The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, January 17, 1890, Image 2

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    EBN3SURC. PA..
FKIDAY, - - - JAN. IT, 1S00.
ITDQ'Rs Dkm Statk Central Com, I
llAUKlbUL Rli, Jan. 7, 190. $
The Democratic State Central Com
mittee will meet at the rooms of the
Committee, Maiket street. , Ilarris-
bure, Ia.. on Wednesday, January 23,
lS'JO, at 12 o'clock noon, to elect one
person to nerve ai Chairman cf mo
dal! c Committees. and one person to
serve as Permanent Secretary of tte
State Central Committee, for the ensu
log year ; and to tracsuct such other
business as may properly be brought
before tbe committee.
Elliot 1. Kiner.
Ee.nj. Nead, Chairman
The ra'.ea that.relata to this meet-
loir are tha following :
KtLal. The Democratic OrgnliUou of tha
Stat of Pennsylvania shall constat ot:
rirt A t'hatrman ol DeinocratlcComml tteos
and a Permanent Secretary.
Second A Itetuocratle State Liecutive Crna-
nttlce, con)l''l of nine members.
Thtnt A SUta entral Committee.
Fourth Mne State Division Ceiainlttees .
Urn a. Trie i'balrman ef Democratic Com
Jlttees shnll eioBlclo. a memberof all com
mittor and the Actinic Chairman of the Demo.
cratlo State Liecutive and State Central Corn-
IB It tret.
Ktlb 3 The Chairman of liemoeratlo Com
mittees Shall be elected by the DeiuoeratlO State
Central Committee at an annual meeting thereof
to be held on the first Wednesday after the third.
Monday In January, at such i bve a maybe
designated hy the Slate Executive lomnmti
and shall holdi fflce for a period of one year, or
until his successor shall be duly eleoted. Any
qualified Itcmix-ratlc voter of the State o! Penn-
svlvanta shall be eligible to raid omoe.
Kvlb . The State Central Committee shall
consist otone member from each county, and the
Chairman of tbe local county "omanliatlou anal
be ei offlclo the member of the Democratic State
Central Committee from said county, provided
that any county that If entitled to more than one
State Senator shall hae an additional member
for each additional Senator, which additional
weruber s hall be elected Iniuch manner as the
local county organisations of the respective
counties may determine, anJ provided that not
more than one member of tbe SUte Central
Committee shall be elected In any Senatorial
district from the itme ponnty. And this com
mil tee shall elect One permanent Secretary, who
ihall have charge ol the records ot the committee
and tranninit the same to his successor.
Kt'LB . Members of the SUM Central Com
msttce unable te attend, may for acy 'meeting
deputlio'ln wrlltng, substitutes to act tm tern
pore I t them, but they must be voters In the
counties and Sunr.torlal district which Uiel
arlnci, Is rcprc.ent.
1U LB H. (I'artof old rule No. 1) "It (referring
to the State Central Coui-n Ittee) nriy at th!
(referrteir to the annua! meeting In January)
sul'Pc.j K nt meetings fix the tlrno lor the Stat
Convention and arrange therefor."
Ohio's Democratic Governor, Junes
E. Campbell, WrtS Icauijura e l ou Mon
day. In his inaugural message be
stands out bo'J!y for ballot reform.
Calvin s. Dkice, was elected to
the Uni.rd SU'.tea Stunts frm Ohio, to
succeed S or I ijiiq on Wednesday
The vote on j int ballot tr-i Knee 70
Totter t(3 ; IFa'stead 1 and Neal 15.
Tub thr"o-year old King cf Spain
who was dangerously ill for several
days Inst week is now reported out of
danger, in tb- old world, a royal baby
with the colic produces a season rf ex
cite inent only rqmled in this country
ty a Presidential election.
The Harrison Administration en
tered upon the new year with the de
pressing effect cf nearly 11 per cent
more bu."in(rs failures In 1S89 over
those of 1S8, and an increase of nearly
J7 per cert, liabilities. Herein is most
beautifully Illustrated the "protection"
to buinea Interests which the election
of Harrison was to bring about.
Hon. William D. Kelly, of Thil
adelphia, th- oldest member of Con
gress and known as the 'Father of the
House." died in Washington cn Thurs
day of last week. He wa? nearly
seventy-six years old, and during the
latter years of his life his general health
has not been good, so that he easily fell
a victim to the weakening Influences of
In Chicago, on Tuesday, Judge
MjConneU granted a new trial to
Kunz, sentenced to three yeara for
complicity In the Crocla mnrder. The
verdict, so far as it concerned this
prisoner, is denounced as an absuidity
by the Court. Kunze has been admitt
ed to bail and may never be tried g.Io.
The other three prisoners already oc
cupv cells In the Joitet Penitentiary.
After waiting six weeks from the
opening of Congress President Harrison
on Tuesday Frnt to the Senate the
nomination of Ex-Goyernor Henry C.
Warmoth to be Collector of Customs
for the port of New Orleans. War
moth is flMing that office by virtue of
un appointment obtained last summer
against the protests of about all the
btst members of the republican party
and to the ditgusc of Louisiana Kepub
leans ami Democrats alike.
On Saturday at Helena, Montana,
llessrp. Sanders and Towers, who were
elected United States Senators by the
Republican House and Senate of that
State, made foiinal application to Gov
ernor Too!e fcr certificates of election.
Their request was denied cn the ground
that their taction was Illegil, and al
PO tecausa it the fact that Governor
Toole had alreadv given certificates of
election to Messrs. Clark and Magln
nis, elected by the Democrats.
Under the judicial interpretation of
our Sabbatarian code lu Pennsylvania,
sajs the Philadelphia JUcoril, a mn
may dhave himself on Sunday a a
work of necessity ; bu". a barter cannot
shave blm cn that day without com
mitting a misdemeanor. This is a
nice distinction. The man who shaves
himself C3n work at his own beard
without offense on Sunday, but the
man who cannot shave himself cannot
emp?oy a barber to perrorm the eerrce
for him. Iu theooe case Sunday shar
ing is a work of necessity, and in the
other It Is not a work of necessity, sc tbe hermeneutica of the
Sabbatarian code in Its latest judicial !
exposition. !
