A r I -v i tl1.- . 111 I EDcTfiSDURC, PA.. FRIDAY, - - FEB. 1, 1$S) . ' hrtr.jjii.jj over l'.irope would burst. ; m i ' "LrjDcinK tl e Geioa ani mot homble Gkkk.ii.vi. BocLANarn, waa t-Vcie i w kno0-" Tl-e wiike prepa iVputy in tt.e iMi.ttuent or the Slne. ! rations, lie aaiil, throughout Europe in rr:.ce, 011 :wuj ,m by a majoriiy ! lictl with onaideraMe c nam y tbt or nearly ei itv-one thouaatid. j ;ir is approachitic. Siraeo the Es- ' l:sh papers say that his declaration are Tiik colorrj voter la a very lrcpor- '; :mt Htljuncl to Uie Ii-ptitilicaa party 1 auot eiectim times. tui- la ms an b- ; fl')!u:e iu r-8S;ty ut the inaunuial ba.!. The condition of Ilia lVpe who h.n litely been seriously ill whs e. much unproved on Monday as to warrant the antiouitcetrriit tv his physicians that there was no 'i:.nion for u tie a.-) i -it a at prtsent. At the season of the S ate Hoard of Ajricnitm it' Ilarnshnrji on Tntus-l y ' of Udt wek, tie Hoard dec'an-d itRvlf , ei!ij h itivully in favor of the payment of ' m.itl tax ir cash, mid not by workius Jfi Ih ro.ifls, ut is now done. Tiik House (.'omrtjittt-e on the j;idici rv hU epecuil meeting at Wwnliir tm oq M ul.iv, to neir addresses from ineojbf rs cf the Woman's Su!Trnj;e A1- sofiation in support cf the aoit-ndoieci ; to the cons' itnlion of the United S.ates j Krritiny the fc.ective fmr.chiso to no ....u:i Item-no. tie rit,9tur2 .ret- t:. win' on a technical point of i w.in unni cuutv last week ry a ft M.-rcer c'li-i.'.r jury for stnditiz l.quor t into ih co-itiry (.'. (. I)., w.s released j o?i S !,!() t;y n a;ieci-i! allocatur granted on an tipp-al to the Supreme Court, pending tli. ir fuin! decision. Ax t'ie peyvj,.tj in Harrisburif of de!e ft:ts frou tl various county agricul tural Ho:;r ti-a u permanent or:n-zition xviiM fi r.vi-il tii-d.T the tltie of the "I'enn sylvatiiu I.Hvtl r.i:r Association." The otject of the Associatiou will be to pe c:D.(- IKa interests of agricultural, i : ... . . i horiictiltur jI and pomoloical eocietiss of the Commonwealth. t !;it.'t'K In. a ni h.13 ti prohibitory liq'iur li'. yet the rrovidvnre .xrn d bI.ows there re 2') grogertf t in that ci:y ?. !: re liquor is Fold in defiance of t!. l.iw. The prohibitory law has done away with this licenced houses who so';i iu d eformity with the !aw and plucr d the-lSp.-ir fciuuieps Id the hand of itioMo who sell rrstrd'ess of all law. Is; H'KAM K Al-KNT JOEr A. yi '.-: of tlio Counectlcul Insurance Ci i.v i i", .it Ir.di iropolis. Ind.. his gnn" w:ot.K' to lha amount of over a L-.v-i a pjill:;)'! dollars, but it is said that his siioiUKt will net atl'Ct the financial etHi.dioat of the company. Moore has fcliiponl to t.'inad i and is. no doubr, op poti J to the a!)nx ?ion of th;it country to t'.it 1'jiton S-te3- In tl:a S.-t:a!e, at Washington, last Hiind-.v. in motiou of Mr. B air, the nrmy nurs; i' pension Lill was taken up, aa:eudid an-J passed. It ulloffi a pen sion of a mnth to all womep nurses diiri: g th late war. The S-na'e then yri.ceded to the consideration of the dipkmiiic and consular appropriation till. Among the araeudmen's made win an appropriation of S3.0UO for a Cumul trtreral af iStmoa. In his s:rmotu tltilicatlng S Paul's Church nt Baltimore, ou Sunday Car dinal G'Mions sa'd in regard to the '.nil d?l sch ? 1 ia that city : "Several mia is'ers .".''i.-Hled to the mnnicipal author i'Ji s to suppress the a tool. Foir mv part I would be sorry to see the arm of C.e Civil law used toward the suppres sion';! Hi is school. Coercion ia not conversion. Our divine Savior nevrr li ml i-comae to the arm of the law or tLe jtimJ In teaching bis doctrtn. The only tvearons we ought to us are th weapons of argument and per Miaaion in dealing with this school. Th only sword I would draw against the ei)rny of ChrUt ia the sword of the fptiit." On Tuesday mornlt.g. between five m.d a x thousend m-o, employeea of the Ni Y ik street car Hues, quit woik, and appealed to that last resort of tbe worklrgman a etrik. With two ex cepu.ui, every line cf s reet cars in X w Yotk City aie tied up. After trying r-peatedly 13 affect an amicable S.'ttb'Bn ut, the emp'oyee.i of the various lint s ni t or Monday night and resolved upon a strike as the only way cf aettling the i! "Iculties between them and the enqunies. S rikes are a bad meana for i.tlllrj disputes between capital and IaVt uad, after the recent vicmry for 11 iU ro ection to Amer can workmen it.mdd, if the Republican theory Is cor net, a seldom beard of in this coun try. Tub Republican le .dera says th New Yolk World appear to be settling down into the coiiviciiot. that an extra session of Cot.Rresa is inevitable. All hopes of rev.-nue legislation at this Bfdsion are practically abandoned, acd a aurp'ut the existence of wnich wa denied dutitg th canvass looms up mm icipgly before them. A Demo. ...... ! . TT . . . . . : - v , viaiiu u. moa ano a av.-mocraiic i President stand In the way of 1 epeoding tbls eurplu9 dow. Tha buy ing of bocda progrt-sses but sloly. A combination to put np the price of tlit-ae aecucitlee. In case tha Govern meat mm: have them as tbe outy al ternative sgaios. an accumulation of idle money that would caua fiuancial 'i '.stress, ia already hicted at and could La easily formed. Confronted thus at tbe ontset both with u strioui "conditian" crea'ea by aaurp'ua and a "theory" of taxalou ttat crtateu the condition, what could the new Treat 't-nt do except to summon Cor.!isa tcgelbcr ? The sooner Ihe Letter. Let us aew if a Republican iTotirie, fresh from the people, will dare to i, tbe Seuate bill increasing" tha laxea at a meana of reducing revenue. If it should do so tb?rj would be a reck oalcg day for tbe moucpolista acd their lejtslaUve agent tu .b Ormgrtasiooal eitctioui ot aval Jai. Tiik llrituh S-crtary cl Vt. 31 r. pn ron(jBy jjg. BilyB tfe Pittsburg Pci', bo his parlimemarv constituents, in which be- rilicid that soootr or 1 ltr rnli.Hv .