The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, April 26, 1889, Image 4

Below is the OCR text representation for this newspapers page. It is also available as plain text as well as XML. Greatest Lumber Kilon.
A lumber pile xuaJe of boar-li, each
i"" frot long and 6 fet in width, would
tf an uniracedented sight in the Eas
but a entleroan recently returned from
i visit to tie coast of the North FaciQc
' Vm'i iys that pllea of lumbal, such
a. time ste common at the mills on
V ia Sound. "Boards 10) Tact loDg
Aiid feet wide, without a knot in
tbem," be says, "are common cats
from the gigantic Or trees of the l'uget
Sound forests. These trees grow to the
euormous height of 230 feet, and the
forests arc so vast that although the
saw-mills bare been lipping r()0,OtVi,000
feet of lumber out of them every year
for tea years, the spaces male by theae
tremr ndous inroads seem no more than
garden patches, Fuget Sound has 1C0
miles of shore line, tnd a!! along this
lir.e.aad extending thence oa both bides,
miles and miles further than tliti eye
cm see, is one vast and almost uubix!:
en forest of these enormous ticca.
TU're is nothing like it anywberu oi
th TaciQc coast. An cPAzll estimate
places the amount of standing timber
in that area at SOO.OOO.OtiO.OOO feet, or
a thousand years' supply, eveu at th
enormous rate the timber is bein ft!!ed
and wwed. The timber tcls covers 3i,
0,000 acres of Washington Territory,
an area equal to the State9 of Vermont ,
-Mwsachusetts, Connecticut and X-w
Uimpauire. The maiLti- U.41 i u
rrt Sound lumber are iT.Mr.-l7 foieipa,
b ng South America, AtiitraHi, Ceti
U 'A America and the rsc";? Is'.la."
JTusic 111 ttrl:.-lr..
From the time when rr?dicai V. uow l
t!e was fint embodieu 1:- u.o oi Trac
tive, and probably froLi t uuich trLcr
ii:riod, music held a ipcu:, .i.i l in
tbe treatment of diiicuif. la
r diseases, however, are wo i:k.lyto
Urire so much benefit from tiio use of
so pleasant a remedy uo i j n...ja ailect
:ng the miud itself. In melancholia
:id allied states of dr teo.'u ii its alu
:c generally admitted in our own day.
Ancient practioue.s v ere aln-i copv.ii
i;at of lta usefulnef; in '.hia respect.
We must have all felt ho- suitable L
its Infinite variety t.nd facility cf exs
pression to the chaLiui; tuouljuf the
same, and it is then luro t!.a k. a.'.r,
cult to nnderstard huv.- strnyin miudd
are pleased and sUtli-d bv ita cbarni.
Certain it iJ that Kj Unthcial eliect is
in this case conStder.iLle, nul our read
ers though possibly unable to acquire a
knowledge of the art. should at least
possesss, aud if i.eedful assert in prac
tice, a sense of Its therapeutic va'ue.
A W ester 11 rhllopher.
Who finda all the men that hesitate ?
The oily tongue never sticks to its
"We are brought Into life to i:,-ht
Love and the trousseau give out to
gether. Moat people laugh when they seo a
Conceal your vanity, or it will even
tually conceal sou.
The smile of u friend become? the
smirk of the enemy.
The lonocence o.' the lamb adds no
rtlaror to the mutton.
An itching head will be scr-'.tcLed,
-and you can't he'p It.
To the tired iiiowhtr Leaven lja i-lac
where all the children 'itvi hfir. rut to
bed, and are alrp;ug pcundly.
The crimes of i-ivvr'y b(cjnio tin? t-c-oentrlcities
of wealth.
JSoIcctinj Farm in Ant (cut Time.
The Romans i f 2,i nj yvra a h.irt
some sensible notions rural mut
ters. Tor exaru?, Vario, a rjrrat
scholar who wr jte much ou Sirlouliure,
gave ''rnles for sclcc'li g a Urm"' whioh
comprise both wit and wk-dom. L's
ten : It should bo at the foot of a wrli
wooden hill, wi'h as r.utera t'x;ioaaie.
If It U lu hollow v.i'iy 4.t "till le ex
poeed to sroro? aad Co-lu XI sh-u d
not Le in front oi n riTer or a mcrs'i,
because you wilt thm be tormented
with smuil l-rt3- ruch aa will j?t
Into ynj thrc;:-; N y m Tiontii ar.d nr
trtlj. and prr;n pi rsrifi o? di;asvii.
If ycu civn 5iu'i: it or cive I. a..-,
or I. Yor :-h,;ald b" carru
la rrgard in tr-e clirra't icd s Y.-4
should soe tt :.t It i.i is.'y r!;;-,: with
water, ard near si mo to .vn or ihi tt-a.
There sluuld ht 1 at f ev impTeraents
near your purch.'.je, becaa.j tla; -l;ui-lles
that the w:l i.i t n..iy cul.nateur
TJ r.i:
o'. Vurtj.