There id more reason this year siys
the New York Cownercial Advertiser ,
than one usually Aids In the predic
tions of a prosperous trade year for tbe
country In 1$X). It is true that Wall
street, the financial barometer has been
down pretty low within the last month
or two and on at least one occasion
dropped pretty nearly to the storm lev
el. The chief reason for this was tbe
local embaraassment arisiog from the
collapse of the trust bubble, and this
bad little if any effect upon tbe country
at large. We have harvested this year
tbe largest grain and cotton crop in our
history, and its movement to the coast
is now so large that the railroads can
not furnish cars enough to cany it
The iron busiatss has awakened from
its two years1 lethargy and is now at
the height of activity and prosperity
Tbe farmers who sell grain and cotton
and cattle to Eastern men will buy
goods and groceries in return and tbe
year promises to open with a period of
almost unprecedented activity iu trade.
Drbt of all. this trad Is on no inflated
and tio speculative basis. The dia
couragemeut in Wall street has served
a nseful purpose of checking tbs specu
lative impulse, and there is no indiea
cation that we shall have 1673 over
again. Even the abnormal and dan
gerous advances in land prices which
have aecompaoied previous years of
prosperity are to be expected now ; for
the "land boom" rose and fell before
the present good times began. As for
the higher rates are themselves an inN
dex of car busier tiade ; and If they
suppress extravagant speculations then
so much the better.
Tdk President does not allow the
Blaine family to get ahead of him.
The Secretary's brother was appointed
Deputy Anditor tbe other day and cow
a cousin of the President, or of Mrs.
Harrison, is appointed Assistant Dis
trict Attorney for southern Iowa. The
Springfield Rfpullican says that Mr.
W. C. Howell, the Presidential rela
tive in question, is a cousin of Mrs.
Harrison and says : "It baa not es
caped notice; that Mrs. Harrison la get
ting more patronage than her husband.
Mrs. Harrison has now in cQce a fath
er, brother, cousin and niece's husbaud,
while Mr. . Harrison has only provided
for his brother, nephew and brother's
son-iu-Iaw." Bu: the Sioux City Tri
lune, published in Mr. Ilow.U'e own
S ate, speaks of blm as a cousin of the
President. The point la not material ;
the important thing is that another
member cf the Harrisju family is get
ting his sustenance from tbe Govern
ment. Ilarirson's wae a great boon to
the Harrionss.
It is reported, siys the Pittsburg
1'oxt, that the form of a treaty of ex
tradition hae bt?en agreed upon by
Minister Lincoln and Lord Salisbury,
arid that a copy has been received by
the Canadian governmnt for its con
spiration. This treaty, it is stated,
is an extension of the Ashburton treaty
of 1S42, which included only six eff-nsea
in the list of extraditable crimes, name
ly, murder, piracy, arson, robbery
forgery and utterance of forged parr.
The new treaty takes in a great num
ber of offenses. Including "the emUz
zlement or larceny of uny sum ar arti
cle of the value of ?50 or uwari."
This will close the doors of Canada as
a harbor of refuge to mauy enterprising
American financiers. The rogues who
have got tbere, bowever, wiil noi be
disturbed, as the treaty does cot app:y
to past offenses.
"It la prcposed rays the Xational
Dow-rat, to subsidize certain steam
ship Hues "; these run, or are to run, to
the west Indies, Mexico, Central and
tsouth America. To these countries
we export a considerable amount of
gods, but little or no farm produce.
The great bulk of our Jfarm produce.
which Is Itself the great bulk of our
total exports, goes to Europe. Nobody
proposes to subsidize steamship lines to
Europe. We presume that the farm
ers of this country see the point. The
Government will be asked this winter
to pay the freight for tbe maooTactur-
ers, but no one. has suggested that it
should pay the freight for the farmers
of this country. About how long do
the farmers intend to stand the kind of
legislation that the Republican party
Hives the country.
In the House at Washlnrrnn nn
o - ,
Monday, three reports were made bv
the Silcott Investigating Committee ;
the majority one by Chairman Adams
and two minority ones by Messrs.
Hemphill and Iloltu.n. The majority
report Is to the eff-tct that th mm
bers are entitled to receive from the
Government the monies doe them that
were eroVzz'ed by Caller Silcott.
Mr. Holman in h's report does not -.
knowledge that the Sergcant-at -Arms,
iroui wtjose efnee the money was stolen,
is the disbursing officer of the House.
If be is the distntsin? e flloer, says Mr.
Ilohuiin, !he loss mnst ?li on the Gov.
eminent, but if not. the members must
i-ear an loss. Mr. Ilrr-phi!! recom
mn,ds that the matter be settled bv th
Court of Claims.
The Philadelphia Ilecord. is nn.
d ubtedly one of the best papers pub
lished iu the United S:ate aud along
with that it is one of the cLeawst. It
ia a leader in the cause of tariff refoim
and has done more to educate the peo
pie to tbe manuer in which they are Le-
ng robbed by the thieves tariff than
any other paper iu Pennsy lvania. It la
bold aud aggressive in its views, and
does not hesitate to grapple with mono
polies in any Bhape or form. As a
newspaper, it cannot be excelled and
Us daily edition of over one hundred
thousand is the best evidence of Its be
ing appreciated by the people. The
Daily liccyrd, including Sunday will be
sent for $4.00 per year ; every week dav
13.00 per year.
Is his speech at the oneninir of th
Legislature of the Province of Quebec.
the Lieutenant Governor announced.
among other things, that during Its
session, the Legislature will be asked
to pass an Act granting 100 acres of
land to the father and mother of ever
family cf 12 or more living children,
corn in lawful wedlock.
Cabj Jlsnarcbs.