-vi.nr." th war cloud uiiwiBaud mischievous, but do uot as sail his es'imtte cf the probabilities. , Miice the IiuuUofjer triuoiph in l'aris there has been no. ircras of uneasiness throughout Europe, a there ii no dia ' guise Hou'Hr.i-r rerresents the ' on to '. the Shine" pAS3icn of the uja.'S of the , Frt-uch people ; and If he is to play the I role of (."mar war will be necessary, to hi? p'aus. If there is a genera) elec liou in France in March r April, the : ll.ui.argeriats will probably secure a t Kri-al ajj.ii'y in ihechamler, force the reoieniitiou of I'lrsid'-nt Carnot, as MacMahon aud t;r vy wre :ropllt-.l to rt-i,;n, aud then instal their lino as Trestidrnt. A!ter this the deluge ; hut in the meantime it must be determined whether the hero of the music bal:s is a .itrnni or the genuine article. The weight of or -iuion is '.hit he will go to pieces when the crisis comes tha involves C;: i;r3 cr Napoleons. There iu certainly v?ry little !n Ucu- j lander's at-tecedtn'a to ehow be poasea j es the qualities Riest heroes are made i of. He hu3 the tuck of a ormnjroKuism, and ur quetiopabiT undorfctarde that queer cotu'inutJ. the French people. lrd i3iiS(D0f HWfaI( ,d fcnJ -r- . . ,, Is tiny two vi ars of aee. His military seivices include campaigns in Italy and iu the Frai.c. I'mssiao war, but are not marked by anyihirg beyond the range of the average subaltern. He snoweJ great capacity, Dowever, as an organizer when minister of war. It is a su,p s.ble esse that the young emperor of (iermany would like nolh lue letter tha a war with France, if the French can be harassed into the position of aggressors. They hate and distruar. I'ach rtther & nil nnlv nnir1ra . , , , . tions of prudence restrain thee from hostile acts that would be the prelude of a bpeedy war as the English tnioiss ter s3, "the fiercest and most borri i ble ever kmwt)." It would involve Ilu3jia. acd Italy, and very likely some of the sma ler powers. Eng'aun's in terest will be to kep out of it, and i trade wi'h the coinbattants. The same a to the I'nifed S atea. Since the election of Washington as l'resiIrnt down to the present time, there h8 never te-n such a scramble among office seekers s here has been aiuce the election of Harrison. There has not been a day since the election that there has not been a delegation of anxious statesmen from some part of the country, at Indianapolis, visiting Hal- ! , ,- . . . r.aon and demanding, importuning and augzesting recognition ior some cfllcial place, from tbe cabinet down to a fourth cIhss posw file at some cross road. Harrison's grtndfa' her was wor id to death in one month after his inauguration by the same means, but if his grand-eon lives to be inaugurated st all, it will be because he cannot be kitlel in that wy. Trie Indianapolis Juitrnal. Harrison's home organ, y : If (ieneral Harrison Is not roken down j in tii-aith betore hia term of i ffli-e beuins It will tie due to Inn cni.Mltul hi viitnr and ! emturnnr. and no" to th- corlVri'io t i.f 1 hi conntrk m-n The prrsimre on him it rery great on is constantly increasing It j taken III ll'lal lorn- ut all jUHIirlisr in Ml I ani a t'liiintant lreHtu of vtMUua. From anv fe.tiM iolnt of new it i dii ; Itunting. Tlio averas ofn seeer ' la utterly Inronxideiate and luiplaeai l- No : intereNt. puhiic or privat. ro at all com- i pare. In l.'.a entiniation i h the Importance ' of Ms calm for an i ffi ' heii it brouutit io ' in oeriMinal a Lent ion of tti Pfesi.Tenuiect 11 tl the least pOf.nl leOelaV. either hy let ter or In person Thus tli never- niing j ami C'iiiMtiiiittylncr8iiit armv of ofce j heekera comliiiie to nmk the pressure lucena I ant, liihirtant and in'olerabie. and the lime ami ntieiiitth of the i'rrsideul-elect are cou tioually nl.auft.rt. Kr.C KKTA R Y IlAYAKU'S exp'anat iou of the S-nma situtMon aas the Pljt'a- de'phU Jltcord. is so clear that he who ' runs ma, read, tl- shows that the Ad ' , , , miois ration ha alwas had a well de-' fined policy with reference to Simoan affairs a policy of friendly Interest so far as the other Powers Interested In . . . . , . " tfcat group of is'ar ds have been con- cerred. Toe treaty between the I'nw i ted S ntes and Simon contain-d nothing on th siit j-ct of the establishment of a protectoiate over tbe islands. a that l any auetupi on our pr. to proclaim uch a pro'ectora'e aonlj have been cleariy utiaut hoiit-d and a source of off -i s to Great Britain arid Germany, i The gord fflo-a of the United K'atea i have been ued again and again iu be- J Hair or a rra oratioc of order, but with out .ff-ct ; and. now that the rtaonrces or diplomacy have been exhausted, the question simply Is : Shall the United S ates d -clare themselves teady to flht, if need be. In order to secure independ ence to th Samoans ? This is for Coo gtess to decide, aince with that body resides the constitutional power of de termining the question of peace or war. There ia no obsurity about aucti a statement as this, and all the cheap J.ngo.srulu the country cannot upset the logic of Ihe Indisputable fads. "Tne Sena. tariff bill." s.tys tbe New Yoik Tina, -will put the R pub'ican parly lu a position entirely diS-reut from anv it bas ever b tore occupied, and will compel it to go be before the country aa the avowed champion, not of protection aa it baa been herelefore know a, not of protec- . tlon to American labor or American ' industries aa a whole, but of unlimited , special privileges to a select class of ' tte.tUhy men forming combinatlona in j the nature of monopoly, and at one . rupportlng and conlro.ing tbe parly by virtue of what is, lu tff-ct. a corrupt al'Unce. Th.it fa the sicnp e fact tbat gives to the voieot y-sterday in the b-natu x raoidinary sigcincanceand importance." It is now pretty wil a-ttled tbat four of t be n t::b-ra of II trrisou's cab lift bate te-u sr-'ri-ti mi d are as lol- I ws : S-cr-tary of S'ate- Jaujcs C. II alu. f M.tine ; S Cietnl of llio Trr sur. Wi-'iatu It. i I 'son. I low ; h-i-re ivot War Ivii.