Jambrin freeman. r.nr.wHt u. fa. - .IV sr. SO. 1SUO. .(M 41. - arsis rmwsiu fUrT,..f will on b her. boarders are dtoppinii into tof1 ,r" of V. 5 Darker. Bros. Luther, of Cerrell- ,. n It) town on Tuwsday. e , t j ' t" pound clean dry wool 11 IthMt , OWL ,-x si vr (T , f Ir.d!ara n Xri. '" f )rn ,own daric r Indlara ennntv, ioe the Tiv turv li-t nuil " unexowtpd rosh . . ti. iiLf b crowded out a lr lot I nr r.rrtard. who w absent for . . j . i i....i.i ...... ... r,; irU'Iin" III l ifuriu lounvjr, . . ..r U'lnMtllv. rati r-.i ' ( ,r .r, . i;ts o-en akl to appropriate and widen the Cona LTJh n tv v n'y of Johnstown. -Mr ,1(r Wi'Tl'Z ami nnuKu rc lui" . ma-rtiln. wore arnonff th 1,1 ".: . c ... Mver and S. U. Own, .j), f"'''' os of U "4 township. P,w i in m fn Frekma on Tuesday r -tv a'fi f 're In Johnstown on Mon- JT found " bne nf Cn"'' ,l tD Pilot. ..rd wa" notlilnit about the remain that jgul,l Istid ti identification. Lvrs. !.'"io William, wife of IToward art Mm. of n'omstead. formerly of E.nOnr8.ti"l t hor home in the former pH o nn if "ii'y afternoon. L rnn nf F. S. Tarhell v. The Onn gXar liv'Mid at PitUhnra last week PPtip'iiii-i an1 a verdict rendered In f0.r oft'" i:vi'ro.r Company. ts.m r(",1'''",r hi'aht Is affectinff the jt, crop in im vir'nity. The blades are tqrnj vo'V mil rnt and the Indications M trtt. t; u! j wlM he a thort erop. unilin' .mntv Prohibition lst will tll(iinv t'nnventlon at Johnstown, t..!iv ( T'l'ir J iv" and will In all wohabil H r'.' flirty ticket In the field. -Tinr-run "'" Birnnteed by lr. J. B. livor. I Arch t., Thlladelphla, Ta. Eae ali.n.'c. n niwi'on or dfiav rem butl ei. nftcsti"!! hy ttiuuMnri of ures aftr JTtn monnmtnt to Clara Price, who was B itK'-'d v Alfred Andrew In Center nrttr. icomtnii alona alowly, the fund M n i '' ?-'0O, bat It ha been dcldd tar-pi-t if. ilnirlcn woman I rurely een In Jfc..rw!i irri. hnt on Stnrdaf l"t man nd Wmiui both loadi'd with "orljflnal part UK." wratnhnlaed our street much to tt rlnk-n of tlie pfoplf. -Tt A ""nn T . nys : ExSherlffl J' n Hi.iwl. y. n.iHIiiavsburu. nttred t viti para:vtlc "t n itron Saturday last. M' r L'liid r note tbat he was renting i(ry ciiinfortthlv n Monday. t-T1c l'itnm-.ur-lencral hna dH"lded that j.imttT who fail to notify the pub H ir when the subscribers moe or fall t t pii" from the pont r'ftlce. shall It ivi.pii!ibie for their subscrlpt'ons. -Kii'i Whitt, of Carroll towwship, was ljiwhii wirk4nc 1 '"is j"b near fftotia. on V.insily f laxt eet by be lai itrnclc on the t-.tad by a fiUInu tree. 1ft wn nKn.t i veniy-two yar8 of age. p-W hnv a ffe-dy and positive Cure ft I'Ktirrh. P rb'ticria. Canker Mctith, and H in h.'. in ' itr Cutarth Kcinedy. A Xlvi! Ir'-c'ur li.'.- itli eicb pcUle. Use It V yin itesirw hi-iilth and aweet breath. j-Jc-n'pf! .hrwuiakcr. a louoit man about oHtffn nr of ae, wliiMe hoiue was at Sfc-rniin stal inn. nt-ar Johnstown, was dnwned in th t'l.n. iDnuali river at Sauv TLV. ow, ,n inst Tuimlay eeulrj;, while baivr.,: I-Cn Thurs.my of la-t wetk. Ml 9. K II. K.'.rn,i,.k cf Clierrytrve. Indlata county, fla.1 at tue home of tier Uu hter, Mrs. E. BS CaiTiy. n UTi.r.vf rte W. Vi. Mrs. J. ffjl'iiricr. of thn pmce, N a daoghtercf Qa itacensinl game nf tate hail wa p!nyed on the Ol fire irrnundM at I.ort.o, on Saturday IM'. hetween a "picked nine" from this pf, mut the Collrue nine. The 8 core at U , f rhe ennif stood u to 8 la faror of tt Kwiishn! Dine. f-Uen't fml to read the picnic advertl.oe W'U of ihe Sor rf Veterans in an other col 'i T'ie l)ifi.t ptcnlc la tl.e country will " '1 In tt n r!no.nit the slorUmn 4th. and Gt'i" N for in pnrpeseof letting you It. Don't ou forjfet it. f-AJ the K 'puhllcan primaries held In "rt pour-ty on Saturday last, tbe W -,rv context m on Conresroan. a. K.r1rii Srall, the the present Ircnm- rur.',! the detente over D. J ' '"r, bv a .i.rtty of about 1,100. V, j,-0nta.n U.me. at Cfenon. will ""i ia WednemUy, Jun the J5. All t3" ntop thi-re durlritf the Summer "o. New .,r agj Chicago Limited F..it and West will s,tUp t frenson "n there are pm,T to get on 'Tat tht point. :ar unrnher of Hon and Italians - hrou-t to the city and put to work Wopsoonnock ralIroat the paat Ttiere are over rn hundred men :icum..t:ve will reatiund where oucj M U..r whiHip of thn wild, nntmms -I vk;t.. -toona Graphic XeK$. K N'T boit 10 years, was taken "' the : ntr ronnty almt bouse and f-d hy ( hri firay.of Siaklntf Valley. Tire,! M' l... I. -r- Irnt ,hout suppg, t,n) nd go,n to ' nnnuttoned hta fchlrt. pulled It 4 ,p ,u revolver to his heart and ' 'oi-if dead. No caose to asslgo4 a Ule t drop u.ro C. T. Roberts, stow. . hv that desire aU0ed. and . ler than if for yoti tend away fur your Yn, ar own merchant will then be " ura, "-' to keep fan stock from which A 'arge aiuwrtment of bouks, K ribi!j, prayer books. Just open- d i. hson. of Dtxonvllle. Ind. Co. I Jl y 'vjdrrdat Wins low last week. "-Ns,rs u apart. It broke before i-,... "'''lon it. and tbe two lo . ., u",r1 ch other, caught Mr. Uib- 4 nd roiUdsome tuirty feet 'he lull. la- Un arm and leg were bio- ,,fler Injuries sustained wblcn r''-rK doubtful. t iintlo on Monday and o, toppesi in to see the mam k "i an iu4, V., . m a . Simon, which we ulirT "rt""1 CURtoner- "Is "tore ;v"l !?r't vr't,"'8 neetled In a :1 ' lo" ,'CP custom Pino . ar' n1 no ntt-r wkn !.; r an cur dk 4. "'k "ul "0,,!' 