The great importance that has been
attached by ail tbe leading men in
Spain to the life of the baby King il
lustrates the peculiar advantages pos
sessed by a healthy male infant for the
duties of a modern monarchy. Nowa
days, in Europe, a King reigns, bnt
does cot govern. He Is simply tbe
symbol or embodiment of an abstract
idea. He represents something fixed
and tangible tht does not chanee with
tbe changes of government and tne ops
and downs of popular sentiment. The
actual executive power is in the Minis
try, subject to the control of the repre
sentatives of the people, and tbe active
interference of the monarch in public
business is usually resented and is like
ly to do mischief. An adult monarch
is often tempted to such interference,
but a cLild is not. Hence tbe advan
tage of a baby king.
In seme countries tbe little king's
sister would serve jost as well. The
people of Holland, for example, will be
quite pleased when the young Princess
Wilhelmiaa shU succeed to the imbe
cile o'd king. But in Spain tbere etill
are sticklers for the Salic law who do
not believe in a true succession In the
female line. This was tbe whole
groncd of contention of Don. Carlo,
and though Alfonso came in under a
title derived from bis grandmother,
yet his son's succession tended to es
tablish the lice against the claims of
tbe Carlists. Tbe reversion of tbe
crown to a girl will be very likely to
revive tbe pretensions of tbe present
Don Carlos, and tbe monarchy in Spain
is not quite strong enough to bear any
serious division among its partisans.
At tbe same time Republican senti
ment Is cot strong enough to do with
out tbe monarchy. Tbe leading Re
publican statesmen, like Castelar,
maintain that tbe Nation must grow
accustomed to representative govern
ment acd parliamentary customs berore
it can safely dispense wi h tbe form of
fixed executive. This is what has giv
en the Republicans also a special inter
est in tbe life of tbe little king, who
served tbe purpose of a figure-head so
well under tbe existing constitution.
From their point of view, however, the
little- siter will do es well, tte molber,
th Queen Regent, being a lady of great
tact ana good Bens who evidently holds
the respect and affection of the whole
people and who maintains the dignity
of tbe Crown without middling in af
fairs of government. rhila. Times.
The Present Crngressiaaal Situation.
This week's proceedings la th Hons
of R?prt-sentatlves ere sure to be in
teresting and important. The Re
publicans will undoubtedly take ad
vantage of the chaotic condition that
prevails, utider the arbitary and fitful
code denominated "Speaker Reed's
rule," to obtan Incidental advantages
that will promote thir seLeme for
s'renirtheniDg the majority ty unsat
ii g D.mocratic membeis and giving
their p'ac-s to Republican contestants.
In ability aBd elrquence tbe advant
age in the present House i3 decidiy with
tbe D.-mocrats. The Republicans have
no one on :he floor to take the place of
Speaker Rtd, and th: Sp?aktr, while
ready to US9 all the power of the Chair,
lacks the co-operation o a floor leader
capable o' carrying out his plans. M i
jor MeKinlt-y's ability evidently does
not li iu the line of Parliamentary
tactics, and men of much information
aod experience in CongreES, such as
Mr. Cannon of Illinois, do cot enter
into parliamentary codes; at this ses
sion with their accustomed energy.
The dull mediocrity cf Harrisonism
and the utter hopelessness of Republi
can prospects exercise a depressing in
fluence upon the members of the ma
jority. Thes conditions may chauge
somewhat as tbe session proceeds, but
up to date the sup-riortly of I he Dem
ocratic side bus been strikingly maci
fehted. Tbe stale of affairs above described
is uot by any means free fram danger.
That "pride goeth before a fail" is a
maxim to bn always borne in mind in
the conduct of struggles iu closely di
vided deliberative nodus. Overccnfl
dence, based on ability and pre-Iiminary
success, la an apparent DaiOcratic
danger. Tbe future is hopeful, bnt it
is the prenent with which we bave to
deal, and the greatest cre must bj
taken that no point of advantage how
ever s-e.minglc trifling, b lo-st. from
day to dav. X. Y. tar.
Judicial Outrage ia Florida.
That the authority of the United
Staus Court in Florida has been gross
ly perverted for Drusn n
proved in the trial of a case before
Judge 8ajneat Jacksonville on Wed-
A lefer of recen date was read In
evidence in which United Siates Mar
shal John R. Mizell wrote to C. C.
Kirk, his deputy, to "make out a lis:
of fifty or sixry names of tried and true
Ropoblicans from your county regis
traiion list to serve as jurors." The
list was forwarded as directed, and the
Federal Court is alleged to be conduct
ed on the basis of packfcd juries from
which all but R-publicans approved by
tha Machine ledis are carefully ex
cluded. The outrage Is of the most flagrant
acd boldest sort' but. Judge Swajne
seems to treat it as a trifling informali
ty respecting which the chief difficulty
is that it has been found out. The case
on trial when the disclosure occurred
grew out of the elections ;the accused
at the bar was a Democrat, and the ob
ivous effect of the selection.of a hostile
partisan lurv was to nrevent rir
hearing and just judgment of the
cause. The letter ot the Marshal was,
in fact. comDlete evi-tnnro nf tha art
est jjb of "jury fixing" on record.
The law reeulatin? the drrinr nt
juries is very specific in its precautions
ngaiuat. partisan aamimstratiun. Tne
act of 1S79 provides that the drawing
shall be by the Clerk of the Court and a
Commissioner, "a well-known member
of the principal political party opposicg
that lo which the Clerk may belong,"
and it further prescribes tbe method of
their work as follows: "The said clerk
and the said Commissioner each to
place one came in said box alternately,
without reference to party affiliations."
But it aDUears thu.t hv tha onnor.i-..--
of the Fioilda officials it made cot tbe
least difference in the world what was
done at the statutory drawing. The
lists furnished to tbe Clerk by the dep
uty Maisbal, at the order of his cbier,
were it seems, made op of selected
"tried and true Republicans." Out of
such a sufpty ODly partisan jurors
couid be drawn, and the final selection
could not be made "without reference
to party affiliations," as tbe law re
quires. This all eition cf Dackinir of ITmtprf
States juries Is the most serious of
many severe charges against the pre
sent Administration that have arisen
out of recent events. Equal justice be
tween all citizens and exact observance
or the statutes designed to prevent
favoritism in courts, are mattere that
lie close to the foundation of popular
government. No contempt of them
or light dealing witu them can b? tol
erated by any bones; official or any pa
triotic citizen.
