liiscuse of tne Heart. In diseiss ct tLe heart which resist for a long timo and finally end as a Tery larze proportion of them do In slow decline and lingering death, drop sy always sets in. In the late stages it is a moH intractable symptom, and adds gre.t'y to the suffering experienced. Ia the tr?ulintnt. physicians have Letn wont to depend largely upon a diet of xrnik, which In cases where it la well bcraa and can te persisted In, always acta well. Lot there are many patients who, for various reasons, cannot be kept on a milk. diet, for any length of time. To seme it becomes abhorrent after a while, aLd others cannot really ligtst it properly, as simple food aa it la. Ar.3, besides that, a milk diet is GEsnittd lo no email proportion of pa tienis aflected with cardiac diseases, TVe hve reference tj those who cannot be kept quiet, tut who insist upon be ing up and about, often in the open air. if r.ot etgageJ in light duties. Prof. German See, of l'aris, has lor? been ec.ii?eJ i j bluJy to learn what elements in mills rendered it such an admirable Beui to btimuiate the kidneys, id crt'Aao the How therefrom, and hence prove of such great service in dropsies As a retmlt ot hi Investigation he ia cooyiucttd that the one important ele ment is sugar of milk. Acting upon that theory, he selected twenty-Are ra'.lects with heart disease, la all of which there was more or less dropsy To ench ha gavu 1J0, grammes of the Bu-.wr or nii.i. day, dissolved in two quarts of water. In all thesa cases mark-) ! !!ett upon the kidneys was f-lo wuaii) tweuty-four hours to forty live hyjn, and the dropsies diminished rapidly, aud almost all the Bwellings disappeared aUtther after a aerie of trmtuittts U.stiLg from h'.x to eight L.ys. TLi j discovery is likely to prove cue of the most important which has te-n uu.' ia tho medical world fo years. About tlothiug. C .o i-Izi j posa'jaaes no warmth in it otii, na u is more or less poor conductor of heat, it rrevents the es cipo of the bodily warmtb. Woolen fubiici contain large quantity of ai entangled in their meshes, which, being a poor conductor of heat, addj consid erably o ll.e warmth of clothing made frou them. lu Lot weaih.-r we wear lii-at cotton vi linen clothing, so as to allow as much cf the bodily heat to es cape p )."sib!e. There U a prejudice in favor of light colored clothing for Eum:ner but it ia hardly Ussed on sJrtitifu ground.. Dirk colored cloth is the !n.-s; radiator, allowiug the y heat to eaopw freely, while wLito ci.nhiijtj absorbs less of the heat raai.U;d directly from the euu. Theie foio. to drta FcientiGc.l!y in summer. ol Miould wcjr daik clothing In the tliadj K!.d li'h; clothitg when expoted to th-j eun'i teji. Practically tho mat ter t,C apptiuanca la the enly one to be Ci.u6.U.Tfdt as the waiuitu or coolness tf cloth:? ij not appreciably affected by Uiej!o.-. A J i'liu-M to Kcmeinbtr. 'Itn fi-TV are a miscellaneous bints, ruKa uuJ facta worth rtu.tuiberinK : A c jia of itoni1, tLne Luihela of j lituo .m-I a cubic yai J oi oaiid will lay ' l cubls feet of wall. J Oi-.ti tLoudand shingles, Uld four to tLe weatLrr, will covr 1(X) square I f.'tt or surface, and tire pound3 cf cirs'a nils w!il fasten thD on. i Lox lt Incbts equare and 8.4 Inct'.e-i deep will contain one LuaLtl. Oe cent each d;iy ar.d pu out at pvrct-n'. Intertst will accumulate to ir'AV Ip. flfty yeais. K gUt busLe's of good lime, sixteen tuoi.eid of sand and one bushel of bair will cuke enough good ruortar to plas tcr 100 square yard?. Asi'. ue, used t grocery, li equal to founetu pounds. 1 1. Uki a from lj to 2 bualiwU of whear to bow one acie or cround. To the amount of hay In a mow u'.low '12 cubic feet for a ton. A thuuaand laths cover seventy yart'.s of surface, and eleven pounds of latu cail3 will nail them on. The 1'nmVIn was Loaded. t'jer.sss la not confined to New Enjrlauu. An enterpriaics farmer from Yo!e c;nnty was recently awarded a first premium for the heaviest pomkln exhibitioa at the California State 1 a!r at Sacramento. I: was a beauty uud tipped the beam at a IGo pounds, liui. aid to relate tha Yolo pumkio was 'p.iuid,' aa waa subsequently dlscov citKl by an accidsnt, aa upon it being purchased by a Sacrmento editor, who bscan.o enamortd with it, and was hav ing it i laced in a wagon to take It homj felJ and was broken ia pieces, and 10 pouada of tirJahot rollua oat of the center. It waa a clear care of deception on tho part of some Yolo granger, who palmed tLe