! J fcMEflSBl'BM. PA. . - M4.Y30.1S90. I. AND Pr.RMOJIAL. . ,w)Ut thin time of the year each csndl- . . I.. - IIMIa, ihMll. ttiir..' n" " " I ,,, nrrlHbora. Jalyl3th. i I rlt f,w hoars Here oc Tuesday, .''""..nfs's M '." M.-U.nM. or Cres-oo. I t .i.i.nr lii our rui i'"""!' mt a ' " Anthony Anna, of IUstlng, " . . r i. . I , v-.1Antr' on DUinss uu -uu..-j. . BH Ine or wn - - j,,t rweiv-t at C T. or. f ' H U"Toa' of Johnstown, Is ls f.'.r mother. Mrs. Hutchinson, of thl. I "l..n ,ieV.atfs wers elated at the , Vmn.rntw primary election In Mercer coon- pre- v on mind clean dry wiol ,t M. P',n 'l's ,'"r"' '",0D r- ,,'t'h'",t naM- .rlre r''1 j Mr ,- M.onnh of ClearCel.l Vrn.h.P. -Pent a f" hM ' toW" n V,'ilm"l'aV vr Mfti; K--er. nn.7 of W hit Vwn "'p' ,,M pili4nS- W"3 t0WU j Urineri of the Catholic oHer of jinl.MW St ('.e.-rseiias been orKanizl ;t r,rrol!town. Mr Jhn I.-Uhty. of this place, left ror j.-"" nn Tu.-siUy where he has se- f 5,,)yfmr'ovment, on salary. Is of Vr'l in ! v column, by E. C. Tierson .. ( , AVer'., V. Y. 1Mr 'irM-i X Miller, of Elder town ,, p . in 'own nn Saturday and dropoed Jr t0MP t'-C KllI KMAM. i -rm of (fimbria Count' ex-SharlfN j ,hn r,,-ii. nmt Jvph A. Oray, both of (irrn:it.'n. wr here on Tuesday, j F,!ril of Mtechenv township, John l'f I. of Snmmerhlll township. er( Tl-itor to our town on Tuesday. i - V Ftnrv noonel. candidate for Conn j XrHri,r. who has been on the sick list f r oui time. I atraln able to be about and fU In town on Munday. I Tfi rvnnvlanla raliroad company has f -ul I'lrod'ar dvlne the names af all the fnufo" "o are In Its employ and where f e irpiiyet osn lie treated free. J Whn aivlna the final po'lsh to stoves -ior tn puf 'n them swav for the summer, t x the tlokin whh a little coal oil In- f ead uf water. It preTnnN rut. j wss betfun on Monday on the frmominn of the old .Usfni rink huildln. BTonnit upon which It stands would )p illrahie p'.ace for a residence. j -The pntrmlttre hsvinj In charge the 'iirsmme fnr M-moril Psy reauest that har sml huiln"n hnute of the town 4eon tht t ilsy from 1 p. v to 3 p M-. -rnnntrv rnw"tier puMisbers oon find whu re the honest and dishonest men fcth dimroiin'tv. The subscription list t ' t itorr It Is an unf:iliioa jdi . -Kt R ' R.rhartf PheUn, Rishop of the C!lio'lo illi.' of rittsburff, will depart for J'mon Sutnlav next, fn comnfcnT with t'Ttl wmi-known cltlzrn of TUUburs. I -In ITiintlntfihin county on Tueslay tbe Jfmnrratlce pininty committee met and ri'ied drieirnte furorlng the nomination 4 linn. William A. Wallace for Governor. l-TI-'nrT Davis, telegraph operator at O-rnnh. wn-t struck by an enn'ne. ft ?y fveninn. and Instantly killed. He n-1 yean of and a son of Dr. Davis, ( L:ri)be. -Rupture cure nunranteed by Dr. J. H. Ifcyer, V.l rch St., rhlladelphla, Ta. F.ae atunce, no operation or delay iretu bueN . 'tud by tliousaridj of cures after fltti-rs Mil. unknown rran was run down and U d on tiie rs''rov1 nt Moriellville on last SWjMhv sveninir. From the clotntnij on ttr Nuly the nisn wis nupposed to be A W -k tyer or ca-p-ntr. -Mr. tlenrrfe Ilurtley, Mrs. K. E. JODes I Miw Ann Mi'Dnr'd aie each about !'.rrflown new ravemenU of fiie brick. Hbr!rk are here and lt parties are only for nettled weather. k-Trter Sanion. a Uhorer. fell from the Ui l urT of the Ivibertsua House, at Bh rM I'lterfc'ion. some nlithts ao, it kmg In his aleep and sustained nful but not m-rlt us Injuries. f-Ptrt.e are mid to be traveling throush w'of the rantern counties of this Mate !-rin, Mvaities on sprluu-tootta har Si) farnier po.eel of corrmon w'il pj mi fUch demand. bae a ,-peedy and positive Cure JJ'V-arrri, ltp.:herla. Canker Mouth, and 3i-v. iu M-iioh's Catarrh Keroedy. A '' Ii.'tor frn- vr'tti each bottle. i;e 'tl' tn'J d-i nj health acd sweet breath. V,r Jot nst. n. Buck A Co.. bankers, 'a f5 Mtu Carrolitown, have opened N-rt at L;n(.kN where Tor the con- "nt hitvnevi men they attend twice l"t t r the purpose of transacting busl ' s0 ilrlve do not seem to know :" ti'ves the right of way to the 'tf w. . man or woman who U crosn "J tret at a te4ular crossing Is not 4 (o u. k out for the pron who U J i tU team Ru:t,r. an a,red lady rehldlra i-Tmnin Brr towt.ablp. was found " 't' Um on la Sunday evening. ' ar....jt ovHtity-five years uf age. f Je:n i, lt,p1)Hei to have resulted rtdiae. Wlti lh" Jun" rrra or court will 5 "1 there will be a big crowd of MCWnotinn receipts. So, reader. If 'r o :'n n, happen to be kodebted . 'I'Kihas, j.t fall Into the proceas- f 'Tb-.iv ,,t Mf Joh McNeils, ot . VI v. Oiive Topper, of Loretto. a u'r;;"1 h latter place at a Nap-, t ir 1'"' r,,tt""r Kyan. After the W I?' hpp, c,,ur'" departed oo a 1 '.ade.pbia aud other eastern ill'. r'T' the gardener at St kt, n,,'etuv, at Ureeoaborg, wae . it .T ' ,ih'r'""' na Inataotiy killed on alaodina under the Se of i.,n1 (,,ru - lime of the l rw htaodlng near waa aio r .''fr 1 1 . fra Mermen miner of! nB t8!D(lcoUQtT. wbii on i J0',' 'r"m churcB " Saturday e v- "..,!,tr!!'k by anl'e near Iiwln s i.,, '1 k"1"1 A rew yeera ago one U vCUt"(Tput0e "tlroad near a. Alsn, f ,.iitTii. . r..b Hi.? ,?nU",,vn, -road. was frl, n Ul'iri, mining by I fc "IB1P blS foot c.noK. .... W. I ...j,, , " UJ d ahouldera dls- -,MtuWa on "Tnif . Batter Is aelllng at ten eenta a pound to our stores. The dwelling of lion. George F. Huff, of Ureensbarg, was struck by TUbtnlng one day last week and slightly damaged. It Is reported that Mr. 8. J. Humphrey, editor