Now let us see what a'rr.a win e-
taken by their proper superiors about
the lawless and corrupting doings
charged agaiLst the Court officials in
Florida I What has Mr. Attorney
General Miller, head of the Depart
ment of Justice, ta say on the subject ?
-V. Y. Star.
Sew Hays to Utilize the Sell.
Farmers in this country are asking
bow tbey can diversify their crop? and
make valuable the soil that is hardly
worth tbe intereet. tbe taxes and the
working. In England also this ques
tion is op for debate, and answers nave
for some time been coming In. One is
raising fruit to preserve it for borne and
foreign consumption. One feature of
life that is increasing is tbe extent to
which f jod ia prepared so that it needs
only a little manipulation for tbe table.
In this way housekeeping has materi
ally changed, and the process ia going
ou in ELgiand even faster than in this
country. For example, in Kent county
75.000 hands are employed in preparing
for the market fruits in a great mnny
ways. Where butter is dee. r pieserved
frui re taking its place, not as a
laxury. but as a common article of
fiKvt. eprcial!y jam. which sells ic
ErgUnd considerably IS9 than butter,
aod is deemed a nuturious article ot
focd. There are many ways to put
the soil to use at once practicable and
remunerative. Our farmers are too
much inclined to atiek to the beaten
raths, without troubling themselves o
look for new ones, or hardly thinking
haw their farms Can be made i,r'fUb.
in new ways. Large towns and cities
have created the demand and supplied
the means for buying many things not
before sold in quantities. The intelli
gent farmer will see for himself how
this state of things has spruit up right
under his noee without bis having
noticed it. The sail, hk the metals
and other raw material, may he made
useful, and evn profitable, in way
that bave beeu litti or not at all tm
ployed. PitUlurg Times.
Twenty-loot -now DrirU.
St. Tattl, Jan. 14. Sver weather
is reported generally througln-ut the
Northwest. A bllzztrd is raging at
B'ardsley Minn., the dn'ts Deiug piled
20 feet high. A piercing north wiud
accompanied the stoim. Trains Ld
wagon trefliT is at a standstill.
The first great utorm 'f the season
has struck Grand Rtpids. expending alt
over the upper Mississippi region. At
New Salem the very all was darkened
by falling snow, and pedestrians could
not see ibeir bands before- them. At
Wabtsh 13 inches of snow bhS faVen.
Tbe highways are seriously blockaded
and trains are behind time.
From Ne-cbe, N. D.. comes an ae
couot of a veritable blizzard which
raged for 37 hours, rendering all travel
Impossible through the drifts,
Utica, N. Y.. Jan. 14. In yester
day's etorm at Roud Island, Sr. Law
rence river, the Nims cottaga, with
contents, was blown into tha river.
The hoicl at Alexandria bay Wg badly
damaged. Tbe loss along the river
will amount to half a million dollars.
Clzvlaxd. O., Jan. 14. A tree
b'own across the N eke! Plate track
near Towowood, O.. last night caused
the wreck o' 14 cars,
CnATn am, Oxt., Jan 14. Tbe
storm ot yesterday blew a flat car out
of tbe Oo'.ario & Quebec railroad yard
at J annett's Creek. The car roiled
rapidiy eastward until withic about
t wo miles of Chatham. Th-re it crash td
into a construction train, consisting of
an eng ne, pushing two box cars, and
dr.iwlcg a box car full of laorrs and
a fla", car. The "traveler" was burled
through the end of tbe box car among
the helpless laborers. Sixteen men uere
injured, three fatally.
Policies Reversed.
In calling attention to the marked
change that has taken place in tbe pop
ular conception of tbe relation and
proper functions of tba government
toward private affairs, Mr. Cleveland
bis done well. A strong party bs
grown up which to a grea'eracd great
er degree !oks to be government, to
the action of tbe Execuive or .f the
LegiVatun, to aff rd telief fiom diffi
cul ies growing out of natural caus-s
hnd g-ermun" f-c'y to lu'er
es.s a party to which trie govt-riimeot
is a duuj ex mirhioa. sup;vai;tirg the
p-r'finsl energy of thosie concerned.
Perhaps no tendency of nvd-ro civil-iz:-tion,
in Araeric at leas', is more
marked fban this. To n ever increns
fcd extent appeals are made for "such
prac.ical tokens of g'H-dneM," to us
tbe euphemism of a contemporary, as
steaa-Ship suLeiidies. The sugar grow
er is equally urgent, if for political rea
iM't.s It-rii eurcrssfu'. in demanding a
bounty as an Inducement to cou'ioue
the pros-cntion of bis industry. The
financial affaus of the nation are pnt
in jopardy and exposed to a continual
menance in order to satisfy tbe de
mands of the owners of silver mines
diasa'.l.sSed with the natural down
ward tendency in the price of tbur
commodity due to increased production.
Acd finally from the boie long list of
thos4 who bave tasted tbe fcDrva'ing
draught of protection, who bave be
come "dependants upon the favor of
the government and teo2ciaries under
its taxing power," there arises a
unanimous demand for tbal protection
in steadilyiccreasicg measuie.
It is useless to attempt to gloss over
these facts by eallling them -'certain
well established and time tested prin
ciples of political economy." The
phenomenon is one which may well ar
rest kbn attention of tbe statesman and
the put Icist. It marks a radical
change of attitude on the part ot a
large stiare of tbe population toward
the functions of government. The
jealous preservation of private affairs
from tbe interference of the State that
was long tbe badge o. Anglo-Saxon
freedon. seems to have decayed. Gov
ernment is no longer regarded as some
thing imposed by the necessity of main
taining social and political order, but
ss a me&ns for tbe furtherance of pri
vate interests.