pumkin off on the Innocent and confiding newspaper man, making him believe the tu!e swamp of Yolo could beat the auriferons hills of Xeya la on vegetables. apoleons Question. When Napoleon was retornlnj from his campaign In T-sypt and Syria, h was aeated one nihi npon the dtick of the vessel un3er the open canopy of the leavens, surrounded by hla gentralf. The conversation had taken a sceptical t urn and moat of the party had combated the doctrine of diviue existence. Na poleon sat silent and musing, appar ently taking no interest in the discus flion, when suddenly raiilcg his hand and pointing to the crystaline lirammt, crowded with bid 1 Arincr Btird Kt v ., t . i . . I wvu.o. us uiuno uut iu iuo.e stait line tones that had so often electrified B million men : ' Centlemen, who made al! that ?" 1 he atheistic g"n erals were silenced. I7P-pl and l. Iver Centpalnt. Is It not worth tbe mll price of 75 cento to free yourself of every eymptoru of tbtsi distress complaints, if too. thinir so call at our store anj cet a bottle of .Soloti Yitalur-r. Kerv hi.tttn h . guarantee on It. use errUlDtt!y, amt if it ! doei 0Q no jjood It mil cost JOU DOttlnir i Sold ty Vt. T. J. Duvlion. ' I K. A S K l IM E THE NEW QUININE. GIVES GOtiDAITETITE STRENGTH, (TOEnERYES, DAPPY DAY.V sweet SLEEP. A POWERFUL TONIC, that the most delicate stomach will bear. ASPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM. NERVOUS PROSTRATION, anl all Oenn OImiki. The moat rleatlfle and lacfcsful Blood Purlfl- er tiirtr to aut nine Mr. John 15. Surboroarh.SHm. N. wrltea : "1 nul miUrttin t!i. Suuibcrn army and tor a dow a jAr aunrre.1 from it, deDlllitlnr rirU. I wi ! rrmir ran down ittg i ncardoi Kaaaioe. tha Dew qulnln. It hrliJ ma at one. I Ktnetl SS puuo'ls. 11. va not ba4 iueli good health In 1 vcr. Ktlic lotti-m of a ilniltr ebararlar from prom inent Individual, a rich iudu Kaskina aa a roineJj ul uudocbied martt, mil ta aant on ai'plication. Cetera from tha atova person, alTlne lull diullt will t tent on application. Kaklna can ba taken wltbevt any apertal nad ir ui advt.-e. i a botiln. SkjM by all druxtfLfU, or er.t b mail n racaipt of prtea. IUL aAkl.'E i'l.. 64 Warren St New Turk. CARTERS 1TTLE IVER PILLS. Fi'k TIrAil:u tiiuit rrUT U th cruhU Inci-t-nt to a l'ii4i aatAW of th j vf !. aurh u lkUiiiiM, NitMM, I'rtinrH, Inu--w mJur vuiuafcT. 1 aiu m lit Ac While tla tr luo4 rcmaj:Wb.iw auccr- tut mkwq iu ounuj Ami a. -vnttiir thm wmnj mr tiui4n.ut. bi lf.-v convct ail iltMnlvni if tl- .loDiM'ft, .su U Uary nuiy nira HEAI A'"I thv vrniU almoal wx 4i ma to ttioas kto KUiTer frm tiiui ditrvAiii empiainrt lrut forfiin.-ktalr th-ir arotHineaa a-a ux ettd kfns aixllK- mho oii-a try Uiin U flnJ Ui- lu U. pilU valtiabie in aw u-tnv wjt- itt tV'v iU u.'i lw willing ta do auLaul tlieui. Eu'. alur all aick b-oJ 3. IS Irt rhc Vnnt of o m&nr liv that ht-r I rhor niaUe tir grMit t htr piiU (jurv it 4 ITTI.K I.I V ICR VlldM re TWT MTlllfl An t vwy ftuar lo laVr n-j tr to i-ili tuakt a d . Thy are tJ4Jy i-r ti''I" u- tTi, r purc. 'ut by tVa.r trrtU tcuun SU'.i' nil who us, tl lu 1aW nt ieviitb; re for $t . 8 U rrrv Lr-ru, ur ill t.y umiX tZZ12 CO., Tk. ALLAX'S. m NEEDLgr CIGARS & CIGARETTES. L PATENTED Tlc? Cooda Contain the Leaves oi needles of (lie I'liic Tree. Uso them for a pleasant smoko and rpeedy relief for INFLUENZA. ACUTE AND CHRONIC CATARRH. CLERGYMEN'S SORE THRQA T, HAT FEVER. ASTHMA AND ALL BRONCHIAL DISEASES; th.y are f roo from adulteration, 03 nothing is Used In their manufacturo but tho BEST Of TOBACCO aal FRESH FINE NEEDLES. suxcTAcrnxD et PIME KEEDLE CIGAR CO. FREEHOLD, N. J. $1,000 to irrnw wSo mil crntrdic Or To "nt l itArt nf th try tYm frTm- FX ! : 11 ilia n 'llpof J-itha-r in H-itlle raf Aiiwi 11. tu.J i v.v tt trwrt fr a d-tf m a tkinth. T n out ttti U :it ' P t' try ni s tuiit co uii H' orffi:M- V.'-r -.n-iiii nt IaiI tatnik i a uaitr tft wfaFntmn IWwanar and (t'-n! UK. i tr 1, 1 h!uc . f i'aal hU m- 1 ! 1m imc . v i- ectu n to Wolffs Afi M Blacking WATCRPHOCF, SOFT, ArSO DURABLE. Ita btnt!fj. rich. :.oV ritl.lSII la n v.) - a u- r 4 M.yia A n Totiftt for U'awr,tn A XX ';! ftr ami ki I lari.eao leather evua Kaar lmtf ka vttnmt renrwt3ic. VCLFF & RAXDCLFH. phhjcelphh. J jV-:i J Aftr Fori, , ft-- rt.-x-vaa.j - , ut H U TlicnanJ rtl ction for ia, ri y i -t Wii'fa r b-i tot. Ij i N tri.-v lli.uMn l Ik. t .reiirn anon. t)4, CAVr.L.. t rau-ll;Ark. cupr- f r u 9 1. teita Mto. ana t i'Aiii utA in .stui, r ngiAoa. f rmiice. 