and pnbllhher of the oca Xev$. will lo the neat future remove his printing es tablishment to South Fork. R. D. Heaoox. a Transylvania railroad brakeman. whose Dome was In Altoona, was instantly killed near Derrv, on Wed nesday morning, by falling under a car. Farabangh's photograph gallery. Car roll town, wiy be open every day until June 23.1. with the exception of Thurs4ay and FriJay of each week. After that date will be closed Indefinitely. m33.3t The Ctrrolitown .Vetcs changed bands on Monday, beieg purchased by a gentle man from Teefield, Clearfield eoonty. wboee name we failed to learn. We nn derstand the new proprietor will moye to Cariotltown and take charge of the paoer next week. Thomas Mhsel. cf Carroll township, who had been ailing for a long time with cancer, died on Monday last. De waa about fotty-slx years or age. and leaves a wife and nine children to mourn bis loss, nis funeral took place at Carroll town on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. General Robert A. McCoy, of Tyrone, will deliver the oration In this place oo Mem nrial Day. Instead of Major James Barks, as reported some time ago. General McCoy. Is well known tn oar older citizens having studied law here before the breaking ont of the war In the rfflce of Judge Johnston. George I.sporte, aged 21, from Erie, and Wm. l'lerson. aged 19. from PbiladeN phla. Inmates or the Mate reformatory, at Huntingdon. Ta.. escaped from the Insti tution Thursday night. This is the tenth successful escape that has taken place at the reformatory. The boys scaled the main well thirty feet In height. Mr. John P. O'Neill, formerly of Cres- son. bat for several years past a resident or Pittsburg, dropped in to see the Freeman on Wednesday. We were glad to learn that he Is prospering In a business way, bur eorrv tn learn that be has been on the sick list for some time past, and that his visit to the roonntain Is In hopes or bettering bis health. We hope be may soon reco ver. The heavy rains or last week made blah water In the rivers at Johnstown and con siderable damage was done. On Snnday Railroad street in Cambria City, was ander water which was no to the first floor In a num ber of houses. Trains were delayed on tbe railroad for a couole of boors owing to washouts, but luckily the water fell be fore acy great amount of damage was done. John Ford (white), and Ilarvey Jack son and Alfred Latimer (colored), ranging in age from sixteen to eighteen years, were brought to ball cn Tuesday last charged with larceny. The boys were round in a bx car loaded with merchandise at East Conemangh nn Monday night, and as some or the boxes were broken open and the con tnts scattered about tbey were held to answer. On Friday last George M. Keade, Eq.. on behair or the sons or Lieutenant Hugh Jones deceased, now residing In Boston. Mass., presented tbe Lieutenant nogb Jone', Camp of Sons of Veterans, of this place, a beautiful silk flag. The presenta tion took place In front of the Court nouse In an appropriate address, which was re sponded to on behalf of the Camp by Alvln Evans. Esq. talt the ground well where the cabbage plan's are set ; this prevents clnb foot. P'ants ahonld be set no less tban three and a hair feet apart, and hoed often to Insure good heads. To prevent worms from Injur ing the head take one pail of water, stir In one pint of sort sosp and a half plot of salt. Take a whisk broom and sprinkle this solu tion over the cabbage once a week until they are done growing. There are now lo tbe Allegheny county Jail IS prisoners who are charged with com plicity In murder, either as principals or accessories ; one who la charged with man slaughter, and another detained as a witness to a murder. They form quite a colony and constitute the largest lot of alleged murder ers ever held there at one time. The crimes for which lof tbe prisoners are Incarcera ted were committed within less tban five months. The School Directors elected at the late spring election will enter cpon their duties on the first Monday in Jane, at wblcb time the new Boards will be organized. It will be the duly or the Board of Directors to levy a tax for school purposes after sncb organi zation before tbe 1st or July. With the or ganization of the new Board, township and borough auditors are required to audit the treasurer's account, and publish tbe finan cial standing of the school fund at tbe end ing or the year. The Catholic Church in this place was crowded to Its utmost capacity on last Son day morning when Rev. Father Smith, as announced last vtek. delivered a sermon to the members of the Grand Army and Sons of Veterans. The sermon was eloquent. Im pressive and appropriate, and tbe yeteraos and sons or vererans were highly pleased with tbe able manner In which the reverend gentleman tndled bis text, which waa "Give onto God the things that are God's, and to Osar the things that are Caesar "a." W. B Page, tbe champion high Jumper or the world, now stationed at M fflmtown Ic tbe employ or the P. R R. Co., gave an exhibition of bis powers at that point last week, to an admiring andien ce. At a run ning jump be cleared tbe horizontal bar at a height of 5 feet 11 inches. The bar was then placed at 4 ft. 8 Inches, which be Jumped over in a stand. Uls next feat was a running high kick Jump, at a tin plate Bospnnded In toe air 9 feet from the ground. On a run be Jumped oyer a horse hitched In a carriage. Tbe Lackawana county