I rerace-l a f -r:r.ui wa:t ftum ti
daughter's hand l.y th srpliciL! ia of
simple letnnr, vst'.rH is an infal
lible eure. Tin w.ri! rtjnire siturt
lcj with tSu juU'Q onco or twice a day
for three or fcir d t v. "i ubiut a w. t k
In some cs. i in vart diminishes
gradually, r.r.d dis;itara n'to-thfr,
without p iiu, i.i.d Ijuvinsr no rrarfc,
nd witliout 1n ni.-T any of th fiik
mentluued iu cCiuectuui ulth pinfes
aional procen. Another e-ii'aliy
cious and liuir.i:es metfiod is to catvr
ate the wart vr.h potato wat-r tl;i.y
for abu; -.-k ; or, letter Btil with
thelroth to be obtained (roui the water
while the potatoes ate beln(; epoiled.
To Keep Salt rout Tai-kiti?.
lbe hygroscopic quality of table salt,
and Its tendency to pack together in
cruets and containers, may te entirely
0Tercmn9 by thoroughly drying the salt
and intimately minglidg with it a small
percentage of dry corn starch or arrow
root. Fmm S to 10 per cent. Is amply
snflielent for the roost humid alnioav
There (as on the sea const), while a
much less rrcentsgeof the starch is
snrTWeat for ln!and points.
How to Wash Silk Handkerchief..
Silk handkerchiefs are mined by r
carele-s washing they commonly get
. among ciolhea In general. They are.
like certain other article, beet done by
themselves. Wash In lukewarm water,
""with rine " white scap. r.Inse pTenll
' fully. Uae tta tl.ic for white
. handkerchiefs. Wrics .-.M roil tiihtlv
in a !rtb, tni d.i ant let .tliera get dry
lefore Irrnic, or ll.r y i . r c.- ron.
happy" days,
sweet sleep.
that the most delicate stomach will bear.
and all terui liitease.
TheKost solen title and iiu'eesful Blood Partn
er Superior to iiloln
Ur.John '. Soartorou.h. Solxa. ?t. C. write, :
"1 trot mnl.tria In tt txtiihern army and lor a
ye ir yatlcre'l from lu dli!U.ttln;r effeete.
1 Itmblv run lowu wlien I Ocardot KuktM,
the new quiu.Le. It hclj-e-l me at once. 1
a-alued 35 ixunln, Have not had sucil good
Iir! b ' n 'JO y ?:ir..
I nher Irttt-'M of a iMmlUr character from prom
inent lnliTitlti:ila, wtli-ti lump KaiiLe as a
(xmfilv i.i uuvloar.tcd riorit, U1 be led oa
Iettrrs f-om t-e ah. ve person'. flTlcj lall
d-tal! will l e mud upi.'.kaUon.
Ki-k!na can be taken without any frxcial med-U-MlaivL.
II a U-ttl-. Sold h; ail druKKl'ta,
i r H?nt r-y mail u receipt of price.
TM K K A Sh.l K I'o.. Warrea St., New Vutt.
:iI.V.M-KtTX"KKK tr
.ic ! '. -iW-r In all W!a.! ol ITKNlTrUK,
9i"- txA 1: ul U-tKcU lwiyf po Lar.J.-a
Bodies Embalmed
Alt 3 !IJ
I'ollcie; written at snort notice la tae
AuJ other lirnt lira Companln.
. f iCMT rOR TI1E
Etec(Pur, July JU.
J. It. OA NT, Proprietor.
rTHKPVBI.i:i will alway, ntj n at car plaoe
.1 ul !.u.iltts iu bui-lnr-s boura. Everything ket
nett and c7. A la'.u room o:u raen ron--tu.l
with ihe thi'p where the pnblio can t ac.
pomni'Kjitl with a hoi or ruld bath. Bathtub
hdJ everj TTlBif connected therein kept pertectly
i-leu. Clutowiu trKutrr.
The .le.t .r.d noatct renee kr trout 1
li-n, N i.wl l.i m, ro.:tr irr:. il.irdeni.
iiimsetc. Also msnulai tu-r ..; I.'ut! Qd
Hi.n vli i ii. luir. rtlc. Sral.Ie Klttlnn-t,
I ie sl. ii",--. Kire i:--.ii i r ,!:TT-!i. dn-ici.
aa. a 1 .1 l:.n au.l Wi rk.
r St Su6 r.traiiSUeul.l'ifjl.arK. Ta. ,
AprtlS. it:.
W -jWv T ' eiaeneo in tae
f I ' m- - mJl" rpepr'a of mora
Ft rfii ri taa ttum Iiualn4
T'uuQaad avThllatiore l ie pii.ia rm
tl , o&iw4Ki .'iua auu A orei'a coaiw
f r HIr.U,f i'e:'..':IV-lr irnttpf-
i' n"r :n t.:iA-t', ftij'i:. rts..
I"nr. .... . an I m r ' i sr t-i- T.iatratvn-
rn. i u.H'4-al aalt-eir t-uuUos axe uxur
I. Ii ii i in I p..c"...3iin rrr'aret ar-f f!l
in t..e i . .it 'jil on a .w Trrm -ry
t . . . . - - . f ir ' t .ii.uioa cl model.
A I.
ilri. A
. . . .1 bvl
III l,.u 1 U.
.- i . -ifc l::!unr l
i iu I.. ' "fi I.