4.rmAAiir. it,d a;t oa.r omntff. . i g.ri- ii. ia uv ;n&.kl aud Uix lci.iUa ara uuaur- ljiawirffa and ricineTtion prtre1 and fl!4 In u.n l'a(..t Uu .oc.i a'oil butic. l.rix.8 .ry trif-tii.ii It. fj,r z-r eiiniiiaUOfl of ao4a.a .r ilrt.'in.' A!.. ty fr-. P,i .! . .lt. .1 ll.r 1 n-r Bfttra hi l ll'.VIIKIt AMl:Kl( AN.aaicibu I: . ..r. Iincaiii'm:ili.lll:i-i'l Mtuuenti! . t.. .;Mi:.rr nf ita tft XXim aofil. l . l. ai;i.a ot auc!i a uuuca avry paiaataa a.' .V-i-l'a tll-if'rafM nawrap a V I I. V (.. fiiavru.kajil ia i" an-ct. 4-1 ijWBt 0': ir'?-rTfi w.irka, anj rta- !ri ;r frl'. I 1.1 ti-irul )4t.raa. puo l i 1 in t.i.y v-itr.-. I: I. in t4i.nainp. of al' j at. :. t . a a J it aavry .t. vntii ..p. rnta vi. . r it -r in u:a l.r co dollar, b 1 Vt a i !''t. It i i.i. a at litv itirn t-,'cr.t writ, ta 9:ni t .., l S..i.Li.ig a narnraifcj I t.r 1 ..y. . V oi k liai.uUiMk aacxaa yaiuata laailad txaa. C. A. LANGBEIN, MaaTTactarcrof acd Dealer lo ALL KINDS of HARNESS, K.IDDLtN BRIDLE., WHIPS, ; COLLARS, HARNESS CHS, BLAHETS, ku .tt a4rau'-"!j , J MtuU tl m. ,n '". on V-"jc i'iml SICK AO r II Li I ' A. . . .JiV-U- T ' 7 ii Afl" For, Win A Snake's Deadly Coil. On a recent afternoon Mr. Clark Farv rls, a well known and highly respected citizen of Lancaster, Ky., waa walking through a woods searching for a stray mule. Happening to glance np through the dense foliage, be saw a large dark brown reptile curled np in the fork of a tree. ... Never having seen one like it before, be determined to kill it, and according ly began throwing stones at it. Great ly angered at this proceeding, the anake making a peculiar grating noise, crawl ed quickly to the opposite side of - the tree. As Farria stepped around farther to see what bad become of it. It sud denly glided down the tree toward him. Before be could spring aside it leaped with a furious biasing upon his Bhoul ders, and in a twinkling coiled twice about his neck. Yelling with terror be started on a dead ran through the woods at the same time making frantic efforts to tear away the monster, but In vain. It gradually tightened its colls, while the flying man jerked bis bead this way and that way to avoid the close proximity of its hindeous Tisage. Als moat chocked, with bis eye-balls start ing oat of their sockets, Farris pre sently eank to tbe earth and rolled over and over in the grass, digging bis nails into tbe serpent's body In a fearf al struggle to free himself. But the snake's great strength was superior to that of tbe man, for, even in tbe midst of these energetic movements It coiled again and strain around bis neck. Tbe conviction was sow forced npon him that, unless the borrid constrictor could be made to relax Its terrible coils. he ahonld be stranggled In a very few minutes. The inaneuvrea he was now executing were as rapid as they were singular. He thrashed the weeds with bis tossing limbs, drew bis body np Into a knot and finally turned a complete somersault alighting on bis bands ana knees and with bis bead pushed hard gainst the ground. In this position be attempted, with both bands to iemove bis grisly foe by forcing its coils up over tbe top of bis bead, but bis efforts were unavailing. With a piercing tthriek be started op, plunged forward a few feet and again feel, a stunning determination of blood surging in bis bead. Tbe snake poked about wild its fierce bead, biasing In the man's ear or brushing his cheek with Its daiting tongue. Twice be clutched It by tbe neck with a grip of iron, and twice It twisted out of bis grasp. It was a thiillingj'.spectacle, with prospects of a traqio termination. Tbe contracting coils gradually reduced bis wild shouts for LeJp to spasmodic gurg lings, while a tiny stream of liquid salN va flowed from bfs wlde-jraping month. Suddenly a gleam of hope traversed bis distorted features. Thrusting bis band into his pocket with the celerity, of thought he brought forth a pocket knife. The next Instant be made a sav age slash among tbe folds of bis tormen tor and it fell in a writhing heap upon the ground, liut he had net yet folly wreaked his revenge ; bis foe still lived. He leaped to his feet. Satting bis heel hard upon tbe reptile's bead and seizing it with one hand by the end of tbe tail he plunged bis knife thnrogh Ita neck, and, drawing. th .blade longitudinally througtrout Its body, comyletely dfsem bowlfd it. It measured a little over seven feet In lengthy A Telephone Ear. You have a telepTiooe ear. Yon may not know It. but