The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, November 22, 1889, Image 2

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E3msc::rc. pa,.
-N ' ' ' . IW
Koori'-Ti.u, P., has roied in favor
or Chicago as thp tr p!ac to LclJ
t'je b'g fair.
Thk recent rilna tare csus?d another
flood la Ihe yuiaeiianrja Valley wLIcb
i- nearly equal to that of !a?t Jjne.
A new cornet has been discovers J at
the Warner Obsprvitory by Dr. Lewis
Swift. It la moving northeast rq-1 is
large, bet without necleus or tail.
Uetckns of recent election from
evtry cotty iu the Svate hare teen
received ht the State Department at
Ilnrrisbnrtr. Tb to'b wm follows :
lkjer.rui 21- ; I3i?ler, 20 Z0 ; John
son., 22,401, Unver's plurality, CO.MtJ.
Henry It. Toivxe. pn?idiajat the
annual mtetinK of the American society
of Mechanical Engineers, declared the
idea of a World's Fair in 1S02 must be
ab&cdoned for want of time to con
struct the buildings.
A xetv religious society in London,
vhose object is to convert the aristo
cratic West Enders has been formed.
Kvery house in that aristocratic quar
tr has been visited, and even the resi
dence of the Trinco cf Walea has teen
We see it announced that ex State
t enator, George W. Hood, of,
has been appointed Supervisor of Cen-s-u3
for tho tight District including the
Tjntii-s of Clarion. Ji Hereto, Iu. liana.
Ar-ms'.njug, WVstnorrlauJ, Cambria,
L' earfieid and Somerset.
Tiik LV-publican Congressman, says
the Philidelphia Th,ns. are disposed to
ILiukita poor iu!e that works both
wars. Tho rules of tho last House that
U'owcd thn minority to block lfgisal
ticr. vyire all r'aht wLile the minority
vns composed of Ilpnb!icans, and
rre wrorg n-w that the minority Is
coaipcaul of J)?uiocrais.
Lewis C. Cassidy, the prominent
;.vvyer and prilitk.turj, and the Attorney
;nor;! cf IVir.s ivani under the ad
ministration of Governor Tattison, died
at his rtsldeccf, at Grmanrowu, Phil
ndvi'.hia, on warning. Al
though Mr. C.tsldy l!t fcr several
d:iy3 puat, huffrirp tvitb lr,flaniation of
the Itirgs. his condition was not con
sid?nd serious an.i hfs sudden death
was a shock to his Jare circle of ao
nmtrjnrces. The cawv of deith v.ns
limit failure.
In a commercial sonf. Ur Is tb?
most irrpc-rtart of Satitu American
L.-'-hlTj. Ti; gritrr portion of tlo
ro.T-'e corsunied in th'f l'r"t?d S tilths
is Ir-r.T. fr.-iu th.V roi-.r iiy. The an-
..vM.tmin. ui in'MvvMiuii;'n in jjrhzu j
nis nccr r-i MR'r. b"'n foPowed bv ex- .
r ' 7 . grcwing coanti-- of -v, St.?, au4 wer.t ioudly u.t.owi.,1 that ti.e spoils of of
ru.r. n . o, prus ; U...s srus to be J r:5ht iato the homea of Coluatua Da- I ar not for him or his. It is as
frecu'a ive tn its rh-Ticer. Utilem I . . . . . i Ferie.l. too. t-t O t Kt.
c.Vij w.-.r e'-jii'i, a cr.-ii:ri iu the fr.rra
of gov rnr.H'i.t ia Rrpzil ehou;d i)tT-ct
thf prodcciion uud exiwrtation of the
counlry'd chief 6tap!e vc iy little.
Wuia L. stern Kxpres?, which left
i'tttiburg at T.lo v. m. for Xew Vork.
wus pajsing through the Pittsburg
yards, the smoking car lft the track
and after beirg pulled about 100 feet,
turned completely over and canght fire.
Several passengers were Injured and
Joseph Rrocker, of Chicago, was fatal
ly bt:riit 1. TLe causa of the sc:!dent
is not kn.'wn, t ut it la t height the
rnila lai: spread. All he punsengera
but Rrccktr and six others were ab?e to
prcrcdon their jcurney a few houra
An !aipieive lesson for the United
States comes from South Afr lea, where
no rain has fallen for a year, ani there
Is much suffering from want of water.
Prof, spoiy, ui9 American geologist,
who haaju.-t made a tcurof tb country,
says the same csuse that ruined Egypt,
Mesopotamia and India, once the most
fertile countries In tho wcrld, is e.t
work In South Africa. It is the de
struction cf the timber. r,nd the same
can.:e tbat tuned those countries Into
deserts ia producing the same effect In
South Africa. It is at work In the
United States, and we shall see .fe
ptructive effects frota it beforo njy
Tub County Commissioners ere still
bulldir-2 bridges but are not giving the
work out ty letticss. At the last
bridge letting held in May, "everal oo
jectionable bidders put in bids which
were too low (?) and th Commission
ers were compelled to rj?cl them and
give the work to their erglneer at an
advance or ? i.l-o on three bridges. If j
a letting tad not given tie taxpayers ;
some idea of V. but the tri Jjrea shnnU
core iho prices cou'd have been swellea
several hundred dollars Licre. Since
men Ijs Lomuilisloners and tbeir eu- I
gineer have built a bridga at Garmari- i
10 n, ana are now building one at Sum- i
xnerLIH, but the prices cf tUe bridges
are not cut down ty a letting, and don't
you forget it.
