Cnmlrarx freeman. EHr.MH K1. LOCAL AXL l'RSO..lL. Fifh stories arc ripe. .-Noxt F.'iday I Atbor ! el na;U W-'O it t Hurt.)"-' U. A. lievruaker. F . J-- i" .'i"H .wn (in lu.ntiiy. -A ene-uorse bi)-lu,r m s','', at -.spring Usurer Ivrs-an nrjjnr Erlrdjr . i. in town i; v.VUi.e?l.iy. -me ?v.- tootl. hrrw for enie at 'urtou-. ,r- T'lom-vi IVunk'-t, of tia'.iitzin. ..pent sUn.i.iv !u ''tx'Hrttar. M,.Mr. u. .!,! couim'.1 aim Joseph :::vir m l.orltt) oa uuJ.-y. -kmwi-(!-i tv. rpfi ,pt at atbun- urui mi V..i!ie t-V ni'. ' :m ;! Mr. Fran Mcl'ltae. of IMUburg, w town tlie Int'.iT pait i '.-tt vork. -il.::. l.. n:ttv::, ui i.-iu'u..te. im.. m.; uk'vv i.curn it r'wn u-i .n.uj. Mr nni..i liHtsri. i' ;n '!' !r. town hip, wa. a v . Lit to o ;r i l'.l "t Thurs Ttn a't-tr: or ?: '"-'I- . -eh. tlili an Fastjr . n.-re tasttrf u!!y . ..mlny. -Mr. II. H. T:":;i: u. i f Philadelphia, . nt r few i!ayj In town ilj-ip; the pre it w-(c An order f r evr.nteen c'n-t V locoinos f vc win plavvl in the Altoona s.:iip on vonltty. If you want a kooiI Job printed iu short and at tlie lowest price, kivc It to the rUtKM.VN. nJBclont sUck ha heen t&kuu In IW ford to InsUK luc cie:lion of nu electrte- '.iiM plai.t. Mr. I", II. l)'in'8n, of St. Aimnstlne, wb vi-.itit.4i lu-r rao'.iw, Mrs. Hurler, the vibeet week. Mr. Charles L!rt.,n, of Johnstown. 1 circulating n)"fT Ti- friends In this r've the prese nt wuek. IW. Father Klttell, of HclHi.aysburR, wm la town on TLui3ay vUltin? hlsniothr and other relatives. Taut Yahoer, Csi.. oue of EUertown jlup's 9nbtantldl cltler.s. waa a visitor to . ui town ou Tburnitay. Johu inUrils starting ti barber Uop In the builjina formerly need as w tol . pLione oflli-e, In the near futuro. Wo iinderst.iu.l that Mr. T. B. O'Hara. of our livcrymi-n, vtl'.l pnt up a UuU : lrphont) from Md btab!u to V.aple Park 1' jU-1. Poctrri cay that oprtrsg fever 1j not a finure of pptfrtch, but a r.atural ta-ul. the Bc!unt3c namo of which id neursi .h.ul. A lltt!t -on of Wools Thomas, of Catn township, w trampv'1! by a hot.'e a few -l.iys ao and bad on, i f lu !e,;5 brckeu at '.io U.nh. Tho E'enituia CarrollMwr: te!o i .iinir i. P1, ha- bre: cIuthiI freni Shu !i..i!tcr'i rittnr st ire to th r"5 -a cf !! Om '. Jlou-. --Thi rrbyUrlsn ohu-cb. of th's rlacr, ii' J a fpptlvai In the ' 'p'ia iiiiii-! ci T'ios ' iv aud Wi'iiui'j-J.'.y vt'ti'T.;". I r. f. . ..ik'I.U succe-'. Th V.l)"vi'jnr h.-ti bsll f'.uh s'aiur wita the I ti:. .o.'t"., ciuh, ..jrt:s Wednoii!. aud fuii by a or.' oi I t i j Mr Da a Huoot, p i r.i'Hc-; .; I.i . iinont iiouHo, "rica i tju . '..jS.:.i ; l ist und U jjtt;u 1.14 houj rM iy tor ' SB.nnier w .I :Tiron eonn?7 sb.tbt trfc-, tappnd t; Mr. l'ltter, of rniri'a, i t)w-; ,i utoadv iai for -t hou.i, r'hl.i.-int; i'o alloiii m t ihrou'i o:o snitf. ! air. Joopii vtihip's host .-d y . ? T.l'Ucu to t!.. !' IV'arfr, olio of Cirnl' ( cuivu, vvii town o' 1 niijrs .-.i.,t x y 'ar's rnf- I To. j ri-'ty town of ir.-e:.'htir'. v.el t -U-'tiud county, wit i a population of ' 0, h e titte-. t -un-i caUKl.i, r?n- - ..titina a v.thiH of ;too,0''o Mr. Pr 'i', of th- pa, rnt'smed tt'tj or. Tut""..- :;it 'pxrvlir;; '.re win . in Florida. Ili-r hu-hand siuj'iod u orth l'anlltia tor a i.-w iia.,;,, A a Altoona v..m hail our UiL-kcd Jt by a t ow one d:iy .i3! w.-. k ..Ui.o ut- t. uiollnit to n.ll'i her. Ti.'i Is l ..Atliltltf O.I.dI Bti'U Lli.t!"X the .'yV. Mim Mary liobiits, durfi.t. r Mr. C. i'. KoberU, of fcbeniru:,:, in." cipifii hy or Liciht'i , U:.-iir I 'it or, !. v!i:!r' ill t'.ii jUj. .)" -t rV..vrrr:. AeeotJ.crf to H'irrr S'ate bot of 'Viit.- i.iUiA, puhlish- t lu l:l'", Krninur;r t that thuti i;.d iii inba'dtai.U and .loh:.3 town 1 :?7. Facb town bad four cluirche. -A ti'iuibtT nf Uo(vh t'rpic m'nri who have heen iV'spoPii; ,f their lHKluet to th C'ifartiflit M'inilnous coal forpuritiun have decided to market their coal luepcnUent-iy- A little son of lUnlttlJuuoa, of Irwin. Wnstmori'land eouuty, was ao vexed at l..v- .;iK' i.jUL!y hurt hli aiuie In iujpl::..:f,v, n stair that i.o Juinpyl ak-aln ar. ! brutd his ieit. 1: may be Interesting to krotr t&: tlia .l?:Ln.e Court of I'-nrj-iracia recent lie! led it ii unlawful to put ary doscrlp t!:m of e liuiuy in butrr rNch Is offered f jr .le. -.' nun-All fBnnr- w!:o tr6 to j"ln th-' 1. his assoelation ahout bolrj ortrac at F'hur, will meet tt the town ship school l.ou on Stur.!aj, May 1th, at '-' t'W ;ck v. m. tti.arp. Hon. A. A. Barker, of thU place, who wvser ouViy m j., Washington. D.C.. b?.e so far recovered a It have Uer. aMe to re turn hoi.i oa Tl.ura.Uy of k: vn, end Ms health in ?tlil loiprovinn. -Mesirn. Hi'-hirlj ,t K,'ts, iive'yirn, ff tLii p ace, hare reeiUed a new Machat 'rn t.'iepborr? an.' v.-.'r: piace It betw. cn th. 'roillee and Maple Turk UoU-X as soou as the lumiciT kcrhoo opens. r -A BsthniV!rlan h.sffiared that iuiu J-rs'i rar- fpt t t t sn- Vtrs n but- - . I 'mu his cr sr. Y in,i -m . ----- ""io uhj i i.i. sp.-I,t ;., JC1..-S hnnt'ng r.r l.;s cuUr-bottna v n i-r tr3 bureau. -TU Kne,;,;, s.u, bs C! 3, r(,ri7pj a rhaiin ; , -i f:c .uck-ter-s. of Johns- ( wu,TO WWMHV H . ,1 : 'r- . n. I... t'aeo 'n (l. ?wt i t May. We under- I pia:m t..e lial iT -,. h.... j Kr! y !,-'- tt- I'o-tmv,. r,;nt,ra, ! tpr"'-t..l t!... Kilowin rn..M vol .a-.'ri : i -fT v;. Camnoel, C'ar--e 'e-nr t; A. Troxell, I'ort!!-. : . I. tn. ".:h. Fork ; j. l, Wratroih, n.. ft'": "a!'ac, Sh.V,u tv i .... ' ' "44 Jl . - ' re 5re hfsvv frts l.i. tie, a -tjrn T -r. of tbe M.iu ou Tueiy an.' 