--li A. Aler. f IMxhi WaQJ ll.k... ... . II f i T L I J,;l0""U- " " UtUtlil. Iltt i jxaktr, ot rtna?y:T4t.la. Blaine as Premier. If may now be accepted that Mr. H'atn will be the Premier of the new administration, unless the present pur pose of th I'resident-elect sbal! be changed by Republican murmurs before the 4 b of Mrch The confidence with which Mr. B aine'a immediate friends asit th certainty of his selection and tbe public declarations and explanations which have com from such leaders as IlVs'ead. wb speak as much for Har rison as for B'aine. leave no room to itoubt that Mr. Blaine ia slated for S-cretsry of i;ate. It is well known that Harrison nom ination was Canity decided at Chicago by the f jien3 of B aine, and It is an open secret :ht. immediately after the nomination, Harrison wrote to Blaine in Eu'pe, acknowledging bis obliga tion and urging Biaine to return and learl the campaifn. Thus recognized Harrison himself as the author of Harrison's candidacy, Blaine returned and devoted all bis time and bia best fTortsin tie forefront of tbe battle. 1 1 did so with the assurance from liar rison thai he was the acknowledged source of Harrison's nomination, and he led tbe tight in tireless energy with the arsurauce that be cou'd command any honor within tbe gift of the new IVehiden'. He could go to England es Minis er, but he doesn't want it and won't have I. He could put either of the Mine S-na'ors in ihe Cabinet and retorn to tbe S-nate with practically a life tenture. but ne won't have divided S-'iiaforial honors with such nusympt tbetic partners a E-lmucds. Sherman and others ; and there is nothing left but the Premiership. It is that or rio'hing. and as it must be something. B nine will be Premier. That the nelrctlon of Blaine will be a 8 ire disappointment to a very laree proportion of the more conservative Re publicans who voted for Harrison, is obvious from tbe empha'ic protes's which have reached the surface in every section of the country. While mary of th conservative Republicans who vo'ed a?aitiSt B ain in 1SS4 were more or less disappointed in Cievt-land. none of (hem have become eupportors or ad mirers of B'aine, and even amoog the scores of thousands who voted for Blaine with reluc'ance in 14. none of tbem are more friendlv to him now han they were theo. Especially will h!a pj,oin'ment chill confidence in th i new administration among business and ; financial circles, and wiib those circles. halting in their tius'at the ou-set of Harrison's ru'e, countless embarass ments are likely to follow. B'aine Is the Clay of Republicanism. II can't be President and he won't be the friend of a Republican administra tion that is not. in the closest sympathy with himself and friends. Clay drove Tv'er out of tbe party and divided tbe Whiss by leading th opposition to Taylor, and B aine hedged Haves and Arthur around with bitterness and rent 'h-ptrtyin twain in three months as Pr-mier of Garfield. "Bat Harrison won't lie dominated" ia th ready an- ewer of ail who desire B'aine as Pre mier or excuse his appointment. Well, if II rtinn can't be d iroiuated, he will speedily dominate IValn out of tbe Cabinet, and wht then? limine has a hundr-d friends to reward for every one that Harrison has ; he has a hundred enemies to punish for every one that Hariison has, and his friends have twirne the hnt of the cor.flict for years, while his enemies have been tireless and roa'ignan'. With presumed power to ttI friends and to puoish foes, and wrh the President free of either, how to dptD,0(ifed ,,y .,, ? The appoin'ment of H'aln will pre cipitafe a lively and bitter war of fac- i"ns In Pennsylvania. Smith of the I'risa M-igee of the Putabnrg Jmta ; Ciperof th M-dia .lfrican, with Cochran, Loch acd their following, will speedily un'url the B aine flig and sound the long roll all along the tin for battl- ngainst Quay. X-ither Blaine nor Q 1HS w,1l seek or desire Buch a cor fl r ; but the 1. eic of events is often stronger than the irclinaf ions of men ; ar.d the pres'ige of Blaine's name s'reng'hened by ever growing disp poin'ments wi'l force a Blaine orran 'Ztion against Cj:iay with tbe Guber netoriat nomination of next year as the oljeciive point. t2l,-'8 io'iraate con nection with Delatuater precludes hie sufport of C'op-r for Governor, and that will fore- OxpT into the Baine whirl ; and Suii'h of th Prenj and Migee of th Pi't-sburg Tituta. are p-ntit g for Quay's scalp as a aedative t- real r Imtginary wrongs of he pas ANanamakrr Wl l be in the C'binet aud will s'ar' in sj mpa hy with Q lay. but. b will logically s ek o avoid such a maelstrom of faction. Th new and progressive party j urnal that ia (o string from Mi loins of the Inquirer ndr th master political hi.d of Eimberr, will come to the front wrn timely to give Out a helping band. M times may b expected with nZnln r, 'OM S e I. B aine would pro; ably smash th p4ry windows f:oru the outside if pushed out of the Cabinet ; he can't do m,lch njr amaahing from the inside. n" ,r,,wn h decided to let the smash com under Lis own eje. There won't b any monotony or stnoiditv nn der B'aine hs Premier, and let the band play. l'hila. Timei. The