' T :u.:, In ' le
r .: - ' 1 1.. ' i,!ii-.v
ii. -ri mil
. - . r . f --
I . J a' f
. I'i . ;l . .:l -;:i--a
ut- .r fiat
ti rlt m ta
It i
?! r
n . ;
j.k llg.t
Ti. vii'r Urm i
r ui-"a - .n nut Wo
-- i iU: v -f Ken.
t..l i..!.:. aal JJ :V ir-l.
ic I.' I . ir i 1 , on Lilr. ba.l of
Jrfvi1-. kU frx::i f.'jr ttxt t' h L-i-j uiulis
w ,-l Hi- 1 '-is., n' f. Arnl'ilui A (u,M
i.l tteiiut'. Ptt .hur't. i'u. ' V i. U 1 p
4- : t I l: ! Tie .Uitrt p,l Ol-' -r. lw
.iu. 1 ii a. J ii.ik to bo 1'ou'mI m ih:ir auuiUai.
Ir. Tit : i r.i . si!".c!f 1. . '
toiiri Firs teracce Apcy
T. "We ID I CI V,
General Insuranco Agent,
reacjlTaIa AjTlrsltural Verii, Tori, Pi.
l'aniaaar' blaatlartl La(laa aad haw aula
1 J Srte" a- B. r AttJCUUi A 60.1, Iwk, Ta.
Iee CT. 18-y. 3m.
T Soiiitt Or.ara I sr tsr Ci h. 1 St
v . ha.-e -. 7 were aw Bcmo. ai'r. ial.:t--i,
Sate-) and Cafiee. er Cewiwiteeiea, if Preferred.
V f- . tbtl tine f vra.t aa4 aarl rtnraa! ttw
elui'.ia Urn aw aa4 rarsaorai. P -711 -ny rnr j- rlrrt ,ia
Setia tactioe Coareete) e Ceaaoeaere aacl Agents.
Tbe 1 m Maalf ana evict! tret. aXaM aa. Kaaae
tac ai ir.. k. b. -hask x ..
laa wtmtla rua Suara, rhiladclpaia. Pa.
ftr .-wj"? ",7 Vtil
"rir'r'rivVviITl.C "JM
- ajji a-
t .Tr .-a.v' " '"a-
. . - - ; - TV'i" ri'-... .,- .
Storage of Life.
Within each ton of ccal was stored
long before the creation of man, a defi
nite amount of heat, which, by t!"e
chemlta' process of combustTon, avay
be made available for man's use. A
barrel of wheat contains a fixed amount
of food. Electricity can now be stored,
and bought and sold in measured quan
tity. Each person has a definite amount of
stored lire, normally equal to about 100
years ; but, in most cases, our ances
tors have sqi andered much that should
have come to as, and we ourselves waste
not a little that we have actually In
herited. This waisting of our store of life is as
ssriooa a thing as it is common. It
may be done thoughtlessly or ignorant
ly. but the waste is just as IiTetrlev-
able. Tens of thousands of children
die annually, and as many more survive
with a sadly wasted yltality, simply
because their mothers do not exercise
enough care In the matter of food,
clothing, pure air, and sunshine.
Our schools waste this store by draw-
ug too largely on the brain and serves
of their pa pits through tbe competitive
systems, the worry of poblic examina
tions ; tbrongh exacting the same tasks
of the bright and of the doll, and
through lack of adequate and persistent
attention to the sanitary condition of
the school-rooms.
Sjme parents allow their children to
waste their supply of nerve force by the
incessant reading of sensational books.
or by frequent attendance at exciting
evenlnz parties, and some by not Insist-
in? on regular and sufficient sleep.
Women waste It by overwork and
woriy in their homes, and it is a very
rapid waste. Gay young ladies and fast
young men waste it at a fearful rate in
their rounds of pleasure. Only next is
the waste of hlh-livintr. eoniolned
with excessive devotion to busiaess.
Of all the professions, tbe medical
wastes the life-store most rapidly by
irregular and broken sleep. Dight expos
ure, and the constaut drain cx the sym
pathies and the nervous system. It
seems a pity that those whose ereat
work is to save and prolong the life of
others should have to do it at the ex
pense of their own.
Bock barkers.
Tretty book markers can be made.
Instead of cards. A beautiful one is
made by taking an oblong piece of cel
luloid and painting some flowers on,
or figures and In gilt and fancy letters
pat "Easter" on one oorner, and a lit
tie quotation on another ; for instance.
If yon paint pansles on, you can say
Tansies, that Is food for thoughts."
Too take a piece of satin ribbon the
width of your celluloid and loDg enough
to hare it fringed out, extending over
the celluloid bs far as you may wish,
and have some very narrow ribbon the
same ehaae aa the other, and after plac
cellnloid on the ribbon yon draw the
narrow ribbon through two boles one
each end. made on celluloid and satin,
fastening them together with a number
of little loops. It Is a beautiful thing
when finished. Any color ribbon can
be used.
Another one is made of white water
color paper. Cut a strip of paper six
Inches wide, and fold the ends toward
the centre, lacing them together with
daisy ritbon, Cnished with a bow. It
you prefer you can lace the marker at
the eide, with white or pale blue rib
bon. The word 'Easter4' is written in
large letters of gold paint and a bunch
of flowers painted on, teginning at the
centre and branching on both sides.
A dainty little Easter poem could be
put on, if desired, making the gift both
appropriate and beautiful.