The. Socialistic idea of a paterna1
government, regulating tbe occupations
of its subjects and directing their lives,
is advancing. From the extreme pro
tectionist doctrines, involving gov
ernmental interference to adjust the
relations of different interests, to create
and to destroy industries as a matter of
policy and cot of capriee. the step is
short to ibat socialism which merges
tbe individual in the State cot in poli
tics alone, but In bis entire existence.
Purblind indeed is be who sees no con
trast, between this and the earlv'dais'of
the Republic and who derides the warn
log of one more far sighted as the
words cf a man who does uot foreet
that he is a politician. Boston I'ost
Conaasssptlsa Incurable.
Read the following : Mr. C. H. Moms, Ncw-
ara.JArk-.fays : "Wa down with Abeess of the
LuKS, and friends and physicians Dronounced
me an lnaarable consumptive. Began taking Sr.
King's New IHscorery lor Consumption, am now
on my third bottle, and able to everee the work
ou my farm. It Is the finest medicine ever made."
Jesse Middlewart, Decatur. Ohio, says : -Had
It not been for Dr. King's New Discovers for
Consumption 1 would have died of lnnt; troubles.
Was given np by doctor;. Am now In best ol
health " Try It. Sample bottles free at E.
James-Ltensbnrg. and W. W. XeAteer's, Lo
retto. r.le-trle Bitter.
This remedy la becoming so well known and to
popular as to need no special mention. All who
have used Electric Bitten sing; the same sons; of
-raise A purer medicine does not exist and It la
guaranteed to do all that Is claimed Llebtric
Bitters will car all diseases cf the liver and
kidneys, will remove pimples, bolls. Salt Kbenm
and other affections caused by Impure blood.
Will drive Malaria from tbe system and prevent
as well as cure all Malarial fevers. Fur ear of
headache, cvn.lil-at ion. and indigestion try
Electric Bitter.. Entire satlsiactlon xnaranteed ,
or money refunded. I'rlco W ?ents and 1 no ter
hnttleat E. James', Ebeneburtf. and W. W. Me.
Aleer's, Lcrellu.
SEVS aim TH soTises.
-Don Pedro, lata am par or of Brazil Is
reported to be insane, occasioned by tbe
losa of bis throne and wife.
It would be well for those just reeoyer
las from Ia crlppe" to stay indoors until
tbey are eattiely out of danger. Two-tbirds
of tbe case which baye proved fatal result
ed from a relapse.
A caisson of a brides being built be
tween Louisville and Jeffarsonyille, Ken
tucky, eave way Thursday afternoon ef last
week and disappeared. Onty foor of tbe
eighteen men at work at tbe time escaped.
Dr. Knlffin and Miss Emma Parcel!,
who were arrested on the charge of murder
ing Mrs. Koifflu. the doc tar's wire, in Tren
ton. X. J., bave been released. Well known
and prominent citizeos signed a bond of
James Bortz, residing sear Macangie,
Pa., one day last wek took a pair of boots
to a cobbler for slight repairs, ne stated
that be owned them for 19 years, but bad
used them only oq Sundays acd on special
On the roof of the New York hospital
building will be a garden, probably inclosed
In glass, where patients can enjoy tbe c-m1
breezes that blow over the housetops. 11 ere
tbere will be flowers, plants, an squrlum,
sests and hammocks.
Kate Connors, a servant girl in tbe
employ of John Glenn, of second avenue,
Pittsburg, was struck by tbe Day Eiprees,
east bound, near bobo, about 8 o'clock Fri
day morning nod injured to sucb an extent
that she will not recover.
"Old Towlion." a hermit who lives In
Jack's Hollow. In tbe mountain near Will
iaaikport, spends bis time in diKetog around
bis wretched hut in search of gold. lie bas
dug ten boles 15 feet deep, and bis place
looks like a yanlag graveyard.
A railroad train of fifteen cars would
be required to coDvey the food and nour
ishment which a man blessed with a mod
erate appetite consumes from the time of
his birth t- tba day when he attains the age
of three-score years aod ten.
At Pittston tbeie is a man who says be
Nas never 111 a minute. Fie explains bis
good health by tbe fact that hi mother
sewed a rabbit's caw in bis clothing when
he was a baby, and be has never been with
ont it on bis person ever since.
The record of the rainfall kept by Can
tata Tbomas R. Rodman, at New Bedford,
Mass., shows the following Interesting re
sults : Average yearly rainfall for seventy
five years, ending 18.S. 49.303 Inches. Total
for tbe year 1RR9. C2.83 Inches.
An official map of Vermont has been
Issued, tbe deserted farming tracts being
paiDted red. Tbe effect la brilliant in tbe
extreme, and In an artistic eenss makes the
isott notable contribution yet seen to the
literature of the home market.
Hamuel MeWllllaTJB. or Btalrsvllle. a
brakeman on tbe Western Pennsylvania
Railroad, fell from bis train at StUue. on
Friday morning. Cne leg was cut oS aod
tbeo tber badly Injured. He'sat-talaed other
Injuries that render bia recovery doubtful.
-Oh ! tbe clothes press U a swell affair
for garments nice and neat, the bay press
Is a grand machine and does Its work com.
pleti, the cider press Is lovely, with Its
juices rich aud sweet, but tbe printing press
controls tbs world aod gets there with both
At Home-stead, Thursday night of last
woek, John Drake, aged seventeen, was
cleaeiok a revolver, when the weapon was
accidentally dittcbargad. the bullet entering
bis mother's bead back of tha ear aod kill
ing ber instantly. Tbe young rssn is crazed
with grief.
Ir.fluerza Is making ' fearful ravages
among tbe etrikicr coal miners in the Cbar
leroi district in ltliuni. The men are des
titute and their families are unable to ob
tain proper and sufficient food. Under such
circumstance tb pereentatr of deaths
among these attacked by tbe disease is very
Tbe heavy winds one day lat week
blew down one of be walls of a new Pres
byterian cb arch iu Brooklyn. It fell on a
tbre etory frame building adjoining, and
crushed It. Tbe building was occupied by
tbe Mott acd Purdy families, numbering
nine prions, two of whom were killed and
five Injured.
Fire started on Sunday afternoon in the
tower of the Monarch distillery, at Peoria.