10 b 'b of cus i and ere for .,.irv.i . y w w vi sa Vi'-do' rday noralna. Constable Thlllp Miller of ilvstlnif, ikrrsfd Thorna.n Dawon and Emily Dotrey, at Portage, on a charge of adultry. This Is the same couple f.at eloped from Ilnstme about twa weeks aco. They have alnce been Hying at Tortase ae man and wife, and the husband' of the woman, Emtfnoel Dot re v. learning their whereabout had a warant Isiued for their arrest. They were placed in JalU on NYrdnesdiy. The Legislature of New Tora: bas made provision for the punishment of boys who f moke or uae tohacco In any form. Tbe law la atrdieeni and will be a ruardlan to all boya. It proyldea that on and afler the Brat of September neat no child actually or apparently under 1ft years ef ae hall amoke or In any way ue elgara, clgareftea or tobacco in any form whatever In any pMic s'teet. place, or resort, and that any vloUtion of thla act shall be a misdemeanor, pnnlshahle by a fine of not more than $10 nor lees than f2 for each offense. Colonel Danka began hi lecture by alneing a roost thrilling sons. lie then gay us a true historical as well a a graphic ac count of the three days conflict, the surg ing of the battle lines, and the fields strewn with the wounded and dead. Durtna; this description, the speaker gave as many his torical and most toncblng personal reminis cences, anJ closed the evening's entertain ment with another eoal-stlrrlng song. Ertninrj Xevi Gretntburg. Pa. JoI. Danks will deliver a lecture at the Opera House, Friday evening. June 27th. at tbe closing of the Ertensborg Normal School. The Ehensburg Normal School will close Friday. June. 27. with a day's In struction on the principles and methods of teahlnir bv Dr. Z.T Snyder, Frlnclplal of State Normal School, Indiana, ra., Co, Supt. J. W. Leech, and teachers of tbe county. Ia the evening Col. J. A. Danks. a veteran who fought at Gettysburg, will deliver his popular lecture, "Battle of Get tysburg. " Dsy-leetnrers ere free to all, but an adm ission fee of 30 eta. for reserved eeats and 20 cts for general admission will be charged to defray exDensea. The exer ciee will be held In the Opera House. Thursday evening f last week when Phillo Klinr md his wife, or Dear Madison. yVes'nmre'and county were about to start to a meeting of Madison. Grange, Mrs. Kel'ar got In the hnggy and Mr. Kel'ar took the horse by the head tit lead it down a steep embankment. When about half way down their young son fired oft a gun, which fritfhtened the horse, and It started sudden ly. knocking Mr. Kellar down, breaking one of his arms and trampling upon Mm. Mrs. Kellar wa not able to hold the frightened animal, and It dashed down the road at a frightful speed, upsetting the buggy, throw ing her out and breaking her Jaw, beside Injuring her Internally to aoch an extent that she cannot recover. The baggy was completely demolished. J. Wilkinson Son. marble and gran ite dealers of Eher-eburg. Pa, wW". te In form the public that they are prepared to fill all orders for ceme.erv work. In either marble or granite, at figures that defy com petition. The artistic t-xcellecce and su perior workmanship of their designs are evidenced by the many specimens now on frxhlhitton at tbeir establishment and by the numberless designs which they bave erected in the various cemeteries In this county and elsewhere. Every department of their business U In the hands ofskiliral and competent workmen, who are capable of executing any piece of work from the plainest to the most elaborate, which to gether with the personal supervision that every Job receives is a guarantee that per fect satisfaction will r given to the most exacting of patrons. Tbey ordered forty tons of marble which arrived In April, and now have as flr.e. if rot the finret. btock of ttie best racrble that ver came to Western Pennsylvania. Tersuus who nig an) thing In the I ire would do well to give ttctn a call before leaving tbelr order with any other manurctuw, as you can depend upon getting a good job at a fair price. Iteittti or r. T. Bearer. The cooimnntty was shocked on hearing that T. T. Bearer was round d.ad in his bed on !a-t Friday morning. Triere nothing to indicate that he had given the s'lghtest itruggie, but was lying in an easy position and no rtoub. passed from a peace ful s'umbt-r to the repose of death, lit bad been well as usual on tbe evening before, and enjoyed the society of some young peo ple wfco came to see him. Everyone seemed to think that he was unusually cheerfnl. The family knew nothing of bis death un til his brother George went Into tbe room. Theonhlios T. Bearer was the son of John Bearer, Eq.. of So)n.-'hanna town, ship, and was born November 2. 