you hatu all the same. It la tbe lert ear, for it Is on record that only a vciy small percentage of men or women use tbe right ear at tbe tele phone. As matter of fact tbe tele phone bas suddenly come Into promi nence as a medical proposition, and un less tbe scientists are mistaken, the bu'.k of men and women who use tbe telephone within a few years may ex pect to find themselves rather bard of hearing in the left ear. This Is be cause when using the telephone every muscle and serve of the ear is strained to catch tbe fainteet sound from the reison speaking &l tbe other end. Dr. Oliver "W. lloore. the "eminent eye and ear specialist, was asked tbe other day if he had heard of any casea of deafness from tte telephone. "It la rather diClcalt to state exact ly," he replied. "I have seen where tbe repeated sounds of an instrumect or tbe repetition of any souid, has caused deafness. Telegraph operators of Injuring their sense of hearing. LSoller makers often suffer fiom deaf ness. In tbe construction or boilers it is necessary for one man to be inside of the boiler and the other out side, and tbe incessant noise caused ry the rivet infr of boilers always causes either deafces or an affection of the ear. As to the telephone, it no doubt has the same effect. It ia natural and rest son able to suppose that a person listen ing for sound, and not knowing the moment when it will come, may injure thf membrane of the ear, and In time this might affect the bearing power.' . The Best Time to Marry. Probably tbe bee. ' time for tbe aver age civilized woman to marry, would beany age between twenty-four and thirty-six. It is not said that no woman should marry earlier or later thaa either of these ages, but youth and health and vigor are ordinarily at their highest perfection between these two periods. Eatly marriages are seldem desirable for girls, and that for many reasons. The brain is immature, the reason is feeble and the character is unformed. The consideration which would prompt a girl to marry at seventeen would, in many eases, have little weight with Lei at twenty-four. At seventeen she la a ch'ld. at. twenty-four a woman... Where a girl has intelligent parents tbe seven years between seventeen "and twenty four are the period where mind and are most amenable to wise discipline, and best repay tha thought and toil de voted to development. ' ' - -' To make a good paint for shicgle roofs that can be applied cold and dries iuick'y : Take one barrel of coal tar, ten pounds of asphaltum, ten pounds of l'rnnrirl ihta . t t .a.. .- . . . , uia u mo oi neat, 1 and aid two gallons of dead oil. A-PERFEOT -COfflBiMATION- Of harmless vegetable rerriedias tnat will restore the whole system to healthy actio, is absolutely needed to cure any disease "for the disease that affects '-fa" weakens alU- Paine's Celery Compound is THIS PERFECT COMBINATION. Fteaa the proof ( t "I nae mim-rrd terril It from wn .-m-ness ami VMnry ' trouble. I boneht tvn. butties .f Ialna' V1. rT rmi.uutl, and uh, ltow it iliJ beli m'-; I Isave no wucU fculii ji your , moli' i!'. ticl aur Liitllil fo'tue." . . ' Ontario leatr?, N. Y. ,. . ins. J. J. W atsom. PAINE'S CELERY C OBI POUND "Ynr flr Team I aufT.-rfM with aivl nervou'iiess. Itru-d l-aim-'a tvlt-r? t iiiiiinl. ami 1 inn truthfully nay . tlutt Dtp lwttic-a cxtii'ict.-ly our.-! me. I t-litt-rfuUy rwxun Hie;id U, for I know it to La- a rl mciluiw." 1". t'mj. !. STKAjtM. letter t'arrwr. uuiou K, Brooklyn. N. T. - CURES ALL NERVOUS DISEASES, NeuraKi.Kheumat;s!n,Part!ysrs.BiIioiJsness,Dyspepsia.Cosyvenesv, Piles. UvcrConv p!a.t. Ki-Jney Trouble, Female Complaints, and all diseases arising from Impure BiOod. Por'tSto Kervous. i Tl7! Debilitated ' Tho Aged. HUGHSON & SULLIVAN'S DANDY WAG0H. 3stq. aoo. " Til ruruT auiraocT waeoaf vt rax ataitxKT rem. 'tm osarxa oa cuks. It la wad taaaa ajad fiaiabad fraaa ftrst-claaa etucK aad fully warraita. I ra 1 1 faiaaiartaa atxr1o a Taataa cf aalaa otf Waaa OacMaafa Baaaaaaa, Cauta lal CuUam. IVo. 03 OTTO MANUPAOTUKED BY HOLLAND VBLAS, No. T Court St., BUFFALO. N.Y. - WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS OP' t' LOUNGES and MATTRESSES. SENO FOR PRICE LIST. B. J. LYNCH, :UNDERTAIER, And Manufacturer A Deaer In HOME AND CITYMADE FURNITURE ; PAELCS AZD.CSAI23S2 Enil. L0UNGES, BEDSTEADS, TAx3L.x3S5 CHAIRS, Mattresses. fcc. 1G05 ELEVENTH AVENUE, ALTOOXA, FENN'A R7Crfl7eTrti of Cambria County and all othT wishing t purchase honeit FUKXI TUKE. Ac. at honest prices are respectfully invited to give us a call before buvlcz Isa wtiere. ai wa are coofidect ttat we can meet avery waut and pleas) every tagte. Prices tba rrv lowest. f 4-16-'80-tf . 