'A' - t Jy Di;Ut., .-t;nt reports say that tt r r.r. s , h?s be,n '. a l y ln:WT,-,. , y- M-asou is :u...ut t',- rvv.ii;a eu.-.. ttfju I jear. and f.e Lwds '.vj i.-cn f-rv. - ! V -4 n. M t ' inr'7-j- Mtr.n:,,!-; nr i, s hs- b- .n Line, un. it s r-s---' r; ' I - "' en: ly r' , ri'-s riri-t r'llnei. t'ie llarpoou hay forkd cheap atDuftous. A urand Uop was held In tha Opera Hon?, th'a placv, on Mcnday oiLt, aud wm a furer-.s iu every Th resl.tonoe of Joseph Crook, rear St. Lawrence. toKeher with all IU rontfbU. was rlrsfrtuo.l by fire ou tr.e afternoon of the li'.tti inst. The origin of the. Cre la rot ktiOvu. 'o Insurance. I.ois avvOUt Oa Thursday vna!n cf Ifct week th V.; of TnxV! X Co., at Sblrley, In Headj UwnoUtp, c U8tt Cre and burrrt to the zound. Tf ' ! estiroated it armut ,J.oort, nrwn whlrij trre wm no in- ?u."aoe. T!nv you if-n thr nce toskts and re-vpot, ontai'ilni; pound of the bcit tea, "trpct from China aud Jap-in, sold only at the Variety Mo-f of V. T. Roberta-.' II"? in )-it reiveaa r.e w of toys. e'.opary, w! pa;-', c'e., etc al.V.t Mr.nci.aM, w '.I-uowti miTCant of t.r-tti, li .-..u'.'i for business at "slRt- t-ry"s Crosi--ai.'," Kb ju: tbird of a ui.lo eusS cf Crt-.-sua. Ca.i and aee liiuj. Ili C'Sar-f.'.tee prUv as low as JjLc'.n. AN torn a rr cVwhet for spr.; casti rr produce. Vx have a f pevjy and positive Care f : tYtarrh. Dlrhrheria, Canker Month, and llea-'arfcfj, in St "!oi." CaUrrb Remedy. A n-al lr.W'or fire wi:!t eaeh Wttle. U; ! It If ynu nelrn haltt) and sweet breath. ln -e a. rents, ri I by Ut. 'T. J- DavU a. A iiraml tea party will be bfcld lu the old Oithohc ci, Ciii.itiin, on V."ed..r--ilay evenlrii. Ma; 'ht. An fx -ellent f.o; p-t v.:i t e s-erveti ii i'..ii o' I church taliVr. ,.U- r : !. ti "aIj ll.vll wl'.I N opened fo.- all ia wi-ri to er.jvy thcmseive dar.clnj;. Cenno eve:y D-.ri'D sud have a rood time. It ! s tld thet Mr. A. W. ratchin, of 1'atcMnv'Ue, cn from his timber lands in this county, rafted and rloated to mailcet, the finest raft ever eeen on Um udqnehana river. The taft couUIned S.Ot-t cubx fet cf pine aud 4,1 ;0 oublc feet of cat. The timber v?ll! tie used in the "rc-i-tract'cu of Coverninsct vjs.s,.U. C-r-i-en.-ri"e ciku. Th I 3"l'!-J of Kbensburg should eet awake ir havj a public tfctnonstratlon on TuesrTay next, the centennial anniversary of tae Inauvnratlon of PreslcTent Washlnaton. If tne firemen, cltlens, band and different IimIh would take action In the uiulU.r, we roaid gee up a lure paradj. But Faliiot hu seeis to Lo oa the wane In Ejen.-buri:. An exc-lianiic eays : "This Is toe sea toti when oua wants the eash c? Itie window up and cco'.ter wants It down. Tbe safe rule is fcr thoso who nr In full haalth to think twice about those who are thin-olood-eC and ailing. "o man Is mora unmannerly than he who would fore- his Dlenty-of-air dictum upon everybody in a room or car. Let be cocbldemte." Postal money orders can now be sent to stranger ana be paid without identifi cation at fie request cf the sender who In stiucUthe poatotUej d-partmut to "waive examination." The new rule will be a great convenience to comraeic'al travelers who bave been anooyed by the InabilUy to Sih! any person to Identify them In a ctty where they are not acquainted. Fiank Rain, of BIoomfiVM, Perry scanty, wbllo catchine behind the bat In a sarre of Uxse ball, the other day, waa hit mj In te month i Tal lip kncrk'i'X three teeth looe ani tadly bruialns hH 'owprjaw. In order to keep the teeth In place a cor waa piaeed betveeu them, ar.d elastic ban its on the jaw io l.oid it In place, .u ioi several -.l.-iy- tt. j Joui.j; uidu UaJ to aut-ai-.t liquid ft. jd. Tbe b-.t'i of Jt.i r. Capper, hren n I es east t i Fra.i-irfivn, Plair ecurtr, nrrs s;t entire at 2 oVIje 'nt Monday afternoon I y ''arts from r frnertoa enn :ne. and was ' tot:,liy ilt'Vn ;ti!. with all Its rontenu. con- tU:nn ui'iuf, Abe live sUik w oav.'u. Lu-ii Sl.jcij, partially cover:d I y iu' e.'-.rfe. Ti.c -i;-irk wero caulau by tf. : wlud in Kr.iatiif:!. a rare aw ay, ' mid sturtPd t'; i-.r.-- in ;he Tli O.t'.oT.c Chur h it Latrob West-uit:rei-r.' rr.r.'y, ii t ?..r. ?f.j morrtiv;, was liilfd al mt: . v iS or 'v. whrn, by sor e auacco"ntiblo r:car., th? d rratirit u a tenal took fee frnn cie cf the altar i at.ilea. Tiit tlaaifi shot np la aa;. an! bud .t tici lees for a nift: t.ftPu 1 A'oa'tlcl o ptill lr air his coac ar. 1 rus'.-ii:.? f r-r.iu, cTf r I: i t j-Tir-r t- ht tic wh!:': proveti a r-s-c-a--, a ;e-.v:a.: yanio would liavo (oiiowed. In an cth'T r;:urnT) whl he found the anuouurerijent c." Uoi.aM E. I'u:.a. E., as a cai.d;datf tor Din'rict Attcri.jy, sub ject to tie uet lilon of I;'iroerr.tIc pti ciarie. Mr. ViLn i Ual atwioments f"','s";'i and :f cnr.tmato.t and :k! he would ',tn' na the rlatie of Uie 0. Uiewith sicna! UMhty. Ila Las fciti a preT!"irji; i'torn?y fr a of ;:ars, hain4; r..p . aiui;t to tN rr tr Ciaw rrlciauty i-t is.;, and hlj f !,i,.i.n :i 1. '.cuiit At.jn-ey wuuK. hrlrjj to the oT?c.3 ilj exp- i. i f x Suiavr of y vrs pent v tie ,ha-:i -e cf la profesitors. Llhtii ..ig rod averts are now dolog th? urwLd .:.ruUhout fte cuMora part of T?nn aud tae no.'b.irn part of Maryland. Ttey only ask to tut np rods as an nrtvertlenient, and et tie coutract or agreement, hut tie rods ae up, and the farmer remas the agreement (iu Bank) it calls for a gentie oOo. f,C0. cr J.kii. Are' so tie wHuI Euvfj on. TiJ farmers are tbe me.i thce sharks are afttr aad we wj.d a! any and all cf oar readers to bo i r. hc