1826 Lie was raised nn his father's farm, and on reaching manhood began teaching school. He went to Ohio and graduated from a commercial school In that State, where he taught school for some time. Some four or five years ago he returned to this county and was connected with the summer school In Eben?tnr, where he &ade trie acquaint ance of many of the young people of the count , and won their lasting esteem. Outing the Winter of 87-63, while teach ing at St. B .nlfaw thin county, he suffered a paralytic stroke froia wh'cb he never re covered. Ills mi arm was powerless, and It wa wMh d fflculty bo could walk for a long time. During tbe last year be could an around quite well but could not engage in any kind of emnloyraert Kaw people have as large a number of friend art as small a number of enemies as T. T. Beater had. and it might be tai l that few are so deserving. His life wa the life of a christian. He was an honest, tem perate and 'ndnstrlous ; an ohealei.t sna. a loving orother and a worthy enlz.'n. Ha was a teacher nf more than ordinary skill and merit. Sd. Indeed, will oe tbe hearts of his former pnpils when they hear that Be has been called from tbe vineyard, but as he has :oine the labors of the day and heat, his many pupllo may trust that he has received h's penny. Thicngh lila long Ill ness and disahiiitv he never uttered a annr miir, but bore all with patience and forti tude, rememhertrg ttat 'the Lord kveta whom He chanteneth " TLe svmpatby of the community is f xtended to his parents and frieno. May re rest In peace. i To-Jsy thre a vacant plaea at homo And there ra r.eirt d and lone; "r Wends Have heeneall-.l ' part W Ita a luvad on dtr to ttaa brsru Father anJ mother weer today Kor a dejr re laid awav. Whoe rbeertnl voire that'll hwr no mora t'nt'.libay meet on the haavcoly hur. Sisters mnd benthara rnea o preriuus hn.iher that ha.1 to laava Thahomaelrelah kJ ta cheer. With loving wurJa kin.l and dear. KrlanJt weep a they wl h! aear form As they gather to ehurrh on a Sahbath morn; la tha plae whera ha kei to tell (dwell. Of his hopes ol heaven here ho' gone to The beaatlrol mornlna waa calm and aUll, Tha raa jaat tnas a'or Iho eaatara hllla, w ben tha death anael tne- lu way To thaout vbn dear l haophUU Uy. And bora hlf tplrtt tmm bom of lor To a bncbtar on In heaven abovo. 1 hor tharo Is do aorrow, pain or ala. And notM hat too par can entar la. Bnt o: hew ort. la tha coming yaart. Will weary are fl'.l with tesr. han tbey tbina w ibe dear torm bid By the (heal- and wrea taurar, d outta lid. nly hia torm. bla aplrlt at rat. In hvavan above with all tb bleat: Whara haautiral flowers loraver bloom And Jaaaa, hia Savior, ramovea all a loom. TbooBh ha'i at raet. we feet ear lose. w II that when railed tarroaa TTjo river ot death. a may navl With him at our dear Savlur'i loot. Moat la tnat land where aoceU wait To i opon wide tha a-. Men gate or the radeemad to paaa tbroach. Then, dear Tbao., may w meat with you. Meat la that beantltal elty of llht " hera never cores tba bad ot nuht; Theea In happlneet forever to dwell W ith Jeaoa and frtend w tovo ao weltu Wurrti av a raiaso: Consumption Surely Curwd. .vT.T" EcrTO :-" tnorm your readers that I have a paaittve remedy for the above-naiaaw aae. By tie timely nee thouaaada efhepeleas eaaae have baea permanratly cured- I shall be glad) to aene two botilae ef my remedy r&EX to any of yonr raadem who have consumption If they will end cm tbelr Eiprsae and P. O. addraaa. fullj. T. a. bixA.CiI. It. C. lal Paarl bl., '. T. In that beautiful land w shall sea thy race. For amonast the anels thou hast a place; For tbou haat won tbe heavenly pnta A home and a mansion in the skiaa. Jaroi for Krplember Term. ..l..w!mr U tha liat of I rand and Traversa jurors dr.iwn lfr the nert term of t'ourt, Ne!a alnpr on tha am Monday In September : otiin naoaa AnsUit. Anthony. laborer, trallitila boroifh. Keam. Arthor. wreman. John-town. Hoy!, HatnoK. laborar. Cast Taylor. Koyt. reora kaetr. luhnstown. Han. Alerander. aroaor. Allecbany. Boeher. T saddler. Oarrolltown. t'onnery. E-lwor.1. polie-man. JohnJtnwa. fvuner. M. M . ttrmer. !.. Kdwarit. Edward, mlna txttt. Lilly. Hllo. A. S.. farmer. Birr, ("-a. John farmer. Cambria, Uttln r. John, farmer, Jackson. Hcaan. Krank. blacksmith. Iower Yoder. Kt. Jaraev bnoklajar. J hoiton. KlrUetr-lt. T., iar:nr "am!. Knen. Ki'brim.ertntcr. Jubnatowa. Mcloy. Hnh oarrs-nter. Johnstown. Pmh. Thom-u larroe''. Allrhenv. Shsrbarh. John, nn lenskr r. Wa.'hlaatoa. Smith John A., bar ten lor. IIilHtZla boroUfh. Swank. Aert.elr. Johnstown, -wank Hlrn. mannmctnror. Jonnstown Wacne'r. Otto, tanner Et.anrho.ra-. Waet. Emery. merlntetigent. Johnstowa. TttAvairsB jraoas rutJT wrxa. Bland William t. Jostice Johcstown. Hrt.lirs . S.tmo-I. laborer John-town H-enlv ff Hcepmtn. frmer. Wet Taylor. KrowB Milton W.. nipt.. J..hrtwn, Hllckn.lcrer. El'aa farmer. KUcklick. foae T W.. salearoan. JotiniitowB. IVrr J .. editor. tarr"Htown. ftonltev Ivld. merchant. Tanklln. Cook Wllllatu r.. Jostle-. Stonjcreek. IMI..n. 1'itrick, larmor. El ler lon.lre. Harry. miocr. Sooth fori. Iiaweor) Tborosa. mill hand. Joboetown. Iiown. IHvld H.. esrpente'. lohntown. Kichensehr. Michael A., e rpentsr. Johnstown. K.lwara John T.. laborer. Johnstown. Kolk. Frank, carpenter. Johnstown. Fortreson .1. B. painter. J hnatown. Krelilhotr P. S . ia..nkccr. Jofcnstowa. fate IlinrT. blckinlfh. Lower Oder. Ooed.'jobn j. . farmer. Kat Taylor. Honok. John J merchant, t arrolltown. Hoa-o..loetn. larrner, ii-7. Henllne. Albert, tlcrk. Johnstown. Ino-lert. John. flrem:n. Jobn'town James. Edmund. IruiprHt. Ebansburg. Jones. M . I . morchaot. .lohnfWB. Kelly. William, elerk. Lilly. Ktn.eonre E fvrtner, t'am rta. Klst. Lodwln. merchant. Jobn'town. Kavlor. janei. J.. lanner. Alleitbeny. Twla. .Tohathaa !