MIIli nalre' Club. The most important of the recent millionaire acci-esi.ms to the United S aie ana'e are McMiilig-n. of Michi gan, and Washburn, of Minnesota. The eiectloo of the latter ia somewhat c'oud-d by distinct accusations of bnb ery, tut they won't count. Tbe two ' senators are said lo staod for Ave or six millions apiece, and tbe money re preaented In the senate by gentlemen of shrewd money getting capacity ia now put at M-venty or eighty millions of do! lars. Wt'hotily oneor two exceptions th- are lt-publicans, and their money has been gained Id corporation sp-cula-tmn. Or course, they are all extreme protect ion is' a, and have the aid. id moat things, of the two D-mocratic million aires Brown of Georgia, and Payne, of Ohio. The really efficient service, bow- ! ever, to tbe cause of irust and monopo- j w"' .r7," Dr'nl na 1 cniinls rnrmrslinn atrnrnea iii rs. tbeseuate; such men aa bpooner. of such men aa S poorer Wiscimsin ; Inga-la. of Knaa : Wol cott. of Colorado ; Dtvis of Minnfsota ; A'drlrh. of ilh.xle Is'and ; Hiscock and Eereta. ot 2fw Yoik, not forget ting Edmonds, of Vermont. Tbeir brains la ven a more important factor than the millions of tbe millionaires, in motdng tbe policy of ibe govern ment, so far aa tbe aena'e can mold it. They are of ihe class like II on est John Sherman and io all probability Colonel Mai Quay, as it will turn oat who ea ter tbe ei-nate poor men and come out after a few year' service full-fl-dged millionaires. Elect snatora by tbe peop'e and his business will be broken op. PitttlurQ Pott. Flee trie Blttars. This remedy is beoomloa so well known and te popular as to seed no special mention. AU who . bare oseii Electric Bitters sina- tbe tame aocg of I praise. A purer mad lei ne does not eilrt and it la ; (tnaraoteej to do all that la elalmal. Electric Hitters will ear all dlseajea ol tbe Liver and Kidneys, will restore Pimpler, Bolls. Salt Rbentn and ether a9ctlone eaased by Impure blood. i win arire Miiatia from tbe sjstem ard prevent ' aa well at cure all Malarial fevers. i"or ears of 1ls-he. Constipation and Iodi(rtI)a try Electris ttitters Entire fat : fad ion gnaranteed. ormcney rrlanJcd. Prtca 40 cu. ana ll.CO pwr M,l,l(l,,ln,l,.( TVr-W 1 aa w. sieAttsr.XBtttr.. ' Tbe Senate Tariff mil In the Hon. Having accomplished th politic! ' purpose cf its author, tbe S-nate Tariff ' bill has gone to tbe House and repoaes I in th Commitlao on Ways and Means, i Farther than to present iu a concrete J and authoritative form aha ihe R pub- : Mean leaders and taititicians mean by ' "tariff revision" the bill has no ol jct. In its proposed increase of existing high ratea of duty on wool and w oolens, tio- -plate, and many other articles of ueces- sity the bill ia a aham'ful coi. cession to 1 the extremest demands of monopoly. In such a shape the passage of ihe t-WI could not have been expected by its promoters ; and it, is exceedingly doubt ful whether any such measure could command a majority in ther.rxi House. The bill is tha defiance which arrogant Monopo!y and its servile attorneys iu the S-na'e hurl against tbe programme j of Tariff Reform. From this potn. oft view its appearance is welcome. In re vealing to the country in tbe fullest light th aims and tendencies of mon opoly tbe bill has materially aided the rnture work of the friends of Tariff Reform. li shows to the American people that th first essential step in this work is to drive monopoly oat of its intrenebmenta in the United States Senate. In the Hoose a fein was made on Saturday to throw the Senate bill into a committee of conference without refer ence tJ the Committee on Wajs and Means. This was in violation of tbe I spirit of ihe Constitution, wbicb sr!e ' Clares that all measures of revenue 6htll originate in the House. But the pro fessed object of the movers might be i attained In an other way. Ietthe Com- mitteeon Ways and Means rep-irt tbe j S?nVe bill, wuh its provisions reoueing tbe internal taxes on tobacco, acd with , Its reductions of doty, except in the j Sugar schedule. The reduction of dnty : on sugar is confessed by its aut ors to j be too great as witness the S-nate schme to compensate producers with a i nonnty ou of th public Treasury. ' But the Substantial reduction of tte sugr dm ie proposed in tbe Mi ls bill would afford a fair ground of agree- ; ment. j By reporting the Senate bill s'rirppd j of its monopolistic features aud con- laining such reductions of duty and ad- ditinnsto tbe fre- list as are in the Mills bill an agreement between the , two Houses might be reached, if tbe Republican leaders in Congress sincere desire to a bat- the Treasury surp n and avert an extra esston. These tariff re ductions In the Senate bill are extreme ly small, but considerable as they are, they would afford some relief to manu facturers and trade. Th most import ant of these reductions is the trans ei of jute, jute butts, ma'ir.a and other . profit, of -250.000. j Z?::rtZ::;nVZ?TK& grasses Tor tex'l e fabrics to the free i i,-w Mavnard and Mlaa Jinnle Rnrreaa ! K,,r "Ileal purple there li no better, purer. IIS'. But reductions Of internal taX'8 ! J"k M-Br n1 Ml8fc ,et,n,e BurreSS ,.,. Mf...d.r anywhere than the pure nm.ft tnhnr.