c it for then. Tils is about the tits-? f.f lb jear for these rtuns to be gin ooertlont nr 1 at tbe aalo tiaie try to j icioen yocr tsak aotuunt. A TCK-iz mm named James Williams, who was stea'ing a ride on Fast Lice east was shot in the back by Samaol lience camp, a Pennsylvania it.itlroad pollcetuan, at Johnstown, on Tuestiay night. When tij traia (topped Ilesnerripp ordered Wil liams to dismount and give himself up. Wiitiains compiled with tbe first part of the command, but instead of gfvlng himself up, started to run, when the policeman fired, the ball striking biia In the back and folic w-, ing a rih arouud the right side, lodged below the breait. The wound Is not regarded as se;ious and tie young man was forwarded to Lb iiorr.j In ltilade'rWi t!ie next dav. The latest device for swindling tie un suspecting public is as follows : Parties canvass the country towua aud procure the j names of old soldiers. A nice little piece Is written up. describing Ms company, the I wouuos received, the tattles la be i was LJirM. the nrt.-r ha i-.-t. a r.. . " I ' " - 4 l h . . tu uuum ia reaa to rne true loyal hero, be is itwici to siaa tistameso that the matter can be nubHsbed ccrwtfj. The i;ame signature tirL8 up lnafewdsy3 in th hands tf an..tI.or. Compels pay- lii III or A niA or suisciiptiou price to a wai rrl tr some other npen!ve book. Jot. a Jui.cs, i.u oil man living by hlrrt s.iflii i l.Lt or shanty jn jrP,ao township, tie i. Tv.zjin .1. Io,iU;.a county, was ro!:oued 1-w.iUaj of Jast week. He ir.! ttvrj ct wo:k.r: ali-iay ad case to ii icj;- Iu us pvi nil .K and ate his suftor -i lt. rwsrit weui to tbe Jura to mlli the .-, out on returnitg frit lu cerws jerk- - i. m: ..ur-.c..' tu ;.ct 1. mrui ..... . ..r . ..... " - ... V-"" "c l1- ' - l--: t. i uiiiEta he to toid i a a i " i il'f IN iu 'c w:i r'-.ilr. t.vt oned aad sat down on 'i C ua .ay n tl.a f..-r niii ; A -1 P"-; wm i.i tup of rao U rr la - ......r,i, r r-'p:e re rr t' t- v.'TrC.'-T - Last Sabbath Mrs. Gorden discovert tbe body of a man in anion some drift wcud, bf low Sutton's dam, la East Wteat Cu Id township. S ;u!.e Earbor was ios f..rm.,l ,i.l l r irhn rpn:irtA,t ' that deceased bad come to bU death by ac- , played In ail lu pfcasee. Tbe cheery bod ridental drownlne. The appearance of the of the piowboy, the Ireeasant noise of ttie corpse would Indicate tbat It bad Iain In ! carpenters" saw and bamtner. Tbe noise of tbe waitr for erme time. Tapers round on 1 tr.e rumbling wagon, the busy click of tbe the body show that t.'.s name was Gorte j mason's hammer, tbe smoke of burning de Stearn. and that he was uoiuii from some i bru aud th housewife's "get out of that point la Onk to Stpesvills, Somerset conns ty, Vm.liuiiana Prcrti . If any of onr readers are la need of ar'.Ltie and. substsntiul cemetery work. iu id." f.-ooi tLe bet qualities of marble and triuite, they will do well to call en J. Wil Iciusoo Sr Sin, marMe anj granite dealers la this piaee, where tbiy will End a n'ce stock to select froji, or send them word acd they will vUit you with a lare selec tion of new and original designs, they fiuar antee all their work and If tT.e'r work is not as represented they will not ask yoa to Uie It, taey are prepared tn fill all orders at tome and abroad at prices thatrtefy eonv t otl.ii. u. J!e f-eai a tila!. A o 6m. Mrs. John liolus ani ber Infant child, of C'onemauih Dorouh. on Tuesday eyen :nij were burned by the upsetting of a lamp. Mrs. Bolus bad placed ber child. C-d eleven months , In tbe craddle about 0 o'r!o-k and placing a ll&l.ted Uitp on i small stand near the bed laid down to rest, j w'thoct iiiroblns- In turning in tbe (--l I she :jps.-t the lamp and se ber clothing on j 6re. S.e picked up the child and ran out Ihto the bari yard enveloped In flames aud screaming with pain. As.sistauee 60ou came but ui Ueiore tbe woman atu child were horribly barut.I. Tbe child diod U.e next momlni; and Mrs. Bolus U not expect ed to survive, altitough she bas a possible chance, trie physicians say, to recover. We like to bear a mac refuse to take nis home taper, and ail tbe time sponge on bit neighbor for tbe reading of It. We like ti luar a man complain when asked to sub scribe for bis home paper that betakes more pupers than be reads now, and lieu no around tbe corner and borrow bis neigh bor's, or leaf around till be gathers tn all the news from It- We like to see a man run down his heme paper as not worth taking. and every now and then be a the editor for a favor la tbe editorial line. We like to aee a mechanic oc merchant refuse to advertise In bis borne paper, and then try to get a share of the trade which the newsoaper brings to town. e like to see these thiols. It looks very economical, thrifty. progressive, and cheeky. A dispatch from Harrlsburi? report that tbe old fen?e law of 1700 has been re pealed. This action was made necessary by tbe cnanged mstbods of fencing- Tbe act of 1700 required that all corn-fields: and jjrounde kept for Icclosures should be "well fenced with fence at five feet high, of suffi cient rails or lois, and dose at the bottom." It bas been a dead letter for years, partlca larly since wire fences bave been introduced. In 17 JO an act was passed declaring suffi cient a fence four and a half feet hign. and having nn opening at tb.9 bottom no greater than eit;bt inches, but this was repealed as to county after county until the repeal ex tended to all the counties except McKean, as constituted In 131. There baa been much other local legislation In relation to fence?, but tie act of 17J0 remained undie tarbed for l.J rears. It now becomes tho duty of evey owner of cattle to csre for th-ym himself. Owners of land are no long er reqoi to fence their land against their apr.