-. farmer t amhrla, Mel mrrantt. JohB. aaent, Jnhnetown. M'n Thomaa, merchant. Johnitowo. timer. Adolnh. wrneer. Johnstown. Pntlan. FJsrard. larmer. Vi.per Yoder. Kattlaan. I-uke. tartner. rroyle. Hooorts. N. I . pattern-maker, lohnstown. Umlth.John E machtulst. Johnstown, stephena. Thomas J.. jeweler, Uallitrln. Sommerrille., J'ori. larmer. Sonouehanna. Schrsrt. John, labor-. Fst Taylor, hitelly. William A turmor. PortairaTap. Tittle .Tsmea. fomnaa. Johnsown. Vsncht, Simon, fsruu r, Alleaheny. Waters. Josiah .fonstaolo. J .hn.su.WB. Wiasinaer. Isaao N . larmer. Iii';a ic. Whsrton. John A., farmer. leartlold. Yohner. Joseph A- Macktmlth. JloarOetd. TaarBMHa jcaoue-sacoxn wiu. Addlepenrer. Mathew, brickUyer, Waahlnvtea. Hrvan. F. W elerk. t'oopersdale. Fr"e- Beoj. F . farmer. Keade. Knchansn James, engineer, Wasblnaton. Frirer. Edwarl artist. Johnstown. Hrad'ev. Unvh. aentleraan. J..bntwa. villas'. Michael, larmer. Clearfield, tv.le Wlll.am. eawjer. Ebaastur. Cramer. W 1.. eamenter. Ka.1. tiUrk. I- K.. rmtcr. tat Jonemao.u. fotnhle. Henrv J.. laborer, stonyereek. flark.John 11 Innkeeper. WaahinatoB. lMwHn-. John, merchant. Jobnilown. 'lke. John H.. clerk. While. Foster. Andrew, merchant. Johnstawa. tallahar,eonto W.. laborer. Kckde. t tias. Jacob. . Johnatowc. Orlffith. Evan, butcher. Lilly a. Howard. Iri O.. teamter, Johne-towo. Hai.lon. James W . armer, Iraititain. Klrbv. IJavid. saloonkeeper. Johnstown. Keler Abraham farmer. Klchland. Koiper twi. can soater. tstonycraek. Kcelsn Themaa.Jr., minor. Sonth Fork. Keedv Thos. pM assistant fureman. JotuUVD. Koonti, William, tarpenter. Johnstown. R ratter, liavld. Iwmbermaa, t'learheld. Ltrvel. Peter, blacksmith. Lower Oder. McHreen T.. Jr reetanrant keeir. tbeai DUrr. Mar.li. Samuel, laborer. Lower Voder. Slve-s W. farmer. So.nebanna. Martha. James, ;ierk Joliojtown. Mvct. John B, tanner, Kea.le. iKeee. John, teamster. Johnstown. Powell. Wilson, farmer, Carroll. Kihtdett. J. W.. laborer, orper'dalo. Stlr.ch..lohn. manolactorer. Jobnsu,WB. Skrllv Alexander. axnt. Wilmore. S former Jobn. laOorar. Johnstown Sancher. Vincent, farmer, Washington. Sher-t.'leora-e W.. farmer Barr. Toner. Peter. Inn keeper. J.-hnstown. Thomas. Philip, farmer, Clearfield. Vioel. Lawrence, ansoW. Johnrtown. Wsirrier.Oeorye. larmer. Jackson. Wllhelm. Ikvld. umtwrn". rortaijo. Vahner. Paul, sor-'eyor. Elder. Ylns-er. K. S., blacksmlin. Carroll. TAv-BHAa xcBoaa-TBiao wx eraciAL tbxm. A ana Cha.. farmer. Carroll. Hlalr. John A., rentleman. Eben&barg. Bo-. Ian. Peter. laborer. Johnstowa. Brown. Peter, carpenter. Lilly. Ulttner. Heury. brlcklayei. Johnstown. Bn. k. A, W ,lnker Ebon'hnnr. Cordall. J- hn. Inn-keener. Chesu ral. Frank, laborer. F-t Conemaon. ?onnellv, Patrick, proeor. Jcbnstowa. Cothhert. William . foreman. Johnstown. C lark . 51 tchael. m I ner. Oa 1 1 1 til n Bar. F'rank. Elmer, itone mason, Johnstown. Fesler. orire. miner. South Fstk. Farrell. Archibald . mill-hand . Johnstown. Felse.Harrv, laborer. Iwer Yoder. Oearhart . Conrad, bricklayer, Johnstown. Hngbs. Thomas. J .. larmer. Monster. Hasson.JameaG., editor. Ebensbory. Uolaopple. Jacob, farmer. Klchland. Hoover. Thomas, larmer, Cambria. Hubert. Darld L farmer, Adams. Holii, John, contractor. Susquehanna. Hoover. Frank, farmer. Elder. James. I "arid I , contractor. Lower Yoder. Kane. Char'es. farmer. Carroll. Koonsman. Ijwrenee. farmer. Allerbny. Itwrenre. Samnel C, lab rer, Johnstowa. Ludwig-. John, merchant, Johntown. Ichy. F"nincla. hotel-keaper. Lower Yoder. Isnuj. Andrew. lnn-koerer. Elder. Mannlon. Martin, tanner. tajToll. MKounh. Charles, foreman. Franklin. Mt.Miormr. J . B.. carpenter. Keade, Myers. I. (.. jusrlee. A'hvllle. Nees. Bernard, hotel keeper. Klchland. i twens. Charlea. laborer. JohDstowrj. ll'Brian, Edward, laborer. Johnstown. Boberta, Elmer, larmer, Cambria. Keam. Jacob W.. larocqr. T'pper Yodor. Kolsby. Oeerare. farmer, ttleartleld. Sherry, Jobn, larmer, Alletcbeny. Sloan. Philip, Isborar, Jhoastown. Thomas, Jno, E. farmer, (Jam bna. Topper, J. J., carpenter. Johnstowa. Yamer, Oeonce W.. carpenter, lohnstown. Williams, Jno. '., laborer. Lower Yodar. Yost. Jacoo, tartser. Cambria. Y' others., K.J merchant, Susquehanna. m ('art Prorredlnc. Tbe following cases were apposed of af ter the report In last week's Fkeeman. Pbllip E. Cbapiu vs. Tbe Cambria iron Company, aseumpit. Jury flr.d for plaln tHT the sum of (7.700. John Neary Tbe Pennsylvania rail road Company, trespass vl et aimie3. Ju ry find for tbe defendant. Mary Bannan vs. W. W. McAteer, appeal. Plaintiff becomes con suit. William Bowman vs. Henry Barnbart. AUat Scire Facias. Contiuued. E. U. Cresweit vs. Mary Cole. Replevin. CoDtlnued. Clarence Farber vs. Haywood, coal Co. , t aL Appeal. Continued. E. A. Irwin vs. Jobn J. Gill. Ejectment. Continued. E. A. Irvin vs. George KotrufT, et aL Ejectment. Continued. A ii ton Kleim vs. J. M. ECloC Judgment I opened. Continued. Thomas Hagao vs. Michael LUzlnger. Siandtfr. Continued. Administrators ot rets Kabritc vs. Ja cob !. C us tel. Treepass. Continued. Kedlaeeel Kales far the Fwwrttt r Jaily ttse Peaaijltaala atallrexaaU In pursuance et its usual liberal policy tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Company will this year sell excursion tickeu for toe Fourth of July holidays between all sta tions on Its lines at reduced rates. Tbe tickets will be told on Jaly 3d and tb, val j Id to return until July 7th. 1890. This re- j d action 1b rates does not apply to tickets sold between New Totk and Philadelphia, doc New York or Philadelphia and Baltt mote and Washington. By the use of these tickets one can make a very pleasant trip at small cost. 