Tneur sercs to be no doubt says tbe
J'i.'K-'uo.Vr (.V. JI.) I'nioK, that Presi
dent Harrison ha plRced himself In a
very unenviable position In connection
with the admission cf Montana.
Placed in tre mcst favorable light,
his actioa shoas the: be has lent bis
aid to the ccrsp:rntor9 whi wou'd steal
the organ h: at ioi and representation cf
lht new S:.tte. lie krsw that the i
e'.t-c'.lon was undecided when ha e'g-Hd
to1? pr,.cuma::on admitting Moricl,
:ti:d he knew that Lis aclioi was asked
to aid the fharpors who wou'd roanipu-
late iUj vote. Tbe Pros id en; ly snch
actlou lower h-niijif to Ihe lvel f a
tchemi-r and s ire; u'ler tr. l svnCces
hi official nr.d resi r. U reputation.
Such frauds always irn? Cd'(ju!e re-
That vuur L-imtug, John Wana
nmker, sayi the New Yoik Slxr, Las
pssfd the point that bis critics had
Cx1 as t liru't cf his follies.
lilt laKt exhibition cf b'msalf as
than his early performance about the j
e.iLs a?or.cie3, but it 1 rrnch more ri
d'cu'OLS ; ai.l to beecre scprpnely ll
diculou In the eyes of all Is the one
oflVnd.'ns in a public man that admits
of no defense, llisculity, even when
clearly showri, may be doubted by
credulous fri?t.ds aad denied to the
last by interested advocates, bat ab
surdity that cannot be concealed can
neither tt explained cor converted.
The folly-of the cheap John Pan
American dime museum ehow at 'Wan
arcakei's bargain counter is r.ct free
from criminality, but it Is PO supremo
ly asinine that peoiIe will not stop to
calculate how much of crimo it im
ports, but will insist that the Govern
ment ehall disembarrass itself of all
connection with. the charlatan who con
trived it.
"On behalf of Mr. Wanamaker, who
is head of this house, and who is com-
palled to be absent in Washington on
official duties connected with his posi
tion as Postmaster-General, I am
deputed to welcome you to oar busi
nefs bouse." This sp?ech of Wana
maker'a man, who welcomed the herd
ed Pan-Americans, makes short work
of all the protestations that Warama
ker had no connection with the use of
his official position as a business adver
tisement, and then, to make the assur
ance doubly snre, comas the card signed
"John Wanamaker," inviting the bargain-buying
pnbllc to see the diplomats
of All America on exhibition at his
shop as one of the shopping attractions.
What mnst our country's guests, the
representatives of our sister, Republics
In all free America, have thought of
tt is cost degrading exhibition of mer
cenary valrarity ? What will they
think of our country if a delinquency
in high place so glaring f.nd cfT?rsive
is allowed to go unpunished V
15 ut surely there must be aa ex
treme of Mliclal and social impropriety
that ev?n the Harrisons cannot stand.
Surely not even the father of Prince
Rinse?! can tolerate making merchan
dise of a Cabinet rffioa, and of the
United States, before the world, to
help the sale cf fcur-djllar pant?, jers
seys at thlrty-alre cents, and cotton
Telvet rlbon at thirteen cents a yard !
Assurdely even General Harrison,
must now see that The Star was right
when II said that the Sales Agency
Foater Fund Pos'mastFr-General must
go. The climax of dslitquency has
Loon reached. The President must turn
the rascals out I
More h-nst than mo3t of the Rj.
publican organs, fh Chicago T,ilur.e
recognize tho significant result of ths
Ohio tied! 'H. It says : ' Sa far as j
Ohio is concerned it must be admitted I
that with Carxpbc U as a candidate, who
rati voVa in I. or?rf for repvi.-;t hy
j duy on wool r.nd placing it on the free
j list, the resuTt r.n e. cla:rrd ? an
In'IorsrtcfDt of h a vote. Ar.d the re-
tur"s r,lo
ehow that he D?m:crats
a emsnierib'Q uair.s li the wool
: i : : ? uii'i iiirrt'irr i 'ixtanr a t na i
' '
V: n . Mr r i i r n l r ir M..:d.l i
. 1 .... -. v t . l . ..ill . ; . ,
ths day or eftIy reduced RpuLiic?n
najoritifs In th-Mr couLtl??. It Is not
to be denied as frro wool
as rrro wool was
made pn i9nryths DTacrats, tbeir
gaii?3 iu the wool irrcxirg sections of
Ohio are slg-. infant ai:J give some color
to the claim tbat thty aro ennnrting
Republican farmers to tho WHtf th:.t
for the ske of chei per woo'ens wool
sliou'd not b taxed.
TriE Govf r: rart cf Errzilh&ssnddpn
ly changf d from pn fmpire to a repub
lic. The chang was suid:-n end unex
pected end Is rrmarkible for the fact
that the new ordor of thirds was effect
ed without firing a ehot cr tho takirg
of a human lire. The Emperor Dora
Pedro, was literal in his policy, mild
in his rule and was universally liked
throughout the empire but the people
have been agitating the adoption of a
Republican form of Government fcr
years and it was the belief of many well
informed on the condition of a "airs
In Brazil, that the empire would go
with tbe death of the Emperor. But
the change was precipitated by some
sudden, unknown cause and the last
monarch In the MVestern Hemisphere
wss deposed, exiled from the country,
given a generous and liberal allowance
and bada to go and llvo somewhere eJa.