-jr'scaiUo ; tut !? their land, whether fc.-.ced or not. U trcsp eised upon by any c.-.ttle. aud dar ir.e resultj, tbe owner of the cattle 3 ISs.b'e for 't-.n dairaes. Owners of ca'.'.lo ut loolt s-arp If tiey avoid trouMa. rnnmanlratlra. t. Acocn?rE. April 23, 18r. EniTOa Frf.em m : ror many years ta ichabitsi.ts of Cheat Sptinirs baye had tc attend Miss in a uua'.l ar.d uncomfortable bu"d:nt, and the Roman Caticlic popula tion increasing wifi the tlais (not toe Lon don Tifnf) soon oat grew the present old chnrrn. Their pastor Rev. M. Ryan, of St. Au"u tine, seeing tie growth of Ma con gTfpRtioa resolved to erect a new edifice in stead, aud a coutract bas becu entered Into by Mr. M. J. Waltz, of Ciet Spilac. who tas piven bis botd to erect i church accord ing to peciticatioc before Lcxt fall for I 4Ot 0 The bnlldin,! Is to b forty-four by eigbt-ty-eiat t, and toe side walla twnty fert high, ani the rloora to oe of allow pliie. There are to be six wiudows in each side, four In frout, cue in re;.r cf acctury, and one routid tow ia rear of attic which Is to ci iresponi with o:ie in frout. ' A vetljuio w'.i; tie whole length I of builtliog ten by forty-four feet, and two t-tair cases wi:l ilso tbeielrum to aa'.lery ! which will Eiako tie aocoaiiuodation inside one hundred fe L TUe kiU-iy wiil slon? from front to rear witL turned baluater, and arortion Is to b? specially set apart In cen tre for the Uoe of a choir. There will be three doors from vestibule to main l uiiding. two t.n.a'.: and one large cent.e ccrrespCLding with main front door, witUspri.. sudicg patent tinges, and the door from surrMy to sanctuary and one to side Isle are to be e nr.g on patent binges also. Tbe bu!!d!n2 outside Is to be weathers boarded and ateet;d with hemlock, and tbe Inside Is to Ld tLhed with extra chestnut, etc. The altar Is to be finlsbei H the latest atyle and will be In accord and proportion w',l, the Interior. ui co-otpi-ie a ice eaiace will be a mon ument of worman''j!p ar.d art and a tribute to the people of Citst Springs and their Rev. pastor Fatter Rvan, who has labored energetically for them during the past tea years, although he Laa bad the parish church of St. Augusilso to attend and tbe town of AsfcvIUe and Frugality where two church es are in course of erection owing to his ef forts last fall. Obmond, The Great Xew Trk Cenfeawlal Ke dneed Rates via lh PtnaijUanla Kallroad. All the arrangements for tie brilliant cel- ebratloi of the fnsatiratlon of (General Wa?Mrgton In New York. April 29th. noth, and May 1st, taye been completed, and the affair prarnles f be tbe most IntarestinR one of Its k:aJ eyjr held. The aaval dern oosfatlon on Monday, tie military parade on Tuestfsy, the Industrial and traJes dis play on Wednesday with the special fea tures of each evening, fill up tbe entire period wits a high order of entertainment For tie Knefit of visitors the Pernsylvan la Railroad Company will ell excursion tickets to New York from all prinstpal sta tions on its system, April 27tb, 2.sth, 23th, th, and for trains arriving in Xew York prior tr nccn of May l?t, at one and a ba!f cent" per rnlle. Tickets are grod only for continnous pas-age on through trains to Ne t York, an-l val'd for return trip until end including May 1st. Ky Boy (Ttr?e years o!d),wM recently taken with , cold In the head. It seamed finaUy to settle , 1 la ta nce, which was ru.pne.1 up fr dass : . . 81 V C"-CU 1 tM Um to brMt,1 f "a P- 1 "!:t?d Physician, who j rreT4 - ed, bnt dl.1 him r.o good. Flcal.'y lt ,4V . . ... I went t t!o f teg -'.or aad got a bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. It &6dcae4 to work !lks maic. Tie boy's no-e was clear in two lys, and he ias btsiu all ruht ever since r.. J. Hazard. New i crit. lteiua frni larrolll Carroiltows, Pa, AprU 24, 1839. Dear Freemak : Lent U pat and the people bave resumed their noimal spheres ijiltl. The bUSV bum Of life U nOWdlS- garde r.. chase them chickens off the garden, you quit pulling up them onions" and the babble of children, tbe low moan of tbe fresh cow far her absent offspring, which has bet?u sacrificed on the epicurian altar to satiate the appetite of tbe teuton devotee, tbe briebtblue sky and aoftspring'y ifphirs, tbe budding shrubs and green grass, the ten. der shont and whistling bird .a continue to remind us that we have emerged from desolate winter and landed In tbe lap of Q Sprin let's to bU. Ibe water works at the Monastery are now fully completed and at work. P.J. Dletrick, our popular hardware merchant, furnisned the machinery, which Is the beat of its kind which same. I rise to remark, Is always his style. Ex-Sheriff Gray tas about completed tha Improvements oo bis bouse on Main street. It will be the hctel or tbe town, having all tie modern 'fixtures" appertaining to a first-clasa house. Tbe Sieriff exotscts to cater to the wants of tbe public in the near future, and it anyone should go from his house hungry or thirsty it will tot be the raalt of ex-sShcr ff Gray, whose well-known liberality and hospitality Is proverbial. J. Condron, spiritual caterer of ti. W. Schmidt, Pittsburg, more popularly known as tie "Wild Irishman," and W. McEwing. with a full line of tbe seductive weed, were In town