'Warns lea Cwlal In the bead? Medical authorities say It Is due ta uneven clothing of tbe body, rapid cooling when In a perspiration, Ac. Tbe Important point b, that a eo'.A In tbe bead la an loflamatton of the lining membrane of tbe noae, which, when unchecked, is essen- i tlally a "cold" which nature is no looser able to resolva or throw off. Ely's Cream Balm has proved its superiority, and suffer ers should resort to It before that cammon ailment become seated and ends In obetK nata catarrh. Back lew's Aralca Halve. Tbe Best Salve in tbe world for Cuts, i Brulswa. bores. Ulcers, Salt Kbeum, Fever Sores, letter. CLapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posl tlvely cures Files, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfoct satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Sold at tbe drug stare ot E. James, Ebenr burg, and W. W. McAteer. Loretto. Ia Meiaarlaaa. A pall ol sadnee and gloom was thrown over ne entire eummant'y ty ire daato et t.sic'ia the briirht and lovalv daurbter At lr. J. R. and Till la reeri. of Summerhtll. at the promf-lnr s of " years. She was a rsmarkable child lor her aae ; of nnsual Intellectual brl'llanrv. of rracelut and reftne.1 manners. f rent le and attramivs disposition, ot renereos svmimfhy and consider ate toreTboneht for the haprilres ef others : her kindly words and acts and creertel bearinc and mltinr face hroerht sin'htne whercvee aha came. In her tbouehtlul Ideas, in her haMts of If te. In her eoe a eolatlnas. fn her wiesical. ar tistic and scholarly acoqlrements she had reached the development af much maturer years. She was a child of etch an.l hooetul promise for a biirht fnture In this 11'e but tod eaweht her no to His throne for larrer ernansion aw l wider la finenee usefulness and enjaj-meti?. She was In deed nttedfe shine as an ancel of liuht and puri ty fshe was unlrersallv admired. Protetants and Catholic all are! and eiav eo.nstly vletne In tribute of admiration to her nesnfiltl character. None knw bee rn to lve be- for he sras the idol of all. and nece to know he.r. waste never lorret her evcef'encles ot mind and besrt. Her mem.ry will brinr a bene.; let Ioe of aoot to all who evee formed her aisquafntanee. especially ff thev e-rivht the beautv and leeer.r ot her pure soul life and are Inspired to Imitate her many virtues and irraces. and shall strive to posess as few faults Tbe appreciation ol the eommnnltv and their attefstion ol her real worth were manifested In tbe enare, resotftnl and eti'iesslse fune-al sr. rsnrementi and services Oesndeur and slm Dllsity characterised It all. The avthetle taste and purs destre ol tbfs lovely child were the fully met and evpreaseS. A select eholr. under the evce'lent direction o Prof. W'eks of South Fork, rendered the service et praise for the oeoa sloo. the with rhe children of the sabbath school, which she so faith fn Mr arten'ted. marehed In orCer ro tha home. eeh heartner I n one bnd a lovely lwto,net ol pure white Bowers upon a back (rronrid of tern. Here tbe school opened ranks tor tbe funeral eorteve In pass throorh. The ser vice at the house was brie' and appropriate. The eong-Benlah Land a favorite of the child's, wne finely rendered by the ehotr. after which tnoee was a short prsvor by her pastor. Her. M. O. T. Sahm. Thea tbe remains and the lanr as sembly repaired te the church which was dense ly packed, the vestibule filled and the yard without contained manv anxious listener. The church was very heautllnllv and appropriately draped. feroonlnrs et black and white crape. Intermingled entwined the pulpit and chande lier, and two large and baaseme pyramids of fraerrant flowers srraeed each side el tbe altar. Truly sunshine and aladness. foretastes of heav en Into which the loved christian one had joyful ly entered, sweetly mfncled with the tears if sorrow and sadness which so freely flowed. The opening- hymn. "'Nearer my Ood to Tha," was Impressively sonar, followed hy Scripture lesson and a fervent prayer by N S. Oeoro-e. Then a verv sweet and eomfortln sonic, thnllingiv ac cented. -Just Berond the Shto'na Klver." was rendered bv thechnlr. An earxeet and eomlort rna: discourse then followed v tbe pastor Kev. M. f. T Sahm. from Hon. 111. SH. "And we know that all thlncs work tog-ether for aood to them tst love ffrod Then a most Inspiring and precious solo; -Driftin- Into Harbor." was STandly rendered or Miss Brown, el Snath Fork. As a besutl lul fJnale end tribnte o I affection, each member of te eabhath echo.1 dropped a beaut ful bonqnet upon the ccffla as the choir saer "Sweet Bee and Bve." Thus eloae.1 the most lovely Impressive and precious burial service that the witer ever wit nessed . althouah bavinr been present at many very Imtw 'ntc eTerciaes and