-n and in th rnrT arhodnlM ' of Todd County, Ky., were united In mar- , eie-ht-yaar old (iorkenbelmer Wblfkey I am cll- upon looacco ana in inn rartn Scneauies u,.m .., K,i . vtt,, l or full quart bottle, or atx bottlra lor in Which the tWO bills SubsranlUUy . r,,Ke tne home of U,e brl,le near E'kton. j The only wlSe. that should he u.ei tor med-ao-ree would amour t to unward of f X) ' fter having been engagi d a quarter Of a i Jeal purposes are the pure California Hort. 8' erry J JU a am0Jl-1 10 UPward or U, . ., I Muscatel. Anaellca. and Sweet and Dr, Catawba (XK) 000. I There Is no financial nor economic ' reason why the two Houses sh'.uld not J come to an agreement, on these redec lions. Each House has giveo its aep- j isic imui iu lurui, aiiii iv is urtrmsij only that they should be embraced in a bill and passed, not as a compromise, but as a measure concerning which there Is no disagreement between par ties. N-5rher the n us nor the S-nate can afford to repudate its own work, so far as an agre-meat has oeeo reached. Phila litcord To Minimize Ballot-Dox Pollution. During this w'nter the legislatures of New York. Indiana, Connecticut and other States wi. I be occupied with the consideration of radical measures i for purging the elec' ions of bribery and ' ,. . ' ' corruptiocf These measures have been ! rni ana Poltoa, where they .re spe modeled after the svatem that bas been I cl" rre1 fwr lDl9 PurP- They are in operation for some years in Australia ' n,,t oaX ealen M delicacy, bat aiso oo ae and other British colonies. I s main l cuot of their highly nutritious qualities, features cons st io relieving the candl- During a Crunken row in a boarding dales and parties of all expensa for bouse orcuo ed by Hungarian workers at printing election tickets and Impos ing It on the State, and in absolutely protecting the voter from ota-rvMiou and surveillance while casting his 11 lot. Und-i this system Ihe ballots printed at public expense are placed in th- keepipg of inspectors and distributed by tbem to the qualified voters on the day of elec tion. Ths plan for securing the enmp't's aecrec; of tbe ballot ia as perfect as may tie. At every polling place there are compartments in which the voter prepar-a his bailor, and not more than one person is allowed io a compartment at a time. The voter receives from the ffli-ial inspectors only the ballot which be wishes to deposit, and he is not al lowed to tell any one in the pollirg place for whom he in'ends to vote. If he spoil a ballot in prep-iring it he can get a new one. but all billots not voted , must be returned to Ihe inspec'ors on the Snot. n hsrsnn mnv ahnw hia hal I lot after preparing it, nor place upon it any mark by which it may be identified as tbe one voted by him. There are other provisions for sec or- ing tbe secrecy of tbe ballot and tbe purity of elections ; but no reform of the election laws would be of much value unless all campaign committees I trd individuals intrusted with the col lection of political fuuds should be re- quired to submit their accounts to effl i clal inspection and andir. Io co other way cao ihe crrnpt use of money in elections be eff-c'nally checkod. The j laws should define strictly tbe necessary expenditnrep. rs well as the receipts. ' ahould be duly audited and open for pub'ic inspectiou. S Icng. of course, as voters can be parchaaed some means will be found for I a . - . 'aing tne most p rrect syst ea or elec tion laws; but the dnty of lawmakers is to reduce to ihe minimum opportunities and temptations to corrupt tbe ballot Cider as aa Intoxicant. Te Supreme Curt of this S'ate left the weighty cider question to the local j couria to determine whether apple ; Juice s "yinous or spirituous." This ' is the sola question ; not whe'.her cider Is intoxiet Ing. Tbe Lancaster county courr tried several cases last week in volving the question. The parties were ind:cted for selling cider aa ao intoxica ting l.quor. and it was made clear tbat persons did get intoxicated by its too free, nse ; but tbe court and the jury be;d tbe Indicted ones were cot gui"y. I' was not vinous, alnce tbe apple does not grow on a vine ; and the jury found tbat It waa not spirit uoos.no' withstand ing it waa "bard" and tbe witnesses said tbat they felt it in ibeir beads. No expert testimony was presented to ahow the qnaoM'Y of alcohal in cider. "Oder drunkards" are a marked feature in tbe prohibitory S ates of New England. I' a xcpaKlv oaeia attended with aa bad result a aa the exceaaive use of tbe gen- erallj recognized intoxicanta. Va awaiawaaptlaai Iwrwrabla T Head the lollowtns; : Mr. C H. Morris. New ark. Ark., says : M Was toi with Attseeaa el Lanes, and Irlenda and pbyslHans pronounced as an Incurable OvosamptlTe. Becan taklnf lsr. Klntf New DlaooTer lor Consumption, am bow ea my third bottle, and able te OTeraee the work oa my I arm. It la I a Boost medicine erer m-de." Jesae MtdJUwart. Decatur. Ohio, aaya : "Had It not Hren for Dr. King's New TtseoTerr lor Consamptloa I wnld baTe died of Luac Treaw ble. Was s;lTen up try doetrrs. Am bow la beat ot heolth." Try U bamnle bottle free at tbe drua atore of E, James, Ebcasburx. and W. V SleAtcert liorette. rnoarSTTTOroTnOtw!in)it!oD.;b.ich io jZ-z traat ? urn Ann otiieb wonsc-si. As trany aa seventy-five persona die In the city of New York daring a single day. The winter in Central Kansas has been ao opd that mobt of the feprlr.g plowiog is already done. Tbe "' of each fifteen-inch shell to be used In tbe Zallnikt rat s on fie United States ember Vesuvius la f'.KX). Tbe ekelrton of a mastodon bas been uneariu-i in California. It la 50 feet loi. and has tusks betweeu six and seven feet In length. A few days aro Dr. John W. Underfill', of Cincinnati, began expeiiroei t hi with ci-coaiL-e and ou Tuesday be died from the efT.