Tke Tallow Tree,
The high price of tallow of animal
origin has caused the attention ot soap
and candle manufacturers to be turned
toward vegetable fata and their origin.
Tbe tallow tree is a native ot China.
It produce s a fruit which, according to
the Tee hnixhc Siffensietltr, baa a ker
nel covered with a thick layer of tallow,
and contains a yellowish aromatic oil,
useful for heating purposes. After the
fruit has been gathered, which opera
tion is effected iu south China daring
the month of July, and In northern
China in October, hot water is poured
over. When the water has cooled, the
tallow can be taken cff. as it forms a
layer upuo the surface. It is then care
fully melted and run into molds made
of bamboo cane, and it is ready for the
market. So, as our readers see, the
operations are simple and expeditious
enough. As to the product, it has a
green color, it is crystalline in struc
ture, melts at forty degrees, and pos
seasea a characteristic odd which Is cot
Long Tailed Sheep.
; There are no species of sheep Indi
geneus to Australia. The fat -tailed
sheep la found in Asia and Af
rica, in Syria, India and China, also in
liarbary, and euch large numbers are
raised in the eolony of the Cape of Good
Hope that it is often known as the Hot
tentot sheep. This sheep is of small
size, with soft and short wool. Its pe
culiar characteristic is tbe enormons
development of tbe tall, by the growth
of a large mass of fat on each side of
the lower part of this appendage. This
is sometimes so great that the tall alone
has been known to weigh seventy
pounds or more. This tall if esteemed
a great delicacy for food, and to protect
it from being injured by being dragged
on the ground, the s hepherd often
places it upon a board or a small trnck
wun wneeia, wnico is auacnea Dy a
light string harneea to the body of the
- Oh.WhalaCaich.
Will you heed the warning. Tbe slgna
pernaps ot the sure approach of that more
terrible disease. Consumption. Ask your
selves If you ean afford for the sake of sav
ing 50 cents, to ran the risk and do nothing
for 1C We know from experience that
Shlloh's Cure will Core year Ooagh. it
never falls. TtiU explains why more tnan
a Million Bottles were sold tbe past year.
It re'ieves Croup and Wbooptng Cough at
ocee. Ootliers do not be without It. For
l.ame Back, Side or Chst. ate SMlobs
Parous Plaster, bold by Dr. T. J. Davison
Paine's Celery Compound
Purifies the Blood,
Strengthens the Nerves,
Stimulates the Liver,
Regulates the Kidneys and Bowels,v
Gives Life and Vigor to every organ.
There's nothing like it
j j,st siinn T. N-lnj vf ry niwh ran flown nnrl
dt'lil' e itil, 1 -m'intl Mi'iiftif l"aln'-i tvU-ry
VW"MU-C Tl - 'f tvi.i Ib.UUs tu.k: U.c
It J hwi'ii D. 1.1:111. As :i p-ihtjI tuiilo aiiJ
tmrmc ci.lH.nA I Jo not know Its CiUai."
. W. L. tiKKKKLf AF.
Eriilif :-;aTal V. N. U., Iturlinirion, Tt
l.eo. FUfn,-Si - At KruKblMi
IMoiitiOxotrx-ro THE Velliclo l-r tlio
The most Stylish, Best ficithoJ ami lqet ;JuralIo- medium
rriccd VEHICLES ever offered in America.'
Seiul fur full Illustrated Catalogue, "
67, 59 and 61 Elm Street,
.11 I
Tl3 American iilvc Stccli Wasrona.
For tlie Use of Bntcliers aM StoclmciL
No daniter to tha animal you ara oonweyinc or to your berwti Ther animal
ooea not aet Ae&teOl up. bat la ready to xul aa aoon aa it readies mt aiaugs
aouao, and your maat la touod and lutalthy when It la nrouant t Ui Uock.
' Amk for Calatayw " for l ieaa, Hi ma ami ctrculaxa, aMreea
UIPniN RHADT V t IKml, iOc
And Manufacturer A Deaer in
TxB,jBS, chairs,
Mattresses, &c,
a"Cltizena or Cambria County and all
othT wisbiUR U purcbasu bonest FUKNI
TUKE. ttc. at tionest priefs are respectfully
iDTitcd to Rive us a call before buvtcg else
where, as we are confident ttat we ean
meet every want and please every taste.
Price the verv lawesL Vl6-80-tt.
Ket In tha world. Fiamlne Ml
.( II M--if V It l WtlT Sllllt.
K3..-.o (! ice .it raeMri:' -iinr.
:..'.( KXTP Vtl.fK CAl.F WIIOK.
W lK K.I M A S'a MIOK.
Rraodutezit wtien hit nur.e aad pii are auit aiau:pt4
aUitu. V". I lMJl OLA:-, iirixjktou. Mud.
vaarcFAOTCaaa o
Kepeattallr Inrlte the atuatinn nt hi. -t...a.
and tbe palille la general tlie (lu.t tLal be 1 gtul
earrjin,; on laiineei at tbe olj aiaoU oi.poalte the
Moucutn blunte. h.t.prt.urK, an.l ti iirepared to
opply from a lance ftorfc, ormanufactnnne: toar-
" -: line, irum me amallect to
tbe lancet, lb tbe beat laaaner and at the loweat
llrln iiTiree.