many expressions ol admiration and appreciation were beard on all sides. It was a ust tribute to worthy harac'er. ller memory is blaesed. tor the Influence ot such a 11 le can never die. A Fnianra. Sons of Veterans' dthZJuIy Celebration -AT- EBENSBURG ! AEKAMIEMENTS HAVE BEEN COM PLETEIS BY THE SEVEKAL tXJM. M1TTEES APPOINTEO BY Lieut. HlT.n JONES' CAMPS. ofV. To Hva a Cxlebbatios iar HUNTLEY'S x GROVE, in EBEXSBURG, PENVA., ON July 4th, 1890. IS THB F'OBKHOOK THajt WILL SI A FANTASTIC PARADE Wbich Evbrvbody Sbould Sara. 10'T FOKSBT THB Grand Dinner! Whicb: Wlll b Snvto ia thb Qsotb. ALL KINDS OF REFRESHMENTS IStttBISO ICE CREAM & LE.M0NDAE. Dnuo tbtb Arrnsoox tukkk will is DANCING Mi Offier Amnsemcats. IS TBE ETBSUrO A J3IGr HOP In the Opera House. TIIK JOUNSTOWS Hussar :-: Band Will Furnish the Music, Ibtbb Etisito tbbbb will bb a Display of Fireworks O TJBT-SCAL MAOBTJrtCKBCS. A FFKTIVA1. 1Fla,I. BE HUB IS THE OPERA IICaE THE JfALLOWl!U HATCH DA ft EVEHISU. TtTOTTCE. 1 v Notice Is berehv ctveu that an application wlll be made on the :sth day ol Inly, laM, to the tovemor ef this Commonwealth for a charter ol Incorporation under an Act entitled. Ao Act t provide for tbe Incorporation and reyralatlon ef certain Corporations" approved April 2tb, T4. aad tfee several supolemcnts thereto, to be srvled the MOrrsTAIN COAL. tXJMPAfTY. Tbe character and otveet ef the core era joa Is the Bilnlna eteoalapd tbe m an o tact ore of cok-. tb excavation and projection ol minerals and tbe sale el the same In erode or man a lectured torm. nd for these purposes to erect, maintain and ase all necessary and eoavealent botldiOKS, ssarhtn-e-y ears and appliance. Tbe namee of Bve ot the subscribers to tbe charter are Ueorce F. HalT. Tbemas Ionoboe. Klchard tlonlter, Joseph P. W ilson and unmet v . i.ue. KICHAKI COULTER. jnn30JC Attorney for api.UcanU. MEKCArcnLE NOTICE. T he venders of foreign and domestic mer cttandise are hereb) notiBed to call and lift their nmwvvi vs .u,w ii . mm aiiw mat u,.. they wilt be placed In the hands of lbe proper j coiners wa collection as me law airerra. THOMAS E. HOWE. Jan. tJO-Jt. Treasurer. A n VT I cssnn lor tbt sale el iXU oor Hon.e Urowa Nanery WANTED. si ess t Utseral Terras UsxqcaLBTt FACTLrrnDS. One of tbe tare est. oldoai-esuabllshed, and best Known Nurseries ta the country. Addre-a w. A T.SMITH. Oeaeva Ksursery, Oeneva, N. Y". Established Is NS. sui st eow. GEO. M. TiEADE, ATTOKNtY'-ATIAW, Ebsbsbcbo, Fax a a. dfOfflce on Centre street, near High. 0ni I e-Tin. lii7?s aV IP0UEE1 Absolutely Pure. Tae powder aever varies. A merrei oi punty. strenarth and wholesomenes. More ecoDomlcal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of the low test short wemht, alum or phosphate powder. Sed my isttni. KoTAL liAKlae PowpKB Co., 106 WallSf.MBW YoBB. STATEAIENT OK SETTLEMENT WITH Su pervisors ol White township lor the vear loss. WILLIAM FLEMlNO.Supervlfor. Inc Teamoontol work duplicate -fKin-ao To order on Csiuimissloners for persenal service 50.00 Te cash received Irom 'axabloa 29.3:! To order on Commissioners lor personal services . - 44.46 1441 .48 Ca. Rv return to ?ommlssloners By transfers to Supervisors . Kv exonerations .$ 29.U 4.0T 1.16 2K.6S . b'2l '. 2.2S , Z o . TJ.tri . l!u 4.1. Hy rash paid ot , Hy ti days personal services at SI 6-1. By apiearance tfoie "Squire Slyers, l.1-, dsvs Hy 3'i days to Kbeoebura; ,, I'.y work done by taxable ..... By cash mceiv.d on duplicate lj 1 day at settlement liy car 'are. rwo trips to Ebensbura; ..... t4U.4S LT'KG DUB KIN. Supervisor, inu To balance of dai 'k-ate of Is .. S 57.60 To amount of work duplicate . . '1.72 To order on Commissioners lor personal services 5"0 T-t order lor Frugality bridge contract l:ti.ui To cah receiveil from taT it los . To order lor personal services ,,,, ls.SO S617.V2 $150 00 i.J . 3 tsj . 243.64 5 4 ViA . eo.sj By Fruirality brtdre contract By work done on duplicate ol 1-S... -By exonerations on duplicate oi laS., By work done by taxable, ln By tranete-s.... Bv exonerations By peraooal expenries, 40 davs at 11 50- Bj 1 day ta Frua-allty By 1 day at A a ill tors' aneeUna-. By 1 day to AskrWle x. : By trip to Ebensbura;, ( diTiy. By 1 day with team 1.50 S-isi 10.00 3.00 2-. .. 1.10 rty i day aeoopiag- By amount paid for fuse. By amount paid eotuair out trees 8.00 21. Z7 By cash paid tor dltlsrent purposes. fy li days attend ins; settlemnt. $917.92 LI A IU LITlk-S. Ontstandlnc oraers . S 73.C4 We. the undersltrned Auditors ef White town ship, have examined the foregoing- aot counts and find tbem as above stated. VelISs. Auditor.. Attest: J.I Esoai, Clerk. junl3 4t EECEIPTS AND EXPENDXTL'KES OF KB. bensbura School District. Cambria county, l a., ler tbe year endlnn June 1st, lsvo. KECtll'TS. Oross amount of tax duplicate lor school puriioses. ----- l.ei.:is Deduct abatements. - - S 46 St exonerations. - - f 3.s0 S6 44 JH 17 4S'l 03 8.73 Total tax receipts. .... Cash from hut year - - - - -State appropriation . . - - -Addltionlal 5 per cent, added to delia quern taxpayers - - - - ftt,27.K7 EXPEMITTTKE8. Paid teachers' salaries. Paid printlne. .... ,412.2.-, Paid water rent and balance on beating apparatus. . - ... . Paid fuel. - Paid janitor's salary, ... Paid repairs. - Paid salary ol treasurer and collector. 