1 Joh A.. IlLata. Joux T. BLaia. BLAIR cSc SON'S Centre Strtet, EtsnsLnrg, Pa. Tl.i ReHt W'eUern CattlelBntcla eril every rtriT- AT-o IjH.Hi, Yeal, Mutton, l.anl, ICtf., alwayn on liariJ. Blarket open at all hours and at tentive and obliging salesmen . to attend to the wants of customers. KENTUCKY NIULES. Tbe aolT Cm la Pvaa'a Ko nai.a aap iaiHrof Kaia- , lattr iiJk aaai , ' X ..... 1 Uul. ami kaa " "CSa cooatxMiT In tbeir atmlaaa one buralrad aaail of llukra, all aixca, buu fuur foot ta the bur. lua-W rlvau:i' 14UU llak, ara 1). ArahrLa & lo, 5 SfwiiiJ Airnnr. I-lttlm-;b. Haw. MulaMabip ntal to ail arta f aba bLat on ucd.-r. KutUiiig U Jiu. I pK-kal munk to ba f.aiud in tbeii aublca. Mf .(.orrTojnlince auluatul.. -HARVIT- ! xcursions! H ALF RATES FOR Tbe ROl'ND Tttll. H II. MYERS. . k ATTUKNET-AT-LAW. af-0Hoa la CulIonaJe Kow, on (Jeatro street. B.OLDnOE, 834 GRAXT STREET. FlTTEBURGH. TX. GEO. M. READE, ' AriOWEY-AT-LAW, "f -, v , tSbBca, Fa, SafOace on Centra street. tveariiiei ' AnVFRTiaiEKS by afijresslng a. itowrll A- C o.. 10 Spruce St.. New York C4an learn the aurt eoa of idt pmpuaad Use al AlrVEKnsrNO In American Newspauera. face rampblrl lle. THIS PAPER may -v. .orvnot H1.F. AT i0. P. w"F"pa" aartruauifr Marram (10 PBDCI "ia.ll, TRKNS Jl- rKKriHiso (uTticri Uuvy mmlc lux It iu KEY YORK, L'HK Fkcewas has tb larccta. drcalaM on A:vc;u? la It avat t-e bteiiiej. Via Kiaa.un Parific Railway u4 l r.n Mnantaio Kat. to art ro:nt in Arlasaeaeata. Tax aaa. fi m-ai an-1 ai. Auiuxtatb aca viii. Suprol-r IMaj aa.1 Jun. wl Orlolmr (tta. Thirty o.v. limit, t-Trer prink- .rUnpUnia. Cotneamrlj fiir fi rat ehoirt. l-ur aacriti latl paaipM-irfi f n.-. aldr-a tlia livniti -yt or ll.C.T(iWJfKSb, ka at iuacajiK a TM.k.1 aguut, Ct liuu. M.. XT. .TTV " 1 c - LOTJTiOE. I. I. .tltg'.Ot, 1. J. Erci, 1. f . IKl, ESTABLISHED .872. ESTABLISHED iSSS. Jctnston. Bnci & Co. Csrrolltown Bant, VVaa.Vfaa ' I ftj . ,C T. A.-SHAR! a i a m iru . . s at I - ARBAUGH. Cashier. General BanlinE Umii Transactei. Tta toUowIss ara taa prlsdpaJ featarai of a tjrn.ral balo baelQriu : DEVOalTS ' ' ' ' ' ""calTad payakle en d-tntiDd, and fnteraft rvea'r lLg carUQcte iaauad U Unit Jepoallorl. - ,1U19H ' -F.xtenJed to eoatomara on lavorabla taimi lid aj.prorad dl.eountuj at all Umci. . . COLLECTIONS) Made In tha locality anal npoa mil tba bank In lowui ia the Culled Stales. Cliargea muUerata. . DBUTi IneJ negotlabU In all part of tbe United tatet. and lorefga axchanKe Uiued on all Paris of Enroi-o. , AlCOlliTa Of marcbanu. rn;r and others ae Molted, to whau raa-'onatila ao-uinoditlon will ba axtanded f'atrsna ara ajrrj tbat all transaction! al.all be held as strictly prlrata and aonndentlal. and . " . FT "" ,,e treated aa liberally as aood baaklns rnle: wui perxit. -. ; Jiespectluily, JOHSNTOX. Bl'l'K A CO. , V WBoo Sot 'K.'E.V DONTVoVr Rubber Boots until you have seen the "COLCHESTER . with Sole leather Heel. This Is the best fitting and ' MKT DURABLE E3QT. In the market. , Made of the best PURE GUM Stock. , The Sole leather Heel saves ' toy to the WBarer. DOTJ'T BUY VOUR ARCTIOS UN. TH. YOU HAVE SEEN THE COLCHESTEB ARCTIC wHh "Uutalda. Counter." Ahead ot ALL, Others In stylo durability. lrou war.tth "Vorthoryour monsy try tft Colchaater wiMi "OUTSIDE COUNTER." : ROBERT J5VANS,' mSTDBRTAKER, iHDMAKlTACTl'liEROr .... ., and dealer In all kinds ul FUKNITTJKEV aT" A rail Hoe (4 Caskets always on bacd.-V . Bodies Embalmcsd WHEN KEUUIKED. Apt 0 89 STEEL WIREFENGE : The cheapest and aeateat t ecee lor around I.;iwn, ISchoel Lots, fonjlry lards, tlardenl. Farms etc. Also maautatmrcr of IJuUt and Heavy lrun Fikdns:,- tHwuvtnar. Mahle Flttles, r rebuiters, Fire acapea of ditlerent designs, and aU kindi of Iron and Wire Work. TAVLUKallEAN. 20S k au Market SUtel, 1-uuL.urv, Fa. AprU5.18b0.lyr. ELT8 CREAM BAL2T ' I not a liquid, tnitJT or powder. Applied into nostriit u quickly aliorUd. Jteleanut tltehtad. Allay inJlamnuUSon. Jlealttha tone. JetorutU$enescftdUandmell. 60 awU u OrunrntU; oy mi i, rtutermi, aa tnta. ELY BROTHERS, lm?fists,Orret'o,SY. ICriK SAMPLES FREE htO.A,MtI cm toikUty 1 zzzz,:rz.