This is a bad age for mocarchs and it is
but a question of time when their use
fulness will be a thing of the past.
At the general asrembly. Knlghtw of
Labor, on Saturday, Graud Master
Workman Powderly said : "I'm not
talking tar:ff this vear, but it seerrr? to
me that tho policy of protection is a
wrong one on la bo. The laboring
claasea are rot protected only the
manufacturer edds the duty to what
should be the natural Ed fair price for
h.s product. The burden of the tariZ
re.ts its crushirg weight upon the poor.
The tariff needs reformit:. It 1 trm
poor, the great mass of the pecule. who!
need protection, ard they will never
get it nnler the so ca'ltd policy of pto-
For a man who receives a big es.Iary
to exclusively devote himstlf to the in
terest of labor Mr. Powderly his teen a
long time finding ont the tru:a, cr at
ltat in proclaiming it afttr he had
found it out.
The evil cf will litigation i3 glaring
and rrowirc. but the remedv is not so
plain. "Ia the TiMen cae," the New
York Je,.M says, "the courts are re-
sponsible for the abns?. Tte sanity of
'tbe :-8"ator was urcucariorrJ. Ilia'c
purposa w cVarly expr?sed nd per- I
fec;iy lawful
on a technicality that hn3 no better
foundation than jadiciil jrecedtnt.
That is tt:e mischievous woir of
j judgfs." It advises the rafsvge of a
I law that wl?en a sane testator bss clearly
j indicted the disycsiti-.n to mde of his
! prop-rty and that disposition is not
j immoral cr criminal, the. courts mua:
l inforc-i Lis will, cot break it.
A Loo at the LIcitions.
In considering the disasters sustained
by the npubMcan party in several
Mates, and its loss of votes In every
rart of the country the city of Phila.
Uelphia excepted some weight is to oe
attached to the consideration that this
is an oil year in politics, and that the
wort eff jear is usually that which fol
lows a Presidential el-ction. Bat there
are off yers and off years. Mr. Cleve
land had hie in !?", and then as now.
; the Republicans made a bard right to
carry 2s ew York and Virginia. The
former had Toted for Mr. Cleveland in
lSl as for Harrison in The Re
publican State ticket bad the active
support of the Mngwumps. Hot it was
defeated then as now. and general Lee
tad 10,000 majority in Virginia. Not
a sinsle Stafj was transferrea from the
Democratic to the Republican column,
and a municipal victory in Chicago was
about all the party had to ehow for its
efforts In a year proverbially unlucky
for the party in power.
It is useless, therefore, to disguise or
eenceal the ex.ent of the Republican
disasters of this year. Their explana
tion must be sought in other causes
than "the latitude wtich follows a
a Presidential campaign.-' The figures
show that the number of those who care
enough for the Republican party and its
candidates to take the trouble to vote
has fallen by a heavy percentage in
every contested State, and that in Penn
sylvania as everywhere else, while the
Democrats have sustained no such
Iowa may be speeded as the one
State In which pure local considerations
determined the election. In all the
other States there are national elements
and Influences in the problem, and first
auiong these we must place the unhap
py tone which the preseut administra
tion is giving the party. B? the indi
cation of Its preference for such politi
cians as (nay, Mahone and Piatt, it is
helping to demoralize the Republican
party everywhere, to give the worse
self In it a predominant influence, to
enable such State nominations as ex
pose the party to defeat, and generally
to steer the party down the easy de
scent to disaster. In a year's time
there has been a notable decay in its
political and moral fibre, a diminished
urgency for righteousness, fair play aad
reform. The virtues learnt in the
school of adversity have vanished like
the morning dow before ths sunsblno of
prvper!ty. Thus the very conditions
of Republican success, the attitude of
ths pirty toward public questions which
insures the interest of the most inde
pendent of the voters who accept its
jnr.cip'es, has been ubandoned in the
interests of machine politics. We do
n"t think Mr. Harrison can contem
plate the result with any marked satis
faction, or c5n0Jrice as regards the
future of the party. We assure him
that unUes he cm lift up its flag from i
the low cround where it has been D'ant-
ed sinco the 4.h of last March, the dis
as'erj cf 1SS9 will be only the begin
ninirof the chapter. The Republican
party rallied cheerfully to support him,
but it had no idea that in doing this it
was bricginK to the national direction
a clique of so'flsb. unscrupulous, low
toned gamblfr in politics ; and much
as it may esteem General Harrison,
much ns It may regret to see a Demo
crat come back to the White House, it
will no more identify itself with dishons
or hi llO and 1?02 than it wonld con-!f-ut
to do so in times p?st, when the
demand was crude that it sacrifice its
principles and its selSrefpect in order
;o sn-ure a "Michlnt-" tnumnh.
W.arton Larl-a ' American (Vji)
No Spoils, o Victory.