to-day visiting ibeir numerous cus tomers. Mr. McE. represents W. J. Mc Clurg Jk. Co. Messrs. J. II. Kelly and Vandrlln, of the Altoona Natural Gas company, are is town this week. Mr. Kelly lnfoims your corre spondent tbat they bave struck quite a vein of gas In Jefferson county, which Is strong enough to supply tbe towns of importance In that county and Clearfield county, but not enouzh to pipe to Altoona without sicking a few more wells along the route Those gentlemen are now selling stock to our citizens and will drill a well in this vicinity. It Is undoubtedly a paying In vestment and will prove a success, as we are according to tbe geology of this State, light on the anticlinal gas belt. Success at tend them la their efforts to develop the mineral resources of this county. Mitchell's coke and coal works near Ilas- tlccs have closed operations for an Indefin ite period. Tuis will throw a great many men out of employment and cause a stagna tion of business at our northern industries- It seems the cause is an over-production- Hurrah for Harrison, Tiplcanoe and Mor ton too; rise up ye gerrymandering posses sors of tbe party f polls and explain why thus Is tbusly, why our industries are 6tag tated and the result of yonr opposition to the tariff bill, or you are gone tbe next four years where the W. Br twlneth. Easter Monday was a gay day for the mem bers of our S. C- Band, as on tbat day tbey renew their vows for another year's trL uaaphal march, with fasttr time, amidst tbe the sweet melody which our band can so aa.y discourse. Tae boys afttr stia'b'en ing up their last year's business proceeded to enjoy theonelvea in their old-time man ner, playing each member's favorite piece ar.d supplying tbe inner man with the good tL'ngs or tt is life. -The band celebrated iU twenty-ninth anclver?ary. Long may It wave. A little child of Valentine N'agle, of Chest township, was hurried tosday at St. Law- reaca. Mr. Joseph nips, landlord of the Hotel, iSt. Lawrence, was in town to-day. Barney Butcher removed bis booaehold gocds and gods to Hastings to-day. Uocd lcelr. Barney. . Tne work of frescoing the church will be S'm next week. A. IL ilauk has remodeled Ms hotel and it is now one of the finest bostellres in Northern Cambria. Daniel Daam while encaged In etectlng the scaffolding ta the church for the f rescoe painters, fell and narrowly escaped impal ing himself on a spike which tore an ngly gnh la his neck Viry near the jugular yeia. Peter CaoapUrll has received offi?!aI noti catioo of his antviintraent as postmaster. Vice Hon. Jno. Buck decapitated by the first assistant of the saintly Wanamaker of cheap clothing fame. CarroIItown is famad for Its neatly clothed young men and boys which is dae la a great manner to oar popular dottier. C. A. Sbarbauh, who can give the youngest and oldest a perfect fit. Last nlht we enjoyed a pleasure bop in Sharbaugh's UalL and all present seemed to enjoy themselves Immensely. The Irrepres sible Jin Con J -on was there and called the figures in his peculiar and Interesting way. The phone from here to natings Is a great convenience and Is la cocstant ue. Amicus. MAKRIAUE XJCES&ra, 1MI ED. The following marriage licenses were issued by tbe Clerk of the Orphans' Couit for the week ending Wednesday, April 21. 18.S9: J. W. Harris and Sadie White, MlllvUle. Ueory E. Yahner, Cbtst township and Francis A. Piatt. Dvsart. Solomon Mick. Bedford county and Aman da C. Anams, Portage. Win. J. Carney and Bridget Cooney. Monster township. John B. Kei'er and Minnie Lock, Cone maugh borough. John March. Stonycreek and Julia A. narbaugb. Bedford county. Joshua CoTzens and Maria Saylor. Johns town. Wm. J. Bla'.r and Rhoda Flowers, Johns town. Joseph Jhomas Howe and Mary Annie Nettle. South Fork. John Gibson and Minnie Fyock, Indiana county. Ueny Style and Emma Duun. Baxr town ship. Robert G. Rose and Sarah Keyser. Johns town. Tbaddeus Thomas and Mary Yeager, El der township. Tb- Xew Tork lemtewnlfU Half Rate via rennsj lvaala Railroad. The Centennial celebration of the inaug uration of General Washington as first President cf the United States wiil undoubt edly prove the grandest demonstration ever seen la New York. On the morning of April 29th tbe great naval parade, com posed of over six hundred vessels, will oc cur, in the evening, the Centennial Ball, and on the 30th the religious and literary exer cises la the morning will be followed by the niiat Imposing and txteusive military par ade evar seen In this country. The ban quet will he Leid In the evening, and on May 1st will occur tte great civil and indus trial parade. The three days will be filled wltn a mu!t!tnd of scenes and inc! lents of absorbing Interest, In order to place tbe trip wltbin the power of every one the Penn sylvania RsCroaJ company will sell excur sion ticket- from PUtsbar to Xew York on April 27th. 26'J3, 2vth, and 3olh. for trains scbedced to arrive in Xew York bfore noon of May Ut, at These tkkets be accepted for oa ali trains. evcent the '.v Vr.rtr r..t rhlu t Cbxagi " - wy muIKu P". n be valid for UDti, fta j iat:c3:r , ir-r C;h. isa . . . L. return trip 13S3. Rnptore cure guaranteed by Dr. J. I. Misyer, 831 Anh St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ease at once, no operation or delay irein busi ness, attested by thousandj of ceres alter others fall. j Krulob's louiaupiioB t'nr, This Is beyond question the nioet success fal Cough Meaicine we have ever sold, a few doses Invariably cure tbe worse cases