11S.25 si-A 1 10 J 115.SJ 7.5l 809.75 nan are in me treasury, - SV.S7.87 D. D. PRYCE. President E. C. PAKKISH, SeeretAry. A.J.WATKKS. ) W. H. f HN KLU S Auditors. F. W. DAYIS, S JOHXC. PIXCU. DkALlCB IB ..... Golien - WeJJiBE - Eye - WfMies, 138 Watbb STmnrr. Pn-rtsBtTto, Pa. Oldest established bouse in the city, vtbere Bothlna' but ;o re ttood s are put nn, strictly tor 'amliy and maliciaal use. Nothink better than (Kilden Weddlnit. Next on the Ilt, Guck enheimer.s, trray's Monoasrahaia Bve; those iroodsere lead mi? brands. Brandies of viritsiro of 1S7S on hand. Olns, Holland sr.d Domestic, also Oil Tom. Finch's (ralden Weddinr, fl.00 for fnll quart. 6 for S-vOO: tluckenbeimi-r's tbe same; Alonoupraheia, f3.i r oeren. W r.cs, 5.00 per doien,-! 00 1or one-halt dorr. S-cnre-ly boxed. Also bare in stock. tr-irflr3tl.ers Choice, at fi.OO per gallon, bsrre a at f;.-ila rates. A pr. ?5. '90 -ly Steam Saw Mill FOR SALI The subscriber will sell at private sale a thirty five bone power Eairine, Boiler, and SAW. MILL COMPLETE, nearly new. and in arood run nlrs; order. It If at present located near Mineral Point, where it can be aeea. It will be sold at a bargain. UAKKL'sOIs' bl'HKHA KT. fall on or address at Mineral Point, Cambria coanty. Peon a. male St MEN WANTED OX SAL.A.KW Torellable men we will rive steady emplov ment and I.IKEUAL 8ALAHY. paylne: tbelr travel Lnit expenses. We arrow our own stock ex clusively and OVAKANTEE It to bestrlstly first class in every particular, true to name as order ed. Full Instructions furnished. Experience unnecessary, apply at once, statins: axe. Ad dress E 4f. PTEKSON at CO., Maple O rove Nur series. Waterloo, N. Y. (Established over 20 jrs. ma.-3mNK IXECTTTOKS' NOTlt-E. 1 Eststs ov Thomas MnxL, deceased. Letters seetameatary on the etate ol Tboma Mlsel late of trroll township. Cambria county, Pe deceased, having been irranted ro tbe uo derslimed. all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby aotlfled to make pavmect to na without delay, and tbnae bavln claims attaint the saiue will preseat tbem properly authenticsred lor e Ueaient. MAKY M1SKL. 'IKOKOKT. MISEI' Executors of Thouas Mlsel. deceased. Carroll twp Juoe 3, luu.-t. ADMINISTKATOR-S 7SOTIOE. fcerraTB of Michabl Bkakivt. dee'd. Letters e t administration on tbe estate of Michael Braniff. late of Snmmerbill township. Cambria count j. Penaa., deceased bavins: been granted to tbe derstxned. all persona Indobted to said estate are brre'jy notlncd to make payment to ne without delay, and tbore bavin claims against the same will present tbem properly au thenticated for seulemeot. ... . . John itel. Administrator of Mlcbael BraBiff.jeo'd . Snmmerbill tp May So. lsuo. 6U TlPTPflTT rE liKip UL1I1U11 Klerl Tacfale mark. HALF THE COST ol holstinit saved to tstorekeeiiers. Butchers. Farmcra. Macblneeu. Boilders, etraciors and OI HERS. Admitted to e theKieat est Improvements EVEK ma-ie In tackle blocks. Freight prepaid. Write ler catalogue. FULTON IKON. ENGINE WKS 10 Brush St.. DetrotL Mich. Established lsftt. ma30.so.Iy tetiiri Fire Insiiraiice Acency T. TV- DICK, General Insurance Agent KBRSSH JJR Q . I A.. H U. MYERS. ATTOH NET-AT-LA W . Ebbhsbubo, Pa. dr-Omc la CoUonade Kow. on Centre street. i F NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS ! Notice Is herebv e-lren tbnt the County Trca nrer of tlattbrla cc.nrity will attend for'the nnr. nose ol reooivinir County and Mate Tsxm lor ' voar 1-90. at the places of holding the eleeffans In the re?iectlv districts. on the dates mention ed below. Sonfh Fork ....Ju!y 74 Crrrvle towrship, .... .....Joly jSfh WHmo-e . Julv IStn Nnmmerhlll t'.wn"hip. July 17ih Vortae tovrnebip, Julv l-th LIU- WaiiblBirton township. No. No. Tu-.nelhHL.-. tVslIltrln boron h ... ....-...Julv 21st L......lal v -'2 1 a- Julv ni ... -Jnly 24th Tuly 2T.th !Utioter towtisliip, Joivvfirh Jalv 2!'h JulvSiTh Joly 2it August 1. Anira.-t 4:h Anait &tn ..-Augns? 6th Aus-rst 7th thiintsin township, Anviii Ohe?t Srirlnes. Alle htny t iwnfclp... It.retlo- . BlncVllck townnip.. Crrrbrla tow-hlT Ebensbttra;, West Wnnl-,., h-'.st wara Barr township Snqnchaoni township.... ltnsines . Fdcr f fnmsblp... .. Carrol ;tom .... . Aa-ot fith ...Ausrast nth A ntru?t 12h A utrnst 13th .....Auuast 14th ...'Angost l.Vh -AairiiPt 16'h Anrnt lth Aoiro' .Iwh Aueiist Jtth t-srrdl tnwDfhiD. 4'Iratflcld townalilp. I wan towpsctp... It . ..k n. i. . n f White townenlp.. .August 21ft tliet townMp .. ,Ang,ipt2il Tuly 14'b tan oncmaotrri Franklin Joly lAih Johnjtown. 1st Ward..., .tu'y TS'h " 2d Ward. July 17t.!j 3d Ward 4th Ward fi'h Ward 6th Ward 7th Waj.s M Sth Ward.. .. .. th Ward ...... loth Ward ..... nth Ward..,.. 12th Ward 13th Ward ...... - 14'h Ward ... lth Ward 10 b Ward T'pper Yoder township ...'.. iZusx Tayl r township ...... Jackson township ........ . Coneniaujrb township Stoneyreck township Ixiwer Yoder township . . . . . West Taylor township nd tms townfhlp ...'. Ktcb iand township ......... , JulvlRth . . ... .July 2!st Julv 221 Inl V 23d July 24:h Jaly 2th Jaly 2A'h .... July 2Mth . . . . . Jnly Soth . Julv rit ... Auarust 1st . .. Angut4th AoirnH ftb . . . Anaast 6tb . . . Auirast 7th . . . August 8th . . August llth . . . Aogu&t 2th , . . Angust 13th . . . Angust 14th , . . A aitust l.