What the amount or the quality of
0.n;iy'e iniluonce with President Har.
r;s n may bi ws know uot ; but r.moug
.. . j . . j
OU ttl I.LIV llff! inoourl r.f ran;
. . . 1 -- '
nig at his po.3t cf duty at Washington,
nc ruu',-T. cia own eafe and pleasure
Gshing in the waters of Florida. They
claim that his present cry for a distri
bution of the spoils cf cCieeis a bluff
!Tme played in the interest of snator
Delamater, b;s candidate for Governor,
and that his cry will cease a3 soon as
bis own personal uds will have been
atcorrplishcd. He has. they sty, bea
ou-geuera!Ied ia the Philadelphia ap
pointments, and in Allegheny has ob
tained nothing fcr himself whilst op
posing Megoe, who would hare taken
care of the bojs at that end of tbe
St--!te bnt for (usy's interference,
"Look at tbe small vote given for
Beyer. Why if the Democrats had but
bait tried they could have elected Blst
ler. There was a Democratic defeat
butr.o Republican victory. The bova
left tho bars down but the Democrats
bad not ths coursge to walk in ; and
that's all there is to it !" Thns spoke
a procaine! t Republican who baa been
active in his party for thirty years ; and
be added : "Corruption never licked
any political party ; there is but one
thing that can defeat a party and that
is to go back on the boys after they
have dene tbe work ; and that is what
Mr. 0,uay bas done and be don't fool
anybody bnt fools with his talk." Tfaie
is but a sample of tbe talk going on in
political circles in Philadelphia where
usy and nU methods are best known.
ShonM a feeling Buch as this sort of com
plaining is likely to engender become
ereral throughout the State, Mr.
usy may have to unload Senator Dela
raaterand pick np an old time Repub
lican like Secretary of the Common
wealth Stone or Ajutant Geaeral Hast
ings. In tbe r-ean while the Democrats of
Pennsylvania should shape themselves
fcr a winning fight for the governor
ship, and tSis can best be done by the
formation of local organizations from
enl to end of tbe State before the nom
inations will have bsen made. Let
there be more iadividnal action and
lesi dependence upon leaders. 7arrw
lurj rutiiii.
X Knap C lr hair II rr tire.
It was just an ordinary scrap of wrapplne
paper, bnt it sired her lir. She was in the
ptas -s of consumption, told by physi
cians that she was Incurable and could lire
'n:T short time ; she weighed le8 than
Dcyrmj i"juuu. wii m pieca or wrapping
papper 6fa read of Dr. King's Xew Discovx
ery, and cot a sample bottle ; it helped her,
she bought a Urge bottle, it helped aer
more, bought another and grew better fast,
continued its ose and ts now strong, healthy,
rosy, plump, weighing HO pounds. For
feller particulars send stamp to W. H.
Cole, drccKist, Fort Smith. Trial Bottles
of tUs wonderful Discovery Free at the
drn store of E. James, Ebeuaburg, and W.
W. McAteer. Ixiretto.
V at as is the territorv of the ITri
ted StHtf lbr wl" ,soon hardly
c xx Liicn for the survev of Alaska
- tu
at laM accounts mads its way up
Yukon River to. a no'nt never be-
! the
for i .-e cL:d by
Iul I
brt of great public interest.
j . .. . mm UUUUlieAS
1-xp ora-
tion changed all cur ideas in regard to
tr:- rnarac:r cr wi-i waa once known
as lh) "groat American desert ;" br
this is n it likely to to the csb- with
.V-.ak. Ps birren:.eE3 acd dt isolation
d no: aop'ar to Luve been exaggeraied.
William II. ?MITn. tha colored
w;fc murderer, Is on trial in Pittsburg.
A Republican on the Tar ill.
A cabinet minister appointed by
Abraham Lincoln to succetd Fressen
den of Maine, and afterward re-ap-poioted
by Andrew Johnson, whea in
full communion -with the Repunlican
party, and then appointed by President
Arthur, should certainly be accepted
as gocd authority. Such a man is Hon.
Hugh McCuIloch. Secretary of the
Treasury ucder three Republican Pres
idents, and before the organiz ion of
that party a Henry Clay whig.
In an article of some length in the
Xew York Times. Mr. McCulloch dis
cusses tbe situation of tbe country in
respect to tbe tariff. Immigration, the
race question and the matter of Feder
al interference with elections in tbe
States, tuo'ing in tbe ont set Ralph
Waldo Lrcerson'g saying that "the
Whigs had tbe best men and tbe Dem
ocrats tbe best principles," Mr. Mc
Culloch traces briefly tbe history of
both parties. Passing by what be says
on other subjects, wi come to his diss
CUFsion on tbe tariff qaestlon.
Mr. McCulloch says tbe Whigs were
for tariff for revenue, with incidential
protection. The Republican-successors
are for a tariff for protection, with re
venue as tbe Incident. That is pre
cisely the way so able a man as Major
McKinley defined the Republican poli
cy. Tbe Republicans; Mr. McCulloch
urges, look upon tariff as a msans of
suppressing foreign competition and aa a means of giving our
manufacturers control of tbe borne
market. Tbe Democrats, on the other
band, have already favored a tariff for
revenue only. They have held that
Congress, under tbe Constitution, baa
no authority to Impose duties to pro
tect manufacturers, its functions not
going beyond the raising of revenue.
It has no right to effect indirectly what
the Constitution prohibits it from do
ing directly. The Governmeat'a need
of revenue will always, tbe Democrats
contend, require a tariff, which in prac
tice will give Incidentally a wide mar
gin of protection to our manufacturers.
"On this point," Mr. MCulloch says,
"the Democratic party now stands
where tbe Whig party stood when Hen
ry Clay was its leader." Tbera are
men in both parties, be adds, who favor
free trade, but there is no free trad
party, nor will there be for years, If
Mr. M;Cul!cch's objections to tbe
continuance of the present tariff are
s ated very fully. It Is held that our
manufacturers no longer need protect
tion. Production being already in ex
cess of the demaadi of the borne mar
ket, there Is no reason to stimulate it
further ; tbe growth of trusts to limit
production is a sign that duties on im
ports to encourage the bulldlcg of fac
tories, etc., are no longer required.