of Cough, Croup, aud Bronchitis, while its wonderful success la the cure of Consuiup loo is without para He! in the history of medicine. Since Its first discovery it bas been cold on a guarantee, a test which no other medicine can stand. If you have a Cough we earnestly ask you to try it Price 10 cents, SJ cents, and tl.OO. If your Luuits are sore. Cheat or Back lame, us. Shilon's Porous Wasters. Sold by Dr. T. J. Davison. e AnawerTnlB ttaefctlom. Why do so many people we see around us seem to prefer to suffer and be made miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite. Coming Up of the Food, Yel.ow Skin, when for 75 cents we will sell them abiloh's System Yitalizer guaranteed to cure them. Sold by Dr. T. J Davison. Bar klea'a Arnica Naive. The Best Salve in tbe world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all fr-kin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Sold at the drug store of E. James, Ebenss burg, and W. W. McAteer, Loretto. SinllaU'a (Marrk Remedy, Sbiioh's Catarrh Remedy, a marvelous cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Catk-r Mouth and Headache. With each bottle there is an Ingenious Nasal Injector for tbe mote successful treatment of these complaints without extra charge. Pr'ce 50 oents. Sold by Dr. T. J. Davison. TOK S ALE. A lot of tcronnd rttnate In the bornarh of lunnelhUl. t'suil.rla county. frt'iittnr 119 feel oo I'ortaire siret-tand XK-Dit:n back Z6 ts-t, bavin Ibereon erected two hone!, conlain Idk b room Bn.l the otbtr3 rooms. The property will be sold fe(,arte or t4j other to sail j.nrr lin en, for I art her pe-rtlrultua Inquire of Michael Lonovwi, EbenRbarr. Pa. MRS. MAKY J. BYKNE. Kbensborg, April 2J, loss. Smo. ADMINISTHATKIX' NOTICE. Letters ol administration on the ertato ot James McUartry, late of Watshinten townbli. Cambria enanty. deoeaeiS. harlni( been rante,l to tne nndenip-sed. al! Dersons bavlnic clalcii aainst laid estate ara hereby no titled to make payment to me without delay ; and those havmic claim aa-al ntt the same will prenent them, proper ly authenticated lor settlement to ANNA M'OAKiTY. Administratrix of James McOarity, dc'd. Creuaa. April 28, isst. et. ACDlTOK"d NOTICE In the Orphans' Court ol Cambria mnr.tT In tbe matter of the exceptions filed to tbe first na niu uronnt 01 citica jane ila, a.lajiDls trix of James S. l'urbln. who was one of th et- colors or Aaa-ustine Uurbln, de-ased. Havlna; wo appoi-uieu lauiwr 10 pacm ana uenue upon sa4d exceptions aad report distribution amonir the persons leu ally entitled to rerelve tbe same notice U hereby siren that I will sit tn my cilice at the borough of tbeagtiurg on Monday the ISth day of Max. 18s. at 10 o'clock a. k. to discharge tbe duties of said appointment when aud where all partita lnierrxiod may attend or be forever debarred rrotx eominv; la on the fund. IU.AUjJi. UL FTON. Ebe&Bbnrg April 20, 1SS. Auditor. F AHM FOB SALE 1 here will be disposed of at private gale. a farm Mtaate la Allechcny townchlp, one fourth mile from Loretto. en the ruad leadinr Irom said place to Ebeiisburtc. TTjlii fana coc tains about so acre. atKut Co acres of whlrh are cleared, bavmir thereoa a new tvo-ttory irame bmsej aad barn, nn orchard, etc.. asd la lea troo 1 ftate of cultivation and well watered. Fur furttor parUcoiart addrea r&AXVVS O'FltILT-. loretto. Pa. Loretto, Feb. 1. 183. STATEMKNT OF S ET'TIEM UNI' WITH THE lSuierviors cf Washington township lor year endinir March -JS. Isxy. PI mat b. MOYEK, Stniatviaoa, Ua. To am't Of JorMeate 4Sof KecelTed from L.:liy lomuyh , ltj Kecelved irem license 4o ou Balance lima Jail tottlement , 113 iTirJ !ti Ca. y- Auditors ex-' ...i... f Sin 41 -JO l JO ls-t :s 0 3.1 VI w 6 09 Sol w 1 j oo SO 00 24 S7 Orders reoeemad . . Cash pid l.-rwr.ri . " C'ab pid for lumber f" ,. '" " ' Srrlco as .Suncrtlsur " " I'otU. OH 5ash tax. l'J.71 ti 5 In r pent " Taz worked by taxable H,nv hire Towls and blarkiifn-thicir BalaLfe duo towaiiip... ..T1. 7." Balance doe township 14 37. ,il 64 JOHN LYNCH. StTKEVIsca. IR. To am 't of duplicate si 110 To ain't received lroia bee one -aw 37 tircoos Cu. By- AudiUirs exorerattons 1 Ain't returned to CommUsloners. t inters rrdeemed Cih paid for work Scryloes aa aopemin.r Com. on cah tax. Sl.CVa.ia ii i per cent.. Tax worked by taxable- Ain't paid for pipes aud lreight....... Ain't paid for tools Am't paid fur blacksmitbina"."lI Ain't paid for dyoamita, sag 230 r.2 S3 21 143 1 oe-i as T3 in) ss:e SVO M 1M -il VI 40 13 40 1 16 el -JO 7 Balance due Snrrrlsor Jl'ic.aa. LIABILITIES. Out tan J los; orders. Afsoia .. 5H fl .. M 37 Excess of Liabilities We, the andersiKDed 477 -i auditors 4I.4 srtiiv wo eaawinea tbLia 4VS stated. tbe above acoounLn aiil bod K.O. MYEKS. A.J SAIN Ktli, I Auditors. J. nci x . 