-cts of the drug. Contracts wer algned on Tuesday un der which 3.000 tons of Alabama coal will leave IVnc.ita. Fl., each month for the Yet India Islands. A St. L.ooia coal company recently mined at Danville, ill., a lump of coal that weighed 37 000 pounds. It waa shipped to Chicago, and the timbers In tbe mine bad to be taken down for Its removal. At B assets, an elephant attached to a circus becoming enraged at an attendant, ae.zed him by the leg and dashed him aitainst a wall. Death waa Instantaneous. The unfortunate man had been teasing the animal. VI rs. lltDcah Burrows, who stabbed and killed btr basband In August last, white be waa lying In bed. and last week pleadeJ guilty of the crime, was on Monday sentenced by Judue Hare, of Philadelphia, to be hanged. -V nrnle owned In Jersey City pn fomed tue reroatkaMe feat, recently, of walkiog across a railroad bridge whicn spans tbe Hackeneack river. The bridge la tre&tie-work with a space of about four inches between each tie. A wolf bunt near Carthage. Id., partic ipated in by five bandied men and boys, took i lace oo Friday. An exciting day's sport was liad and three woives were cap tured. Several dogs were severely Injured in the fljtbla with tbe wolves. Two Swede, named Anderson aid! B-naon. wer drowned In the Mississippi ! river, near Fountain City, Wisconslr, n Monday. Tney were riding on an ice boat when a stiff guet ot wind carried tberu Into an open channel oo tbe river. Ia a recent legal action it transpln d in evidence that the inventor of tbe metal plates ustd to rrotcct aolra and heels of boou from wear 6old np ward of 12.000,000 I i.i.iai In 1-Q ind in 1RH7 tha no rit.r i plates in 1K79, and lo 18, me naor reached 143 ooo ooo, producing realized century. During 22 years of this time tbe gentleman never once missed calling to see bis bii.le-e:ect on Sunday. Tbo boiler in Ilatvey'a ai.k mill In scrantou expioted at an early 1 our Mon- j day mornir.g, killing tne Eo-toeer, Nicho las Cbisiet, and badly tnjurlog a workman named Anderson. The damages amount to f 3 000 Two hundred and fifty employes are thrown out ot work. Joseph Demmj, a colored dwarf, aged thirty tears, was oo Saturday, at Pittsburg, found guilty of murder Iu tha first degree for tbe killing of Sp. cial-Offlor Miller on Sep tember 4th last. Of thirty-four murders committed io that count) the past two yeara this U tbe only verdict of first degree. Paris eats a vast quantity of snails. Every day 90 000 pounds are sent to tbe city , ., . ... l, ... ... Scutulata on Saturday night, Jano-s lirad Ing was shot through the lungs and Gfoun Lesso bad bis rkull badly crushed. It Is re portea that Bradlng Is dead and Lt a-o dy ing. Four of tbe patticipauts aie uuili r ar rest. John Wilson, Hying near A-tor. Fa , cut a big c press tree in tie swau p north of town aud luuua tber-io a live aliistaiur seven feet long. As tbe opening In f e tree was nut bait larye eauugn for the 'aator to get througb, the preeumptloD Is that It crawled io when quite jeun and lived oo other aidmala and repillcs that bought refuge io tbe saire tree. A floating Island is said to exist oo Henry's l"ke, Idaho. It is about 300 feet la diameter, and is erratic in ita travels, fre queutly, though, going witb tbe wiud, which catches In tbe treea and thereby carries It along. It is said tbat the curiosity mUht I remain near shore for days, and thm Cur-. Ing the eight sneak away, and In tbe inoru ing be many miles distant. Jacob Tome, the millionaire banker of Falttmore, Md., bas Increased bis gift of 1 500.000 tor the founding of a manual train ing school to f 2.500,000. Half a million is to be expended ia tbe erection of suitable buildings, aod witb 12,000.000 the abooi U to te endowed. It will be located In Poit Deposit, Cecil county, and, if Mr. Touie's ldras are carried out. will be tbe mnt com plete institution of Its kind In the world. At a school-boose near Williamsburg, Ohio, Saturday night, while a crowd tf people who bad attended a debating society were passing out from ttve building, a mis chievous boy pulled tne bellrope, and by some means tbe bell was thrown from the frame-woik lu tbe capola and fell lu front ot tbe booee oo to lb crowd below, killing William Wacker by crushing his skail and seriously injuring G. W. Mount aid Sparr Kidd. Richard West, of Kingston. X- C. was out ibe other day with bia sweetheart horse back riding, when her borse became fright ened and ran at great speed. Tbe young man spurred bis borse and soon oveitosk ber. aod calling oat for ber to lo.ise ber foot from tbe stirrup. In an Instant, white both horses were running at breakneck speed, be caugbt ber about tbe wait and snatched ber from Imminent danger. Wbn be bad stopped his horse the young lady waa completely overcome with fright. A great aea monster has appeared near Mantaozae, Cuba. One of tbe papers of tbat place referring to it says : "Intelll gent persona who saw him calculate that the monster msa-urea ISO it-et long by 40 feet wide. It laof drra gray color, with wbit spots the size of dinner plates all oyer tbe back. Its Immense bead, fins and tail are identical witb those of a share. It was' roaming around tbe entrance of Mantanxaa J Bay for three daja and war. tbt terror of fUbennen, who declared tbat they had neter aeeo anytDinc to compare witb It. Ihia monster la supposed to be tbe great tiger abark aeen several yeara ago in tits Indian ocean. i CLarlea Blackman. eoloreJ, was hanged at EUavllle, Ga oo latt Friday In the pres ence of an iramenae crowd for the murder of Utonewall Tondee. white, In 1S83. Biaeic- i man la snppcd to have killed Tondee be eaoae the latter waa too lollmate with hla wife. Blackman bad been convicted of the murder three times, and each time Ma law yer aecured a new trial. Tbe people of Schley eonnly were ao afraid Ooveroor Gor don would Interfeie and etay Biackman'a ex cation tbat tba teletrrapb wires were cut ' 10 crd"to prevent tbe tracsnjlBslon of a, I ttXtta frla A'-laaU, Ik? State carnal. GO TO GEIS, F0STE1 & QXTXKFS, No. 113 Clinton St., Johnstown, Pa., FOR BRUSSELS, VELVET, WOOL AND RAG CARPET, LINOLEUM, LACE CURTAINS, RUGS AND STAIR PADS. HEADQUARTERS FOR DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY. Persona who go through tbe streets of Alexandria, Va., singing or whistling after 10 o'clock at night can be arrested for disor derly conduct. WbliktT Kill. now often are we yet to be - told that whiskey kills ? Arseoie kill ; opium kills, and so do hundreds of other good remedies kill If a"ioW instead of toed. But ask the question. 