Ill , and before it was gotten nnder control,
damage to tbe extent of flC3.000 bad beeo
dore. Tbe loss Is folly covered by Iniur
ance. At the time tbe fire started a vi
olent storm was In progrees, and the origin
of tbe fire Is attributed to lightning.
An explosion of molten eaetal occured
Friday morning at te Lucy furnace. Pitts
burgh, In which one nan was killed aod
five bedly. but-vot erlousIy, injured. The
man killed was Thomas Walsh, whose body
was burned to a crisp. Tbe ethers burned
were Michael Welsh, Tbomai Snmmerslea.
John MeGiucis, Harry Skllford. and John
A dispatch from Versailles, Ky.. states
that tbe stables beloeglog to Macey Bros.,
barred on Saturday morning at 4 o'clock,
destroying thirty-five out of thirty eight
horses. Among those borned was tbe horse
Bell Boy, that was sold here at auction by
Jenerson Jfe Seaman to J. Clarke for $51 00.
It is said that Clarke has refused 1100.000
for ttils horse.
An eastern man. not a crank, but a real
live genius, wants Kalamazoo capitalists to
start a plant to manufacture a sure go-fly-lng
machine which he bas patented. He
showed the Chamber of Commerce how
nicely his ruedel worked, but the memory of
poor Uogan's fate made tbesi doubt the
value of the contrivance as an everyday
means of locomotion.
The Goal papers or tbe treaty between
tbe United States and Coeur d'Aleoe In
dians were signed at Spokane Falls, Waoli
on Wednesday night of last week. Tbe
treaty conveys 222.000 acres of tbe moet
valuable part of Coeur d'Alene reservation,
embracing the largest portion of tbe beauti
ful lake or tbe same came and much rich
mineral and fine timber land.
Edward Harnett, of Scranton, who has
been Iu 111 health for several weeks, was
greatly depressed by the death of bis broth
er, Benjamin, on Thursday. Tbe funeral
of tbe latter occurred Saturday afternoon,
ana tbe former Insisted on bitting at a win
dow and watching the procession go by.
When tbe last carriage bad passed he fell
from tbe cbair with a gasp and wbsn picked
up was dead.
As tbe possibility of gas we Us giving
out. attention Is called to a well In tbe Ti-
tusvllle region, tbe first, iu fact, from which
gas was piped, and which, after a service of
18 years. Is flowing as freely as ever. The
people In Western Pennsylvania who bave
used gas for so many years, bavs ceased to
feel alarm at the possibility of the fuel giv
ing out, though occasionally the subject is
discussed for speculative and other pur
poses. Ao exceedingly small and curious post
office is that which for years has been in
operation at tbe extreme point of the cape
which projects Intc tbe Straits of Magellan.
It consists of a cask carefully protected sd1
securely chained to the rocks. Passing
vessels stop aad take out their own letters
and deposit others. But small as U is. It be
longs to the whole world, and so is under
tbe protection of tbe entire caval service of
tbe globe.
Call attention to their large and varied assortment of Dress Goods, comprising black and colore !
a full line of black Cashmeres, Henriettas, Melrose, Drass d Alma, Arinnies and Nuns' Vti; "5'
colored Cashmeres. Henriettas. Senres. Broad Cloths, Albatross, etc. Wash Dtps r.,... i c?'i
Btyles. Dress Buttons and Inmmings to match Dress uood.s, lable Linen, Napkins, Tf.t.'.
Toweling, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Underwear and Hosiery, Corsets in 25 different m 'T
Misses' Corsets and Waists, Kid Gloves and Silk Mitts, Table Covers and Lambrequins II-,, V
.or H I An nr-i n nr etn &tt O
Mrs. Tbomas wife of the Tribes
Hill botel proprietor, at Amsterdam, N. Y.,
whose throat was cut by ber buebana on
Saturday night. Is sill! alive, but no hopes
for ber recovery are entertained. Monday
morning Mrs. Link's aged mother, who is
heart-broken over tbe tragedy, attempted to
commit sulelde by hanging berself in an
outbuilding. She was about to place tLe
rope around her neck when dUcovared by
people from tbe botel. Tbe coroner held an
inquest over the body of Link, who killed
himself after cutting his wife's throat.
A Hartford, Van Buren County. Mich.,
man who went West soma years ago got
Into trouble and tbe California Penitentiary
at the same time, aod to aave bis fanily the
diegrace caused someboJy to write to Mich
igan that be bad been sbot and scalped by
Indians. This would have made it all riht
if he had stayed dead, but a few days aio,
while his widow was getting ber trousseau
ready to marry a decent man, tbe villain
spoiled everything bv getting out of prison
and writing home to ak for his family.
On last Fiiday afternoon, at Chicago.
Attorneys Wing. Donahoe and Forest bled
a motion for a new trial In tba cases of
Coughlin. Burke, O'Sullivan aud Kunze,
convicted of the tnnrdet of Dr. Crouio.
Tbe motion assigns thirty-nine causes of
error in tbe ruling of Judge McConnsll dur
ing the trial of the ease. The grounds of
alleged error embraces every point contest
ed by the attorneys for tbe defense and over
ruling tbe motion to quah tbe Indictments
to the assertion that tbe defense bas, since
trial.discovered new evidence which entitled
them to a new trial.
On Meuday the wind reached a velocity
of 45 miles an hour and tba temperature
dropped fiom 60 decrees to below tbe freez
ing point at Cleveland, Ohio. Telephone.
telegraph, ire alarm and electric wires were
mixed in tba wiideel confusion. Two guy
cables that held tbe 250 foot electric light
kfiast In tbe public square in position broke.
Tbe mast swayed wildly In tbe wtod, and
It became necessary to stop traffic iu tbe ad
jeeent streets for ssvral hours to prevent
accident In case the roast should fall. The
roofs were torn off two school buildings,
trees blown down and signs carried away.
bat no one was injured.