-. - - - tne iu, Who knows wby birds sleep etandtag on one leg? Tbe position seems moat unnatural. Reasoning in advance, we should pronounce it a tiresome, if not impossible attitude. Yet tbe canary tucks its bead under its wing, draws up one foot, and goes to sleep, apparently with quite as much comfort as we ex perience on tbe best of mattresses. A writer In Horse and Stable notes a sim ilar, though less abnormal habit on the part of burses, who, It appears, are in many cases yery averse to lying down. ; Tbe writer once rode a mare seventy miles in a single day. The Btable in which she was put for the night was as comfortable as it could well be made. Lot she stood np all night long. She ate ber oats and bay and then went to sleep, leaning forward' with her breast against the manger. - There are hotses that have never been seen to lie down, nor have any marks of their having done so ever been foaud npon their bodies. I recall odo that for fifteen years occupied a particular stall In my grandmother's stable. Up to the hour he died no one ever saw him lying down, altbongh special watch was someUmts kept after he bad been driven for eight or ten hours. . Unless a borsa lies down regularly bis rest cannot be complete, and his joints and sinews stiffen. - It is true tbat some horses that always sleep In a standing position continue to work for many years, but It is cqaally true that they would lire loDger aud wort better If they rested naturally. Young horses from the country are liable to refuse ta lie down wbes first put into a stable in town, and the in jurious habit may become confirmed unless rpecial pains are taken to Induce a change. : Tbe Indisposition to lie down Is often very pronounced In sick horses. f They seem to have an Instinctive fear that if they lie down they may' never be able to rise, and continue on their feet till their limbs refuse to bear them up. Timely Suggestions for Farmers. ' i a, It will cost but a trifle to use ordi nary building paper in the stable. As it can be fastened- to the walla In a very short time, it should be used ei -pecially on the north side. It Is usual ly fastened on the inside of . the walls, and held in place with plastering Jatb, which are nailed over the .paper, the lath being two feet apart. Taper is an excellent non-eondnctor of beat, and serves admirably in keeping out the drauchts. It should be used in all ara bles that are not "closely Luilt" and warm. Silt i3 seldom given poultry, under the supposition that it is injurious, which is .true if the salt is - given in large quantities ; but recent experi ments prove that salt is necessary to a limited extent, as hens will lay more eggs and .remain In good condition by allowing salt than if it is withheld en tirely. .The proper mode of giving salt to poultry is by seasoning the soft food allowed the hens." . Fertilizing material is now procured from Iron. In ' the . manufacture cf Bessemer steel a slight basic slag known as Thomas slag is the result, which is reduced to an impalpaole powder and sold to . farmers, as it contains a lare proportion of pboepboric acid. Those who are familiar with merits of the slag estimate that it contains 21 per cent, of plant food. 13,-au is considered one of the best foods for .ail classes of stock, and It is rich in phosphates.- It is a very imper feet food,' however, when fed in place of grain entirely, but when given in connection with and ground grain it largely adds to the value of tbe whole, and assists to make the ration more complete in the elements of growth and production. , . " ' A Cheap Disinfectant. ' Oje of the most pleasant and one of the cheapest things to use about the house as deodorizer is frankincense thy ' same used at the altar to. typify the sweet savor of ascendirjg prayers m the nosirils of our Father. Nothing will effectually drive away. tbe damp, heavy odtr that prevails so largely in darkened rooms- The penetratim?' of Its fumes is remarkable. When I search in the sacristry cl3scts for the ho!y. vestments after an absence from the pariah, I can determine, whether frankincerse has been properly used, as the telltale per fume will get into the minutest corners. Ic preserves clothing, too, from tbe ravages of Insects. J never observed closely, but I have often been told that tbe mosquito will travel from It in haste and stay there. I cannot recollect being met by one of those pests in a Catholic Church. A great deal of mystery surrounds this simple diug, however as many people Imagine tbe Catholic clergy have a pat ent on it. The fact is. I; is a simple compound of gum ara Lie and cheap sp.ces, and most any drujgiet will give a' pocketful for a dime. Still others think the Church prescribes it, but this :'s error, as the Church cares not how much a man uses so be obtains it hon estly. I "would recommend a little, burned daily in the bouse of every Cflristian. l'reserTing rruit iu Sand. Tbe Italians have a method of pre serving fruit, in sand, alternate layers of fruit and sand being put down. O.