. tK penitentiary work either n-ae or (old
ma a eall and tatlafy yonntelTen aa to mi
wjr aad prteea. V. I-UlTKlMOEit.
rnbunt. April 13. 18S3-U.
Mlaial waairrtac earavd.
.T?1!14 Md U areailT aaeaftMa.
l.rit ladutjeeMota to 1 ' j'"
V i?C,,rrJ J;,lttwW tiie CkriZZM
rab. S. 1SS9
All llrvcaxaa. i . aoJ 1 1 . I'i-4 wlj J
Vj eXte axuu.d. aUO. -p , h"-'-r-T.ei Ii Ii I "
ami ii
. -
Use It Now!
MTartnjr nscl j-onr Paint's cv-lery Comjwrnd
tM spr-iii:. I cau sult'ly it-omniut'ti'l It an tlifl
luut jiOWfj'Hil Mini at Uit; Kjme IHne luoet
p iitif rvgiil:!or. It ! a hplf mild nerve toulo,
and slbcw UuUfitf It 1 lavr felt like a tif w man.
1 . Kmohk, Watertowo, Dakota.
Wkma Rira akiso! Co. Props. Burlington. Vt
.?il v H.J'.'", i'.'i
lim Time, Latur and Eipecse..
or to your berwti Ther animi
aoon aa it readies tbe alaaKhto
Uanafactarsrs aid" WboSeJ
Deairt la.
Des. U.l48.-4ai.
The Sterling CL
S4anufacturera of
mum wo
Qttnlity of Tone, Beauty of Design,
FINISHand adaptability for stand
ing in Tune nave no equal.
Evsry Fi2co Warranted for Fire Years
Aa.l aatlsf.ic'Uui guaranteed to aws"T VMSnjutk
.1 Manufacture the Wotio-Ksacciiiia
Factories, Derby, Conn.
Rubber Boots until
you have seen the
with Sole leather
Heel. This Is the
best fitting and
In the market. '
Made of the best
Stock. The Sole
leather Heel saves
Hasty taUi Wiirer.
wtth Outald Coenter." Ahaacl of ALL
otrtara In atyla. durability. If row want th
worth of your money try tha Oolchaatar wjtii
Ha CHILDS & Co.,
Important to Canvassers.
. WallTED-Lire Oaarajaert In ererr eonnt
In the United State tn tell KiX'S l'ATCTT KK
VKhSlBUK SAU IKON, vhica eomblnea two
Kad Iront. Pallaber. lnter. Ac. one Iron dolna
tbe wort ol an entire let of ordinar Ironi le
elf-beattnr or alnobol lamp. IOEM
AWAF H1T1I HOT ai ITCH T.kti. I'r'r
motlerata. A lama and laftlne; income Insured
to.itlaBTni. Adtlrees, lor irealari Ae
Vr-2rrr-?5:-: b-r-.;-. t- i.J-3r
Farm and Garden Sotes.
Sulphate of copper, it is said, will rre
vot black rot in vineyards.
A beekeeper says that catnip planted
near the hives is fine for youDg bees. -
Eggs should be gathered twice daily,
that hens may not break and learn to
est them.
Eggs intended for hatching should
not be over two weeks old, and do not
use pullet's eggs.
Where are the bouse slow emntied ?
If by the kitchen door, look out for
cases or the worst sort of fever.
It is. unsafe to feed either oats or
wheat without considerable water and
ashes, gravel or grinding substance.
The best birds should not be sold off
In the spring, but retained as breeders
to maintain the quality of stock.
Buckwheat la pronounced excellent
egg feed, but expensive as compared
with other food. Oats also rank high.
The use of kerosene oa peach trees or
viiies is to be avoided, as it is far more
dangerous to the trees than to the in
It Is now almost too late to prune
ersgevines, as the sap has commenced
moving, and bleeding Impairs their vi
Affected limbs should oe cut off at
once. Black knots, blight ou injured
limbs, are also injurious and should be
immediately removed.
Pear trees that refuse to erow mav
be treated witi wood ashes placed
about the roots of the trees. The
trunks should be washed with stroutr
A Wisconsin farmer thus states what
he believes the essentials for renovating
wornout larm : The first is clover :
the second, clover ; the third clover.
A dalrywoman claims that bv miiv.
Ing three times a day she gets more
butter, and that the noon milkiDg has
wice as much cream as the ni;zht and
Don't delay grass seeding a dav be
yond the first opporuinity, for the first
cnance is Detter than any other, never
sure, and in every result more satisfac
Butter at fess than twenty-Cve cents
a pouLd means a good deal of hard
work without adequate returns, no
matter how good the bleed of cows nor
how liberal the feeding.
Four quarts of timothv sPd tn t h
acre, distributed early in March, may
be counted safely as worth more than
eight quarts Id May, for the early start
is a guaranty of success.
Try the cows, each seoaratelv. for in
a herd of twenty the chances are that
some will be w.3o!Iy unprofitable, and
wise enconomy will require that th?v
be taken out for slaughter.
It is estimated that there are 320.000
known species of insects-which prey up
on the crops of the farmers. The work
of successfully combating these pests is
one which vlll keen the new Cahlnpt
Department busy for some time to
A single error Ljirarm practice, mul
tiplied by many millions, may eost thi
great country enough to cover all ex
penses of Government hence the wis
est! of eetablishini.'and maintaining
experimental statloas-i where error may
be discovered and corrected.
