice, It will take the grease off the dishes fr.& of? the jxts an-l pans. Yoi can Fcour the knives and forks with it, and rjn.s thr- tin things Eiie trig;t!y. Ths wash-basin, the bath-tab, evf-n tii.j t-rtA'y kitchen ;iuk v?i't3 33 clv.rx 3 a new pin if yoa use SArOLIO. i. .0 .' v. il'. i'rnx we 5 ,y. lie a clever housekeeper and try it - ' rsxi-is cf ii:iTAii;r3. ENOCH f&CUZLAK'Q c