-anRes are frequently kept for months by this process. The fruit Is cnt, not torn, from the tree. A similar method bas been adopted by a giower of oranges in South Africa, and ths fruit comes out of the silj" In flue cooditiou at a time when oranges are scarce and yield good prices. Sweet' potatoes may be preserved In tbs eame manner. ' u Ob,Wbataeitn. "Will you heed the warning. ,Tbe signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease, Consumption. Aak your aelves if you can afford for the sake of sav ing 50 cents, to run the risk and do nothing for it. Wii know from experience that ShUoh's Cure will Cure your CoukIi. It nver fails. This explains wby more than a Million Bottles were sold tbe tast v-r It relieves Croup and Whoopln Couch at once. Oothers do not be without it. For laama 'Jack, Side or Chest use Sailohs Poroui master.' boldly Dr. T. J. Dayboc. Wr)icr) io klNZEIS ESTY Genuinehasa Red H tin taq on every plug. Old Honest vis acKow edged to be thje purest end rrjost lasting piece of Standard Crjewmg Tobacco On themarKet. Trying it is a better test than any talK fliicut it. Give ita fair trial. Your dealer has it. HO. FlfiZER & BROS., LonisYille, Ky. Dobbins' ElQctric Soap ES'f FAIIILY SOAP -:4a T&E mum. Is 7 Tin. DriSim ia Dnl!t7. m1 &r wiaJi w aid io.oao W J - UaM IIM i MWal aUlKilUCU OT aw3t-.1 at Hh --. tllU WaU l IWVar baWH UMiKilticd OT ric li l-rhl- T 1 iLua u4 kjbukca as ua bUiar &oap u-s aaM ki-ata m m-j. a-nwij aaxuJaMligicavui uia a-jfi aw wuia. aaal lak. near. READ THIS TVICE , ; efUJ'-RS is a sruat va Tins' lima, of Ubor, J. awp. -f UsJ at it labric, wbera Dob. biua luaiK a -d ivecuJ-Ului.' Ut aUreo . Q-K tsal wjj riamnnstrata as great mi. If gsrU3 cf Imitatlona. TNSIST upon nubblna Elastrlc Doal Sale MiyTiei. ESai tro-Uni-c, I".ilakJiia lirr!a, or any ottra- fmauj, ainaly lccauae h ta cbaap. TKpy wlli ruio cKt2.w, sloa CCAT at any prico. Aalfc tat iioxicii.a' Lturiiu i e. and talta no W. Nearly every grocer from Mn(ua to Mexico kaacpa it lu lock. If yur bnaa'C It, La order frm hU oaau-ot 'rrnlr grocer. T3 FAT carWiiliy tha inaue wrapfv around oa)t lr, and be cmrxftal to follow dirrctloat on x.icr. You cnnn.l itlRard to wak longor beaVm tryin- for Ttwracaf ihl. old, achAUe. axd tnaly woaderful Dobbins' Electric Soap. I. L. CR AGIN & CO., Philadelphia. Pa. Gasion'sPrestoSine, VOHDEKFUL ff.ETAL POLISH, For Cioaniii and Foilslitng BRASS, COPPER, BRONZE, NICKEL, &.c. It will clean Klatala wivit loaa labor thaui any praparatlon aver projjicod. arf-rlnr a brillljant lustra which cannot be sQualed, and which wlU abst loBS)ar ttiaa avoT ollah obtaoaaA W othe xoeasa. Ad by tha HARDWARE AND GROCERY STORES. CAKVASSINQ aOCMTS WANTED. "COD IsIV.SK. OiL KrPOPHOCPHITES. It is used ami endorsed by Phy sician because it i the best. It is Palatal! is lElk. It is thrcs tir:es as ecaci:zs 3 plain Cci Liver CiL ' It is far enperiar to nil other co- called Enlsi:r2. It Is a perfect Envies, izez net separate cr change. . . It is wcDderfal as a fesh predecer. It is its test remedy fcr Ccinp ticn. Scrcfali, ErcrichitLs. last ing Eiseaeet , Chrcius Cxsh and Colds. ' Sold by all DruyglstH. SCOTT A BC'A'NE. CMtMiara. N,Y. ST. --FRANCIS' COLLEGE, LORKTTO.l'A, IN CHARCB 0 FRANCISCAN IJKOTIIKIIS. Board ami Tuition for the i Scholastic Year, ,;200. 111 H ON J M r ' SSI q i Wilz&JwX P 3 g i ooi ViaJ -i tO g j (DO)'" a : i-''"-''-. Ky a .lHjk !-. .v ir . SStr K '"v'ryliicl-l,i-ui..kl , &j---m-r:",'zziZ2. ;:3 tj tica tiVWi i-nl furtH..1 In Tr nwn b..dir I at U hrfmrr au bj. a. I M.-A..Mt.tOa;li. tlOafl ziitv-M cs,; tSrt,a.T. . Our next neighbor, a spondent, owned aa amnai tbat wa3 always getting intQ .p"s but usnally ROt out ag"n tta- much trouble tu herself, n-r" bad done anything for which she ought to be puuisht-d ty"n'' hold her head to one side' ar.,e her mistress, rrotest in'a, "N tone, 'Toily 1 a good Cjri '-'- saw her mistress would flop her wings and rrl . ultation, "Hurrah 1 I'0' - : gir! !" 