A fruit grower reports that bavin
an orchard of youaa-itrees badlv infest.
ed with bark lice, he made a solution
of sal sodo half a pound to a gallon o?
water and applied it with a whitewash
brush, Iu a few weeks time they were
all dead and washed oi. The trees grew
two feet a year aftenward and remained
very healthy.
The farmer's Inaact foes are working
Bight and day. Tbey Increase rapidly..
They breed unde. pieces of boarda,
bart, eticks, weads, and any k ind of
rubbish. Remove all such lidinj
places. Clean yards clean farixB
are good for half e evil. Taris greos.
London purple, i hellebore, if thor
oughly used in spraying fruit treej,
vines and bushevwiH do wonders with
tbe other half.
(Jnaint sad t'urieus,
China is larger-thin Europe.
A Majority c Tresidents have blue
The averag- height of biArawIcai,
man is 63.1 inches i woman, C3.9 isches.
Fifteen bos in tbe i'ittsbnrg cooking
school have taiea prizes fui: eticieoey
in cooking.
The Samoan Islands are in the South
ern raciflcvabouta six weeks' sail from
San Francesco..
An appls tree near Fresno Cal., Is
reported thave borne one tea of fruit
the past season.
Fantosjlme was first played- In Eng
land at Lincoln's Inn Field3- Theatre in
the year 1716.
. Afterpieces wera first p&yed in Eng
lish theatres in 1C83, a Utile more than
two ago.
Tbe dark oranges grown in Florida
are kaown there as tbe "African rus
set.' They are growing in popular
The oldest tree In the world Is sup
posed to be one of the big trees in Cala
w6ras, Colifornla. Its age is calculated
to be 2,505 years.
Blasting Holes for Trees to Grow in.
"Few people elsewhere in the world
tnay ever have heard of blasting boles
to plaat shade or fruit trees," said a
cultivator the other day. "yet the prac
tice is common here, and. shows good
results. Ia most places there Is found
sufficient top soil for any purpose, but
as land Las become valuable people
have cast about for means to utilize
lands where the coarse sand rock comes
too near the surface for successful tree
planting. A blast, well pnt in, creates
a pocket for broken rock mixed with
top soil, which furnishes a basin to
told moisture, as well as a deeper and
cooler hold for the roots. It is too early
to say what will be tbe ultimate results
of such planting, but in a climate like
ours, where a superfluity of rainfall is
not likely to occur, it will no' doubt be
fa OarPapufarBrsnd
Co77jbthatic7i7ot always
&5e7j(Zct. t
A Fine Quality of
1 evs . DontJajc NYO I H E
Dobbins SlaairiG oap
Iti-rictijPErs. Uaiiorn is Quality.
Vnrw HE ordinal tbnioU Cw- h:c!: are amid Jto.-joo
J k I .'.'.'; lr.- tf uim tven n.j.ud. or
t..l,,l in .1 'nisi .Mip la
S IflcmlraS in ua,Uty w-tay ttU
t ? i uu-a tu .u I y ) iiura ao.
fT Miutain. kulblur (tint mu Id
Jfirolibueat&brit. Ii Lr.tU
aa ca: oca .ou bleacln. uri.tra.
T 1' w fLm.k and lUiaua.ts a. BO etliw aoap
iu -rui witbuuc alinDkial.ving
rhem sofi .nj white aud hke new.
SS of tin-.c, ef kMr,
J touT. of L!. and of ll,-T-bric. Lri Dott-
- i . -: i ic v
-p ueJ aaccaartlluii to aJree.
(F- trlnl m il dmniirnrs its grant merit. It
T -a pm-l liiiKfa, 'A ia oatenaively Irak
pewarc cf Imitations.
TNSI?T npoa Iobllna E'rtrle. Vtm't taka
Uagnetic, FJectro-Masic, Ptiladrlphia Eleetr.
ar aar other frnuu, .imply becaoa u ia cheap. They
will ruia ciothea, awl arc dear cx juqr pnee Aa4t tfr
and taWe ac olbaw. Nearly erary groeer froaa Xaiaa
e Mexico kcrna it ia aioclt. If yptir hun t B, ha
will order from hi. nearest wheieaaie grocer.
T3 F.AD carefully the inakle wrapper ajowaaT each
J A ar, and be careful to follow dl r tienl
i ech out.idr aapprr Yoi eaunel alford ao
wmit UniKcr Wrt k- ying for ycari tin. old roliubaj.
atd a cnderfU
Dobbins' Electric Soap.
Philadelphia. Pa.
EK rr
ft.. I. IV TT
if -rM! while aa
i5 1 to the buyer as aay v
V'lsi;i, inatalitciit ayat-m. itjA-
. -i . to the lui
.Kirysrrwt to t. Tha Q
JLi 71 club ci'irticn aclis ua
I J 0 1 1 L . . .
IK ' - -v-aiwca id cam -niu.
fVHSasWatchCub.andwfrtcaab from C " "
4 Ihr rinh (, rrr mi.rji !.i,n. .t o I" .,5
tu-s- T . 7 , ; " MA
--. iSoot, tlic!it;a rach cn.jer oa.y pJyii,Ar!i
J!Sr? M wek. Thia la why we give yoafe?