1 OlORblJ. .VSKlTiBII.t'lSrk. W aeblcxtoa I wp, April Li. ltw. iu LLJOKBIM, I. J. irCS. i.f.ECCL ESTIBLKDED 18711 ESTABLISHED 1SS8L CarrclIlowiBaiia, trr:Ht:T2, Pa. T. A. SHARBAUGH, Cashier. JotastoBnclc&Co. BANK KUS. EseMssiiri fsiu ii A. W. BUCK, Cashier. General Bantini Easiness Transactefl. The totlowlna; are tha principal featuret ol a general banking business : DEPOSITS Keeelred payable on demand, and Interest bear ing cerUncatos issued to time depositors. LOAS8 Extended to eustomera on favorable terms aad approved paper discounted at all limes. COLLECTIONS Made la the locality and upon all the bank!n towns la tbe United istates. Charges moderate. DBA FT Issued negotiable in all parts ef the VJnlted Mtates. and loreiKB exchange tMued oa all parts of Europe. Accorsrs Of merchant, farmers and others solicited, to whom reasonable aoeomodatlna will be extended. Patrons are cured that ail transaction shall te bold ai strictly private aiid cinfldentlal. and that they wUI be treated as liberally as wod banking rales will permit. Kejspectfully, JJ0UKSTO3I. BUCK A CO. Bridgeetting: SEALED PKOPOS A US W ILL B E K EC'LI V E I br theCourty Oommlsn.ners at their of floe in Ebensbunr. Pa., until 1 o'clock r. v.. May 6th, lvs:. for tbe lollowlnx deeenbed Iron bridges, and abutrnenu for the same : INo. l. A binh truss brtdre lit) feet extreme lengrth with a 11-loot road-way, M be created at Fruvallty Station on the Creson and Uoalport ranroal across tne CleAifield creek. No. 2. A low truss hridire. 84 feet extreme leoOv with a 14-fcxt road-way, at-mas a brancii "i the Cen-iaauo-h ner near O'Harra's Mills la Mnaster townnhlp. No. 3. A low truss bridr TV fr't extreme lenirth. with a 14-foot ruad-way, to lo erected aero Brabakerereek at liutlngi in Elder to wa sh i p. Proposals for store work will be receivad at the same place anUl 4 e'eloca oa tbe same day. Plans and rrwcltir-.ucs for bri-Jree and abut ments eaa he ea at the ComulseUmeo dice. Tbe Uoauniesiouer reserve tbe nsbt to reject any or all bid. ; JOHN K1K BY, "I ,i , J m John a:i btLL. coin's. ' Att9t: 1. A. MoJtCi;n, Cirrk. 'Xbenebura;, April , lvx : IT ralCFIT samples ratee ltlulL.ll I Oh.. i r m-u. nunc, fa, FM. a. srOTT.S m York Oil J w yuj heuwaill puitexs printed call at this Absolutely Pure. Tne powner never vanes. A marvel of porttv. strentrth and wbolesomenei&. Mure economical tban tbe ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with tbe multitude of the low tert snort welarht, alum or phosphate powder. Sold ot'V tn m. Kuril biaiss Powiikk Co.. IOo WallSt..Nw Yok. 1'OLITIl'AL AlkaOl'SCEMEAls. qx THE KEMIK'KACY OF CAMBKIA A OOI NTY. I hereby announce mjs. It as a candidate for the nomination for the office of Hen ister aud Keoor Itr t the enjuib) lwmooratie Primary. 'EI.ifriNE J. BLA1K. LbensburK. Alarcb M, iss. YOH UISTKICT ATTORNEY. A lo the Ilnmnffilli. vntAM r. r 41 n. . county. I hereby announce myself as a candi date It.r the otiice of Iiinct Attorney, subject to Uie rules ol tbe IXmocra'io party. ... . HON ALU E. PUFTON. Lbensburif, April JS.lSst. F 'OK I1 STRUT ATTORNEY 1 rv lit U.1..M .4- 1 k . . , Subject to tbe derision ol the liemo-rauc Prima ries. Ebeusburi; March 15, 1S89. IOH PKOTHONOTARY. To tbe liemocratie vctefol Cambria coun ty. I hereby announce myself as a candidate lor the nomination ol the office of Prothonutary. sub ject to the decision ol the Iientocratic primaries JAM ESC. IIAKUY. t oneoiaugh Bor., Flrtt ward. March Ii5, 1SS9. IJXEUl'TOR NOTICE i abetters teatamsntary on tbe estate of Mrs. Ann Davis, late ol EWensbunc borouirh dft eeaed, havinr been t ranted me by the lieirieter ol Cambrlae,anty. Notice Is hereby silven to all persons indebted to said estate to make pavment U me, and those having claims attamet the said estate will present them proierlv authentleatea for settlement. KICHAK'DL. UAVIS. Executor of ixtra. Ann Davis. Ebensburg, April 11. Ibis. ADMIN ISTKATBIX NOTICE. letters of admlntstratton on the estate of John A. O'Hara. deceased, late of the boroush of Ebensbunr, Cambria ooonty, Pa., havinti been sranied to the underslirned, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notl Bed to make pay ment to me without delay, and those having claims svalnst the sane will present tbetn, prop erly authenticated lor settlement to ANNIE H. O'HARA. Ad mlnlstratn x of John A. O'Hant, deo'd Ebentburg, April 5, lsN.-Hu A DMINTSTRATOK'S NOTICE. Letters ot administration upon the estate ol John Siiuaian. late of Jackson township In tbe county of Cambria, deceased, bavin been grant ed to tbe undersigned, notice Is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make Immediate payment . and those having claims against the same to present Uiein properly au thenticated for settlement. ADAMSHVMAN. Ebensburfc , JMarch 22, lsv.-eu Aam'r. DM INISTKA TOR'S NOTICE. Notl.-e Is herebr (fiven tbat letters ef ad ministration cum testainento annexe on tbe es tate of K.fhard Mayers. J .te t Sum nerhill township. Cambria county. Pa.. decencc j have been itrantcd to tbe underlgne.l. All persons Indebted in sal 1 estate are berehy notified to make payment tome without delay, and those baring claims against the same will present Uieiu, tropcri aQlI.ei4lii't-;.! frr settle-Trent to HF.yiiY M. lll'tlH. Adm'r of Kicbard Mayers, dee'd. is. Avrsjs mm. Largest Stock of Spring and Summer Goods. Dress Goods and Silks our geat specialty. High Class Novelties In exclusive patterns. Printed India Silks at ij cents and up wards. Special valurs (27 inches wWe) at 75 rents aud JlXO, LUh novelties at (2.00 to H-00 a yard. Plain India Silks, 43 cents and upwards. Fancy Striped SaiabSiiks. SOcentatotl.50, New Spring Shades in Surahs, Failles, Iloyales aud Gros Grain Silks. New Black Siik Grenadines, p'.aic, striped and brocaded. Novelties In Black Drees Goods in woo! aud silk wool fabrics. Spring Dress Goods, fancies, 43 cents to a yard. Plain, Striped, Plaid and Printed Mohairs. Printed Cuallles, 3 cents to 60 cents a yard. French Suit Patteruf, 520.00 to f 85.00 each French Wool Cashmeres, all shades, 50 cents to f 1.50. Fifty luch Wool, Spring Suiting Cloths, 40 rents to 2.50 a yard. Dress Ginghams, 8 cents, finest Scotch Goods at 40 cents a yard. French and American Fine Sateens at Catle Dye," fact black. Hosiery, will not stain or come off In wearing. The best fl Corsets. Boys' Star Shirt Waists. Meu's White and Fancy Shirts. Our Lace Curtain Catalogue Is ready. We send samples and prices promptly. Dress Trimmings, Cloaks, Suits. Wraps. Jackets, in largest variety. Address letters to JOS. HOME & CO., 609-621 Tenia Ave, PITTSBURG, PA. aprlii lychmly. OF PURE CC3LIVER OIL EYPOPHOPHITES Almost as Palatable) as Milk 9a dlaiecl tlua it can fn taltec, dlcnt'd.aad axstiatlal by (he noet waiillrt ,l.n4arh,nbrn (he pU,tja oil mannl Ijt. luitratid ; &nd ly the com blaatioa of tne oil vritu the iiypa. piiaapaUtee is xuacja auora coicacloua. Kfr-i.