court at Scran ton oo Monday decided that tbe Dela ware and Hudson Canal Company was a dealer In merchandise in tbe letter's appeal from the mercantile appraisement, charging the license for selling powder to the em ployes of lu coal mines. Tbe case was a precedent and attracted attention In the en tire region, as It Involves every corporation a nd Individual operator's right to aeil pow der without paying mercantile license. Tbe company will carry tbe case to tbe Su preme Court. Keyoer Kemmerllng. of Greersbnrg, on last Satuiday morning cut bia throat from ear to ear with a razor. He to about fifty years or age end bad been III ror some time wltb pteumoola. On Saturday morning be told his room-mate to lock the door as be wantrd to change his shirt. W bile bis room tea to was complying wltb bis request, be se zed a revolver aud razor rrom bis satchel and pointing the revolver at bis ioom-mate ordered he him not to move and at the same time drawing tbe razor across bia throat. He cannot recover. After a tot I, contested primary election In Indiana county, on Saturday last, tbe Delamater wlog of tha Republican party got away wltb the Hastings men. The vote on delegates stands as follows : Eikln, (Delamater). 2 552 ; Richards. (Delama ter). 2.341; Hill. (Hastings). 2 168; Roch ester. (Heatings), 2 029. There la much Indignation felt over tbe meaner In wblcb tbe machine conducted the campaign and j i ra common un mat II Dommaiea, isein mater can cot poll the Republican yote of the county by 1,000 votes. Mr. T. S. Williams, ef Car roll town, and Vincent Reig. of Carroll township, were in'town for a few hours on Thursday. The Beecb Creek Railroad Company bare a number of men slashing off the ground for a railroad up the ('best creek. Messrs Richards A Reese. liverymen of this place, loot a valuable borse on Sunday last from scire disease that baffled the skill of our best horse doctors. Andrew McCoy, of Allegheny towrwblp, died on Wednesday morning, aged about 43 years, n leaves a wife and eight children. His remains will be interred at Loretto on Friday. The book store or H. C. Fisher, at Som erset, was entered by roobeis last Sunday night and money and goods to tbe value or 50 was taken. Oo the same night tbe mil linery store or Mrs. M. M. Tredwell A Co., was robbed or goods valued at 1 100. The Sons or Veterans or this place, bave decided to bold an old fashiooed pic nic In nuntley's grove, west of town on the Fourth of Jo'y. Extensive preparations are being made and the Committee baying it in charge guarantee all who will attend an enjoyable time. ' Wife." said a contemplative husband who was thinking of going Into tbe dairy business. ' what kind of a calf will make tha best milch cow?" "A belfer calf" respond ed the wife with a serene smile. Tbe bus band looked downcast and tbe silence was contagenos for a few minutes. jndge Johnston went to Dsnvllle, Pa., on Monday, having been eubpo?need there as a witness In a ease between an iron Com pany In Danville, and A. J. Moxbam. R. S. Murphy and a number of other Johnstown men. The case was continued and Judge Johnston returned on Thursday. Tbe sale of the Blair House In this place, to Mr. Craer as reported In tta Herald la not altogether correct. Mr. Gra ver and Mr. Miller are negotiating and tbe sale may be made but It b not yet con summated. In the event of tbe sale being made fl. Miller will not give up possession nntll after Court. John Me A lister, who says he belongs to Allegheny county, and had been working at Amsbry for a couple of weeks, was ar rested at Carroiltown, on Tuesday evening, having become a Intently losaoe. He Is la boring ander tbe delusion that parties ara a fter bim to take bis life and be Is contin ually dodging from Imaginary flying buK lets and crying for tbe people about to take bis pursuers away. The counterfeiters wbo were captured at Stoyestown, Somerset county some weeks ago, and tried In Pittsburg, were se ntenced last we k. Edward Bisblng. leader of the gang, got two years in the western Peniten tiary, wltb a line of 10 and costs. Jsre. Wilt received a like sentence. William n. Spelcher. wbo was cot a member of tbe gang, but bad poeeased spurloos coin while drunk, got only one year. Two little girl while out bunting wild flowers in tbe woods In tbe vicinity of Morrellvllle on Wedaesday afternoon, came upon the dead body of a man partly sitting and pertlv Ivlng at tbe base or a tree. Beside tbe body lay a revolver and a tui:et bole was In tbe right temple. Notwithstand ing after tbe alarm was given, a large num ber or people viewed the remains, no person wss able to Identify the man. He bad evi dently committed suicide a day or two be fore. This (Thursday) mornlot a man giving bis pame as George McDonald, and claim ing bis residence as near Greensbnrg. rode 1 1. to town on a black mare, and stopped at the livery stable of Messrs. Brown. O'Uara and Luther, where he offered tbe mare, sad dle and harness for twenty-five dollars. n could not give a straight account of himself or where he got tbe borse. and tbe parties at tbe stable notified Sheriff Stineman. who at once arrested McDonald and locked bim np to await farther developments. Tbe mere Is seven or eight years old, black, wltb star In forehead and white right bind foot. Mr. David O'Hsra. cf Wilmore, on Tuesday last had a writ or replevin Issued and placed In SheritT Si Iceman's hands ror the recovery or a mare and colt that bis