'Will whiskey cure V "Yes I"' la the positive reply of the most eminent phy sicians of all the land. Disease steals Into your syatem like a sneak tbief into your house, and often by neglecting a bad cold, we end our days la lingering, and wishing for health when. Indeed, one Dottle of Pur Whiskey or Brandy would hae Cared Hie cold. Sacb goods may be scarce, but they can bt found at Max Kleins. 82 "federal street, Allegheny. His "Silyer Age" Is the only whisky endorsed by the doctors. Yoa can get the pure Guckenheimer. Finch or Gibson Rye at ?l.no per quart or six quarts for f o 00 Send for price list. THE OLDEST DRUG HOUSE IN PITTSBURGH. JOS. FLEMING, No. 84 MARKET ST' Havioa had lor a number of year a fatrshara of the putmnaee of the (rood people ol Pltt'barfh and vicinity. I lake this opportunity to ear. with Increased laellirlea and atoek. 1 am better pre pared than ever to solicit their ordcra. either wholesale nr retail, in any way relation to the dm if trade, and hy aocnraey, neatoeta and aroiniitne. and prices lower than erer. I hone to merit their continued favors. I have constantly ,n auek a full lloe ol llkl'in. Tbckhm. Snar-.Dtl LT Stkimubs. Hair. Nail and To.th Krchmbs. All that I am now selling. Send lor price list of Wines and Liquors, mail ed free lo any addresi. Tbe mone must aeeum. pany all ordrr for wlnei or liquors, as wedo not seoj any a-oods U. (I D. JOSEPH FLEMING k SON, WHOLESALE ANI KETAIL DRCGISTS. PITTSBURG, PA. 413 M A R at ITT BT. ( er.ef tbe Dlamaad. Jan. 25. !. 1T. $1,000 REWARD to any one who win oontradiot "J I Acme Blacking WILL NOT INJURE LEATHER. Wouf RaKDOLra. To make aa intcnicot tret of thia, try the fnllow lns Bac-th'-d : ii-uia a Mnp of ltber in a bottla of ArtiM liltu-kiitte. and taate it tberv fr a day or a m-nt ll. Tak it out and haric it op to dry and x anira ita ooaditifmcreflllT. W'e rooomiuend Udlws to make a lunii.ar ti-t with Pn-nch In-f mni and rrnl wiro anr bonid eolntMa of FatMe Black ing, or witu baid blacktnir that comes in stuae jugs. Wolff'sAOMEBIacking Makes any kind of leather WATERPROOF, SOFT, AND DURABLE. Iu beautiful, rich. KLO-HHV POLISH! la a equaled. Snm labor mmd ewaewra, A PoUwh f .aete a Mowta for Women, aod A V -rk for Mcn.andoc Harweee Lcalker ewaa Fatanr MeatTka witAoat leuiiestlna-. WOLFF & RANDOLPH. Philadelphia. Bold by Saoo Buaea. Oroeara. aod Joalsis gaoerafl. WHY YOU SHOULD USE SCOTT'S EMULSION of COD IsIVER. Oils HYPOPHOSPHITES. It is used and, endorsed by Phy sicians because it is the bent. Zt is Palatable as 131k. Zt is three tines as e&cacisns as plain Cod Liver Oil. Zt is far superior to all ether so called Zmn.siors. Zt is a perfect Erralsicn, dees ret separate cr change. Zt is wcrderfal as a flesh producer. Zt is the best rerzecly for Corsump ticn Scrofula. Bronchitis, Wast ing Diseases, Chronic Ccngh and Colds. Sold by all Jrttggists. SCOTT A BOWNE. Chcmists. N. V. sOrangis college, LORETTO. PA, m charge or FRANCISCAN BROTHERS. Board and Tuition for the Scholastic Year, $200. March 39th. 1SSS. tf. STEEL WIRE FENCE The ebeapeat and Beateet Fence for around Lawn. Srlioel Lot Poultry Yards. Oardens, Farms. Park and Cemeterr Fences and Dates Perlect Autumallo t. te. Also, all kinds et Wire Work. Write lur Prices. State a Ind and quali ty et fence wanted . TAYLOK A DEAN iWS a aut Market btreet, Pltu'jurg. Pa. Ike. It. 18ia 4m. ESSEtlTIAI OILS. THTESflBEEI, PKPPBU IT.NI SIT BOTAMrEARSIHTi . et prime quality, bouaht la any quantity ior easb on ucureriy. tree oi Druaeraae, cobdiuUs, Slur ass, Ac, by OjOGI2 & OLCOTT, m ! L I ---rJ. I SS GV RL RIVXNTTJS, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER $ 4EWELEH, AND DEALER IN i t ' . v .'. II I I II I I I l ill I J , jilSlSlaSl i tk JAMES & lVEAYER BUGGY CO. -3Iriniifiietixio THE "Vehicle lor the FARMERS' & MERCHANTS' USE. The most Stylieh, Best finished and Host durabla medium juiced YEHICUES ever offered in America, fiend for full Illustrated Catalogue, 57, 59 and 61 Elm Street, CINCINNATI. Ohio. Our W r:1 B'eerh will rail T7. Claflin DONALD E HUFTtiN, ATTOKN tY-AT-LAW, KBKHBBCkO. PlUl'l W OfBea In C-oIonnada Huw. H. II. MY EH. ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. EsBFSBcaa, Va aWOffle Is Collonada Row. oo Centre strawt. GEO. M. BEADE, ATTUKJIET-aT-LAW. Eaaasaraa, Pa. WUHe on Centra street, ii . ... M. D. KITTELL, -A. ttorney-o t-ia -v . EBENSBUKO, PA. OOes Armory BaUdlng", opp. Conrt House. TW. DICK. ATTORNKT-AT-L.AW. Kbensborg;, Pa. Office In banding ot 1 J. Lloyd, dee d. (flri floor,) Centre street. Al manner of legal business attended te sansfactcj ril and ealleauons a aiaclaltT. Hi-i.-tf. 34 GRANT STREET. Pittsburgh, Pa. L L JOHr.O-. I. J. Brcs. 1. . Bl Ck. ESTABLISHED IS72. ESTABLISHED 1S& Johnston. Bnck& Co. Carrolltovfl Bant ........ L, .. . T A SHARBAUGH, A. W. BUCK, Cashier, j Cathler. General Banting Bnsiness Transacted. The lollowlnic are tbe principal features ot a general baLKing buslntts; nrroKiTs Kecelred payable on demand, and Interest bear lot; eertlflcatea Issued te time depositors. LOAXS Extended to customer en laTorshle tetmt and approved paper dlsovunted at all times. (OLLrrriosa Made In the locality ana npon all tbebsnklnv towns lo the Cnlted States- Charges moderate. DRAFTS) Issued sea-fltlahle la all part nf the United Hlnts. and lore I a a tirhtnit Issued on all natts. of Kuroj e. Acrorsts Ol merchants, farmers and ether sollcltA. e whom rraooatle accomodation will be extendeO. Patrons are sured tbat all tranaactlons a)l be bold aa etrletly prtTale and etofldentlal. aad thatth.y will bo treated as liberally aa feud banking ra.es will peralt. Kereetinlly . JOHNSTON. Bi t la. Jt CO. Wl. MURRAY & SON, 1315 1315 UTH ., UTOOU, Pi. for tho larsreKt assortment of Ladies', Misses and Children's wraps, coats and jackets, and at the lowest possible cash prices go to Vm. Murray & Son's. Sept. lSth, 18SS. Wi E want At.P-SMI.-N event where. 1nc ,nl fa 'ea-. to fell our areola. Wll pay good talery aod allax. eatea. Writ i.m truj at -ui-. artil vlate B. v Watches, Clocks, JEWELRY, SflYeiwe, Musical Instraments AND Optical Goods. Sole Agent FOK THE Celebrated Rockford WATCHES. Colombia and Fredoaia Watches.. In Key and Stem Winders. uA!t6E SELKCTION of ALL KIXD or JEWELRY always on hand. 1-iT" Mv line of Jewelrv is nnsurpasaed. Cr.oie and see for yooraelf before purebas--Di elwhere. tALL WOKK erJARANTBSD CARL RIVINIUS- bensburg. Nov. 11, 1885 tf. Set Comllnatlcn Sict Gee rlEk bar thai bT ih-sa terl combination arnn m a loader f"r flin. SO vul t flue 01. e of t fWO anr a mplo rre. -v' a. iitut va av nj it nain iaei1 m'i thm bet VilMl ttia vnmrk t 1 f want mf zr:",:::::: uui man on the noiu on Jan. B4 tfS rt. f T Ona M MaCaVrtrldffrj 71 stla. & Qz-. 54 & 5S Duans St.. NeYcrL lli f ri'.-it miTit of irr.i y llir. LisnJs Of Tniwf i-tuiimi: v:ikii--;-.s auil iiilnti iiu i j i u. i- I .'imm:.-h. ut th'j iivnluib Hoi.'l and iirn:ii Itj-'ki;!', Unlinlo. N. lias uuTi'liJi 'l li .-l o-.ri.-; !-.-n:e itt lm-i Irijr and ilmr-xitiiy t't-'iuir r:wi''ilus fur Um cum .:f v iiiii:i V i iculiar utaiituiffi. Ir. llcre,; lavorile lrrar! pflon is tbe iunrrolli. or i -uli. tin .r.-ut ni:l VltillHMc I Vpi'ln lU'f. 'rilKUSnJHlK 'l tifllHO- muls. roocivcd from pfitn-nt irfid from jilivtii ciiins uii Iihv.- ti"lcl li in the Dior.- t.ni:rm-VHU-d ami otwliimi'" cii n inch tm-i l uilli-d tliilr 6kiil. ir.i o li tr lie thu tiioM wouOcrlul n-mi'ily cvr-r iU- iM-l for the telu-t ntij oiireof sutti-i inc oiii.mi. It Is imt K-ov.uiMii n.io1 a. "ciir'-'l." I.ut us a iiiikI prrlact t-.i-itic for yroiiimra wi'ult;ir :i i J in -ti ts.. Aa a ot 'rtul, I it t lt?erat I its; tonlr, it mi'Miils at r. utri li to iiic wlum- f -l-in. anil lo tlio iriiuili anil tl npn ii l.ipif. in. piirliciilnr. l"or ivcrtrfirt-1. " ivm i - lit," ru-l:iwn," lioliililaiid tonuliiTH. !imIIii4s. dr.-H.iiii:ikrR. ai-aint i ess. t"tiiu -u u K." In idik Iktk'ih, n;:in:rtr iiiotli.TK, find IitIim- u iiiu-u jrriii'r.illy. Dr. PiiTci-'t- b'uoril' 1'i om 1 1 .r k k ia tlio Ki-oal-sr t-jirtliiy l.'on, In'in uiioui.lcd US ut U'H'tl.MHr oolilial nl r Moral :. . lollx1. Aa n hi us aud alri-HK t li fill ii( nrrvlur, " t-uwiriw ln.itvi-ttil1oii ' une uuuii'tl :ni'l fa in iiluu!ih 1:1 ulluviiiir uml suU (luinir uiTVOiia cxc:t:il:lil y, irtitiil -'lit J", fl bHUMioii. rostrati.-D. liNKt. ria. fpriud and otlior uwrroKini, n.riiMii ij'inl.mi enm tiioniy a! roinlunt uiion 1 um I ionul ui.tl ortrnnic-3i--us of th uomb. It iiiiliit'1 rt-f rcwliin-aJo-p ai.l lelicvts cioiiuil anno'j and de--SP'Hi'lonoy. Ir. Picrrr's FatTorlte I,r(erJplloi la a Ire i t i mule noi Ir i if., cu ot miv rorupUTidc'd ly nn exM-rieii-eil and skilitu: plijfijc-uin. und aiutpu-d t-i nnnnn s d li.ni' urtrnniZHiinn. It m purolr ct'jiiablo In H ciii".isuian nnj) itcrlvetl jr liajinlcsa in ' effwts in any oviaition of the Mitiri. lit muriiinir u wm . or nnunrn. av.in wliutttii' caii-11 nriftinir, wilt ptomiich, ls.lipt -Ptmn. peifiaHnd kiinlr.-.J (yinptom. us u1, lo 1 diw-o. will pnivi very l nefk 11. "Intorll I'rcacri PI 1 vii " lis I- tle euro for the niit CH,uinlcftt.-d nia) "I'- atinute eiumiif lou.xirrh.ia, -loorire t'wir)K'. paiuiui iiK'iwirimiion. unnutural euppreakorj, proiapaua. car falUna of the womb, wout back, fotiiHlc Tukiie'sa, anU-vnni jn. rctrorotKion, ocarinif-(lin n wnaitiona. eiironlc coaretlon, inOainmnsKu) and ulo ia-on of Ibe woonb, 10 CammalH.n. pain and tt-mlrrricaa ta ovaiire, "nDH(t witb " internal li-ut." Aa a rriulalor ud Promoter cf rnnv tional artiuu, at that c mlouj pcriu4 of rhang-e irom Kiruiooa 10 vonsiDunod. t avonie rre acrlptiou" ia a perfectly anfe ixanedial affecit. ua an proauoe only pood n-eiili. it ' eqimKy cTicauioua and vuluuble In Ita tfot wtu'Q t-Hai-n for tbuee dlaortivr and dcrnntre- nienia incidt-nt K mat Inter aaxl mot or'.ucai perioil, known aa Tbe t'linnpeof Ijfo." " a arorite -recriuilou.'i wln-n tatsn In tjonuwtlon with tbe uae of lr. I'icr. Golden Mdiiail Diseorory. and emnll laiaJie aeee or ur. ruroc n rurcarlvc t'cilcta iun l.iver Pllk. wirea Livr. Kidney and Ilavodar diaeoaes. Their oombined ue also n-ajove blood uitnta, and nbobauee cam-eroua aad orofulnua bumnm from the aymonx, " Favorite I'reat-rl it Ion " l ihe r.nlj mediclno for womeii. ld liy dnirtrilta, u nder 1 poaltlTC K iiaruiitee. from fio manu facturers. th;,t it will kivo an". iKfuctimi in t vi-ry case, or money will le rwfunO'-il. 1 Ms (riiaran tee baa txen prlniiil on tliw bctiiu-u rappvi. and laltlifullr carried out Jvr minr c:ltj.. I.arao loitle aoo dusewi I.OO, or l boilloa tor i.Uii. . For largu, lUu-trni.:.l Ticnti-e o?i Iliii'n'e or Women (lia) ) agos, p:it',r-TiTJ'. fvtuU Ca cenia In clampa. AUr Wodi't Dispsnsary Medical JUsoclatloi, OG3 Main m. an nus x Fit it aai.C ri:AM tiMt. claT -a1 re Pan. Holler and sbeet-lron Wurk--rseconj-haud enloeaand eollersoa bead. tn euirinrs ud macblaenr a ajeelaliy.--Tal,;ii-A VakaVI, AJleaJieojr, t. (J- .-V