'J S K She was allowed to go frep ally took her exercises in it'4 where she prouenaded liark t on the walks, sunning Ler-r warning off intruders. t; One morning a hen etrayed p. chicken yard and was qu:e' no its breakfast when Poll m-Y to her and called out, .-,..,""tt5 shrill voice, emphasizlr ter with a smart pick of sbapp beafc chicken s head. The poor hec re'C 54 ed to her own quarters, runnia, as she could followed by v , screamed "Shoo" at every 6U.pU"' Tbe hen had ber revenge a ft later, when Poll exttcdedtr tr" walk into the chicken yard, uj"- iir usual curiosity, sle went rj into every corner, till ahe came to? old hen upon ber nest. Tte Lea' " a dive for Poll's yellow Lead, but n? it. Poll tbinkicg discretion the tl?' part of valor, turned to run, hen, with her wings wide-fjire&j i . lowing close after. " As 6be ran Pol Bcrpamea ;5 i shrillest tones. "O Lord : o i" A member of the family witnessed tbe whole rrt,. thoupatit time to interfe u n""' bebaif. aa tbe angry hen was ga-t' on ber. ne ran out, ard stooping neia oui nis tands. Poll lost do in traveling up bis shoulder. from ber high vantage grou'nd "t, turned ber head to one aid and ing down on her foe, screamed, "Ji : there, shoo !" ' Tbe frightened hen acknowlcdnj defeat by returning to her ncs. ., i lly as she had come. ' lie (Jot the mil. For a year or two past, the co'lec'- lor a certain Detroit tailor tas k- tryiDg all sorts of pacific wave tn th-i sum of ?13 out of a youcg nan h, has been a debtor for over two Tub collector bas been put off a licVirj time by promises made to be brr.V and be bas worked every racket km to the profession without ava'l Th. other evening be happened downtcth? Third Stieet depot and saw hia man buy a ticket for CVcigo. "So you are going Vst V" he "Only to Chicago. I ll he b&ck it three or four days, and then I wur.t to pay you tbat little bii!." "Ye?. Going lo Chicago on a visit "Sorrethirg of a visit, going to ret married." "JS'o 1" - "Fac. Tbe ceremony takt-s place : 1 o'clock In the morning." "And you want to bp there, course r" "I should smile !" The collector took off Lis hat, rein ed his coat, and peeling off Ins vest when the other afktd him what was up. "Ive been biding my time, and try opportunity bas come," be replied. "How what ?' "I'm going to light Into you. Toa are the biggr man and I expect to be licked, but the row will certaic'v ciux both of us to be arrested blJ Ufcea to tlie station, and you will thus your train. Perhaps I can black jcur eye, aud in that case the marriage cast cina off for ft week. Put tp yoa dukf-s ?" "Siiy. mnD, you wouldn't be as ess: as that ?" "Thirteen dollars or a row.' "I'll pay you half." "The whole or nothing. It'ec! Orst, lat aa3 nly cbauce. Come don or put ud." Tbe youDg man took his booJIeand counted out tbe amount of the Ml. a:i while be skipped for the train the other calmly donned his garments and lt.1 tha depot whistling, "I Wonder TTiit My Ma Would Say ?" Mheu Habiuton Lanirhi-J. It bas been observed tbat U'asiitf- ton sfcldomed smiled and never lacgbed. This, however, is not correct. Oceii sanc Is rrentioned by a fazV.fU-'' known for bis verac'.tv, with a dtp of sang froid. At tbe time tbe troops wera encamped at Can.bride, Itfjrt lion was received at headquarters Ia the English were about ieaviug 1'j'- to gt?e them a battle. All was lustle and confusion. The soldiers we strolling over the town, auJ tLe t)-:5 were but ill urejared for the gppn" Ing renconter. Some of tLe gs were calling for their horses, acd ots?3 for their nrsiH : and amors tta was Gen. Greens, at the tottooi uf tte atalra, bawling to the barber for t wig, "Bring my wig, you ifi" brinj my wig !" Ceu. Lee aiverteJ himself and tbe company at wt rnn)ai,rr.rrna "V.inr wilT i! fobX the lookics glass, sir." At Greene, raiolng bis eyen, perceived, W ak . . I A I. . I, n.u o"H Hi.:'' should be on bis bead. WasWr; ;:c, i u a ui, or iaugu:tT, iuk u. the eofa and the whole proup pre3e-c rather a ludicrous upeciacltj. (Jardeiis of lfubyluu. Tbe banging gardene of l',',"Bjl pear to have been 6iuare, t:icn fet in length. Thi-y were ca" In II, a tviunnnr nf lurfrt tfrla-'5' C3 above tbe other, till thi-y rose at Ha the wails of tbe city, lie as&Dl log rrorn ierr?ce vu H feet wide. The wboV pile v ta"m by vast archf-s and UrtLjihrUHi J wall surrounding it 2J ft iu '- Ua the lop of tbe.-.e aichts laige Hat stones, lii U-m loug 'd broad. These were lired xM ; closely cementeJ with plaster ot - rf mfut and that covtre-i vmu lead. I, upon which lay the un u - gaiilea, xslitia mere r.- or- shrubs and Howers, wiiu tZbUkllt!8.