-taLle ai a fitab predorr r. Pcrsocs gain ranuii'y -aiihe Liking it, SCOTT'S EVC1.SI03 la acUioeld4H(d ly Piiyiciais ta be tio r.noet and Dent prepat sioa ia aue world lor CUm xulief and cure ut CONSUMPTION. eCaOFULA. CEMEHaL debility, wasting DlSfcASES, EMACIATION. COLDS and CHRONIC COUCHS. Tfte yruil C-mtrumpflon, and 7at'.l.j iii Chiuiitji. SjUI by l U jJi-itcaisti, SLN ! yuur ortictf too -r:iitiD4f to tbe Fkzxatal aad mvc uunvy. frices t luwctL 31 El EicsaiiLiOly Th.c Tail End of Old 1828 Tlie Beginning of 1889 will be made memorable bv WOOLF. SON A TIIOMAS for low price. Our Overcoat Department is teeming with Bargains. Words aud figures oannot ptthsib'y convt-v a cor vey a correct Idea of the manner in which we have cut the prices of all our stock of Men's Boys and Children's Overcoats and heavy suits. The sactafice we mate in unioadincc this stork Is without parallel. Not a price wi l we quote, but of this fact you may rest assured : that from our finest Dress Suit or Ovetcoat fora young gentleman dewn to tho strong everv-day Suit for a school-boy, we will give more an.1 better for the price we ask tban we have ever given before. This Induction Sale is Iu downright earnest. We mean business. The Overcoats and heavy suits most beeold. The weather wa attaiiist us lo tbe early part of tbe season, and now if you bave a little ready money it viil prove a saving of several dollars to you in your purchases from us. The Greatest Reductions Im been in mc Friccs cf Fur CaDs. 43 72. 69 cents ; former prices, Tc., f I, SI, f 1.23. riush Neckwear. 47, 75, 87 cents ; former prlcea, 75c. !fl. f 1.23. Silk Mui'.lers, 37, W. 75 cents ; former prices, 75c, f I. fl.19. Fur top Gloves. 75 cts , 1 1, 1 1.33; former prices fl. f 1.25. fl.'-O-Boys' Piusb Caps. 17, 23. 42 cunts ; former prices. 25. 40. oo ctj. GIVEN AAVAY ! From now until New Year's Day we shall continue to present ear-h of our many custo mers (Durctia-.inz uoods to tbe amount of I t or more) with one of thrive Handsome i'lu- b Photograph Albums which have tiolikhtod week. REMEMBER, GREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED. Woolf, Son & Thomas, JOHNSTOWN, FENN'a: ECKEIMRODE $c HOPPEL have just returned from the Eastern Cities with a Large and com plete assortment of Fall and Winter Goods consisting of Men's and Hoys' Suits and Ovcreoats ; Lsulics', Misses' and Children's Coats, Jackets, Wraps and Shawls ; all Styles of Woolen Dress Goods; Flannels, Underwear, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Blankets, Comforts, Robes, Horse Blankets ; Rubber Goods of ?.ll kinds , fine assortment of Millinary Goods and, in fact, a general variety of Goods. Having bought at a discount, we are now prepared to offer Special Inducements and Low Prices to Cash Buyers. Solic iting your patronage we guarantee satisfaction. Respectfully, EC KEN RODE & HOPPEL,, CarroIItown, Pa. HARDWARE AT COST! FOR NEXT 90 DAYS. The subscribers, in order lo close out their Large Stock of all kinds of Hardware, Iron, Steel Fails. SWOP Oils, Taints, Hopes, all kinds of Mechanics' Tools, Builders' Hardware, etc., etc., will sell, for the next 90 days, Goods at Trices which will The Stock is new and Oleau. TIFT 03? & WHO READ THE FOLLOWING. STOP RSGHT WHERE YOU ARE. Go not a step further until you hear what I have to say. It will be to your very best interest to do so. IT IS THIS: No other Clothing House in the Broad State of Pennsylvania, ex cepting neither Philadelphia on one hand, nor Pitteburg on the other, can aflord to oirer Extraordinary Inducements in MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING and a Great Variety of Children's Clothin which I am now prepared to do, composed of the Latest and Most Fashionable and Enduring Qualities, at prices which seem RIDICULOUSLY LOW to purchasers and astounding wonder to other dealers, particularly to Merchant Tailors. "How can March do thi thing and live?" is the stereotyped and oa repeated question. The reply is that this is a matter entirely of his own concern. 3 Be it so or nonpublic receives the benefit. Men's Spring Sails as low as - - $4.50 Boys . $1.37 Other Clothing at Proportionate Prices. USTA Full Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods at Prices far beyond the reach of Competition. MARCH, THE BOSS CLOTHIER, NEXT DOOR TO POSTOFFICE. "CHK SALE. JL House and lot In Kltea.'bara;. Pa; K never lalliax spnna-. uMe and ouUmitdinx n prem ises. Inquire at ii. liuiioa a, Sob, sardwara (tor. LOeuiburj;. Oct. 12, lags. GIVISIV AWAY ! thousauds of our lady friends during (jurituiaj. w-w-! sTTa i j-k 2 S.2IE 4 nvrilTlSnitS by addressing e. P. J- Hnwrlld S o.. lOSiruOe St.. New York ran inarti the xa?t cost or any proposed line o AliVKM i'lINt iiiAnif-ricau Wewsjiapers, 199 faa-e l'aiapblrt ltfe. SON.