rather, Mr. Samuel O.Uara. or Munster township, bad traded to a gypsy wboee name was unknown. When tbe Sheriff went after the mare and colt, tbe gypsy re sisted and for resisting the Sheriff, be was arrsted and put in Jail until the next morning, when he was released on pay ment or tbe costs amounting to about 10. The parties thee each took bis original borse and tbe gypsy was out tbe amount of tbe costs. Tbe Altoona Tribune on Wednesdsy says : Charles Freeman, tbe man wbo at tempted to commU suicide In this elty on tbe afternoon or Friday. May 16, was taken to McEeesport Tuesday afternoon from the Altoona hospital to aoswer to tbe charge of being connected wltb tbe murder of Miss Douglass of tbst pise on the morning or tLe 13 lb inst. He was In charge of Consta ble Stains, of the Sixth wsrd. tbe warrant of arrest having been endoised by Alder man Rose. Tr Is warrant was not read to Freeman In thia elty. and be reft here nnder the Impression that be was being taken home, having recovered so far rrom the af fects of bis self-inflicted wounds as lo ena ble bis being moved. J. Wilkinson A Son, marble and gran tte dealers of Ebensbarg, Pa., wish to In form the public that they are prepared to fill all orders for cemetery work, in either marole or granite, at figures tbst defy com petition. Tbe artistic excellence and su perior workmanship of their designs are evidenced by tbe many specimens now on exbiblUon at their establishment and by tbe numberless designs wblcb tbey have erected In tbe various eemeterle In this eoonty and elsewhere. Every department of tbeir bus iness Is In tbe bands or skillful and compe tent workmen, who are capable of execut ing any piece or work, from the plainest to the most elaborate, which together with tbe personal supervision thai every lob receives rs a guarantee tbat perfect satisfaction will be given to tbe moat exacting ot patrons. They bave ordered forty tons of marble which will arrive to March and April, and they will then bave as fine a stock of tbe best marble tbat ever came to Western Pennsylvania. Persona wishing anything In tbeir line would do well tn give them a call before leaving tbeir order with any other manufacturer, as yea can depend upon getting a good Job at a fair price. What sure Orlglaal Fafkaiw. The question what constitutes an origin, al package la now Interesting those wbo are concerned In tbe Interpretation and carry ing ont of tbe law. Collector S. D. Warm castle says : "Tbe original package In my opinion la tbe vessel containing tha liquor. It may vary lo size from one gill to any number of gallons. Tbe question of bow small tbe package may be bas neyer arisen. Tbe law does not state what the capacity of tbe ves. sel shall be. I tblnk tbat a camber of bot tles can be packed together and shipped to one joint Tbe opening of tbe outside j wrappings maa a uivision ui uie uuuin not a violation of the law. Thus beer could be shipped In cases and tbe receiyer could open the ease and dUpoea of tbe bot tles." Consumption Survly Cured. To fn lureoa: Float Inform ywax raailms that 1 har a paaiaT ramady (or the abeva-namas liaeaaa. By tta tunaly nae tttooatada of kopalaa om bar baaa penaaaantly eared. I ah all ba glad to sand two bottlai ef mj ramedy FREE to any of year waders who hare eeeaaaptioo If tbay will sand ma their Expraw and P. O. a litr . Rsapart fully, Z. A. BXiOCV V, M. C, 141 Pearl Bk. S. X. Am Klepbawt (be BaJIrwaMl. As Forepangbs circus train was going east from Johnstown to Bellefoote early on Saturday rooming a door or one or the cars confining tbe elephant became onfssteoed and opened near Ehrenfeld when no ele phant tumbled ont and tbe train passed along wttnoot tbe elephant being missed. The people along the mad were somewhat atonlhed at seeing an elephant roaming around but tbe situation waa sootn explain ed and a telegram to tbe show train was wired to Gallitztn, where tne elephant car was detatcbed and inn back, the majestic quadruped loaded on and went on bis way rejoicing, no doubt, on bia providential es- cspe from serions Injury. Since tbe above was In type we learn that tbe elephant after falling out of the car was struck by a freight train. Tbe Altoona Timet says tbat when extra freight. No. 13G9. westward bound, was about one-half mile the other side of South Fork, rannlng at the rate of twenty mile an bonr. Engin eer J. LawsoP. Conductor C. J. Lnckett. and others of the trainmen, saw tbe sbsdow of a mammoth beast about ten ear-lengths ahead of them, the shadow and of eoorse the snbeUne moving aa rapidly aa possible in the same direction as tbe train. A mo ment later tbe engine etruek what subse quently proved to be one of the Forepangb aggregation of elephants, the force or the blow throwing the animal six or eight feet Into the air. from which elevation be fell bead foremost oc the north rail of the north track. Being still In the way. he waa struck a second time by the engine, one pony wheel of which passed over one or bis reet catting off some of his toes, while the csst Iron etep ef the engine, which also struck bim, was broken off. When struck the second time the monster set np a Tearful bellow, which the listeners could not compare to anything else than the combined squeal or a whole carload or pork ers. By this time the train was about flee ear lengths beyond the spot whe-e tbe big hrnf,e came in contact with mother earth and arter coming to a halt. Flagman H. Elnset was sent back