What is rt quired in the interest of
manufacturers, wage earners acd the
people generally is a lower tariff, wider
production and entrance Into foreign
markets. Being tbe greatest produc
ing country in tbe world, our prosper
ity will be btst promoted bv engaging
in international trade. Mr. McCul
loch holds, in conclusion, that "tbe
present tariff is at war with tbe best
interests of tbe country. It Is contin
ued," he adds, "Ly being made a party
question and tbe free use of money In
elections." but its days are nearly num
bered. And so say we all. Down with
the war tariff, in tbe interest of trust
and monopoly. Pittsburg 2'ost.
I'uder the Sew Regime.
Rio dk Janeiro. Novembr 18,
Th city awoke on Friday to hear
the Republic proclaimed. General
Da Fons?ca, Senhor Constant and
others proceeded to Petropolis in the
morning and informed the Emptror
that he had been dethroned. Dam
I'edro, supported by his family, receiv
ed the deputation with abeo'.ute com
posure. Genera! Da Vnnseoa cm the
spokesman. He said that Brazil had
advanced far enough in the path of civ
ilization to dispense with the monarchy.
The country, while grateful to the Em
peror for his patriotic services, was
iirmly resolved to bo recognized only aa
h Republic.
Dom Pedro made a dignified reply.
He declined to abdicate, but be said
he would yield to force.
Tbe imperial fe.mily were allowed one
hour to prepare for tbeir departure.
Carriages, escorted by soldiers, were
waiting to take them to the outer har
bor, where a man-cf-war was lying nn
der steam. The captain had bten in
structed to sail as toon as tbe imperial
family had embarked. He bad receiv
ed sealed letters instracting him what
route to take. It is supposed that Lis
bon it the destination of the vessel.
Tbe denomination adopted by tbe
government for the Republic ia tbt Un
ited States of Brazil. The province
of Bahia has proclaimed for tbe IU
publlc. Peace and quietness reign.
Tbe Republic will allow the deposed
Emperor 8u0 contos de reis per annum
during his life.
Tbe five articles of the Government
decree are :
First. The Republic ia proclaimed.
Second. The provinces of Brazil,
united by federation, compose the Un
Ited States of Brazil.
TniRD. Each State will farm Ita
own local government.
Fotktu. Each State will send a
representative to the Congress which
will convene shortly, and the final de
eislon of which the provisional govern
ment will await.
FrirrH. Meantime tbe Governors of
the States will adopt means to maintain
order and protect the citizens' rights.
The nations inland and external re
lations will be represented meanwhile
by the provisional Goverament.
Jeff Davis Critically 111.
ew Orlkass, Nov, 13. Mr.
Jefferson Davis Is Ijing dancerously 111
at the residence cf Mr. I. U. Payne
ir ibis city. Saturday night, as on the
previons n'ght, ha was very rebtiess
end became much worse after mid
right, although not as sick as on Fri
day. The wether, which was heavy,
damp and cold, seemed to affect him
uxfavorably, and great difficulty was
eacountervd in preserving that even
tercperatare in the room regarded as
absolutely necessary to tbe patient. It
is-evident tha: Mr. Davis' condition is
e-rtremely critical. Should he have a
return of th- difficulty in Wreathing
which attacked bim on Friday night,
crany other relapse, the chances are
that ho will die. Ee is so weak that
he is arable to lift ois arm or torn over
:o bed. nts only food is beef tea, and
this he ts.kes by the teaspoonfnl.
Mrs. Dayis still takes a favorable view
of her husband's condition, and calls
attention to tbe fact that she be,
nursed bim through many similar at
tacks. The unfavorable circumstances
are his age and his ptesent great weak
ness. Tor nearly a year past, friends
who have seen Lino at Beauvoir have
recognized the fact that his health Is
failing, anj that old age was begin
nin g to tell on bim.
This ts hnt yoa ought to have, In fact.
1 hriDSttlfU im Wlrl'Mli. fnr It .1 . ..
, - -- - .v. i. u.iij . , 1,4
I monrninff because thev finn It nr.f Thnn.
i - J - wv. . uwm
sands upon thousands f dollars are spent
nnual'y by our re.opl9 tn the tope thst
iney tray irsm rrs roon. And vet it may
he bad Sy all. We pnaractee that Electrio
Uiiters, If used arcordine to directions and
and the use persisted in will hrinar you Good
I)!istion uud cn-,t tl.e demon Ujsppsta
acd Ir,-tall instead Enpetsy. We recoup
went Elrtrlc Bitters Tor jspepsis and all
diseasrsof Liver, stomach and Kl.lneyx.
5o'd at ZOe. and tl 00 per hcttle by E.
James. Ebensburs. and W. W. McAteer.
Jacob Llnnemetzger, while hunting in
Pike county, accidentally shot and killed
Tbe high prices for meat In Germany
baa led a firm In Mayence to try tbe experi
ment of importing live oxen from the
United States.
William Poorman, whose residence was
near Lock Haven, and who wae employed
on tbe track, was atrock by day express on
Monday forenoon and instai.tly killed.
Mary E. Nichols is on trial at Water
ville, Me., for beating her balf-witted
brother, keeping him locked np in a dog
pen, and making him work in harness like a
Samuel Brown, a resident of Centre
township, Terry county, wss kicked by a
male on last Friday afternoon, receiving
tninries wblcb caused bis death on Satnr
day night.