-ah , August ISth . August 1Mb A discount of S per cent, wiill he allowed on all taxes paid on or before September lt. and after October 1st t per eenu wlll be added on all un tHd. THOS. E. HOWE, Eeniburar, June Sth. Treasnrer. SWEEPING PRICE - REDUCTIONS ! Preferring to carTV Uncle Sam's Dollar to a big 6tock, we have inaugurated a Great June Sale. Sweeping Price Reductions. A rare chanc e to jret fine Cloth - ing far below regular prices. . A. C. YATES & CO., Gth anl Cliestnut M. (Ledscr Building) 13lb and Chcfclntit 8t. A Tbe surest road to fortune and fame Is to live a rlebteous life and lay up a portion ef each day's earnings and eventually bave this portion to help you earn other por tions. Tbls will lead to fortune; the rlebteous living to fame. Those desiring to thus advance sbou'.d take tbo opportunity to trad a witb He bas the STOCK, VARIETY, and what is more, the POPULAR PRICES. TARIFF, TARIFF, TARIFF. We nave, once more, taken tbe tariff off our stock as we are bound to sell our Roods tar below all competitors. The B ottom Knocked Out of Prices . Potatoes, 65 cent per bushel. Fine Flour, per f-ack. fl.20. 10 cans corn, ?! 00 IS cans Tomatoes, fl 00. Table fivruo, 35 cents. 18 pounds soft white Sugar, Cl.00 Welshman Tobacoo, 2S cents per pouod Mall P.mch Tobacco. 2S cents per pound. DRHSS GOODS. We have on hand a lot of Dre-s Ginfihams at 15 cents rer yard. Calicoes at 3 centss per yard. Toweling at 4 isynts Ltdies Ilo-te at 4 emis. Children's IIo.se at 8 cents. Ked Border-d Table Lin-n, 25 cent. One lot of Men's Flannel Outioif Shirts, for merly 50 cents, r.ntv 3'4 cents. Uoyn Waists. 19 cnt. Lace Curtains, CO cents per pair, formerly 9S cents. LadlHS' Cnrsers, 4H cunts the best corset in the market to il" Mohair Ire-iS Goods, all colors. IS ceuts. Cashmeres lu colors, brist quality, 00 cents. Dress Buttons, I cent per dozen. SHOES AMD BOOTS. Men's pood working. Shoes. 98 cents per pair. Boys' hhoes, 75 cents a pair. 100 pair of Men's Fancy Bliprxra at 75 centa. worth ff 1 35 a pair. Men's Dr-ss isrioes. fl .24 pair. Better J)Vj at ,1 74. We a ra also sen lit tor the gond and retjowoed W. L. Dooelass Shoei. tbe best made shoe for the money in Aruertca. Ludis' low Oxfoid Tie Sboe at fi53 . 75c.. 85c. and ?L0O. Ladies fine Dnngola Frrucli Kid Uuttou Shoes, at ?l 40. .Still better at 11 74. Z2 00, fL.2." and f2.4 per pair. CARPETS. We outsell the biaeest carpet stores In the largest cUIpr. Good (Jarpofs at 12c, 15c , 22c.. S2c, 35c 40c. and 43. Good Brussels ;arpets at 00 cmts per yard. Star Carpet, IS ceDts. FURNITURE. S'x Kitchen Chairs, good ami two eolor 12 75. Good Rdrrom Suite. S!5. Cra dles. $1 00 and El. 43. liocklng Chairs, S2.00 Cue-seated Chairs, best f5 00 per set. Child V Rock inir Ctiaif, 50 cents. Baby Carriages, rat-tan. best poods, So 25. 100 Sic Kle Beds atil 75 per bed. DouDle Beds. J2 00. Sinks, Z3 75. ExteoEion Tables, 50 cents per foot. WOOL WANTED ! We want Five Thousand Pounds ok Wool for wbich we will psy tbe highest market price. A WORD TO OCR MANY CUSTOMERS. We have tad a great many of our customers coruoiain to us of late ti i.ot bn un their goods delivered pron.ptly. The cause of thi9 ttegiect has Bot been Imentiooal. In fact we bave hteu so busy of late delivering goods of one hind or other that prompt delivery to all bas become an Impos sibility, cviGg. in a large measure, to the recent death of one of our l:orss. How ever. In tb fat are we will Insure evtrvhody purchasing goods of us a prompt deliv ery of Itie same, as we bave enlisted an extra team io tbe service. Tharikir? vou for . vour liberal patronage in tbe past, arid ret-pf'Clful.y boiicUin& a continuAcce of tbe same in tbe future. I remain truly yours. G-TJS. SIVEONr, Gallltzln's Cheapest Cash Merchant and Retailer at Wholesale Prioes. P. S. In case you contemplate pnrcbasing a good pair of Pants or a good !uU fur yourself or boy, come to my store on Chestnut street, where your de-Mre will be grati fied in every respect. jja 1-"jTi-- ;-is:,f' i :-?.SrK' .1 .1 r,5f For - Preserving - and - SiiiDpins - Butter ! FOR SALE BY 33I3KXB13mRG 13XXA. SOU: AOCMK IORCAMBRM lOl STy. hi:n lORCintT LiKS. riA r .v..-,"i-V Ml -bs ajar aa. WsLjKaaiis 5m LSial-ia- mfr jjraoftTiHo bar , k. 'Mfur I mhnd dump f WMIkS Ji RAKES ffiaf. i . sr.". W y - Ar WCfflH CONTAINING ALL r IMDDOUFn V a S 'sasw W as raar AT OUR PLACE Tte above cut represents soon of the Walter A. Wood machinery that we are seiner. Their Sin- r:le Apron Binder is the best on tho market, as It is light ana durable. Tttetr Mower lias taken tbe cd everywhere for luhtness of dralt and simplicity. We also have lyr sale the EUREKA Mow Ell and tbe Triumph Mower. Ucaper and Binder ail good ui.cblne. II you want a Koad Curt or IH Sty we can aoeoiuiEodate you with agcod article. We have tue best Plow io the market: ii you dun I cliev It com and get one and try It i: won't cost n sfivito:nc t' trv It. Come ui and wbBt we hare "r tale, and see if we tn t save you f-tat raontl V. . K4.KK.FH t- BK" v '. i -VC??-'-''7.::.-'a IB t ". 1 V. fl . . i ST. - 1 -, .. CHA.1CEABLE f OR TWO HORSE TEAM i Hi ISi 1 VrZ IfaS mj t MI5 LATEST RND BE5T FFnTUDPCi w bbssb 'aa v Saa SSarfF Of BUSINESS ts