As Herman Sicgietary, a farmer, was
driving, to Akron, Ohio, on last Friday
morning, be was approached from behind
bv a man oa horseback, who after calling
out, "You are the man who killed my
chum," fired two shots and then fled. One
of tbe balls passed through SiDuletary'a
bat and tbe other grazed bis coat sleeve. On
Hew Year's nijht a burplar entered Sing'.e
tary's bouse and stole $27. As tbe tLief
was leaving Siog'etary fired t-everal sbota at
blm and tbe fellow cried out a if bit, but h
made his escape. It is thought tnat tbe
burglar aiutt have died afterward an I ttut
be was tbe man whom ?'.tjRit tsry's astail
arit was attempting to avenge.
Tlie Klsrm.
Sunday nights storm at Clinton, Ky ,
st?'ted In a filhru! l!s of lite. The tor
nado pahS'd unrtb of New Madrid, Mo.,
crossing tbe river near a toiot pui?e Mos
cow, tbence uorthwent to Clinton and WI
cltffe. Tbe path of tba tor m was about a
Quarter ef a mile wide and left a track of
fallen tlnber throufb tbe section of forest it
passed before reaching Ciiatou. Tbe firet
bout struck Iu Clinton waa tba section
house of tbe Illiuoia Central Railreed, occu
pied by Mr. John Rhodes and faulty. Tbe
boese was torn to splinters. and Mr. Rhodes
and two children were killed outright. His
wife and one child escaped death, bnt are
both dabgereubly hurt.
Tbe bouia of Mr. Jokn Gaddies was blown
down, aod afterward (Saddles was found
under tbe debris with an Infant In bis arms.
Caddies was dead, but tbe child was not
hurt. Tbe bouse of Robert Johnston, wblcb
stood oa tbe brow of the hill, beesned to di
vide ia half, cutting in twe jel below tha
seeoad flowr aad letting tbe upper portion
fall is Its place. Mr. Joboton was in a
lower room and tbe up per part fll on blm,
planing btra to tbs earth with a joist across
his back. Ills moans attracted attention
aud be was rescued badly injured.
Ilia son Rebert was up stairs and was
dangerously burt by falling timbers. Al
though suffering intense agony be begged
hie rescuers to let blm alone and help some
one who could live. His brother David was
badly bart.
St Locis, January IS All along tbe
path of last evening's terrible storm, large
crowds congregated this moruiag to view
tbe ruins. The houoe No. 922 Meuud street,
a twe story brick where three people were
killed, was surrounded by an immense
tbrocg, who gazed ou the scene of desola
tion with feelings akin to awe. This Louse
wm totally demolished.
Matthew McCollum, who occupied the
first floor, was burled beneath the debru
and was taken out dead a few minutes after
the storm passed. Mr. Connors with two
daughters, and a neighbor's boy and girl,
named respectively Joe and Ida Weaver,
were on tbe second floor. Mrs. Connors and
the Weaver boy were instantly killed and
their bodies dug out of the wreck by tbe
All along tbs route of the storm bricks
weie torn off tbe outside of tbe buildings
and carried for blocks and dashed Into tbe
windows, in many lostances Injuring those
who chanced to be sitting within reach.
The number or buildings which were dam
aged will probably reach 15, with loss
ranging all the way from f 100.000 to $200,.
Niagara Falls, Ont., January 13. A
cvclone struck this place to-day and the
wind attained a volocityof 90 miles an hour,
carrying everything before it. Tbe great
est sufferers are the Canada Web Company.
The wind struck tbe northwest gable of
their 5x90 root two story factory, of which
tbe wind had full sweep in Its greatest fury,
tearing the roof from the biick walls aod
tumbling tbe north and west walls in upon
150 girls, who were employed In winding
bobbins for looms. In the upper atory. All
escaped except Allcw Dickout. aged 15. who
was In and manager of tbe company k now
Ing trat tbe girl bad not escaped, nubed
upstairs in tbe building, which was tumb
ling down arouDd bim .rescued the girl from
the debris and carried her down stairs. The
girl was found to have one leg broken and
to be badly bruised about the body.
Tbe l'reprletora
Of Ely's Cream Balm do not claim it to be a
cure-all. but a sure remedy for catarrh,
colds in the bead and hay fever. It Is not
a liquid or a snuff, but Is easily applied In
to tbe nostrils. It gives relief at once.
' - -
CARL ll.tVlSrI UrS
v.-tv le-tVTi'-, "J '-A'V
Ir-vS-Wl-;-'" lire'- -
liiloi!k liibUi. oV.
f.1ftfc a&J lif.nn yaf tzkb Lvi t ar.v tV - -
xncsi iw vs i W-x'. ws Anwar, .ir Atf t .i
tsa.lesti Lw.r J with thm rtm -:(,. J cat .: ,
gcsntnt I. eery rcuro h& to ir m rt lut -r in t
Hi.Uc. etc . yrKstaa.Mi Sjwc ij o;rL:o:us f -t
rd toVl fitrok ar tutiai mj v. kn;'.tea
coanc ruvfi' II atwi Liatiuii lAloratrry rrartiral
tV.. ec. Mart fuiiv euuMd wufc aaHrn than iuv
an f rt . fraat ImsM tduiiM, aai tli fcxiai trm.naiiej V
Uiujima fjaamuM msi to aaw &a i-e ti j iir
sw riavisM, sUeHUt.. ri. cmsMm t a
Printing Office
Is tlie place to Ktl your
Promptly and satisfactorily executed. W
will meet the prices of am bonotartle
couipetion. We don't di at.y but
first-ria8 wfiV and want a
living pric for It.
Willi Fast Presses eM New Tyn
We are prepared to turn out Job Print i-i of
every diwription Iu tbe FINEST
STYLE and at tf.e wrv
Lowest Gasli Prices.
Nothiiig nut tbe btst tnateiiil i used and
our work peak for It-elf. We are pre
pared to print on the short hi notice
PosTEits, Programmes,
Business Cakds. Tags, Hill riEAUfl,
Monthly tatkvests Envelopes,
Labels. Cikculaks, Wedding and
Vimtino Cards. Checks. Notes,
Drafts, KrcEirTe, Bond Work,
Letter and Note Uead?, and
Hop and Party Invitations, Etc.