Lfarry Meyer bought a lot in East Port
land. Ore., a few weeks ago. Last Wed
nesday be went to work digging out stum pa-
Daring tbe day be unearthed an old tin box
that contained greenbacks and gold to tbe
value of 16,000.
A yenng man named Kopp, of Hanover,
York county, went to Milton Grove, Lan
caster county, a few days ago. On Tues
day he was ont banting, and tn crawling
throagh a fence bis gan was discharged and
tbe eoatenU lodged In hU spine. He can
not recover.
John Henry, an eld soldier. Jumped or
fell off a passenger train at Williams port
Thursday morning and wae killed. He was
on bis way to tbe soldiers' borne at Erie, of
which Institution be had been an Inmate,
lie was returning from a ylalt to friends In
Cheater county. Pa.
At Cincinnati a horse backed over the
bank and fall down a declivity of 100 feet,
drarglng his cart and driver with bim. Tbe
driver did not get Into tbe water, bat tbe
bone planned Into tbe rlrer and swam
across to Covington, detaching tbe vehicle
from bim In midstream.
Ruaaell Hill and Clyde Da hie. two
yoang W II Mams port oimrods, and sons of
prominent citizens. Wire returning from a
bunting expedition, when Dill's gun slipped
from bis shoulder, the weapon was dis
charged, tbe load taking effect la bis Ug be
low tbe knee, and tbe doctors think ampu
tation may oe neeessary.
William Steele, father of tbe notorious
Mrs. Robert Ray Hamilton, was defendant
in a ease at Tunkaaanock on tha cbarga of
sbootlog a young man named Lutes, with
Intent to kill. He was found guilty, as
charged, bat was recommended to tbe mercy
of the court, and a sentence of a yser In tbe
penitentiary, costs f prosecution, and $5
fine was Imposed.
"Budge" la tbe naate of a tame crow
belonging toUlM Orlle Wheeler, of Jollet.
III. lie goes all ever town alone and re-
tarns to bis borne at night He Is fond of
beer and will drink It antU Intoxicated. In
bis rambles be vlaiud the depot, where he
found much to interest bim. Lie Imitates
tbe shouts of the conductors and takes de
light in yelling "all aboard for Chicago."
While tbe cupola of tbe Columbia stove
works was being tapped on Saturday night.
Charles RlgLtee, who was going to catch a
ladle of metal, ran Into another moulder
who was learlog tbe capola. Tbe liquid
metal was dasbed over Rtghtee. a portion cf
It running Into his shoes, bis clothing took
fire and be was shockingly burned about
tbe feet, legs and breast, but may recover.
It Is believed that B. S. Barrett, a piano
merchant of Cleveland. Ohio, bas fled to
Caneda. Officers are looking for him. Re
cently an attachment was Issued against
bim for ?2,000, and soon after be absented
himself. His debts are found to amount
to 570,000. Barrett occupied a fUe resi
dence on one cf tbe fashionable 6treets of
the city, was a leader In bis ehureb, and a
Sunday School teacher.
James, of Laecbbarg, smarted j
In a buggy Thursday tight to bring a lady, ,
who lives two miles out. to a lecture there.
Nothing belug beard of bim at noon on Fri
day, bis friends started to look for bim.
His horse and baggy and umbrella were
fonnd In tbe river, Tbo boree was drowned.
It was fonnd tbat bis bnggy bad upt in
attempting to ford the mouth of Carnaban's
Rna. Tbe place where be attempted to
cross was very deep. It Is almost certain
tbat be was drowned.
Lint Hollenbaugh, ef Rochester, re,.
became latoxicated Saturday evening, and,
going to his father's residence, broke in the
door when the family was absent and pro
ceeded to pour coal oil over the Boor, walls
and furniture. He then piled Inflammable
material aealn&t tbe building and set it on
fire. His father, however, coming Lomea
extinguished tbe flames. Liat then drew
a revolver and fired several shots at bis
father, all of which missed bim. He was
arrested and bound over for court.
Jake Buzzard, one ef the famous six
Buzzard brothers, tbe celebrated Lancaster
county robbers ana outlaws, died on Tues
day morning In tne Eastern penitentiary.
A dispatch conveyed tbe IntelNgence to
bis wife at Lancaster, shortly after be ex
pired. Buasard died from consumption.
He bas long been a sufferer from tbe disease
and for some time bis death has dally been
expected. Mrs. Buzzard visited her dy
ing bnsband In tbe penitentiary on Friday
last and sbe saw tbat be could linger but a
few days longer. Sbe returned borne on
Bridget Murtaugn and Mary Haggerty,
married women, living in the Tweutieth
Ward. Scranten, Ta., bad a neighbors'
qaarrel on Monday evening, the latter dar
ing Mrs. Martangb to oome Into her yard.
Mrs. Murtaagh responded at once to the
challenge armed with ber husband's trowel.
She attacked Mrs. Haggerty viciously, cut
ting open her bead witb the trowel and
leaving ber senseless on tbe eround. Mrs.
Mnrtaagb escaped and bas so far eluded the
police. Tbe condition of tbe Injured woman
Is serious and her physician bas slight hopes
of her recovery.