. ; : mcrocrycurrr.oiic;' tliin uy onecls t,
fi.'ijad why we tie iotng tie largest "iT'tj'
1. Joriiy first cudi:y goods, but enrf,'- "
1 t-rcs .r- Af... 5u i il is pti f jkc-W ,jj
jl--ll oud quality .Gin &1 0 HlToiril'ttrh ! "L
(.-.vaj fc a uVjL.-ntl-IS ( 7-r itnitaiiou .j
ii?. if znrkinJ) Stca:-ln.1 American Ixwr ir.'
i-!.:' al-h Virrr n-.r- rv- nr-r II .-a,
OpecKace, fimt -iwality, atilTeued tioki J; '.
A fM.f-rir I - .... I . ... . ..... . . . .
tv, low qu.'.i.ty, end wnrL:..ia-titer ' ti
i.if otue. Oar93S Wataia contains t"!
tf. r4j aiimcrciis lrportact f"11 im-i-
.. . r . i . . ... . 1 1 - '
'inj,-c, whiii art C9utroiuciu.ive.y. It
Fi.l'v -iin-,lf.. w-.. - V . I U
liiluy and servire, to aay g ; Wutcii, 'either
0;.ea Face or Hiintir.g. Cm $43.00 Kiiil- f-
. . . ... .a jraai cocairucieu lor
the mottiactta use, and is thilint RaJ-ir
road Wsich riiii-i, Uptn Face an Hunting, i t
AU triee Tjricwi are eill.rr all nri r.r in c)i-i
l.Ct a Wtrk. At Aj-a. ir-.e
I -uuiaior given ft cm aril a h alu. -SV Tfy TT-r''
The SCt?stcE9Wa!ch ClutCaw&l
C4 WaUBT IT. HIUbA-ra. glk
' "Azeota Wanted. Pi.
Aiix Watch Insulator, $1,00 ft 1 h
fvt ?tio. O i rarn my, tmmttnt aBI lieftf-
Mtltoa tfar Slrk Momarh .
Tor Torpid Liter,
niiiOB Headache,
Tarraat's l.tTrrveent Airi-iTt.
It Is rertaln In lis enrs..
His gentle In lu actii n.
It Ii pala'eable te tbe
taota. It esn he relied
utKiti to cure, ami It cures
by ajnii.o, not tj 'atrar
iun. natar. lk not taka
toleut iiurnaiivct yuvi-
eiTcs or aitow roar chil
dren to take them .lmiii
ne this eleirant phar-
macentieai preparatMtn,
which has been fn.
than forty years a pubite
wwwswj eaai w ever jwiicrs.
I VVi iTT t -r . w
to, Toncli, WcrlmMp & lMit7.
2fc,X'JL,i, Bofanora Btteet, a-aUmora,
MclUitiratl Areuou, Kw lufk,
0T IT?n3r' ,rV1. Nerronsnesa. RrtRhfi
Heart. Vrl nary or 1.1 rer disease. )ur (tuarrao
teaa. Omoe.31 Ajoh street. I'hiladelphla. Al
llrnaKliU Trt it. tl a bolUe. tlx lor
March 1, 188 ,ly.
anrl traveling, to sell oar (roods.' Will
pay (rood salary and all eaeuses. Write
WSIUIas i'l aTtfini
Ore Hans, Hoih.r and Sheet-Iron Work.
.Seconii-li.iD.I eaaliK B anl Imilcrhop liun.l. . . i 1.
lng tultiei ud uiacbinciv a spectHliy. TMO.n
Ai CAlU-iN4 AUe.liccy, l'a. (Jan. si.-!y.)
Ji war aotars. It i. lai.y eual tcuny r
aatcfi so.d fcjrfB ljr ot'ins. W e faij 'tjj'wjr
fa trM-c'.ui St :Tentd GcJti Case siuch jf
jltjcr1 more aatisfactory u.d acriccub'.t than jj 7..
any EoliJ GjiU Ce ihaiCin lveoidat t'Cj!
I'-il- I- thu dcmiile the innnpv ihMmtiT VI
olid caata ire iuvarubiy tnio. weak. &-r
Shall Fishing.
The life of s shad flsherm.n is
bappy one. neither is It verv
tie. They have to make their
in a short stason atid thy are 1
103; their Cce ntta, which sou '
get caoght la passing TOHaels.
nets cost several hundred dollar, "
The net consists of two rope Hoes
about 1000 feet long, with small
of lead fastened to one line six f
part and pieces of eggehaped w
fastened to the other line, a fine li
net with innshes three and a quart.?
three and tZvo eight inches ia t
strung en the lines, which are Pia' 'I
about twelve feet apart. The Ebf.,
cau-bt by the g'.IlP. Their head pt"'
throcch the cestcs, and when t),ev T
to retreat they are heid prisonrrs h
the silken twine. Hut if the ntts -not
lifted at the chaLge of the tide
are liable to make their escarp I'l
than lliara I. t. : ' '
Two men operate a boat. Tt.
now used are thirty feet locg anr'
bottomed. They are cheatr tv'
keel boats and more stable tu
stout, and yet light and easy t tanaif
uitiu jurva, ana ifje oinrr t':r,.'s -,.
throws tho net, genfraliy in th
of a letter 44 L." Vhn the nt
a line Id fastened from tt? bcct
neirest of the net, and array
Roes, drifting with the tide.