to protect the train, and berore he knew what caused the com motion be ran against tbe elephant, and was nearly seared to death. Recovering bltnseir. tbe brakeman pro ceeded to stop all westward-bound trains then In the vJelulty. wblle others of the crew attended to tbe trains going east, tbe elephant meantime having planted himself right aid up aerota both tbs tracks, iron' arch of all be surveyed- As no one bad tbe courage to Interview the monster, be was permitted to "hold the fort" until a tele gram was sent to tbe Superintendent's of fice in Plttsburr, wbenee those I n cbsrge of the Forepangb show trains, then at or neat Sonman tower, wr notified of their loss, while all other train crews approaching the scene rrom either direction were ordered to look out ror the rht ruction. This all oc curred about 2:43 o'clock Saturday morning, and some time during tbe forenoon of that dsy the keeper of tbe elephant and tbe working crew from Gallltzln took tba mat tr in hand ard eoeceeded In loading the big brute on tbe same car from which be had fallen. Taie Bawawaer aC Allaatl Otty. Tbe prospects for a brilliant summer sea son at Atlantic City were never so bright as at tbe present time. Tbe extraordinarily liberal patronage which it has gained during tbe winter and spring season, largely dne lo tbe magnificent transportation facilities maintained by the Pennsylvania Railroad. Is still manifesting Itseir In tbe wel'-Clled hotels, which bid fair to bold their visitors well through the early summer season. The city by theses Is In better condition to en tertain and amuse Its friends tban ever be rore. New hotels have been bul'.t, and the the older ones remodeled and enlarged. The great ocean boulevard has been com pleted, so that Atlantic City now possesses the bendenmest and most attractive oeean front or any sesslde resort In America. All Irdlcations point to the lareest sammer sea son tn the history of the place. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company bas kept well in line with the spirit of Improve ment which bas pervaded the seashore. Its facilities ror promptly and comrortably handling large numbers or people bave been Increased so as to scpply any possibly de rated : the roadvhed of Its double line has been greatly Improved, and the terminal fa cilities both at Philadelphia and Atlantic City have been enlarged and Improved. Tbe betterment of tbe tracks will enable tbe management to materially reduce the time between the Delaware River aud the see, and the summer schedule will present the quickest, best, sarest and mor t satisfactory service of trains ror everbody ever enjoyed by tbe hosts of Atlantic City's summer pa trors. The comprehensive system or ex cursion tickets lesdlng rrom all points on the Pennsylvania system will be available, as In csst years, at tbe exceptionally low rates that bave heretofore prevailed. It I would be well ror oar readers to remember that a summer trip that does not Include Atlantic City laeks tbe spice tbat would make It memorable. Tha Pair! vtle Dead. To-day (Friday) Is Memorial Day and be'.ow we publish a Hot of tbe dead soldiers wbo repose In oor cemeterlee. LI-OTD'S CXMETEKT. Griffith T. Evans. George W. Dsvls. Ed I. Evans. A'dam Sbinafelt. David Powell. Jr., Thomas J. Evans. David J. James, H'igb Jones. Thomas E. Evans. John E. Dsyls, Samuel nenry, George K. Secbler. James A. Llttlefield. David H. Evans, Jaa. Roberts. Johu F. Libby. John O. Evana. David I. Evana. Evan R. Davis. Joseph Henderson, Wm. R. Humphreys. Charles H. Heyer. Daniel O. Evans. Wm. Mills, Sr.. Thomas Todd, William R. Roberta. Lemuel Evans. Jas. Todd Hntchlneon. Jeremiah D. Evens. Matthias Hops Ins, Thomas B. Moore. Wm. D. Davis. Thomas J. Lloyd. David S. Jones. William W. Griffith. Daniel T. Jones. George Mack, Robert Williams, John Faltb. James N. Evana. Richard L. Davis. CATHOLIC CESf ETEBT. Rev. K'.chard C- CnrhHy. Thomas D. LJta. Inger. Joba E. Scan lan, James A. Lttzlnger, John Porter. Andrew J. Lltzinger, James C Noon, Francis P. Tlerney, James M. Ed elblute. Stephen A. Chase. Andrew Welble, John Lambeogh, Wm. Mills, Jr., Jaaaa Collins. Jeremiah A. Fagan, Jamas Mur ray. OlD CEMETERY. George W. Todd. Milton Roberta. Thom as O. Evans, Richard Lewis. David Evana, (mas-jn), Edward E. Da via. farrlaae Ueewaea InaaeaU Tbe following marriage licensee were to sued by the Cleik of tbe Orphans Court for the week ending Wednesday, May 28. 1190: Isadora P. Yahner. Cheat towLSblp and Lavlna Wilt. Clearfield township. Charles Morris Euhn. Altoona, Pa. and Maggie Downer. Johnstown. John Rupreobt and Carolina Smith. Johnstown. Edward Eane and Julia Brown, Johns town. John L. Smith. Morrellvllle and Emma Emetb, Johnstown. Fred W. Speck and Amelia S. Robb. Johnstown. Andrew Johnston and Sarah Bradley. Johnstown. Charles Earr and Mary May. Johnstown. Jobn W. Cramer end Florence M. Haj nee, Johnstown. August Mu'.Ier and Nancy J. Hippie, Carlisle, Pa. Adam Wetler and Barbara, Roaenweltr, Ehrenle'td. Tlie trrealht ot a chronic catarrh patient is often so of fensive ttat he becomes an object ef dUgast. Afteratlnte ulceration sets In. tba spongy bones are attacked and frequently entirely destroyed. A constant source of discomfort is the dripping para lent secretions Into tba throat, sometimes producing inveterate bronchitis, which In ite torn has been the exciting cause of pulmonary disease. Tba brilliant revolts which nave attended Ks use for years past proper ly desigaate Ely's Cream Balm as by fsr the best and only cure. Btacklea'a Araleat tta I ve. Tbe Best Salve in tbe world for Cats, Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever Sorea. Tetter. Ct.anrx-d Hands. Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi- tively cores Piles, or no pay r quired. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 23 cents per box. Sold at the drug store of E. James, Ebens burg, and W. W. MeAteer. Loretto. When In need of Job printing give the FkremaH I'ffice a trial. Prices reasonable. Absolutely Pure. Tn powder sever vanes. A Burn a pomr, tnaxtb and wbolasomenaes. Mar economical than tbe ordinary kinds, and cannot batold in competition wltb tba mnlUtnda of tha low teet short wolirht, alum or phoephata powder. Said on If in u. Kotal buns fo DU Co., 109 Wall St.. Maw Toil TKIAL. LIST. LAl of eaM aet down for trial at a Oonrt of Cman Plaat to l hold at Ebonabaxg on tta Second Monday of Jan next. Indiana Co. lep. B.na va. Anna. Haneret al. Bis va. Oaki. Klaber at al- va. Kaer at al. H urneT ra. Kirharneon. Thrifty Hrner t 'htli McKay Nearv Kannan Hllmaa .. Mitchell et al. va. Ilarnhart. va. fambrla Iron Co. vs. An1eron. Ti. I . K. K. ...v. MeAteer. . .tl Trozcll. va. Melntyre. Mclntyra.. Knepper- .VI. Knepper el au notta Find ley.. How-nan IToswalL Ti. Annvine nor. ra. Haywood. n. Barnban. va. Oole. ...va. Haywood. .va. lll. -art Irwin. Sam.. . .va. Kutruff. Klin Haicaa Kulireti.. Barnes ..ww. Elliot. vi I.itimger. vi. 'niter. ..va. Kbeam. JAS. '. DAKBY. Prothonotary. Prothonotarj'i Olllr. May th, 1840. g!TCK!NG PILES. BBBora for saa easa-i rtt rvaal a.whl'-h often a Ltw-dl san aairrtsto. f reailn. rr rf-ta. . 1 r l I - Sflt.!! w4fa vase sa-nis sana ssaav-wiBiEg ar-is yl a)-e r-W a . ...MSt t 1 '. drv.aal. ef gUSVUe wl a.-. - a Vlr-a - rv-i ' f r-e-s. If rv- -- fl.m. arratlBwl. r I ma.; .--" rrnim asss.- saw . t il .iaitaaa aaj. iv- - 1SEASES Ids SWATHE'S ! Kef CATMINT ABSOLUTELY CtTBDS. Sdf rnlnul aM-iUci.. will rir aitr au of Tetter. Bbrata utnffor P'. M.'. F1(il-1l:r.itp.lu matter te- rttr . .i.;mS1cv Nnld br .ru crista, r Ml M mail fr I Boa.r. 1B 444rraa, ba, waa a riaarl ii, ra. aa jou omuia aa-Ja, "V"OTinE OF INCORPORATION. Notice U JA btrr-hy alven tbat an aiH-atinn will r mad to trie (loternor of f'nrjvjvanf a nn Mon day . tV ;b dav ot Jon. . M J. K. Wearer. W. W.BctU. W. It. Binler. K. A Blvler and William Kmory . nnder the Act f Assembly en titled An aet to provide for the Incorporation and regulation of c rtaln t'crporatlonn." ap proved April 2li. 1874. and the put plcmenti thereto, tor tbe charter ol an lrto1c t corpora tion to he called "THE WALNUT HUN 1)AL OO.." the character an J object ol which Is lor the porpoae ot cxcarailnir. hor!r tor and mlnlrjr. f rudnrlna and deallnir In coal in t'amhria eoon y. Pr-nna.. with the right to acquire leave, eub leaae and dlepoe ol inch real and peronal prop erty aa may be neceegary In earvln nn the hml nea of tbe eompany and for tblr pnrpoae lo bav. poai-eef and rnjoy the powers and pcivlleas ex resed and given In tha SSth Section nt the Cor poration Aet el ltTC t and theinpplemen'e thereto FKA.NKH EL1MNO. malt St Solicitor. Steam Saw Mill FOR SALE Th abe.Tlher will aeil at private aale a thirty flv borse power Enxlna, Boiler and SAW MILL COMPLETE, nearly new. and la anod rnnnlra; order. It Is at present located near Mineral Point, where It can be en. It will he sold at a bantam. HAKRISON HUKKHAHT. fall on or address at Mineral Point, Camhiia eouaty, Pann'a. mats 8t 8 BfflQ is. - ---- SEND FOIt OUR CATALOGUE a PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS. INDIANAPOLIS. IND. MEN WANTED OaV salary. T reliable men a will aire steady employ ment and LIB EH AT, SAL.AXY. paylna their traveling expeneea. We crow oar own atock e elasivaly and UUABANTEE It to baatrlatly Erst elaas tn every narticaiar. true ut name as order ad. Fall Instraetlona fnrntshed. Experience oarwary apply at oooa. etatlna: a. Ad dress E O. PIEKSON at "!.. Maul Oruva Kir. sertas. . Waterloo, N. Y. (Established owsr aa vra. SsaNH ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. KaraTB or Mintii Hiixirr, dee'd. LUra l atlialulstratuta on th estate of Michael Bran iff. late of tsamsaerblll township. Cambria eoonty . Peona.. decea d bavins; been a ran tad to tbe aderslaned. all parsons Indebted to said state ara bere'iv noUOed to snak payment ta sae wtthoat delay, and those bavin claims analnst tba same will present Ibsia properly aa thentloated for aeulemeat. JOHN ITEt.. Administrator or Michael Braulfl. dee'd . Sammerhltl tp May so. lie. et rrTDflTT "CUB unit IJijlilLlil Steal TsM-kvle. Hlefek. HAIaF THE COST ot holstlna- aaved tn htorakavrs, Bute tiers. Farmers. Maehineata. BolMers, t'ontrae'ors and OTHERS. Admitted to fs tbe sreat- eat tmprovemants E F.K mad in tackle blocks. Freight prepaid. Write tar eatmloamc. rULTON IKON Si KNOINE WKS., 10 Braah St Detroit. Mich. Established li. maSO.'JO.ly H IL MYERS. ATTORNET-AT-LAW. EBKiraarrse, Pa. aosrOfBea la Oollonada Row. oa Centre street. DUNALD E. DUFTON". ATTOBS ET-AT LA W, EaBHsaraa, PsaxA. $roae9 la Opera Uoose, Centra f trect. 'royal rsT lip mm D I rvlr, l.lr.M IUklS I rwa -ii i I I T .S-'juT-r-rraf. 9 Enaa Saw Tka7 m ut --ttl- 31 ft r i T" tau IV LeJ Political Announcements. "fonfi in this column vill b imrrt'd from. note until Aa . -1 ema on th 7th ot Juae. rr' at ttt fo'lirrir.g rmtl : f'or Attrmbly tSJDO rvr i rra VrTt WA f (IT t.omiliwIOJirr. f T yii,- r rwr Auditor, tt.00. All cardi mutt te accompanied by the ca-h. FOH ASSEVM.Y.