George Francis Train Is one of the hap
piest aien on the American continent. Lie
gets fun out of everything. They put bim
In Jail in Boston for debt on an illegal pro
cess. Wben the blander was known they
songht to let bim go and drop tbe matter,
bat George Francis wouldn't go, and be
kept tbe public and himself entertained for
three er four weeks over tbe attempts of
tbe lawyers to unravel the legal snarl, and
now that he bas been turned out of jail at
last, be Is lecturing In the city of baked
beans to large crowds on his experience,
and Is making bis captors the laughing
stock for tbe community.
Relmund Holzhay (."Black Bart"), on
trial at Bessemer, Mich, for tbe murder of
Banker Flelsbbem. of Belleville. 111., and
tbe robbery of the Geogeble stage, took tbe
stand in bis own defense Thursday of laht
week and made a confesslaa. Holzhay told
tbe story of bis life from tbo day of bis blith
tn Germany to that of his arrest at Repub
lic, Michigan. He admitted tbat be robbed
tbe Milwaukee and Northern train six
months ago, that be held up tha Wisconsin
Central train at Cadott, Wis., a month later.
and tbat be waj laid the Gogebic stage and
shot Banker Flelschbem. Holzhay claimed
that several years ago he was hurt by a fall
from a borse and since tbat time had been
J subject to "spells." during which be did
j-not anow what be was doing. 11 said be
was under this "spell" when the various
crimes were coonmitted.
Call attention to their Large and
a mil line oi DiacK Uasnmeres,
, in , v r ...
PA I im, 1 chtnariu I I Arri Inn V.
vuouuiviia, iitmituiu,
Dress Buttons and Trimmings to match
Toweling, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Underwear and Hosiery Corsets 'in j dilY
Misses' Corsets and Waists, Kid Gloves and Silk Mitts, Table Covers and Imbrequinu S.
Lace Flouncing, etc., etc. bur
Mrs. McAdow, one of tbe owners of the
Spoiled Horse Mine of Montana, recently
droye Into Helena In a buck board, unat
tended, carrying a nold brick worth
It took two porters and a truck to get the
heavy mass of gold from the wagon Into tbe
Charles HolsUIn, of Philadelphia, was
convicted of selling liquor without license,
at Norristown. Judge Weand In passing
sentence said be was of the opinion tbat
there was no Intention on the cart of Tini.
st la to violate tae law, but a verdict of
guilty having been rendered bis only duty
was to pass sentence. Counsel for Uolseln
Immediately took out an allocatur to the su
preme court to determine the question
whether a man can be convicted of violat
ing tbe liquor laws wben there is no sucb
Henry Kerns, engineer at tbe itsadlng
paper mill, on Wednesday morning fall In
to tbe flywheel pit. which Is fourUen feet
lc deplb. D- was eillng tba machinery and
loat bis balance. Tbe bugh wheal, 16 feet
In diameter, carried bim down witb It.
His assistant, Mr. Uaitenstlos, (topped tbe
machinery aa soon as poaaible and sum
moned assistance. Tbe moaning of Earns
Indicated ttat be was still alive. U was
raised from the bottom of tbe pit with great
diffioulty. when It was found that both of
bis leg ware broken In several places, bis
teeth were knocked out. and bis body cov-
ered with brulees and contusions. Kerns
wbo is C7 years of aga, was taken to tbe
Heading boepltal, where he Is lying In a
critical condition.
"Tenl, Vldl, Viol."
Tbe Exposition is closed until October
next. We saw It ; It was great, being In Its
Infaney, bnt we saw enough to eonvlnoa
ourselves of the fact that enterprise, sucb as
displayed there, should not be passed by
without some comment. But we still won
derwnyltwas tbat only one wholesale li
quor bouse was so boldly represented. Yoa
could see Its pyramid of bottles from any
part of tbe great building. It wss tbe pret
tiest dlplay tbera. Max Klaln bas proved
to tbe public that be wants to be seen.
His "Silver Age" rye whisky bas now sacb
a well earned reputation that be Is proud ef
It and be wants everybody to see it. Ills
goods are pure and rsliable. You can havs
bis Silver Age at fl.SO per full quarts. His
Guckenbelmer, Finch. Oyerbolt or Gibson
at 11. 00 per quart, or quarts for $5. 00.
Send for bis price list and mention this
paper. His address is Max Kxkix,
62 Federal St , Allegheny,
Bncklta't Arnica BtaUve.
The Best iSalve In the world for Cuts,
Bruises. Sore6. Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped nands. Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay requited. It is
guaranteed to eive perfect satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
Sold at tbe drug store of K. James, Ebena
burg, and W. W. McAteer, Loretto.
Ely's Cream Balm a etild can be treated
witboat pain or dread and witb perfect
safety. Try tbe remedy. It cures catarrh,
bay fever and colds In the bead. It is easily
applied Into the nostrils and gives relief
witb tbe first application. Pries SOe.
Jos. Home & Co.
We appreciate confldsnoe as well as ths
purchasing public appreciates faithful ser
vice. Constantly Increasing confidence, on tbe
part ef tbe people. Is the incentive to eur
constantly increasing our wonderful facili
ties fer serving the people.
Our Dtess Goods Stock too large to ge
Inte detail.
Home span all wool suitings, 69 Inches
wide, 35c. a yard.
Double width all wool colored cashmeres,
good quality, SSo. a yard.
40 Inch wide, all wool, fine Henrietta fin
ish casbmeses, 40o. a yard.
40 Inch, extra quality, all wool cashmeres
These wetld be good at 15c. a yard more.
Doubt if yea ever matched them at 20c.
higher price.
So our Dress Goods go up to finest $4 a
yard er fine Paris patterns.