Sjiaf-tfrnes the net i3 liab:e to r-.y-on
an ohrtruction cr on the kei- -f
steamer or a tugboat, an1 then tl:o - .
is iiatnaged ?."0 or more. A ft;r drift--with
the tide font time the man tr- r -
the net commerjees to hanl t.
there ia a splash, and a n?ce e) ;
found "gilled." Per fcaps this i-Vs
only one, and maybe there are ' ;
thirty or a hundred mere. '
Th( n the Lo:;t is rcwed back or?ra
courpj and the same routine is
throu.-h until the tide changes cr'tv
ashermen are tlrorotighly exhau
The fishing is done in the night, 8'-4
when the air is clear and the coo
fchinee out the sight presented by
hundreds of C?herroan, with their wh? s
larap-lit-boatR, is a ne or,". Thn e'.
ermen, have to eufftr many Lar j-it,; v
though, on a foggy or eo!d night ' '
la the mornicg tte Cshermea' ca
their nets ashore and clean and uzi
ILeui. They are then wound on a re
The f peculators that are to be found;"
every fishing town Lu7 the 8hai a''
fchip it to thi3 city.
There is great rivaly among tae
ermen to Bee who will catch the :
shad. Tha lucky one reaeitea lo f'i'xi
the speetilatora. A fisherman generai'j
averages-1300 for his Beasop'a labor.
True American
Eml'.e was a little hoy born In yw
England ef French-Canadian parent
His father and mother lsd their owi
race and language, as these people gen
erally do. When talking together, they
always apobe in French, and Emiie'i
two sister older than Jrimself, wets
apt to do the same when talking witi
Not so Entile. They could not gt
him to speak French. When spoken to
In that tongue he neTer Jailed to replj
in .ognsrj.
The only exception to tbis mle wa
in his pravers, which baa been tacgt:
him in French when he was-a baby, ml
which his axHher superviatd nigbtlj:
but even bis prayers did-not long n.
main anexcertion.for by aaU by he beri:
to attend tire- public school, aa1 Ht tte
eame timti a Catholic .f andav f.ctoc!,
where pupils and teachers, bein" mB:n
Jy of Irish decent, spoke only Erp'isL
At the end of his school nttifiarcf
at -Sunc ay school he had - mastered
prayers in English, and that very n'.gi:
astonished and shocked tiis motter tr
retuaing to say them in French.
"It is na nee, motlrer," he paid, ':.
answer to her expostulation, "I d::'' i
believe God knows anvthl.-i!' ibnr ?
French, for If He di-.I, somebody n I
great bij country woali it. :
dca't want to te a rrenchr-itu ; I ;c '
to be a Vankte."
"Ah '." exclaimed his rnoVter. "1: "
as the priit nst-d to uay ; wa h.- c:
languaij-j mid curse h s 1-v c a.:: I
litre !"
IT ou!y Emile'a pint was bhnrei t; ;
some other fortners, who lecci.
Aiiierijan citizer.s, oit rosuaiu tiii.E.:
to tLe third aud fomth genu at less.
I)iliorrJ! JtiiciJ L'o.
'lhero is suli some debate ar; to wh.
er t be experiment of Ci-I:o:r.:..?,
milaU cattle, is always aa tl-.
measure. Ilia conclusion reic:.e;
tbe "Wisconsin Experimer.t S:at:
therefore, will be of intere-i: to m
Their repect saya :
"We have, then, as tl.3 result oi
horning twelve cowi, Crst, bY.-.'-in
oil ia the milk, yield : stc:n', u
I crease in the fat, third, aa iucrt-
tbe temperature cf the, d
i n aHLX.a. 1 m r ..
a oiisat uegree icvtr ror a u
alter the operation. "While t
buju are not conclusive, yet they '1
cate that dehorning a well-fed. bt ;
cow is not by any means a straw 'J
ation, and uiales further prrxf
show a more marked iiiv.irlow eZ?
the animal than the cne given a&c
the question of dehorning cows
pend entirely on the practical
tagea to be derived from St. If N
ii :
horning we can insure an econon:.'- ;
feed and storage, as has been cla
and It at the time there U no perftl
ble falling off in quality and quanta
the milk, then the nneration w ill
Of lrami"l nnnrnn innps One
tVl(Mll, ,nmra,Ta. 1. t nV.n Int fl aft'1-'
and that Is the condition of the
w u w UU a J tIJU V VJ m 1VIVU V at
A cow that Is poorly fed or out of J
dition is certainly in no cocditif" ;
undergo an operation of any wr:''
will there be any benefit derived K3 ,
it. The question of injury to tb
stitation or temperament of the sn- ?
can only be settled by experiments ;
large number of animals ex4;
over several years. I
I1RPIla and Liver Cwnplw?.
I. - . l. ..... .11 tflA Of 75 ' ;
to free yourself of every symptom ol
is lb uoi wunu iiio aoiiaii a'4
OihtreiieinK complaints, tr yoa i -
at our
store and jt?t a bottle ot r
jr. Every bottle has lt
nniratll in it) it lmrt ftlVDrdill
dfWh cu no i-io.J it will .Vit JO" u
Sold by Ui. T. J. Layit-a.'