We can print anything fr.m tbe siualleat
and neatest Visiting Card to the largest
Poster on short notice and at the
most Reasonable Hates.
The Cambria Freeman,
Near Pliiloi!k lybUi. f J
elrfaoel );-c!.. :-c;.t. I9'h. -ft J J i y.
Yrarlr KaneL..,.CSiJO. . Ssfj Off jTJsiJ A
Some eoil aicree with Tbs Sim's opinion
about men and thing, and some people don't ;
but every body llkvs to net noli! of the news
paper which Is uerer dull and never afraid te
speak its uind.
ltouaurrats know that for twenty years The
Sr has fought In the front line fur Democratic
principles, never wavering or weake-ain In its
loyalty to the true Interests ol the arty It serves
with fearless lntellticenc and dilnterexte.t Tlnor.
At times opinions have Clflered as t the best
meaus of accomplishing the common purpose ; It
li not The Scsi's fault If It has seen further Into
the millstone.
Eighteen hundred and ninety Is the year that
will probably determine the result of tbe Presi
dential election of 1W, and perhaps the fortunes
of tbe Democracy for the rest of the century. Vic
tory In Si Is a duty, and the beginning, ef 1S'.0
Is tbe best time to start out In company with
with Tbe Sua.
Dally, per month. ..... SJH AO
Dally, per year. .... - A.oo
Saotlay , ntir year, ..... yon
Dally and Snnday, per year, n
Daily ami Nun. lay. per month. - - . I.7I
W eekly Sun, one year, .... I. OO
Address THE M , New Tork,
- VlUlll,.
R. R. DEPQf,
Watches, Clocks,
Silverware, Epical fet
-A N U
Optical Gccdc.
Sole Agent
Celebrated Eockford
fuliinibla and Fred.nia Wat,
li Key and st
of JEWELKV iiiwaj.oi; Ui i.
UTMy line of J. ,-'r
'i me arid nee for yours.-.
ne elswhere.
E.ectur; Jviv 11, iss' -tf.
. J
ikem Tutio
i' ryy. t'ry V.r-i:;,.
:- ' tdti-d aie L- s-atje
rA .a- a-' ('t r;j 1 ttev
c furniiJitJ .
ttudmtt tad a n rJiU m f"' "at u .rm" an f 1 .
'r HaiiBSU. (..!; r'reuirttni . 1-ur.tri il . t t ... t
.:at&oaS lQartsr.ut. :ib 1 is-g-rat v. Nift ft . -t
oife.i ( uia- uur srhol. M exX AciiMvy an i cover eory ct:tK . Ho emas (sasuutu tt . t. r
IS C. ftMu&TLiDii. A 1 1 A.M. .saxvMl OiaC..- , u.
c tMUiUL
' 5 YEARS.
clf-threading )iuttl,U
notselrft ami IllU-ruu
ntnf?, bit l!i li nilsnmert
wood-work, ami Hunt
mrt of eztrm tUthmrBid
Dou't pr agfi-t" f
SCO I iuJ for c1rta!m
17 N.10thSi.,rt;:a.,Pa.
Orcan and Pu?;o Co.
BOSTON. iTEW i'Ol:t. i hi .V.0.
f for-tair- a f:t
St.-. Ai-li, r. u-'
I lurt r a .'1 I -
I S-.IWI b H U HiiM'
Hir -t
jujrfrr. lor 1 n .-
w hr n orjf a 11 : i roiuw- ,
ol erkuu lilrlt.
I ti!rir,r " I . vc : ' -
- St H.IU- liL I'l-.f ; . 'r :
I? A If I.I ! liimrkai :
inc. n i.a 1 1 1 u. " - i
PI. Si US). I ty lu Culi :,
I lr t hct-s Ir ' r ..-li .
POPII.iltt kTTLI.k OKGI.M- 1 IX,
VS2.30, tPO, 870, S'jn. nu IP
Orvsns Dd risn'in s f,,rc. :.. !'
nrri's, ar.i Kcntcd. 'm.. l -'
OcL , -4t.
$100.00 HEM
Tb -above reward of t'sn !' v- '.
wiil he palil Iu any efe in wl l'
L.W. Bull's rcleMc3('a!'rrtE.::j
will not cure I'atarrh If tke: : ' '
lions. 1'. '! "nV
Fob Sale in Km u-i.i h - it
Jan. lo-m.
l":itt lft:Kw"t.v a.l ir--
Kowrl I A t o.. lOSi ri... ' .... tt
can learn the xrt eoct of " -f .'","u
AUVKKI'blMI In A im-ru-a" s
liS4Ce Pifnilile( lus.
lirTS ft'ANTKIl- A-
... Vrt
. :(
cmn make Ironi SJS t. ; "
for uh unit cOy ti.e c.iii f--rt - -are
working for an oi l nn 1 r. r . J r
hie territory In limn' ami ' in' .
by rom-,.t apriicatlon . We an-
oher. Aoor ss, w . ,
FKANK! 1 !'A'
Jan. J-."m. Nnri-ry I-en '- 1 a
HUTII. FdK KtM'-TI: .:
Man.t, kli..n H i llif r
ale J at Suixjniit. t 'rtin.-r'a r-i-i:'
teres ol grouud. artjo'u i ''
eral terms. Ti e h. n-i- r '
riKimrf, lar riMtin, 5ire r-- in.
staOle, an-1 all ueee.i ' '''
houe will Le r-n(r.l i-nlir.- o- i
tleular" enquire ' the "'-
I.AMKS A lill-I-
"., - si'-1
V Letters of adtlittil-i-.'' '
John Wharton late of flaa'""-;;
lrla corniv, Pu.. le-' 11 "'
. uil ....--rll" -I
... oO-
to tne"'. i
et-Uteare regueneo i
e " --; 5s.
...i '
wlllpreent them, um ; i-
tlemiutto .''"I,' -i:JVL
t'leartlcld Twp.. Dc. -0.
F von need J..b ITItiims ; r ';V '