Fine Blaek Silks Tbe finest makes of
Europe and America Gros Grains CCo. to
4 a yard. Dosens of other elegant weaves
Including all tbe new ones oi tbe season in
Just as complete and eomprebensive attbort-
The Cloak Rooms Tba cloth garments
we carry ape tbe best, most stylish and most
substantially made.
Tba material In our Plush garments Is tbe
very best, ettep, springy goods that Is worth
Our SeaV garments are of tbe most care-
fnlly selected Alaska skin, dyed In London,
and made for us. No shapa 1 any gar
ment of any material not bere.
Full Information or complete lines of sam
ples cheerfully farnlsbed by our Mall Or
der Department.
G09-G21 Tenii Avo , j
Nov. 15, ljchmUr.
xurrrAcrraBn of
KfpottullT InrltM tba atuatloa ot his friends
ftnd tha nnbllr In i. t - rUM -. . ...
rarrylBc on hanlnepi at tha old itaad opuoalt tba
Monnulii Houso, KtvenburK. and Is prepared to
apply from a Urge ttock, or munutacturinr to er
dar. aDT article In him inm fr.m r . i .
the largest. In the best manner and at the lowest
tf"Ne penitentiary work either made or sold
llve me a call and f atlsly yonriflvrn an to mv
w,?.k-n5 pr,pr- : LUrrtUMitit.
varied assortment of Dress Goods,
Henriettas, Alelrose, Drass d Alma, Amine
. . ....
uuta, uiuau ViULiis, USs,
. , nr- I : . I f ' 1 . , l-v II...
D ress Goods, Table Linen
Extend to you a he:irty iuvitntion when you visit the City to call
and examine our stock of
We furnish eyer thing that prtalns to the preptr fitting of a bcuiie at iuwt-r prices than
can be had eUewtiar la the City.
Cars from tbe &. & O. and P. It. It DevsU pas or Doors. Will gladly givs say Icfor-
tnatioa necfcry.
Hooper Bros. & Co., 307 Wood St., Pittsburg; Pa.
This cut represents the Campion Ombination Fence th
ing manufactured by the Cambria County Fence Factory nt
burg, and which has given entire satisfaction wherever it
put up. It is the cheapest, best and strongest fence uikde.
thing the farmers have been waiting for and niuat h:ii
fencing is manufactured by E. li. Creswell. Now farmers
ers, if you want "a good farm or yard fence do not fail to
Champion Combination Fence.
The "Ledger Building " tells a
simple stcry and relies on its
Clothing to make you u custo
mer. We don't blow the "Big
Horn," but the "Best Clothing
with Lowest prices" leads the
Clothing for Men, Yenths and Children.
A. C. Yates ifc Co.,
nr rhllndrlpliln. -Sm I
boel Oat r9L 9th. J
.rly EirnM, 5UO. ' f f -
axtrlTrar te,8123. tXUOo
r1mlH ltd clMt4c yo-rc aw1 hty M any tr i tlw
&.hoo.. W Wa eiB ur Anarixiaa. A.Wattrawi .im 1.
Civil Kneiaecrittf . C laava a. M hsisnatacm. r . Om o tfa
KU'lemta Wrd wirk thm fnmi. 1sibrriil anai tknai
roomi. tveijr room haa la it tni rtvtiatot awd ia
VtUtU t.ctc. (.j-nnsvalura. S(riAt ofvorrx)iua r a-w
BS-d boVft. PatrOSta M rMianra nit m-l-1 tl
tc., rtc. Mure fully turpiied wlJt pputus than how
coatforl, tb tst duc&Uuai, tuwi Ui ba traumntf HirJ
tnusmted Otalcpue sent bee to. My tvi,irca. SWllUiM
star sHniufi ram
J. II. O ANT, Proprietor.
rpHKPrBUUwlll alwayinnd nt at our place
l ol imiinesa In batlnemi hoar, t very thing kepi
neat and coey. A talh roota ha l.een con
nected with Ihe Miop where the put.lle Can be ho.
commodau-d with a hot .r cold talh. Hath ml)
and ercrvthlDK connected thrrvin kept ptrfeclly
olsan, OLitaa towslb a srauiALTV.
blac k and colore Sl
ues and Nuns' -
i - T .
eiC. Y atl JJrC8 C
"NT.. rr. 3
Watches, Clocks
Sflverware. Musical iiistriH'i
Optical Gccd
Sole Agent
run 1HE
Celebrated Eockfor
Columbia and Frdonia WaU
In Key and Stem Winder
of JKWELItr alvsajeoausi
My Hne of Jewelry U uuiMrpi,
ocnie and se for yourst-if before tu-iv
ng elHwbere. ' "
5 ALL WSK OSAHl)i:8EB jp
-"bensburg, Jiov. 11, 1S5 -tf.
28 c&kts.
it is bv
ia being
0. r.3
rWm for IMlM, 17 ColU. ri'-
Phah a n.a.nlrt. fcjrvvi lM. r-aa-irtsw. '
httt ikM' arvd lt mikr.V. 1
ffTitm fcmr-sskt liUl?. l"- I-t'.
wHty tkarniaWd. Crauit- I"
ileBr tdrao. rif. rrivaw n."ii:
m Uui.tMa, ('!.' Krauaraborv s
mttrnt CJitt-iaC v ' .
prvco t ovr rvary cjqMMc. W "
U WiOliT4-iiXsii, t-9- - t&n
r k. n i-.. o C!UR CAT AH.". - -