-l herehy annnnnre nivlf as a rard'datetor A smrily. subject to Uie declelcnol tbe Democratic prl marl s. JOHX E. McKEZIE. rhMl Springs. April 1. 80. ASSEMfll.T. T herebv nnnrMince mvaeir a candidate for the nomination ol the office f ,Meoer .f the I.elslatrire. sutict to the ac tion ol the lTnorri"- rirlmarv eirlon. Oallltzln. Marchl.lSwO. M. F1TZH AKRIS. FOB ASS KM BIaY. E!.T. McNeells. of Johns town. Pa., 'ntijcct to tbe rules of the Demo cratln partv. Jbntnwn. Feb. 2e. 1890. FOR ASSEMMT.Y. I herehv announce mvself a a eandidate tor A'semhly. subject to the dec'elon ot the Uemoera-to pti marina. J AOOB ZIMMERMAN. Johnstown. Feb. 25. 1890. 1miSI,ATTRE.-I will be a candidate for j the nomination of Astembr? at the IVrno eratle rr1mariM nn Jnne 7ib. subject to the rules of tha rvimecratlc party. JOHN E. STKAYER. West Taylir townahlp, Fcbmary 25. 1890. "CVJK nifNTV TBEASUREK. I hereby an jr' noniiM tnvaelf as a candidate tur the offioe of Ronntv Treasurer at the next ltemoeratie frt anary elKCtlon, subject to tbe rules of the Txmo eraticparrv. P. HUTIaE.- Flfteenth ward. Johnstown. March 20. 1BU0. C tT'NTT TKEASTTKER. I hereby annnnnv mvanlf ss a candidate for the nomination of tbe orBfle of Vnntv TrranreT. sdhi"ct to tha action of the Ilemoeretic rirtmarv fVtlrni. OHARLES HOFMAN1. Jihostown, March 24. 1(90. TTHIK OOTJNTY TKEASTJKER. I hereby an jT1 rjnnnce trv'eira a candidate tor the nomi nation to the office of Onontv Treaanrer. subject to the rules governing: th TmoTtlr nartv. VHTUej.SANDtKS. Munster tfwnttatp. Feb. 27. 188. F)R frTY TKF.ASTJREH. 1 hereby an nonnca mvaelf as a candidate lor the-office of Coonrv Treasurer at the next Democratic pri mary election, subject to the m'e ot the rmo cra tie party. HEN'BY J. HOWEL. BarrtownsnlD.Feb. 10. 1890. CTOFNTY TREASTTRER. I hereby announce mvself as a candidate for the nomination to the offloe et fwiaty Treasurer, subject to the rules STernlag the Demoeratlo party. C. J. MAYER. Johnstawn. Pa.. Feb. 12. 18V0. T7V1R ffltTNTYrxiMMlSSIIlNF.K. 1 hereby r announce mvself as a candidate fnr County Commissioner, subject to the decision of the tVm -era tie primaries. PATRICK O'DOWD. Tunnethtll. April 2. 190, FIR rOT'NTY POMMISSIONHH I hereby announce myself as a eandlda'e for the office .tCnontv Vmmisaioner. snr.ect ta tbe decision of tha Democratic primary eleetion. JOHN WAMPBELIa. Johnstown. Ma-rh 17. 1R90. FR COTTNTY rtiMMISSIiER.-I hereby anrtoonea myself as a candidate for the nomination of the office of t'onnty Commissioner, smbteet to the action of the Benaoeretlc prlmirf election. JOHN K1RBT. Johnstown. March 10. 18tt. F OR OOf NTT f!OMMIr?SfONER. I hereby annennee myaeltas a candidate fnr tbe nam inatloa of Onrinty nommlastoner. subject to tha action of th Democratle primary aleetion. W. A. Ia.NTZY. fpper Yader township, March S. ISM. TJHR OOTTNTY TOMUffSSI'lNER. 1 bervby X annonnea myaelf aa a eandldas for the oflSea efO-oonty (Vvtnm las loner, aabject to the oeolelOB of th ItemooraUe arHBary election. JOHN BEAKSH. nsquehanna township. Feb. 24. 1S90. F JR CXJVNTY COMMISSIONER. I herehy ann' nne myeelt as a candidate for Use offlee ot fionnty Oomaalaatoaer. sobfeet to th decision ot the De'maoEstl prlanary election. PATKH7K E. aaLON. Elder township, f ao. 22. 1KVO. T70R COUSfV tKM MISSION EH. I hereby ' MnnnM M.i.lt u a Aandldato for the ot flee ot Coanty Oommlssloder. subjact to tha d slslaa or the Uemocratie primary eircnun. WIIaIaIAM J. T1EKJNEY. Cambria township, Feb. IS. iSvO. rrOK COUNTY AUUITORI hereby an il . 1. A ...ilM.t. Inr tha oSAce ot County Auditor, subject to the deelsloa of th Democratic primary l"o"3os,pH H,pps Chest township. Maroa 17. 190. GEO. M. READE, ATTOKNJEY-AT LAW. EitKnsBtnto, FxyyA. rOaio oa C'eotr strset, near High. WE ARE AS LOYAL TO OUR CUSTOMERS as a Soldier to his Country. Everybody Is dealt wltb alike. Money refunded If goods are not as represented. We don't go peddiiDg from bonse to house (like some of oor competitors roaxlcg trade away frutu other stores, but obtain our trade in a fair and qnare way. Owing to tbe lattice of oar prices we nevet bave any trouble to obtain trade We Cave a May Festival In store for our customers if tbey OBly come acd take advantage of It, anJ we will guarantee to save all 33 per cent, by dealing wltu us. We offer wonder fol Bargains: 600 pair of Pacts guaranteed all wool at S2.50. ."500 new stvles of Saita for Children ranging la agu from 4 to 14, 1 1 24. 300 new stylt-i wool Suits for children, 81 98. Any Dumber of boys' Salts w!tc long pant, f Z 50. 1 000 pair of children's pants at 19c. a pair. Good ail wool Suite for boys ranging In age from 15 to 19. ft &. Men's pood dteas Suits, well worth 9 00, at 5 75 eacn. Men's eood cork screw Suits, all colors, $10 00. Men's good whole Suits, blue or black, at $12.50 each. With every jouth's Suit purchased of ns a base ball, bat and cap emi with it. So come at once, bojs. acd obtain the necessary reiuifite for a summer's sport. OUR DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Is there any merchant in Cambria county who keeos the assortment we lo? We ask too this question. Good Toweling, 4 acd 5c. per yard. Unbleached Muslin. 5 and 6:. per yard. Bleached Muslin, 5c. per yard, (iood Calico. 3 and 5e (iingr-ama, 5, 6 and 7c. Best Linen Towels Sc. White Linen Nat kins. 5c. ClaikS Spool Cot ton, her-t, 4c. Kmest Dress Ginghams, 7c. Best Cballie. Cc. Ladies best Si k Veta. Ws. Ladies' Vests, 10c. Ladies' Uauaterchiefs free with every sale rf lrv Goods; also a nice essortmet.t of needles and darners given away free. Greaiua plaids 10c. Diaogona I Dress Goods, 15c. Knickerbocker, douhie width, all colo.s, 15e. A nice let cf Satetus. all sha.les 15c. Fine Mohair Dress Gnods. gray, black or blue. 15e. Best Mobalr in all leading shades, 35k.. snk Alapac. Dre Go.ds, bust in the market and sold at other stores at C3c and 759 . we sell at BOii. Fine Black Henrietta Cloth, from 50c. ud to 99s. Double wioth ffh tu Goods, White Cambrics, 10? , 12". and 15e. Finest Shirt Embroideries, well worth $1 50 per yard, we are Selllnc at 85c Flouncing. 45e. and 50c. Fine embroideries, from ac. per yard up. Ladles" Xiaht Gowns. 6c. Ladles' White Skirts, embroidered. 25c. A nice line of Plush Ornaments fur fany work at 25e. a dozen. Baby Dresses, from 75s. cpwards. OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT can not be excelled anywhere and our prices are tbe loweat. Men's good working Shoes (Brogans), 98c. Men's good solid dress shoes. 99c. Men's dress Shoes, tl 25. Men's calf Soes, fl 48. Men' fine Shoes, lace. Congress or button-sneclally made for ns at f 1 74, well worth P2 50. Men's good Doneola rirMB Shoes. $2 50 Kangaroo Shoes, band sewed, f.3 74 Ladles' Dres Shoes, 9hc. Ladies' Dorisoa Sboea. hand sewed. tL48. Ladies' SDrlug heel Shoes. $2.00. Ladies fine 'Cornruun Seran" Shoes. tl 74. Ladies' Oxford tls patent leather tips. 75c Lsdies' finest French kik. Com mon Sense. Opera Toe. 2 48 per pair. Children's Dress Snoe. 22c per pair. Child ren's fine kik Shoes. 44c Children's kid Shoes, spring heel. C5s. Children's tan col ored Shoes, 50c Misaes' Dongola spring heel, hich cot. fl 25. Misses' Freocb kls) or eprlog heel, sizes 11 to 2. $1 25 GrTJS. SIJNEOjNT'B, The Largest & Cheapest Store in Cambria Co. evert WATERPROOF BE UP TO KE MARK As-jr--wir ii ft NEEDS NO LAUNDERING. CAN BE WIPED CLEAS lit A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LI NED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. ma 90-ly Pianos-Organs. The improved method of fastening- strinrs of Pianos. Invented by ns, is oneol the most In. rt ant Improvements ever made, making: tha In strument more rk-hly musical In tone, more dur able, and lei liable to ieet oulof tune. Beth the Mason A Hamlin Orvanc and P'anos excel chiefly In tbat which is tbe chlet ezoeiience In any musical Instrument, quality ot tone. Other things, ihouxh Important are much lass so than this. An Instrument with unmusical tones cannot be aoad. Illustrated catalogues or new styles, introduced this seasoa, sent free. MASON & HAMLIN Organ and Piano Co. BOSTON. HEW YORK. CHICAGO. aprll-St PEEUVIAN TONIC UVER REGULATOR. ' i The only sore and radical car foe CONSTIPATION. , ! BILIOUSNESS. IINDtCESTION sad all disorders al tbe liver and bas cured Landreds of reoplo and Is the only remedy ' tor tbeee dlsea es. and la caM In which the ; seat sfcllllul physicians have mterlv taUed. Testimonials tra'n hundreds al people living In Blair county. Hennsvlvanak. It la manu. ! lectured ky . T. Kfrln. WllllsMsaa.. i barsr. Pa . lor tba -". T 1a. K. Co., and lor sale by all dn-afflsts at 60 rents per bottle. I None nenulne except laael chows the Ia- ' dlao arrow-head trade mark. I April 'Jblh,. av-ly. JOHXC. PIXCH, I)IU 131 Golien- Weffit-Bys-TO 1j With Sinrr. PrrrascBa, Pa. Oldest establtshad boose in the city, a her oothlac but ;uraoods are put up, strkstly lor 'amily and medtslnal nse. othlnic traitor tban (roldan Wedditrtt. Next on ih list. Onck enbeimer,a. Osay's Moouitraheia JCya; these ftooda are leadaap; brand. B-raDdlea of viotaa; of IS7S on haad. Oios, Holland ai Domestic, also (111 Tosa. Klnch'a Hlden WeddioK. St O0 f r full quart, 8 tor Se-Otl; Ouchaheimr'a tbe same; Mosongahela. Se.oO per duxen. Wines. S6.00 per deaen. S3.00 tor one-halt doaen. Secure ly boxed. Also hare In atoea. Urandfatfaera Choice, at $2.09 I-r ksJIod. barrels at speolU Apr. ra, uu-iy ALESMEIM WiriTFD. 14 -J Local or Traveling. to sell onr Nnrsary Stock. Salary, Expenses and Dieaaj unpioyment itnaraDteea. CllASV BKuriltho COMPANY. raa&jul liochestsr, N. Y. COLLAR or CUFF THAT CAN" BE RELIED ON 33rct to gTrXl- ! UNTo-t to jDiocolor ? EEAR3 THIS MARX. TRADE 5 Mark. JOB:: PRINTING. THE: FREEMAN Printing Office Is tea place to set your JOB PRINTING Promptly an. satisfactorily executed. W will meet tbe prices of alll tionoraole com petit, We don't do any but first oiass work and want a )ViD pnc for It. fill. Fast Presseund New Tyre Ve are prepared to tora out Job Printing or every discrlptlon in the FINEST STYLE sod at tbe very Lowest Cast Prices. Xo&lubg out tbe bast material X used and. , fVi It LOID ar work Fpaks for itself. VVe are pre pared to prlo oo tbe .buries; collet P36TKR8, PROwWAMMES. Business C a .. Taos. Bill IIkads, Monthly tATKMKSTa. Envelopes, Labels, Circulars. Wbddisq and VitrriN Cards. Checks. Notes. Drafts, Receipt, Bokd Work, Letter and Note Heads, and Hot and Tartt Invitatioss, E-WvC We ea print anything from, tha aruaUnot, and neatest VisltlDg Card to the largest roster on short notice aad at tb most Reasonable Rates.. The Cambria Freeman, EBEXSBURG. PENX'A. EteEstnn Pig Insurance Apcy T. AV. DICK, General Insurance Agent EBEXSBURQ, FA. Job work of all kinds neatly executed at this oScs. (tire us a trial.